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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1904)
THET OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY. rmRTWRY 11. 1004. I rrw n I vtf I "AT APT IiT h I l' r r n nth"i tli vmjioiT! art favorable and UAMA M)l Oil Or UANUK '"- ,vlrv , i UHl.KD AKTEK rbjikiiaa B. Ko: Conceal Apprehension of i"' l!.t. 1 11 tirir.p o'l Cfxk Imperial. 6EKAT0R PASSES f AIRLY GOOD DAY ' CASHIER'S ACCOUNTS SHORT Crlate Ha f Beea Reached aal lafarahle )wp1om Mny Rf aalt Katallr Wrr alrkl. WaFHINGTON. Fer. JO Senator Harna n Condition remain .i artir-A!l unrl.ii.pnl. The alrrrilpaenrM a hi' h fatla-ued him laet i-jgnt. tins twn f-illn-fl ny j-r1od of com parative quiet and p during the day, una the Irritability of tlie wmnch ha apatn partmlly yirldd to treMmrr.t. The physician nay thHt nr complication he e developed. It Is thl fraturv of the that the .hj ii-ian are awarding Balnucly acalnt, a they reallx that if at y nun plication d'Vflop In the ainator ditre Jrigly -rak condition, the result may te latrtl quirkly. The doctor are not yt ahl to predict with any --r t in t - when the crlnf in the cM will occur All tnty know for rertHin Is that the senator ha new had the ftver i-ontinuoualy for eleven day, and the ciif--raoe, they Bay. a-enerally run Its cour-e In three or four week. The d'x-tor y they are Mtlwfied with the proer- of the raae, although they do not coricei! their I pprf henslon that unforeseen complication may occur at any time. Dr.' Caler, the Haltimore dli.Rii"tH inn. made a very thorough examination of the aonator during the afternoon and after its conclusion remarked to one of thow at hia bedside that his heart's action was Wlendid. The senators othir vital oriran era alao working well, with the exception of the atomach. A new kind of nourish ment was given to the senator during the day In addition to the milk diet, and It Is aid that he retained most of It. During the afternoon he slept about three Jiours. lie Is always rational and seetns anxious to converse, although every effort Is made to keep him as quiet n. poKslble. The senator' brother. H. M. Hnnna. who ppent a. pood part of the duy in the sick room, aaid tonight It was the best day the penator had alnee Sunday. The following Is the doctors' evening bulletin, riven out t 7 p. m : Mr. Hanna temperature at C p. m. was Jim 2-10. pulse . respiration t'4 There has been aome irritability of the stomach. Honrs of the WalfNnr l.oaa mud Ranklaa maa; Closed Pfa. ia aa la vatlaailaa. WOLFItoHO. N. c . Feb 10 The f the Wolfloro l.imn and Banking com pany here were closed today by Atpheus Jiaker. state savings bank commissioner, and I he institution has been en.iolned from ln-vina or reelvlng money. The aavlngs Institution ns closed Monday, when the commissioner notified of a shortage of t:"i In the account of Cashier Charles Piper. ho is i'.l at Ma home. Attachments for tl" .01 have 1-een placed liy the oom j.anv on prorn-iiy held by Plpep. The trnst and cVpfcrtment have liabilities estimated at ;:uiifi and carried previous to the run 'mit 75.nnf in deposit. The 1 luvincs department has deposits of abott HTni. which constitute the bulk of the llahilltU'ft. A Ckamplaa Healer. I'-tuklir's Arnica Palve, the beat in the world, cures cuts, coma, burns, bolle, il ers. sores and piles, or no pay. 25c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. ARREST RIOTING STRIKERS (k Driver Charsed with Aaaaaltlaa; Mvrryaiaa for IrlvlnB (lit if Hia Usa Horaea. FT. LOTIS. Feii. William Henry, a striking cah driver, was arrested today, charged with assaulting August Brockman, a liveryman, because he drove one of his own carriages Other striking cab driven who participated in the assault escaped. rail Headarae'a Tartar. 1-srv livers and sluggish bnwela rausa headaches. tr King's New Life Fills re move the cause, or no pay. Only 25c For sale by Kuhn ar Co. Mock F.xrhaage Open Swtardax. NEW YORK, Feii. 10 -The New York Stock exchange will not close on Saturday, February 13, the day after Lincoln's birth day, which is a legal holiday. This deci sion was announced today by the governor! of the stock exchange, to whom the peti tion for Uie double holiday had been presented. if THE NATURAL CURE FOR "4 . DRINK ON ARISING HALF A GLASS OF THE NATURAL LAXATIVE WATER in ,wpti Liii w mmm IT REMOVES BILIOUSNESS AND LIVER TROUBLE. RESULTS ARE CERTAIN. USC THC FULL NAME. HUNYAOI JANOS. WHIN ASKING FOR IT. ONE-WAY RATES UIIIOII PACIFIC Ulssourl River Ternintls OUNSAt CITY TO COUNCIL BLUFFS. INCLUSIVE) EVERY DAY MARCH 1ST TO APRIL 30TM. 1004 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $22.50 $20.00 $20.00 to Ban Francisco, Ixm Angeled, San Diego, and many other California points. to Ererett, Fairhavan, Whatcom, Vancouver and Victoria. to Portland. Astoria, Taoama and Seattle. to Ashland, Boseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, including branch lines in Oregon. to Spokane and inter mediate O. E. 4. X. points to Wenatcbaa and inter ' mediate points. to Butte, Anaeonds, Helens, and all inter mediate main line points. to Ogden and Bait Lake City, and intermediate main line points. For fuller information call or address CITY TIC KET Orrit E, 1324 FAII all ST. 'Phone Hi. ... 89 to Oklahoma S80.50 to Texas Tuetla.v, Ftb. 15, via nook Ii-land KTtem. Lowest rate evT inatle. It applies to all points iu Oklahoma and Indian Territory n the Ilork Inland. Fritro and C. O. & Uy., a also to principal ioints in Texas Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, Galveston and Austin. Thi is the opjortuuity you have been waiting for. Take advantage of it and visit the great and growing Southwest. Descriptive literature furnished on re quest. Kcineniber the date Tuesday, Feb. lti. And the route Kick Island. Full information at this office F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. !323FarasK Strctt, OlilKi. I II BOWLERS AT CLEVELAND Two-Man Teinn Pile Up Brores st th Kst'.ont Tanrtie:t NO REMARKABLE flGUPES SHOWN AS YET Wrlly aaS Uliait tat Hal4laa till Akrad la Two. CLEVELAND. lh. J(i 'Fil; Trip. Rrm Welty n(J Wig-mn maile the lol-loa-ltiR oor In ihe two-men t-am mtrhf tit th National Boaltng tournamrnt thi flfrnoon : Welty ... Wlnman . .lr.7 ..1AH id. I! the ncif f ? ti 14J i Ffrrtmti1 I'og irrlurf un tf' r'.-oiM nmr p-'.m J. Ie V. (i Smnh of 81. I' ti :'"4 R'i(1 th tl.iij Fni irmi hy urdiL-r. th ?n- ri.r tt the l.rst pum im tut Arthur Ti-t.jinil 'V a ai'orr of 3"v to ."M OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES la 3d Tot Hi J til 5"!' , Tot ale nit 370 l.'4! I"vld A. Jnnfu. tho formrr national champion, and his jiHrtntT. Strtk? of Chl carn. are still In the lead in the two-men contest, their wore. 1.721 not heiiiu ap proached by any of the two-men teams that have played today, the ttest wore today belnn made by two teams Fries arid Intra ham of Akron and Warker and Dun lar of Philadelphia. Fifth plare la oc cupied at prevent by Buddlnger and Nichols of Minneapolis. There wer five series of Individual frames today, the best scores beinn: Ausrust Hurt, Chicago. SXr. Herman Warter. Philadel phia. 5M; Charles Hajak. Chicago, 571: L. Garrola. Toledo. r.t(!; W. n. Owen. Louis ville, W,2. The results were as follows: Total McCauley and Huulln. Ies Moines l.i.'u Pchmidt and Pfeiflnr. Chlcaax 14 Oe'tnte and Coster. Philadelphia 1071' Pchaller and Manpief, 8t Paul l'o4s t;rishlnk and KelW St Paul 1.047 Kendall and l,ari(tti.r. Syracuse 1 045 Makepeace and Borruesori. Kansas Cltv.l.0',r, Heckish and Williams, La Crnsse lumas and P.iddle. New York. Stivers and Fenton. lit Moines illespie and Graves line Run Boertrig and Leisy. Prla Thetme and Knerr, peiria Brownell and Teller. Akron Iennv and Horan. Philadelphia Blarkwell and Zimmerman. Ife Ron Nicholas and lellnw. Kansas City.. Sloan and Matthems. Minneapolis... Cootr and Pfeffer. Cincinnati Reed and Ennis. Wheeling The first of the five-men teams rolled tonight shows the following grand totals: Totals. Columbian Knights. No. 1. Chicago Tuxedos. Chicago Floss Palace. Buffalo Columbus club, Columbus. O New Centers. Cleveland Pantolum, Cleveland Keystones. Pittsburg Carroll. No. 1. Wheeling. W. Vi... The Halls. Chicago Has Beens, Wheeling 1.033 Mr.t; l.o:4 l.H 1 l.miM 1 ' Wt.H !K1 flTi !3 ::.M4 .:.4:'.7 .:.4iil' .2.500 :i 4f4 .'IX .2.13 rrrrrdfng Meek, hat r'.aceefl I 1 Hit. CINCINNATI. Feb. lo iFpeeial Tele gram t Price Current says. "The market--r.g of hog has been considerably reduced the part wck. but shows an Increase of Kom compurtd with the corre-ponding e-k of last eai. Total western l(klnt as 47Ti.i.i'i. compared with Bio.ud'i the pre ceding week and K5.iW List year. Since Noverr.b.r 1 tlie total is 7.4SS.SW. against 7.1'!,.'t a venr ago. Promlt ent places com pare as follows: 19J-4 lt-3 Chicago I 4fc.m 2.5"o.n"i Kansas City 6ti.m -".' South Omaha fjtii ooo ne t""' Ft Louis MS.ono 41fi.(0 St Joseph 44C.IKW Vl.t Indianapolis i'.fn aX. mm "74 ntio Cincinnati ZIXM 197.0O0 i (tttumaa 1''' ." 1M ( Cedar Hapids lJtl'.mtt i.:s.ii Sioux Citv 1M ( 1 ait l'aul '. 300.0O0 EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Doable O the Feat are af Jaatplaa Rare la I.oa Angelea. where Three Favorites W la. LOS ANGELES. Cat. Feb. 10 -Double was the good thing In the Jumping race at a mile and an eighth. He was as good as 7 to 1. led all the way. and beat Poor lands, the favorite, by two lengths. Threa favorites won. Result-": First race, five and a half furlongs, purse: Columbia Girl won. Blumenthal second. Felipe Luego third. Time: 1:(S. Swond race, three and a half furlongs, purse. J-ynax-olds: Belle Kinney won. Air ship aee.ond. Woodclaim third. Time: A:4"4 Third race, mile and an eighth, hurdle, handicap: Double 0 won, Poorlands sec ond Cambacere third. Time: I'H Fourth rsoe. 61auson course, handicap: Golden Rule won. Blissful second, Glen nevls third. Time: 1:10. Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth, selling: Labor won. GraJl second. Cloche D Or third. Time: l:4eli. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Wlnnl frda won. Laureataa second, Thisbec third. Time: 1:16V SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 10. Ingleside. re sulli: First race, six furlongs, selling: Et Tu Brute won. Jack Little second. Iorls third. Time: 1:19. Second race, flva and a half furlongs, selling: Mr. F am um won. Suburban Queen soond. Time: 1:12. Third race, futurity course, selling: Tans downe won. Poloniua second. The Pride third. Time: 1:14. Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth, handi cap: Stuyve won. Kenllworth second. Judge third. Time: 1:4V Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Sad Sam won. Hainault second. Theron third. Time: 1:15'. Sixth race, mile and fifty yards, selling: Pierce J won. First Chip second, Mr. Dingle third Time: 1:48. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 10.-Reults: First race, five furlongs, selling: Lord French won. Mart tana second, Zama third. Time: 1:12V Second race, six urlongs: Clear The Arena won. Yo San second, Redman third. Time: 1:1S- Third race. handicap, one mile: De Rezeke won. St. Tammany second. third Time: 1:40V Fourth race, four furlongs. Rosebud stakes: Vlperlne won. Pinkie second. Truffle Hunter third. Time: 0:53. Fifth race, mile and a quarter, selling: Full Back won, Eugenia S second, Inspec tor Shea third. Time: 1:64. Sixth ra, mile and twenty yards, sell ing: Velos won. Reckoner second. Erbe third. Time: 1:4SV SETTLE THE CONTROVERSY Katlaaal Base Ball Uagae Wlttirawi All Clal ms la Jeaes aaS Davis aad Tear Is Hestered. CHICAGO. Feb. 10 The controversy over players Jones and Davis, which nearly caused a disruption of the peace iigrt--ment between the American and National base ball leagues last summer, has been amicably settled by the National league withdrawing all claims to either one of the players Davis and Jones were claimed by both the New York National league club and the Chicago American league club. At tomorrow's meeting of the national commission, a-hich is composed of Messrs. Johnson of the American league, and Her mann and Pulliam of the National league, an effort will be made to settle the ques tion of Sunday base ball in the city of New York. ICE RACES AJ KALAMAZOO aaltrrlae Wlai First Match la the Caateat for the Staart Traphy. KALAMAZOO. With Feb. 10 WeUenne of KaUmkiuo on the first race of the aeries for the Stuart trophy this afternoon In the International Ice yacht rgaJ.ia races. The count of taenty miles was covered in one hour and mix and a half minutes. Prtncess of Madison. Wis., was second, two and a half minutes after Wolverine. Eight boats started in the race, but a light wind prevented all from finishing. WITH THE BOWLER. On Sflleck's alleyr last evening the Ar mours and Clark sons played a DEATH RECORD. J e sues Morto a. James Morton, senior memlier of the hardware firm of James Morton & Pop., died last night about R:30 o'clock at his home. 1710 Chicago street, sfter an Illness of six weeks ft ailments incident to old age He aas W years. 1 month and 2fi days old. and had been in feeble health for sev eral months paM. Mr. Morton was a native of England, and has been a resident of Omaha about twenty years, during which period he has lieen tn.gagod in the hardware business, first on Fifteenth street, and later at the present location of the establishment at 1511 Dodge He was a man of sturdy Integrity and uf the highest personal character and en joyed to the fullest extreme the confidence of the business community of Omaha, with which he has been so long associated. Mr. Morton is Furvtved by his venerable wife and three sons. They are C. W. Mor ton and James Morton, both of Omaha, and George Morton of Chicago. The ar rangements for the funeral services have not yet been complete, but due announce ment will be given during the day. n. K. Mokes. G. E. Stokes died Tuesday st T:30 a m at his residence. 2214 AVlllis avenue, af'er but four days affliction with pneumonia. His funeral will take place Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m. Deceased formerly was engaged In the dry goods business In Gllman, la., and came to Omaha in 1S6. He had traveled for the J. fe. Brtttain firm of St. Joseph. He leaves a wife and two children, Arthur B., and J. Berry Stokes. The pallbearer who have been selected for the funeral are: C. E. Batis. J. W. Nicholson. J F. Buchanan. C. W.. Allen, C. O. DoMy sn.1 Alexander Riddle. fceore J. rellstlrk. FAIRFIELD. Neh., Feb. 10 (Special.) George J. Peilstick. a leading capitalist and former business man of this place, died this morning. Mr. Peilstick had been in poor health for a. number of years and on this account, though still a young man. had re tired from nctlve business, devoting his lime to looking after Us real estate hold ings, which were quite extensive. He was a prominent Mason and memlier of various other secret societies. The Immediate cause of his death was pneumonia. Mrs. Mary McClere. PAPILLION. Neb., Fe. 10 (Special. Mrs. Mary McClure died yesterday, aged 85 years. She was born in Prince Edward's Island. Nova Scotia. May 2. 1S1. Mrs. McClure has lived in Papfllion for twelve years. One son and two daughters sur vive her. George of Washington state, Mrs. Whitman of Dodgeville. Wis., and Mrs. Fixher of Papllllon. The funeral will be held Thursday at 10 a. m. from the home of Mrs. Fisher. Interment to be in 6chaab's cemetery. M. a. Davis. PLATTPMOrTH, Neb.. Feb. 10 (Spe cial ) M. 8. Davis. 56 years of age. died at his home In this city today after an Illness of a few months. He was one of Cass county's earliest settlers and prosperous farmers. Besides a wife he leaves three sons. The funeral services will be held from his late residence Saturday forenoon by Rev. Ezra M. Buswell of Beatrice, Neb., and Interment will be at Eight-Mile grove. Michael Clanmermaa. IOWA CITY, Feb. 10 (Special )-MIt haeI Zimmerman, a pioneer of Johnson county, who assisted In the building of the second court house In 1R54, died at his home at East Lucas, about two miles north of the city, last night of old age. Mr. Zimmer man came to this con try from Baden, Germany, in 1S50, and has been prominently connected with republican politics since that time. Faaeral at Mrs. O. A. Legar. SHENANDOAH, la.. Feb. 10. (Special. The funeral of Mrs. O. A. Lojrue tO0B place Monday and was unusually largely attended, considering the disagreeable state of the weather. Mrs. Logue, with her hus band, was among the earlier settlers In this section. game. Score: CLAr.KRONS 1st. id. SI. Total. Neale 1 2." Iti4 n7 Fianclsco 211 2Vi 262 713 r'larkson 21 14 L'tfi Chandler Is9 1H W Marble 2.6 ls ?" ft. Totals )e 1 ; l.ljo ll ARM OCRS 1st. 2d M. ToteV Gilchrist 177 ir: 211 F25 Potter 1S7 VI? 2"4 Brunke Is! 17 It Schneider 171 If! IttJ K'.-i I euman 214 22 2 '1 640 Totals StoO t4 K J.SIJ Tnis ShtsM liZ as ttie Box y S l( WELSBACN 1) IT That't the cheapest Welsbach mantle made. Good or it would not be in a WeUbach box. Other Wekbexh mantlet, 20. 25. 30. 35c AD Dealer. I ynm i n Feaiherwrishl la Dead. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb 10 Tommy War ren. onue the champion featherweight pugi list of America, u- drad In this citv of Iineumonia. For several years he had Wen n the army transport service and recently returned from Manila. Threa baasea Arc Played. NEW YORK. Feb. It. Three games were played this afternoon ard tonight in the national amateur billiard tournament. The first game was won by Edward W. Gaid ner of Paasiac. N. J., who drfeated Arthur Marcotiea, lbs champion of Canada, by ft ewsfe Ade's Idea of ,iv Nev YorK THE first of a NEW series ot articles by George Ade to appear in the Metropolitan during 1904. Other strong features in the February issue are: "Mrs. Thistleton's Princess" by Anthony Hope "Future of the Automobile" by Arthur N. Jervis Confessions of a Wall Street Private Secretary" by Jane Wade astal Eta., E.10. T ATM MAGAZINE for February (now selling) contains 12 Short Stories all by noted writers. 80 Illustrations by the best artists in America. "Portfolio of Beauty" Eight Beautiful Reproductions given free with a year's subscription at the reg ular price of $1.50. Give your order to any newsdealer or send direct to publisher. A 35-cent Magazine for 15 cents (D 51) R. H. RUSSELL, PUBLISHER, 3 W. 2gTH ST., K. T. r iff-"1 ft lauwaawa( Another Week.... Hidden City Contest... OF THE TDERE are the names of a number of town and cities both in the eastern and western liemi pbere in the Want Ads in The Itee. Prizes will b awarded to the persons makinp the larpept and inot correct list according to the following conditions. Read the Conditions earefullv. J r ..CONDITIONS.. Take a hat of paix-r Titr your nam and sddrpss at the top cut out tbe ad parte It cn sheet undrline the name of the tywn or city, and underneath tbe ad write tbe name of the state or country In which It la lovated. If the unme of tbe town or city ppeara more than once It Is only iiecwiaary to put it down once. Io tbla for one week, beginning Monday. February 8th, and end ing Sunday. February 14th. to not mni! your answer until your list la complete, including the namee tnut appear in tbe want arte in the issue of Hunday, February Hih. otherwise your anawer won't be counted. If you use more than one sheet, write your mime and addresa at the top of each aheet. mark the numLxr of towne or cities found and underlined at the top of each Kheet. The first prise will be plTen to the person making the largest most correct list the aecond to the next largest, and so on. In case of a "tie" the peraon sending In answer first aa hown by postiniirk on the enrelope will be glTen preference. All answers must be sent by mall, and no answer will be con aldered which la mailed later than Monday, February IMh. No one connected with The Ree Publishing Co.. will he aliowed compete for a prlie. to 1TB HARD TO COXVrNCE SOME PKOPLE that a good antoka raa be bouaht for i cnta. Don t be too aura until you have trird THE MONOGRAM. &c Ciaar. the mutt piraainc f araokra W. F. 8TOECKEU C1UAK CO, 140 LKulaa St. OuiaUa. ..List of Prizes.. Jat CASH 2nd CASH Srd f'APH 4th CASH 6th One Year'. Sulw riptiou to The Metropolitan Magazine. Ctb One Tear'a Knbacrtption to The Metniprilitan Magazine. 7th One Yea re KutaTitWn to The M-tro-illtan Magmine. 8th One Year'a Subscription to The MctmrKilitan Magaiiiw. ith fne Year'a Subacrijition to The Metropolitan Magazine. l(th New Hooka and Novela Novel Novels Novel Novela Norela 11th New 12tb New lStb-N'ew 14th New 1Mb New I 1 Book a Book. Hooka Hooka Booka and and and and and Address aii BepnesWait dM Department Omaha Bee, OmaJia. HBHEBaBBaa llO.mi B .f1..Mi I f 1 M . 1 . D M f 1