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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1904)
Tins OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. FERKUARY 7. 1004. BOWLERS OFF TO CLEVELAND 4M snd 4th Innlnrs. but the Bt. Ty.nls man MEET GREAT WESTERN CUT Milwn and Book Iriand Pot in Low Grain Ea ts. BURLiNGlON EXPECTS TO DO THE SAKE gve him a hard tussle In the 42d, when he Omaha Tfm S:arti to Tki Hationa'. Toarr.aTr.enf. F-t in 9 y l GIVEN ESCORT TO THE UNION DEPOT Batlasksrs Prova Their Xatare br Vol mm Hoaora aad ssndlaa; the Dora Avar with a Boost. The Omaha team which Intends to ihow (he easterners how to roll up tha scores left yesterday afternoon Tor Cleveland and will biffin thrtr match with tha team of that place on Monday morning:. The But Insky club, together with a goodly number , of local bowler met the team at the t'nlon depot, and under the leadership of Dave O'Brien proclaimed their faith In the Omaha boys by shouting loud and long and Bending them on their way with word of cheer and encouragement. Be fore their departure each of the team was presented with the shoe of a mule taste fully decorated with ribbons. The following comprise the .team: Messrs. Fritscher, Welty, Huntington, Bartsch, Wlgman and Norton, with Wig man as captain. H. Dinger Reed also goes along. Few Omnha people went with the teem yesterday, but many are expected to fol low In a day or two so as to encort the victorious boys back with all the Jollity due tho occasion. The Omaha team at present is feeling rather proud of Itself, as on Friday night tha score they made-, came very near equaling the world's record. Experts say that when the boys get down to work In tha forthcoming; content It will mean some new recofils and Omaha holding them. Tha local bowlers expect to hear some grood things from the team which Is to rep resent them at the sesrion of the Amer ican Bowling congress In Cleveland, where the annual tourney Is to be held. The Cleveland papers say that the new alleys are first-class and that tha visiting bowlers stand as food a chance to make high scores on them as any others, since no one Is to be permitted to roll a ball over them until the tourney opens. Nothing definite Is yet known relitlve to the state bowling tourney except that it Is to be held In this city In March. The com- lttee which will have charge of tha pro gram hopes to have a meeting soon at which the plans for the tourney can ba mapped out and announced for the benefit of players throughout tha state, as every effort will bs put forth to make it a con test In which bowlers from all parts of the state are represented. Average of the bowlers for week ending February : Name. . Oame. Pins. Average. Reed. H. D 41 7.U 191-11 HprHgMie Is Fritscher 45 IVelty 45 Brunke , 46 Hodges 45 2,87 8.5(3 m 7-15 190 33- 4 . l-9 81-4.) 19 5-45 1S7 87-45 187 2'-4i 186 20-45 IM s-u H5 li-31 185 C-if 1M 2-80 1S4 .9-45 18311-15 183 14-45 1H 8-27 18212-3 182 8-3 181 27-46 1X1 24-42 1X1 6-46 181 177 8-12 17 41-45 178 26-83 175 29-42 174ti-4' 17124-83 178 171 -! 17120-80 171 14-80 171 W-8-1 171 6-V 170 83-81 170 8-12 8.534 8.&10 8.447 1.437 8.390 8,117 8,000 I.M. tV'i 1.758 t.m 4.947 8.W4 T.lOfl 8.172 7.K2 1161 8.144 2.182 7il 1.833 T.S79 7.KM 6.73 8.607 Emery .. , 4fi Chandler it Franclaco Encell Conrad Bhnelder, F. W Marble Baldwin ......... Huntington .... ::::S ....46 ::::iS Hunter ..... Mockett wigman Penman .... Potter Zarp Zimmerman 21 4. 88 45 42 45 45 18 Honnell OJerde 48 Norton 88 Neale 42 Hughes 46 Lehman ..88 Fowler 28 Schneider, L. J 45 Jonas 80 "Weber 80 Orlfflths W Frledhof 8 Tracey r 86 Christie t 12 Reynolds 42 Clarkso.i ,..88 Barks 89 Clay 89 Beeelln 8i Carter 15 Ollchrlst 42 Bengele M Norene 27 Rmead , 18 Belleck 1. Oreenleaf 27 French 24 Ahmanaon .....t B he Id on 18 Reed. A. C. 15 Murphy 179 1.150 6.144 6.17J 74 .V 2.048 7.1S7 M24 .MS .? 0T9 2.R2 7.0R6 8.X4 4.61 2.992 9 4.4S? 6.K57 7W 1192 170 27-4J 17014-38 170 6-39 lfi 21-88 h t 31-34 181 6-15 118 1 '0-?4 17 v.-n 1M 4-18 14 8-18 14 4 27 lil? 17-24 l2 25-8 161 r. 12-is 901 150H Standing of the Omaha Bowllng league ior wet a anaing reoruary c: Clubs. Played. Won. Lnet. 20 21 21 21 23 24 24 26 P. c .654 .'83 .bn .133 .41" .4I .4n7 .422 Wavsrleys . Armours ... Clarksons .. Omahas St. Charles . Colts Krug Parks Nationals .. ..46 ..45 ..46 ..46 ..46 ..46 ..46 ..45 IS 24 4 22 21 21 19 COMMERCIAL. LEAGUE STANDING. Plaved. Won. lst. P.C. iiaca rvais . ,.r. Oata City Irexels W. O. W 43 28 14 .61 42 27 15 . 641 42 26 16 .611 43 24 16 .671 39 20 19 .618 8 16 . 28 .410 42 13 29 . 310 42 U U .2el Lents A Willii westerns Stephens Smith Urownlng, King 4k Co, High scores at Western alleys: W. lloff msnn, tii; W. Usher, 8u; F. Bartsch, 217; Merkan, )1, 218, 210; R. E. McKelvy. ; Burt Bmythe, til. 206. til; H. W. Lehmann, 210. V 233; C. E. Moreland, 244; Meeton, 213. 3, til. : Roy Bowen. 8X4. Xf i; W. Y ates, 221: R. Orubb, 223. 80S. 203; F. J. Ben gele, 210. 176, 2i5. 225, 3u0. 2u4. 201 ; T. Foley, 2a. pi, 222; 8. L. Urtson. 816. H. 246. fj, tea, tfi. 8u, !5. ti. 44. 242. 11L 801, 211; W. 11 Btapenhorst. 124, 2, 214, KM, 28, tti. t4, 214. 4. 233, . 203. ; H. Clay. ZM. k tsu, 216, 236, ). ' 213. 212. 215, WI3, 8X; Oeorge Sutton, .lul, 223. F. J. Bengele la hign for the week, 276 single game, and Ti4 for three successive game 2,4, 225, m. Asaatenr Billiard Championship. NEW TORK. Feb. .-Two games In the National Amateur championship billiard tournament were decided this afternoon and evening at the Uederkrans club. Dr. L I- MiaJ of this city defeated J. De Hun Smith of St. I'ouls in the arternoon some by a soore of to 2M, and tonight J. Ferd inand PuerUiurg defeated Arthur Town Sand of the Hanover club of Brooklyn hy a score of 8u0 to 79. In tha earlier game nr. Mlal wun out oo close uurslng In bis liiih. a Breaks Up Grip and Manycaaoiof Grip ani Influ nz go atraight to tha Wvar, pro- auoing jaunaics. Tnaakin gt as yallow as a duck's foot. Th ua of Humphrtyi' "77" and Sped Ho lO put tha liver in working order and cures both Grip and Jaundice. The enibar. rasslng- yellow skin is gradually absorbed. "77" cures Coughs, Grip. Influ- ixa. Catarrh. Bore Throat and , Colds that "hang on," At Druggists. 26 cents each, or mailed. Humphreys' Med Co.. Cor. WUUsm and vuu suvnsj tm itis. v COLDS male 41. ; ' EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS lelale Beaten sa Ma8lr Track at Sew Orleaaa la Thirteen Haairta ' Dollar Hare. V . NEW ORLEANS. Feb. .-Fsvorltee fared well on the heavy track and lride, and D Reezke were the only favorites beaten. Tha latter ws a hot favorite In the stakes. the Cluhhnuse hsndfpnp, hut was beaten by s neck by Tribes' Hill- The race was worth 11.864 to the winner. Re sults: ilvst rnce, rlx furlongs, selling: Tommy McKnight won. Irene Mao second. La O-'he third. Time, 1:1ST. Second race, six furlongs: Emigre won, Btand Pst second. Moderator third. Time. Third race, six furlona-: Scorpio won. Invincible second, Our Llllle third. . Time, 1:1. Fourth race. mile. Clubhouse handicap: Tribe' Hill won. De Resike aecond. Clan gor tnira. rime, Fifth race, elx furlongs, handicap: Mad Mullah won, Footlights Favorite second. Triple Silver third. Time, 1:17H. Sixth race, mile and nne-quarter, selling: Thorneyroft won, Malay second. Badger third. Time. 2:12. SAV FRANCISCO. Feb. 8-Results at Inrleslrte: First rsre, seven furlongs, selling: Cari lee won. Kltkumbob second, Emily Oliver third. Time, 1:30. Second rare, one-helf mile. pure: Medea won. Eduerdo second, Peggy O'Nell third. Time, 0:4!V Third race, six furlongs, sellina;: The Bride won. El Plloto second, Brennus third. Time. 1:1M. Fourth race, mile and one-ouarter. Burns' hnndlrap: Modicum won Claude second, 0mn third. Time, 2:0s,. Fifth race, -even furlongs, selling: Albe marle won. Bard B'irns second, Yellow stone third. Time 1:30. Sixth rac. mile and one-sixteenth, sel lina: Bill Massev won. Axmlnster second, LMderot third. Time. 1:49. . ... IXJS ANGELES. Feb. . Ascot results: First race, Slauson course, selling: Eu genie B won. Redan second, Ocymhe third. Time. 1:12. Second race, seven furlongs, selling: Warer won. Foxy Grandpa second, Dot terell third. Time, 1:31. Third race, mile und one-eighth, selling? C. B. Camptell won, Oreenock second, Cloeho D'Or third. Time. 1.66. Fourth race, mils and one-quarter. Ascot Oaks: Sweet Tone won. Columbia Oirl second. Cap and Oown third. Time, 2:14. Fifth race, six furlongs: Rough and Tum ble won. Elwood second, Atlantlco third. Time, 1:15H. 7 Sixth race, seven furlongs, selling: Farmer Jim won. Wlnnlfreda second. Sir Hugh third.. Time, 1:30. IOWA'S FOOT BALL SCHEDULE Hanagfr Spangler Aanonnres Mat of Games im B Played Next Fall. IOWA ClTT. la.. Feb. 1 (Special.) Minnesota at Iowa Field or Rock leld or Rock la and la the Thanksgiving day game announced by Mnnaaer H. E. Soanaler today. The schedule as announced by Manasrar Spangler makes an excellent list from the financial standpoint, large profits being as sured frjm the Chicago. Nebraska and Minnesota games. Manager Spangler has bran accused of running athletics from the ftnahclal viewpoint, but from the coaching standpoint Coach Chalmers Is highly satis fied with the dates, aa light and heavy games are alternated. Iast year's schedule, which was mnile by Dr. Knlpe. who re signed In the midst of negotiations left a situation for Inst frill's cnmri snd profits which was highly unsatiHfactory to Man ager 8panglnr, who was elected last Jure. The' schedule has been filled nut with the exception of the second contest, a mid week game, which may te filled by Coo collere. "The schediil for 1904 Is excellently ar ranged for the learn," said Coach Chal mers todiy. "I think that we will be able to win evory tame on It and round up tho season In excellent form. The games come just right for victory In every one of them." ...... The schedule Is: September 24. Augustsna st Iowa Field; September 27. open at Iowa Field; Octobti 1, Cornell college at Iowa Field: October 8, Drake at Iowa Field or Des Moines; : October 16, Chicago at Chl csgo: October 22, State Normal at Iowa Field; October . Ames at Iowa Tleld: No vember 6. Nebraska st Ilnnrln; November 12. Orinnall at Iowa Field; Nov. 19. Illinois at Champaign; November 24, Minnesota at Iowa Field or Rock Island. ROGERS- AND JONES IN LEAD Win First and Becosd . Reaaerttvly la Rears la r Satarday ft hoot at Douglas Park. Notwithstanding the surfeit of shooting which the Omaha gunners had during 'he week, thetr regular Saturday tourney was hold at the Douglas park grounds Satur day afternoon end reu'ted In nulta aa munh enthusiasm as would have been the case had none of the participants ?et n a pigeon fly for a month. The tsrsrts were live birds, ten to a 1 man, and Rogers of the Number One club won tne nrst prise, wttn a straight Kill, while Jones took second, winging a sw'ft left qusrterar, which fell outride the 1 mit. Several minor Impromptu matches were shot, in which several of the out-o'-town participants In the Interstate, shoot took part. Following Is the score of the regular club match: Rogers. 81 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 210 Fogg. 82 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2-8 Slefkin. 27 1 1 1 8 2 2 1 1- 8 Ooodrlch. 29 I Zl2222 ! I o, w s 1 1 i m I- I I 12121126 .... 1 6 1 1 2 0 2 1 1 26 , S2.... S 2 2 12 2 12! 210 Kem. Downa, Jonvs. 27.. . 8 118810122 9 Ptxley. 28.... ..1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 2-9 ..1 10010210-6 Townsend, 80. BRASS BAND MEETS CHAMPION Wiener Tnrns Ont In a Body to Wei. ana J. H. leveraon ' with En. thnslastla Ovation. WISNER. Neb.. Feb. 8. f Bnaolal When J. H. Beverson arrived home last event". onngwg with him the Combs and the Dlckey-blrd cups ss testimonials of ' his championship of four states woa at the shooting tournament at Omaha, he was given an enthusiastic welcome. A recep tion hsd been arranged under the auspices of the Wlsner Oun club, and a larse num ber of Mr. Severson's friends Joined lr. the ovation accorded him. They met him at the train with the First Regiment band snd a esrrlxe-e and escorted him to the town hall.. There all exoressed their id. preciatton of the hoior which he had won for himself and his town. On beha'f of his friends snd sdmlrers he waa presented by I.. C. Tblemke with a fine "wertlh dog huntina Jacket. Mr. Beveaaon ban Itvort In Wlsner sll his life snd the neonle of tha town are proud of his success. BOSTON BARS THE 'FIGHTERS Failure of Grand Jnry to Indict Does Met Change Plan of Offlrers. BOSTON. Feb. . The- 8uffolk rountv grand jury today failed to Indict Joe Choynskl and "Kid" Carter, who were ar retted ennrged with having engaged In a prise ngnt. ana tne boxers were dls changed together with eight other men held the charge .Of siding and akwUlii me nvni. , Chaf-man Emmons of tne police board said that notwithstanding the failure of the grand Jury to Indict the pualllsts. very time there la an atempt to hold a fight the fig liters the promoters and all nersons n sny degree Implicated would be arrested. MAY PLAY AT ST. LOUIS FAIR Director Cotts of Pardee Invited to Eater Olympian Games Asalast . mivoralty of Mlssonrl. LAFAYETTE. Ind.. Feb. C-Athlstlo Di rector Cults of Purdue la arranging the foot ball schedules for the net Msnscsr Plarks of Kansas university vis ited Purdue this week and conferred wl'h D'ct Cntts reganllna s gam. A gm will probabW be scheduled with the 1'nl versitv of Missouri to be p'yed during the Oitpyplo game at Bt. Jxul. Titled Itrltan Bays Ranch. CHETENNE. Wyo Feb. 8- nclal.) Lord Charles Kennedy, a wealthy English man, has purchased the Latham ranch' near Iron Mountain, paying 818,0ns for the land and cattle. The purchaser is the soa of the Marquia af Alia and baa bees In Wyoming about a jrcax. Rock Island's Restoration of Waif Hatea Regarded Detrimental ts. Onaaba, bnt Orals Men Are Very CheerfaL Tha Milwaukee and Rock Island are tha latest rosds to announce that ' they have met the Great Western cut In the grain rates to the eastern and northern markets. The announcement was made yesterday. The new tariff to be Issued will quote rates of 6 cents on wheat and 4 cents on corn to the Mississippi river, and as there Is a differential of 5 cents more to Chicago the rate to that point will be 10 and 8 cents. The Minneapolis rates are left the same as they were, cents on wheat and 8 Cents on com. "Wo will always bs found standing up for Omaha," said Assistant General West ern Agent Duval, in giving the announce ment of the Milwaukee's prompt action. The Burlington did not make an an nouncement that 4t would meet the rates of the Great Western yesterday, but the officials of that line Stated that it waa more than probable the new rates would be put In effect. No road with the exception of tho Rock Island has announced a restoration of rates from Missouri river points to the gulf ports and Mississippi valley points. It Is be lieved that no other lSio will make such an announcement for the reason that those which have lines running south are more favorable to the gulf business than eastern buelness. fJraln dealers are very enthusiastic over the rates now In effect, as they nre very favorable to Omaha with the exception of some of the gulf rates and If they (are con tinued In force It Is believed the Omaha Grain exchange will bo very successful. "In fact." said one grain man, "we have about all we could aak for at present." Northwestern Silent. It is not anticipated that the Northwest ern will make another cut In Its grain rates to the east, as they are on an equality with the Great Western rates at present, and the new tariff Issued by the Northwestern Is In such shspe that it practically forces all gralrt originating on that !lne to go east from the Missouri river over the same sys tem. In fact, the Northwestern demands the payment of freight on shipments of grain originating on its line at Nebraska points through to destination. This action forces shippers to patronize the line east of the river, as If the grain la unloaded at Omaha and. goes east via another 'line no refund of the freight paid through will be made. ' Detrimental to Omaha. It was stated by a Rock Island official that the gult rates and the rates to Mis sissippi valley points on grain were re stored by that line for tha express purpose of forcing Nebraska and Kansas grain through Kansas City and Omaha. . While the reductions from points in these two states are In effect the grain goes directly south to the gulf ports without stopping In the Missouri river markets. So long at this Is the case It is regarded as a dis crimination against Omaha and Kansns City. If the rates can be restored to south ern points it will force all grain raised west of the Missouri river and north of the southern Kansas line to go east. This tha Rock Island desires, as It will afford that tine a longer haul, than when the grain and grain' products go south. INCREASES DANGER OF FLOOD Warm Weather In Pennsylvania Cansea Alarm on Banks of tha Snsajnehanna. WILKESBARRE. Pa., Feb. .-The steady thaw which began last night Is hourly Increasing the danger of a flood. The Susquehanna river here and for thirty miles above Is frozen solid from bank to bank. No perceptible rise has yet been observed, but there Is such a great depth of snow on the hills that when It begins to melt the creeks wiU be swollen and a large quantity of water will pour into the river. DETROIT. Feb. 6,-The thaw, which wi general all over lower Michigan last night and Is continuing today, accompanied la some places by rain. Is greatly a'dlng the Per Marquette railroad In cp.-nlng up the snowbound "thumb" district. There are fears of flood damage when the melt ng mows run into tha rivers of the "thumb." Kalamazoo reports that the Kalamazoo river has risen four Inches since Isst nljht . At Grand Rapids the Grand river la al ready beginning to rise. DENVER'S NEW CHARTER Promises to Give City Clean Eleettona and Increases Power of the Mayor. DENVER. Feb, 8.-The second charter convention held sine the adoption of the constitutional amendment giving Denver home rule, today completed the portions of a charter which will be submitted to the voters on March 29. A council of two branches, as under the old charter, Is pro vided for. The mayor and other elective officers are to hold office four years. Mem. bars of the city board a are to be appointed by the mayor and subject to removal at his pleasure. An election commission Is created, which will have power to purge the present registration lists of the thous ands of fictitious names said to have been Illegally retained on the books. The char ter limits all franchises granted to twenty years and reserves to the people the right to regulate rates for service. Von Take Desperate Chaaeea When Ton neglect a Cold. It should be borne In mind that every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and makes the system less able to withstand each succeeding cold, thereby paving the way for more serious diseases. Can you afford to take such desperate chances when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of colds, ran be had for a trifle! Sooth Omaha Wlna. The South Omaha Terriers defeated th Johnny jump-t p basket ball team c Omaha at the South Omaha Young Men' Christian association by a score of 19 to 9. Totter was Omaha's star, making all nine pulnta. Trapp waa (south Omahas be man. making six Held uaikcts. The game neiongcti to rtoutn Omaha rrotn tne first, a omana made Pl.t two Beta baskets In th entire game, compared to nine field goal oy tne aomn uniana laas. "J "ay ..P.Laton Co. IVemont Nobr c2l d y ' w""""" !'' mr.wmm F""",wtv w There is a new rheumatism medicine now in Omaha which is actually guar anteed to cure the worst forms of chronic rheumatism and not injure any organ of the body in the least.' The new medicine is Uric-sol. from uric acid solvent meaning that it disolves the excess of uric acid in the body, eliminates it and cures rheumatism , in the only possible way. Uricsol is a California preparation it was discovered by a Los Angeles chemist of 42 years' practical experience as a pharmacist. Uricsol is placed on sale today by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha, who have valuable literature concerning this wonderful medicine. Read here the true stories of the cures Uricsol has made in California: LAID LP FOR 7 MONTHS. Los Ar.gclos, Cal. Having- been laid up sovon months with Articular Rheumatism, I bogan taking Uricsol about a month ago, and I am now bin to work, which I hr-J not been able to do for seen months previously. I am free from pain of cny kind, and simply desire to express my gretltado to you, for I had spent 1 400 with the best doctors, but noth ing has ever given me any relief until 2 tried Uricsol. . Anybody tnat will rsll on ma I will ba pleased to tell of tha good It has done me. Yours truly. JAMES HATES. ' Roosevelt House. CURED AFTER 2 YEARS. Lei Angeles, Sept. 18, 19C4 I have been troubled with Rheumatism In my rlcht hand for nearly two years, and It became so serious I thought I would have to abandon my trade aa a barber. I tried everything I heard of, together with doc tors' prescriptions, but found no relief un til a druggist recommended Uricsol. X tried one bottle and am entirely cured. Rs apeolfutly. O. B. SINKLEAR. a 2 Downey Ave. kriilan t i - ' a- - in miii- mi i - I Carrie Lee Hampton second Vice-President Augusta Ladies Benevolent Society i in,..' Btrlctly purs. A good blood purifier. Mads from the brst rs iscted. hops. Save doctors' bills, and if tried once wa will not have to ask: tor ths second ordsr. Delivered to any pirt of OraaHi, Order a case from JETTEK BREWING CO. 1 or Duuu r. aiLt, ui voufias or LEE MICHELL, Wholesale JTP"Wag"eaBBsrBs 1 1 IT asa. aaa M IMweawf essaal Maoheraaa, NO PAIN'. MO. STAIN. NO STRICTURE. FREE STRINCC. ant to aa address t tL& HBKMABt Sl MaCOanttUL. at Oa laa-aiaa, . I XtfYHYO IE N ix&lMl Kill A LOTION Al UN n ff(p -i 4mA Lai. Wetti? A PUBLISHER CURED. I Office of tha Out West Publishing;' Co. 118 S. Broadway. I feel that It Is only due to tha seiious effort T.-hlch I am aware you have made to provide a remedy for one of the ills of mankind that I acknowledge the result of my personal experience. Having suddenly contracted a severe case of Rheumatism In the muscles of the back, between the shoulder blades, I nat urally, as an ex-druggist, hsd every oppor tunity to treat It by tha usual methods. In fact, one of my physician friends pre scribed salicylate of soda, salol, chloro form liniment, etc., but all of Co avail. In fact, my dlscomfrrt became so great that I could not repose at night In any position for any length of time. At this Juncture I purchased a bottle of your Uricsol, and after a few days' use the Rheumatism entirely disappeared and boa not returned. I, however, continued taking the medicine until tha entire con tents of ths bottle had bsen taken. In order to note Its other effects. I must say that I found no ill effects whatever from the use of the medicine. I shall not go away from Los Angoles without a bottle of It in my pocket. Yours sincerely, F. A. PATTEB. Secretary Out West Company. URICSOL IS 'fi cOonnel! Drug -G ASK THEM FOR A BOOKLET. Q2 you My work ii so arduous and trying to the nerret that I found myself of collapse and heretofore I have been obliged to take a rest for at least three taking Wine of t arrtui, which necessary, and 1 nave gained twenty pounds, sleep wen ana nave a snlendid snnetite and no lononr suffer with sick headache everv month. Wine of Cardui is certainly a boon to women who have nerves and 1 am pleased to endorse it. 70 F3EOP (3 AIMS) 05 0 Miss Hampton had NERVES she was an invalid three years ago. Now she has a good appetite, can sleep well at night, has gained twenty pounds In weight and as vitality and nerves are concerned she can go on working the whole year. She is cured. ' What is the reason for this change? SHE HAS TAKEN WINE OF CARDUI. , . . Wine of Cardui is a nerve tonic acting especially on the female organs. And that is what many, many thousands of weak and worn down women need. They need rest rest from the distressing pain and suffering. Wine of Cardui gave that relief to Miss Hampton. . Don't let anybody tell you you can't be cured that an operation is necessary. Free yourself from the terrible nerve racking pains by taking Wine of Cardui. We want you to feel as well as she feels NOW. Secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui fro a. your druggist 1 . ' , Council Bluffs or Ssuth Omaha. Mrect, umaaa. leiepnoae isw Dealer. Cooacil Bluffs. Tel. St Every Woman i. VT. . m la lotanated and akcmUl know rhL- It... rMt.col.nw 1 1 MMtf. ymm aranw mw I nu al,, do 4u.r. but luuib fur full MrUMlraaaa ilirrrtlci.. In. Woe eaie eolr to aUSI ln).a Ooiaha, Ksbiuaa. 'ill SUFFERED FOR 20 YEARS, THE FIRST BOTTLE PROVED URICSOL'S VALUE Ban Francisco, Cal., Mar. 12. l.01 Uricsol Chemical Co., Los Angeles. Cal. Gentlemen. Being a staunch friend of Uricsol. because of what It has done for me, I want to tell you how much I feel Its merits and what It has done In my case. My story, no doubt, sound the same as many others. For twenty years I have been suffering, off and on, from Rheuma tlam and have spent soms thousand dol lars during that time trying to cure myself. I suffered Intensely. No one knows what agonising pain I endured. I tried many things to help me, applying- heat. taking Internal remedies and going to tho Byron Hot Springs, but from sll these found practically no relief. When through some friendly advice, however. I began with Uricsol, some twelve months sgo. It waa then the relief came as never before. The three doses I took the first day helped me and established my confidence In the medicine, so that I kept on with It faithfully, and now I am enjoying perfect health as a result of Its work. At times I feel the old svmptoms coming back, but a few doses of the medicine takes them all away. I have told raany about it, acd will con tinue to do so, for as one can under stand another's sufferings similar to my Own, I am glad to tell of Uricsol and what a friend It is to any who suffer, from this dread disease. Sincerely yours, I O. 1083 Oeary Bt. Ban Francisco. I FOR SALE BY 0 Sixteenth and Dodge Streets' -9 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. was three years ago, I nna teat i can go on ssooao vicB-raasiDBirr, a-im"irnwseaa "Fellow New Orleans and return $39.50 Tickets on sale February th to 14th Long: Limits and Stopovers. Leave Omaha (Union Station) 0:30 p. Leave Council Bluffs (Transfer Station) C:43 p. Arrive Bt. Louis (Union Station) 7:23 a. Reduced rates every day to all winter resortn. The Only Line With Station at Main Entrance to World's Fair Grounds, giving full view of buildingB and grounds from car win dows. For rates, descriptive mutter and all information, call at Wabash Corner, 1G01 Fa mam St., or addrcwa HARRY E. MOORES, Gen'l Agt. Pass. Dept. OMAHA. DR. SQUTHIX8T0MTS PILLS a sr, ha.i.. uwumjr. L im u.. u Wl atuu.r rmil b. IvtAiitiiul rotOSS I SOB LACKS." ' rul.L t-rtleo..i. t, J 1 im Wul return Wita Qr. mninii aiam fc..s4. .a.. Ut$. a STiTfi V MM II 1 1 VW' -LI LI LS WELLS FARGO MAY CURED. Mr. I O. Rowell, chief clerk rn porehae. I rig and supply department. Walls- Fanro Co.. San Francisco, writes us of the re markable effect of Urtcool In Ms oasa. He waa afQictsd for two years with Bdatlca. and Muscular Rheumatism. Physicians and Hot Springs bringing him but llttlo re lief, he wss advised to try the dry climate of Artsona; oa the way he had to b car ried from train to train, and thence to the hotel. While at Tucson ho heard, through a Waile-Fargo messenger, of Urtoaol aa a new and successful remedy for Rheuma tism. Hi sent for a bottle, but got no relief. Bent for three more, but It was not until the fourth that the pain besran to leeeea. From that time ha Improved rap Idly, and In th oourso of a fsw weeks be csme entirely cured, gaining- 86 pounds la weight His persistency was fully rewarded, end yours win b If you deAsaTSBtne, a) Ik did, to teat It thoroughly. CONSIDERS IT TIE PLUS ULTRA." Covin, Cel., March U, 1X1 Uricsol Chemical Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Oentlemen: I hare been using Urtoeol for Rheumatism In the shoukWrs and re ceive! Immediate and continued benefit. I consider It the "ne plus uitra" and cheerfully recommend It to ail sufferera from I'.kaumattsm. IX M. YOUttO. ' 23 9 565 Br6ad Street. Augusta, Ga., May 8, 1903. all worn out and my nerves in a state montbi every year But lince I began woraung tnrougn tne year u it were VSf ' aooosra ladibs' ssssTOuurr socisrr tha ft'laax.w Mobile. Alau dnd retur. m. m. m. For Menstrua! Supnre;sion - ' ...rtui nnrw t a ivj-a-zrai Una wwia S a.11" S. H'UU a as s toa; I ks St. rla Omasa as IMnui a KAsUfUBniva. slUaaas Sims. Tim avsvlM i! i: v r p. s