12 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, FETVRUAIIY 9, 1904. TALK OF CLUB BY YOUNG HEN Eeporti that 8plit in Omaha Club i Seri ously Threatened. OLDER MEMBERS LAUGH AT IDEA T(r Blond C omplain of Lark of Life mn Wants to Have K. elusive Home Krerted or Rented. Taunger members of the Omaha club, Omaha's most exclusive men's organiza tion, are talking of seceding and either erecting a. new building or renting; or buy ing ether quarters. They say the club noes not rank with those in Kansas City, Denver, Minneapolis and other mid-west cities and declare the pollry which has always been In vogue Is too Inactive to suit them. They blame the. older and more nedate members for this, and, so far, hav ing been unable to secure control, are dis cussing the feasibility of drawing out and going by themselves. Two propositions already have been con sidered, one being to build a home on the .vacant lot Just west of the Omaha club at Twentieth and Douglas streets, and the Other 'to lease the new Chatham apart ment house, constructed by Sir Horace Plunkett, opposite the Millard hotel. A third factor Is snld to be contained in the declaration of the Racquet club that It wants to build a house and already has appointed a committee to report on loca tions and the advisability of so doing. Peck Isn't Disturbed. President Peck of the Omaha club ays that, so ' far as he knows, accession among the younger mem bers has not been discussed seriously. He attributes the reports to the Racquet club's building Idea. This organization was set on foot by Nt P. Dodge, Jr., about three years ag.i to stimulate interest and pro vide facilities for squash and hand ball. The rooms are at 10 South Fourteenth streets and the courts have become crowded and more are reeded. The mem bership is about thirty and Is composed of the richest young men in town, Luther Kountse being president. Mr. Dodge does not think the desire of this club to own a building Is promoted by any disposition to break away ' from the Omaha club, but admits having heard talk concerning withdrawal and 8 In dependent organisation with more vim, if a trifle less dignity. The real germ that has developed Into Insurrectionary plotting, however, Is said to be the reflections upon the Omaha club contained In Meredith Nicholson novel, The Main Chance." The name "Clark son" la substituted for Omaha throughout this book. Chapter 11 begins: ' I.onllest Place In Town. "The Clarkson club was. during most of the day, the lonllest place in town. Only a few of the sleeping rooms were occupied regularly and luncheon was the one Incident of the day that drew nny considerable number of men to the dining room. The an tiered heads of moose and elk were hung In the hall and colored prints of English hunting scenes and bad oil portraits of sev eral pioneers were scattered throughout the reading and lounging rooms. Conservative members 'of the organization laugh at the Idea of a new club and say there are not enough young men In town who are rich enough to make a second ex clusive club a go. The latter, however, have considerable assurance and are trying to find out just what they can do. , Clreat Sale of Hen's Clothing Bankrupt 5alc of XZrhTOt2-0 Men's 0sl GOiliJ Cl0thln Tuesday's Bargain Offers Lace Collars 25c turnover collars at 5c each Thousands of rry fine embroidered turnover and tab collars 100 styles and extra fine quality, worth up to 25c, your choice at .... 25c Laces at 21c and 5c Bought at New York auction, thousands of pieces of fine torchon vals, point d'eeprit, etc. iu neat, wide and phowy patterns, worth ' up to 25c a yard, at, yard Wasll Buttons One thousand dozen wash but tons in all colors, suitable for trimming la dies' and children's dresses, 19c quality, at, dozen.... v VIIVU 5c it New L 1 i ui uub lurcuuu 2!c-5c ffash but- 2ic In Basement Shoe Dept. 98c 1,000 Pairs of Boys Shoes Every pair warranted, solid solas, calf uppers 600 Pairs Ladies' Shoes 16 dif- foi'CDt styles, vlcl kid, lace shoes, all sizes, 2yi to 8, regular price $1.50 and 82 pair Three Jewelry Specials la C amber Iain's Cough Resaedy Pleasant to Take. ' The finest quality of loaf sugar Is used In the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the roots used In this prepara tion give It a flavor similar to maple syrup, making It quite pleasant to take. Children like it, and as It contains no opium or cither harmful substance It has no Injurious after affect. '. It always cures. In cum of colds, croup and whooping cough It can be given with Implicit confidence. It Is equally valuable for adults and children. This was accomplished shortly b? fore noon. some thirty or more of the petit Jurors being excused from serving on the panel for a variety of reasons. The petit Jurors selected for Johnson's trial were: Frank Crowe, W. J. Russell, William Cook, J. Irwin, A. Netsel. Augus tus Anderson, Hans Jensen, Fred Baker, John Hussey, J. C. Lindsay, John Ltnohan. FEBRUARY TERM IS OPENED District Ceart Session Brines Hen and Women of Manx Phases of Life. Ont It was a queerly assorted procession that thronged the gloomy halls and corridors of the Court house yesterday, prior to and during the opening of the February term of the district court in Its various branches, and one that offered to the thoughtful student of human nature un limited advantages. Old men were there and old women, too, who patiently Jostled one way and another by the throng, old men with gray hair and shoulders bowed low with their burden of years and trouble. Men who have walked these same halls ever more wearily and ever more slowly for months and even' years, hoping egalnst hope that at last Justice was to be meted out to them and that the hoard of a" life time's hard work, perhaps, wrested from them, might be returned by the order of the all-powerful court. Others were there, more prosperous looking, anxious to retain their hold upon money, and lands and property, perhaps honestly acquired and perhaps otherwise, men with beetling brows and sullen, scowling faces and their wrists circled by handcuffs that have long since failed to chafe them, being hurried along by the officer In charge, to answer to some crime. In that throng were thieves and theologians, preachers and per jurers, morbid sightseers and men whose presence there meant their bread and but ter, all kinds, colors and conditions of bu manlty. As Is always the case, the criminal court, . With Judge Day on the bench, claimed the larger part of the crowd, and In this room all was confusion Incidental to the empan oiling of a jury to try a negro named Fred Johnson for burglarising the home of James K. Van Duaen of South Omaha, STUBBORN COLDS For obstinate colds, fingering coughs and persistent bronchitis Scott's Emulsion is a standard remedy and a reliable cure. You can feel the good effects of even a small ibottlc Easy to take. Ladles Belts at 69c Ladles' Military belts and silk girdles, Koyai elastic belts witn beautiful buckles, back ana front In gold, silver and oxydlzed trimmed with cut steel ornaments, etc. most stores selling them at $1.23 eaoh Tuesday special at, each... 69c Deep Sea Mother of Pearl Shirt Waist Seta 3 and 4 buttons on card worth up to 40o per set, at 10c 25c. 50c and 75c Beads 72 inches lonjr, with iridescent ball and strands tor the neck, f C at, each UC CREPE DB CHINES AT69C A fresh shipment of the new Crepe d'Auteil, In vogue for party and recaption gowns, f many shades, at, yard UC Armour's Extract of Beef Demonstration rial ii Aisle Near Balcony 5talr Chafing Dish COOKERY Welsh Rarebit Tomorrow Modern Method of Cooking by Electricity Main Floor Near Basement Stair. Tomorrow, as special events, Mrs. M. Abby will give illustrations of ourrent bread making without yeast also tea biscuits and 1 egg mufllns. Our New Picture Dept Basement yC-, for framed pictures, 20 styles to choose from, worth 60o each, on table. ff for $2.50 crayon portrait frames, sizes 16x20, complete with jrlass and back. Windows Llirff-5rpo caUS Windows HOT HEREDITARY. Baldness Da t Living Minute Germ. Vany people, even unto the present day of grace, consider baldness due to heredi tary Influence. Nothing Is further from the truth Bald ness Is caused by the onslaught of a minute organism which secretes Itself beneath the scalp and attacks the roots of the hair causing It to lose Its life and fall out. This organism cannot be got rid of except by the free and persevering use of New- bro's Herplclde. No matter how badly the scalp Is affected the Dandruff surely disappears and hair health Is restored when Herplclde Is ap plied. 'Destroy 'the cause, you remove the effect." Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co., special agents. Did You Ever Notice how many drug store ads are TRYING to imitate ours? What did the MAN say about "imitation being the height of flat- " 3 1 no wonaer it any or BROTHER DRlTGdlSTR win k.v. . t' SALE ON EGYPTIAN LOTUS CREAM NEXT SATURDAY THB 13TU-THE LUCKY DAY Just 'cause we are7 Many people made the error In noticing the date of this saie and CAME FOR LOTUS CREAM LAST SATURDAY BUT the ad raid, and still says VJUITE PLAIN 5o BAJ-i-j up T riiAN LOTUS CREAM SATURDAY FEB. 13TH THE LUCKY DAY at all three stores 16th and Chicago streets, Omaha: 84th and N streets, South Omaha, end Rth nvnnuii Anil r.tn .iM.t Council Bluffs. DON'T FORGET THE DTE, SATURDAY FEB. 13TH. Did you notice thoHe big "Emporium" ads yester day (Sunday)? Well, you know what we said I Just take 2o off any of those prices, except "DERMA ROYALE," DB MIR ACLE," "WHITE RIBBON'1 and CRAM ER'S KIDNEY CURE." These genuine guaranteed goods are not sold by thn.e Emporiums. LOOK FOR GUARANTEE BLIP! CUT PRICB RU STORE E. T. YATES, Prop. I6th and Chicago Sts.. Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 77. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 33$. All goods de livered in euner city aosoiuisiy rree. The Brows Shoe Company Builds Ai- other Big Factory. The Brown Shoe company of Bt. Louts will build a four-story brick factory. SOxSOO feet, at Thirteenth and Russell ave., street on four sides, light all around, with a ca pacity of seven to ten thousand pairs of shoes per day. They gained over one mil lion dollars In sales last year and have in stocV over eight hundred thousand dollars' worth of shoes for spring trade. They till ninety-five to one hundred per cent of all or ders complete In first shipment and expect tie gain over one and a half million dollars In sales this year and are doing it. They gained last week over fifty-eight thousand dollars. Their "White House Shoes" for men and women are the best high-grade shoes made In St. Louis and have helped make this great success. STANDING UPF0R NEBRASKA Church. Howe Carries Weight and Re spect la His Antwerp Po.itloau "M. la Major Church Howe, consul gen eral des Etats Unls de Amerlque a An vers." has, according to La Matin of Antwerp, been made honorary president of the Anglo-American Chamber of Con; merce of Belgium. But this Is not the most Important thing Major Howe has dons since transferring his flag from Manchester to Antwerp. On Saturday, January 11 the governor gave a ball at which all the notables of the city, Including the foreign consuls. the officers of the army and others, were present. There Major Howe "occasioned great remark by his magnltloent uniform. with Its wonderful aguillettes of gold, and other elegance, his manly and expansive chest being covered with medals commem orative of his different campaigns." If Church Howe Isn't standing up for Ne braska, which of our foreign representative IsT A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and Champagne well, buy Cook's Imperial. WEARS PRISON MADE SUIT aspect Held tor Cassias' Street Roh err Know to Trt-Clty Police. Thomas Carter Is being held by the Council Bluffs authorities, as It Is thought he may be connected with the robbery of the Ooldenberg sc llnrnstein grocery store. 1704 Cuming street, last Saturday evening. Carter Is koowa in police circles of Omaha, SCII&EFER'S South Omaha and Council Bluffs and was wearing a prison made suit of clothes when arrested yesterday morning. While the matter has not been fully investigated yet, there Is little doubt that Carter Is one of the men wanted. Very Near a Crime, To allow constipation to poison your body. Dr. King's New Life Pills cures It and builds up your health or no pay. 26a For sale by Kuhn A Co. For Rent The four-story and basement now occupied by us. Steam heat, good ele vator. Will lease all or part on favorable terms for two years or more. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1307 Douglas St. ' Announcements of the Theaters. On Wednesday afternoon and ' evening "The Punkln' Husker" will be the bill at the Boyd. This play Is a lot better than Its name, as it tells a very rational story of rural love and politics without outraging any of the verities for the purpose of pro ducing effect or creating heart Interest. "Bargain" prices will prevail at the mati nee. Orders are now being taken at the Boyd bog office for the "Silver Slipper" engage ment, which Is for Thursday, February 18, matinee and night. This magnificent com pany Is on a trip to the Pad no coast and will stay In Omaha for but two performances. Card ot Thanks. We wish to thank the kind friends and neighbors, also the Ladles of the Macca bees, for their kindness and comforting words of sympathy during the Illness and death of our beloved daughter and sister. TIMOTHY DRISCOLL, WILLIAM DRISCOLL, MARY DRISCOLL, I MRS. THOMAS FOSTER. MRS. THOMAS FLOOD. Royal Achatee Ball. Remember the Royal Achates ball. Myrtle hall, tonight, Feb. 9. Admission, Z5c You are cordially Invited. Come. Albers Get roar Dollars. Fred A hers of the Goo hotel was awarded 14 and the usual extras In police court. Albers Is the man who became dmonstrative in a Thirteenth street saloon Saturday afternoon by Uing to push a beer ?la-a through the bar and offeriug other oats of legerdemain. In the demonstra tion, however, Albers lacerated bis baud Don't Scold Irritability Is a nervous affection. Strengthen the nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine. Sleep better, eat better, work better, feel better, and be better. Sold a guarantee. Book on nervee for postal. IO. UILEa UMJlSAi -v kiaiiajt la4 Wagons to Fori Croak an Ballevas Wednesday 5 PI Pr mm mWrn Ml IT WILL PAY YOU TO "RUBBER" !AT OUR! poonterst they talk load velnes. Onr prices make an Irresistible appeal to yonr money . savins; feeling. All stood arc plainly tlcketedi the ejnalltles are riant to yonr hand. Yon see the good. there Is no haying pig; Jn m. poke at Bennett's, tint there Is B-enolnencas and satisfaction (ralicht through and (iHKF. TRAIMNG STAMPS WITH AM. PIKCIIASKS l AM. DEPART' MRT AM. THB T1MK. CAtlDY! CANDY!! TUESDAY 8PECIAL 5oc worth of stamps with with each jar of candy. Wo have 3,000 of these and as long as the supply lasts will give 50c worth of Green Trading Stamps with each jar &ff of candy, at... BUG 1 mi Another Big dreen Trading Stamp Special In view of. St Valentine's Day Toasts in Ebony Frames Th cleverest mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimwmmmmmmmmmmmmm tOaStS tO date. Kvery now and then the great writers are saying SOMETHING! something that hits the nail on the head; some cleverly twisted bunch of words. We have them In frames; they are Just great for your little room or don. Imaglno a bachelor resisting such a charm as this (this Is one of them), "To Woman: A Paradox Who Fuszlea When She Pleases, and Pleases When She Pusiloa," It charms, you, and then think how true it 1st It has a beautiful etched head shown on the plate; It's Just so cute and It's Just so cheap only 40c. AND TWO DOLLAR'S WORTH OV GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH IT. UUT ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER. BIQ SELECTIONS HERE'S nORE. DUTCH BOYS, DUTCH GIRLS, DUTCH SCKNLS Mounted on linen mats, under glass, bound in fine black blnulng, ready to hang up. Just 40c. AND TWO DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH IT. BUT WITH IT. BUT ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER. GREAT SELECTIONS nORE AttAIN. ARTISTIC HEADS, LANDSCAPES, JAP PICTURES Everyone ' a charm, each 40c AND TWO DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS. BUT ONLY ONB TO A CUSTOMER. The above aro the finest, most artistic and original novelties ever offered In the picture line In this city. To got a good selection make an early call. Art Department, Second Floor, Tuesday. GROCERY! GROCERY!! Our purchases are Immense and come direct from the producer. We save you money on everything you buy. Competition Is not In It when lined up against Bennett's Grocery. Quality, freshness, honest weights, full measures and cut-to-the-bone prices, TUESDAY'S LEADERS. Mercerized White Waistlngs Sale Wednesday. Mi THB RKLIADI.K STOKE. Mercerized White WilstlMi Sate. A Wednesday The popularity of our Trailing Stamps, thn superiority of our premiums, is clearly demonstrated day after day. by th throngs of enthuslastlo shoppe-m that fill pur "The Rig shoppr sr mmey savers. store. They have Inarned that "The ltK bt-r" prices tiore stamps are Interest payers. The t to N found. Inv.t1gntton will learn v. ..... iu ,vu. iiini'iiin olAJUfl ('Kt.M WITH ALL CAHH I'URCIIAHRS. Forced Sale on Valentines. Half Price. .kiV. . L . , 1?J . 1 ln, 3"n"ty or valentines we ordered. The first shipment being lost In transit and th second let a duplloata of the first, being ten il.-'a,.a ?e WPT" '"reed to refuse the entlro shipment.. In reply to our trlogrsm we received orders from the factory to put the lot on sale at ONE-HALF PRICE. ...5o ...o 5c I0J Sl.00 Valentines, 2 for Sl.00 in Sle weft?1 a"d be6t aB80rted 1Ine of valentines ever seen In Omaha, er. la fact Garpets, Draperies, Lace Curtains. Prices That Move the Goods Cnmlo valentines I'T .... .... lo valentines 1 for Bo valentines a for , lOo valentines 2 for 33 a Xo a 5(Vl a 7&o a valentines for valentines tor valentines " - valentines lor ....20c ...25c .-50c ...75c I all wool Ingrain and welton velvets Neutrlta Breakfast Food, pkg..M 60 Cleaned Currants, per lb...... 8a Pineapple, grated, 3-lb. oan. 10o Pancake Flour, 3-lb. pkg 10a Buckwheat, 3-lb. pkg.... .1340 Worcester Sauce, bottle 10o J Olives, bottle 9j Imported Sardines, can 10a Tablo Syrup, 8-lb. can 1214 Baking Soda, pkg 4c Corn Meal, 8-lb. sack 12ttc Fresh Gutter Received Dally From the Dest Dairies. Bennett's Capitol Creamery,, Fresh Country Butter, per lb lc Per lb 26o Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb...l2Vjc Coffee Roasted Dally-Best Values. Marucalbo Coffee, per lb 15c Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per lb.... 28o can 4gQ Teas. B. F. Japan. Oolong, Eng. Breakfast, Gunpowder, superior values, per lb asc Tea Slftings, per lb 15c Bennett's Purs Black Pepper, 4-lb. can 120 Best for Axmlnster for Tapestry r.russols for 12. SO RUFFLED CURTAINS.' New ruffled muslin curtains plain or figured spin price 12.(10 CURTAINS, 9Sc. Regular ti quality heavy net curtains sale price . 58c . 98c 49c 1.2f .1.25 ... 98c 15.00 CURTAINS, J2.38. Retrular ti.H) end 15.00 finality colored Ara bian curtains new effects, whits 9 flfl and ecru sale price ) U DRAPERY PETT SPECIAL. FOR TUESDAY. 38-Inch art sllkollne, worth lOo to E 15o yard sale price, Tuesday ....... ..Q'3 10 YARD3 ONLY TO A CUSTOMER, " DRAPERY DEPT., 8RD FLOOR. Ladies' Sweaters. All the newest styles for early spring wear, at $4.50, ti.hO, $3.00 and 2.50 Special in Misses' Sweaters Military effects In blues and reds . , fHouse jackets, In all colors at Your choice of all the $1.73 and $1.50 quality, some slightly soiled at .. 2.50 2.00 1,00 Rock Springs Coal $7.15 Per To 1. Central Coal and Coke Co. TELEPHONE 431 lil KAItNAM ST. ; SCRANTON HARD GOAL ALL SIZES. ROCK SPRINGS COAL CANON CITYNUT COAL ' FOR COOK STOVES And many other grades, from cheap est to the best. Nebraska Fuel Co. 141 Far nam BU Pbons 43L Extraordinary Bargain Tuesday We have taken two hundred pairs of men's shoes In the celebrated ilanan, Clapp and Boyden makes, put them on one table and priced every pair at A Special Grocery Sale And Trading Stamps Free. 21-lls. pure cane granulated and $1.00 worth of Trading Stamps free P.PAIK B-'h hand picked navy beans DLAnO Trading Btnmps 1-Yee , ClPP 6-lbs. good Japan nlwL Trading Stamps Free (UTMFAI ' packages for UHlltiLKL Trading Stamps Free TIDIflPA B-lbs. fancy pearl tapioca lAriUOH Trading Stamps Free .... TfllilTnCS 8-lb. can solid pocked iUMAIULO Trading Stamps Fred I DDI CP 8-lb cans fnnev apples arrLLa Trading Stamps Free nnouiicil ..The best, per sack UUnnmLHL Trsding Stamps Free DIIIPVIM S,b- fans fancy pumpkin i van Trading Slumps t ree BCiUC -lb cans wax or string winnv Tradlna Stamps Free 1.00 I9 19c :19c 19c ...5c .10c ...5c .. 5c DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS PRIINPC Large California, per lb O 1- rilUntO Trading Stamps Free 05 PFAPUFC Choice Utah. T lb f in rLAbnCO Trading Btnmps Free .... I J" CURRANT?. English cleaned, per lb vUnrtARId Trading Stamps Free .. f lc PFARS Fancy Itartlctt, per lb II,, rr.HH) Trading Stamps Froe Iu IPPIPC New York Ring, per lb Ql. arrLtO 'j-rndmjf stamps Free OS1- ADH!PflTC Fancy Moor Park, per lbfOl ArniUUI Trading Stamps Free ..ltac FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS nniNCEC Fancy navi'l oranges, dox Ittn UllAnOCA Trading Stamps Free ,...IUC I mniK Largo Juicy lemons, dns Ifl, LCWUilO Trading Stamps Free IUC niTCC Fancy Halloween, lb R., UAICd Trading Stamps Free Uu HAYDEN BROS. 1.48 with the shattered glass. Having the sum of $437 tucked away in his belt, he paid the tine with one of thoee permanent smiles. 31.00 ta New Orleans. La., and return. $30 85 to Mobile, Ala., and return i Feb. th-lth. Long limits and stop-overs. All Information at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam et, or address Harry S. Moo res. O. A. P. IX. s Omaha. Neb. Hew Orleans, 1., ua Meblle, Ala. One fare plus $1 for the round trip to both of the above places, via the Missouri Paclflo railway. Tickets on sale from Feb ruary t to 1. For full information address or call st Union Station or City Ticket Office. 8. E. corner 14th and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. Thomas F. Godfrey, Passenger and Ticket Agent - These are broken lots, mostly narrow widths, black Russia calf, In sizes from 6 to 10. vThe regular prices of these shoes are $5.00, $5.60 and $6.00. Come early and select your size and the shoe you want. Also fifty pairs patent leathers at 1.48 One hundred pairs men's heavy whiter double sole putent colt, v mm g- all staca snd widths, our T 1 regular $3.60 shoo e-rw DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Dii Slios Hous) TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER gabsc-rlbe Now. That quaint old rnlsaton town Is not only one of the moat lovely seaside resorts ot California, but also one of the most interesting places in the world. Here, hundreds of years ago, Christianity was .first preached to the American Indians by the Spanish friars. The old miwlons are still there, and are visited every season by thousands of tourists who travel via tha UNION PACIFIC because It is the best and quickest line to that noted place DTQUIBB AT CITT TICKET OFFICE, 124 Farnam St. Tbont 310. I t $ 1 New Orleaji $31.56 Omaha to New Orleans AND BACK. February 9tK-14lh Long Limit and Liberal Stopovrrs en Route -wed. Tor furtnri nation and mpy et Madrl Or. Mot ttill nt 1111- nnla Central i ket Otn. No. J2 Farnam . ana. or wme, W. 21. BRILL. District Passenger Agent. m ' )