Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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LI art leal authorities MW COtirf-oV P't miner
th Tm ( treatment mtioduced by lr.
Frsjk WhrUcl of hi' ago,
Tsr. L I Knn'.t. I hnnn, Ky ; Pr. F. E.
Hrown J'flmKtr. lows: Pr. 1. V. Curryer,
it Vlun lir M.I. i rsfT. v. ft. loiila..
Mo.; Ir. f. hrd, so. Kmmlnr tism. Ms..
tcr witness to the fre c t.f hi tpsment
nil th. tarmsnrm-T nl tie cure In
own raa Ir. Whetel's new method in a
rsdtca.1 departure from the old fashioned
moke Dowders, iprT, etc., which reliert
tail do not cure.
nnand for nv one CiTltlP hort docrtr
i.... l lha r.ft riri inrfiliff fiamcR Of tWO
otner thmt!c Mi(Trpm Ask for booklet
ol experlercea of thoe rurcd.
Dpt M mtflcn Eiprtsi Bid,. Chlcta-
How to Pro
nounce Hyotnei
Phermnffi A MpCnnnr II hrnr '.. f'or
ner 1h and lole M., Tell of ThU
llfmiirkililp Tresitineiit Hint I nrpi
Catarrh Without Stomach Doslnu.
"While nil our customers who have used
Jlyomel sgree tlm.t It is rrmarkahl y sue-
ressful In c urlriK catarrh unl oilier diseases
of the nlr passages," says Ph'Tmnn
McConnell IniK f-'o.. "yet there has lifi'ii
considerable diversity of opinion an to how
the nam Is pronounced.
"llyomrl In pronounced Just ss If It t
spelled 'hlgh-o-nvp,- with the accent on the
first syUble.
"A great mnny come to our store ami
li.Mead of asking for Hynmel. tell us they
want a package of the treatment for
catarrh that wo are scIHuk on a guarantee.
"While we know what they mean, and
I! of our rlerks will Rive them Hyonvl,
Jet we want every onp to know how to
pronounce the nnnip of Hynmrl. so that
tliey may run no chance of getting anything
but llyomcl. no matter where they go.
"It la nature' true cure fur catarrhal
trouble. It kills the germs of this disease,
Bootho and heals the Irritated mucous
membrane, and efferitiMilly driven all
catarrhal poisons from the system.
"All the stomach doping In the world can
do no lasting good in the treatment of
catarrh unless the nose and throat are free
from catarrhal microbes. There Is no stom
ach doeiing with Hyomel; Just breaths It.
We have no much omfldenee In the value
f.T the treament. that wp are selling It
with the understanding that we will return
the money If It falls to cure. All Omaha
Bee. readers know that we do exactly as
we agroo."
the Bust
The greatest at
tractiveness o f a
woman's figure la a
finely rounded bust,
and in no direction
la a lack of woman
charm so striking
u in a H o M I 1 1 u In
thl particular.
Dr. Charles Flesh Food
1 positively the only preparation known to
Medical science that will develop the Im
rnatured but or restore the natural beauty
v breaat lost throuah nursing. It makes
the flesh firm and healthy.
tKuooirrs AT UA' D"PA"TMENT BTonna aso
Ths regular pries at rr. Cbarlaa Fleik Fooa I
Si OS bn. but to Intr'xlur It into Ibauuudi or
Btw hom have ae.4i-4 U tmni two (I) doxpi
to all who uiww iblt MMtllnimnl tni sand ut
t oo. All parkacoo r jui In plaJit. wrsepoiv
prop!.-, r i -- T '"' rfvvw
CDCC A Mmpl boi loot Mouth to con
f f f, f" lnoo you of tho rmt irerlt of lir.
a t - - rharlpo Flooh Fpo-wlil bo Mot tr
for 10 oonto, which pra tor coat of mailing. Wo
will olao apnd yoo. our IlluatratPd book, "Art of
lago," which ronla'aa all tha propar mova
aanta for maaatn lha faca. nark an4 arma and
(tall dlrvettono lur davaloptuc tha buat. Addraaa
Ufje Best of
The Only Double
TracK Railway
to Chicago
The Omaia
Chicago Train
It So. tolid train mud
vp in OtiisAa daily O.V
HUE i 6:50 p. m , srne
ing Chicago 7:30 next innrn
ing. Library, Huffet Car,
Lurber, nets btmndmrd Sleep
trt, ChirCar$Jverytfiinij.
mu i -City OfflCs
14011403 FARNAM ST.
TEL. 624-6.1
i rftstTM4jrd bv Ocmv
Imperial H:ir Regenerator
w id iicni4t Atn njiriin prwmifti
Col'ii-awt durhlx Faa.! applied. Ab-
rMi trt. ooailrioii till.
Sirmau 4k McComiMll Urug Co., Oman..
to Lu considrred in a Cigar Is t:i- i..Uty
of the tobacco. Just take a whiff of the
Miogrsm If you want to get an idea of
what good tobacco means. lis an Ideal
moke Indeed for people alio want llis
IsMt, but who wUMdy ci alder thd coal.
laM Doiujiaa birvet, Uiuabs.
Grand Jury Findi lad otmeiU in Lied
Fraud Case.
Red I roM nelrfa Reports and
ftonal Imrrlcan Woman's safTrsar
Association Dlseosses I on
tltntlonal mendmenta.
WASIIIN'liTOX, Feb. IT. A a result of
I he investigation of the wholesale public
land frauds In many western states the
grand Jury of the District of Columbia to
day reported a Joint Indictment for con
spiracy against John A. Itenson, a wealthy
re;il ert-lto operator of Ban Francisco;
Frederick A. Hyde of 8an Francisco,
closely Identified with Henson In land af
fairs: llnry L'. LUmond of California, an
attorney representing Menson and Hyde,
and Joost H. Schneider of Tucson, Arts , an
agent of Hetison anil llydp.
Jterirh warrants were Iniinedlately Issued
end Snyder was arreted In this city by
Betret Scrvl'-e Agent Hums, who has been
investigating llics cases. Schneider was
taken before Justice Barnard late this
aflernmpii and the latter fixed his ball at
J:.'i'0'0. Attorneys Cole and Donaldson,
representing the defendants, asked that
bull be fixed at fi.oon, while the government
insisted on a $J5,iiO bond.
SVhnrlder has been a witness before the
grand Jury In tho cases against the defend
ants. Henson already had been indicted
here on a charge of bribery and la now be
lieved to be In New York, while Hyde Is
thought to be In Fan Francisco. The In
dictment is a voluminous document and
sets forth transactions in which land Is said
to have been fraudulently acquired In Cali
fornia, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and
The scheme outlined in the Indictment
and alleged to havo been practiced In these
transactions was to obtain school or other
lamli by applications, assignment and
purchases in the namr of fictitious per
sons or of persons anot really desiring or
mialitted to purchase them, Hyde and
lienson paying them small sums for the
land. Tho Indictment rharges that there
were false representations In all these
transactions and that all the publications
BUUDorted by the indicted parties were
forged, false and fraudulent.
The arrest of the other parties Indicted
ia expected soon. This Includes, all the land
fraud Innd case so far presented to the
Jury, but others may be submitted at any
time and proceedings are expected In other
President Hrrokrs Order.
The president today Issued un executive
order revoking those of President McKlnley
allowing gift from officers of the army and
navy and the civic establishments In Porto
Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, etc., to the
I'ntted States free of duty. Following ia
the order:
It appearing that the conditions no longer
exist which prompted the issuance of the
executive orders of Xovsmber 4, l9!i. and
November H, !!, subjecting to the domestic
postal regulations of the L'nlted States
miiv iHOh or aiiuvenlr forwarded through
the mulls by officers, soldiers, sailors and
civil enioloes serving- In Porto Kico, Cuba,
Uuam, the Philippine islands and China to
members of their families in the l'nlted
Stutes. and vice versa, the said orders are
hereby revoked.
Ileiiort of Itrd Cross Society.
The report of the American National Red
Cress for the year ending December 81,
U1, was fi'.ed with Speaker Cannon today.
The report reviews at length the recent
troubles In the organisation, which account
concludes with an expression of regret that
the committee appointed to Investigate
these differences has not yet reported. This
committee consists of Benstor Proctor of
Vermont, John a. Carlisle and Representa
tive William Alden Smith. The work of
the orgar.'.xatlon consisted of offering re
lief to tho Kansas flood sufferers, holding
itself In readiness to assist distress In
Macedonia, should the necessary funds bo
furnished, and In organizing relief commit
tees at Butlor, Pa., during th i typhoid
fever epidemic.
The financial transactions during the year
comprised receipts of 11,33, added to 11,702
balance on hnnd. Disbursements on ac
count of expenses of officers was $2,931,
leaving a balance of Jl-4.
Argue Fraad Case.
In the trial of Machen and others, charged
with conspiracy to defraud the government.
13. S. Douglass of counsel for the defense
today argued the case. But one session was
held and he occupied the entire afternoon.
Women ur7rnatats Talk' Constitution.
Toduy's session of the National American
Woman's Suffrage association was devoted
to a discussion of propoaed amendment to
the constitution of the organization.
Annapolis Goes to Shanghai.
Admiral Evans cables the Nnvy depart
ment announcing the departure of the An
napolis from Cavlte for Shanghai to Join
the Fro'.lc and the Raleigh. Besides being
available In case of an emergency these
vosxels will act as dispatch boats. The
New Orleans Is expected to arrive at Che
Foo by the latter part of this week.
Netherlands Minister Transferred.
Baron Overs, minister of the Nether
lauds to the l'nlted States, called at the
White House today to pay his respects to
President Roosevelt and to put his letter
of recall from this country. Baron Gevers
has been transferred to Rome, where ha
will become the minister of the Nether
lands to the government of Italy. The ex
change between the president and Baron
(levers were very cordial.
Mrs. Hill Critically III.
Mrs. Benjamin Hill vf Atlanta, widow of
the late Senator Benjamin Hill of Georgia,
Is ciltically ill with pneumonia.
Iowa Delegation to Have Aaotbrr
Meeting; to Discus subjeet.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. IT (Special Tele
gramsThe Iowa delegation will meet to
morrow In an effort to select a successor
to Judge Shlraa It was thought this
morning that Senator Allison, who was ap
pointed a member of the committee on the
part of the senate to accompany the re
mains of the late Senator Hanna to Cleve
land, would accompany his colleagues to
Ohio. The senator, however, shortly after
noon stated that pressing legislation would
ktep him In Washington. Notices were
then sent out railing the delegation to
gether In the afternoon, instead of In aha
morning, us originally derided upon. So
far us ran be learned there mill be no
choice tomorrow, congressional politics
playing no small part In the failure of the
delegation to reach a conclusion.
Rural carrier appointed: Nebraska
Hon ell. Enill 14. Marany and Anton Kon
valln, regulars: Joseph Hajek and Mike
Suchan, substitutes. Pluttsinouth. Jasper
M. Voting, regular; Bron E. Voting, sub
stitute. Brayton. Jacob P. Rvndlxen and
John W. Cannon. reguUrs; Marie Bendlxen
and Hannah M. Cannon, substitutes. Iowa
Buffalo Center, Arthur Fisher, regular;
Theodore Fisher. u!tttute. Denison.
Zachary T. Hawk, regular; Emms W.
Hawk, substitute.
Daniel O'lary has been appointed post
master at Albee. Grant rounty, 8. I, lr
Albert Tenneson. resigned.
K B. Schneider of Fremont, national
committeeman from Nebraska, Is In Wash
Ington. Mr. Schneider tamo to Washing'
ton to attend the obseipilrg of the late
Senator Hanna and tomorrow leave for
New York.
S. II. and wife of Lincoln are
In Washington.
Adjonrn for Second Time Ottt
lteMTt for Memory of
WASHINGTON, Feb. K.-The house con
vened fifteen minutes In fore the noon hour
today, that arrangements might t.e per
fected to go In a body to the S"iinte
chamber to participate In the funeral
service of the late Senator Hanna.
The member returned from the senate
shortly after 1 o'clock. Immediately upon
reassembling Mr. Payne arose and SHld:
As a further mark of respect to th"
deceased senator. I move th" house do now
adjourn." and the house adjourned until
(rant Commercial Concession akrd
hi Inlted State.
WASHINGTON. Feb. IT. Mr. Allen, the
American minister at Seoul, cublea the
State department that Wiju has been de
clared open to the commerce of the wot Id
by the Corean government.
The l'nlted States' wa the first power,
so far as known, to apply to tho Corean
government for the opening of WIJu to the
world's trade. This action wa. taken while
Japan and England were urging the open
ing of Yongampho, lying nt the mouth of
the Yalu river on tho Corean side. The
view taken by the State department was
that If we could secure the opening of
WIJu, 150 miles up the Yalu above Yongam
pho, the effect would be to practically oen
the whole of that stretch of river to com
merce, so that the project really was
much larger than the mere opening of a
port at the mouth of the river.
WIJu lies on the opposite side of the rlvar
and very near to Antung, In Manchuria,
which the Chinese government already has
by treaty with the United Stales declared
to be an open port, although this never has
been admitted by Russia. It ia under
stood that the oenlng of WIJu Is directly
attributable to Japanese ascendency In
Cores., for while the, country wa under
Russian Influence Mr. Allen, the American
minister, was unable to Induce the king
to open a single port In addition to
Chemulpo. It Is probable that tho State
department will at once take steps to have
America represented at Wiju by a consul
or commercial agent.
Witness Before Washington Crsnd
Jura- Charged with Conspiracy.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 17.--J. H. Schneider
of Tucson, Arizona, has been arrested on
the charge of conspiracy In connection wlih
the investigation of laud frauds in the east.
The arrest was made at the city hall in
this city today by Secret Service Agent
William J. Burns, who has been working
up the land fraud cases for the govern
ment. Schneider was a witness before the grand
Jury In this city, which Is considering a
number of cases growing out cf that In
vestigation. TO HOLD HAW It I V K It 1 CHECK.
Board of Engineers Say It Will Take
flO,MH to Do the Work.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17-Seeretary Tnft
has sent to congress an estimate rmoutit-
djig to about .JlQjoOO.OQO HUbmltt'd l)i' ,an
engineer board for the Improvement of the
Kaw river at Kansas City, so as to re
move the possibility of disastrous floods.
The army engineer here feel that about
twice that sum will be necessary to effect
the Improvement, hut the estimate Is trans
mitted without change in order that con
gress may Itself determine which Is right.
Pneumonia In CblcHgo.
Over 8,000 people died of pneumonia In
Chicago last year. In every case the disease
resulted from o cold. Hud the cold been
promptly and properly treated at the outset
almost every one would have recovered.
Thin statement is abundantly proven by
the fact that among the tens of thousands
throughout this country who use Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to cure their colds, no
case of pneumonia has ever been reported,
which shows conclusively that this remedy
Is a certain preventivo of pneumonia.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained
Its wide reputation and enormous sale by
the prompt and effectual cures of colds and
can always be depended upon.
o Trains at Bismarck on Account of
Severe Weather and
BISMARCK. N. D.. Feb. U.-The weather
has cleared after a severe blow that has
drifted snow badly along the rai'rooda.
Through trains from the west are Btlll
stuck In snowdrifts west of here and only
the eastbound trulu today was made up at
The Washburn road Is still tied up and a
fuel famine Is threatened In this city If tho
blockade is not relieved soon.
OASOABETS Oandy CathartJo are always put up In blue metal box, our trade-marked, long-tailed O
on the oover tablet octagonal, stamped OOO. Never Bold In bulk. All druggiata, lOo, 25o, 60c,
Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Oblcaso or New York. m
TSTwinnvrvmtuMMmjtjm mkmmuMjmjL -
Mustang Liniment
rurea Frustbitea and Chilblalaa.
Mustang Liniment
Beat 111 iu if lur a latne burac
Mustang Liniment
drive cut uil lutlaiumatloua
Two Thousand RepresentatiToS of Eoutheri
Statei at Tuskegee.
Resolution for the IplUtlna, Educa
tion and Moral Improvement of
Black Brother by Promi
nent I'hllnnthroplat.
Tl'SKEtJEE, Ala., Feb. IT. Hooker T.
Washington called to order the thirteenth
annual 'J'uskegee Negro conference in the
chapel of the Institute today In the pres
ence of moro than 2,000 negro furmers from
the Carolina, Georgia, Florida. Missis
sippi. lAnilslana ami Alabama. There were
also in attendance many men prominent in
philanthropic work, including IT. Wallace
McKlttrlck of the general education board,
Fr. U. S. lUckcrmnn of tho southern educa
tional board, Hammond LumoiH of the
New York Evening Post, Dr. H. T. Johnson
of the Christian Recorder of Philadelphia
nnd others of equal prominence.
After a session of several hours resolu
tion were adopted, embodying the senti
ment of the conference. These resolutions
declare tho faith of the' conference In ef
fort to secure home and land for the
negro, the exercise of thrift, keeping out
of debt, getting rid of the log' cabin Idea,
bulldlrtg of chun lies nrid schools, lengthen
ing of thp school term, bullilttig of good
public roads, the regular and prompt pay
ment of all taxes and making agricultural
llfo more attractive-. In connection with
tho educational institutions, a high stand
ard of morality Was urged, and 'that leach
erg nnd ministers be required to maintain
the highest standard of living
The resolutions dee lit re that the moral
condition of the negro race In the south Is
Improving nnd that there Is no evidence
that education Increases crime among the
negroes. They urga harmony and mutual
confidence between the races, and thnt the
white put a premium upon right conduct
and high living among the blacks. The
negro is urged to refrain from crime nnd
to Join with the whiten In the malntencnce
of law and order.
Book Agent Charged with Forgery.
HOT SPRINGS. S. D., Feb. lT.-(Secial.)
P. D. Piiganettl, who was canvas-lug in
this vicinity for Collier & Co., selling hroka,
was placed under arrest here Snturdnv
night upon advice from Mend? county au
thorities. The sheriff of that county came
after him and took the prisoner to Sturils.
Ho Is charged with.. forgery, tho complaint
being that Paganettl forged the names of
people In Sturgis to orders for books.
When the sheriff was ready to return to
Sturgis on the early' morning train he
called at the bodroom door of his prisoner,
but was Informed by the latter that he
would not go and that he would not dress
himself. So the sheriff forcibly put the
man's overcoat about him and took him
along to the dt pot barefooted upon the
frost-covered walk, carrying the prisoner s
wardrobe in his arms., Tha train happened,
to be a hajf hour lale.and Mr. Paganetti
concluded that ho had time, to return to
Ills, hotel and tdrcas. ,Tbe sheriff accompa
nied him and shortly returned and bnarded
the train with his prisoner comfortably
l'rostres an Sanitarium Building.
. HOT SPRINGS, S. D Feb. !T.-(SpeclaI.)
The work on the 8tJdlnr' sanitarium has
already progressed ii)c,W"mt . hape. a
comparatively sinll fjiHo f men having
been employed all winter-.'. The weather
has been most Iftvoraldfx so nice, In fart,
that the contractors egret 'that they had
not put on ruore nH-iiinlthough with the
unceralnty of having working weather dur
ing tho winter the contractors have only
had about 100 men employed during the
Winter. Yet they have Iot less than a
week's work on account of the weather.
The foundation are mostly laid and the
walls well started on the ward buildings.
Everything Is therefore in excellent shape
for crowding the work 'a soon as settled
spring weather comes, when' a large force
of masons and laboring men will be set to
work. ' ii
Clnrk Take Evans Hotel.
HOT SPRINGS, S. D.. Feb. lT.-(Speclal.)
H. D. Clark has again, leased the Evan
hotel from the Iowa Land company and
will open that popular hostelry on May 1.
Mr. Clark has had the management of this
hotel most of the time since It wa built.
In 1K92. and is well and favorably known
by the thousand of tourist who come to
Hot Springs. He will also have charge of
the famous Evans plunge hath. The Evans
Is the only one of Hot Springs hotels that
has been closed. Rut the other twelve are
capable of caring for nearly l.ono people, so
that tourists havo had ample accommoda
tions. The coming season promise to be a
lively one, and the hotels are already mak
ing Improvements and preparing for a big
business. .
I, oar Jen-els Dnrlng Reception,
HT'RON, 8 P.. Feb. IT. (Special.) It
was discovered on Sunday that three dia
mond rings and a diamond pin. the four
pieces valued at not less than ft .000. were
stolen from the residence of .1. W. Camp
bell. Saturday afternoon and evening Mrs.
Campbell and friends entertained large
u. it isimmi iwisa w usa m ism 10
Mustang Liniment
for Man, Beaut or I'tmltry.
Mustang Liniment
bcala Old Horea qulcklj.
Mustang Liniment
curva Caked Udder ia cow a.
companies of guests, nnd it I known that
the piecloas gems were securely put away
In a Jewel box In Mr. Campbell's dr.s-er
In her private room prior to the arrival of
the guests. It I believed they were taken
during the evening festivities, but by
whom Is a mystery a large number Of
people would be gl:d to have solved.
Mnnpln MnWes Shortage tinod.
PIERRE. S. D.. Feb. IT (Special ) - Ex
County Auditor Matipln of Stanley canity
(vis amply swured his bondsmen fer all
shortage which has leen discovered In his
nff;ilrs nnd no one will lose it cent, except
Mr. Maupln, who Is doing everything In
his power to help straighten out tho en
tanglement Into which he nllowed himself
to be drawn. The Investigation has de
veloped nothing further than the .',i)
which was discovered at the time the
shortage first became known, and he y
that covers absolutely ever.tthltig
Think They Hate Itad Man.
CHE VENN R. Wyo . Feb lT.-(Ppeclal )
Charles I.nvell .arrived from Ault this
morning and secured a horse and buggy
which were rented of him last Friday by
J. H. Walton, the man who was arrested
at Archer yesterday, charged with stealing
a saddle horse from F. It. Dlldine and
abandoning the animal nt the Rutledgn
ranch, near Archer. When confronted by
l.avell Walton admitted hi guilt. The.
I.avell team was left at the Dlnneen
stables here, and Walton made no effort to
sell It. The authorities believe the prisoner
Is a noted crook who Is wunted In a num
ber of western states.
Fewer Cattle on llnnaes.
STI'RGIS, S. D.. Feb. IT (Special. )-U I
stated that tho number of southern cattle
that will he placed on the northwest
ranges the coming spring doubtless will
be much less than In former years. The
cattlemen have not made much money the
past year on southern rattle. As few as
pcsslble were shipped last season because
of the extremely low prices prevailing on
the various markets, therefore most of the
stockmen held over nnd will not bo In the
market for cattle unless they are offered a
very attractive figure.
Arrest Teacher for Aault.
ABERDEEN, S. D., Feb. IT. (Special.)
J. E. Johnson, a teacher In the Aberdeen
schools Is under arrest, charged with as
ssult and battery on thp young son of
John Wheeler. It is understood Johnt'O.i
wiil be prosecuted for other cases of nl
leged brutal treatment of pupils.
Call Month Dakota Committee.
PIERRE, S. D., Feb. IT. (Special Tele
gram.) Chairman Crane of the republican
state committee will call the committee to
gether at Sioux Falls Tuesday evening
March S, for the purpose of fixing a date
for the next Btate convention.
Will Inspect MlllllH.
ABERDEEN, S. D., Feb. IT. (Special.)
Colonel Bob Stewart of Pierre will inspect
the various companies of the First regl
ment, South Dakota National Guard, and
will bo In Aberdeen to Inspect Company L
on February 2G.
Elgin and Waltham watches at your own
Adler's ruction sale of unredeemed
8. E. Cor. 12th and Farnam sts.
Star Rider of San Francisco Gets Ont
of Three Mnnnta First 1'Iaee
at Ascot.
TX)9 ANGELES. Feb. 17. Jockey Hllde
hrand. who has been the star rider on the
San Francisco tracks, arrived here-.this
morning and out of three mounts rode two
winners at Ascot this afternoon! The track
was very heavy, and picking winners
proved rather dltllcult for the talent, and
two out of six was the best they could
do. Results:
First race, five furlongs: Alma Dufour
won. El Bamado second, El Dargin third.
Time: 1:12.
Second race, three and one-half furlongs;
Molar won, Sea Air second, Light of Day
third. Time: 0:44.
Third race, one nnd one-eighth miles
handicap: Heir Apparent won. Ollnthus
second. Goldone third. Time: 2;00',.
Fourth race, one and one-sixteenth miles,
handicap: ISals won, Grail second, Wiirte
Nlcht third. Time: 1:51 V4.
Fifth race, Slauson course, selling: Gold
Finder won. Little Margaret second, Ctde
brntion third. Time: l:i:P.
Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Cele
brant won, E. M. Urnttaln second, Hiiln
ault third. Time: 1:17).
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 17 Results at
First race, selling: Fair Lady Anna won.
I'olonluH second, Gold Finder third. Tlibe:
Second race, three and one-half furlong,
purse: Steel Wire won. Boh Ragon sec
ond. Golden Idol third. Time: 1:43H.
Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Georgo
Berry won. Hulford second. Instrument
third. Time: 1:29.
Fourth race, mile and sixteenth, handi
cap: Kenilworth won. Modicum second,
Jockev Club third. Time: l:4Si',.
Fifth race, futurity course, selling: Hnnd
press won. Voung Morello second, Hlppon
ax third. Time: 1:13.
Sixth race, mile, selling: Florestan won.
Lou Welza second. Sherry third. Time:
1 :4i-.l?.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 1T.-Reu!ts:
First race, sc en furlongs: New Mown
Hay won. Leila second, Maritana third.
Time: l:2TV.
Second race, six furlongs: Ida' Ray won.
Sparrow second, Shaltan third. Time:
Third race, mile and an eighth: IIuzzMi
won. Hand Across pecond (dlsnii'tlith d ,
The Messenger third. Time: 1 :54v
Fourth race, four furlongs. carnival
stakes: Arch Oldham won. Delaval sec
ond. Dixie Idtd third. Time: 1:4M-
Fifth race, one and one-fourth miles,
Mustang Liniment
cures Cuta, Bnrna, Bruiaca.
Mustang Liniment
curea Spraina and Stralna.
Mustang Liniment
ia a positive cure for l'llca.
setltnit: Mitusir won. Tain re 1 s- . end. 1'iee
Admission tlilrrt Time; 2.f,;..
Sixth race. lv fin lonir. .-elll'ig Juil i
won. cinrcmont second, li-is M'Momi
Time: l;
J with the nowi.i uv
On Selleek's alle lisl rvrhi'iK lie Ni
tlonnls won two games out of three from
I he Colts in the kasne nice. Seine;
Kt :'d :m.
Tracy 171 i; :'i
Alimanson h;T b'T r..' '
J.-nes .ik; pm VI
Spniglle 1 a 1 1 e .Vi'l
Chandler 1st :-.. 1 ;:; .Vij
Totals f..t H'S t7 '1
Ct nl'S
1st. I'll. nd Total.
Neale iv.; 1 (;; ;.m;
Reed. A Pm 1M l'W -1st
Honnell 'JU P..t Ms .";''
Hi.ghe :.'ll lv- '!' ."'
Welt V -ri Vf, 177 "v I
Tidal 1.0;: 1 V.7 Ml -7.v;
On S"iieck's alleys lust (Veiling tho Ar
mour's office f.irco defeated tho Cudahy's
olflce foi ce three jjames. Score;
a r Morns.
ll. I'd. .".d. Total.
Honnell :...1 107 1I .M
Duke -Zl 171 Ps !.M
Chuinhn 177 l.' l.;l C
Davis 1i; r.'.' 1.;' I'T
Tonncman 170 I'ec :.- ."v.
Totals vrr. SPH SV L'.Cts
lsi. -.-.I. 3d. Total.
Cochran ivi -Jis 1,7
Buck ": 17i ITS .'.'
Olson 1i? I7:i 17X f.':
Hvner 17s 17 1':1 r"1
Weber 1J'! 13o ti l
Totals ...MT SSI ft.'l :'.M!i
Ijist idght on tho Western allevs the
Russians acre defeated three straight
games by Hie .laiis. Score:
lsi. 2d
StapPtihurst '.'''i 2nl
Lundstroiii 1n 1"0
No one who has earned the title of a
master in his profession would risk his
reputation by poor work. This applies
to AUTHORS as well as to doctors or
-aaeBjpBjBxaaMaVirVWIM 1 1 n iHiii 1 11 1 l
amaailjaai ijiy
for MARCH, contains contributions from
such famous writers as
Is well worth the earnest
Out to-day
I PfflPK Til 19 AND WE WILL 1
k iv ii.i. t i hi: or.
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual De
bility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
slid all' diseases and weaknesses of men duo to Inheritance, evil habits, abuse,
excesses or the result of sH-ellU' .ir privato disease.
Ilv our Hvsltm of elecli icily ami niedlcin combined we euro nulekly, safely
snd thoroughly "11 diseases and w-aknesses of men after all otbei-s bss'e f.ii s i.
tlur olijecl is iiot so much to do the work that other doctors eniV-do. bvit r.ihor
to cure obstinate disiiiises Which they cannot successfully combst. Aft' -that
deep knowledare, expi rt skill, vast experic.neo and thoroiiK'h sclentttlc ofllen
equipment can Hccompllsb aie now belnK done for those who come to vs. tor the
help they need.
rOMCI'l TATInM FDTF " 'ou rnnnot call writ f r symptom blank. Offlrs
bu lOll lollU i I LL hours, a. 111. to a p. in. Sunday. 10 to 1 only.
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th 8ts., Omaha, Neb.
The bra of those (joIUihsi is from 1,500 to
2,000 years. The Maripona Grove, which
can be visited while en route to the Vosemite,
contains some of the largest. In the Calaveras
Grove are from ninety to one hundred of huge
size. Near Santa Cruz in a tssautiful grove of red
wood Big Trees which will well employ a day's trisit
These attractions are bent reached by the
Be 6ure your ticket reads via this line.
1 1 1! Tlt ht.T ttr'I'M KtRXiM
i ihim;
Mush '.''' IW
1'n ley im I d 1"J !
I.ehm.ii'.n ...I in 1M
To'. lis T'f S.t. S"' :..V:n
1st. ",1 lid Total.
Clav 1 lil l'a iN'i Ik.
Yates '7; 1V. 1n. S'l
Rld.lell 1"T H.' '.!.' "si'
Sutton 17' 1,' h";
i.lengele !,; '.'"' I-' Ml
Totals :: Nil '-IN '.Ml!"
tioi, iie mi l. t ovi it w i .
tliiioiiiicciiienl Mmlr by President of
the taaoelstlon.
NEW VolIK. Feb 1' -Annminc -ioe:l of
th following couii.ieis nnd releases '
'H ide today bv I'n siildil Harry (" P-'-li
im i f the National h'agnc an I
association of professional base ball i lubs.
( 'out rac '
With jfiooitljn E. K ViiTidui-" l"ia'
E. Dillon. Philip N'adau. James S. I.
.lame E Loudetislager. I . E Kiitev. E
Rachel, L. Jones. Vlrml I. (iaivln
With St Louis !unhl Shay. John Me
l.'iui, John F. Iimle;iv, M. W. Gr.idx.
War Sanders
Willi Piltslinrs Join, Pfelster.
With Boston (Conditional) W. V. Council.
TeriMs acecpi, , ;
lv Urooklvn-W. J. Rcldv.
Ili'leas, d:
lv St Louis to Kansas Cilv. John P.
1 1 n .m. E. .1. Murphv: b Philmh-lphlrt l a
Jersey Cilv. William Keister; by Si Louis.
L. D.Mont'pville. .lames lla.kett: by ('ln
clioi.ul to Si Louis. .1 P Itcckley.
Omega till fur It lieumst lam, Price inc.
Costs so little you can afford to try It.
old at h Ion tin.
CHICAGO. Feb. IT. A new record for te
low zero weather was made todav. For
the Seventeenth lime this reason the me"
cury went under the sero mark, a re1 o-d
for freiiueiit severe I'tiitldltv atipriM-edentcl
In any previous winter. The low point to
day was I degrees below r.eiv.
consideration of every lover of
Wp nre living In nn hr of special
ism, un uk" when success cm only b)
i, t mined by the concentration of every
tlioulit upon the unswerving purtu t
cf 11 I'inKle object. AV'o nre piecielv
ueli seculists. This iiccoiinls for'
tlm tliffcrence letveen success mid
failure In the tl'CHtment anil cure of
diseases of nien. The pliysiciun who
tries to explore and compter lh whole
Ill-Id f iiieilicloe ami sui'Kery becomes
l iuth'lenf in no p.irtlt ulur briiiich. We
ikivo conllneil ouiHtlves entir'ty 'o a
t-lntlie fias of tlltieinos uml their com
plications iitul n.iiHU'i'eii them. V do
not seititcr n,ir faculties, but concen
trate them on our p li liciilur specialty.
We have made a life study of disease
Rial weaknesses peculiar to men,
h-enJini( thousands of dollars In !
seriehiM nod evolving a ispeelnl sy--icm
of treatment lhat 1 a i vi i k. safe
mid icrtaiii cue lor -U skin, nervous,
blood and privato diseases.
Our nume has betn a household
synonym for over a yuarter of a cen
tury for remarkable- skill ami ability
in tho treatment and cure of
On Sale Everywhere a
"'Ma liai ai' '