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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1904)
VTTTE OATTA' DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEnHUARY 17. 1?04. S AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAUA! New Federal Building for Lincoln CLEARING HOUSE REOPENS reassembling all the delegates ki Joint con ferene waa something of a surprise, aa It had been practically decided that the call would be limited to th seal committeemen en each aids. Contracts for Paving, Curbing ami Laying Bidewalki Let hj Oonno L v i ". ' -v ' n . v l, DAN HANNON GETS BIG PAVING JOB Will Pnt Down Ualeahara Hrlrk lonlh Tnrntf-Foirth Street and Railroad Atrm Tola Spring. At a mit1n; of th city council nl rilptht the. rnn'rurt for arartlnjr. ciirhlns and pav ing Houth Twfnty-fmirlh street from Q lih-Mt to W street and Railroad avenue from W Ktrert to the Fnrpy county Una waa awarded to I'an Hannon. Soven bids for this work were opened by the street and alley committee, but two war thrown out on account of no samples of material havlnr been submitted. The bidders for the entire work were: Pan Hannnn, tTl.tfiT; Zack Cuddlnirton. M7.933; Oeonr TarkB, $74,ir3; McGowan, I71.ME; An drew Kiewlt, SO,444. Councilman Adklna made several tents cf the paving; brick submitted and the committee decided that na Hannon had bid on Purlnnton brick, made at Oalesburs:, 111.. which waa considered by the council aa tha best brick, ha waa awarded the con tract Hnnnon waa about 3.000 above the bid of Cuddlnrton, but Cuddlnirton and the others did not bid on Oalasburjf brick. Tak ing this matter Into conalderatlon, and the fact that hl bid waa considered lower on curbing, etc., there waa no hesitation about the awarding of the contract. All of the other blddera were (riven back thetr, certified checks. The mayor and clerk were directed by the council to enter Into a contract with Hannon for this work. Mr. Hannon saya that he will cqmmence getting; material ready as soon as tha con tract la signed and that he will commence work aa aoon aa the frost la out of tha ground. After this matter of paving Railroad avenue had been disposed of the coun cil took up the matter of permanent alde- walka. August Hamll offered to lay arti ficial stone walks for 16 cents and brick for 1TH cents. George Tarts bid 17 cents for cement and 12 oenta for brick. The contract was awarded to Parka. At a former meeting of the council the oueatlon of opening Thirty-fourth street from V street to the south line of St. Mary's cemetery came up. The street and alley committee reported favorably on this - 1. I M C O L H . MCBRAIKfc. I " je, jjai Twot.M ' r . ... , p- , - - . . 1 nominating him, and aseerts that he will do everything he Mil to elect the entire republican ticket. Mrs. A. K. Miller died at her home. Ml North Twelfth atreet, yesterday. Funeral services will be held at the family rent man has no bunlneaa In the army. In think, too, that many desertions are unintentional from the fact that recrulta frequently over stay their leaves of absence through becom ing dissipated and they dread to return to dence at 8 a. m. on Wednesday morning, th ,r cornmands foT fear nf a garrison or Rev. Dr. Wheeler officiating. The remains i . , . . " , . will be forwarded to Interment. Macedonia, la., for rected to draft tha proper ordinances. An entirely new garbage ordinance waa offered by Broderick. In this ordinance WHY SOLDIERS DESERT ARMY Old Officer Thloka If Rales Were Changed 'Conditions Wonld Be Improved. As shown from the court-martial pro ceedings appearing from time to time In The Bee there seems to be an unusual num ber of desertions from the army of the United Btatea Just at this season," eald an officer at department headquarters. "I do not know that the number of desertions this Broderick proposes to keep the . streets, I winter Is particularly In excess of those of alleys and private grounds In good sanitary condition. A penalty la attached for any violation. The ordinance went to the Ju diciary committee for consideration. There was another ordinance of some moment Introduced.'. It was one requiring the plartng of a watchman at the cross Ing of Thirty-seventh and' L. streets. Bhould the railroad company decline to comply with the ordinance the council will Install a watchman and assess the-cost up to the railroad company and bring suit to cover. A number of small damage claims were reported on by the city attorney and his reports were adopted. In each caae the city attorney asserted that the claimants had" no valid claim against the city. Several tax matters of small Importance came up, but these were either disposed of or referred without comment. .Exchange Adopts Nev Rale. At meeting of-the South Omaha Live Btock exchange held yesterday afternoon any other winter, but it is bad enough as it la. There will alwaya be more or less desertions from the army, and the present excess over the war periods may be ac counted for from the fact that the military service In times of peace la more irksome. The recruits are subjected to pretty se vere drills, and this may be attributed to the seal of young officers to make a prac tical application of their studies. And again It Is due to the reorganisation of the army methods under the new laws. They are much more rigorous than under the old system and drills are much' more fre quent. Young men do not always have a full comprehension of the ' contract they have undertaken by enlistment. They find the service to be different from what they expected, and without reflecting upon the responsibility of desertion and the consequences. It takes about two yearn to season the average recruit Into a thorough soldier. Then again I am sometimes led to believe the question of traveling solicitors came I that wer the term of enlistment longer, up,jLTkla.matUr had. been thoroughly dls- I say five years, there would be fewer tleser- cuaoed at ft previous meeting and Monday's I tlona, from the fact that men would reflect meeting was held to decide what action ahooid be taken. By a vote of 66 to 14 tha mw rule waa adopted. This means that all members of live stock firms doing bunl neaa at tha exchange here who are mem bers of th exchange may go on the road and aoBclt business , for. six days each more deeply upon entering Into so long a contract, but having onco entered Into It would become accustomed to military life and adjust themselves to their conditions. Our best soldiers are those who re--enllnt. A soldier has abundant opportunities for 1 advancement in the army. The present We Sfa month, As any number of the firms doing head of the United Statea army entered the business at tha yards here have a number service as a private soldier. If a soldier of memberships' in the exchange, there will has any merit In him his officers will very too no difficulty about keeping some rep- readily recognise It and are glad to reward resentatfra on the road a good portion of It. On the other hand a shiftless, careless the tlxn One Of tha old-time commission men at the yard said last night that It would not be long before the South Omaha ex change would rescind the present rule and naki Ui tk bast market on the river. The Idea la to try the new rule for a cer tain length of time and then propose another rule which will be practically the same as th old, system. Live stock dealers here ay that what they want Is 'the business and thr do not propose to be handicapped by a Mt of rule which will prevent them from securing trade while other markets go ahead as! da SU tha soliciting they n t. Taaaaae Society Meeting;. Tha Qocnraltte In charge of the organiza tion of a humane society in South Omaha met yesterday afternoon at the purlora of th South Omaha club, but no business of importance waa transacted. The reason for ttUa waa that the by-lawa and regula tion had not been submitted to the com mltta In charge of the organisation. This delay will not make any material differ ence tn th organization aa a meeting will moat Ukely be held during the week, when th documents to be submitted will be adopted. Those Interested In the formation of this association here assert that a great aeal of good can be accomplished by con certed action on the part of the members. float wick Don South. H. C. Boatwlck. vice president of the Ewuin umini .national DanK. una a?nn south 'for a three weeks' stay. During the trip Mr. Boatwlck will take In the princi pal points In the Bermudas and will pos sibly make a short stay In Bavannah and Washington. This trip has nothing to do with business, as Mr. Bnstwlck stated be fore leaving that he waa going south to wijoy himself and get his mind off busi- Hens affairs for a few weeks. Ma arte City Gosaip. Rock Springs coal. Christie Bros. Tel in. A business meeting of the Epworth league will be held ut the Methodist church this evening. . "rf,nlt Ik'eal and wife left yesterday Tor Hut Springs. Ark., where they expect to remain for thirty days. . JoI"lTrouUn ha" "turned from the Sana mils country, where he went to look . attar sums buHinraa matters. Jed I r .ee. formerly a resident of South Omaha, but now located In the south. U liere for a few days visiting friends. Mrs. I J. O'Connor, wife of Councilman OOnnnor of the Fourth ward, returned yesterday irom Kanxaa City, where she has been visiting for a month. Mrs. L H. Proudfoot has returned from the hoHpital, where he underwent an operation. Her many friend, will be plowed to learn that her condition Is Im proving dally. W"?1. reported yeMerda, -. M P. Chase. Thirty-fourth and T streets, twlti, a boy and girl; A. U. Carr. Fifteenth and M streeu. a daughter; Kdwarri I.altner. Nineteenth and O streets, a daughter. Mike Kord, Tom Bulllvan and James C.leaena are being held at police head quarters on suxpl.-lon. It Is averted that theae tnea undertook to enter a etore on Twenty-fourth street late Sunday night. Tha Woman's Missionary society of the rreab) tertaa church will hol.t a praiae niating at the home of Mrs. Charles MaullaJi, We.liea.l.i v afternoon. Mra tvii. son, a mlaHlonary from India, will address the meeting. .av. a. Van 8a ur railed at The Bee mi higni to nay trmt the reason he did not thank the rvpublli an convention for bla nomination for member of the city council from the Pixth ward waa ImauM ns was out or tha city. Ha dealrea now publicly la thauk tha delegate (or summary court-martial, and hence complete the action Of desertion. Pneumonia In Chicago. Over f.OOO people died of pneumonia In Chicago last year. In every cose the disease resulted from a cold. Hod the cold been promptly and properly treatd at the outset almost every one would have recovered. This statement la abundantly proven, by the fact that among the tena of thousands throughout this country who use Chamber. his aoul hath cried aloud, "get thee to a healthier place." 8o the distraught Oliver, being a man of learning, reads the papers, and sees that the city Qulvera la in fact a wholesome spot, where In order to get profitable satlefnctlon diseases work In partnership, pneumonia and scarlet fever being necessary to win a verdict. Then said Oliver, "It Is a wholesome city of refuge," Ten Days for Charity's Sake. In police court Jndjte Berka gave a num ber of touri'sts, "without visible means of support." pasports to various places pro viding they leave the city at once. They all seemed anxious to quit the premises If released, except one l.uke O'Brien. O'Brien said he had 5 cents and a sore shoulder and hinted that n short sentence would be ac- laln's Couch Remedy to cure their colds, no cepteble, so Judfre Berka looked out of the , . . . ... winnow, saw mat tne weatner would be case of pneumonia has ever been reported, rold for , tlmt. anu gave tn man ten which shows conclusively that this remedy Is a certain preventive of pneumonia. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gained its wide reputation and enormous sale by the prompt and effectual cures of colds and can always be depended upon. OMAHA A CITY OF REFUGE Attracts Man Way Down In Texas Looking for Some Place Not Quarantined. Omaha for the world. Great la the greatest city of all the seven cities of Cibola. For It matters not what the tribulation of the people In outer dark places, they know that In Qulvera they can find the goods. Now the latest of these that would benefit himself by a sojourning in this 'munificent citadel makes known his de sire in a message of the electric wire, that hath been laid down prepaid at the door of the great ruler of the constables, , the honorable Chief Donahue. The message readeth: . LVFKIN, Tex., Feb. 16. Chief of Police, Omaha: Is city quarantined scarlet feverT , J. OLIVER. Wist ye the large amount of eagerness which the prayerful Oliver haa encomposed In the limited space of words permitted by the electric message sending corporation. Front the fevered and hectic marshes In the place of southern darkness comes this wan and wearied cry. As said Oliver passeth in the streets of I.ufkln, shying now at the red signal of the health department on some house of slowly folk and again at the yellow disease placardes from the house of a high man In the council. days as an act of charity. to te grateful. The man seemed PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS.. . T. Hoy, Newcastle. Neb.: H. A. Wnnder berg, Kemmerer, Wyo., and C. Kirk. Og den, are at the Murray. J. H. McNIcholns of Portland. Ore.: J. W. Luckert, Coleridge: H. F. Brown. Den ver, and E. M. Tollard, Kehawka, are at the Millard. ., W. C. Orr has arrived from MeSlco Cltv to look after business Interests. Mr. (Sri Is head of a large coffee plantation com pany In exleo. Charles" Woodruff of Hutchinson. Neb., E. K. hum of Knoampment. Wyo.. Wil liam Van Allen of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stephenson of Lincoln are at the Her Grand. J. C. Rounds, Valentine; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blowers, Callaway; C. E. Kllbourn, York; F. W. King. Wood IHko; Robert Ptckson, Gordon, and W. C. Kramer, Ben nington, are at the Merchants. E. N. McPherrie, Denver; H. A. Pays walk,, Norfolk: Frank Kors and Maria Meyer, Fremont; E. H. Polleys, Missoula, Mont.; W. E. Mengley, Santee, Clay Car penter, Watertown, 8. D., and Lee Chad duck, Oklahoma City, are at the Paxton. Railway Notes -and Personals. D. O. Ives, general freight agent of th ts. tt M.. lb in Chicago. C. E. Wantland, general agent of the land department of the Union Pacific, Is In the city from Denver. A. T. Perkins, superintendent of the Kan sas City. St. Joseph a Council Bluffs rail way, la in the city. Mr. Perkins' headquar ters are In 8t. Joseph. The annual report of the relief depart ment of the Burlington has Just been Issued. The death and sick benetlts of the members of the department have been increased on an avrage of 20 per cent over what they were !ast year. The beneficiary of a mem ber who under the rules obtaining last year would have received Sl.OOtt at the time of the member's death, will under the new rules receive 11,200. The amount of the an nual premiums has not been Increased. Basinesi at Baltimore ii Kapidlr Returning Homal Ajp&cU MANY COMPANIES OF MILITIA GO HOME Work of Dynamiting Daageroas Walla Goes Steadily and Baslness lloases Ressaalag Operation. BALTIMORE, Feb. 16.-The business sec tion waa given a cheerful aspect today by the resumption of operations by th Clear ing House association, the first since Feb ruary 6, and was materially strengthened by the fact of the clearihgs being about three times the normal dally amount. Another Incident which gav an em phatto stimulant to public confidence waa the opening of all the savings banks, there having been A run. on none of them and all receiving substantial deposits. The de cision of the Stock exchange to postpone stock trading until February 24 is gen erally approved, ns th postponement will give ample time for determining value bf securities. There Is an abundance of money In Baltimore. Sine Sunday morn ing more than 13,000,000 In small notes and silver coin has been received at th United Statea subtreasury. Subtreasurer Dryden said today: "Every national bank In Baltimore haa made preparations to meet all demands. Several of the banks have large credits at the subtreasury which are still un called for, and the situation on th whole Is very comfortable." Fifteen companies of militiamen' were ordered home today, it having been de cided by Mayor McLane that there waa an excess of soldiers aronnd th fire district. Dynamite Dangerous Walla. The dynamiting of dangerous walls was resumed this afternoon and will be con tinued until all of them have been razed. Mayor McLane approved the report of the emergency committee tonight appointed for the purpose of recommending plana for the rehabilitation, of the burned section f the city. The report says: While the committee does not desire to minimize the gravity and extent of the disaster. It is gratifying to state that many of the large interests have escaped with comparatively little If any loss and that practically no Important factories were injured or destroyed. All the banks, trust companies, savings banks and financial Institutions wttcln the fire belt find their vaults In good condition and the contents LABOR UNIONS ARE IMMUNE Illtnela Federal Coart Derides Organ isations Are Hof Responsible for Acts. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 1. Judge Humphrey In the United States district court said today that the fact that labor unions were not Incorporated enabled them to escape any responsibility that might accrue from damages resulting from their action. The case In question waa that of Eugne Llnxweller, secretar-treasurer of the Decatur Labor and Trades Assembly, who pleaded guilty to a violation of the postal laws by sending through tha malls postal carda threatening to boycott busi ness firms If they continued to advertise In a western newspaper which has dif ferences with the Typographical union. Llnxweller waa fined 1100 and costs. uninjured, and are rapidly resuming busi ness In temporary offices and are ready to extend to merchants their usual ac commodations. Our merchants stand substantially as before the Are. Those whose places of business were destroyed have opened ?m porary quarters and have already resumed operations, having full transportation facilities for the reception and delivery of goods. Our railroad and transportation fa cilities are unimpaired. The absence of disorder has been remarkable. The general tone of the community la excellent, our citizens being animated by but one desire to repair the effects of the disaster at the earliest possible moment. The Worst Cold Is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, allays the cough and effects a speedy and permanent cure. Thousand have testified to its superior excellence. CALL SECONDJOINT MEETING Special Committee at Indianapolis Springs m Snrprls la Miners' Ware Dispnte. . INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 1. After a long and spirited conference the special com mittee appointed by the local operators and miners of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and west ern Pennsylvania to consider the advisabil ity of calling another Joint conference to day decided that a conference should b held here February 29. A call to the operators and miners of tha four states named waa Issued Immediately after the session adjourned and the 667 miner delegatea and the 360 accredited dele gates for the operator will return for the meeting. The action of the committee In PLACING GUNS0N THE IOWA Battleship Being Hurriedly Prepared at Brooklyn for Actlr Service. NEW TORK, Feb. Somewhat ex traordinary orders received at the Brook lyn navy yard today led to the spreading of the rumor that the department Is pre paring to send the battleship Iowa to the far eaat. The rumors were cauaed by the receipt of ciders to replace the guns on the Iowa that were damaged during recent tests by two guns of similar size from the battleship Indiana, which Is at present out of commission at the yard. When the Iowa returned to Brooklyn after th bursting of two of Its guns In Hampton Roads It was stated that two new ones would be shipped from Washington at once. The fact that the Iowa is wanted In auch a hurry that it cannot watt for these new guns, but must take old ones from the Indiana, waa much commented upon. . 1;: 4 ii Li SNOW BLOCKADE IN MICHIGAN Thvmn District Again Tied t'p and Railroad Trains Are All Abandoned. DETROIT, Feb. Reports tonight from tha "thumb" district show a renewal of the snow blockades of two weeks ago. Traffio Is at a standstill between Port Huron and Altmont and between Harbor Beach and Palms. In Detroit tonight at 10 o'clock the mer cury registered 4 degrees below zero and was falling. At Midland the mercury dropped to 10 below today and at Cadillac to 28 below, and at Calumet to 36 below. An eaatbound passenger train on the Pere Marquette with two engines waa abandoned at Harrison. Drives All Before It. Aches and patna fly before Bucklen'a Arnica, Salve. So do sores, pimples, bolls, corns and pllea, or no pay. 25c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. BERTHA DRAWS TWENTY DAYS Champion Painter Is Sentenced for Last Touch and Grlas nt th Judge. Tainting Bertha" Liebeke, wearing a new hat and tha same old smile, was the cynosure for ell eyes m police court yes terday. Tha woman with th sinking spell habit and the ' diamond appetite waa reported Monday evening as having taken $2 from W. B. Percy at Frits Wlrth'a bazar. Tenth and Harney streets. The man recovered hla money, however, and Bertha was ar raigned In police court on a charge of vagrancy. Twenty days waa tha prize awarded her, which offering she received by making a face at th Judg and elicit ing such merriment that the court had to restore tha dignity of the place with a tap of hi gavel. When taken Into the "reception room" Bertha gav vent to several loud stag laughs. i Mine. Yale's Almond Blossom Complexion Cream ORB ATE ST TOILET LUXURY flADB. Cleanse, softens, purifies, whjtans nd brnutJfias the skin. Soap and wmtve tenly cleanses superficially. Mine 1'alsJ ays: A little Almond Blossom Oooh plexlon Croam shonld be applied ervry, time the (ace end bands are washed. It removes the dust, soot, grime, smut, nd smudge from the Interstices ot the skin and makes the surface smooth as velvet. A dally necessity at home and broad; a treasure when traveling by land or water, or when on an outing ot any kind, and particularly prised at a tea aide or mountain resort. Protects the skin from cutting winds, burning rays of the sun and every Injurious ef fect of the elements. Trevents and cures abnormal redness of the nose or any part of the face, and that purplish hue doe to exposure to cold, also chap ping, chafing, cold sores, fever blisters and all irritation of the skin. It Is the greatest known specific for burns; takes the fire out more quickly than anything else, soothes, heals and prevents scars and suppuration. ( Indispensable for uso of Infants and every member of the household. An exquisite natural beau tlfier. A grateful application after shav ing. Excellent for massage purposes. Now in two s1eas; Mme. Yale's Almond Blossom Complexion Cream is sold by 7 Drug Dept., BostonStore Our Special Prices 45c and 80c a i uy a TV IT o -d o Mill ion 50c Bottles of Liquozone and Give Them to a Million Sick Ones. We have purchased for $100,000 the American rights to Liquozone the product which does what medicine cannot dp. We thus control the only way to kill germs in the body and end a germ' disease. We want the sick to know this product, and at once. So we make this remarkable offer. We will buy a million bottles and give them to a million sick. Will you if you need it let us buy one for you? We are spending $500,000 1 We will pay your druggist for a full -size bottle ol Liquo- cone and give it to you to try. Simply send us the coupon below and we will send you the order, good at your local drug store. This Is our free gift aud itrs acceptance places you under no obli gations whatever. We make it because this seems the quickest way to convince you to show you whst Llquosone is and what it can do. Then our only request will be that you tell your sick friends what It does. Whan we, at our expense, have shown yon a way to get well, help us let your friends know it, too. Do this for the good of humanity. In this way we hare saen one cure lead to hundreds of cure. And that Is why we make this offer. 10 thUS lit' Iiiquosone away.. Through LS00 newspapws and magazines, we reach, with this offer, nearly every homa tn Amer ica. .Our reason is this: There is everywhere sickness which nothing but Llquosone can cure. In every neighborhood there are Uvea which Liquoaone alone can save Our plan seems the right way the b8t wsy to quickly let those sick' ones know It When those minion bottles are used In a million homes there win be few who don't know the value of Llquosone. And those million bot tles in actual use will do more to convince tboae- who need this help than all tha arguments all the testimonials that we could ever print Acts Like Oxygen UquoBms Is tha result of a process which, for mora than 30 years, haa beta tha con stant subject of scientific and chemical re search. The process consists In generating Saaes. made In larg part from the best oxygen producers. These gases are con fined under pressure and. by the employ ment of Immense apparatus and 14 days' through physicians and bopaltala. la this country and others. Ia thousands of the most difficult cases obtainable eases which medicine could not cure we proved that Llquosone was Infallible. Than we paid the highest price ever paid fur -''"""ir rights on any acientlno discovery. We publish this fact because It best shows the value of Liquesona. Claims are easily made, but men don't pay a price "I , "Tr I that save for a product of vital worth Jvt T rt V w K- what , oum4nlty. Mm ofour class d. not staae oxygen does. Oaygen. a. you know, la the tormaeM ud reputations on a product 2 f lr- " U h? TCry our-of without knowing that It doe wba .. It is oxygen that turns the blue blood to red In the lungs. It Is oxygen that elimi nates the waste tissue and builds up the new. And no germ of disease can live In the presence ot an stress e oxygen. But oxygen is a gas and unstable. Llquosone is a liquid whlun ia not sren volatile. It carries Its virtues Into tbs stomach, into the bowels and Into the blood, to go wherever the blood goes. It forma a vitalising tonla with which no other known product can compare. It li life to tha human body. But germs are vegetables, and Liquosone like sn excess of oxygen Is deadly to vegetal matter. For this reason tiquoaons destroys every gnn lit t'.e body. And no man knows an other way to do It without killing the Us uja, too. Wo Paid $100,000 for the American rights to this product. We first tested liquosone (or tare years claim. . Wa paid that IIOO.OOS because Uquoaone does In germ trouble what no skill eaa ac complish without it. It will do more for the sick than all the drugs In tbs world combined. Tou must realise that ww know this when, after paying that prtoe, we offer you a bottle free. Medicine Can't Cure Your physician will tall you that medi cine, la almost helpless In any germ dis ease. The utmost It can do la to act aa a tonic, aiding caturs to overcome tha germs. Such results are Indirect and uncertain, depending on the patient's condition. A cure ia always doubtful and often Impossi ble. And the cures that do result are due to nature, not to medicine. A cure can't corns until those germs are killed, and medicine never kills Inside germs. These, slain m wece loaf attributed to other causes than germs, and medlolae was used ts doctor them. Up to the year USO germs were almuat unknown; but now It Is known that certain diseases are due en tirely to germs, and medicine in no way applies to them. 'Any drug that kills germs Is a poison, and It cannot be given Internally. And drugs that can't kill germs serve lit tle purpose In a germ disease. Those are tha diseases to which Llquosone applies and which Llqnosone Alone can onra We Offer $1,000 for a dlsetsa gcrra that Llquosone cannot km.. This offer Is published on every bottle of Llquosone, but nobody ever claimed the re ward, and nobody ever will. Llquosone always kills germa Please note what that fact means. All that la necessary to curs a gornt disease Is to kill the germs. That Is certain, and It la Just as certain that the disease will never and while tboae germs exist. Llquosone taken Internally goes wherever the blood goes Into every cell of every tissue. No germ can escape It and none can resist It. Csn you not see that the re sults are Inevitable' ' Germ Diseases The diseases in this list are known to be due to lermi or their toxlna Every mod ern physician knows that medicine does not apply to them, for medicine cannot kill germa, It is true that for centuries medicine baa been employed for these troubles, but germs were unknown then. Mora than half these diseases hare been traced to germa within tno past Ave years. Tha germ cause of Rheumatism, for instance, waa not dis covered until Anguat, 1901. Medicine la not for the germ troubles, Tou must either rely on nature to over come the germs or you must kill them with Uquosotie. , Ton can never kill them with drugs. These dlsessaa yield at once to Llquosone. We bare seen thoueands of tnea troubles ended in a week, though they have resisted medicine for years. And the results are so certain that In any disease In this list so matter how difficult, no matter how Incur able It seems we will gladly send to any patient who asks It an absolute guarantee that Llquosone will curs It Hr KUaer La Orlpea lesuenbM Uae TrawMet Maiarta Mawal1a ttaar Haart Trauktis rim rawla rta alay aiaey KlMaaaMlaa Sale Ummm rafale Srphttls Swaaaca Treaties Taraat Tivekiea Taavalin Taiaarau tsars Waawe tU AMni tneaila Ihaackltie Blo releea brtsht'e Imnn Bowel Traubles Louake Col4a Cut.uaitlee Caiio Croup CoaetlpaUaa Catarrb Canfre lnnifl Dropay tirapeea'a Vacua Eryr'clig Nftft Oall . toj Ooaerraea Oalua Osat kasta wttk terie all asaanaa- alPslieaaaa that Uoa all caurrd all evutackoaa aulte at 1miur ar paiaoaoa fclaoS. la urtoui aMlty Liaaaaeua acta aa a vaaMsae, aeneiatmaaiua east aa antes eaa aa. 50c Bottle Frco If row seed Lldaoaoae. and have tried It, please send na the coupon nelow. Do this tn Justice to yourself. We will then send you an order on your local drug gist for a 60-oant bottle tree, and will! pa your druggist ourselves for it. This offer Itself should convince you (hat Liquoaone does as we claim. Wa spend fourteen days in making eaoh bottle of Leuoaon. using immense apparatus and mplortac the best Chemists la Chicago. The product is very sxpenatv compared with tha coat of medicine. Certainly we would not buy a bottle and give It away If there wsa any doubt of tha result Tou want those results you. want to be well. Won't you. la simple fairness to yourself, send us thin coupon aad let us how' you tha wayf 1 Liquoaone coats (Oo and St CUT OUT THIS COUPON lee tkla eCae air eat aseear aailn. Sin et the feeaka aa Ball It ta the Ua.aU Oaeae Ce., Ml e a aaaak Ate., Chicago. Ut Aaaaae la I. 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Twenty-eifjtit years experience Ugh teen years in Oman The doctor's remarkable success baa never been cuualeil. ilia reeuruee aad faclllUee for treaung this ciaes uf (useaaes are unlimited ani every ua prua uiaoy fialterUia reporte of the soed U is dolus. or the raliaf he haa given. HOT SPRINGS IRtATMENl TOR all Blood Pblaoaa. No "B1UCXKINO OUT" a the sain or lace and au aitraal si a as ef the diaasse diaaputta at onca A l-ef-isanent cure for life suareoteeo. lADITArriF Cures guaranteed la lAHItVtUL l.k.b THAN i UAlTh. K.FAD Ifl Ann cureu uf Hydrocele. rtlH JVeUUU fcirltture, Oleet, Nervosa Ltebilltr, Loaa ( EUcugth ana VllaUlf and all f arsis ol chrunlo oiseaaes. Treataaeul br mall. .'aii or sri.te. Boa M. CMBot tit Bout Uta eL. (Janata, Mas. Ajar ahrelalea ar feoepttel aoa rt uatan Xaae leave vui aa sisal eaayiiet tut a teat. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER - Write le m Saaaylo Ce.