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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1904)
TTTE OMATIA DAILY HEF.: WEDNESDAY, FEMUTATIY 3. 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES Arlliriiifli for IkfM potass oa wilt oe Hkfi ontll 13 as. for who oveala edition and til A p. m. for Moraine and Kaalar edition. lUIn, 1 l-2r a otom Srat Insertion, a word thereafter. Nothing; likfi for less than far h Srst loser tloa. These advertisements aiaat be raa cooseeotlvely. Advertisers, 9y reejoestlnn; a aaa tiered rkrrk, raa hove answers ad dressed to a mbfrri Irttrr la rare f The Bee. Answers a addressed will k delivered oa preaeatatloa of the eheck only. MISCELLANEOUS, !. NOW OPEN. MID-WINTEK TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE NO'i' TOO LAlHi 1U K.NTtK, ay nna Nignl. CALL. WRIT. OK TELEPHONE FOR INFORMATION. Adurcos: H. B. BOYLES, President, New York Llia Blag. Omaha, Nab. . R-M4U3 -1 V. M. hAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. iil Hht; BLDU. THONE 2904. r:r nS'I-VER NICKEL. Plating. Om. VJVJUUiiatlng Co., 1508 Harney. UeL 2b36. R 734 LOCKSMITHS T,.ra.N- " N- R-M18S F30 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 736 BPECIAL-For a limited time wa will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for $1. Don't miss thla chance. 0. 8. Op ticians, 3()s N. 16th at. R 73 FKRFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; Weber, Storey & Clark, Liidwtg. Schiller. R 737 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accomodat ing; all business confidential, 1301 Douglas. R 736 JX PRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1196 R 739 Pmrrtnnii"'t relief; coma removed. v-iiuopuiayDr. Roy, r. j.,, 1506 Farnam R-740 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. Jf you don't, we both loae. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 206. R-741 OOLD crowns from $3; fillings from 25c; set of teeth, $2; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 1622 Douglas, room 4. R 744 BHOP-MADE SHOES Lang's, 713 H. lflth. 896 F13 J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 S. 13th. 746 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleana cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. 148 P. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th Howard. R 747 -"V .PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON. In -the Bee Bldg. R 748 STRONGEST In the World." Tha Enulta Me Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity, H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., omana, Neb. K 749 SIGN painting. S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 741 ALL kinds carpenter work. repairing, promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake. R 170 Henry Jle doean't keep stationery. He sells It-at 1616 larnam street. R-762 UJtVTXm nUlt,M ...l.ln h I films snd slides at bargain prices; mall orders filled. R, C. Taylor, KOS) So. 19th st R M942 F29x E- J. DAVIB, safe mover, heavy hauling. 1119 Farnam. Tel. 3523. K 374 F4 yODICKA & CO., fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug theater bldg. Tel. 8182. , , . R 753 (A BOTTLE of Phillips' Face Lotion will fix mat luce so you win line it. k-bim h pPEN EVENINGS, too busy making clothes to close. Butts I JO to $40; trousers 36 to 110. Dresner, 1616 Farnam street. R M698 F1S BJORNSON A HAAS, Tinners snd Mfga, of sheet metal, cornices, smokestacks, gutters, skylights, ceilings tanks. etc lei. Jbio. 214 xn. 10m st. k tbz ra Clothes pressed, altered. Yousen, Paiton notei tailor. H 309 TRACINGS: Blue prints A working draw inga. Bues A Co., Omaha. 'Phone 1623. R 237 Apr!2x SMOKE Pride of Hastings (c cigar. R-M&2S F2S Bults pressed, cleaned reasonable. 1719 llw'th. IV M566 F27 BI SINBS9 CHANCES. DO YOU want to buy, sell or exohange J " V. uuaiHIVB, I I WMKtVb, Wl IVIli Villi nouaeT Sea Templeton-Haverly "d., 112 Bee Bldg. Y M94S F29 SHOLES - ARMSTRONG CO., business rhsjicea and exchanges; writ us, 722 New York Lire Bldg. Tel. 49. Y 764 10-Room Rooming House Pull of roomers in good brick: rent 136, 1 blocks from city hall, I&U0. Owner leav ing city. Investigate at once. Address B 67, Bee. 1646 SOUVENIR PURPOSE8. IW are prepared to arrange with soma re sponsible parties for tha exclusive of our transparent handle knives a souve nirs during the World's fair, St. Louis; an investment iron) Sft.tiw to Iib.uuo wui De re- quired. For particulars apply to Novelty cutlery CO.. box vn, wanton, i. Y-M590 4X TO GET in or out of business call on Wil liams, nwm iu, jttwuui ouiiutna. Y-M971 WASTED TO BIT. IX5NT give furniture and carpets away. J Levins pays hlgheat price. Tel. 771. N-766 t.Or. bought, sold. Antique Book Con cern. 21J Karbach blk. Tel. S631 N-761 ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Te!. X. c nicago r uriuiure to, rtibi EF.ST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 8. 14th. Tel .22. WANTED 100 cars of bones; will pay a good caen price; wme me. d. m. liey, lt Indiana ave., ivanaaa N-M2U F23X LOST. JOST Monday morning, lady's small round purse; suitable reward lor return to King A Smead. C14 S. 11th. Lost M9tt9 t T.rwiT Red cow. on ear cut hornless notify H. Marks, 2119 Nicholas st., and re ceive reward. iaui iw ix IX)8T A pocket book, containing poatofflce lewelrjr; return for reward to 1117 N. 17th at. iuev s a IX8T. a blue R. R. credential book. 4ftKS name on slips, "Harvey Myers." Kindly ; relurn to Be cmca. uomi juut x WANTED SALESMEX. ma MONEY for salesman. Writs us at once for our complete aample outfit of wnolena. We make made-to-measure rlothlna superior to any. Experience not required: explicit Instructions. Our prlcea loweat; your pronts largaat. An oppor tunity to Increase your Income. iLXclualv territory given. Abundance of advertis ing matter. All free not 1 cent do Txu have to Invest. Wa start you la a paying tmsineaa. in i saias inia rnance. wnii at once. Address Lock Box No. Wi. Chi rago. 111. M119 Ix WANTED TO RENT. (MGHT bousekeepin, m room, oeatrally le PJT avl.- Ad- WANTED MALE HEM Base Ball Team For 1904. Our basa boll turn la now organising.. Wo have over fifty appltranta who desire to play. Out of this number tha team will ba made up. J. A. Havana waa alerted manager and Mr. Gallentine captain. Thla team la open for dates. Writ tha Bin ger. Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Our method saves yeara of apprenticeship. Free work, expert Instructions; diplomas snd positions Riven. Inducements to dis tant applicants. Can earn expenses. In vestigate. Moler llarber College, 13u3 Douglas St. B M067 6x MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you or this being the BEST, largest and only reliable, most practical bsrber college in this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. tute, OmahaN 69 WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied. unmarried men, between ages or. a. ana so, cltlsens of United Sts tee, of good chsrao ter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and wrlto English. For information apply to recruiting officer. lih and Dodge Sta., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M164 A fvjai l iui in urr.n. Do you know where it Is? We do. Wj nave openings ior nign smos men v kinds executive, technical and clerical paying-from $1,000 to $10,000 a year. Wrlta for plan and booklet. Offlcea In twelve cities. HAPOOOD8 (Incorporated), 916 Chemical building, St. Louis. B MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE" of Den ver, Colo., offers advantages in teacning the barber trada that cannot be had elae where, Wrlta today for our terms. B M31 F24x WANTED 2 agents at once; good salary, city work. C. F. Adams to., iw iiownru. B 700 West n Employ't Ary. R- 14-1B Crounse blk. J3 JJIHO WANTED, ten experienced salesmen to travel wiin whsjuu aim m n v of medicines and household articles on commission, with a guaranteed earning of $60.00 per month. Appllcatlona from ex perienced men only will be considered. Address, the llaller Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. , ' B-178 F"J0 ANT Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding iur urnynvf perlence unnecessary; send for particu lars. Press Syndicate, Locrort, 13 MoSO 4X WANTED A good, active young man to . . a. I 1 MAHdhtSlAA In 41aa fklt V 4fli sen aaveriisina "' 1 lrn . Omaha and vicinity. For particulars ad dress The Sutherland Novelty Co., Dcs Moines, Iowa. B YOUNG MAN. good physique, to fit for government position, l. c. i-.veuiiriT.By- ids, la. . l .J.,,inii m nil all COl- lodion papers; references. Address Miller BtUOlO, 4Z icvi lei it.i Minn. ' B-104 2 WANTED, Immediately, 100 first-class ma chinists ana iw eperi nunirwi mnncin. Apply by letter to commanding officer, Rock Island arsenal. Rock Island. III. B M118 4x WANTED, Plasterers, union or nonunion; Apply st new office building, 8th and Ed- 1 . . m., M lmm mona sts., rrnruaiy tJ, yi w,nw dlately to E. 8. Douglas, P. O. box 64. St. Joseph, Mo. B M113 8x WAJCTED FEMALE HELP. Tor omau nou-n. aim pioau " areas b w. bm. v ui WANTED Young woman housekeeper. S723 N. Istn St., corner minomon. ai urm.irR mi.l.EOF.. 1302 Dnualaa St.. wants ladles to learn halrdressing, manicuring or facial massage by new method; few weeks completes; graduates piacea hi top wages; splendid chance, can or write. C M666 F5x GOOD girl for general housework, 10-J4 park avenue. mi jo ox FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th A Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Fsrnnm. Hi IDO NICELY furnished rooma. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, ma Lavenworin. i-none A-1783. tuirn O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. ELEGANT front room; steam heat. 1909 capitoi it. mhi $1.25 PER WEEK Do ran Houao, 42 8. lfth. tL, (OS VIENNA. EurODean Hotel. 1011-15 Farnam St., fine rooms; ladies care; private (lin ing rooms; open all nlgnt. tuibi NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15th. E 768 1VD T . mam with bath; for gentlemen; beat refer ences, lea w irt st. t-M FURNISHED rooms with board. 1R12 Chi- cag-o. K M613 6x FimNISHED rooms. 106 N. 16th. Tele phone 3669. E 622 6 THE FARNAM, 19th A Farnam. Reference. E 621 FURNISHED room with all modern con veniences. Private family, 2619 Jones St E M866 SOUTH FRONT, with other rooms; mod em. zdw Harney. e 960 7 FURNISHED room with all modern con venlences; private family. 406 N. Z3d at E 966 2 ELEGANT parlors, south front, steam heat, also housekeeping rooms. 2334 Fsr nanX Tel. 2203. E 962 2a ELEGANTLY furnished parlors for house keeping; modern. 4ui n. zbtn ave. E-409 4Z Pi gentlemen: would allow light housekeep ing. 1622 Burt sL E M120 14 LARGE south front room, grosnd floor, and board, 2232 Farnam. E-M122 6x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th A Chicago, - 7S UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F-7J0 ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglas. Meals, 16o. F-771 LARGE well-furnished front room, all mod ern, with board: also good tahle bord by day or week. Tha uresner, ouz b. intn at. NICE south room with board. 2419 Cass st. K 061 MODERN rooms and board. 1HI Chicago. F M97J 7x FOR RENT UN FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT 4 nice rooms, 1st story; water: IS Tier month. C M. fiu-hmi My n, 4j-37 Paxton Block. O 648 TWO, with kitchen, to small, quiet family, luxi n. uii. vj Mils DX CLAIRVOYANTS. READINGS 60 CENTS THIS WEEK PON El BIO Clairvoyant. Palmist and As trologer. Reveals all questions of life pertalnlnaT to Marrlags. Hlckness. Death t'hanaes. Travels. Divorces. SeDaratlons. Ijiwaulis, Business Transactions. Deala, Mongagea. uwt or ADaent Tlends. Mm Ing Ventures, etc. READINGS BY MAIL Send data of birth. Is Questions. 11 snd two-cen stamps to pay postage. R. E. Ponetblo, Hours, 9 to 9 dally. 1619 Lodge at. fcV-MtS2 4x BUSINESS MEDIUM. T1S M. 17th GYLMER. palmist, 711 N. 23d; Tel. B-THi. 3 n 111 DETECTIVES. CarV CeriajuJ WT Harbaoh ilk, TcL -ML "Hidden FOR SALE MISCELtuANKUVB. STOCK YARDS BADDLERT CO.. t. G. Blessing, prop., whulenale and retail u.imi.viui er ut ing uemcr in ui a. and aaddlea; whips a specialty; eveiy thing hand made; quality considered, tbs cheapest harness shop on earth. 331 N. tola St.. Bo. Omaha. Union shop. W-M417 FOR SALE, several scholarships m a first- BiKiiuara sonooi in omana. comprts Ing complete course In business, short, band aud typewiiUng. Inquire at Bea efflce. (4 s3 INDIAN goods and relics. Ui Farnam. (J mi ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnsm. W 1US CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- eixxu. Axa; fir timbers. 9ul AMUglas. W-104 SMALL frame house, to be removed. In quire in in. x. ii re Bldg. y mihh 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConneU Drug Co.. Omaha, W-.M18I KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar .u. van or writs ituom I, Bee Bias- Q-MjoO 'iARD cosi stoves, $5 up; furniture cheap. vuitaio urnuure to., iuu Dodge. Q-403 FOR SALE Second-hand 2-cyllnder Toledo luunng car; a Dargain II suia Dcrors February 6. 414 8. lllh st. Q-Mk6 BECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; uuuara iaDies repaired; large stoca rtieap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 8. loth. Q 100 FOR SALE CHEAP rine carriage team, s-7 years old, 16" bands; welgnt,; color, brown; city broke. J. E. Cartor, Her Grand. Q 101 4x HOUSEHOIJ furniture for sale two re frigerators. Oak stove, W. A W. sewing machine (new from factory). Stella piano, tone almost new; private sale. 1022 N. flst. Q M117 6x 150 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn, cae&p. uiamono un omce, ltui Douglas. ' - Q-M116 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at via f arnam. Z2xw, lour stories and flrst-class cemented basement elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Be Building Co.. room 100, Bos Building. I MM? FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted tor a plumber show room and work room or-a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required, ll. C. Peters A Co:, rental agents, ground floor. Be building-. I-M7V4 I STORIES and basement 22x100: 1006 Far- nam bu inquire 14 Kirst isan Bank Diag. 1 10. FOR RENT, three upper stories In four. story building at via rarnam oi., two stories if preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Seo'y., Room 100. Btfe bldg. 1 M9S4 FOR RENT, 4-story and basement build ing, 1010 eU, IIVW wi.Ui,ru Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. I tw 3-STORY and basement brick bldg.. 22x57, sultaDie tor manuiaiiuriua. 2-story bldg., with store room and 22 rooms; hotel or boarding house. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 130 Farnam St A -Tl. TWO-STORY building, 1512 and the second floor loOU-10 nowara. w. m. oummmi I oj. 2306 LEAVENWORTH ST., $2260. Ill B. lbtn St., Bieam nui, Front office Frenser block. JOHN P. FRENZER, Opp. Old P. O. I MS32 FOR RENT Large store room, with fix tures, at looo is. win "" Apply to II. J. Windsor. 1518 Dodge ft. i 497 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS, ETC. U A DMCCC OVER 100 SET NEW AND HAKlNCoO SECONDHAND. Closing nut entire stock. 1013 Douglas St. P M520 I fins depot wagons, 2 rockaways. 1 coupe. Z traps, 1 wagonette, l arayn. iiu ui. v. Carriage Co., 18th and Harney. P 105 FOR SALE Several good horaes, a few seta of 2d-nand aouoie ana single names. Melcher s Sales Stables. 501 BMW FOR BALE Slightly used, 1 carriages. 3 phaetona, Z top DUggies, z anving wun. cheap. Andersen-Mlllard Co., 1516 Capitol ave. P 714 FOR SALE 2d-hand, 4-passenger broug ham, at Dargain ii warn ui untr. i-v Harney. P-M176 FOR SALE Good second-hand hearse, cheap. Address Ij. j. wiison, r. . ro 138, Silver Creek. Neb. P M245 FROST doesn't shave men, he shaves spokes, wsgon repairs, inn inu urav enworth." P 167 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH Lan i niti r ah Bteiuiv emoluvment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with liorso and buggy especially aesirea. vanvaseers make easily $00 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building, Omaha. J 213 WANTED, a good, hustling agent In every town; also a traveling general agent; great opportunity. Oregon Myrtle Mfg. Co.. 386 Yamhill St., Portland, Ore. J-MaflS 5x DANCINO ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy, 2424 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays snd Saturdays. I p. m : assemblies, Wednesdays, 9:30 p. m.; children beginners, Wednesdays. 4 9 m., Saturdays. 5 p. m ; advanced. Satur days only. 4 p. in. 'Phone, F-U71; re a, A-1871. -70 If vou dance, attend Morand's Wed. assent biles. If you don't danoe. join his Tuosday and Fri. clas, S p. m. Special attention to beginners; lady assistants; private lessons daily, call lata and Harney or Tel. 1041. M677 F-12 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, SIS N. Y. Life bldg. T 1661. Dr. J. A. Meehan, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T.1M4. 105 Tha Hunt Infirmary, McCagus bldg. T. 2361 tut DR. GRACE DEB IAN. 932 N. Y. Llfs. Tat Fayttts Cole, Osteopath. 609 Paxton block. 143 Drs. Laird A Laird, 203 Karbach blk. Tel. 3091 23 ya WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED TO BORROW $6,009 on 1,700 acres of farming and timber lands in southern Missouri; all within four miles of new railroad. Will tmr good Interest In return for privileges of paying off part of principal every six months. Borrower owns 8.U00 seres of similar land which Is selling for from $6 to $10 per acre. Address C 20 Hee, MSM 4 UPHOLSTERING. Peterson A Lund berg. Ui S. 17 th. Tel. L-XK4V n DRESSMAKING. w i . i m w Vila City' Contest This Week PRIZES FOR THE WISEST. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR Bargains in Omaha Property. RE 399 HOUSE of 7 rooms, modern, except fur nace; rents for $18; price, $1,500. In West Farnam location, 9 rooms, modern; price, $4,000. Two cottages, 20th and Bancroft, paving, permanent walks: only $2,500. Fine corner near Hanacom park; a bargain at W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. RE M605 WE write all kinds of Insurance. Kenny R. K. A Inv. Co , 'Phone $36. 8U0 Bee Bldg. RE Id 634 FOR SALE, $1,000 first mortage, 3 years, 6 per cent Interest semi-annually; $2,600 flfwt mortgage, i years, at 6 per cent interest, semi-annually; these mortgages are both secured on flrst-class Omaha property worth mora than three times the amount of mortgage. W. R. HO MAN. 1517 FARNAM BT. RE-572 S $2,4002622 Decatnr St., new, well built, 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downstairs. A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. . RE-4JU3 FOR SALE Twelve-acre fruit farm at Uraldentown, Floilda; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good house. Address Lock Box ui. Glltner, Neb. RE 196 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract. 1614 Far nam street N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE Mla3 RANCH and farm lands for sal by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. MeAUaster, land commlsKloner, Union Pa cliic headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RB-41 IF YOU waat to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; if you have a business for sale, oi want to buy, call on or write Kenny R. E. A Inv. Co.. 'Phone 336. 800 Bee Bldg. RE M633 CH3- Williamson Co., SiSWi RE-649 BEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 21U. RE 660 $1,500 WILL BUY a neat cottage and full lot In Stewart Place. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Building. RE 606 BARGAIN N ACREAGE 10 acres on HamlHon street one mile south of Benson; lies well snd the price is $MI per acre less than surrounding land; east ern owner anxious to sell. Price, $1,500. N, P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam Street , RE 821 2 STRICTLY MODERN 8-room house in Kountze Place; hot water heat, paved street; heavily encumbered and MlTS'F SELL TO RAISE CASH. Would consider trade of equity for smaller house in good locality. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE M969 3 F. D. WEAD. 6-R. HOUSE and barn, city and cistern water, nne property, north of Vinton; owner, who lives on ranch, needs money; says get ma $1,600. RE 980 2 B-R. COTTAGE and barn, 26th and Chicago; food repair, on graoe, warning distance ilgh school. $1,750. R. C. Peters A Co., Ground floor Beo Bldg. RE 981 3 FOR SALE. 200 acres Merrick county, Nebraska, good soil, smootn, rair improvements, seven miles to two R. R. stations owned by non resident, very cheap; terms easy; $27.50 tier acre. 160 acres, same county: smooth, very fair improvement, one mne 10 station; good soil; all cultivated; easy terms, owner in debt; $30 per acre. Many other farms for sale In Nebraska and other states. Six branch offices. Write for particulars and lists. United States Land snd Ixian Co., Grand Island, Neb. RE 877 4 SPECIAL attention given to property placed in our nanas ror rental. Kenny R. E. A Inv, Co.. 'Phone 336. 300 Bee Bldg.' RE M635 26th and Burt S-room cottage, with city water and sewer connections, lot 33x136, south front, nice shade trees. Price, $1,260: easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE M993 4 H 9-Room Houss $2,600 H On Spalding st. between 26th and 26th, souin troni. cement waias, gas. Dath, electric light, good yard, fine location, good houses all around it. Hastings & Heyden. 110-611 N. Y. LIFE BUILDING. RE-M994 8 EXECUTOR'S SALE. To close an estate the executor Is pushing us to sell the 8-room house and lot, 66x132, on Davenport St., near 16th. Splendid place for livery stable, storage ware houses, flats or anything you can think of. Price Is less than value of vacant ground and any reasonable offer will be accepted. This la a genuine snap. N. P. DODGE A CO.. 1614 FARNAM ST. RE M 112 S 1901 S. 10TH ST.. 6-room cottage; city water, gas, brick storeroom; fine place for groc ery; lot 50x150. Look this up. It Is a big man. $2,6un. R. H. Landeryou. 422 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE M107 3 6-room brlrk house, cltv water, gas, lot Sfix :35. A big bargain. 2)11 Parker st. R. II. Landeryou, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 215L KE M108 3 -ROOM house and barn, city and cistern water, fine property north of Vinton; owner, who lives on ranch, needs money; says get me $l,6u0. F. D. Wead. 15:'4 Douglaa. RE M 124 4 80 ACRES alxe miles south of Neola, la. Price $52.60 per acre; cheap at $60; must be sold by February 20. . Benson & Carmichael. 642 Paxton Block. RE M123 3 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If vou want to sell a farm or ranch tell tha farmers and stock raisers about it Tha best wsy to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weakly goes to 60,000 homos or farmers and stock raisora, so If you have a good pleos of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. Tha cost of an advertlsemeat Is small 3 cents per word in small typo or $2.63 par Inch If set in large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 20-ROOM DOUBLE BRICK, 100 feet ground frontage, near 20th and Douglas, almost opposite Omaha club; rental value, $1.2u0; can be doubled. Price, U,0o. Former price $18,000. Eastern mortgage owner 8AYB SELL. Ring up 314. Do It today. Harrison A Morton, Real Estate, Omaha. RE-102 FOR SALE AN INVESTMENT Two new 6-room houses, finished In hard oil, with modern open plumbing, porcelain baths and sinks, water, gHS and sewer connec tions: lr lot: within eav wnlklnsr dis tance. They rent for $480 per year; can bo sold cheap; would lake some trane. v, G. Ure, 606 Bee bldg. RE 106 4 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. LI'e. city prop, arty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. KB 965 FARMS FOR RENT. ONE farm 1V4 miles from Crescent, In. Ad dress 5S0 S. 28th St., Omaha. 646 2x FOR RENT A farm of 410 acres, bottom land and accre tions, three miles northeast of Blair,; 150 acres under cultivation; more can be cul tivated; good place for stock. Kent, Jtiuo. N. P. DODGE & CO. - 1614 Farnam SL 822 2 WANTED TRACKAGE. WE HAVE customers, who want to lease 8.00 to 8.000 snuare feet of trackaee ware house space with power If possible. Payne investment i o., . i. ure. s FOR RENT HOUSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pa:k move and store ii. ti. goods, tstorenouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, loUVs Farnam. Tel. 1659-863. ' D M449 FOR RENT 6-room house, 2063 Wool worth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout J JO. J. ti. Sherwood, New xork J-j: Bldg. D Moo HDI lPQ In all parts or the city. Tha llUUOtO O. F. Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. aVr""AAl HOI In all parts of the city. R. ..wvww' V. inters A Co., Bee Bldg. D 11 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. 601-6UU New York Lit Bids. Phone 1016. D 11 SEVERAL g?od houses, $10 to $18. Chris mi, . . . . Til - i. . ,n e, , uu.u v,uming. x uuu. WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Van A Stor age uo., xei. inn. omce, i ll weosier su DU8 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bile M06 Davenport 10-room house with barn JD.UU. 812 Park Ave. Nice 7-room cottase. 4430 Farnam 8 rooms, newly painted and papered $20. 2615 Dodger-6-room cottage, gas and water 13. 6-room cottage, 19th St; boulevard $li 2l10 Farnam 6-room Art $1:0. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St, D-4o FOR RENT, 5-room cottage, 2608 Blondo St., $9., Inquire at 607 N. 19th St. D M974 FOR RENT. $20. 8526 N. 27th St.. 9 rooms, all modern. $-0, 1222 S. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. v $10, 3S.17 Decatur st, 7 rooms. $. 3314 8. 20th St., 6 rooms. $20, 819 N. 43d St., 8 or 9 rooms. $16, 254 Burdetta St., 7 rooms, modern. $12, 3420 Jackson St., 6 rooms. $12, 3413 Jackson St., 6 rooms. $12. 3424 Jackson St.. 6 rooms. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1614 Farnam st. D M9S3 4 FOR RENT 5-r. house and 6 acres of ground, convenient to packing nouses. $12.00 per montn. rne Byron neea t o. D 103 4 lrriTl RENT Trs-n 11-room. colonial nous thorouzhlv modern. 3177 Davenport st. (on the southeast corner of 32d and Dav enport st.) Apply to H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge st. Ltuvm MUSICAL. "v..-!, Bechtold's Union Orchestra, t-I U 1CSII X 31a South 13th St. Tel. 2997. M460 F-23 THOS. S. KELLY, roice. Davldga block. DAISY HIGGINS. voice, piano. 2018 Leav enworth. Tel. A-Z741. 883 CHA8. H. KEEFER. piano. W. O. W. bdg. M024 r-2D FRANCIS POTTER, teacher mandolin and guitar; mandolin orchestra. Ramie Bldg. Tel. H-3a4. 6(1 8X FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Scbmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Z-OSI FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a new or used typewriio.-. Bcnmouer & Mueller, 1213 Farnam street Telephone 1626. Z-MU9 640 ACRES, Gosper county; well improved land; $25 per acre, or can exchange for good Income property in Omaha. 80 ACRES. Buffalo county; level land: no buildings; $15 per acre; can exchange for residence or good lot 111 Omaha. J. B. Piper, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Z-M9S6 8 LAW AND COLLECTIONS, JPnOE DICKINSON. 616 N. y! Life. Set tlemeuta estates a speclulty. Telephone F-2666. ' M&I2 16 BTILLMAN A PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk, bldg. 104 THE New Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real esiaie. attorneys, collectors, brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. it W. F. WAPPICH, advice free. Crelirhton Blk. M924 FOR pensions see 8. F. Moore, 22 Patter son block. M675 F13 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 1WI Neb. Bus. A Shorthand Col. Boyd theatar. 159 COSTtMES. Theatrical and masq. Lleben, 1011 Farnam. 163 LETCHMAN. MASQ., 2823 Farnam. Tel. UlO. M1Z1 T8 PATENTS. B 1. COWGILL No fee unless sucosasful 119 16th St.. Omaha. Tat 1798. PATENTS guaranteed. Bues A Co., Omaha. 692 All TICKET BBOKEkl. CTTT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. . n. ruuviu, low i irwiiii. ruunm iot FLORISTS. UUbd A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. U HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Faraasa St PERSONALS. DnvT nrm Tina Unless you wesr clean clothes. If you do patronize trie Doinestlo laundry. K4ls N. 4th. Tel. B 1182. U-M121 M2 Accordion Pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Aiia. a. Mark, litn and Douglas. - U-976 I.A BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 613 Karbach blk. U wo Regent Baths And Halrdressing Parlors, 2ub Ramge Building. Tel. 20;S. Ladles only. U-369 PAPA Hurry home. Mamma wants you to g me a pair of Huteson s ' fateni cup Not" Rimless Eveglasses. They're Just too swell. Can t shaks off. 313 a 16th. Calltso. U 764-F-14 ANT poor girl In need of a frienA enn call or write to tha matron of the Salvation Arm Home for Women, 3824 N. 24th st., Omaha, Neb. U-M6241 MayU npuiA), ANNIE! Thts Is Joe. WUI wora lftt A . . , . , i rhnnnrranh - , ' 1 1 v umiiiuin ' " . r to., 16il Farnam. at 7:30; we'll hear the tree concert and buy some X. P. 60o rec ords for 26c, especially adopted to the Ldieon Phonogrsph. They manufacture everything In tha talking machine line. U M121 F18 Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Rust Bid. ELITE parlors. (16 S. 16th. 3d floor. MEET ms at Meyer-Dillon's the "yellow m, ifuauiy lum SJIU rmnmua. U M912 F-14 'VIAVI," way to health. 346 Bee building. ' U 142 JACK Come early tonight; want you to go ...u DiwuHiT v igar o. wim nini -birthday, mamma wanta to present him a box of Sloecker'a Monogram 6c cigars. MARIE. U-129 F18 MAr.WCTIP treatment A baths. Mm. mnuiiLlHj Smith, 118 N. 16, 2 fir. R 1 U M944 Fix WHAT'S nicer than accordion nleatln7 W do nothing but the finest. Goldman P .all.- i 1 1 .. . . ..i i , ,,n - v. v. , uv LWUK1HI D1UCK, -' trtm WATER'S PRINTING CO.. 1213 Douglas SAVE MONEY By buying from the manu- 'ui xiuraiey envelope .;o., uniiina, U-690 F12X ARCHIBALI Must have your picture be- iore you Rave. Pun t fall to meet me at Proctor's, 616 8. 16th, Sunday afternoon. We can get 15 beautiful cabinet photos for $3.00 Elolse. U 152 PANTORIUMv- U M541 ANY party leaving the city Intending to store tneir pin no can mspose or use oi the same during their absence. Beat care will be taken of the Instrument. Address R 67. Bee office. U 613 "HOW do you do, Mrs. Rrown! Where did you get those beaut'rul teeth? " Mrs. Brown: "Bailey, the Dentist. Paxton block, madj them. Only cost $5.00." U-677-2 OH, JIM! You must not get mad, but mamma and I are so busv sewlnc 1 can t go tonight. We have a lovely machine rented for 76o a week from the Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney. U 979 2 INFORMATION wanted concerning Elea nora C otterill, whether alive or dead, who left Pike county, Pa., September, 1KM), and went to Toronto, Canada; compensation. John J. Halllgan, 315 West 64th St.. New york city. u mi sx. JACK 13th, 19th received. Nothing Ash land. Send help, write. U M109 6x WIDOWER i39). two children, snd $30,000, seeks wife and good mother. Ti, Bee. TJ MHO 5x TO deliver property of value. Information Is aesirea or tne relatives ana neir or o- mulus Norwood, who formerly uvea on htaten Island and died in Boston in I'fi.'. Addresa 91, Roe. U Mill 6x MEDICAL. Piles Cured W1VHOUT PAIN Rv W. C. Maxwell. M. D.. Graduate of Bcllevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New York City. 624-6 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 1421 Private Reception Room for Ladies. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman A McConneU DruB Co., Omaha. M1M COLONCO CURES CATARRH. M3M PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement Dr. and Mrs. Gertscu, 86J6 California st Terms reasonable. 4 -143 GET your medicines at CONTE'S new drug store In WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. 81BT AND FARNAM STS. M896 Fit DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, loll Dodge St., Arlli(glun block, Omaha. PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-1684. 145 IIMTIIH IHI1I1C uu,IIl Mlllim.iii.Hii """' adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, f,a t -. ... ',,......11 1 1 1 i rtm I. TiA tsa ui VW.U.U , w PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. Fisher, 2516 B. U. Tel. 18S9. 147 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURBS. At druggists, $1. 148 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EASY PAYMENT PLAN You can pay us as you wish. In small weekly or monthly payments, and each payment so made reduces the cost of tha loan, our ratea are as low as tuiy and a great deal lower tnan aoui. We loan on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., the property always remain ing la our pBsesalun. Ws also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE upon their owu agreement to repay. Our faci lilies ate the beat for QUICK service and our olllca motto la "to please our patrons." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. M Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. tk.tu.b;ihed lSfi) 306 8. 16th St. X M926 MUNNKY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and otheis with security; eusy payment; longest buslueas lu 49 principal cities. . Tolraan. room 440, Chamber of Commerce Lldg. jh. 133 THE STAR LOAN CO. 644 Paxton building, is til recognized bank of the reliable wage earner and salaried employe; largest business In all wesiexu ciliea on accuunt of our easy payments, low rales and courtesies extended. X-M3D4 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. 1'lA.Nuo, LIVal STOCK. SALAIUEfe. Lio, Low rales and easy terms. Business connuentlal. Try us it vou want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 433 Paxtuu Blook. 16iu aud Farnam Sta, X-Ul MONEY loaned on plain nolo to salaried beubla; bUMlnsaa confidential; lowast rales. Il4 Paxlou bloLk. Ths J. A. Hutlou Co. X-L3 MONEY loanod on llanos, furniture, jew elry, norsoe, cows, ttc C. F. Reed, 119 S. li. X-124 CHATTEL, salary snd Jewrlrv loans. Foley WHEN YOU THINK OF MONEY, THINK OF RELIABLE CREDIT CO., FOR SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS ROOMS 3U7-3U8 PAXTON BLK., 3D FLOOR. X-Mtm PRIVATE money to loan on furniture, etc. Easy rates. 216 Karbach Blk. Tel. B-2M44. X-9U6 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM aad city loans, low ratog, W H. Thomas, tint Not I Bank bldg. Tol 1U. W UI MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. T , ' PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 1 ' N. Y. Llfe.V 4 TO I P. C. money, Bemls, Paxton block. w L PRIVATE money. F. D, Wead. 1620 Douglaa WANTED City loans and warranto. W. carnam omnn o t t arnam et. W-ia t loans. Garvin Bros., 1904 Farnam. W-132 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. W 133 MONEY TO LOAN-Payno Investment Co. W 134 6 farm loans R. C. Patterson. 1224 Far nam. W 135 read! A.I. ROOT. Inc. HEED! 414.14 S. I2lh. V "M '1 SUCCEED! TcL 1604 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, As changes may occur at any time). . Foreign malls for tha week ending Feb ruary 6, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all f??".."1 the tnsral Postofftce as follows: PA RCh,L8-l'OST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday, per a. s. Frankfurt. Regular and Supplomentary mails close at Forslgn Station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, cloao on hour later at Foreign Station). Trans-Atlantic Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPA I N, POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGY1T. GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Cham pagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must ba directed "per s. . La Champagne."); at 7.3o a. m. for ITALY direct., Jim" a. s. Prlns Adalbert (mall must ba directed "per s. s. 1'rlnx Adalbert"). SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for IRELAND, per s. s. Etrurla, via Queenstown itnnti for other parts of Europe must be di rected "per s. s. Etrurla''); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. - St. Louis. xln Plymouth snd Cherbourg; at 8;3n a m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Finland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Fin land"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di rect per s. m. Norjrs (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Norge"). After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Alalia named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English. French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of tne nour oi sailing oi ateamer. Malls for Sooth aid Central America West Indies. Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Monterey (mail for Mexico, via Pro greso. Campeche and Vera Crux must be directed "per s. s. Monterey"); at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Jason, via Tamplco (mall must be directed "per s. s. Jason"). FRIDAY At 8 a. ra. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Tennyson, Tin. Pernambuco, Bnhla, Rio Janeiro ana eantos (mall for Northern Braill, Argentine, Uruguay and guay must ba directed "per s. s. son'r); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, r and Para- Tenny- ner a. s. Prins Wlllem I (mail for Cane Haiti. Port de Palx, Curacao, Venesuela, Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be di rector "por a. a Print Wlllem 1"); st 11 m. (supplomentary 12:99 p. m.) for NAS SAU, per a. s. Orlsaha (mall for San tiago must be directed "per a. s. orl gaba"). SATURDAT At 1:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:80 a. nv) for PORTO Rlt'o. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Caracas (mall for Bnv ar.llla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Csraras"); at 9:30 a. m. taup rl.wnentary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREYTOWN, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. ltal"; 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10;30 a. m ) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Fontabelle: at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. B. Olinda. via Matan sas mall must be directed "per s. s. " Ollnrta"; at 12:30 p. m. for ANTIGUA. MARTINIQUE anJ QUAD A LOU P E, per s. s. Citta dl Messina (mall for Barba dos. Trinidad, British, Dutch and French Guinna must bo directed "por a. a. Cltta dl Messina"). Malls Forwarded Overload, Etc., Ei. cept Trans-Paclfle. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at this office daily, except Thursday, at IR:80 a. m. (ths connecting malls close here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdays). MEXICO CITY Overlsnd. unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 11.30 p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p. m. snd 11 90 p. m. . NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, 'and thence by steamer, closes at th(s offlcs dally at 4:30 p. m (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednes day snd Saturday. JAMAICA By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 11:30 p. m. every Sunday. By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this offlcs at 6:30 p. m. every Friday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenes by steamer, closes at this office daily at BELlS'EmpUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By .-all to New Orleans, nnd thence by steamer, closes at this ofn dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. "'""-W 111:30 p. m., Sundays at 11:00 p. m. and tU 11:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here londays at I11S0 p. m.) ; COD J A Klt-A-ny ran to uri-jM.. and thence by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. ni. and 111:30 p. m., Sundays at 11:00 p. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall close here Tuesdaya at 111:30 P- m ) BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Mails) By rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by steamer closes at 6:30 a. m., every Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. Registered mall closes st tw p. ta. pre vious day. Traas-PaclSe Malls, CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoraa, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January l.'Ust, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Victoria. CHINA and JAPAN via Seattle, close here dully 6:30 d. m. ud to February 13d. Inclusive despatch per a. s. Kaga Marti. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco. close here dally at 6:30 p. ,m. up to February 5th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Gaelic. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Sun Francisco, close here dally at 6.J9 p. m. up to February lth. Inclusive, for despatch per s . Mariposa. ... NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. HJI. SAMOA and HAWAII, via San rranclsco, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up the Feb ruary Win, Inclusive, for despatch per s a Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zea land does not srrlve in tlmo to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6 80 a. in.. 9:80 a. m. and 6:30 p. nv; Sundays at 4:30 a. m.. 9 a. m. and 6:80 p m will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer ) HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Sun Francisco, close Vers dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February 112th Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Hong Kong Maru. HAWAII via Ban Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February 16th. Inclusive, lor despatch per s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. ' . close here dally at 6 30 p m. up to February 17th. Inclusive, for despatrh per a. s. Empress of China, (Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency st Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to -February 126th, Inclusive, for despatch per U. S. Transport. AUSTRALIA (except WesO. FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, E. C . close here dally at 4 90 p. m. tip to February l-fth. inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Mlowera. NOTE. Unless otherwise sddressed. West Australia is forwardud via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines via Nan Francisco ths quickest routes. Pn'I'P plnes specially addressed "via Canada or , 'via Europe' must be fully prepaid at ths forelfii rates. Hawaii is forwarded ,i. a.M r..iui-M AvrliMtvelv. Trane-Pselfle malls are forwarded to port ff sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing is arrsngea on ins i'iiuvuu imlnturruDted overland trans I Registered mall closes at 4 00 p. m. pre vious day. Postmaster Peotofflco. Kow Torte, If. T, January . Uoi eia ipersaaneau i rtM C la, stoat