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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1904)
v. THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, FERREARY 20. 1004 TRADE AFFECTED BY COLD Csnsd. compared with twnty-l a year ago. m. i r "je- -was-' l.z w -mj ir -a!--s -w ir i--u sar -tr-s"tji a- u ir jt" sj-u vs "'sirisv rr-j:.a',iPsiae-' we . r ".J" ' r -e- -.e- -w- ir- -e- -t- -w e -r 's . Jinl Tetrpo'ar; Adfsn'ajei of Wr Teh for B.ailM. FINANCIAL CONDITIONS SATISFACTORY Believed prln Itnllrtlna- Operation ad nallrnad Mill Create a Larue llemand for Iron n4 (Mrl. NEW YORK, Feb. 1.-R. O. Dun Co.'g Weekly Review of Trade thl week will Bay: Inclement weather alone prevent a defi nlte revival of buslnes. Outdoor work Is retarded and traffic Impeded to an extent that cannot be accurately measured, hut I obviously sufficient to neutralize the ef fect of many encouraging factor while winter wlieut I threstene.l, although not yet definitely Injured, and early farm prepa ration must be postponed. Several lead in branches of manufacture art) increasing active capacity and thousands of Interior buyer arc placing liberal order at the principal cities. The usunl temporary advantage of war are felt In the markets for staple enm modltles, notnhly foodstuffs, but while Mil hplpa the domestic producer It harm a much larger number by enhancing' price to nome roiitimrs. There la little friction between employer and wage earners, ex cept regarding; the bltuminou si;ale, but the cause of Industrial peace baa lost Its foromoat champion. Despite Interruptions by atorma, railway earning thu far re ported for February were only 4 per cent mailer than a year ago, when there waa also much aevere weather. Foreign trade return for the last week at thl port show an Increase of I1.1B2.012 In value of export, a compared with lnt year, hut Import were allghtly amaller. Financial condition are satisfactory, money remaining eaay, and exchange un disturbed by complication abroad. While It app-r that the output of pi Iron ha Increased mora rapidly than the de mand, assuring Come accumulation of stock for the month, yet the mere fact that the leading Interest ha about SO per cent of It furnace In oK-rutlon Indicate confidence In the future. When spring building operation begin n large demand for Iron and eteel la expected, and con tract are soon to be placed for Baltimore work. A Inrge tonnage of rail Is an nounced, and bids ore under consideration for termlnnl Improvement and rolling stock, the railways recognising the need of avoiding any further delay. Eaae In the monev market has maitc It possible to secure fund. There I Btlll uncertainty regarding the ore situation, producer fall ing to agree, and a committee ha been appointed to- eltlt the disputed point, If possible. Cotto.i and coffee lot more of the re cently Inflated quotations and speculative activity fell to a normal condition, Do mestic aplnner have taken more freely but exports have fallen below lat year figure. The (tatletlcal poult Ion la gen- h rally considered to warrant price at li or I cent. Wheat attained new high records. Mav notion railing about SI at thl city for the flrt time lnca the Lelter corner In 1898. Minor cereal were also forced to niuoh higher price followed by Irrig Ularlty a profit were taken. Foreign trade started the new year most satisfactory as shown by official returns for the month of January. Two factor con tributed to swell the volume of exports, nrenaratlona for war In the Orient, and filgh price for farm staples. Exports wore valuta at imi.w-3.4M aauinsi 11 h.hid.w in December and II 33. W2, 21 In the correspond ing month last vear. Exports In the opening month of the year are always amaller than In December nnfl moreover, tne present companaon is being made with a month that far sur passed all record. No preceding January made an good an exhibit a last month. Import were valued at $S1.819,Ma, compared with 77,7ti7,9t In December and $Sj,174.TS6 In January, 1903 On merchandise account thl nation Increased It credit abroad to the extent of IB9.014.084. silver export amounting to oi,7. wnne net imports of gold were 17,633,941. leaving a balance on all accounts of f.J.4l8.84 Import of gold for the lat seven months were exceptlon- nlly heavy. I5B. 517.150. comparing with 133, 010.824 In the prcvloua ye'tr. Liabilities of commercial failures thu far reported for February aggregated 16. 344.61)2 of which $3,004,911 were In manufac turing. 12.615.179 in trading and 24.102 In other commercial line. For the aame per iod laat year Uabflltu? were ifl.3il4 .286. Fail ure thla week numbered 287 In the TTnlted Btatt against 247 last year and twenty In GLOOM. Women Find Happiness and Health by Using Dr. Greene's Nervura. Thousands of Women Praise the Virtues of Dr. Greene's Nervura. - Art these horrible aches and pains natural t Am I doomed to lose my health andgood looksthroug-h Buffering' I eant prevent V Shall I be nervous and cross at twenty-fire, thin and I and It at thirty, and full of wrlnklea la my prime T" Are you ask ing these ques tion of your-: self, young wo man? Dr. Greene's Nerrura blood and nerve remedy will preaerte your beauty and keep back the mark a of time. It will help you at onoe. Mm. Mat Clark, t o r ruerly of Buffalo, N.Y., who not lirea at Crow land, Ont., say a: " For 3 years I was miserable, and no one cad Imagrlnewhat hours I put In, ClS I felt so uJ itf', and down- lioarvcu ail the time, and sometime felt as If I Trould be plaA if I could die, for it was misery to live and feel-aa I did. I thought aumetimcs I ahould lose my mind. I had tho head ache and could not aleep at times. I tried many medicines but they did me no food. At last I decided to try Dr. Greene's Xerrura blood and nerve remedy, and after taking two bottles I eould aleep well, and my mind did nut trouble me any more. I am now able to do all my own. housework, which I have not done for two vear before. I am very thankf id for what lhr. Greene's Nervura blood an 1 nerve remedy haa dono for me, and I gladly recommend It to all who auffor aa'l have Buf fered. " The pity of beauty sacrificed to pain and nervousness '. Realist) it now and prevent the inroneW upon your happi ness and health. Dr. Grcu'e Nervura blood and nerve remedy r.lwnya helps women. You will understand this If you trv it Dr. Greece, 101 Fifth Ave., New Vork City, will advise you free of chargo. If you will call or write. Your driifjjist recommends and aella Dr. Ureene's Kervura. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTKD. a flrat-'la harneaa muker at out. '. V. i'axksr. Table Hx-k. Neb. mil fiWJ 7hU BRI'OHT OF THIS ( l.tAIIMCi HOI UK. Treaaaetloa of the Associated IlaakM Dnrlnar the Past Week. NEW YORK, Feb. Is. -Tho following lublo. compiled by Jtradstreet. ihni the bank rloirlrgs at the principal cities for the week ended February 1". with the p'r cntsge of Increase and b crease as c m pnrd with the corresponding week 'aft year: CITIES. Clearings ! Inc. J Dee. I New York Thlcsgo 1 Poston I Philadelphia ,' Bt. Louis I Pittsburg 1 Ban Francisco I Paltlmore I Cincinnati I Kansas (71 tv I New Orleans Ccvelsnd 1 Minneapolis I Detroit I Louisville I OMAHA I Milwaukee I Providence I Buffalo I Tndlanapolla I Ht Paul I T,o Angole I ft. Joseph I Ticnver , I Columnus I Memnhl I Seattle I Richmond I Washington I f?.?31.?S2' . "is 9s cm . M.M4 S . M 41 2 4o4 so 4r r-. . 2.o3K fj;? , 17.2fi .7B . 5:'..i! i i J4 e rub 1 '74 . 1J.74S ?". t n. or R K7R ;nl .7 3001. 8. ant 00,-11. fi 4f S711 b 4c. ' 177 !f"' 4 7 r s . 3 ! ?7 W 4.?l.7'if1 ix'. 4 ? X im as?!. 5 nrt n7' . ?77 iwi. X iR? n;m'. 4 74..Mi f rm ji' l.T7 71 B r.4 ai, n i7r. i 7s.f;i'. 2 ivi i'i?;. I hoo ' ssn ?10' 1 W3 9' . l.B"7.?R7i. TOR S70I . 1.711 141'. 1.!WR MR' ' I" li'MI. 1 oni. 1.177 ri?i. 1 3 10 an . 1 n?.?i4'. 1.144 Hfl'. 1.1R1 174' . 1 MR Wl.1l 1. "Ml. 71V l.ftKI .!' . Q!t; en' 71.773l 1.n.TR 0041 7?a H5R'.;1 cm 4'. 1 n' r.n S17.4V1I. 7'".fl7?l fil 1'. W R4f.' . 441 KR1'. 6'8.7R?I R-n 07' in awn, R74 7(fl 4"S.on, 8v, C79.' 4S1.4H7I. a4.:v.2'. 301.513'. SM.Smi . 41".nsii S4.r:ii'. 4r".WSI 202.701 ' 111. wv 24rt.R12' 1S 947I. 14 fW,i'.4i! (".jui.rion1. 1.231 .801 1. 823.394. S2 7 14 : 18.1 it.6 17.6 , !2 0 I 18. K ra . 58 I. I 1 1 "i i. 41'. 11. D;. I 13 C 7 R 13 S 17 0 .1 .L 10. 8 n.i;. 1 11.-. 4 2 . it I 2S It 11.3'. 7.6 Sevannah I Alhnnv I Portland. Ore I 3' IS 3 2.S Hi Fort Worth ... Toledo. O Palt Lake City .. I ".9'. Penrlft I I s.ii'. 1 , . 1 13 .!'. 12 Ol'. I t I 6 4 "i'.k Atlanta P.ochexter Wartfwil Nashville Ties Mon Hnoknne, Wash Tacome Orand Rnnlds N'pw Haven ... Scrnnton ravton Norfolk ...t 27. r, 17 3 0.9 I s a JT1.9 Snrtrgfeld, Mass I Worcester ! Portlnnd, Me I Augusta, Oa I Toppka I Bloux City I Pvraeuse I Fvsnsvl'le I 40 1 5.15 4A.1 1 4 3 1H. 5 2S.2 2'. 16.4' . 1 "6'i. 4.1'. 11.71. P'rmlngbam Wimnton, Del.. 13. S Knoxvlllo .... Davenport ... T.UMe rtock . Wllke-barre . Fall Klver .. Vnrnn Wheeling. W. Wichita kron ,. I ...I .1 21.2 I I 52.31. I R.fii. 1 . . 1 1 in. si. s.11. 10 3 Va.. 23. 6 "L9 ....I ..I Chattanooga 1 Borlngdeld. Ill i Kalamasoo. Ml"h Youngstown I Helena I Lexington I Fnrgo. N D I New Bpdford I Canton, O..., .....I .Tack son vllle. Fla I Lowell I Theater Pa I Oreenshurp. Pa I Rockford. Ill I R 0 2B.9 .! 4.1 7.91. It.oj. 88.71. 1.8 18 S.4 3.4'. Flnghamton 8lrlngflpld, O Ploomlngton, 111 Oulncy. Ill Blotix Fall. S. D... Manadeld. O ppcatur. Ill Tacksonvlllp. Ill Fremont. Neb Houston Oalveston tCharlcston. 8. C..., Cedar Rapid Totals, r, 8 Outside New York.. .1 1R.6 2.3.1' I. 1 111. 3 01. 7.1'. 9.3'. 17 1 8.9 4.H 0.7 6.6 .l$l,734.?nB.74i. . 751,074, 43 J!. 24.0 8.3 CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver, B. C... Hamilton London, Ont t. John, N. B Victoria, B. C r.,4'!4 440l 1 15 8 12 442.137! I 88. 9 7R!?7I 12.61..., 1.6l5.!Sn I 17.2 1 445.374 LB' 914.967 H4.6 1 IKS. 493' 1Z.4I 1.051,7691 .B 72.Sfi6l. "5n.KP3. 5f9,574 4.1 2.T 29.1 Total I) 40.O95.0S6! 14.8 Not Included In totals because containing other Item than clearing. tNot included In total becaues of no comparison for last year. IvntGASE I Bl si4K9S 18 SIOTEn. Weather Affeets Spring Trade and War Influence Price. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Rradotreet's Weekly Review of Trade this week will say: Midwinter condition sre a bar to growth In spring trade and interfere greatly with transportation and outdoor activities gen erally. Still a fair Increase of ouslneea la noted In lobbing circle at leading western and Bouthweatern centers and the bet week's Jobbing business o far thla yrar la reported at leading eastern markets. The leellng la that while soring trade will be later than a year ago, this drawback caif be largely oflset If good weather wuper venea later. .... Conalderable doubt still exist an to the effect of the most severe winter In recent years upon tho wheat crop planted lat fall, but definite Information must await the appearance of warmer weather. While favorable to some lines, notably coal and heavy winter wearing apparel, the general effect of the unbroken cold wcaiher upon InouKtrv Is not favorable. Railway) earnings in January showed the rlrat decrease reported since February. lHCo, and the first decrease reported in January since 1497. Bank t'luarliis tor th week, broken a It has been by the holidays, make a poor liowln. Importunt luilur-s are more Important till week, small banki and Insurance companies, the latter at Halllmore, contributing largely. Money li. tenued to slightly harden. War influences out u large figure In th course of prices, which, with few excep tions, has been upward. Flour, wheat, torn, oats and pork all made new high records, thoae of wheat and Hour belrtg tne highest reached since 1I)3, and tea, butter, tin and copper also advanced, though not In all cases owing to present or threatened hostilities. Cotton and coffee were con spicuous exception to the general advance, but this waa due to the advance of liquida tion under way for onie time, and pig Iron weakened as the result of backward de mand, enlarged production and increasing locks. Pry goods, shoes and millinery note the first symptoms of spring activity at Chi cago and St. Louis, and while those cities report mily moderate activity, Kamas City mid Omaha are rather more confident. Bt. IaiuU clothing men report business equal to a ear ago. Tunnem have all the busi ness they ran handle, and cheap furniture is very active, presumably tu preparation tor the great fair. Cold weather holds back trade at the northwest and It is still rather quiet on the I'.icillc coast, although good ;all.s Pi 'i.llf'irnU and expected large bu'lners wl'.h Alaska help the outlook. Southern 1 repara tions for a large crop of cotton, torn and lice help trade In fertilisers, farm Imple ment and supplies of kindred lines. Oroe eilea and provisions are aiso active nt jobliere. business' is generally better than a ear ago In the '.outh as a whole. At the east the shoe trade seems rather quiet. The jobbing dry goods trade has picked up well at New loik uud llostou this week. What Is described as a fair tr.ule Is doing In dry goods at Clil 'ufco and HI. Louis. Nothing like the activity of a year alio is reportable a yet, but weather condi tions insy be responsible for this. Stock market activity at New York Is restricted. Depiessiiig tendencies from abroad, com bined with poor railroad earnings and In activity 4n trade due to the prolonged winter affect advices unfavorably. Kust money checks liquidation and result In a gp-'culuUve deadlJ k. attention being 111 1 1 nl y flven to the provision and cotton markets, nvstiiient demands for Income securities are fair, apart Irom the cbsence of do. mauds Ironi insurance corporations on ac ccoiii of the Hu'.tlmore fire. The Iron trade Is s:!ll Iregular. In thu rig Iron is ,eker. southern rig being ;Rc owor. I ut on the other hand the railways are stl'.l taking rolli. The other tnetal are slightly firmer, but lead alone Is higher insu a ear ik". Sets iuait Price (or Trotter. HrMP.OI.Tvr. Neb.. Feb. 19 i3m claM James H Davis, the local horseman, this week shipped his litt'e trotilrg nmre " V I. '' ,. lH.t,,.uH u 1. . .... v. . , h.. . e.'Ul, Mr Dsvls receiving in return there for a check for ll.oui. The animal did good work last season at the stat- fair In Lincoln snd also at other meet through out the l'li, and horsemen everywhere are predicting a bright future for her. Adlrr's auction sal of unredeemed ledge f. E. Cor. Uih sad Farnam sts. INVESTIGATE BOARD'S DELAY Committf from Oonccil Ioqi're Into Tardy Action of Members, WRIGHT CALLS' IT DISGRACE TO CITY ternly Rehnke I.obeck anil W 1 1 li ar 1 1 for Slot tilnptlnx Spcelltea tlon So rating tan He Done, "Your conduct is becoming s disgrace to the city," declared City Attorney Wright yesterday, addressing City Comptroller Lo beck and Building Inspector Wlthnell, as majority members of the Board of Public Work, In a vain endeavor to get them to agree with City Engineer Kosewater, the third member of the board, as to paving specifications. An official investigation a to why delays have been caused in the submission of pav ing specifications by the Board of Public Work has been ordered by the mayor and council. Sessions will begin this morning In a committee room at the city hall, Coun cllmen Nicholson, Hoye and 8"roeder sit ting as a special committee. Witnesses will be called upon to testify tinder oath and a tenographlc record will be taken. Councilman Nicholson, who Introduced the resolution. Is chairman of the commit tee. He say ulterior Influences have been operating upon the majority member of the Board of Public Works and It will be the object of the Inquiry to make plain Just what they are. After a tumultuous meeting of the board yesterday afternoon, at which the majority member, Comptroller Lobeck and Build ing Inspector Wlthnell, refused to act upon tho work of Chairman Roycwater, the coun cil met and adopted the resolution calling for the Inquiry, only Back and Schroeder voting against It The document was hnnded Immediately to Mayor Moore, who was present, and he signed It. Councilman Schroeder stated he would be out of the city until t o'clock thl nfternoon. but Chairman Nicholson announced tho sitting would begin promptly at 10 o'clock today snd be con tinued a long as necessary. Text of the Resolution. The text of the resolution la: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Omaha, the mayor concurring. That n committee of three, to be composed of councllmpn, to be appointed bv the presi dent of the council, be appointed for the tiurpone of Investlpntlng the cause of the delay In tho adoption of paving specifica tions by the Board of Publln Work, and said commltteo I hereby given full power to subpoena and swear any and all wit nesses that may be desired before said committee, s.ild witnesses to testify tinder oath a to the knowledge of their prepara tion of snld specification. And said com mittee is hereby Instructed to meet at 10 o'clock . m. on Saturday, the 20th of Feb ruary, 1904, with power to continue it ses sions dally until thev are ready to rpport; and said committee I authorised and em powered to employ a stenogranher to take down the evidence before, snld eommlttpp. a transcript of which Bhall be transmitted to the council with the report of said com mittee. At the meeting of the board the majority member disregarded the request nf John C. Wharton, speaking a a taxpayer; City Attorney Wright and City Engineer Rose water to take up the specification section by section and vote upon them, and re fused to act. Lobeck had the meeting ad journed until 10 o'clock Monday morning, when he said he would be ready with the change and authorities for them that he desired. When asked the direct question by Attorney Wright as to why he would not proceed then and there in open ses sion he had no answer. Both City Attorney Wright and Mr. Wharton pleaded at length with the ma jority member, but to no avail. Let It Smell, ay Lobeck. "Gentlemen," said the attorney, "don't delay this matter any longer. It is now a question of public notoriety and if you don't be careful it will smell so loud that the state won't hold It." "Well, let it smell," retorted Lobeck. Chairman Rosewater openly accused both tho other member of having had confer ences with certain contractor yesterday morning and said he could prove his state ments if called upon to do io. They were not denied, Wlthnell remarking merely that It was no more than Kosewater had done with other contractors. Later in the meeting, which was full of loud talking and accusations, Chilrram Kosewater rose to his feet and declared vehemently: "Any man who says that the Barber Asphalt company had anything to do with these specifications stales what is a de liberate lie!'' "Well, I say so," tesponded Wlthnell de llnntly, and Attorney Wright Interposed to save the dignity and decorum of the boar A The board waa proceeding to coolly dis regard the specifications which the en gineur had prepared after long consulta tion with Attorney Wright, by speclil or ders of the council, when Mr. Wright ured action upon them. DISK race to the (It r. The majority members, however, con tinued the temporizing methods. They aro democrats, and so Is Attorney Wright, but this fact seemed to havs no Influence over the speech of the attorney. "It will be a matter of deep regret, gen tlemen, if you do not act today," he suld. "Your conduct has becomo a perfect dis grace to the city, and the people are de manding to know why this board cannot get together and decide these questions like bUElnesa men. You, Mr. Lobeck, spent al most an entire day in my office suggesting changes and going over the specifications, and every one has been made, with one or two trifling exceptions." I.obeck tried to show that he had been basely deceived and that several pages had Oeen added to the document wince his Inspection, but both Attornles Wrignt and Herdnian flatly contradicted him. Mr. Wharton explained that he wi:s a property owner at Twentieth and Chicago at nets a 'id for three years tiiu citizens In terested have been trying to get Twenteih street, which is in bud condition, pave J. lie spoke in high terms of tbi ability and integrity of the city engineer and said he had implicit -and unreserved confidence in Mr. Wright. , In Justice to the taxpayers, he urged that the majority members of th board accept the combined work of these two men one a legal expert and the other an expert in engineering and enable the peo ple to put themselves In a position where they can have streets tit to travel upon. "Whether or not you have been try.r.g to serve certain contractors," he saJd, "ihe actions of this board have beet me notorious and the people all over the city are dis cussing It. Now, why not take up these specifications snd act upon them fairly and openly and say to the contractors 'keep your hands off?' Why do you nfd to wait until next weik?" Ills question brought nothing that could be termed an answer. City Engineer Rosewater, after the coun cil had ordered an Inquiry, said: "1 knew nothing about this resolution or Its object until I heard it read before the council. I am ready and willing to assist the committee in any way possible and. am gratified that the investigation is to be made. I hope, only, that it will be thor ough and searching." , Kid farter Defeated by Gardner. MI LWAl'K EE. Feb 19 George Gardner of Lowell d tested Kid Carter of Brooklyn In a alx-rouud bout befor the Milwaukee Hoxlug club teulgbb TLs 6m aud so- ft The last day and We are forced to sell every piecs of jewelry In this stock. We pos itively cannot take a dollar's worth of stock away every article must be sold. 'Jp j" ' " 25c - SATURDAY - 25c OUR LEASE EXPIRES WE MUST GET OUT We must sell our loss is your gain any one of the beautiful pieces shown below that formerly so! d for $1.50 to $4. 50 actually worth from $7-00 to $12.00 your choice 25c. Cash is our sole object. The value of this merchandise is not considered. We are forced to realize something. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for you. BARRIOS DIAMOND DISPLAY Lof,,fd HAYDEN BROS. 1 1 kw .se"V .r!W.s end round terminated rMth honors oven. In the third, Qardner smashed Carter' (ace, bringing blood to the nose and cloa Iiik 'he right eve. In the same round Car ter closeu Gardner' left eye. In the fourth round Tarter was floored by a right to the Jaw and left to the stomach, the bell saving him. The firth and slxtii were Gardner's rounds by a wide margin, he scoring knock-down In each round. In the fifth, Carter took eight of the counts and went down JuPt before tho gong sounded. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Close Klnlnlie mid Vlicoroaa Itldlnit Add to the Interest of the Races at Oakland, BAN FHANCISCO, Feb. 19. Close Mulshes marked a number of races at Oakland to day. Cloudy weather prealled, but ihe track wa in a good condition. A ix-fur-lung handicap was the feature. Annnia a 12 to 1 shot, led until the lant few Jump, when Dainty, under a vigorous ride from Martin, got up in time to beat him a i.oae. KcRiilts: rlrst race, Futurity oour.e, selling: Flaneur won, Brennua second, l)uty Miller third. Time: 1:12V Becond race, half mile, purse: Boss Ely won, Kdgar Clift'e second. Golden Idol third. Time: 0:5uV- Thlrd race, live and a half furlong, sell ing: Modder won, Hustle Ulrl second, Dr. Hherman third. Time: 1:CSV Fourth race, six furlongK, handicap: Dainty won, Ananlan se:ond, Princess Tltanla third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, six furliiiK: Harbor won. Hulfnrd second. Kieoca third. Time: 1:15U. Sixth race, mile: outburst won, Kmilv Oliver second. Klmer U thlid. Time: 1:41. L,la AMIKLtrf, Feb. la.-Summarle at Ascot park: Flrit race, one mile and a sixt'enih: Iras won, Lou Wclza second. Major Dixon third. Time: 1:49. Second race. Hlntison eoure: Mart won, Eva D second. Educate third. T me: 1:13. Third race, six furlongs: Orotnock won. Golden Kule second, Hag Tag third. Time: 1:144. Fourth race, filatixon course: Banouero won, Neko second, Madam Bishop third. Time: 1:12. Fifth race, one mile and a quarter: Sil ver Flzr won, Krne second, Major Hooker third. Time: 2:12. Sixth race, seven furious;: Casador won, Leul Maxim second, Sherry third. Time:. 1 :.W. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 19 Results: First rao. six furlors;: Icicle won, Tallv H second, Four T.eaf C third. Time: l:l:ir Second race, mile: Hlaxe DiicheHg won. Truffle Hunter second, lsabclli D third. T'me; 1 AH. Third race, mile end one-slxtecnih : Mid shipman won Louis Kraft second, f'lrcua Girl third. Time: 1 :,,. Fourth race even .'ur'onas. hnndl-'Op: Rednisn won. Foreslvht second. Ludv lav ish third. Time: 1 Fifth race, mil" and one-s'x.eenih: Pronta won, Kpttbllsh second, Siiiti Tt-sh third Time: 1.47H. Sixth race, mile and seventy Viirds: won. Auirle I-wis second, Alainode third. Time: 1:45s. OM1HA BOVS AUK V.UtY HIWF.R1, Defeat Crete flasket Rail Team by Score of 51 to 0. CRETE. Neb , Feb. 19. -Sie Tele tmtn i Tho Omaha Hlxh school bovs hud no troithle in wlnninsr tti l-aket hall played with the local hinh s Iwnl team In Hokol hall this evening- the (viri; being 51 to 9 in their favor. The Ih!'kv1 . n.wil of tl.e Fessofi wltnesne. ihe KHtne. i nd fre guntly cheered the t-plenrtld work of the visitors The home team whs plslnlv rat tied and failed to lay with I'.s ii'unl vim. The lineup: Omaha Potter, forward: CarrlnKi.m. for ward1 Freneh, centtr: Walsh. eaptnin. rurd; Lurkee, gur l; eui '-titutes, Li'n'sav, lllne Crete Rudemacher. forward: Knoll, cap tain forward: Tilhelm enter' 'lrs, fasrd: Rertwell, gu-ird; suatlt 'il-s Crl ten. si'n. J. hnson. Referee: Cooper ef Onuiha. Cinplre: Welch of Cret Timekeepers: 1'lne mil liregory. Twenty-mlnue huh e w ere played. M 4.TTIB" M'HCHKH Ol T KOH imil. Well Kmwi llaae Ball flayer Inr- runt'i to Keer. DEB MOINKB. U.. Feb. 19 (Bpeclal ) Matthew AlcVieker. known wherever Pave ball Is plsved by the name of "Ms'.lle." died at 4 o'clock this morning at the home of hi brother-in-law. Harry Chittenden, at Victor. la. He had Le n kick with typhoid fnvsr fur fori-tw days and bad almost SATURDAY ENDS IT your last chance to TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR 25c EACH. i O R fhSt Awsdfe Jtksm iyL tfZ A few of the choicest pieces are still left. Come recovered, when he suffered a relapse and the end came In a short time. Mattle was one of the best known bell f dayer In thl section of the country, hav ng played with the various team of the Western league. Three eara ago he wore the local untlorm, going to Omaha the next, and last year he was the centerfielder of the heavyweight Milwaukee team. He wn u fast fleldcr and a heavy hitter, but wa credited with belni- rather hard to cjntrol. Ills parent reside in California, where ho spent a nart of his time hh a member of tho coast lengue Ho leave a wife and i two children. Arrangements hnd been com- i Tinted for his playing with an eastern team the coming season, but the contract were i not signed. Interment will take puice at Victor Sunday. WITH THE IlOWLEltS. The Russian were japanned lut night on tne esicrn alleys, iwif tiui im ine game, nnu losing uy ninciy-tme pins, i nc scoro : JAPS. 1st. 2d. 31. Totnl. StaDenhorst V( PIT 172 P1 Bowen l&l 151 VS fibl ' Goubti 1X.1 I'H 146 4M Bcngelo 137 167 172 471 Brison 171 234 175 fi Totals 15' HCSSIANS. 1st. ll'l . 1511 14 pm 175 2d. ) .s 112 2nS lit, 3d. Total Lehman ... Bush Lundstrom Johnson ... Clay Total.. 175 171 116 2"o 170 855 791 S31 Triii flats f'ltv- n-. r t K rat at r i 1 17 M t frim Ciatw City ulley. Th Hore: uatl: citys. 1st. . le , m , 167 . is . ISO 2d. 165 136 143 l.W 1W 3d. Total. Cochran ... Buelow .... Bonlne .... Weymuller Hull 1K5 11 IS" 1HT 161 530 ; C-7 , 4') I (iol ; 6P Totals 914 779 tis3 2.57G j STEVENS & SMITH. 1st. 2d. 3d. Totnl. I Schmela 4 174 1M M2 , Hamlilet 16H 161 lu 4iJ Famiitoii US 1u2 129 'Mj . U-fholta 1K1 Voit Ki 65 , Champion 159 126 lit 4aa I Total 816 712 774 2.3"2 Or. Hellerk's alle; s last evening in a ' league contest the t'larksons won two toil j ot three game. The seore: CLAHKtSONH. 1st. 2d. Hd. Total. I Clarkson 15" 179 17"i 5e , Francisco 17:1 Hs ls:l 5o I Norton lm:. 1 i lui tip) Conrad 12 m:i 57:1 .Mart li 213 IM 1:2 5s6 Totals 9".:i 8:j 94 2,777 I COLTS. I 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Nettle 222 21 ln 614 A. Heed 174 P17 l.:9 4is ! Honnell 225 145 1;4 529 Hughes IIS 1st 225 51 ! Welty 177 157 224 KH I Totals ln'iti b7u 927 2. "OS j Team YVanta Hooters. i The members of the Voting Men's Chris- ! tlan asaiM'latlon are all Invited to tu'com- J puny the team to Belli vuc tonight and do i some rooting for the plaer. ASTHMA Medical authorities now concede that under Ihe iyrtein ol trtntmeut introduced by lt Krmiik AheUtl ol Cbicsgo, ASTHMA CAN SECURED. Dr. L O, Lsbanor, Ky.: lr. r. K. Browu. HrloiKhar. low: Dr. J C. Curryer, st rwul, Minn : Vr M. J. t raney, m. i.oui. Mo.: Dr. C. K. Beard, fo. Krmliihm, Msss.. bear wituens to te eftieavjr ol Ids treaiment .nd th m.m.a.nenrr of th cure In their own csm-1. Dr. Whetsel' new method is a nuliral departure from tne oto runmoueo moke ixiwders. iprsTt, lc.. which relief out uo not cure FRIE TEST TREATMENT prepared lor any one giving a short descrlp. ttnn t.l th .u .i, ndllilf llSme 1I t0 other sstbmsuc uHeren Ask ior booklet 9i cSTrience ol those cured. FRANK WHETZEL. M. D., n.i M 4aUt-laAa llHMtl ftldfl. CKlrtM buy a genuine BARRIOS DIAMOND at once and select the most We offet our profession services to men suffering from any private dis ease resulting from Indiscretions and dissipations. Doe till concern you, end is your health trembling In the Imlamr? Are you troubled and perplexed, and do you feel (he need of sympathy, counsel and medical aid? If so, come to me privately and tell me all about your condition, i.nd I will mul.e a thorough and sclcntillo examination of you. ailments. An r Xnminatlon (hat will dlsomi. your 1 il. I Wil l. O IIE Vol'. , lifetime of suffering often result from neglecting the first symptom of disease. It Is not so much of n cnluuilty that a man contracts diseases or weaknesses, but that he neglects them falls to secure the proper treatment for their cure or he bus experimented with too many FREE TltEATMENT and Q1ICK f.'l'RE HCH E.MLS. Wo treat men only and cure them quickly, safely nnd thoroughly. Every man suffering with any private diseases Varicocele, Stricture, Nervo-Sexual Debility. Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Weakening Drains, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, with any of their numerous and dispensing symptoms, owe It to himself, hi family, and especially to the futuie generations to get cured promptly, safely and thoroughly. fnAlll Ti IIOV f DFF"i', hours. a. m to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 -LiVlUUL I f I HM lltu ,,y If you cannot cull w rite for s mploia blank. STATE i MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St.. Bet. I3tli anil 14th Sts.. Omaha, Neb. IT'S TEN CENTS What To Eat VuX Bend for copy, lo cents or ll.oo u year. Heliable iiejlth Articles, Table Jests. I'oems, t:ieer Toahts. A good friend to brighten your leisttrn mo ments. Full of novel suggestions for rnteruainlng. Tb. IftWK llth PniMtn mr "Our hitH eal b linltblvr sn4 tis:filrr :f tb lnmsie tin. v4trn of this vortliy pul.ll. itloTi." WHAT TO EAT iMenthly MajriliM Waiblngtoa St. and HI to An, Caicag -a, THE HYGIENIC LOTION Pm AcasrrtuBa, (Usst Lsoewrho. SptrsistsrrKaM, fUM. an All UaaKh; Seaaal Dttchargea, NO PAIN. NO. STAIN. NO STRICTURE. FREE SYRINCf. BW A Sara PrtrMlln ut MmM. Bant to aar addrsaa for U 00. IHERMAt Mot OKKCU., Omauaav BUIyasr Ml. Oa.. Luniur, a oovi:h.mkm voihks. offici bonstiv tinfj ql ahtmah- TKl:. CHKYKNNi;, WVt., I'KBI AllV 17. l'. H'-aleii propusnls, in triplicate, ubj' i I to the usual conditions, will Iik received st ti i tiflice until t o'clock, p. in., Maicii IT. 1 i4, and then opened, for Ihe construction of a I'ost kcbaiiga and Uymu.;sium, ln- ALL Regardless of value and without reserve, goods that have al ways sold for $1.50 to $4.50. This is a sale without precedent. You must take advantage of it beautiful article you see- J true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you ,ir grcplng In the dark. Manv a man alls, and he doesn't know what alls him- nor doe hi physician. We do. If you have taken trentment clscwhtre without success, I will how you why It failed. I Mill explain ti!i yen have not Iiepti icirril, and wlijr we cure lien all others fail. You lave never been ireslril l-y our method. It lias eared thousand if other. It will eure yon. It will cost you tiotlilnav to call and Investigate It Kierit. so don't delay another day. No disease remain nt a stnndntlll. Delays nre diiiiKermi. Borne men contract dls- c.nA l,v li.,Hu,.rui.t Others inherit weaknesses and suffer for the shortcoming of their parents mul drag themselves llirongh a life of decrepitude hecnuse they are trying to concent the serious errors committed. Strength can no otoie proved from weakness than UOVLItli:r MiiKKi, eluding plurfil'lns. Kasplping, fieatlng. wir ing, and tlie riiinisniug and liihlalling bnwliiig alloys arid gymnastic apparatus, at roit li. A. Kiis-eli. W'yn, lfu n. formntbiii, bis nk fi I ins. plans and kpecl :l.'atioii fumlsiioil on application to thla ottiee; also to it.c- .tlue of ihe . hief iiuarter iinmter, HoMoii, I'liliaKo, Denver, Omaho, Ml. Louis. St. 1'i.ul, and thu olllee of iho i;iiHini-rlnK News, .V. V. The t'nlted iltai. s reserves the ii;lit to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Kn velopis containing Io.Ih to be "tidorsed ' rropi.snl for i'ost 'exchange and Oviniibs laru ut Fort U A. Hofsell, V'yo.," and ad dressed to Caj lain W. K. Bruit, quartr :natr. C. S. A., in cluirKe . .nrfti oetlnii, Cheyenne. Wyo. K. 17-1S-19-20 Mlj-IB (JK.NiCJtAl. JjKI'OT Q. M. PKPT., jeF ,'ers'inv ll!c. Ind., Jni.uury Po4. Scaled pr ipo 'als. in triplicate, emlniKed on cover I'roposuU lor Cv. AI. Supplies," and ad- liessid lo undersigned, will bo received h te until 10 clm-k u. in., r'eliruary it i . I, tor Kiaiionerv. rai.Kes, siCcller.v liHrci- ware, n,t ci uieiais. wagons uini nart. i.aiiilK. etc., an tier schedule wagou which will le larnlslail to applicants l'referenco given lo iirtlilcs or iloii:csllc pi ouiictiou or in i li li f .i , -t li re Tile riulit l-cHMl-veil In ra pe! or accept uny or all bids or any part tin n ot. i . A. II atci auiey. t.'nionel liiul.tunl ( j i in rl el mn st er l.n.-ri.t 1 and He pot (Jiiarterin-isicr J-VK--5-P20 I.KG.4I. MITK'liS. N' IT If. '!' F STOCK I f OI.DKH8' M F.KTI N J Not lie Is In rei.y given thst Ihe regular ant. nal meeting of tie stockholder of the South l'otte I .nnd company will be held at Hie otllie of said company In Lincoln, Ne brr.ska, t 11 o'clock u. in. on the 2d day of March. A 1). I'M. By order of the board of director. C. H MORHILL, president A. B MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. 3o. 13oi 'I i i t V1