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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1904)
8 TITK OMAHA DAILY RfiE: TFiniiSDAY. FKHRTTARY 11, 1004. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MISOIt ..MKTIOX. Pnvls di-URU. lXTert's glassr-a Jit. Stockert Bella carpets. The) Faust clfrar. 5 cents A store for men "Bono's." Peterson, Run lind locksmith. 420 B'wny. Discount sale on moiil'llns nnd framed picture. Alexander'. 3X3 Broadway. TlKrpilla temple, Rtithbnns Hlsters. will nwt thla evening In Bt. Alban s hall. Miss Martha Wnforrl of Unrnln. Neb.. Is the (rnent of Miss Ora Urmlley of Kast WnshlnK'on avenue. Nina Oome, fill Iowa avenue, was re ported to the Board of Health yesterday hs suffering from scarlet fever. F. H. fllll left last evening for Kansas t'lty to attend the meeting of the Missouri Itlver Hardware Jobbers' association. The Ijidlos' Aid society .' the Fifth venue Methodist church will meet this fternoun ni the homo of Mrs. Uusweli, . .I'll Hlxth avenue. The aid society of the Women's Rolirf orps will meet Friday afternoon at 2 l'clock at the home of Mrs. Fickard. . JS West Broadway. The Woman's auxiliary of the T'nlon Veteran lesion will he entertalnetl Friday i-fternnon bv Mrs. B. F Williams at her home, M4 Booth Sixth street. The regular meeting of the Woman's 'uxlllary of Orn.ce Kpiscnpnl church will o held this afternoon at the residence of Mra. O. K. White, 144 Bauglin street. A marriage license was Issued yesterday o Allck Pail Bhoden, aged 21, and Verona Belvira Hchrarler. aged IK, both of Murray, Meb. Justice Ouren officiated at the wed--Jinc. J. P. Organ. Edward Ptlmson. Charles Walter and Verne Benjamin, representing le t'onmtl Bluffs Whist club, will go today ' Rlnux Falls. 8 D., to attend the mld- Inter meet of the Central Whist assoela .lon. K. W. Chambers of Lincoln. Neb., has f icceeded O 1. Olson as manager of the I'ounell Bluffs branch of the Northwest ''hresher company. Mr. Olson being trans ferred to a responsible poeltlon In Mlnne f polls. " Samuel Leonard of the mall carriers' rce of the Council Bluffs hns -signed owing to ill health. Homer Whist ler, tlrst on the substitute list, will be pro loted to fill the vacancy, thus leaving a rosltlon In the ranks of the substitutes to Le filled from the waiting list. William Punn and O. W. Miller will have ' hearing In police court this morning of 'he charge of stealing our bedqullts from i'earlman's store on Main street. They were arrested with the stolen goods by Merchant Police Cla-nr Tuesduy night In ;ie alley back of Main street. Miller has 1 een In trouble before, having , been ar- sted a few years ago for breaking Into Sanson's music store. At the annual meeting of the' Council l liiffs Fish and Gam" I'rotertlve assocla- on theso nine directors -were elected: C. 8. I'Ubbard, Sus illnrlch. Painter Knox. l ' '. Scott. Harrv Brown. C. R. Tyler, I... C. Crackett. W. M. Frederick and E. C. f rown. The directors In turn re-elected tho f irmer oftliers as follows:- President, C. R. '"yler; vice president. G. II. Scott; secre tary, H. M. Brown; tre.urer, L. C. Brac kett; warden, E. C. Browh. Fred Hawkins, claiming to be a tailor rom Missouri Valley, has been sent to the onnty Jail to hoard out a nne or ,b ami costs for stealing the grip and overcoat of .'. A. Oallaher. an attorney of Jefferson, -.:., who was a passenger on a Northwest ern train on his way to Boise City, Idaho, i t accompany home the remRlns of his father. Oallaher missed Bis property when he train reached the Transfer depot and i awklns was quickly apprehended by Depot 'fllcer gulnn, nnd the stolen property re- overed An Information charging Thomas Carter, ho la wanted across the river for com- ilclty In the hold-up and robbery of the 'oldenberg & HornstHn grocery store on 'umlng street last Baturday night, with ' ting a fugitive from Justlve, was filed by n Omaha officer In Justice Ouren's court isterday. Carter's ball was placed at '..000, In default of which he was removed '-om the city to the county Jail. This ac ion was necessary to hold Carter while the "maha authorities are securing extradition i .ipers. f . Ogden Hotel Rooms, with or without VoaM; steam heat; free bath; public par lor. - "l Shooters to Give Bonds. Fred Goodrich of Omaha, one of the par ticipants In the tournament at the Gun o.-jb grounds last Saturday, who was Itarged with shooting at Albert Frlcky, : ;ipeared n Justice Ouren'a court yestor c'. ly afternoon and furnished a bond In it sum of 1500 for his appearance In court March 16. Two other boys, Ben and Leon ard Noyea, claim they were made targets '.r the guns of the Omaha sportsmen last :"itnrday afternoon and, yesterday they fed an Information against Dorsey Bur - ess of Omaha In Justice Ouren's court, "urgess and a man named Selfkln, also of Croatia, are said to be the two who shot at 1'obert Young, Orrln Hunt and Arthur Mll ' -r that Saturday afternoon. Judge Ouren was Hxl vised that Burgee and Selfkln would appear in court today. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC DAYS HESS hold thee secure iRonie of the Fire Insurance Com janic not hurt In the "Baltimore Fire" are thone rppTeHontwl ly PAY & 11KSS, who tuke this opportunity to ' HUBure their patron and the public in Konoral that tliplr com panies with $.V),liOO,noo asset will continue to lo business "at the old stund," No. 311 IVarl. street, and will pay all losses: Iti the 'future 'Just ns promptly us heretofore. On the atrenKth of this we xolU-lt your business. V soli at retail Drays, De livery Wagons. Milk Wag ons, Express Wagons, Car riages, Automobiles, etc. Call and see our stock st 11M South Mala street. DAVID BRADLEY & CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. M nasi 8U Council Bluffs. BLUFFS. TAKE TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Oo'ored lien Accused of Assault Agree V Plead Guilty to Charge. ARE STILL IN FEAR OF BUNG LYNCHED Special Venire Called for the Trial of W. C. Rovers on Charge of Mar. de-rlna Bert Forney While Holding; I p Saloon. By an agreement reached with Assistant County Attorney Hess yesterday afternoon Neley Zimmerman and George Burke, the negroes charged with attempted criminal assault on Mrs. Mary Stark and her daugh ter, Mrs. Harry Sanders, will plead guilty and take sentences of twenty-five years each In the penitentiary. Judge Thornell was so notified yesterday afternoon and he ordered that the prisoners be brought be fore him this morning at 9:30 o'clock for sentence. y Ever since they were brought back here from the Fort Madison penitentiary, where they weret aken for safety, Zimmerman and Burke have been dally In fear of mob vio lence and have expressed considerable anx iety to pet away from Council Bluffs. Through their attorney yesterday morning they offered to plead guilty If given sen tences not to exceed fifteen years each. This In view of the serious character of the charge against them Assistant County Attorney Hess refused to entertain. Later in the day the negroes offered to take twenty-five-year sentences rather than stand trial. After consulting with the proserin lng witnesses Mr. Heoa agreed to this providing Judge Thornell would give his consent, which the latter did. There are five Indictments against the negroes, three being connection with the assault on Mrs. Stark and Mrs. Sanders, while the fourth was for holding up and robbing Miss IJxzte Morris, and the fifth for assaulting with Intent to rob Miss Mar garet Morris, sister of Miss Lizzie Morris. The following- special venire of twenty five Jurors was drawui yesterday on order of Judge Thornell for the trial of W. C. Rog ers, charged with tho murder of Saloon Keeper Bert Forney, which Is set for next Monday: , Joe' Berewlne, Council Bluffs; Frank Kuhn, Council Bluffs; William Iwts, Iewis; Frits Frohardt, Council Bluffs; J. F. Montgomery, Council Bluffs; R. W. Sweeney, Council Bluffs; W. H. Klein, Council Bluffs; J. O. McMahon, Kane; E. W. Jones, Council Bluffs; Alonso Knight, York; H. DeLiong. Jr., Council Bluffs; R. J. Thomas, Council Bluffs; Jamesj Holmes, Council Bluffs; A. D. Hough, Hasel Dell; J. H. Sharp, NorwaJk; John Sexton. Nor walk; David Henderson, Rockford; Gilbert Mahood, Garner township; Thomas Owens, Garner; O. A. Thayer, Washington; Ole Hanson, Council Bluffs; T. F. Gallaghan, Council Bluffs; James Matthai. Council Bluffs; A. Norman, Council Bluffs; CP. Reed, Council Bluffs. Charles Stevenson, familiarly known as "Dutch" Stevenson, was tried yesterday on the charge of Inciting a riot the night the mob gathered at the county court house with threats to lynch the negroes, Zimmerman and Burke. . The case went to the Jury about o'clock and a verdict finding the defendant guilty was reached on th second ballot. ". Hater" sells lumber. Catch the Idea? AWARD THE COUNTY PRINTING eol. Paper Loses Out by Belnsj Too l.ate In Getting Is Hi Bid. The publication of the board's jroceed ings was yesterday awarded by the county su,erviHors to the Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil, the Avoca Journal-Herald and the Oakland Acorn on the showing that these three papers had the largest circu lation In the county. The Neola Reporter, which is conceded to have the largest cir culation next to the Council Bluffs Non pareil, lost out In the contest by falling to file Its sworn circulation by the time specified by the board. According to the notice Issued by the board at Its January session all sworn circulation lists of the papers seeking the publishing of the board's proceedings had to be filed by 2 p. m. Wednesday. February 10. That of the Neola Reporter, which had been sent by express, did not reach the board until twenty minutes after the time specified and the supervisors refused to regard the paper as an applicant for the contract. i ne l ouiKii Hiurrs Nonpareil claimed a circulation outside of the city of 1,400. the Avoca Journal-Herald a circulation of 969 and the Oakland Acorn a circulation of S19. The Avoca Tribune placed Its clr rulstlon at 612. While the Avoca Tribune failed to se cure official recognition at the hands of the supervisors. It will, however, publish the board's proceedings for the year. In order to avoid any litigation on the ques tion of their respective - circulations the Avoca Journal-Herald, the Avoca Trlbuna and the Oakland Acorn agreed to divide the compensation allowed for the publish ing of the proceedings. Euch official paper is allowed 33V4 cents per ten lines brevier and this Is the amount which the council Bluffs Nonpareil will receive. The other three papers will divide the 66H cents, which would otherwise have been paid to the Journal-Herald and the Acorn as fol lows: Journal-Herald. 26 cents; Tribune, .0 cents, and Acorn M rents. This ar rangement, while satisfactory to the sup crvlsnrs, was not officially endorsed by the board. By a resolution passed by the board the proceedings must be published within two weeks of receipt of copy from the DeLONG'S Bachelor Girl Voting Contest Wednesday, February 10. at S p. m. I the vote was as follows: 'Cora Cirelser 10,2M j Madison Ave. School. ' Maaarte Kaklrr 9,0412 Culver & Woodbury Allle 1111 vC8S 1. Mucrl. ' Anna Wack t,X4 i ne Jonn He no Co. Urate Hamilton 1,706 Krbranka Telephone Co. I.lzxie MeCreary t,6S ; Lillian Droge j4o l iK0 Drug. llattle Hoss k.tX MBiiuiKtuii aw. ocnooi. I. line AltmaniiMerger 4.112 juonurvii mug. i. u. Ina Datchler $,844 aluua Hrynnl 2,6en -rru r ow ac impi. Kate Oroneweg McCtirmU'k Harvester Co. Anna Oerock t hi Fark Ave. .$.299 .J, 176 .1.115 XV .1,04 Martha Wvrntmont 7 M:-nter bt. Dr. F.rikson Mrrriam Blcck. I.lllle Norne Music Teacher And others, ' auditor or the papers falling to do so will lose their pay. Tho cost of publishing the ( proceedings last year amounted to oi.sw. or S600 per paper. Rev. J. O. Lemen of the Christian Home refuted the statements of Rev. A. W. Lnn ingham, agent of the ' Iowa Children Home society at Des Moines, that he had on several occasions refused to take those children Into this Institution which had been turned over to the Des Moines so ciety. In order to set himself right with the county authorities. Rev. I.emen signed the following statement to the board: Anv child or children not fit subjects for hospital or Insane treatment and upon whom there Is no Just clulm of other parties which they are unwilling to re linquish, I stand ready to receive at any time free of charge. In view of this statement from Mr. Lemen the board rejected the claim of Rev. Lanlngham for $100 for taking the six Kutl children and If the sentiment of the supervisors as expressed yesterday Is nny criterion of their future actions, the Iowa Children's Home society will not receive many donations from Pottawat tamie county. Supervisors Baker, Brandes and Dryden were appointed the committee on build-. Ings and grounds and authorised to pur chase new bedding for the county Jail. R, B. Gallup, son of the county Jailer, was awarded the contract for tho painting of the interior of tjie county Jail on his bid of $85. SAYS BROWN HAD MUC MONEY on of Dead Man Makes F.ffort to IO cate Fonds, bat Wltbont Result. That his father, John David Brown, who died suddenly about two weeks ago at tho home of Mrs. Ida Stowe on Third street, had considerable money was the statement of C. E. Brown of Melbourn, la., son of the deceased, who arrived yesterday to In vestigate the circumstances of hi fithcr's death. The son readily Identified the body of David Brown as that of his father. Mr. Brown said he had not seen his father since the early part of 1900, when he was living at State Center, la. At that time his father had $.1,400 In cash, $3.1(0 be ing In bills and $300 In gold. The money was the proceeds of the sale of a farm. His father also owned some personal prop erty at that time In the shape of wagons and teams. The last time the son heard of his father the latter was working for a railroad contractor at Jefferson, la., and at that time was known to have had $3,300, and It Is known that as late as last fall Brown had over $3,000, but since his death no trace of the money has been secured. When asked If his father might not have dissipated the money Mr. Brown said: "Father never spent a single dollar but what he expected to make $1.25 from It." Coroner Trey nor. who was appointed spe cial administrator of Brown's estate, has made a search among the banks for the money, but without success. The son and Constable Albertl mode a visit to the Stowe home and made another fruitless search among the effects of the dead man. Mr. Brown said his father's second wife Is living near Lacoma, la. His mother was divorced from Brown anu, wu l n s vouncest sister, makes her home with him at Malbourn. The eldest daughter, Mrs. Maggie Leonard, ilves at Fowler, lnd 1 Coroner Tteynor Is awaiting the result ot the analysis of Brown's stomaqh by an Omaha chemist' before resuming the In quest. Tho son. while in the city ysstarday mado arrangements wjth the coroner for the burial of his father In this city. He loft for bis home In Melbourn last evening. Real Katate Transfers. These transfers were reported February 10 to The Bee by the abstract, title and loan office of Syuire & Annls, 101 le r! street: Edward Rogers and wife to Jennie Simon, lot 9, block 8, Mynster s ad dition, w d $:,oio '. J. Day and J. P. Hess nnd wives to Ellen Jeffers, lot 10. block 11, Beer's subdivision, w d 800 Sarah A. Holmes and husband to Thomas Nelson, lot 4, block 4, Hall s addition, w d 250 Ole C. Chrlstensen and wife to F. J. Day and J. P. Hess, lot IB, diock 71, Riddle's subdivision, w d 800 Four transfers, total .$3,860 Olsen Bros., plumbing, 700 B'way. Tel. A IBS. Wabash Has Kew Agent. James I Blanchard has been succeeded as a pent of the Wabash railroad In Coun cil Bluffs by Fayette Jones, the company's local cashier. This action on the part of the company came as a great surprise to Mr. Blanchard, who has been local agent for many years under varying administra tions. Mr. Jones, who Is thus promoted to the position of agent, has been cashier of the company for a number of years. Mr. Blanchard stated yesterday that he had no definite plans for the future. N. T. Plumbing Co.-Tel. 250; nlghC F 667. Hrpnbllrnn C'lnb Electa Officers. Alderman John Olson was elected presi dent of the Scandinavian Republican club at its annual meeting last night. Other officers elected were: Vice-president, Peter Peterson; secretary. Julius Johnson; treas urer, Frank Peterson. These were named as executive committee: T. A. Berwick, Fred Peterson, Soren Wilson, William A. Mynster and George Hanson. A committee of three from each voting precinct In the city will be appointed by' the chair. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Son. Detective Murphy Critically III. City Detective J. M. Murphy, whrt was committed to St. Bernard'a hospital last week, is in a precarious condition and It la feared his death may occur at any mo ment. Late Tuesday night his left side became paralysed and yesterday afternoon the paralysis spread to the entire body. His wife and family were summoned to his bedside, but It was said he was unub'e to recognize anyone. Special Kleetlon at Shenandoah. SHENANDOAH. Ia.. Feb. lfl.-(Speclal ) The city council has ordered a special elec tion for March 7 on a question of Issuing a franchise to the Shenandoah Artificial Ice company fcr the right to use the Btreets, alleys and public grounds for the installa tion of a plant for heating, lighting, cooling and power purposes. Many Marriages, Few Divorces. LOGAN, la.. Feb. 10. (Special.) The rec ords of the clerk of the district court show that during the year ending December 31, 1903, there were 236 marriages and thirty one divorces. Iowa Dentists to Meet. IOWA C1TT. Feb. 10. (Speclal.)-The first annual meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Dental association will meet at Ot tumwa. Ia , February 17 and lb. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Vmrr J. Abel. LOGAN, la., Feb. 10. (Speclal.)-Mrs. Lucy J. Abel, who has long been a resi dent of Logan, died at an Omaha hospital February I. -The funeral occurred this aft ernoon at S o'clock from th Methodist church. ....... .... BILL FOR A TWO-CENT FARE Delano of Casi County Introdnoes a Stringent Passenjer Bi'l. PROHIBITS THE I.SUE OF ALL PASSES Proposal Itrlna Poshed to Manu facture All Itlndlnn Twine t sed In the State at Anamosa Penitentiary. (From a StnfT Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Feb. 10-(8pclal.)-An-other bill that will meet with the serious opposition of the railroad managers In Iowa was Introduced In the legislature today. It was prepared by Delano of Cass county and Is by far the most stringent bill In regard to passenger business and rates that has been Introduced for years. The bill as Introduced today declares that railroads must come to a 2-cent fare rate for all persons over 12 years of age and 1 cent a mile for all persons under 12 years of age. It also prohibits the Issuance of passes, free transportation, rebates or any dis crimination by railroads. The bill Is made universal in Its application as far as the state is concerned and Is not limited In refusal of passes, as the Hughes measure. Senator Stlrton Introduced a second measure of Importance, providing that in cities nnd towns where mulct saloons are operated L'O per cent of the mulct tax shall go to the support c.f free public libraries. The net legalizing- the action of the In dependent school district of Soldier In Mo nona county was taken up and amended and passed. The changes were slight and uuimportunt. To Retain State Capitol. The State Capitol commission will be able ;o fiay up the $75,000 of unpaid bills on work contracted for and practically ull done now and to continue the work of Improvement and repair of the state capltol. The house t.-lay passed the senate bill to make avail able all the unexpended portion of the $260, 000 appropriated originally for capltol re pairs. The work lone now has far ex ceeded the half that was available. I'nder the bill which will now become a law in a few days the commission may proceed to finish Its work. No par of this fund Is available for restoration after the fire. The house today cams to the relief of all buss, placing silver bans and other kinds of butts In the same list with black boss under the protection of the laws. The bill to permit counties to Increase their bridge tax levy from 3 to 4 millr where the indebtedness exceeds $1,000 was passed. The deficiency bill In regard to express payments was passed. The house heard reports from a number of committees on the killing of bills. Among those reported for postponement was the Morris road bill, a bill to require Boards of Supervisors to make estimates of finances, a bill amending the time for real estate assessments and one for ap pointment of city clerks to fill vacancies. llllla Introduced. House Bills Cobb, relating to sale of iquors py permit holder. : eiano. the 2-cent tare bill: Uorttn. riuu,rnie i mniovment of rfiiuita only ax tclcgi piiei s anu In railroad rervice: r'leniiikc.i, lequtrlug publication t summaries of r.ports on norma! school .ii.nnces; Geneva, to r.t peal law on guide boards; McAllister, to permit working out load t .xes; McClilloeln providing pharmacy commu s must.. .be,, pharmacy gradu ates oi' certain schools und be total ab stainer; Mott, .t .Uicreuse levy of road iiiiius; vt lining, appropinnng 3.iE2 ror ex hlbit of stale iosUtuiloiiH nl St. 1au1h Chansel, permitting njuiual insurance com panles to incorporate easier. Senate Bills-'-Htlrtiin, lenitive to main tenance or free pulille libraries; Young, to esianusn Bacteriological laboratory; New. berry, publication of official reports; Kler Ick, reversion of schoolhuuse sites; Saun dels, appropriation for school ' for deaf aunileis, appropriation for reimbursement of officers, teachers and employes of school for deaf who suffered loss at time of flrti May 9, I!i2; Saunders, appointment of as sistant deputy wardens for penitentiaries; Saunders, prohibiting the taking of drugs, firearms or other means of escape into peni tentiaries, reformatories or industrial schools; Lambert, protection of fish and fame; Young of Iee, appropriate money or reimbursement of ex-commissloners '( pharmacy and ' attorneys for money ex pended In enforcement of the law; Stirton, 2-cent fare bill on railroads. New Corporations. . There was filed with the secretary of state today the articles of Incorporation of the Pocahontas Loan & Trust company of Pocahontus, capital. $10,000; J. 11. Allen, president; C. M. Redlck, secretary. The Gc.-man-Amerlcan Savings bank of Musca tine Increased capital to $100,000. Chairman Cownle and Judge Robinson of the State Board of Control' went to Mar ahalltown today with the members of the state Grand Army of the Republic com mittee on visitation to make the annual Inspection of the Soldiers' home there. Supreme Court Decisions. The supreme court. In reversing a dam age case from Jones county, involving the right of a city to excavate a street, called attention to the necessity for all proceed ings of a city council to be properly rec orded. Damages were claimed on account of cutting down a street. The city relied on evidence that the street was cut to grade. But the supreme court found that the record of the city in regard to the or dinance establishing ihe grade, at ' that plare was defective. In that It failed to show that the ordinances considered at the time were adopted, each one separately, by yes, and nay vote, and the court will not presume that a mandatory provision of the law has been complied with. The court's decisions were: John E. Woods against Evalyn Allen, ap P I II" nt ; Polk county. Judge Prouty; af 'Irmed by Deemer. Francetown Havings Bank, appellant, against Dora Silver; Woodbury county, Judre Wakefield: affirmed by Weaver. Maasion Engine and Thresher Company, appellant, against John C. Khlrmer; Kos suth county. Judge Quarton; affirmed by Sherwin. H. W. Ssylor, appellant, against O. W. Parsonr; Jaxper county, Judge Dewey; af- nrriieo oy lAtia. Martha M. Manham. appellant, against City of Aannmosa; Jnnes county, Judge Trelchler; reversed by McClsin, W. K. Stewart, appellant, against W. M. Oorham; Muscatine county. Judge Wolfe; reversed by ' Bishop. Blading ThIuf for Iowa. The plan to have binding twine made ul the state penitentiary at Anamosa will Imj strongly urged before the legislature. A resolution for an Inquiry Into the matter has been hung up in a senate committee, but Representative Powers of Floyd county, who started the movement, will see to It that the matter Is not dropped in this way. Mr Powers has secured some statistics. He finds that the prison warden In Minne sota has just announced that the price of standard twine to Minnesota farmers, made at the Minnesota prison, will be 8i4 cents a pound. The price In Iowa last year, pur chased of the cordage combine, was 13 rents a pound. Minnesota lost year used 9,000.000 pounds. Iowa uses as much. If the consumption is the same In Iowa as In Not Hungry rtwa 70a ahoald be dlaorderad nerrea, whlct "-ill lead to nerroua proa tratloo. Dr. Mllea" Nerrine la guaran teed to baoeflt you or . monay rsf undad. Book oo ncrvaa sent froa. pn. KULKS MKDICAXi CO. atkbart. lad. Minnesota, the state could seve for Iowa farmers $477,600 a year, by establishing a twine riant at the penitentiary. Iowa ratrlarrhea Mllltnnt. The annual meeting of tho Patriarchs Militant of lows was held here today. The parade was postponed until tomorrow owing to bad -weather. The principal business done thus far was the defining of the n,ual- fltatlnns for the chevalier degree so that It w ill be confined to s small number who have had certain experience In Odd Fcl 'owshlp. The reports show that there are 72 members of the order In the state and Its finances are In excellent condition. Hardware and Grocery Denlors. The state association of hardware dealers commenced a session here this afternoon. The executive committee Is at work on a plan for a mutual Insurance company for thp dealers. The state association of re tall grocers held .a meeting today. Ad dresses were delivered by President Ixtt of the national association, Secretary Fisher of the Nebraska assnelntion and others. The grocers are greatly Interested in sev eral bills before the legislature.. Including the pure food bill and the bill taking oft part of the exemption of wages of a head of a family for debts contracted. Won n Racehorse by nawers. H. S. Chase, a groceryninn of Des Mn'nes, was today notified by wire that he had won a race horse known as Gelatine Knox, ad vertised as worth $10,000, In a contest by the proprietors of Knox's gelatine in New York City. Tho conteet was among grocers all over the country, and they were to state In three sentences why this goods should be sold by grocers. Mr. Chase's answers were decreed the best sent In. He was asked whether he would take the horse or the money and Is deliberating on that question. Call Democratic Convention. The democratic state committee met to day and fixed the preliminaries for the state convention, naming May 4 as the date tnd Des Moines the place. The nam ing of an early date was done at the sug gestion of the boomers for Hearst for president, and they expressed themselves as well pleased. They did not get what they wanted for temporary chnlrman, as M. W. Culllson of Harlan was selected over Louis Murphy of Dubuque. Murphy is a free silver editor, while Culllson is a reorganlrer. Other temporary officers are: Secretary, W. M. Ward, Sac City; assistant, G. L. Caswell, Venison, record ing clerk, J. A. Gillespie, Burlington; ser-geant-at-arms, Frank Mathls, Des Moines. Iowa Men Hunt for Oil. SHENANDOAH, la.. Feb. 10 (Special.) The Shenandoah OH and Mineral company, recently organized here with a capital stock of $50,000. announces that It has ordered machinery and that a derrick and two cars of casing and other tools will reach this place within a few days. The machinery comes from Colorado and will be accom panied by men experienced In working it, and the local company will then Imme diately sink a well to a depth of 3.90 feet It something of a paying nature Is not struck before that depth. The Shenandoah Oil and Mineral company is composed of Charles Schick, a retired farmer and cap italist; Joseph Auracher, a wealthy grain dealer; H. C. Smith, a real estate man, and J. C. Maupln, an oil expert. The lat ter Is the one who started the ball rolling here, claiming to have found unmistakable signs that Indicate petroleum In paying quantities. Tho surface Indications are found most promising about eighteen miles from this place and the president of the company states that the first prospect hole will be located at that point, though Just where it Is he refuses to divulge. Organise n Men's Club. MISSOl'RI VALLEY, la.. Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) The Men's Club of the Presbyterian church Is the name of a new club organ ized here that held its first meeting last night. The objects of the club are stated to be social, physical, mental and moral development of the men of Missouri Vul ley and any man In sympathy with Its mo tives are eligible to membership. Meetings are to be he'd Semi-monthly. The officers elected sre: Dr. G. W. Colt, president; P. E. Roblnsen. vice president; H. W. Gamble, secretary; Ed D. Bradley, sergeant-at-arms; Rev. MacAlIlster, chaplain; J. A. Lister, press agent. The committee to se lect the standing committees on member ship, lecture course, literary, social Bible study and civic Improvement are P. .E. Robinson, J. J. Amen, H. H. Dlckman. The club starts with a membership of forty-four. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 23. Iowa College Wants Cnsh. AMES, In., Feb. 10. (Special.) In the biennial report Issued by President A. B. Storms of the Iowa State college la set forth clearly the needs of the Institution for support and buildings. The report shows the need for an appropriation of $110,000 for the completion of the Central hnll according to the first plans adopted and still retained, provisionally and for the furnishing, heating and lighting of the building. The contract calls for the com pletion of the building In time for the opening of school the fair of 1905, but there Is absolutely no arrangement for putting the building in shape for use, unless the present legislature grants the amount asked. ' It will require $73,000 for furnish ing, heating and lighting, according to the estimates set forth In the president's re- DON'T 8E SICKLY When the medicine to make you strong and healthy is within your reach. Wo refer to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. For 60 years It has been restoring sickly people to robust health by making the stomach strong and the blood pur. Hostetter s Stomach Bitters Is Just the medlctna for every man or woman who Buffers from Dizziness, Flatulency, Lost of Appetits, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Constipation, Dyspepsia or Malarial Fever. It positively cures, as thousands have voluntarily teKtlilud. TRY IT. Our PRI VATE STAMP Is over the neck of Uio betUa, l .1 " t , 'Nil MKXJCAN Mustang Liniment cures Frostbites and Chilblainaw MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beat thing ir a. lame hurse. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment drives oat avll lalamstSoa. port and furnished by Frof. Blssell of the college and Architects Proud foot and Bird. Rat Plant C hanges Hands. SHENANDOAH, la.. Feb. lO.-(Speclal ) The People's Gas company, which put In a plant In this place last year, has prac tically completed the negotiations for s sale of the plant to a new organization of local people. The transfer wll be mnde early In March, or as soon as a new fran chise can be granted tho old concern. The new company will be capitalized st $:).ono, with half of It fully paid up. The original Pi-oplo's Ons company put In a splendid plant here nnd the only trouble with It Is that It Is better than the needs of the town at present demand. I.oaes Ke as Itesnlt of Accident. IOWA CITY. Feb. 10 (Special.) Will Ilostetb r will lose his left eye as a result of an accident which occurred here yes terday In the plant of the Iowa City Wa ter Works company. While engaged In cutting one of thp herfvy pipes with a chisel a fragment of the metnl lodged In his eye. cutting the eyeball In such a man ner that It was Impossible to save his sight. He was taken to the hospital con nected with the Medical College of tho State University of Iowa, where ha Is now resting. Oritnnlfte I. umber Company. MISSOl'RI VALLEY, Ia., Feb. 10.-(Spe- clal.) The Beltram Cedar and Iand com pany Is the name of a new corporation or ganized here. The articles of Incorporation state that the object of the corporation shall be the buying, leasing and selling of timber land, manufacturing, shipping and selling of lumber, telegraph and tolephone poles and other products of timber. The capital stock Is) $,10,000. with $35,000 to be paid up before commencing business. George A. Mathews Is president and John 8. McOovre.n secretary. Shenandoah Feeling Dnay. SHENANDOAH, la., Feb. 10 (Special.) The first carload shipment of cultivators from the Swanson Manufacturing company Is being made today and the plows go to a Kansas City concern. Shennndoah was for tunate In securing the location of this con cern here and the splendid progress that has been made since ground was broken the latter part of October Is a surprise to all. The main product of this concern Is the manufacture of a one and a two-row disc cultivator for the cultivation of listed corn. CURE Kick Headache and rellrre !1 the troubles laei dent to a blllooi tste of the f ritem, tni-h as Dia sinMS, Nantes, DrowiincH. Dilttfil after eating, Pnln la the Bide, Ac. While thrir mott remark able laccest has bcrm shown lu coring Hrtdsrhr.yet Ctrtcr'sLlttlt Liver l'ills are eqo ally valuable In Conniipation, eurinf and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the tomirh, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. K ea if they only cured Aehs they would hedmost pricelrM to those whs suffer from this dinlresiing complaint; but fortu nately their goodness doea not end here, and tboes who once try theiu will And tneu little pills valp able In so many ways that they will sot be wUUaf to ic wltbont them. But after all sick bead ACHE Is the bane of o many lives that here is where ws maks oar great boast. Our puis cars it wall others do not. ' Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small sag very easy to take. One or two pllis makes dose. They are eUiclly vegetable and do ot gripe or purge, but by thrlr Rentle action please oil who lias them. In vlala ai 24 cents; five for tl. Bold hj -Jrngglsti everywhere, er scat by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New vork Clt Intorti Pure,Sort,WbiU5Kia aad a Btaatifol Complexion, tares Eczema and Tetter. Ab solutely ana rermarenur i removea Blackheade, Free- klea, Pimple. Radiate, Sun '.j apola and Tan. Ueaa wttb Verma-Horale Soap Par , act akin la Insured. Sold by Orugflltts, Of an tta ordered direct m i if ii nma V a . - Oernta-atayale tloap, MS rents, by aaall. Both In as pacha go, ftl-faS. eapreea natM. Trlfi DRUM A-ROY ALE CO., Cincinnati. O. SCHAEFER'S Cl'T PRICE DRUG STORE Omaha, Ncbr., and South Omaha, Nebr. Charges Less Than all Others DR. KVacCREW, SPECIALIST Treats all forms of DIs 1IKR OILI. I Iwtnty-right years' experience tighteen years in Oman Tho doctors remarkable success baa never been equaled. In ra-aiircea a,aJ facilities lot treating this ciaas ' diseases are unlimited anl every day ?rlnf F" flattering reports of the good bo Is dutng, er the relief ho hsa given. HOT SPRINGS. IREATMENf fOR Ail Iil.od Frdaons. No "BHEAKING OUT" n the sklu or lace ana ai xiefil sis. us of the disease dlaappea at cnca A l-t msnent cure for life guaranteed. VARICOCELE 35 TKaffBilT5.rlt ixin oa iif cured of Hydrocele, iLrK 3U.UUU Dincture, Qleei, Nervous lbllity, l-oas i'f Btresgth and VllalUs nd all forms ot chronic disease. 'IreatTiejit by mall. Call or wiite. Bo tM. Utile. 2lt HnuLo Hta a I- Oraaaa. Mas. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment for Mail, lieaat or Poultry. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment heals Old Sore a quickly. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment core CavkeU U older cowtv. CARTER'S men he An MM aJatakwammfa MfaWhtswayli ' ' Th Only Doubla Track Railway between the . Missouri River and Chicago. AILY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25-fM THE OVERLAND LIMITED ariiwlflct)nt nIM dnllr tnttn to CMc.yo. Oowrtrt front Bfi d rmwtnff-rvtnn ltplnfg run, library, huftv, bar bow-boat h. tifthonn, rlininn curs and ohMrniioi 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS ynilmtii tonrirt 1-pini oirt and coach. .Dining car ( from Clinton. 5.50 fm THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman drawing room an 4 ton Hut alining car, fra reclining ehalr oar, baffat library ana amoking Oar. Pining car. 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3n III Pnllmanlrawln-moinalaaplORcani.bnlTt till AM Dinoklne and librarr care and lr rrltn ing chair rare to I'htoaao. Dinlna caia, II .. Thronah arflca Omaha to t' l.tlLi AM North Wntorn standard der roai-hM 4.25 pm ing cx rhetr rare to fhleafn. Pullman e car Trora Aroe to Colcago. Uln erring breakfaet. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL:MINNEAPOLIS jy ObwrraUau cafe can, parlor ears and. 81 C PU Pnllmea !rlp ears, buffet llbrarj lu I" ears and t rsa reclining chsir cara, BLACK HILLS 2.50 pm lor, Worfot aadnod aj To Framont, Mnco1n.Wboo,rHiT.c1 City, mark. Hattnsi. Hrwmi-1 i;ans Nma. or folk. lxna l'in. I'tsbsr. lint Kurltiua aadnod and Land. Through reclining chair car; Pnllman tiooDlng car aerrioo. 9 fit ItJ To Frmont, Lincoln, W O.UU AM Loop pina. Yard mra. Km fioaabad Indian Rnaarration counitj '"nhoo, Norfolk. nuMeel and tu CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS Cure all Sppclnl DISEASES OF MEN BL000 POISON, WEAK, NERVOUS MEN, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Treatment and Mrdlcltie $5.00 PER MONTH Examinations and advice free at olllce tit by mnl). Written contracts -ilvrn In all rurahle iIIhphws, or refund money raid for treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 years In omaha. Cor. 14th anil Dona-Ins, OMAHA, K11!. MEN ANDWOWEit. I'm Big O for onnatura, durharn, inflammation. Irritation, or ulo ration of macon man brant, PaiTilM, and not aatrto gent or po)nnoUB. atolal by lrw rslatgv or nt in plain wrnr T tm. prepaid, ff I 00. orSbMtkt ft.. 7ft. Circular mii rouMat IAILWAY TIME CARD. t.MON 8TATIOX lOTII A3D M ARC Yo Phlrano, Milwaukee A Ht. Innl. Leave. Arrive. CMrairo ParltffM Chicago Kt Kipret Overland Limited D Mnlii Riprees Chicago, Kork Ilnnl BAST. Chicago DaTlight Limit!.... Chicago Daylight Local Chicago Kxprrna D Mnlna tipr Chicago "aat Exprcg , L ' v WEST. Itorkr Mountain Limited . . 7 :.V am all lf pm ,.& S 45 pm 3:1ft pm ..a S S0 pm a R io ar ..a T:&5 am S 10 pm & I'm-1 He. . .a S:r5 am . .a 7:00 am . bll If. am . a 4 SO pm . .a 0:30 pra a 3 fin am a 9 35 pm a 6 .15 pm till :.' m a 1 :2b fm a 7:25 pm a 5 W pra ..a 7:30 am Lincoln, Colorado Hprlnga, Den ver, Pueblo and Weat a 1:80 pm Trtaa, lalliomta ana Oklahoma Flyer a 4:10 pm all 40 did C'l.-f"g.Mro A Nurthwriicrn. Fa at Chicago.. a 3 4t am a 7:56 at : Local Chicago all :&0 Mall a 8 .10 pm Locwl Bind City V. ....... !ayllght St. Paul iT SOim Daylight Chicago a R OOam Limited Chicago a H 2S pm Fart Chicago a l:M pm IxH-al Chicago a 4 25 pm Fart fft. Paul a 15 pm St. Paul Kipresa a 8 SO am b 3 45 pm a 10 no pm all 20 pm a 8 15 am a S 45 pm a 7 05 am a 8 J5 am a 2 40 pm a 8 20 am bio 35 am blO 35 am a f 10 pm e (1 :li ptr. b R IO pm a l 2'i pm a 6 15 atn Faat Mall Loral Sioux city Norfolk and Bnneateel Lincoln and Long Pine Deadwood, Hot Bprtng Ltnrnln b 4 On pm .a H its am b 8:05 am 1 .a I M pm .d 2 so pm b 2:60 pm J Caliper and Wyoming 3nrei. H'ttlnga. Superior and Albion. MiiNoart 1'nc.flc. pt. Lou If Eipreaa K. C. and St. Lou la Eiprenay.. In Ion Pair. Ac, ,al0:0n am .alO 60 pm . 9 40 am .a R ft" am Overland Limited. The Faat Mall .. a 3 0) pm a 3 2" ptn California Kpre. , 4 fo pm The Chicago-Portland Special.... pm a fl-V p:n Rantern Kxpres. 5 Vl pm The Atlantic Rxpre.s The Colorsrtrt Rpvcl.l., a 7 .30 pm a am a 3:40 ui. . all . 35 pm rnlraao elew1a 1 LInroln. Heatrlna and Strom.' burn Kipresa h 4 0" pm rolumhu. Ixical b 00 pm lilraao (.reat alrrn, St. Taul an4 Minneapolis l.intd ... St Paul and Mlnuespolli E..s M5 am ( htraan Limited a 4 M) pm St Paul. Minn, and Chlraao El. a 1" I'm b 36 t. a S . in in 3u tin Chlraao Eipreaa I 1 ID im a I Oi pn. Wabaah. St. Lnuia "Cannon Ball" El ...aiMpm Bt. Ixitils Loral ( ounrll Uludl a t 15 oid a 20 am alD:30 pm Illinois Central. Rupraas llUpra al;S5ia CMcsao. Minneapolla and Bt. Paul Limited a T 60 pm a I I am Minneapolis and St. Paul Ex. . .b 7 :&0 m blO.M ,n Bl'1lI'lCi'rON STATION KKI'll X SIASOX rhlrsKO. Ilarllnaton (lolncy. Ixhts. Arrive. fbluax Spaelal a 7 o am a S if pm rhlcan Vrstlhuled Esprras a 4 oo pm a 7 4f. im IjvmI a:Hein all ft" pm CkleufO Limited a pra ll llpm Faat Mall I:4 fsi ilurllngtoii & Mlaeoarl Rlsrr. Wf mora. B'atrlna and Llneola. .a M am M5 or, pm Nrhrsbka Kpr-ae a SO am a 7 pm Denror Llmltfd a 4 10 pin a 4n am filarh llllla and Piipt Sound Es. all 111 pm l I 11 pm rolorado Veatihtiid Klyer a J so pm LInroln Fat Mall b I fit pm a 0 am Fort rrook and Hlattemouth b 10 pm blO "Sam ItrlleTue and Psrlflc .'un.-tlon. .a 7 'A pm a I 37 am Beilsnie and PkL-lfle Junction, a J JO am Kapaaa i'lty, at. Joae-pli V Co. Hloffn. Kansaa C'I'y Pay Eipreaa a J IB am a ns poi St. Louie Klyar a 5 2. pm all 04 am Kanaae City Night Eiprrsa alO 45 pm a t ' am WEBITKR DEPOT 1 5TII WEBITKH. Mlaeoarl Parlap. Lrara. Arr1s. 7f.b. Loeal via Wr.plna Water b 4 10 pm alO M am ( lilraao, t. I'aol, Minn. A (imaha. Twin City Psuienser b am k 10 pm Sloui t'liy ; 2 i pm all 10 am b t 15 pm b I 10 am isaiana iaiv.i a Dally, b Pally rirept Sunday. 4 Dally exoept v gsturdar a Dally eircpt Mnsilav OrBtl STEAMKIls. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. v Twia-sVrae Steasaera el U.aOo Tone MEW YuHK- ItonlHUAS. via buL'LUUMI. Ballluf Tsjaaday. at 10 a m. eleterdTk Fab. U War. Btatendam eb. U Noordam M'T. 2i Amatfniam Mar. I Stat.ndam aUr. -J SH-ersge only. 'Frelirlit only. HOLLASI-KKKlCA LINE, ( Uarborn St.. C-'-eaao 111 ; Harry loora. t'arnam Si ! f-Ittitb'-rfurd. Ull Fa.-neas St.; J. 0. H.ruoKa. lis) Faruaoi St MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cure Carta, 13 urn a, Bruise. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cunt tsprstlna nnd Btralna. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment U a poosltiv cir for Pile. 6" m ta ' u r-I lil GssrtBtod U Mia W asl ts Mrleturs. fjs ffj rraU fimuess. ilrHEtvmCHtwir.o. V0lCINHTI,0 jr" .'V