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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1904)
TUT OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20. -. 1004. 11 . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Too:h Eieh Wa'ff Mark the Leiter Corner. 81: ce CLOSES ABOVi l3HfV-SlX IN LOCAv PIT Excitement Oirr This Sodden Rise Cast Hiilon on Heat of Deal ing M Inneapulls . Ilocki Buffer Heavy Decline, OMAHA. Feb. 19, l-i. May wheat In Chicago $1.03. the his nest Mb ik reached since the lamoua Liiii corner In ltv May opened ic above the jlose of Tnureday auu Board dc huuvp ita lirst strength. Ureal excitement lollowetl. May corn, which usual. y horns the atten tion of the Omaha pit crowd, altnuugh not deserted, was a Bide fhuw. Whtat was tho whole thing and without Ita stretigin neither corn or oats would have shown the atrensth tiiat they did. War was the ex cuse lor the mike bulling of the market. In addition Miniicaixiils stocks have de clined during tin' week Don,'" A) bu., and a telegram from that market said that rash nt-riiiern to arrive was bringing fl. Foreign markets also opened up strong with ad vanres over the close of Thursday. t'mxha May wheat opened at and was run up to the closing figure without a break. Chicago opened at Jl, but touched fescue for low maik; from $l.ui It advanced to S1.U3. broke to $1,024). ra iled to the high mark and aguln at the close eased off to $l.('l.. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the cluae today ant Thursday were as follows: Clorsl Open. High. Low. Today. Thu'y. corn wantrt early In the-day mid the price grsduitlty declined in bbe. - There wet. fslr butl.ig on the decline however. nni some recovery was made. Uithln the last hour the strength in th wheat pit overcame the bearish tendency In corn. .vla rose rapl-jly to Otitic, but at tht rlgnrs more long corn nnit 'ut. resulting In another reaction. The close was firm at B'.-ac. July slowed frreauf strength and closed ivc l.ighe:- Ht I'tVHSt. The relative strength in July was due to heavy jmrchsses by a lflig" pro vision Interest. Local receipts were' 1h6 cats, none of eontr.ict giade. Outs were strong, bui not especially ac tive. The fenturo in trading was the fur ther in cumulation of May by several of tho larg.r binders. There wr.s a f.itr de mand from shorts and commission hotiseg also were maimy on the buying side. The strength In wheat was the principal hull ftictor and offset the mere-i.1".' In contract sleek and a falling off In shipping- demnnd. After opening Vu.c higher at 44V6 May ranged between 44c and fcHc iloi-n.g at 4T,'bc. juy closed r higher at 400. Loc-O r'eelpts were TO riirs. Provisions felt the effects of the war as much, If not more, tha.i the grain markets. There was an active demand for Invest ment account the en'lre tiny find shorts nere also libera buyers. While there was cnnsldrrable liquidation at times offerings were well tnki-n. and the entire list showed galnr Mnv pork led In the advance, clos ing 4'-4c higher at 115.574, after selling be tween ilS.K'i and fl.l.tlTH. May lard was up 124o at IT and ribs 174c higher at $7.4.4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 20 cars: corn, 15 cars; oats, 150 enrs; hogs, $o,tio head. . ' ,, 'ilie leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. Yes'y NflYYtilllv STOCKS AND BONDS I'artet Set and Ivep?n'iTe to the Effort: of TraJera FAR EAST CAUSE tF MUCH UNEASINESS Fall In Foreign Securities Since the War Forces Some American Securities I yon the Market. six months. fyt'i pr rent; prime mercan tile paer. 4 ti i4 rfr cent. STERLING KM MANGE -Firm, with no tiia". business. In biinkrs' hills nt $4 Wil S for demand and nt ft 3 for sixty-day bills; posted intra, M3'iil.M and $4.V'4; com mer lat I $4 .' (' 4 S2V PI I.VK.H-lltfr. lv-. Mexican dollars. 4il',e. BuNT'S Government, steady; railroad. Weak. The closing quotations on bonds are as feliou s: . .104 ..n't. ..!' ..1 ..n:'4 . 1 )i ..1C7 . .1"7 . . 9V'i Wheat May . July .. Corn May . July .. Oats May March ,S5 ,.80 ....414 ....46fc 8II4B 464 8S4 80 45 45 8 li 81 4H 4t4B .414 42H 414 . .31)4 3t4 3(4 Local Cash Grain Markets. 4"i 3?H 86 n 74B 44B 45ll 4:'4B 3!4A Cash grain shared in the aotlvlty of the speculative market, and perhaps the. largest business yet dons on the exchange oc curred, l.itinancl was active by shipper and by local elevator men, and prices were good, with an upward tendency. Wheat ruled lr2o higher than Thursday's, prices, with otlcilng uulckly taken. Receipts of wheat were 7 cars In and 4 cars out. Sales of cur lots by sample on track, Omaha: Hurd Wheat No. 3, 1 car, 85c; 1 car, 844c. Corn ruled strong to lc Jilghcr than Thursday. Hnoeipta were the largest since the opening jf the Omaha exchunge. Bev-nty-slx cars were marked in mid a!) out. Hules of car lots by sample on track, Omaha: Mixed Corn No. 8. 1 car. 424c: 1 car. 41c: sNo. 4, 4 cars. 4U4c; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 4-140 ; 1 car, 42c; - cars, 4134c; 1 car, 414-'l No. 4 yellow, i cars, 414c; no grade, l car, 38c; 1 car, 37C. Oata were, from strong at Thursday'a f rices to 4c up. Receipts were fair, being i cars In and 8 cars out. Sales of outs by . cur lot from sample were: No. 4 white, 1 cur, S94c. HA RLE Y No grade, 1 ri.r, V. W'HKAT No. 2 hard winter, S';fi90c: No. S hard winter, tausc, No. 4 hard winter, 751 Hoc; No. 2 spring, KVbWc; No. 3 sjirlng, MflWc; No. 4 spilng, 74'(i2c. CORN No. 4. 44445c; No. 3, 41(q414e; No. 4. 4044 414 v; No. 2 yellow. 4444tM-; No. 3 yellow, 41"i'r42c; No. 2 while, 44ii4fu?: No. 3 white, 41tr42e. OATS-No. 2, SS-fi39c; No. 3, 37ti38c; No. 4. 3M(37c; No. 2 while, 42C(4,1c; No. 8 white. 4B41c; No. 4 white, 3K'a40c; standard, Ka) 414c Note (rain the Eirbsnge omces. No business will he transacted Monday, that being Washington's birthday. Iluslnesa in grain for. future delivery Thursday amounted to 150.000 buahels. Omaha Inspections of grain were 3h cars. Of wheat, 1 car graded No, 4 harcr winter; of corn, cars graded No. 8. 9 curs graded No. 4, 10 cara No. 8 yellow, 1 car No. i white, 2 cura no grade; of oats, 4 cars graoeu io. white ouu; or. rye, 3 cara Traded No. 8. tiroln Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain at the marksta named Thursday and today were as follows: KANSAS C1TT. Today, Wheat May a July b July a Sept. b Kept. coin Feb May July OHt Feb. May July Sept. Pork May July I jml May J uly Ml.s M ay July $1B1.01 !tlVlr-i 9.'4 U4 7'ui4 ,8'jHl $1.03 I 9941 944l "24, 9.1 I 9 '4; X'l4 864 U Ifcsii!" 534 8'"l I' !44Vi'a:4 4IX004 8444kl .1 .1 874 t 1 '6841 " 56 1( I.. 4,'4i 4n4 $1.02 994 T' V4. 9 Sti4 9o4 92 -s! 4l 8,. 63 bit M4' 554' 15 20 15 US 7 80 90 I? 44 4U 344 15 6741 15 1"4 15 80 I 15 05 I 4241 444! 4)41 15 57 15 40 7 25 7 374 '7 DO I 8 0741 7 42 41 7 60 I r7T4: 7 90 1 7 25 i 7 374i 7 ! S OS 7 424; 7 50 I 624 . t4 63 414 44 34 i4 15 15 14 974 7 774 7 J 7 23 7 35 No. t. a Old. b New. Cush quotations were as follows: Fl.uL'K Nonilnully strong; winter pit em. M.4o4M.ou; tralghui, M.iHii4.3u; spring patents, 4.aai.50; straights,; oakers, $2.W83i0. WHKAT-u, 2 spring, SOSSc; No. 3. 85 Bite; No. 2 red, 9s 4 'jl. 03. CORN No. 2, 5.vii ; No. -2 yellow, -r.3c. . OATS No. 2. 424?4;ic; No. 2 white, 4(k; No. 3 while, 424'iCJ4c. RYW-No. 2. 7jc. UAuLKY U00U feeding, 41H2c; fair to choiee malting. 4sf(4'v. BEKDS-Fiax, No. 1, $1.11; .No. 1 north western, $1 . 1 K ; prtrne timothy, $3.25; clover, contract grade, $11.15. PROVISIONS Menu pork, per bbl., $15 374 $4'16.Sii. Jurd per loo lbs., $7.u74ft i.70. Shori rlhs (loose), $7.1244i7 .374; shoulders (.boxed), $7. 37411 7.5n; short clear aides IboxeD, 1 2l. Following ore the receipts and shipment or Hour an4 grain Flour, bbls., Wheat, bu Com, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu Receipts. .... 31, U0 .... 84.200 . .. . .170.50 1 ....227.2 '0 .... 4.800 9i,2"0 Shipments. 3:1,4 K) 2i.8 . 1',6.I0)I 112 0 0 i 4. CO 1S.9W NEW TORK, Feb. 19 -The Inactl .n of toUi. s 111. ait Was a ualUiul O. the Dci.uior of tne m,irei mi piecidw.g uays 01 ihs week. The eiiorts uf llu .ru- irs having pruveu unuanabie either to d presa or tu.t'ance piKea. tiiey ti'ni d 10 gie up thmr attempt today. ii.xc p. AinalgainatiU Coi per and Mro kl . n 'liunmi, not a tingle stock of tlr.'t-ratu .m poruime uiovea a.-t much us a point away lixun last night's level. Home 01 the in active stocks mide wide los.-es and thlj it.uicated the prevailing uownward ten dency of prices, nearly Imperceptible though It was. The selling for foreign account was the moet conspicuous feature of the day and was a measure of the uneasine) felt abroad over the thr. at of complica tions of o'.her great powers In the hos tilities in the far east or in the threatened outbreak in the HalKans. .Private cables reported considernb e pressure upon the markets both In Renin and Paris, where some fears were said to exist of financial emburrnsfments. Roth those money centers are largely committed to RUHliu) securities, both state and Indus trial, and the fall In the- price since the war broke out supposes the necessity of some protective measures by their holders. These measures seem to have extended to the wiling of some American securities, which affects the New York mark"'. Th? effect of actual war news here seems un important, but whent Bofflclcntly indicates the Importance that would be attached to tho Involvement of other Kur.ipean powers. The prospects of a strong-bank statement had little effect on stocks. The indicated gain of cash from the In terior may be due to the preparation of Interior government deposliorb-s to transfer 1 2a per cent of their deposits to le-gnit-l1 New York bauks In response to the call of I the secretary of the treasury to provide for tho Panama canal payment. TJie effect of this operation will therefore be seen to Increase In the llrst place the cash In New York banks. The effect when the rotual remittances shall be made to P.inamn stock holders l-i mill matter for conj etu e. 1 he gains 'nun the aubtrearury have been at g mentfd by the telegraphic transfer Iron San Frnnclsco on account of Japanese Kold. This Japanese gold la believed to bo III payment for trtirchaMeR of provisions In this ' country, but It Is probable that pay ments in London for Japanese payments there arc also Involved. Japanese geld can purchuflo sterling exchnnne in New York at a cheaper rate than tho Bold can lie transferred to London, nnd JapHti is stp poeed to he anxious to conserve Its de jioslts In the Rank of Knglnml for future contingencies. This process mnv also help to explain the strength of sterling at New York for several days pant. The late deal ings In Amalgamated Copper ti ml ISr.inklyn Transit gave the market Its only sign of activity until the weak closing. - Rotids were dull and weak. Totnl FnTps, par value. ?1.1sn,oo:i. I'nlted Stntes bonis were unchanged on call. i'utiovttt.a tot. t.w.ea and quotations uii the iew iuik Htuek cxcuuiii;ti: b.iles.lii 11. Low. Close. f 8 rr ti, reg.. do rnup"H rto In, rs rtn roupna do nm 4i. rrf do coupon do olj 4, rf .. di (OUpiKl Atrh.ton n. 4i.. do .1J la At.4r.tU' C. L. 41. B. 4k O. 411 do 3 sin Central of Oa. ( Mo Irt Int- Cher. Ohio 4Wt... (hit 4ga ft A. . . . C . n. A Q n. 4i.. C M P P. I 41. c n. w. c. C, H. I. ft P. 4. .. do tot. 5i C (-.('. A 8t. L. I 4t ( htcayo ler. 4i Colo. ToliatTo 4s. Coin. & giv 4s I. A R (I it Brl prior lien 4... do Kfn. 4s F. W A P. O. Is HotKlnn Vallp)' 4"'.4l.'0lu. u ft .n. unl. 4a vs Offered. Manhattan c. g 4 Mex Coiitral 4a... do lat Inr Minn ft St. L 4 M . K A T 4a ... do 2 R. R of M c. N. Y. C. I 3V,... V. C g. Us.... No Piclflc 4a . 9JH do 3a .1(114' Jr: ft V c. 4a. . . . o. B. U 4a t par .l'Sj !:in. ronv. 'a. . 7u Heading gp n. 4a . . . lojt, 8t L. A I. M o. . 75 ' St. L ft F. fg . '.4,St 1. H. W. la. .. IH sronrd A. L. 4a .i:!'4,So Pat-iftO 4a . 61 ,Pn. r.allnar S . V 'Texaa ft P. 1... I H t. St. U ft W'. 4i . 71 Vnlon I'aoin- 4s. . . . t.,l rl, c,rv, 4a . to I' S Stl !d fa. . 7S Wabaah 1 . SW'i do deh. h . S4VW. b K 4s ... .n4'. Wis. tntral 4s. . . t. & 1. ta.. .1034 .. S4H . . us ,. MMj .. .. 77H 4a 73 .. . .lt . .1Z .. Til .. 7H ... 1SJ n .... .la .U2H 4a. ft 112 117 a i': :sj 72 ii". si 'Sj 89 Boston Stork (Inotnllons. ROSTON, Feb. 19 Call loans. 4Si4 rT cent: time loans, 4t'fifi4 per cent. Ofllclal closing price on stocks and bonds: 4a.. Atchlaon adj no 4n Att'hlaon do pfd '. noHton ft Altiany. botton ft Maine... Ilostnn Elevated Fltt-hbtirn pM Mix. Central N. Y , N. H. & H 1'erp Marguptta ... t'nlon Pacific Amff. Arge. Carm PM fneu Tube, figar P'l ... T ft T Woolen .... ptd ft s. do Amur. Amer. do Amer. do . 87 lAdventura . 7iAlloue. . ftSAnuilRamated .. . S-S Atntr. Ziiiti Atlantic .mn .llinqham .I.l7'('al. .- Heola... .1S Iffntennlal 'J Copper Range . lfl ;Tlv West To oivolBlnloti Coal . CVFrai:kltn . 134 Rrani y . 74 lale Rovala .... . 3VH6S. Mining .. .K4 Michigan ,i:.1 iVohnnk .llfo'V Montana C ft (lld dominion .. tt1. On the Produce exchange today thu but ter market was firm; creameries. I.vj254c: dairies. 134W22C. Kggs. firm, at mark, cases Included, 2,Vflxv Cheese, ltXU 10-c. KKW YOHK OKM3RAL MAItKKT. Quotations of tbe Day on Various CommodltlO. NEW YORK, Feb. 19.-FUUR-Recelpts, 14,860 bbls.; exports, 36,280 bbls.; marker firm and hold hlglier; winter straights; $4.765.00 Minnesota patents, $5.0otH5.4n; win ter extras, $3.rKii3.76; Minnesota bakers, $4.00(4.36; winter low ' grades, $3.iVu3.6S. Rye flour, firm; fair to gaud. $3.95 u4. 10; choice to fancy, $4.ZQif4.50. Ruckwheat, .tsjrgi. 1U. dull, ;$i.ioi Wheat May .. July .. Corn i May ... July .., Wheat May July Corn , May .. July .. Wheat- May July Wheat May July Wheat- M. y A July Votes OfV4 2 ' 474 '....... 474 . BT. LiOTJia. . 984 H ' . .... eoi 614 MINNEAPOLIS. $1 .00 994 B DULUTH. NEW YORK. n4R 9U4B .$1.C24 , . 9S4A Thu'y. 854A 80SA . 464 . 464 4B K4 504 ' 6o4A 974 974B $1.01 A 9C4B of the (iralu Trade. Chicago receipts wero 17 cars of wheat, 1 car eortract ; lsj oars corn, none contruct, and SO curs of oats. Kstlmatod receipts for tomorrrow are 20 curs of wheal, l'6 cars of uorti and 150 curs 0$ nals. The high prices of grain are causing the private elavutors to make extra efforts to produce contract grain. This is especially true in coarse grain. Argentine shipments: Wheat, this week, 2.K48.W0;, last week, 2.934.0OO; last year. IJJit.m. Corn, this wtmk, 861,000; last Week. "fTT.uiO; lust year. 40 coo. Flax, this week, 1.620,000; last week, 1.362,000; last year, 614, OoO. Wheat, January 1 to date. 12,963.000; year ago. ,4il0,00i; Increase, 5,47!l.0OO. Corn, January 1 to date. 6,066,000; year ago, 89i, Ouu; Increase, 4,169.000. CHICAGO OHAI.M AND , PROVISIO'VS. Features of (he Trading anil Closlnai Prices ou Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Feb. 19 Wheat for May de livery today sold at $1.(0 a bushel, an ad vance of 844130 over lail night's closing nature, utner utuiveries weru also strung, the July option at one time being up ir-. compared with yesterday's tlnal Quotations. Br.nry udvajtces In foreign markets, due to bossltile war complications, were potent itwia in inai luoai auiuauoil. (04npeutltMl among millers for whu suitable for the rttmr trade was an euuaJly vital Influence. May wheat closed at a net gain of $ 340, July wheat finished 24c ub, May corn up 4fcc, oats ISQ ana provisions 1:4 a 4.4c On the wildest trading experience since the market started on ita present bullish 00 urate May wheat opened at $l.tAhy l.ol. The Initial nuotatlons wore 4'u4o to 144il4o above yesterday's closing figures. July opened 4'uVc higher at mi4g9o4c.. The ac tion of the market was foreshadowed by a sharD advaneo m rtrlces abroHd. l.lvernool wheat futures being quotod 14314c higher and tAndon quotations coming lu-'c higher. The growing scarcity of good wheat throtirhout the country was an added Inspiration to the bt'ver. Kastern ladders for Oklahoma wheat mado iTera equal to $1 f. o. b. Oalveston for hard win ter varieties and met with no response from country dealers. Reports from othtir sections showed that similar conditions ap plied to the greater part of tbe winter wheat region. Spring whent millers, owing to tho greater scarcity of their own special milling variety, were reported in close com petition with millers In Ksnsiia and Ne braska for tr.e wln'er wheat of those states All these considerations developed K ve-y bullish eutltncnt unicng local traders, the buying Increasing as the price continued to rise. May wheat reached $1.0!4, the big long Intel ust became an open seller. For a time it lcoke 1 as though the rairket was on the point of breaking. After reactlrr to 9t4c however, tho price was again forced upwurd by the urgent demand from short Trading w-ts so large olid general that It was dcvldedly diflicult to follow. Fluctuations In M.iy were cspeclsl'y wide, and It was r"cesniry to hid awuv over the market to till orders. Priced climbed up ward until the norm hour, when th high point of the day was reached, May soiling CORNMKA ti Firm; yellow' western cltv. 11.08: kiln dried. 12.90tu3.60. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western. 724c t. O.H., afloat; state and Jersey, 66'u68c. UARLEY Firm and steady: feeding.. 75C BARL.EY Quiet and steady; "feeding, 75c c. 1. f., New York; malting, SOc, c. I. 1., Buffalo. WHEAT-rReeelnts. none; exports, none; market for spot was strong; No. . 2 red, $1.05, elevator, and $1.061.10, f. o, b, afloat; No. L northern Duiuth, l.oa. r. o. t. auout; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal,., f. o. . b, afloat. Options opened active und higher on batter cables, tower consols aiul further war complications, advancing 2ii24c. Ljitcr Srloes declined under realising, but clnsod rra at 14fj24o net advance. May, .$L0141i 1.034. closed. $l.o:'4; July, 86 15-160, closed, 984c; September, 84(i;ai4c, closed at 914c. CORN Receipts, S6,4iB nu.; exports. s.'i.- 087 bu.; market for spot was llrmj.No. 2. 64o, elevator,, and 66c, f. o. b. afloat; No. $ yellow, 64e; No. 2 white. 6Cc. The option market opened firm on light filterings, de clined on Armour selling. Later prices advanced- In sympathy with wheat.' closing firm at 1 3-161U14C net higher. May, 604'tP 614c, closed at OlVfcc; July, 60c, closed ut 60c. , ' ' OATS Receipts, J4.000 bu'. : ' exports, 300 bu,; spot market was strong; No'. 2. R'.'fi) 67c; standard white. 57V"c; Nt-V 2 white, 674ilc: No. 3 white. 674-ttl.le. HAY Firm: shipping, . 6'.ttn5cj good to choice. 9."ctfi$1.05. RICE Quiet; domestto fair to extra, 3 tfj54c; Jatnn. nominal. .. HOPS Firm; common to choice, 1903, an'ft 3Se; 1902 crop, 240t'28c: Pacific coast, olds, 10 tflBo: 1303 erop, 27(h.'l5r; 19e2 crop. 24'o27c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 30 to 3 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs , 14p : . TAIXOW-Steady; rlty fM ppr pkg.), 54c; country fpkga. free). 54'&54c. LKATHB-Rtendy: nc-ld. 23W05UC. PROVISION". Reef, steady;-fnmtlv. $11.00 (fill. 50:-mess. $!t.00(f(9.50: packet. 8'0 txifj.10 60; clly extrt India mess, fl5OOiil"60. Cut rrents. Arm: plckb-d lvllles. $7.2EJ7.75: pickled shoulders, $6; pickled hams. $10.00 iffll 00. Ird, firm: western steamed. $800; refined Arm; -continent, $s nt: South Amer ica. $860; compound, $6.757.0fi. Pork, s'endy; famllv. l0c: short clears, $15.n0f? 17. on: mess, CHRESP-Murkr-t stendy; cream, fancy small, colored nnd lirge, colored and wtilte 1"c: twlr.s 10ij,c KflOH-Mrket firm; western firsts, xtc. POTI.TRY Alive. o.ulet; wfs'rrp rhlck enr. HVc; fowls. 13e; turkejs !&. Pr-sed, du'l ard wesk; western chickens. 12?14'4:C: fowls, 13'?fl34c; turkeys, KftlOc. la, Ht J I-JI4 Uv'4 State. full end white, , September, Ait nison ii.itsi tHj -t to'.4 do piu .01 b'j tj 11. ot U 16, Hw .0' ,54 do Pld...' i"0 ; hi v Caliaaiuil Paciilc 1,'MJt) H0-4 llok Cciitiiu ot XS. J o.v utt-4 i.H-a V. lies, ot: ellio but) i Jo ClllCagU U4- AilUll til wt7 uu pid. 1 1"0 ti g Ctllt tiu .Ol. V eslel'11 0 .u, lu l, k n, u, -J.otw 01. r uo pfd Clilcago T. & T uo jiU . .-.-:..;'...- C. O.,- L.'. & St. U.... Colo. Suutueru Uo 1st ptd do iu piu Del. iiudaun liel., J. t W D. & H. ei do pfd... , Erie ..I do 1st pfd.'. do 2d pfd.. liuckiiu; Vulley....... do pld Hi. Central Jo wat "Central dd'pid.. K. c;. Hourtipru.', do pfd.'; K &..'. Manhattan L Met., Securities Met. St. Ry...... Minn. & St. . U M , Bf.P. At 8. Ste. M. drt pfd... Mo. j'aclllc : M . K. A: T do pfd ' 2C0 36 Na't'l ft. R. of M. pld N. Y. Ceuiia.1 6,100 1144 Norfolk & Western.. 1,400 664 do pfd Out. oz Western l.WiO 204 Pennsylvania S..S01) 1114 P.. C. C. at St. L. Reading , do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. I,, or 8. F. 2d pfd St. U Southern do pfd 80. Pacific... 9.2o0 454 44 So. Itailwuy 3,4 0 l'J4 15Va do pfd 3 K) H1.4 ts Texas Pacltlc 900, 234 224 Toledo, St. U & W ... do pld Union Pacific 24O,0"O 77 764 do pfd 100 90 9) Wisliosh b,o lsii IS do pfd..'. 1,4-X) 344 344 W. 4 Uke Erlo Wis. Central do pfd Adams Ex .. American Ex 1'. 8.. Ex 100 105 105 Vtells-rargo hi. Am. Copiter l-fir oi F.... rfd Cotton on.. VI d In0 aim "&06 . loo iw uOO 100 VtA 100 9,'(0t) 1,300 600 '"ii'w Duo 100 3,200 300 100 1,201) 4i) loo S.HO0 i4 la-- iiii b-i't -u Us) 4 2t2 zo 61 24 s, bJ-4 . 40i 4 12 1024 14.!' 4 117 111) DU4 94 19 i&4 t24 262 vt) b7 24 63 . 404 hi 4 l-'i4 l-i- lt24 142 64 116 i'14 119 t4 iie 56 21V4 1134 400 414 414 1 214 214 1"0 134 134 Dominion I K.llron Klff. Ilium.. Ml fleneral Klettrlc Mara. Rleclrlc do pM Mhsb. (las I'nlted Krnlt 1'nltnl Phoe Math do pfd V. S Steel do ptd We-tlni;. common Hid. Ofeeola l'r"ot Quliicy ........ Ifct -hannon IS'i Tamarack 74 iTrtnttv atit'. . Mining. 9 it:, s. hi 47 t lah ?sii vt.torla Wlncna "'41 Wolverine 9u I .. 1 .. I Mi .. 4'.k .. 9 .. 7 .. 1 .441) .. 17 .. s4 .. M't .. (Btk .. 8 .. S'i .. 7si .. isj .. 6 .. 344 .. 4 .. ID .. r, .. 14 .. go .. . .ion .. 44 .. S014 .. 9 .. 3:4 .. s .. I .. 70 0J1AHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Catt'e Reca ps Ligh and Prices Ruled Steidy to 8fo:g. HOGS SOLD FIVE 10 TEN C".NTS HIGHER Moderate Ran of Sheep and Iambi ami with Liberal Demand Trading Active, nth Prices on Desirable tiradei Steady to Strong;. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 19, 1S04. Hogs. Sheep. 4.c 13.(63 Receipts were. Cattle. Official Monday 8.4.U Tuesday SIM lo,4'."i 11.721 Official Wednesday 4,Ma ll.l'.'i S OoJ Otticlal Thursday loM 0.177 Offlclul Friday 1,422 7,lt3 6,325 44.3!'i 4t. MS at,, ;:4 4o,bS5 36,.v2 4;,tt4 40,a 2,.to; 2S,il2 31.644 3 .1.126 27.3SJ Five days this week. . .1S.21I0 Same days last week ll.tfai Siwne days week before. .1 l.i tS iSamo three weeks ago.. is, Ills Same .tour weeks ago 14,7m Same days last year 1S.4K6 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO PATE. the following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omnha for tne jear to date, with comparisons with lat year: lsi4. li"j. Inc. liec, Caltie lli", 426 12,606 11,$ k) Hogs 3.S),44i ,t'M bhet-p 2ol,till 1i,Dm" 74.641 Aval ago prats paid tor nogs at S tum Omaha lor the laai aeverul da a with coin-paiiaoiis' Date. I 1S04. li)03. 1J2. Ilisjl . 11K). H&iH. 18'.. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. -b. Feb Feo. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. Fe o. Feb. Feo. Feb. Feb. Feb. . 4 7241 I 5 Mi 6 221 4 67 I 64 $ 1.4 I 4 734, G Wi I 6 20 4 ti t4, 3 6J . 4 M4 6 70 6 K2 I 4 62 1 3 691 3 3 .1 4 bl 16 .i 0 4 6 SI, 3 59, 3 J 4 764 6 Oil 6 111 5 23, 4 tit.. - ! iu i M)4i 76 6 16 6 211 4 70 3 50 74 6 03 6 M 4 68, 3 66 3 7j 4 M4, I 6 U o 2 'I 4 tui J I ;1 ib 6 71 1 5 2u 4 Kl S 70 S 71 s 014 6 ",n 6 0U I 4 60 3 71 3 t6 a W) I 0 it.', U 01; J otl - on. 10. 11. IS: 1J. 14... lu... 4 n9 16.. 16 03 17. ..I 6 02 13. ..I 6 04 4 7 0 ,c g (lli j t. - oi " I a 01 I 6 2 6 04 6 3o 4 7a I bl 4 o4i U s-, 5 1-5, u 24 a f2 J 6 t-j, u v! o ao 4 to, a no, j .-j ; S H I 1 7.-' i t 3,m 6 72! I 5 27 4 3 5S 8 S3 1 0J ll ,S, " It lit! J W 4 M 6 ;i 5 7S 5 221 1 3 62 3 67 ew York Mlnlnxi Quotntlons. NEW YOHK, Feb. 13.-Tho following are the closing quotations on uilr.'ng stocks: Alama ( ou Alli-e 1'rvn-a UniitHwIck Con .. t'oniatotk ., Con (Hi. Vs.. Horn Hllvfr Iron Filver IadvllU Con .... ID .. 26 .. lo .. 4 .. ..ISO ..120 ..lit) .. t Little Chief Ittotarlo Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Pnv(e Sierra Neva'la Htnall Hojwa .. itantiaril .. 7 .4(4 ..t:i . 46 . iO .250 at $1 03. Me sntlm Julv had risen to 93c - Some reaction rcsultcl 4i havv re.uiileg tales, hut within the lact few minutes of trndlnir Mir ar:iln touched $1 04 The close w at $1.02 for Msv nnil vt :'."c ft r Julv. re-r-ancs of wheat nnd flour wer e iual to ltW -2c0 I'osheU. Prlntsrv receipts were 4t0 luishels. sgslcsl 417 C O bus! els n year apo. Exports fir the seek, secordlrir to Rrd !r,.,'i'i, were 1 i'7'V hiiie . Minneapolis. Iiuluth and Chlcsiro reported receipts of 264 ch's, egnlnst S:U csre a vear tiro. While the hull campaign in whest was In full proitres the enthuvlRtm in the corn m-irket had red out temoc-srtlv. H I pile 1li the corn pit reel erects of the huUIh foreign ne-s i 'h- s're' -th In wheat. Tr,ere was nig seuinc or aisy com by one of the niot prominent rommla elon houses, which was retnrtd to have tld over l.OuOtaO bushels duMi g the day. The opening on May ai 4!)4l4c hlgher s.1 ev to S64tjMu There was very lit lie St. I.onla Grain and Provisions. ST. I.OT'19. Feb. 19. There was consid erable excitement among traders In wheat today and unusually heavy trading, the buying being for speculative account. This was based on the belief that the political situation abroad would leud to much htgher prices. The close showed these advances over vesterday: No. J cash, elevator, 24c; track. lW'a4c, May. 24c; July. 24'U24c. WHEAT JUgher. ex -lted. active specu lation; No. 2 red cash, elevator. $1 0i: track, $' ': May, 94c; July. 84c; No. 2 hnrd. 9&&4e. CORN H ''her: No. . t cash. 46c; track, ifeVc; Mav. 6040; July. 514c OATS lllghe: No. $ c;h. 42c; track, 42 B'434c: Mav. 4H4c; No. 2 white. 44c. FI.OI'R Higher; red winter patents. 15 00 flfi.lO; exiro fsticy and straight, $1704.85; ci'- 3?na4io. PEEr1 Timothy, steady: $2.5fiil SO. "! VMEAI--8tfady. $2.50. HRAN-Strjng; sacked, east track, $9jt If AY Rteadv: timothy, $S.0O13O0; prairie, 0 rtv(,q no for No. 1. HO i f'OTTOV TIES $1.06. HM',ilIviv(v;uo. UF.MP T WIVE Be. pv)rV!SMi)NS-Pork. hlpher; JohMng, $:5974; lard, higher: stenm rendered. $7 fC; lnoon stendv: boxed etn shorts. $8.00; rr .-. isru; short clear. $ 26. POl'I TflV-KIrm : chickens, 11c; springs, lie; pirVrva, 1"4c; ducks, ISc; t, dfr7c. TH'TTEH -Firm ; creamery. 2':ii'27e; dairy, V-VVc. F.d' IS Lower at 20c. ense cnur RecHofs Shlpmen's invi unio rum 11 n o lfOjieo v rno 49,000 53.000 K"1nur. this... Whent bu... Corn, bu Oata. bu A in. do Am. do Am. Jce do rfd Am. Linseed Oil Pfd lxcomotlve pfd Smelt. & R Pfd Suirar Refining. Mining t o 22.400 I.200 100 loO '"soi) K) 47 l4 (8 4 29 '84 314 464 1H4 29 804 do Am. . do Am. do Am. Ana. Brooklyn H. T Colo. Fuel 4 Iron.... Con. tint Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. Gen. Electric .' Inter. Paper do pfd Int-r. Pump do pfd Nat'l Iead No. American ex-dlv Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Car RemihHe Steel do pfd Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron... I'. S. 1-euther do pfd l 8 Realty do pfd r. S. Rubber do pfd V. $. Ptecf do rfd WeMlrrch. Electric... Western I'nl n N'' i"ciiriii" lO.rti'rt 2'0 1il 100 l.&M) 500 lS.fltO roo 700 1IM) 2:14 7M 474 91 124i 61 I! 4 1924 lffi 114 65 'J 214 79 474 91 124 624 44 1! 164 1(13 114 654 100 1-00 M4 !4 2 97-'4 3'X) 694 69 Tt 414 194 S54 7 400 . 1.100 l'O oori 5"0 ' "inn 7 7 7.H) NI ?. 74 44 2,4 7 '74 64 47-4 114 Rli h74 634 47'-. V4 M'i lcfl S74 60'x 60, a '.a"a to llo4 ix 3')'4 a6:s 02 In 4 163 ttwj a 172 D4 l'J . 72 ln4 62 224 lo9 250 la 67 244 6-'4 4-)4 73 ol 12,4 17 31' - IS St It,. 4 1414 ' 86 llni 68 004 119 v4 154 3f)14 854 llJ'B 56 8S 204 U3 &) 414 7K4 D'i 214 604 43 134 324 454 194 Ktl 2:t'4 22 33 764 1-94 IV4 314 144 l.S-4 40 220 140 103 21 4(14 19 hS , 29 KS 8 304 2 1 79 47'4 904 124 62 404 31 1K14 IS 69 234 161 II o 33 P4 K3'i 24 h 2-4 f'9 21 74 43 104 43 34 7 764 74 51 114 47; 104 1-9 (6V 904 Wool Market. ItOSTON, Feb. 19.-WOOI-Medlum wools liuvo been most In demaid and they have felt the Impulse toward u higher move ment. There is tt steady business in ter ritory wools, which are lirm. Pulled wools seem to bo in general demand. Little is being done, with foreign wools), Some cur rent quotations are: Idaho, -fine, l'.'yl'ic; heavy tine. i:)ril5c; line medium, lh'ul'c; medium. 124ol.Sc. Wyoming, fine. ISfibIc; heavy tine, 175 14c; line medium. ltktilTc; medium, IKVl'l t'tnh and Nevada, lino, hV'llic; heavy line. IWiHv; fine inetllum, 104'(ll7c; ni( dhini, lH'ti'.'i'c.. I)ikotn, tine. l.ri(. 16c; hue iiicdium. 164'"l7c; medium, IWil'Oc. Montana, fine choice, l'.Ki.Vc; fine medium choice, 19Ti20c; average, HWflUc; medium choice. Wj.2ik: . ST. LOUIS, Feb. 9.' WOOINnmliuil; modlum grades, combing ami clothing, 17 (5 21 4c; light fine, 16C(i174c; heavy line, 12'tf 144c; tub-washed, 2(Ky3(g. HUSTON, Feb. 19.- Tho Commercial Bul letin will tuy Suturduy: The wool market Is qutat and featureless. There have been mahv buvers around. Including those from tho hlg .mills, but they have bought little. Manufacturers' wants are pretty well 1 covered 1 and . the current demand is for small lots for piecing out ptiriioses. The market Is firm, but aBlda from the upward tendency, .of med ium and low wools, prices nro.tiot more than steady. A Rot d part of the territory wool selling Is belnHt;.oss(J at cost. The goods market l fairly attlve. There Is nothing new from forclgu markets. The shipments of wool .fninu Kostnn to d4te from riecembcr SI,' 103. ire1 3;i, 702.152 lbs., ugaliist 38.550,731 Ihs. fuH'.tllP sanie time lust year. Receipts to datft pre io,(Hi.2.'i4 lbs., against 23X01,751 lbs. fijttv the Dame period last year. ., Feb. 19. .. 6 1241 6 1W 5 M, 6 23 4 Wl V 91 Indicates Sunday. Thu official number of curs of stock brought in by each road was: Cattle, lions. Bh'u. H'r'a. l., ai. & at. t: uy.... Wiibush Missouri Pacific Hy.. I'. P. system C. N. W. Ry F tX & M. V. R. R.. C. St. P.. M. & O.... H. & M. Ry V., H. & y. Ry C., K. 1. oi P., east.. C, R. 1. P., West.. Illinois Central Chicago Ut. Western. Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing . tlie numuer 01 head liitllc.'.eti; 1 19 1 i .. 1 2 9 17 i .. 3 5 .. 1 14 19 3 17 4 5 .. 13 12 it 3 10 2 1 .. ; .. $ 2 ' .. 61 9S 28 "1 Uuycr. Omaha Pucklng ("o... Swift uud Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour 01 Co.... Armour, Sioux City.. V ansant & Co McCreary & Clark Hill & HunUinger.... Lewis & Underwood.. Huston & Co llobbtck & IJ Sol Degau J. R-. Root At Co Hcgarty Co Other buyers Totals Cuttle. Hogs Sheep. 51 437 424 335 8 20 20 26 4 8 10 8 47 73 1,207 1,7'6 2.7:o 1,038 476 2,916 1)15 1,676 ..1.47 6.2S.1 'Cotto-n Slnrkef, LIVERPOOL. Feb. 19,-COtTON-Spot, higher; American middling fair. 7.54d; good WM confined largely to Xho better grades, ....... 0 ... . . ' 0 . .' lha r-ommnn 11 ml mp, iim It itrl N Rhowlno CA1TLE Receipts of cattle were again light this morning and while packers did not seem to be extremely anxious for a big run, still they took hold quite freely of the few cattle that were on sale and tho mar ket on anything at all desirable could be yuoted active and steady to strong. An early clearance was made. There were not many cars of corn-fed steers on sale, bnt those that did. arrive changed hands without much trouble at fully as good prices as were paid yesterday where the quality was good. As a general thing the market on such kinds could be quoted steady to strong. The common and warmed-up kinds were neglected and salcs laen in some ensea had a hard time to get What they oousitlswd steady prices. "Puck ers evidently did not care whether they got that : lass of stock or not. As compared with' the close of last week the market Is safely l(Krl5c nlisher on anything decent, or it is 15;i20c higher than the low lime of tlie week on Tuesday. - , The cow market was also active and steady to strong, the limited offerings changing hands quite freely. The strength middling. 7.38d; middling. . 7.2Sd : low mid dllnij, 7 221; good ordinary, '7.12d;- ordinary. 0.91il. The sales of the tiny were (1,000 bales, of which 50O were for srteculatlon nnd ex- f'oft nnd Included 5.000 American. Receipts, 3,000 bales, lnt hiding R.Ono American. Fu tures opened and i losed- steady ; American middling g. .0. r., February,. 7 13d; February and March. 7.13d: March find April. 7 13d; April and May. 7.15i'; May ujd June, 7.17d; June and July, 7.17d; July nhd August, 7.16d; August and September. 6 99d; September and October, fi S,"id: October and November. 6. Old. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 19. COTTON The market was much excited today. The rumors circulated yesfcrday that tho Dlli clique had loen organized on n stronger basis than ever had the effect of adding to the bullish contingent a number of outside speculators, nnd Ill's caused a fnlr volume of buying orders. In addition bull lenders were aggressive and heavy buyers. First declines were from Kl to 32 points. The weaker shorts were soon put on a run nnd May advanced until It whs 58 points higher than the lowest level at the day and 38 points: hipher than the close of yesterday. Other positions showotl similar gains. NEW YOHK. '. Feb.' .J9.-COTTON- The strength of the rrvw cotton market has been retleoted In the piece goods section. No weakness Is evident In snv section and with certain factors there Is insistence upon even higher prices than have been obtained as yet. Jobbcs continue busy both locally nnd t hrooclonit the cotintrv. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19. COTTON Steady to 4c higher: middling. 13rn.c; sales, 72 bales; receipts, none; shipments, 550 bales; stock, 19,423 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORIf. Feb. 19. METALS Tin ad vanced sllphtlv In London spot closing 6s higher nt 126 10s. while, futures were 2s 61 higher nt 126 l.'s d. Locally tin was about 10 points higher In sympathy with the gains abroad, spot closing at $28 37l,'i, ?8.75. Copper closed unchanged at 56 15s for spot and 56 for futures In the London market. It was also unchanged locally, with lake quoted at $1? 7U,i and elec trolytic and casting st $1"!.374'ol2.624. Lead wns unchanged at $1.5Tfi4.CiO In the locil market and also in i -ondon at 11 11s "d. Pneber remnined nnch'inired nt $50iVii5.IO locally nnd at 21 12s fid In London. Iron pl.-d nt 5"s $d In Glasgow and 42s 9d In Mlddlesborough. Tho local, market was pon'lnollv unchanged No. 1 foundry nor thern Is quoted st '5 Nvtnfl 00: No. 2 foun dry northern at $14 ooi)5 00 and No. 1 foun drv soo'ber" ocd No. ' I foundry southern so" at ti 7r.f,i4 ?r-. ST. LOflS. F-b. 19t-METAI R Iead, firm at $1,374; spelter, strong at $4,824. the common and medium kinds showing very llttl Improvement. For the week prices have shown about tho same advance as noted above for steers. Hulls, veal calves and stags all sold In about the same notches they did yesterday. There were very few stock ere. ami feeders on sale, but the demnnd was sufficient to take thoso that did arrive at steady prices, even though It was Friday. The demand from the country this week has been good for the time of yenr, ami ns a result pricss on desirable grilles have, moved steadily upward, good kinds showing a gain of about 10515c. Representative sales: BEES' 8TEEKS. No. A- Pr- No- A- 1 DS0 t Ofl 1 1J15 4 00 I HO S 10 i ..11K0 4 00 a' SMI I 50 II inn 4 00 I ". SfiS I to If, 1146 4 00 I os5 1 n 1 nit 4 10 8 inn s to 4 Hill 4 10 jo' 4 I 70 IS 10T 4 10 20 11H "1 11 11$ 4 U ...., 17 S 75 . M itr.t 4 JO 1 70 I 75 4 11K5 4 5 15 1470 I 75 tl 14f 4 2S K 1O40 I 75 ! 4 5 7 47 I SO 50 1154 4 25 7 5 I ss 31 MJ1 4 15 1 9'l i M IJ01 4 SO t(l 1197 S M U 1194 4 30 0 115 t 95 10 1370 4 40 1 1.W0 4 00 25 M 4 40 J 99" 4 00 20 .....1371 4 40 1 10SO 4 00 SO 1247 4 45 7 lnqo 4 00 15 1444 4 00 1073 4 00 SI '. .135.-, 4 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. " Total sales for the day were 239.S00 share'. Mllvrankee Grain Market. MILWAIKEF Feb. 19 .WHEAT Mar ket It higher: No. 1 northern, $101; No. $ nor'! '-rn t'l'ii-iiwc; July, 9fv,c. R YE-Marl, t 3c biaher; No. 1. TSc. HA RLEY Firm ; No. 2, f3c; simple. 4rrf 40c. CORN-Flrm; No. 3 , 457j45V,c; July. 644c, hid. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb 19 WHEAT-Spot. noTflnl; fun res Him; March, Cs 64d; May, Cs 7Kd CORN Soot, firm: American mixed, new, 4a M. American mixed, old, 4s b"4d. Fu tures steady; March 4s 3Hd; May, 4s 4'd. Peorlt t.relu Market. PEORIA. Feb. 19 CORN jucted firm, rew. No. 3. 41c; Hew, No. 1 Site; old, No. $. VliI8KY-On the. Usl f $1. for fin Ishtd goods. I.nndoa Stock Market. I.ONDON. Feb. 19 Closing: CoaaoU, mono? .. 64 5-14 N. Y. Central. .. ' Anrtrilk c W. . .. 3', J,, ,,., .. St4 Or.larlo A W . 9? PttniiaylvntA . tlo a-t'otint 4nai-ontta At, hat.n do pr4 Daltlmora O . fn.1lan Pa,l6o Cha Ohio ... Chlr-u Ot W r, ll t st. p. IWBera D at R 0 do pfd' Er'a- do lat pM ... do Itl I'fl .. Illlnula Ovoral A Kub M . K. T 81LVER Rar . 7'. Hand Mlnca .1U keatllng . rr.i do jfi. . 15V d Id I'J. .141 .80 Raiar . . IhV 60 pt.l . Jo', So Parts- ... '. I nlon I'n.-lnc . f''i do ri,i . ... . as t 8 simI... . 4JL, do pld .... .lii ,tah is .ltit do pfd JO'i dull. 27 7-1 6. 1 per ounce 117 r.i R :i 64 '. 214 40 2 if 4. 7S "'a H', Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feh. 19 COFFEE The market for futures' opened sti-ndy nt an edvnnce of fiH polrHs on buying from Euroean and scalterlng sources, encour ag'Ki by the firmness of tbe European markets and the smaller rrimnry move ments. Receipts at the two KrHZlllan points we -e only about one-ouarter of laBt year's nnd the small Interior figures pointed toward a continuance of bullish conttar-1-ioms. Impt rters, however, continued sell ing Just enough to check the advancing tt-nilency nntl the market meeting with only on lndifVrent demand, closetl steady on the opening basis Sales were reported of 73 11011 bags. Including March, 7 Hf."; April. 5 V: May. fic; June fi 2"c: July. 6 Jiofi fi.X'c; September 6 sT'ofi fi'V; November, C 7fc: December g.8" 5c: Jmuary, 6 90c. Spot, Rio. steady. Mild, steady. Knar and Mulaases. NEW Y'ORK. Feb 19. SI'GAR Raw. firm: fair refining, 2 1316c; centrifugal 96 tcMt. 3U-.T2 -. ilolasses sugar. 2 9-bic. Re lineil. st-ailv: irul"-tl. 5. 15e; powtleied, 4.'?.' fnt nul.ited. 4. -Tic. NEW (iRLEANS Keb. 19 - 1 'll R Jin r ket tenly: op, n kettle, 2fiS 1-lc; open kettle t eniii'"'itv'. Vt ,u ; ntrif ng il wl l'e, 4-t.t" teiiow ;!'. i3 1-'i-16c; n-,'i iiil-. 2''(i34 w-t-.- y nl; o,en kettle, 2';'ff 26c; centrifugal, lljot'. .. I i, fi 2 .. MONEY 24 S3 per cent; the rate of dis co, int In the open rnark.-t for short bill" is H'triv. tier cfnt; fur three months' bi'U, 3 5-16"i34 per cent. ew York Money Market, NEW YORK. Feb. 1. MONKY-On call, steutly: liinhft. 14 per cent; lowest. 14 p'-r cent; clotting lad. 14 per cent; offered. 1 ier cent; time k.auts, eier; sixty dayia, &m 4 per tent; ninety dnys, $4414 per t-ul, St. Joifpll ST JOSEPH'. celptJ. 6I0 head $:' 7o'tt ",.35; cows I. It e Feb market st and helf' stock Market. 19 f'ATTLE Re ady ; natives, $1. a'(j I 50; rs ed-r-t. 12 4 I'.tt. 4.52a lit a I; tn irket l7i!.",o $4Xo5.2": medium and heavy, 1 l'tclter-t and H 11JS Ret' higher; light $.1 ; 4" KliiiEP AM) IA MRS Receipts, If..-!, lieid, market active, lirm: lambs, pi 10; yearlings, $5.X; wethers, $460; ewes, $115. It 744 3 50 19 104J 4 10 aro f 50 STEERS AND COWS. 7 11S i 70 10S1 $ 71 COWS. 1 1010 I 00 99J t 00 1 940 t 00 !8.., 114 I 00 J .',5 I 00 14.....,; 790 I 00 1 940 2 00 1 1056 I 00 a 7I I 00 IT 939 3 fl I 1010 i 15 1 -....1150 I 10 4 lnf.O 2 10 1 9",0 10 1 J 40 I 25 11.. lino S 10 j' 940 1 25 19 !"(. 3 10 40' 96S IP 2J 1131 3 10 a S t 36 t 90 3 15 1 1040 1 40 1 1310 3 25 1 910 3 50 4 10H7 3 35 13 ! 815 i 50 9 10f7 I JJ 1 1030 I 60 t 1 ISO 3 15 4 - I 55 t 11H I 80 1 ltn t 5 11 96 3 80 ' 5 I 75 13 979 S 30 a i;0 I 75 T 977 i 80 I 9SI t 75 1 11J3 3 89 HO, J 50 4 1072 3 40 ( , 1J0 85 4 1033 I 40 f ll! I 5 t 1?20 I 40 4 P5 2 85 1 1410 9 40 t 994 2 5 17 1245 3 40 8 10M J 0 1 1213 'A I lof.4 i 90 10 .-..1075 8 50 1 12511 3 no t 1350 75 1 1420 3 00 1 1250 80 e 934 a 00 ; 1415 4 00 1 mr.n s 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. !S (ill 3 05 1 luOO 1 25 19 990 3 f HEIFERS 1 ; 720 I 35 1 520 a 00 J 410 2 40 8 4H3 8 la) 1 r.o t 50 1 4.-i a 00 1 H0 2 50 7 3o 3 35 4 34i I 40 28 9:3 S 40 1 " ,kWLS. "00 ,M 1 410 1 40 1 450 1 25 1 1130 J 50 1 IdfiO 3 25 1 18M1 2 15 1 M0 8 25 1 1 r. r. 2 ) - 1. ., 14ko 9 30 1 114) 8 tA t. 1440 I 35 t I'.J') 3 00 1 1730 3 40 1 H2" I 00 6 6V4 S 75 1 13f) 1 1" CALVES. 1 310 I 75 7 504 3 45 8 4T3 I 75 1 1M 5 00 a eo 1 w 1 130 e k STAGS. 1 890 8 25 1 1570 4 00 1 17 O 3 40 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8 4R 2 7', 4 7Ml 8 45 12 6' I i1 t "5 3 4- I 7 3 00 2 4'fl 3 50 1 S OI I 10 3 5 J 3 50 1 5 J 2.3 4 He.", 8 50 1 740 a 25 t mi a o 3 4t3 8 81 2 37) 8 0 4 735 t 30 5 870 J 0 It"! 3 40 I 797 t 75 2 f'5 1 45 met.ts of the trade Llutwwelfh; sold tui gi' . Irom $5 ui down, medium weights trom 4-'t.lo tti $..' and prime heatlcs troin 3v '-" tti $. 2a ami as hlgu 11s f."i..' wns paid. The quality of the (teiieral run of the lions Whs ..not s gttttti totlay as estertla', ami that of course prevents the market on paper Mom showing the ful. amount of the ad vance. Representative sales. o a. ep. tr No. AT. 8h. Pf. 30 l'l ... 4 ! e: 1:0 1 15 9t .' 1J0 . . '. 4 40 78 K ,J . . 6 15 71 1!-4 ... 4 ll) 49 2.18 140 I 14 !! H1 ... 4 90 5 318 10 4 It 94 154 ... 4 90 44 2 K ... It 44 Its ... $ M0 04 Ut ... I 15 81 lal ... t 0 80 t.l ... I 15 TT 171 ... i 00 H I J 40 I It 4 171 40 I 00 79 2C5 90 I 15 84 174 ... I Oil 76 139 8'.' t It 99 lit 40 t Ot 49 .15 tt) lli 77 1 at tl) I Vi 81 814 ... tit IN ...... list 19 114 tv 234 80 15 74 ... teo lt t t" 71 215 ... t 15 73. ,14) K0 I 074 (8 tit 140 I It 17 171 ... t 071. 72 251 SO I It 70 .19 ... t OTt, (i l"4 ... 5 11 tl 8t'4 ... I It) to 243 ... t 174 0 lot 80 I It) 3 ... 17 44 L. liu t 10 ' Tt 24i 10 t 11 4.1 CM ... t 14 75 229 ... I l'i 10 1M 84 t la 81 ..a! 120 I 171 59....... 214 44) t 14 45 244 ... $ 174 48 224 ... t ID 73 8K4 40 t 17 4 11 214 80 t 10 71 l.'t 240 t 174 44 itivl ... 6 10 31 8M 110 t 174 8 ...211 40 t 10 49. 249 at) i 174 71.:.. .....2.11 40 6 10 74 218 ... t 174 73 HO ... f 124 74 2 4 180 I 14 97 197 40 1 124 80 . 2.5 40 t 17', 47 2V7 ... t 184 43 843 90 5 10 It :r.5 ... t 124 40 tui 180 t 30 71 209 ... t 1:4 48 845 8 t 80 64 .-.210 40 t 184 49 884 40 t 20 59. 244 ... 1 124 43 2t 120 120 6: 22T 40 t 124 43 25 140 t 20 77 820 ... I 124 tl 2..5 ... 5 20 t 311 ... I 12t) 64 20 40 t 20 25 ..111..., 1124 49 2t4 40 5 20 4t 210 ... f 18', 20 274 ... t 20 14 ,.197 ... i 124 4...,....2t 80 t 10 41 210 ... 1 124 51 8u3 140 t 10 74 tua 40 t 12 4 79 857 140 t 20 44 1ST ... t 12', 44 279 ... I 25 77 218 80 t 124 88 238 ... 5 35 77. .......812 10 5 12 4 40 848 ... 4 It) $7... .....251 ... 6 15 44 ..$ ... 4 30 4 70. cons, bulls and mixed. $2 20lf3 50: atockrw 3i.1 te. smtv $2 T.Vn 2 S'rcaie fad j earllngs. $2 ."' 1 .1 '. Hi OS Receipts, s.-an head M.irket i higher at $1 7'M.V20; bulk. ,". no ,j5 of,. 2 rod, ll.iMifl. a-, Kansas 4 Its- tiralu anil Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 19. W 1 1 E T Ml v. $A ; July. 824c Cash: Nc 1 leird. 921 P24c : No. 3. ft :V; No. No S, $1 01 ill 04. CORN May. 47'-.i47-4c; Cash: No. 2 mixed, 41c; No. .1 41c. (ATS- No. 2 white. 4'24'mlV: NA ! mixed. 11 AY-( 'hoi, e timothy, $9.S'if9."6; clmlce prsirie, . .eu, July, Ni 47V,j474 V) lllte, 4.".i 21vr3c; dalrj- fanc,. RY E No 1. 47c. RL'TTElt -4 'reainerv. ISc E1(1S Weak; Missouri nnd Kansas,, cases returned. Ti'-jc; new No. 2 whltewoo t casts Included, 261. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu vi on inn.soo Corn, bu 54 .4i 0 8il CMts, bu 9,(XO S.lijil Repro- SI1KE1' There wn fnlr run or sheep here totlay for a Frldav, but the demand on the- part of local packrria was In good shape and the market rilled active and stiady U' strong on all desirable grades. There was lmthlng on sale quite as good as the top stuff of yenterday, so that the mar ket civ paper does not look so good, but taking ouallty Into consideration tho prices paid were steady to strong anil some in Ttict looked a little higher. When It came to the common kinds and particularly to cornrftin himbs, trading was not so good nut! prices no more than steady. Packers do not eiom to be at all anxious for the Inferior grades and as a result sa'nsmeii find It rather difficult to dispose of thut c1b.s nt satisfactory prices. As compared with the close of last week the murket is fully" 15'u25c higher on all de sirable grades. yuotatltvns for corn-fed stock: Good to rholce western lambs, $5.5(Vii6.00: fair to pood bimbs, $:..2.V't.Y&0; good to choice year ling, $5.iMii5.2.'i; fair to good yearlings, $4 75 Cdi.OO; good to choice wethers, $4.1.Vii4.4(; fair to gotsl wethers. $;i.90tii4.15: good to choice ewes. $3.86414.15; fair to good ewes, $.I.fiKjj3.Sii; choice feeder lambs. $4.2.Vti-.'t .00; fair to good. H.SOjH.iW; . feeder yearlings, $.1.501! 4. 00: feetler wethers, $.1.7,Vu4.00; fel"r ewes, $2..4"'t3 25; culls, $1. .o'ijJ.OO. sentative sales: 59 western cull ewes 5 western cull limbs 122 westetn feeder lambs 201 western ewes 10 western ewrs '00 western ewes 291 western yearlings ...' 394 western wethers. 3i4 western wethers 31 western wethers 82 western wethers 128 western ewes and wethers. western wethers Mexican wethers Mexican wethers 1S3 western yearlings 27 western yearlings 527 western lambs 130 western yearlings 161 Mexican yeHillngs 3"t'. Mexican yearlings 418 Mexican yenrllngs 218 western lambs 28 native lambs 3 western bucks 81I W4Jilorn ewc.4 17 west-em wethers 11 western wethers 98 western yeorlings Stock. In Sight. 'Following" are the receipts for the six principal 'western cities yesterday. t.anie. jiogs ....1.422 ....2.5lV ....2.2W :...2,ooo .... 610 .... 300 8 16 ' 16 94 ! 85 44. 3 no 53 . 4 00 100 4 00 80 8 50 99 3 05 94 6 00 106 4 10 91 4 10 1i4 4 On 78 4 13 r,- 4 ?R 100 4 25 T2 4 2 7 83 4 25 SO 4 50 74 4 85 72 4 90 88 6 00 72 5 10 72 S 10 1 t 87 t 28 shfi ?. to 107 3 l0 70 4 00 110 4 15 103 4 80 7.113 28.0-0 6.51 V) 6.5"0 4.525 3. SCO Sheen. 6 825 6. 00) 2.W l.roi 1.028 i..9.03$ 65,4n l,fS3 South Omaha. Chlcogo Kansas City St, Irfiuls ..... St. Josr-rh Sioux City .. Totals CHICAGO MARKET FOR $.IVE STOCK. Cattle Market Slow, mt Hogs Five to - Ten Cents lllgrher. . CHICAGO, Feb. 19.-CATTLE-Reee!pts, 2, head: rrmrket slow; good to prime steers, $4.9i4jG.5; poor to medium, $3.5(Vd; 4. St); stocfcel-a and feeders. $2.5',fN.15; cows, $1 .6IV&4.00: heifers, $2.atli4.7.7; Canners, $1.6) tl2fio: bulls, te.004i4.5i: calves. $3 50oj(7.50.. HOGS Receipts, 2(,f00 head; estimated to morrow. 20.000 heud; market 54itOc higher; mixed nnd butcher,' $5.10fro.45; good to choice heavy. $fi.3.Va5.50: nnigh heavy, $" 10 (&o.3i; light, $4.60ti(C.50; bulk of sales, $5.10'u 5.35. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. ,0f0 head; market for sheep steady; lambs, 10 (t20c lower; good to choice W"thrs. n.ntxip 4.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.50iff4.23; west em sheep, $4 20X.15; native lambs, $4.00 5.75; western lambs, $1.00(7iti.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. - Kansas city, Feb. h j-cattle-rc- ceipta.. 2,2oO head. Including 100 southerns market stendv; export and dressed beef steers,. $4.656.25; fair to good, $4.257i4.65; western fed steers, $3:5' ff; stockers anil feeders, $3.0(1(fi'4.26; southern steers. t3.4ord) 4 30: southern cows. $2.35 3.25; native cows, $1.75i83.90; native heifers. $3.254.25; bulls, $2.75tfjl85; calves, $3.0O(4j.5O. HOGS Receipts, 6.500 head; mnrKct lrtf 15c: iilgher; top, $4,424; bulk of sale.4, $5.10 (&Y..35; heavy, $5..Wp5.424: packers, $0.1641' .35; rigs nnd lights, $4 9"ff5.1.1. SHEEP AND MM H(4 Keceipis, z..-ou head; market strong; native lamhs. t5.(4VH 00; western lumhs. $60(Vi7fi90: fed ewes, $3 75476 20; western fed yenrllngs, $5.005.25; stockers and feeders, $2.6iKu4.00. OMAHA WIIOLE8AI.K MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations na staple and Fancy Prodnce. EGGS Receipts, more liberal; market Weaker; fresh stock, 2"'C. LIVE POl'LTRY-Hens. $V; spring chick ens, sc; rtosters, according to age, oc; tur keys. 13fil4c; ducks, 94: geese, 8o. DHESS1CD POULTRy-Turkeyr, lBiri.c; ducks, lliflic; geese, 1X-; chickens, 94i 104 Hl'TTKR Packing stock. 1241 'Uo: choice to fancv d ilrv rolls. I3'til4c; separator, 2,1c FREPH FKSII-Trout. i4'ol"o; pickerel. 64 4T6c; pike, 9c; perch, fiHO'c; bluehsh, 15c; whltefish, 8ii9c; salmon, 11c; liaddoek, 10c; codfish. 12c; redsnappcr, 11c; lobsters, boll.'d, per lb., S2c; lobsters, gleen, pr lb., itoc; nullheads, 11c; catfish, 13m Uo; In ck tmss, 2('c; halibut, 15c; dapples. 12c; het-lng. 44c; white boss. 13o; blueflns, Sc; smelts, ll'Jfllo. OYSTERS New York Counts, per can, 43c; per gal., $2.00; extra select, per run, Sf,o; per gal., $1.S0; standard, per can, 27c; per gnl.. ..o0. HH A N Per ton. $15 M. . , HAY Prices quoted by Omaha. Wholenli I)ealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $8 50; No. 2, $0 00; medium. $V50; coarse, $5 00; rye straw, $"i.00. These prices Hri for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts lleht. VEGETABLES. I'OTATOES Colorado. $1.10; Dukoto. pet bu. II.i.mi; tia'lves, SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bid.. $3.60. NAVY PEANS-rer bu., $2 25. CEl-ER Y Large Cullftirnl.i, to, TEc and 90c. ONION'S-Spanlsh, per. crate, $1.90; Colo rado yi How mid red, per lb., 24c CARHAtlE Wisconsin llollantl, 34c: new 34c TURNIPS t:anada rutabagas, per lb., 14c; white, per bu., 60c OA I UK ITS- Per bu., 85c I'ARSNI lS Per bu.. 600. PEETS-Pcr bu.. c. CAl'LlFlAWER-CaoK-riila, per crule. "cV'Cl'MRERS Per dox.. $1 ?5JT1.M). TOMATOES-Florida, r-er -baskot crates, $4.60. RADISHES -TV- .lor.. fc-jr,cr..-,. 35c. LETTCC13 HEADS Per dox. bunches. 90d 6$1.00; er bbl., $7.W; leaf lettuce, per dos. bunches. 4"c TURNIPS Southern, per dox, 75o. MEETS-Southern, tier dox, 75c , CARROTS Southern, per dos., 75c. PARSLEY-Soulhern. per dox., $1.00. FRCITB. APPLES California llellflowers, per box, $1.65; New Yotk export Greenings, Russets anil liuldwiiis, $3.76. GllAl'ES Imported Mnlogus, per keg, $6.03. ( "RANI! E RRI FS Jersev, per bbl.. 00; fer box. $2.50; Wisconsin Pell and Itugle, r.60; He)l and Cherry. $0.60. BTRAWPERRIES Florida, per qt., COc, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Nuvola, all sizes, choice, $2 00. 4(2.25; fancy, nil sizes, t2.2Uat.W- LEMONS California, fancy, SCO to 260, $3.60; choice, 240 to 270 sizes. $3.tiUU$.2o. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85c; Imported Wniyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 6-ci'own, 10c; "-crown, 16c. ' RAN AN A3 Per medium slxcd bunch, $2.CU3fi'2.ftO; Jumbos, $2 76)i3.2C. COCOANUTB Per suck. $100; per !os., GOc DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkys.. $2.00; per lb., hi 60-fb. boxeg. Dc; Orlenlftl stuffed dates, per box. $2.40. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, 12o; Wisconsin oung Americas, 13c; bloelc Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13o; Wisconsin llmburger, 12c HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3 OOJ Utah and Colorado, per 24 franios, MAPLE BUGAR-Ohlo. vr 11)., 10c. CIDER Per bbl.. $5.50; per 4 bbl.. $3. POPCORN Per lb., 24c; shelled, 3tf34c. HORSERADISH Per case -of $ . dox.. packed. SOc. HJDES No. 1 green, fic; No. 2 green. 6c: No. V salted. 7n; No. 2 salted 60: No. 1 voul calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 1:4c; No. 2 veul calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry suited hides. S'SflJc; sheen pelts. 25 'u 75c: horse Mdes. $1.50ii2 50.- NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 FOft-shell, per lb., lfc; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 1 hnrd-Bhcll, per lb., 12c; Rrazlls. per lb.. He; Alberts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., ISc; hnrd shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per 1"c; small per lh., 10c; i,eapiiti, per lb., fic; roasted peanuts, per 1T., 8c; Cli'll wal nuts, 12'fil34c; largo hickory nuts, ytr bu., $1 60; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black wal nuts, per bu.. $1.26.. Phllaileliilila I'roduce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 19 Rl'TTER Firm; good demand: extra western cieim erv. 264c; extra nearby prints. 29c EGGS !0c lower; fresh nearby and fresh western. 32o at mark: fresh southwestern, 3iti32c ut mark; fresh southern, 3oo at I'll EESE Stendv: fnlr demand: New York full creams, choice to fancy. IIITAc: New York full creams, fnlr to good, M4'rr 104c. K)41S There was a smaller run of hogs here today than yesterday, and with a lib ers' demand the market ruled active and lilarher. Uuvers were all out in g od season and an early clearance was made The gen eral market was fully o'uinc higher. There was considerable unevene In the market, however, and particularly was that true of the lighter weights, a gcl many of them selling as much as 15c hlyht-r than yester day. It wus very evident that packers were anxious for ruoplles and that there were none too nmny l.i eight to meet the requlre- t. I.onla Live Stork Market. RT, LOT'lS. Feb. 19 CATTLE Receipts. 2.000 head. Including 800 Texan; maTket stendv; native shipping and export steers, $4.60415.30: dressed l.eef ond butcher s'i ers, $4 277i 5. 20; steers under 1.0i) lh., $1.50750fl: Blockers snd feeders. $5 2tf'l V: cows nn l belfers $2 25(H.10: connerx. 11 75fi2 50; hull. $2 761(3.00; calves. $3; Texas nnl Indian steers. $2.W"S-i.25; cowa and heifers, $22Om3.10. HOGS Receipts. 6.500 held: market strong; pigs and lights. $4 Softs 15; packers. $4 9'"3'5.30; butchers nnd best heivy, J.I.OKfi) R 3" SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1 oeo head; market firm: native muttons, $M t 4 60- lambs. $4.W!ff5.SO: culls and bucks, $2 2554.35; Blockers. $2.00013.00. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 19.-REF.VEH Re ceipts. A. 166 head; good storr. steidv, others slow to l'c lower: bill's, stendv; medium and common cows. firm. Native steers, tl .W, 40; bul'. $2 7V.rl.25; cowe, $175fi3K24; stockers, $3 00. E-Hmated rx piorts for tomorrow, 1.180 cattle nd R.850 quarters of beef. ' C AT VFS- Receipts. 195 hood: mnrKet slow; veals. 17c lower Ve-iK H.MV42IJO; llirht calves. $3 50; barnyard calves. I1 1.; cllv dressed v-h1 lower at RfJ13c rpr lb.: cttuiitrv dftsied. 7tJ1'u-c HOGS -Reielots. 4 ?75 head: good me. dliim Jioirs. firm: p'" ensler; ordinary western hog- 5 eo PUKE'1 AND 1.AMn4-ncreir1, S.r8H tiesd- sjioep, 'eady lnre-hs. sl,,w to s ahailc lower. Sheep. $1 1 CM 75: lambs fli TR Estimated exports for tomorrow. 1-25 bend. 3tw York ;raln Alsrket. NEW YORK. Keb. 19. Whest touched new record prices todny. May reaching f 1.034, July 9S4o Biid Sojitembcr 114c, these t.rl 'es ii-pres.-ntlng an Advance of 2li:m.e. for the d tv and about 61164c for the week. The market closed within V'(4o "t the top pHct s of tho session and of tlie season. Dalutli tiraln Market. DULUTH. F.b 19 WHEAT In sio-e: No.- t hard. $1 "1 : No. 1 northern. Mi'.-c; No 2 northern. 97c. To arrive: No. 1 hard, $1 (d; No. 1 northern 9940; No. 2 northern. 97c; May and July. 994.. ; S. (, S'Jc. OATS-Cui tr ick and to arrive, 41V'. Minneapolis (iraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 19. WHEAT May. $1" July. 994. : Fet'temlx-r, m trie!:; No 1 bard. $1 cl1, ; No. 1 northern. $1.'4: No. 8 northern, DM-sc; No. 3 northern, I'K'i 95c ' ' l;rt'R-First patents. $r..PhV2: scon 1 patents. S.iai4i5 1f: first cbais, $3.'i:i.'si; Htooud clears. $2 7'i,2.80. Hank t'learlnas. OMAHA, Feb. la - Hank cb-arlngs for today were $1. '213.131. 68. an Increiis.- of $8. 51:,'. 96 over the con Kiiondlng day last l enr. Sloax I Mr Lite Muck Market. SrOUX CITY. Ia.. Veb. T9 (Special Tele gram. CATTLt Receipts. y. hed. Mur k.H strong; stockiTs sttudj ; beeves, $3.jou MEM REUS Clilrugo Roard of Trade St. Ixiuls Merchants Exch'ge GENERAL COMMISSION 4lpi43aalt . Jgm I si 6ikomir4f Dealers In Grain und Pro visions for Cash or Future Delivery. Write for Our Market Letter. -OFFFJCES Chicago, (142 Rialto Rldg. Missouri Valley. Iowa. Ho. tJmaha, 219 Exch'ge Rldg. Omuha, 5.-2 tiug. FARM, RANCH andCRAZINQ Western Lands along the line of the Union Pacific Hanroid are attrttctlng the attention ot I Capitalists teuking I NVESTIV1ENT The purchase of cheap Writern lands EI (sold for cnab nr on time payment!) Is t J fully justified by tl o present prices and M existing conilitious for aubhtantial and I I growing revenue. buch opportunities 1 10 the West are fait pausing. Facts, i maps and particulars FKKK. J LAND DEPT. Dalai Pacific I I., Osiaki. Msk. - " 1'' " IT,. .J. jt j' . , J r . f . jo 1 ljh--m.2Lkm 1 S. SLEUNAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. F.oom 4). N. T. Life Rldg. Tel. S2$0. Optra tes 15 OUices la This 8 lata Established 1S97- UW8 I .. U MP.I'.f 1 OffiMISSIQN COMPANY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have ever U0 ofnoea. References: 17$ State and Nat l Baaka, OIK Kavicis 19 11117 DF. ST. Out ef Town Business Boll cited. Omska Brsnchi lets Par aa St. Tel. 1 44Vf TH0S M WADDICK. C( fffi pondent 2T33 GtO. A. ADAMS dlMIN CO. Grain. Provisions & Stocks. Mtnil.iM Uiiiuha (Jr., In Ext-haitge, Chitiigo Roard of '1 rado und other 1 x I 1: 4 Curret-poiidenta liurtlett. Fiazler ax Cairligton 2IS Board el Trails Bldg, Omaat. 1 I 'il ft lit II,