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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1904)
TITE OMAITA DAILY HEE: TIITRMWY. FmRrARY 11. 15()4. I an ... - - r. r .1 I ALL I STRAIGHTS. J lmi FRONT iJlr Xi MODELS f B ft r J i. I Willi il w iii iii I I I I ' ' i.iiu'lll II - - ' -' 1, M,l , I I ---" " - TAFT REVIEWS PHILIPPINES Bay i Keed of an Intl-Blavsry Mesmrs . Dost 5ot Ixist. RATIFICATION OF CANAL TREATY SURE Offlrrn tif ikr Battleship Mlaaaarl Re port the r Ifirrn-WHIr Flight mt bell fmm fclr-vattan. CORNELL SEATED BY HOUSE EowVJ Loses the Contested 6eat by Twehe Votes. URGENT DEFICIENCY BILL CONSIDERED Mruirr la Ipoi Qumlloi nf A ppro prlatlns a Loan nf 4.(KHi,(KK to Llilitliil Pure hair Ksixtsitlon. Washington, . Fb. lo.-Tne house to day disposed of the Connell-HowHl con teetrd rltnUm cuse from Hie Tenth I'enn jrlvanla district In favor of Mr. Council. The republicans, ltii the exception of Me-srs. Lannlng (N. J..) Stilra la.) and I'arker (N. J..J supported the resolution unseat ing Mr. Howell and Riving the seat to the contestant. The democrats solidly ui- jwrted Mr. Howell. Mr. Shims and i Mr. ldng spoke In opposition to the un seating of Mr. Unwell. Mr. Connell was Jironiptly worn In and took his seat. The bouse then resumed confederation of the senate amendment proponing a loan of t4.0fiA.0il0 to the Louisiana I'urchase expo sition, on which a vote on the question tif concurrence will le taken tomorrow. Further opposition developed In the de bate today. On demand of Mr. Williams (Miss.) the resolution reported hy Uie committee on election was divided, a yea and nny vote bring takon fust on that portion decid ing that Mr. Howell, the sitting member, was not elected to the house from the Tenth I'eiins.vlvauia district. This was carried by a vote of 1U0 to 144. It waa a party vote, except ttzt Messrs. limning, Shiran and Tarker IN. J..) republicans, voted with the democrat for Mr. Howell. That portion of the resolution declaring that Mr. Conmil was elected and entitled to a seat u then curried, ir to 148, the amendment being the name a on the pre ceding vote. The oath was administered Ut onoo bT the rpeaker to Mr. Connell, who took Ids aeat as a mcmlier. Tho bouse resumed i-onilderstinn of the amendment to the urgent deficiency ap propriation bill, -appropriating a loan of S4.60O.0fW Wtha Ijoulsls-rrm IWTTe -expo. nit Ion, tlie question being on the amend ment proposed by Mr. Tawney relating to (ha manner of the repayment of the loan. VLB agreement wa reached to vote on this ejid then on the senate amendment at O'clock tomorrow. suppose we could probably have taken the device awsy from the Groffs br getting somebody else to improve It or make some thing Just like It for the sake of denying to them the benefit of their genius and rights under the patent." Mac.hen said it wa neither hi right nor Inclination to notify Inventor to come In and improve on till fastener, because It would have been an Injustice to the pio neer Mac hen could not ay that any postmas ter ever made recommendation for the Croff fastener. He admitted thiit the post master at Boston had written the depart ment acknowledging the receipt of a num ber of barrel of Groff fastener and ob jecting to them, assigning five reasons therefor. At thl point court adjourned until tomorrow. SPEECH OCCUPIES SENATE Mr. MH irahrr Rapports Treaty lid Jastlflea 411 the Acta nf Hie Administration. WASHINGTON, Feb. 0.-The major por tion of the time of the senate in open sen- Ion today was devoted to a speech by Mr. MeOumtier. who purported the Panama anul treaty and Justified all the acts of the administration In connection with the re cent revolt. A number of private pension Ills were passed. At the conclusion of routine business, Mr. McCumlier addressed the senate on the anama canal question. He spoke in sup port of the treaty. At the conclusion of Us address the senate went into executive session. Senator Daniel spoke In opposition to ilie ratification of the I'anama canal treaty. He wa answered briefly by Senator Fair- bank uid Bpooner. Senator Daniel' re marks were on the highest plane. He did not criticise the administration for anything that had occurred on the isthmus, but did advise that the government accept the Nlo- araguan route a the only one for which title can be secured without national dis honor. He was congratulated warmly by senator on both sides of the chamber for the character of his speech. The question of having printed for the benefit of- the senate the speeches which are made on the canal question In executive session, was voted in the" negative. ' r mm WACHEN TELLS OF FASTENERS' Mrs Tronbl Came Wkri He Wonla Kat Help Vn" Higher r Kalary. .Washington, Feb. m August w. (auchea continued hi testimony In the postal trial today. Mr. Machen aid he toll the Inventor of the Muller fastener that hi device seemed to be an In trtngement of the Groff fastener, that he did rot car to buy a law suit and beside II Old not have the merit of the latter. After Mr. Heath retired from office In 100, Mr. Macben said Postmaster General Smith took direct supervision over the rural free delivery division and made it praotloa to send members pf congress and senators to confer with him (Machen) of Oila Machen said, grew the prac- of writing letters to congressmen ngwed In Us name. Mr. Wynne, he said Upon taking charge, bud directed that thus pbould stop. 'Answering a Question by Mr. Douglas, Sir. Machen Said his relations with Mr. Vynne became strained In February-. 118 "At that time." lie said, "Mr. Wynne Bras making an effort to Increase hi tre-a salary to .0t0. Mr. Wynne re Quested me to use my Influence with certain memlwrs of congress to that end, Which I refused to do." After that time he said be and Wynne were not on speaking lernis. He driled receiving any money Xrwn Loreris for the purpose of Influencing his action, (in croai-examlnatlim Mr. Machen said that when he left Toledo he owed fcw.tluO, but bad aiuc paid all but f..(vn of the In debtedmaa. It was paid fiom assets that were unavailable at that Unit:, he said. which consisted of projerty that he had In til mother's came and trom the Lorenx nota Mit lie4i admitted that wtien he came to Washington Jie lMrrowd money from (Tieiids to get him and his family here The witness then was ukd if It waa net a fact that he had deposited in a hank at 1 eauiunsler. Md., between Novemtier and May 7, 19tKi. the sum of I77.C7K. Counsel fur the defense objveted. The veurt took the matter under advisement Anawurinpf another Inquiry why he did Hot tln.uiute tlie inventive genius of the country by advertising fur devices better than that of the Groffs. Machen said: "1 the theory tbwt micht is right and of ooura this great govertiment Is mighty: WASHINGTON, Fen. 1 - Secretary of War Tsft reviewed conditions In the Phil ippine Islands before the house committee on Insular affairs today. The secretary t first turned his attention to the Pstterson bill to abolish slavery In the iBlends. He stated that there was not the slightest ob jection to the passage of the bill, although In his judgment there was no use for the measure, as slavery had already been abolished legislatively by the terms of the Philippine act. The Bates treaty, he said. had been abrogated by the sultan of Sulu. and his dattos and he had for warded a recommendation to the secretary of war for its abrogation officially by the United State. Secretary Taft reviewed the friar land negotiations, which had been successfully concluded. While the Philippine govern ment might lose perhaps t2.onti.WO by the purchase of the friar land and their sub sequent sale to the Filipinos be thought the beneficial effect from a political standpoint amply Justified the transac tion. Canal Treaty Certain. As If seem certain now that the Pan ama canal treaty will be ratified soon by the senate President Roosevelt has taken tip with Secretary Shaw the arrangements necessary to be made by this government for the payment of the Mf'.OOO.ooO for the canal property and the tlO.OOO.OHO to the Re public of Panama. He also is giving par ticular attention to the personnel of the Isthmian canal commission which 1 to have charge of the construction of the great waterway. Attorney General Knox has under consideration the Ppooner set of the last congress with a view of deter mining whether it afford the president ample authority to provide for the Issu ance of bonds to raise the money ltnmedl ately needed and to appoint the commis sion. It Is thought Rear Admiral Walker, president of the present commission, will probably head the commission. Reaalatlna Public Lands. 1 Senator Gamble today reported favor. ably from the committee on public lands the 6 per cent bill for the regulation of accounts between the Vnlted Statese and the several states relative to the dlsponl tion of public landH. The aggregate amount Involved at the present time un der this bill Is estimated at IS.lK.OOO while the amounts already deposited with the states under the land act, aggregates tat. 101.644. The bill has been reported favor- ablr 'o several congresses, but it now has th full approval of the public -lands com mlttee and earnest effort will be made to secure its passage. Nebraska Postnaaeter Appointed. Itiee claim the company has advertised having a paying mine, when, as a matter f fact. It has net, this being fraud. Tearbera Eiamlalaa Board. PIERRE. 8 V.. Feb. 10. t'Fpeclhl ) State Superintendent Nash ha selected hi iKiard of examiners for the next meeting of the board to pass upon papers of teach ers w ho take the spring examinations. The board Is called to meet on March "K and consists of E. I. ftledcrstaedt, Mndison: O. E. Brown. Mount Vernon; G. A. Clark. Tankton; Maud R Carter, Pierce; W. P. Dunlevy. Pierre; MargHret I'uthie. Miller; C. H. Ellingson, Canton; G. A. Fry. Mit chell; S. C. Hartranft. Alwrdeen; Ida P. Hatch, Pierre; B. M. Hardeiibriv-k. Marion Junction; C. F. Koehler. Aberdeen; C. T. King, Bryant; Eva M. Lange, Pierre; Emma Nelson, Onlda; M. M. Rutnfr. Mil- bank: G. J. Srhellenger, Selny; M. M. Gunln, Eureka. CATTLEMEN FEELING GOOD ' feel absolutely safe for this winter the cold ha Iwen severe at times While there Incorporate Rallna; Company. PIERRE. S. P.. Feb. 10. (Special Tele gram.) Articles of incorjioratlon of a new Dakota railroad company were filed with the secretary cf state today. It U known a the Watertown & Webster railroad and is fifty miles In length, located In Codditip ton and Day counties md caplu.ilxed lit tadd.OMi. The directors, all local men ilons the line, are A. C. Burnstad. N. J. LJnd groen, K. A. Shorestad. A. C. Davis. Joseph Paul, J. N. Ijong. J. W. Bend, J. H. Brooks and J. L. EdsaTl. CnU Weather Ha. Werkea Hara- I nu" no ,lm" entiph snow to inter- , . , , fr with gTsr.ltg and enough most of the; skips on t attle la the Rnnae i ,, j time to all'iw rnpe stuck to wander at Cenntry. I will regardless cf wster , hole this! 'sule'of the rivi r there ha. lH-n consider-j PIETtnn. S I1.. Feti. 1" i Special j able grain fed. ns th cotintrj 's sc com- Ptof kmen In this ji,-t of the pmte are Well ! pletely fenced tip tt:m tliete i no c;en 1 One man who has juct mad a trip threuzb weHlern Sully county s that all the farmers hnvc good snptbe cf rnrt Jt on hand. h;i-ing held It hist f?vll for pos sible need tins winter. Old Ion a Mtt'i Psll Fatal.' SAN FRANCISCO. Feb 1ft W. W. Cr-r- Innil lTeolent of the Sun Krunelsro Tvwi- satiffie-i with condition kh Tilt this wii- ' ranre. but with the bay which wjs se- pruphictil union. Is deHd as the reult of ter. and believe thru the oming of wnrrp cured lnr.t Tear, find the corn rniif-d. all falling thm.igh an i;-n levator f-baft. Ha . , . . ... , rniis co!iii- with Iowa new p:vpes weather Is row near enouch to make them j are coming t! rouch in the heft of shape. twenty years ago .1 . .. . . - Hold f baffee for Killing. STFRGIS, S. P., Feb. 10 (Special ) Sheriff Brown and State' Attorney Mc Nermy arrived from DaJsell. Meade county, last night with Bud Chaffee, who shot Simon Slsley at that place about two week ego. It Is said Chaffee shot Sislev twice and killed him instantly, claiming It wa In nolf-defense. Chaffee I now In the Meade county Jail In this city. MAY GET JURY BY THURSDAY en Progress Relna Made In Secar tng Men la Hear Dewey Case. HORTON, Kan.. Feb. 10 -More progTes was made today In the effort to secure a Jury to try Chauncey Dewey, William J. McBride and Clyde Wilson for the mur der of Burchard B. Berry, and it now seems probable that twelve men will have been secured by Thursday night. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Pair for Kebrsika vrltb Warmer Weather for Friday, and Cod. tinned fold In Ion a. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10-Forecast : For Nebraska Fair Thursday; warmer In western portion. Friday, warmer and fair. For Iowa and Missouri Fair; continued cold Thursday. Friday, fair and warmer. For Illinois Fair; continued cold Thurs day. Friday, fair and warmer; fres north to northeast wind. For North Dakota Fair; not so cold Thursday. Friday, warmer; probably snow. For South Dakota Fair and warmer Thursday and Friday. r or Ivan san warmer jn northern por- The president today sent to the senate j tion; fair. Friday, fair and warmer. NEW YORK BANK IS CLOSED Equitable national la Handa af Bank Exaaalner, bat Of here Arc Not Involved. WASHINGTON. Feb. 30-The Equitable National bank of New York City was closed today by direction of the comptroller of the currency and National Bank Exam iner Edward Ridgely ha been appointed re ceiver. The failure of the bank 1 dpe to bad loan and injudicious nanagem'ent. The volume of business done by this bank has always been small and has decreased so greatly In the laat few weeks that Its failure is almost without significance, and in no way involve any other national bank. It had practically no business with banks outside of New York City. The asset and liabilities are given at $t2.7Kl. It capital wai tlMO.OOO and it has deposits of 39u,?73. APPRENTICES MAY FIGHT Training; aaidras ia Tnld te Protect American Intereata la De mi a ira n Waters. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Specific Instruc tion have been cabled Rear Admiral Wise, commanding the training squadron In Dominican waters, regarding the protec tion of American shipping interests there. The firing on the Clyde line steamer New York by a government gunboat, as re ported In cable dispatches received today, has aroused luclipimtlon In official circles here, and it was said at the Navy depart ment that the probable course of action after such an outrage would be the selsure of the gunlioat by Rear Admiral Wise, in which event it probably would be carried to Guantatiamo. DIFFERENTIAL IS LAWFUL Interstate finnrrrr Commission Re iterates Fimrr Huling In Case Aavalnat Missouri Paetae. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10 In the rase of the city of Wichita, Kan., against ta Missouri Pacific and other railroads In volvlng a 5-cent higher rate on flour to Texas points than on w heat the Interstate Commerce eommiaKlon today rettorated its lormer aecision tnai me airrerentlal was mrt unlawful. The commission holds that it has no more authority to place competing millers in different state upon precisely the same footing than It has to equalise the conditions in all localities and In every Industry. the following nomination: Postmasters: Montana Walter Alderson. Red Lodge. Nebraska James L.. LAshhrook. Oxford. Washington George W. Edgerton, Puyallup. Kaormon Plight of Sbell. One of the officer of the battleship Mis souri, which ha been engaged in target practice off the Chesapeake cape, came to the Navy department with a remark able statement. He said that one of the twtlve-lnch gun being elevated seven de grees, let fly a shell which the strongest glass could not follow to the end of It flight. Later a passing steamer reported that the shot had struck the sea within 300 yeard of It. The steamer was distant from the Missouri Just fifteen miles. fcams In I.lvery Bill. The State department's fjiswer to the house carriage resolution wa transmitted to that body today by President Roose- elt. The anwer um up the "livery" a follow : The department maintains for the use of the necretary and assistant secretary one brougham, one victoria, two depot wagon, one urrey. four horses, three sets of single hsrness and one set of double harness. The total cost of this outfit is Ili.Mt. Four assistant messengers at trio a month are employed as drivers. No footmen or automobiles are employed. Tornrde Boats Art Gewd. The secretary of the navy has received the following cablegram of the report of the passage of the torpedo boat flotilla under convoy of the Buffalo from Ban Juan to La Halmas. Canary Islands, from Com mander W. H. Everett of the Buffalo: The behavior of the flotilla at sea was excellent. No heavy water was taken aboard at any time, nor was any damage received by any ksiat from any cause what ever. The motion of ihe boats waa not excessive, although aufficlent to lie come very tiring when kept up Incessantly for twelve days. Lincoln's "Last Escort. Among the speaker at the Lincoln ban quet In Grand Rapids. Mich., Friday night, will be Thoma T. Pendel, who for forty year has been an usher In th White House. Fendel Is now 80 year old and It was he who last escorted President Lincoln from the White House to hi car riage on the night of hi assassination. Farm Animals nf tnnntrj. The acting statistician of the Depart ment of Agriculture has completed his estimate of the number and value of farm animals on June 10. 19(4. The totals for the roun.ry are shown In the following table: Number. Ki.Tfe.UC .... ii.TST .H16 ....1T.41K.R17 ....43.tS 4t M.u.lli.141 .... 4:.oi in.ser Is the joy of the household, for wfthont it do happiness can be complete. How tweet the picture of mother and babe, angel smile at and commend the m jsn j-anw n pna r-j thoughts and aspirations of the mother V J f 1 f" ' bending over the cradle. The ordeal through If l'l3'Ml"J "'hich the expectant mother must pass, how- J JJ tl W La ever' " ' dne nl suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror cf child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders pliable all the parts, and 'mm a. n-m m w iu'ss: p Q fill Y E $ R otwon..U,e p..dtbi. HjNliH II In t. Ill rO) rest crisis in perfect safety -"" m-' and without pain. Sold at per bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless value to all women sent free. Address For Wyoming Fair Thursday, except now In northwest portion : warmer. Fri day, warmer. For Montana Fair and warmer Thurs day, except snow In northwestern portion. Friday, probably snow. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BX'REAU, OMAHA. Feb. 10. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day- of the last three years : ' fH. 113 112. 19m. Maximum temperature 13 43 1H 25 Minimum temperature ... 1 S2 3 2 Mean temperature 6 sk 1 14 Precipitation T .01' T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, ma-. Normal temperature ?4 Deficiency for the day g Total excess since March 1 f Normal precipitation 113 inch Deficiency for the day 03 inch Total rainfall since March 1 32 K inches Excess since March 1 1.77 inch Deficiency for cor. period 1W3 7 inch tendency for cor. period, jmc S.2S inches Resorts from Stations at T P. M. CONDITION OF THB WEATHER. Omaha, clear Valentine, cloudy North Platte, clear .... Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear . Rapid City, clear Huron, partly cloudy . Wllllston, clear Chicago, partly cloudy St. Louis, clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear .... Havre, cloudy '. Helena, cloudy Bismarck, clear ........ Galveston, cloudy Hi 2 t r i-i 2. ,i i? : 11' 13 T Si 1(1 .(m ml ik t 24' So. .(Kl afi; a; .(i 8: 2 .( ' 2 .0(1 14' S .nn 14! 14 T 24 2f. T 2 (1. .00 14, IS, .mi Do! 22 .on ml .mt 141 lfi' .Oft 14 lo on Ml br,. .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. Indicate beJow ero. L. A. WELSH. Forecaster. Farm Animals. H orses Mules Mtlrh rows Other cattle .... Sheep Swine Value. tl.l.Mi.i 217.&;c.m; Dtti.MMKS 71.17K.l: L&.iMi.V 28S.r4.b47 INVESTIGATE MINING COMPANY Pasta mre Department tiara t Ions Rr- liability nf (aserra Operating Mlnea In Wrmlii. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Feb. 10 (Special - The poptofhee department is investigating the methods of the Great Standard Mining and Milling company, which was organ iced in Rosion some time ago with a capi tal stock of S2.uu0.uiW, and which owns shout fifteen claims in the Silver Crown district west of the city. It Is alleged that the Great Standard Is a stock jobbing concern; that the company has no real mine; that the ore exhibited In the east as coming from one of its properties at Silver Crown was taken from mines In an other slats, and that the purchasers of stock In the concern are being buncoed. The postoffice department claims that the malls have been used by the company to circulate the alleged fake advertising mat ter. Poptoffiee Inspector J. E. Bennett of the tienver office has made several trips to Silver Crown and has secured samples of ore from the five and ten-toot holes of the company, and he will make his report to Washington shortly. Yesterday Stat Geologist Bueler went 4o Bilwr Crown and made an expert examination of on of the properties of the Great Standard, and he will forward his report to the company at once. Mining men rlalm that the Great Standard lias some good properties at Sil ver Crown and that they ara doing a VrglUioaU buainens, bat tat nuewi author- Headache Cured and prrvented by Dr. Blues' AxO-Fufen PUla, aneqoaW for Beuralfrt, toota actie, backache etc. N opiate Nosy. lava.tlvn Narar Bold In bulk. Bend tor free book on the cure of beadaohe. tb done M oentn. Bold and guaranteed by ail lrua, E)&afXLBB MEDICAL CO. Elkhart. InaV B loo erve "Remedy, "x Ringing Words Advising People to lice Dr. Grcono's Ucrvura. From His Stmtetnent No Ono Can Doubt that Dr. Grtteno's Nervura la the Surest and Best Remedy In the World to Cure WW . ..... :v.;- Chici of Police Henry V. Maion of New Bedford, RTass., wrftcs to the people : " It ghres me pleasure to adi 037 testimony in this brief note to that of many others, of the high esteem in which Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy ia held in this community. The fact that it is the ptescrip tion of a regular physician adds to the confidence in which it is heH by the public I hare given Dr. Greene's Nervura to a personal friend who is ill, and was rejoiced to heir from his own lips an account of the benefit he had received. From report and experience, no doubt exiits of the great value of Dr. Greene's Nervura, which I recommend. HENRY W. MASON, Chief of Polict of New Bedford, JKam." This fs your golden opportunity to be cured, and Dr. Greene's Nervura Is the remedy to cure you. It is beyond all question the grandest remedy and surest cure the world has ever known, and if you are ailing, out of health, do not feel just right, or if you are weak, tired, nervous, run down, depressed and discouraged, you should get this wonderful medicine at once. For nervous prostration, insomnia, rheumatism, weakness, and debility, it is the sovereign remedy. It makes the nerves strong, the muscles vigorous, the brain clear, the blood pure and rich I n fact, It will make you well and strong. Your Druggist recommends and sella Dr. Greene's ilervura imam- mf '77.. , 1 .r J ' ' 1111 1 Ney bxiexxwX&L U "1 ,r, $31.50 Omaha to New Orleans AND BACK. February 9iK-14th Long Limit and Liberal Stopovers en Boute Altovrtd. For fnrtber lnformatlan and copy f Madrl Gras Bookie call at Illi nois OeDtral City TVket Offloa, Ko. 1402 Farnnm BU Omana, or wrua. W. II. BRILL, Dtstrtct Paaensjr AgnL florae or CAOwiDaJO 736H' South Hill Street. Los A.1IGKLSS, Caur., Jans IS, 1903. I heartily endorse Wine of Cardui, for I bare fooad it the only medicine which helped me and finally eared me. I (offered far years with paini ia the lower region, and at time I would hare diszy spells and would hare to go to bed and stay for a few day. I was nervous, irritable and always felt cross and out of sorts. Thi oondition kept on growing worse in spit of ths fact that I wai taking different remedies so try to get well, but eventually I took Wine of Cardui and that broupht me back to health and strength. I feel like a different woman now and hare sot know what it was to be sick for preral ay tK I gladly praise your medicine, a it nrtainly dau ia it MrSa:A.S.Scott. or Los Angeles. C!if. A ra. Why don't you stop racperimeoting? If yon are like Mrs. Scott aad her expo, hence certainly fits that of hundreds of thoo sands of women yon have been taking all) kinds of strong medicine and yon are worse than you were before you took any treatment. No woman who has given Wine of Cardui H trial has ever to our knowledge said that. That is all we need to say to convince yon that Wine of Cardui is the medicine you need, ' but if you would talk to women like Mrs. Scott. , and there are scores and hundreds of thexa ia this city, you cannot help but realize that Wine j of Cardui will cure you quickly. 1 You can safely follow the advice of a woman because she knows what women's suScrinf feu , Wine of Cardui will give you health and stop ' those dragging pains. You can buy a SI. 00 bottle of 'Wine of. Cardui from acy druggist and begin the treat ment today. 3J ! f t ' i