THE OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY, FEDIUTARY 18, 1904. 1) GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET BamoTi of War Sent wht Eoaritij sad E'vtt Com Somewhat. CLOSING PRICES ARE HIGH ONES OF DAY Iprnlalon' Are Able to Manipulate Every neport Onlni to Pres- t Condition of the Market. OMAHA, Feb. 17, 1904. Rumors of war and of English-Russian complications caught a very k ami rap Idly declining muikvt about the middle of morning and sent wheal soaring, and Io a less degree brought corn up. 'the clos ing prices were in most ohkh tne high niees of tho day. The market III In su :h conJItlon that trie speculators are alle to use every rumor that comes along to ma nipulate the market. The uncertainty Is apt to bring wide fluctuations European exchanges are reported as being very tm asy. A confirmation of tne lialkan rumor would make an acute situation, for It would suut oil all export lrom Russia and the Danube countries. Chicago opened on May wheat at 90c, thin being Vac stronger than the close of Tuesday. It noun declined, however, to trie. Omaha opened at the clotting figure, kic, but fell away rapidly to 80tt,c. a lo.-s of lo. The market rallied on war rumors ani on buying In Chicago by shorts who got short on the break. Omaha, on the rally, went In a short time from 8tta2 to M'ac, with bidders eager. Ily noon Chi cago bad recovered from 6c to 9So, fallen away to the half and returned to !)''v' July wheat opened In Omaha on tho closing figure, dropped VaC to 76o, and then Idly advanced to 79c, a gain of 2Vt:. Chi cago opened Weak on new July, fell to W So below tne opening, and xor high mark later touched 88ic. Jriay corn opened wealr at 45c, fell away to 44"o, and then waa bid up to 4oc, ahd later the bullish feeling took It to 4js. Chicago varied between 64Wc anil bf"o. July corn was offered fieely lrom the open tug, 46c down to 4440, but lllile was taken. Chicago July, during the same time, ad-va-neetl from tlhio to u3?tr. Omaha Mny and March oats opened at Tuesday's eloso, and were bid up ViC, Wlin little changing hands. The range In prices of Omaha grain Tor fin mm H.nvnrv and the close today and Tuesday were a follows: losed Open. High. Low. Today. Tue Wheats May ... July ... Corn Mar .... July .... Oals ..SJ ..74 V ..45 ..45 83V4 W B 79 76Vs 7o'A 7t 4S4B 44 45 45 A 4IU 44! 451 46 42 41 42 41'4A 39Vi 3 , Grain Market. May March 39 Local Cash Cash grain wag dull thla morning, with light receipts and slow business. Prices were strong, without Any ' advance, and the tendency was upward. Some grain was held over for better prices tomorrow. hc&t receipts were light, being 2 cars In and 3 cars out; one week ago, 6 cars. Bales of. car lots by sample on track, Omaha: Hard Wheat No. S, 1 car, 83c, 1 ear 82c Corn receipts also were light, bting 9 cars In and 20 out; one week 'ago, 29 cars In and 8 out. Bales of car lots by sample on track, Omaha: Mixed Corn No. 4, 1 car, 40c, 1 car 40r. Receipts of oats were 3 cars in and 16 out; one week ago, 16 cars. One car of No. 3 rye sold for rj4o. WHEAT No. z hard winter, 84itlf; No. S hard winter, 8cii!S5c; No. 4 hard winter, 72'&78o; No. 2 spring, H'JiUlc; No. 3 spring, fjkWUflc; No. 4 spring, 7n4jrsc. CORN No. 2, 4.Vu"44c; No. 3, WH-ttV,c; No. 4, S9Vji40Uc; No. 2 yellow, 4:vac; No. t yellow, 4Ki42c; No. 2 white, 43(tj44c; No. 3 white, 414i42c. DATS-No. 2. 37V4rT3RW-: No. . XWdWAc: No. 4. 3flM.T7c: No. 2 white, 42 43c; No. 3 white, 40tt41e; standard, 4ntf41c. Notes from the Exchange Offices. H. O. Leavltt and F. J Campbell were admitted to membership at the directors' meeting Tuesday. Omaha Inspections of grain vere 3D cars. Of theso two cars graded No. 2 hard win tar wheat. IS cars No. J pom, t cars No. 4 00m. 1 car No. 3 yellow corn, 1 car No. 3 white nats, 11 cars No 4 white oats, 1 car No. 2 rye and B cars No. i rye. A meeting of all members of the Omnha Grain exchango has lieen called by the directors for next Ttiesdr. y at 1:15 c clock In the exchange hall. The object Is the limiting of the membership to., 200. ,j Tho original numler was but It Is felt by the directors that this ntinber Is too largo and that 20 active members will be more effective. Kansas City has a limit of 200. As the Omnha exchange now has nearly the limit proposed, the effect t.'lll be the early appreciation in value or ir.e snares. Grain Markets IHsew here. ' Closing prices of grain at the markets named Tuesday ana touuy were as toiiows KANSAS CITY. Wheat May ... July .., Corn . . May ... July ... Wheat May ... Today Tu'day 82 ' 78 70S 46'4 46 4 ST. LOUIS. , 94 8H July July 6W4 ...1 MINNEAPOLIS. 4tH CO Wheat May ...i July DULUT1L Wheat May July V4 i5U 957, 9I 94HB N1W IUKK. rfuy'". I1.00A July 9b( 94R Motes of the Grain Trade. Primary receipts were: - Wheat. 675.000. against ,000; corn, 7tl.ono, against 672.IXIO. Shipments were: Wheat, 8.M,im, against 137.UU0; corn, 2,000, against 418,000. - Minneapolis stocks show a decrease of J6,0 taisbels fur five days. Chicago receipts were 31 cars of wheat, none or contruct grade; 347 cars of corn, none contract, and 138 cars of oats, 5 con tract. Estimated receipts for tomorrow are 26 cars of wheat and 220 cars of corn. CHICAGO GHA1JI ASH PROVISIONS. Fetaree of the Trading and rioalntf Prices on Donrd of Trade, CHICAOO. Feb. 17. War cumpl. cations In Europe, as well as In Asia, whirled wheat uu 2c, a bushel today for May delivery. July lumped V. Compared with last nlsht's wires May wheat ut the chute aliuwed a gala ot lVtfl'SiC. The net advance lu July wheat Is lc. May corn la up -hjC, oats 7.o and urovlHluua loo to 274c. Wheal at the opening was about steady on the comparatively calm tone of laLile. foreign marketa showing no resoonne to the decline here yesterday. Initial sale of May were a shade lower to a shade higher at 9tiVv9Ho, while July was a shaue to SilVtc higher at 7Vit.-7V Helling by the principal long, followed by proiil taking by smaller holders, carried May down tq fttic. Julv stld off to htiHc. Toward the noon hour traders were HcUed by an acute attack of war fever. A report was circu lated that an uprising had occurred In the naikans. f rom tne moment tnis announce menl was made until the do so ot the slim there was an urgent demand for both May and July wheat. 1 here was a scram ble among shorts to cover and the k-ad.ruc bull houses bought freely. The trade was of such large volume that Individual trans actions were allowed t pas almost un noticed. The market turned suddenly strong and sharp advances were made In ail deliveries. Another factor that hclHM) to strong-then the situation was a correction In Drad streets' world's visible supply figures. Ac cording to the revise.! data the available Stocks show a decrease of 7v).ulo buheut Instead of an Increase of 217, itw bushels, as announced yesterday. The export business was an additional bull factor. A reoort from Raltlmore stated that foreigners were taking all the onYiiiiKS In the hape of wheat, while New York also claimed a big shipping demand. I'nder these conditions May ruse rapidly up to 9o and July wu forced up to (-ye. 1 he close, was aim, st a the too figures, with Mav at 97T.c and Julv at 8H(,c. Clearances of wheat and flour mm I to 4(,S"0 nunheis. prima rv receliii were 57S.8W) bushels, compared with 47.100 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, liuluth and Chicago reported 4M cars, iixalnst SIS oars last week and cars a year ago. The corn market was a very nervous af fair. There was heavy i-elllng of May eirl In the day by some of the principal ho der and wun only a mouerate oemami from shorts prices suffered a considerable eel back. After oiM'ntnar unclixnged to lc lewer at 644 tl .4 ' kc May declimd to 644c nnrn the report was circulated that wa had broken out In another ouwt-r Inivlni orders apiiearrd to come from all directions There was active covering bv sle-r's and commission houses bouuht Mbeiallv. of ferlngs becsme extremely lUht and hi f re any larse iiuanllty of rorn came out M iy Sdvancrd to 66c. Trading was active the remainder of the ses.l.m. Although re tjesstvbs irum to high pulnt wars maue. the close was strong, with May Sc hlghr. July wns also up "so at bJ'o. Locai re ceipts were 247 cats, none of contract giavie. '1 lie fame Influences that governed whtai and com a ft led the oats market. Lead ing In, 'I houses sold early and caused ton siuemble weakness, letter, however, the rsrly sellers were fortnl to turn buyers and there was also active buying by shorts. Outsiders were good buyers on-the war news. The close strong, with pric near the top Msy opened SilSc lower at 4.i'i(43V declined eanv to 42V. but raillej later to 44c. The clone was Mi'irc higher at 43S'a I.T'.o. July was up He at M c. Locil recelpis were las cars. Provisions were1 string throughout the en tire d.iy. In far.: of lower prices nt the yards the opening In provisions was nt pllnhtly Increased prices. A smnlier run of hogs l,iitn expected accounted for the ad Vance, buying for Investment account, due to the wnr scare, bi-gan later In the day. The close was strong, with May pork 27So blgher at 114.97V. May lard was up 12Vti 15c nt 17.75 and ribs pic higher at $7.20. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, rum; corn, 20 ears; oats, 110 cars; hogs, 36.0HU head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlc!.-. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yesy 'Wheat I ' ! I l Mav IMVkV 98 05 977, HftS s Julv ISM (ji-tii !' ! R7r 1M, SftVti '.4j bJuiy X7V'', 9 86 8s4 87 a Sept. MVu-S 85 83 85, 84 Corn- I I Feb. r,2'i Mav 54cV. M 64 55 Vx 5C4 Julv 62( ' 63' 62 63 62 Outs I I Feb. 4"4' 4t'4 S9 41 4f- Mav 4fhl 44 4.", 43rstl M July 8!ii 1 J9 I Sf.'i Setpt. 31, S4H 34',i,34itMi 31 Pnrk- Mnv 11 75 15 cT. 14 (Ti 1 14 97 14 72H Ju'y 14 70 14 90 14 57V41 14 85 14 65 I -writ I May I 7 f.2 7 75 7 B2H' 7 7S 7 62H July 7 75 7 85 7 72 7 82H 7 70 Kl'is- May 7 10 IKS J WVi 7 20 7 10 July 7 25 7 32 7 20 7 7 20 No. 1 a old. b new Cah niiotntions were as follows FLOrK -Firm: winter patents, M 40 4.50 mraiKniH. ai.iuwi..ri eorinar oaienis. tttttfUM! .tea srht. k.1 (urij lrt- t irer. 5i 4(3 40. WHEAT No 11.00. COHN'-N'i). 2, OATS No. 2, 44Mre. 3, sofijWc; No. 2 red. 95eQ 51Hc; No. 2 yellow, E2ic. 4Kj41Vzc; No. I white, 41V& K 1 E NO. 2, 6HC1 BARLEY Cloort feeding, 4041c; fair to Choice molting, 4SflB.Sc. BEED8 Flax. Nrt. 1. 11.11: No. 1 north western, $1.17. Prime timothy, $3.26. Clover, contract grade, Slfl.90. ROVI8IONH Mess pork, per DM., M4.T5 (f?14.87H. Laxd, lwr 100 lbs.. $7.32Hi7.55. Bhort ribs sides (loosel, M.87H'i7,7.12H- Short Clear sides (boxed). $7 12H'7.26. WHIHKT Basis or Mgh wines, $l.?7. F allowing are the receipts and shipments of flour nnd.graln: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bblsi ... (K.OfiO 45,100 ... RX.5O0 23.P10 ... 4W.4"0 lln.7) ... B4(S,700 t3.4O0 .... 10.100 7,000 ... 138,600 10,100 Wheat, bu Cornt bu , Oats, bu Rye. bU Barley, bti On tho Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, la'-ic; dnlrrew, 13Hia2o. Eggs, easier; at rr.axk, cases Included, 27(g2VxC. Cheese, Arm, 10 lOTaC. - SEW YORK OKSEHAL MARKET. ((notations of the Day o Various Commodities. NEW TORK. Feb. 17.-FLOCR-Recelpts, 19.4X2 bbls.; exports, 8.697 bbls.; market quiet, but firmly held; winter patents, S5.OtKii6.25; winter straights, $4.76ii4.90; Min nesota bakers. $4.0n4 4.26. Rve flour, firmer: fair to Kood. $:i.t3'ii3.ov; choice to fancy, $4.00 61 41. Buckwheat flour, dull. $2.004i 2.15. CORNMfiAlj- Firm; yellow western, $1.10; 1 city, $1(; kiln dried, S2.9tt3.00. t HV-4jule:; No. 2 western, 72c, f. o. b., Clloat; state and Jersey, Oo'iiflSc. HARLIi Y ljuict and steady; feeding, 75e, c. i. f , Nw York; malting, 60c, c. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 3,900 bu. Bpot market firm; No. 2 red, $1, elevator; No. 2 red. $1, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern tuluth, S1.08H, f. o. b., adont; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened firm on firm cables, continued cold weather west, but declined on liquidation and com mission houBe selling west. Later prices ugaln turned higher on war news, which re-establlHhed dollar wheat, and closed l'4,c net higher. May, 98Vt'l 00. closed ut $1; July, 9.m'n9TV:, closed at 9GVsc; Sep tember, 8ti'V'it'le, closed at 88V4C. CORN Receipts, 7n,950 bu.; exports, t30 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 nominal, ele vator, and 65V,c, f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 yel low, 5Kc;No. 2 white, 65c. Option mar ket was steady at the opening, with light local selling, strength in wheat and local covering. Closed S-ltf'iiTt.c net higher. May, 59600, closed at 60 6-lCc; July closed at "OATSRocelpts, 15.000 nil. Spot market firmer; No. -2, 61c; standard white, 64c; No. 2 white, 64c; No. 3 white, 64c. HAY Quiet; chipping, C0'if70c; good to choice, ttft'iiaoc. RICE Quiet; domestic fair to extra, l i5Hc; Japan, nominal. iOPBHim; common to choice, 1903, JtOfl) S8c; 1902 crop, 241i'28c; Pacific coast, olds, 10 iil5c; 1W3 crop, I7H36C; ll2 crop, i4ii-'7o. VimKf-l Firm: Oalvcston. 20 to 26 lbs.. 8c; California, a to 25 ;ba.. 19c; Texas dry. , to SO lbs., 14c. TAI.I.OW Bteadv: city 1$2 per pkg.), 8Uc; country (pkgs. freel. 51Vi( 5H0. UKA Til Kit meaav; acio, i.nijvc. PROVISIONS Reef. Arm; family, $11.00? 11.60; mora, $9.ot)fiU .50; packet. $10 orvri 10.50; city extra India mess, $15 00fil7.50. Cijt meats, quiet; picaieu rieine, ai.Avii 1. 10, pickled shoulders. $6: pickled hams, $in.ftn?f 1 .00. Lard, steady; western steamed, tint; refined, steady; continent.; Booth America, $S50; compound. $6.75if7.o). Pork, steady; family. $1; short clears, $15.00 17 00; mess. xin. Vh'fl n wi. .. RCTTER Firm; fresh creamery, 15(rT2Bc; state dairy, 14T(21c. CHEESE Steady; state run cream, iancy. small end large, coiorea arm wiuie ocinnur ber. 12c; slate late made, lOVic. EOtlS Hteaov; western arsis. c. POULTRY Alive and dressed, quiet, un changed. ' , St. I.onla Grain nnd Provisions. BT. LOUIS. Feb. 17. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. CHSh, elevator. $1.0o: a-a..U $1.06; May, 91c; July. S6Vfl6c; No. i hard, HKulKtfcc. CORN Higher; no, z casn, x; track. 46&46y'; May. 60c; July, 50 juiy, ouvje. I IX 1 I- 1 1 I U Il.'l . 1 V. It V Cell. 4JC track. 42'a'U4.Hc; May, 4-4e: ino. a wnne,- c. FL)L K Steady ; rea winter paienia, si i 4l5.0i.iO; extra fancy and straight, 4.04.W; clear, 'rjitio. SEED Timothy, steady, CORN MEAIr-Bteady, $2.50. BRAN Strong; sacked east track, F7(fJ9oc. HAY Dull; timothy. $u.uujil3.u); prairie, t9.ONiie.50, for No. 1 ikon ci ini in l i e; ii.uo. B A OH 1 N O 6. iii6 Wc. HEMP TWIN r7 fie. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, tl5.37; lard, higher, hacon. steady, boxed prime steam, 6.9o extra snorts, $8.00; clear, $x 12'; short clear, $8.25. POI LTltY Hteany chickens, prings, luc; luraeys, ioc; ducks, ijc, geese, Itl'TTER Flfm; creamery, 2027c; dairy, 15tf2iV. EGUS-Bieaay, iBc. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 9.000 20,000 Wheat, bu 125.000 85.000 Corn, bu M.i") 6H.001 Oats, bu 63,001) 44,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. VTAMSAS CITY. Feb. 17 WHEAT Mav 83c; July. 79c: cash, No. hard, tK'uKSe; No. 3, 4uS6c; No. 2 red, 99oi.00; No. S, 9tVii98o. . . CORN May, 44jc; jury. v,c: rash. No. mixed, 4Sc; No. 2 white. 44o; No. I, 43iC. OATS No. 2 white. 42i343c; No. 2 mixed, Ki41 Wc. HAY' Choice timothy, t9.50if9.75; choice pralrla, $7 50. RYE No. t. 66c. lit'TTER Creamery. 2T823c; dairy, fancy is.. EOOS Firm. Missouri and Kansas cases returned, 24c; new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 2tc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu.-..i. Oats, bu 10300 JS7. sm 56.001 67.i , 12,000 13.000 Mlnneattolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 17. WHEAT May, MVM'tc; July, 96c; September, til4c; on track. No. 1 hard. 98c; No. 1 northern 97v-4c; No. 2 northern, 94c; No. I northern Saoi'.-Oe. FLl'R First patents, $4 ir5 .00: second patents, HK'utW, first clears, 3.fXa3.70 second clears. I.' wyii; ill. BRAN 111 bulk. fLS.OOfl5.2S. l.lTrrpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. Vo. 17. WHEAT-Spot nominal; futures, quiet; March, 6s May. 6s 6d CORN Spot, American mixed. new, steady, 4sd; American mixed, old. firm. 4s 6V1. Futures, qultt; Mircn, 4s 3d Ma, 4110. Bank 4 learlaas. OMAHA. Ftb 17 -Hank clearings for teiHT were $1 lak.KM 71. an Increase of $72, 972.79 over the corrioiidiiig day last )ear. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Extreme Dnllneis Jis.ifiei the Auumptlon that Profen onah Hate Control RATE WAR ON GRAINS AbSGRBS ATTENTION Market Also ABevted by Threats tbal Traffic Redaction Mar lie Carried to Other Classes of f'relaht. NEW YORK, Feb. li. The frequenters ot the Blues exciiunge chaiiKeu tneiT l'sliliiu in tlit; unmet touny and mmi! siock.4 in cun tiast to tue buying ot yeaieruay. ur ratnei, the party winch uougiu yesieiiisy hart noi couiaae to coimnue uielr operation, whue imir upponeius, who had sold at the au tanoe eruruay, saw a proul in ortcrmg aowu puces and proceeded accoraingi. i ncy bad rather more auccuas In maintain ing the ueennes to the end of the day tnan uiu tne nuns yesterday in holuing tne ad vuiiceB. 'i he extreme dullness ot the mar ket and the poignant complaints of ail commission houses or lack ot autlb lent buxi liens lu pay oiiice expenses warrant the assumption that operations are exclusively lu proiessional hands. line various news Items of the day are oftereu to expialn the varying movehients of prices, It is clear that the -.iiovemenls represent the Ideas of professional traders as to the change In vaiues resulting lrom occuraucea railier than actual transactions In lliiuiuatlon or in Investment. In today s maiKet the lniluence which received must atientlou and dlscdsslou was the rate war on export grain rates, especially that pha.e ot It that concerns the lake tratllc from HurTalo. As the dispute Is wholly In re gard to the making of contracts on busi ness yet to come the tcrlmonv displayed is the more remarkable. Fears of coming t depression In railroad trafllc and in general business are thus Inspired. 1 he firmness with which the opposing contentions are maintained on the comparatively Jnimpor tant matter of the dilierential on export t ,... . ... - ...1 " uaio .10 i nnaueipiua aim Uultlmore as aKalnst New York cause heed to lie paid to threats that the war may be carrleu to other classes of freight and to other destinations, so much has been done of late years to neutralise the control of old rate disturbers that the Involvement of the principal lines gives a decided chill to speculative sentiment. Some effect on stocks was also produced by the whispers sent around that the heavy drop In cotton and consequent speculative losses were going to result In financial troubles. These rumors were without veri fication. The difficulties of some of the insurance companies Involved in the Baltl misre fire awakened attention to the possi ble aftermath of that Are. - O-ermany con tributed a siory that the Russian govern ment was taking a strong attitude toward the British government In regard to the expedition Into Thibet and foreign stocks seemed to be moved by a rumored Albanian revolt. Whatever share these various In cidents may have had in the day's decline It was obvious that many were influenced by the fact that yesterday's attempt to lift prices had proved abortive, so that a movement downward was most available. The bond market xwas dull and heavy. Total sales, par value, 11,224,000. L'nlted Slates bonds were unchanged. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sale. High. Low. Close. Atcnisrn li.iOO a, w 67 UO piU ,, KUO Bultimore & Ohio 10,400 do pl'd 89. 89 89 '4 7Va 704j Canadian Pnclflo Central of N. J Chesapeake St Ohio.., Chicago & Alton .... do pfd Chicago Gt. Western, 1,000 HO 1164 H6s lob 36 s2t4 lo 162 110 170 t !9V .'114 400 400 824 iovi 140H "io' l?a 31 36 Vs H 139H 'io 1974 300 Chicago & N. W.... Chicago, Mil. & St. P.21,000 do pfd Chicago Ter. A T., 1(10 loo do pfd C, C, C. & St, Colo. Southern do 1st pfd , ' do 2d pfd D1. A Hudson .... Del., 1-aek. & West Uenver & It. (J,... do pfd trie Uo 1st pfd 100 164 16U J6 M U3 00 . IS? 169 15.I-14 . 200 . 100 .33,Ki0 . 8.8110 . 2,000 20 67T4 251, 63 4214 ,20 6774 24 hi 63 4114 20 68 M'i 63, r. 7214 81' 127-4 86 18 34 1034 ss llVVfc 66 6-'i 120 894 86 37 C do 2d pfd tTocklng Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern ..... do pfd Louisville & Nash... Manhattan L Met. Becurlties Metropolitan 6t. Ry. Minn. St. Louis... M., Bt. P. & 8. S. M do pfd Missouri Pacific .... M., K. & T do pfd Nat. of Mex., pfd... New York Central... Norfolk & Western. do pfd Ontario & Western.. Pennsylvania Pitts., C. C A St. L. 900 &0u 128 18 127 1714 1,800 600 1044 1421 103 12 317 65 62 89" 16 36 1,000 100 600 s',506 200 100 118 ' 66 63 io'" 16'4 36 4,400 114 114'-, 114 .... 67H ttt 3. 400 20 ' 2(11,4 20 49,000 114 :i3 Ui Reading do 1st -pfd do Id pfd 7,700 400 42 88 41 80 2 ' 79 b6 22 fl 43 14 J2 46 20 ec 22 ?3 S3 4 89 18 35 14 18 Hock Island Co 5,500 200 22 1. 2174 61 . do Dfd Bt. L. & S, F., 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern.. 100 14 14 do nfd Southern Pacltlo ..... Southern Railway ... do pfd Texas & Pacific . 9,100 . 1.900 . 1,400 . 900 '. Hn .11.700 . 100 . 100 . 1,300 4674 20 81 22 84" 77 20 82 23 Toledo. St. L. & W... do pfi 34 lTn1on Paclflo 77 do rfd Mil " 89 8 18 15 85 Wabash 1 do pfd 35 Wheeling A Lake E.. Wisconsin Central ... do pfd .. 300 42 41 Adams Express 109 190 190' 190 Amer. express I'. S. Express leti Wells-Farito Express, 210 48 19 67 29 88 8 31 2" 78 48 Amal. Copper 39,600 Amer. Car & F'dry... 200 49 48 19 19 29 29 do nfd Amer. Cotton Oil...... 200 do rfd ,. American Ice d rfd Amer. Linseed Oil.... do pfd Amer. Locomotive ... 2,800 22 22 do bfd Amor. Bmelt. A R do ofd ion bi 91 91 Amer. Sugar Refg... 4.100 126 124 12S Anaconda Mining 4 Rrooklvn R. T 34.400 Colo. Fuel & Iron.... loo 4:i7 31 1941'. 41 31 42 31 193 18 Consolidated Gas 2.2AO 192 Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Sec General Electric International Paper. 300 18 IB 7W 100 100 f4 1R6 14 165 2rt 165 33 do pfd '. ... International 'Pump do pfd National Lead 100 North American 2"0 Pacific Mall 600 Peoples' Ons 100 71 15 84 n S'A 29 69 210 l.-.v, 85 H 16 85 57 98 rressed eteei car do nfd " .... Pullman Palace Car do pfd . 44 778H 7N, 7 r.i n 44 11 wu 16" 87 Republic Steel So 7 7 do pfd ' Tenn. Coal A Iron... 300 tn 3 I' S. Leather Son T 7 do pfd 700 77 76 IT. 8 Realty do pfd l."00 64 B3 V. S. Rubber 200 12 12 do pfd l'nlted States Steel.. 1. H 11 .1o nfd 13.500 7H IWS4 Westlne-house Elec... 700 161 160 Western 1'nlon Total sales for the day. 4Ot,500 share. Boston Stack Quotations. BOSTON. Feb. 17 Cull loans. 4(r4U per cent: time loans, W4 per cent, umclal elnlnar r-rtce nn stock snn nnnns: Atchlaos Atohisoa Ad. 4s ....17 Wasting, common , .... 97 Advanlura 44S Allouaa . ... 44ti Amalgamatad . ... v Amr. Ziua ...16 Atlantic ....1st Hlnguam ...,17 I'al. aV Hacla ...1U Ontannlal .... 10 roppar Hang ..... H..lt4:ralr Wast , .... 74 ( Dominion Coal . . i .. 4 .. Mai. ( antral 4a.. Atihiaun 60 pfd Roatnn 4 Albas) Huatos Mains.. Bnatna'alsd rilchburf pld ... Mas Cantrai N. Y . N- H as .. 1 ..46.1 .. 17 .. so Para Mrqutta ... t'nlus Pacltc , n Franklin . 1S4 Oran.-r . 74 Jala Rorala . 4 Maaa Mining .. .. fi4 sffltr. Arga. Cham da pfd A mar. tmr. !'- runs. .. J .. i .. 15 N .. I'lSa .. II .. 14V, .. (0 .. I .. M .. 4 ... Ml, ,.. I3S .. I ,.. TOUj Sugar . 124 Ml.'f.lsau ....a. 114 IMohawk IJdtal Montana C. & C. 10 1 old Dominion .... ...... tSa na.-ola do pfd Aaaar. t a t... Woo las . . to pfd Dominion I. a S Fellaun Eire. Illu: Cfnaral Elactrtc . Mass. Klrrtrtc .. do pfd Maaa Uaa s FarnK HI jguincr lai Shsoaoa t Tamarack tt , Trinity t t I. Mining M ,1'ua 47 .victoria I'nilad Fruit t'nltad Shoa Mack. dn pfd . r. I. Staal do pld . z I Winona 11 IWolYsrtne 114 Now Yark Money Market. NEW TORK, Tea. 17. MONEY On call, savsy at I'm yr taut; clutuug bid, 1 per pent; pfTrred, at i per rent. T1m loans, easier; n days. 3V'4 per cent: 90 rtsys, t 1(4 I er rent; H months. 4c?4V per cent I'RIMK MEHt'A.NTII.B PAPER tt!fH fxT ce-it; sterling eX'-hsnge. firm, with actual btisiness In bankers' bills at $1741 li"5 for demand and at 14 27'a4 for slxtv-rlpy bills, posted rates. 14 Kli4jii4 4 and 4 Sb'. commercial bills, t4 PCV. HILVEU Bar. 6?4c; - Mexican dollars, 4f.'c- HoS'DS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. The closing quotations on bonds are ( fellows: V B. rf. U, rf....l4 1, N. unl. 4 dn coupon 104 Minlmitiin r. r 4r... da S, rrg liis :Mri. Ontril 4 do roupon 14 ilo lt Inc do nrw it, reg Minn A Bt L. 4... da coupon, M . K. T. 4s do old 4t, ref 1"T I do : no coupon 1"7 N. R. R. of M c. 4. Atchlnon gen. 4l tt N. V. t'. g l"it da IJ it H.i N. J. C. g ( Atlantic C. b. 4s ... lzKi. Paclnc 4a H ii (r. 4a I'H SI do 3 do 1 N. W. c. 4i Central of (la. (a....106Hi 0. ft. I,. 4a & par.. no 1st lie 7n IPenn. ntnr, in rhes. 4k oble 44 ...1HH Rrsdlag 'n. 4 Chicago A A. i'a.. i5-ifit. b. tt I M. c. da C, H. Q. n. 4a... 91 '..St. I.. S f. ' 4a. 65 124 74j 97 '4 7lV 14 974; U toiH 7.l4 47", "4 S n 1I1H m 93H C. M. & S C. a N. w P. 4. .ll St. 1.. 9. .. .12S , Fbord W. tl A. L. 4a. . .a . M'4j .112 . 9 .lniT4 . 94 . 72Uj .114 . 1S . . ("., R. I. ft P. 4a t'0 col. So. 1'aclfl.1 4 So. Railwajr bs Tfxas A P. is ... . .'. IH. C.C.C. ft Rt. U g. Chicago Tor. 4a.. 4a. 97 H 7VS T-. St. I.. A W. 4a. Con. Tobacco 4a 56 'olo. A 80 4s 4 D A R. O. 4s 97 Kris prior llan 4s.... 97 do gen. 4o w, F. W. A P. C. Is. ..105 Harking Val. 4va...lU64 OfTcred. Vnt3n rscinc 4s do conv. 4s f. 9. Steel 2d (a... Wshash la do deb. B W. A L. E 4s Wla. Central 4a...., London atoek Market. 13NDOX. Feb. 17.-Closlng: Conaola. money do account .. Annconda Alchlson do pfd Raltlmora A O.. Canadian Pacific . f N. T. Central. 86 13-m Norfol A W.. 117 s r.sts 94 ii 41 it , 4 47S n1! do pfd .... 9 lOntarln A W.. .... 9! IPcnnsvtvanta ,, .... HP.and Mln-s .., ....iM't Rcaillng do Irt pfd... .... I014I do id pfd... .,..144a o nallway ... .... do pM .... J"S Ro Pacific 7"il'nl'in Piclfl.' ., .... K do pfd .... liii V. ft Ptel 43 I do pfd ....lHUWahaoh ....10714 do pfd C. A Ohio rhlcasa nt. v r m. a St. P Pefleern d a a. a do prd Erin do lrt pfd... do d pM... Illinois Central Lou I a. A Nash. M.. K. A T.... 9r 11H (HI, 1?'4 .... 16- BILVER Bar, uncertain, 57H"1 PT ounce. MONEY 2f(i3 per cent; the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 3"i93a per cent; fur. three months' bIMs, 3'A(tf3 per cent. evr York Mlnlntz Qaotntlons. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. The following ars the closing- quotations on mining stocks Alums Con Alios bmeca Brunswick Csn .. Comatnck Con. Cal. A Va. Horn Silver Iron silver Laadvllls Con ... 19 Llttla Chief ... Ontario Ophlr I'hoenlx Potoal ...IS ... 10 ... I ... ...120 ...ISO ... 1 .450 ,.600 . .. 14 ,. 42 .. M . 20 ..245 j Ha rage I Sierra Nevada IKmall Hopes .. (standard Foreign Financial. LONDON, Feb. 17. Money was In quiet demand in the market today and supplies were superabundant. Discount rates wero easy, partly due to favorable continental exchange, though it Is not likely that they will be materially reduced at present, owing Ing to the continued Argentine demand for gold. Business on the stock exchange gen erally was quieter and the dealings were narrow, though certain stocks were buoy ant. Consols were easier on the Balkan situation, but closed an eighth above the lowest of the day. Foreigners practlcnlly were stagnant. Russians were depressed. Americans opened dull and Irregulnr, hard ened to about parity, became Inactive and cl ised weaker. Grand Trunk weakened on the decrease in trafllc, which was nearly double, what had been extiected. Kaffirs and South Americans were firm. The rise In the price of silver, owing to the far eastern drtnani strengthened Americans. The amount of bullion taken into the Rank of England on balance today wns $M0,00o. BERLIN, Feb. 17.- 0crators on t'10 bourse todty werp nervous, owing to the reports from Bt. Petersburg. Exchange on London, 20m MMtPfgs for checks; discount rates, short bills, 2 per cent; three months bills. 3 per cent. PARIS, Feb. 17.--Prlces on the bourse to day opened heavy and the report of another Japanese victory caused a general re action. Turks were seriously affected on account of rumors of further Balkan eom pllcntlons. At the close storks were feeble. I? 1 BU ! '1 n . .Sfwllnnrl ffinalflnraKlv I , ..r 4 n 1 ... closing at 92f 35c. Ttlo Tlntos lost 9f. The private rate of discount wns 2 9-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 96f 8Cc for the ac count. Exchange on London, 25f 20c for checks. Cot to , Market. LIVERPOOU Feb. 17. COTTON Snot tr.iKieraae business done, with prices 14 points hlfther; Amerlcsn middling fair, ?.34d; good irilddllrfB-. 1AM; low mlddlliifr, 7.02d: Rood ordinary. 6 92d: ordinary. 6.72d. The sules of the day were 7,00t bales, of which 5110 were for simulation and export, and Included 6,600 American. Receipts were 9.0H0 bales, lnclmllnir 8,0tn) American. Fu tures opened steady and closed feverish. American middling:, g. o. c, February, 6 6d; t enruary-ftiarch, u.Miil; March-April, 6 X7d; April-May. 6.8Ud: '.lav-June. 691d: June. July, 6.91d; July-August, 6.91d: August-September, si. 7M , September-October, ff.lfid; Oc-tober-November. 6.9(H1. The Cotton exchanite will be closed on Monday, February 22. NEW YORK, Feb. 17, COTTON-The market opened strong; at nn advance of 6&6 points and was soon selllnK up 4317-45 Jiolnts 011 stronKcr cables than expected, n the last few minutes the market rallied to the hiKhest of-the- day and closed at E radically the best, firm at an advance of Kr lo points. Exports were moderately full and there were reports cf a large spot busi ness In the south that helped the late ad va nee. ST. LOriS. Feb. 17.-OOTTON-Nnmlnally unchanged: middling. 13c; sales, none: receipts, 750 bales; shipments, 247 bales: stock. 13,173 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 17. COTTON Nomlnal; sales, 5.565 bales; ordinary, 10 16-l.6c; good ordinary, 12c; low middling, 12e: middling, 13c; good middling, 13c; middling fair, 13c: receipts, 3.850 bales; slock, 416.902 hales. Futures, steady; March 129HC, bid: April, 13.15r13.17e; May, 13.41c; June, 18.63 (T13. 67c; July, 13.K5c; August. 12.65c, bid; September, 11.76c, bid. Wool Market BOSTON, Feb. 17. WOOL A healthy condition prevails in the wool market al though trading Is quiet. The demand Is steady, even if slight, at firm prices. Med ium wools nave been most In demand and they have felt the Impulse toward a higher movement. There Is a steady business in territory wools, which are firm, pulled wools seem to be In general demand. Little la being done with foreign wools. Some current quotations are: Idaho, fine, 164jl6c; heavy fine I3rii4e; fine medium lfV-(jl7e; medium. 12ft l8c. v vomlng tine, 15ui6c; heavy line. lMrltc; tine medium. 16ftl7e: medium, 18&19o. Utah and Nevada fine, 15'nl7c; heavy fine. 134414c: fine medijm, 16&17c; medium, 194920c. Dakota fine, 15$ 16c; fine medium. 16ul7c: medium. Montana, flrr choice, 19jj20c; fine medium choice, 19i'2oe; average, lnQlDc; medium choice, 19''ti2iV. 8T. LOUIS. Feb. 17.-WOOL Steady ; medium grades combing and clothing, 17Cri 21c; light fine, 15fil7c; heavy fine, U'ffl Hc; tub washed, 2ixQ31c. ... Coffee Market, NEW TORK, Feb. 17. COFFEE The market opened steady at a decline of p' points on March, with the other positions unchanged to 10 points blgher and while generally quiet, ruled steady to tlrm on European buying and bullish advices con ceruing the corning crop, which one tos firm placed at 2.500,000 bags for Rio, and 6,5m),(Nj for Santos. Another Santos cable from private sources predicted a falling off in the movement at primary points and stated that wealthy houses were holding spot coffee out of the mar ket. Importers continued selling moder ately, but the demand from European sources was swollen In the afternoon by a better class of commission house business and the market was finally steady at a net advance of IWtO points. Sales were reported of 99.000 bags, including March at 6.654ro.dOc; May, 6.8i(io Kc; July, 6.10ii6 25c; August, 6.2'ic- September, 6 3Kfi5oc; Octo ber. 6.406 45c; December, 6 6t "06. 75c. Spot market, Rio, steady; No 7 invoice, 7c; mild steady; Cordova. htiWic. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. OILS Cottonseed, steady: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow S8'u3c. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York. $895; Pennsylvania and Baltimore, $6.90; In bulk. $6. Rosin, firm; strained, common to good, $2.9u. Turpentine, quiet; 6tiAnj7c. OIL CITT, Feb. 17 OILS Credit bal ances. $1 80; certificates, no bid. Shipments, lefl.316 bbls : average. 71.590 bbls.: runs. 69.- 69 bbls.: average. 68,216 bbls ; shipments, Lima, 72.812 bbls.; average, 61.412 bbls.; runs, I.i-ia. 51.54S buls.; average. 45.083. SAVANNAH, Feb. 17 OILS Turpentine, nothlnar doing ROSIN Ouitt; A. R. C, D. E. $180; H $175: I 11 10; K, $3.26; M, $3.30; W U, $3 46; W V, $3i. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 17. WHEAT One cent higher; No. 1 northern. 9K.y9v..; No. 1 northern. 93&'j6c; July. 89ii97ac. H Y E 1 o higher; No. 1, 7HT72c. R A RLE Y Firm; No. 2. 63c; sample, totjsiuc. COKN-rirmi Nov t, 4ij4c; May, 65 3 OMAUA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Otitis Ef-cVpt) Liberal, but Deti'ablt Kinds Sold 6troiigr. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A TRIFLE Very I.laht Ran ot Sheep and Lambs nnd with Active Demand Good Staff Bold Strong to a Dime lllaher, Others SIott and Weak.. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 17. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Off'.Hal Monday 1.441 4.iii lll.ctU Official Tuesday 6.188 10.496 11,721 Ofllclal Wrdnenday 18u0 10,700 2.7U0 Three days this week.. 14.419 26.905 27.483 Same davs last week.... 9,089 24.610 22.N67 Same days week before. 7.7M M,"3 18.096 Same three weeks ago.. 11. 619 21, M3 27.930 Same four weeks ago. ...11.898 23.665 26.6:18 Same days Inst e.r. .. .14.313 3o,2u6 17,728 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omnha for the year to date, with comparisons wlih last year. 1904. 19nJ. Inc. Dec. Cattle 113.036 L1.717 t.Ill Hogs 8i.Kil3 808.375 1,612 fcneep 38,713 167,002 71.711 .... Average prices paid tor h"gs at South Omaha tor the last several days with com parisons' Data. U04. lKn.190!.iU01.:itoe.U3'Jt.lt9l. Feb. Ftb. Feb. Feb. Feb. i-eb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb Feb. Feu, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. I. ... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... t.... 7.... .... 9.... 10... II. .. 12... U .. 14... 15... t 72 I 6 tJ 8 Ml 4 f7 t 64 t 64 4 73 8 C3 4 4i 6 70i 6 S61 4 681 8 64, M t 92 4 621 t 69 t 73 5 94 5 81 I 8 69 t 71 t 11 23 4 60. I 8 73 4 81 6 . 4 76 t 82 6 76 74, 4 b0 . t 16 t 211 4 70 1 6, 6 tw 9 a 1 on S ! t 75 8 71 171 t 76 3 77 81 4 88 4 89 6 01 5 00 6 01 5 us 1 6 2. 4 76 4 84 8 66j t 70 3 711 3 66: 6 71 76 6 70 6 72; 6 26 6 001 01 s s: 4 801 6 04 6 80 6 981 6 24 4 79 4 r2 4 9ol4, 6 So, 1 6 do 3 6S1 3 66 7 5K t 92 1 t 80 4 75 8 73 3 83 3 Hj 4 99 I 6 03 72 5 81, 6 2- 827 6 781 16.. 4 831 t 68 1 t 89 4 76 3 68( t 84 17. .. i U2 I 7 03 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought in by each road was: lame. nogs, bu p. 11 r s. C. M. A St. P ... 1 ... 1 ... 6 ... 63 ... 6 ... 61 15 abash M . Pacific Union Pacific C. & N. W F E. & M. V C, St. P., M. & O. B. A M. Ry C, 11. & W 2 2 9 6 4 34 11 8 1 31 i 4 8 10 1 3 4 160 11 23 49 8 K. C. & Bt. J C, It. 1. or. P.. east... 6 C, H. I. Ac P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago U. W Total receipts 207 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho number of head indicated: buyer. cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1,174 Swift and Company 1,18 Cudaliy Packing Co 1,029 Armour & Co 1,463 Armour & Co.. Sioux C'y 77 1,502 1.MI9 475 L512 06 i 8.1HS 3,372 666 no Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co McCreary & Carey W. I. Stephen Lewis & Underwood .... Huston & Co Hamilton & Rothschilds. L. F. Huss Hobbick & B Sol Degan 8. P. Lewis J. B. Root A Co Hagerty A Co Other buyers 87 62 132 62 135 67 21 95 29 17 36 87 46 113 604 711 Total 6.469 11,147 1,600 CATTLE There was another liberal run of cattle here today which makes the re ceipts for the three days this week con siderably in excess of the same period of last week and also of last year. At some other markets, though, supplies were lim ited this morning, so that the total num ber of cattle in sight was not excessive. There were about sixty cars of comfed steers Included in the offerings and buy ers took hold of the better grades quite freely and the market on such kinds could safely be quoted strong to a dime higher. In other words, the desirable grades sold about as well as they did on Monday, the decline of yesterday being regained. When it came to the commoner kinds, however, there was not as much Improvement. The liberal receipts gave buyers a chance to ilscrlmlnate in favor of the good stuff, and as a result the warmed up kinds were neglected and but little better than yester day. As will be seen from the sales below the quality of rome of the cattle was fairly good, one bunch selling as high ss $5.00. The cow market slso was active and stronger, sales showing a gain of ss much ss a dime. The same as with steers the improvement wns most noticeable on the better grades and such kinds sold right around steady with Monday. The medium and common kinds, tiough, did not regain all of ysoterday's loss, though In most cases they sold a little stronger. The bulk of the early arrivals was disposed of in good season, hut owing to the late arrival of trains the day was well advanced be fore a clearance was made, the commoner kinds heing dull . Rulls sold fully steady with yesterday and so did veal calves and stags. The few stockers snd feeders that sr rived sold freely at fully steady prices where the quality was at all good. As high ss $4.00 was bald for some cnttle of gooa flesh and quality. Common stuff wns slow, the same as usual, but about steady. Representative sales: BKKr f i ttita. No. 1.... IB.... I.... I.... I.... tl.... 14 ... .... '.'." I ... 14... A. . T9 . 971 Tt. No. A. Tr. 1 76 14 107S 80 1 IS 11 971 t IS I 15 Jl 10t I M t U It 1224 t IS t 16 9 1130 I 90 I 40 : 1M4 I 09 t 10 II... .US! t to (0 83..' 1044 i r.0 It 1M i M I 40 It U4 4 00 I SO It 11K4 4 00 I 09 I '110 4 00 I 4ft 4 lltt 4 00 I 74 10 104ft 4 00 I TO II 1228 4 10 1 TO 1141 4 10 I TO 41 lt4 4 1ft Tl 17 1100 4 16 76 II I..1II0 4 10 TS ? 114 4 10 t 7ft 1311 4 10 t 71 I ..UU 4 K I 75 IT 12l 4 25 I 75 40 1314- 4 ti I 7ft 40 1171 4 25 I io IT 1270 4 I 10 It 127 4 10 I DO 14 1221 4 SO I 10 it till 4 40 I M 4ft 1111 4 M I 10 tl 1241 4 III I 0 4 1241 t 04 130 , 121 IX 1001 mi mio toes 9S 155 10&S 130 1071 S4 lof,0 1044 Ill 1001 14 10J0 1051 tfl 1070 lfj 107 1021 M 1000 10K4 . . in4 1.... 40..., 6..., 6... I.... 17..., It.... 1..., ..., 10..., 1... 14... IT... I... 1... 4... II..., 14..., STEERS AND COWS. 1227 4 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 10U I 0 IS... Id... WVUI. II... .. io .. 170 .. I'll .. 7:ji ..1041 .. 140 .. 7T ..100 .. m4 ..1155 .. ot .. 171 ... "t ..1"7 ..101 ..lit ,..1111 ... 50 ... I3 ... IIS ,.. 171 ,..10M ,..1011 t 90 4. im 154 1140 10O0 104) 1110 1107 1151 1H) 420 13S KMT 12IS 194 mi 10JT 1470 I '141 10KI lt"0 liso 1124 1247 I 06 I OS t 10 I 10 I 10 I It I II I II I II I IS 1 to I 1 I 20 I to t 2( I 21 I 25 I 30 I 10 I 40 I 40 I 10 I 411 I 45 t 00 I 10 1 25 I 2ft I 15 I 40 i to i 6ft I M t 71 I Tl I M I so t III t 15 I H5 t 0 I to I 00 41 1 . II II li::::: II. 1 0 II...., II T tt ,1 It... t ... I.... 1.... 11.... II ... 1 M... II... 17... 11... I... 4 .. I... I .. IT... 10... It... 19... 11... 14... li... I 00 1 00 I M I 00 .1031 It. ...1011 COWS AND HEIFERS. .. til I V HEIFKKB. 1 2 VI 1 ftO 1 T0 00 1 0 I 10 10 T7I I 10 ft 6o I H I ISO I 15 I IM I 10 44 731 I 18 ft Kg Hi II lf'Jl I IS 4 4t I 40 ft 74 I 45 ft 124 t 10 1 1514 4 04 " "'bulls. ,SM 404 J 1440 1 IS 1 140 I 10 1 1100 1 25 1 l3i I 10 1 12M t ftO t 1440 1 1ft 1 110 1 M I lion I Sft 1 12U0 I 5 1 1240 .1 15 I (M I 1ft I lto I IS 1 1140 I 0 1 1440 I H 1 1170 1 0 1 17M I 40 lft IMS I 00 CALVES. 1 too I 00 1 M0 I Tt 1 430 I H 1 110 I 00 4 t0 IM t Hi ft 00 1 iso in I loo iff 1 no 4 00 1 no i ;o 1 i 4 is . STAGS. J. 117ft t la 1 1150 I 14 I !Sf! J !rt 1... I M TOCKERt) AND FEEDERS. 1 130 I 50 H 701 I (ft 41 441 I 00 I 1051 I 54 I 440 I 00 4 m I 50 I ThO I 00 IT at IM 1 774 I to 47 SIT I SO t T71 I U f 114 I SO It I7T I 4 ft 44 t 40 I rs l It Ttt I TO I TM ft 4d ft Tat I TO 1 4 lit I at tl 1M1 t IS 4 0 I 45 1 sio 4 no I 4: 4 I 45 50 7)4 4 00 I 1 I 45 0 744 4 00 HOGS There was a aootS run of hogs on ale this morning, and. as advices from other points were unfavorable to the sell ing Interests, buyers here started out to buy their supplies a little lower. The mar ket opened weak to n nickel lower and n good many hints sold on that basis, as there did not seeni to be any chance of getting more money. The local demand, though, was apparently heavier than usual, and It soon lieiamo evident that there were none too many hniis cn sal to till orders. As a result salesmen held their droves for more money and trading soon became more active, with good weight hoas steady with yesterday's general market, the early decline having been regilned The lighter weights sold rather unevenly. In some cases they h.ousht as much as they would yestenlsv, while In others thev had to sell a little lower. The lluht weights sold mostly from tl9." down, good weights largely from $.". On to $." Of., nnd prime heavies from $5 05 up. Representative sales: No. to 16 11 SO 41 17 IT M til.... 7 7 T to 71 17 M 71 ft 40 T6 It 74 4 M 1 10 17 TS T4 so 77 4t 71 10 1 0 T 7S M 14 in 62 TS 44 10 27 77 71 .... M . tr No. At. sh. Yt. 40 4 10 45 lf . . S f!4 ... 4 16 J 2R4 SO 5 Li ... 4 60 S ...lift ... ft OS ... 4 80 ( 23ft 40 8 OS ... 4 85 8 234 ... 6 05 ... 4 0 12 217 40 ft OS ... 4 tO 44 240 SO t 1 1H0 4 5 !0 271 w I Hi loo 4 s ::. 171 ... s or. ... 4 VS 79 221 ... t 05 so 4 5 is ::,? so I i 20 4 5 71 221 ... I Oft 110 4 W (7 214 ... t OS SO 4 Vu f 2 VI ... I IS ... 4 5 71 241 ... ft SO 4 95 73 221 M I 14 ... 4 j S ttft ... f 05 40 4 ir, 10 130 ... S OS ... 4 15 77 117 ... 6U5 ISO 4 95 TS 114 ... t Oft ... 4-. It 221 ... I ... 4 9ft 44 26 120 S 05 ... 4 In 128 ... I 05 40 4 95 70 248 ... S 03 ... 4 45 41 14S ... S 05 80 4 95 IS 171 ... t 06 . . 4 95 SI 230 ... S 05 40 4 7'4 17 214 ... 6 06 80 B 00 tl 247 ... B 05 SO S U0 S7 144 ... S (i4 ... ft Oil T2 144 ... ( 071, 40 6 00 ft .161 ... I 071, ... S 00 r.3 ,84:i 40 6 07 ... t 00 74 241 ... ft inw, ... ft 00 S4 t45 Iff. ft H ... ft 00 Ml 275 SO B "7', ... IS 00 22 272 ... f. 07y, ... ft 00 40 K0 90 ft 07 41 I M TO 200 200 ft tr,, ... ft 00 70 2M 80 6 071, ... ft no 9 5i". 180 S 07l ... I 00 45 V44 ... B 11714 10 ft 00 01 277 ... B 10 ... ft 00 18 ftiM 171 6 10 ... I 00 81 210 100 ft 10 ... 6 no 7 ?iu ... in ... ft mi 71 251 ... 6 10 ... s 00 s ... ft 10 ... ft 00 C4 250 ... ft 10 40 ft (;ij ft a 278 ... 6 10 MO i 0i, 68 rn.-. 120 ft 10 120 ft K"i 8" 206 8(1 6 I" 80 ft H7v !5 i'76 ... 6 10 ... ft 02', f9 27 ... 5 ,2 ... 6 021, 28 219 80 a 12', 40 ft 03i, It 929 80 ft 124 ... B 02', 44 til ... ft 15 ..114 ..1:4 ..14T ..174 ..1TH ..175 .241 ..190 . .2' .170 . .104 ..117 ..10 ..171 ..lit ..221 ..1S7 ,.lel . .108 ,..1S" ,..113 . i ..15 ..Aft ..;o4 ..15 ...IS4 ..2U ..110 . .2"! ,..2' . .220 .241 . .113 ...lfH ...104 ...16 ,..19T . IIS ,..11S ...mi ...Sot ...120 ...15 ...211 ...250 ...19 ..245 . . 2"0 ...211 . . . 2S" ,..117 . .243 ...22S ...230 14,-.. 57:" it'.'.'. II... 71... 71... 14 .142 S 02'k till k.b.i' There was a verv llht run of sheep here this morning tor a Wednesday and, aa local buyers nau to have somo fresh supplies, the market ruled acuvo and strong. Uiu good, fat stuff. In fact, coulii sufcly be quoted strong to a dime higher. The, Johnson ewis that fold on Monday for $o.8a Bold yesterday for $3.90 and for $l.t0 today. Other Rales were also around u dimu higher and everything ut all desirable wits soon dlsMeed of. Suine of tne p.trt fat klndd, though, were rather neglected Hnd salesmen were culling that slow and weak. There were but few feeders offered nnd no particular change in the market was noticeable. Quotations tor corn-fed stock: Good to choice western Inmhs, S5.S4fij-5.SK; fair to f:ood iambs, t5.25tff5.60; good to choice yoar Ings, $4.7rx(iS.OO; fair to good yearli-igs, $4.50 S4.76; good to choice wethers, $4,011(34.25; fair to good wethers, $3.7534.00; good to choice ewes, $3.76i44.i9i; fair to soitl ewes. j mitifo it., cnoice reener tamos, 4.2:f(i5.i rair 10 good. $3.5004.00; $3.50(fj4.rn; feeder wethers. feeder yearlings f3.7Mi4.00: feeder ewes, $2.60(S3.25,' culls. $1.752.00. Repro- sentativo rales; No. 64 western ewes 181 western ewes IS westorn wethers ..... 109 western wethers .... 10 western ewes 1 buck , 124 western ewes 73 western ewes 3W western wethers .... f64 western ewes , 114 western wethers 13 western wethers .... 66 western wethers ... 170 western wethers .... 17J western wethers ... 60 western wethers .... Ill feeder lambs 22 western lambs 6 westtrn lambs 146 western lambs t western lambs 21 western ewes 109 western ewes 188 western lambs 209 western yearlings .. 144 western yearlings .. 142 Mexican yearlings .. 605 Mexican yearlings Av Pr. ,95 3 75 , 123 4 0) 7S 4 31 ,95 4 20 ,90 3 W 200 8 2.'. 91 3 40 103 8 75 , 125 3 90 87 4 00 117 4 10 , 138 4 10 Ht7 4 10 ,132 4 20 134 4 20 137 4 M ,66 4 50 ,72 4 85 ,70 6 00 , 74 6 25 , 126 6 60 ,71 S 90 , 123 4 00 . 70 4 75 ,80 4 So ,82 4 90 , 75 6 05 .59 5 (5 Stock In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six, principal western cities yester day: Cnttle. .. 4.80-) ..18.000 Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha,. Chicago Kansas City.. St. I Willis St.. Joseph .... Bloux City ... Totals 10,7(8 2,701 26,or) 3.'n 2,500 2.703 87.000 12,100 9.0H0 7,461 4.000 8,ni0 4.000 2,14-1 800 .87,940 73.163 35,903 CHICAOO MARKET FOR LIVE STOCK. Prices atronsr and Higher for Cattle nnd Receipts Are Fairly Large. CHICAOO. Feb. 17.-CATTLK Rer slots i,.V0 head; market strong to higher; good to prime steers, t5.001p5.75; poor to, sa.totjpt.N); stockers and feeders, I2.fotii4.30; ners,'tl.75r(.56; bulls, t2.25410; calves, I3.50 ti7 25. HOOS ReMlpts toflny. 86.000 head: es timated tomorrow. 35.000 head: market mostly 5c lower: mixed and butchers. 15.00 O0.8O; (food to choice ieavy,x $5.25Wi.40; rough heavy. $4 91(5 20: 1 ght. $4 60fi6.l0: bulk of sales, $4 95iS6.20. BHKEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 20.000 bead; market steady; lambs and sheep, steady: good to choice wethers. $4 OntfH (10: fair to choice, mixed, t3.5tvri4.25; we-tern sheep, $3.00fi6.60: native Inmbs, $-l.0u4"6.00; western lambs, $4.76'i6.10. Kansas City Live NtocU Market. K ANSA 9 CITT. Feb. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,1X0 head, Including 800 southerns; market steady to 10c nigner; export and dressed beef steers, 10c higher, $4 6.VJG35: fair to good, strong, $4.OTViH.60; western fed steers, steady, S3.4iTt4 25; stockers and feeders, steady, .iJH.25; southern steers, 10c higher, M.6nrT4.45; southern rows, 10c higher. 12.46474. 40; native cows, strong. $1.75 63.60: native heifers, strong. $3.'tiR .95 : bulls, strong, $2 6516; calves, strong, $3.00 lit) nn. HOOS Receipts. 12.000 heart: market steady to li lower, closed firm; top, 5.174: bulk of sales.; heavy. . ihwi.it1: ackers, $4 9otJ.(i6; pigs and lights, SI.7..7D 90 . 8IIEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts. tOO head: market 5'fi1flc higher; native lambs lo.oo7f 3.75: western lambs. $6.0(kir"..70: fed ewes. $3.5'fl4.15; western fed yearling", $4.75 Cf5.15; stockers ana teeners, ;.tsj'y.uo. St. Lonls Live StiM-k Market. ST. LOUIS. Fib. 17 CATTLE Receipts. 4.000 head. Including 2.4Hi Texuns; market active, strong and higher; native shtpnlng and export steers. $4 25'f5 25; drexsed hcef and butcher steers, tl (nnifS .2'; steers under 1.000 lbs., t.l.Re'fifi.MO; sto. kers an,1 fee lers. $2.15g,3.75: cows antL heifers. $?.2ri4 On; run- ners. z.vrtcxt, nuns. a-.nuiaJp";- citi-rrs, $1 fn(j5.50; Texas and Indian Hteers, $2.S(iiS' 4.20; cows and heifers. $2,155(3 10. HOOS Kecnlnts. 9.1101) heart: mnrket rsipv; lower; pigs and lights. $4.7oifp3 15; packers. $4 t4H!j5.26; butchers and best heavy, 5.15'rf 5 35. . . SHEEP AND I .AM MM Itecelnts, 2,MI head; market steady to strong; natlre mut tons. t3.4tyl4.(B: lamna. tnwin": runs ami bucks. t2 264.26; stockers, t2.00((T3.'J0. nt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,340 head; market steady market steady to lor higher; natives, heifers, tl. 76(34. 35: $3.6S'no.25; cows and stockers and feeders. 12 7rv?f4 16. Ht H Receipts. 7.4.:i nun: marsei steady to tic lower: Unlit, tt 77.4(6.00; med ium snd henvv. t4 95?" 20. , SHEEP AND LAM H3 Receipts, 173 heart; market stradv; lambs, $5.75; year lings, $5.00; ewes, $4.50. gloox City I. Ire tork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ta . Feb 17 'Special TeTe arsm ) CATTLE Reeelnts. no heart; msr ket steadv; h4eve tl RiVti4 60; etiws. bulls and m I x ed . t5 3"31140; strxkers and feerl.-s. $3 7.i"0: calves and yearlings. $2.50413 5(1. HOOS PeeHpts. 4 0(1 head: market stesdy; selling. 14.7565 15; bulk, $4 9Gti5 00. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Feb. 17 -METALS-Tln had a sharp break In the Ixindon-market, snot losing 12s td and cl oaring at 125 hm while futures were 16s lower at 126 17s fid. Lo cally, tin was Influenced somewhat by the waknfs shrnsrt. rlnelng quiet hut a little lower at M t"H45-M 76. Connor also wn lower la LsjcuIuo, sMt declining t to 67 Is d and futures ?s 6d t f M 7s 61V L. ally. copper wns unchanged, with like qui'ted at $12 iV'.il; ;.-,; elei ti olj tic and c istlng nt $r.' :t,'.,i12 Lead was a little higher here and f.rm nt tl Soli 4 but unchsngett In I,oei1,m nt 11 U's ti. I. Hp. Iter slso was firm nnil higher locally, with sot quoted, at te.K'.ir, I", while there was a decline of L's 6d to 4..1 lit 1 In the English market. Iron clt'si'd at 5e 9d In Olnsgow and Us lSd In Ml.lillesboriiugh. Ix-allv. Iron was imchitngeii; Nn. 1 northern foundry II quiited at $15 i;fir,.i; No. 3 northern foun dry at til ,ikk,i 5 im; No. 1 southern foundry nnd No. 1 southern foundry, soft, at t'.lii &14 25. 8T. LOCI St. Feb. 17. -METALS t-ead, strong nt $1.37. Si!ter. higher at $1.80. t diniH iu;.i: ah: market. Condition ot Trade' and Quotations on staple and I'nncy Produce. KOAiS-Recclpts. mure liberal; market Weaker; fresh stock. 27c. LIVE POI LTRY Hens, tv; spring chick ens, 9c: roosters, according Io age, oc; tur keys, 131114c; ducks, 9; geese, 80. DRESSED POULTRY -lurkcj ir, 16,jl7ct ducks, ll12c; gcece, 10c; chickens, 9Vvlt Ui UCTTER-Packlng stock. L'1il3c: cholea to fancy dnlrv rolls, I;'.,l4c; separator, 2Je. FRESH FISH-Trout. i'.il0c; pickerel. 6 tiOc; pike, 9c; perch. 6y6'o; bluefiah, l.c; whlleflsh, !fti9f; ralmoii, lie: luidilta-k, Uc; codfish, 12c; I'cdsnnppcr, He; lnbstern, bollnd, per Hi.. S2c; lobsters, preen, per lb., 2"o bullheads, 11c; catfish. Mm 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 10c; crapples, 12c; herring. 4tiJ W hite Ikiss, 13; Muellns, 8c; smelts, HH) ilci, OYSTERS- New York Counts, per can, 4".c; per sral.. t2 00; extra select, per can, S5c; per gal., tl.80; standard, r can, 27cj per gHl., $1.50. HH AN Per ton. II.'.BO. IAY Prices quoted by Omnha Wholesale Dealers' assocbttlnn: t'iiolce No. 1 upland, $0.30; No. 2. t6.0; medium, $3.50; coarse, $jOii; ryo strnw, $5. 00. These prices nre for ray of good color and callty. Demand fair tnd receipts light. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. tUU; Dakota, ier bu $1 (8i; natives, 90c. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bbl., $3. ;.. NAVY llEANS-Per bu., $2.2.-.. CEl- ER Y Lnrrje California, tc, 750 ami tor. ON ION'S Spanish, per crate. $1.; Colo ratio yellow tuid red, per lb., 2c. CAKRAQK Wisconsin HollunO. 8o! net Citlifiirnln, fVr. TURNIPS fl.snnda rutabagas, per lb., l'c; white, per bu., tVc. CAR HOTS-Per 8".'. PARSNIPS Per tu . 6t,c. BEETS Per bu . . CAULIFLOWER California, per CMtn, $;.-.-,. CCCI'MRERS Pee dot . t1.26ttt1.r4. TOMATOES-Florida, per 6-basks. cratstl, $4 5,1. . R VDTSHf'S Prr doc. V.mchrs. S5c. LKTTCCE HEADS-rr cls. bunches. PW 0S1. 00; p4-r bbl., t7.00; lesf lettuce, er dos, bunches. 45e. TV R NIPS Southern, per dos, 75c. PERT ft Southern, per rtos., 76c CARROTS Southern, per dog., 760. PARSLEY Southern, per dot., tl.00. Fur. its. APPLES California llellflowcrs, per box, tl.tS; New York export Greenln&s, RjsseU and baldwlns, $3.75. OHAPLS Imported Malagas, rer keg, tO.lK,. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bW.. $7.00$ per box, $2.50; Wisconsin Hell and Bugle, 7.50; Hell nnd Cherry. $6.50. UrP.AWr.ERRIES-Florldit. per ct.. 60a, TROPICAL FRLITB. ORANGEB Navels, all s ses, choice, $2 00 Q2.; fancy, all sixes, U i?-50. LEMONS-Cullfornla, fancy, 3r0 to 360, 13.60; choice, ?40 to 270 slles. t3 0oy3.2i. FIGS California, per H-lb. cartons, 8oc lupoited Umyrna, 3-crcwn, Ho; fc-ciown, lCc, 7-crown, 16c. liANANArJ Per medium sized buncha $2.Po(!i2 60; Jumbos, t2.i6(ij3.25. COCOA N U TS Per sack, $4 00; jer doiu, 60.;. DATES Persian, rer box cf 10 plg $2.00; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed OaUm. per box. $2.40 MISCELLANEOUS. (IIEESE Wisconsin ".wins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin young A merit-as, 13c; block Swiss. 16c; Wisconsin trick, 13c; Wisconsin ilmburger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, vcr 24 frsmes, 13.00; Utah and Colorado ver 24 frame. $3. .APLK SUiAR-Ohlo, per lb.. 10c. riPF.R Per bb!., $5.60; ter Vt.l'bl-. $3.75. POPCORN Per lb., itc; shelled, Sit343w .H.HSK RADISH Per caso of 2 doi., pecked, 50c. fHDEP No. 1 fcrern, tc; No. 2 green, 6c! Ncs 1 salted. 7c; No. S salted 6c: No. 1 real cnlf. 8 to .'2 lbs.. 8-;c: No. 2 -onl calf, : to 15 1bs., 6'4c: dry sa'.te! HdiS, SljL'c; s,hren nelts. i5ft76c; horse hides. $l.Boy2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No 1 soft-:.'. ell, jer lb., 15o; hard shell, per lb., lie; No. . soft "hell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hrrd shell, vtr lb., 1::.;; Lrar.l's, icr lb., 11c; flberts. per lb )7c; nimonds, ..oft-shell, per ib., 15c; hard fhcll, pel lb, i3c; pe.-nns, Isrge. per !'., 1-r; stnnll per ib., 10c; 1 earA'ts, per lb., 6c; roasted penntfts, per lb., 8c: Chill wnl puts, ji-Ti:i'Af: large nlckorv nuls. t'r bu., $1 50; shell barks, per bu., n.OP; wal nuts, per bu.. tl.25. JieT York Uve Stork Market. NKW YORK. Feb. 17 HEEVE8 Ro relpts, 2.IV1O heiul; steers, trrm to 10c vUhor; lv:ll8 and cows, steady o ltk higher. Na tive steers, $4.4ii5.2o; oxen, $o.0('V3.60. Ca bles, steuilv; exiKirts ttxluy, 614 tat'le, 9,o0 quarters of beef?. CALVES Receipts, 494 twai; Market stetdv f r eals; .barnyard .alve. nom Innl. VtRls. $4.5or0.00; tops, it :f.J9.50; lit tin clven. $15ii4.25: westerrJ. $7.00. Dress'd cb1vc4, slow; city itesHed als, 8'l3Ho I2C ib.; covntry a sed, "li'c; cr.oico, per lb. HOGS-Receipts, ,.440; firm; trlate hogs. Si. 60; giMitl western Pigs, $5 40. SHEEP AND LAVI1S Receipt. 1.421 heed: sheep, steady; lambs, slow. Sheep, $4,004(4.75: c-jIIs, $3.00; lumbs. $5.5t'i4t.Ii5; culls, $5.00, i.'xpoHs ttMlhy, 1,3J7 bead. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW TORK, Feb. 17. EVAPORATED j PPI.ES Market continues quiet,, with the tono rathtr In buyers' favor; common, i$ fc; prime, fVffJ5Vc; choice, bVAi&c; fancy, fHti'C. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prune are in comparatively light supply and prices are llrrnly held. Quotations run from JHMHc for nil grades. Peaches meet with a fatr Inquiry, but buyers and sel ers nre apart, an to prices and actual business Is therefore limited; choice. Vt,'ijlc; extra, choice. 7iifiS!,ic; fancy, 9810c. Apricots are In good demand and with supplies moderate the tom Is firm; choice, 9'(tl0c; extra choice, WiOrKrHc; fivwy, 12W16C 1113 iL US TAT 13 TRAXSKISHS. Deerts Alert for record February 17, 1904, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, liondod abstracter, 1614 7'arnam street, for Tho Ree: August lllerlmrh and wife to Charles F. Kelner. part of lot 4, block 8, Crawford's add $ 2,300 Oeorgu Forgan et rJ, r,ferees, to I.ena, Meuil, lots 1 to 12, Inclusive, part of lots 1? and 15. and all of lots 19 to 23, Iri'tliiKive. and lots 27 and 28. all ir block 2. Redb-k purk add... 4,83 Charles F. llruenlg and wlfo to t'harles A. Morrison, lot 12, block 6, Patrick's 2d Saratoga t,tM Sheriff to Isaac H. Leavitt. lot It. blink 6, and othr land, Shull's 2d add O Caroline V. ander M. 16-13 Alexander . Udstone et al to Alex- Anios, part of ne4 seV S3' 909 t I son M Amos nnd wife to P-arbo, Joseph W. Peters, same ... Josoph w . Peters to Chris umn Artn K. Tye to Arthur L. Sheetl, lots 25 and 26. Mayne s add John A. Crelghton to Crelghton unl vt rsltv, lot 8. block 106, and part lots 2 and 3, block U16, city STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wt hava aver U0 otno. Rafarencss: 171 BtaU and Nat l Batriss, Ol at IEHVIIB IS THB BRIT, Out of Town BuatB4tsa 8ollcttal ' OaSskaBrsiKbi ISUPar asi t- Tat I44T7 TH0S. M WADDICK. Corretpondent GLU. A. ADAMS URAIN CO. Grain, Provisions 4 Stocks. Members Omaha Oram Exchange, Chicago Hoard of '! rude and other exelia iik s. Correspondents Lartlett, Ftazler Cui rli-itton. 31 Board of Trade Bld'g, Oraahs. S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Room 1 N. T. Life Bldg. Tsl. 120. Operstes U Offices lo This Stal4k sUbllshfcd UHl. V