Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Opens 9
, February
At about one-half cost on everv article in the
entire stock of the Harding Distilling Co.,
which we have bought at a price that enables
us to .make them to you at less than cost.
It Will Pay You to Stock Up oa Wines,
Liquors, Cordials, Etc.
We Give Green Trading Stamps.
Harding's Prioe Sale Pries,
Per Wot tie.
French Creine le Mont he and other Cordials f 1.50 78c
Old Holland (Jin full quarts '. 1.25 68c
O. F. C. Tavlor Whiskey full quints 1.00 59c
Blackberry Brandy full quart 1.00 48c
Old Apple Jack full quarts 1.23 68c
Stuarts Pure Malt Whiskey full quart 1.00 68c
Domestic Wines assorted 40 19c
Pwenska Bunch and Aquavit full quarts 1.25 6Sc
Old Apricot Brandy full quarts 1.23 68c
Irish and Scotch Whiskey 1.25 72c
Cigars, (Box of 12) 50 24 C
California Port, Claret, Sherry and other Wines .' . . . .50 28c
Harding's Pure Bye full quarts 1.00 68c
Cryptalized Bock and Bye full quarts 1.00 68c
Domestic Champagne pints 75 50c
1309 Fartiom Street. Phone 1241.
Omaha., - - Nebraska.
Bchem. Etid to Ba Hitching in BeTersl
0.U"tisi of ths But.
State Board Threatens to Krmovt
Thfin In ) Any lollaslon to
Evade the I, aw la Detected
Meetlaar at Norfolk.
here recently and the. people " P"
tlence and are determined to stop this sort
of thin.
Frank'Fox Ewape. from Asylum and Rum
Amuck at Fort Ortok.
Offer a to Fight Dael lakea Ar-
restea Makes Serloas Woaad
Ortr Heart with a
PAPITXIOW. Neb.. Fab. M 8pecll
Telegram V-The vMsfe of Fort Crook was
wrought up to a high degree of excitement
last night over the audden appearance, of
a madman carrying revolvers and a knife.
The Brat person he met was Frank Ketch
mark. With a revolver In each hand he
ordered Ketchmark to atop and throw up
his handa. Thla waa complied with with
out question. The maniac, then dancing
around and brandishing hia guns, requested
Ketchmark to bring out hi" revolver, as
he would have, use for It very soon.
Ketchmark waa unarmed, but the lunatic
remedied that and handed htm one of hla
guna. telling him to get ready for trouble.
When friends ran to the reae-ue the men
mere atandlng faoa to face, each holding
'a revolver and ready for action.
Tha man waa Immediately disarmed and
arrested and brought to Paptlllon. where
he was Jailed. Ketchmark aald It waa
either ona'a life, and derided to do what
he could to save himself. It waa found
later that the man was Frank Fox. a reel
dent of Fort Crook In former years, but
who was twice sent to the asylum from
Omaha and Papllllon, but who haa now
While Chief Jamea Qatwood was making
preparations for the accommodation of Fox
In the jail here Fox suddenly collapsed and
fall Into the chief a arms, a stream of
blood pouring from an ugly wound In the
left breast. The wound was dressed at
nca and the man has good chances fur
Fox said ha wanted to die and that he
Intended to compel Ketchmark to kill him,
but. failing in that, had tried to rut his
heart out. "My raior could not cut
through my libs." said Fox, "and I guess
a man can't die until his time comes, any
way." The deed was done while at Fort Crook,
but buttoning hla clothes firmly over the
wound had kept the blotl from sight. l' x
will probably be returned to the asylum.
mala. Prof. Haecker discoursed, upon the
dairy Interests, Mr. Ashburn of Gibbon on
the selection and breeding of seed corn
and in tha evening an Illustrated lecture
by Prof. Conley of the State university on
"Tha Resources of Nebraska" delighted a
large and patriotic audience. Hon. George
I House waa chosen as permanent presi
dent of the organisation and E. L. Farmer
as secretary. Up to thla year no Institute
of the kind haa been held In Hall county
for at least fifteen years and the agricul
turists have become greatly Interested In
tha Institutes.
oaoiy nurt and when carried to hla hnm.
and physicians called It was found that his
kuu waa fractured. There ara hopes of
nis recovery.
Gay Cattiagr ef StroaasbaraT lastaatly
Killed While Haattaar.
EDGAR, Neb.. Feb. K. i8peclal ) -Guy
Cutting, a teacher, who had Just closed a
school near Stromsburg. and was visiting
his uncle, 8. G. Johnson, residing four
miles east of thla city, accidentally shot
himself yesterday, while out hunting ducks.
He was in company with another young
man and had shot into a flock of ducks,
one falling in some weeds and while he
was poking around with the breech of
the gun both barrels exploded, the charges
entering the right side just below the ribs
and ranging directly toward the heart. He
fell forward and expired almost Instantly.
The remains were placed In a casket and
shipped to frlanda In Btromaburg.
Relle af Territorial Days.
PAP1M.ION. Neb.. Feb. It 8peclal
Joseph Whltted yeaterday received from
friends at Florence. Neb , aome relics of
the eaarly days of that town In the shape
of aome tl-notes, dated 1SS. Recently an
old safe had been opened at Florence and
In It was found a bunch of these old bank
notes. The notes are not signed, but
were Issued by the of Florence and
are In perfect condition. Mr. Whltted was
an early settlor of Florence and in dis
tributing the notea amongst thoae living
In Florence In that year Mr. WhitteU was
not forgctten.
Roosevelt Clab at Grand Islsuad Coaaea
Oat (or Hlrn.
uka.-sd ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. M.-Spe-cial.)
At the meeting of the Roosevelt c!ub
of this city last evening the following rv so
lutions were passed by a rising and unanl
mous vote:
"Whereas. Hon. W. H. Harrison of this
city has consented to become a candidate
ror governor, subject to the will of tha re
publicans of Nebraska, as such will is to be
expressed at the state convention to bo
neia in tne city of Lincoln on May 18; and,
Whereas. We. hla follow -itina mnA r.i
low republicans, have always found him to
be a man of the highest character and
strictest integrity, a man broad-minded and
or lofty Idea-a, a .nan true as steel to every
trust ever reposed In him, now therefore
oe it
Resolved, That we-, the members of the
Roosevelt club of the city of Grand Island,
for twenty years his neighbors, friends and
admirers, moot heartily welcome the oppor
tunity to recommend him, unreservedly and
unqualifiedly, to the republicans of Ne
braska as a man fully qualified from an
intellectual and moral viewnolnt. as well
as from the point of executive ability, to
uuma mo auties or governor
ressty Owt for Former
srresssnasi for Plaee.
LVSHTO.V. Neb.. Feb. 26. (Special) A
number of York republicans are advocating
Hon. W. E Andrews, formerly of Has
tings, now at Washington. D. C for en
dorsement and nomination for United
States senator. The York Republican Is
advocating the nomination of e x-Gongress-mxn
Disease Mnnlelnal
HASTINGS. Neb.. Feb.
The project to Install a
plant In connection with
the city water
j snJ light plant continues to be mooted
here from time to time. A committee from
I :he city council, composed of B. 8. Snyder,
: C. C. Zlnn and Mulfurd Hayne. this week
visited cities In Iowa to inspect Plants
As Supervisor Jacob Lorsntsen was from which stesm heat is furnUt.aJ in
Locomotive larallea Alfalfa.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Feb. 2-Spe-
about to leave for the ity to attend th connection with heat and light plants In
inrlitute lie noticed that one of h's stack that state The committee renortert to th.
council last night, but thai, Ixxly took no
action stid the subject wss tabled for fu
ture t oiislderstlon.
of alfalfa hay was on fir. He Immediately
rushed to the soene, but any effort to sive
the stark was hopeles. A passenger t.alu
hod Just passed n.-arby on th Ord branch
and the sparks from the engine lan-.e in ' ol- Klrsi sells Oat.
contact with the stack. The ray is value ii VVEST POINT. NVh.. Feb K -'Special. W
t "5i' 1 The extensive gsnln. lumber and coal buai-
r.ess rf 11. Hunker Bro. In this city
Weller Bros.
cf II. Hunker Rro
charged hands this morning
of Kan "!ly becoming the purchasers.
' lalare'l W hile f oastlaa.
VAWN'KR CITY Xeh .. Feh ' l r .,1 , 1 l!
Kanirri at Graael Ialaa4. , Tnt evenlnv some efnilll twva wir , nmm - t
ORAX-n tsr.AVn Net... Feb. 2 -9oe. H. .. . mfher .: Win tr. This Is ope of the largest and the oldest
dal The farmers' Institute heJd in the i buggy. Hopes tied to the front snxles wore
new court room was largely attended, an I used to steer the vehicle, and while a
the many farmers from a'.l parts of tha J smaller box was trying to tulle It one of;
county were enthusiastically In favor of a the ropes becurne entangled and the buggy
continuance of the Institutes w.:h the lom-j ran to the side of the road and into a i
lng years. Prof. Peters ter.ed the s s-, ditch, throwing one of ihe boys, Johnny j
iun with a lecture on the diseases of an!- j Ttsdale. violently against a post. He aaaj
I established lumber srds In the FJkhorn
'. vallry. Hunker Bros, having established It
. so ire thirty-five years ago and have run It
j continuously ever since.
Cherry Pectoral
"I had two patients in the last stages of
coasamption. I prescribed A jrers Cherry
Pectoral, and today they ax well and
M able to do their daily work. Ut, .
sm p Almond, Horsepeo, W. Vs.
You can hardly find a home without this splen
did cough medicine. Parents know what it
does for children : breaks up a cold in a single
night, wards ofT bronchitis, prevents pneu
monia. Wise physicians advise parents to keep
it on hand; wise parents follow the advice.
1. 0. Arer Ce . Lee stt. I
Brlsrt Pnlwes froan HIlBola.
PI.ATTSMOI'TH. Neb., Feb. S (Spe
cial ) James Malone. a special detective
for the Burlington road, arrived In this
city last night with Charl. a E. Ilolmet,
who la wanted here on the charge of
perjury'- Holmes was switching In the
railroad yards In Springfield, O., when ar
rested. His wife waa with him.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 36. (Special.)- Whit
seems to be A gigantic acheme lo get
around the consenuences of the new rev
enue law hns Just come to light, and unless
frustrated In advance will In all proba
bility result In the removal from office of
a number pf county sssessors who are
ssid to be In the scheme, or the loss of
much revenue to the state. It Is nothing
more nor le. than to agree upon a valuation
of property for assessment purposes Instead
of taking the actual value of property as
I a basis ss provided 1'V law. At lost
twelve counties In the northeast sectlou
of the state ore implicated and the plans
have proceeded so far that a meeting hns
been called at Norfolk of the assessors
of these counties for Mirch 1.
Secretary Bennett of the board had his
attention called to the matter this morn
ing by a letter from J.sph. Smith, county
asscssor-of Cuming county, who wrote that
he had been Invited to meet with n doxen
assess rs In his section of the state for
the purposo of agreeing upon a basis of
assessment. Mr. Smith asfccoS if th sec
retary had s-nt out such a call, concluding
his letter with the statement that he un
derstood the law was plain that assess
ments "must be made on the actual cash
value of the property and not upon the
agreed value." For answer Mr. Bennett
sent to Smith a copy of the revenue law j
with section 12 and section 115 marked.
The first named provides that all property
not expressly exempt shall be valued at
Its actual cash value and assessed at 20
per cent of this amount. The latter sec
tion providrs that when It shall appear to
the satisfaction of the board of equalisa
tion that any county' assessor has neglected
or refused to obey the Instructions of the
oerd or refused to obey any of th pro
visions of the law, the board shall re
move such assessor from office and the
office Khali become vacant.
It Is the Intention of the board to fol
low the law In this respect and If the as
sessors hold their meeting and agree upon
valuation to be placed on property in
their respective counties, likely they will
not be allowed to finish out a first term
of office. It la said this was one of the
main reasons why the revenue under
the old law was not what It should be
and In order to give the new law every op
portunity to make good, the board will
not permit of any agreement of the kind
contemplated by assessors.
loaeentrate Work at Havelock.
Tne reduction In the mechanical forces of
the Burlington at Alliance, Wymore and
McCook does not mean that a line of re
trenchment has been started by that road,
said a prominent Burlington official this
afternoon, but that the heavy work will
be centered in Havelock. All of the men
who have been let out have been offered
places In Havelock and all of them will be
taken care of, thla official stated. At the
places named sufficient men will be kept to
attend to the routine repair work and
that Is all. This will mean that th num
ber of employes at Havelock will be ma
terially increased. "It la a simple business
proposition," declared the official. "The
company has S250.000 Invested In machinery
at Havelock of the most modern descrip
tion and can do the work quicker and
better than at the points named, because
the machines In use at the latter places are
old and out of date. Sheridan, which em
ploys at the present time about thirty-five
men, will also have Its force reduced to
the limit of the cities mentioned, and the
roundhouse at Lincoln has already had
some of Its force diminished.
"Of course. It Is hard for the cities named
to feel reconciled over the loss of a prom
ising Industry and the movlifg away of a
number of their best cltlxens, but it Is
something that cannot be helped without
serious loss to the road.
"It has been found that even when the
cost of the long haul Is considered. It Is
much cheaper to send every engine on the
system west of the river to Havelock that
requires heavy or extensive repairs."
Kalaht Saes for Boa. Moaey.
New pleadings were filed In district court
today In a case brought by County Treas
urer Knight to recover from the county
SS6. the amount of premium he had to
pay on hla bond aa treasurer for the next
two years. Mr. Knight takes the ground
that the county ought to pay It, the law
saying that they may. The county attor
ney Insists that 'may does not mean
"must." and that Knight ran have r.o
claim based on equity because he gets $500
extra salary a year. The three Judges will
hear the case shortly.
Charles E. Holmes, known sometimes as
P. Gllmors. whom the officials have been
hunting for several months, waa 'brought
hers this morning from Ohio by JJetectlve
Malone of the Burlington. Holmes will be
prosecuted at Plattsmouth for perjury.
Mataal Aceldeat laaaraare.
The Provident Accident association of
Omaha Is a new mutual accident Insurance
company that filed articles of Incorporation
with the secretary of state today. The
Incorporators are: John G. Lund. John
McDonald. George N. Hicks. W. H. Christie
and R. W. Johnson. The association In
tends to carry on the business of Insuring
all male persona between the ages of IS
and 60 years against accident and sickness
and to pay a death benefit of not to exceed
$3u0. It will work upon the assessment
Water aad l.lsjht Statlatlra.
The Department of Labor ia Just now
busy collecting statistics regarding water
works and electric light plants throughout
the state. When completed tfce tabulation
will show whether the plants are owned
by the munclpallty or by private parties,
the roat of construction, the cost of light
or water to the consumer, the amount of
bonds Issued and other matter that may
be of Interest to the" people generally.
I.ltlsatlna . Over Brldae
Mar Asals Ge lo Supreme Cnart.
PAPII.LION. Neb., Feb. ! Speclal )
Th case cif Cnss county ngulnst Sarpy
county has again Rot Into district court
here. Several months ago after a long
trial In district cofirt this case was taken
to the supreme court, where two hearings
were had and A decision rendered for the
VlalntlfT. The case was then remanded
to the district court for judgment. Todiy
the matter of having t!ie mandate carrier!
out was heard before Judge Sut!n anil
by consent of th attorneys the court
granted a motion for rehearing before the
supreme court and the recall of the man
date .
This litigation has resulted from an at
tempt made by Cass county to compel
Sarpy county to pay half the cost of re
pairs made upon the riatte river bridge
nt Louisville. This county does not want
t.i pay for this work, but It now looks as
If the lawii g was nearly at an end and
Sarpy county must pay.
District t'onrt In Johnson.
TECVMSKH. Neb.. Feb. 2. -(Special
District court Iihs been in session hnre this
week, with Judne A. II UabrcH-k of Beat-
trice em the ' The petit Jury hr.i
ln In service. The grind of business has
lwen si iw, as the attorneys have not been
ready In many cases. The case of the
Chamberlain Banking House against Wil
liam H Woolsey ct al was settled and dis
missed, the costs falling upon the de
fendant. F.ira Horton was granted a
divorce from Hester F. Horton. as prayed
The case of the National Bank of Com-
merie of Kansas City apainst Harry Berry
on a note went to the plaintiff, the sum of
recovery being $2-16. The Jury retired yes
terday aftirnoon In the case of the Chim-
ter!aln Banking House against Baesehlln A
Shumann, on draft, anil remained out all
If any of your fam-ly has been troub'ci with Kidney or Bladder
disease, make a test and satisfy yourself as to the
condition ol your kijneys.
Doctors prescribe anil use "Safe Cure" In all ol KUney and Bladde
dlsea5C. John Moran made well after years ol anlferinjc by
Warner's Sale Cure,
make no apology to the medical pro
fession nor to the medlral societies to which
I hae th honor to belong, n coming out
openly and eoriniemlliix Warners Safe
Cure. I ain Jus'lMwl In stating that there
Ih no known thut ran ei!al it in
curlnK kidney und Maiioer troubles.
ruuy nite. n ears ago 1 te-tel H va ue
first, and in a r;me of lirlKhl s Disease,
w hen It B'leme l to me that th' patient must
cie. i nal lrle.1 the us i.U
night and at last accounts had not reached mVnt on the .d in time they wore
a verdict. There waa one criminal rase on i themselves out and the sained
the docket. It was the State of Nebrtska
against Frank Robinson, chicken thief, but
as Robinson has broken Jail and left the
country the case was not called.
Roosevelt t'lnb Banquet.
ALMA. Neb.. Feb. M (Special ) The
Roosevelt Republican club of tills place
held Its annual banquet at the cpera house
on the eve of Washington's birthday.
About 200 were In attendance and a menu
was served. Hon. H. M. Eaton, candidate
for commissioner of public lands and build
ings, responded to the toast, "Our Party."
Hon. Walter L. Amlerson of IJncoln re
sponded to the toast, "George Washing
ton." Other toasts were responded to as
follows: "Our President," R. I Keester;
"Abraham Lincoln," W. A. Myers; "!'. 8.
Grant," F. W. Stevens; "James A. Gar
field." A. A. Billings; "William McKinley,"
H. J. Hill; "Theodore Roowvelt," Theodore
Seybr; "Our Watch Fires." 11. S. Wetherel.
Prof. P. P. Bently acted as toa.tmaster.
Music was furnished by the Alma eirches
tra and the Ladles' quartet. It was pro
nounced by all who attended as one of the
most enjoyable evenings the people of
Alma have been treated to for many
F'pwoiih League Holds Reception.
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. -The
:pworth league of Centenary Metho
dist Episcopal church gave a reception to
the faculty and students of the North
western Business college last night In the
church parlors, about ?) guests being In
attendance. An Interesting literary and
musical program. Including games of vari
ous kinds, furnished an enjoyable even
ing's entertainment. Refreshments were
served, and the affair throughout was one
of the most pleasant given by tha league
for some time. ;
T.'ew Enterprise for Hastings.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Feb. 28. (Special.)
The Hastings Commercial club haa just
completed arrangements with, Emerlck
Bros, of Blue Hill whereby the latter firm
will transfer Its plant to Hastings. The
new foundry will he located In what was
known as the Madgett & Wade building
and Is expected to commence work within
fifteen days. The enterprise will give em
ployment to about twenty men and will be
equipped to do molding and heavy iron
rapidly. 1 came to use Warner's jafe Cure
as a last nwrt and with the most grati
fying reu!ts. 1'n.ler iarefi:l treatment
ami nursing six buttles absolutely cured my
I have no need to tell nu that I have
employee! yeiur me-l! lues eve r sine e In mv
practlee and with the nioM gratifying re--sulis.
The. herbs used Pi our prese iii'tion
are known tee the medical protesion and
the meiileine is well re'K;erded lenel gener
ally by e'.octors wre n kidne y or blael
der afT'-etlons are shown tej be' ircHent."
8. S OAltftT, M. IV. Clifton. 8 C.
Ex-President Ashland '.'nlverslt v. Ashland,
C'hle, anel Menih.-r I.. S. M-. Ileal Asaocla
tion. Oct. 3, 1C.
"Warner's Fafe Cure Is the most reliable
and therefore the che.iN-st melleine a man
ran use who Is suhVriuK with kldne-y and
blinleler troubles Several years ago I got
a oe,d elrwie l.lng while oat In the rain
anel it waa stveral hours before 1 coulel
e-hniiBe my clothe. The result was that
I eaiikht a oeve rv cold, which laid me up
for wesks. and finally settled in lnliamma
tlein of the hladeier. duly thmo who have
hael this etlsetie can know what I suffered.
At time's it se-emeil that I must scream
with .mill. I was a physical wreck anil
unlit for the dutle f llle. The den-tor
cculd n't he-lp me, and 1 tounel no relief
Riiywhwe' until I t'ek Warners Sale Cure.
It Is hiylilv praised, but not half is said.
It Is ilirf're iit from Ihe other medie-lnee
It se-.-nis that I m ist te'll every sick man',
"stn). ppe mUn your money on usele)
meillilnes ami take Warner s Safe Cure."
It eure-d me within 11 wes-ks and I have not
huel a ixirtle'le of tremble since. I am strong
and well and in perr-M-t health today. "
JOHN MOHAN, 671 Washington St., Uoi
K'ti. Mass.
Treasurer Woodmen of the World.
Put some morning urine in a class or bottle, let It stand twenty-four hours; If a
reddish-brown sediment fomis. or If the urine- is elomfy or milky, e.r If particles or
germs float about In It. you can be certain tiiat your kidneys have been ellseaaed for
a long time and yeu should get u bottle of Sifs Cure at one.
SAFE CCR.E Is purely veg
etable and contains no harm
ful drugs: It does not consti
pate; It Is a most valuable
and effective tonic; it is a
stimulant to dlg-stlon and
awakens the torpid liver,
putting the patient into the
very best receptive state fur
the work of the restorer of
the kidneys. It repairs the
tissues, soeuhes inflammation
and irritation, stimulates the
enfeebled organs anil at the
same time heals them. It
builds up the body, given it
strength anel restores energy
and vigor. SoM bv all dru le
gists, or direct, W CENTS
AND $1.0() A BOTTLE.
Thei" Is none "Just as ffewel
as" W A P. N K It'S A F E
CURE. It has cured all
feTms of kidne y elist-ise dur
ing the last thirty years, it
Is prescribed b;' all doctors
and used in the leading hos
pitals a-s the only absolute
cure for all forms of dlseai
of the kidneys, liver, blood
and bladder.
Write in confidence to our
docteirs for free advice anel
counsel about your own
health or the health of your
familv. Medical booklet free.
Address Warnejr Safe Cure
Co., IiochfSter. N. V.
WARNER S SAFE PILLS move the b owcls gently and aid a speedy cure.
Rrinara Howie Filipino Wife.
FREMONT, Neb., Feb. 26. (Special. )
Richard Taylor, a well known colored
blacksmith of this city, who has been in
the army for several years as blacksmith
In a cavalry' regiment, was discharge!
upon the expiration of his enlistment and
returned to Fremont yesterday. He sur
prised his friends by Introducing a rather
attractive looking full-blood Filipino
woman ns his wife. He intends to remain
In Nebraska., working at his trade.
Lanndr!es Consolidate.
HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. 36 8peclal.
The Queen City leundry plant, which for
the last year has been operated by Sabin
Bros., formerly of Beatrice, this week pur
chased the plant of its competitor, the
Hastings laundry. The two plants will be
united, the machinery of the purchased
plant being Installed In the present location
of the Queen City laundry.
Rev. rroaainan He. Ian. Pastorate.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Feb. M. (Spe
cial.) Rev. A A. Cressman. formerly
chaplain of the house at IJncoln, has re
signed his pastorate of the Congregational
church In this city. His congregation at
a meeting last night heartily er.dorred him
and passed resolutions of thanks fur fcls
earnest efforts during hla pastorate.
Two More
Low Rate Excursions
to the Southwest
March 1 and 15, the lowest rates of the year
will be in effect to the Southwest.
Rales from Omaha are as follows:
One-way ''colonist'' tickets to Oklahoma and In
dian Territory $900
Hound trip tiekets one fare plus $2.00.
One-way "colonist" tickets to Texas, Fort Worth,
Dallas, Houston, (Jalveston, Austin, Denison
and many other points SI0a50
Hound trip ticket SI 8. 8 5
Oklahoma anil Texas Kxpron lenvps Omaha 4:10 p. iu.
PamiiLlots descriptive of Oklaliom.i and Texas furnished
on uppliratlun.
City Tlckit Offlca
1323 Farnam Straat, Omaha, Neb.
F. P. udtiilord, D. ?. A.
Tiso's Cure for Consumption will
thit cough. It is a standard remedy.
Twa Coaveatleas la Jekasea.
TECl'MSEH. Neb.. Feb. . (Special )
At a meeting of the Johnson county re
publican central committee It waa decided
to hold the county convention March II.
Delegates will be selected to the state and
congressional conventions and at a later
date a nominating convention will be held.
Osaaaa Maa la Alasa Bask.
ALMA. Neb.. Feb. IS. -(Special.) The
Harian County bank stock formerly owned
by Ed U Wlttels was sold yesterday ta
Edward 8. Flor of Omaha, who will here
after manage the bank.
trap Heatrtee Slat Maeklaea.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. JC Special.)
Acting under orders from Mayor Shultg,
Chief Ashenfelter yesterday notified owners
of slot machines to cease operating them
fata Throat While la Bed.
HOI. DREG E. Neb.. Feb. K.-i Special Tel
egram.) O. Hoffstrand, an elderly Swede
living In West Holdrege. committed suicide
last night by cutting his threjat with a
rasor. For severs! days Hoflstrarid had
been despondent, having 111 health, ay id his
wife ia also In very poor health, not hav
ing been expected to LVj until the last day
or two, when she began to Improve. Ho!T
atrand took to hla bed yesterday, but Ut
night pretended to be much better and got
all the folks to retire. This morning when
they went to call him he waa found with
his head covered up as if he waa asleep, but
he had cut his throat and was weltering In
hla blood whl'e a bloody rasor waa near by.
The causa of bis death was so evident thst
the Conner did not think It necessary to
bold an Inquest.
Stesl Hers at Cesar Rapids.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Neb.. Feb. 26. (Special
Telegram. ) A thief entered the barn of F.
M. Tully, who 11 ves at the edge of town
at about I o'clock this morr.tug and atole
hla riding hirse. saddle, bridle and blanket.
Business hause at Stella.
STKL.I.A. Neh.. Feb. 20 (Special )
E W. JefTres of Ore-eley has bought
the stock of goods of the Rice Shoe com
pany. The latter will leave for Boulder,
Colo., as soon ss they close tneir business
here, the change lntng necessary on ac
count of the health of the younger mem
ber of the firm.
AwinegUssful of Rod am' s Microbe Killer
after meals and at bedtime and It will
prevent and core disease by destroying
bacteria, the organic life thut cause fer
mentation and decay of the blood, th
tissue and the vital organs.
Microbe Killer is the only known antU
septic principle that will destroy the
fferms of disease in the Wood without
Injury to the tisBuea. I'leasant to the
taste and agreeable to the most delicate
stomach. A purely acienuhe remedy,
recognized as a true specific
FOR miEur.iaTisn
AsrsTca B. Poou. Csrubertand. Md.,
writes: I nad bare suffering with V tamers- ,
turn for eighteea snoots, during which tin:
I had to kcrp say limbs la bandages. I bal
'tasca raasw medk-tare without rc.te, waea I
commenced using tac Microbe Killer. It I
rand m completely aad I caaawt (ycafc toe
J it '
There I. no due so fsr u lo the thief. DlUon Dru, Co . loth and Tsmam. I
This is oca ot a series of thefts occurring ' r.d DruagUia
We are living In an age of speclal
eefs, an 114: e when nirw can only ue
attained by the concentration of every
thought upon the 'jnarvtn pursuit
of a tlngl object. We aiw precisely
such tpvcU.llta. This aooounts for
the d Iff -ir. rue between sjtx-esa and
failure In Uie treatment and curs of
ellseasea of men . The physlckui who
tries te explore and oMi'iuer tha whole
Held of medicine and surgery becomes
prondemi In no particular branch. Ws
lutve lOMhneel ourmlvea aiulrvly to a
.i:i;ie; e.laiis of duteaseie lUid Uielr com
piltailoiia tuid uusmxI Uiem. We eJo
uut seattar our faoaitleH, but iTonctrn
trate thera on our portiuulax specialty.
Wa have- miuie a lira stuely of diseases
and wraxeMiesa pceHillar te men,
ipe.'idlng tho-UMLiida of dejilars la rs
M i.rchrM arid evulvlntf a at edal -te-ni
ut trontioeiit thl la a .uli k, sure
and certain cure for all skin, nerveua,
olood and private dlsoesse.
iiir rte, m h-ui been a household
synonym for over a quarter ejf a ren-
...H .. . . V. .bill . .1 . V.I II I
I WILL CURl YOU ni the treaiuieiil and eure of
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-fieiual Debility,
Impoteneyv Blood Poison ISyphll , Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases.
and all diseases and veuirwm of man dua to Inlrltaiu-e, evil habits, aelf
abute. ncesiee ut the ren in of saeif.c i.ieLe-a.
by our system of elenirloltif una miili Ine cmblrul we core e1ulekly. safely
and tlioreugh;y all diseases ai,d kiifn of nin after all othera have fal.ed.
Our object is not so much to de. the aurk the wrier dooteirs osn do. but rather
te cure obstlriats ejiai which ttiey canno. jci erst oily ounoel. All that
deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experloiiia) and thorough aulsntlMc attire
oiulpmerit e:n accomp'lsh are now bHing dne p KlJOmt wbo oocn U ua fur the
help Lhey need.
C nSlCI 'I T k TinM fDrF Oince hours, (a. m. to I p m Boo da) a. 19 to I
vU i 31-a. I I lU'S I HLL If yuu cannot call writ for svmptora blank.
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th 8ts., Omaha, Neb.