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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, FETtTtUATlY 17, 1004. OilAHA HIT BY RATE WAREAST ru mwm 1 TfiB Economy of Spending Trading at Bennett's , $2.50. $3. $3.50 Men'tmd Ladles' Shoes, Wed, $1.96 $3.50. $4, $5.00 Men's Shoes, Wednesday, $2.45 s JFo) Big Sale of Pictures Plctur Dept. In Basement 111 s THK reliable: stork. 12 M llf . II ' I M il I,-" . I m fits vit i ii tbf Iff ft il Ml A hm An i f wll th O.M i LC f FT bl sr. N" . B e.5 HO' nu on -4 j ($ pj KS elm HO BHC hi Yo run H TO 11 wt it .h I tn K.l lot M wl ga In In! il : Pa a1 I a ow Set J ti Ai Bin At WA) by an J oh Vr. The; 5r1 Kayl J M 8affer DiKritnnaticni in Tariffi Given Kansn City and St. Joseph. BURLINGTON THROWS DOWN GAUNTLET H - notfom flat of Rate to At lantic Urn hoard and fienera.1 Battle U F.pectd to Ensne. Omaha grain Interests are menacfd by an Impending rate war between eastern roads. For the flirt time "Inre the grain rate war oened up lines r-axt of the Mississippi river have taken a hand In the fluht. The Burlington has announced a rate of 15 cent flat on grains and grain product from lower Mlnsourl fiver points to the eastern seaboard. The rate Is irmde in conjunction with the Baltimore & Ohio, Southwestern and the Norfolk & Western. There Ik no corresponding reduction made In the ratea from Omaha. Kansas City and St. Joseph both come Inxlde the territory affected by the cut. The tariff arplles only to export shipment Before the cut was mHde the rate from the Missouri river to Baltimore, Newport News and Norfolk, the eastern points af fected, waa 21 cents. Consequently 6 cents lias been taken off by the new tariff and this stands as a discrimination against Omaha, In favor of, Kansas City and St. Joseph. It is believed that this will have the effect of taking- the bulk of the (Train shipments from the territory tributary to this market south through Kansas City, a the difference In the new export rate Is greater than the difference from moat points In this state In favor of Omaha. Cat as Retaliation. It Is said the new rate waa put tn ef fect by the Burlington and its eastern con nections aa a retaliatory measure against rivsl lines which Insisted on taking large shipments of export flour at reductions which the Burlington did not believe should be made, and which, on an equal rate, would have gone via the Burlington route. In one Instance the Santa Fe and Rock Island moved four trains of export flour out of Kansas City for Baltimore which had been promised to the Burlington. This flour waii moved on a rate of a4 cents through to Liverpool. The following day the Burlington announced the new rate of 20 cents through-to Liverpool, or, in Other words, a 6-cent reduction. as yei no oiner line nas announced a similar reduction, but It Is thought prob able that at least some of the Burlington's competitors wllll fall In line without delay. Probably the most suggestive point In connection wtih the new rate Is the fact that It carries the war east of the MIbsIb- alDDl river. This has been antlrlnated as the ultimate outcome of the grain rate war ever since It assumed large proportions. but It was hardly looked for tn the shape It has come. It waa believed that some of V roads running east from Chicago would be the first to announce reductions In con- Junction with the Chicago Great Western or some other road running directly east from the Missouri river. War Spreads Rapidly. However, the war haa assumed such proportions that complications are dally arising throughout the Missouri and Mis sissippi valleys, and these complications are now being felt farther east, where traffic agreement with western lines . no longer bring the business which they formerly did when everything was quiet and peaceful. The eastern lines, finding their business Is disappearing and Is being picked up by competing lines whose west ern connections are more favorably situ ated under the new order of things to se cure the business, are awakening to the fact tba something must be done If they atra going to haul any grain. ''This grain war has just begun, In my estimation." said a local freight man. "Three distinct freight associations are now n the fight, and In place of the members of one getting together and patching up a truce, as could have been done formerly, It now will require the combined efforts of the members of these associations. The ultimata outcome Is hard to foresee." The best rata that Omaha has to the east ern seaboard at present is 21 cents, while Kansas City and St. Joseph are enjoying the privilege of sending their grain to Liv erpool at 2H4 cents," or only half a cent more .than shippers from this point have to pay to get It to the vessel. The water rate at present Is 64 cents from any of the southern seaboard points to Liverpool or London. Omaha shippers, however, have a rate of IS eenta on wheat and 14 cents on corn to gulf ports, -which rates are 2 cents higher than from Kansas City. But the ' ocean rates from gulf ports are correspond ingly higher ythan from the eastern sea board. ' RUSH SAYS DATA WAS SENT Protests' that Delay la Dietrich In. alry Is Rot His Fault Sum mers Hot Available. . I must protest against the statement ap pearing In The Bee this morning from Washington relative to any delay in the Investigation nt the rhargee against Sejiator Dietrich by the United States senate being the fault of this offlcV' said Assistant United Slates District Attorney Rush yes terday. "So far as this office Is concerned a summary of the case waa sent to Wash Ington Immediately upon notice that the ' senate waa to take up the matter. Shortly following that we sent a complete trans v dipt of the case, what we expected to prove, a Hat of the witnesses, transcripts of tha arguments of General Cowln and Judge Patty and every particle of matter bearing upon the caae that we expected to use In the event of the trial of the caae here, This matter haa been In, the hands of the Department of Justice for over two week at Washington. I can Imagine that there might be some little delay there In pre par. In the matter for the convenience of the senatorial Investigating committee, as there la a great man of It, but there haa been no delay In forwarding this evidence from , this offioa. The evidence and list of wit Bessea wece In Washington long bofore The ' Bee's telegram waa sent, from there." It was not possible u get an expression from District Attorney Bummers for the simple reason that It was not ponalhle to locate aim or ascertain where he waa. TRUANT OFFICER IS KEPT BUSY Parker Sara Ha Has Had Three Hun dred and Fifty Cases t Deal With. i Jamea Fetrlecek, 3919 South Fifteenth street, father of a 14-year-old boy of the same name and said to be working at Krug's brewery, was taken Into police court by Truant Officer 1'urker to show why his son was not In school. The father said the son was suspended Clear the Voice. Relieve theThroal Cure Coughs and Colds. Im ttum if- AvM Imitation. Ladies' $1 Kid Gloves at 25c a Pair Thnmanita rt I , 1. 1.1 ts boofluso of slight liiiiwrfoptlnns. Klovrs such little Imperfections as are so skillfully repaired that the flaws cannot be de tectedIn a regular way they would, sell at $1.00 and $1.50 a pair, at Embroideries at C3rent IwrBnln arninres tilled with nil widths up to IS Inches and are the finest Swiss, nainsook and cnnibrle worth tip to floe yard, today at Handkerchiefs Ladies' and men's white and fancy colored border handkerchiefs In nil widths of neat hemstitching niuny styles fa worth up to 20o ZP.-rlP. each, at, each afca)2" Purses and Wrist Bag's Ladies' and mtsses' wrist bags dnd purses, In all styttsti leather very desirable and worth up to forty cents each, IllC at .'. Coiffure Combs at lOo Ladies' side combs, pom padour combs, back combs and puff combs . a sample line, at, each Shirt Waist Jewelry at 25c waist and one belt pin your beautiful styles, per set, ' at. Armour's Extract of Beef Demonstration main floor, over balcony stair. Today Fricassee ef Dried Beef. Advance Notice, Cloak Sale Thursday We announce for Thursday the greatest bargain sale of medium and heavy weiffht cloaks for winter. These cloaks are in all sizes and are well garments that are worth as each Thursday, at . . . . SALE; OF SLIPPERS FRIDAY Messrs. B. Cohen & Sons, 6th Ave., New York, the finest slipper house In the I'nited 8tates, retiring from bislnws, we take pleasure in announcing our purchase of their tntire line of samples. I'p to now they were the makers of the smart sUppera and- oxfords worn by the great society people of this couritry. We recpect fully solicit your attendance Friday, February 19, as early as pos sible, If only for nothing- else than the mere slftht of this wonderful collection. Altogether there are nearly a thousand pairs, ranging in value up to $11 a pair. We have placed about two hundred pair in our show window, so that you may get an Idea what this sale means. , The price during this sale will be $1.9$ a pair. XL. BRANDEIS & SONS. fflHn On Sale Today Men's Working Pants, $1 H r wi 7:fade of pood terinls all sizes, orth $2.00 and tbe ratttment, from the Forest school last year, but promised Judge Berka to get him back to a seat of learning as soon as possible. It is said the truant officer was after Petiiecek a year ago on account of his son's nonattendance at school. "This makes about 350 cases I have dis posed of durlrg the present school year," stated Mr. Parker, "and out of that num ber I have had to bring twenty-six into police court for adjustment." ' TRIES TO SHUT OFF SMOKE Mclntoeh Presents Resolution, bat Majority of School Board Votes It Down. Hugh F. Mcintosh, distinguished as the only populist holding a seat on the school board, Monday night was proclaimed head Jeater of that body. The popullat member Is one of the few who do not smoke. The ceiling of the board's meeting room is low and the venti lation somewhat Imperfect. The character of the debates frequently demands a plen tiful supply of fresh oxygen, as the mem bers prjde themselves on their acuteness and forensic ability. Once In a while every one except the speaker goes to sUep. Whether Mr. Mcintosh objects to the to bacco fumes because they disturb his In trospections or because they keep him awake Is not explained, but Monday even ing he Introduced this bit of literature, dubbed a "resolution:" That the committee on rules be and la hereby directed to bring In a rule amending the rules of decorum governing the Hoard of Education while In session in such man ner as to regulate, annihilate and supprexs me smoKing oi (onacco. pipes, cigars, ciga rettes, cabbage leaves, hemp, cubebs, break fast foods and other noxious compounds within tbe rooms, halls, corridors and the domicile of the Board of Education. There waa a perceptible stir In the room and several "fumlgators" were chucked surreptitiously Into the cuspidors. There waa an Immediate Improvement of the at mosphere, and while a few colleagues sym pathized with Member Mcintosh the ma jority reflected upon the consoling qualities of the weed and voted down the resolution. IN LAND THAT KNOWS NOT WOE Pair of Saturated Offenders Plead Blissful Ignorance of Events Jnst Passed. John Doe and Frank Gillette, arrested during the early hours yesterday for being drunk and disturbing the peace by fighting, were awarded $3 and costs each In police court. When asked what they had to say for themselves In regard to their desecration of the stilly night, they declared as one man that they had no knowledge of the brail, as they were In that land where, unpaid bills and weather forecasts dlsturbeth not the mind. "Then will you plead guilty to being drunk T" was asked. "Yes, yer honor." "Three dollars and costs each." Ho Venom In 'Km. No poisonous purgatives enter Into Dr. King's New lAtet Pills. Easy, but prompt, they cure or no pay. Only S&c. For aala by Kuhn A Co. Marriage licenses. t'p to noon February 16 the following couples had been licensed to wed: Name and Address. li Anton Zallnd, Mouth Omaha 24 Steal Mdjm, South Omaha , 23 Caleb K. Mowery, Omaha $3 Mabel Cherry. Omaha , 19 Harry Anderson, Omaha 2J Annie Lhadnlce, Omaha 19 John 8. Schults. Omaha 35 Mary A. lurken, Omaha & II K. Wedding Kings. Edholra, Jeweler. Hllksell Still kick. Muuaina jnenecior witnneii la atm sli k man and Is confined to his bed. He attempted to so out of doors Hunri.iv ajirf had a relapse. Grip, complicated bv thruat inuuw, 1a uiv cause or iilil illness. Auction! Auction! Auction! Go to A iliar auction sale of unredeemed H tlwi .-. Knfnenil Kv Mia Imnnrr. The glorpii nre termed nipnrlptl H occur in tlic-so rIovps 25c 5c, 10c, 15c, 19c the prettiest einbrolderlet they nre e prettiest embrolderlet they nre 5c-10c-15c-19c Laces-Laces from the New York auction thry a ro up to 5 Inches wide, vals, torchons and net top Orientals, worth up to thirty- fiavrVe-r.8lc-2ic.5c-10c 10c Sterling silvsr sets of three choice of many f if ! COOKS LIKE LIQHTNINQ. Tbe modern system of booklng by electricity Dally Demon stration. made, warm high as $8.00 150 On Sale Today strong and durable ma hundreds of pal: $2.50 Special today at BIG MAIN UNDER THE GROUND Water Company's Conduit Laid Along Pro posed Terminal Site. DIFFICULT TASK SKILLFULLY PERFORMED Demolition of Houses Progressing Rapidly and Great Western May Begin Grading at Any Time. The Omaha Water company has Just com pleted the difficult task of lowering Its big water main from Leavenworth street to Mason, to a depth twenty-five feet lower than It originally was, without ao much aa breaking a Joint except at the Leavenworth street end, where the work was begun, or Interrupting the service for only a few hours while the beginning referred to was being made. To those versed In such matters the work may have presented little out of the ordi nary, but to the uninitiated It seemed a feat requiring no little of engineering rklll. The entire length of pipe lowered la a half- mile or more, and when It la considered that there are nearly 300 lengths of pipe. each twenty-four Inches In .diameter and weighing $.600 pounds, and that the entire weight of the Jointed pipe was In the vicin ity of 1,080,000 pounds, the wonder that It could be successfully handled In one piece and without the use of derrick or rope, In creases In the mind of the average beholder to Incredulity. The lowering of the main waa made necesjuvy by the proposed establishment of the Chicago Great Western railway tracks and yards across Eighteenth street. The big. pipe was first laid bare Its entire length and lay like a gigantic serpent while the preparations for putting It below any Interference with the grading that the rail road company will necessarily do, were being made. Hundred Men nt Work. A force of nearly 100 men was pot to work with shovel and pick and the earth waa carefully dug away from beneath the pipe to the required depth of twenty-flve feet, except at Intervals of every two lengths of pipe the dirt for a distance of four feet was left undisturbed. Thus whan the main ditch waa practically completed the big saake-llke pipe waa left renting on a series of earthen "benches," so called Then began the delicate and difficult part of the operation. Two men were put on each of these benches, one on either side of the pipe, and each began carefully to dig away, a shovelful at a time, the earth from beneath his own feet and Incidentally from beneath the pipe. A care waa had by the overseers that the men so employed should work at about the same rate of speed all along the .entire length of the main, and so the shovelfuls of earth, neces sarily small, came out with the regularity of clockwork, and the big pipe sank lower and lower, imperceptibly but surely, until the required depth had been reached, and it lay on a solid foundation without hav Ing been so much as disturbed In Its sleep At the Ieavenworth street end it was, of course, neceasary to unjolnt the pipe, as the descent there from the original level to one twenty-flve feet lower made two Joints lie at an angle of about forty-five degreea Here at both the higher and lower level abuttments of .stone and masonry were put In to preclude the possibility of the force of the water burxting the pipe where the abrupt downward turn was made. A similar work is to be done with, the main on Nineteenth street and for the same reason, bat the work will be less dim cult owing to tl.e fact that the main la but six Inches In diameter. The demolition of the houses that have been bought by the Chicago Great Western at this jpolnt la progressing rapidly, and the rallfoad company may now begin grad' lng at any time so far as the water com 1 flxi H - l II a - a rn jJ UNJ Wednesday is a Day of Green Trading Stamp Sensations And everything in readiness for a record-breaker. Hun dreds' will finish thir serondj third, perhaps their fourth book Wednesday. To find anybody not eollecting Green stickers is to find a needle in a haystack. We will be glad to we you today. A CAPITOL SENSATION $8 Worth of Green Trad ing Stamps and a Good Market Basket with One Dollar's Purchase of Ben nett's Capitol Goods. unjuftn. BENNKTT'fl CAPITOL. BRANDS ARE BEACON LIGHTS IN THE GROCERY WORLD. Have you tried them 7 WEDNP.SDAT WE WILL SELL FOUR THOUSAND BASKETS. Here's What the Basket Contains 1 l-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol Pancake 1 l-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder.. 24o 1 l-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol Coffee.... c 1 J -lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol Baking Soda. 60 1 4-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol Black PeppBr,...12o 1 2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol Wheat 10c These are put up In market htuket the good Inducement for you .to make this purchase of ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF BENNETT'S CAPITOL GOODS, which, on the basis of quality. Is worth SI. DO elsewhere but to mHke this a real i&t'riSFl a Capitol sensation we $8 Worth of Green Wednesday all .1 ANOTHER SENSATION. A SENSATION IN DRY GOODS. Two Dollars Worth of Green Trading Stamps With a Purchase of 29c 1,MM tmhrsldered, bemstltobetf spratcheled and scalloped Swiss Hearfs, Mhero,. A'ommode and Stand Covers, alses Jk !t(lx3U, KZxRU, Tx27und 18x84 a munufactarer's dean- 1lLfj vp snle and a wonderful one at that worth np to Jr U m 78e WedsndSTi as long; as the supply lasts, mkf sV nd Two Dollars Trading Stamps AND WHO DID IT? v.i who emnloved the detective who u ent here from the Kansas City branch of the Plnkerton Detevtlvo Agency, TO SPY AROUND THE FREIGHT DEPOTS to find out wnere we gei our goons t Tha rii-mriAxtH nf these three cities- Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs are claiming that was a put up Job! You ask Captain Moatyn of the Omaha Police Department, Chief Detective Dunn or Detectives DomiKhue or Heltfeldt! WHY CAN'T WE BUY OOOUH UMAnA, ANYWAY, like other druggists do even when we offer the caHh fr them? IS THE DRUG BUSINESS DIFFERENT than nnv other business In the eyes of the commercial world? Don t the rKOfLG want competition in the drug business? Whv are the Council Bluffs dnigfrlsts selling patent medicines for one-half price mnre we opened a store there? THE IEOPLE KNOW I SCIIAEFER'S CUT' PRICB BRUa STORE JCL. T. YATES, Prop. .V A 1 k a. 1 1 1 1 1 ii h TAT1M mill oil 1 1 1. a ft v v-o. , v.. - T47 and I". 24th and N Sta., South Omaha. 'Phone Nf. 1. 6th Ave. and. Main St., Council' Bluff. 'Phone 333. All goods de livered In either cltjr absolutely free. Piles Cured' WITHOUT PAIN By W. '. Maxwell. M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New noi-K -uy. KI- Bee Budding. Omaha. Neb. Tel. 1U4. READY TO BUILD NEW LINE Omaha 4k Southern F,lrct rlo.Ra.ll way Company Elects Officers aad Lays Plans. The Omaha A Southern Electric Railway company held a meeting and elected these officers: W. H. Elbourn, president; Edward S. Streeter, vice-president;, Charles K. Miller, secretary and treasurer; LI man Waterman, general manager. The follow ing board of directors also was chosen: J. B. Piper, P. IMeraon, Pl.tttmouth, II. W. Mitchell. B. R. Ball and W. P. Killen. The plans af the company now con template the building of line from South Omaha to Papillion. All of the right-of- way haa been secured and work will be begun on the grading of the line aa soon as the frost is out of the ground In the iprlng. The ties have been contracted for and are now being cut In southern Missouri. It la the intention to build other lines as soon as tbe Papillion Una Is completed, but the plans will not be made public until the right-of-way has been secured. President Elbourn will make a trip to New York In the Interest of the company wlihln a short IT J IB 9 Hmtftrt "1 H CAPITOL I SH:i;& !; I vm 1 8 Flour. ...lOo f neat, serviceable basket itself Is a !Dcnnell's will give Trading Stamps Free - day Wednesday ICapMol.i k -...Oati Worth of Green With Each Sale. A Good Pot for a Good Coffee and TEX HOLLARS WORTH OP , GREEN STICKERS. TEA AND COFFEE POTS, BREAD TRAYS. SYRUP PITCHERS WITH PLATE, BUTTER DISHES. FANCY CRACKER JARS, BREAD PLATES. I AAA lCiO, 1.88 MAYONNAISE DISHES, BE li ft i etc., etc., values up to Jli.OO choice Wednesday TEN DOLLARS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ANOTHER Child's Cups. Sugar Bowla, Cream Pitchers worth up to 0 0 $1.60 choice 90b AND PkVIO DOLLARS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING BTAMl 8. Shoe Sale. Fry Shoe Co Offer again this week a fine opportunity for rare bargains In High Grade Shoes, to close out broken lines and winter weights. Women's $3.60 patent Cfi colt bals, now tmJ3 Women's $2.(0 and $2.75 4 Cf kid and box cajf, now..'V Misses' $2.60 and $2 (Eft Imx calf lace, now l-JJ Men's $fi.flft box calf, leather lined, double soles, 00 Women's $5.00 French calf wln ter street shoes, eft now O.Dl Men's $6.00 enamel bals, double soles, lata styles, 4.00 Women's $600 patent kid, leather lined, welt shoes, warm and stylish, fJQ now Broken lines of women's $5 00 patent kid, hand welt, laoe and button, 4.00 80c, ISc end VSc Bargains for mlxrtes and chiloreii. are great values, if you And a plr to nc CRYSHOECOi ITS TEN CENTS -n What To Eat lSX Send for eopry. 10 eeuta or $1 go a rear. Reliable Health Artlclaa. Table Stor ey Jeaia, Poems. Clever Touu A good friend to brighten your leWure mo menta. Full of aevel auggaeUoaa tor entertaining. The Im Haettk kmltotle u-"Oet In n veala he heeUaier e4 kapator it the -a were veeaera ef tele vona; eabiltailoa " WHAT TO BAT UHentely Minehu Wsehiagt at. aa4 V turn Ave basse II Cloak Department. Sale of Sample Garments. WOMEN'S SAMTLE SUITS the new spring ntyles, regular A ftft fc.00 vMuee only I 667 WOMEN'S WALKINO AND DRESS SKlRTS-worth up to $7.00 tC our Bale price O.W $5 Silk Waists, $2.95 100 china silk waists, pleated front, back sleeves worth $5.00 sale price 50c Laces Only Vkz Wednesday morning we will place on sale a lot of black all 7lt2 wool lace, worth 25c, 3.'o and &0c per yard at 1 This is a great bargain and will only last a short time. DO NOT'MTSS IT. SPECIAL ONE CENT NOTION SALE. TlflS LOT OF NOTIONS WORTH 5C Full count gold eye needles, pkg lc Two pair shoe laces lc 20 yards spool Beldlng Bros' silk lc Best aluminum thimbles lc No. 2 satin ribbon, per yard lc 200 ynrds machine thread lc 1 doxen nursery pins lc 1 box mourning pins lc Wool Dross Goods Wednesday in the Great Domestic Room. 62-Inch wide all wool ladies' cloth, 46-Inch wldo all wool whipcord. 45-lnch wide black creponette, worth up to . BQP $1.60 Wednesday, at All wool Scotch mixtures, 38-Inch wide, all the new spring coloWngs, 4Qc worth 85c Wednesday, at " Extra heavy wool suitings, 38-Inch wide, dark shades, French and German rlHlds, 88-Inch wide, crepe finish and French chains, worth up to 75c CQc Wednesday, per yard China Department. We have Just received a shipment of German earthen cooking ware. This Is gen uine Berlin warn, for eale no where In Omaha except at llaydon Bros". The ar ticles range In price from 6c to e apiece. BE SURE AND SEE THIS LINE. SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY. FLINT TUMBLERS 25C SIX FOR -L CUP AND SAUCER ! EACH ........ . . WE HAVE "LEFT A FEW tECORATED PLATES In AT Groceries! Groceries! Iteliable low prices, best goods on the market, and Trading Stamps with every purchase. $2.00 worth free Wednesday to every purchaser of 5-lbs crackers any kind you want. 21 lbs. pure cane granulated sugar for.. $1.00 Large sack corn meal Li"$c Largo sacks pure Graham flour 2oc Large sacks pure buckwheat flour S&e 2-lb. package self rising pancake flour.. VAc 6 lbs. hand picked navy beans, rice. sago, tapioca, Farina or barley, for 19o 8-lb. cans solid pac ked tomatoee Viie 2-lb cans wax or string beans 5o Oil or mustard sardines, per can 4o Quart cana fancy golden table syrup.. 10c Quart cajrs fancy Tenneasee sorghum.. 10c 8-lb. cans pure apple butter V.jc J-lb. cans fancy Alaska salmon..;. ...... &c Celluloid, ElaBtle. Electric or I. X. L starch, per package 7c HARNESS HARNESS. We make our own harness no man or set of men on earth can sell you as good a harness ns we can for a little money We sell you a good double harness for ' $1 7.50 k HAVDEbIS BROS. Triple War-News Service Full Associated Press Reports Exclusive New York Herald Cables Complete New York World Dispatches For Reliable The With three sources of news each covering the field completely The Bee will have it first and it right This triple arrangement gives The Bee absolutely the strongest war news service of any paper in the country stronger even than that of either the New York Herald or New York World The Bee has the com plete service of both. Baby Carriages and Go Carts OUR NEW BFRINO LINE of Folding Go-C;rt, Sleeping Coaches and Carriages, now on display, la the finest It haa been our pleasure to see. They have the auto mobile wheels, rubber huh caps and all the very latest attachments. For beauty of design and lowntw of pileo, their equal, aie not to be found In the city. lot) styles to choose from price from Cart Like Cut $17.50 Do not buy until you have seen our Una. You will surely be sorry if you do. NEW SPRING RUTTS-$15 valueu-ehown n 16th street v.nuTw 10.00 NEW VOILE SKIRTS with silk drop. beautiful creations, and a O ftl great bargain at and 2.95 TO 10C ALL GO AT 1C. 2 pkgs pins lc Crochet cotton lo Pearl buttons, per dozen ". Pants bucklos 1'' Hat plnx, each lo And several other 6c and loo articles, all No' CHECK FOR LESS THAN 6C. 36-Inch wool novelty dress goods, In bltirk and fancy colors, worth up to 2Qc 66c Wednesday, yard All wool tricot and union ohallls, assorted colors and very desirable for waisttngs, worth up to BOc 2Sc Wednesday, for, yard w 32-Inch wide wool Jacquard novelty dress goods, assorted colors, worth 121c up to 25o Wednesday, yard The best bulk laundry starch, perpkg SQ Egg-O-Se. Vigor, Vim, Malta Vita, Neutrlta, per package...., Via Wool soap, per bar 3Vo The very best soda, oyster or butter crackers 6o Fresh Fruit! Fresh Fruit! Nothing more healthy to eat than our fnncy Highland brand of fruit. Fancy Highland oranges, each lo Fancy Highland lemans, each lo Fancy California cooking fls, per lb.. Vn Pure white, clover honey, per ra?k....l2Via War News Read Bee pledge. pany la concerned,