16 TOE OMATTA DAILY I1EE: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES AdtrrlUrmrnll for these rolumni Wrlll he olirn until 12 m. for th Bins edition noil until N p. in. for the mirnlni and lumlar edition. Rale, 1 l-lic a word flrat Inner! Ion, la a word tbereafter. othln taken far leas thaa SSe for the flmt Inaer ties). Thee advertisements tnuat be raa eensernt iTely . Advertlsera, by requesting a num bered rherk, ran hare answers ad stressed 10 a numbered letter In rare f Tha Her. Answers ao addreaaed win be delivered on prraenlation of tha rherk only. MISCELLANEOUS. A TRUE STORY If people only knew when they sign their name to a piano oontrart at 4 per month that the Inter-st amounts tu l;3.70 they would I uy of the pcrlleld Piano Co., where alnce February 1 we charge 110 Interest. 1 ou suvu live nines trailing mump value. PERFIELD Would ask you t') call 1111 l:uiii ent purchas ers who aie tip HK.1l1.Nt i-o.it.-aets caning lor $.ro, V'f and $M, interest, ct they dido t expect It. and tmiay they tell you lis easy terms to buy. Ixeik Inie. A $JiW contract, $4 per month, lo per cent Inter est, amounts to tl'3 7iJ. We sell pianos on a less margin of profit than any house In the weHt, charging NO INTEREST On time payment-, which mean a, truthful saving of from 40 to .". Cull on us. VV Will explain more fuily. Write US for catalogue and terms. PERFIELD PIANO CO. Bee Builu.ii,;. '1 eicpnune 7ul. Honest Vaiuen. ..j Intern,.. rtsy lerms. OMAHA Safe .mil Iron v..i."..fi nuke u Hoe Cldlty Of fllO i-ScapeS, Sl.l.l...:. -11J ales. O. Anui-. cn, prop , : - t. kiii at. K Im -jo .nay-, O. M. HAV'lillLV-liXl'f.i.i ..v.., ANT. 21i J.hK HI.Lill. 'rlli i.w-: -Kji fafll pi 'ViR. NIOKKU Plating. tJ..'.. H-.Jl CITY SAVINGS HANK pays 4 per cent. SPECIAL For a limited time wo will i;t you with a guaranteed pulr of spectacle for 1. Don't nil.ss this chano;. L. S. op ticians, -S N. Pith st. It o PERFIELD Tlano Co.. Bee lildg.; Weber, btorey &. Clark, Ludwlg, Schiller. It 737 iTAGLE Ixan office. Reliable, aocommodut lug; all business conlluentl.il. 1301 Douglas. R :w CAKES; try our 3-layer white cakes roc; pure milk bread, best In the city. John son & Goodlett Co., Bakery, 2002 1-nka. Telephone 1676. K EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage. 211 N. IStli. Tel. 11. H 739 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Qnod work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 2o5. 11-741 GOLD crowns from S3; fillings from 25c; set of teeth, $2; teeth extracted free. Union Denial Co., 15:2 Douglas, room 4. R 744 WITTH OAS and Gasoline Engines can be run by anyone. No engineer needed. Wltte Iron Works Co., 629 W. 6th St., Kansas City, Mo. R .. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist. COS S. l.Hh. -745 PRI1MTIT; 1 m6 grade work. 1 iMli I H'VI I i.'rounse block, cornel LYNGSTAD ) "ilh a,,1 Cup- ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N 16. Tel. 1779. 746 P. MELCIIOIR, machinist, 13th St Howard. R-747 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEa"tOn" In tha Bea Bldg. . R 748 "We rent Btwlng machines. 75e week. We lepalr and sell parts for every machine manufactured Second-hand machlns from $5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., Thona 1663. Corner loth and Harney. R-604 "STRONGEST In the World." The Equlta" ble Life Assurance society. Its ' policies are sight drafts at m.tturltv. H. j Ncely, manager, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 749 PRINTING ) "ra1 work- I rxlli 1 11VJ I Crounse block, cornet LYNGSTAD (10th Bt- nd CaMe' BIGN palctl.it. B H. Cole, 1302 Donglns. R-Tal ALL kinds carpenter work, rephlrlng, Rromptly attended to. J. T. Orhlltreo, th etd Lake. R 370 MOVING picture machines, stereontlcons films and slides at bargain prlcen; mail oruers nueu. 11 j. -jyiur, WrJ H. llth st, R M943 FK E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavv hauling" 111 Farnam. Tel. 303. R 162 M3 VODICKA A CO fine tailoring; all kinds rressing, repairing Krug theater bldg Tel. 31g. , R 763 Clothes pressed, altered. Yousen, Paxton noiei taiior. It 2ua TRACINOS: Blue prints & working draw ings. rJucs & Co., Omaha. 'Phone l'.fS. R-2H7 Apr22x PERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg: no Inter est, honejt values, easy terms. R 737 Chiropodyrjorr: corns removed !-3, lo'ja Farnam, R-740 MOST economical power for nil purposes Is the Wltte (Ins Engine. Wlite Iron woras io., dji v. 6th St., Kansas City Mo, R FOUNTAIN A ""'-class writer given . - w........ aiwomteiy rree with one PPN FRFF 'p"ri1 subs, to our new I 111 1 iu.L, mngazlnn at 2"c. Prog- resa, iiept. k, I'ottstown. 1'a. R-:ia 21 Two Linen fiy V nen riven nbso- ree wl!h n vvnr'i I lAlllAC hroA suns" ntuion to our new ..... Msgasine nt 2:.e. Prrg ress. Iept. E. Pottwlown. Pa. 11 2f.4 il t LAlltVOV A I S. BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. Kth St. 8-110 OYLMER. palmist. 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-3245. S 111 PONEIBIO CLAIRVOYANT, PALMIST AND AS TUOI.i KiEU. REDUCED FEE! REDUCED FEE I! 60 CENTS 50 CENTS 60 THIS WEEK. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Extraordinary clairvoyant power, combined with Ponulblo's superior knowledge of palmistry, astrology and occult forces, enables Ponelblo to reveal human life with unerring accuracy from Infancy to old age. Ponelblo lei in of husband, wife, lover, friends, who are true and who are false; whom and when ou will marry a aecret you should know; how to attract, control anil change the thoughts, inten tions, actions or habits of anyone se cretly. Ihe controlling power planted In your nature; how to make your husband, wife or anyone be kind and true to you; how to win the man or woman von love. A SECRET YOU Hllol l.K KNOW. The Power to Control, Influence or Fascinate anyone you know, love or admire. It never falls. Ponelblo teaches Palmistry and Astrology, Clairvoyants and mediums develuied. READINGS BY MAI I .--fund date of birth, 10 questions, $1 and ttv. I rent st:tmte to pay postage. R. E. PONEIBIO. Hours: a. in. to p. m. daily; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 1619 Dodge St. S-2H7 ax SER the celebrated Madam Gylmer, scien tific! palmist: readings 6"e for a short time. Parlors. 715 N. Jit. - 8 CXiSTlBlKS. Tbaatrloei and aaaau, Ii4n.lCU Famank. WAITED MALE HELP. Start Right! Ia tl:o matter of an education, as of every other good thing, quality Is a more Important item of consideration than cobL A flrst-class education can only be aecured where flrst-clasa facilitlea are provided; where the course of study is up-to-date in every requirement; where the teachers have a reputation for thor ough, conscientious work, with a realiz ing sense of their great responsibility, and where a certificate of the student'a work and worth means a passport to a good business position. We have given many young people a ItKJIlT STAIIT IN LIFE, and that Ktart gavo them the impetus that led to success. Do you wunt to get started right? Then avail yourself of the facilities af forded by Boyles Colleee Advertising literature free. Address H. B. BOYLES, President - New York Life "lug. OMAHA, NEB. R MEN to icarn barber trade; free railroad fjie upon our lalluie to convince you of tli id belli tiid lit.nC, iurttesl and only teiuuiu, most. pracLli;il ui uvi' college In this seL-tlun. N. rite for calulogue today. cHtein liarbeis' institute, Omulia, jseo. 11769 WANTED Fcr U. S. army, able-bodied, u 1 1 it) a 1 rled men, between aea of 21 and 26, t.llznis of United Stales, of fcooxl cnarac-lii- and temperate habits, who o speak, li au and wiUe English. For Infoi iiiatlon apply 10 reci-ulilug otllcer. luth and 1;"1B0 Sl., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. 11 M164 MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., oilers aavantages In teaching Hie barber trade that canoiit be had else where. Write today for our terms. B-MaU F.'4x Wcst'n Employ't Ag'y, R. 14-16. Crounse blk. IS M432 WANTED California la the place now Is ihe time. There are good positions open for men of clerical ability, professional men and mechanics. Write us what em ployment you desire and wa will send by mall frequent lists of good openings in your line. Registration fee, 1. to be sent with application. No further charges. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION BUREAU, P. O. Box 69S. Los Angeles. California. O Ml WANTED Two men to work from our wngona; steady position anil experience unnecessary. C. F. Adams St Co., 1619 Howard st. B-760 WANTED Good coatmaker st once; steady Job for right man. For particulars write Dan Domash, Nelson, Neb. B M8j2 23 WANTED City agent, on salary and com mission, for a prominent eastern i-iiie Insurance Co. Address D 21, Bee. B M896 22x WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Can earn expenses before finishing, r ew weeKS completes. Now Idea. Graduates earn 112 to $18 weekly. Tools given, diplomas grunted, positions guaranteed. Call or write, Moler College. 1302 Douglas st. B-M385 23x THE work of a painter and paper hanger in exchange for a gooa piano ini emi 1IS0 ten years ago. Address D 24, Bee. B 903 24x A GOOD coatmaker at once. P. Sousrey, Aurora, Neb. B Mu six WANTED, at once, a tailor or first-class Mushelman. Apply to 11. v. ie. ron Niobrara, Neb. B M927 21x WANTED An experienced bookkeeper; give references. Address u si, tee B-331 It PRINTER wanted for country offlca; steady 30b; waaea $20 per monin ana Doara; state wnen you can begin work; no drunks need apply. Addreaa D 30, Bee. B-)7 a WANTED, an experienced field man to solicit advertising in Nebraska for a first class stockman's weekly; salary and permanent cuntiact. Mall and Breeie, Topeka, Kaimaa. B-MM9 21 WANTED, an assistant custom shirt cutter. Albert Calin, 219 S. 14th. B M948 21 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to dlatrlbuln circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B MIMS 21s AGENTS wanted everywhere; new, cheap combination accident and sickness poli cies; most popular ever offered; death benefit, weekly Indemnity; absolute pro tection: novel system; annual premiums $1 to til no assessments or dues; sell to everyona, either sex; all claims Immedi ately paid; Insurance aaaets $500, OX); liberal commissions; exoluslve territory. Inter national Company, 231 Broadway, New York. B M944 21 x GOOD live work horse, 1,260, and harness for sale. 417 S. 14th. P-M943 21x WANTED Poatofflca clerks, city letter car rier! and rural carriers; we prepare you for thette positions for $2.60 to $6; write for Information. Indiana Correspondence School, Portland, Ind. B 117 Zlx WANTED, year 1903 pennies; 800 per cent premium. Premium by return mail. Dia mond Dick, Lincoln, Neb. B 132 Zlx A REPRESENTATIVE capable of han dling ttie leading trade In Omaha and vicinity on lithographing and photo engraving In all branches, can arrange a satisfactory commission account with a house of sound financial standing. Ad dress P. O. Box 443. Baltimore, Mil., stat 'ing ability and territory wanted. B-131 Bx EARN $50 to $100 Monthly corresponding for newspapers; $6 a column for work In spare time: no canvassing. Rend for particulars. Northern Press Syndicate, Room 2)9. Lockport. N. Y. B-102 21x J20 I'F.R week salary and expenses paid to a good man to travel, deliver ana corect; referemces and security required. Address Manager. No. 'Jtf Insurance Exchange building, Minneapolis, Minn. B M108 23z DRAFTSMEN, ten, mechanical and struc tural, factory construction, long engage ment. 1209 Monadnock, Chicago. B-101 ax $14 per week growing mushrooms for ua; small space st home needed; start work at once; nddrawsed envelope. Combined Growers, He kman St., N. Y. B 140 21x EXPERIENCED salesman, or physician not practicing, to sell to doctors outside city; estanusnra trade; permanent; re munerative. P. O. box 858, Philadelphia. B lio 21 X WE CAN start you In good paying busl3 ness (outdoor advertising); no canvassing; men particularly wanted In towns of 25. Ono inhabitants and less: permanent occu pation. Atom, South Whitney, Ind. B 134 21X ' WANTED Evervwhere. people to copy let ters at home during spars time and re turn us: materials sent free; no mailing or canvassing: $9 00 weekly earned; en close se!f-addresed envelope for particu lars. Guarantee Co.. No. SS9 Ninth St., Philadelphia. Pa. 151 ax WANTED Stat manager for Dakota: r'mannt; nets $3.hio to $5.00f; required $.'50 cash. Abbott A Co.. address Supt. Dept. T. 3S5 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. B 164 ax WANTED Energetic man to travel In Ne brsskn for manufacturer: $18 per week and expense; salary paid weekly." ex-l-enses advanced: splendid chance for ad vancement. Advertising Dept.. 70? Star Bldg , Chicago. B 165 ax WANTED 10 men In each state to travel, tack signs and distribute circulars and samples of our rood; salary $60. PA per month $3 00 per dav for exnenses. Kuhl man Co.. Dept. F . Atlaa Blk . Chicago. B 169 ax AMERICAN Barber Collera, Omaha. Neb. Illustrated catalogue tree Tells every- thyig. ymutodajfc s-eixu WAITKI-MAI.E 11F.I.P. MOSHER SHORTHAND. The Initial number of a shorthand month ly periodical, the title of which Is "Mosher Shorthand," will appear about Feb. 15. It will be sent to anyone Interested In shorthand for three months free. Fend name and address. It will be particularly Interesting and beneficial to students or those desiring to learn shorthand; also to all Gregg writers. Address. ROHRBOUGlt BROS.. 17th and Douglas sts., Omalia Neb. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED BY OUR Employment Bureau (Male or female) to operate any machine. e furnish them promptly. we save you time and trouble. We carefully examine all applicants. JVe select to meet your requirements. No charge to either party. Telephone 12S4. or write. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., 1S2C Farnam SU, Omiiha, Neb. B 174 a AT ONCE We can recommend a position ; salary' $l.n"0 I6,0ui). Address Business Opportunity Co., 1 Unlop Square, New York. B 144 21x LAWYER wanted to represent us In Omaha and vicinity. Corporate Trust Company, 1110 V St., Washington, D. C B 182 ax CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted everywhere; no canvassing; good pay. Co-OperaUve Adv. Co., N. Y. B 1S7 ax FRBB trip to St. Louis exposition; agents wanted; every agent presented with a fine ilvex-flnished watch free. Universal Reg istry Company, Wolf Building, Phlla., Pa. B-1S6 21x W ANTED Everywhere, men willing to dis tribute samples, tark sIrtih, etc., at 3.u0 dally; permanent; no canvassing. Conti nental Distributing Service, Chleago. B 226 21 x WANTED First-close all-round carriage woodworker; good wages and utetidy work. Address Model Carriage Co., Houston, Texas. B M2C4 23 175 A MONTH Middle-aged or elderly man or woman wanted In every town; no book agency salary scneme; no trlcKy "outllt fake; just a plain, straight, permanent bualnesw, easily established under our In structions; write toduv for free particu lars. Beach-Klngsley Co., 68 2d Ft., lilns hamton, N. Y. B 215 21x WANTED Salesmen everywhere to estab lish branch agency and sell our line to the consumer. Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 712 No. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. B A POSITION IS OPEN. Do you know where It IsT We do. We have openings for high grade men of all kinds executive, technical and clerical paying from $1,000 to $10,000 a year. Write for plan and booklet. Offices in twelve cities. HAPOOODH (Incorporated). 116 Chemical building. St. Louis. B HIGH-CLASS traveling or local salesmen can earn at least $60 weekly with new side line', adapted to any class of bualness, city or village; can make $250 in one day; proof of statement and sample casa (weight 10 ounces) free by return mall. Address A. Z., Manager, P. O. box 230, New York City. B I WANT a responsible local man In nil I towns and cities not already taken, to distribute advertising from house to house. Elderly persons preferred; must be good walker and steady worker. I offer legitimate renumeratlve employment to satisfactory applicants. Cash paid; no peddling or schemes. Will A. Mol ton Cleveland, ' Ohio. B WANTED Bright solicitors for "War Be tween Rusisla and Jnpan," by Murat Hal stead; best book; big book; enormous de mand; big profits; freight paid; credit given; outfit free. The Dominion Com pany, Dept. B. Chicago. B M267 27x DETECTIVES every locality; good salary: experience unnecessary. International Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 159 ax WANTB5DA good delivery boy at once, one that has hfld some experience In gro cery store, at 1848 Sherman ave, . B 238 a WANTED, man for road work; good prop osition; man experienced In grain busi ness preferred. Address D 48, Bee. B-M827 A FIRST-CLASS tailor bushelman, at once. Apply Mr. Vollmer, clothing dept.. Ben nett'. B 334 21x WA.iblJ K.AIAi.n; Util.M'. ANYONE need of housekeeper, or man and wife, call Canadian oifice, luth and Dodge. C M7o4 WANTED A good housekeeper, by a priest. In tha country; highest references; must be a Catholic; very little work; good salary. Address D 19, Bee. C M8G2 WANTED, ladles to Utarn halrdresslng, manicuring or electrical facial massaga We have adopted a quick end practical method that saves years. Expert l"struc tlon. Can earn expenses before fliaihlng. Few w emits completes. Special FeAuarv offer. Call or write, Molor College, 1302 Douglas at. C MbM 23 x WANTED, ladles for steady home work. Call suite 65, Douglass Bldg. C 938 25x GIRL for general housework; small family. 842 S. 22d St. C-36 21x WANTED, experienced shlrtmakers; steady workt apply at once. . aioeri ai,n, 219 S. 14th. O-MM a WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; wages, to.ou a weeK. Mrs. W. L. Selby, 408 Davenport. C-9C6-a I-ADIHS Most profitable home work, $9.00 to $15.00 weekly; material free; no can vassing; steady work; send stamped en velope. Surety Co., Chicago. C lis ax LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $11 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 115 Zlx LADIES can make big money at home sell ing for family use W. A. T. remedies; write today. Box 917, Chicago. C112 ax IF you wish to earn money by writing short stories or by acting as news cor respondent, address United Press Syndl ,cate, 333 Postal Bldg., Indianapolis. Ind. C 148 ax WANTED Energetio lady to travel, adver tising and collecting for Nebraska; sal ary $S0 monthly from start and all ex penses; steady position. Address Man ager, Dept. C, 211 Pontlao bldg., Chicago. . C 150 ax LADIES to do copying at home; good wages; material furnished; no canvassing; stamped envelope for particulars. Globe Medical Co., De.pt. 22, Chicago. c 1 ax LADIES Pleasant, profitable work you can do home; no canvassing or letter copying. rr particulars send addressed envelope. Woodburn Co., 132 Nassau Bt, N. Y. C-143 ax LADIES wanted for pleasant, profitable home work. Send for specimen work and terms. Boco. 40 Wall St., N. Y. C 141 Zlx LADIES to Introduce article every woman needs; sells quickly; big profits. Here's a chance to become lndepend-nt. Write to Allen & Co., 3J0 Broadway, N. Y. C 194 ax $8 WEEKLY earned. Plain sewing. We send goods free. Addressed envelope brings particulars. Oriental Company, 8,5 Broadway, New York. c 191 six DO YOU READ WANT ADS? ' IF YOU DO. SO DO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. ' , BETTER HAVE YOUR AD AMONG THEM, wasted female help. WANTED, lady agents to Introduce prac tical ladies' artleie for which there Is a great demand; big money-maker; satis faction guaranteed; liberal terms. For particulars address A. W. Turner, M. D., 3i2 Massachusetts ave., Boston, Mass. C 1 21 X $9 WEEKLY, plain sewing; goods sent everywhere; send addressed envelope for pnrticulara. LeGrande Company, 239 Broadway, New York. C lis tlx LADlEf $8 to $15 paid weekly doing plain sewing at home; material sent free every where; send stamped addressM envelope for nrjlculam. Weber Manufacturing Co., J13S Broad way. Now York. O WANTED Young lady to sell tickets with a traveling vaudeville, theater; must be over 18 years old. Address D 36, Bee. C-228 ax LADIES Earn $10 weekly doing embroid ery at home; materials free; send ad dressed envelope for beautiful lace medal lion. Instruction and desipns. Mexican M l g Co., 132 Nassau St., N. Y. i C 205 Z1X LADIES $1B per week sewing it home; materials free, no canvassing; benutiful sample sent fiee 011 receipt of addressed envelope. Majestic Lace Co., New York. C 204 21 x HOME WORK; $ weekly during spare time; no canvassing, experience or money reeded; enclose stamp for outfit. Instruc tions, etc. Address Universal Co., 326 W. 23d St., New York. C WOMAN TO SELL beautiful petticoats made to order easy to sell very proflt n hie satisfied customers exclusive ter ritory. No experience rteceesnxy. Send for catalogue. Paris Skirt Company. Cleveland, O. C $20 MONTHLY with week's trip to St Louis World's fnlr for a few hours writ ing at home. Send stamped addressed envelope for outfit. Address Home Vis itor. St. Ixmlfl. Mo. C248 ax NURSES' college. Pueblo, Colo.; six weeks' courso; has no equal; opens April 1. C 323 ax WASTED S A I.ESMICK. SPECIALTY SALESMEN Two exception ally tihhI positions open with large es tablished Cleveland house. Salesmanship, pn";v," and business ability will make position permanent. General mercantile trade. HUrli commission conduct with $26 . . , . 1 11 . 11., nr t. woeaiy huvhii't winie imrei'iin. it. m. Hndirman Co . On I'rittsriec.t St.. Cleve land. A 104 ax SALESMAN, experienced to sell country merchants : lust proposition ever pre sented; standard line; leading wholesaler; advertising plan a big hit; Insures orders every town. Merchants paS- out of sales. Commissions advanced from $27 to $u6 on each order; $1"o a week above expenses; permanent. Address Box 1063. St. Louis, Mo. 133 Qx TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no terhnical knowledge, but active, all-round bustler. Established, well-rated house. F. R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., Detroit. Mich. 137 ax SALESMEN, side line. Can make $26 to $80 per wwk handling our up-to-date line of Advertising Fans, special and exclusive designs no one else can offer thnm. Samples ready, light a.nd easy to carry. Apply at once. The Kemper-Thomas Company, Dept. B, Cincinnati, O. 108 Bx SALEI3MRN make 600 per cent commission selling "Novelty Sign Cards;" merohants buv 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties; cata loenin fn-o. Sullivan Co.. 1139 Mapierwood ave.. Chicago, 111. loi 21x 1 CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with advance) of $100 monthly; permanent posi tion to rlrrht man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 125 21x "WANTED Two men of fair education push and: good appearance to worn in Nebraska; expenses advanced, salary paid weekly; no fake. Address, with stamp, W. 8. Reeve, Chicago. 128 ax SALESMEN WANTED Traveling spe cialty salewnan of ability to sell a hard proposition; compensation commensurate with ability; five years' contract to man worth from 3,ooo to o,ow per year, write. giving age, experience and references. Address u 13, uee. 127 21X WANTED, SALESMEN Successful sales men In demand. If desirous of success study "Methods for Attainment"; result Euar'anteed; sent for $1.00. C. A. Vanagh, ouglas Station, Chicago. 121 21x WANTEiD Salesmen to writ for particu lars; finest side line ever offered; sells on sight to all merchants; liberal commis sions. Address Blac.kman Stock Remedy Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. 149 ax SALESMEN make big money selling staple article; bought by merchants everywhere; excellent side line; pocket samp'e; write Immediately. E. W. Merck Co.. 900 Collins St., St Louis, Mo. WANTED Experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience and salary expected. Singer Bros., St. Loula, Mo. 58 WANTED, experienced salesman, with es tablished trade, for Nebraska; state ref erences, experience and salary expected. Singer Bros., St. Louis. Mo. 958 SALESMEN We want two good men foe western territory on salary and commis sion; we ore opening considerable new ter ritory and thero Is a chance for advance ment to the man who can make good; the house that manufactures for us Is one of the oldest and best known In the business. H. L- Hay ward, 323 Bee Bldg. M a4 24 SALESMEN Side line; small sample; standard article; liberal commission Trojan Mfg. Co.. Sta. V, South Bead, Ind. TRAVELING specialty salesman of proven ability for Nebraska; vacancy March 1st; references required. Drawer "8," Chi cago, 111. 162 21x CIGAR Salesman Wanted Cigar salesman In your locality for city and country trado; experience unnecessary; $60 per month and expenses; Inclose stamp for particulars. Pioneer Cigar Co., Dept. 74, Toledo, O. 160 21x TRANCE reading of your future by tha only reliable clairvoyants. Profs. Cart A itoinn. jv.. w jm. 1'iaric ht., cnicago. nena dime, birth date and stamp. 8 161 ax WANTED, $1,000 a year can easily be made by salesmen selling Royal Prussian Whit Lead. Commission paid weekly. Largo Inducements to tha trade. IL O. Bardie, St Louis. Mo. 182 ax S1TIATIO.NS WASTED. YOUNG man going to school wants place to work mornings and evenings for room and board; not afraid to work. A 832 21x WANTED, situation as seoond 000k in hotel or restaurant; can give satisfactory ref erence. Address il 91, Bee. A-897 ax HOUSEKEEPING simplified. Th Econ omy Expense Book analyzes household and personal expenses, dividing them Into eighteen departments by a simple method. Sample pugs free. Woolson & Co., New Haven, Cunn. A 196 ax WANTED, position In dry goods store by young lady who has had six years ex perience; worked In several departments. Address II 96. Boe. A 863 21x WANTKD Situation aa drug dark and Boxla man; six years experience; good refurencott. Address D 29, Be. A Ml 45 26x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILI MAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 786 THE new Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors brokers everywhere. 1st floor K. Y. I.lfa, Tel. 133. -786 W F. WAPP1CH. advice frea. Cretrhton Blk. 787 rax FOR RGHT-FCRXIIUED ROOMS. SMALL room, heated, reasonable. 2S;s llarnajr st. K M:07 21 FURNISHED rooms; steam, gas, batli, half block from poatofHce. 212 No. liih. E MJil Si SUfcEPlNO room, suitable lor two tesMe inen. 204 S. 20th. E M 21 EENTER hotel, ao N. 17th; nice tmnient rooms. E IJS Mis ONE south room with board. 2418 Cass. K M9S) 22 FURNISHED front rooms; steam heated. 624 No. 20U1. E-MX7 222 PLEASANT front room, P0. 1711 Daven port. E M966 22x I ROOMS for light housekeeping. 22a CaL E M6i 22x I PARTLY furnished rooms, light house keeping. 2019 Cat- K M954 2LX NICE furnished rooms; steam heat. 1811 Chicago. E M9o3 22x HOUSEKEEPING room, reasonable. 417 No. 19th tt. E M962 22x WARM room, suitable for one or two. 2-'80 Harney. E 9tw 20x ROYAL HOTEL, European, luth & Chicago. E 7b2 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 763 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leavanworth. 'Phone A-1783. E-7ti4 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 811. -761 fUS PER WEEK, Doraa House, 4X3 B. 18th. E 7W Vienna, Hotel. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms; la dles' cJc; private dining r.; open nights. E 606 NICE furnished room a 824 N. 16th. E-7G8 FURNISHED room with all modern con veniences. Private family, 2619 Jones St E M886 FURNISHED rooms aad board. 609 8. 25th ave. Tel. L271S. E M150 FURNISHED room, transients, e6 N. I6N1. E 195 M4 FURNISHED rooms. Tha Dresher, 602 s" lGth. E 178 M4 LARGE, warm room, steam heat. 1909 Capitol ave. E M720 THE FARNAM, 18th and Farnam sts. References required. E MS06 NICE rooms, steam heat; also housekeep ing reasonable. 2234 Farnam st. TeL 2203. E M900 ax NEWLY furnished rooms on car line. 1802 Cuming. E MU14 ax TWO newly furnished rooms for gentle men onlv; new house, all modern. 630 S. 17th are. E M232 !3x LARGE or small rooms at 1914 Farnam, also board. E M318 23 SINGLE room, modern. $5 month. 6214 So. 19th. E M317 23 SMALL rooms, modern. 2687 St Mary's. E M310 23 NICE, large front room, all modern. 702 80. 171 h. E M315 23x FURNISHED rooms; reasonable, 712 N. 16th. B-M310 23x NICELY furnished rooms; steam het 616 S. 16th. E M309 2Sx SINGLE room, In nicely furnished, steam heated flat; all modern; walking distance; very reasonable. Tel. B2498. 2234 Farnam, second floor. E M335 M20 FURNISHED rooms; modern. 71! S. 16th St., 3d floor. E M308 23x FURNISHED rooms and board: private family. 2613 Davenport. F M307 23x FURNISHED rooms; transients. 712 S. 16th St., 2d floor, left door. E M300 23x $8 MEAL TICKETS. $8. Karhach restau rant. F M305 23x PLEASANT south room nicely furnished; steam heat, good location. The Dresher, 602 8. 16th. E M304 23 YOUNG MAN wants roommate; accommo dation first class: hoard and room reis onable. Address D 43. Bee. E M308 22X FRONT rooms; housekeeping. 61 S. 16th St., 3d floor. E M284 23x NICELY furnished. 1613 Burt. 15 M290 28 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out eoara. Midland notei, lotu & unicago. F 7t9 LARGE well furnished front room, all mod ern, with board; also good tame Doara by day or week. The Dresher, 002 S. lbth st F-772 UTOPIA, steam heat, 17a Davenport. F 720 ROC KA WAY, lat Douglas. Meals, 16o. F 771 NICE rooms; good board. 80S 8. 20th. F 225 Mar5 BEST maaJa In city. ICarbach restaurant. F 857 MarlS 609 S. 26 rh are. Tel. L-2718. F M423 TWO front rooms, with board. 2013 Doug las. F M916 21x FRONT parlor and board, reasonable, 1816 Dodge. Tel. A-2407. F-M912 21 x FURNISHED rooms and board. 667 S. 28th. F-M911 21 WANTED, first-class boarders only. 1823 Capitol ave. F M154 27x MAN and wife, or two gentlemen can find pleasant nome in private family; mod ern; first class board. Address D 41, Bee. V M302 23x PLEASANT room, south front In private family; terms reasonable. 8620 Dodge. 'Phone L-2468. F-M283 22X MODERN unfurnished rooms for light nouseKenping in nica nat good neighbor hood. Address D 44. Bea. F M319 22 x NICE rooms, with or without board. 710 MX Kin. v M.:i4 2.IX CLEAN, warm, nicely furnished front room, to gentlemen or married counle: only flrst-class people and thoee desiring noriiR ciimiunti itiiu nuiuv uuokiiirt neeu apply. 2X3 Harney. F 2.5 ax ROOMS and board. N. W. cor. lth and Capitol ave. Tel. 2433. F M281 23x FOR RKXT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO unfurnished rooms. 807 N. 18th st G M911 ax WANTKD TO RENT. WANTED, to rent about 6 acres, suitable for poultry. Address D 46, Bee. K-M326 22x WANTED, to rent S or 10 acres for pnta- toes. Address D 46, Bee. K M32f Z2x WANTED, to rent, cottage with garden land. Add reus i mix. ague diock. K 276 21 X TICKET BH OK KHS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. lit Farnam. -fnone 74. 758 DETECTIVE AGENCY. Capt Cormack. 617 Karbach blk. Tel. A-212. 1C0 nri5Es niArr.. WILLIAMS ROOMING HOUSES best locations In Omaha, full of roomers. Read thLs list, you can find anything you want. 12-room house, roni $40, furniture $t'1. l.'-rooin room house, rent $45. part of furniture $250; 7-rooin flat, rent $J.", furniture $4"0; 14-room modern brick, rent $7o, furniture $1,000; 14-room brick, rent $4a. furniture J'iu; 12-room hous, rent $C'0. furniture $700; .""-room steam heated house, rent $M); furnituro $1,200; 10-room brick, rent $.w, furniture $iV0; 14-room modern brick, rent J4ii, furniture $1,100; 4-room flat, rent $1S, furniture $J2R; 11 -room modern frame, rent tXl, furniture $3(iO; 10-room steam heated house, rent .to, furnituro $V0; 26-room flat, rent furniture $7o0; 80-room line modorn strain heated, rent $160. furniture $3,000. These and several larger and smiiJIor for sale, soma will give time on part. It will pay you to call and see tne if you want anything In this line. WILLIAMS, Room 411 McCague building. Y-9is 21 x DO TOU NEED MONEY? DO YOU WANT AN INVESTMENT? e can ac commodate you In either. Wn loan on your personal note at 3 per cent ; solicitors wanted. J. D. Rust & Co., Cedar Rapids, la. Y 122 21 x $100 will draw $l"i per year for 6 years. $1,000 will draw $l,ou per year for 6 years. An investment placed with us will bring you z per cent jwir weeK on your money for tho next 5 years or more, loading business men and other men of high rank and standing endorse our proposition. The most important points about our proposition are "no speculation" anil "no risk." Our prospectus reflects the merits of this offer. Full imrtlculars cheerfully submitted. The O. C. C. H. & L Co., 713 Hartford Bldg., Chicago, 111 Y 147 ax PATENTS GUARANTEED SUES & CO. Address, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb., or 1H F Street, Washing ton. D. C. Only firm In the United States having a western and Washington office. Send for references and free patent book. Y SPLENDID WEEKLY DIVIDENDS earned on accounts of $25 and upward. unanee of a lltetime to participate in tho profits of a rellnble, legitimate business enterprise. Principal returned on demand. Write for handsome free booklet. Unld wln & Co., Mall & Express Bldg., New York. Y 201 ax ADVERTISING WORLD, Columbus, O., a monthly Journal or lnrormutlon, plans, suggestions and Ideas for advertising. Send today for free sample or l"o for four months' trial. Y 197 21 x I CAN sell your business, property or se curities, or obtain ror you investment In any line, If you will consult mo by mall or personally. My agencies and clients extend throughout the United States. John R. Coburn, Park Row Bldg . New York. Y 195 21x FREE Booklet telling how $25 monthly fllv- loenn can actually ne earned with $100. Investigation solicited. Write Edward Harbison, Chllds Bldg., 34th St.. New York. Y-190 21x FOR SALE For cash, stock gen'l mdse.. mostly shoes, invoice about $1,400; must be sold soon; fine fixtures, good opening. Ad dress Lock Box No. 17, Olenvllle. Neh. Y 225 21 x CAPITA! furnished meritorious enterprises, stocks and bonds underwritten and sold under guaranty on commission, companies incorporated and financed, good patents promoted; bank references; established 1S90. MacRae & Company (Inc.), 41-43 Wall st. New York. Y 218 21 x PROTECTION FOR INVESTORS In Mining. Oil. Industrials and Turf; con templative Investors cannot afford to dls rmrord our excellent, but Inexpensive, Service; a postal mav save you monev. INVESTORS CO-OPERATIVE LEAGUE. 835 Broadway, New York. Y 202 21x A. Incorporate under laws of congress; no annual taxes; operate anywhere: most liberal and economical In the United State. COLUMBIA INCORPORATING CO., Gunton bldg., Washington, D. C. Y 208 ax 100 LOTS FREE First 100 applicants send ing stamp will receive deed of a lot, size 25x100 feet, to advertise ; Westminster Park, suburb New York. 20th Century Realty Co., 6 Wall St.. New York. Y I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where It Is or what It Is worth; send de scription, state price and learn how. Offices and special representatives In 36 cities. W. M. OSTRANDER. Home Office 148 N. A. Bldg.. Philadelphia. Y BEFORE1 you buy any real estate In any part of the United States, write and twll mo what locality you are interested In. I guarantee to fulfill your reo'tlrements. Free catalogue. William T. Brown, 205 Brown building, Lancaster, Pa. Y DO you want cash for your real estate or business? If so, write for our successful method of selling. Booklet free. Amer ican Brokerage Co., Marietta, Ohio. Y 152 ax A IARGB corporation with highest bank and commercial references, operating suc cessfully under a co-operative plan, man ufacturing products In universal demand, needs servloes of local sales manager for the business centers of the United States. Must be able to furnish highest refer ences as to Integrity and business ability, and become a holder of $1,000 to $5.l of the 8 per cent preferred stock In the com pany at the time of entering our employ. Salary $1,000 to $2,400 per annum and com mission. Write today, stating specifically what territory you desire. Address, Sec rotary, Drawer R, Battle Creek Mich. Y-239 ax 4 TO 10 PER CENT weekly averaged on each $5 Invested In a legitimate enterprise. Partlcularsi from Martin, 125 Dearborn st, Chicago, HI.' Y-189 ax BUSINESS FOR SALE-General store will invoice about seven thousand. Lo cated in northeastern Nebraska. Sales average $1,600 per month. New stock, rent cheap. Good fanning country. Address D 33, Be Y-M184 26 JOHN R. WARDrTLL OLD RELIARLE TURF COMMISSIONERS AND TURF ADVISORS. NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS CHICAGO- -SAN FRANCISCO. Y 179 ax CORPORATIONS controlling business es tahllshcd 1K05, desire energetic and ex perienced business man, capahle of earn ing $2,600 yearly, to manage branch ofllce. Investment of $1,600 and unquestionable references required. Address Supt Box 630. Madlsofl Wis. Y 178 ax OO INTO mall order business; we start you; why work for others when you can Just aa well have a paying and ever Iticroaslng business of your own? Busi ness can db conducted at home. Wo give advice worth many dollars and coach you on to success. Inclose stamp for samples, particulars and valuable In formation. American Special Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. Y-lti6 21 x ESTABLISHED business with up-to-date stock of dry goods and millinery for sale nt liberal discount. Reason, bad health. Best town In eastern Nebraska. Address C 5!. Bno olhce. Y 175 211 FOR SALE, clean, up-to-date paying hard ware buslnesrt; Investigate this. Address Lock Box 305, Alexandria, Neb. Y-M332 x SOME BUSINESS BARGAINS. Bowling alley, 6 alleys complete, Stockton, Cal. Ice bus.. Ice house and pond, 24-r. twin house and 4 a , Coopersburg. Pa. Block drugs, books, paints, wall paier, etc., and bus . Horse Cave, Ky.; $7,ui0. Furnished hotel prop., S a., on Lake Ocono- mowoe. Waukesna Co., Wis.; beautiful location. Four-slurv hotel, Petoekey. Mich!; 150 guest rooms; all mod. con vs.; completely furnished. Carriage mfg. and repairing, horseshoeing bus., shop and stock, Stafford Springs, Conn. Genl. mdse. bus, stock, store. dwel and let. Buckingham. Pa.; well est. trade. Well eqpd. sanitarium and hospital. Andl vit. -V. Y.; 1 a.; est. reputation; Ideal lo cation. W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. liMg.. Phlla. Y-172 21 x START a business of your own; be a manufacturer and sell gooa ny man srui agents, frur book tells how to manu facture fly paper. Ink powder. Ink eran-r. atarc-h. tobacco cure, rubber stamps, hair tonic, dyes. et, over 100 recipe, easy to put up and fat Boilers; postpaid, 26c Robert MoChss, 1944 Sla-wart av- . Kanaaa nrtitEM rntscES. Sholes-Armstrong Company. 722 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. TEL 49 JUST A FEW OF OUR SNAPS IF YOU DON'T PEE WHAT YOU WANT I'nMR AVM ASIv FOR IT. $ 4.000 cigar factory and retail store In food southeast enrasKa town 01 ;'wv; Include nice dwelling ami fruit t 1.800 Ice cream and candy factory. Omaha; complete equipment; retail store In connection; this Is Just tha limn to take this: come ntilck. t 8,000 Hardware and tin store; best loca tlon In Omaha; established 10 yars himlt-imta t1?.iH0 to tllilll rter vear. $ 1,300 Pool hall and cigar store; two ta- rlcs; fixtures aa handsome aa any in rlfv tmflfa tilt! I,ef mnnlh $ "50 Cnsh for a clean, new saloon tax- ins- In f s tot itnv t 1.850 and $3,000 Tw-d old established repub lican newspapers In good Nebraska towns; both making monev. Flats from $4u0 to $900, and worth tha monev. $ 4.500 Half Interest in paying electri light plant. $00,000 Modern flat building raying 6 per cent interest; will trado feV cleir hinds $10,500 Two-story pressed brick store build ing; two flats above and complete grocery and hardware stock in store part: trade for Improved farm driving ,llutf..u ii..,ni,u t 2,o00 Equity In two gixxl cottages to trade ., f"r stock of groceries or hardware. $ 3,000 Two houses In Florence to trade for iarm. 23 acres i mile from cltv limits of Council Bluffs; this place Ls offered dirt cheap and would moke tho best nursery or site for greenhouses around this country; vt mllo from motor line; would trade for Omaha residence. 108 acres Cass county, Neb.; well Improved- v niiiiH io goou town; an good land; trade for larger farm near town In western Nebraska 180 acres good Improved land 9 miles from vwiimi iij . if-vm aim tuiame; price, $16 per acre; purchaser can assume mortgage and pav $1 aug cash; owner must sell; land has been held at $26. 640 acres Improved farm, Nance county; ouu acres cultivated; two sets of Im provements; no sand, vetv little rough land; for a quick sale we offer at Mti0lN). one-thlmt ,'uah 2 acres with new 6-room house. Just out of csouin uraana; lu minutes walk from car line: Just the place for chickens and fruit; a snap for $1, 000, one-half down. 12.000-aore ranch with cattle, horses and machinery, Thomas and Cherry counties; trade for merchandise. 1,600 acres deeded Irrigated land In Custer county. South Dakota; ranch stock i'nd buildings, unlimited range; this Is a Brian $10,000 iji ne, .ui-rc handlse stock in west ern lown; doing a large business; trade for good farm lund and ln dude store building. $12,600 Stock of Implements and hardware In good central Nebraska town; trade for good Kansas land. WRITE FOR OUR TRADING BULLETIN LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US WE WILL SELL IT IF PRICED RIGHT Y I CAN quickly sell for cash without local publicity your real esiate, business or partnership, no matter where 'orate. 1 Send me full particulars, price, etc Ad. dress Cbaa. E. Powell. 19 W. Mohawk St.. Buffalo. N. Y. Y M712 Marl3 SHOLES - ARMSTRONG CO., business chances and exchanges; write us, 722 New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-754 TO GET In or out of business oall on Wil liams, room 411, McCague building Y-M971 WANTED, partner; I want a sober, ener getio man with $250, to manage busities-4 in Omaha; $15 per week wages nnd half Interest In business; permanent situation; this ia a arood business phnnn.- ,ur..P-. ...... required. Address 11. WELMKK1NG, Peoria. III. Y-MC.S7 23x FOR SALE Flrst-class harness business In Colorudo; town of six thousand people only two shops In town, both doing good business: stock will Invoice about two thousand, five hundred dollars; no old f roods In stock; reasons for selling, mln ng Interests to look after. Address D 18. care Bee. Y MS94 21 x PATENTS GUARANTEED ' PATENTS secured or fee returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to Satentabllity. Send for Illustrated GLIDE iOOK and Hat of Inventions wanted; fin est publication Issued for freo distribu tion. Contains valuable Information re garding patents, trade marks and copy rights; how to obtain and sell them; luO mechanical movements, etc. Patents se cured by us advertised free In the Patent Record. Sample copies free. Address , Evans. Wllklns A Co., Registered Attor neys. 603 F St.. Washington, D. C. Y FOR SALE, clean, up-to-date department tore stock 1n southeastern Nebraska; in a steady money making store, best In the county and town, in one of the best farming communities In the slate; owner Is going Into wholesale business; Is not for trade or for sale at a sacrifice; If you' are looking for a chance to step Into a well established bualness of from (.W.flun to $35,000, yielding a steady profit of $2,Oao to $3,O0 and living annually, can buv at' once for cash; stock will Invoice aliont $17,000; can be reduced largely and do same amount of business; stock consists of dry goods, clothing, furnishings, gro ceries, queensware und thoea. Andres D 27, Bee ofllce. Y MS26 a FOR SALE, old established hardware and Implement business, eastern Nehr.. In voice C0.000. annual sales $30,000; owner wishes to retire. Address D ?, care Ree. Y M910 25 x PARTNER for St. Ixmls exposition with $600; big money. Address D 34. lice. Y M95S 26 TEAfPLKTOX-HAVERLY CO., a Bee Building. Telephone 2W4. Have for sale among other business chances five good grocery stores In Omaha. Also a highly Improved half section farm near Central City, Neb. Best batg ilti !a the state. Y-.M9I1B OREGON We offer our stock of general merchan dise for sale. Coiner store building, for rent for term of years; a good chance to buy Into a live business located In the noted Willamette valley, the best dairy and fruit section In the world. Thomas St James, Forest Urove, OREGON Y-183 21 X FOR SALE, medical practice and Instru ments In county seat, southeastern South Dakota. Young man of ability can make $2,5o to $3,010 from start. Must quit ac count poor health. Addruha 1) 2x. Hie Y 130 11 x FREE 100 lots to advertise Edgi-watur Park, suburb, N. 1. First l'K sending stamp given 26xlu0 feet. t. fciftusl'le Co laj Broadway. N. Y. Y-2u7 21X FOR SALE Meat market, boarding houe and confectionery combined fur Sw.E'', either cash or on time with good banka ble note. This business I for sale, not for rent. This Iiii'IuiImh stock and all. En quire of Julius Suhroedui , Gretna, Neb. FOR SAI.K-HOKSEV WAGO.DS, Kit. I fine depot wagons, 2 torkaways, 1 coupe, 2 traps. 1 waxonette, 2 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney. P lu5 FOR' SALE, slightly used. 2 carriages. 3 phaetons. 2 top buggies, 2 driving wagons; cheap. Andcren-Aii!lard Co., lulii Capitol e. P-,14 FOR SALE, Id. hand. 4 passenger brong bain, tt lu.galn if taken at once. i;;,!, Harn iy. P M17i FROST doesn't shave men. ha shaves siiokis Wagon repairs, 14th and I.kiv enworth. P 7J 1,200-POUND horse, double set of har.iess, 1 milk wunon and 1 grocery wagon. Ktu ben's livery stable, 713 So. 16ih, rear. l'-.!2 a HnBF? ,X)H SAU:. heavy ar.d me IIWUJL, J dluiu weight expK-sw.ru, draft and chunk. Harney Street tit'iM-a. P-M:7 2-'x HORSES for sale: second-hand 'aarness. vehicles, cheap Melcher's Stablf. ftd 8. 11" h. p MS0S GOOD live work horse, 1,250, and harness for sale. 417 B. 14ih. P M!il3 22x HORSES bought and sold on commlsalon. If you have a horwe f..r sale s tn- Kx t hange Stable, t:9 8. 2oth. P Tt 21 FOR BALE Or would trade. 1 l'-oiind work mare for a buggy horse 17'f st. P-M231 23 x FOR SALE, a fin driving horse years old. Geo. S. Cat-k lay, loth and Capitol ave, P-LTVat r.