) THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY. FEnnUAUY 10, 1004. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Fr ipecU of Wtr Ebipt Gsinj; Down Stn3 x Up t9 Mart Agtia. CLOSES WITH RALLY ON NEXT DAY Llqaldatlsa Monday rirfltwt Prefaced a Flraaer Teae Later Oa. Loral tana Crala Mtrkrt. business In cash grain vu fool, with an active demand tor grain gtau.ng tnre iv better. Poor offerings, dcbjw tad, tounl no Inker and roid at jlvf-y money. Receipts ot ahnai v. era ligut, blng i cars; yesterday, 3 cars. Hates o( car lota by sample on tracks, Omaha: Hard Wheat No. I. 1 car, TWfcc; 1 car, 73c Receipts of corn were not neavy aa Monday and considerable was very soft. Cars in were 29. out 8; Monday 33 and 11. Hal of car lout by ramp.e on track. Omaha : Mixed Corn No. 3. 5 cars, 39V; 11 cars, 39V , 2 cars, 3c; No. 4, curl, 3Sc; i ram. 3,r, i caia, .Hc; I cars, 37c; no graue. 1 car, c; 1 cars, 340. While Corn No. 4, 1 rar, 49e. Oat receipts were very light, bring 1 car In and out. riaJea of car lota by samp.e on track, Omaha: No. a whila, . cars, 38c; No 4 mixed, 1 car, 37Uc. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 7fVQ80c: No. 3 hard. Ki76c; No. 4 hard. tU'uac; No. i spring. 77fj,!e; No. 3 spring, ,l'g.;8c; No. 4 spring. v roc. CORN No. 2. 41lg42e; No. 3. 0in94c; No. 4, r'dSsc; No. i yellow. 42c; No. 3 yel low, iVaJc; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3 white, 3&V-40c- OAT!--No. 2. 3MJ39C; No. 3. rfjJSHc: No. 4, V37V"; No. 3 white, 41c; No. white, 3y4cVtc; standard, Sac Kotea froan the Exchange Offices. Omana Inspections of grain were S7 rare. Of these 1 tar graded No. 3 hard winter wheat, 3 cars No. 3 hard winter. 4 cars No. 4 hard winter and 3 cars no grade. Of corn ! cars graded No. 3. 2 cars No. 3 yel low, 12 cars No. 4 and 4 cars no grade. Of oata Inspected 1 car graded No. 3 white and cars No. 4 while. Rotes of the Grata Trade. Bradstreet'e comparison slievws that wheat decreased last week 2.5o7.o"0 bushels, corn Increased 1.757,000, and oats Increased 778, 000. The same figures for the same week last year are: Wheat, Increase of 1.40U, 0", com. Increase of i,419,UW); oats. Increase 4f 911.0(0. Chicago stocks of contract grain In regu lar ware houses: Wheat, l.Tflti.uoO; decreuse, 44,000. Corn, 2.133.0"0; Increase. lS,(jjo. Oats, 1.373.000; Increase, .'Wi.OiO. These stock of coatract wheat now include ..ooo bushels of No. 2 red and 1,348,iXjO bushel of No. 1 northern spring. Crala Markets -Elsewhere. .losing prices of grain at the market I named Monday and today wer as follows: KAN SAB CITT. Mon Today. day. t 4- tK, 44" WH 5-'HB 49', 4SS: 92 Wheat May July Corn May ,. July Wheat May July Corn May .. 7H 75"n 45V, 45 V, Kt ' 60 ST. LOUIS. July .. MINNEAPOLIS, Wheat May 94 July i DULUTH. T heat-May 83SB Jm'Y UB NKW YORK. Wheat May t July EW TOBK UE3KKAL MARKET, qaotatlaas f the Day oa Varleas CosasBoalties. NEW TORK. Feb. 9 FLOUR-Recelpta. ,vsf Doim,; exports, ,sij Doia.; maraet nrm Minnesota patents, 34.86416. 06; Minnesota bakers, 33 9KU4.25; winter patents, 34.5tti4.8S; winter stralgnis. 34.36434.&U; winter rxtrss, ILJitiKO, winter low grades. 32.4ti3.5j. Rye flour, firm: fair to sootL U.JU.7o: choice to fancy, 3.75H4.00. Buckwheat flour. COHNMUAL Steady; yellow western, Il.tl; city. 31.0s: kiln -dried. 3J 90&3.W. RYB Steady; No. 1 western, ilc, nomi nal, f. o. b.. afloat: state and Jersey. 1i !. BARLEY Dull ; feeding. 62c c. I. f. New Tnr'c malting. bVa'Ac c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 6.1H0 bu. Spot market firm: No. 2 red. Wvc. f. o. b.. anoat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b.. alloat. Op tions ruled strong and fairly active pretty much all day. The bearing Influences were war news, bad crop reports from the south, west, bull support In Chicago and good northwest buying. I-ate prices were lVnJc net higher, July leading In the unfavorable crop talk; May, S lit-I6iic, - closed at le'.c; Julv, U",ti91V. closed at 91"c; Sep tember, WaHVSC cioeed at 84Sc. CORN Receipts. 9.146 bu. ; exports. 4 564 bu.; ex porta, nrm; No. 2 yellow, 6Kc; No. 3 white, irtc. Option market was quiet and higher, but with advancing; tendeucies. at first checked by further unloading, later turned very strong with wheat and pro visions and closed Ho higher. May. 58HO 1 use, cioeed at 6i,c; July closed at e7c; September closed at 56Sc. OATS Receipts, U.taA) bu ; exports. 15.273 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2, ac; standard white, otrthc; Kio. 2 white. 61c; Xa I white, tuSe- RICH Steady; domestla, fair to extra, 3o4c; Japan, nominal. HAY Quiet; shipping. 6070c; good to choice, sE)16e. HOPS Firm; common to choice, 1903, . t3S3bc; 1J2, 24 ate; old, 1 OS lie; Pacific coast, 14, r3&c; 1902, 2fi28c. HIDES Firm; Ualveston. 20 to 28 Iba.. lso California. 21 to Iba. 19c; Texas dry, no 30 lbs , Jc. LEATHER Steera, 232frtic. TALLOW Quiet: city (2c on ckrs.l. tc: country (pacaagea tree). ckuojc. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, 31010 411. W; mesa. 3. 00 00: beef hams. 320 S" 22.00; city extra mesa, 315.0isj17.0O. Cut meats, steady; pickled belUrs, 37&tsSD0; firkled shoulders, 35.754is.00; pickled hama 39 5OO10 0U. Lard, strong; weatem steamed. IS; refined, strong; continent. $S; South American, 3 W: compound. 9!.;U'&.s7V,; clears, 314 50il4 g; family. 3l5.1Sitla 2u. . BUTTER Firm; creamery, ljic; atate oalry. l4 J0c. CHEESE Steady; state,' full cream, fancy large and small, large and while, September 12c; late made, liec. EiMlo Firm; western firsts, 32c. POCLTRI Alive and dressed, quiet and line ha need. CHICAGO GH4I1 ASU PROVISIOl. Prteee oa Board of Trade, CHICAGO. Feb. 9 The Influence of the disturbances In the Orient was keenly felt today in the provisions pit. Active demand sent the price or May pom i zh a barret above yesterday's closing figure. Oraln prteee were aiso anectea. I tie close was strong In both grain and provisions, with May oork up C O-'1. Mar lard 254i?7Sc and riba 3uc. Compared with last night s qoota- IK'na May wneai niuznea igiic nigner. May corn IVmiISu higher and oats up l"so. The active speculative demand, which caused the sensational advance In May pork, came largely rrmn snorts wno am be. come alarmed at the aeriousneas of the war situation. Commission houses were also heavy purchasers, several prominent houses taking on lines from 2.5uu to 6.nJ parrels, rackera reported an improved de mand for meats for foreucn shipments. Higher prices for live hogs at the yards cauaea a nrm opening In provisions. May pork being up 2S to ?ic at 9U 70V13.75. May lard was .-u'w- h la her at 37 57a:.iio. while ribs were 2Sc hlaber at 3H.&5. On the placliut of a large order for May pork by a prominent commission house, shorts started to cover. Offerings were extremely small. however, and In efforts to supply their needs tne price was forced rapidly up ward uutll It had touched 31V HO. There aas some pnnt-takmg at that tfcfure and a re action roiioweq ana the ojose was litm, net ain of 31 it's for the day. May lard cioeed IbaiTtO hiaher at 37 7TWa7 su. after selling between 37 ooi7 si. Ribs were up 3wc ai im.1 aaicr iuiui( Hisera aa.i anil I7.1JW Ona explanation of the suddea and sen sational advance In the price of May pork la atnail slocks of barreled pork, which ren dered Ihe market nervous and exceiiniv susceptible. There are only gu.Oiv barrels of pork in Chicago. It was all s.44 here today and provaniy s.wv Darreia were disposed of in ine pit. Open hostilities In the far east had buoyant effect on wheat. Opening sales on wheat wore SuV hl-her. with July at 4o to M:c. Trs.il Eg was quiet ths early part ef the sees loo. and uie volume of tustnos was muuh smaller than for some time Past. Too aulvtaesa beweter. was due mure to ouannty of pffertnga thaa lu any lark of disposition to bu-. d.osnls- housea had buying orders and -ths .d- ud from this source gradually farcmi sricss upwarw. . Tlie aiarket borama more active In the ay ana artoea showed further advaacesL Tho cash auuaxloa ta the northwest aiut at St. Lfouia tu) aatremaljr buiUah, mars being an urgent demand for milling pur ples reporter) at Minneapolis Receipts fn the southwest were smaller than last year In ad1iiin to these durresilo Influence an improved fore'gn demand was reported from tne seanoari. AS a result or aii tnese nc tors the late market was decidedly strong. After selling st 9ftc Mar closed lnl'-c higher than yesterday at WfiC'.c. Final figures on July were at the top at Who. a net gain for the day of Zc. clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 197. bushel. Primary receipts were WP.nno bushels, compared with .V.7.Q00 bushels a year ago. The world a risible supply, according to Pradstreet s, Increased 2.).'o bushels. Minneapolis. Dulnth and Chlcsgo reported re. slots of 12 cars, against XU last week and rsf a year ago The feature In trading In com was the active demand from the principal hull leaders who were heavy sellers yesterday. Although the market did not display the same amount of activity as of late, there was a moderate volume of business and a strong tone was maintained. The market apparently had been oversold and shorts had to pay something for the privilege of Covering their lines. The strength In the cash market, a better export demand In conjunction with the war news were bull factors. After opening VuV higher at M1) rS.;5c. Mav ranged between 52V and 54Hc. closing- at the top. July sold between ooc and o.'V. nd cl.jeed lc higher at 5:Sc. Receipts were 149 cars. 1 of contract grade. Oats aiso made a good advance in prices, although the volume of trtile was not large and without significant feature. Trad ers had been over-enthusiastic on the sell ing side today and th rally was rhieflv the result of their efforts to cover In small nflcrlngs. Trading was affected by the strong cash situation. Closing prices were strong; and closed at the high points. May opened at 42Hti4ic and after selling between 4i4Jlc and 4-V?. closed at the latter figure. July ranged between 33 3'c ami 39 V ind closed at li'ac Local receipts were JIU cars. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Whest, 20 cars; corn. 185 cars, oats, 1J5 cars; hogs. 38 mm head. The leading fiftures ranged aa follows: Articles ! Open. High. I Low. Close ! Tes'y. Wheat ! May I94US rem MH,95l6m 4 M3 Mi July Sept. 84-Vd-,, w7 ! .&3H'iH 54ft Corn Feb. Mar July Oats Feb. May July Sept. .... WHl 6r 54S'uV, 49 ii y t-i 1 ) I ,' 60s 41 ' S7-, S3' IS 7H 7 5L'H 7 60 Js-tfL'SV,, 33Si 33HI 33SI Pork ( 13 7( Mav 0 14 90 13 70 ( 14 70 Lanl i i May July Ribs May July TB7H 7 66 7 SO 7 CTl 7 SO 7 ri 7 6 I 7 87H 7 im W 7 i:h 6 o 7 b:h 7 o:h! 7 25 7 02HI 7 MHI 97V, No. 2. Cssh nuotatlons were ss follows: FLOT'R Firm ; winter patents. 34.159 4.30; winter straights; 3.1 lo : spring pat ents. 34.'r(i 4 SO: spring straights. U.i"q.w; bake-,. m nofi3.4n. WHEAT No. 2 spring. Rff93c; No. 3, 8(MiH2c; No. 2 red. 93,4'S7,4c. CORN No. !. 5oc: No. 2 vellsw. 60e. OAT8 No. 2, 41Slc; No. 3 white, 394 h i.to BARLET Oocd feeding;, 3S4Pc; fair io choice malting, 4.fi5Kc. SEEDS No. 1 flnx. 31.10: No. 1 -torth- westem, 31.17; prime timothy, $3.10; clover, rnntmet irrde. X10.7yull.0fl. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.,$1150 P14.72H: lard, per lo lhs.. iTabV'.w; snort ribs sides loose. W.7M7.00; short clear Idea iboxeill. 1; ZS'at.KU.. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.'..' Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu., . Barley, bu.... .. 32.400 30,110 34.1fO 1.400 ....34S100 213.fti0 ....4,'?7.Wfl lnS.2'0 "O "no a.rno ....152.300 ".700 on the Prtwlucs exchanse today the nut ter market was firm; creameries, l&S-4c; dairies, 134'3 !0c. Lggs, firm ; at mark, cases Included, ieuJic. Jtieese. steady; SH'iJlvlo. t. Loals Grata aarf Provlsloas. ST. LOCIS. Feb. 9 WIIEAT-Hlgher; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, !c; irack. ii.or-6i.oiH; My. wi!"c; Ju''. T; 2 hard. VN'C- CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 45c; track. 40ij4bHc; May. 49c; July. 5wc. OAi 8 Higher; No. 2 cash. 4c; track. 42-.u4;iV,c: May, 42Hc; No. 2 white, 44Hc. FUOl, R Firm ; red winter patents. H KoS 34.75; extra fancy and straight, 34.35v4.0u; 1 SEFED'l "mothy. steady at 32. 502. 80. CORNMEAL Steady at 32. 4u. BRAN oteady to firm; sacked, east track, HLiCY-Steady '.o firm: timothy. 3S.OOU.0O; prairie, fctKMf Sw for No. 1. . IRON COTTON T1ES-31.06. BAUOINO MkfcHc. PROVISION'S Pork, higher; Jobbing, 315.10. Lard, higher; prime steam, 17.10. bacon, sieadv: boxed extra shorts, 37.62V,; clear ribs, 37.55; short clear. 37.K7V POl'LTRY Steady; chickens. 9c; springs, 9c; turkeys. 12c; ducks, HHc; geese, tj7c. BI'TTER Higher; creamery, l(j26Hc; dairy. l3"11Hc. EGGS Higher at 28H. case count. rveceipis. onipmeni. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. 11. too 2".ii0 113.IMI 110,00") 77,000 Corn, bu.... Oats, tu ..m.oi) .aoi.iou ,...s.. Kaasas City Grala aad Provlsloas. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 9. WHEAT May, 7tra79c: July. 7c; cash. No. 2 hard, BlVt 53c; No. 2. 7XuE:c; No. 2 red, 94'k1sjc; No. 3, T'fii'xj Vf ARiz... fnlv IKIZe? rash Vn 2 mixed, 41Vx(3 42c; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 3. 43c. . , OATS No. 2 wnite, 4i'ff4;c; o. 2 mixeo. 391i4"c. HAY Choice timothy, 33.509.75; choice prairie, 37.50. HI C, IN It. u I it BLTTER Creamery. SftffTc; dairy, fancy. 18 . . , EOUB Hlgner; anssoun ami stock, cases returned. 27Hc; new. ?o. 3 hltewood cases mciuneo, c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu... w.voo Corn, bu I32.2f t.'Ji OaU. bu 5.0000 ls.ouo Visible "apply of 4SSU1. NEW YORK. Fetx 9 Special cable and telegraphic coormunlcatlons received by Mesoairest's ehmr ths following changes In available suppliea, as compared with last n-iwirl Wheat. ITnlte.1 States and Canada, ea of the Rockies, Increase, lub.tsw on : an oat ior nd In Europe, Increase, s.wo.uuo nil., total upply. Increase. 2a0.0o0 bu. Corn. I'nlted States snd Canada, east of the Rockies. Increase, 1.3S7.0H) bu. Oats. I n ted States and runaoi, east 01 the Rockies, decrease, 412.000 bu. Ths lendina Increases reoorted mis wee a Include 1.U2.UII0 bu. In Manitoba and the northwest terrttonee, 13o.0n0 bu. at Evana vlUe and IS.O14) bu. at Hu Joseph. Ths leadlnk decreases are I.H00 bu. at the northwestern Interior elevators, lB.f) bu. at Portland, Me.. 132.000 bu. at the Chl-raa-o private elevators. U16.OUO bu. at East 8U Louis, M.ono bu. at Burlington, 70,QU0 bu. at Dallas ana so.ouu du. at uoteau. Philadelphia froOaee Market. 1 PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 9. BI'TTER Firm; extra western creamery, 25c; extra nearby prints. 2c. - EGO rirm ana io miner; iresn aearny n.l fresh western. 31c at mark: fresh southwestern. u21c; f resh a -uthern. Sl'ufSoc. Lllbtac. isteauy; ,.ew ora iuii creams. choice to famy, llliv.c: New lork full creams, fair to good. li"tro",,c. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAI KEE. Feb. 9. WHEAT Firm ; No. 1 northern. 92 Wc; No, 2 northern, eVj 91c: May, k&Hc asked. RTE Firm: ro. 1, oas-c. BARLET Dull; No. 2, Sic; sample, 38 CORN-Steady; No. t. 43H&4Hc; May, 64H&54SC Mlaaeoyolla Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS Feb. 9 WHEAT-Close: May Wo; July. 3c; September, sl'iic; on track. No. 1 hard. 9Ric; No. 1 northern. 940: No. 2 northern, 91Vc; No. 1 northern 8611 THc. FLOL'R First patents, 3475S4.86; second patents, 34.&4(4.75: first clears, 33.5u3.su; second clears. 82 4o32 Whisky Market. PEORIA. Feb. 9 WHISKY On basis of 31 27 for finished goods. ST. IA11. Feb. . WHISKT-Staady at II II W. CHICAGO Feb. 9. WHISKT Steady on basis of 81 TT. CINCINNATI. Feb. a. WinSKT Quiet an basis at ilz, ror nnisnea gooaa. Dalath Grata Market. DCLCTH. . Feb. 9. WHEAT Close: la store. So. 1 bard. 84c: No. 1 northern. sJc; No. 3 northern. Kt;c; to arrive. No. 1 hard. MV; No. 1 northern, o,c; No. 3 northern. "c; May, 9-Sc; July. iSc; Sep. lrmir. i',c. OATS oa track and to arrive. eOHo, . Uttrr! Crala Market. . LITEJUJOOU Feb. a. WHEAT Spot noraiuei. ritures uil MLrc. fa ,d. May, ss a; jujy pominai. CORN ttol Asuernan mixed, new en let 4s 2d. American oiaed. eld. ilrm. 4s il x : fiitUJoa uvuct. Match, is 2ii, May. as iVL MWYORRSTOCES AND BONDS EtrfDg h rTekp i in I tot of the Con tin i- anca f Prei nra. WAR AFFECTS OPENING ONLY SLIGHTLY Less Aaareheaslea at the Necessity f Fereea Llaalaatloa ( Seearl tles hy the lasaraare Cobs aa ales. NSW TORK. Feb. -Ths stock market went beyond the partial resistance to de pression which characterised It yesterday and developed positive strength today in face of the continuance et ihe pressing factors. 'Ihe Ihj-k ot news vt a lotmiiiao.e character to account for the advance In prices drove observers back upon the con clusion that yewterday s fall, compara tively Siiaht as it was considered, was greater than was warranted by the con currence of the Baltimore fire with the rupture between Kuxsta and Japan. The violent break of state funds in foreign markets was again accepted as a demon stration this morning Lnat there was a considerable element abroad which had still clung to a slender hope of peace even after the severance ot diplomatic relations and whose rrvpe was blasted with the outbreak of hostilities. The effect on our market was scarcely perceptible from the outset of the trading. The conclusion has been reached apparently that no harm to American Interests Is to be feared directly or Indirectly from the war, but a more poutnt feeling was the re vulsion of fears caused by the early ex treme estimates of the money loss from the Baltimore calamity. The measures taken to postpone Baltimore settlements and to extend credlta promised opportuni ties for arrangements to be made. The likelihood of a considerable portion of the Insurance ripka having passed to great for eign companies was pointed out. Thera was less apprehension of the ne cessity of forced liquidation of securities by the Insurance companies and a greater confidence that they would be able to se cure credit enough to avoid the necessity of any sacrifice of their security holdings at unremunerativa prices. This view ot the1 situation does not dispose of the large demands upon credits, and tbe Increase In money rates by this process. The same contingency was more or less Ignored In the view that Baltimore's mercantile world would be able to proceed promptly about the work of recuperation by obtaining credits. The special diversion of this constructive expenditure likely to flow Into the steel trade was the explanation of the special demand for I'nlted Status preferred, which carried It nearly 3 points ever last night, with a notable effect on 'he whole market. The whole stock market seemed indifferent to the movement In the cotton market, thus ottering strong evidence or the change In the temper of snecu atlon. There was a late rumor of the placing of a 33,.ooo ttussian loan a no tne foreign money market showed a rising tendency. Nevertheless prices of the leading stocks here made grains or vai points. Bonds were as free from pressure as stocks and were dlspoed to advance. Total sales, par value, 32.5i5.000. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the cloning quotation on. ins new xora otoca exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio. do pfd l,oiO ta 67 tsB4 0 .JO.iM) 7SH 91 91 11H Canadian Pacific 6.IH0 11 115 Central of N. J..-,.... ll 166, inesapeaae xmirj.:: - ,n ;ii4 Chicago A- Artorr .. ;.t f.W ' 31 do pfd . : 4 81' - rwi 3H- V(Uh.ahj vi. T. ricm. 15'-. 13i i itii-HHu or rt. vv...... C. M. & St. P 2.700 do pfd 1M l4 141 h iH rH .... 170 Chlcag Term. AT.., do pfd C..C..C. St. U.ex-d. Colo. Southern do 1st pfd , 10 20 ' 94 1,700 21 4u0 It 15i 63H ao la pfd 400. 24 23H 2 Delaware A Hudson.. 1.4 Ihoi, jsi, jao oc i im is1 is1 z.v Denver A Rio Grande do pfd Erie do. 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocklno; Valley do pfd Illinois Central l' wa Central do pfd K. C. Southern "H l' 9.500 3.200 ljoo 8 2&H 43 26 44 43V 7iH M0 S2H 82 1.1UW ll, Vi,A 12 4 1" i ish H0O 14 V. U ML do pfd Ixiuisville it Nashville 3 VH 102H l'C!S Manhattan L L7WI 141 lt 14 H Met. Securltleg list H6 - 86 Met. 8t. Ry 1.C0O 117H 115H 11714 ..mil. se 01. ijuuim .... ..... 58 M . St. P. A S. Ste M. do pfd loo Missouri Pacific ......15,40 Mo.. Kan. A Tex 500 do pfd Lf'O N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 200 N. Y. Central 4.o) Norfolk & Western... 2.0U) do pfd 59 119 89 V, 37H 37 11 7H 6S 5Ki 11 89 16V 85 87 115H 66V 5 11H 371-, S'.H 117 6NH Ml Ontario Western.... 4..VK) 20H 21 Pennsylvania 91.900 114H 114H P.. C. C. A St. L.. 0 Reading 19,500 42S H do lilt pfd do ;.d pfd 42 60 Rock Island Co 10.11 do pfd 1,800 St. L. A 8 F. 2d pfd.. 1.2m) St. Louis S. W HO do pfd !.! C ..... U T , -.u. 22 62 45 14 34 F4 II V CO 43H 14 31 47H 22', 23 35 74 90 lH S4S UH 181, 42 14 22 62 45 14 Southern Railway 1 Wi .1 71 ao pra Texas A Pacific. T.. St. U A W.. 1.500 5 81H 23 24 V J 7H14 90 1!4 15 22 24 78 do pfd . 2iQ Union Pacific 42. do pfd 7o0 Wabash tiuO do pfd 8.500 Wheeling A L. E ...... 4"0 Wisconsin Central .... &"0 do pfd 300 Adams Ex American Ex 19 36 16 1W 106 206 I'nlted States Ex. Wells-Fargo Ex.. Amal. Cooper .34.30ft 7 20 8 29H 90 7H 31 43 19 29 90 7H 29 46 19 Am. Car A Foundry.. do pra Am. Cotton OU.. . do pfd So0 . mo . 7w . 1,000 88 Am. Ice do Dfd lV Am. Linseed Oil. do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd 10 28 .. 1.400 20H T7 SO 78 48 14 901Z Am. smelt. A Refng. 2.300 47S 90, 4 90 124 4 41 31 1 lf 70 23 li77 1 4 33 71 15 81 29 1 29 t no 7 1 71 T" 7 do pft l f0 Am. Sugar Refng-. Anaconda M. Co.. Brooklvn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron. Consolidated Oaa . Corn Products .... 9.000 124 123 S0.4O0 41 3K' 31 2.4IO 19 l. 20 18l 18 do pfd Plstiilers' Securities.. 200 23 General Electric ) 18 International Paper.. ) 11 do pfd 100 4 International Pump.., do pfd ion n National Lead SCO 16 23 li5 11 4 .'Ti 14 "s 97 29 North American Pacific Mall l.rtoo 1 People s Gas 1.900 Pressed Steel Car 4u0 29 do pfd . Pullman Palace car Republic Steel ofl 7 7 19 Tt i ft. 61 1 ; 1" 557, li- 87 do pra so Rubtier Goods s) lt do pfd l'O 78 Tenn. Coal A Iron.... t.?V 37 L. S. Leather fit) 7 do pfd 1"0 75 V. S. Realty !.' 7 do pfd 1.9 w U. S. Rubber 5t 11 do pfd t 4 4R 11 E8 V. 8. Steel 13 R"0 11 do pfd w 3") 58 West. Electric .21.i 11 Western Cnion 2tf 87 lol 7 90 Northern securities Total sales for the day, SOS, 400 shares. Bostoa Stock (taotatloas, BOerTON. Feb. I CsU loans. 3JV54 per cent: time loans. 4s' per cent, omclal closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlsoe t: AUoaaa ,, Mei ( antral ts , l , Amalgamated Atrblaon Paly W'aat da pfd S Hliifham Bosioa ft Albany lateral ft Raela Boatoa ft Maina 14 jresteaoial ... Bostoa Elavalad 11? jCoppsr Rant .,.... N T . N H ft U .14 .Pwmlnioa Coal 4 . a " 44l W " i T"4 Pltrhbarx pfd .. ..Ua irranaila .. 7t lala Rovala , .. lot, Miiha-k ... , ..ll4.old Dosuaioa ..14 '.o-Mola ..U4 iParro .. tu, Qaiacy ..1ST .-ia P. Cop ar .. iet4iTasarak I nlsa fa.-ISO Mas Oairal Antar. Sucar do pfd Ama- T ft T rolala I ft S.. Geaarsl Blartrta . 1 Man. (tactric do pfd ralut Prlt ... C . S(ai... 1W .... T7 Triouy .... M I t ailed Sulas .... IIW I taA 4 31 do pfd Waatlas s Adrastiue ...... aaiVtrtorlft a n wiBona . t iWalrarlas Sew York Mower Markoti NEW TORK, rabl l-MOXET On call, easy. rel per cent; closing bid. 1 pr cent; onerea at a psr cepr: timo l"i it. tuna sixty and ninety daya, 4ut4 par osnt; six moatha. 4Sa4 par oact; prtaao snarcanilia purer 4tw pef cent. "" -TERLINU r.xrii xaa-a-sady. with. scrtial buslnesa m bankers Mils at 84W7"4i 4.8675 for demand and at 84.SCv'n i for slxtv-lay bills; posted rat-. 4.&Ju4.S6. commercial bills. 84 8;'vtfI4.;'S. SILVER Bar, B6c; Mexican dollars. 43c. IUND8 Government, steady; railroad. firm. The closing Quotations on bonds are as follows: f. S. ref ts. res 1M Msnhito f. s, 4s .inn dt roaps 4o la, rex flo eoupeo do see 4. reg. do rotipon do old 4o. reg. do coupon IMV.ao (.'entrsl s M ..14 do 1st Ino Minn, ft St. t. 4a. M , K. ft T. 4a... 14 rr ..lit ..15! ..132W, . . 107 ..1"T .. SH . t .. ."4 do la X R. R. of M N. T C. . ISi M. J C. x. ia. No Pari,; 4s.. ... 7S 4a. 74 ... .. 131V, .. .1"J ...71 atrblSMl sea. 4. . do !. 4 4tisntie r. L. i. do U Bl. a Ohio 4.. N. ft W t. 4a T do lwa o 9. L. 4a ft par ' Centrsl of G. b... 1041. 1 Peon. conT. J1! 4" a-Readlnx fes 4s l".1' St. l ft 1 M r. ( Ut do 1st lor rhe. ft ihio .. rhiniso ft a. st. u ft r r i. aa. si c , B ft u n. , : si. L. W ll C. M A S f.m 4a..l" Seaboard A. U . ei . MS .n:w .US' . 70 lOJt . - . TH .ll.a . 4: . 9 . N . 75 f C. A N. W r. Ti....lOH So. rn-lr 4a So. Rallwai Sa Tia ft P la T . s"t. L. ft.W. 4a. C. K. I ft P. 4a , do PM 11 C.C.C. St. L t 'i l nicsto Ter 4a... c on. Tohacro 4e. . . .. 7H.Vnlnn Pacltlr 4a ... 4 do eonv. 4 IV s. Stsel 14 5a.... I) ft H. (1 4s .. Eti prior Urn 4a f7 Wiha.h la do dab. B W ft L. TC. 4 Wla. Central 4a Colo. r. I. 5a.. "do sen. 4a r w. r. c. is... !" Horklna Val. 4Wi.. It L. A N unl. 4a ' Offered. London Stork Market. LONDON. Feb. 9-Closln: Consols, money M7-1SN. Y. Central... Aid .. t .. Jl .. .. sis ao arrnunt tit t-li Norfolk ft W. . Anaronds 314 1 do pfd Atrhlaon e- "marlo ft W... do pM aitt PeniTlranta .. Ba.tlmora A Otile... 1 I Hand ' Mines ... rana.ll.il Padllc 11' CTiea ft Ohio S2W Rea.tin do 1 pfd do 21 pfd So. Rallwajr . 'do p'4 ... So. Pacific . in lea co C,t. w.. 15-s M. ft St. P ..144 .. .. it .. .. 4"S .. 7 .. ir, .. 114 .. 5v, .. 19 .. J7 PeB-ers D. ft R. O do pfd 7oi,lnlon Paclfle fV do pfd ... SJIC. S. Steal.. Erla do 1st pfd do Id Bftl 44U do Ifd ... Illlnola Cantral lllUj Wahaah Loun ft N..h 1i4 I do pfd ... a. a t iaT4 ' SILVER Bar. firm, 26d per ounce. MONEY 2i2 per cent: the rate of dis count in the open market for short bills Is 3(J.'! per cent; for three months' bills, 3 J per cent. Kerr York Mlalaa; anotatloa. NEW YORK. Feb 9. The fol'nwlrr in tne closing quotations on mir.tn stocks: A 'lama Con 14 It Lotto chief .. Ontario Ophir Phoenix Poioal 4a rase Sierra Nevada mall Hpea... standard .. 7 .4.0 . .JaO .. t .. 19 .. 41) .. it .. IV ..245 Alice Uneeca Branawlck Cos . . .. It .. t .. J ..161 ..12V ..Ui Comstorx Tunnel run. tal. ft Va... Horn Silver Iron Sllvar Lradrilla Con ... Forelan Financial. LONDON. Feb. 9 Far eastern nffalrs at fected the rates for money ami discounts today, but trading on the Stock exchange opened flat, but there waa a general fair recovery later. Ordinary busine.-s was Drac tic-ally dormant, the attention of operators rjeing a rworoea Dy tne settlement In which the differences are very heavy In conse quence of the outbreak of hostilities In the far east on the eve thereof, though the Stock exchange was better prepared for eventjauties man tne continental bourses. which were panicky. At the close prices were tairiy steady, tnougn ouainesa waa rstner unsett.ed. Consols were consider ably weaker at first, but hardened later and cloned at !6 for money and efi for the account. Home ralle reflected the gen eral trend. Americans opened firmly, but became weaker, partly owing to the Balti more disaster. After a smart advance dur ing the last hour Americans closed steady. Foreigners ..were .Weak .on. Paris soiling, Japanew and .Russian e0url-es declining several points. Thev rallied at the close The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of'England on ha.ance today was -..Aon). PARIS, Feb. 9. Busine-s on the bourse today again was agitated by the steadiness of Russians, cesnite the war news, having a steadying Influence throughout. Prices at the o;ening were feeble, owing to the news that the Japanese had torpedoed three Rus sian warships, and then came a calmer period, with alternate rises and declines. At the close stocks Were fairly strong. Russians showed the great resistance. maintaining practically the same level as yesterday. Russian Imperial 3s of 1901 closed at 93. and 48 consolidated cinsen at 91.15. Other Internationals were irregular. Rio Tlntos opened with a downward ten riencv revived snd closed firm' with an ad vance of 10f. Three per cent rentes. 9iif loc for the account; exchange on London or. oirt vYi eierka BERLIN, Feb. 9 rVtces on the bourse rvr! a "vAr-S flirt hpf rtenrcssed and further fluctuated. On the reeelpf of the news of the first attack o :he Japanese with tor pedoes on the Russia fleet -oft Port Arthur aii diimI.. securities.- atxceot aovernment fe'l heavllv. Oerman .- Imperials showed heavv depression and Chinese fell 3. all the domestic stocks suffered. Russian Im perial 4s fell 3 and Russian bank shares 13 points. The general feeling was panicky. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash on hand. Increased 2.700.(.O marks; treasury notes, increased 900.000 marks; other securities, decreased 3.120.ikiO marks: notes In circulation, decreased W-"- marks. Exchange on Txmdon. 2"m lV.pfg for checks; dlsco int rates for short bills. 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. Bank Clearlasts. OM VHA. Feb. 9 Bank clearings for to day 31 Ift7.ft05.73. an Increase of rsi.S28.41 over the 'corresponding day' last year. Cot tow Market. LIVFTRPOOI Feb. 9 -COTTON-Spot, moderate business done; prices 48 points higher: American middling: fa Ir. ,..8.1; go..d middling. 7.62d; middling. ..aid: low mid dling 7 4M; good ordinary. 7o.l: ordinary. 7 1di' sales. 4.0u0 bales, of which ) were for speculation and export and Included 3.100 American; receipts, 29,400 bales, all American. Futures rl'isfd very steady; American middling g. o c . Febniarv 7.30d; February and March. 7.30d March and April, 7 32d; April and M:iy, 7 33d; Mn j and June, 7 34d; June and July, 7.33d : July and August. 7.3Sd; August and September. T lOd; September and "ctober, .53d; Octo- NEW YORK, Feb. 9 COTTON-Market, opened firm at an advance or i'rra points, fjarch sold at 13.20c: May, 13.40c: July. 13 4nc. Inflamed ny repons mni a immnni Institution- In Bremen was In. difficulties, March sold down to 12.7c. May to 13 ooc and July to 13.06c. The close while steady . I h lnat.Mt SB 10 lone,- w . t ... - with the net oecnne a msjier 01 Dolnts. Sales were etlmaten at ain.rwi uaies. Inal: no sales; shipments, 427 bales; stock. 1S.-S9 bales. 1 NEW OKL.t.Is. rerr. i.-iim iur p -j- tures. steady; February, jz.huc; Marcn. 12 60c; April. 12.72&12.74c: May, 13H3 oic: Mav. 1-I3(nc: June. u.iwiu.uc; juiy. i.i.u filx'Tte: Ananist. libRWltWic: September, ll.ofll.fl6c; Octnler. 10!illc. Spot, nom inal : noth'ng doing; receipts, n.wu oaies; stock, 43..W7 balea Wool Market. ROSTOV. Feb. WOO 1 There la a t.irlT business in the wool market, with values strongly maintained. The trouble In the far east has rnecaeo any lenoency v ward extensive buying. Territory wools are In demand, with fine grades In moderate supplv. In the market for pulled wools, a firm tone is notea. ror-jsn wu ai- uin rVrme of the leading O4iotatlons rouow: Idaho, fine. l-VUloc; neavy nne. l.vaiac; una medium. 1 01 17c; medium. 17?loe: Wyo ming, fine, irloc; heavy, fine. Uifc; fine medium. lfV817c; medium, 18119c; Utah snd Nevada, nne. lfsnioc; neavy una, i.i-r 14c; fine medium. In'al7c; medium. lr'g V Dakota, fine, ivttioc; nne meoium. jo-j fr17c- medium. li2i"-; Montana, fine, choice, 1920c; fine medium, choice. 19-i2jc; aver age. lMil9c; staple, i-ujuc; zneuium cuu., 19i2nc. . , ..... .. ST IX) I IB, r"eri. . r -.u oirau . me dium grades, combing and clothing ,mc. light fine. lVft'lTxic: heavy fine, 12014c; tub-washed, 20J3t'c. Metal Market. vir-w TORJf. Feb. 9 METALS Tin waa lower In London, spot declining 17s id to 124 12s ta. whl o rutures were us lower at ni rm- Inesllv tin was aulet. with spot q loted at C.T 2M?2fc.'l. Copper dectlnail 2s fid to 56 7a fcl for spot and 55 3s M for futures in the Kfirmn maraer. nut re mained tjolet and unchanged at M-lVilt.Jfi ftw lake. 312-T7 for el ectr.. lytic and 312.9 12.25 for casting. Lead waa steady here at 944u4-&0. while In London It advanced 6a 3d to 31 as V1. Spelter remained un changed In both markets, closing here at Hg:5.00 and at 21 r 4.1 In London. Iron cioeed at oua 3d in Glaarow. locally Iron was onchanged: No 1 northern foundry Is auoted at 31S.itJl.0O: No. 3 northern foun dry at $14 ioU.0u; S 1 sootharn and No. 1 soft souThern at 31S.75irt46. ST. LOCIS. Feb. 9 METALS Lead, dull at HS. Spelter, steady at H-fc. Dry Goods Sf-rko NEW TORK. Feb. 9. DRT OOOD8 The market la more or less demoralised aa a re sult ot tbe decline of the raw cotton mar ket, but sellers show no disposition to weaJten. Ths buyers, on tho other hand, are rot willing to operate until they gain more oomplete knowledge of the possihill'ies of the situation. The pneslhlUfle of dsmand resulting from tho Baltimore fire are re gniied as- h-rgw, much depending on the ability to reavume thai business at many ot . t&a tiiimed hnsiasa, OilAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Trids B.ald Clow, with Prices a Trifle Lower. HOGS OPENED WEAK, CLOSED STRONG Better Grades of Fat Sheep aad Laaafcs 4 said Be (tasted Steady to Stress; and Active, with Cosaasoa Klods No More Thaa Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. I. 1901. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 2.220 6,i .xi Official Monday , Official Tuesday .. 4.1JU ,St4J ,400 Two days this week Same days last week... Sunie days week before 8.220 I "65 ,.H S'JJ 14 69S 1.1. tc7 l.i.t 14.7S 10..&3 17.-0 lh.910 14,SWt 2i.4M 23.21o Same three weeks ago. fame four weeka as-o Same days last year ..12.17 6.84. 10. 1 4.tiS RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. Ihe foUowlng table shows the recelpa of cattle, nogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to daie, wttn comparisons wan last year: 194. 19..3. Inc. Dec. Cattle 84 ,j67 9Mo9 4,102 Hogs 244. 7 242 S.7 1.810 hP 1!,2S lti.U4 r,;i Average prices ,.. iu !i-g. si South Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: Data I 1901. t3W.19v.lll.irje.llS9 I1K. Jan. 16... n. 14... ian. 17... Jan. 14... Jan. u... Jan. 20... Jan. 21..., Jan. 22... Jan. 22... Jan. 24... Jan. 2i... Jan. .'... Jan. 27... Jun. 28... Jan. 29 .. Jan. )... Jan. 31. Feb. 1...'. Feb. 2.... Feb. 3.... Feb. 4.... Feb. 6.... Teb. .... Feb. 7.... Feb. 8.... Feb. 9.... l I fi 8 Z2 6 26 1 4 ( i 3 47 4 ;."rai 4i 4 1& i aii 4 ei 3 62i I 4 4 171 i .' 4 4i 3 4.-1 8 IT 4 8! 8 231 16 & 4 66, 3 61, 3 61 4 7J 6 3Si 6 27) 4 64i 3 64, 3 64 4 w, 6 47, I 27; 14 64, 3 64! 3 6v 4 7, 3 681 lii t 36 J 3 59, 3 64 4 80 Vl 3 63) 8 021 6 111 4 I 8 57 4 87. oa, 01 6 14, 4 a: 3 6i 1 6 601 8 0S1 6 21) 4 o6i 3 1, 3 61 4 683.; a 14, 6 121 4 401 3 tl 3 46 4 8o . 6 72 6 U. 4 60, 1 611 3 7 J 4 80, 3 66 6 12 4 a-, 3 64. 3 67 4 Sl 64, 6 90, 6 22 I 3 3 3 2 a .a1.! s n4 W t 5 - a it 4 ai- 6 7 n i u. 1 i 4 . i 3 7" I 6 671 a 97 f 171 4 56r 3 64 3 ' 4 72 6 93 6 22 4 t7i 3 04, 3 4 1 4 i 5ai a , 4 i w, I 4 84, 8 70 6 92 4 S21 3 3 73 I 4 M : 3" 6 !4i S 31 59 3 72 ! 4 76 s- 6 11 S 23 4 fiG ' 3 72 4 8u 74, ( Mi 6 21, 4 70' 3 5'4 4 741 Ui 6 2 4 6 3 . 3 75 t 88; 6 98, 6 2U 4 75j 3 6 3 71 4 89 I 71 5 2i 4 84, 3 70; 3 71 Indicates Sunday. Ths crucial number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Road. Cattle. Hors. 8hP. U ses. c. M. at ut. f. rty.... 4 Wabash Ky Missouri Pacific Ry... 2.1 C. dt N. W. Ry i 12 3 14 11 11 25, 4 1 li 3 18 10 2 1 St.. 2 3.. 6 6 120 32 1 F.. E. & M. V. R. R.. 42 C. St. P.. M. O. 29 37 B. & M. Ry C B. 4k Q. Ry K. C. St. J. Ry... C. R. I. & P.. east.. C, R. I. P.. west. . 9 . 2 6 . 1 . 1 . 3 .138 Illinois Central Ry.. Chicago Ot W Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing tli4 number 01 head indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Uogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co... swut and company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour 46 Co Armour, Sioux Qty.. Vansant at Co. .7. Lobman ft Co McCreary & Clark.... W. I. Stephen Lewis ft Lnaerwood.. Huston & Co H. F. Hamilton L. F. Huss Wolf & Murnan Hobblck B Sam Werthelmer Sol Degan J. B. Root dc Co Hegarty & Co Other buyers 614 1,41 9,8 6-4 1.831 4i9 9 l.sio 2,tU 814 ..ol9 ..... I.UU4 32 2tS 12 J .... 2 24 143 69 12 27 69 - 87 45 306 990 Totals. .1637 8,623 1,837 CATTLE There waa no life or vrm to the cattle trade this morning. Receipts were quite liberal and evidently In exce--a of fuckers, requirements. The morning waa well advanced before much bu lnesa was transacted and It was late in -he day before anything Ilka a clearance waa madd. Trains were slow in arriving and that helped to delay the market. While all. of yeatcrday's advance waa not lost, part of It undoubtedly was. There were quite a few corn-fed steers included In the offerings, tut, the tame aa usual, the qjallty waa rathe,' Inferior, nothing being on sale that could be classed as choice, ma market was slow trom start to finish and as a general thing sl-s-men were calling the market a little lower. There was more or less unevenesa to the trade, so that some sales looked about steady, while others were undoubtedly a little lower. It was a slow market from start to finish. Tho cow market was also rather dull, with prices a shade lower rather than otherwise. The same as with steers, how ever, there was considerable unevenne'B, so that salesmen differed some In their esti mates of the market. All of tne gln yes terday was not lost, but In a good many cases the big end of It waa taken off. Bulls were a little slow and steady to a trifle lower. Veal calves were In good de mand at steady prices. There was considerable Inquiry for stoclc era and feeders this morning, and. as the supply waa limited, the market ruled active snd strong to a dime higher. Some year lings rold ss high as 34 06 and some heavy western feeders brought 34 (!. The com moner kinds, of course, were no more than steady and none too active. Representa tive salsa: BEEF STEERS. Na A Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 490 i OS 3 lint 8 K 1 TSO t 05 1 12P t to 1 426 t or, 1 ona 1 an 1 1'iM t 06 15 1040 M 4 W III 14 Ill 4 00 t (it t M a; i'4 4 00 1 too I M t list 4 00 II 7I I 16 3 U-rl 4 (X i 1040 I SO 1 1160 4 00 4.... PUS 8 40 11 1160 4 It 4 1014 IH 14..... 11.14 4 to - 8 lotO I S 17. ...i in 4M. a: I 8 tl 1771 4 1 1144- I 70 '-4 1M7 4 M 1 1114 I 70 10 14M 4 11 431 I 70 4 If 4 M IT 1K1 I M M 1S 4 St I .KllO 8 W 8 UuO 4 40 4 114 J M STEERS AND HEIFERS. 14 X07S I 40 14 inaS I T 81 all I 44 12 1034 8 St STEERS AND BULLA. a M6 t 40 STEERS AND COWB. 10 pal 3 4 1 808 8 4 COWS. 8 1 TS I loll I o T HI IM I lutt 8 00 I loM 8 OS 1970 3 0 It 444 I ( 1"0 I 04 1 740 I OS 8 11 I 04 11 fM7 t 14 1 1.110 8 00 4 1 3 28 1 MI 8 SI 1 1"4 I 46 1 1 1 St 8 00 1 PM I 40 4 107 8 08 1 tio t r a 1x1 8 1 1 12M I 40 1 10M 8 N 1 1'40 I 40 IS 11"! 8 1 It ire I M T 71 8 1 II iot a o 1 1110 a i 1. 150 I 40 tt WT I S 1 , 12.t 40 88 10 t II .. KW4 i TO 8 linl 8 10 6 ION I Tl a 1Z31 a M 1 I'm) I 71 14 lust I 8 4 71 I TS 1 11M 8 t t u i 1 ts a 11M a te 1 in I TS 4 lull a fa I in a is i-o a ts a l" 1 o 14 hit a at ; lull) 114 14 MT 8SS 14 1... axT t fM 10 TS?4 8 tS II 11 a S 44 1440 8 40 10 ,....iot-4 aw l. l'w an 11 (TT a U II 1244 1 as I Tit I ti 17 ll4 8 II it 14 a te 11 1011 1 m T .....1011 8 M 4 117 8 40 11 174 t 4 I MM 8 40 80 PM I 00 1 US I S4 1 U 8 11... Sit 8 40 u ion a to HEIFERS. 1 r iu 4 mt a ta 1 41 a 1 a ?s a 40 1 4 a is a 144 a m 1 n ib a i7i a 4 1 440 t uo 1- ua I 8 BULLS. 1 I0 1 40 1 AM 8 4 V M IK I HSO 8 44 I l.T 8 to 1 ui a s 1 as 8 to 8- u a 4 8 l 8 4 1 10M 8 141 I 1 ......1170 8 M 1 ..i-4 a 1 1............US 8 te 1. . low 8 St 1 l4e a M 4 . U7i a l 1410 8 40 I 1W 8 4 CALVES. t ft IM 1 1 41 8 t I 1 4 n 1 1 tut tm 41 1 . SIN I "BTOCEERd A2T3"FbERL M IK ITT I II L. L , II a. , . a .... a....... .. 444 I at ..10 II .. 41 3 .. 41 8 M .. m I ts ..tie it ..MIS .. 44 I 4 1 1 aa 1 ui a m I , ,, , ias 8 M I ia 3 te PIS 4 Tl ., ,. IS IS .. IM id irr 1 u '4 I a IRS. I.. ...... ..lira 1 aa 8-. 8 4 t 14 IU 4 ... M l U. .., 11 1 a 10. s 8 St U.-. ... aa4 8 at ... ta 8 T I .m t m a. a is Iff. .1144 4 M 1 l I So HOOS There Was a falrlv liberal run of hogs here this morning and the market opened a little slow snd a shude easier. rartlcularly on the lighter weights. He ore -much business was transacted, how ever, n.xre favorable reports were received from other points and the provision market opened higher, and ss a result salesmen held their droves for more money. Packers finally raised their bids snd trading became active, with prices fully as good as yester day's best time or strong with yester day's general market. In some places In fact the more desirable grades sold o,ulte a little !i!ghr. The top todnv was 15 06. or a nickel higher than yeter4av. The bulk of ths heavy hogs, though, sold from 84 $0 to 9R 00. Medium weights went largely from 846 to 84.90. sn.l the light sti:ff from 14 5 down. The early arrivals were disposed of In good season, but some of the trains wre late, so that the close of the market was delayed Toward noon several trains, arrived with a number of cars of hogs, but the demand continued brisk and the market closed In good shape. The good demand from pack ers wss no doubt due In a large measure to the sharp advance In provisions. Repre sentative sa'es: No. M... 21 .. 100.. IS... S... 44... U... 11... 40 .. a... T... TT... at... Tl .. TT... 14... At. 88. PT No. 4 . .. I... 41... o... 41... At. So. Pr. ...2?4 4,1 4 4714 .. 241 40 4 40 .. IM 10 4 40 ..114 40 4 40 . . 247 40 4 W .. 2. 1 120 4 40 .. 2: . . 4 -i .. SIT M 4 90 . . :u 1,1 in .. .240 ) 4 M lt . .. .11 4 OS 4 SO 4 7S 4 75 4 7S 4 7S 4 ....IS ...1,4 ....17 ....111 ....in 41 70 s: 1 21 5 ii 4 SO ll 170 4 :4 ..111 IM 4 111, ..14 40 4 '." ..IM .. 4 12 ,.n .. 4 ; ..171 .. 4 l- . 201 Ltd 4 744 .r.4 .Ml 4 40 4 0 4 40 U 245 4 so fT. to. 244 4 4 I '.. 4 1 40 40 S . . 4 IS t;'4 140 4 as . ss . 117 ..1T4 12 44 T 4. 41 :v 41 . .. I. '.. IS.. IO.. 70.. 44 41. . T4 , t , 41.. II. . SJ . 4T.. 82. , 44 ?V . 14.. IT . SI.. , t4 sr. . 70 , TO r 4 tn 0 4 44 H7 .. 4 fa .144 .217 . 117 ..171 . . . 21 . fl4 . 2?1 . 2"0 .. 4 I'. .. 4 i . . 4 :. ID HI .. 4 4S 40 4 tS I IK .. it .. 4 SS IM 4 S 24 " 4 to 24 ln 4 JT1 2r.s :4 tn 114 T SO 4 0 4 74j 44 4 47', .. 4 4"', .. 4 121, .. 4 SI1 10 4 34j .. 4 4S . 4 45 43. . Tl.. IS.. TS . . TS. . TS . t4 T.. 11.. 44.. T4 . TJ . ST. . TS. . I.. at . to. . S . 4 . It . !4. . TJ.. 44 . 44 . TS., 341 .254 .170 t ..:t 2?S 10 4 SS . 144 4 iff ,.ri . 4 i . 204 .. 4 US ..!1 .. 4 R5 .20 SO i,rt . !.W 110 4 7 .2-1 .. 4 1714 4 41 14 140 4 SS 27 40 4 S 4 S-. 4 4 V 4 K 4 ', 4 f'i 4 4 4 I i:s 4 7, 5 on S Oil s no I 00 i 05 2-1 261 Ml l.t M 4 8714 ... 2S4 10 4 "', . . 4 IT- 40 4 I7S ....h4 ...114 ... s:is . . . . 2"fl ...rro ...2S3 ....111 ... Ml ...115 ...lli 4 , 4 I7H 4 Pt 4 7i, 4 74 4 S7t 4 17., 4 ITU 2"4 ? .14 .1:7 342 .2H ss. 44 . SO 40 10 41 245 4 S71, SHEEP There was Brother liberal run of sheep In sight this morning, hut local packers seemed to be more anxlnns for supplies than they have been of iate and the maiket on the better grRdes ruled ac tive and steady to strong. The commoner kinds were not very active and no more than steady. The cuallty of the offerings as a whole was only fair, though there were some bunches of sheep that were pretty well finished. Ewes sold as high ss 13 wethers brousht 14 15 and venrllna-s $40. -..---- There were not very many Iambs Included In the offerings and the ciialitv of those that did arrive was rather Inferior, with a very few exceptions. Feeders were also resree and no particu lar rhange In the market was noticeable. Quotations for eorn-fed stock: Cood to choice western hmba, 85 i'xhS. m: fair to good Iambs. 3Ti.f'?5.50; good to choice yeir lings. 34.SMM.90; fair to good yearlings. M.25 ft 1 50; good to choice wethers. $4.i4V!r4.2S: fRlr to good wethers, 33.75cS4.00; good to cnoice ewes. t3.50f43.7A: fair to good -e, 83 25(33(1; choice f.-eder Inmbs, 4.04.75; fair fo good, I150fl.tw): feeder yearling-. w.sofjl.im; feeder wethers, II. 5. H J. 75 feede.- ea-es. 3.00 3 00; culls, sentativ sales: U.75J..'.D. P.epre- No. 10 western ewes It Kit 3 8 Av. P- l'M ! :s 48 3 ' l'ts 3 5o 104 3 ?.n 1,) 3 90 4 00 IM 4 1 0 84 4 00 ,108 4 00 l'i 4 2". 97 4 50 , 95 2 115 , 9h 2 25 ,90 3 10 U 3 25 ,94 3 1 , 103 3 65 , PW 3 70 ,49 3 75 ,52 3 75 ,108 3 75 . 106 3 90 ,54 4 35 15 western cull lambs 1M) 198 western ewes western ewes , 254 Western ewes , Zll western lambs , 217 western lambs 72 western lambs 47 western ewe and wethers.. 179 western wethers 193 western yearlings , 10 cull lambs 28 western ewes , 310 western ewes 341 western ewes , 437 western lambs 258 western ewes 439 western ewes 143 western lambs 118 western lambs 4.l western lambs 41 western wethers 264 western lambs CHICAGO UTB STOCK MAHKKT. Receipts Light aad Prices Rale Steady ad Is Spite of Varloaa Fartors. CHICAGO. Feb. 9 CATTLE Receipts, 4.500 head; good to prime steers, $5.oSjj.75; poor to medium. 34.'"'B'4 90; stockers and feeders. 3.6a4.42; cows. 31.5ffij4.2o; heirers, 32.2frg4.ti0; canners. 1.5ts2.s0; bull, U2ir'9 4.10; calves. 33 50-j.l0. HOGS Receipts today, 22,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 33,'nXl head; 5j luc higher; mixed and butchers. 34.5i5 :Ji; good to choice heavy, 85.l.ij5..10; rough heavy, 34.95 fi6.it5 ; light, $4 60.5.15; bulk of sales. 34.95 65.15. SHEEP ANT LAMBS Receipt. 18 000 head; sheep, slow; ismbs, steady to lower; fair to choice mixed. 33.2Wi40o: Dative lambs, S4.S5j6.15; western iambs, 35 26.00. Kassas CMy Live Stock Market. - KANSAS CITT, Feb. 9. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 13.000 head. Including 300 southerns; market steady to 10c lower; export and dressed beef a'eers, steady to loc lower, 84 506 15; fair to good, loc lower, 3S."544 0; western fed steers. 83.j00v4.5O; stockers and feeders, steady. 12. 754.00; southern sleo a, 10c lower, I34o4.00; southern cows, stetdv, 32.253.00; native cows, steady. 32.0041 1 60; native heirers, steady, iz j-'tj.(.t; riuii", strong. I2.75'03.0; calves, strong. 33.onj6.5i. HOG Receipts. 11.000 head: mirket opened steady, closed 5c higher; top, 85.1'J; bulK or sales. 44 ,.m; neavy, o..w(0 iz; packers, 84.864,6. 06, pigs and llghta, $l.tsf. 4. SO SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6 1X0 head; market steady to strong: native lambs. 84.5.w5 75; western lamlM, 34 594t6.h; fed ewes, 33.5074 00; western fed yeai lings, 34a0$6.00; Blockers and feeders, II 75 a 4. 10. St. I.onls live Stoek Mnrkel. BT. "LOUIS. Feb. 9 CATTLE Receipt -c S.OuO head. Including 3.bou Texans; markot steady; native shipping and export steers, 34.205.35: dressed beef and butcher xiee-s. 34.O0.46.0O; steers under l.IsM lbs., 13 54H.75, Blockers and leeaers, li. Jta'i Ni; cows and heifers. C.25i'4.(fv: canners. 32 Sf.dit.SO: bulls. t2.5unj4.0T); calves. t30ii6.-5; Texas and In dian steers, f2 8034.35; rows and hcif.-rs, 32.10rg 3.25. MOUB Keceipts. T.'aai nead; marxet nrm: pigs and lights, 84 55m4.75; packers. 84 754i ': piitcners sna rest neavv. t.'.rj. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt-,. 3,Jf0 head; market firm; native muttons. I3ot 4.75; lambs, 84 75' 6 60; culla and bucks, 12.2. 4J4.2t; stocaera. j.A.ari.w. , Now York Lira Stark Market. NEW TORK. Feb. I BEEVES Re ceipts, only 3 head; no sales reported; no exports. CALVES Receipts. 19S head: market al most entirely in veals, which rated firm at I5.0O4S4.50. HOGS Receipts. 3.179 head; market 10c higher. A bunch of state bogs sold at 86 7S. . SHEEP AND UUH8- KecelptS. l.XWI head: market for sheep rated quiet, steady; lambs active and firm; sheep, f3 iOwf.&O; outside of two small bunches at 83 ,04.9u; lambs, tC.V4;7.2.. St. Joseph live Stoek Market. . BT. JOSEPH. Feb. . CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.100 head: natives. 83. 443" 25: cows and heifers, 31 .5o4j-4.00; stockers ai d f4re4jrs. t2.5o4l4.uO. HOIS Receipts, 6 704 head; market steady; lirht. 84.704j6. If ; medium and heavy 84.K...ia. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.273 head; market steady; lambs, f5.7A; year lings, t5.00. (loas City Live Stoek Market. BIOUX CITT. Feb. 9 (Special. Cattle Receipts 6 head. market l"c higher; stoakera, strong- t eeves. 83 504.70: eows snd heifers, 32-tj8JO; stockers and feeders. 32 753.80; rafve and yesrltngs. VlAdlM. Hogs reorlpts. 4.5f heed; strung; selling t-W6.uO; bulk. 14 8--Ii4.se. Stock la Sight. Follosrlng are the rocelpta of live stock for ths six principal western cities) yes terday: South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis ft. Joseph Sioux City Cattle. Hcgs. Sheen 4.0( A' 7.4ffl . 4.i 22.O-0 18.'(0A ..13. 11 o 4 ) 7 ' 32.'" tl'0 l.74 J 273 .. SuS 4,510 , 29-iuo e.im mm Totals Brapsaaitwd Agsles gtaat tortsd 8frwls. NUTW TORK. reti. -.EVAPORATED APPLE31 Ths Jtutrket Was steady; rnmmun arw quoted st ttuon; prime at mqtfttc; choice at 6Ut1o, and fanre at SU-tilr. . CALIFORNIA DHIfTD FR1 TTf Prrmes axe steady, uodar a jtitiMng domand, with prices tanging from Iui'it-v, according to grs.le. Aprl.-.ts are m light supply and firm; choice are quoted at 9-V4ilic; extra ch-'ice at pHa-io-V. '"! fancy at i;rrl&c reaches e rn to be attracting a little bet ter trade and rule steady; choice are quoted at 7' Tc; extra c.iolce at lO'aii lvc. and fancy at 3tiliV. OK AHA WHOlF.Stl.K MtRKET. Condition of Trade aad Qaetatlsss 00 stasis aad rawer rrodnee. EOG3 Receipt, moderate; fresh stock, LIVE Ptlt'LTRY Hens. 'fc: spring chickens sw.irc; roosters, sccording to sge. 4miSt; turkes. ll.lsr; ducks. 9,ulvv; geese. H' -c 1RESSKD roi'LTRT Turkeys. lGfllV; rt.uks, liul.'o; g-ese, liKr; chickens, 9.9 li'S- lirTTER rocking stock. IV: choirs to f.incv ilslrv rolls 134.il 4c; separator. 21c. KRF.SII FISH-Trout. 9'.1V; pickerel, SH fiSc; pike. !V. perch, tifitii-TC: blueflsh. l"c; whlieflsh. Si--; salmon, lie: haddock. 10c; co. Irish, 12c; relsnapper, "lc: lobsiers. boiled, per lb. 3tc: lobsters, green, per lb.. ISc: bnllh.-eds. lie; catlish. Uultc; Mack bass, ac; halibut, lie: crapplcs, Uv; lierrics, 4c; white hn. 13c: Muetlns. Sc; smelts, linillc. OYSTERS New York Counts, per can, 4.V; per gl.. fl: sxtra select, per can. .; per gnl. l.o; standard, per can. 27.:; ;-e gal., 31 V ?.KAN-IVr ton. (IS 30 HAT r rices quoted by Omsha Wholssalo DeiiL-rs' association: Choice No. I up'inI. -,l.r: No. 2. P; medium. 8'0: eea-se. 8-".; ry ptrsw, 3i. These prices are for tny of grsad clnr and qualltv. Demand lair and re ceipts light. VEtl -.TABLES. POTATOES Coloi ado, 31, Dakota, per bu., ISc; natives. .Ao. bWEET POTATOES Illinois, per bbU .60. NAVY BEANS ter bu.. 35. S5. Ci:LERY -Small, per dot-, .3jc; large Ca tfornia. rtic, -Jo and 90c. CNHiNS Spanish, ter crate, n.75; Colo rado yellow and red, per Is.. I'.c. CAHHAGE Wisconsin Holland, Vic; nsw Callfjrtua. uSc. TL'RNli'S Canada rutabagas, per lb., l'tc; whl.e. per bu., UOc. CARROTS 1'er bu., 75c. PAI'SNU S-ler bu., Me. BEETS-IVr bu., 90c. t?.ALLIELOWER California, per crata, ifrCUMBERS Per dos.. $ TOMATOES Calli.rmu. per 4-basktt crates. tv KAOISHES Per dot. bunches, 85c. cilice, iilaiitt aos. ouncnes. issj Cl ii. p.r bbl., 7; leaf lettuce, per dos. Iit.n.-hes. -10c. Tl RMr'S-Snuthern, per dot.. 75c. HEETS Southern, per dot oc. CA RRi T9 Southern, per oot., TSe. PAHriLEY Southern, per dot.. 3L KRLITS. ArPLES Cuilfornla Bellflowers, per box, 11 So; New York export Oreeniiigs, Uusaets ami Ualuwli.a, U 76. U RAPES Imported Malagas, per keg,' CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., $7 .00; per b-x, U50; Wisconsin Boll arel Bugle, J7 50; Pell And Cherry, 8" 5o. sjraw Berries Florida, per qt.. 6ic. TROPICAL FRL'ITS O RANGES Florida blights and Russets, i all sizes, 8: 2b . naala. all sixes, choice. I2.2r-C11i.5c; fancy, all sixes. 32.75. LEMONS California fancy, 3t9 to 360, t-tjo; choice. 240 to 270 sixes, ti-25. FIGS California, ter 10-lu. canons. 85c; linpoited Smyrna, 3-crown, lac; a crown. 16c; 7 -crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medium s'.xed bunch. It l XT.! 50; Jumbos, t2.753 J6. COCOAN L'TS Per sack, ft 00; per dot., 6"c. DATES Persian, per box of 30 rkgs.. 82.00; per lb., in 60-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box. 12 40. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, f :I1 cream, I2c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 73c; block Swiss. 16c; Wlseonsro brick,- 13c; Wisconsin ilmburger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, Ven 11 frames, 33.00; Utah and Colornrto. per 24 frames, 8J.25. MAPl.E SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. CIDER Per bbl.. 86. 5o; per 4 bbl , 371 2-.. Pi PC (RN Per lb.. 2V-'; shelled. S4h1HtC. HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dox., packed. Hoc. 1 HIDES No. 1 green. 6c; No. 3 green, 5c; No. 1 salted. c; No. 3 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal enlf. 8 to 12 lbs., Vl No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., iuc; dry salted hides. il2e; sheer pelts. 2575c; horse hides, 31.5ou3.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. I soft-shell, per lb, 15e; hard-shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 1 soft shell, per Ih., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per 12c; Braxils. per lb.. 11c: filberts, per lb., lie; Almonds, soft-shell, per lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small. rr lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6a; roasted peanuts, per lb., 1tc; Chill wal nuts. 12ttl3Vic; large hickory nuts, per bu., 31.50; shell barks, per bu., 32.00; black wal- , nuts, per bu., 31.25. Oils aad Rosin. NEW. YORK. Feb, 9. OILS Cottonseed. , steady; prime crude, nominal: prime crudo yellow. 37'.c. Turpentine, steady Wfj.'il-c. Petroleum, steady; relined. New York 39 W; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 39.07.; Phila delphia and Baltimore In bulk. 86.15. Rosin, steady. 65fi60c; strained, common to good, l2OfVd3.0O. OIL CITT. Feb. 9. OILS Credit bal ances, 31.85; certificates, no bid; shlpmenta, 73.884 bbla.; average. 72.3)8 bbls.; runs. 19o. 655 bbls.; average, fT7.674 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 42.450 bbls. ; average, no .204 bhls.; runs, Lima. 10.770 bbls.; average. 24 71 bbls. SAVANNAH. Feb. . 1U.S Turpentine. fv?V- Rosin. Arm: A, R. C, D. 82 0; E. 82 ; F. $2.90; G. 12 95; H. 12 95; I. 13 2; K. 33.25; M, $3 30; N, 33 35; WG, fl 45; WW, 95. Sugar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. 9 SUGAR Raw. firm: fair retlnlng. 2 27 321 'lc : centrifugal. 96 test, 3 U-2"'o3sc: molasses sugar, 2 19-329 2S.C. Refined. Bt,"ady: crashed, 5.15c; pow dered. 4.55c; granulated. 4.4ic. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 9.-8UOAR Quiet; open kettle. Tt'at 15-1-: open kettle, cen trifugal, 3 13-lrtc; centrifugal whites, i'i I lS-Hic; seconds, frVrSt-o. Molasses, nom inal; centrifugal, lciilTxi. Syrup, dull, 22 25c. ... LEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS fed for record February 9. 1W4. as furnished for The Bee by tit Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded Abstracter, 1hl4 F.irnam street: Sheriff to Paul Weltxel, lot 9. Cottage Terrace; part of lota 7. 8 and 9, block t. Ex'-tianire Place add ... t 10S Helen Ferris and husband to Frank A. Fogg, lot 7, block 2i"'s. city 2.90O Sophia A. Ewlrg. widow, to Carrie M. - ' Cox. lots 13 and -14. block?-a. Jetter a addition to South Omaha 1.801 Henry Ragatx and lfe to Vaclav No vak, lot 6, block 8, Brown Park 400 Lvman Richardson and wife to Jams ll. Van Dusen, lota 3 a.id 4, block 9. West rn.l 1 Exra Domlna tnd wife to Katie Zeis, nw' 17-16-10 t.OOS eherlff to Frank Martin, lot , block 40. Albright's Choice I V The Merchants National Bank of Omarta. r'b. U.lScseittirt' Capital aad Surplus, ..00.000 rum UrrlT. sna. sen S. WOOS, T. fees. TBUBS4E. Cissitr. FIAH T. sUaCTOs Asst. Caakiar. BUwatve ssdouaui st baasa. ajikeca. aaniar ationa Ins a4 lslvMals as (assnhts fur l an Sxeh-asa hassbt ass sole. -tiers at credit isauad. a l labia la all ' tk varut latseaat aaJ4 as Tlsas Ortltast-a sf Pan in. ( allactlona aaaas seaooaly s4 aania, i i , j. W raqaas 1 ar .an.iasua COE "B STOCKS AND DONDS QRAIN AND PROVISIONS We hav ever ut aiTlua-. B-iTsreooas: 1,1 State and Kst'l f-n-g. Ol tx SK at VI Cat IS THBI SIC IT. Out of Tssbw Builni i SolldtadL Oa-saaaVmactji ItUrawaa . TsL4d moi M. WADDICIC arrtspMdMt S. SLEUM AN Grain, Provisions & Sticks. Room 4. N. T. Llfs Bldg. TeL 330. Operates 18 CO-cea In This Slats. EstabUshed at7. CLO. A. ADMS CHAIN CO. Grain, Provisions V Stoclts. Atathbes-s -OmaJia TirsHn Excuanga, Chliaga IVutrU ui Xcaus a-ul ttiasf axchangsa. - - CorrsspondaTitg.. Bartlaxt, Fraxler dt Carrlogton. 31S tVaard sITra-a l4t'f flssssis.