Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    TITE (WATT A' DAILY I?EF.: SATmDAV. rEHttrATtY 13. 1001.
tfiER use
fir navlaeba and relieve all the troubles Is.
dent to a blllooi aiat of the pTtin,ncti Dbv
tns. Nan-, Drowalnca, Dutntt after eating,
raie la theS de, c. Whila their moat remark
able lace eat Ku bee ahowa in curing
Baehe,Tett-ar1-r iI.iitle Llr'rl'lllaarseqnari
valuable in Connipailon, fnnij nd preventing
Ihia anonying complaint, whii, they alto rorreci
I) dlaoritrra of tbe iioiot-h. stimulate tha llw
aa4 rec.olau tb buwela. tlvii if U17 only carat
Aftis they would hralmntprlcelr to thoa wh
offer fmm this dltrr.ti totuplamt; bnl forto
natalr their Kfxdneiloi not end lite, and tboM
oho once try thera will Bod these little pilla !-
hie 10 ao manT ways that tb.17 will not be wUlisg
W do without ibem. But after til lick head
laths bane of o many lives that her la wtaMW
(oak nr (rest boait. Our U1 cur It walls
Others do net. m
Carter's Little Liver are very small III
vrTj ruy to uk". One or two pills make a doan.
Tb-y are atrirtly vegetable and do not gripe of
porge, bat by their gentle action please all who
uaatham. Ill vials at SS cent; Bt for 11. Boi
by drafglats every wfawc, or acnt by siaiL
New York Ctp
U I w
Fixed As
The Rocks
" Is tha standard of
quality and generat
excellence of
e at all flrwt-f U ntrn iH fcy SbrTt.
Anglo-Saxon Chr stianity ant! Oiri'iiition
for Oriental Pe-plna,
Rev. Z. T. Iirrnet Dliroarari oa the
Triumph of Oar ReJIgloa and
Vktl It gtaade for to
All Maiklid.
mission to make use of these gifts. And
w are) conquering, but It la a peaceful
conquest. I have visited many nations, but
hav 7 ft to find where American goods are
not displayed on the counters of the stores
for sale. We are the peaceful Invaders.
In England everything- Is being- trans
formed Into things American. We excr.1
In all branches. American students are
leaders in music In the universities of Ger
many, and the time Is at hand when we
will lead the world In diplomacy, as has
Just been shown by the magnificent mani
festo Isanti by Secretary Hay, the greatest
secretary of state who ever sat in tha
chair, and which win make the world
walk Spanish. And you will sea the Rus
sian bear swallow It and look pleasant at
the bitter doae. American alrls ara marrv-
Those who visited Boyd's theater last
night listened to one of the most enter-
taJning and instructive lecture that haa Ing everything in sight that is worth marry
been delivered In this city In many a long Ing. and some things that are not. Why
day. The speaker was Ilev. Z. T. Sweeney, Englishmen are getting afraid to look up
former consul general to Turkey. He spoke at the Nelson monument. In Trafalgar
under the auspices of the Toting Men's "quare In the morning for fear they will
Christian association on the subject, "The
I'art the United States Must Flay In the
Far East Situation, with Special Refer
ence to the Russo-Japanese War." A rery
small portion of the lecture, however, was
devoted to the eastern situation, Rev. Mr.
Sweeney preferring to talk of the grand
prospects In the future for the great Amer
ican people. He believes that the Anglo-
Saxon race has been chosen by God in His
infinite wisdom to redeem the world.
"Civilisation," said the speaker, "Is one
or the milestones in the march taken by
humanity from savagery to1 the perfect life.
Just as Uie sap works through the veins of
the trna and boughs to make the perfect
fruit, so does civilisation work through
humanity to make the perfect race. Amer
ica has produced the finest type of man
hood to be found on the face of the earth.
and we are the fruitage of the noblest In
stitutions on this earth.
Principles Old as lime.
"I don't come before you from the stand'
point of a preacher. I don't believe In
se that the Nelson statue has been re
moved and one of your Uncle Samuel In
stalled In Its place.
Preaeats Havel Spectacle.
"When the Panama canal Is finished we
will be in the midst of the battleground of
the world. Ours will be the theater of ac
tion. Japan Is full of Anglo-Saxon civiliza
tion, and la now acting under that In
fluence. Russia is the most bigoted, the
most despotic nation on the face of the
globe. What a sight It la to see a nation
of professed heathens fighting the battles
of Christianity 1 But that vary thing Is in
progress at tha present time. Russia la a
mighty and powerful nation. It la the
hardest country on earth to rub np against
in a diplomatic way. Tha government of
Russia win not tolerate a person profesaing
any bat the national religion to set foot
upon Its domain. I hav known ooa of the
leading dtvtnea of the Church of England
to pax- the deck of a ship tn a Russian
harbor while his companions were viewing
I tha sights of a Russian city because tha
Christianity because its teachings are writ- authorities would not allow him to land. I
ten In the Bible. Thoy were Just as true had to almost get down on my knees to
before there was a Bible In existence as the Russian government to secure permls-
they are today. Preachers nowadays must ston for an American missionary to ride
bring tholr arguments under the limelight on the Transcaucasia n railway on his way
and have them analysed. There are three to Persia, and the request was not granted
classes of people before me tonight, the be- until the promise was made that he would
llever, the unbeliever and the disbeliever, not set foot on Russian territory.
The unbeliever Is the man who parades his "More than 200 nations In the past have
belief, who wants the world to know that sunk Into the bosom of this giant and dls-
he takes no stock in religion. With him I appeared forever, and it Is not yet satisfied,
have no time to argue. He Is beyond re- tt is today with one hand reaching; out for
demptlon through argument, but he Is Cores, with the other holding Manchuria,
usually young, and later In life he will I and at the same time looking at India to
come to his senses of his own free will and see If by a bloody war It cannot wrest it
iccord. The Idea of an Almighty God came from England. It hangs over the sick man
from one of three things, or all of them to. of Europe like a vulture. If It could win all
gether, external nature, internal nature or these. Its next move would be to cross the
revelation. You can reason until you are soas, and should It cross them and Its arms
grey-headed and you will not find thej be successful,, goodbye to free government.
fourth source of origin of belief In the 811- to free thought, to free speech and every-
preme Being. Now, when you have settled thing but a despotic government for the
this In your mind take either of the three whole world. Poor little Japan! Behind
horns of the dilemma and reason It out to rnat pigmy nation I see looming up the
a conclusion ana you win una umi v giant form or Jonn null upon tne sens.
with his hand upon one shoulder and Uncle
Bam with a hand upon the other. Japan
Is going to win, for England and the
United Statea are standing by to see fair
Comparison of Iteenlta.
"Now, let us see what each great dellv
erer of mankind has made. There is Con
IT. ,. after IR.flOO tn
.1, h vrnntmllsn race P'nx and offer their moral support.
I' :-a . ,i. ,,t tt, almond-eved "Oh, America! listen to the voice of man
Boxer. Zoroaster has made the besotted, that calls to you from the Islands of the
. t . i 1 non nf whom sea, and go forth to your destiny. Our
u lit. it tin y 1-1 Km , .v. " - - - ...
can read or write, and what has Moham- "hip of state yesterday spread its salts to
a a .111, ih. Vnrn- He has turned tha breee. Let every American citizen
. I mtnnA tn mrtA An hla Autv"
out 'he murderous. Diooa-tnirsxy, mn
killing Turk. How does the work of Jesus
Christ compare with all these, in turn'
Ing out the greatest, grandest class of
neonle the world has ever known. The
sultan of Turkey Is the hardeat worked
ruler on the face of the earth today. He
Is a good man at heart. It Is his religion
which makes him blood-thirsty. As an
Illustration of what the Koran will do for
Its adherents I will give you a little ex
stand to and do his duty."
Evangelist Ostrom Arraigns People
for Their Chase After Worldly
"Even In a city as largo as Omaha you
pan put It in the papers that you are
While I was stationed In Turkey I holding meetings In a given section of the
I made a visit, with some friends, to the city, open the doors and ring the bells
great divinity school of the empire, where and the people won't come. Why? Be-
hundreds of students go to learn the Koran cause they don't want to. Some will come
by heart, after which they are turned In fashionably, sit down, listen to the ad-
loose as ordained ministers to preach their dress and go home. Been to divine service,
religion. Upon our entrance Into the build- Whose servicer Why don't they comet
Ing our guide said, 'Look out for your Don't want to. Oh, they want, but I
pocketbooks, for these fellows are the am talking of the way they want this aa
greatest pickpockets on the face of the compared with the way they want human
earth.' I am firmly convinced that the things gold, riches or power."
religion of Jesus Christ is the only re-1 This was the conclusion of Evangelist
Ugion In the world that will make a better Ostrom's arraignment of an audience which
man of you, and I have met the disciples filled St. Mary's Avenue church Thursday
B sTl I
Kyu si
I Baltimore 1
UK uulf I
of a number of them.
"I do not believe that the nineteenth
century produced a single cosmopolitan
man who was not a Christian. Li Hung
evening. He waa talking of the sin of
neglect. He asserted that It la simple
neglect which keeps many people out of
Christian living today. It kills much of
Chang came nearer than any that I know the Christian life of the church members.
of. and ho had several ambassadors who He told how people do and die for money,
visited a ship under his safe conduct Tbe-1 for pearls, for honor, and for power, but
headed before they left the veasel. Tou
see he had th character after all, but
It might have been hidden by a slight
veneer of something better. Wu Ting Fang,
the Chinese ambassador at Washington,
Informed me some time ago that LI Hung
they do not put this enthusiasm Into Chris
tian work because they don't want to.
The preacher told of two ways to get
rid of this sin of negloct. One he called
bitter medicine "Loss of property; loss of
falmly or . friends; some great' sorrow;
Chang had an American Christian at his tneB9 things sometimes bring men to their
elbow for twenty years, so that he might
become familiar with the principles of
Civilisation Epochs,
Civilization has been marked by a num.
bero of eras. The first era waa one of In
vasion. They always raised both the In
vader and the Invaded In the scale of civ
lllxatlon. Each always had something to
give the other which benefited blm. Revo
lution has also played an important part In
the progress of civilisation. Tou younger
senses and their need of God. The othdr
remedy Is exercise of Godliness."
The address was one of the strongest
yet delivered In this series of federated
meetings. This was evidenced by the many
adulta who responded to the appeal at its
It was unofficially announced that the
series of meetings will continue over Bun
day at least. Thla morning home prayer
meetings are to be held at early ' houra
all over the Hanscom park district. The
people need not be alarmed at the word 1 regular meetings are scheduled for today:
revolution, for l does not go backward. It
alwdya carries the people affected forward
to better things. What would our country
have been without lta revolution? Tha
great French republic of today is the di
rect result of revolutions. I am a Ken.
tucklan. I have not said much about It WORK OF UNION LABEL LEAGUE
openly lately. I nave been keeping quiet
Men's meeting at the Toung Men's Chris
tlan aasoclatlon at 12:15 o'clock, general
meetings at Westminster Presbyterian
church at I o'clock and at St. Mary'a Ave
nue Congregational church at 7:46 o'clock.
Committee Frspjrinj ts Furcha'o Books for
tha Public Library.
Meettag; of l.lve stock Exchange to
Be Held Today to Consider the
Qaeatlon of Employing
A committee of the directors of the Li
brary association Is now considering the
purchase of books. President Bruce Mc
Culloch said last night that the associa
tion would spend not less than H.WO at
once on books. With those now on hand
it ls thought that the library will open
with a good class of books. According to
tbe plans now th library building will be
completed on May L There will be no
ceremony on this date as the board de
sires that the formal dedication be made
on June 1 when the building will be turned
over to th city. On this occasion there
will be addresses by Uie members of the
board and the mayor will be expected to
receive tha building In behalf of the city.
There in msney In tbe city library fun' I for
the purchase of books and as soon as the
committee In charg makes selections tha
books will b benght
Any number of applications are on file
for tha position of librarian. President
McCulloch says that this position will not
b filled until some time in April.
Contractor Weia says that the building
Is settling nicely and he does not see nny
necessity for hurrying construction during
the cold weather. Architect Kimball takes
th same view of the mnttrr und so there
Is to be no hurry In rushing the construc
tion to completion. All of the outside
work Is done and the work being done is
the Interior finish. Bids are being considered
for the plumbing, electric liphtlnR and
the gas fixtures. So far the contractor
has been paid 25,000 out of the o,0(0 do
nated by Mr. Carnegie. The sum donated
will complete the building, but the city
appropriation must pay for the books and
maintenance. For this purpose $5,000 is
to be levied each year.
Exchange Xeetlnar Today.
This afternoon the South Omaha Live
Stock exchange will meet and take up the
matter of employing solicitors. A test has
been made by this exchange and it has
been found that solicitors are needed In the
business. It Is expected that the rule
adopted In December will be rescinded and
that a new rule will be put In force allow
ing members of the exchange to send
one of the firm on the road for six days a
month. It looks now as If the rule pro
hibiting the employment of solicitors will
be entirely abolished before the big cattle
runs commence.
Republican Primaries Today.
From noon until T o'clock this evening
the republicans will hold primaries for the
selection of delegates to the city conven
tion to be held at Workmen temple on
Saturday afternoon. Five delegates from
each ward will be choBen. The convention
will nominate candidates for mayor, city
attorney, tax commissioner, city treasurer,
city clerk and six councllmen.
Expect Htmeratu Didders.
' City Engineer Beal la kept busy those
days furnishing plans and specifications
and forms for bidding to contractors who
want to bid on the paving of Railroad ave
nue. Nine sets of specifications have been
called for already and more are being pre
pared. The grading comes In one specifi
cation, the laying of .curbing In another
and the paving is stilV knottier. Those who
are figuring on the artificial curbing say
that the curbing will b t In forms and
set as the grading progresses.
Bids for all of this work will be re
ceived by the city council on Monday night.
Magpie City Gossip.
Rock Springs coal. Christie Bros. Tel 10.
A. M. Davis reports the birth of a
Thomas Fahey left last night for Chi
cago, after a vlBlt of a few days here.
George Schuler has gone to Tekamah to
visit friends and relatives for a few days.
A daughter was born yesterday to Mr.
and Mrs. . J. xoung, ui Aoiin j wenty
second street.
Several aDDllcatlons have been filed by
men who want to take the position of
patrolman vacated by Andrew Davidson.
Perfect Coadfldencc In Chaniberlatn'a
Cough Remedy.
Where there used to be a feeling, of un-
easlneea and worry In the household when
child showed symptorae of croup, there Is
now perfect confidence. Thla la owing to
the uniform aucceas of Chambcrlain'a
Cough Remedy in the treatment of that
disease. Mrs. M. I. Basford of Poolesvllle,
Md., In speaking of her experience In the
use of that remedy says: "I have a world
of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for I havo used It with perfect
success, my cnna uanana is suoject to
severe attacks of croup and it always gives
him prompt relief,"
Butlnskys Visit John Grant.
Last til Kht the Butlnsky club fathered
around the board at the hospitable home
of John Grant, on Park avenue, and spont
the houra rrom tin miuntgnt in tne way
that haa made the club famous. President
H. Vance Lane sat at the head of the table,
facing the host, and presided In his custom
ary unobtrusive way nnring tne informal
ities that began witn inn cigars ana corrre.
Councilman Dave O'Brien led the exercise.
and was well supported by M. II. Collins
and Fred McCnnnell. the tatter proving
himself a most worthy "butter-In." On
breaking up the Butinskys declared It one
of the most successful sessions they hav
yet held.
thinking perhaps Kentucky would do bet
ter than she has been doing. I was taught
In my youth to believe that John Brown
was the meanest man on the face of the
earth, but since growing to more mature
years my opinion haa changed materially.
While I do not condone all his acts, I be-
Reaolattons Adopted at a Meeting; of
v Thla Growing Orgaalsatloa
Last Mght.
At a meeting of the Omaha Woman's
Union Label league last night the follow-
liev he was sincere In. his beliefs and that I n" resolutions were adopted
he waa several year ahead of his time. At
any rate, he laid down his life In the cauae
of th black man of the aouth. His actions
were later Justified by honest old Abraham
Lincoln, so that w consider him a great
man today. There are a number of other
liberators In history who hav becom
great In much th aam manner, but gen-
Resolved. Bv the Omaha Woman's Union
Label league, that w heartily endorse th
principle of the labor organizations
wherein they attempt te "broaden their
educational agencies, to promote the spirit
of mutual support and ajwlslance, In the
aecurement of better sanitary conditions
for th shops, the counting room, factory
and mines, for th preservation of the
health of the workmen, the shorter hour
day, th restriction of child labor and th
elevation of the character of lta members.
erally their honor comes after death. Borne
nf h Aavm Ih.r. will Ka llat.H n.nn- I Atld l It lUrltlCr
. - .. . I Resolved. That we ODDoae the strike and
lockout aa a barbarous warfare, tending to
What To Eat "ZZSr
Bead for copy. It) cents or tl 00 a year
Reliable Health Articles, Tmbl Stan,
4t. Poaisa, CUtrar Toast. good
Itteod to ttrlghtaa your lacsur mo
nints. Full of novl uggaaOoos tor
Tk lmw HM:ta Baiwtta aara "Ow kaaM
oal fc katuaiar as aapr M tha taiaawa
WttAT TO BAT IMoirtnly Mafaxlae)
msa a astral aa aaa ran Arm, CI
their name that of another John, that
great, grand, young man who is fighting
the battles of those who mine the black
diamonds of commerce. I refer to that
broad-browed, b:Jny man, John Mitchell,
Race of Expaaaloa.
"God has chosen the Anglo-Saxon race
aa the rac of expansion. It Is our des
tiny to carry to all the people of th earth
tha Christian religion, civilisation and free
dom. When I speak of expansion I do not
punish th innocent, to criptil lndustrv
and demoralizing the ranks of the labor
organisations. That we offer as a substl
tute for such methods for the enforcement
of the Just demands of the trades and labor
oriraiusatloiLS the oatronuse or tne union
atiup or nouvc caru. ana wnerever
practicable tbe working card or button of
tne various labor organisations. And be it
Resolved. That we pledge the suDDort and
co-operation of th league in the accom-
pllaument or such policy, ft It further
neMoivea, mtt we eamesiy
mean th. kind that politician, are talking of this f"ir M
plan than that. It Is th natural expan
slon cf ths rac a God has given us th
expansive, far-seeing brains of th world,
th Inventive genius, courage and every
thing which goes to make th Instructor I Labor Tempi on Thursday, February 26.
ana reaeemer oi ins woria, ana it la our
Ths lea-u Is growing In numbers light
along and each meeting sees mora Interest
in the work. All women are Invited to at
tend. Th naxt' meeting will be held at
8on Throat,
Hoarnnett, Bronchltlt,
. tffeotiutly Ralitwd.
Movements f era a Vessels Feb. It
At New Tork: Arrived Oscar II. from
A i wuocustown: Bailed Cedrte, for Liver'
At ixiEiouu. amfni marqueiie, rrom
New Tors.
At .Naples: nauao nmnuw. lor Most on
At liarweiUra: Arrived Canole. from
Boston, via I'onta de Gada, for Genoa and
I At i.ivei-DOol: Sailed Dominion, for Hall
fax, N. 8 . and Portland; aicUiao. fur liaii
Gold Medal
At Pan-American Exposition
Unlike Any Other!
The full flavor, the deli
cious quality, the absolute
Purity of Lownejr's Break
fast Cocoa distinguish it
from all others.
Lowner Cocoa is the finest
possible product of the choicest
Cocoa. Bean.
71 iVrvasr Km'tt Boat uilf torn
sua CkaraluM M-wm !, Fmdgt,
CrmmAl,It'itt-it aoau. Stmtjrtt
tk Valaar BLIawaat ea, I
y . . v jtjw. i,- : , ..v,-:r. ...v.cribayedoff
f 4. if v-, rf. rV
r .'. '. . i s y ..... ..- fj
1 -'.
7 -
.1; -V f '
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Toklo GenJIro Veto (Artist)
Yokohama A. M. Knnpp (Correspondpnt)
Xagasakl Horace Asliton (IliotOfrrapher)
eoul J. II. Hare (Photographer)
Vladivostok V. GrlbayedoS (riiotOI'Hphrr)
Japanese nvy H. I,. Innn (rhotopraphrr)
nnialaa Navy J. F. J. Archibald (PhotORTflpher)
Japanese Army Frederick Palmer (Correspondent)
Rnsaian Army ti. j. wkiKham (Correspondent)
Mnkden II. G. PontlnK (PhotO(JTnplier)
st. Peter aburjf J. c. o'Longhiin (Correspondent)
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These twelve Correspondents and Photographers, the pick of the profession, are
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A most comprehensive map showing the strategic points of the Russlan-Japan-eeo
conflict will be mailed free of charge on receipt of a 2-cent stamp. This map
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