Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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llowtd to Oontinne Bitiren by 1 GiTing I
Bond of $15,000.
Com Irk Haaaaet nf Totif Men'
llepabllraa f'lnfc rmmlin la Ba
Most Enjoyable
, . Affair.
From a Stuff Cnrresiiondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 4.-tSperlal.)-The Bank
am t'nlon of the World this afternoon In
the supreme court wtn first blood In the
Injunction proceed In brought ajralnst It
officers at the Instance of Insurance Dep
uty Fierce, and tomorrow will resume, bul
ness, the supreme court having o modi
fied the temporary Injunction aa to permit
of thin pending the taking of testimony
by Judge Robert Ryan, appointed referee.
The erder ' of the court provides that
President flplnney and the other ofllcera of
the company ngalnat whom the temporary
Injunction operated Khali give a $16,000
guaranty bond within five days. President
Spinney said 'the bond would ba filed with
the clerk of the court tomorrow.
The hearing began with a statement of
facta In support of the contention for a per
manent Injunction by Attorney General
Prout and a general and specific denial for
the defendant company by Judge Fields
and M. H. Oaring... Soma personalities were
Indulged In. Mr. Gerlng-severely arraigned
Examiner Wiggins, while Mr. Prout made
trlctures on the management of the com
After the statements had been made by
counsel for both sides affidavits were filed
supporting each and the Judges went Into
consultation for an hour, handing down
the order late this afternoon. The case at
tracted many lawyers to the court room
and moch Interest was manifested.
leek. Improper - Remedy.
Mandamus Is not a proper action tq re
cover from a state or county official who
Mickey. W. t,. Anderson. I J. TMinn. Vic
Revmour, F. A. Graham. R. E. Olffln. J. O.
F. McKesson. It. F. Rose, T. t MnngT.
P. F. H-htnl. 14 T. Dobbins, Forest Moore.
A. Haydn Myer. General C. J. Bills.
Talk Akoit eaatorahlp.
Now that the official call for the repuh
Ilcan state convention has been Issued. It
Is up to the republicans to seriously con
sider the advisability of adopting the rec
ommendation of the state committee to
have the convention Indorse a candidate for
fnlted States senator to succeed Senator
Dietrich. And from the reports coming to
Lincoln the matter Is being seriously con
sidered and the Indications are now that
If there is not a radical change of opinion
throughout the state there wilt be a fight
In the convention. The Indorsement will
not be made without a fight and that Is
certain and the recommendation of .he
state committee will not be turned down
without a flf ht.
Cody Earaate East.
W. F. Cody reached Uncoln this after
noon with the. remains of Ms eldest
daughter. Mrs. Artie Cody Thorpe, who
died suddenly Sunday at her home In
Spokane, Wash. Colonel Cody left this,
evening for Rochester, N. T., where funeral
services and Interment will take place.
' Y. M. C. A. Coaveatloa.
At the First Presbyterian church tonight
began the twenty-fourth annual convention
of the Toung Men's Christian association.
The principal feature of the evening was
The address of E. T. Colton, International
student secretary, on "A World Power."
Mayor Adams delivered the address of wel
come, which was) responded to by Rev.
H. C. Sweartngen. F. I Willis of Omaha
conducted the song service. A number of
visiting members are here and tomorrow
It Is expected that 160 will have arrived.
Boys Held for Bwrsjlary.
I. C. Bishop and Perry Loar, eac"A aged
II years, were bound over to the district
court this afternoon In the sum of $509 eaoh
on a charge of burglary, to which they
pleaded guilty. Recently many stores In
Lincoln have been robbed of small sums of
money and goods and last night Officers
Overton and David arrested these two
rant Birktr Arrested on Cbargs of Killing
Eii Brother and 8iiter-in-Lw.
Blaao Clntblaff aad Carpet la) the
Hons Take a as Iadlratloa that
They Uave Bee a Mar
RIVERTON. Neb., Feb. 4 (Special Tele'-
gram.) Word came to town tonight of a
murder which happened five miles east of
Rlverton, probably Sunday night. Daniel
Barker and wife are mlssjng and Frank
Barker, nia brother. Is under arrest. The
bloody carpet and clothing Indicate
murder. A hole has been found In the
Ice In the Republican river, which Is the
only Indication as to their whereabouts.
Circumstantial evidence against him Is very
Frsnk Bsker Insists that his brother and
wife have gone to Denver, but circum
stances discredit this story.
ha Illegal! retained moneya of his office a' w,ho Emitted having entered two of
S wh
J in
Maxwell's stores and the Vienna bakery,
taking several dollars from each,
The supreme court today affirmed the
decision of the lower court In the esse of
the Omaha t Gaa company against South
In the case of John against Connell the
Judgment last rendered was vacated and
the Judgment of February 8, 1901, was re-
President Rends Reply,
The following self-explanatory letter has
been received by J. H. McClay, secretary
of the Nebraska Roosevelt league;
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Mr. J. H. Me
Clay. Secretary Nebraska Roosevelt
League, Lincoln, Neo. : My uear sir Tne
president has received your telegram of this
aate, ana airecis me to convey to you ana
through you to the members of the Roose
velt leagues of the state of Nebraska, his
cordial thanks tor their friendly Interest
ufflclent portion to rrfake up the difference n kindly expressions.
. . . . - . ' , I Assuring you that your courtesy Is
between his salary aa fixed by law and the greatly appreciated, believe me, sincerely
ui um umcv. 1 yours. WiLiLilAM liUIiH, J ft..
. . I Secretary to the President.
In the case, of Michael Francis Clancy BEATRICE CONSUMERS MEET
lunii 4e0rge cj. Bnnr ex ai, wnerein
Baalness Meat at Tows oa tke Blae
Organise Commercial
after the aspiration ef his term of office.
The supreme court has decided that the
proper action was not pursued In the cae
of the County of Gage against G. W.
Maurer, former county treasurer. Maurer
retained from the funds received by him
while county treasurer a sufficient amount
excess of the fees of the office tn make
nV. up the salaries of himself, deputies and
I Silerks. When he made settlement- with
the county board he acknowledged the re
tention 6f the money and deposited a cer
tified check tn the Beatrice National Hank
for the amount retained In excess of the
fees, to be paid to the successful party
in the action by the County Board of Su
pervisors t6 recover from him. The case
was a test one brought tn the Interests of
the county treasurers of the state to as
certain If a treasurer had a right to retain
rrom me treasury tunas or nis county a
Clancy sued the defendant for damages
because' his son was accidentally shot by a
bell boy. In the employ of the Barker hotel,
causing the loss of an. eye, the supreme
court dismisses the proceedings against
Barker and, remanded the case as to the
other, defendant. In the trial In the lower
court Barker set tip the defense that he
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 4. 8Declal.) The
lfome Consumers' banquet, held at the
Paddock hotel last night, was attended by
was not engaged 'in the management of the 300 representative business men of this city,
hotel, but was merely the president of the I wh met and discussed trade Interests and
corporation, and had no,! voice n the man- organised what Is to be known as the Bea
agement of the hotel as operated, when the trice Commercial club by the election of
sliastlng occurrp.Thti'lower'wonrV'fo6n,d I T. Harden, . president,- and O. H. John
for,-the defense. Trn supreme court up 1 son. vice president. -The president ap-
holds the decision a.,far as Barker Is con- pointed an executive committee, consisting
cemed, but. remands, for retrial In the case I of O. H. Johnson, C. B. Dempster, (M. E.
oi me otners implicated with Mm,
Library Title Valid.
i The title to the ground on which the Car
negie library stands. In the city of Lincoln,
was-declared valid 'by the court. Sarah
Grunlngcr,' a nonresident, claiming to have
an equity In the site, saeked the court to
open a decree of foreclosure rendered
against her and others. The court refused
to J-eopen 'the case and affirmed the de
cision of the lower court
Blr Time at Baaqaet.
The Young Men's Republican club ban
quet, to be given on the evening of Feb
ruary 12 at the Llndell hotel, promises
to be one or the most enjoyable that this
popular club has ever given. The speak
ers provided for and their subjects are:
Governor Bailey of Kansas, "Kansas and
rsaraska. Historical and Political ".ketch-
Congressman George W. Prince, Galesburg',
tu.i w country; -, judge W. M. Robert
son, narroia.- , -ADrasam 'Lincoln." Coni
gresaman Burkett will accompany Con
eajiman Frlnoe from Washington and will
attend the banquet. A -committee will meet
these two at Omaha, will meet Governor
cauey at tne state line and will meet Judg.
iwofniron somewhere outside of the city
Bhults. W. H. Mahannah and A. H. Kldd
The executive committee Is to appoint an
advisory committee to assist In pushing
the organisation.
G. H. Johnson presided as toastmaater at
the banquet, and enthusiastic addresses
touching on trade conditions and a thor
ongh organisation of the buslnesa Interests
of Beatrice were delivered by Hon. R. 8.
Bibb, Hugh J. Dobbs, Olney Smith. M. E.
Bhults, W. H. Edgar, C. B. Dempster, M,
B. Davis and B. H. Begole. Rev. .G. W,
Crofts of this city also read a' poem ap
proprlate to the occasion. ' Previous to the
banquet the Beatrice Military band gave a
concert In the hotel from 7:30 tol:30.
The motto of the new organisation Is,
"Get Busy." and Beatrice will certainly be
greatly benefited aa a result of the meet
ing and organisation of the club.
Polk Coaaty'a .Mortaxaar Record,
OSCKOLA. Neb., Feb. 4. -(Speclal.)-Polk
county farmers, or any one else for that
matter, are not registering any "kick" In
these good old republican times and th
way mortgages are being cleaned out and
getting ont ef debt. January started nut
gloriously In ths matter of mortgages filed
and released, for the record In the county
r.Urk'a nfflce shows that thee m-evo .
All this was rieclrio,! I . . ... . . ...
last nlsht at . , .... J " """ a.M.i.
- v 1111 riun mr
limits of Norfolk.
Reopens Factional Fight. ,
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 4.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Steps are being taken for the or
ganisation of another Roosevelt club In this
city by the republicans who oppose the In
dorsement of C. B. Dempster, who was In
dorsed aa a delegate to the national repub
lican convention by the Beatrice Roosevelt
league Monday night. In case the new or
ganisation Is perfected It is aald that R. J
Kllpa trick of the firm of Kllpatrlck Bros. 4k
Collins, will be Indorsed aa a delegate to
the national convention In opposition to Mr.
Dempster. The formation of the new club
means the resumption of the old factional
fight In this city and county.
Ffad Stolen Property.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. l.-tSpeclal.)-
Th English portmanteau belonging to Mrs.
C. R. Allen of Hawarden, la., which was
stolen from the Union depot last week.
has been found. Burled In a kiln at the
Norfolk brick yards, with Its contents scat
tered about and covered with clay. It was
discovered by three strangers who hap
pened to be looking through the plant
Twenty-two souvenir spoons were m Using,
but the wardrobe remained. The thief Is
thought to have gone to Scrlbner from
here. The police had been searching for
several days.
Expect Rash to) Gregory- Coanty.
NORFOLK, Neb., Feb. 4 (Speclal.)-
Northwestern officials here are making
preparations to handle a crowd of 75.000
people when the Rosebud reservation Is
opened. Already , the rush to Gregory
county has begun and every train carries
score of passengers or more, who are
getting In on the ground floor. Just where
they are all going to sleep Is a problem,
The fact that It Is the last chance at a
government drawing will add to the
Indian Geta OS Easy.
RUSHVILLE. Neb.. Feb. 4--BpecIal.)-
Last night Broken Nose, an Indian, was
shot through the thigh by Running Hawk.
It seems there was a quarrel In the Indian
camp north of the railroad track, and
Broken Nose tried to act aa peacemaker.
when Running Hawk shot him with a
pistol. Running Hawk ' waa arrested and
brought before Judge Edmunds, as-ho fined
him $5 and costs for carrying concealed
assault to do great bodily harm, was con
cluded In the district court yesterday, after
a trial lasting three days. The Jury, after
being out four hours, brought tn a verdict
finding the defendant not guilty.
United 6utet Commissioner of Internal
' Revenue Takes Eummtry Aotioa
Attcndln Physicians Have . Slight I 5 1 UrS SALE Qf LIQUOR BY LUslPANItS
of lajared
NORFOLK. Neb., Feb. 4.-Ppeclsl.)-The
condition of G. A. Lulkhart, Injured several
days ago by being knocked down by a
horse, took a turn for the worse this even
ing and the doctors now hold out slight
hopes of his recovery. The attending phy
slclans were called early In the evening
and paid him another visit about midnight.
At that hour his temperature was almost
102 and he was gradually losing conscious
ness. There Is every indication an ansess
has formed on the brain, vr. J. E. Sum
mers of Omaha has been telegraphed to
come In consultation With the attending
New ladaatry for Kearaey.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) O. Benlnghoven of St. Louis la In
the city representing a lsrge manufactur
ing concern of that place. Mr. Benlnghoven
Is here looking over the field with a view
to establishing an alfalfa mill for the pur
pose of grinding alfalfa for the export mar
ket. When the mill gets to running reg
ulsrly It Is expected that M0 tons of al
falfa will be used weekly.
Cbareh to Celebrate Anniversary.
PETERSBURG, Neb., Feb. 4 .(Special.)
The members of the Congregational church
of this place are making arrangements to
observe the tenth anniversary of the Peters
burg church, March IS. An effort Is being
made to have former pastors present, and
a general resume of the church work for
the last ten years will be one of the fea
Think Goods Were Stolen.
FAIRBl-RY. Neb.. Feb. 4. (Speclal.)-
Sherlff Case arrested two men at Endtcott
last night, who were trying to sell a. lot of
new clothing and notions. They gave the
namea of W. Barton of Iowa and Thomas
Blair of Wisconsin. It Is thought the goods
were stolen and the men are held pending
an Investigation. -
Poaltry Show Opens.
PAPILLION, Neb., Feb. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Papillion is crowded today with
farmers attending the Sarpy county annual
poultry show. Exhibitors from all parts
of the state are present with their birds.
A large program is arranged for tonight
when the Judges will begin scoring.
Alleged that Representatives nf
Transportation Companies Have for
Years ftalllned Prohibitory Law
f the State ef Kansas.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 4 -Wholcsnle In
dictments by the federal grand Jury of
express agents ln Kansos City, throughout
Kansas and In the prohibition counties of
Texas and of liquor dealers who have
lieen shipping liquor Into these prohibition
ststes. are Imminent as . the result of a
movement started by John W. Yerkes,
commissioner of Internal revenue at Wash
The local agents of three large whole
sale tlquor houses. It was announced today,
were Indicted yesterday and arrested, but
released on thelt own recognisance, and
additional bills will. It Is said, be found
against the agent of every express Com
pany In Kansas City. In the state of
Kansas, and In the prohibition counties of
Texas, who have acted as agents for the
liquor houses In selling whisky as fast as
the evidence against them can be presented
For years practically very express com
pany In this part of the southwest has
acted as agents for liquor companies, who
have sold liquor In Kansas and Texas, the
express sgents of the different companies
acting nominally as agents at the various
points, thus practically nullifying the
prohibition law. To avoid the law. the
whisky was sent In sealed packages to
ficticious names and sold by the agents for
"express charges." Millions of cases of
whisky have been sent Into Kansas
For each case disposed of the express
agents were allowed 60 cents.. This natur
ally has proven not only a violation of the
prohibition laws of the states named, but
has deprived the federal government of an
Immense amount of revenue. It Is stated
today that the federal government has sent
dozens of agents In Kansas and the parts
of Texas affected to gain evidence upon
Which to convict the offenders.
Three Kansas City liquor dealers were
Indicted by a federal grand Jury, sitting at
Wichita, Kan., and the Indictments sent
to the office of the' United States district
attorney here.
either, scross the Missouri river st Cham- office during the month of Jhmuhi: j;s
berlaln, 8. I." Mr. Montgomery Is a mem- original liomcMcHri entries, for 21.TtS itcie;
nrry-one nomcsteed proofs, for
7.H? ncres; four final homestead proofs, fur
ber of tho Pontoon Brldse company of this
city. The ptwent franchise of the com
pany expires In about three years, and tho
present eranchlse Jiist 1ssup1 Is Intended
to enable the company to bcftln Immediately
the work of constructing a bridge on a
much more substantial scale, than that now
'Work ef rfcamhertala Land Office.
.CltAMRKRLAtN. R. D.. Feb. 4.-1 Special.)
Following Is an abstract of the business
transacted by the local United States land
6o3 seres; sl(v-ono , rc rvolr lc- irnt.ii y
statements, five sol1!cr's declaratory state
ments and ten canoetla I ton of entry as a
reeult of contests. In addition to the fore
going evidence whs taken 111 twenty new
contests. For a mtda Inter month (be shew
ing Is a decidedly favorable one. ,
Cold Weather at ftnrllnatnn.
BURLINGTON. I.. Feb., 4 The ther
mometer reached S below xero here today.
Grtr hairs often stand in the way of advancement
for both men and women, socially and in business.
Many men are failing to secure Rood positions just
because they look "too old," and no one knows now
many Women have been disanoointed in life because
they have failed to preserve that attractiveness which fe.
ao largely depends on the hair.
hu hm a Nesting te ttiomandf. It la a hstr food, anr4ihl"e: the mot, forcias luxuriant (nwth.
covering hald pota, rottnving frhne9 sod life, and positively Trtnr ta k cr kmtr to its youthful
beauty aad color. Hay's Hair-Health Is not a dye. and itt ue cannot be detected.
Frop Soap Offer rJZ,?a
Cut out nd .trn tM ampon In fiv dav. tk It to ny of the following rfnigcif aaj tny will
Civ yoa iartr bottle oi nay nair-nwitB ana a sgc cako of narftna Radicated Soap.
mm aoap lor riair, rcaip. complexion, matn ana l oiiet, both tor MTly cent ; regular price, 7;c.
Redrmed by leading tfrufrlat ovorywhora at their aborts only, or by ihe Philo Hay
fepecfaltlea Co., tt) latayctta St., Newark, fi. J., either with or without soap, by express,
in plain scaled package oa receipt of ooc aad this coupoo.
i P"P
Any peraen pnrchsituc Hay's Hair-Health
onvwnera in the U. S. who h not r-n
hi snoner back bv addreaftinar Philo Ha
SraciALTTBS Co.. em Laiavette St.. Newark. N. I. 1
Xlms tmistitmtts, Jnsut n kmving Hay 9 Hmirfftttk.
bcuchicd, may have I
Address. ....
Roffowlnf Druggists supply Hay's Hair-Health aad Harfina Soap la tbalr shops only I
Kl II A CO.. 16th anil Dnnglaa: BOSTON STORK DHI C i)KPT nth an4 romU;
BEATON, lMh and Karnatn; MKYKHS-DILLOM. Hlh and Karnam; KREYTAO. 1114 N. Sth: JOHNSON,
Hth and Webetor; XK1U HANT, Hth and Howard; BELt URUO CO., 121 Farnam; HOWELL DRtO
t o., 16th and Capitol Are. -I -
Cass Coanty Mortgage Record.
PLATTSMCrtlTH, Neb., Feh. 4. (Special.)
The Caas county mortgage record for
January Is aa follows: Farm mortgages
filed amounting to the sum of $31,880. re
leased I1J.4S0; filed on city property, 13,550,
released 16,9(1.
Omasa Woman Loses i Ont.
PIATT8MOTJTH, Neb.. Feb. 4. (Special.)
County Judge H. D. Tmvia baa sustained
tho demurrer died by the heirs of Theodire
Boedeker to the second petition of' Mrs.
Kate Johnson of Omaha, who sought to
prove her claim to a portion of the estate
by reason of a decree of adoption drawn
up at Muscatine, la., In 1883. The court
held that Mrs. Johnson failed to produoe
sufficient facts to prove her adoption aa a
legal heir, of Boedeker.
sjasae Maaala'i Baeleessor.
PIERRE. B. D., Feb. 4. (Special Tele
rrarn. The county appointing board of
Stanley county this afternoon appointed
M. P. Kennedy, ex-treasurer of that county,
to fill the varancy In the office of the county
auditor, caused by the resignation of T.
Maupln. A thorough Investigation of the
affairs of the office under the management
of Maupln will be made at once and the
full amount of fraudulent paper will" prob
ably be soon known.
Not a Record by Any Means.
.KEHAWKA. Neb., Feb. 4. To the Ed
itor of The Bee: A few days ago a well
known sportsman of Nehawka, Algot Tang
wall, killed eight mallard ducks with three
shots, getting the whole flock. How Is that
for good shooting. Who can beat It?
This Is not a bad pot shot, but not a
Nebraska record by any means. Several
years ago a well known Omaha shooter
killed thirty-six teal ducks with two barrels.-
Warmer la the Eastern Portion at
Nebraska, with Possibly Rail
t or how gatarday,
WASHINGTON, Feb. .-Forecast:
For Nebraska Partly , cloudy Friday:
warmer In east portion; fain or snow at
night or Saturday. Saturdaycolder.
For Iowa Fair and warmer Friday,
Saturday, rain or snow and colder In west
and north portions. -
' For Arlsona Partly eleudy Friday; snow
and colder at night on Saturday In north;
fair and coldr In-south portion.
For Colorado Ralrt or snow Friday and
probably Saturday; much colder Friday
njght and Saturday. '
For Wyoming Rain or snow Friday;
colder In west portion. Saturday, snow
and much colder.
For South Dakota Snow Friday; colder
In extreme west portion. Saturday, snow
and colder.
For Illinois Fair and warmer Friday.
Saturday, rain or snow; southeast winds,
Increasing Friday night.
For Missouri Fair and warmer Friday.
Saturday, rain, with colder In west portion.
Local Record,
OMAHA. Feb. 4. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
l!Kt. ISO, lftrtt
Maximum temperature ... 2D IS M 12
Minimum lemperature.,,, 'o ii n sero
Mean temperature l ll Jl (
Precipitation 00 .22 .00 .00
Record of temperature and preelpltatlon
at inn ana ror tnis any ana since March l,
Normal temperature
Deficiency for the dav
Total excess since March 1,
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Precipitation since Marc 1...
Excess since March 1. 1903
Deficiency for cor. period, 190S
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S02.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Pleasant to Take.
e '
The finest quality of loaf sugar Is used In
the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and the roots used In this prepara
tion give It a flavor similar to maple syrup,
making It quite pleasant to take. Children
like It, and as It contains no opium or
other harmful substance It has no Injurious
after effect. It always cures. In cases of
colds, croup and whooping cough It can be
given with Implicit confidence. It Is
equally valuable for adults and children.
Announcements of the Theaters.
At a special matinee this -afternoon at
the Boyd theater Miss Blanche' Walsh
will repeat "Resurrection," In which she
has scored so great a success during the
last two seasons. Her engagement will
cloje with the performance this evening.
On Saturday afternoon Mr. Walker
Whiteside will be at the Boyd, presenting
'We Are King, ' a most delicious satire
on the long line of king and sword plays.
It Is quaintly conceived, richly Illuminated
ind dellclcusly acted, showing Mr. White
side In a newer phase of his character,
that of a clever romantic actor. 'At the
evonlng performance "Hamlet" 'will be
presented. Mr. Whiteside giving the title
role. Both of these plays are stage with
much csre and the local reputation of the
star Is sufficient guarantee of the excel
lence of tie performance.
M Orleans
whh?h time committees were appointed and
the hour for. the banquet to begin was set
at SO o'clock. President P. James Cos.
Trove or the club will be the louim.i.r
Tickets will not be on sale to the general
m i lilt,, f ,,,, , .t. . . .
. mtinuni oi me club may
,i -aney apply in time at. 11.60 each.
ineee were the committees appointed:
aiion . Roberts, E. 8.
As an Act of-. Humanity
. I aek yos ta tell me a friend who
neede help. That la all jest the
eoet ol a awn jr. Tell me lo4
the name at asm alck eoe.
and twenty-two released, amounting to five city mortgages filed, amount
ing to t3.8!, and four released, amounting
to t3.6M.S0; fifty-three - chattle mortgages
filed, amounting to V.S4S.10, and twenty,
eight released, amounting to $8,41.17.
Tell Me The Book To Send
Thes I will to thl.: I will arrente wHh a dnia
slat Mr him aa that he Mr take six kouiee fir
Bhuop'a Jleetaratlve. lie take R a atoath ta
Demented Woman Wants ta Die.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Feb. 1 (Spe
cial.) The chief of police was yesterday
afternoon called to the west end of the
elty, where a woman was. said to ba lying
on the railroad tracks. Upon arriving at
the scene he found a demented woman,
half frosen. rolling about on the bank of
the railroad. She complained of terrible
pain In the head and aald she wanted to
be run over, and evidently was watting for
train to corns along. She la a member
of a family In this city and had wandered
away, being at times difficult to manage
on account of her mental ailment.
Charges Farmer with Assanlt.
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 4.-8peclal.)A.
B. Benson swore out a complaint yesterday
In Judge Inman'a court against James Lll-
lle, who resides near Rockfnrd, thlsrounty,
charging him with assault. Constable
Macey has gone after Llllle, who la re
garded - as a tough cltlsen, having dona
time In the Kansas penitentiary.
pre erut it caa So. If It euoeeeoe. the
V " ' wm p' ,h ilet mvi
Ana the eick w't men vord ehe.ll decide It.
e a wh l aek of you-Ju.t a mlaiMe'a
JU1- soetal. Aad I aak It to aid a alck
ll la a raaurkaale tk'af that I do In rettirn-
r""K1 ll no eiher vojelciaa ever olerod. Aa
I do n (or etranaer.
tke reLtf'",tt ,h" "'- tooay-U I will So
Too aak what good It will do.
'. "ll. There la sometime a ouee--
.... oiuer-eiuci medu loe eaaout rure. Bat the
I'l J' ,..m a,r Srov that failure, ore
rare, lor It the? wero evmowa ike oSer would mla
la tho bom twelv yeere 1 here supplied at
fteotorellte t. huudrtde of tkouaaada oa Ju thooe
'mi aad M out ol 40 h... .i .i!.' -lr
raM mat tke cured one
r"i hi wauus rrom the root.
Will Try Vatlaa Machines.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. 4.-(8peclal.)
At the session of the council la'st evening
the proposition of Mr. Abbott, a mechanic
In the Union Pacific shops, who Is the
patentee ef one device used on a voting
machine, to bring a machine here free of
cost If the council would Inspect and test
It, wss accepted. ' It Is 'possible that In
one of the wards of the city the machine
will be used for the spring election. A
machine has been sent for and will be
here In less than two weeks.
they 1,4
are fal
I ad
Andlterlam Opening a Barceas.
OSCEOLA. Neb.. Feb. 4 (Snerlal V The
A BIrk eoe Who Boalerte I . ... , ...r , . . , ,
t. fr Mirt meiw hllhT and I. oii . u"",,u
of eet-h oecuro it. rur. mesa. .ki.. I over Ms success on the opening nights.
M DounaieM ralth la iht. mmi. i. . . . . I i , ... . . . .
llfeiime e eaoerieaco. I h..i V" .A . ium. j no prewoeni or me
of the moot easee that rkrainane r-i" aiVV I association. Keene Ludden. and Secretar)'-
i now wnac it win da. every ounce tnev could for tho nnonlnav
"r?xz,? rizi: ni -cur .nd th. Mti.f.c.
..v., iwyie rvceivro nns ineow gentle
men with Joy. For these two nights, after
Ofer.les oil the vital eruu
ouo t eooior in. orgiiia, tar the hoot reoult ef
wvm mrw mw nKirtrT, give tho
ortooo etroath to do their duty by roouinno
orlr power that Bukos tkem act.
lere ta oo other way. Too raaaot reatoro
week ooslao y ouetorlnf the eaochlae. You muot
m'v eteen ooo loaioe oervo sower la
elreiB of Ike body.
in aeon so owa uader say enerttttoa. Aad It but
will bo oao aader aay cooditlooa. Aad It our
ho thmt Ik. Ahrk M W..., . T?"'
Slmolv am. wklk book 1 OO TVWMMaIa
. . . . "ooa aa the Hmn.
r aot aad kd- bok t oa the kktaava.
droaa Dt. Bk oo 4 tor Woon
U71 B v,. 5 . wWdl.
, BOUS , a hooBtotlem.
Mild raato, sot ehroale. art orlea cured vita oao er
o hum AX sraoakHa,
paying all expenses of the troupes,
association cleared over ttf
Ih a
Is Crlle for Life.
PETERSBURG, Neb.. Feb. 4. (Special. V-
William Schleferacke, a farmer living north
of town, had tha misfortune Tuesday after
noon to fall from a load of hay, and strik
ing upon the froaan ground broke fata nip
bona at the Joint and sustalnliag other in
juries thst will cripple him fur tha re
mainder of his Ufa,
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 4.-(Speclal.)-
Charlea Stone, a farmer residing west of
this city, sustained a severe cut on the
head and numerous bruises about the body
by being thrown from his wagon yestertlsy
while on his way home. '
Aealta Charles Pharea.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 4.-f8peclal.)-The
case of the State of Nebraska against
Charles Pharea of Wymore, charged with
Extends Franchise for Bridge.
CHAMBERLAIN. 8. D., Feb. 4,-(Speclal.)
The city council of Chamberlain has
granted a franchise to W. I.. Montgomery
"to maintain and operate a railway, wagon
and foot bridge, stationary and pontoon, or
19 V S3
02 Inch.
02 Inch
l.X Inches
.u Inch
6.12 Inches
Round Trip Tickets to New Orleans $31.50.
' To Mobile $30.35. ., , .
On sale February 9 to 14th.
, The Burlington la the SMOOTH rosd
Omaha to St. Louis, and there Is hut one
change of oars Omaha to New Orleajis or
Mobile tn the Union Station at St. Loula,
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
: c
; 3
: a
: 3
: 3
I One Night Cure
Omaha, part cloudy ....
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, clear ....
Cheyenne, cloudy ......
Salt Lake City, cloudy
Rapid City, cloudy ....
Huron, cloudy
Wllllston, cloudy
Chicago, clear
St. 1ouls, clear
Ht. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear ....
Havre, cloudy
Helena, part cloudy ..
Bismarck, cloudy
Qalveeton, cloudy
2s; .oo
eoi .oo
Ji .00
M .00
62 .00
til .00
201 .001
Soak the hands, on retiring,
in hot water and Cotkont
Soap. Dry and anoint freely
with Coticora Ointment. ,
Wear old gloves or light, soft
bandages during night. A sln-
gle treatment often curei.
11 CALIFORNIA hi numerous natural bridges, cave, 1 1 . '
I J etc., of no little interest. The mammoth Cave of
jj Calaveras; the Alabaster Cave, the Crystal 11
FalaceCave.onntaininganumberof subterranean ,-. .
apartments, such as the Bridal Chamber, the Crys-
tal Palace Room, and the wonderful Music HalL V
ff The Pleasantet, Shortest and Quickest .
route to these scenes la via
ll ' 16 Hours Quicker to SAN. FRANCISCO ,ia OMAHA Jj
U . than any other line Jf
1.124 Karnam St. 1 Jy
Oiw 'Phaa 811). Jfy'
U! .001
Indicates below srn.
U A. WELBII. Forecaster.
Remington Typewriters
Ample Stock of Excellent Machines.
We Wilt Send Them Any U) here.
' 119 Fatrtiatm 8trf. Omaha.
New'Orleea ta.-.
m m .a.
n -r "s. j v
ill i! .i I "BnMMWsMii j ,! ins, i ,I',WPM' mtmmammm i
Omaha to
New Orleans
February 9ih44th
Long Limit and liberal
Stopovers en Route
For further Information and coriy
of Madrl Gras Booklet rail at Illi
nois Central City Ticket Office, No.
1402 Kama in Ht., Omaha, or write,
District Passenjrer Aent
BBBBaiaBj i J