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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1904)
TITE OMAITA DAILY REK: PATURDAY, FERRUARY 27, 1901. it Trading Stamps Free Trading Stamps Free 1UK HkUAULS I1UHC. I t jj j i J I Si ?i i L I I i I i ' i e - i : 5 III U Ladies' Kid Gloves at 69 1 u-po6'& 6CJ.3i Worth $1.00 and $1.25 a Pair. J I nil X, 69c An exceptional lot of. Kid ftlnrna straight from a (Jer- LVjjJ man importer, all the pmtty new spring colors euown in tue as well as white and black made of real kid leather and Ger man lambskin, both oversnam and piqut, embroidered with row of stitching and all of them porfect In every way. They are In nil slzos and In a regular way would soil at $1 and $1.25 a pair, on big birgam square Saturday at, pair Ladies' Spring Neckwear I5c la the Swellest of New Tabs, Stocks and Bows. A great assortment of lancy necKwear, ma in SS&mE silk, linen, canvas, liui garian, also the new scrim with faggoting, some pret tily beaded there are hundred of new stylos if sold regular they would be priced, up DOc each today on bargain square at, each J Wft lac 18c Great Special Hosiery Sale Ladles' Hosiery at 18c Pair Full regular made fast black hosiery, in fine cotton and lisle thrend, special for Saturday in the hosiery department, worth -c, at, pair ... Misses', Children's and Boys' Fast Black Hosiery Q 1 all full seamless, all sizes, worth regularly O Qw IL V 2oc a pair, at ' Men's Hosiery at I2ic a Pair-In fast biacks, tans and 11 n natural gray, medium weights, all sizes, in qualitios 14 up to 20c, at, pair ' Men's Heavy Weight Suits and Overcoats $15 to 3 20 Values in this Sale $10 and $12.50 Never before have we offered such fine clothes at such remarkably low rrlces. THE Fl'ITS come In Cheviots. S rues. Worsteds. Scotch Cheviot. Thtbets. Silk mixed nml unfinished worsteds In mixed and plain colors and nobbiest patterns. They are all hand tailored with hand padded shoulders and self-retaining hilreloth fronts, worth from $15.0u to $:o.00. f fl fljl Our sale price, $12. 5ii and ..." IW" WW TIIR OVEIICOATS are mnde up In Kerseys. Cheviots. Vienna and Cnsslmeres, In all colon, and patterns. Thev are hand tailored, with excellent linings and trim mings, garments that would be nppreclited by the most dressy lis Art dressers, worth $lo.O0 to $.0,000, our sale price, $12.50 and t IWIWW Our Immense Line Men's Rain Proof Overcoats Are row In stock ready for your Inspection. Price ranging from $10.00 to $30.00. Ws are showing some of the newest and handsomest patterns on the market. Ask to see our Hart, Schaffner & Marx Hand-Tailored Clothing. announcement We wish to announce to the ladles of Omaha and our customer! In general that besides iiir fine suite nnd skirts, we have received nearly all our New Domestic and Importea S11IHT WAISTS In Jnr. Silks, Linens, fine Lawns, Mexican Drawn Work and many other materials. A grand showing ror tsaiuraay. ue sure o see mem. Cloaks sxrvd Suits We hurry them In. Our prices hurry them out. Our spring St'IT and SKIRT business has been Immense. Our Nobby up-to-date styles and low prices the cause. OUR LEADER the best suit In America at the price made, of Lyman's Wool Cheviots, In fancy mixtures. Taffeta lined, Eton jacket, trimmed with bands of stitched taffeta, made to sell for $15.00. lO nfl IV WW Early nrlce Another beautiful creation, with all the grace of ll:iu and dressy swing of a $3.00 garment, made up In plain and fancy Cheviots. Worth $20.00, 1 Q Our early price Irtijw Beautiful sample sulU at $23.00, $30X0, $35.00 and $40.00. Is strengthened bv an additional shipment of new Vocle Skirts from the New York mnnufacturers. These will bo on sale Saturday morning cheaper than you can buy the material. 150 Voile Skirts, trimmed with taffeta KYench Voiles and Etamlnes, with silk bands, extra wide at the bot- C nn drop, trimmed with taffeta bands; a good torn, $8.90 values for 3'UU 0"lue J,1500, 10- 1)0 A beautiful line of Voiles and Etamlne Skirts at $14.90, $17,50, $20.00, IC )A ..... -wt WW Linen Handkerchiefs at 15c Men's and ladles' linen Handkerchiefs af a very remark nble price the men's Handkerchiefs are lurse nlze. all linen and all widths of hemstitching the ladles' are with embroidered edges, double rows of hemstitching, ' lace edging, etc., etc., up to 35c values, at, each 15c Ladies Muslin Underwear Gowns, Skirts and Skirt ChemlseB handsomely trimmed with lace and embroidery, clusters of tucks and rows of Valenciennes laces regular one dollar and a half value undermusllns. at ; 98c Watch Our Windows Watch Our Windows uauf.u.iunaBjm frtrm EBBS Mat war Women's Winter Coats, In 3 big lots, at $10.00. $o.00 and One lot of children's Coats, at choice One lot of children's $5.00 coats, at choice One lot of children's $10.00 and $ll!.00 Coats. at choice One big table women's Waists, $5.10 value. FINISH FEDERAL BUILDING Contractors Fat Last Outside Touch to the B:g Structure. MURDOCH FINALLY ACCEPTS THE WORK Pronounces It Excellent and Says Omaha lias One of the " Best llolldlnRi In the Country. rill, South Omaha; A. F. McLaughlin, 1505 South Twenty-seventh etreet, Omaha; P. H. l'hllbin, 1505 Farnam Htreet, (jmaha; W. M. Pyle, Pawnee City; Frank K. SUother, Monroe: William F. Snonn. Norfolk: D. D. Tait. Nebraska City; William Taylor. Pen- eaiei; j. n. ward, i;!4 ."Norm Heventeentn Ktreet. Omaha; J. C. Wilcox, 115 South lwentteth street. Omaha. IT IS A PARASITE. : The west wing of the federal building has been finally and formally completed and was turned over by the contractors to the government Friday. This makes the entire building complete, lest It be In Its Interior furnishing, which belongs to a scparate,de- panment. Supervising Architect Murdock today com pleted his final Inspection of tha building and will make his report to the supervising architect of the Treasury department, lie said: , , "The Omaha federal bulluing is one of the best linished buildings In the service and Is a credit to the contractors and all parties interested In Its construction. The first ton tract for the extension was let to Charles W. Urlndele company of Chicago on June 7, 1900, for $S40,000. A subsequent contract was let to the same parties June 2S, 1W2. for $118,500. C. H. IUoch. general manager of the Orlndele company, has superintended the construction of the work from the start. AH disputes naturally arising during the progress of so gTeat a work as this have been settled amicably. There have been two or three unimportant strikes while the work was lu progress, though they did not materially delay the work. Soiur Deluy la Summer. "There was some deiay last rummer That Causes Itehlnir Scalp, Dandruff, anil Finally, FalllnK Hair. The, itching scalp, the falling hair and the dandruff that annoys are the work of a parasite hidden In the scalp. That para site must be killed to cure dandruff; and the only preparation that will do that is Newbro's Herplclde. "Destroy the cauba, you remove the effect." C. H. Reed of Victor, Idaho, says: "My self and wife had dandruff and falling hair several years. Two botlk'8 of Newbro's Herplclde completely cured us, after seV' eral other preparations had failed to do i good." Makes hair grow glossy and soft as silk. Hundreds of other testimonials just as strong. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Her plclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Shermun & Mc- Connell Drug Co., special agents. Iron Clad Hen's Hose. THE 25c KIND, SALE PRICE 10c We pla -e on sale today 500 dozen men's socks, the celebrated "Iron Clad" brand They are sold the world over for 25c each and every pair Is absolutely guaranteed. Our sale price, 10c a pair no restriction as to quality. In the rear of our main floor wo have a sale on men's shirts, shirts worth front $1.00 to $1.50. Your unrestricted choice 48c, and plenty to choose from. On this floor there are many other good things) that ought to Interest you, for lnstanco men's pants at $1.!M, $2.50 and $3.00 that can not ba duplicated anywhere for the same price. Men's butts at $7.60 and $10.00 eac h, owing to the seneral strike that Hfr... i,t ; suits just about $5.00 under regular value. all lines of mercantile and nianiifacluriiiir ! n the sseond floor of ours Is where our Industry, but withal these little setbacks bargain room is located. Here Is where the work has been completed within the j wo on Bale stocks which we buy for contract time. The work Is as line a.t the : Bpot cai,h unrtHr value. Here are a few government has ever had done. The con- sllals mentioned which you will find today tractor has invariably uuld his men thlMens blaik cheviot suits $3.90, black clay best prices and the work bus leen curried! wors,01 ult heavy corduroy pants on by skilled and ralnstakinir workmen i l siJ- al" cassimero ana worsted pants In In all lines. All that remains to be do.. 1 endless variety for same price. Boys' neat now IS to. clean un a little dehrls here and I norfolk suit.-, salt and pepper pattern, $1.48, there, and some unimportant details, which I '"'"r"y sul,a U leather milts 15c. silk will m compi.-ted by the contractors In a! b"w8 hc- ,1l,?00 "n,,d undershirts 20c, heavy couon Manuel drawers zue, an sorts or men's fhlrts, your pick, 25e. Hlue beaver day of two. The north and south en trances of the building will be open fur the public tomorrow." Architect Murdock will leave Sunday for overcoats $2.98, men's si, spenders 9c, extra good ones, with leal he' ends and cross Kansas City where he will supervise tn, I 'k-i. 15c. all wool, stylh h, light lan shades romnlethm of .he ferier-l v.olMin,, hih of PrlnK overcoats $1.90. Plenty of other has about the same amount of work to dually good things. be done on It, as had the Omaha building in 19iO. The amount appropriated for tho Kan as City building Is about $30,uo0. and resembles the Omaha structure In appear ance and general design. NEW LIST 0FPETIT JURORS Panel Drawn at Federal Court to Fill Plurra of Those Who Were Kicuaed. The following list of add tlpnal petit Jurors for the prervnt term of the I'nlted S'atei district court Was drawn by Clerk 11 yt to serve during the rcmulnder of the term and relieving a number who have been ex cused for ciuie. Th.- drawlrg of a new panel wus mad? necessary from the f ict that only about twenty available Juiors Were left on t lie old list. Tho Jurors are summoned to appear Monday at 2 p. m.: Charles A. Anderson, West point; J. D. ltislioo, Peru; Charles K. Mebee, Wayne; K. P. Urooks. liaiuruft; J. hn M. Curt s, folumhur; George lhtt.son. I'ses; Ch-trl -s V. 1 rU v, David City: S. S. (iritfi'i, M ar tel! ; W. II. ;r.eti. ( in.ihu: I. a. ; chivhii, Creie; M.:tlhe".v Howell, N! Coo, Jinn 'Ion; John R. House. Pender; Them - H bt ar J. Adims; Wilier D. 11:11, lie tti-.c.-; 11 nry N- Daniten, Waytir: Henry Johnson, law liee City: C. 11. Johnson. Beatrice; Adam Kuril, piattsmouih; Wliliam 11. Lynn. Ar twrvllle; ii. N. Matteevu, tHulr; C. E. Mor- GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., U19-1G21 DOUGLAS 8TRKKT. I. o. in cur casement wo carry an enormous slock of work clothes. GUM DROPS, 5c lb. If you're a lover of choice Gum you can buy a pound Saturday for 6c anu choicest mutle. 25 Sticks Cc.ndy I'eerlt-ts Mlxe). lb Trilby Curt lb Champion Mixed Brok.ii iJIXed. It) Hoaihound Hliek Cream Caramels. I'ure 8 ixar Stiik Rapleriy lees. Coeoanut Chins lb lb.. Hi... . lb.. lb lb.... Hickory Nut Caramels, lb Butterscotch Mareiimallowa, lb. Chocolate Chips, lb Dalian Creams., lb $ Packages Gum Drops, irtsn ... 6c ... Se ...luc ...loc ...loc .. .10c .U"c ...1 ...26c ...Hie ...36c ...3i.- .10C An extremely handsome suit taffeta lined throughout, with silk drop. These suits are made of Imported , cloths nnd are equal In appearance to any 9f lf J.15 or $40 suit, our early price... fcUiUU Our Big Skirt Sale J-5.00, and up to. Hurrying Out the Winter Garments at choir Women's flno Percale Wrapers, $1.50 Quality, at Women s black Salle and Moreen Underskirts, $2.00 value, at Your Lace Curtain Opportunity 150 50c 290 490 148 .100 100 98c TING- 25c MONDAY. FEB. 29. w will place on sale on 3rd floor. Drapery Department, hun. nreris or sample t.nce ( urtalns. i OT 1 NOTTINGHAM S, worth up to 11.75 Monday, per pair LOT 2 White and ecru NOTTINGH AMS LOT 3 CABLES NKTS and NOTT1NG- and CABL10 XETS, worth $3, CQ. HAMS all white,, worth up to Monday, nor tiulr U9C 14.50 Monday. T)er pair Sueclul lot of sample odd Lace Curtains In NottlngnamH and cable Net, ecru and white, go at 3"c. 20c and 10c each. While they last. Kach lot will be marked In plain figures. Make your selection early. See our,J6th street window. Riker's Toilet Preparations Nothing before known to toilet art so ralnty. so fragrant, so pure as' HIKER'S PERFl'MKS, Toilet Waters, Satchet Powders and Mmucure Articles. TOILKT DELICACIES THAT SURPASS ALL OTHERS -Demonstrated on Main floor Saturday and all next week. Extra Trading Stamp Special In the Big Linen and Domestic Department $1.50 TABLE CLOTHS, Oiled Boiled Turkey Red Table Cloths, 2 yards long, guaranteeii fast colors, worm Jl.fra Saturday nt And $3.00 worth of Trading Stamps free with each cloth, j Exceptional Furnishing Goods Opportunities 98s T5o BOYS' SHIRTS with separate or attached collars, new spring styles, on sale at MEN'S SUSPENDERS 26c kind In web ends, large variety of pat terns, to go at MEN'S AND LADIES' HOSIERY values up to 2oc, closing price 39: For CHILDREN'S SHIRT WAISTS new spring styles with attached or two senar.ite collars, wurth 7K.. kid or I MEN'S STIFF AND SOFT BOSOM SHIRTS worth un to $1.60 fill. go at U9C LADIES' KlD GLOVES $1.00 and in. and $1.50 values, Saturday fC I2ic 124c SI 50 to S2 50 Men's Sample Hats iour cnoice daiuroay The entire sample line of one of the largest hat manufacturers In America. early before the best ones are gone. . we nave jusr received zoo aozeu boys- anu gins caps in every imaginable 60c Colors- Tic. Wc, all the late 6uc, 35u and Come Shane. 25c Extra Specials in Shoes Saturday 2.45 196 ....... ) or!? 19c 135 Men's $3.50, $4.00 and 5.00 shoes Meu'ri and women's $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 shoes . Women's fine Dongoki $1.50 lace shoes , Misses' and children's vici $1.50 lace shoes Boys' nnd youth's $1.50 satin calf lace shoes ., Little misses' $1.00 satin calf lace shoes Misses and children's Dongola $1.00 late shoes Infants' 35c soft soles Men's $1.75 Kinder calf hals BUY YOUK SHOES SATURDAY. Sheet TJiusic Sale Ropular 50c shet-t niUKl,( only likr, by mall, L'tk. Rmh lilts ns. T'p In the Cooonnut lYt'o, sotiK, L'ucas' vry latwt two-step, flur Boys and liirls March, vit.v new. Itinor of the Haln Ttrops, verj' pretty. Itiuulilinc Mom, Stm Dance anil (inlili'ii Kcliocs Waltz. Navajo Two-stop, liondollor's Two-Step and others we have not space to mention. China Department mm in "'Btiff igf H.JI HHi'ffHBH 1 ... . 0ic of Today's Special Features Will Be the First Grand Showing of New Spring Clothing for Men, Boys and Children . . . In introducing our new Clothing for Spring 1904, we desire to call attention to a couple of noteworthy facts, as follows: Tirst We have especially endeavored "to surpass all previous efforts and have used the experience of previous years as stepping stonog to help us in our effort this year to surpass what has gone before. Not only are we going to maintain our reputation for selling the best goods at the lowest possible prices, but are going to show vastly larger assortments and a wilderness of the high grade nov elties that we have not before carried. Second We wish to bring to your mind the fact that this new showing is so far ahead of anything we have ever attempted before and so much more extensive than our earlier efforts that we find it impossible to picture in cold type the virtues of our new spring clothing. We sell all our clothing on our own reputation not upon the reputation of any maker. If they're not right in every way, we're here to remedy the wrong. We want to sell you your spring suit want to sell one to -suit you and we want to give you more for your money than you can get of anybody else. See our great window display Men's Suits on exhibition in our Farnam Street windows. Children's and Hoys' Suits in the Fifteenth Street windows look at them then we invite you to our second floor Clothing Departments whether you wish to pur chase or not. YOU AliE WELCOME. XT?"" mi tpwiiiMiiipi.i jn u nun j j i.i ii i urn hium m fln -fa, hi IT! :1 n 'A tiPrt'fiiriii tfilT-v1 -tr1 Fancy Cream ritchers and Mups, Imported Holland ware, each Fancy China Decorated Vases and Dresser Novelties, each Plain While Cups and daucers, each 3c 5c Ic A few more odds ami ends of Decorated Plates, each 2,mi dozen Tumblers, six for Fine China Decorated Fruit and Berry Dlntus, each 5! 2c Oranges, Oranges Prices arc advancing. WA have secured another car of our renowned Fancy Bweet. genuine Highland Orant;ej. and Kill give our customers the Leneht of this purchase all day Saturday by p acing this eh gant large sweet fruit on sale. at. I r- per dozen I3C AND IJ.00 WUHT1I TRADING STAMPS FREE. Reliable Grocery Specials 21 llw. pure cane Oranulatcd Sugar fur. tl ' i Quart cans Fancy Oolden Table Syrup.. .. l.arge Sack Cormeal l-o ; iuart cans Tennessee Sorghum 10c 6 lbs. good Jnpuii Hice. Tuploca, Pago, llarUy. earina, r iae or i c.tri jium- inv for 19c Malm Vita. Force. Vigor, Vim. Neutrlta er Presto, per pkg 7Vic J-lb. cans Haked iieans. Hominy, S.iucr kraut. I'uini'kin or Apple Hull r for.. 74o S uackages Breakfast Rolled Oals for. .10.' California Uraps, Per lb... KGUS. KtiiJS. EliOS. The combination !s tiroKen and pris are falling rapidly. Before you price on the frtsluet goods in th tmarket. Fruit 1'addlns, 74c Bromangelm. Jeilyecn, or Jelio, per pkg , I.aree California Prunes, per lb.... Choice California Peai hi s. per lb 7H New York Crop Apples, per lb i Kniilliih Currants. ier lb 7-e Fancy Moor Park Apricots, per lb lZ4o buy ett our EAYOEW BROS. FREE -SI -FREE N GREEN TRAD1NQ STAMPS E. T. Smith & Go. Store with each 60c purchase upon pre sentation of coupon below. We want everybody to take advantage of our RED LETTER WEEK STAMP specials and have there lore decided to continue them for tho balance of the month. $10.00 In stamps with 1 lb. B. F. Jap.ui Tea at 9oc $7.00 in stamps with 3 lbs. Mocha & Java Coffee at 11.00 $4.00 in stamps with the following Teas at 6oc a lb.: S. D. Japan, Ounpowder and English Breakfast. $2.50 in stHmps with 1-lb. can Baking Powder at 2ic (Baking Powder Warranted.) SPECIAL-7 bars Laundry Soip for 25c, and $1 In Stamps. ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF STAMPS WITH' THE FOLLOWING- AKTICLES: 1 lb. ConVe at :lie, ISc and Sue 1 pkg. Mince Meat at loc 1 pkg. Malta Vita at Kc 1 pkg. Soda at 10- 1 box Dermal Dew Toilet Soap uj loc 1 cake Baker's Chocolate at '0 CUT THIS OUT and bring to our store and upon making a purchase of ax- or more we will give you $l.i) worth of Stamps free. In addi tion to your regular purchase. Not good after March 1. K. T. SMITH CO. E. T. SMITH & CO., Oroceri nnd Mesta. Tel. 164. 1407 Oouflas St. N H V BOYS' SHOES S1.50 Have you seen ours? Has your boy ver worn them? Have you ever compared them war and comfort with other that cost the came? If not. it's time you did. It's time you found out that there is a better boys' $1 .50 hoo at this store than anywhere else. They are all solid leather put together with double seams of strong thread made on good ttttinir comfortable lasts, and carefully fitted to the foot by our salesmen. TOY miOE CO il'&DOilAOi 11 UNCLE SAM WILL DIG A CANAL But I still sell Stationery. 1615 Farnam St. Cpi. N. Y. life Bldz. OUR LONG-LASTING Do You Speculate? STEEL RANGE Is getting the popularity It deserves. We enable every housewife In Omaha to be the proud possessor of one. All we ask for them Is $5.00 down and $5.00 per month, or the wholesale price for cash. i J .t .,& -V1rr-7 'r". 1 teifefei'lj : "fi3 V1L. J fiiify-'t'i . tJ. I Vlifcil ; t. iV If So, Buy - Mrs. Frank Wilson of Florence says: "I knew nothing of your Kteel Ranges when I IioukIU mine only I know that you sold tlrst-claps stoves. Mv raime Ls my delight and 1 did not think It was possible to make a cooking apparatus, bo perfect." rooplu nre so well pleased with our Ixing Lasllng Steel Range that they Utterly flood us with testimonials. THE ST0ETZEL STOVE CO., WHOLESALE STOVES, Tl-i South tilsieeulh Street. ALTON FLQUIl A Safe Investment. 'TIs tnie that the price of cider isn't gov erned by the oost of apples but It must be admitted that the price of Hour is ontlroly governed by Uie cost of wheat. Although wheat has advanced considerably recently, we haven't raised the price of ALTON FLOCK, and you are thus afforded an op portunity to purchase K at the old pries FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Alton Flour per sack fc'trictly Fresh Eggs per dozen Shredded Wheat Biscuits package. . ldiewlld liulter pound Diadem Butter pound Chuiou Country Bu tier Kund Navel Oranges pvr dosen Boiling Beef per pound Corned Beef -per pound Bwift s Premium Hums Pr pound. Brooklleld ri au .age liox I'ork Sausage- pound Hamburger- per pound Florida Strawberries 40c Quart Your Nationality or Raiigion should cut no limine ml" onr pi .' In trade! PRICES A it E WHAT Col'NT NuttANAlS, Wl 'ALITY aim as to quality, we claim to have AS liH)D. Niyi" BE 'ITER, than other druggists. THE Ol'TPl T, mole than anyihiiw; else de termines the iialliy of drug utore things, bei-aus,. FRESHNESS l much more of a certainty UUI'Ki: THE uCTPl'T IS liKEATKST. WE CLAIM THE I.AHli EST lil 'li l T OF ANY l)ltl't SToltE In Nebraska or Iowa, which la modesty per sonified. Prices nowadays me our long- mlt and aa we can t ijuot" them In the newspaper, we ask our pali'oiis to send us lists for lowest piles. Don't forget our Katurday special the Tth at all three stores $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure '-. 5oc Cramer's Kidney Cure' 25c CUT PRICR BRU kTURE x). V. KAIlM. Prop. 16th Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and -th and N fits.. South Omaha. 'Phone No V fcth Ave. and Main St., Council 1 '.luffs. 'Phone All goods Ue- llveicd In "i'lier cltv ab-olulely free. SGHfiEFER'S For Menstrual Suppression T..u.. r..poS PEN-TAN -GOT (I t ku; soxaa. U- Mia la Oaikt t Sbsnuai ktcCeiu,U Drua Ce. SlU Mm Sims, tula utiua Dsputy Bute Veterinarian. Food Inspector. H.L. RAMACCIOTYI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Cffics and Infirmary, 2lh and Mason Bts. OMAHA, NEli, yeKpUotis t. Soitimer Bros. Exponent of (loot! Ljvin, 28th and Farnam StH- Groc ry Tels. i-liil. Muik. t Tel. FREE! FREE!! For Saturday uly, Willi every H)c jun'cliusc of -Mint'. Valc'ti goods, wc vc ircc tif charge a $1 jar of -Mine. Yalc'n Hkiu I'ootl. iikkj:s so.mi; specials tok katukday: ('uticura Soap 1 6c Milks Emulsion 5CC Meiithol IVncils 10c IJoracic Acid, pound 25c Sugar of Milk, pound 30c Phosphate Soda, jMiund... 25c IT'S TEN CENTS What To Eat yo&to Eend for copy. 10 cents or fl uo a year Rcllabls Health Arllcisa. Table htor Jesu, I'oeois, Clever Tuula. A gixd friend to brighten your leisuie uio menis. Full of noral augsvotlons for entertaining. Th ten Ualik allrtio mn-"Oar hoima ouH to katltalar a4 ral.r 11 th lanuurt vara r.r. .,f UjB nh, pabllvt -, WHAT TU EAT OVUntnly M'ilw Wathuigteai St. east FUta Avu, Ctucaara 0 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER . Hearkea tb I4v Stock Mcsw ...$i40"Vp t ..17'aO ... MO ! . . . 'i i"0 . . "7 u ljc-2tc Uic-i. u .. 'Jo .. Ic .. l'0 ! i