Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Expert from Thli 8:u Win lint ia Big
Ttam Eboot.
Maa from Eirk Mile ef Hirer Haa
Claim on the Comb Cap,
Which Will Derided
Today. v
The second day of the Interstate mid
winter shoot, which In being held under
tha auspice of the Omaha Oun club was
marked yesterday hy the presence of a
much larger and more enthusiastic group
of sportsmen than was noted on the first
day. The principal event of the day was
the team shoot at targets, the event being
won by the All-Nebraska team. No. 1.
Thin team Included Lou F. Reed of Ohlowa,
D. D. Bray of Columbus, J. H. Bleveraon
of Wlsner. V. A. Waddlngton of Beatrice,
and W. Veach of Falls City. The team
got 221 targets out' of a possible . 250. Ita
closest competitor being the St. Joseph
team which got Z17 targets.
Each team waa composed of . five men,
each of whom ahot at fifty targets. Seven
teams competed In the event, Including
the Omaha Oun club. All-Nebraska teams
Noa. 1 and 2. Bt. Joseph, two from Iowa
and one from Kanaas. The members of
the Omaha team were O. W. Loomls, M. 8.
McDonald, V. D. Townsend, George Rogers
and Frank Uworak.
The two high guns for the day were
O. N. Ford of Central City, la., and J.
If. Sleverson of Wlsner, Neb., each with
47 out of a po"slble W. The tie will be
shot off today and the winner will be
awarded 'the handsome Combs trophy.
K. C. Cunningham of St. Joseph and Qus
Slevers of Grand Island tied for second
place with 46 targets.
On the general shoot for the day the
highest gun waa William Veach of Falls
City, who ahot 13S out oj a possible 150.
The second gun was J. It. Sleverson of
Winner, who drew 137. the third gun be
ing J. W. Burnham of Linden, la., with
13l. '
The Kansas City team did not arrive
In time for yesterday's ahoot, but It la ex
pected to report for the big event today,
i which Includes the open live-bird handi
cap, the handlcapa ranging from 27 to 33
la. Each contestant will shoot at
twiSity-flve live birds, the entrance fee
being 120.
Scores Made Yesterday.
The acores made yesterday are:
1. !. I. 4. 5. . 7. t. 9.
"P. Weatherhead .
Dan Ttmberlake .
Campbell .........
Loomls .
Arnold i...
. Iiworak
Taylor ....
Reed ,
T. Weatherhead
Conley -
Brown ,
Kuntle ..
Mel I haney
Dr. Downs
Ilfeathe rhead
B. F. Veach
B 27
10 U 17 11 14 17 14 IS IS
12 IS 17 14 11 18 IS 11 19
11 12 13 13 IS IS 14 14 18
12 15 IS IS 13 18 l:i 13 1
10 10 II) 13 12 18 13 16 12
S 14 12 11 13 18 11 14 17
13 14 M 11 14 17 8 12 15
11 11 17 14 13 18 12 14 18
6 It 15 14 11 17 14 12 18
,11 7 14 14 IS 14 11 14 17
12 14 16 11 13 IS 11 14 18
. 14 14 17 IS 14 18 14 14 18
9 8 18 7 IS 16 11 12 17
, 13 13 20 13 13.19 14 12 16
11 8 12 11 12 15
15 15 16 13 14 19 13 IS 19
. 11 14 17 15 IS 17 14 12 20
, 12 13 18 13 12 17 12 12 18
, 10 14 17 14 12 20 11 14 19
. 18 13 16 9 11 18 IS 14 17
. 13 14 16 12 12 18 11 14 19
, 12 13 16 10 11 17 12 15 13
. 11 13 16 12 IV 12 .. ..
, 11 13 16 11 12 16 11 14 18
, 11 IS 17 13 18 IX 11 ..
. 12 14 It-13 14 17 14 14 19
,14 16 16 15 18 12 13 14
. 13 14 19 15 13 16 18 14 17
. 11 11 16 12 11 14 12 11 16
. 14 15 16 11 14 19 12 15 18
. 12 14 17.30 IS 18 14 15 16
, 12 13 20 12 II 16 11 18 14
, 14 12 16 11 13 20 IS IS 19
. 16 12 17 14 12 18 14 12 19
. 13 11 19 12 12 18 13 14 18
, 13 15 15 13 12 19 .. ..
. IS 13 13 12 18 16 4 ..
. 13 12 17 12 12 19 12 12 17
, 10 10 11 8 6 8 .. ..
. 10 10 .. 13 13 17 .. 11
. 14 11 18
.11 13 13 13
. 12 10 17 13 IS 17 .. ..
. 8 7 IS
. IS 13 14
. 11 11 13 12 .. 18 10 ..
. IS 13 14 IS 12 17 ..
. 11 11 16 13 13 17 IS 12 IS
.10 7 .. .
, 11 13 15 IS IS It 10 11
. 10 .
. 11 10 1
.13 8 18 13 IS 16 10 ..
. 11 10 15 13 IS 1 13 12 16
. .. 7.
. .. U 10 15 17
. .. 11 13 9 11
. . 12 .. 11 13 18 .. ..
. .. 8 .. 9 S
. IS 16 14 13 17 11 13 12 ..
. .. 14 Iff
18 11 13 IS ..
. .. 14 14 11 12 18 .. ..
tf!8:: :: ::
, 12 10 14 11 I,
12 10
: TpomBdII
Tag ihr raaatfy erer pirn 4 kef ere tha
wtta peattJv guarantee aeej tha
any aaa tftat a esse paaslg have eadereesl
whn their tMUataruaia
All Forms of Stomach.
Dowel. Luna
and Throat Trouble.
KudUM tries rt funded ly rscr gragtict If Brit
Msg sl gjv relief, .
Tb Milks' KmuUlna rVv. evirra Rant Tnd.
Gentlemen I have suffer, for VMra remit
Stomach trouble; hart doc lured continually, but
With DO ffOOd result. Martn rvf Mllka' F.mtil.
"'?". 1 l.r,e1 11 n ' e almost tiuteat
mm. i caoiKX recommend II too highly.
w Yeurs very truly,
M. P. A i ana. Prln. and Prop..
Wabash Business Gullet.
Jtauaey 20, 1908. Terra BauiAln
Tb Milks' Emulsion Co.. Terra TTmite Tiul i
trouble for lour or five years, and have spent
hundreds of dollars without geutog any per
uaaeol relief, until Captata Cour reoonf
mended Milks' Emulsion. I sot a buz and from
the atari It ave me relief. I ooasider h U be
rctneoj iot siomacn trouble I bave ever tried.
I cave raoommeuded It to several f Hoods and in
sac a eaae wej were greatly tteaenled,
J U WllMil,
Wholesale Fruit awl Vefeteblee. ,
Ool I. lisJa. Terra Haute. Ind.
Remember your drug-grist will refund
your money if the fsrat fcottfct of Milks'
ll't diff4r from tk otktr ftlhvt in that
we do not insist upon your using five or
.sis jars before being benefitted. You get
Immediate relief from the brat day's truU.
The MOTS' EMULSION Is akttiaot takt aft
PrJa SO eaata. Terr Haute, M
KoFi; fin-!'
Dolsnn 1
Dantelson 16
Kleve R
da Eaoagh tm Wis
Declsloa for the
i a
South Thirtieth street, last evening, at
tended by about 100 people. The only de
collete costumes noted were worn by Terry
Mustaln and Dan Haley, both of this city
and both can be described In very few
words. Mr. Haley'a towarda the latter
part Of the evening, was quite generously
trimmed with red. and M us tains was not.
The affair waa not very generally adver
tised, for reasons best known to the pro
moters and the purse was the receipts
of the evening, all to go to the winner.
There were, mercifully, no preliminaries
and the men entered the ring at 8:30
o'clock prepared to do business.
They appeared to be very evenly
matched, so far as slse and weight were
concerned, hut before the argument had
proceeded two rounds It was manifest
that Haley was clearly outclassed. Billy
Rhodes appeared as chief counsel for
Haley and Haltch Smith, colored (black)
officiated In a like capacity for Mustaln.
Peter loche was referee and demonstrated
Ms fitness for the position as he haa on
divers and sundry occasions before.
Mustaln went after his man from the
sound of the first gong and In the first
round landed two straight punches In the
Jaw and one on the stomach that hurt his
opponent and made his breath come thick
and not half fast enough. Haley did not
land a blow that did any damage. For the
next three rounds Mustaln rushed things
and while he demonstrated his scientific
superiority over the other man he did but
little damage and Haley came up fresh for
the fifth. Then Mustaln cut loose for fair
and put three stiff punches to the Jaw In
quick succession that would have ended
the show then and there but for the
gong. For the next two rounds both men
fiddled until Mustaln sent a hard one te
the other man'a nose and drew first blood.
This, however, discommended Haley but
little, for the next, the eight roond waa
the only one In which he show to the
better advantage. Three nan" stomach
punches took the smile off T y's face
nd made him want a taste or lemon juice.
It looked, at thin point as If Haley mignt
ave a show to stay the limit, which was
nnounned -as twenty rounds, but a stiff
upper cut In the next round sent his head
to his shoulders and spoiled his chances.
Mustaln was quick to follow his advant
age and between the tenth and-eleventh
Haley arose to his feet with some diffi
culty, and announoed that he had broken
his left hand and could not go on. But
the crowd said "Augh-h-h-hl" and he
changed his mind. He went to the carpet
twice In tha eleventh and took the count
both times. Then Referee Loche said It
waa enough and awarded the decision to
Favorites and Secoad Chelcee Take
Moat at tha Racei at lagleslde
Flaga t Halt Mast.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 8. Favorites and
second choices took most of the races
at Ingleslde today, the only surprise be
intf HnllloV whn scored at odds of 12 to 1.
Out of respect to the memory of the late
William C. Whitney, the flags were at
half mast at the track. Kesuits;
First race, seven furlonas. selling: Mr.
Dingle won, Isabell Traver second, Little
Bister third, 'lime:
ran mile nunc ursTier won
Major Tenney second, Esher third. Time:
ThiM race ruTunrv course. nurse
Gold Money won. Money Muss second,
Hagerdon third. Time: 1:104.
Fourth race, selling: Stutvesant won,
Halnault second, Illlluon third. Time
i iii
Fifth race, alx furlongs, selling: Rollick
won, Bard Burns second, Judge Voorhels
third. Time; 1:14. ... ... ,
civil ru miia snn sixieenin. emims
Martinmas won, Nlgrette second,, tus
Eminence third. Time: 1:47.
LOS ANGELES. Feb. 8 Ascot park,
weather clear: track fast. Results:
First race, three-fourths mile: Carnival
n,- x T.1.1U . V. ir A Time
won, lies bwuiiu, "i .,..(
.14 ,
'lunn race half mile, selling! Moftd
Claim won, Peggy Mine second, Captain
third.- Time; 0:W, " At v'
Third race, mile and one-fourth, hurdle
Tvtnr Tatifla won. Martin Brad v
second, rnn Arcmoniu nmu. ,. ..".
Fourth race, Slauson course, selling:
Madam Bishop won, Hilary second, Gehr-
l 1,1-, T m' 1 I Z
Fifth race, mile, nannicap: raui vt nsirv
won. Olennevts aecona, ... ' d. anioii
third. Time: i:. .
a ih rntm mi inn aaveniy v.mi.i urii
Ing:- Vltruda won. Pilot second, Bcnwans-
ald third. Time: l:4vH. . . '
vrw nni.KANH. reD. s. ripeuim;
trinr race mile: A I. Mode won, Dun
can second. Mammon third. Time: 1:42.
Second race, four furlongs, sellln: M'ss
Galore won, Sony A second. The Doctress
third. Time: l:4.
Third race, mile, selling: Docile won
Miss Melton second, Totness third. Tims
:... . handler,
Ascension won. De Resske second, Huisah
third. Time: i:aw. ,
vMrth mce one and one-fourth miles
..Ulna' Bessie McCarthy won. colonel
1wf1 as smaanin. . TB Ml ga third. Time.' 2:00. raca miia. aeiiinai t iir xuaius
man won. Decoration secona, jaimnin
thirds Time: 1:4a. ,
Base Ball eiabs at Paelsle States Ave
Raw Parties te National
A a m trTiANCISCO. Feb. The meeting
Kail maa-natea of the blc leagues
haa resulted In toe racinc. joasi league
being tsken Into the national association
. . , , hull .1nK Th
Ol liroieimviiai . . . 1 " , .
conference was brief and while the full
rieialla were not riven out it is unoer-
stood that the eastern men granted the
Western league many conceslone. The Pa
oln Cnaii leaoiia waa admitted Into a
special class Dy itseir ana win rana nri
to the two major leagues and above the
thraa rlnM if minor laaaues.
liwiMiin to tha lerma aareed tioon. the
eastern leavuea will wot , M allowed to
take any players signed oy tne coasi league
and vice versa, mere is a nmirornij
over twantv different Dlavera and Hanio
promises to send the list by February 20,
wnen ail awaroa win ds maae.
On Relleck's allevs last evening the St
Charles team won two games of the three
1st. 2nd. Srd.'Tota
Frltscher 214 1W 179
Beselln ' 116 10 143
W. Schneider 1H2 1 '240
Frledhot 1M 1 lag
Baldwin MS M9 191
....... 1T
. JH4
rd. Tots
Wlgman ...
08 1.066 898
In the Commercial league the Drexels
took three 'straight from the Woodmen of
the Worlds last night on the Gate City
1st. 2d. id. Total.
Seaman , ,...168 ' It IM 4
Htearna 146 14 1K7 478
Molyneaux ISO ti 1W
Sullivan 167 1T1 Ins 41
Kerala 188 14S 178 Wl
Totals T7 m fc&l 2.&0
W. o. w.
1st. d. 2d. total.
Yates 174 14 189 fcfl
Foley 166 1)4 161 411
Johnson lot Su3 213 6M
Smyths 142 1 148 460
Mrtweivy .'..Ill 1J0 17 411
Totals 7M tXS 877 2,463 J
Battle wlta the Ivories.
NEW YORK. Feb. 8.-J. Da Mun Smith
of St. I-ouls su prised many of the local
billlarJ pliyers by his defeat of Edward
W. llardnir of Passaic, N. J. H won
the fourth game of the National Amateur
bllltarj championship tournament, which
was played at the Llederkrana club today
by a score of suO to WL. The Bt. Louis
player took ths lead In the fifth Inning
and held II to ths end, although Gardner
pressed him closely toward the finish.
When Smith had only two to make to wia
at the end of ths fori y -second Inning.
irdner added a neat bunch of fifteen to
lila score and Smith could soaks only one.
Then Gardner settled down for a splendid
run of sixty-four, but slipped up on an
easy shot, leaving ths balls In perfect posi
tion (or the St. Louis man te score the
necaary point to win.
. Tulal Smith, w; Gardner, tn.
1. rsrdiuand Potgsnburs; vt the Ueder-
rans clnh scored an easy victory over
the champion. Argur Marcotte, In tonight a
contest, his draw and masse shots tielng
particularly brilliant. The scores were:
Total Poggentmrg. 3w; Aiarcoue, k,.
Datea Fixed for 1'aar Games
Others Will Be Aanoaaced
- Lnter.
IOWA CITY. la.. Feb. 8-(Speclal .)-
Manager H. E. Spangler of Iowa announces
lour or his root ban dates tor next iau.
They are
September 24. Atia-tistana college of Rock
Island, at Iowa fVld.
October 8. Drake university, at . Les
Moines or Iowa Held.
October 15. h Ira go, at Chicago.
November 19, Illinois, at Champaign.
The Chlraco came renews relations with
Chicago, which had been broken" off on ac
count of Chicago's Inability tn play so
luniif iirj Maum aiiii-e linv, w iivii iiw
defeated the Maroons 17 to 0. The Illinois
game Is the same date as last fall, the
?ame being played at Champaign In return
or the game on Iowa field last year.
The Drake game la the same date as last
fall, and the same provision with regard
to playing at Des Moines Is made. Iowa
leslres to play at Dca Mntnes If a suitable
eld Is provided. This was not done lust
ear. hence Iowa removed the ram a to
Iowa field. The same agreement In, made,
the game to be played at Iowa City un
less a field suitable to Iowa Is provided by
Drake at Des Moines. Drake university
xnects to have Its new field comuleted In
time to allow excellent provision for the
Iowa game.
Manager Bpangler Is meeting with a great
deal of difficulty In finding room on the
schedule fur all the universities that desire
games, with Iown. Practically every con
ference college has asked for a date, while
oach Chalmers' will not allow Manager
Spangler to take on more than four or Ave
games. Games In the state will be played
with Drake, Urlnnell, Cornell. Coe. Augus
tana, the State Normal and Simpson. Ames
has been offered a date at Iowa licld which
It haa Intimated It will accept.
Athletics, Shooting aad Fencing; Are
lacladed ia the Aniose.
PARIS Fah rAnutle Herteanv a nl
Lachaud are at the head of a movement to
give strong government support to sending
representatives of, various French sporta
to St. Louis. It Is proposed to raise J12.0O0
lor mis purpose, tne government appropri
ating half the amount. The sports will In
clude athletics, shooting and fencing. M.
Berteaux says the American universities
spent $30,000 In sending athletes to com
pete at uie fans exposition, and that it
Is a matter of national Drlda that oroner
reciprocation be made.
Track Team at Ames at Work.
AMES. la.. Feh. I Rneclnl Telearnnvl
Track training began today at Ames, about
iw men or various abilities turning out ror
preliminary practice. Training facilities
are limited, but the stock pavilion las
been utilized for the use of the men, as
the gymnasium will not accommodate the
team, which will be under the charge of
Trainer Marsh of the Caledonian Athletl"
club of Boston. Marsh Is a pupil ' of
Trainer Jack Watson of Urlnnell. All of
the DOlnt winners In last vmr'n team am
back, except Cofttes, In the runs; Hopkins,
in inn quarter, ana nmitn, in tne vault.
An excellent list of freshmen high school
athletes turned out todav. including Hodr-
don of Orlnnell. In the sprints and hurdles:
fiusseil or west Dee Moines, In the hurdles
and vault; Beard of East Des Moines and
McElyea of Ames, In the runs; Hennlnger
of Council Bluffs, In tha hurdles, vault and
You've heard some Champagnes are good.
Form an opinion of your own founded on
taste. You'll find Cook's Imperial better.
Mrs. Hasan Welmer.
HARVARD, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.)
Mrs. Susan Welmer, wife of Edward Wel
mer, one of the early residents of this lo
cality, died after a. sickness of thirteen
months confinement to her bed from a
complication of causes, aged 67. years. The
deceased leaves a husband and six chil
dren, all but one being present with her
t the time of death, three of whom reside
In Omaha, where the deceased had re
sided for .some years prior to two years
sgo, when she returned again to Harvard.
" Samael B. Haney.
ELKHORN, Neb.. Feb. I (Special.)
Samuel B. Haney, a pioneer of this section,
living on a fine farm four miles south of
Elkhorn, where he , has resided about
forty years, died Monday morning of ob
struction of the bowels, after a few days'
Illness. Mr. Haney was about (0 years
of age and was held In the highest esteem
by his neighbors and had a host of friends.
Burial will take place today at Brltton
cemetery. He leaves a widow.
William A. Hamlll.
DENVER, Feb. 8. William Arthur Ha
mlll, for many years the recognised leader
of the republican party In Colorado, having
served as state chairman, national commit
teeman and delegate to the national con
vention, died today at St. Joseph's hospital
of blood poisoning, aged 70 years. He was
a business partner of the late United States
Senator Jersme B. Chaffee and was one of
the foremost mining superintendents In the
Job. a J. G. Eater.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Feb. .-(SpeclaI.)
John J. O. Euler, who was one of the
laborers who participated In the moving
of the old state capltol of Iowa from Iowa
City to Des Moines In 1862, died at his home
III Iowa City today, He was 84 years old
and has lived In Iowa City since the early
fifties. He waa born In Germany. He
was one of the most highly esteemed Ger
mans In the county.
Faaeral f Mrs. Schrerk.
TABLE ROCK, Neb,. Feb. I. (Special. )
Brief services were held t the residence
of Mrs. Ben Carter yesterday over the re
mains of Mrs. Margaret A. Bchreck, the
victim ef the gasoline explosion, and the
immediate relatives accompanied the re
mains to Hiawatha, Kan., where she will
be burled.
Paaeral af Mra. D. O. Falaaer.
HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. . (Special.) The
funeral ef Mrs. D. C. Palmer, who died
Monday morning or heart failure. . was
held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the
family residence. The deceased was 71
years of age, and leaves a huHband, two
sons and ens daughter.
For indigestion, Dys
pepsia.Belching, Heart
burns Insomnia, Dizzi
ness and General
Debility we urge a trial of
HoitetUra . Stomach Bit
ter, because we know it
will cure you. It haa a rec
ord of SO years of iuoh
cures back of it, and you
can therefore rely ou it
For Sale by Druggists.
Preliminaries to Spring Campa:gn Are How
Getting Attention.
Harmony Prevails In the Ranks of
the Party, While tha Democrats
Are Badly Divided Aaralast
Five cltlsens from each of the six wards
of the city have filed their names with
Secretary E. L, Oustafson of the republican
city central committee, as delegates to the
city con-ontlon to be held on Saturday,
February IS.
Quite a stir Is going on now In local po
litical circles. The republicans are entirely
harmonious, and the fact IhHf only one
set of delegates Is filed from each of the
wards means that no contest will result
at the primaries.
On the other side, the democrats are
already planning for a pitched battle. The
decision of the democratic central commit
tee to use the Crawford system has already
stirred up a row. Some contend that while
the Crawford pyrtem is honest enough, It
It not fair, and that a representative ticket
cannot be nominated In this manner. Others
assert that one set of the democracy will
nominate Its favorite candidates and that
in spite of the ambitions of anybody ele.
Probably the most serious objection en
tered by certain democrats against the
Crawford system Is on the grounds that
It will make a long and unpleasant contest
between a large number of aspiring bour
bons, arid that by the time election, day
rolls around so many disappointed and
bitter democrats will be In evidence that
their ticket will have no chance whatever
to win. But the die has been cast and the
edict has gone forth. The democrats will
have to take their medicine.
Speaking for the republican side, Mr.
Gustafson says: "The feeling In our party
Is the very best, and the prospects are like
wise. We will have a good convention, and
will nominate a good ticket, with every
reason to hope for Its election through
out." Following Is a list of the delegates whose
names have been filed with Secretary Gus
tafson: First Ward L. C. Gibson. K. Tt l.elah.
T. B. Scott, George Curtis, Frits E. Sand-
Second Ward Frank Devercck. Charles
L. Hoover, J. Burke, J.- J. Dally, J. W.
Third Ward William C Schmidt, John
Kubat, J. C, Bowley, Ed Kroegcr, Tom
Fourth Ward William McCralth. P. J.
Trnlnor, Tom Irwin, Peter Olsen, John A.
Fifth Ward George Meslck. John Kooe
lek. Tom Koslnl, Tom Peterson, John IJsv.
Sixth Ward L. B. Walmer. Thomas R.
Cox, E. T. Miller, Frank Plvonku, Jay
Maae Meeting Tonight.
Tonight, at the Workmen temple audl
torlum, a branch of the American Humane
society Is to be organised, and addresses
will be made by Alfred Millard, Rev. John
Williams and others prominent in the work
In Omaha. Quite an Interest Is manifested
In the new organization, and It Is be
lieved that a large number will attend
Every cltlien la Invited to be present.
Honey's Boys Pleased.
The Workmen temple was crowded last
night, the attraction being the Roney's
Boys Concert company. The company
came here under the auspices of the First
Christian churoli.. The performance was
very much enjoyed, and was spoken of In
terms most complimentary by those who
were privileged to attend. The singing of
the yoking lads and the playing of Mr.
Roney were most commented upon.
So Labor Trouble.
The statement that disputes over wages
In the canning department at Cudahy's
has resulted In, the laying off of a large
Many People Die Annually Because of Diseased
It li appalling the
nnmber - of people
wbote livers are out
of order.
I find by experience
In my many yean of
practice as a physi
cian, that we are sur
rounded on every
side by people who
are dying by inches
with a diseased liver,
and who do not real
ise tbs fact.
It Is wicked that
loch s condition ihonld exist when a ears
can so easily be accomplished. I pride my
self that I hare tncoeeded In effecting many
cures that are most astounding, by the nss of
my valuable preparation, Dr. Kay's Renova
tor. To prove this statement I bars hundreds
of letters of gratitude from many different
parts of the country . Following Is one from
the Rev. W. C. Avey, of Weil Plain, Mo.,
"I have used Dr. Kay's Renovator for
liver trouble, and received great Denent from
Its use. As a mild, pleasant cathartic. I con
sider it the best I ever used. Since taking it
I can pats tbrongh the night with bet little
pain, and my sleep Is much more refreshing
than before l began ids ess oi tne ivea
My Renovator acts directly upon the liver.
Jt purines tne blood, tones up tas stomaco,
la the tourist's paradise of California. Tha
points of Interest are 1 Capitan, Threa
Brothers, Washington Column, Cathe
dral Rocks, The Sentinel, Half Dome,
Bridal Veil Falls. Yosemite Falls, Mirror
Lake and Cloud's Rest Tha Voeemite
Falls are composed of Three Cascades, the
first being 1500 feet, the second 600 and the last
400 feet high. These attractions are best reached via
Sixteen Hours Quicker te SAM FRANCISCO via OMAHA
. then any ether lino
Ixquiai At I
rrrr ticket office, ism parxam ate.
number of men Is denied by General Man
ager Murphy and those In authority. Mr.
Murphy said the work In this department
Is rather light now and that It always Is
at this time of -ear. He said that wotk
will be resumed In that department today
on a small scale temporarily.
senator Millard's Bill.
The bill Introduced by Senator Millard
according to the Washington dispatches,
providing for the macadamising of the
road between Fort Crook and South Omaha
Causes much Interest here. Several futile
attempts were made to have this done,
and thousands of promises were made. by
Congressman Mercer. Those on the south
side and the Sarpy county farmers as
well are greatly Interested. The general
sentiment expressed yesterday was that
the macadamising of the street would
work much good to this community.
Con Men Arrested.
Two smooth gentlemen, alleged grafters,
are In the city jail on the charge of swind
ling one I.oren Ford, a verdant youth of
Nashua, out of $00 In cold cash. Ford Waa
at the station lost evening and declared
that the men locked up are the same two
who boarded a Missouri Pacific train with
him at Omaha yesterday, and between
Omaha and South Omaha relieved him of
2ii0, after a strong talk about some Jewelry
one of them claimed to be forwarding to
Kansas City. The men were caught soon
after the troin stopped, and Ford went on,
but soon returned. The money was not yet
recovered at a late hour last evening.
Maslc City osslp.
Miss Pearl Lnts Is reported ronvn4escent
after a severe Illness.
Success lodge No. 28. Roval Achates, will
give a grand ball this evening at the Odd
Fellows' hnll.
Lansing Williams has gone to Arkansas
to run a fruit farm, after living here for
fifteen years.
Frank E. Jones and Jay Williams are In
Harvard on account of the death of their
Mr. and Mrs. William .Tacobson have a
new son at their home, Twenty-sixth and
Harrison streets.
Deputy City Clerk Frank Burness Is
agnln on the sick list, and Mrs. J. B. Ashe,
the former deputy, is doing some work
All members of the team drivers' union
sre requested tn be present at their reg
ular meeting this evening, because of bunl-
ness or importance.
The council met last evening and placed
the curbing and paving ordinances . affect
ing South Twenty-fourth street on third
reading and final passage.
Goes from Bad to Worse.
Always true of constipation. It begins
many maladies, but Dr. King's New Life
Pills cure or no payOnly 26o For sals
by Kuhn & Co.
Two at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 8. (Special.)
Two marriage ceremonies were performed
by Judge Bourne yesterday. The contract
ing parties were Jacob Dumler and Miss
Mary Beck of Russell county, Kansas, and
Richard Fisher and Miss Allie May Tike,
both of Barncston, this county.
' Jamre-C'olbonme.
LONDON, Feb. 3. Thomas L. James,
former postmaster general of the United
States was married today tn Shakepeare's
church at Btratford-on-Avon to Edith,
daughter of Alderman Colboume of Btratford-on-Avon.
Numerous relatives and
friends were 'present. .
Old Chnrch at Webster City.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia., Feb. . (Special
Telegram.) The old Catholic church In
this city burned to the ground this evening.
The loss will be about 82,000. The building
was owned by Councilman Leroy and had
been used as a dance hall, i '
Baslness' Houses In Illinois.
CAIRO, III., Feb. .-Nearly the entire
business section of Grand Chain has been
destroyed by fire. Grend ehaln Is located
near Cairo and has 600 population.
as well at all the other vital orrxni of the
body. If you read this, and bave a ilupg-Ub
liver which manifest itself by headaches, pains '
unuer me tnnumer nisae, a reeling or lang
uor and lanitnde, a dull yellow complexion,
heavy eyes, coated tongne. ileepleunesi, loai
of appetite, and many other disagreeable and
obnoxloot symptomi, I would recommend
that yon consider that yon are in great
danger, a liver tost is ont of order ana mat is
not looked after will soon result in tome terri
ble complication that will make ons an Invalid
for life. I have found many easet where the
liver hat been too long neglected that the
result hat been 4 tumor, and sometimes
cancer hat formed on tbis Important organ.
When tach a ttateentnet nothing bnt a tur
geon't knife will sars the patient's life, and
that it a latt and desperate chance. -
Be governed by mv experience. Go to yonr
drnggiit today. Aik for Dr. Kay's Renova
tor. If your drnggiit has not got It, writs to
me and while writing describe to me your
tymptomt and how vou feel. I will not only
ssnd yon my Dr. Kay't Renovator, if after
reading your letter I believe It to be what yon
need, bnt I will give you advice and prescribe
for yon further, if I think your case needs it.
For the benefit of my professional experience
and advice 1 will charge yon nothing. In
communicating with me all letters should be
addressed to Dr. B. i. Ksy, c-o Ths Dr. B.
J. Kar Medical Company, 2 Clinton 'St.,
Saratoga Springs, N. ., to which 1 will give
my prompt and careful attention.
' iT- i !
Irk Hcadsebs and rdtrrs sll ths tronhlst tset
dont to a bllinas ttsts ef the sratrm, snrk as Dts
tin, Ntnsos, Drowsiness, Dlstrrts sfter sstlnf ,
Psla la tb Side. Ve. Wbils tbrir ainst rtmera
abls snecMS hu bsra sbowa In caring
nrtrhr.r ("rt w'st.ktle Mvttr-tlls am squally
vslssbls iii Const Ipstton, rnrinr and prcvsatini
this anaoyief compli.nt, wbli tbrr slso correct
sll disorders of tbs stomsrh. stimnllte ths llrer
and regulsts th bowtls. JCvra if thry oslf cursd
Ache they would heslmott prloelees to those wha
sutler fnm this dliirnin complaint; but form
nsislr their goodness does not end here, snd those
who ones trr tbsm will Bod these little pills vsla-
hie ia to utnr wsts tht they will not b wi
te io without them. But if tor sll sick hesa
Is ths bans of to many lire that here it whsrs ws
Disks our treat boast. Our J 'ills curs It Whlls
ethers do not.
Carter's Little LWer Pills srs Tery smtll sae.
yery easy to tske. One or two pili J msks a dose.
They are strirtlr trcetable and de not grips or
parse, but by their gentle action plrsss all who
iisethsm. In vials at cents; Are for 11. Bole
by druggists every wh'jre. or sent by atsiu
Now York Cltje
WE ARK POINT! NO Ol'T to smokers the
Ifasun Why HONUURAM ('iKHru ure no
Kooci. It Is because thry Hie miuie honest
ly of kooiI tobacco hv skilled workmen
Why not try one, and Judge Its merits for
1404 Douglas St., Omaha.
The, Only Doubl
Track Railway
between the
Missouri River
and Chicago.
f rt4Msknt ShnKel si sill t1 tn flhtAaUfO. OotllMri
ant asa r-avainaf.mniaa BlsMrninal Mra. iibrHT. buffoi.
lisrwr, psMsa, tSJIPPnuiiw. uiuuil vsss eo vm.wasi
- 1 U.iL 1 . 1 Jll. anil ll 1 1 I I S1
ear. Elsctrio llgbbsxi turoutfoou..
Pu.lmtn ton Hat lawplus otvr ivad couenm, lUnlnfl
Mrs fron Clinton.
5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS drawias-room aad tourist aUMDlnt ran,
frMnclinlnssbair aara, buSst librarr sua tmoktus
ilains oars.
3 ft 111 PnllmandraWias-'WSia'aaplnsoara.buiret
flu AM amokins and librarr eara and (ra r Hrv
, Ing ohatr eara to Chisago, lining cara.
II Id III Through sanies Omaha to Chicago
I .ill AM North-Weslera .taudard dar ooachea
"m and fraaebalr eara. lllnlosoara.
4 IE nil fraa ahatr eara ta Chieagn. Pullmas
o f M rsjriiKit?1 w-
7 5 0 am ,h"t'oa " pr'r "
81 l DU Poll ma" .leaping eara, baffat librarr
, 9 I HI sara and traa racllning chair cars.
lcdwnod fci
Fullman tlM
To Kr m ont. Mnonn,Whoo, tTid Hty,
York. HavatlnaTsU Hwr4. Gone). Hup
- 11. t L1. fl..a. tin. Ll,. r.
is i rss m av . iniu a m mi siw' '' "
lxdwnod had Jjd. Through roc Ita inf. etuUr cm
run mam tiMping cavr torvioo.
& f.1 lU To Frtmont. LlnMltt. Wahoo, Norfolk,
P.UU AM Lone Hu.yardir. BouaalWlaad Lho
fioaooud lndiaa liaarvuoa rauntrr. .
1401 and 1403 Farnam Street.
Charges Lest Than all Others
Tresis all forma of Diseases mi
Twenty-eight years' experience
, tighteen years In Oman
Tl, 4wtnr'a rtn&rksbla SUCGSSS ha
never been equaled. Ills resources aaa
facilities for treating tbis Class Jf olseaaes
are unlimited and every day orinaa jnsn
flattering reports of the ood be is dotna,
r the relief bs has given.
All Blood Poisons. No "bHliXKINO OUT"
sn tbs skin or face and aii eaieraaJ eigua
ef the disease dlsapiea at once. A r
manent curs for Ufa guars a teed.
FlD fl lc cured of Hydrocele,
rtLAH OU,UUU Blncture. Oleet, Nervous
debility. Uss of Biresgth and Vitality
and all forms ot chronic aseeseS.
Treatment by mUL - Call or write. Boa
IC4. OiDce tii Sou La lit eL. Osaaa. Mas,
.Every 7oman
la biLaaMaiil find hntild k now
aviMHit ui w unaerrtu
MARVEL curling Sprny
Th IVf W asTkmal H;i4jkM. isUaW-
hummmd Ayrtton. Urn hal-
Nii Loneminu
Mat NaT Iflfflf! IW H.
If h CaMlllotAHpMly tha
MAHUL. atas'-apt lit
ulLcr. but ftr-nd Mavtua for
llluUraul ltok-eir. It iva
full ikArlli'sikatrgi aiu! 1litkrtlIia lit
TavluAbs to Lawliea M AK-LCO
t I rra a
for i only hf
ITtlUl L r ft -J DouylM.
Caa Bis for saa.tora.
eiac bar saa.ts SaaimaMusa,
IrritaUeua er alaaralleaS
ef sum MBbrsMe.
itui-aP iMiiiU (ia ...I mm "'"-.'
, 1 aggtsta,
V S.S.A. i Ot sas ia slaia .nnft
J- er sas ia slaia wri
tr ei iw. sraeaiS,
SI SS. or I bMII Cl Ti
UnulM sast e (aa
2 -V.
POSTorriri: notice.
(Rhoulrl tM rrsrl tIAII.V hv all lnlarul.,1. 1
as cliantcs msy occur at any tlm).
Foreign nirtlls fur the f.-k sliding Feb
runry . 194, will i losn ( PRoM I'Tl.Y In all
rass) at the U.-nrral rostxfTicS as fellows: '
l'AK(.'Kl8-I'.MT MA1I.H clnse on hour
rsrller than closing time shown below.
i'Mrcr Is-post malls for Urrmsny close st
p. m. Monday, per s. s. r'rankfurt.
Regular snd fliipplcmsnlary nislls rloss st
ForeTfrn Station half hour later than clos
ing tune shown below (except that Sup
plementary Mulls for lCuropo and Central
America, via Colon, close one hour later
at 4'oroign Station).
Trass-Atlantic Malls.
Tin'RSDAT At 7 a. m. tor FRANCK.
and URIT18M INDIA, per s. s. I.a Chsm
pngne, via Havre (mail for other parts
of Europe must be directed "per s. s. .
I.a Champagne"): at 7:o a. in. for
ITALY direct, per a. s. Trlns AJnlbert
(mall must be directed "per a. a. rtins
SATURDAY At 5:80 a. m. for IRELAND.
per s. s. htrurla, via Qucenstown (msli
for other parts of Europe must be di
rected "per s. s. Etrurla"); at 6 a. m. for'
ECROFE, per s. s. Bt, Louis, via
1'lymouth and Cherbourg; at a. m.
for BELOIL'M direct, pr s. s. Finland
(mail must, be directed "per s. s. Fin
land"); at 11 a. in. for DENMARK di
rect, per s. a. Nora-a (mail must be ul
rected "per . s. Nor"l.
After ths closing of the Supplementary
i rsnsatmniic Mans named above, addi- l
tlonal 8uppiemeutHry Mails are opened
on the; piers of rh Amerlcsn, Englislv
l rencli sni) (Jernian steamers, and re
main open until within ten minutes of '
the hour of suillng of steamer.
Malls for Soslh asd Central America,.
West ladles. F.te. ,
THIRSDAY At a. m. for CI'BA. per s. i
iwonierey (man ror Mexico, via rrn
greso. Campeche snd Vera Crus must be
ilnectcil "iicr s. s. Monterey"); at s a. m.
for BERMI'DA, per s. s. Trinidad; at li
11 t . XI 1.' V t I 't nAM m 1
"... ... I.-V IV . TI . . Ml, VI, 11, . , ,
Tamplc i (ninil must be directed "per s.
s. Jiison"!.
FRIDAY At 8 a. m. for RRAZIU per s. s. :
i ennyson. via fernambuco, tinhla, . rllo
,Jnclro and Snntos (mall for Northern
Hrnzll, ArBentine, t'ruguny end Para
guay must le directed "per s. s. Tenny
son"); st 19 a. m. for HAITI, per s. S.
Prtns Wlllem 1 (mall for Cape Haiti. Port
d Pslx, ' Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad,
British and Dutch Guiana must be di
rector "per s. s. Prlns Willem ) ); at 12
m. (supplementary 12M p. m.) for NAB-
BAIT, per s. s, Orlsaha (mall for Ran-'
tlago must be directed "per S. s. Orl-.
SATURDAY At 8;J0 a. m. (supplsmentary
:3H a. m.) for pokto kicu.
1 s. s. Caracas (mall for Rav-'
anllla and Cartagena must bs directed
"per s. s. Caracas"); at 8:80 a. m. (sun-
pigmentary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE
s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica
must be directed "per s. s. Altai");
:30 a. ni. (supplementary 10:S0 a. m.) fei
DUTCH and FRENCH OUIANA, per s. s.
Kontnbolle; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s.
Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:80 p. m
for CUBA, per s. s. Ollnda. via Matan
zss mall must be directed "per s. a
Ollnda": at U':S0 p. m. for ANTIQITA, .
s. Cltta dl Messina (mall for Bsrba
d s. Trinidad. British, Dutch and French
Oulana must be directed "per e. S. Cltts
di Messina").
Malls Forwarded OTrlnA Ete.. Ei-
cet Traas-Partfle.
CtTRA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closesai
his office dally, except Thursday, at
15:30 a. m. (tns r onnecting mans nnm .
i."Tn on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat
urdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially
arldressed for despatch by steamer, ciosen
ct .this office dully, except Sundsy, at l:i
p. m. and 11.80 p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p.
rv an A 11 lit ft m -
I E WFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd
ney, and thence dv Meamer, cioaea i
this office dally at : p. m. (connecting
tnalli close here every Monday, Wednes-
dav as ni Ha t,rAa V 1
JAMAICA By rsll to Flilladelphla. and
thence by steamer, closes at inis uuitw
at 11:30 p. m. every Sunday.
By rail to Boston and tbenee , by
steamer, closes at this offics si C JO p. sa
t ,ru lTrM.v
MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenea
ry steamer, closes at mis oinca isiiy i
MALA By .sll to Mew Orleans, snd
thence Vy steamer, closes st this office
diillv, txcept Bunday, st ll:so p. m. ana,
fluSo p. m., eu.idaya at 1:00 p. m. and
111:30 p. in. (connecting mail closes hers
lnnriMva mt 111 :JM) n. m.)
COSTA RICA By rail to New Orlesng,
ami ibenct ny steamer, closes ai inis
office ditllj', exceet Bunday. at 1:30 p. m.
and 111:30 p. in., Sundays at 11:00 p. m. and
11:30 p. m. ftr.nnectlna; mall cloaca here
Tuesdays at ,11:80 p. m.) '
BAHAMAS (.'xcept Pr.rcels-Post Mslls) ,
J-y rnil to Miami. Fla., and thence by
sUtmer closes at a:Xi a. m.. every Mon
day. Wednesday ard Saturday.
fKeglstered mall tlores at .O0 p. m. pre
vious day.
Traaa-Paeiac Malta. . . . ;
CHINA and JAPAN, Via Tacoma, close
here dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to January,
31st. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a.
Victoria. ... .
CHINA and JAPAN via Pcsftl. close
here daily 8:30 p. m. up to Febiuary 9d.
Inclusive despatch per s. a. Ksga Moru.
PINE ISLANDS, - via Ban Francisco.;
closn here daily at :S0 p. m. up to
February 5th. Inclusive, for despatch
per a. a. Qaello. . ,
San Francisco, close here dally at t-M-t,
m. up to February th. Inclusive for
despatch per s. Msnposk.
SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco,
close here dally at 6:30 V- m. up tl Feb-,
ruary jth, Inclusive. for despatch pei
s .. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer
harrying the British mall for New. Zea
land does not arrive In time to connect
with this despatch, extra mans closing
at 6:80 a. m., :30 a. m. and 6:80 p. m.;.
Sundays at 4:80 a. m., 8 a. m. and 6:8
J, m. will be made up and forwarded
intll the arrival of the Cunard stesmer.)
PINE ISIANDH. Via San Francisco, close
here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February
s 12th. Inclusive, for despatch per a. g.
J long Kong Mam. , .
HAWAII, via Bast Francisco, cloae here
dally at 6:80 p. m. un to Februarv 16th,'
Inclusive, tor despatch per s s. Alsmeds.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6 30
p. m. tip to February 17th. Inclusive, for
despatch per a. s. Empress of China.
(Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agenry at
Shanghai cannot be forwarded via
cisco, crose here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to
February lth. Inclusive, for despatch,
per U. 8. Transport.
couver and Victoria, P. C. close here
dally at 6 30 p. ra. up to February l-Tlh.
Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Mlowera.
NOTE. Unless otherwise srtdresed. Wast
Australia Is forwarded via Europe; and
New Zealand and Philippines via. Ran
r rint'-iii. "i." .
pines specially sddressed "via Canada" er
'"via Europe must be fully prepaid st
the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded
via ran r rso-i-u r.i ium.rij,
Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded te port
111- J.ll- mmA , V. u.ltl.,1. Aff .1...
1 M 1 1 1 1 ' unitj ,,w ........... .
Ing is arranged on the presumption ef
their uninterrupted overland transit.
Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. pre
vious day.
Poetofflee, New Tork, N. T January t8.
wt i
Cure all Special '.
Treataaeat aad Medietas
$5.00 PER .10IITII
Examinations and advice fres at office oi
by mail. Written contracts given In all
curable diseases, or refund money paid for
treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 years
In Omaha.
Cer. 141 a aad Oaaglas. OMAHA. Ill,
" Write fa saaasle Ceyy.