12 TTIE OMAHA' DAILY KEE: THURSDAY, FEHRUARY 4. 1004. M tag, ! u Ktgfct Cleago Mow Terk Tralas leare Chtrejro Union Station dally ovr Fennsylranla Abort IJnea aa fllo's: 10:03 a. n.t 1 o'clock p. in., t o'clock p. tn., 'clock p. m., o'clock p. tntnd 11:45 p. m. Two routes: the ftTt Wsyne,the ahorteiil Una East; or the Fan-Handle the lower-fare pout a. Inquire of C Li. Kimball, A. O. P. Art.,' No. I Bherman street, Chicago, for further Information. . I. . f31.SO ta Ksw Orleans, La., and return. K35 to i Mobile, Ala., and return Feb. th-14th. Long limits and atop-over All Information at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnaro at., -or address j f tlarry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., .. ' '. Omaha, Neb. ' tatportaat to TrtTflfru to tho Rataral , ' ',' Gas Belt. . Tho I o'clock p. m. train dally from Chi. nio over Fennsylvanla -Short Line has drawl n i-room- sleeping car through to Miincla via Converse, reaching Munclo next morning. C. U Kimball, A. G. P. A (ft.. IVo. t Sherman atreet, Chicago, will reaerva berths In advance If requested. A (rod location for a Methodist 'doctor, Address C 24, Bee office. ' Marriage Licenses. TTp to noon Wednesday tho county Judge Bad Issued license to wea to me louowing coipl: i Name and Residence. A J?" Oliver Onulaon. Omahof. K Mary Peterson, Omaha 18 Charles V. Doll. Millard. Neb 31 Amelia P. Mullen, Millard. Neb. K 1-K. Wedding Rings, Ed holm. Jeweler. Cook I Demon tratlon Every Day on Main Floor 1 Atteattoa Elks. Tou are especially ' requested ' to bo present at regular lodge meeting Friday, February 6, aa matters of considerable Importance are to bo considered at this moating. Bo sure and be there. Fraternally. FRANK A- FURAY, Secretary. Watrhea and diamonds. Your rredlt Is good. A. Mandelberg. jeweler, 1622 Fern am. Freight Haaellcrs e Strike. NEW TORK, Feb. 8. Six hundred freight nnnrtlere employed by the New York. Naw Haven A Hartford railroad have gone on strike far higher wag-as. They are em ployed at the filers on the East river. $1.00 Underwear 45c. Thursday morning wo place on aala In our salesroom on tho second floor U0 doaen of Men's Wool Ribbed Underwear; dolor a beautiful shade of old gold, shirts have a fine finished nook, band, satin trimmings, pearl buttons; tho drawers are also hand somely finished; It's a regulation dollar garment, sale price 46c; It's tho biggest ujhderwaar bargain ever offered In Omaha without a doubt Wo also like to Impress on your mind that If you need any goods to pro-tec you from tho Cold, that ours la the place to coma for them. There are many things on sale hero way below actual value. Fur Overcoats from t&tO up. Strong Pants for work, 75o a pair. Odds and ends in Boys Clothing very ciheap. Men's Blue Beaver Overcoats, , tlSR. Heavy U let era, fg.m. Oenulno Bauclay Overooata, 14. 90. Good, substantial every -day Suits, $S.Ni Ken's double-breasted Black Cheviot Suits, 14. SO. Choloo of Pants, worth up, to UW, your pick, II .SO. Fancy Vests, 9o and t8c. , Blanket-lined Puck Coats, 48o and TCo, Sheep-lined TJIstora, 14.96. Extraordinary good -values) la Overcoats at I7.M On our main floor we show special values tn Man's Suits at 17-KX For HO.00 we have on sale a fine black doublo-breaated Thibet Suit that compares favorably with tho production of merchant tailors. Another good Offering; Is Una ot Men's Pants at 12.50 and .. . Tha C;::.. Clothing Co., .udiikZi aUouffiat street. For the Rest of ike Week When Drexel advertises a- cut In price everyone knows It la a gvnulns euL Our stare yeeterdajr was proof of this all day we ware busy stlln cut price shoes for tho balance of the week wo off or theae out prtoo shoos. Women's Shoos, turns or watts, regular H eod . 6 values, for 1.50 Woman's one-Krap allppars far house 'wear, regular. . U-M and HM valua, for... Misses. Shoos (broken sisoa) gas fat regular ILM to fXCO kP values, for ........... J Women's Shoos, spring heel values, for.. 100 pairs men's 13 59 dou ble sole patent calf out to ....... 1.25 2.50 DHHXEL SHOE 00., 1419 Tanum Strest. Omaha's Lte-Dts Shot Hout TELEPHONE 431 -HI FA H NAM ST. SGE1AF2TQH HARD COAL ALL SIZES. ' ROCK SPRiHGS COAL CAKOH'CITY KUT COAL FCa CCCK STOVES ' And many other grades, from cheap, est to the beet. IcLrscIra Fuel Co. 1414 Faraam St. . phono IslL. asai a'-' (y VJ.-, Thursday's Big Bargains Ladles doll Skirts at 69C-A lceabla skirt, made of warm, torlaU, In corroot walking leDrvbs all sisos, worth up to 2, in basement at gtxd, aerv stjllsh ma- 69c at $1.98- 1.98 Ladles' Stylish Wslklnf Skirt. Here are rrrular $3 60 quality Walking" Bklrta, made In the swell mannish clothe, every.' skirt well fashioned, at Ladles' Winter Cloaka at $8.00 Warm and aervlcectble winter cloaks. In the very latest and smart est atylpM, many military, jack ets, worth up to $15, at Ladles' Winter Cloaka at $1. strong, warm cloths, all are clocks that wrjuld regularly sell at $5.00 and $.0V tomorrow, at.. Ladles Winter Suit, at $6.98 Tailor made Suits In latnst styles , and fabrics at ... ........... ....... Pretty Winter Suits Stylishly and hanrinomely mad and trimmed, worth up to (18.00 and 120.00 . at .j 5.00 '8 Made of 1.98 6.98 9.98 ' In New Picture Dept. Basement $1 Gold Plated Photo Frames 29c Sold plated Florentine pattern cabinet photo frames, In dozen, of fine design they tra sold all over tha country at one dol lar special today In our new department JiyJl basement at s&r S 2c dozen for 10c Moulding Hooka. . . .. ' 3c for 10c box Picture Cord. Be for lOo Brass Picture Chains Ladles $5 'Silk Waists at $2.93 Beautifully pleated and tucked Bilk Walstalu all the prettl- , Aft est and daintiest new colors aotuaUy worth P JM ftvo dollars each afist.avF at Embroideries and Embroidery npunolnjr, In all width, up-to 27 inob.es. worth uptoTSe yard, at, yard...... JS Ladlea Turn-over Collaii, very popular, at, , " , Cn each . On Hoflday, February 8, We Will Place on Sal 25,000 YARDS OF BOBBINET la white, ivory and Arab colors, fine and coarse meshes, up to 7S Inches wide. These goods generally sell at ISO yardwo bought so advantageously that we will be able to sell at ISo yard. . . . . s J Now on Display In Our Front Show Window Watch J Our ( Watch Our windows OH SALE SATURDAY FEB. 6 . 'eUTDide mm Cough) from I. D. Ilipin, Assignee 132 NASSAU ST., IIEV7 YORK . ed's mm m sorrs ' Oa Stia Saturday at Less Than Half Cost to v Llanuf act uro DR. BRADBURY Palnleaa Extraction , ' ' Without Oaa. FUuns. 80c up Oold Crowna, $3.80 up Bridge Work S2.80 up Lady Attendant (Tradins Stamps Free IT llli THE REI.UIUB STORK. Trading Stamps Free Titir -vtto roirra knv. TtinTtTTH AT OT'R flfKIPfl ATtR TtTflTTT TITAT ' OUR PREMIUMS ARK BIPFHIOK TO ANT OT1IFR9 OFi rtK' rilKK U H TRAPINO ATAMP8, IS CLKARLY PRMPNSTRATKU BY THE THRONGS OF, BATIBFIKI C'l BTOMERH WHO PAI1.Y VISIT OUR BTORI5. ,I0 YOU WANT TO BAVK MONKY ON WHAT YOU PUT. DO TOtT WANT TUB HIGHEST RATH OF INTEREST ON WHAT TOU BPBNDT IT BO TRADE AT HAYDEN'S. How Is Your Tine. Hen's $15 and SIB Suits tnd Overcoats, at $10.00. tailored throughout; medium and long Irna-thn, garments fit for the most drey dreiwera, worth from 1 16.00 to f Cf IS 0(: our sale price MEN'S PANTS , A Ursa line of Men's Pants, about ) pairs In all, will be placed on special sale Thursday; they come In all shadea and colors. In atrlpes, jlalds, mixtures and plains, wpII tflllored, iieriect fitting nr menta, worth from $3.00 to O Rfl 5.00; our sale price Ask to see our line of HART, 8HAFF NER & MARX hand-tailored clothing, su perior to all other" makes on the market. We are sole Omaha selling agents. Ml til Men's hlsrh-olaaa all-wool Suits, In cheviots, cajwlmeree, worsteds, serges, etc., an tne most popular ehadna, both mixturns ana plain colore, and cut In the latest styles. ail nano-ianorea wun nana-peoua snuui dere and self-retaining hair cloth fronts, neat, dresvy garmenta that will suit the most rasudious buyers. i noi aeiay, but come Bt onoe and get your pick of the best. - Not a suit worth less then H5 90 to.tU.00; sale ( f fl 00 MENS FtNB'AiXWOu'bvicRCOATS. In cheviots, kerseys, beavers, vicunas ana many other popular ramies; any snane you wisn, in plain or mixea coiora. nno- Optical Dept. PERFECT FITTING FRAMES CORRECT LENSES ABoULUTiiLI U(Wt3- riUVJlk" Great Cloaranco Salo of Warm Shoos and Slippers .69c Women's $1.15 beaver foxed bale at Women's and misses' 4So all felt slippers Women's fine Jersey . Cloth AlUftur-tit 19c 29c Men's and women's Goodyear ROc glove Alaskas at JT Women's fine viol kid lace RQ shoes, worth $2.2&-at Vd. Child's tl.00 and 1.2B sample - nOc shoos-at Exceptional February Furniture Salo RolM nak romblnatlon book case and drsk -worth 116.50- . 12 5U Couch, 36 Inches wide, H feet long, steel construction springs, i irau ; urnoieienng any u m,- wlrra onlv -"- Quarter sawed oak ladles' desk ' ft.ttf Quarter sawed oak rocker, larga size, wood or cobler seat worth $4.a O QS sale price "Trl , anil a hamnm nlte !4x French bevel flass, nicely carved, splendid J K-r.. narlnr ailitn. HOlId Oak UPholstOr ed In best gray velours 22.50 KVILU ffM.wu w v. ...... uphnt- Davenport couch, largo else, quarter sawed oak. hand-carved and polished, PhJ stered in beat irrade vlouna; a beautiful piece ot furniture- . 29.00 wonn no.wsato pne t Elardnaro,, Stoves and jlousefurnisnings. Soo Vhat I2ic Will Buy. S-pleco knlfo set l2C Set tip table spoons 124 Granite wash baaln 2Jc 2 granlto plo pans ' 12gC 12-lnch turkey duster 12iC 12ic B-lnrh granlto v . dipper ...,......" 3-doien coat hooks at 10-quart tgalvanlsed pall at 14-quart granlto pudding pan t : Single knlfo slaw cutter at Gallon oil cans at Kitchen meat saw- at , Folding lunch box , "Y ...,t2ic .:..i2ic ...J2ic 12ic 12ic ...12ic ...12ic ...12ic ...12ic Bolstered butcher knlfo at ' Wash board 12 J C 8-quart tin dish pan 12 iC 124 at Kn-ft. hidnd clothes line tl.U rolls toilet paper v. IITL I M t n at 1 - w opppiiT. rTTT PTJTf-H! OT AT.Tj HEATING STOVES WANT TO CLOSE OUT AXi. HEATING STOVES ON OUR SAMPLE FLOOR-OUR PRICES WILL DO IT. Read Theso. Roliablo Gut Grocery Prices Gift Coupons With Every Purchase Pure , Cane Granulated Sugar 1 IV.. for - White or Yellow Oornmeal, large sacks. 12Vfeo 5 lba hand-picked Navy Bean.. ..,15 is. good japa.i rice io is. fancy nearl tapioca 10 (lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats ...l!)o i gallon cans ouirornia urapes, pn- cots, fears, feacnee, ureea uaaca vr V.ur Plums ....Sfio 1 gallon cans New York Apples 26o Choice Mince meat, per pkg ..Be f-lb. pkg. Self-Rising Pancake Flour.... 7Ho -)h. cans Wax Beans , Ko t-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes 7Ho 13.00 WORTH TRADING STAMPS FREE t o every purchaser ot one gallon can ot 2-lb.' cans Early June Peas 714c RELIABLE DRIED FRUIT SALE Large California prunes, lb ,.....8Ho Choice Utah peaches, lb 7 Via English cleaned currants, U. .8Ho Fancy Bartlett pears, lb Uo Virginia blackberries, lb TVa New York cron Rln apples, lb R'no Fancy Moor Park apricots, lb ..........120 FRESH FRUIT SALE ' Larae fancv bananas, dosen ...1 i2Ma Fancy navel oranges, dosen ...lie California Juicy lemons, dozen ........ ..lOo 1-lb. California wlilte figs, pkg 7'4o Fancy New Jersey Cranbenles, per lb.. .70 our Fancy Golden Table Syrup.. Mo HAYDER3;: BROS. (LuncK With Us I something special that will strike your fancy and the ser vice is the best. Something new narahmallow Caramels PHONE.71I - 1506 Fartiom - RrtiiftKJ. DENTIST. Wa positively remove t f-k . 'nerves from teeth with out tho least particle o pain. open Sundays 10 to 12. :-VVALENTINE The Finest and Largest Assort menf in the City. All New Novelties. THE-WQYER;STATiONERY CO. 220-222 SOUTH I6TH STREET. R.0GK SPHINGS COAL $7,15 Per Ton. Central Cca! and CckJ Co. . Irood Inspector. fl. L. RULUCCIOTTI, D. V. S CITY VETERINARIAN. O.Hre and Innrmary, KOk and Maaoa Sta. LHJLUM, Seiefaoao aA BRANDEIS MAKES ANOTHER BIG PURCHASE.- This Time It's Shoes and the . SALE BEGINS SATURDAY. The Stock Will Invoice Alt tether a little Over FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, over 140,000, and consists of MEN'S CUSTOM SHOES. In all different kinds ot g-ood leathers. LADIES' eWEUABHOES, for house, street, dress and party wear. LADIES' SLIPPERS of every description, but particularly di and dancing slippers. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. BOirS' AND YOUTHS' BHOE3, We are now arranatna and marking theae afcoc-aettina them ready for the sale Sat urday. We eapert to have them all ar- raared on bargain squares. The prices at which theae Sao shoe will be sol will create a aenaatlon, the like of which has never been known in tbe shoe bualnoea of Omaba. . . gee tomorrow evening's papers for fur ther particulars and be sure to come to the sale. i. L. KHAN DEIS SONS, Boatoa (Hare, Omaha. VeTaka L'o Branchss or Twigs says one of tho VAST EMPORIUMS lu the drug business in Omaha in an ad tn the World-Heraid of 6unday, Jan. 8L We won der If -ttie attrae emporium ana in naianre of the 'Douglas County Retail Druggists' association, which he leads around by the none, ARB TAKIN AN If .MUKK PIN- JCKHTON DKTECTIVBK TO Aion.r We also wonder If this same HAH BEEN president or the oraalta orug iruoi i n 1 1- rvn TUB PKOPUa ARM FOOLS AND WILL BULIBVIS the "braggauocio- 01 nia aap Whloh, in point OI prevuioaiiuu, la nniy euualed by the catalogue emanaung from th- Nimr "EMPORIUM r FOR THH BErh.MT uir auj duubi ER8, we give any one the privilege of de duriing io from the price of ANY ARTI CLE quoted In ANY DAILY PAPER In Onmha, Bo. Omaha or Co. Bluffs BY ANY RETAIL DRLOQIST of the three clUus and eendlng or bringing the ordor to us and we will fill It promptly. Don't order .nv DRITO STORB3 TlilNO from any cata logue, but write or call on ue for prices Art; CATALOUUES ARB LLUte). ftnii a r-frrif CUT PRIC A. T. YATES. Prep. 16th and Chtraao fits.. Omaha. ' 'Phones T47 and 7W. Mill and N Bis., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. (tn Ave. and Main tt.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 83S. AU goods de livered la eiiaac clCjr absolutely free. y TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1317 DOUGLAS ST. We do no cheap, sbeddy, bargain-day dental work, but will pleaao you and give you careful) considerate attention. ' Beat Set Teeth W8-00 Teeth Cleaae '., Toe fcllver milage ...... TBo iUi 'WOKlt CVAKAHTKED. lino of Jewels In this or any other city at prices In reach of all, from tki a dosen to lOo a pleoe. All colors and style. Indian Beads In all Its variety. Bead looms, 10c; by mall, Uo. Remember we snake stockings like ' mother used to make. JOS. F. DILZ, ' 322 So, 16th St. OMAHA, - NEB The Tonla Par Excellence. CA Win Oordlatj The best specific rented far Jtf alarlal and Typhoid re vers, Colds, Irtfluorua, Ac. tO I i'A CLEARANCE OF . Meiv's Overcoats Coats at $8.75 Worth $12.50. We've cut the prices on these coats generously. The more overcoats we sell before onr spring season opens, the greater the success of the past season. It isn't all commercialism, either aome of it is .pride. We want to see every, overcoat out of the house. Not alone because we would rather count its "cost," or less in cash than its value as stock, but for the sake of saying again ( "our clothing sells out to the last garment each season." CLEARANCE OF MEN'S WINTER CAr& Men' s caps worth 45c now ':' ! . . 25c Men's caps'wortJi 50c now . r. ...... .350 Men's caps worth G5c now . . . . , u .;. . . . ..... .45c Men's caps worth $1.00 now . I. .75c IT Green Trading Stamps Every Time mm. ,-ssisi o) 10) LivJk The Little Green Sticker is the Only Little Sticker that Sticks. Stick to It. It's tho sie graad method that tarsi laterest tho anoaer yea spead. (This la aaother Beaaett expressloa, Mister. post it wlthoat notiag tho aathor.) , Alteratloas thronghoat tho store, made accessary by ear srrow InsT business, will bring oat g grant lo huaehes of bar gal na every day this week. Oar eat prices oa good goods and GRBE.f TRADIJfO STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES III ALL DEPARTMENTS ALL THIS 71MB is the otoB that biases the war for the crowds. Come. Another Orange Sensation ; for. Thursday. -i ' ' . Om. ear of Faaey Callforala-Washlngtoa Navels. Thla sklaned, - sweet, Jaler. exqalsltefy flavored fratt. Yea are paying SSe av dosea perhaps mor for this frwit, and perhaps It's haadled aad handled Mala aid agmla before row haadle lt Here's Our Of fer for Thursday This splendid fruit, straight from the Ofjp ......i .' Aad TWO DOLLARS WORTH OP GREEN TRADINO STAMPS WITH EACH DOZEN. Limit, three doaea to a eastomer. Thursday all dayFralt Departmeat, Ba.ca.it, ' GROCERY GROCERY . The providers of all that is goo, pure and wholesome for the table. The very best groceries for tbe lowest prices. GREEN TRADING! STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES, BENNETTS FOR GROCERIES. , NOTE) THESE! MONET-SAVERS FOR THUR8DAT, . I FRAME HONEY A LARGE QUANTITY OF CALIFORNIA. FRAME HONEY HfiK FRAMK.... 12ic CAROLINA RICE, pound Table salt, per aaca Salmon, 1-lb. can .. rnrnmnl. 1-lh.i aack jam, asaortea, targe jar Orated plneapploe, -lo. can ... Pancake flour. 8-lb. pkg Rolled oats, the beet, 1-lb. pkg Wheat for breakfast, ft-lb. pkg Mincemeat, pag Cleaned currants, lb Castile soap, cake Butters From the Best Dairies. , Fresh country butter, lb ...;......lSo Bennett's Capitol Creamery, lb. ...Wo .sees es ...So ...lo ..10o ...lOo ...lOo .100 .Wo .loo VAa ....So SHo 0 BDSNETTS Coffees Roasted Dally. Maraoalbo coffee, pound ISo Bennett's breakfast coffee, S-lb can..i&j Best, Values In Teas. - Tea slfttngs, lb....lSa Imperial Japan, tb.SSo . A full line of strict ly pure sploea, put up ugm In air Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb cans. lo Greatest Bargains for Thursday In Our Dry Goods Department. ' , Enormous Opening SaleEmbroideries With Double Green Trading Stamps To open the embroidery season we place on sale Thursday morning 4,000 yards Edgings, Insertlnga and headings, sheer Swiss, fine nainsooks and heary Ham- P" , burgs, from 1 inch to corset cover widths, . JLt3C regular value up to 40c yard, Thursday, yard.. Outlttg Flatitiel All our 8 l-3c Outing Flannel, plain white and col- CC- Ya 1Aw vfl rvl . ... V(Og 4- J 'All our French Kimona and Waist Cloths, worth ' -lAp to 35c yard, only, per yard 1 Comforts v 100 Heavy Comforts, full bed size, only, i5 Q C New Dress Ginghams Several new cases fine Dress Ginghams at, 1 Ap per yard Double Green Trading Sratups In our Embroid ery Department Thursday. Green Trading Stamps All the Time The Bee For all the News