Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    rim omaiia daily nni::
FKnRfATlY 2.-. 1001.
1 r mm E . 9 JW. J
H rn
Ban Bill Mtna'M Creolnds Wort Afar
Diipsiiog of OoatroTartiei.
Ike Ho Terrors
for lender
Protected bv the
Use of
Assisted in cases of in
(lamination, irritation,
Itching, burning, scaling,
br cracking of the skin,
by gentle applications of
CUTICURA Ointment,
jpurest and sweetest of
emollients, and greatest
of skin cures.
mr from simpiai Mrorala. tnm tafasrj m M
eoaaattof 1 CUTICtS. , CMnlm'at, Saa IW
kHtliMilillnttlhiiWiaL (
if-S L
Resalt la Dlrertlr Opposite to that for
Which Hoped MllfftikM
ad Memphis Prlarlpal
COLlMBl'S. it., Feb. M.-The National
Board of Arbitration concluded Ma meeting
this evening after giving out an Interpreta
tlon of thi secondary draft rule and decid
ing disputes over a larg-e numtxT of play
er. The Internrptary of the secondary
draft Is dlrpctrj' opposite to that for which
the rlass A leagues had hoped. The reso
lution adopted provides. In brief, that all
players drafted 1y the major leagues from
1QKtie below class A standing shall revert
bark to their original clubs, provided, a
class A club has not been put In a, secon
dary draft during the regular base ball
drafting period. The rlass A leagues had
hoped that a secondary draft made outside
the regular drafting period would hold
All rluba that are a party to the national
agreement must cut down, to the prescribed
number of players within one month from
the date of the first championship game,
according to another resolution adopted by
the board. The limit of players Is class A
14. class B 14. class C 11, class D 11.
Milwaukee and Memphis were contenders
In the principal dispute over players. Milox
Btratton's nam appeared on both Mem
phis and Milwaukee's reaerve list. It was
shown that Milwaukee had sold Btratton
and two others to Memphis for SI. The
board held that the nominal sale whs aim
ply an evasion of the anti-farming rule,
and awarded the players to Memphis.
Disposition of Player.
The application of R. F. Roach to be
freed from reservation by the Butte club
was denied. John Flater, claimed by Bal
timore, was awarded to Albany; F. O.
Cole goes to the Jackson (Tenn.) club; Ell
Gates to Sedalla, Mo.. Peter Shea to Bloom-
Ington; Flanagan to Merlden; Joyse to
Buffalo; Hotter to Sedalla, Mo., Harry
Miller to Keokuk; R. L. Charnler to Rock
Island; Pitcher Duquette to Rochester;
Gerald Hayes to Atlanta; 81tton to Birm
ingham; Durett to Montgomery; Hadder
to Hopklnsville. Ky.; W. H. Taylor to
Atlanta; L. Polchow to Montgomery; A.
H. Stackpole to New Bedford; I. C. Gard
ner to Buffalo; Walter Harmon to Hud
son, N. T.; F. C. Richards to Winnipeg;
A. J. McCarty to Montreal; Elmer Pavls
to Birmingham; V. Borden to Haverhill;
Wilbur Blssell to Fort Wayne; Otto Mullen
to IVl'M"91'6: w- Johnston to Atlantic;
Isaac Pendleton to Corslcana; Clyde Good-
evtn to Evansvllle; W. A. Patterson to
Rorford;fl. F. Puggs to Nashua: W. A.
Ppratt to Montgomery; W. E. Warren to
Fall River; Ned Crowder to Henderson,
Ky.; Fred Faller to Fort Worth.
Several Players Released.
Paul Curtlss was released from Sedalla,
Mo. T. F. McAndrews waa released from
reservation by the Kansas City Ameri
can association, H. E. Holmes was released
from Nashville. W. H. Zlnk from Sioux
Falls, Nat Ball from Toledo, Arthur Rela-
han from Pittsburg, Kan., Gil Edwards
from Hopklnsville. A number of other
cases were referred. Applications from
the New England association and Mas
sachusetts State league for protection was
referred to Secretary FarrelL
the Bust
The greatest at
tractlvenees o f I
woman's figure is 1
finely rounded bust,
and In no direction
U a lack of woman's
charms so striking
Dr. Charles Flesh Food
!?. 5?"'t,,v,f th onl preparation know, to
medical Science that will develop the Im
mature!! bust or restore the natural beauty
of breast lost through nurslnf. It nukii
the flesh firm and healthy. ,
to?iVOien AT xu storm and
11i".rtCUUr. vrirm " CUrta Ptsaa rH4 ta
1 n a boa. sut to lotroeaae U liu ueseaaa
f".MT ' "" U bows
, 1 wi?. " a ran issajeot o4 aeM at
- p'niJc" "-' -.
CDCC 1 sample ba Just esouca to oaa
F 1CC ,0 swat rtt ef Dr.
Charles Flash ro4 ha aaai rm
nets, hiaa saja (or east ot sullies.
T lw ssa aur lllatrW4 heoa, "Alt ef
atusMs." which eosuiaa ail the srotwr mm.
tnrnu (or aiasusliis 'sot, aek ao4 arms o4
r ivll tlreotlaus tor dmlopins tke kust tMitsj
ni ciiarif rn itrarkuso.
Strsawlmder, Favorite la the Pla For
loags Haadleap, Breaks Dowi
la the StrtHrh.
IOg 'ANGELES. Cal.. Feb. 24 -Two fa
vorltes, three second choices and one third
choice were successful at Ascot today.
Stemwlnder, favorite In the six furlongs
handicap, which was the feature of the
card, broke down while leading In the
stretch. It will be some time before he can
be trained again. 'Weather fine; track fast.
First race, five furlongs: Felipe Luego
won. Otto Stelfel second, Rhyl third. Time:
Second race, four furlongs: Jerome won.
Hiolna second, Peggy Mlue third. Time:
Third race,, one mile and an eighth: Grail
won, Duponl second, MacGyle third. Time:
Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap:
Glennevis won, Elfin King second, Warte
isicnt tnira. lime: ltitt.
nd a
Fifth .-ace, one mile ar
sixteenth, sell-
5 IjiT
It Isn't as Easy
to pick a winner in everything as It is in
rlgura. If yuu are looking fos) a timely
tip on a aatlfaction giver try a MuNO
CHAM five-cent cltiar and all will be well.
lH iJougias bireet, Omaha.
Ing: Platonlus won, Columbia Girl second,
Silver r ixi third. Time: 1:48.
Sixth race, Slauson course. selling:
Farmer Jim won. Wallter second,
Goodwin third. Time: 1:1L
BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24.-Oakland re
sults: First race, Futurity course, selling: Sir
Preston won, Handpress second, Sol Licii
tennteln third. Time: 1:1S.
Second race, three and a half furlongs,
selling: George P. McNeer won, Eduardo
second. Harvester third. Time: 0:434.
Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Lady
Kent wen, Mr. Dingle second, Glissando
third. Time: 1:V
Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth,
handicap: Kenllworth won. Nlgrette second.
Modicum third. Time: 1:49.
Fifth race, one mile, selling: Sue Johnson
won. Vlrgie D'Or second, flloa third. Time.
Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Namator
won, Halnault second, Ocyrohe third. Time:
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. ;4.-Results:
First late, one mile and three-elrhths.
selling- Semper Vivax won, Trio second.
Miss West third. Time: i.Tl.
Second race. 2-vear-olda. half mile: Stells
Allen won. Tnlhala second. Miss Galore
third. Time : 0 4HV
Third race, six furlongs: Roue won. Count
'Em Out second, Komobo third. Time:
Kourtn rsce. one mile and seventy vards.
handicap: Port Royal vnn, Lev Horsey
second. New York third. Time: 1:43V
Fifth race, one mile and three-sixteenths,
selling: Oravlna won. Thornevcroft second
Santa Teresa third. Time: I:;:'v
Sixth race, six and a half f.irlongs: Clare
mont won. Shortcake aecosd. Overhand
third. Time: 1:3).
I'wa, each having lost kiit five games.
The stsndlng of the leaders at the close
cf today's playing is as follows:
Lost. Drawn.
D. J Long. Algona i 12
H. S. Wood, opkalncaa. t 8
U W. Swem, lnwa Fslls 12
A. Merrill. Webster City 7 14
W. A. Wnsson. M.rhalltown.... 7 '
O. L. Fts. Algona 11
A. r. Kutledee, Storm Lake lit
C. W. I:ile, Newell . 9 $
J. H. Tiallev, OFkaloosa 14
J. P. Metcnlf, W.-lter City 15
A. B. Klhlw-. Gilbert 1 14
H. McCarthy, Ames 19 10
A. D, Clnrks, Alpnna 21 10
G. A'. Smith, Webster Cltv :3 t
A. ij. Kopf-pc, Webster City a 6
Amerlrna Uitnr Meet lag.
CHICAGO. Feb. 24 President Johnson of
the American league today Issued a call for
a meeting of the league February 29 In New
York at the l'irth Avenue hotel, for the
purpose of adopting a playing schedule.
On Selleck's alleys Tuesday evening the
Clarksons won three games from the
Omahas. Score:
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Christie 11 LSI 15 6'9
Krnncisco 21S 22 ITS filo
Nofrton 217 1 S2! "6
Conrad li lo l-t K4
Stone 19S 2M 158 67
Totals 1 1.043 926 2.9
lt. 2d. 3d.Total
Wlgman 2" 1"4 1W 1V w fi4"
Huntington 177 177 1M 61J
Bartsch lw i 'i
tmery 1S2 1!
Totals MR M6 1J 2.791
tin Helterk'a alleys last evening the Na
tionals won two games of the three played.
1st. ?d. M. Total.
Tracy 190
Jones 17 1 1J 4!J
Glerd 177 J -v
PPr:!" 1 ?Z
thanaier "i m" '
Totals W7 977 943 8,907
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Frltscher 1M 2"4 2M Ml
Beselln i. i ol"
Schneider. F. W 14 173 170 49
Frledhoff 26 15 172 6,2
n.M.-in lt9 1G5 1H0 618
Totals W S72 940 2.738
On Selleck's alleys last evening the Cnd
ahy office force defeated the Armour office
force by the following score:
1st.. 2d. 3d. Total.
Cochran ISO -218 171 K
Buck 174 J; 214 6i
Olson . 14 1.15 170 4rf
Waher 12 "4 H4 f,20
Ryner 1 Wl 164 600
Totals .'....Sol 914 933 I.6i2
1st. 2d. M-Total.
Tonneamanv VI W 210 BU
Gilchrist t J?1- ?iS i-s
Chumlea '
Duke V'9 1M 1W !"
Bonneli 15 8
Totals W3 928 8T.1 2.582
Beaosebolt Kaocked Oat by Hjii.
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 24-Tommy Ryan,
middleweight champion, defeated JacK
Beauscholt tonight in the auditorium rink
In the sixth round of what was to have
boen a ten-round fight, Ryan
floor twice from hard swings In the first
and second round, but In the third and
fourth sent Beausiholt to the floor with
right swings on the Jaw. Again In the
filth he sent Beauscholt to his knees and
he took the count for eight. Beauscliolt
was groggy and waa at Ryan a mercy, but
was not put out.
In the sixth Heauscolt was in such con
dition that Ryan quit hitting him and was
given the fight. Beauscholt was seconded
by Hugo Kelly. In the preliminary Fred
Cole of Alexandria. Ind., won from Jack
Daly of Newark, N. J., on a foul after
clearly showing Ills superiority. There were
1,500 present.
Pledges Gate. Receipts for Retnrn of
Lorn. Graated by Com- '
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. A mortgage
has been executed by the Louisiana Pur
chase Exposition company to the United
States government to cover the loan of
$4,600,000 authorised by congress to be made
to he company. Secretary Shaw now has
the mortgage In his possession. One mil
lion dollars will be "paid over to the com
pany In a few days, t2.000.000 will be paid
in March, tl.OOO.OdO in April and )GOO,000 in
May. The mortgage covers the gate re
ceipts of the fair and repayment of the
amount loaned will be made in June.
The mortgage provides that In the event
of failure of the exposition company to
pay promptly the amount loaned, the gov
ernment shall take charge, of the fair and
run It. The government agent In the col
lection of the money la -Robert A. Fullerton
of Iowa. He will look after the receipts
of the fair and see that the government
promptly gets Its quota of the sum taken at
the gates. He will receive one-tenth cf
1 per cent of the sum collected for his
f. Insure Purt.Seft, hlu Skl
BeaslUal CempUUe,
XV v .Jiuui Ik.
nww IllarkWdt. tre
sots ssit las. Issd wtth
lwiM-kurtis Soes a ret
(set skla is lusand.
test br rggifj. e
M) s rer sVect.
rlsTsim ai w bottle, ex suss poJd.
rtnsi rr1' oa.Pt e lie, by BkU.
ItoUt so est pukin, i-U. exprsss pokd.
OooalMk. Nkbr aud skiuiL Omaha. Keuf.
v 3
si skM M 4TUi04kt
WM rmmmm fwrni-
I ss Kit for aaasisckt
IrribAlicH a. hitrsuoos
of siHSsst atiakrsaa
rsltisss. sed sut sstrio-
bsTt 'talCalPKtiOs. n s
1 A bsOWUUri,! - Jrorsst,
N v . s. A. A i ' 'a Blsik rss
JSy. JV',I b - rw. srt-ssid. Ut
V fl l t h-Mtl-S Tm.
-n 11 Litwutx u e (oksast
H A -u p usine sMdu-uw. If
ks huh. urssas. Umc ssr
or Miaf Sraiaft. U. tssuiss
Va U4 L r.r rurv
ktf iiiMg Mnmir ud k anAwtlr
ui musiI; rt4 la I to snli.i
l ta ass. a.4 esa fsMarst eff4
laimwtlatoi wnrafulMt IC.
Kl.ii. ffmaa.anta far Irra fjamaalars.
Il lea ID I it., U Iom Slack. taatr. Celt
Seorea la Checker Tooraameat.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia., Feb. 24-(9peclal
Telegram.) At the cloee of the second ily
of the Iowa state checker tournament, the
cn.impionNiup Honors lie Prtween D J
Long of Algona and H. 8. Wood of Oska-
Is the best time to take a dope of Ho,
tetter's Stomach Bitters, especially if the
stomach la weak or disordered and the
.'"""' t""r. 11 win sweeien me stomach
and put It la condition to properly digest
the food. For half a century
Discuss"! House Provision Hoarding In
ipection by Secretary of Agriculture.
Float Artloa oa tbe Dill Puatpaaeal
la Order to Allow aa Inspeetloo
of the Measare as
WASHINGTON. Feb. S4 The senate
spent the greater part of today discussing
an amendment to the agricultural appro
priation bill striking out the house pro
vision giving authority to the secretary of
agriculture to Inspect Imported food pro
ducts when mlebranded or suspected of
Impurity. The house bill permitting those
who make entry under the land law to file
proofs In courts of record at the county
seats of the county in which they reside
was passed, but Mr. Mitchell entered a mo
tion to reconsider, saying lie desired an op
portunity to Inspect the bill.
A resolution offered by Mr. Danlol di
recting the committee on Judiciary to In
quire Into the expedlrticy of enacting a law
providing against the acceptance, holding
or receipt of the pay, allowance or emolu
ment of any executive office, agency or
commission by a senator or representative
In congress while serving ft such senator
or representative, was adopted. The sen
ate, then resumed consideration of the ag
ricultural appropriation bill.
Mr. Hale made a point of order against
the committee provision authorising the
secretary of agriculture to examine and
report upon samples of seeds, to accept
fees for the service and make certificate of
the result of such inspection. The point of
order waa sustained.
The amendment made by the committee
striking out the house provision appropri
ating J40.0OO for the Introduction, of foreign
plants and seeds waa disagreed to.
At the instance of Mr. Stewart, an amend
ment directing the seoretary of agriculture
to Investigate the effect of cold storage
upon the healthfulness of food was adopted.
Mr. Stewart said that many cases of pois
oning from cold storage food had been re
ported. Mr. Aldrlch moved to strike out the house
provision authorising the secretary of ng
rlculture to make Investigation of Imported
food products believed to be Impure and
Injurious to health. The amendment caused
considerable debate. Mr. proctor opposed
the amendment and read a letter from the
secreta-y irf the treasury sayii.g the ifect
of the pr-?s?nt l.-iw had been very lienef.-'al
and adding that there could b no objec
tion to some supervision of the Kind by the
Agricultural department.
Mr. Tillman suggested that the bill be
amended in such manner as would transfer
the discretion of passing upon Impure foods
from the secretary of agriculture to the
secretary of the treasury. Mr. Dolllver op
posed the amendment,' saying that all Eu
ropean countries protect their people
against food adulterations. He also de
fended the Department of Agriculture
against the attacks made upon It, confess
ing his Irritation over them.
Mr. Quarfes suggested that the authority
to confiscate, goods when 'Incomplt-tely
labeled" was entirely too broad, and Ihfr.
Proctor consented to the elimination of that
provision. Mr. Allison oaid the origntil
provision for Inspection of Imported foodj
by the Agricultural department was en
acted In 1900 and that It waa largely for
the purpose of retaliation against foreign
countries, which .insist upon Inspecting
American goods.
Mr. Allison spoke In Justification of the
course or the secretary of agriculture
ag&inst the charge of unfairly attempting
to . Inject himself into the Inspection of
foreign goods. Mr. Aldrlch expressed a
willingness to allow the amendment to
stand If It could be amended so as to have
the subject of unwholesomeneus of food left
in thn aprretarv of the treasurv.
Consideration of the bill practically was
concluded, but final action on It was pot
poned until tomorrow in order to allow an
inspection cf It as amended.
Among the bills pusaed Is one providing
for the reimbursement of the state of Iowa
to the extent of J20.500 for moneys expended
in equipping troops in the bpanlsh war.
Will Decide on Rales of Proeedaro
at tha Meeting Friday
(From a Staff Correspondent)
t WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) The Dietrich Investigation commit
tee will hold a meeting Friday morning at
10:30 at which time the question of pro
cedure will be determined.
A Death Blow to Malaria.
Electric Hitters, kill and expel malaria
disease germs, will prevent typhoid, and
cure fever and ague, or no pay. Only soc.
For sale by Kuhn A Co.
Kew Care for Weak Langs.
Dr. King' New Discovery for Consump
Ion cures all coughs, colds, grip and lung
troubles or no pay. 60c, H.00. For sale by
Kuhn Co. '
has been the stand
by of thousands of
sickly teople and
today U joat aa
popular and reliable.
It positively oures
' w C fl "'t
l.'-:' 1 0y
W It-e 33Lf hipfi
Sick Headache,
Sour Stomach,
Dyspepsia and
Coftstl atioa.
t'ekfrmstlsii by senate
WASHINGTON. Feb. 24-The senate has
confirmed the following nominations:
Fred D. Fisher, Oregon, to be consul at
Tamsul, Formosa.
LHJaii 11. Hope, Tennessee, to be an as-
slstant paymaster In the navy.
Post masters: Kansas M. M. Lee, Saint
Mary a.
Also several promotions Jn the navy.
AnaoaaeeaieBts of the Theaters.
The one amusement feature for the
theater-goers this afternoon will be a mat
inee at the Orpheura, where the vaudeville
bill la a well balanced one. Among the
popular stars on the program are Fred
erick Hallen and Mollle Fuller, presenting
a lively little farce comedy entitled "My
Wife's Hero." Bill Clifford, a favorite
matiuee idol, with new songs, stories and
j ultra nice attire, will be on hand to ap
peal to the remlnlne sensibilities. The re
maining features are well varied.
This evening at the Boyd "The Isle' of
Spice," with its great array of pretty girls,
Its gorgeous scenery and costumes, its
comedians and vocalists, lis wealth of songs
and choruses, will begin Its Omaha engage
ments cf three nights and a Saturday tnaL
inee. This is the latest of Fred C. Whit
ney's offerings in the line of musical ex
travaganxa. and haa been put lie fur the
public with all the care and lavishneH
that successful manager Is noted for. It
has been a bit wherever ata?a and comes
to Omaha with the commendation of all
who have seen It.
Santae! Compere and Representatives
of Employers Appear.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 24 The house com
mittee on Judiciary today began a series of
hearings on the Grosvenor 111 te limit the
meaning of the word "conspiracy" and the
use of restraining orders and Injunctions
Samuel Gompers, president of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, presented his
views In favor of the measure.
A large delegation, headed by James M.
Beck, former assistant attorney general,
and Ikanlel Davenport, were present today
In opposition to it. S. Kelghler of Pitia-
burg, representing the National landing
Trades tmployera association, entered a
protest In behalf of his association on tha
ground that existing laws were amply -suf
ficient to enable employes to secure rights
and none too strong to secure to the em
ploying classes the security of their prop
erty. .
Mr. Berk said he .represented the Build
Ing Trades' league of Chicago, the Amerl
can Anti-Boycott association and The Na
tional Association of Marble Dealers. Mr,
Beck declared that If enacted Into law the
bill would effectually repeal the Sherman
anti-trust law. I'nder It It would be pos
sible to form the Northern Securities com
pany on the ground that filch a combina
tion would be lit furtherance of preventing
trade disputes.
Execatlve Responds to Resjaeat of the
Monti Resolatloa.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Tbe president
today sent to the senate a report of the
secretary of state in response to a resolu
tion Introduced by Senator Morgan calling
I for "such Information as Is In the posses
sion of the government of the I'nlted States
ss to the present state of the organisation
of the republic of Panama, and a copy cf
the constitution of said republic of Panama, 1
and such Information as to the provisions
thereof ss may have been received by him."
The rtsolutlon also railed for any ordi
nance or other proceedings of the constitu
tional convention, recently In session at
Panama, relating to the Hay-Bunau-Va.-rllla
Secretary Hay, In his report to the presi
dent, said that the draft of the constitu
tion cf the republic; of Panama was sub
stantially adopted on February 11 which
he says goes to show the form to be given
the government
Nominations by President.
WASHINGTON. Feb, I4.-Tho president
sent the following nominations to the sen
ate today: '
Rear admlr.d, Captain Caspar of the
Postmasters: Colorado Preston Hol
brook. Blackhawk Missouri Milton J.
Hudson, Hsle. Nebraska Theodore A.
Gterens. Arlington. Washington James
Lane, Roslyn.
lira to Tr It.
ir win a laa oa un
k . - JL unpiui tu woman la
- i f"lator. It Mvor
Storm la Fatal oa paeiao Coast.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 24 A special to
the Oregonian from Hoqulam. Wash . says
the sturm hnh lias rotted aJong the Pa
cific coast for the last few days, and which
caused the wreck of the schooner Howe on
Long Bract, serras to have renched Its
height at the Agency settltmeiit on the
Qjinault Indian reservation, where it be
came almost a lornudn. wrecking several
buildings, killing one man. David lCerr of
tiila city, and fatally injuring Mrs. Kerr
aud sji uid yulua ult India a culet.
lu 1 ti r r
-- a. an
rrii frSSa 1 cyr A
It Is woman's mission
to look good. Beauty ia
vroman'a birthright. Nothing
destroys comeliness quick
er than sickness. In my largo
practice I have looked with
wonder many times on wo
men who have quickly re
gained lost beauty with a
return to perfect health. I
have known thousands ot
cases of women who were
nervous wrecks, and showed
it ; women who suffered from
Kidney Disease, Liver Af
fections, Indigestion, Impurities In the Blood, and bore upon their faces
'the stamp of their afflictions. To such women I have always recommend
ed my DR. GREENE'S NERVURA Blood and Nerve Remedv for pur
ifying their blood and strengthening their 'nerves. I have built up their
entire bodies and made all of their vital organs work properly. The re
sult is seen in bright eyes, plump figures, clear complexions, lustrous hail
and an expression of happiness and content, allot which combined turned
the broken down object of pity into tho grandest of all of God's creations
a beautiful woman. I continually receive letters from women grateful
to me for what I have done for them from all sides.
The following is from Miss Florence Bukch, $00 West 164th St,
New York :
" Before I took Dr. Greene' Nerrura blood and nerve remedy I
suffered a great oeal with catarrh and rheumatism. Catarrh affected
my stomach. It gave me severe sick headaches, and I likewise suffered
from nervousness. Now that I hare taken Dr. Greene' Nerrura blood
and nerve remedy, I feel splendidly and want to recommend it do -all
who are sick and run down aa the best medicine they can take. It
cured my rheumatism nd the catarrh."
I want everyone who reads this, if they are not feeling as Nature
Intended they should, well, strong and energetic, with the ability to eat
and sleep, to go todav to the nearest druggist and give a bottle of my
DR. GREENE'S NERVURA a trial. THis is all that is necessary to
prove to one how easy it is to find the roa. to health and happiness
Should there be a man or woman who has neglected their case, or whose
illness is of such a complicated nature that it will not yield readily to
Nervura, then they should call on me if it is possible, or write a lettei to
me, addressing it to Dr. Greene, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York City. All
such may have the benefit of ,my many years of experience and my advice
absolutely free. Often a little advice or some particular instructions,
especially when taken in connection with Nervura, are sufficient to make
all the difference in the world' in turning the scale and accomplishing a
speedy cure. ,
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