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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1904)
TriE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, FEBHUAKY 27, 1904. 11 CRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET treaki ! Jaij Whaat Ascribed to Hea?j Arrr.onr Selling MAY OPENS LOW AND FALLS STILL LOWER Jnlr Dora netter at Close, Rallrln Within F'rfirtlnn f opening-, lint Market 'Jenerelly thowi Ureat OMAHA. Feb. :, 18M. Omsh. (tossip hnd It that the hrraki In July wheat wsr due to heavy Arrnnur selllnK. "Mnrket ststlstlrs rut no dmire st the present In the wlirat market," any! a ('hirmto pspr. "The Individual attitude Is of nn Importance There la an enormous atrrrcate of speculation with contract wheat stocks here of only 2.),Mi bushels and. a wax under way. There la no use trying to he Illogical shout such a market and very little upa trying to decide what . course to take." Chicago opened wenK on May -heat, - being from c to 2'te hr-low the clone of Thursday. The flurtiiatlnn wai conslnVr- - sola and the rantte from ll.H to Jl.''7. The weakest point waa reached mime time t.efore the rinse, whljh showed mine strength. Omaha opened at flc. c t.elnw the rlne of Thursday, and declined atead- - 11 y to O'He. July alo opened -veaker than the clone of the d;iy before, declined from K,'V to c and then rallied to fiVc. t'hlragn ahoweil rapid and wide fluctuii- tlona It opined weak and moved from - to sr. Omaha May corn at nnlv one time rot alwve the opening and rioted te- low the flrat quotation. . The opening wns stronger than on wheat, bring WaC. The high point wna 4fir. Considerable of this future waa offered Inter, but the rrowd deemed to have lost Irterrat In It and the price hroke to 4c. Chicago should a fluctuation of lc and cloned at about the opening quotation. Casts waa given lltt.e, attention on Omaha exchange. Close, Open. High. Wheat May 91-4 914 July Hfii HTiVh Corn May ...... 49 July 4S 48 Outs May 42 Marrh 4 Local fash tiroln Market. Not a gie:it deal of grain waa offered for iile and the mantel waa rather alugglan. Wheat waa very strong at the rig-urea of Thursday. Kw-lpts were satisfactory, being in cara In and 13 curs out; one week ego, 7 and 4 cara. Sales uf carlota by cample on track, Omaha: - HAKI) W II BAT-No. 3, 6 cara. 90c; 1 car, 8tr; No. 4, 1 cor, sic. lorn ahowed an unaccounted-for weak ness, amounting In noma caeca to He off. I'emand by elevators waa not so large aa during aeveral daya. Receipt were heavy, ring 6H cara In and id cara out; one ween . ago, 76 and 39 can. Halea of carlota by sample on track, fn ha MIXKD CORN-No. 3, 1 car, ir; a Mrs, 4V,c; 3 cars. A2c; 1 car, 41 'no; 1 car. tr; , 1 car, 41Vic; No. 4. 1 cor, 41V1; 1 car, 41Vc; 1 car, 41c. i Of rye 1 ear No. 4 sold for 6'ic. WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, 87091c; No. i. 8 h'ird winter, M'hHKc; N". 4 bard winter, ., 7iV2c; No. 2 aprlng, 8VnWc; No. 3 spring, - M'ftxc; ftn. 4 aprlng, inifK- 1"7H: flr to fls.3T. rot-nt clear western, Hlt: prime 'timothy, clover, contract grade 111 2.i. HAUI,KV-Wfl f'eiTlrfjf, 4Ki43c; choice milting t'ir".sr. I'Ki iVISH iNS Me, pork, per M1 lSf I.srd per lie lr , 17 7yi7. rlha. a-ldeg ilnofel. 17 7..ft 00: ehort sldea (boned), IT.KT' Articled. I.ecelpta. Shipments. Flour, bbls 3V" 4V" heat, bu 3.a M Corn, bu . 2 0 '") 17 4i Oats, bu ll,.T 1 Ky-. bu 7.Sl 9..''0 Hurley, bu 'JCwD 2l,wJ On the Frodure exchange todny the flut ter market wna ateiilv; creBmerlea, lt'nw; dulrles, lt'Tic. Kggs, ste.-idier, at mirk, caaea IncluUed, 2itu-c- Clieesv, eteady, ,10 KEW YORK OKMiHAL MARKET. Quotations Low. Today Thurs. 'Vi 4 47 47 47n 47HA 91i M B 48'SsB 4s 43 A 40 Af the Day on Various Common1 It Ira. SEW YORK. Feb. X -Ft.OfR-Recelpta, M.l5fl bbla; export. Jfi,7'm bbla; maret llrm and very quiet; Minnesota baKers, 4..''l4 7u; winter pa let Id. li.if.'tli 0; wlnur str-iighta. S.Oi'ffio.; winter extra, t1a 4.fO; winter low grades. 13 l.v.U . Rye flour, dull; fair to good. $4...'ul.Jt; choice to fanr v. J4.iHr.i4.Ho Huckwheat flour, dull. rnKNMEAlj Firm; yellow western", ft.U'H; cltv. $1.11; kiln dried. $3.Wl3.0. RTI--Flrmer; No. 2 western, 91c to ar rive. HARI.EY Quiet: feeding, STc. c. I. f. New York; mnltlrg. Sriflrac, c. I. f. RuffHlo. WHEAT Receipts, lfi.575 bu.; apot mar ket qulef; No. 2 red, $1.09 elevntor and $1.10 Sil lj f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, iinraliml. f. o. b. afloat. No options. Whet wltneaaed a severe break at the opening tills morning on the lower cahies, Better weather west and a flood of selling order I.nter there was a riillv, but this waa only momentarily,, as prices again turned, weak ani closed easy at a loss of l&.'u-'c; May, Jl i'.V"l l'7H. closed at . SI 07 v : July, U-Hlli l.i -i 16-11. closed $1.01ii; September, 93 V 971-5e. cli aed. !itr. . CORN Receipt a, SS.70O bu.; exports,, VKVI In I ; spot marhet quiet; No. 2. nominal, elevator and Wo f. o. b. allo:it: No. 2 yel low. 5Sr; No. 2 white, oSc. Option market corn broke with wheat, milled on large MR STOCKS AND BONDS Attempt to Ra'l? Pro Re:nlu in Permirent ErTect. No NEW DEVELOPMENTS uf NO IMPORTANCE Renewal of Northern Seearltles (Josslp Falls to Produce the tn fa vorable Effect ypeealatbrs Hoped For, rates. HA4tit-t' and $4 S71i4 S714j; clal btlla. t M' .i4 v 'i flf.VER-IWr, -7. Wrxl.afi 4Ti1i. Hi NlS Government, steady; steady. The closing quotations on bonds felloes : commer- dollitra, railroad, ar as YORK, Feb. 16. An attempt waa maae to carry the rafiy In prices on stota wimn set in yesieroa still furtner today, ouiy siigni guiiM were c.vabli he.i. li.eie wua a iriicwrti of gojinp coiicciniut ihe Northern becurltlea uetiumn and assertions of Ha very unt.ivorahle charMcter, n. twl.h stuuiiing tho reports ot thu irne.uc of secret service omcer.a In wall i-tret t dis trict to tenet out any nefarl u Uicl )Rure if the supretn eouit's di-eiMon, Railroad t-ar-iuiigs, npresenting an unaatiB.atory allowing, with tne exception of a few of the rli!ttiestcrn, Atchison, Wabrtah and Hoching Valley, reprtaented the prevailing 4uuaril returns. A periodical settlement Is Impending In tbi stock merketr, both In Palls and Her lin, anil the violent declines Whlrh have occurred Flnce these accounts vetj open throws tloubt over the pnesible resij.t of the aettlement. The frotmse of a further Increase In the cash reserves as n result fulled to rally the market, us the piling up f the) reserves hns reaehea a point which arouses fears that It represents a tlrrllne Ift business activity. The ill mlal of nn Injunction in the complicated copper 11' I- l,Verlntl 'in 4 tvO.. .. I ... 1'. t R. Zir- 'i Ji -- "I ;" er. ui 1 . rla Bfd nfTrilrffl BmH hair, t.. ...O... .. . I. f v e n-i: , j ., I r 'Tu"u "uiivsi Eri J HiiuinoiiBl insaes ItlVOlied in the I 4n i.oineeter nrc. following so soon "ft"r tha Haltlmore diPiister. was a distressing inllu errce. The active stocks show low. in d-iy of tibout a point and the closing was V. 8. ret. ti reg.... do coupon do rr g do ctmpon do ni 4m. rn do coupon do old 4, 'rtK do coupon Ati hiaori gfn. 49 do dj 4 Atlantic . U 4i ... Hal. A Ohio 4l do 11 renfal of Oa. ( do lat Inc Chrt. Ohio 4H ... rtiicu'i A A. I4 ... r., B Q n 4. C. M. S. P. ( 4a. r. ft N. w. c T. ... I'.. R. I. A P. 41 .... do col. a r r r. a at. l. 4a ( hli'ago Tcr. 4a on Tot.a'-i'o 4a Colo A So. 4.. I. A H C 4- Krie prior- Iter 4a. . do n. 4a F. W. I 0. la . Mucklnc Vnl. 4Va.. k. iv n. vuo. aa.... . 'a Ex-hilerest. 'Offered 104i Manhattan . 4a...lMVi p t. i antral 4a 4 1"4 do lat Inc 13 lean Minn A St. L. a.... 14 M., K. A T. 4a l.i!i do 2a n !' N. R. It. of M. c. 4 7JV, JC'l N Y. C. . Ia N J r. I Ha 12, tW No. Parllli- 4a ! i 4e la 7014 t"vj.X.'A W. t. 4a i:4 alii O ft L 4a A oar ... " PK. 1 1'cnn. con. ma 44j iu Readtna sn. 4a iNr4 St L A I M. r I 1111 741, Pt. L. S r. f. 4a. Vfc MaSt. U. S. W. la, s Seaboard A. L. 4a . ! do Patl- 4a fii4 So RallaraT 5a w Tci.a at P. la M T . 8t I,. A W. 4a . HI U nion rarlll.- 4a . I dyi eon 4a . 4V t ff prael 2d Ha .. . t:i, Waliaah la : ti V .do neb. B .m W.,A 4 R. 4a i.14, . I Wla. . I tairal . 4a Oil ADA LIVE SI OCR MARKET Cattlt Btceip'.i ModeraU and Pricei Hld Oenerallj Steady. HOGS SOLD STRONG TO A NICKEL HIGHER mall Ran of heep and Lambs aad Qaallty Rather Common, bat tha Market Conld 5fely Be Quoted ' Active aad Steady, 4. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 16, IM. jCoJ. f, A. 1. . us . aa in 14 11s . Pc . 94 . 7IH .11M4 . l!"a . a . 71 London Stock Market. LONDON, Feb. i6.-Closlng: .... N. Y. Central.. .... MvNnrfplk W.. .... t do pM .... "H Ontario A W.. . ... IH4 Pf nnaylvanla . . 17 iRaDd MlQ ... ,V4 llteadlni l"S'i ''In lat pfd.. . I do M prd.. 143 I So. Rallarar ... IS"1 do pJ ;... liH dn. 'Psciflc Conaola. money do account ... Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Raitlmora A. O Canadian Tactile ( hca. Otrto . . ):hcaa; tit W O . at Bt. P. clearances, hut declined later wim pro-I easy, loiai stock sales, par value, t 6 ,0n0. Ions and closed weak at V V not de- I . iioncid were ciulte steady, b it dull nn.1 CORN No. 2, 4;;Vi'u44c; No. 3. 4H4(6-I2c; No, 4, 40Vii41o; No. i yellow, 43V5Ci No, 8 yellow, 4:i41!c; No, 2 white, 43't(44cj No. OATS No. 2, r'oTOc! No. H. 37'f(3Scj No. 4. 3'".t37e; No. I white. 43'M:iVo; No. 1 white, 4H&41Ac; No. 4 white, 3Va0c; standard, 4m42c. . Notes from the Eirhasg Ofllces. A pnnijmatlo tule that works with a cord and a speaking tube have been put In con necting the otllcea of Floyd J. Campbell with the exchange hal). liy means or the former, the pit crowd Is kept supplied with a f reah supply of the latest talk. ; Omaha Inspections of grain were 51 cars. Of wheat 1 car graded Ts'o. I hard winter and 3 cars No. 4. Of com 32 cars graded No. 8, 1 car No. 4, 1 car No. 3 yeltow and 1 car no grade. Of oats I cars gt ailed No. i white, and 0 rye t cau-a graded No. 3 and one car no grade. Grain Market Elaerrhrre. Closing; prices of grain-Thursday and to day at the markets named were aa follows: KANSAS ClTf. "Wheat , Today. 11 a v July ... Corn Way ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn May .. July .. Wheat May .. July .. Wheat May .1 July ., V'heat May . . July .. -Mi 4sy 4S ST." LOUT 8. ..-..1:00' ;;!2V 5oVi tia MINNEAPOLIS. .: 1.03HA ' l.uaA DULUTH. ,4 i.o?4n :i.u:ku NEW YORK. '. l.OS'aA l.WrsU Thur'y. 1.02 A : V3H 61 . t2 1 (B A B14 1.04UA 1.U4 li 1.07 1.03 A western, fresh ; mess, l&lfJ6; (trsits, chlck- Drcssf d, cllne. May. fill!H7,c, closed, 6:'4c July closed at fil'lic. OATS Itecolpts,.. 3r..ogn bu ; exports, U. 8M bu.; spot market firm; No. 2. RoH'1; standard white. .riSic; No. 2 white. 5Sc; No. 3 white. &8c. HAY-Qtil't: shipping, WiCc; good to Chnlre Wcflll 06. r HOPS Firm; stitP. common tn choice. 1903 crop, 3fi(;iHc; 19n2 crop, 24'n2Sc; olds, li'4i lr; I'aclflc const, U' crop, 27r(J3fc: 1!32 crop. UTiVc; olds. infJISc. TUCK Steady; dnmestlo. fnlr to extra, 3 (gS'c; Jnpnn. nominal. l.EATHER-H'm ; acJd. SSifMc. . T A f .LOW Firm ; city. ($; per pkg. 64c; I'otmtrv ftikira free!. SWib'c; cltv. B'ie. PnOVISIONR Heef. steady; family. $11 1 a. I".re; meps, $'i i'ii9 Sn; beef hams. $-:o f(Hi 22. f"; packet. $1 CtWiin T.0; city, eitra Itullji mess. 1n Out ments. Arm; pick led, bellies. $7 .Bt iiilB nlckled shnultiein. M; pickled hams. $10 oefi 11. rn. T.ard. stwidy; western steimed. 8 30; retlncd, at p-ng; con tinent, $H.36: South Amerlc.t. $50; com pound. $'i.S7H''i 7.00. 1'orK. steady; family. $H. 'o 17.00; abort clear, tlD.Ot'uli.iB $17 5i"ff1R.(i. HI "i'T Kit Firm; fresh creamery, state ilulry, I4U22C. KOC1S rnsittled; 24 c. I'OI'I.TfiT Alive oulet: western ens, fowl. loVjc; turkeys, Idc. western clil;'lc,is, 'li'.t'itlDo; fowls turkeys, limine. " St. I.nnla Oral n nnd I'rorlslpns. ST. I.At'IS, Feb. X.-WIIEAT-l-cwer on heavy realization sales; cables disappoint ing; No. 2 red caah, ovUjr, tl.ivni. tiack, jl.oWil 12; May, $1.00"; July, SCc; No, 2 hard. Sc'&$1.0ii. . , t'OIlN-Lower; No. 2 cash, 4tic; track, 4.c; May. f.0Hc; July, 6lc. ' , , ... OATS Weak; No. i cash, 43c; track, 4j3V4i 44c; Mav, 44c; No. 2 whlttv 4'.4c. . F1.0LK Firm; red winter patents. $.) 30 fl6 4o; extra fanoy and straight, $6.taQ6.2fi; clear. $4.2lrU4.30. ' SK.KDTimoth. 12 SffK.SO. rollVMI-'il Ateariv 12 BO. ' BRAN' Strong; sacked, . east'-track,. JO 92o. '.. HAY Dull: timothy, $90 4313.00: prairie, 8.tit.6.i ; ! . .-. i r-HOVlHIONe Prlti lOWerc loebing, $l.B0. Lard, tlrm; prime steamed, $7.j6. Hacon. steady, boxed, extra shirts,-$.u0; clear ribs, $S.87H; shert clrttr, .2:' . HJl'LTR Y-Steitdv ; olrtnk im and pxlng.a. 10Vcr turkeys. -U'M 13crdnok,M3e; geie, nc. Hl'TTKK Steady oreamery,. Itt4j27c; dairy, lifftJOc. KUGS-FIrm At MHc. .,- 4rsRcelptsr Shipments. Flour, bbia. :..v.;. t. i2.fjo. Wheat, bu ;..r. Io9,0 Corn, bu , 7,i) . 13.i Oens,-, btt. . .j.:. ..w.VS.yu. -p JS.CM) 'Kansas City Grain nnh I'rovlstons. KANSAS CITY. Feb; 26. WHEAT May, P2V; July, M1&'c; cash, hard, 98 sj'jHc; No. 3, P06o; No. 2 red, U iu'yi.Vi, No. 3, n.iib'ai.oa. tlOHN-MMV fcaturelcs.1. 1'nited CTiarfccd on CAll. States bonds Were un- The following. were the cloelng quotations on the New York Stock exchnn??: H UsHluli Low. Close. Atchison : " do pfd Ualtlrhore & Ohio He pM Canadian 1'tieitlc' Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio... ChlCiigo &'Altnn do pfd Chlcagu Gt. Western.. Chicago & N. W :. C.'M. A St. P : do prd Chicago Term. AT... 'do pfd C. . C. C. Si St. I " C'olo. .Southern ........ do 'l"t pfd ; do il.pfd Delaware & Hudson.. D. L. & W Denver & Rio Orapda do pfd Erie ..: do' 1st pfd L do 2d pfd Hocking Valley ' do pfd Illinois Central Iowu Contrnl do pfd '. K. C Southern do pfd Louisville & Nashville Manhattan L Met. Securities ......... Men-, St. Rv Minn. St. Louis M . 8t. l & 8. Ste M. ' ' do pfd '. .- Mlsermrf- Pacific Mo., Kan. Il TcX do pfd N. R. R. 'of Me.'' pfd. N.' Y.' Central Norfolk & Western... do pfd Ontario Western.. 7 Pennflylvanls O.. C. & St. L Reading' .,.,.,,;:.:..'.". .. do 1st rH i..iCi.i::. 15.7' p) 1.4410 , 60 V3i.4 iii'-a 1,000 30 500 , 100 3.IW) 100 15 Kl i:"4 175 64' . SS' T4'J '2'7 14 1K3 175 100 1 100 o "110 300 , 300 300 :7.lial 2.100 400 don 100 oon Too poo G11Q 1S4 63 2.-H4'i 2iH . 19 B4. 3Hl 12BV4 18 . I0214 142 K:.t4 115,4 :r,4 62 2-' 15.; 2ti2 IRS CO 814 3H 12H 18 101U Hfc-4 84 1144 100 ,SS?4 ;.5S4 8.200 300 "ioo 1.100 2,400 HS54 15 . 'nii'. BC4 874. 14-H 'i"'t4 66'' lat nfd . do Id rtd . Illinola Central Loula. & Naah. M . K. T. . , . ...117H ... o7v ... aa . .. a"H ... 5iH ... M4, ... It ... 4. ... IS ... M ... 4SH ... 74 .,.911 ... 11 . . . 67 ... 34 H Receipts were: Calm. Hogs. ShetfP. Official Monday S.6W 8.3.3 -1J.1I; Official Tuesday 7.0;ti 15.4oJ !'.i Ultlclal Wednesday B.5.1 U. ;4 7. tie. Official Thursday J.OiO 10.5W aVtHS Official Frluay 1.J.0 la.Juti Five days this week. ...U. 311 7.739 Si. 207 Same days ladt week. . . .ls.'J 44 477 40.SS name week before 1 1 .3 4.I.HIS 2.J'I7 Same three weeks ago..H,o4l 3ti. fl fc.'.'S3 nnine rour weeas ago. . . . IS, .;is 4'.u ii.i4 Same days last year. .. .20.011 47.&4 30,:tV7 KFAEU'TS r'oR THE YEAR TO DATE. 1'he lollowlng table f-hows the nccip.a of cattle, boga and sheep at Mouih ijmaha lor the year to dale, with cump.iiiaon wl'.u last year: IOO! Halt Inn Doc Cs-ttle lr,M7 149.K10 t.!'3J Hogs Im U i.M Sheep 2S7.J45 2U7.1J4 S0.0U Averasd brlcea na.1,1 inr 110a 1 South Omaha lor the last sevcial da with coiu- IJ.lllSOIlS' Date. I 1904. 18tt3.aW2.lWl.19W.l.lStf. 1 t- 4 .vi 1 hj a :s t 171 ( i'l . STAGS. - 1 it:" J " STOCK LKS AND FEEDFR8. I !-:s In. ( v.-4 1 4tt in 7 to 1 40 1 a"" t Mi I at" J 40 t. . t M 1 " I 4 I 1 im 4 4.-. t 4 1 si 1 im ; : a v. i 1 7o J Oil Tfo S H.l 1 rr-o t m I 4M I s 1 no I t. m 1 ;s 15 4a S3 18 77 J .i 1 77 S S 1C p. 24 I 40 IS S40 I 15 IK'U There was a fairly liberal run of hogs here this morning, but the deniand wd In good shape and reports from other points were favorable to the selling Inter efts. The market oicne. strong to a nickel higher and while trailing was not exuedv brisk still the bulk of the arrivals so'.l that way In fairly good season The lighter weights sold mostly from down, me dium to good weights fnm $7..V to $.ri.4- and prim heales largely from $.''4" to $.", an. This advance establlshie a new high point for the year to date. The same ss usual the heavy lings were In the best demand, while the Unlit tu(T was slow all day and hard to sell at the advance. The close of the market was slow and weak, a large share of the early advance tcing lost. higher; CIS. $1 ' 4 . in; 1 .e higher 410 IV'). Mir; Kl native, "i I I i; . ki r. .;; . and li "ss nnd belf, $2.7.v,j . 7.'.v-4 heal: murket " $."..2"i.'.62,t; medium, $6 ND I.AMIIS - Ro-rlptd, X"99 bcn.l; nvirk.'l active an.l steady t 1C higher; liunLs. $:. .mi; 1 wrs. $4 . tons ( Itv Live MocK larket. SIOl'X CITY, Feb. "ii-iSpeclnl Tele, griim I-t'ATTI.I V--Ue. eipis. be,ul; mar ket steady; beeves, $:i :"i'4 HI'; cows, bulls snd tnlM.I. ,1imS..V: stockcrs and feeders, $,! iiH 70; calves and yearlings. $'.' .M"u1 M). Ill ',! Uccelpts, 4. OK' head, market steady at $4 !i."' e. bulk, ." 2. (iid.lV). Dtark In litht. Following are ihe receipts of live stoeX for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. South Omaha 1.-70 pesufl .w..ii7 t -hlcugo 3.' Xl." li.'Kt Kansas Cltv 1.M" 1".'i 4..'il St 1 .ouls .'." 7.'rti l.i" Pt J.scph ."!" 7.:v. Sioux City 4. Totals 7' 7:'.i'70 4H.TO1I No. 4.. I.. af . . 7? ... 3.. it . Viilon I'a.iflc .. ... 2i oe rfd ...... ... IM, I. 8 Htwl . . . 4'" i do pfd ...... ...13'i'i Wabaall .l"i .'. ,Af . utd . .r 1S7 ; SILVER Raf. steajy..26n-10d per ounce. . MONEY iS3'4 pir teht; the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills i 3H1tZli per cent,; for three months' bills, I o-ib per cent. . -.- CU1CAUU AXU 1'HO VISIONS. VtMttoree ot the Tradlnaj and Cloalnv I'rlcea on Board uf Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. J6.-Craahlng down twice today, lonowl.ig a break In p. Ice at Liver pool, prices 101 May went Poiow last niajllt s linal ligure. Tile mni ant cltMvu Wo aoove the low injliit. July wneat o.oaed at ct liwa ot Ituc May com is down 4ao oals Wc and l! u , 1,-iii.iis a allude to Under the Influence of large Anient. na shipment and lower English tabm, ex titiuu weakness pervaueu the wluat pit at the aiiwiung. 'ihe murket appeared to be In an over-bought condition and price) were very errutic. Final sales of May were made at $1.0u' 1.07. a decline of 'f'J'so from yesternay'a dosing quotation. July waa VtJc lower at VijiVo. May uropp.-d to $1.ihW ana July went back to 94k:. 1 ne close waa weak, with May at 1,07'fh- July closed at aKo. t leuranees of wheat and flour weie eiual to 152, 7oO busuels Pilmary receipts were MtS.7tW burht-N. against 2H, 1U0 bushela a year ago. Exports of wheat and flour for the week, according to alreeta. were equal to 2.01)1, W0 bushels. Min neapolis, Dulutli and Chicago reported le celpts of 24 cars, agalnat ;t4 lat week and 304 cars a year ago. The break In firtcea also helped to bring out uonsldeiable luuldatlon from small holdings. The close was easier. May opened t4e ro H.0 lower iu Biilto7c After aellitig be tween Bott.Vjc and B7'i,r, the close was at Btjc. July closed 4c lower at 65c. lXKsl receipts were 245 cara, none of con tract grade. The oats market waa a sympathetic on-s and largely Influenced bv the action of wheat and corn. The opening on May was VnNo lower at 4faW5f4ie. After ringing between 44V and 40V the close was at 4fV July t'lodfd. t,c lower at 4JSc. Local rrcelpts were 1M cars. Provisions were extremelv nervous. Mav rork opened with a losa of 7Sc to 4;'c at !.2MjHMi, hut oulckry advanced to $lt 67t, Heavy profit taking on the bulge caused another setback nnd the final figures wer down 27V at $li :. May lard cU-ed 7Wc l0'"r "t $."5, and rll.a were off a shade At $v0Jl, Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 29'rheurdln' CRr"' C"1" 136 Cr9; ho!8' The leading futures rtnged aa follows; Articles opt p. I lllgn.l Uuw. Cloae. I Yes'y Wheat May b Sept. a July bJulv A Sept. b Sept. Co 1 n Feb. Jly July (lata Feb. May July Sept. pork lord Mav July May July '. . .1 II.OinOT' iKlSut-"-" 'tl!''- Sli,.aJ !"H(7'1 1 .. (iUV57 .' '4f 41Vi-4 i3Siil I I IU 61 I 111 2" 1 T M I L5 I 7 K7HI 8 UTStji 1.07 I J31 1 ' 1V Mt,l fi-y IKS' 1.0' Hlii .'si W'4ji tM j 37 I BSH' Tii 4r. 4'.! 42il .SSSii'i 103 9i tv4, 42V 3t7 11 aTij' 1 10 le 7c 1 iti 8 30 j t 35 8 11 I Km 7 9 ! 8 IS I T 9"V 0I4; I 1 -i 1C 42i I . $ (li 2:vt i..-,i 8 10 I i li JJ 8 LHy 8 25 8 tU 8 15 No I a Old. b New. ' FUM'R-Flim: winter patants, $4.V"u 10; straights. $4 0jVj; aiing patents. 4n4a!; tilghtB. 14 tWJilW: bakeis. $J.30 t sprlno. IVaatjl.tsj red, $1 Cvl.. Mr: No t vellow, 42j43Sc; No. S 1 JHKAT-.No 11 fl 3: No. 3 4MKN-NK . OATS No. J. N- RYK-No t, TBto. -fiEEDS-FleX $, No. $, B4o. ahite, 44 I1.12;- No; Jnorth- 4J)'4)ci July. 4Sc;; cofh. No. 2 mixed. ii(aUc; No. 2 white, 45Q46c; No. 3, 44a44Vtc- OATS No. 2 white, 42'S43c; No. 2 mixed, 4to41c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $9.o0'gli).00; ch l;e prairie, $7.25(rr7.BO. RYE No. 2, iBtfirac:- 1 v ' ..'. HITTTEK Creamery, 21fj23c; dairy, fun-y. ISc. ....... ' EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cae returned, lilc; new No. 2, whltewood case Included, 1(C. Receipt Wheat, bu.. lu.Sno Corn, bu 5ns Oats, bu ; 1S.C00 .. JOrt'e lOH' T94, 48.700 .' nH "H2V4 :-ff.opo ; m tlt 4.U I'lU at . Rock isianaTcpv.-'-;. e, ' 21 do pf? ..5 . 0M 8tL. A f. M Pf3.. ,4oo . ,41V4j St.- Louie 8. W... : dp pM 1 ..:..' V 200 finutbefn Paclftc 11.K00 Southern Railway ... 1.7on do pfd sr. 1. 1,000 Texas. pacific T.i St.-T,. Sf-W...'. 100 lft 4nfd...-..j.-i.,..-.2t. ..18.000 .. 1,000 30'. K 1! 79 V,., 2;"4 J4H 744 87 39-14 'bc,-' JOi rovt 40H 'jo" 4S4 .7814,: . 244 XI . 7M4 87 ?,500- 344 '92T4 Shlrlrtien's. l;lu,4oi) 7''.Hii0 1B.000 Philadelphia Produce Market. , PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 28 BUTTER- Btendy. fair demand; extra western cream erv iti'i'rtVc; extra nearby prints. 29c. EGOS Firm, good demand; fresh -nearby. Z3o at the mark; fresh western. 23c -at the mark: fresh southwestern, 2rf'JSo:. at the mark: fresh southern. 22c at the mark. CHEESE Steady; "New York Till! creams, choice to fancy, ll(Zillv,c; fair to good, KHttlOkc -. . . , llnneeianlla. (raln Market. MINNEAPOLIS Feb. K WW I? AT Mav. $1031; July. $l.(BVt; Sentember,-92c. On track: No. 1 hard, $1.00),: No. 1 northern. $1034.: No. 2 northern, $1.007; No. 1 north ern 971V. 1 ' ' FLOt'R First patents.- $.1.40175.80: ' second patents, $f.25f. 35: flest clenre, t4.0U34.1O; second cleara. $!.Vff5.75. BIUN-lh iulk, $16.0W18.2B. l.ourt , 100 .31 900 100 174 ' 40'4 4-14 19 . 17Vi 40'4 4(P4 19 on Oil. -ti 4TX) 31 31 H 2,800 . 23 .SM ' Dnlnlh CJrnln Market. .'- DI'LVTH. Feb. 7l WHEAT Tn store t No. I hard. . $1.04; No. - 1 mil tlieru, $1 02U; No. 2 northern $1. To arrive: No. 1 hard. 81.04: No. 1 northern. $1.02ti: No. 1 northern. 81: May, $1.02'; July, . $1Q2; September. 92c. " 1" 1 OATS To arrive and on track, 42V. ' Milwaukee rla Market. M1LWACKEE. Feb.' 28. WHF AT Higher; No. 1 northern. $1.00-61.06; No., 2 'northern 99cfl$l (H; July. e-tc. R Y F Steady ; No 1. Rogsic- " 1 BA RLE Y Dull ; No. 2. sOc; sample. 40fl "tb'ORN-July. ?Hc bid. ' ' Liverpool tireln Market-'' LIVERPOOL. Feb. Jfl -WHEAT-.Spot. nominal; futures unchanged; May, 6s 10d; Julv. a 10',d. CORN Spot steady; American mixed, new. 4s 34d: old. 4 6''.d Futures quiet; M ircli. 4s 3d; May. 4s 5Hd. Evaporated Apples nnd Pried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Feb 26 EVAPORATED A I PLE8 Market conttnues quiet, but hold ers are asking ful! fcrmer urloea; common are quoted at 4-fi3c; prime. 5V4C; choliH-, 5'4 J tic: f:incv, 6Sfi'7c. CALIFORNIA. DRIED FR11T9 Prunes are being steadilv absorbed, though takings are usuall;- contlned to small Iota; prices range from 3'v to 6c, acconling to grade Apricots are generally firmly held, though demand at the mi mien t Is quiet; choice are quoted at OTitilrtc; extra choice. liiv,i7f 10Ac; fancv. 12i15c. Peaches are llrm; choice are quotel at 5i4-a74c; extra Chblce, 7-t?tiV; fancy, 9.(10c. Oils an-1 Roalp. NEW YORK, Feb. 2. Ol 1.8 Cottonseed, firm; prime yellow, 3k1 y. PeiroNum. qult. Turrentlne. weak. ROSIN Weak; strained, common to good, $2.7Mn2 ho. Oil. CITY. Pa.. Feb. 28. OILS Cradlt bal aacea. $1.M; certltlcat. s. no bid; shipment, BS isU hhls. : average. 72.047 bbN. ; runs. 91.136 bl'ls.; average. V.9;6 I li a ; shipment. Ulna, t.i. TIM bbls. ; average, bi.Mi bbls. : runs, Lima, 6a. 1T7 bbls.; average. M.H78 t.bls. (Bar and Molasses. . NEW YORK. Feb. Is. SCO A R Ra w. firm; fair retinlrtg. V,fri l$-lc; centiifunal. W test, S,tra 7-lii-. Mnluwi sugar, Wd I ll-ltic. Renned. firm; No. , 4 10c; No. t. 4'c; No. K, 4c: No. 9. SiaV; No. 10. J.ic; No. 11. a.V; No. 12. S.ktic; No. 13. 3.75c; No. 14. S.7iV; cin feet loners A. 4.V'; mould A. 4.S5c: cut loaf. B 2oc; crushed. Bic; powd ered, 4.6nc; granulatud. 4.WX-; cubes. 4.75c. Tnlon Pacific do pfd Waho-Hh '. ' do pfd: .I..'..;.-..., Wheeling L. K. Wisconsin Central 1o pfd Adams Ex American Fx. . .- . . 7'nltefl States Fx. 1 W,i4Lp,.r(ro Ex... , Amal. Conner Am. Car & Foundry, do nfd; ; Am. Cotton do nfd Am. Ic do nM ,:. Am. Linseed do nfd , Am. Locomotive . do rfd An. S""elt. & Rpfng.. do nid .. Am. Suirar Renfg. Anncnnda M. Co.. Troo1ilvn Tt T Colo. Fuel Tmn. ConsnlMnted fins . Corn Products do nfd - r. Distillers' Securities... General Eleclrtc International Paper. do pfd Trt'ems'lonal Pump... . An pfd ....(..-. V7fnneI Lead VorOl A 'nelcan T'selfV M"II I'eople's .-Gad p-. Steel Car do pfd ......; Tnllm"i ta1ace Car..-.. RniiMle BteM :. .. ( Pfd Untitle" Goods ;:.... ' do pfd Trr r-ooi A Iron. C1 S T -sther '. do p'd IT. fl realty, rte r'd '. C. 8. Pnbber V 4 'el , do rfd '. . . . -vt'eiitlrehoM.j. Flectrle M'niTn Clon .. Northern Rcnrltes Tojtal sale for the day. I01.(V shares ion Wai .. 9.800 00 oon 100 .. i Ooft .. coo (Wl 800 4il4 nn 1T.14 SOU 18H 1IT1 4i:-, aov, 1:14 fit 3i; lein; 174 '"814 158 644 74'4 KiiVi 113. 154 . 2!4 3T, 81 H 14 182 USSVa 173- , D 19 . 7" 15 524 2204 IS6V4 2114 IMH4 65'4 224 614j 71 78J4 l'S IS 33 KVH 31 niH 14.1 S3'4 114'4 58 M 118 87t4 J4 34 113 55'4 81 1974 lfNi 59 3! 75 HU 20V4' CO 41 nv4 , 9 43U 1H ,78 2"1 14 3"A 73 87 17U 14 ' 17'fc 39 T"(' 185 100 Km 4I-.-V, 11 H r.7". 7 301 WO' 79 1"" Rt , ,8 ... Foselaxn.. Financial. . LONDON, Feb. '2(I.--Mindy was In good demand in the mnrket Itodny Hnd was more plentiful. Foreigners were erratic. War Idsues were firmer. Argentine rails were dull. Hosarlos were- tcc4k, owing to the l.rt vailing- strike and fca the report that trootia -had heMi "cHrl inrt. The amount of bullion' taken-lntil; tM Hank of England on ivii.-incp-today was i-0,iio. RERLIN, Feb. 26. Excliunge on London, 20ni 4'.o!Prgs for cherns. lilscount fates. short bills. 1U per cent, ' three -months" bills. 3'4 per cent. Huslness was quiet on the I'.nurse. ,..'.. 1 1 I'Aitia, ppn. jn. 1 no lone 01 ine nourse at the otienlntf totlliv Was Indeclalve and .then .prices strengthened and continued to mnvr prrongiy upwiiio. j I ne rina? ainraa wen firm. If-.teTnatlonnls Improved, par ticularly French and Spanish securities. Russian imnerfal .-4s 'closed at 94-.95. All lnd-jstrlals hnd nn upward tendency. Rio Tin ton gained 13f. Three per cent rentes, ft'if '.-Oc for tho account. Exchange on Lon don, 25f 16c for checks. , . - .. " Hank Clearings. flMAIIA. Feb. 2. Bank for to day were $1.2M.428.75, a decrease of $214, 4S5.45 from the corresponding day lust year. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. b. Feb Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. I. .. 2.... 8..., 4... 8... 6.... 7..., 8... ... 10.. II. . a3.. U . 14.. l.i. . 16. Feb 17... Feb.' 18... Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb Feb. Feb. Feb. 19.. :: 23 . 24.. 25.. 26.. 4 72Vh I 6 83 S 22 4 671 I 611 I 64 4 ;t C 2 I 6 2i 4 Wl i 64 3 6J 4 Mt 70, 5 l ' I 4 62i 3 69, 7.1 I il 4 HI 4 76 4 Ufc t 3u, 6 U4, 6 31 j 3 h 4 W 4 88 8 5 i i 21 6 281 s I- 4 6. 4 701 S VA 4 68; $ lki 1 73 4 i.v i tja 1 3 11 5 m 4 84 S 70 8 71 I 4 8ui 3 ill 3 76 5 32 3 Uoi 5 30 4 79 6 M 6 11 6 761 6 IU 74 6 U3j 6 7l i 6 7jji 6 UUi 6 70 6 ul 5 01 I s 721 t U4 4 laj'.i, 6 Iw, 11 u U 4 3 G I 41 U 6 30 4 10, i -. 1 1 o kl. 6 b 7.-' 1 ' & 03 1 6 72 6 27 4 831 t 681 i 02 1 7 Ml S 78! 14 ibl 3 5f 5 0i 6 97, 5 7S B 22 6 1., 6 tJ 5 841 t 23 4 83i V 243, KA. a b. J Ml 4 6 V8 5 8S 6 32 5 274 I 5 !tfii 6 29i 5 221 6 2 I 5 3: 5 l.e.-j, 6 nil 6 :i6i 6 31! S 81 j 5 93 6 37 I 6 91 1 5 88 6 331 3 73 $ 71 I 81 4 74 4 6:1 4 69 4 0.1 4 4 65 3 5o 3 47 i 65 3 S3 3 ka $ 89 i M 3 87 8 91 3 98 3 hi 3 3 81 3 79 4) Utj 3 1 I 3 81 Indicates Sunday. Tho olbclul number of cars of stock oruught 111 by t-uch road was Cattle. C M. & St. P. Ry .. Wabash 2 Mo. Pacific Ry 2 I'nlon I'uc. System.. 5 C. A N. W. Ry 10 V., E. & M. V. R. R.. 20 Hogs. Sh'p.H'ses. li CotTre Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 16 COFFER The market fijr futures opened steady at an advance of 1'(l-0 points Bales were) 66.0ai bags. Including; Marc . 5 5jeS -V; Anrll. I-MV; Uay,. aoii5 9"c: July, aVi6 2tr: Sep tember, 6 SiVnai . ,- (ja.-( t o6 Sue; i ceaulerr 4..4i.6io, No. 7 Rio, "o, . . , ., 900 - 87 S7H !00 19'4 1 1 IWI ion "Kio tfln .15.100 100 S0 ''49 157 1fti, 81 157 0 ! is pi 11U Tl 71 K 1i "1 VTS ?T fS, ;os 7 ! 11 in. ro: "4j ' 1 I 7 '. 10U T.n 97 . BOSTON, Feb. 25 WOOI. The market for pulled wools Is -llrm,-with moderate of ferings.. Foreign wools are' quiet. Current (notations: Idaho. ftne('ltvr10c; heavy tine-. l.t-fillo; tine medium. lffrlfiUc; medium, 10 (fil7c; low medium. lvflfrMc. Wyoming, tine, 151116c; heavy tine. l,1i.4;-line medium. ltU 17c; medium. i8Wi9c:"iiiw mea um. lutr-tio. LTt.ih and Nevada, tine.. 16c: heavy fine. 13fil4ci tine medium. j6Vol7c;. medium, IS rirWc: low twdlum,- 19& J0e, . Dakota, fine. 15 folHc- fine medium. 164.17c: medium. 1 1-ii 1 9 : low mediaro. Wt20c. Montana, fine choice, 1920c: fine medium choice .iWa-Jo". -aver age. Iffil9c; staple, ..laVu'Jyc; medium choice, wnaio 1 1 - . 1 The -Commercial Bulletin will day tomor- row!. There has beerl a more' active mar ket with several b)g transactions In Mon tana., .staple and .Orturon woola at,, full prfcea. ,Leuilln(S. hiiira,,hae been on the et. which, nowever. is gefierany C, St. P., M. & O.... 10 . r M. Jty 6 C, M. & y. Ry C, R. 1. & P., eaat.. .. C R. I. & P., west.. 2 Illinois Central 1 Chicago G. W 2 Total receipt 52 2 1 23 1 26 20 28 2 . 7 4 a 143 14 The disposition of the day's receipt waa number of head indicated: Cattle. Hoars. Sheen omani i-acaing uo Swift and Company cuuany backing Co Armour & Co Armour & Co., S. City.. ansant Bt Co Carey & Ren ton Lobman & Co McCreary & Clark Hill & Son - Lewis & , ,1'nnerwood.... II. F. H(.. ion I F. 11 Sol Defaiio Root 1. Jiaggerty ,. utner Duyera 1.549 876 2.134 902 528 2,533 971 8M 2.5(4 4,9 .... 1.2: 39 12 27 .... .... 7 .... ' .... 82 .... .... 18 4 24 8 ' .... .... 28 .... ' 1 .... .... 207 295 of the mark ttufef. as the large transaction's were,, quietly closed by one or, two houses. ' Prices are tiracnlcaliy he-same as last week, the tone being firm, but higher values not easily obtained, ever) for one-ijunrter titoou, wtn;n - isij,Bcerce ana wanted. For t)"t ttr.-iflt 'I5c- Is' st(ll the outside price. wWi rdt' sales at 2r.if?.3iAc. Montana staple fine and medium sold at 19c' Foreign TnarketeJiold firm -end are rot "Mich disturbed hyHhe-war and possl ble. European corrfplRtlhs.' poetop buyers have been, lihanle to Till, orders tit London at-Private sale on the basis 'of last auction prices. The shipment irum llostort.trt date Totals 1,685 10.019 1707 run of CATTLE There waa a moderate cattle here even for a Friday, out It waa evident from the way packers acted that there were -enough under ejclstlna condi tions. They have been complaining all the week about another shortage In refrigerator cars and claim that If they could have moved their meat products the docllna ,ln price thle week- would not hate 'been so great. The beer steer market could not be quoted any more than generally steady -with yea. terday. There was no snap or vim to the trade. Buyers went around and picked up from Decernher 31, H8,.bre 37.731,131 pounds, I what they wanted at steady prices and Pr fl am I nttf aV',5tf9 M3 pounds Bt the kame time I haps Something light good would have sold l',at ! Th. Mi- riT. to n,la n VI . a lit n hlcrtir 1 Iti lha rnnlrarv , V, a 9S,844 ilollnds. nolnat '2-.730.271 pounds for t Vi - afimt nrflftfl. ftttt tift r ST. j.OI'IS. Feb. 26 WOOT-Steadv: me dium trades combing and clothing CvIl'V: lldht. fine. ir.f, 1.7V; heavy, .fine,. 12ei4H'l-tub V uwiieo, -vie ov-gu. (,.- Metal Market." NEW YORK. Feb. III. METALS Tin was rather iTeeutnr' anrot, simt advsnc- Ing Is fid and future" I d, both portions c'oslng at 1"3 ie. i; tin was easy, ('using lit $27. 78W8.V2'4)?- ' Copper clood tin- changed at .i7 ,s fid tor spot In London. but Advanced 6s for futures, which closed at 55 17s d. I.peelly cot, per was onlet prd unchanged. Lak' ls.,mioted. at 81 ..50 T's.7K electrolytlo unit vastlng at $1?.87U; (SM.KM- Lead .was oricjianred at-$4 50ffji 4 wl loeallv snd et GH .i5s In uinilon. Soel- ter advanced slightly In the New York market, closing it $510 m.lS,-. nnd firm at th- advance. The Imdon market also ruled a little firmer, snot advanclpar !s 6d to C"2. Iron . closed . at -51 s M In O'asgnw and t 4Ih 6d In' MloM"sborotjrh.. Ixicslly iron was unchnnfed. sn,..i ronndrv north- em Is ouoted P SIl.TKffn IS: No. I foundry oefne,.--t 811 ?5i?711 75; No. foundry aooO.- ern snd No. 1 foundry southern soft at $13.25 Si" -6. ST IIH. le-V, T JIT M.RT A T.8 I 4. easier at $4.s:HWl-;.;peii sa M at.. .. 79.. 7.. at . 4.. 71.. 1. , 7H . 'I . 85. . 27. . TV. 7., M., in.. 14.. . . 7.. r . 70. e., ft IM 78. :a. !- Tl! nn. 71.. ., M.. m. , 72. , . 7r... 7.. l SH.. 7. , SO Sloaton 8lnrk O notations. priPTDN. eb.. M loans, Slr". per i inn ini pentr time lcare. 4" rr rnt. n4 l.'t-ai Atrhlaon 4-J. 4s,... An 4a Mai. Central 4a... Atrhlann 4o pfd . . . . Pnatnn A Alhanr... HuatoA A Ualna Rnalikn Clavatad KUi-tlburat pt4 .'.... Mas Central N Y N H A H Para Marquelta . . . Amrr. ArKo. ('hem..- An rt( Aaaar; Pneu -Tut Aanar. Slsar ..: do pfd A mar T A T Amer. Wnolan n pM Pemtnton I. A 8 ... F.dtawi tetaa. Ilium. Oanoral a:ia,'trtr ... Ma4 Flocti-lt So pfd Vaaa Oaa I n tad fruit I Kltrd -Rhu Mach.. in pfi V Siral An pfi ., Bid. "Asked. . 87 ..Waatlng. common . 91 ' Alvaniurs ' . (A Allouea . 4H Amalgamatad . ant n,er. Zinc S4f. Atlantic . BtngUam .137 Cal. 41a. la . rrniennial ., ai4j Cppar Ranga'.... .181 Paly Waat . T !om!nioa Coal ... . U Franklin . 74 tOraser . It lat R-nrala . 111S Mas. Mlolng .1:3 VllihlgaD .lli Mohawk . Mont. C. Jk C . 4 Old DomlUoa .... . aa Oareola tw I'arrot .lf7 Qulncr . 17i Shannon . ttlaj Tamarack . m Trlnlir . M IC d. Mining .. 4M4 'I' Oil..- ,. fat. ftl . in la : Victoria , 65 -Wtuons . 77 . I 4 . 4(1 S . 7" . 7 . 10 4t0 . 1!4 . " . it . t . 4 .. 7 . H ,. -4S ,. J4V4 .. 14 .. 44 . f4j .. Kl :: .J .. 4H .. .. V .. t .. .. Iter.qulet at $4.80. Cotton Snrket. ' LTVF.RPoOL, Feb.. 21 -Cdf-fON-Mod-erate builness was , iWnp In the. snot me- kt: p'lces nolnts lgllee American mlrl- d'tng faie,.T.8d: good ,"ilddl!"r 7.Kd: mid- ding. 7.n-.ow mld(lllna'. 7 64d: good or. dlnnry, 7.4ld: ordinary. 7.2fd. Pales 000 bales, nf which f"f w-rf foe speculation nd enoef aiil Incltuled 6 Ann A"rlcii. RecelMS 3 000 hairs, ito Amelcan. Futtireaj nofinnj nd closed steady; A-Trrlon mid. dllng g. o. c. Februarv. 7.WM Fehrunfv end March 7.49d- Mareh -and Anrll. 7 49d Arrrll pnd Mav. 7 in- ,Mv and June. ".KOd: .Tiiea. snd July.. 7 4di- .Tu'v -and Aurnst, 7.46d: August snd r,'mlr, 7d: Ben- r.mber snd October. .54d; October and -o.'a.rprr a vtri PT. I.OI-TS. Feb, 2V -COTTON Market oilier- mlni'ing. isc; a'vtes. none; reeeint M bnles; shipments. 221 bales; stock, 19,083 bales.- t a little higher. On the, contrary the com mon kinds were alow and certainly no more man steady wun yesterday, tor thu week the market Is generally a quarter lower The bent heavy cattle, or those good enough to tiring mini up, are not to exceed a dime or 15c lower for the week. The com man and warmed-up kinds, though, are a pig quarter lower, some salesmen quoting ales aa muoh aa 35c lower. The cow market was also generally steady yeeterday. There were not many on sale, so that a good clearance was made at a reasonably early hour. Cows are also gen erally a quarter lower for the week. Good stuff, has shown the least decline and Is perhaiis not quite tha much lower. , nuns, veai raives kiia aiugs were nil about steady today, but are lower for the week, the same as cows and steers. There was not much doing In stockers and feeders this morning the name as usual on a Friday. The few that arrived, though, sold at rlgnt around steady prices, For the week the market can safely he quoted steady to strong. Cattle of good quality that have not Deen red on corn in noma cases have sold a little higher. aHepresenta- tlve sales; BEEF STEERS. No. A 1 40 1 M0 1, 470 l aiu 1 410 9. tit .. 7S5 1 700 ;..1IMI 1 ..MM !.....; tWl SHI 1 110 t. Us 111? I a 4...- af.0 !... ;n 7 97 IM ( .-..llil 4 H't ll ......107a I ions 10 10TS ,1 ,.,.,..113 4 U!7 Pr. No. A. Pi. 1 00 ' ,...1141 0 I 00 1 140 I f 0 t 00 t 1170 I 00 t 00 1 S0 I 5 t 00 t Wi IU I U II m I 75 I til 14 '. 1170 I SO t 60 III.., 111! SO t Ih 4 .KNII I 10 I 75 1 )SM I flO I 00 1 1144 I M no 1 11.10 I KS t M 1 1111 I Wl t in l lito as I 10 40 mg I ao t n to , s to l it i l!t l i S 25 10 1171 I 25 ; 1274 4 00 40 tt 127A 4 10 40 I lift 4 10 I M 4 1447 4 10 1 SO I ,..12X0 4 IS I 40 M 14"! 4 M t to l 1:10 4 an I to - 1 mo 4 to i 40 it i:os 4 to PepHn frloi Market. RFORI, fell, ? (yiBN-Flrm; No. 41c; No I, SyjZBc;x So. 4, old, 4Ec. I . U.. 11. STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... 1195 i 40 1241 ....12M 4 00 STEERS AND COWS. .... 55 I 40 ' 12M .... r.n t f s STEERS AND STAGS. ....litl I 46 COWS. 4 U t to HEAL F.STATK THANSKKRs. Kerr York Mlolas tgnetatlons. NEW YORK, Feb. 2. The following are the cloalng quotations on miring stocks: Adama Con Altca Draca Hruitawlck Coa ... Comalnck l',n. Cal. Va Hnrn Sllvrr Iron 6llvrr LaaIIU Co,l . 10 .. 17 . 11 . . f ltf IIS .150 . i 1.111 la I'hlof . Ontario (iphlr I I'honli Potual Aavaga email Hopaa Mandard .. 1 .444 ..4.0 ... 7 ... 14 ..4,1 .. 10 ..ZM As;iessment paid. Kew York Moaep- Market. NEW YORK. Feh 26, MONEY On call, easy; highest. $ per cent; loweet. 1 per cent; ruling rates. 1. per cent; last loan, I per cent; closing hid. 1 tier ceet; ottered at er cent. Time loans. Firmly; nlxtv days, s 3Vt per cent; ninety days, S'ti 34 per rnt; s' months 3-i4 per cent I'RIME MERCANTILE I'AFER-4,C3V, per cent. . . STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, after Weakne. with actual business In bankers' bills at 4 V,4r.4 bS5 for demand and at $a.44&',pi.fc55 lur sixty day bills; pusUal Deeds filed for record Fclirimry , aa risheil hv the. Mldlsnd Guarantee Trust company, loaded abstracter, Farmvm street, for The Hee; Edward R. Renwm td John S. Bchulti. pirt of lots L'lT and 121. Nelson's ..$ HTrtet.A.- Payne to W'HHam F. Negele. lot 13 and part of lot 12, " replat Of block 10. Bemla park James L. Chrlstoffersori and wife to Cnarlle Oerlcke, part of iw of 8c. &-16-9 C.'G. Fisher and wife tr Omaha Safe 11, -posit and Trust company, part of Pventh street adjoining lot 6, block 1; Omaha, on the west William I're and wife to James W. F.I wood, part of lot lot. Glse's add.. Sheriff to the Cohservatlve Savings snd Loan association, lot 6, block I. V), South Omaha Thomas C. Jefferles and wife to Anna M JefTerles, executrix, lots 4, 7. 14 and 17 to 22, block 2. and other prop ertw all 1n JefTPlel replat Slierlff to Nona Rildwdn. part of lota 6 and . block 54d. fmaha Insurance Company of North America to Hellen H Alderson. part of jot T. bbark 5. Orchard Hill Eva W. Schulti and husband to Ears. W.' Fields, lot 21, block 3, Smilh-fl-ld , Tha I'nlted Real Estate and Trust company to Edgar W. T.amoraux. pirt of lot 12, block 14. Kountze Flace , Edwin Pierce add wife to same lot II. block 14. Kountre Place . Samuel Thomsa and wife to Charles J. Kelrle. lot 4. block 3. Florence.. E Murray Hill and wlfe'tp Charles J Kelrle, lots !, (. and T, block 44. Tlre-opci".'. ;...-.( Valtee K. KerWr ind wife to C. Kelrle lot 4. block 42. Florence ... George V Harvey and wife to Addle E. . Kendall, lot. I block 103. and oiher prnnertr In Dundee Plsce Addle E. Kendall to Jerry E Ham 111904, eeiae pa-ererty-4)-beve..r.. J. fur- pnd 1614 1.0U0 1.3U0 3,100 1,500 960 8,000 S.Tu0 1.2U0 600 4.500 750 j 1,05 50 1 1 I too 1 75 10 toat f as 1 , 70 1 75 1 1074 t 70 ' 74 t 15 ft '.. 1050 I 70 I 1045 1 00 I lilt I 70 1 0 t 00 10 1150 t 75 ' t 0 1 0 1 7Hg I 78 I 70 1 00 10 27 I to Hi 0 1U It )155 $ 10 1 -; 7o f 15 t iom t as H 75 t to 4 inr, 1 as a tTH t J5 1 1,124 t HO 7 tl I t 1 1"7 M I 1026 I 24 10 1001 t 0 4 175 I fl II 1147 f tl 1 lMO W t 04 to 1 MO M It lout f M 1 w 1 40 1 1150 1 an tH I 40 i 112a I on J 1140 40 ?t 1074 I 00 If 0 I 50 It 1IW I 10 4 Ul IM 1 14al I 10 640 I 50 T nil a 10 lost t It t Ittt I 10 II H 1 55 4 1I0 I 15 ( t 5.5 It 1....H1KI I 1 T .....llo t 40 22 K74 t u 7 1, I 0 IS Illl I 25 4 J 40 t 12' I 25 .1 a40 I n 4 1015 I 40 HEIFERS. I 5l I 00 7 M7 I 00 I 871 t 40 1 .700 I on 17 44 I 0 70 I 15 4 t 75 12 li I 15 5 rtt I 40 4 70 t 10 ISM I 00. 1 KO I 54 ( 700 00 BULLS. 1 170 t on 1 1440 t S 1 II 1,1 S 10 1 If 20 I 45 1 12 I 24 1 IMH t J paw 111 1 1110 2 4(1 1 14M I S 1 1710 I M t 1570 I 40 $ K70 J 40 l... 1110 I 0 I , I '.50 1 I lStfl t 0 1 1720 I Ml 1 1440 I 40 1 1240 I 04 1 14211 t 40 1 l."0 I 14 1 14) t 40 1 10 I 10 t MtJO t 40 1 16,1 I 10 t .Ii"l t 40 1 170 I 14 1 1SH) I St 1 1740 t in 1 1518 I 70 1 14,1 I 25 1 14W1 t 74 I I'0 I 25 1 i:i0 1 15 1 14-4 I 40 1 14o0 75 CALVES. I... 111 m 1 14" 4 7t 1 I 101 4 u I ii -i i o a " UM III $. l-i 1 it) m .151 .157 . .14 , .171 , 2-H Jl7 .1S ..1S . . 1 15 ..,! ..lot ..Kt . !'H . J "0 ..2l . U .tr-S . .rni 221 !'. . .?na ..221 . 224 . 52S . .2SH . .tn ..,'! . to ..til . .212 . SOB . 2?o .22 . 2,'4 ..:i ..214 ..2I7 . S4 . .2"0 .210 . ,2'H . :?t .224 ..IiiO .221 . .IM .225 ..232 . .11 .214 . .2.17 . 2r,2 .212 . .230 244 Sh. fr ... 4 M 24" 127. 24 . 47 . 2 . M . 1 . 70.. 45 . 74 . 73.. A. . 245 ,227 . HO .215 . 2?I f.-5 . .1.14 . 12 .-.214 . SO . 254 . wa .144 . 247 . 217 .248 . 2r. 221 1 I2S . 2.11 ..m . .2.11 .251 ..254 . .250 ..241 . .270 . .240 . .25 . .255 .249 . . 2r.5 .214 . 24a . 20 SV 2?!l 254 2.-.0 .; 2r. JH4 ,2n .274 .275 rva .247 .III .22 It 2H3 .844 ..129 J'.a .188 120 110 140 80 an 1:0 80 ii o 80 iii 40 40 160 rr 5 40 5 40 5 40 t 40 8 40 8 40 4n 8 40 4 4,1 5 40 40 I 411 8 40 5 40 8 40 6 4 II 47', t ft, 1 4214 421 6 4:14 5 4214 421, 5 421, 5 4214 t 45 8 48 I 48 J45 48 I 48 It 45 5 45 45 8 48 8 45 5 50 5 50 II 50 ft M 8 50 5 50 t to t 50 I 50 ft 524 ft r.-.-i, r, r.s b 55 ft 58 t M ft 57 H ft 57ia ft tn ft 40 SHKKI- ft nn ... I on ... B to . . ft 20 S2n 1 224; 40 ft 24 ... ft 25 10 ft 25 . . ft 25 ... ft 80 40 t to aa . . 40 ft to 70... ... ft to 7i . . . ... ft to 75 .. ... ft 124 85... 0 ft 321, 71. .. ... ft J21, 81... ... ft 40... ... ft 321, 70 .. ... ft S21, 74... ... ft S5 74 . . ... ft 55 44... ... 8 35 U . . 40 ft 15 "4 . . ... 35 71... ... ft 35 59 . . ... ft 18 72 .. ft 3R 55 . . . 80 ft Sft 70... 40 8 15 20... 0 ft SS 81 . . . to 8 .15 to... 80 ft .15 70. . . ... 8 371, 72 .. 120 5 ITIH . . . ... ft 17', 54 .. ... ft 17 H 52 .. ... ft 371, 04... 40 ft 17', 42... ... ft 37', ST.... ... 5 37H Cft... ... ft "74 fl... ... 5 3714 73. . . ... ft 37, ... ... 8 374 3. . . 120 ft 40 2a. .. 80 6 40 41... ... 8 40 45... 80 5 40 ! . . . 40 ft 40 47... ... ft 40 II... ... ft 40 (15 . . . 40 8 40 84... ... 8 40 46... . . 5 40 There was a small run of sheep and lambs here this morning, and benldcs that the quality was rather Inferior. Pack ers, though, took hold In fairly good shape and the market ruled active and generally steady with yesterday. Trains were rather slow In arriving, which delayed the market to quite nn -xtent. For the week the market does not show much change from the close of lust week on the desirable grades. Common kinds may be a trltle lower, but not much. As compared with Monday all the best grades are around 15fi25e lower, but the cholceat grades are not over H'iilGc lower. The demand Is fairly good, particularly lor the better grades. Feeders have been In rmall supply nil the week , and very little change In ruling prices have been observed. Quotitlons for cornfed stock: Choice western lambs. fijO'iiliJS; fair to godo lnmbs, $.i.iw,r Ri: pood to choice Mex ican yearlings. 5 .OOffifi 25 : good to ehole western yearlings. V7r.iii'i.o0; fnlr to rood yearlings. $4.2uff4 fi6: good to choice weth. ers. 14.firvft4.25: fnlr to arood wethers. $3.75fi 4.00; good to choice ewes. I3.RW4 15: fair to good ewes. Rt nf3.n: cnoiee teener lamrs $4.2.MW6 00; fair to good. $3.nflfN 00; f-eer yearlings. $3.75fN 2S: feeder wethers. $1 75-2? , nr.. . J iq -( . 1 nr. ..II.. ai . Tf) nn a yni, iwurr cwen, a. ;a"u-. i;i. (.ia.w Representative salss: No 113 western ewes 27 western yearling ewes 2o0 western yearlings .... 215 western, lambs 125 western lambs 61 weetern ewes II weetern ewes 81 western lambs 19 western. Itunbs ......... 2.H western lambs 60-western ewea liH weetern ewes 839 western ewes 2f5 western Iambs 228 Western yearlings .... CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Market Active to Strong-, While Hon and Sheep Rule Higher. CHICAGO, Feb. 2S CATTLE Receipts. 3.0U0 head; market active und strong; good to prime steers, $4.9iKi)5.7&; poor to medium. $3.fw'fl4.H0; stockers and feeders, $2.kKH 1.21', cows, $liorn4.ou; heifers, $2.u0'ul.!0; caiuiers $1.504i2.4O: bulls, $2.nudi4.00: calves, $3 .&O((i'7.0u, atci-rM .' 34 Iiirti4.8(). lUKiS Receipts, 33,taxi head; estlmatec tomorrow. 25,iaa; market strong to 6c up: mixed and butchers, $5.35"'i5.75; good to choice heavy. $5.7Kti5.'4; rough heavy. $.4'Wi 5.ti5: light, ti.261i6.55: bulk of s ilen, fa.inii J. BHEKH A N l .A M HS Receipts, 8,iM head; market strong to loo higher; good K choice wethers, $4. 25ft 4.60; f"'r to choice mixed $3 U44 4.2i: western sheep. 4.2T,'a Ait. native iambs, $t.5X(6.0o; webtern lambs, $4.3ui4.75. Receipts. Shipments. T.72C rt.231 38.4S3 V.rtWl 14,236 a.5uti Av. Pr. .. 88 4 00 .. 7S 4 25. .. 91 4 70 .. 85 4 S6 ..77 6 25 ..97 $60 .. 103' 3 76 .. 69 4 75 .. 83 4 S5 .. 76 4 K5 .. 105 2 59 .. 110 8 61 .. 95 -8 K24 .. 72 4 90 .. b 4 90 OMH4 WHOLF.t4l.rl JHI1KKT. 3c; new per lb.. Condition of Trade and Qnotntlnns on Staple nnd I'nncy t'roduce. EGGS-Recelpts. more liberal; m.irkst Weaker; fi t sli stock, IK". L1VF. I "Ol 1.T1IV llena. 9'o; spring- chickens, 9i94,c; old rnostcrs, w, tuiKes, toil 14, , IIUCKS, V'tc: ijeese, UKKttSKU i'tiULTKl -Turkeys. lfitll,c; ducks. lUil2c: ceese. loc chickens. loi,illc. HI TTKK - l'acklng stuck. 13c: cho,-e to fancy dairy rolls. ITiMle; sip.irator, ilc. FKESII FISH Trout. '.iWiiUv. pickerel, 0U4 l6c; pike, 9c; perch, tiiivo. blm-lish, 1-c; whlt.tiah. S(u9c; salmon, lie; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; reilsnapper, 11c; lobsiers. boll.-d, per Ih., 3iY; lobsters, airt-:i. p r lb., 3uc; t'Ullhe;ids, lie; catfish, 13T ' ; chick Pass. 20c; halibut, lCc; crnppls, 12o; hcirlng. 4i,oj While bass. 14c: bluertiis, 8c; sm. Its. liJllc. OYSTERS New York t'ouiits. ner can. 43c; per gal., J2.W; extra select, per can. Sir; per gui., $1.M'; standard. ier cao, 8ic; per gal., j,.... HKAN Per ton. $15 50. HAY' l'nccs ouoted hv Omsha Wholesale rvulcrs' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $ii50; No. 2. Jti.ia.; medium. 15.50; course, $5.00; rye straw, $5 on. These pr',es 1 re foi hay of good olor and lunllty. I'emand fall ami receipts light. Vi.Gi: TAliLES. POTATOES 1 oloniilo,; liukota, per blL, ll.iai, IlllliVlS. .Noc. HWKKT l'OTATOKS Muscatine, icr bid., W 60. NAVY REANS I'er bu., $2 $5. CEtERY Luige Ciilli'oriil.i, tOc, Too and $oc. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $1.90; Colo- nun yenow anu rea. per in., i'je. v j n iiAii r. isconwla ll.jlluiid. Culiioriila, 3c. I' 1 RNI I '8 Canada rutabagas. 1 ; w tine, per bu., Uoc. CARROTS- I'er bu., $1.00. FA KSNll'S I'er Pu . tiOc. liEE I S I'er bu., 6"c. CAl'LlFLovVER Caiiforiila, per cratt), $2.16. Cl'Cl'MRERS Per doz.. $1 2r,(ff1.r4). i'oMATOES Florida, pur 6-basket crates, $4.5i"ii5.Wl. R A 1 il SI I KP Fer del. iur. -hr-. ST.. LETTUCE H E A DS Per iio. bunches. 90a titl.Oii; er bbi., $7.00; leaf lettuce, per do, bunches, 4.' Tt" UN IPS Southern, per do:, 75c. PEETS-Southern. ier dog., 7.',c. CARROTS Southern. ier ,los.. 7'-C. I'ARSLEY-Southern. per do7... $1.00. FRUITS. APl'I.ES-CallfornI 1 Uellfiowers, per box, $1.76; New Y'ork export Gi eenlni,s, P.usseta and Iliildwlns, $4.(K. CKANRERRIEH-Jersey, per bbl., $7 00; I c- liox, $2 511; Wisconsin Hell tad Bugle, J7nn; Hell and Cherry, til.CP GRAPES Imported Malagas, pir $7.00. STR A WRERRIES Florida, per n., TRlil'K'AI. l. ltl lTS. ORANGES Navels, all sizes, clioico, ..J; taitcy, nil sizes, .- 2u;uJ.u0. LEMONS California, fancv. 300 to 13 60; choice, 240 to 270 antes, $3.0irii3.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, Imported Smyrna, S-crovni, loc; 7-crown, 18c. H ANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $2,0042.50; Jumbos, $2.76iS.25. COCOANUTS-Per sack, $4 OC; r' do- COc. PATES Persian, per box of 30 pkfcs., 1200; per lb.. In 60-Ib. boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box. $2.40. MlSCELi-ANlujUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wikconslii Young Aiuerlcas, 13c; bluest bwlss, lto; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiacoumu ilmburser, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3.00; Utah and' Colorado, ir 24 frames, $3. MAPLE fcil'tlA R Ohio, per lb., 10c. CIDER Pit bbl.. $'... So; par H bbl., $3.25. HOP.SFUADISH Per ase of i doi., packed. Hoc. HI LES No. J green, 6c; No. 2 green, 5c: Co. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted 6c: No. 1 .eal calf, 8 to !3 lbs., KV,c; No. 2 veul calf, 12 to 15 lbs., fiiic; dry salted hides, 8'tt12e; tlieeti pelts, 25'a'75c: horse hides, $1.60tct2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft xhell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Uracils, per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., 11c; iiltnonds. soft-shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per !!., 12c; small per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., He; roasted peanuts, per lb., He; Chill wal nuts, 12il37c; large hickory nuts. pr bu., 1 60; stiell barks, bu., $2.00; biaok wal nuts, per bu., $1.25. Toledo Seel Murket. TOLEDO, Feb. 2fi. SF.E1P Clover, cash, February and March. $7.00; April. $H.90; prime alslke, $6.30; prime timothy, $1.45. Keg, 60c. $2.15 300, S5o: 6-ciown, Olticlal yesterday: Cattle Hogs Sheep Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.5u0 head. Including; 60 southerns; market steady to strong; export and dressed lieef steers, $4.5c4io.l5: fair to good. $3.504.40; western fed steers, $3.5mjl.5o; stockers and fteder. $3.Ut (ii4.25; soul hern steers, $3.2Mt4.00; southern ws. $2,257(3.15: native cows, $ ii3.75; native hi Ifers, J3.2ui( 4.25: bulls, $2.5nCr(ii.60; calves, $3.5i'6.26. HCXJ3 Receipts, 10,t)0 head ; market opened 5c higher, but closed lower; top, $560; bulk of sales, $5,204(5.50; heavy, $5.40(i 6.60; packers, $&.3tltf6.46; pigs and lights, 14 :iiv, :m . SHEEP AND L4MRS -Receipts. 4.5.T0 head; market steady to 10c lower; native luml.a. C6.2fiih-5.86: western lambs. $6.(H'(ij.7&; fed ewes. $3.yi'u4.25; western fed yearlings. $4. (Aral. 25; stockers anu reeoers, 4.aum4.v'. It. I.ools Live Stock Market. . RT. IXH'IS. Feb. 26. CATTLE Receipts 1,200 head, Including 400 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.2rvi;fc.H'; oressea i,eei nun nuicii'-r ri-m, H A. H-V. l.i- alrers under 1 Il0 Ibi.. $3 K5M4.!t: Blockers and feeders. $2.Soi(3Hfi; cows and v,ifr 12 2:,j-4.10: canners. l2.2iVli2.aO: bulls, C26c'(j3.50; calves, H.iaift7.0o; Texas and In dian steers, ai.uuvli't.zb; cows ana neuers fl OlJlJiH 111. HOtiS Receipts, 7.000 head: market strong; pigs and lights, $4.9U6 2'): packers, 15 IMif, -,: butchers anil heavy. $5.4ku.i.7i'. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 1.000 head: market steady; native muttons. $.1.90 h4 tVi; lambs, $4.5ii3l.f"'; culls and bucks $2.25''(pl.25; stockers, J'J.MwtiS.OO. St. Joseph Live Slock Mnrket. JOSEPH. Feh. 26. CATTLE Kj- head: market strong to ioo ST celpts 5&tj Land Bargains Million! of acrei In the seml-srld Wcjt.orltll recently considered worthless, are Dow being succeasfully cultivated through Sclentiflo Agricultural Hathodi the diversification of crops, and the growing ol new g ralue and grasses, introduced by theU.S. Departmentof Agriculture and State Agricultural College experiment stations We offer such lands at low prices and on easy terms to Investors or settlers. Write for lacts, flkrurea and maps. Mention this paper. I ao4 Dcet. tolas Pacific Ballroad Co., Orsaks, Nek. S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Slocia Koom 4. N. T. Life Bids. Tel. too. Operates 16 Ottawa la This State. Established 1W7. GL0. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Members Omaha Grain l.xibange, Chicago Hoard ul' Trade i.nd ether in K. Correspondents llartlett. Flatter & Carrlrglon. 219 Board ol Trade Itlil O.-nshi. CO FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH FGOMIISSIONni) Ea rr-- INCORPORATED. -" UUl Capital and Surplus, $603,000-00. General Offices: N. Y, Life Bide., Minneapolis. 1DCCT CCDUIPC Moat reliable market lii formation. I.areat I DCI dkllllUk private wire ayalciu in America. 2 VIZ RIIRD1IITCC to execute your order if the market IfC UUAllAlllCL reachce the price whic.t you act. We chars; ISO I INTEREST for carrylne; long atocke. 3. MARGINS REQUIRED XXXtfX'SXlVfr 2 0''" 176 manorial anu state lianka; tas ttrancn Offices. 4. REFERENCES OMAHA BRANCH -1618 Firnan St., Tel. 3467. THOS. M. WAD3ICK, Cor. N. B We Issue earh wek nn exhaustive review of the markets and the most accurate forecast of future movements. 1'ree at any of ous offices.