The Omaha Daily Bee. DON'T BELIEVE IT TILL YOU SEE IT IN THE BEE TRIPLE WAR.NEW5 SFRVICn. MIX ASMKIAltO 'K: Ki.PORTS, nxciiisivn n. y. hikalo cables. COMPLKTR N. Y. WORLD DI5HATCME3. i;sTAitusni:i) junk in, isi. OMAHA, MONDAY MOlJNINO. I'KHKUAIIY 22, 1004. SIN(5Li: eorY tuuku cuxts. vEY IS A MEN AC TUCHSS p Bulgr an Ajent Eajs His Countri Anxioja for Continued Peace. ' REJOICES AT REFORMS IN MACEDONIA Proposes to Do Nothing to Profit bj Present Cris in 0ri?n'.- HAVE WARMEST SYMPATHY FOR RUSSIA Actions of Turkey Tend Constantly to Etir Up Strife- MASSING TROOPS ALONG THE FRONTIER Coorif May Start a Conflagration In Ihe Balkans at Any Time Which Turk Are "aid to Desire. ARI8, Feb. 21 M. Zoltovltz. the Bul giirlan agnt In Paris, made ihe follow ing statement today: t I ran rive the most formal assurances that Bulgaria htm more than ever resolved to ilo rioiultig to compromise the peace. It In with great HitlMturtlon that we have seen the powers elaborate a plan for re forms In Macedonia, and wish without any reservation the reforms realized. Above all, at thlM moment wtien the power are following with anxiety the events In the far p;it, HiilieiirbL will avoid doing any thing that would cause the belief thai she propose to prollt by the crisis. Tho Bul garian people have iiivinliuousJy expressed win mi sympathy for Russia. It Ik imforiuiiate that Turkey persists In her regrettable hostility. Resides the an noying police measure It has taken against tuir people, our commerce Buffers nerlou?) obstailes; and finally, the continued con cern rut Inn of Turkleh troops ulong ouf frontier and the mobilization of troops at strategic points la menacing us. M. Zultovltx avers there was a party In Constantinople which has a preponderating Influence and quoted from consular reports the effect that the Turks fear a military insurrection If war with Bulgaria Is not declared. Mr. Zoltovlti concluded: In the light of these facts It Is natural that liulgar.a, too, should be preparing;. It Is understood the powers are considering simultaneous representations to Constant inople and Sofia to compel a limitation to aroianent. The Turkish embassy Is authorised to state categorically that the Ottoman gov ernment lias not given any orders for the mobilization of troops. IMPORTS FROM THE LUZON Only Small Part of the I'nlted Itatea Business Carried on I'nder the American Flaw, WASHINGTON, Feb. 21,-The dejlop xnent of the Philippines commercially and Industrially for the first nine months of 1903 Is the subject of a special bulletin by the bureau of Insular affairs. It Is shown that bath In Imports and exports there was an Increase, compared with a correspond ing period In the preceding year. Heavy exports of hemp and copra offsetting heavy Imports of rice, explained the Increase. During the period named the Imports were SN,103.8m, against $34,338,322 for 1S03. The ex ports amounted to 3,663,128, an Increase of nearly $4,(00,000. The rloe Imports were the only ones that Increased and there was a falling off In general trade, the I'nlted States losing 10 per cent and the United Kingdom 16 per cent, while Spain has only two-thirds of the amount of Its trade In 1902. I'nlted States exports Increased from rr.mill to 9,36,03(1 and the trade with Spain was practically the name. But a mail part of the United State business la carried under the American flag and all but 6 per cent of the general trado of the Islands Is done In foreign bottom. BALTIMORE HAS DAY OF REST Worst Difficulty Now Is the Great lee Floes Which Rtop NaTla-a-tlon. ' BALTIMORE. Feb. 21. For the first time alnee the great fire there was no dynamit ing in the burned district today. Mayor McLane having decided that It should be ay of much needed rest for the workers. I'hanksgivlng services were held In many of the churches today. The condition of traflio on the Chesa peake bay, which la worse than it has been for years on account of ths long continued cold weather, la a subject of grave concern to the merchants and ship pers of Baltimore. Neither yesterday nor today has a single bay steamer ventured from its moorings here, the Ice floes ren dering navigation exceedingly dangerous If not Impracticable. Tills condition has re sulted In a serious congestion of freights which must continue and grow worse until the Ice packs that extend 160 miles down the bay break up. The military guard on duty around and In the rulna has been reduced from J, 000 to sou men. THETA DELTA CHI FRATERNITY Fifty-Sixth Aasasl Convention Will Be Formally Ope add la New York City. NEW YORK, Feb. 2L The delegates to the fifty-sixth annual convention of Theta Delta Chi fraternity, which will be form ally opened tomorrow at the Hotel Ma Jestlo. held memorial services today at ths Fourth Presbyterian church. In memory of Its members who have died during the past year. Addressee were delivered by J. McBrlde Bterrett, professor of philosophy at Co. lumblan university, Washington, D. C. Rev. Lawrence T. Cole, cx-presldent of St slterhen s college, and others. About 600 delegates from Institutions all over the United States are expected to attend the uDventlon, ajnong tne colleges will be repre sented are l'i:lverslty of Wisconsin. Uni versity of California, McGIll university of Montreal. University of Michigan. LelanJ Stanford. University of Minnesota, Lafay ette, Columbian university and the major ity of the eastern colleges. SNCW IN THE NORTHWEST term Basra Tweatt-Four Hoars and Promises to Continue, but No Trouble Is Kspcrlraced. MILWAUKEE. Feb. il -The snowstorm which begin last night continued through todjy find Indications point to a contlnu snce until tomorrow. About sli Inches has ;!n up to this evening The storm Is ei'if'rsl in Hie norihuvrt. Ovrlnr to tho continued moving of traffic on steam and electric roads there hJS been little or no trouble experienced In this seeUoo. A cold 4V la U-lcWxl 14 Xulleiftj v IN ITALY Mother of Possible Kin of Italy Has Had a Perallarly Ro mantic Career. Tight, 1904. by Press Publishing Co.) . Feb. 21. (New York World Ca- V , 'Special Telegram.) The ducheis Is the woman most In the public V 'v next to CJueen Helena, because ll . 1 ...... ,A tKn , t. ... . .. .,MI W1 111,1 PJM r, ,1 ,, IIIK'IIS If . sing d!ed without a male heir. Prin cess Helene of Franre (Bourbon-Orleans), daughter of Ihe countess of Paris, who married the Italian duke of Aosta, Is as handsome as a Gainsborough portrait and Italians are very proud of her. Very tall and slender, she Is Imbued with life to the finger tips. Her gjlden hair brings out the marvelous fresh tints of her complexion, and a charming smile reveals fine teeth. Shu has the gray blue eyes of her mother and arched brows that go well with the Bourbon forehead. Her first romance was tinged with trag edy. While, the family was In exile in England she met and loved Duke Clarence, the eldest son, now dead, of the king of England. Her love was ardently recipro cated, end Queen Victoria, as well as the then prince and princess of Wales,' favored the match. But difference In religion was an obstacle. Victoria made everv effort to relax the law In favor of the lovers, but the British Parliament decided "The In tegrity of church and state as represented by the re!gnlng house cannot be put aside for reasons of the heart." Clarence clung to his Ideal to his dying day. His Inst words and thoughts were of Helene. It was not dlflloult to find suitors for a princess of such distinction and beauty and an alliance was proposed with a grand duke of Russia, but religion again stepped in. At the marriage of her sister. Princess Amelie, to Duke Braganza (now king of Portugal), she attracted the attention of Prince Amadeus of Italy, who was struck by her surpassing charm. On June 25, 18?6, she became his daughter-in-law, marrying his son, Prince Emmanuel of Savoy, now duke of Aosta. The duke and duchess are both passionately fond of hunting and rid ing. They rented the "Vlnerla reale" es tate of forests and prairies near Turin, where they have ample opportunity for gratifying their sporting tastes. Their sons, Amadeus and Aymon, Inherit their love of horses and learned how to sit on a saddle before they could say their alphabet. They swim alao. , The duchess was very much admired last summer on the coast of the English chan nel, when she went to take a dip. with one child In net arms and the other led by the hand. PRINCESS HAS A BAD TEMPER Does Not Hesitate to Show It to Her Royal Father and Mother- ln-I,aw. (Copyright. 19n4, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Feb. 21. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) More Amer ican than English born women occupied places alongside of royalty at this week's grand festival at Clarldge'a, which was or ganised by Mrs. Ronalds. The king and queen were anxious to go to the Cafe Chantant fete on Tuendny, .but only an nounced the desire Sunday night. When the princess of Wulea heard It she was most annoyed and refused to go, as both she and the prince hod been billed for a month as the only royal visitors to attend. Naturally, with the king and queen pres ent, the prince, and princess would have to play second fiddle, which made the princess furious. ' At the Ice carnival a fortnight ago, when the king and queen made up their minds the dy before the event, it was the talk of the whole court about the temper of the princess of Wales, who never exchanged word with the king during the four hours she sat beside him. So neither the king nor queen turned up at Clarldge'a, but sent an apology. Mrs. Ronalds received the royal guests at a concert attended by distinguished compatriots who make their homes In Lon don. Princess Victoria of Schleswlg-Hol-steln and her mother, Princess Christian, congratulated Mrs. Ronalds warmly on the success of the whole thing, and also Mra. George West on the excellent pianoforte solo. CHILI HAS NO NOTE FROM MEXICO. i i Government Organ Denies Rumor of Joint Reeosrnitioa of Panama. MEXICO CITY. Feb. 21.-The govern ment official organ denlea that Mexico has addressed a note to Chill, expressing it self favorably regarding the recognition of the Republic of Panama, but Intimating a desire to extend that recognition Jointly with the government of Chill, In order that It might carry greater moral force. The official organ says the foregoing lacks foundation, for the Mexican gov ernment has addressed no note on the subject to the government of Chill. It has done nothing more than endeavor through Its representatives to ascertain the sentiment and policy of other gov ernments of this continent regarding the matter In question without endeavoring to act in concert with any of them. The first section of Mexico's exhibit at the St. Louis exposition leaves here for that city tomorrow. The exhibit will cover the entire range of grain produrts and manufactures and many rare and valuable objects of natural and historical Interest. Great Interest Is being taken in making the exhibit complete. ANOTHF.R INTER-OCKAWIC CANAL. Mexican Capitalist Will Try to In terest Americans la F.uterprise. MEXICO CITY, Feb. Zl.-Dr. Mariano Medina has gone to the United States for the purpose of Intereattng capitalists In a project for constructing an Interoceanic c;uiul across this country south of the Isthmus of Tehauntrpec, taking advantage of several rivers which can be deepened and made navigable. The estimated cost of the enterprise Is $:iO.iO,000. The project Is entirely private FRANCK WILL. DENY THE HEPOHTS, Plans to Subdue the Excitement Caused by Saturday's Rumors. PA HIS. Feb. 21 -The correspondent at Madrid of the Temps says that In the ses sion of the Cortes on Monday the govern ment will deny the reports of foreign alli ances which were the cause of the excite ment Saturday and will sty that the move ments of troops are only precautionary and for the purpose of enforcing Spanish neu trality In the war In the far east. Japanese stuc'raia Recalled. PARIS. Feb. 21 Captains Ogals and Shl maoulnl of the Japuneje artillery, who are attending a course of Instructions at the school of application at Fontalnebleau, wet a today recalled by tba Japanese gov-ernmoak CHILDREN ENOUGH TO RAISE Unitd Statci Eai No Desire to Btand Sponsor for San Domingo- WARSHIPS FIRE AT THE INSURGENTS Dominicans Commence the Trouble and Then Run When They Dis cover What They Have Started. (Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 1!H.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. (New York Herald-Omaha Boe Special Telegram.) Presi dent Roouevelt's administration Is plan ning how to gat along with San Domingo without Intervening and establishing a pro tectorate over the republic. The fact that Assistant Secretary of State Ixvimla will accompany Admiral Dewey on his cruise with the battleship squadron Is regarded as a step, not toward action of a drastic kind, but as an effort to endeavor to har monize the warring Interests. Mr. Loomis will not admit that he Is going to Sun Domingo, but It Is generally believed here th ,t he Is going. The president does not want to Inter vene if It can be avoided. He Is looking for some other way out. Tho Paimma canal Is all he feels llko undertaking in the tropics at the present time. To have to act as guardian for San Domingo at the same time would Involve too great a strain on the navy. It Is the hope of the administration that matters will quiet down and that Intervention can be avoided. The principal difficulty In the situation now Is the extreme likelihood that dis orders may continue and that some other nation will announce Its Intention of step ping in and keeping order if we do not. In that event the United States would be forced to act, no matter how distasteful such a step might be. There Is consider able pressure on tho president to act for cibly. He Is restrained by the fact that our commercial Interests there are not large and by the knowledge that those who have made Investments did so with perfect knowledge that they were running a rlr.k Of course this government, an official said today, will protect American Interests there, but It Is disposed to wait until our political Interests, under the Monroe doc trine, render defay no longer possible. The expectation Is that when Mr. Loomis re turns he may be able to report a restora tion to order under the good offices of the United States. PARIS. Feb. 21. A dispatch from San Domingo says that the United States cruiser Columbia anl the training ship Hartford have bombarded Duarte, which Is occupied by the Insurgents. Disregard Aarreement. SAN DOMINGO. Feb. 11. The Clyde line steamer New York arrived here this morning convoyed by the United States cruiser Newark, and Minister Powell In structod the captain of the vessel to dls charge his cargo at the wharf. An ar rangement had been made by Minister Powell and Commander Miller with the In surgents and the government that neither party should flre while the New York was at the wharf discharging. The government kept this agreement, hut the Insurgents fired on the steamer and on a launch from the cruiser Columbia which was entering the river. Eight rifle shots damaged the New York's woodwork, endangering the lives of passengers and crew. The com mander of the United States warships then decided to shell Pajarlto. near this city, the place occupied by the Insurgents, and to land 300 marines with the object of punish ing the Insurgents for Insulting the United States flag and damaging an American steamer. At 2:30 p. m. the Newark approached and opened flre, discharging ten shells. The Insurgents fired upon the marines while they were landing, wounding some of them. The marines returned the flre and the In surgents ran away. The marines landed were divided Into two columns and searched the houses, woods and bushes. They then followed the Insurgents, who fired while the marines were re-embarklng. The result of the bom bardment la not known. TJie New York left here at 6 p. m. for the roadstead after landing Its cargo. All Is now quiet and It Is supposed that the Insurgents have re treated a considerable distance. Reports from the Interior are favorable to the government Great misery prevails In the city for want of food and the arrival of the Clyde line steamer is a great relief. The steamer could not land a portion of Its cargo at Monte Crtstl, being prevented from so doing by a Dominican warship. SAN DOMINGO, Feb. ll.-Marlnes from the United State cruiser Columbia re mained stationed at Pajarlto, near Ban Domingo City, until late this afternoon, when they withdrew. During the occupa tion the Insurgents withdrew to a great distance without further resistance. The shells from the cruiser Newark caused some damage In Pajarlto and the surround ing country. A protest signed by prominent citizens has been distributed to the public against the action of the United States warship, which It describes as an Insolent outrage against the liberty of the republic and a disgrace to the national dignity. The Newark left this afternoon for Guan tanamo. President Morales arrived here today. The day passed quietly, but this evening firing began at the west gate of the city. Rebels Are Defeated. SAN DOMINGO, Tuesday, Fab. 16. Yes terday a French merchant steamer entered the river convoyed by a launch from the United States cruiser Columbia. The rebels abstained from firing on the vessel. This morning -the government troops attacked the rebels outside the city and severe firing ensued, lasting many hours. The rebels were forced to retire, leaving many killed and wounded on the flelil. The action resulted In a complete victory for the government and the siege of the city Is considered to have been raised. Powell Aerifies Ha I lie. WASHIN'IVON, Feb. 21. Date tonight the State department received a cable gtam from Minister Powell, dated at San Domingo, February lit, saying: A decisive battle has been fought be tween me govrrniiiciii lurtrs ana tne in- I surgents. It extended over two days and! resulted in a victory ror me government. The siege has been raised and the lnsur. gents are in retreat. A belated dispatch dated February 12 from Captain J. M. Miller of the cruiser Columbia, which, with the Newark, Is In San Dominican waters, brings official con firmation of the Associated Press dis patch regarding the bombardment of the Insurgents by tha war vessels In a position near the capital city, the landing of ma rines and bluejackets to punish revolution ists and their subsequent re-embarkatlon. According to Caplsln Millers dispatch the uffjlr occurred on a river about two miles fn m Sun Domingo, presumably at Pajarlto, ths place mentioned tn the pres-t dispatches as the locality where the bora- (ContUHiodi on Second. JPago ) TELLS ST0RY0F SHOOTING Mrs. nirhrr Writes the Particulars of Case to Her Old Teacher. (From a Ptpff Correspondent ) MITCHELL. S. D.. Feb. 21.-(Speclal.)-Plnce Miss Hattle Plb her of Miller has been released from all connection In the burglary case at Miller she bus had but little to say concerning the shooting scrape which she was Interested In. To Superin tendent O. W. Course y of this city Miss Pllcher, who was a student under Prof, t'oursey when he was associated with the Dakota Central Normal school, has made a full statement of the case. She is stop ping at present at St. Lawrence, a short distance from Miller, and writes as fol lows concerning tho unpleasant situation in which sho is placed by her own act: Prof. O. W. Coursey: Dear Friend Your letter received a few days Hit", out 1 could not answer sooner, for my arm was very lame. It did me so much good to hear from you, but yon had the poorest way of Judg ing of my Innocence; by reading the papers. I um Innocent. I will explain it to you as nesr as I can. and commence nt the beginning of my trouble. Mamma died Sep tember 11, Iflrtl. and my brother In March, 1S02, the latter in i Detroit, Mich. Papa brought the two little children back home, one R years and the other 4. On January 2T, l'VI.I, laja died. Tie had not been sick nd it was henri dlsraso. You can Imagine Just how I felt and how down-hearted I was. All of them died within eighteen months. I was almost desperate. But I had tho two children and that helped me some. I also bad a gentleman friend and he was very good to me. In March I took the children to an urele In Detroit. When I enme back my friend came to meet me. Well, then he wr.s sent to North Dakota to take charge of a station as a telegraph operator. While he was gone I went with his chum and did not think ho would care, and I don't think he would If other people had not told him everything, and more. too. He does not dance and I do. He made me a little mad and F went to the New Year's ball, and I would not go home when he wanted me to. Well, that caused trouble, and ho would not listen to me when 1 told him I was sorry. I did not want to go to the next dance Friday night, and I thought he would ask me to stay at home with him, but be would not. He told one of the bovs thnt he wanted me to Rtny but did not think I would If he asked me, and asked this friend to try and get me to come home, but I would not and there was trouble again. On Sunday night he went to church and left me alone, and the man he was Jealous of came Into the parlor of the hotel and spent the evening with me. After he left, my frlnd came In and told me that I must stop. He was very mad and so was I. and we parted that night for good, as I supposed. , How Shooting- Happened. I was foolish enough to spend the night very miserably, and concluded I did not have very much to live for. So I got . revolver and Intended to end everything then and there. But as I came jut of the hotel he came out also and did not leave me until late that evening, even taking me to the door of my room. But he was ust as mad s ever. The next evening was going down town and had Just about given up my evil Intentions when I saw tho revolver lying on the table. I started to pick it up when I happened to think of papa and mamma and what they vould think If they knew what I contemplated doing. I got as far as my door when the thought of all I had lost and also the lost one, whom I considered as the best friend I had left, I went back and picked it up. I started to go to the cemetery to papa and mamma. I got just about half way there when I began to realize I was a fool. I had the revolver in my muff, and you know I am left-handed. I had the muff up. reetlng on my chest and I wan thinking,- Suddenly the revolver went off and the bullet flowed Its way Into my left shoulder. I (dropped the gun snd started for home. Iidld not see anyone, as .1 went to m:' ,ro- y w nf li end shut the door an J stayed all" night theru. I thought my friend, Mr. Horn I g. was going away In the morning snd 1 did not want mm to know what bad happened, bucti a night as I went through. My arm hurt me so. The next morning as Mr. De Hearst passed my room I called him and told him I was hurt. He went to Mr. Romlg's room and told lilm. I would not tell them how It happened. The same night two men are supposed to have en tered the drug store and drugged the clerk. One was small and the other small, an dwhen they questioned me I would not tell. I did not know why they were acting so strange and watching me, unt.l Mr Pusey came and told mo they thought I was In the drug store deal, and they were going to arrest me. He told me to keep my mouth shut and not to say a word until he came back. He was going away for ten days. They concluded I was the short one dressed in men's clothes. Well, they arrested me on Saturday sight and on Sunday nlitht took me to Jnll and for ten days tried to make me tell who was In the drug store, when I did not know. Ths trial lasted three days. They did not have any evidence ngalnpt me and did not Implicate me In It, even with all the lies they could tell, and some of them were terrible. They wanted to bind me over, but, thank heaven, thev did not succeed. I have told you all. My arm Is some bet ter, but. oh. will I ever be shle to live it down. I have some friends In Miller and they are good ones. Although T am In nocent. I still hate to meet people. I will bring this tiresome letter to a close. Try and think of me as good an you can. Mr. Coursey. Sincerely. HATTIE FILCirER. St. Lawrence, S. D. TURKEY IN HURRY FOR SHIP Cramps Reeetve Rush Orders to De liver Cruiser Built by Them. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. "1. The cruiser Meljldla, built for the Imperial Ottoman navy at Cramps. Is under hurry orders to get home. It will leave here on March 1 and will carry Its own flag. It had been Intended to take the vessel to Constanti nople and deliver It there to the Turkish nival authorities, but a change In this plan was found necessary and the ahlp will be put In commission and unfurl Its flag at this port. Captain Ransford D Bucknam of Cramps" ship yard, who will take the cruiser serosa, has been commis sioned a captain of the Ottoman navy, and will put It In commission. It will also be necessary to commission the other officers, The Medjldla will leave the port fully ready fo. a naval engagement. Its guns all of the latest pattern In use tn the I'nlted Slates navy, were made In Beth lehem, Pa. Atl are practically In place The magazines are to be filled with am munition as if for a war cruise. As soon as the cruiser reaches the sea the trial of all Its guns will be begun This will be made particularly thorough In view of the baste with which the build ers have been charged to deliver the ship, only two stops will be made on tho long run to Constantinople. The trip will re quire about twenty days and It may be that a final speed tst will 'tie meda, some where off the Island of Crete, Tre exact cause of tho hurry orders has not been explained. nrrrfTlUC UtrtUIIVL FUSE IS FATAL I . ! . , , Causes Krllou siear Doluth In Which aa Austrian Miner la Blown to Pieces. ST. PAUL. Feb. 21.-A special to ths Pioneer Proas from Pututh says: "Giovanni . Dukeden, an Austrian, was blown to pieces In an explosion at the Monroe mine. A number of others were re ported mt'slng. but since have been ac counted for. The explosion occurred dur ing stripping operations and was caused by a defee'tve fuse." Jamesaa Forms Cblaet. CAPETOWN, Fob. 21 Dr. Jameson baa rucosedud la eoxupletlfig a, cabinet. FEAR WORLD COMPLICATIONS Misgivings of Another French Panio on the Bourse.- GOVERNMENT TRYING TO ALLAY ALARM Financiers Propose to Present "olid Resistance to Any Dis quieting Influences In the French Stock Market. PARIS. Keb. 21. Prominent financiers have been In consultation today and action will b taken to prevent a continuance of the depressing Influences which, since the opening of tho war In the far east and particularly Friday and Saturday last, characterized the bourse. The government is assisting these efforts by positively de nying that there Is any ground for alarm over further complications. The serious result of the weakness of the market Is shown by the estimates of securities listed on the bourse which have diminished about l.OOO.OnO francs In the past two weeks. Since February' 6 French rentes dropped 3 francs ?7 confines: English con sols, 2 francs 26 centimes; Spanish ex teriors, 11 francs 10 centimes; Russian con sols. 7 francs; Brazilian fours, 6 francs 30 centimes; Bank of Paris, 9 francs; Credit Lyonnals, S7 francs: Suez, 200 francs; Thomson-Houston, (0 francs, and Rio Tlnto, t4 francs. It Is recognized that something must be done to stop tho reckless efforts to sell. All the financiers -ho discussed the matter today united In rtatlng that the crisis w..s pre-eminently produced by speculation based on the genernl fear of complications arising out of the war between Russia and Japan and it is because of this that capital has been timid of Intervening. The financiers who have boon consulting today propose to act together to uphold the market tomorrow, and this, taken wjth the denial of the sensational reports from Berlin and Madrid and the government here Is expected to bring about a reaction, or at least to produce a firmer market. M. De Verneuil, a member of a prominent company operating on the bourse, called attention today to the fact that the tone of the house itself was excellent. "I believe," he said, "that very shortly from Monday the market will resume Its normal course." WANTS THE BLACK SEA FLEET OUT. Russia Again Hounding; Turkey on the (tneatlon. (Copyrighted by New Tork Herald Co., 1S01.) ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 21. (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram.) The feature of the moment is an extremely seri ous one, taken wkh regard to tho pros pect of International complications. I am in a position to tell you that in spite nf the ridicule cast upon the Idea from various sources, once again the porte has lent a willing ear to the diplomatic suggestions of Russia that the Black sea fleet should one day be found unexpectedly in the Mediterranean, Turkey being assured that this once an accomplished fact not one of the powers would have a word to say In objection. If they did Russia would be answerable. 'rrniimsucitslan troop are being mobilized and ordered to occupy the frontiers of Turkestan and Persia, this being a strong reminder to England that Russia is ready for war over these two frontlors. A council of war has been held here. where the possibilities of International complications were very freely discussed, a result. It was decided, If not inevitable, they are so probable that Russia must be fully prepared to meet them. This forms a distinct note in the Ideas of present mo ment. ITALY" SETTLES WAR HI MORS. Prosecutes Men Who Start Stock Job bing; Stories. ROME, Feb. 21. Rumors of warlike prep arations by Italy having been clroulated, a semi-official communication has emanated from the government, which Is In substance as follows: Stories of alleged armaments and of the movements of warships and troops for service abroad are entirely false. Indications exist that this false news is connected with stock exchange speculation and thotte responsible have been brought before tne law courts to be punlsned ac cording to the law, with Imprisonment for from three to thirty months. The communication evidently alludes to the insistence by a portion of the press that Italy will be antagonistic to Austria In the Balkans and to the predictions of International complications, thus causing a fall in Italian bonds and a rise lit the ex change on gold. AHBItlCAR MISERS TH CORE A SAFE. Will Remain at llngr Yang Vnless All Forelarnera Are Forced Out. (Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 1904 ) SEOUL. Feb. 20. (New York Herald Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The Ameri cans employed In the mining concessions In northern Corea reached Auju safely on their way to Ping Yang, where they will remain until the river opens unless devel opments compel all foreigners to leave there for Seoul. RUDOLPH MAY BE PARDONED Release Will Be to Enable His Prose rutins oa Chanre of Murder, ST. LOUIS. Feb. 21.-On private informs tlon received from Topeka, Kan., Jailer Dawson stated today that by next Thurs day William Rudolph, now serving time tn the Kansas penitentiary and wanted here to be tried for the murder of Detective Schumacher and the robbery of the bank of Union, will be brought back and lodged In the Jail from which he escaped some time ago. The Jailer has received a communication from Prosecuting Attorney Moyersieck of Franklin county, who Is at present In To peka. Mr. AleyerstecK stated tnat tne ne gotiations with Governor Bailey of Kansas towtrd pardoning Rudolph were progress Ing rapidly, and that he had been assured that Governor Bailey would accede to the request and allow the prisoner to be brought beck to this city. MRS.-LANGTRY BUYS TROTTER Will Skip Stock to Her Home P.nalaad and Breed I.lajbt Harness Horses. In CHICAGO. Feb. 21. Mrs. Lang-try. the English actress, has purchased of Will J. Davis, owner of Wlllnwdala farm, at Crown Point. Ind., three trotters and two brood mares. The hors.'S will be shipped to her breeding farm la England. Mrs. Iing try Intends to go into tha breeding of light harness horses aa well aa thorough bred. Tha price, waa fiot ttada pubUo NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Monday I Tnearta Partly lond, with Probable now In orlhrst Portion and Warmer In I'.ast Portion. Temperature at Omaha lesterdnj t Hour. lleg. Hour. Dea. ft a. in K2 I p. m a. m VI a p. m T a. m lit : p. m V" H a. in 17 A p. m ...... 11 a. tn 17 r . lO l) , m Mil l p. in IT 11 a. m in 7 p. in 1,1 12 in.. ill N p. in II tl p. m 11 Will 1,11 It ATI! Kit I'UiHT TH AN K AT. Character nf the Men W ho Will t'nm. mnn4 Russian Forres. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 21.-Tbe ap pointment of General Kuropatkln to the chief command of the Russian army In the fur east was gazetted this morning. With the posMlble exception of General Drngomirvoff, former governor general of Kieff, General Kuropatkln Is tho most pop. ulnt man In the Russian army. As a bluff old soldier who hns fought his way up from tho rottom to be minister of war he Is the Ideal of the enlisted men. Not one hi the's army bus seen mere Pphtlnr. and no one can tell a story better. There Is never a dull moment while In his com pany, for be Intermingles tho humorous Incidents of the campaign with tales of self-sacrlllco. No one meeting the short, grizzled war rior In his charming home on the sunny side nf the Molka would guess the extent of his power or the burden of responsibility weighing on his shoulders. As minister of mi" he wis considered ft Just chief who gave rewards and administered punish ments without four or favor. It Is small wonder, therefore, that the Russian army adores him. The appointment of General Kuropatkln to direct command In the field has been received with enthusiasm, and his leader ship inspires confidence that thero will be no mistake and that tho Russian arms will bo carried to success on hind. General Kuropntkln will lie accompanied by the Grand Dukes Boris, Alexis, Nicholas and Michael Nlckolalevlchl. The emperor and Ihe empress gave a luncheon today to General Kuropatkln and the grand dukes at the Alexandria palace. Tsarske-sclo, and bado them farewell. The exact mission of Grand Duke Alexis Is un known, but It undoubtedly Is an Important one, as ho has been In supreme command of the Russian navy as president of the Board of Admiralty, taking an active part In the preparations preceding hostilities. He presided at the special council which prepared Russia's undelivered reply to Japan. Alexis had a memorably pleasant visit to the United States when a young man. His caroor ns high admiral Is well know i and brilliant, and he has always surrounded himself with a notable staff. His favorite resort Is the yacht club. He spends his summers In Paris. The grand duke Alexis Is now In very bad health, but his desire to go to the front could not be resisted. If bis health permits he may exercise gen eral direction of the naval movements In the far east. Grank Duke Boris Is a lieutenant of Hus sars. He Is likely to distinguish himself In battle and probably will be on the staff of G.-nind Duke Nicholas. After Boris li turned from tho Unite1 States he bought the palace' formerly occupied by Ambas sador McCormlck. The grand duke, Nicholas, Is 47 years of age and Is considered the foremost cavalry expert In the Russlun army.' He Is tall and fair, with a pleasant face. As the occu pant of tha responsible post of inspector general of cavalry he will be able to ad-vis- General Kuropatkiu, who is an in fantry specialist Nicholas la one of the few grand dukes who married a commoner, and, though his marriage has not been recorded. It Is none the less a happy one. His wife was the widow of a wealthy merchant named Bou renin. With General Kuropatkln's appointment as commander-in-chief of the army and the preeenoe of the grand duke Alexis in t fie far east, the opinion Is strengthened that while Admiral Alexleff may remain as viceroy, the active direction of operations will pass out ofh!s hands. The action of the commander of the United States gunboat Vlcksburg In de clining to Join the commanders of other foreign warships In a protest against the attack of the Japanese fleet at Chemulpo which resulted in the sinking of the Russlun cruisers Varlag and Korietz promises to cause much discussion here. The Novoe Vremya'a Dnndon correspond ent cablea that the protest of the British captain against the Japanese attack on the ground that It waa a breach of neutrality proved Ineffectual, because the American commander would hot assent. Newspapers here are laying great stress on tho personal note of Mr. Kurlno, the Japanese minister at St. Petersburg, to Count Lrfimjidorff. the Russian foreign min ister on the occasion of the notification of the severance of diplomatic relations, in which Mr. Kurlno expressed the hope that the rupture would be of brief duration. They point to this Incident aa a proof that Russia had no reason, to believe that Japan Intended to follow up the rupture with ac tual hostilities. Official newa received here confirms the report that none of the crew of the Korietz waa lost. An Immense congregation attended the requiem mass today for Count Nlrod, the only officer killed aboard the Varlag. The count was a great favorite tn St, Peters burg society. VALUABLE MILITARY MAPS STOLE. Affair Causes Sensation and the Re call of M. Sands. (Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 190i ) NAGASAKI. Feb. 21. (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram. ) While M. Sands was liberally entertaining at dinner the officers of the French cruiser Pascal and friends In his official residence at Seoul as adviser to the household of the emperor of Corea some geographical, statistical and military maps were stolen. This has caused a great scandal and has necessitated his recall. EDWARD I WILLI If TO MEDIATE lird Insdowne Dreips a Hint to Rus sian Ambassador. FARIB. Feb. 22 The petit P'arislenne's London correspondent says thst during an interview preceding the departure from Ioiidon for St. Petersburg yesterday of Count Benekendorff, the Russian ambas sador, Lord Lansdowne, the British foreign minister. Intimated to him that King Ed ward was willing to offer his mediation In the war In the far east If the czur thought he eould accept It. Supplies for the East. MARSEILLES, Feb 21. The French steamship Salazle sailed from here today carrj It.g troops and supplies. Her destina tion Is Tonquln. lndo-Chlna. Tha govern ment boa alao chartered tha French Bvaam etdfi Adour toe tha aaina f urpoaay LAND FORCES CLASH St Petersburg Hean of Defeat of Russian Advaure Ginrd on the Tain LOSS 13 REPORTED AT TWO THOUSAND Osar Starts Investigation cf the Disaster at Fort Arthur. DISMISSALS ARE EXPECTED TO FOLLOW Partial Breakdown of Euasiao Commis sariat Acknowledged MOVEMENT OF TROOPS DISAPPOINTING Inlteil Mates Crnlsrrs Which Had Reached Che Foo Are Ordered Month to Shana-hal Instead of Observing; War. (Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., l'Oi.. ST. 1 in'KHSlU'BG. Feb. 21. (New York Herald Cahlrginm Special Telegram.) U is reported that the Russian advance on tho Yalu has been driven back with a loss , of over 2, pun. The emperor has ordered an Inquiry Into the port Arthur affair and many dismissal ami degradations will result. Alexieff Is looked upon as a disappointment. From blRh military authority I have It thnt the commissariat Ras given rrocf of such defective organization that, as he puts 11, the service has partially broken ' down, which nt this Juncture la a very rerl- ous matter. Many of the most necessary adjuncts of field service have been over looked, for Instance the portable kitchens, for which a well known German firm here received n Russian order at Its own price for 1,500. All possible artillerists are bring dis patched to the front, they, to their disap pointment, being notilled they will be used for defending the railroad. For many unexpected rensons the trans port of troops to the front Is much slower than was expected, the sntlclpated averao of 7,000 per diem having fallen to 3,000. It is thus anticipated that so far as Russia Is concerned there will be considerable delay In taking action and If hostilities are com nienced soon It will certainly not be due , to the Initiative of this country. The Cables Are Silent. LONDON, Feb. 1:2. The cablea are still absolutely silent with regard to the prog ressof tho war, but there arevsgue rumors of land 'fighting. As an Instanca the Paris edition of the New York Herald lis cor respondent at St. Petersburg talks nf a Itutsslun repulse on the Yalu river with a loss of 2,fxX) lives. These rumors are un confirmed. From a reliable quarter the Morolns Poet'a Che Foo correspondent ivs ha learns tens of thousands of Jrpaneoe are advancing by forced marches from vailoua parts of Corea on the Yalu and Uat acvera lighting Is expected thortly. Tiieaa are the only references to actual operations that have reached Iondon. The tinnouncniint that General Kodama has been replaced In the Japanese cabinet by Mr. Koalukwa Is regarded aa meaning that General Kodama Is about to take command of the Japanese land forces. Kodama, who Is Japau's leading general, did splendid work during the Chino-Japa-nene. war. It la said that Viceroy Alexleff haa asked the ministry of murine to send him offi cers who are not too young and admirals who are not too old, of whom he already . has too many: The viceroy haa Issued a proclamation to tho Chinese throughout Munchurla, seeking to enlist their Sym pathy In behalf of Russia and their as sistance In mnlntiilulng the railway intact. by representing . to tnem Japan's alleged treacherous methods lit beginning the War, A Port Arthur dispatch received at St Petersburg reports the Russian cruiser Novlk hud been repaired and had left Its dock. The Standard's Kieff correspondent heara thut the Caucasus itnd Turkestan armies are to be mobllled. He adds that the rumor Is not confirmed officially, but says if It Is true It can only be Interpreted as a veiled threat against India In certain em-Tgencle'S. The correspondent at Tlon Tsin of the Standard reports an attack by 600 Chinese "blrgands" on the Russian post at Foo Chow as probably an attempt to wreck the railway. Hounds of Firing; at Sen. TORT ARTHUR, Fob. 21.-9ounda of dee Ultory firing nt sea are heard ulmottt nightly and this morning firing was again heard. Tills Is doubtless due to the attempted ap proach eif Japanese torpedo boats, but Both, tng rerlous has developed. The garrison' Is In excellent spirits and is firmly convinced of the ultimate success 9t tho Russian arms. The Noel Krai prints a long article In voking historical precedents to prove tha Illegality of the Japanese declaration thril, fuel and vlctuuls will in all case be trextsQ sa contraband of war. The paper describes Japan's attitude as presumptive and urges the neutral powers to disregard It. American Ships Ordered South. CHE FOO, Feb. 21.-The United Statea cruiser New Orleans and tha gunboata Wil mington and Annapolis, which Bailed from Manila on February IS under command of Rear Admiral Cooper, upon arriving here received orders from the secretary of tho navy to return to Shanghai. When Co outbreak of hostilities between Russia and Japan occurred Admiral Evans, commanding the Asiatic fleet, dispatched a cruiser squadron to Shanghai and Ad miral Ccoper's squadron to Che Foo. Sec retary Moody has ordered all the ships to Shanghai. They left immediately after coaling without giving any reason for their sudden departure. The Russian forces in Manchuria are au far acting entirely on the defensive. Ex tensive preparations are being made at Dnlny, Port Arthur. New Chwang and Lalo Yang to prevent the threatened land ing of the Japanese troops. A btg force of men are at work on the damaged ves sels In the Port Arthur harbor and efforts are being made fn raise the battleship Relvlz&n. The supply of fresh vegetables and beef In Port Arthur la getting very short and speculators sre endeavoring to secure steamers to run the biockide. RISSIAt SHIP RKFISKS TO LEAVE. Onnboat (Proposes to Remain la Harbor of Skaaghal. SHANGHAI, Feb. St. Urged by the Jap anese consul here the taotal ordered the i Russian (t in boat Mandjur i.j leiive the liar- i before a o'clock this a ftert.odn. but the order was Ignored. It Is said that a Jap anese squadron has been ordered to en force the taotal's demand and to enable Japaucae auamahlp companies to resume aervtoo hex w sen Japaa a& fMntfaU.