Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
If The Bee 5ays It Happened It Did.
Rumors Are Labeled If Printed.
If You Want to Know About the War
and Know That You Know Read The Bee.
P.ema!D3 of Sf nUor Hanna in Crypt
of Ctme'.ery Cha 2 .
Hundreds Unnbla to Witness 1 iBal Cere
monies at Church.
Farewell of the Dead Taken at the Wads
Memorial Chrpel
Impressive Knnrral ( urlriie Wit
nessed by Thousands of People,
.Many of Whom Come from
l.un Distances.
CLEVELAND, Feb. 19.-The last rites
over the body of Senator Marcus A. Haima
were held Ihls afternoon at St. I'aul'a Epls
copal church. During this sol-tun service
Cleveland was a l!ent city. Nearly all
business was puspntided. Street railway
and steam rotul trafllc on every line In the
city was atoi ped for live minutes from 1
to 1:16 o'clock. People gcm-ially in all parts
of the city bowed their heiuls In reverence
for a brief sp ice of time- at that hojr.
Thousands who were unable to view the
rt mains of the dead senator as they lay In
Kate in the Chamber of Commerce audito
rium yesterday and today. Hoiked to the
church doors to witness the conveying of
the black casket bearing the remains of
tlm senator Into the church. There they
stood with bared head nnil molstrvid eyes
a the cortege moved into the editice, where
the last earthly tribute was puld the dead.
I'romrtly at noon the funeral cortege left
tho Chamber of Commerce building, pre
ceded by a platoon of police, for the church.
Following the police came Troop A as a
K.iard of honor. Then came a carrlagi with
the pnlllw.'Hr"rs, the Washington delegation,
the governor's laff, Chamber of Commerce
committee, lxyal Legion committee and
Celt-gallons repicsJitlng v:tf'ous civic .so
cieties. Thousands Line the Mrrrln.
Trior to the removal of tlie body from the
Chamber of Commerce to the church the
wealth of floral offerings which were
banked about the auditorium were removed
to the church. They were placed near the
A inilttnni o to the nervlce at the church by card and limited to 8"0, the seating
capacity o' tho auditorium.
Reservations on tho center aisle were
made for the fa.':illy, governor's staff,
Washington delegation and other distin
guished guests.
The church was filled long before the
liour for the services, to commence Mid
thousand lined the streets about the edi
fice. A few moment before 1 o'clock Mrj.
Ilanr.a, accompanied by her son, Dan. en
tered the churoli. Hho was dressed In
deep blulk and was l.caylly veiled.' Other
mrtnWrs of the lamtty followed.
A'ter a moment's walking the light tramp
tif feet and the urrlval olthe clergy an
nounced the presence In the building of tho
body of the ded. The clergy met the
body at the entrance, and as they preceded
It up the alslo repeated tho usual sen
tences. Tho imiU bearers who carried In
the remains were: Governor llerrlck,
Judge W. B Sanc'ers, Andrew Squire, J. B.
Berbe, C. A. (Jaso!ll, A. B. Hough, W. J.
MeKlniile and Samuel Mather.
When the body had been placed upon the
bier and tho pall bearurs seated the choir
chanted the thirtieth and nineteenth
psalms. President I'lerce of Gambler col
lege, an Institution of which Mr. Hanna
was a benefactor, read the lesson, whl-h
vas from Flint Corinthians, fifteenth chap
ter, from the twentieth verso to tho end
of the chapter. Tho choir, under tlie di
rection of Trof. C. E. Clem, ns, then sang
the hymn "Lead Kindly Light."
Colo)' by lltshop l.cuuard.
Wallop Leonard then delivered Uie follow
ing eulogy: '
We ure gathered togethor hero today In
n nousu or o4 lor itie last service ot
leiteoictioii over tho bodv of our distin
guished citizen, our kindly in Igubor and
our oeiuveu menu, i t.e nation has Hon
ored hun with us eiwu luiielluu at thu
lapltol of the Culled Stales, tlie common
wealth of li.w, by the hlid of her gov
ernor, ha received him hue a into her cue
Hint keeping; the city has stood silently
about his bier, reverencing his memory and
sorrowing al his tleparluie. And now the.
holy church would commit to the eartn,
from whence it cunitt, and his soul unto
the righteous Savior wiio redeemed it, and
who loved it Willi an Infinite affection. It
Is not the time or pluce for extended
eulogy aiid pralsa; such words will be titly
spoken by mode well equipped for such a
privilege. Hut l hire are certain qualities
and characteristics of this mail so highly
regarded hy all classes ol people Ihut ought
assuredly to receive recognition In the
midst of bis friends and associates, and
at this solemn hour the testimonies that
have been given troni many and varied
Sources, bleml together In a common strain
und harmony, as they speak of his high
lntergiiiy, ol bis Inflexible, dauntless, pure
and loving heart. The composite resultant
seems to portray with unmistakable, outline
and detail the features of his human
service. Those who are assembled here
need no Inspiration for tlnir love and estl-
inution of this earnest, helpful life. We
Knew nun wen, we loven nun well, we
nn 'U en for him with undiminished sorrow
because we shall see bis face no more.
Hut we may each of us go forth Into the
life (iod bath granted us. with added en
thusiasm for our .tasks and toils since we
have noted how worthily be did his duty
for others; and we realise thst the world
h served la not unmindful of his great
ness und goodness, nor ungrateful for what
h strove after and for what he uo
comi llslled.
lutearlly the Krinote of Ills Life.
And tlrst. the universal comment Is upon
Ms integrity. This was a keynote In his
life. 1 r-'iall a line, ringing address he
made at Ktnyon college lat year, when
the degrees wt re being conferred upon Its
graduating class. And the thought of hla
heart found expression In his eloquent
word! us be urged upon those mm the
essential Importance of high ai d pure In
tegrity. It Is this word thai L carved deep
upon the stone thst ir.arks bis long und
tin fill business t arter He was not only
honest, but be was fair und Just In all bit
deaiicgs. lie whs respected by everyone
In his employ. Each man of the hundreds
who looked dp to him felt thai In tlie mas
ter mind thtre was always the clear, un
shakable element of Integrity. Ills held
was an open one and bis methods were
never belittling or degrading. And such
a course with a 'eh an actuating motive In
lic the antagonism of whatev.r Is con
temptible, false and seltish. And though
the arrows rly swiftly, yet do they fall from
nich a shield haitnltssly: and the cham
pion, sustained by bis integrity, stands
forth unscathed and triuinpaant at last.
He is an example to the oui.g mill of our
coaniry who would achieve success In anv
department of mdeavur. And Ids advice
Is a legacy li the ardent youth of our great
I epi.biic.
There too. ht was a fi'rpse'e nisu. He
had dcnnlte objects In l is life. He had
aims to achieve, goa'.s to reach, standard
attain Is he not conspicuous in this'
("I'hu choir then sang the huin. "Forever
with tb.e Li rd. Anin. Ko Let it be."
Dr. II O. Mclirew. rector of 8t. Paul's
liurih, followed with il.a deed and prayer.
tSoulUiuutl on Second Page )
Ednard Tikra Stlna; from Curt Dis
missal of Former Com
mander In IW'
LONDON". Feb. 19. The royal eulogy of
Lord Robert contained In the special army
order Issued yesterday evening, in which
King Edward took leave of Ird Roberts
an commander-in-chief of the army, In com
mented UHjn a another Instance where t!ie
tact of the king rescued the ministers from
an awkward dilemma.
Tlie exceedingly rurt manner In which
the Wur office dismissed Lord Roberts
deeply Incensed the late commnnrter-lu-chh
f and this feeling was shared by the
public to such an extent that It threatened
to lead to a serious attack on the govern
incut In Parliament. The king's first Inti
mation of his disapproval of the War office
treatment was to Invite Lord Roberts to
BucRliil.ara palace, where marked atten
tion was shown to the Held marshal. Tills
has now been followed by the geuerut army
older, which waa sent out by the king
Belgian Steamer Goes Ashore and Two
llrltlsh Boats Collide.
LONDON, Feb. 10. The Belgian steamer
Phlllppevlllc, which left Antwerp yester
day for the Congo with 100 passengers on
board, went ashore off Dungeness, Kent, in
a fog today. - Lifeboats and tugs are In
attendance upon It.
The llrltlsh steamer Lake Michigan, from
St. John, X. B., and Halifax, for Londop.
nas oeen in collision with an unnamed vea-
sel and Is anchored near Dungeness await
ing tugs. The vessel with which the Lake
Michigan collided Is reported to have sunk.
The Phlllppevllle was subsequently floated
and proceeded for Its destination.
The Lake Michigan Is serloualy damaged
amidships. Its engine room and stoke h le
became full of water. The captain signalled
that the water was gaining on the cargo
and the steamer was Anally beached In a
sinking condition.
It has now been ascertained that the
cessel with which the Lake Michigan col
lided was the British bark Matterhorn,
from San Francisco, which has pr.ased
Dover In tow, with Its headgear gone and
lta bows damaged.
Kditor of the San Juan Kens Is Mot
Serving; Time.
XKW YORK. Feb 1ft-In an address to
the Associated Press, from San Juan, P.
R., under date of October 2T. 1903. the fact
was announced that Mr. Hobart 8. Bird,
editor of the News had been rentenced to
two months In Jail for libelling Judge
Pamos, and had begun to serve his sen
tence. Mr. Bird made an appeal for a
writ of habeas corpus before the aupremo
court, which was granted on the day fol
lowing his arrest and he was released from
arrest by order of the court. This fact
was not recited lit the subsequent dis
patches. 9MLI.POX 0 HOARD THE MAIM3.
Two American Warships Carry Dread
Disease lo Cuba.
GUANTANAMO. Cuba, JPeb. J9. The
I'nlted States battleship Maine, which waa
r.tiarnntined on " Its arrival here yesterday
owing to lis having a number of eases of
measles on board, also has a raso of small
pox. The sufferer has been isolated In the
hospital on the cayo.
The auxiliary cruiser Yankee has a case
of measles on board. The slrk man haa
been Isolated on a lighter anchored In the
Lieutenant MacRae and Six Privates
Meet Death from Boloa.
MANILA, Feb. 19. Lieutenant MarRae
and six privates of the constabulary have
been killed by a bolo rush of S00 fanatics
while patrolling the east coast ot the Island
cf Samar.
Private Solomnn of the Fourteenth Cn v
niry. stationed at Jolo, has also been killed
by bolo men.
Delcaeae Will ot Resign.
PARIS, Feb. 19. There Is no truth In the
rumor that Foreign Minister Delcasse has
resigned. The report began to circulate In
the corrldcrs of the Chamber of Deputies
and was Immediately denied. Premier
Combes and the other ministers were
present at the Forelgu office at noon today.
There was .lot the slightest Indication of
a change In the ministry.
M. Delcasse presented to the council dis
patches dealing with the war situation.
These were chiefly diplomatic. Including
tha Chlneae reply to the American note
on China and China's declaration of neu
trality transmitted to M. Delcasse by
Minister Kouang. China's declaration says:
"Japan and Russia being both our neigh
bors and friends, we have decided to ob
serve the most strict neutrality."
M. Delcasse's presence at the council
was concldered as definitely disposing of
the rumors of his resignation. The Foreign
office also declared that the renewed ru
mors on this subject ore not warranted.
German Hroker Kills Himself.
BKRLIX. Fob. 19 Max 11. Meyer, a well
known 4roker on the bourse, shot and
killed himself with a revolver at his villa
last night. His mind had become dls
ordered owing to the loss of 1100.000 by the
fall in Russian securities. Herr Meyer
had. however, a fortune several times
larger than his liabilities.
Address In Kenly to Throne Carries.
LONDON, Feb. 19 In the House of Com
ir.ona bxlay Home Secretary Akers Doug
luso, In behalf of the government, moved
the cliwure of the debate on the address
In reply to the speech from the throne,
which was carried. The address as a wholj
waa then agreed to without division aud
the house adjoufhed.
Postpone Geneva Conference.
LF.RNE, Swltxerland. Feb. 19-In conse
quence of the war between Russia and
Japan the federal council has postponed
Indefinitely the international conference,
summoned to meet at Geneva May 1G, to
revise the (ieueva convention, with the
view of Improving the treatment of
wounded men.
Expected thai a Circular Coatalalaaj
Wurld's Fair scaedale Will Be
Issued Moon.
ST. IXJlMS. Feb. 19 A committee of rep
resentatives of the southwestern lines, at a
meeting held here today, pructlcally agreed
upon rates which will obtain from the
southwest to St. Louis during the World's
ful.'. The rates are based upon an agree
ment which was practically adopted at a
conference of the southwestern lines re
cently hi Id In Eureka Springs, Ala. It Is
expected that a circular will soon be Issued
announcing the rates.
Bitter- Feeling at Madisoi Ends in a
General Ehoo'.ing-
Clllsrn Opposed to Stock Gambling
Try to Raid Pool Room and
Are Hcynlsrd vtltu Flre
x:rms. ST. LOl'lS, Feb. 19. In an effort to close
up a pool room that ha for a long lime
operated In the outskirts of Madison, III ,
across tho river from St. Louis, three con
stables, augmented by a posse of tlllzend,
and bearing warrants for the arrest of
six men connected with the pool room,
precipitated a riot late today, which re
sulted in the shooting of seven men. Two
may die.
Lee Harlnn, druggist; probably mortally.
William Hohonley, posseman.
Edward Harris, spectator; not seriously.
F.dward Downs, seriously.
Patrick McCambridge, policeman; prob
ably fatal.
Two unidentified men, not seriously.
Warrants had been sworn out before
Justice of tho Peace Isenmeyer of Granite
City, adjoining Madisoh. and placed In the
hands of Constable John Oluss and two
other constables, for the arrest of Whit
field Brooks and Eugene Wall of Granite
City and Thomas Kiley. Charles Green
field, Thomas Manley and Martin Johns of
St. Louis, charging them with being con
nected with the pool room.
After the failure of tho Madison cntnty
grand Jury, which recently investigated
the pool room, to return Indictments, citi
zens took the matter In hand with the In
tention of having the pool room closed.
Several days ago warrants were Issued for
State Senator David Nelson of Missouri,
charging him with being a pool seller, Htid
Victor Schuler, charging him with con
ducting the pool room and being custodian
of the funds.
Constables Ordered to Umf.
8chuler waa arrested yesterday and gave
bonds of $&00 pending, a hearing. The ad
ditional warrants wero sworn out today
and the three constables appeared at tho
pool room to serve them. Two policemen
were within and declared they hud ar
rested the operators of tho pool room and
were guarding; thorn. Betting was Kolng on
as usual at the time. Tlie constables were
ordered to leave the premises, which they
did after considerable argument.
Proceeding through the neighborhood, for
the next half hour the constubloa organ
ized a posse of armed citizens, numbering
about fifty persons. The constubles and
posse then returned to the pool room and
entered. They were at once ordered out
and the doors wete ordered leaked. The
posso demurred and words followed.
One posseman. It Is stated, pointed a
shotgun at Policeman McCambridge, who
l'.red a revolver pointed at the celling. Fir
ing then became general. The policeman
was shot through the body. Tho crowd
In the pool room scattered hurriedly, many
fleeing into a waiting Illinois Central train
until It became packed. When the fusillade
waa over the constables a-ad posse had pos
seaslon. The bookmakers, however, tonight
asserted that the pool room will be open
as usual tomorrow. Although the pool
room men are now constructively under
arrest the police bay they will not permit
the r.itlsens to Interfere.
There were probably 100 men In the room
at the time. Many of the spectators had
crowded in behind the posse. They did not
take any part In the fight. At the first
shot these men scattered, crowding for the
doors, ourMng and yelling, and trying des
perately to get out. A second volley was
fired and more men fell. Altogether it Is
thought more than 100 shots were fired.
In a few seconds the pool room was en
tirely in possession of the posse and the
wounded were being cared for. The result
of the battle was a victory for the posse.
They remained In possession of the pool
room and sent tha wounded back to town,
whore they were cared for in drug stores
and by physicians.
It Is known positively that seven persons
were wounded, and It Is believed a number
of others were also shot.
Armed with warrants obtained Friday
from Justice of the Peace Isenmeyer of
Granite City, and accompanied by three
constables, the following members of the
Business Men's league departed from the
clu )'s headquarters for a raid on the pool
room: W. J. Condy, John Boal and O. 8.
Scholley. Supervisor Heinentann was also
one of the raiders. The men charged In
the warrants wtth gambling are:
Whitfield Brooks and Eugene Wall of
Granite City and Thomas Riley, Charles
Ureenfeld, Thomas Manley and Martin
Johns of St. Ixnils.
Police Are on Guard.
A warrant was also Issued against Robert
Paul, who Is said to be the lookout for
the pool room. Paul is the father-ln-law
of State Attorney It J. Brown of Madison
county. The men operating the Madison
pool room have been enjoined by the at
torney general of Illinois, and are, it is
said, already In contempt of court for con
tinuing In violation of the injunction.
The constables and the seven citizens
reached the pool room shortly after 8:30
and entered, despite the protests of two
policemen, William Street and Pttrick Mc
Cambridge. They marched up to the rail
ing behind w hich the sheet writers, cashiers
and other employes were working, and
demanded admittance so that they might
serve the warrants. The two policemen
blocked their way and obeyed the orders
of the pool room managers to keep the
delegation out. Constable John Glass, tho
leader of the delegation, then mounted a
chair and began to address the spectators.
He was greeted with Jeers.
"I will give you five minutes," he shouted,
to the spectators, "to get out of this
place." Some of the more timid ones
began to leave. Joseph Grange, one of the
sheet writers, then mounted the black
board marker's platform and said:
'Stay where you are. Theae constables
have no business here; they can't harm
you. As for me, I am already under arrest;
these policemen arretted me. These con
stables don't amount to anything. You
won't be molested.
"We don't care what the citizens of Madi
son have to say about the matter. We are
going to run this pool room aud you can
bet we are going to receive race results
here and take bets on them."
Then he ordered the constables and the
citizens' delegation to get out of the bouse.
After a few minutes of parley the con
stables and citizens departed, but they said
they would return within a short while and
bring with them shotguns and a posse
large enough to complete the raid.
Arrests for lacltlua; Blot.
William, George and Alexander Coudy
brothers, ana v imam scnooley, who was
shot In the leg were tonight arrested on
Continued on Second Page.
Court Refuses O Hlaeharce Kansas
Prisoners and Trial Proceeds
t Norton.
NORTON. Kan., Feb. 19. Motions lo dis
charge ClTiur.cey Dewey, nnd Mclirlde and
Wilson, his cowtKiy. on trial for the mur
der of liurchard Herry, were overruled
today, and the defense opened its side of
the case.
State Senator Hessin. attorney for the
defendants, paid It would be shown that
Dewey and his men had gone to the
Herr.vs on the fatal day upon a peaceful
mission, that the three Berry bovs had
opened lire upon them simultaneously, and
that they had returned the fire In self
defense. It would also be shown, he asserted,
that pome one had relllled Burchard
Berry's revolver aud cleaned the barrel
after he had been killed.
During tho trial of Oh.itim ey Dewey r.nd
his two cowboys, Wilson and McBrlde,
today the sheriff uf Not ton county arrested
seven other Dewey cowboys who were
with Dewey on the day the shooting of tlie
Berry's occurred and who are In town as
witnesses for the defense. The men ar
rested were Thomas O'Nell, Charles Wilson,
Ren Slater, Edward Tucker, Albeit Win
ship, James Armentrout and Fred Dye.
Each was served with three Justice war
rants from Cheyenne county for the killing
of Burch Berry, Daniel P. Berry and Al
pheus Berry, making twenty-one warrants
for murder.
Judge Gc-tger Immediately Issued an order
that the men should not be removed from
Norton until they were allowed to testify
In the present trial. Judge Gelgrr will be
asked to fix r bond for each of the men ar
rested. Later the seven cowboys were re
leased on bonds of $1,000 each.
Most of the afternoon was consumed by
the Introduction of testimony regarding
the general reputations of the defendants.
Thoso who testified for Dewey were Cyrus
Anderson, secretary of the State Railroad
commission; Jonah Nichols, postmaster, At
wood, Kim.; George S. Murphy, banker.
Manhattan, Kan.: R. Nichols, president of
the State Agricultural school at Manhat
tan; R. Gillette, hotelkeeper, Manhattan,
and J. P. Loersch, banker, Manhattan.
Captain J. W. Vnnduezen, Sixteenth Field
I'nlted State artillery. Fort Leavenworth,
and Lieutenant L. W. Prunty. Fourth
I'nlted States cavalry". Fort Leavenworth,
testified as to McBrlde's character.
Federal Asphalt Company of ''hlcairo
Alleared by Several Creditors
lo Be Insolvent.
CHICAGO. Feb. 10. The Federal Asphalt
company today was placed In tlie hands of
a receiver In bankruptcy by "Judge Kohl
saat In the, I'nlted States district court.
This action followed the filing of a petition
by a number of creditors. The Chicago
Title and Trust company was named by
the court to take charge of the property.
The petition alleges that the company
has been Insolvent for more thun four
months and seta forth aeveraJ alleged acts
In bankruptcy aa jiaving been commlltq.1
by members of te company. It is nlsb
eald In tho petition'' that the corporation's
liabilities are between &0,an0 and 4T5.COO,
WM that the- aree.ijte cou-itdfraMy, below
tins marg.
Tho assets of the company as listed in
clude a large tract of land In, Kentucky,
where tho concern's principal holdings are
situated; sundry stores containing mer
chandise and accounts and bills receivable
to the amount of $150,000.
Baltimore Wholesale ' Dealers Will
Lose Much by Trying; to Pro
tect Themselves.
BALTIMORE, Feb. 19 The Baltimore
Underwriter In Its Issue tomorrow will
print the list of losses of all the fire In
surance companies In the Baltimore Are.
The total gross loss Is $32,861,894. of which
$6,000,00" falls upon the local companies.
The estimated total of salvage Is $1,769,762,
which leaves a net loss to tho Insurance
companies of $.11,095,132.
It has been learned that many of tho
largo wholesale dry goods houses formed
an Insurance pool among themselves which
amounted to about $5,000,000, from which
practically nothing will be realised. An
other development Is that very few tenants
of the so-called fireproof buildings car
ried any Insurance.
Richly Attired Residents of Ohio
Placed I nder Arrest at Wichita
Agree to Face Chartrcs.
WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 19.-Kate P.hole
and Lillian Stevens were arrested here, to
night on Information furnished by the
sheriff of Crawford county, Ohio, charging
them with manslaughter, alleged to have
been committed at Hucyrus, O., several
days ugo. The officer traced the two women
to Gage, O. T., and from there to this city.
The young women, who are richly dressed
and liave money, say they saw the killing,
but deny that they have anything to do
with It. Tlie victim was a young man who
was clubbed to death. The women say that
the killing was done by a rival for the
hand of one of them. The women have
agreed to go back to Ohio without extradi
tion papers.
Cleveland Asserts that Brian's
Speeches Hate as Much Effect
on lllui as the Wind.
PRINCETON. N. J.. Feb. 19. "I don't
care any more about what Bryan says than
the wind that blows. I'm sure It does not
bother me any. Let him talk." said Grover
Cleveland today, when asked what he
thought of Bryan's remarks In taking ex
ception to what Cleveland said recently In
an article In the Saturday Evening Post.
Cleveland declined to comment further on
the article, saying:
I think the article explains Itself, and I
havo nothing more to say abcut It.
Two l'oaaea In Montana Start Out for
Notorious Jones Gang of
tattle Huatlers.
GREAT FALLS. Mont., Feb. 13 A des
perate man hunt was began In northern
Mental a tonight w hen two Onsca left Pop
lar and Glasgow In Valley county, to run
down the members of the notorious Jones
gang which has terrorized the valley for
ten yearn. It Is stated that six members
of the gang have been seen near Poplar
ant the officers hope to overtake them
before they reach their stronghold In the
Bunch Willow region, near the Interna
tlonal Una.
Spa'n rean Attempt by Oreat Britaia to
Seize Some of Its Territory.
Sneden nnd Denmark Also Patting
Their Military Houses In -Order
to Meet Any Possible
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co.. 1904.)
BERLIN, Feb. tS.-iNew York lleruld
Cablegi am Special Telegram. I Ace lrdlng
to a telegram from the Madrid correspend
ent of the Berliner Tngeblatt. the French,
government has confidentially given warn
ing to tlm Spanish cabinet of .secret plans
of the British government lo seize part-
of Spanish territory In case of war.
Tiifit Is the reason why Spain is send
ing troops to the Canary Islands, Ceuta,
Gallcin and the neighborhood of the strait
of Gibraltar. The French government also
has advised the strengthening of the forti
fications on certain parts of the Spanish
Baron Rlchthofen, the minister of for
eign affairs, has made an Important declar
ation regarding German troops In the far
east. He states that In view of the out
break of war It waa impossible for Ger
many to withdraw the 2,600 men it has now
lit China and at Kaio Chan. Troops In
China nro tile backbone of the mainte
nance of order In China.
Sweden Is now following the example, of
Denmark and Is also arming. Telegrams
from Stockholm state that a council of
state was held on Tuesday, at which it
was decided to strengthen the fortification
of the Island of Gothland. It was also
decided to mobilize the coast artillery. It
was Rlso proposed to bring a fleet from
Karl.skrona to Storkliolm and to concen
trate troops In north Sweden.
The Austrian embassy has Intimated that
the war In the far east will not Interfere
with Russia's action In the Balkans, and
that Russian troops necessary for China
will be drawn from the reserve, so as to
leave the military force Intact.
It Is reported here on good authority that
Turkey's patience Is nearly at an end,
and unless the Macedonian agitation
ceases energetic mea .ires will bo taken
to bring Bulgaria to lis senses. A the
sultan Is suzerain of Bulgaria, the sv.ibllma
porte does not consider a declaration of
war necessary and Turkish troeps will be
marched Into Bulgaria as Into a vassal
state which Is in rebellion.
Captains of ICorleta and Varlaa- Con
sidered .leroea at Capital,
ST. PKTEBSBCRG, Feb. !9.- -The gov
ernment report of the naval faction off
Chemulpo, Corca, tFebruary 8) says the
Russian cruisers Varlag and Xorietz sank
a .'npancsc cruiser and a torpedo boat do
stroyer and crippled another vessel before
entering the harbor.
The government teetlved from the offi
cers of the Varlag and Korletz who are
now at Shanghai, their account of the
fight at Chemulpo. The account shows
admirable handling of the two Russian
warships In the face of overwhelming odda.
The officers confirm the statements thai
when the Japanese squadron of eight war
ships appeared off Chemulpo they were
met by the small torpedo gunboat Korlet.
which had been tent out to reconnoitre,
that the Korletz on sighting the Japan
ese squadron, Immediately returned to the
harbor and rejoined tho Vurlag, and that
tho Japanese followed to the mouth of
tho harbor and sent the Russians a pe
remptory summons to surrender. This
message, the officers add, was disregarded,
whereupon the ."apanese threatened to
enter the harbor and engage the Russians
there. A-s this would have endangered the
other vessels n the harbor. Including the
French and other foreign warships. Cap
tain Reudnef of the Varlag, as senior offi
cer, boldly gave orders that both vessels
steam out and meet the enemy. The fight
outside between the Varlag and Korletz
and the eight Japanese warships resulted
according to the officer's report In the
sinking of two Japanese warships, one
cruiser and one torpedo boat destroyer
and the crippling of a third vessel. The
Russian ships were repeatedly struck, but
they succeeded In re-entering the harbor.
where the captains decided to blow up
their ships to prevent them from falling
Into the hands of tho enemy. The sur
vivors of the crews were taken off and
the two warships were set on flre.. The
Russians also blew up a small steamer.
the Sungarl, which was acting aa a tender
to the Varlag.
The few St. Petersburgers who have Just
heard the authentic report of tha Chemulpo
fight are eloquent In their praise of the
skillful and gallant conduct of the Varlag's
captain. They Bay he Inflicted all the
damage possible to tho enemy's vessels
and then destroyed his own ships; more
than that a sailor could not do In the
face of such tremendous odds.
There Is no question of Russia making
a protest against the Japanese admirals
attack as a breach of Corean neutrality,
as Corea. being occupied by the Japanese
troops, has lost Its neutral character.
Transport Sent to Take Women and
Children to Safety.
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
CHE.ML'LI'O. Feb. 18. (New York Her
ald CablegramSpecial Teletrram.) Dis
quieting news regarding disturbances In
north Corea were received today. Mr.
Allen, the Cnlted States minister, Is send
ing the transport Zaflro to remove the
Americjin women and children from the
Pir.a Yang district to Chemulpo.
The men will remain there for the pres
ent. There are about forty American resi
dents In the district. Including children.
Instances Cited Where Stories Are
l.ucklua" Confirmation.
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 1901.)
ST. PETERSBl'RG.. Feb. 19 -(New York
Herald Cablegram-Sje-cial Telegram. ) It
Is ewecssary to be skeptical regarding the
rei-orts flying shout. For Instance, noth
ing Is known here of the supposed second
torpedo attack on Port Arthur, nor have
the telep'ii h lines to Dalny b-en cut.
The amir nf Bokhara has given loo.OnO
roubles toward the Red Cross fund and
Count Orloff Davydoff l,ii'.uii toward the
same object.
Russian Fleet Still on Guard at the
Mutu of the Harbor.
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 19t4 )
CHE FOO. Feb. 18 (New York Herald
Cablegram Special Telegram.) It Is re
ported that all la quiet at Port Arthur.
Tlie Russian fleet Is utationed at the en
trance to the harbor. The German cruiser
Thetis ha returned. Further Lews is un
Fair Saturday and Warmer In East
I'ortlont Sunday Fair and ( older la
tort hv est Portion.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday I
Hour. Dear. Hour. lea.
a. iii . ,
m. m . ,
a. m . i
a. m , .
. . 4 1 . m 1
m .
li a.
10 a.
1 1 a.
12 in.
Friends of Departing; Soldiers Enact
Touching Scenes at the
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., IPul.)
ST. PKTERSlil.RO, Feb. 19. tXew York
Herald Cablegram Special Telegram.) If
you wish to get a realistic Idea of what
war means a visit to the Nlkolaya rail
road station, whence trains start for Mos
cow, Is quite the plai e to find It. This
afternoon, Just when a couple of trains
wero about to start for Most ow, I hap
pened to reach tho Nlkolaya station. Out
side was a large crowd Intent upon getting
Inside the station, the entrance doors to
which were closed, with the exception of
one guarded by half a dozen policemen en
gaged in a, general struggle to keep back
the crowd, which would Insist on getting
In. People were tiantic. Many soldiers and
a lot of engineer students, Juat promoted
and ordered to tho front and who had to
go by these trains, were furious at being
kept back. Then there were, alas, po many
poor women, who had come to bid adieu to
pons, brothers or husbands who were off to
the war. and It was Just those very women,
with such saddened faces, who finally,
driven wild by the efforts of tho police to
keep them back, headed an eager crowd.
There was a crash as one of the doors gave
way. Then come a rush and big jmllcemen
were swept tiway by the stream of hu
manity which brushed them aside like files.
I did not realize until today what a very
affectionate, sentimental race the Russians
are. The platform was a stage of one con
tinuous scene of the tenderest and almost
heartbreaking farewells. Truly the Rus
sians have realized to the uttermost what
this war means.
"Russia has begun the war badly and our
sons will not come back." In such phrases
wre their fears expressed and they then
kissed, hugged and wept ns only Russians
can kis:, hug and weep. It Is a terrible
Journey, Indeed. There will be a month of
It If all goes well, and maybe three months
On the railroad beyond Moscow there are
too few locomotives, as so many have been
requisitioned for the urgent needs of the
army right at the front. That means de
lays, and long delays. There will be stop
pages of days at a time, and maybe weeks.
There Is sure to be much delay. There are
many places where the line Is weak and
where the utmost spe?d will he about eleven
miles an hour. There are nentiy $.000 miles
to cover In Siberia. The cold Is intense.
What a lourney for men wtth bullets to
meet them at the end.
American, Army and Navr OHMn
Ordered to Japan.
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. (New York Her
aid-Omaha Bee Special Telegram. A merl
can naval and army officers will be given
opportunity to observe the operations of
the Japanese forces In tho present war.
The State department this afternoon In
formed tho War and Nuvy departments
that the Japanese government had ex
pressed a willingness to do all compatible
with Its military Interests to enable Amer
ican officers to observe hostilities from the
Japanese side.
As a result of this Colonel Enoch II
Crowder of the general staff; Captain John
P. Morrison, Twentloth Infantry; Captain
Peyton C. March of the artillery corps and
general staff, and Captain J. E. Kuhn,
corps of engineers, will as soon as possible
report to the Japanese government. Colo
nel Crowder Is in Washington now and
will probably leave for the far east at
once, i
Lieutenant Commander Marsh, naval at
tache at Tokio; Lieutenant Glllls of the
battleship Kentucky and Lieutenant Mo
Cully of the Dolphin are the naval officers
out to watch Japanese naval movements.
The two last named are on their way to
Toklo now.
The State department Information is not
such that leads officers here to believe
naval officers will be permitted on the
Japanese fleet. The contrary Is considered
to be more likely. It is believed foreign
army officers will accompany the armies
Navy Department Acts on Kuarajestlon
of Admiral Evans.
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19 (New York
Herald-Omaha Roe Special Telegram
Another ominous prediction of uprisings
In China has been received from Rear Ad
miral Robley D. Evans, commanding the
Asiatic station. The Navy department has
given heed to his declaration that 1,600
marines should be held ready In the
Philippines to protect American Interests
against disturbances. A battalion of 600
marines Is being made ready to sail on the
transport Buford from San Francisco early
In March. This battalion will be com
manded by Major C. A. Doyen, now at the
head of the marine corps school of In
struetlon at Annapolis. It will consist of
marine detachments from New York, Phil
adelphia, Annapolis and Washington and
will be assembled In Washington.
Admiral Evans prediction of trouble Is
based on advices he has from the Interior
of China find especially from the officers
of the gunboats Vlllalobos and Callao,
patrolling the Yang Tse Kiang river. His
Information coincides with that credited
to Mr. Conger that the lower classes are
Inflamed by the news of the Japanese
In Connection with Anions It Opens
Important Territory,
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co.. 19i'4
SEOI L. Feb 19 (New York Herald Ca
blegram Sjieclal Telegram. ) The emperor
has personally assured the Culled States
mlnlmcr that tlie edict ordering WIJu to
lie mat.'e an open port is to be Immediately
Issued. While this measure Is too lute to
constitute political aid to Japan, it
valuable at the present time. The jetton
of the I'nlted States has been conslsten
throughout tlie protracted negotiation
WIJu Is across the Yulu river, oppoait
Antung, the oen!ng of which was pre
viously secured by the Vnited States I
the agreement with China.
Both places will become Important coin
merclal distributing points after the wa
over. The Broul-WIJj railway U com
Peril Has it tkit Russians Hay Tall Eack
on Their Ease at liarb i.
Better Able tj Make a Stand Thtre Thau
in Fotitioni Vow Occupied.
Nonoombatants Leaving on Aeoonut of
Scarcity of Provisions.
Report that lttO.ouo Additional Troop
Are E peeled Soon Iron European
Russia, Making; Total In Mnn
tliurla 4KMMX.
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., 1!'M.)
NEW YORK. Feb. 19 (Special Tele
gram.) Genera! Pflug's official report thst
Russian scouts have penetrated Into Corea.
as far as Plug Yang. In connection with
tho Herald dispatch from Chemulpo an
nouncing disturbances In the ting Yang
district, would Indicate that tho Russian
and Japanese outposts ara not far apart.
It has been reported, with every c I-
dence of truth, that the Japanese have
landed large forces at Monson nnd Chln-
nampo, which are not far from Ping Yang
and Son Clio, which the Cossacks have
Headquarters of the viceroy have been
established at Harbin for the present ond
every effort Is being made to expedite tho
movement of troops and equipment Into
The appointment of General Kouropiitkln,
Skobeleff's fighting lieutenant, to the actual
onmiand of the troops In the east Indicates
that Russia Is prepurlng to strike hard.
A naval duel off Shanghai Is among the
probabilities. A Japanese cruiser has ar
rived ut Wu Sung to watch the Mandjur.
which the laws of neutrality ore expected
to forco to soon take to the open sea.
Tho Herald's special telegram from St.
Petersburg pictures the ejithtisii-sm which
liss seized all classes, while the Siberian
rtJIroiid Is working to Its full rapacity
rushing reinforcements to tho far east.
The tension In all parts ot Europe Is
Illustrated by the Herald's special from
Berlin. England Is said to be ready to
swoop on strategic, points now In the pos
session cf Spain; Germany coils attention
to Its force at Kin Chow; Sweden Is forti
fying and concentrating Its army and navy
and a warning is given that Russia Is not
so fully engaged but that It can look after
the effervescent people. In tho Balkans.
PARIS. Feb. 19. Significance Is attached
to the Figaro's discussing the possible re
treat of Russian fofces from Port Artmir
towards the north. Tha Figaro, which
Is Intense pro-Russian and enjoys the favor
of the Russian court, saya that the Rus
sian note explaining the 'plays In tha
military operations has had tha effect of
confirming Viceroy A'ix left's plan to with
draw r.-hwardi Vward Mukdea and liar- -bin.
The military editor of th Ilgri '
declares this would be a wise and tactical
movement, as the Russian troops are bet
ter able to make a zand further north.
A representative of thi Matin,
who has- reached the center of
the Russian military concentration at
Harbin, after many hardships, due to the
fransslberlan railway telng
crowded with thousands of soldlrs, In a
dispatch, dated from Harbin yesttrday,
confirms the announcement that that place
will be the ;7.nln base of the Russian land
operations. Vims far the base haa suc
ceeded In laintoinlng its communication
with Port Arthur.
The conco: tratlon of troops, the corre
spondent says, proceeds syHenm'l j.Jly and
provision has reen t.ade for the speedy
arrival of 120.000 men from the c" .Islons
of Moscow, Kleff and Varsovle. Lefore
twelve days shall have elapsed the Rus
sians will have disposed of nn irmy of
400,000 men through Mar.churla. demor
alization exists among the popov ee and
the people of the surrounding villages are
flocking Into the town. eking to reach
western Russia, The railway trains, how
ever, are blocked and over 1,000 voyagers
are thus held up. The Intense cold pre
vailing Increases the suffering and adds to
the difficulties of bringing forward troops.
Russian Army In Mlarli Spirits,
HARBIN. Manchuria, Feb. 18. (Thurs
day.) The Russian troops are concentrated
In the lower Tain valley. Everybody la
In high spirits and dally expecting rein
forcements. Russian families are leaving
Manchuria, owing to the dcarness cf
provisions and all are required for the
The Manchurtan and Esply and the
Transbalkal railroads cannot cope, wtth the
domnuSs for transportation. Women and
children are unable to get trains and many
are waiting at the stations, suffering from
cold and hunger.
The Chinese are quiet and bringing In
provisions. The rise In prices Is due to
some extent to the fall In the value of
paper money, which In some places Is alto
gether refused. It la said there will he
sufficient bread, meat, butter, petroleum
and fodder, but not enough susar, pre
served meats and linen, and '.iiut there
will he a great scarcity of boots. It Is
not expected that such stores can arrive
for some time.
The Manchurtan tall road officials hava
applied for extra allowances of pay.
Wan ta Mo Tt reign Official on Penlu
aula Dn-lnuT War,
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. -Secretary Hay
has oeen Informed that Liwln V. Morgan
will not be granted aa exequatur by tha
Russian government sV-horlilng him to act
as United States consul at Dalny. He will
sail from San Francisco and touch at Yoko
hama, at which point the State department
will be able to advise him a month hence
what course to pursue. This decl-lon on
the part of the Russian government was
not altogether unexpected, but It Is never
thelws the subject of grave consideration
by the State department 'Officials. Secre
tary Hay regarded tho matter as of suffi
cient Importance to warrant a peraonul
visit to the White Houso today, where ho
represented the facts to the president.
It can be atated that up to this meinent
a decision haa not been reached us te the
answer to be made to the Russian govern
ment. It Is said that the reasons assigned
for the declination to receive Mr. Morgan
are entirely Impersonal In fact Mr. Mor
gan, having b--n for several years one of
the American secretaries of the trmbajivy
at St. Pi-terhburg. la really very popular
with the Russian officials, who wou'd be
glad to receive htm as a consul If pollilcal
circumstances did not forbid. It Is ex
plained that the reason fur Russia's action
is purely military, tha army u dicers deslr-