Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1904, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
When The Bee Issues An "Extra," Oct One
Compare The Bee War Reports. ls Head
lines But Reliable Reports of All That
5omethln lias Happened.
KKTAItMKlIEI) .TUNE 19, 1871.
Eeua'ns of Senator Banna Lie in State at
Eunoundd by Garden of Cat F owert and
rioral Pieces.
Thirty Thailand People Take Last Look at
Dead BtaUimtn.
People Stand with Bared Heada
While f orlr(r Passes from the
Depot to the Chamber of
CLEVELAND, Feb. 18,-Thls rlly has
truly been one of mourning today. The
mortal remains of Senator Marcus A.
Hanna, now lla In statu upon a shrouded
Catalfalque In the auditorium of the
Chamber of Commerce, where they were
taken Immediately upon the arrival here
from Washington today.
Surrounded by a. veritable garden of
flowers and guarded by a detail of soldiers
from the state mtlltla, the city of Cleve
land now claims Its own distinguished
dead. During this afternoon, from 1:30 to
:. o'clock tonight, fully 90,000 people
passed the flower-covered casket and took
last look upon tha features of the dead
BtH teaman.
With snow blowing Into their faces
fiercely and a cold wind chilling them
through, thousands upon thousands of peo
ple stood for hours In a double line,
stretching for more than five squares, waif-
lug for an opportunity to pass Into the
building, where lay the remains. Although
the crowd was passing Into the auditorium
at the rato of more thsn sixty a minute.
tho line grew rapidly and when at 9:30
o'clock, the doors were closed for the night,
there were still several thousand arsons
who had waited patiently but were com
pelled to return home disappointed.
Train Arrives In a Storm.
The funeral train bearing tha body of the
dead senator and the membera. of his
family arrived In Cleveland during a driv
ing storm. A large crowd had assembled
about the Pennsylvania Euclid avenue sta
tion, notwithstanding the fact that the
train arrived more than a half hour earlier
than had been expected.
For a square In all directions from the
corner of Euclid and Wilson avenues,
when the station Is located, there was a
mass of humanity. The people stood pa
tiently and complained not of tha cold, and
gave the police little trouble. 'The depot
grounds were surrounded by a triple cordo'h
of police an1 none but those entitled to
be there was allowed to enter either the
grounds or the depot.
At Salem, members of Governor Herrlck's
star? Joined the funeral party, of which
tha governor hud been a member from
Washington. When tha members of hta
tail hud Joined him at Salem, near tha
stale .line. Governor Her rick, m tha name
of tha commonwealth extended to the be
reared family the condolences of all Ohio.
The place where this sad rite wan per-
It was at Lisbon, 4n Columbia county, near
Salem, that the senator was born There
he tegan his career.
When the train came to a stop the first
to leave It was Oovernor Herrlck, lol
lowed by his staff. The chamber of com
onerce committee. Boon alighted, followed by
tho members of' the funeral party. .The
family and Immediate friends who occupied
tha private car were the lust to leave the
train. The casket, completely covered with
flowers, was taken from the car to tha
depot and deposited In the funeral car.
Cavalry Acta as Escort.
Troop A, which will act as escort at the
funeral tomorrow, waa at the depot when
tha train arrived. . Whon the casket had
been placed In Live funeral car and the
member! of the committee and friends had
been assigned carrlagoa, the cortege, headed
by a platoon of police and followed by
troop A on black horses, moved for tha
Chamber of Commerce building, where tha
body will lla In state until Friday noon.
All along tha line of march tha refer
ence, respect and love felt for the dead
senator waa shown. Men stood with bared
heads In an almost blinding snowstorm,
while J he cortege passed, and many eyes
were filled with tears. A bugle announced
the arrival of the cortege at the entrance
of tha chamber, and the battalion of en
gineers, which lined the entrance and exits
to the chamber, waa drawn up to "atten
tion." The casket was borne through the
ranks of soldiers and placed upon the bier,
la tha entrance to the hall the pallbearers
with their burden were followed by the
members of Oovernor Herrlck's staff, and
taking up the rear the cltlsens' committee
of the chamber and the exchange. The
top of the caaket waa removed and the face
of the dead senator exposed to the gaxe of
MrKlaley's Bier for tlanna.
The chamber auditorium, where the body
now Ilea In state. Is must appropriately set
for the occasion. From the four large
shsndellers there Is a huge canopy of black.
From a black and white rowatte In the cen
ter tour while streamers extend to the
corners of the canopy around the entire
hall. Near the celling Is hung a wide bluck
harder. From this, at frequent Intervals.
Starting with a black and white rosette,
ire hung black and white streamers, reach
ing to the floor, lteneath the canopy
Hands the catafalque, upon which rested
the remains of President McKinley at Can
ton. As life long friends and companions. It
was thought tilting that the same bier
thould be used for Senator Hanna that
lid service for lresldeiit McKinley.
The floral tributes were the most elabo
rate since the funeral of the lute President
McKinley. A whole carload of offerlnga
rrom Washington officials and frlenda ac
companied the train. They Include a beau
tiful wreath from President Roosevelt.
Hera already were tributes In rich pro
fusion from societies snd friends In Sena
tor llonna'a own city.
A great wreath, fully five feet In diameter,
tresented by the oitlce employes of the M.
t. Hanna company. Is also an Imposing
lece, while a large letter, likewise con
itructed of flowers, addressed to "M A.
lanna," and bearing the postmark, "Wash
ington. D. C, February li, 1VM." occupies
l prominent place on the platform hack
tf the bier. This was the postal clerks
f Cleveland. A gigantic Grand Army
Midge, built principally of carnations, was
lent by Memorial post. No. 141.
MMallrtsi Floral IMeeea.
1 the entire collection the most strik
es. I y beautiful ass a broken flower col-
ICouliuutd uu Second Page.)
German Court Greatly Disturbed Over
Health of the
e.4 Prlnee.
BERLIN, U. The Imperial house
hold is muci"fc -rned regarding the Ill
ness of little Ci't Henry, the third son
of Admiral , . " Henry of Prussia,
brother of Km' "llllam. Several week
ago the childr'4 Prince Henry were
playing "rallrnai V, the nursery. They
had arranged a IK- hairs to ropre.t'-nt a
bridge and the ' V. prince, who Is 4
years old, Jumped ne nf them. The
chair fell over and child's head whs
brought In violent contact with the sharp
edge of a piece of furniture. The reports
of the child's condition up to two days
ago, were reassuring hut the bulletins is
sued today said the prince was unconscious
part of the time.
Are Jw on War to Capital of
Eqaador n ne Eiernled,
OCA YAQL'IL. Ecuador. Feb. lS.-About
2f0 laborers' and convicts at Chatham,
(Jala pos Islands, belonging to Ecuador, re
cently mutinied and killed lxonardo Relna.
the governor of the Islands, and several
others. The mutineers also committed rob
beries and destroyed valuable property.
The assassins fled In a schooner to
Tumaco, on the Pacific coast of Colombia,
where they were captured and handed over
to the Ecuadorian authorities. The pris
oners will arrive here tomorrow and prob
ably will be shot. A German named Han
sen was the leader of the mutiny.
Kear Admiral Slgsbee Arrives to Roe
reed Rear Admiral Lnmbrrton,
QUANTA NAMO, Cuba, Feb. IS. The
I'nltPd States South Atlantic squadron Is
assembled In Ouantanamo bay. Rear Ad
miral Barker, In command of the North
Atlantic fleet, arrived today with the Mas
sachusetts, Alabama, Illinois and Scorpion.
Tha other arrivals were the Topeka from
Colon and the Missouri and Maine. The
latter Is quarantined, as It has a number
of cases of measles on board. The Minne
apolis and the Yankee sailed for Puerto
Plata, San Domingo, yesterday.
Rear Admiral Slgsbee arrived here today
from Santiago with the Detroit and New
ark. Admiral Slgsbee succeeds Rear Ad
miral Lamberton In the command of the
South Atlantic squadron.
Government Will Say Rothlng Re.
ntardlna" Mrs. M brick's Itelease.
LONDON. Feb. 18-In the House of Com
mons today Home Secretary Akers-Doug-las,
replying to a question of Mr. Xearley,
liberal, who asked whether Mrs. Florence
Maybrlck VIII be released under any gen
eral rule applicable to all female convicts
and whether the secretary will announce
the grounds for her release, said:
There can be no general rule applicable
to all female convicts and It would Vie con
trary to practice to state the grounds on
which the prerogative of mercy is exer
cised In any case.
Further, there Is no female convict now
In custody who has been confined for a
longer period than Mrs. Maybrlck.
Repulsed by Turkish Troops After
Severe Loss.
SALONICA, Macedonia. Feb. 18. The Al
banians who were besieging Shetnsl Pasha,
who, with i.tPO Turkish troops and three
guns, was yesterday reported to be besieged
by 20,000 Albanians at Babajhosl, have been
routed, losing 800 men killed and wounded.
The Turkish losses are said to be heavy.
Five additional battalions of troops have
been ordered to Verlsovlch.
Man of Raider Fame the Successor of
Sir Gordon Sprlggs.
CAPETOWN. Feb. 18.-Slr John Gordon
8prlggs, the premier of Cape Colony, who
was defeated In the parliamentary election
recently held In Eatt Linden, which he had
represented for nearly thirty years, has
resigned the premiership. Dr. Jameson of
raid fame, the leader of the progressives
who defeated the Afrikander bund party In
the elections, has been summoned to form
a new cabinet.
England Desires to Be More Fully In.
formed Ren-ardlas; Hay Note,
LONDON, Feb 18. The Associated Press
learne that Great Britain's formal assent
to Secretary Hay's note on China has not
yet been given, as various details, notably
the status of New Chwang, require further
elaboration. At the same time the Foreign
office says the answer already given Is
tantamount to an acceptance of tha broad
p.'.iclplci of the t.cte.
Will Teat Export Tax Law.
VANCOVVER. B. C, Feb. lS.-Merrlll, a
millionaire America n lumberman, who owns
60,000 acres of timber land In British Co
lumbia, and James Dunsmulr, a Millionaire
coal miner of Nanilmn, n. C, who has
miles of timber muds granted from the
government of the province, will Join Issues
In testing the constitutionality of the new
timber act taxing all timber exported to
the states from 110 to 13 a thousand. These
lands were secured from the government
before 1WW, or before nny royalty or tax
was put on timber In the province.
Commander Elltrldae Is III.
HONOLl'LU. Feh. 18. -Command r Wil
liam Elhrldge. 1". S. N., governor of the
Island of Guam, has arrived hern on a
naval rupply ship. He Is returning to his
home in the I'lilted States on account of '
Illness caused by the tropical climate. Ills
condition Is so serious that he may be j
uouseij iu ueiay me continuance of his
trip to San Francisco.
Field Marshal Roberts Retires.
LONDON. Feb. 18 A special army order
was issued this evening, in which King
Edward tukes leave of Iird Roberts as
commander-in-chief of the army. The or
der is dated Buckingham palace snd in It
his majesty pays a high compliment to the
retiring commander.
Grants Concessions to Great Brltala.
GEORGETOWN. British Guiana. Feb. IS.
At the opening of the British legislature
yesterday Governor 8ir James Alexander
Swettenham announced that a preference
of 10 per cent In duties would be given to
Imports from the t'nlted Kingdom and
No Grain Tux Now.
IONDON. Feb, in-Replying In the
House of Commons today, the chancellor
of the exchequer, Austen Chamberlain, said
ths government had no Intention at present
of relmpoelng the tax on grain which was
abolished last year.
Pleake Relieved as Minister.
8T. rETF.RSBl'RU. Feb. 18.-M. Plesks
has been relieved from his temporary post
of minister of finance and transferred to
tha council at lbs aaiplra.
PenoijiTenia Po;ts Notices of Hew Bate
Which Beinu Today.
Object of the FlaM at This Time Is
for Obvious Reasons Regarded
Something of a Mys
tery. NEW TORK, Feb. 18.-That there Is to
be no truce In the grain rate fight that
has been started In tho eastern territory by
tho Pennsylvania railroad was shown today
by the posting, as required by law, of a
new rate by the Pennsylvania, to be effec
tive tomorrow, of 2.4 cents a bushel from
Buffalo to Philadelphia, and by the Im
mediate response from the New York rail
roads, led by the New York Central, which
will make the same rate to New York,
effective also tomorrow.
Tho representatives of the New York
roads declare they will meet every cut by
the Pennsylvania road, and Pennsylvania
officials declare they will make) their rate
to Philadelphia from Buffalo 4 mills on the
bushel less than tho New Y'ork rate.
Although the Produce, exchange here Is
trying to take some advantage of the
situation, there Is little to be gained by
the present state of affairs. The fight Is
all over rates from Buffalo to the ports,
and the lakes being Ice-bound the traffic
at this time Is Insignificant.
This makes the purpose of the fight
something of a mystery. The only plausible
explanation la that the Pennsylvania wishes
to establish the principle It is contending
for that It shall have the 4-mlll differential
to Philadelphia and Baltimore from Buffalo
and wants to get a settlement during light
traffic, times, so that there shall not be a
war on when rata cutting would cut Into
Reductions from Iowa.
CHICAGO, Feb. 18. Notice was given by
the Northwestern railroad today that ef
fective Monday further reductions would
be made In the grain rates from Iowa
points to Chicago. The reductions vary
from 1 to 2 cents and are explained to be
necessary by tho reason of former reduc
tions In the rates from Nebraska points.
The Central Traffic association lines met
today and decided the reductions In the
rates made by the Alton and the Burlington
from south Missouri river points to the
south Atlantic ports through St. Louis
would not be met through Peoria or Chi
Brooklyn Business Man Shot la His
Office by Prominent Elgin Cltlsen
During Controversy.
NEW YORK, Feb, 18. George B. Jen
nings, president of tho Jennings Adjust
able Shade, company, was shot and killed
today In his office In Brooklyn by Frank
McNamara, superintendent of one of the
departments of the Elgin Watch com
pany's factory at Elgin, 111. According to
two of Jennings' clerks, who were In the
office, .Jennings and McNamara were en
gaged In a heated dispute, the subject of
which Is unknown, when MoNamara thrust
a revolver against Jennings and fired, the
bul'et passing through his heart and death
'ensued instantly.
McNamara threw away his revolver and
ran out Into the street, pursued by the two
clerks, who captured him and turned him
over to the police. McNamara refused to
say why he shot Jennings. He came here
a week ago from Elgin, where. It is said,
he has a wife and eight children. Jen
nings nerved as a captain In the Four
teenth Brooklyn regiment In the, Spanish
war. He leaves a widow and three chil
dren. McNamara was formerly employed In a
watch factory at Sag Harbor, L. I. It la
said that about a year ago he declared
that he saw Jennings coming out of his
house at that place late at night. From
this It Is surmised that jealousy was the
cause of the murder. Jennings la sold to
have exclaimed, "Frank, you're wrong," a
moment before the fatal shot was fired.
Experts Inable to Tell New Bogus
Bank Note Excepting by
the Feel."
NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-The experts at
the t'nlted States sub-treasury In this
city, have discovered that Brooklyn Is
being flooded with an extraordinary good
counterfeit of the "Buffalo" ten-dollar bill.
About fifteen of these bills have teen
turned In by the banks In the last fort
night and nearly every bill came out of
The counterfeit hills are declared by the
experts at the sub-treasury to be the best
ever seen there. The engraving of the bills
Is so good as to enable them to defy de
tection, even with a glass, and the counter
feiters have discovered a way to Imitate
the government paper to perfection. It Is
only by the "feel" of the bills that 'the
specimens have been discovered. The notes
are so like the real ones that the tellers
at the banks have hien completely de
ceived by them.
Wholesale Naturalisation Frauds Sus
pected In New York and Arrests
Follow Anionic Italian.
NEW YORK, Feb. IS. Important arrets,
which It Is thought will uneirtli whole il?
naturalization frauds In this city, were
made today, fourteen Italians being taken
Into cuBtoly for having fraudulent nutur-ullxatlon-
papers. Warrants have been Is
sued for thirty other Italians. Many of
th men accused are employed In the city
street cleaning department, and it I be
lieved at the t'nlted States riixtrh t at
torney's ofoe that a large proportion will
be found to have toured their po.-ltlcms
through fraudulent papers.
Advises Mine Owners to Make Terms
with Miners at Cripple
DENVER. Feb. 18. Governor Peabody has
strongly advised the mine owners in the
Crlrple Creek district to make terms with
the union miners who have been on strike
since last August. He said:
I think I have done my duty In bringing
about law and order In the district, and
now I will take the burden from my shoul
ders and place It on yours. In doing thU
I would surge! fhat the olive branch, the
hand nf friendship, should be tendered
the striking miner, and that harmony be
tween the employer and ths smyloj should
be brought about-
Fall Below First Estimate of Insur
ance Men Merhanlrs Flocking
to the Ruined City. '
BALTIMORE, Feb. :8.-The currents of
financial and general commercial business
today flowed more smoothly in Baltimore
than on any dify since the grest conflagra
tion. In banking and trade circles there
was evidence of an Increased determination
to hold on to all that lelongs to this city
In the way of business. Clearings of the
Baltimore banks were I2.7fi9.fti:.
Insurance exports were In an optimistic
frame of mind today over the prospect
that the aggregate Insurance loss will be
considerably smaller than was at flr.-t
expected. They now are confident that
the loss caused by the conflagration will
not exceed HO.vou.kiO Hnd that It will not
be under 32.0H0,OuO. The first definite esti
mate they were able to make on totals
was through the Associated Press dispatch
from Albany, printed today, giving the
losses of companies doing business In
New Y'ork, reported officially by them to
the Insurance commissioner of New Y'ork.
This list Included sixty-eight of the
largest American and foreign companies
and the "total of losses reported; by them
is a little over 8.5nn,nrin. Taking these
figures as a basis and adding the approxi
mated figures of the companies authorised
to do business In Maryland, but not In
New Y'ork, Insurance men say they can
not see where the total Insurance loss will
exceed ISR.OaO.fJon.
The authorities here report ' that unem
ployed persons, particularly mechntilos, are
flocking from other points to this city by
tho hundreds, and Indications are that
the volume will steadily Increase from
day to day. Those who have arrived say
they came because they were Informed
that there Is a demand for workmen here,
and finding nothing to do, being without
money, many of them have already ap
plied for transportation back to their
Marshal of Police Faran, has Issued a
warning to citizens to look closely after
their houses. "The city Is full of thieves,"
he said.
Will Make No Agreement Mopping
Him from Getting- Ronte to
NEW YORK, Feb. 18. All negotiations
for a settlement of the differences between
the Pennsylvania railroad and the Gould
Interests have been broken off, says the
Times. Friends of President Cassatt of
the first named road and of George J.
Gould have, the paper continues, aban
doned definitely all attempts to obtain a
The Immediate causa Is understood to
have been the absolute refusal of the Gould
luterests to ebandon Its project of reach
ing the Atlantic by an outlet of its own.
The proposition of a settlement was based
on the 'Idea that the Western Maryland,
the road over which the Wabash was to
get Into Baltimore, could be placed under
Ihe control of some other road. In which
both the Pennsylvania and the Wabash
could have an equal Interest. For this
purpose the Norfolk c . Western was se
lected as the most likely. From the very
beginning of tha negotiations the Gould
Interests balked at IH-r proposition, but it
waa believed that their Objections coald be
overcome. Failure to do so I now ad
mitted, says the Times, by persons di
rectly interested, and work on the Gould
extension Is progressing r.pidly.
Bankers having close relations with the
Pennsylvania railroad and the Goulds said
today that the differences between these
Interests are still very marked. The bank
ers are authority fur the statement that
these differences were In a fair way to
ward settlement some two weeks ago, when
the Pennsylvania company announced Its
frj0.000.000 loan. Soon thereafter, however,
the Pennsylvania rallrohd sought to Im
pose certain conditions upon Mr. Gould and
J the negotiations, which contemplated the
taking over of the Western Maryland rail
road by the Pennsylvania road, were
abruptly terminated.
French Heirs Sue to Recover Estate
la Kansas Given to Odd Fel
lows for Home.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 18.-Attorneys for
Caroline Agatha Lartech and Albert Pas
quet de Lauriere of France began suit In
the federal court at Kansas City, Kan.,
today to recover S.150 acres of valuable land
In Franklin county, Kansas, which origin
ally belonged to Ernest Valeton de Bos
elere. In 1892 De Boissiere, a bachelor, gave
the land to the Odd Fellows for a site for
an orphans home and returned to Bordeaux,
where he died two years later. The prop
erty finally cam Into the hands of James
A. Troutman and Robert Stone, attorneys,
of Topeka, Kan.
The petitioners aver that Troutman went
to France In 1S97 and Induced Mme. Mar
tlnelll, an heir of De Bnlsxlere, then 90 years
old, to give him a deed and bill of sale to
the property for fcO.fluO francs. The petition
ers bringing suit today allege fraud and
ak an accounting from Troutman and
Stone and that the land he turned over to
them 'as legal heirs.
Missouri Jury Decides Officer Did Not
Neglect Ills Official
. Duties.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Feb. 18. In tlw
circuit court today the. Jury, after consid
ering the case against Prosecuting Attorney
It. P. Stone, charged with neglecting his
ofiiclal dutli i, returned a verdict of not
The case against Prosecuting Attorney
R. P. Stone, charging him with having
used a railroad pass, was set by Judge
Davis late tuda for hearing tomorrow
morning In the circuit court. The state
endeavored to secure a continuance of the
case. Judge Davis, however, ald that the
state had not used diligence in preparing
for the trial and that the cae must lie
tried tomorrow or dismissed. The ease in
which Stone Is charged with accepting a
bribe not to prosecute a case was continued
to the March term of the circuit court.
Completes Crime by Committing Sui
cide After Failure to Secure
DENVER. Feb. 18. Frank G. Senter, a
rjl'road conductor aged 62 years, today
killed his wife, aged 40, and committed sui
cide at the woman's home In this city.
The couple, who had four children, had
been separated for a year and the wife re
cently sued for a divorce. Senter called on
her to plead for a reconciliation and when
ths refused hs shot hef.
President Waiting Until the Diatriot Attor
neyship ia Settled.
Ex-Collector Crnsen Calls on Secre
tary Shaw and Sas He Has Had
Enough of Office Holding
to Suit Hint.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. li. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Millard and Natb nal Com
mitteeman R. B. Schneider of Fremont had
rather an extended talk with tnc prc-lch nt
today. Nebraska politics was largely tho
subject of the discussion and Incident
thereto the question of the marshalslilp
was taken up. Neither the senator nor
Mr. Schneider would say what the result
of their talk wan so far as the marshalslilp
Is concerned, the president having held up
th reappointment of Mr. Matthews pend
ing a settlement of the district attorney
ship matter.
Mr. Schneider left tonight with the con
groFslonal party to attend the funeral serv
ices of the late Senator Hanna at Cleve
land, and will go from there to New Y'ork.
I'pon the question of his successor ns
national. committeeman Mr. Schneider said:
"I am not a candidate for re-election. I
do not desire any political oiflce. 1 do not
believe It right for me to stand In the way
of some one who desires to be national
committeeman from Nebraska. I have had
all the honors of the position and I think
therefore it should go around and be given
to those who desire It. 1 have heard of
but one man spoken of thus far, Mr. Mor
row, whom I understand would like the
place. The death of Senator Hanna Is a
great shock to us all and had my train
been on time I would have arrived here In
ample time to have attended the funeral
services In the capital."
Crusen Has Enough.
A. R. Cruzen, late collector of customs
In Porto Rico, was In tho city this morning
and with Senator Mlllaxd called on Secre
tary Shaw previous to his return to Ne
braska. Mr. Curxen took leave of the secre
tary and said that he had no excuses to
offer as to the occurrences which brouxr.t
about his resignation. Secretary Shaw ex
pressed the best wishes for Mr. Cruzen's
future. Mr. Cruzen stated that he had had
ail the office holding he ever wanted, but
that this would not deter him from going
back to Nebraska and helping those who
wanted office. The late collector of Purto
Rico came from New Y'ork this morning
and after a short Interview with Senator
Millard and Secretary Shaw returned to
Brooklyn, where his wife and family are
stopping. Mr. Crusen stated that it was
his intention to go back to Nebraska and
engage In business In that state, althoj&h
he hod Urge land holdings in Idaho, which
at one t.'mo he thought would be his fu'.jrt
home. That ' matter has, however, been
given up for the present. Mr. Cruzen' a
announcement that he was through with
holding office would indicate that the rumor
that he waa going to Nebraska to be a
candidate to succeed Senator Millard Is not
well leunded.
.-Igat on Hosekud Bill. -
Senator Gamble of South Dakota, who has
charge of the Rosebud reservation bill,
said to-lay that he felt confident of Its
passage, although the hostility of the Indian
Rights association to the bill might bring
about a closer tight than he had anticipated.
The Indl&n Rights association has tiled a
memorial tgalnst the proposed sals of
418,000 acres cf land In Gregory county on
the ground that the price fixed In the bill
for the land Is wholly Inadequate and that
the Indians will suffer greut Injustice If
the bill be passed. The memorial, which
waa presented to congress by Senator Cock
roll, contains a number of letters rom
dealers In real estate adjacent to the lands
to be opened. These letters, the South
Dakota delegation state, ore wholly mis
leading. It Is jnderstood that George Ken
non, the well known Russian writer, who
tukes an Interest In Indian rights. Is also
fighting the bill because of the Inadequate
price. Those who are acquainted with the
situation In the senate, notwithstanding- the
opposition which has been shown against
the Rosebud bill, believe the house bill, or
so-called Burke bill, will be passed i.ext
week, ths death of Senator Hanna having
stopped all legislation for the time.
(anal Committee Talk.
The death of Senator Hanna makes a va
canry In the chairmanship of Interoceanle
CBnals eonffnlttee. It was thought today
that Senator Klttrldge of South Dakota,
who was Senator lluiina's right-hand man
on the committee, would In all probability
succeed to the chairmanship, although he
waa fourth from the ranking member,
Thomas C. Piatt of New York. It Is now
understood that' Mr. Tlatt will retain his
present committee, that of printing, In
which event Senator Mitchell of Oregon,
who Is chairman of the coast defenses com
mittee, will Insist upon his right to suc
ceed as chairman of the Interoceanle canals
committee. There la some objection to
Senator Mitchell, who was an active leader
in the debate In the senate In favor of the
Nicaragua canal when the discussion of the
relative deslrablKl' of the two routes waa
before the senate. While he has shown no
Inclination to delay action since the Pan
ama route has been adopted adherents of
the Panama route fee! that a senator should
be selected for the chairmanship of that
committee who Is on record iji favoring its
adoption. Should this view be taken of It
l.y the senate then Senator Millard would
have to be considered, for he stated to The
Bee correspondent today that should Sen
ators Mitchell and Piatt both relinquish
their rights of succession then he would
Insist upon his right. It therefore appears
that Senator Klttridge's chances are not of
the brightest to succeed Senator Hanna.
The Iowa delegation to select a successor
to Judge Shiran of the northern district of
that state postponed Its meeting today until
tomorrow at 4 o'clock.
Senator Gamble has appointed Charles F.
Ilaokett of Parker, S. D-, principal, and
losey J. Williams of Brookings and Charles
W. older as alternates to West Point. The
ung men will take their examinations
May 3 at Fort Snelllng.,
Postal Matters.
Rural routes ordered established April 1:
Nebraska Staaiford, Harlan county, one
loute; area covered, 44 square miles; popu
lation, 560. Iowa Oi heyedan, Osceola
county; two routes; area covered, &8 square
miles; population. 1.0S). West Meld. Plymouth
county, one route; area covered, 42 square
miles; population, 675.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Memphlx, regular, Samuel J. Walker; sub
stitute, Jiweph Eyer. Iowa Ira, regular,
I'rank'Jn C. Logsdon; substitute, Arthur
W. Jeffries.
H reel l r Uucbanaa'a Realujnat Ion.
Tks State department has received and
has accepted the resignation of W. I.
Huchnnan, the American minister to Pan
ama. No successor bos been appointed.
Fair Frldev and Saturday! Warmer
In East Portion.
Temperature at Ontnlut Yrstrrdaj t
Hour. Dec, llonr. Ilea,
n n. m...... T 1 p. m...... 1'J
II a. m H it p. m II
7 a. in 2 ,i p. in 11
8 a, m 2 4 p. in IT
II n. m 4 r p. m 17
10 a. m (I (I p. in HI
1 1 a. m H 7 p. in ...... IS
12 m....V... in M p. m Ct
O p. m 12
t nnamed Foreign Government Offers
Jol Lot of Fle to
iCnryrluhte by New Yc rk llcr ild Co.. ine 1
ST. PETERSBCIIG. Feb. 18. (New York
Herald Cablegram Special Telegram. I
An ag-nt of of the foreign powers of
fers to supply Russia with a small battle
ship constructed In ISM, two cruisers and
two torpedo en tcberp. Much mystery Is
observed about the offer and till I can be
sure of Is that correspondence on the sub
ject Is taking place In German. A curious
part of It is that Ibis country hesitates on
necount of the ships being out of date.
Whether with the authority ef his gov
ernment or not, the agent backs his offer
by saying that If It Is not accepted the
ships will be sold to the Japanese.
Two hundred and fifty picked shipwrights
have been taken from the Baltic works
here to go to Port Arthur to do all that
Is possible to repair tho ships there. The
great difficulty, however, Is that unlike
Vladivostok, Port Arthur has no drydock
capable of holding big ships of war. How
ever, Russian Ingenuity will pull through.
The loss of the transport Manchuria will
be keenly felt, for the vessel hnd on
board, I am assured, V)0 qulck-flring guns,
as well as large supplies of dynamite and
The publication of the British blue book
upon the ear east' has paused a very dis
agreeable Impression In Russia, for ac
cording to the Russian opinion. It Is clearly
shown that England, America and Japan
have, during the past three years, been
doing everything possible fo counteract
Russia's Chinese policy.
The. Blrzhevlya Vlcdotnostl says that if
England (nd the I'nlted States had only
insisted on the maintenance of the neu
trality of Corea there would have been no
blood spilling at Chemulpo or Port Arthur.
"However, the war has now begun and
Russia," It Is ndded, "will not leave off,
as It did In 1878, v-iicn all that was gained
by the sword was destroyed by the pen."
Formal Answer from nnssla Expected
Ia a Few Days.
(Copyrighted by New York H.srold Co.. 1904.)
TOKIO. Feb. 18. (New York Herald Ca
Megram Speclnl Telegram.) Japan today
gave notice of Its acceptance of the United
Stales proposal for confining the area cf
WASHINGTON. Feb. 18-rThe State de
partment has had an Intimation that the
Russian reply to Secretary Hay's note
relative to the neutralization of China, will
be forthcoming within a day or two. A
condition, howevsr, will be attached, safe
fuardlng the !mporta.-it Interests '.hat Rus
sia has acquired In Manchuria In connec
tion -with tiie Slbsiiiin railroad and Its
The news of Russia's Intentions camo
from Mr. McCormlck, the American am
bassador at St. Petersburg, who cabled tho
State department that the Russian gov
ernment waa favorably disposed toward
the proposition of the United States that
the combatant powers respect tho nnu
t:allty of China. Tho proposition has been
submitted to the Russian emperor for his
Cnt Off from Onlslde World by Land
and Water Forres.
PARIS. Feb. 18. An eminent military au
thority connected with one of the embassies
said today that Port Arthur waa practic
ally besieged, and It was1 a serious ques
tion whether this would not compel either
the abandonment or surrender of the for
tress, with Its men and material.
Admiral Togo's ships, on the watch at the
entrance of the port, prevent Ingress or
egress, thus establishing a virtual blockade
and cutting off the chances of relief from
seaward. The Japanese troops near New
Chwang and other points cn the Llao Tung
peninsula are able to Interrupt the railroad
forming the line of "nmmtinicatlon and
supplies between Port Arthur and Harbin.
The result Is the gradual Investiture of
Port Arthur within the Japanese, naval and
military lines. It will require a bold ac
tion on the part of the Russian forces to
prevent the final accomplishment of tho In
vestiture and slow reduction of Port
Steamer Supposed to Have Been Cnp
tnred Arrives at Port,
NAGASAKI. Feb. 18. Five Russian pas
sengers detained on hoard the steamer
Argun and one on the steamer Ekater
enoslav were released at Saseho today and
allowed to proceed to their destination.
TIEN TSIN. Feb. 18. The Rrltlsh steamer
Hsl Ting, from Chin Wang Tso for Shang- j
hal. which was believed to have been cap
tured by the Russians, arrived today at
Shanghai. 1
Paademoulnm Brians at Roatoff
Where Party Is Active.
NFTIT TORK. Fb. 18. Paniemonlum has
reigned for several days at Rostoff, accord
ing to a Times dlspnteh from Moscow.
The revolutionary party Is vigorously at
work. The state of affairs In the Caucasus
Is also unsatisfactory and the goverrment
Is apprehensive of an extension of the dis
orders. The governors of the provinces
have secured special Instructions on the
subject. '
Amount Reqnlrrd More Than Twice
(Iter Offered In One Dai,
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co., IVil i
TOKIO, Feb. IK. (New York Herald Ca
bl -gram Special Telegram. ) Extraordin
ary success Is attending the lsme of Ihe
wer loan. The example nf the em;sror
hai filled the people with enthusiasm fi'.d
the sum. which It whs arranged should be
raleed by March i, has been subscribed
twice over today.
Currency for Mllltnry I if to Re Hr.
deemalile In Gold.
(Copyrighted by Ne' York Herald Co.. 1!M t
SKOI'L. Feb. Is. (New Y"rk Herald Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram I The Jr.pauese
goverr.uier.t has decided toN Issue speeUi
paper money for military use throughout
Coreii, redeemable ia gold coinage.
Eisiian Army Take Up Stronc Positicni
at Ping Tang and Wyu.
General Kurcpatkin Oora to Front to Com
mand Russian Land Force .
Indications that the Beat Clash Will Coine
in 3f rmit Kingdom.
Latest Information Shows Attack on
Port Arthur Precede th Sever
auec of Diplomatic
(Copyrighted by New Y'ork Herald Co., 1NM.)
NEW YORK. Feb. 18 (Special Tele
gram. ) From Toklo come reports that tho
advance guard of the Russian unity had
taken up a strung position nt Ping YaJig. on
Its march toward Seoul, but. It was added,
that an Immediate attack on the Corenn
capital was considered unlikely.
Reports that tho Russians have occupied
WIJu were confirmed, and It was' believed
that tho first actual land battle was more
than likoly to take place near that town.
St. Petersburg reported that General Ku
ropatkln would go to the front and take
command of all the land forces, tho dis
patches milling that, by a careful time
calculation. It had been discovered that tho
torpedo attack at Port Arthur took place
one hour before M. Kurlno called nt tho
Foreign ofllce to announce the severance
of fiiplomutlo relations.
viceroy lexlcff'a official report of the
first attack at Port Arthur Is In St. Peters
burg. It described tho defense and added
that docoratlons had been awarded to thne
who hnd displayed gallantry In the battle.
Dispatches from St. Petersburg sold that
In a mysterious manner some foreign power
Is attempting to sell to the government ob
solete warships, with the proviso that If
Russia declines the bargain they will be
offered to Japan. The correspondence, tha
dispatch states, Is being conducted In Ger
man. The new Japanese war loan was sub
scribed twice over.
Japan will Issuo paper currency, redeem
nhl' In gold, for the use of the troops In
Corea. This Is raid to he. In effect, a
forced loan.
Japan aceepW M-. Hay's plan to limit
rhe area of ioetii:tes, end It was expected
that Russia's accep'.ance would bo acknowl
edged In a few days.
Mr. Hay's rote, according to a Tiorlln
organ, did not exclusively deal with the
Chinese neutrality, hut proposed to limit
Russia's action In the event of Japan being
Kuropatkln Goes to'Froiat.
(Copyr'ghted by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 'jR.-fNelr York .
Herald Cablegram SpecUU, Tslegratn.) Tho
only war news today Is Hhat General Kuro
pt.tkln la go) nay to tuafcj . to - tftk a, com
mand of the land forces 7"'
A significant fact, that It Js much de
sired should be known to all foreign na
tions, Is that according td careful calcula
tions, allowing for the difference In time,
the torpedo attacks upon the ships at
Port Arthur took place one hour before M.
Kurlno called at the Foreign office and
stated that dlplomatlo relations had been
broken off.
The Grand Duke Boris and the Grand
Duke Cyril will shortly leave for the seat
of war. The Grand Duke Andrew will not
(Copyrighted by New York Herald Co.i 1904.)
CHE FOO, Feb. IB-New York Herald
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The cable
from Port Arthur has been Interrupted and
Is reported to have been cut by the Japa
nese. At the Newsky works were launched on
Tuesday two new destroyers. Amid great
cheering, the viceroy made an Impressive
speech to the new orews, after which they
Joined the fleet stationed at Port Arthur.
Neutral steamers carrying government
coal, which arrived at Port Arthur after
tha hostilities, are being dlschargad by
roldlers. no other labor lielng obtainable.
Twenty-four ItiO-ton Oamers and bargee
have been requisitioned by the navy to
convey coal to the fleet, Instead of the
same calling at Port Arthur.
(Copyrighted hy New Tork Herald Co., 1904.)
.TOKIO, Feb. IS (New Tork Herald Ca
blegramSpecial Txiegram.) Reports re
ceived here from Corea tonight state that
Russian troops are advancing toward Peoul
nnd' that a strong position at Ping Yang
hai be.n occupied by them, Their present
movements, however, do not Indicate any
Immediate Intention of attaoking the
Corean capital. The Japanese garrison at
Seoul has been strengthened during tha
lust few days.
jokcm Miuiy at Chemulpo.
BERLIN. Ftb. 18. A dispatch from
Chemulpo to tho Cologne Qazbtte reasserts
that seventeen officers and 4.39 men of the
Russian wsrships Vartag and Korieta were
cither killed or drowned when those Vessels
were destroyed.
Emperor William has notified the czar
and the mikado that the Oerman hospitals
at Klao Chau and Yokoiiama are available
for the care of men wounded, during tha
Ilusalaus Occupy WIJu.
EKOl'L. Feb. 18. The roport that I.UjO
Itunelu.n troops had arrived at Chin Tien,
Cheng, opposite WIJu. on the Yalu river,
is rontirmed, as Is the report that the
Russians have occupied WIJu ltsolf. They
have I.WjO troops at WIJu, and the first Col
lision lb expected somewhere In that vicin
ity TOKIO, Feb. ). The reports that have
be -n sent to ibci effect that Russian troops
have (Tossed the Yalu river and are mov
ing Mouth with the object of seizing Ping
Yang are declared to be unfounded. A
reliable r.-port from WIJu states that ths
Russians are assembling In force on the
north ride ef the Y'alu, but they have bot
at tempted to crops tho river or move fur-trc-r
TIEN TKIN. Feb. H.-The depurture of
the ( 'film se imperial troops from Pao Tlr.g
Fu to Kin i hau to guard the frontier has
be -n po-'-'ied until February 21. The r i
s :i foi'tSr posip. noiio nt are not known.
Ilusftla Aeet'i.lh Yolnnter r.
ST. I'Ki 'EP.SBCRG. Fh. !. TI.e genM.iU
staff a n noli need txluy the War cffli s
Is wl!il:ig to accept vduntci-n for service
In the far east. They must be under 10
eurs of ug- and have and military traln'tij.
The volunteers will be enrolled In the re
serve battalions under Viceroy Alexleff.
No official announcement of the disaster
off Chemulpo, Cores, has yet been tnsdo
here, although the papers are prln'lng sto
ries of ths loss of the VarUg and Korlett
The Si. Petersburg U.,xitte tyl "What
li .
3 1