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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1904)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: RATUHDAY. FEPRUAHY 27. 1004. special mm All t f-rt isei, .1-1.1 ..i-si vliit.iai will be lul.cii li. Ill 11 iii. fur Hie rirnlng edition unil until l. tn. (or tin- inorninu, nn.l .11 I. ) pillion. Hates, 1 l-2r n uml I nrrtlor, le a word l lir rrn I , r r. i.liiuK tnl.rn for less thim 5Mc l..r 1 In- ltrl Insei tlon. These nrnlriiij iiint Le t'DII fOIIUFPII ti 4 I'll . Ailtrrllnrri, I.4 iciiaes: m 11 nniii liprril i-In-cU, r..n linvr nn trrn ad dressed to u nnmberc-il letter In care at I'll lire. Ansviers hii etlilrrssei' rill lie ilellverpil on iirmrn atlnn ol li check nut y. Sl.1l l.l.i. ANLOl . BOYLES CULLhGK new yolk ui'i; ujiaha, AiUtllllSS, bllol tiial.d, 1 . ill-A . ICIifc, Ulllbll. LiAV A.U ..luiil, Ayw' Oi' Cu'.uloguu. B M4U1 OMAHA S.ifo i.nd Iron wolt. .uakj u spe cially ol liru vc.l..b. aiiutico, uoois uuj fettles. G. Auurttu, !"., o o. lulu si, JJ. M. llAVU,LV-i-..ui...i A.W. ;J3 B.!.c. LL.,j. I'tlV.SA (if) I ft Sll.V'.iH. iWC.w.4. . .ullilfc. U i.a.llig Co., iJ-J ;iJUij . III. i.- III. "to. Iv .ut CITY HAVINGS BANK Ia.s 4 per tent. h .jj SPEC1AI For it limited tune we will lit you Willi a ti utuhiiLi. pan' ol rpeciucei lot 5l.' Dun t ih.s ciiu.ico. I. ti. Op ticians, 318 N. loth Ml. M 730' PEHFIELD Pluno Co., Lee iildg.; Weoer. btor. y Ac CUik. Lu.lwi,'., achil.ei. R 7:7 tAGLU Loan ulllcc. l.eli ibli , iioto.nmodut lug; all bUHlm-ss com. dun. 1.11. jJui lJou:iua. K iiil UXl'UESa.MEN'S L). livi ry Co.. movhin nnd etoruge. N. ltitn. Tul. 11. lt 730 TItV THE C.ll'JAUu LAl'..liKl'. If you Uon t, w b ah i.e. Joou work, prompt utlcntlon. :ii N. lulli. Tel. !'. R-J ANTI-MONOPOLY U A It BAG E CO.. cleans cepspools, vault, removi 1 guroace, dead !lmul.i; reduced prlcer. Ul N Iti. Tel. Mj. (4li MELCHOIR, machinist. Wth & Howard. R 717 I' IT H I, I CITY DICSIG N8Wli 1ATOn1 In the Bee Bldg. It 74S We rent BtwliiR machines. 7Bo week. We if-palr at.d sill pnrts tot every machine n ttiiuf.i'tured Becond-hii nd mncl'lnes from 5 00 to flf .OO. Nehraxka Cycl" Co., Thone 1603. CornT lSth nd Hnrney. R-5o4 STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble IJfe Assurance socelv. Its iihIIcIps ere sight drafts at maturity. II. D. Nrolv, manager. Merchants'' National bunU Iildg., umaiia. Nib. R-749 I Il li I llitj cmuiiBe block, col YrVf An nd cap. ave. W a w 4 J ti J -MO CIGN palnU.ig. 6 H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-7il ALI kinds carpenter work, repairing, promptly attended to J. T. Ochiltree, loth Lake. R 370 MOVINO plcturt machines, stereontlcons. films and slides at bargain prices; mall orders filled. R C, Taylor, ROW 8. 19th st. R-M94S F3x E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling. 1119 Farnam. Tel. 353. H 152 M3 VODICKA & CO. fine tallorlnr: all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug theater bldg. Tel. 3181 R-753 Clothes pressed, altered. Yousen, Tazton hotel tailor, R 208 TRACINGS: Blue prints A working draw- .. Ings. 8acs t Co., Omaha. 'Phone m R-237 Apr22x PERFTET.D riano Co., Bee Bldg; no Inter est, honeat values, easy terms. R 737 (hirnni"wHQet relief; corns ren removed. rnam. R-740 LOCKSMITH fet " -TeiFI 309 N- R 11353 AVITTE GAS and Onsollne Engines work the-snme In cold or hot weather. Wltte iT.on YiOTkj Co" 629 w- 5tt Ht.. Kansas City. Mo. r IILsl.VtLMS CIIAXCEH. X CAN quickly sell for cash without local publicity your real estate, business o. partnership, no matter where located, bend me full particulars, price, etc. Ad dreHs Chaa. K. Powell, 19 W. Mohuwk St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Y-M.12 MarlJ CIIOLES - AKMSTRONQ CO.. business chances and exch.maea; write us, 7"! New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-7,4 TO GET in or out of buslnesa call onVVtl- llams, room 411, McCagua building. Y-M971 FOR BALE cheap, the best rooming house In the Htate. Address Lock Hox Hi3, Fre mont. Neb. Y-M374 27x TOR SALE, clean stotk of general mer chandise; liivol.-e about I4.0UO. Inquire ,w. uaiiufluii, cipringneiu, incd. Y-39T M MERCHANDISE FOR EXCHANGE One eux K in uimoet new Koods, connlNtlng of different lines of dry ko.hIs. ft rnlshlng iiii'iirrira, etc an staple up-to-date mereh;;n !is.-; no shelfworn nut-of-diite goodx: Invoiced nt about 110 . ("; Roods open sul.jeet t lnpeetlon; n". fixtures or millinery; owner needs smal amount of oash to settle Indehtodneis will consider any kind of property wltr value for balance; wi'l give good llhern If.. '" .Address A. H. Lrown. 5,) -,i Iildg., Kansas City. Mo. Y v-jw iT BT SINESS and building for sale; painter and puperhanger; I also make picture frames; my wall paper, paints and mnuld- iik" win invoice scout js'.i; building Is worth li.OiiO; the best location I know of T wont to go west. Ahlen Garwood. Mo Cool, Neb. Y M423 27 x WANTFD-A good partner; must mean butdnees and have Jl.nnO to Invest In an up-to-date Invention Just out; a snap for the right one. Address Business. Iwix 15 Tecumseh. Nf b. Y-M 128 2Rx Tor. SALE, fresh stock of groceries, shoes undearwenr snd notions; located In south west Iowa; good colleiie tewn of l.fino in habitants; lxst location; slock Invoices almut IL'OOO: good reasons for selllns- Ad dress D 59. Bee. Y-Mi'i7 29 WANTEI-A partner to t-ke half Inter est In milk business: $'.0eo will buv It; frond build'uRs; 2 acres of ground, in Ivtly town. Address D 62 0-ar-a te Y-Vn! 27 w am i:i s t i.i;sii;. WANTED Experienced alesman. with e tablluhed trade, for Netraska; state rei ereines exieilence and salary expected, tilnger Bros., St. Loln. Mo. WANTED, experier.cvii salesnan, with-es-tabllshed Mule, for N-b.-atka; state ret crencea. exiierienie ai d s.ilury extxicteiL Slr.i,-cr Unt., St. I,ou!s. Mo. 9S8 SALESMAN warted; article thnt sells to every 'earn owi:er; ewpeclslly interesting 10 uenvery ui n cxpresMing concerns; sulury or romrilnlmi o koihI men. Ad dress H. M. ft H. Co., 221 Superior st.. To ledo. O. Mtfn! 2Sx LAW AMI t Ol.L.iC TiO.S. 8 TILLMAN ft PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldj. 786 THE rew Bnow -Church Co., law collec tion, real 1. state, ut tone s. colh-clors, brokers cyiiywUre 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 123. " -786 V F. WAPl'ICIi. advice Iree. Crelirhton Blk; , 77- F"x LOST. LOST Gold watch fob; Initials 8. C. H. on charm. Return to city Heasjrer's pffiie for reward. Ixist M41S 27x XOST Wednesday afternoon, a ladies' gold wii(eh and fob; Waltham; No. 77C2MO; en graved with owner's name. Return for reward to & Coatlaental UosJl , Loet M WANTUD MALE HELP. LECTURE COURSE of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Dougias. Now In pror, s. ecr Friday Bt U o cioi k a. in. Open to the public. Tne last ti.Kt by J. L. Haley, Attorney, on "Daniel N.c-bstei; l.y ..imge t .. K. ott on 'Our Coart and ti;e Dietiieh Lup"; nnd by M. . 11 iHuL.h on Astronomy." were h gh.y culm mi. I l-istrucilv e. Tne stud nm "' te tJini.'iu contnercial Coll- ar liiKhl favi..f... It would pay you to drop 11. 01. 1- riduyt: ut 11 a. 111. Ml '- 10 11.111, :....L.-r Hade; free rallroii fire, cpoti cur l.u.aie to convince ion . tin- I.e. ri .lie j:r.Sl'. ljlkext una onl to n.,.,1, :,...L.-r Hade; free railroad -1 v r-i, ,ui. . ...ost pim il. dl burLu r college In tliln scliuii. vilie i'or catalogue to.lay. Vesteii. l.urburh' inatitute, 011. alia. NpI. 1 iTF.a ost pi m ill at barber college lit WANTKI" For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between BgtH of HI ur.d A iipply to rccrulili.n ulilcer. liith una Uods 8tH., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. IJ Mlftl WcBt n Employ't Ag y, It. 14-16. Croune blk. 13 M43J WA.NT KI-California la ttie place now la 'he time. There are good poaitiona open for men of clt-ricnl ability, professional men and mechui.icx. Write ua what ern-pln.vint-iit ou dt-Mlre and we will Bend by mall frequent lists of good optiiliigB In yjiir line. Hrglstratlon :ee, $1, to be eni with apiillcaiioii. No further charges. C IMM KitCl A lj IN FVjHMATION lU KKAlI, P. O. Ho G!i. Los Ar.gelos. California. 13 M16-M-4 WANTED Two men to work from our wngona; steady position and experience unnecHS'ary. C. F. Adams & Co., 1611 Howard st. B 760 WANTED Bright solicitors for "War Be tween itufisia ana jupan, uy wiurm niu-sti-ad; best book; big book; enormous de mand; big profits; freight paid; credit given; outfit free. The Dominion Com pany, Dept. B. Chicago. B MJ67 27x WANTED, man for road work; good prop osition; man experienced In grain uubi lie's preferred. Address D 48, Bee. B M327 YOl'NtJ MAN o er 18 to coach for Gov't Position. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, is. B M368 2x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; pre pare now for spring rush; our metnod or free work and expert Instructions saves years of apprenticeship; can nearly earn expenses; call or write. Moler I ollege, 132 Douglas st. B-M400 lx HARNESSMAKER wanted. 'Phone or call ut once. A Wolf. Logan, la. B M1 1 WANTED everywhere hustlers to tack slrns, distribute circulars, eamplen. etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B M458 27x WANTED Stenographer; one with rail road experience preferred. nemington Co.. 1619 Farnam. B M453 28x WANTED I want the name of every man In any way Interested in incubators or poultry raising. I have something for you. Write at once to M. M. Johnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center, Neb. B M454 27x FIRST-CLASS bushelmnn tailor at once; apply Mr. Vollmer, clothing department, Bennett s. B M462 28x "WANTED Men everywhere; rood pay; to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. Na tional Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M468 28x ARE YOU SATISFIED With your present posl'Jon or salary? If not. write tis tor plan ana oooKiei. we have openings for managers, secretaries, advertising; men and salesmen; also tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, high grade excluslvelv. Offices in twelve different cities. HAPGOODB (In corporated), 916 Chemical bldg., St. lunula. B WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper, or man and wile, call Canadian omce, 10m ana uoage. C Mio WANTED Girl for general housework; good cook; no washing. Mrs. Carter, 424 Burdette. C M406 27x WANTED Ladies to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; last few Jays of apeclal February offer; splendid chance now; four weeks completes; call or write at once. Moler College, 13u2 Douglas st. C M401 lx A GIRL for general housework; apply 1309 S. 32d st, C M42C 28x WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 1124 S. 31st st. C 436 28 LADIES with taste for art wishing to make money at home spare time call 56 Douglas building, opp. postoffice. C 434 8x WANTED, by ortlst, lady model, J1.25 per hour paid; permanent place. Address D 57, Bee. C M455 28x 1'OH KENT Fl KNISHED ROOMS. CENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. IS li MIS WARM room, suitable for one or two. 2.8) Harney. i E 8u6 26x ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th at Chicago. E iui DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. K J63 MCELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Luundry, 17'jO Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17S3 E-701 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E iGS $1.26 PER WEEK. Doran House. 422 S. 18th. E-766 SINGLE room, In nicely furnished, steam heated i'.Ai: all modern; walking distance; very reafconable. Tel. B24!. Farnam, second floor. E M34& Mm Vienna Hotel, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms; la dles' cufc; piivste dining r.; open nights. E-606 NICE rurnlshed rooms. 324 N. 16th. -? Fl'RNISHED rooms and board. 609 a .jlh uve. let. l.hib. t, MLjO FURNISHED room, transients, u08 N. 16th. E 196 M4 Fl'RNISHED rooms. The Dresher, 602 8. 16th. K 11 M4 LARGE, warm room, steam heat. l'.09 Capitol eve. E M720 FURNISHED room with all modern con venience,.. Private family, 2519 Jones Hu E M866 A FEW pleasant rooms st the Farnam for ircntlemen, with board if desired, l!th and Farnam. E--M369 29 FURNISHED roc ms. modern: also house keeping. Dr. Grlrllth, i'234 Fnrnam. E-M425 28 SMALL furnished room.. 1921 Leavenworth. E 440 3 FURNISHED rooms for respectable gentle man. 1K23 l-a venworth. Hat 1. E 539 28x WELL hated front "room,- modern: also board; 211 No. lath. E M449 29x FURNISHED rooms for one or two private families. 420 No. 17. E M44S Ifx TW't nicely furnished front rooms. 417 No. 19th. B-M447 29x SINGLE ftirnlrhed roo-ns: one suite for housekeeping. 16 Chicago. E-M448 29 MODERN furnished rooms: good home cooking across street; 131 80 2ih. E M444 29 X MODERN furnished rooms; reasonable; U8 No. 2th. E M413 29x MOST desirable room; reusoiab'-: tele phone ; 124 Bo. 25th. E M44J 4x ? 'R 3 rooms, modern, steam heat. 220 N. VIA. FM4 yiR.VIIHED ROO.HS AND BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with, out board. Midland hotel, ltlh ft Chicago. UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F 724) ROCKAWAY. 1319 Pouglaa. Meals. He. F 771 NICK rooms; food board, ttt B. f th. r-t Marl HAS THE COOK GONE? INVITE ANOTHER WITH A WANT AD IT WONT TAKE LONG TO GET ANOTHER. KIH.MMIEI) HOOMS AMI UOAIIII. BEST mea'.e in city. Karbach restaurant, F 867 MarH 609 8. 26th ave. Tel. L-27U. F-M42S WANTED, nrst-class boarders only. 1823 Capitol ave. F M164 Z7x PLEA'JA NT ri-nm, suitable for two. with good board. 2216 Farnam St. F 420 2ux I A HUE front alcove room and board. Al bany, 2103 Douglas. Tel. 3023. F 37 2Sx Fl'RNISHED rooms and board, 1811 Copl tol ave. F M445 28 FURNISHED front rooms and board. 2018 DotigloB. F 438 2KX I OH HUNT HOLsiiS. THE Omaha Van aud Btcrsge Co. pack, move and store H. H. good. StoiehouM, 1 12m-24 N, 1911). OUlco, lailto Faruam. Tel. lJiJ-iyJ. D KiH HnilP"1 uil parts of the city. The I1UUOLJ 0. iavia Co.. fco Bee. Bldg. D t40 HOI IQPQm all parts of the city. K. a: Co.. Bee Bldg. u Ml PAYNE-BOBTW1CK t CO., choice houses. bol-fcUi New xork Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 842 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Btor age Co., Tel. 14M. OfUce, 1713 Webster St. DS44 HOUSES, Inburance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-M6 2011 Bhermun Ave.; eight rooms, all mod ern; hardwood finish; laundry; bitrn; 835. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. D MH77 2S FOR RENT 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade, trees; 3177 Davenport St. Apply M. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge st. D-M375 FOR RENT The Wakefield house. 2669 Farnam St., 12 rooms and basement; house unusually well built and tlnlBhed. Will rent for two years to suitable par ties at 81.000 per annum, partly furnished, or, at a less rental unfurnished, or we offer the property for sale at $12,000. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th Bt. D MS89 1 FOR RENT Large house In good location; modern in every way; admirably adapted lor a private hospital. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. D M409 2 SEMI-BASEMENT fiat in the Dunsany tipartment house will be for rent about March 15. 112 per month; 616 per r.ionth !n winter for steam heat. Apply to H. J. Windsor. 1618 Dodge St. D M469 29 AGENTS WANTED. i ANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY F.1RMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 860 to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 WE- want 10.000 agents for greatest ho .He boid seller ever produced; actually sell In every house; Immense moneymaker for agents; send 10c for complete sample and our large Illustrated catalogue of agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. B 107, Houston, Tex. J-M44G Apr FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. i fine depot wagons, 2 rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 traps, 1 wagonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney. P 106 FOR BALE, 2d-hand, 4-passenger broug ham, tt bargain If taken at once. 1309 Harnjy. P-M176 FROST doesn't shave men, he shaves spokes. Wagon repairs, 14th and Leav cnwoi th. P 781 HORSES for sale; second-hand harness, vehicles, cheap. Melcher's Stables, 5.1 S. 19th. p M868 FOR SALE, a fine driving horse 6 years old. Geo. 8 Cackley, 16th and Capitol ave. P-M246 27 HORSES bought and sold. Exchange sta. hies; Tel. 3477. P 354 29 FOR SALE 8 spans of mules, weight. 2.0i0 to 2,500 per span; also 8 head of horses, drivers, drafters and chunks. Jonea' Stables, 1114 Dodge St. P-M464 FOR SALE We will sell immediately at frivate sale at our office, corner 10th and toward sta.. our teams, wagons, harness, etc., on reasonable terms. The Beatrice Creamery Co. P M463 zs W A IH TED TO BUT. r,,1, bought, sold. Antique Book Con DOOKS cern. 213 Karbaeh blk. Tel. 3634. N-7W 8D-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 202a Chicago Furniture Co. N 757 BEST PKlCEtl for used stoves, furniture. Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel. 2296. N-378 Mar4 WANTED To buy team of 900 or 950-pound horses suitable for grocery wagon, and 6 or 6 driving horses about 1,060 pounds. Stueben's livery stables, 715 8. 16th, rear. N-M335 29 HAVE you a bargain for $500 to $700 cash. Address D 56. Bee office. N M432 'Ax INVESTMENT agent. 22 years In Omaha, nuletly seeks decided bargains from own frs. without publicity; would examle Hanscom Place, west nnd northwest reel-den- e or choice lots Address D 61, Bee. N 435 2x FOR HENT STOKES AND OFFICES. FOR itENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes ut 916 rarnam. 22x00, four stories and lirst-cluk cel. milled basement, elevator. Pre and buigiar proof vault, of tico counur und tixiures. Fur pilco and parliculuia lliyuirn C. C. P.oe water, sec retary li liaiiaing c-o , ruuiu wu. lie Building. I-M667 $ STORIES and basement 22x100; 1006 Far na.u St. Inquire 314 First Nat l Bank bldg. FOR RENT, three upper stories In four. - ..w Knilitln hlit Kirnuin at . tma stories if preferred. Address C. C. Rose- . u.: .. 11 .... v. 1 .1 water. Sec y.. Room lot). Bee bldg. M986 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing, 1515 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. TWO-STORY' building, 1512 and the second floor 1-H Howard. W. H. Bushman. 1621 DENTIST wanted to share office with a phyalctau with tine quarters In Bee bldg., with well established practice. Address C 2L Bee olttce. FOR RENT One-half storeroom, good lo cation on Douglas street. Addrees D 17, Bee. iKJ SITIATIONS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by energetic young man, where he can become acquainted with the breeders of Nebraska and gain a knowledge of live stock. Address h. 34, Bee office. A-M433 2bx WANTED Position by first-class dry goods man; 16 years experience. Address D 60 Omaha Bee. A M467 4X IPHOLSTER1NG. Peterson ft Lundberg, 1U 8. 17th. Tel. L-2368, H-4k GATE CITT, X78 St. Mar s. Tel Bjm. MX Mil FUR SALE REAL, ESTATE. Douglas County Farm Close to u. ana ouuui, good farm lor feeding or larining; land across the rua.i recently sold tor -M per acre; good house of rooms, burn, granary. We are going to sell this propert). To uo o It will m sacrificed at le-.oe per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., feMtV a.tes.Ula. RB-163 Williamson Co., V'bi- HE 796 WE write all kinds of insurance. Kenny H. oc inv. Co.. 'Phone 338. 2uu Bie Bldg. 12,400 2i22 Decatur 8t., new, Weil Luilt, . room house, moduin, piped 101' lurnaue, oak tloors UowuslaUs. A. BAUGA1N. D. V. Bhuiea Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. . KE-wm SPECIAL atentlon given to property placed In our hands for rental. - Kenny 14. K. U Inv. Co.. 'Phone 336. Bee Bldg. KE Muui ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps showing In colors lanus to ie opeueu to settlement; also the Indian hvlrsnlp land In Charier: Mix county; price ac. Orinies c Abshcr, Wugiier, 8. D. KE-Sra-M-ll FOR Noon Luncheon try the KARBACH RESTAURANT, where you will llnd the lx3il prepared meaia in the city at reason able prices. 418 8. lata; Joseph Siraub, Prop. UK 20 M-14 GLOVER. 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. UE 796 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. H. P. Dodge. Jr., President. RE MJuJ EIGHTY acres choice farm land near Ruser's Park, $110 per acre. R. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR BEE Bl ILDINQ. RE M36 27 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; if you have a business for sale or want to buy. call on or write Kenny R. E. inv. co., 'Phone S36. 300 Bee Bldg. JUS JdtJ ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room modern residences in West Farnam district, (2.2O0. RE M311 CHEAP FARM. Eighty acres 3V4 miles northeast of Mis souri Valley, Harrison county, Iowa; Diaek loam; four acres pasture, balance In culti vation; fenced; house burn, windmill, corn crib, orchard; until March 1, $46 per acre; eee us i;ulck. The Abbott-Cowan Company, 312 314-315 BROWN BLOCK. RE M3S4 27 SEE R. H. Lat.deryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 43 Board of Trade. Tel. 1151. RE ail Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. UL-96 SEVERAL acres of ground with orchard; Belmont Park; very sightly; cultivated; $750. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. ! .... RE M421 28 SACRIFICE BALK. We have lost had listed tor quick sale two houses en corner lot, ole se In, one block from Farnam St. one tour-room house and one five-room house, renting for $19 per nonth, or $228 per annum. The owner of this property must sell and we want you to make us your best offer. Let as show you the property at once. Payne, Bostwlck ft Co.. 801-8 N. Y. Life Hldg. RE 394 26 $1,300 WILL BUY a corner lot and good house near 24th and Lake sts. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. RE 418 ACRES short distance south Country club for $760 for ten days only. F, D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE TRADE. A new 6-room house, all modern, hand - somely finished, choice West Farnam lo cation. Price, $5,000. or will exchange for vacant ground close In sultuble for flats; Farnam street preferred. N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. RE M461 ii FOR SALE, 80 acres irrigated land In Wyoming. For particulars see Dr. J. J. tolomon, 1837 Vinton St., cii E-M4C0 9x WHEN EVERYTHING EL8E FAILS YOU A FARM OR RANCH WILL STAY BY YOU. . IF you want a good climate, good health and good crops, buy a home In western Nebraska. It Is a part of the cotton belt, a natural wheat field and the finest ? Taxing land out of doors. The Union 'acltic Land Agency Is offering some fine lands at very low prices and on terms : that must suit everybody, .t will pay you to investigate whether you want a home or an Investment. Call on or write the Union Pacific Land Agency. 222 South 18th st.. Omaha. Neb. RE M 450 27 FOR 8ALE 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition: large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport st. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge St. RB-M278 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want tc sell a farm or ranch tell the formers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reac h there Is through THE . ' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you r.sve a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small 2 cents per word In small type or $2.52 r"r inch If set in large type. THE TWbNTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE-329 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Bchmoller ft Mueller. 1313 Farnam si. Z 79J EIGHTY acres land In Burt county, Neh., for Omaha residence property. C. T. Dlcklmon. New York Life bldg. Z M782 THOS. J. KELL7, voice. Davldge block CHAS. H. KEEFER. piano. 66 Barker Blk. MU4 Vi DAISY H1GGINS. voice, piano. 2ui3 lfir. TeL A-2741. M313 TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 15i Farnam. 'Phone 7M T68 WARTED TO BORROW. WANT $La for nve years at 8 per cent; private party; nrsl-ciaaa security as- 4Ues V M Bee. -M461 t FOR SALE MlSCKLLA.KOLS3. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. J iik ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1118 Faruam. y-."7i CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CKIB Ul.NU. Long nr Uinbeis. 9ul Uouglas. . 14 7S 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 779 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or write p.uoui 1. Bee Bldg. U 10 HARD coal Steves, fa up; furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. W-781 SECOND-HAND billiard anJ n.-: tables; billiard tables repaired; large itoek cheat) bar nxtures, cigar counters. The Bruus-wlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-K ti. loth. Q--77i 169 WATCHES, 76 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. U-Mllii 8TOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Headquarters or Whips and Axle til ease. We make a special of the above and for that reason can give you any kind at eastern prices. J. G. Blessing, 331 No. 25tli St., Soutn Omaha, union shop. Q 7,4 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standurd school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. inquire at Dee office. Q 862 BILLIARD & pool tables 1407 Harney St. Q-M84S MurlS I IIMRFR Cheap sheeting, 113.50 thoua. LUIHDCIX (jady un, ., eth ft Doug. Q MH49 MarlJ FOR SALE cheap old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room of The Bee. y 243 IDnN CCMrC Works. Poultry and k"'!- Lawn Wire, (ill So, 16the St. Q M35K Je30 AUTOMOBILES, new nd second-hand, 82&H to $4,(io; write for catalogue. M. E. i redrickson, 15th and Dodge. W Mill M21 FOR SAI: Combination lookcase and desk and other furniture. 116 8. ZSth st. Q-M407 27 FOR SALE Steel range, gns range, lln-' oleum, lawn hose. 2417 D St.. South Omaha. Q M-162 29x MONEY TO LOAS CHATTELS. maha jVixcm, Loan C Furniture lon., Uuio. ncrvico. Piano loans, Ly paymer.tu. Live Stock lou.i. Best terms. Salary loans. Any time. Our rates are as low as any and roue) lower than many, and we always try to please. U9 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 95. (Established 1&B2 306 8. 16th Bt. X-S44 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low ta.ei end easy term. Business confidential. T?y if :'ou .vant to save money, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 833 Pax ton B.ock, 16th and Farnam Sts. X-42J MONEY LOANED 8 ALAR. ED PEOPLE nd others with security: easy paments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolmn, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-20 "SAVE MONEY" by getting SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS from the RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms S0i and 308 PAXTON BLOCK. X-M892 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried Eeople; buslnesb confidential; I0Ave.1t rates. 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-827 MONEY loaned on pianos furniture, lew. eiry, norses, cows, etc. 13th. C. F. Reed. 319 8. X-S2S CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. R. 8. Barker Block X SJ9 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, rte., at half usual rates. Dr. Prlb'.ienow, room 216 at ?n S. 15th St.: tel. R2964. X M427 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. FARM aid city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomaa, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. Ibis. -127 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. w-aa TO 6 P. C money. Be mis, Paxton block. W-833 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas W-4J4 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-S35 WANTED, res", estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co., Bee Bldg. W 32 t per cent farm loans. R. C, Patterson, 124 Farnam. W 83S I per cei t loans. Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. W sns MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W SS7 MONEY to loan. Kennev Resl Estate snd Investment C, .. r. 300, Fee Rldg. W 345 OSTEOPATH V. Johnson Institute. 615 N. T. Life bldg. T.ltiti4 Dr. J. A. Meehan, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T.luU The Hunt Innrmury. McCogue bldg. T.23'4 71 DR. GRACE DEEGAN. 83J N. Y. Life. Tel. 26S8. -790 Fayette Cole, osteopath. 509 Paxton block. 791 DPS. LAIRD ft LAIRD -203 Karhseh blk. Phoni IK 91, 441 M'JR PATENTS. H. J. COWGILi No feo unless successful. 613 S. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 1791. 71 PATENTS guaranteed. Hues ft Co.. Om ih.t. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT 8 school, V17 N. Y. Life. 846 Neb. Bus. ft Shorthand Col. Boyd theatei. 47 CLAIRVOYANTS. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th SL 8110 GYLMER. palmist. 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-S245. S-IU DnESSM AKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 306 N. 23d GINGHAM aprona made. 1770 8. I'll, Tel. Red-2M4. 9 2 M l DANCING ACADEliY. MORAND'S spring term: Lessons for adult beginners, Tuea. and Frl.. 8 p. m. : private lessons dally; liberal reduction to pupils Who loin now. Call 15tb and Harney. &K1 Msrll FLOsilSTS. HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnara. 809 L. UENPKRBON, ftorUt, Ull FaruaraBt. TERSONALS. Paper Hanging X,': o. 1". McCLAiN. teed nt reasonable prices. 210 N. st. Tel. B3147. U-M301 HIAWATHA and 60 other songs in one book, 6 cents postpaid. Robert Feenan, 608 80. 131 n. U-M538 MUX DON'T READ THIS Unless yr.i wee' rlean clothes. If you An Fntronlxe the Domestic laundry. 2418 N. 4th Te. t.1182. U-M121 M2 Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglas. U 878 LA BOOK, lad lee' tailoring. 613 Karbaeh blk. U u ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home .'o Women. 8824 N 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. U M526 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn. Ramge ld. ELITE parlors. 615 S. lGth. Id floor. U 90s "VIAVI." way to health. 360 Bee ,"'" U 80S M f"i NI PT I C treatment baths. M me. mAUlM 1 1 ll-8m,n. ug . 15. 2 nr .. H. . U M944 Mchx WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 1SXI Douglas block. U-4W9 EEN BOLT-WhV ""dldn7! Ton meet me at Columbia Phonograph company last night? 1 waited till half past 9. Say. their free co.K-erts are grand, end 1 bought t dozen x. P. 60c records for 2So each.-Peggy From Paris. ti M137 WATER'S PRINTINU CO.. 1212 Douglas St. U S10 PANTORIUM Tel. 963. f,, no, iyelns 4i)7 So. 15th. U M541 BILLY Am next to a good thing: meet ma at Stoecker's cigar store this evening and we'll smoke u 5c Monogrum and I'll "tip" It off to you. Frank. U-M136 8END foe for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE containing forty-eight osges of aluablo information. OFFICIAL MAI' and lull Instruction how to get a claim on the ROSEBUD RF.SERVATION. r'orbes Locating Agency, Bomsteel, 8. D.. PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 18S. U 93 H. O. SMITH,Trumblng. TiSnTvS; trl. T3W2. U-MJ K PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wants you to pet me a pair of Huteson's Patent Slip Mot" RlmleKs Eytglnsies. They're Just too well. Can't shake off. 21.1 S. 1'i.h. CallUo. 1,-342 MnrSl TUB. -apor and alcohol buths. 720 S. IDih st. U 365 FAMILY bond 'a-indry; rough drying a specialty. Id5 Jackson st. IT M379 M2.1X MAIL package received: thanks; no kick coming from mo U. I. CO. tT 119 27x ACTIONS signify much; the baby looks giH'd; 11 certain '.ady surely appeals to me nnd I feel wo should know one another; Just a note as a tonic. F H. D. U-419 28x 1 M. Saturday. N. U-419 76x j SAKI Watching since 11 th : start West ''cm ween, -.cirpnone. U-419 23x MEDICAL, MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At drugglats. $1. 817 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha -811 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. ;511 Lodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. -814 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, eczema or stomach trouble that Co. l.on-Co. WON'T cure. Sf.9 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement: babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2J4 I eke. Tel. ned-lS84. 15 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Oood Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 526 PRIVATE hospital before snd ton. fln.ment. Mrs. Fisher. 2515 S. 11. Tel. "f0. strt COSTIMES. Theatrical nnd masq. Lloben, 3018 Farnntn. ETECT1VE AGENCY. Copt. Cormack. 517 Karbaeh blk. Tel. A-7SU. . -160 POSTOFFICI5 NOTICE. (Should be read daily by all Interested, as chunges may occur at . uy lime). Foreign malls tor the week ending Febru ary 27. 1904, will close (PROMPTLY tn ull cuhvu) al the .jeneial i'okioilicn as foi lows: 1'AR.EL8-Pn8r MAILS -lose .die hour eariler than closing time shown oe low. larcels-post inula for Germany close Ht 6 p. ni. Friday, per a. s. Patricia. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later thin cloving lime shown below (txcept thai Supplementary Mul.s for Euiope a. id Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic- Mnlls. SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, par r. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for 8co'lnnd. Ir land an 1 Liverpool must be directed "per s. s. Phil adelphia"); al :V a. m. (supplementary "0 a m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Cam aula, via Qii"enstnwn; at ?:3) a. m. for )-KI OIl'M direct, per i. s recland (mall l-iust be directed "per s. r. Zeeland"); at Kit" a. rn. for ITA'.Y fllrec. per s. s. Vrincees Irene (mall must be directed "per s. s. Princess lrene"; at 9:30 n. tn. T'r SCOTLAND direct, per . s. Furne-r-a (mall must be directed '"per s. s. Turnersla"): at 11 a. vn. for DENM R'v direct, per s. s Is'snd 'mall must be di rected "per s. s. Island"). After th closlnar of the Supplementary ,Tpenn''.nle Mstls neit hov -dd'. tlonnl Siinplercen'sry Malls are nn-t'l in ths ple-s cf the' Ame-rnn. EnulNh French srd Oe-man steamers mi) isTia n open until w'thln Ten Minutes i f :h hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for ew, - n l nl-l tmcrlen WmI 'nlra, F.te. IHTRPAV-,'1 : i. n.. 'stinpiemensrv ""'i a. '" I for C'RC0 snd VENK7U. FLA. p'r s. "srncnllio (mall for Se vsn'Ilii ar.d i'nrlirn must be dlrece,l ' r" . 'Tscfilho"): n 9 a. ft. for TORTO P'CO. p.r s. r.. Tniice. vln Pan . inn: at 9-"o i. m (suntilmentirv 10:V. a v) n- 'ViRTUNF Fil.ANr JAMAICA. 44VAXfLL nnrt ('AT:TGENA. ne- s s ribli- ("-i1 for t'n-'t rca reust be dl-e-trd "Ver . H'l-l'-n". st 10 S re for crtKNr. RNlI.ri and CIUD?i I10I.1VAR. per s s. Msraccs. via Trlnl dad; st 10 n. m. for CUBA, per s. a Mex ico, via Havana. Mnlls Uorw ar.leil Ovrrlsnil. Etc., Ex cept Tranaparlfli, C'"RA--Vla Port Tampn. Florida, closes at Ihls office dolly, except Thursday, at fo:80 e. in. th connecting malls cloe here on Mopdsvs. Wednesdays and Saturdays) MEXICO CITY Overland, unless socially addreseil for dispatch by steamer, closes at this ofTiee dally, except Sunday, at 1 :) p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. uril 'O Ji n m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney and thence by steamer closes at this office dAHy at C:3o p m. (connecting malls dose hero every Monday, Wedneaday and ) unlay). JAMAICA By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer closes at Ihls office at pi 31 p. m. every Sunday. By rail to Boston and thence by steamer cliis-s at Ihls ofTce at 6:.V) p. m. every Friday. M lyU liliN-By rail to Rosjnn and thence by steamer dotes at this office dally ut PF.i.lE.npUERTO CiiltTEZ and Oi'ATE M ALA By rail to New Orleans nnd thence by steamer closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 1 10 30 p. m . Sundays at 1 p. m. and 110 20 p. m. (connecting n.all closes here Mon days at 110 So p. m COST A RICA By rail to New Orleans snd thence by steamer doses Bt this office dally, except Sunday, at 11.30 p. m. snd. 1 10 30 p. m., Bundata at 1 p m. and 110 30 p. m. (connecting mall cioaet here Tues days at 110 80 p re) BAHAMAS (except Pareels-Pnst Mails) By rail to Miami. Fla., and thence by steamer cl-vee at .v a. m every Mon day. Wednesday anil Saturday. Registered mall closes at p. m. prcviou - day. f Traasparlfle Malls. r HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and specially addressed mall for the PHILIPPINE IS LANDS, via Snn Francisco, close hero dally at 8:30 p. nt. tip to February Ulsl. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. China. lMHLll'PlNE ISLANDS, via Sjii F'ttn clsco. close here dallv at 6: P. in. up to February I2fth. Inclusive, foe dlspatrh per 1. 8. Transport. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except WesO. NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. SA.MoA and HAWAII, via Sa.i Francisco, close here dallv at 6.30 p. m. up to February iir7th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Flnrra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand dors not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra malls closing at 5 30 n. m 9:80 a. m. and p. nr; Sundays nt 4 SO a. m., 9 a. m. and 6.90 p. m. will b made p ami fnrwnrdcd until the arrival of the Cunard steameri. AtrSTKALIA (except WesO. FIJI IS LANDS anil NEW CALEDONIA ispe ially addressed only), via Vancouver and Victoria, H. C. close hero dully at C:3H p. m. up to February 127th. Inclusive, for rilpaich per s. a Mlowera. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE 1SI.AND8, via San Francisco, closo here dally at 6:?0 p. m. up to February ISth. Inclusive, for eispatch per s. s. oric. HA V, All, via Ban Francisco, c!om here dally at s.:1 p. m. up to March JTth. ln litislve, for dispatch per a s Alameda. TAHITI and MAKgVKfiAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m up to March 113th. Inclusive, for dls- Rtch per s. e. Mariposa. UNA and JAPAN, via Vancouver ami Victoria, B. C . close here dally ut 6:3(1 p. m up to March 15ih.' Inclusive, for ills patch per s. e. Empress of India. (Mer chandise for lT. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada NOTE Unless otherwise nddressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; anil New Zeaiond and Philippines, 'la San Francisco the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "Ma Canada" or "via Europe" must e fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dollv ni.d tlio schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mull closes nt 0 p ni previous Jay. CORNELll"8 VAN OUT. Postmaster Tost Office, New York, N. Y., February 19. 1904. t KG A I, NOTICtt. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals v 111 be received by tlio stc-rc tin-) 01 utate, ijeoige V. Marsh, at his oillce, capitoi b Hiding. Lincoln, Neb., until 12 o cloca noon, standard tune, on thu th day of March, I904. tor furnishing lliu material und perior.ning the lubor i.ece. mty to complete v. ateel cells, 7N for third iiiii story ceil house and s lor remaiee ami juveniles placed -lyhere required in tne rse n the Nov jUIH'ILHtl-1 ,w the sajne oruskii state penitentiary at lar Nt o. l'r.iwhiBs and miecltlcattons for will bo on tile at the oliice of Georgen. Koilmer, commissioner of public lund-i and bondings, Lincoln, .Neb. VI ludH uiiiHt conform to the drawiiiK.'i and Hpectllca lions. Al .rlllitd ..heck In the sum of fUe (ul per co it of the amount of the bid niiua ac ii.iniuny each proposal. A icrulied check, to be made payablo to tin- i.t.itc .-'Hsurer, Peter Mortenscn, nnd to be forfeited to the state of Nebraska in case the bidder to -whom the contract b aivaided falls or refuses to enter Into con trail with the Hoard of Public Lands ami Buildings nnd furnish a security bond hi mu h amount as the board may require, within ten 110) days after nuch .';ward. The Board of i'uhllc Ijtuds an.l Build. ipks reserves the rlht to rej -ct any or all bids and to waive suv formality. GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary of State. FSidlutm NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MKETINil Notice Is htreby fclven that the regular annual meeting cf the stockholders of the South P'atte Land company will lie held at the oltice of tald company in Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. tn. cn the 2d day of March, A. D. 19o4. By order cf the board of directors. O. H. MORRILL, President. A. B. MINOR, Feeromry. Lincoln, Neb.. Jim. 30. 1904. FldSOxm STOCKHOLDERS' HEFTING. The annual neetliir of stockholders of The Bee Publishing Comnny will be held on Monday. March 'th, 19(14, at 4 o'c'ock P. n., :n The Dee building, corner Pet-en-feentli and farna:n street. T'v order of the president. GEO. B. TZ80HUO5C. ;MftE12t Secretary. RAILWAY TIMI3 CARD. LNION STATION KITH AND MAIICY. Chlcaizo, Mllwnnlee St. Paul. Leavs A rrlv. 13 pm ctiloso Dsylltlit s 7:.'.ti ra alt rhli-go 7ant xiirtiM a ft-4. pin a S Overland L.I?. :t-d .a b:?o pin a g Dei Molnea F 1 sua a 7:CS am a 3 (hlitHrn Cviantf Wj.H,wn 10 pm to mn 10 pm ' Bt. Paul and Minneapolis I.mtd a 7 13 sen Jo pm 3o urn di 1 .ul uu .-1 uiiiDMiiui.B r.i. .m , n. .in i fhtaRo i.imltod a pm alO fit Minn .n,l ,-hiMi l . M .10 nm rhlrajiii Pipreiia .a 4. Si) am a 4:05 pa I hlruitu, Rock 'slnml tt I srfllo ..mi. Chicago payllnht ijmlifl a SK am a I rhleniin 1'iylifiht it al a T:0i am a , Chlras'i xirera. ... bll:loani at D a Molnra Txprraa a 4 10 pm btl Chlrago Fast .iprcaa. I IX) m al wrcsT Ro"i,y 'Initnt in ;,in'te.: a T:80 ami a 7 Llnruln Colnrrdfl '..prlnKif, llen- rer, Piifhln and W.ii a 1 10 pm at T-xiia. t'alKtirnla alitl Oklahoma Kiyrr a :0 pm al; T0 am :S5 pin V, pia 50 am :& pm :2S pm 00 pm 40 pm i lili'suo A- rt hevern. Kait fnrf a 140 am a 7 55 am Lmal I'htcdgo all :3o am Mall Local Sinus City . . Davllsht St. I'aul. OvbKht chl.-aRu. I.tmlted ''h'.rasu... a i jO pm a a ',0 am aln a i oo am all a S -ft pm u 9 a 6. 50 Din a 3 on 20 pin 15 Mill Xt t'lii or, am -. a :n 10 pin 20 am sr, am 35 am 10 pm 10 pm 10 pm ram .nrao.. U-al hiiaKO ,....a i n pin .. Kl St. Paul a i lh pm a St. Paul Kiprrsa a Kat MM a ! Local tHoui ril D4i.opm an Nor'o'li and 'loiientrel. a:li., ,un l.ln Lincoln anil Line Pin b i 05 am bio ladwuHl, lint Bpilnj, and Lisroln s sc. pm a r. '.aper and Wvnmlns Ktpreaa. ..d i'M m Haatlns-. Buperlar and Albion.. b 150 pm VI: I ulou iir'lli-. Th, i Ti'.inil i.'-nlted. Th t aat Mall Th ralllnrnla Jupreaa .. .a 4 40 am a I ....itMim a I . ...a 4 20 piu ... 05 pm :o pi.i 30 nm 30 t I ' 10 pm 4" am 40 am It pm 35 am TH! Alia'ic.c nprrm i Aiiant.c Special a 7 , Purtlanil-l'hli asn Special. ..a I 20 pm a 5 in Atlantic K.ipreia a 7 i Cnlorado pfclai ll H ar. a 3 i. ('hleaso Fpcal a 3 Th Tlw in. ' ltl .M', rn' i, Llii'oln, It. and stroma Llii'oln. It. and stroma- burs EKprea. b4:00pm t1- t'olumbua b 00 pin b lilliiatls IVntral. Chicago ICxpre,. a I V pm ato 3 pm I'litcaip,. Miiinrap'jlla and 8t. I'aul Mmllil a7:Wpm a 15 am MliineapuMa til l Bt. Paul V.t. .b 7 60 am b'.O 35 I in Missouri Pnclfle. St. Li.uU i:.preas K ' . and l-t. Loula Exprc,-: alO oo am a alO 5o pm a 4 2S pm II in wsliaall. St Iuia Tahnon nail" ti a "0 pm a 4 St. Luula L eal (i r.u u4l UlulTl) a I IS am alO in ata 30 fia Ullll.IM.iON f t'l l('-IOTM A MASON (lilraxn, llurllna'on A' Quliicy L-avs. Cbli-aao Spwl.l a 7 no am Cblckgn V.atlbulrd Kipfaa a 4 ) pin chicun.j l.m al a t IS ani riiii'sso M anted a 6:( lm Kual Mall. . Kansas ( ll, fcl. Joseph A Co. Xanaaa ( II; "1 t.ptfM a I 15 am til. I.e ita K'si-r a 4 :5 pm Kinm i Ur v.alit ripraia alo 5 pm Huriliiaina A Missouri Itlvi-r. W'rmore. latrtre and laicola..a k 50 am N.brakku f pr-a a a 50 an. V tivir I im.teU , a 4.10 vm )lla k lllllaand I'uxin Fuund ti.ill n pin Colorado Vcfct ll,.llcd yiyer Lincoln Kaal Mall b i 5t pm Kort Crook and PUitrinoiith b ft 10 pm Bellavua and I'aelno Junrlton...a 7 'H pm h'llavus and Pailflr Juurtloa...a I 30 am Arrtvr a 3 pm a 7 45 u m all oil pm a 1 4r. i in t 45 m Hinrw. a 4 05 pm all i-ti am a (i.;o bin bi: ' pm a 7 4' pin a 4 45 am a 3 :to pm a 3 lu pta a 9 o aia, L..J s ar a 4 27 all VA Klls'l'ER DEPOT IBTH aV W K II STIC 14. Missouri PoclOo. Israva. Arr'va. Nch. Iral rla Weeping Water. b 4 10 pm alo 35 cm ( IdraKii, Mt. Paul, Mian. A Itnialiu. Twin city Paaafiigrr b 4 30 am b 9 10 pm Siouk city Pacsfiu.l a 2 00 pm all 20 mn Oaalapd Lceal b i:4A pm b 9 16 aia a Pally, b fiaily ascept Sunday. 8 Daily r.-.ccpf laluruay. lially a ;t Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. S Tw,a-acra btaaaaara of U.uu Toua KBW IOKM.-Moria.KL,Aai. la Itut'LObMa allUig TusaUas. al III a. a Amatardam alarek I Stauaiidam MariS hoLirraam Marb 4 PoUdam April 4 Soordsm hlarcb 21 kuilsrdara April It MOLLND-AIEIlic'A LINg, U Uaar'aoru tit.. Cit- aaeo. Ill Harry Muar.a. 101 Karnaai SC. ; C. Kaiavaftgra. UU yarwas tui J. 8. awiuelta. lint Vanaaai SC ,