TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. FEflTlUATJY Z2. WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN ToitoM at Tillay Torgt, Latter at Gettyt bnrg Form American Ideals- DR. JENKS PREACHES NATAL DAY SERMON Pee I are a So Other Tno Men In llla torr I'nrm o lllnh Political 4 Moral Composites aa TfcMf, The Flmt Preshytr Dun church wm radi ant yesterday In Its beautiful interior adornment with Arnerlrnn tings and from th front of the nrr;in was Hiisrcnilerl a picture of Clportrp Washington, surrounded With neatly draped miKS. The. services were held In special reference to the approach Of Washington's birthday and the, music iras of a patriotic nnture. The T. K. quartette Mng a special, number, "Where Arm the Boys of the Old nrlgiide?" Rev. Edwin Hurt Jenks spoke upon the ubject, "Ideal American, nnd Amerlran Ideals." lie said In pert: "Two men, both horn In the. month of February, Meorge Washington and Abra ham Lincoln. No two men of our national history represent In themselves or form no high a political and moral composite aa Washington and Lincoln. That W why we hold up theee men ua our true American ideal. Only one thing Is great on thla earth ind that Ih man. man and his soul. That finest proof that earth shows up to God Is the finished man. Christ was sent to represent Clod's Ideal among men. America offers to men an opportunity. The spirit of man Is unchanged. That man shall have that opportunity under the Stars and Stripes Is unqualifiedly true. Man's opportunity Is his capacity, his fidelity and his character. Nothing can land In the way of these. The figure that would most clearly represent the true American If placed on a pedestal would be that of a man habited In the coarse garments of toll. That, to my mind, would represent the true American cltlen. It does not matter at what we toil, but how. People Who Can Bo Taught. "The American ideal Is a people who can be educated, that hand and heart can diffuse the intelligence of their concen trated powers. Every Amerloan Is a sov ereign. No man Is better than I be cause he wore a crown. The great educat ing force of the newspaper diffuses Itself throughout the land and none is so poor but that he can get a good paper In his home. "There is one place where we are weak and that Is along the lines of the develop ment of moral character. Whatever Is thought of President Roosevelt today, the 'one paramount belief Is that he Is honest. If ho does represent what I think and what millions of men think he represents, no name will stsnB above his In the list of our great prexldonts. What a fall there will -be In our Ideals If the time shall ever come that we are Indifferent to cor ruption in high places, and where culprits may be whitewashed by Insincere Investi gations. Let us hope that' the commer cial spirit has not fastened Its fangs on man's soul. Even the laborer who Is worthy of Ms hire has no right to take ' pay for labor, he does not perform. In so doing he Is as dishonest as the corrupt trusts. "The greatest epochs In the lives of our great American IdealB were Washington at Valley Forge and Lincoln at Gettys burg." BALOOX STORM CENTER OF SIN. Rev. H. C. Ilerrlna Ar raisins Omaha as Wicked City. Rev. Robert C. Herring of the First Con gregational church chose for Cie subject vt his discourse "The Public Morals of Omaha." ' 'There art two ways of handling this Subject," aa4 Re. Mr. Herrln. "on ll to treat this city as the plague spot of the world and the other Is to whitewash the facta. Both are wrong. Consequently, I will speak to you this morning simply, candidly, quietly of the evils that exist. "The chief evil is saloons. Their power has grown from year to year on account of their control passing Into the hands of a few brewers. These men can more easily wield the Influence of the saloons against the welfare of the community. There Is danger of massing power In a few hands when those hands are unclean. The opera tlon of gambling dens, of Indecent dance halls and of other evils Is due directly to the saloons. In short, the saloon Is the storm center of uncteanliness. The sale of Intoxicants Is not the only evil that surrounds It. ''It requires courage to stand up against the saloon power at any point. One of the worst forms In which wickedness breaks ut In a community Is the Indecent theater There ts one within three blocks of this church which runs day and night. Ths .saloons ara at the bottom of these. "If for some reason the group of man who ara responsible for these evils w to summoned to the publlo bar we should be forced to summon the brewers. They re the arch criminals, no matter how re spectable they may appear. . "There Is-no earnest desire on the part of our public officials to correct these evils. Bo far as I can sea these disorderly ele ments have nothing to fear from the lew, I reallie their powers are limited, though they have the luw to back them, they can not close the saloons. But the license of very saloon In this city could be revoked today on the charge of openly breaking the law. Our city officials could close the Indocent theaters, but I do not see them .doing it I do not know, personally, of official dishonesty in our city government, but you and I could easily agree upon many points bearing upon publlo morals In our city administration. I would suggest for the correction of the current evils that the people organise for self-protection. We already have three organisations with this object In view, and I believe they can cover the ground thor oughly If they receive the proper amount of support from our cltlaens. I believe. also, that we shov'd have a monthly bul Jetln published Ir, the Interest of morals. I should like to know what Is at the bot , torn of the rece it fir engine deal which has been made by our city government. would like to know If our city administra tion Is controlled by a paving monopoly, aa nme people charge. But. you say, don't we nave the newspapers, We do have ' them, that Is ths trouble. We feel quite s much In the dark after we have read them aa we did before. We are In the dark when they tell the truth as much as when they do not, for wo have grown skeptical. "We need a toning up all along the line. W'e must make an effort to get the right men Into office, and then we must make an effort to get them to do their duty." CALLS OMAHA STKSICH TO WORLD Rev. K. Coauble Smith Rays Vice Is Rampant. "A city wide open with vice and a stench In the nostrils of men everywhere." what Rev. R. Combte Smith said of Omaha In a sermon at the First Methodist church yesterday morning. After contrasting city Ufa with that in the country, he declared reforms are necessary In thla municipality and pleaded for co-operation with th league formed recently with the avowed purpoes of reforming the rlty. . boC permit ft maaa of filth, to stsnd In the streets," said the minister. "Then why do you allow masses of moral filth to gather within the confines of your city? Your home upon the avenue, you ray. Is In an atmosphere of culture and refinement, but you overlook the fact that the same avenue runs to the river and that It runs through sones of filth and slime and moral corruption. Why have you al lowed the red-llghf district to make In roads upon the residence portion of your rlty and afford a menace to the virtue of your children? Why do you permit the nnnenforcement of the Hlocumb law and allow saloons to be open all day Sunday and twenty-four hours out of every day In the seven to spread their contamination and evil? "Do you know that the advancement of the retail district Is Just now threatened by the questionable character of houses on Howard street and on Sixteenth street? Do you know that every nigra r store In the city Is'a kindergarten for gambling places where your boy may be Initiated to the gambling habit through the slot machine?" P1,KAD! FOR LIVES OF PTRITY. Rev. Mr. "jaTfdsre Warns Asralnst t'n equal loklna. In the People's church Rev. Chsrles W. Savldge preached from II. Corinthians, vl:14 "Re ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." "What did the Lord mean by yoke?" asked Mr. Savldge. "He was talking to Christians: and God meant the yoke He has for believers. When we become real children of Ood we wear a yoke. The Bible rays: 'It Is good for a man to bear the yoke while he Is young.' Jesus said, Take my yoke upon you and you shall have rest.' There Is no rest like the rest that comes In the bow with Jesus. It Is the genius and plan of the Lord to yoke us up in the gospel. The time to be yoked Is In youth and we will never lay It off. Jesus gets Into the yoke first. He came for no sham. Ho came to take our burdens from us. Blessed be that person who hears His voice calling us to come and who goes under the yoke with Him. I have told you of the true yoke fellow Jesus. "But I see the devil In the yoke, too. I see his horns; he calls to us to enter and thousands go under his yoke. At first there are followers along the way and nice food and the yoked-wlth-the-devll sees us toll ing In the sun with Christ snd Is pleased at first. Christ's yoke is hard at first. The first unequal yoke the devil tries to put on us ts a bad church one with bad theories and doctrines. Look out for a church with no Bible doctrine or Bible practice. Another unequul yoke that he has Is in business. The devil Is pleased If he can yoke us in bad business. Some men are working Sundays, some keeping books In liquor houses and hating It, some are gambling for grain. I pray to Ood to give us light and strength. "But the unequal yoke does not apply so strongly to the church life, nor to the business life, as to the marriage relation Be not unequally yoked together with un believers. I have married a thousand couples In my ministry and some of the greatest troubles are those we cannot cor rect. Pray to God when you are thinking of entering Into marriage for His direction. I have sn those who have made two alliances, and are worse tangled up. They have tried to be useful In the church but the ghost of the past rises up to hoot at them. In the church, the buslnees, and the family relations let us seek the council and the direction of God." LAIIS CHARACTER OF WASHINGTON. Rev. J. E. II n mm on Says His Life Is Bnsed on Bible Principles. , Rev. J. E. Hummon'a sermon at the Kountse Memorial church last evening was apropos jt the coming anniversary of the birth of Washington and presented many unique and helpful suggestions toward a better balanced and 'more comforting everyday existence as exemplified In the career of the great American. The preacher laid great atress upon the fact that had Washington's life not been lived on the basic principles of the Bible and an emulation of Christ himself, Wash ington would not have been "the father of his country" nor would his name have held the revered and honored place that It doea today. Mr. Hummon made a quotation from the scripture, Proverbs, xll:J, "A good man ob talneth favor of the Lord." the nucleus of his remarks and noted the truth of the Psalm cxl!:: "The righteous shall be In everlasting remembrance." 'To stand In favor with the Lord and be held In everlasting remembrance ought to be and Is. he said, the supreme desire and the highest ambition of every . man who Is In the possession of good common sense, and who knows what Is his highest good. Gorge Washington was one of the grand est characters In the history of the world. His fame Is eternity and his residence cre ation. George William Curtis, one of our notest Journalists and authors, made the sweeping statement that 'the value of Washington to his country transcends that of any other man to any other land." In the study and contemplation of such char acters we feel a stimulation, an Inspiration to a nobler and a better life, a peculiar force which lays hold on us when we read of the achievements of such men and we are led to Inquire into the secret of their peculiar power and personal popularity. These questions naturally come to us In the consideration of the character of Wash ington. His success was based upon char acter, the foundation of which was the Imperishable and Immovable rock Jesus Christ. He stood In favor with God. He was clothed In the white and pure robe of righteousness." Announcements of the Theaters. A a special matinee this afternoon at the Boyd theater Miss Charlotte Tlttell and her company will repeat the Cable play, The Cavalier." The piece will also be given this evening and Tuesday evening. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the present week, with a matinee on Saturday, "The Isle of Spice," under direction of Fred C. Whitney, will be the attraction at the Boyd. This piece has been given the careful attention Mr. Whitney bestows on all his productions, and Is reputed to be worthy of the attention and success It has had. "For Her Children's Sake," another of Sullivan, Harris at Woods' big melodra matlc productions, will open at the Krug tonight for three nights and a Wedne day matinee. "For Her Children's Bake' Is the companion play to "The Fstal Wed ding," which was recently presented a the Krug to very large and well pleased audiences. The sale of seats for the engagement of Mrs. Flake at the Krug Wedneaday nlgbt March I, will open at the box office at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, February H. No seats will be taken out before the opening of the public sale, the first to come will be the first served and meas ures will be taken to prevent speculation. Rlcbt on the Spot Where rheumatism pains, rub Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the great bealer. 'Twill work wonders. Stops pain or no pay. S6c For sale by Kuhn Co. DIED. REED Mary, wife of Edwsrd Reed. Sun day morning. February 21. aged t years. Funeral Tuesday, February, 13, at 8:Su a. m., from family residence, 2-U7 Pierce street to tt Petr cburcb. Interment at Hoi acpujoae SAYS CZAR WILL CRUSH JAPAN Vies Chancellor Beaiej of University Fre ' dioti BuoceM of Btusia SPEAKS OF EXCELLENCE OF ITS RAILROADS After Tonr of Them He is Convinced They Are Snperlor to the Rail roads of the lalted States. "I am not expressing hope for Russia, but I believe, from what I know of the two nations, that when the time for dealing the blow comes Russia will crush Japan," declared Vice Chancellor Bessey of the t'nlverslty of Nebraska. Dr. Bessey and his son, Ernest, spent some time touring Russia and paid es pecial attention to the railroads of that country. Dr. Bessey was once employed as a machinist in a railroad shop in the United States and therefore has some prac tical knowledge of railroading. Regarding the railroads he said: "The railroads of Russia, apart from the rolling stock, are superior to the railroads of the United States, with the possible ex ception of the Pennsylvania road. When I read accounts to the effect that the rail roads of Russia are inferior to the rail roads of any country I am constrained to believe that the Individual who gives out such Information Is not Informed of the facts. "Aa fsr as the transslbertan railroad Is concerned." said Dr. Bessey, "I did not make a thorough examination of its road bed. I crossed It at several points and from a casual observation that road is built as are other roads In Russia, the same material being used, and It has the ap pearance of the other roads. Russia has spent millions In the construction of rail roads. In my estimation the Immense amount of money has been well spent and each year the roadbeds are being con stantly Improved. Bridges Are Substantial. "The bridges along the roadbed, some of them with great stone arches a third of a mile in length, are not surpassed even by the bridges of the great Pennsylvania. The cuts along the road are protected with solid walls of masonry such aa are seen only in New York City. Russia Is constantly for saking the old for the new. A tunnel through the Caucasus mountains, a most wonderful piece of work, was abandoned and a new tunnel put through ths moun tains because a lower grade was secured. The roads are constructed and have the appearance of the best roads in this coun try, the Iron used being equally as heavy. In nearly every Instance, however, the roads appear more beautiful and show that careful attention is paid In keeping them In first-class condition. "American tourists In Russia get the Idea that the railroads of that country are in ferior because of the Inferiority of the roll ing stock. The rolling stock Is vastly In ferior to our own magnificent Pullmans. In all Prussia I failed to observe a aingle coach that would In any way compare with those of our ordinary trains. "Russian locomotives are not to be com pared with those of America, It is true I saw Baldwin locomotives, but they were of make of a generation ago. The laws of Russia, however, are responsible for the use of these out-of-date engines. The or dinary train does not travel mora than ten to thirteen miles an hour. Upon every en gine is a sign which designates at what rate of speed the train travels. "What Russia needs to make her rail roads equal to those of other countries ts rolling stock, and In my opinion Russia that somewhere. I cannot but feel weary when I hear people aay that Russia cannot get her troops-to the front because of the Inadequate railroad facilities. The entire country is cut up with magnificent military roads, many of whioh never will be used except In cases of emerrenov. From the terminal of a short line In the Caucasus mountains extend two stub lines, one goes to Turkey and one. to Persia and these will be used only In moving troops. in various parts of Russia are similar lines." Thinks Japan Will Lose. Dr. Bessey has an Idea of Russia and Russian civilisation considerably different from that entertained by many students of history, ahd while not expressing hope for Russian success in her present struggle wth Japan, he believes the smaller nation will be crushed. nen Russia Is ready to strike," said Dr. Bessey, "In my opinion the latest im proved locomotives will be put upon these magnificent roads, troops will be rushed to the front and a decisive blow will be struck." Of the treatment accorded travelers by Russian officials. Dr. Bessey spoke In the Highest terms. "I expected to see the Russian of the car toon, he said. "The man with a vlclou face and of uncouth appearance. Instead I round Just the opposite. A few of the offl clals I saw wore beards, but none of them had that vicious appearance for which I was looking. I found them on every occa sion most Obliging and ummmnHiHim Frequently we asked policemen on the street for Information and directions and not one of them but who gave me a re epectful answer. Once when I Inquired of a policeman the way to the American lea-a tlon he replied that he did not know where It was, but directed me a block away to the ponce neadquarters. where I might secure tne information. Before I reached the head quarters the policeman ran after me and pointed out the legation. He had made in quiry of a passerby. I had been under the Impression th the Russian men spent most of their time in orinklng and the Russian women In smoking, but after a personal observation I desire to deny thla My son and I spent mum lime at a watering place, where If anv place In the empire, these Dractlces would be Indulged In. During our entire stay In that place we did not sea a m Intoxicated snd saw only two women smok ing. From their appearance theae women I would Judge, belonged to the naaan class. On hoard ship we became acquainted aim tne daughter of a Russian Judge of m. i-etersnurg, a most hlrhiv ,,,.. woman, who had spent much time In travel in tne empire. She told me that the alrht of a woman smoking In Russia was a most unusual one. TRIES TO MISLEAD A GIRL rwptala Mostrn to Effect His Plot. William Phelan. arrested Saturday after noon as a suspicious character, ts beln nrm at me city jail awaiting further In vestlgatlon. It la. stated that Phelan has been deavorlng to Induce a girl, whose name I: wtthheKl for obvious reasons, to return t a life of shame. The girl Is working a a Hoarding bouse on upper St. Mary' avenue and has expressed a desire to for sake her old patha Falling In his efforts to persuade the girl to leave the house Phelan grew desperate Saturday after noon, so It la stated, and telephoned to tne boarding house that he was Cartain of Police Mcmtyn and that If the girl did not accede to h!s demands he would send one or more rJ"rers up to the place an exiiatn to mem what was what. Th police station was advised of Uie matter with the result that Thelan was soon arrested. UNERAL OFJAMES H. KIRK Services and Rnrlnl of Tnrnkey at Jail Attended by Many Old Friends. The funeral of James IT. Kirk, late turn- ey at the city Jail, was held Runday aft ernoon with Impressive ceremonies befitting the life and character of the man. The cortege which left the residence at 2 o'clock was led by Chief of Police Donahue. Ser geants Hayes, Dempsey and Rentfrow and Captain Mostyn and contained a generoua representation of the police department, Masonic fraternity. Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen and friends. The procession moved to the Css- tellar Presbyterian church, which was seated to Its utmost capacity. Rev. William H. Reynolds, pastor of the Castellar church, preached an eloquent sermon on life and death, the uncertainties of the one and the lnevltableness of the other and then spoke In a more Informal manner on the life of the deceased. The choir sang "Oh, Happy Day that Fixed My Choice" and "Tell Me the Old, Old Story," the two favorite hymns of the late' turnkey. The dead police officer was burled In uniform and was Interred at Laurel Hill cemetery, where the funeral rites were conoluded at the grave. Numerous floral tributes were sent by the various organi zations of which Mr. Kirk was a member and also by friends. The pallbearers were: Officers Madsen and Glover of the police department; J. M. McDowell and W. 8. Heller, Nebraska lodge No. 1, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; D. Hartson and W. Gienleman, State lodge No. 10, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; John W. Dennlscu and Chris A. KJeldgard, lodge No. 98, Ancient Order of United Workmen.' Several of the missionary workers who call at the city Jail on Sunday afternoons placed a bunch of carnations on the late turnkey's desk In the cellroom yesterday afternoon. FALLS FROM R00F OF HOUSE Shoemaker Sustains Severe Contna- sion of the Bark from the Accident. Peter Relbold, 808 South Twenty-seventh street, a shoemaker operating a small shop at Sixteenth and Jones streets, fell from the roof of his place of business Sunday morning and sustained a severe contusion of the back. Retbold's stove was smoking badly dur ing the early morning hours, so he went on the roof to adjust the draught arrange ment In the smokestack, lost his foothold and fell to the ground. Although the dis tance from the edge of the roof to the ground was small, the shoemaker fell In such a manner as to strike the ground with his back, lnfllotlng painful and severe Injuries. The Injured man was attended by the police surgeon and removed to his home In the patrol wagon. . D. POPE LEAVES THE STATE Prominent Friend Republican Will Go to Chicago to Prac tice Law. Hon. John D. Pope of Friend. Neb., well known aa a one-time republican candi date for congress from the Fourth Ne braska district, Is preparing to give up his residence in Nebraska and remove to Chicago. This fact 'ffttne out at a recent meeting of the Dartmouth alumni, when It was advanced as the reason why Mr. Pope declined to take, upon himself certain duties which his associates wished to im pose upon htm. Mr.. Pope served In the state legislature as a member of ths sen ate, representing Saline county, ' and has been prominent In republican politics. Ha was one of the witnesses In the Dietrich case. It Is eald that he will engaga in the practice ol law In . Chicago. CHARGED WITH COAL STEALING Two Colored Men Arrested for Alleged Appropriation of Black Diamonds. William Carter, 606 North Twelfth, and A. Williams, 412 North Twelfth, both col ored, were numbered among the Sunday arrivals at the city Jail. Carter and Wil liams are charged with petit larceny. It being claimed they have been stealing coal from the car on the Missouri Padflo tracks. . Carter, It Is said, became so em boldened In the work that he uaod a horse and wagon to expedite matters and would jump on the moving cars, throw coal off at different places and then collect the black lumps at convenient times. Ha had a small wagon nearly filled when ha was brought to Jail to rest up for awhile. OFFERS BOOTY TO THE OWNER Alleged Boy Roarno Wants to Sell Goods to Man from Whom He Steals. Harry Danlelson, a 14-year-old boy re siding at 1830 North Seventh street, was ar rested Sunday morning and charged with petit larceny. According to the allegation, the boy offered something in the way of a novelty In petty thieving, that of trying to sell goods to the person from whom he had stolen. It Is said he stole a sack of old sheet copper from L. Harding and then went back to Mr. Harding, who Is a Junk dealer, and tried to dispose of the stuff. Mr. Harding recognised his own property and the boy was arrested. Adler's auction sale or unredeemed pledges. & E. Cor. 12th and Farnam 8ts. Fnneral Kotlce. The funeral of Bernard Cornle Shannon will take place on Tuesday morning at 8:30 from his residence. 124 North Tenth street, to St. Phllomena's cathedral, thence to m. Mary s cemetery. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Captain Frank A. Wilcox of Fort Crook adjutant of the Thirtieth United States Infantry, was a Sunday guest at the Pax ton. Second Lieutenant Alhln L. Clark, Thir tieth United States Infantry, mas an Omaha visitor yesterday, a guest at the I'axios. Henry Schmotle of Fairmont, A. E Tracy of Lincoln, L. E- liar rand and K K. Mullenhofr of Pierre, S. D.t are at the Murray. John J. Flieschutl. A. A. Brown of Den ver, M. Ulraduet of Paris, France, and E. J. F. K-a of Portland, Ore., are a the iler Grand. Captain Wilson Chase, Twenty-first United States Infantry, on duly at th University of Neliraaka, ia in the city, a guest at tne raxton. Robert Raffan of Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. A. fc. Wells or Oakland. James I), tior ton of Seattle, Wash., and A. Uauman of Fremont are at the Merchants. F. W. Stevens of Wichita. Mr. and Mra. Rolert Ai'pl.'by and children. Miss I .a r sen or hiiinri.n. u. A. lvls or Lincoln and V. If. Spire of Wrsy, Colo., are at th Merchants. W. R. Morse of flsik.". Thomai Klrby tjeorse n. Ihoige or lnver, t . a 1. e o Lincoln. S. B. Miller of 1-aramle. Wyo. H. H. I-mwdWi of Salt Lake City are at ut raxiun- GAS RESULTS IN FOUR DEATHS fluid Escapes from Rearoir on Which Men Are Working LIGHTED TORCH CAUSES AN EXPLOSION Two Men Are Asphyxiated and Others Severely Burned and Injured by the Ri plod In a Material. BUFFALO, Feb. 21 Two men were as- phxlated, one burned to death and several were seriously Injured In an explosion of blast furnace gas at the plant of the Ikckawanna Steel company today. The dead are: OEORQE REYNOLDS, a mason. MICHAEL S. SMITH, a mason. FRANK FRENATT, employed In the power house. The explosion occurred near power house No. 2. A large reservoir is situated there. The resetvolr Is a tube 100 feet long and about ten feet n diameter. It was stored with gas to be used as motive power for a large blower engine. Smith and Reynolds were working In the reservoir behind a bulkhead today. A piece of the bulkhead was removed In the eourse of the operation. A valve which the men ha4 thought was closed allowed gns to flow Into the tank. They tried to escape. but were overcome before they could reach the exits, A torch used by the men was left behind. and when the gas reached It a terrific ex plosion was occurred. Frank Prenatt and he men were trying to remove one of the unconscious men when the explosion oc curred. All of them were hurled Into the air. Prenatt died in a few minutes. Alex ander Bandera was terribly burned and he may die. FARMING AS AJHIGH SCIENCE Facnlty of the Missouri University Will Try to Elevate the Study of Aarrlcoltnre. COLUMBIA, Mo., Feb. 21 .-Decision has been made by the faculty of the Missouri university to elevate the sfudy of agricul ture to a place as a high science, and agriculture as taught In high schools will be accepted as a basis for entrance of students to the university. This will have the effect of placing the study of farming on an equal footing with other sciences. It ts proposed by the university to Intro duce tho study into every high school in the state, and If the plan Is successful It Is expected that other states will follow the example. DRUNKEN FARMER KILLS WIFE Drives Children from Home, Fires His Own House and Perishes in the Flames. MAYSVILLE, Ky., Feb. 2L--G. W. Bra- rael, a farmer living twelve miles from this city, got home very much Intoxicated late last night, ran his brother away from the house with a Winchester and afterward killed his wife, driving his children out In tho cold rain. While In Jila dellrlun Bra mel set his house on fire and perished In the flames. Bramel had previously driven his wife and children out of the house dur ing sprees. DEATH RECORD. Mary Reed. Mary Reed, wife of Edward Reed of the Omaha Merchants Express company, died at her home, 2417 Pierce street, Sunday morning, after a prolonged Illness. Mrs. Reed leaves, besides her husband, three sons, James D. and Byron J. Reed of this city and William Rood of Los Angeles, and one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Wallace of Omaha. A Frit Bottlt Of Drake's Palmetto Wine will give yon prompt Howeia pure, ricn Diooa una sound moneys. Write to Drake Formula Company. Cbicavo. TELEPHONE 431 l-H FAHNAM ST. SGRANTON HARD GOAL ALL SIZES. ROCK SPRINGS GOAL GANON CITY NUT COAL FOR COOK STOVES And many other grades, from cheap, est to the best. Nebraska Fuel Co. 1414 Farnam 8t Phone 43L Charges Less Than all Others DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST Treats aUI lor.i of Dt...e. af MEN OIL. Twenty-eight years' experience tighteen ears In Oman The doctors reuumuible success Lm Bsvcr beeu equaled, iiia rurca and tsclutiea (or lr.(iug this cuts '-( diaeuM are unlimited au4 every oa brtajt. uiaoy Battering reports of th. good be is dolus or the relief be has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT TOR ajI Blood f4sons. No "bHUAKlXQ OUT" a ths ekla or face and au oatoraai eigne of the dlse.ae dloappea at ouca. A Iter. manent cure for Ufa guaranteed. 'lDir(lfflF Cures vuuranteed la HIVUUt-LL LJSa THAN i UATH Ff "in 0(10 l'""' i'"rd of H)'urjc:. JU,UUU btriclur., Ulea, Nirvii Ijeuimy, l.oii i-f SueNgth and Italti ad all forms 01 chronic alsM.aa. Treatment ty mall. Call or write. Boa las, &tna Hi ftettU itU fU Uua-ae. Ms Uj III Mills Trading Stamps Free 1HK HI MAM K sllilil The Beautiful Hew Spring Silks Are Here A BRILLIANT (M.LlVTt'-iN or KASIIInN V Vt RITFS - T1IK LAI.RKf. BILKS ARM Till-. ATTliACTlON OK Til I. Sl.ASdV. They Hre ns fni".inHllng to Uv lover of silk l.emnv ns tlie new stnr Is to th" astronomer. The name. Laurel. i on the h :i of nil the people. We have the KXt'H'PI V K agency fur om.ih.u New silks for waists and shirtwaist suits for onlv' 4vlC Elegant silks, both plnln and er fancy, worth II. l only OOt Monday we will sell regular 1.0n 2Mnoh w I. in pongee ii()r fr "J"'i 8AMPLK3 CHEERFULLY MAILED TO OUT-OF-TOWN ITSTOMEUS. Monday 25c Lace Sale Monday Monday morning wo will place 0n sale, a lot of odd lots of tine jacusi in sua, linen and cotton goods Worth 5"c to $l.,'i, per yard all at one price SPECIALS 25c Pure linen handkerchiefs, each 5n hand ha km, at S"o elastic heits r3 2fio 39o tl.OO luce collars, at Linen and Domestic Department EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS FOR MONDAY. 40c TA RLE DAMASK. 22Wc. Pleached union table damn.sk bt Inches wide, worth 4i"c at Soc TABLE DAMASK. l!lc. Bleached union tsMe damask, &S In ;hes .l'Jo de. wortn Bic yaru Monasy 45c TABLE DAMASK. 2;: Heavy cream table damask, Inches n wortn 4f? a yam at 75c TAHLE LINEN, Fine sliver bieaclvea tablo Unen, worth 7t-c at ,.45c Clothing Sale MEN'S PANTS, worth from 13. IW) to 58 ih h-tkI t5(io In Trading Stnr.ips. $2,50 BOYS' KNEE PANTS Bun's, worth F'.tKi, and ' V In Trading Stamps GROCERIES RELIABLE flOODS Zl-lhs pure cane granulated sugar, for $1.00 Large sacks cornmeal Vic Large sacks buckwheat flour :V H-gallon cans Gulden tablro syrup Wo, 5- lbs. hand-picked navy beans for 13o 6- lbs. good Japan rice liw &-lbs, tapioca, sago, nirley or farina. .He Bromanjelon, Jellyoon, Fruit ttiddlng, or Jello, rkg TVyj Force, Vigor, Vim, Neutrlta, Malta Vila, Malta Ceres, etc., per package 7'o 2-lb. pkg self-rising 'pancake flour ....T'-.-c 8-lb cans solid packed tomatoes ?c 2-10. cans Early June peaa "io 2- lb. cans wax or string beans .5o 3- lb cans Golden Egg or Greengage plums, at ao 1-lb pkg Imported macaroni 9,-1 Trading Stamps Free Ml TUB! RELIABLE) RTOHB. The Most Beautiful Array of en's Soring Suits. uom nrfs. ever seen in the city, are now on display in our iniiiiojse Cloak Department. We respectfully invite the Ladies of Oimiha to visit our 6tore and see for themselves the finest line of Ladies' Spring Garments ever shown in this or anv other store in the citv. New Suits at $10, $12.50, $15, $20, $30, $40, $50, $60. $75 and $95. Women's Hew Voile Skirts Reautiful garments with silk drop at $8 90, $12, $15, $25, $35 and $45 each. Specials for Monday 15 women's coats 4i90 children's coats 2-98 85 women's waists I AR Sli children's coats A. Q9.. ?2 women's underskirts. . . 98c I $5 women's skirts 2-98 Women's Flannelette Wrappers Qg HAYOES3 BROS. As a cathartic Safe Speedy Sure, Yright's Indian Vegetable Pills I are unequalled. A pure herb remedy. Roman Eye Balsam Tor Weak or Sore Eyes We Wonder if any of THE J'Koi'LE tnot the drug glcts of Coumll Hlun. (K ANY PIH Kl.fcE. FOK THAT MAT'iKlt. ihlnk lor a minute that are no lougvr cutting price Just Vaute are no longer ad vertising; In the Noi'iiarell? You we, tLe atenl meilh lne ftllnw (at the solicitation or l.'KUKNT lyl Ktir of the drug truxt) told some o( dully Irtl-er ill at they wnulj cut out their uil vnuMnK If they (the piipersi continue! "to let that Schaefer slash tne price of their good.- In his aus." Ho, you geu, we don't ua a much Kpare hh the intent medicine fellows ttinl therefore our ml or theirs had to he killed, go we told them to go on wltn their killing; we would run our liusines our wny, nnd evcryhoov else has the same privilege, hk f.tr it v-ti jii h coiicerne'l. No! If you want the latest and lnwent cuts on anything in the driiK. patent ine.l ielne, family li'iuor, chemical, pharma ceutical, ruhlttpr gooes or anvthirif else la a drug store, send ua a lint f'T prices, not catalogues. SGIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE A. T. Y ATr.d, 1'iop. 16th I I1" l hl"ii?o Mi., -n hi. Thro T47 uml .a I'lth and X Ma., H'.utli limnl.a. i'hoiiM X.. . iih Ave. un-l Main M., Council hlurT-.. 1'hone if" AM K'""' ; Uvered lu rltcer tltv auBolutcly free. e Trading Stamps t;ree i Tho fluert line of silks for Shirt waist """ I" the country ( ! - ' ( I Tho 1,ow M'lssul'.no sl.ks. nil tho rn9 In ,;,n cast 4 JZL the nnest. purest silk mnrte, only. .' EMBROIDERIES. This aaniplo line of completo fcts of the l,irfst emliroM.ry 5ioue In Anietira, on sr.lo Mono v at SUc to Rio per yard. IiEiil'1 Ait TRITE 10c to l.Si per yard. NfjSIM.KS. NKK1U.ES. NKEOLKs lc per pks; for full count (fold eye nee, linn, lc for Kelding Urns' ten Ing silk, (l' yard for Bo I. 3J RLEACHD M1EETINO, SStyc. Heavy extra line tileiohed abeetlnif, Inches wide, worth y.-ird at ....23'so 12V,c BLEACH ED MUSLIN, 8 l-8c Heavy soft finished hloirtied muslin, 12ic value at ,.S 1-3- L. 1.. muslin, ."A Inches wide, worth f'c, Monday. 20 yards for Jl Ofl 16c English long cloth for IfVi lf: sheer India linon, at KM Extraordinary IX) NOT FAIL TO SEE Oi;R PVRlNfl LINE CF HART, SCHAFFNER MA TLX H AND-TAH1RED CLOTHINO-WE AKE CMAHA'H SElJ-JNti AGENTS. GROCERIES RELIABLE LOW P RICES. DRIED FRUIT. Large California Prunes, per pound... Ch loe Utah lJea hi's. ter round English Cleaned Currants, per poi.nd. 7.: t aiic y Minr run Apricots, per Lonnu. Virginia illaokberiii'S, per pmiu.l Fancy California Grapes, per pound... FKESll FRU IT. FRESH FRUIT. .Li 4 l? ll 7',o riincy genuine. Iligblaml oranges, ea Fancy genuine Highland lemons, ea ch.lo California white figs, per t.kg ... Large Brazil moo, units, eaoli ... -1. ,...4o IIAIIMCSS. HARNESS. Now Is your time to ouy harness. A good double Concord troeolilng ness A good double farm harness A good double l'-inoh harness We make all our cwn, therefore guarantee the quality. har 137. 50 .2 ..' .23.110 can BROS. Trading Stamps. Free andUaisfs New York Boston and The East Six trains a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double-track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago, connects at that point with all lines, for aM points East. These fast trains on the North Western Line are most conveniently equip ped for the safety and comfort of pitrons. Buffet brooking and library cars. Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawing-room and private compart ment sleeping cars, free reclinlnR aiaircai s and standard day coaches. Leave Omaha daily for Chtcaijo at i:4" a. ro.. h:(iO a. m., 11:3'' a m., 4:25 p.m., 5:50 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. V.: ket an J fo'l lnfnrmiii "n applLailon TlckPr OH ICP".: IIC1.I40J t-srn.ni Mrcet, Omaha TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I feabaorib ftatv.