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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1904)
TITE OMAn.V DAILY. DEE: WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1001. Jr COURT SCSI PASS OX TITLE .itxsr Watts Bcyi Cwity Lir'f&tioa Twtli ts Dtrsiitia. FEM.TY KEN GET A HLARII6 .1 COURT Leave Craated File fiM kg. last City reeecfl la Vatter ef -truaril ef Railroad Prop er! y la Osaaba. BgT """"pai '"rent a Staff Correpcndent. LINCOLN. Feb. X (Special. H- Now that tbe Interior eVrarTroer.t t Washington has handed )n another decision hnMlnt that t N IVrj-fl la-d now in contrxivery la re-bool lead belonging to tb state there la some spec-ulal'in u to wh Attoroev Oeneral Front will take actio to push tho matter thrr--h tb courts tor a decision aa to whether Land Commisstnoer FVW'mer la to be tovTT restrained frcm leing tb land, as Be la rxrm temporarily restrained. Mr. FTout as out of the diy today and Mr. rntlmer Mated that he knew little of tb standing of the esse at present, as be bad asked tb legal department for Infor mation Mint time ir and bad fatted to recsfv an answer. Nw that lb depart ment at Wefclngon ba legally recognised tbe last commissioner as aa oScer c f Nebraska It la aafc to predict that there will ba Httle delay In forcing tn case to trial, for If tba attorney general does ao It is the belief that Mr. Former will again take tna raaa In band and endeavor to serar aa adjudication. The laad In tjuestlo reTerted to the atate tare year age last March. Mr. Follmer at onca notlned tba settler that they coald lease the land and upon them snowing alma ef fghting be leased to other parties, relleetlng for tba ! acre about H.1KI. Tba tlrs, or aaaoy of tbem. refuaed to mora eft. and aa tba warn hara not se cured possession tbey ara oat Just that much, aa tba atata doe aot guarantee possession In such easra Tba leases, how Ter. ma for twty-fiv years and tba leasees may yet bar aa opportunity to ni back tba money paid out. Tba laad aaa txwn appraised, at from H ta SU aa aera for leasing, and la worth In tba neigh borhood ef from OS to B as acre. Tba settler on tba laad bar tba right ta re- thetr Improver ecu within ninety days after leasing or they may sell tba Improvements to tba lessees. At tba present tba caaa has beea aant back to tba district court. Judge Manger holding that It was a question for tba state. The court uiteu this month. Cells Caaarn lata CeiH. -Tba members of the city council of Omaha hare been cited to appear before tba supreme court at ha next sitting. Feb ruary Id. and a bow causa why they should not recoa.eata as a Board oT Equalisation and bear protests s gainst the low aasiaa meet of railway property Is Omaha. Leave ta file a petition asking for tba mandamus was granted to George Morton. T. XX. Wead and W. G. t'ra af Omaha, by tbe court this monhif apa aa appUearoa Bled Saturday. Tba petition filed stated that tba council 11 a Board of Equattsstioa bad refured to bear araTumenta of tba relator." though a ahowtns was enact to prors that they bad erldenca to prore that tba railroad prop erty In tbe city ef Omaha mstaad of being aaanaant at t'.n cash value, as was other property la that dry. had been a. sprawl upoa oae-haif of 1 per cent of Its valna. Tba petition contains the figures returned by tba board and tba figures showing tbe valuation af tba property as gathered by tba ralsUirs after careful aad tbarouga lnvearlga'ioa- . . Tba relators la tbe case ara membe-s f tna Omaha Real Estate exchange that bas for soma tima been wag-lag war an tbe railroad aaaeaament which has been so macfe low r than tna value of tba vrra erty that It has became familiar history througboat tba state. It Is said tbe fight begun now wl result ta a test being mads ef tba practice cf tba city assessor of Omaha being compelled ta take tba figures of tba Stats Board of Equalisation on tba valuation ef railroad terminals for assfsa meat Tor valuation for dry purpose a Waves mm XerlkweMera Treat. Attorney General Front this afternoon filed a petition la the supreme court ask ing that tba corporation known as tba Northwestern Trust company af Omaha ba dissolved because It at doing aa lusts Tment tavesoneatt buaiaess without having se cured a certificate from tba flanking board af tba state. Attention was railed to this caaasaay soma tlsaa age by parties ta Fre mont and tba petition filed today la tbe result. Tba North western Trust rosapaay sells a "contract." so the petirJoa states, which grew to aast perries la buying home. tho terms of the contract tbs purchaser pays S for tbe certificate and for Ms reg istering bo then pays M-a a moats.- Of this sum SI goes to tbe borne fuad. 9 cents goes to S I tail re find, ta be deposited la a back and drawn out according to tbs contract, and K1J goes ta pay tba com yaay for Ha trouble. Tbe contracts ahall nature ta numerical order, when Si a month has beea paid In by holders over and above auaas which are reantred to be said on a contract of a lower aortal ausa- ber or when Coca has beea paid In. Tho company then agrees to pay C2t a month for twenty antnihs to help out tbs pur chaser. The purchaser la then to pay e the cnespasy on what tbe company sd vsoced for him f.t S a month until all Is paid back. Should tbs purchaser fall to keep up bis paymeata or violate bis con tract t C. Miller of Hastings, by the terms ef his contract, becomes bis attor ney, with power to sell tbe contract to aomeoee else. Saved ffaiat la Merder Caae. auong the cases argued before tbe su rcease court today see of much Interest was tbe Bobinspa murder case. The p.aintiS was sentenced to a life term In the peni tentiary by the MrPbrrsoa county diauirt court far murder la tbs first degree. He appealed to the supreme court and one of the contentions of bts attornera waa that It waa proves that tbs murder was com mitted a Arthur county and that the la. ctlrtment vu flied ta McPbsrsoa county. Tbe plaintiff held that tbe two eoustHS bar never consnHdated. eve tbocgh tby pretended to be elllvaa as I-awyer. Former Chief Justice In 1'tih. who stepped down and out at the last slttlrg ef tba supreme court, appeared refers depart ment No. t today and for the first ttme hi ssx years pleaded a case to those with whom be bad been associated on tbe bench The car was that wherein Mary L. He-ry seeks to bar rTraed a decision of the lower court of Platte county that awarded a Judgment agairst ber la farof of Andrew thiaseil. Tbe case grew out of the fact that Jemrie G. EhiseelL. agd IT rears, lore! not wisely, and Robert H. Renry. aged If years, was alleged to be tbe man ta tbe rase. Robert, so It was argued, bled him self, with bis root her, to Denver and there lived until the aberlf ef Piatta county, with tbe father cf tba girl and an attor ney, swooped down upon them with a war rant charging Robert with statutory as sault. Instead of bringing bim back a prisoner Robert and tbs girl were mar lied, and the father of tbe girl bad a writ ten statement from tbe mother cf Robert sgreeir.g to pay bim CS) to maintain the girl during ber sickness and after. The mother failed to pay tbe mcney. bene; the suit. The Stat Conference cf Charity and Correction began its annual meetlrg at tbe First Christian church this morning, and tonight at tbe same place the vL'ttors wer entertained by pupUa from tbe State School for the BUnd. tin carried out a musical and literary program. Mayor Adarna was not present at the morair-g session and neither was Stat Su perintendent Fowler, ectseouentlv Rev. Martin welcomed the visitors on behalf of the city and Rev. J. L Marsh acted la the welcoming capacity for tbe state. Re rponeee were made by Superintendent Johnson of the Institute fcr tbe FeeMe Minded at Beatrice and by Superintendent Clarke of the Geneva Industrial srbeA President Hosgiand. formerly chief of po lice of Lincoln, delivered bis annual ad dress. He gav a brief Utorjr of tbe char ities and corrections organisation and pnlnted out the scope of Its metnberahlp. Including all who are Interested In re-forme In rr art table and prison reform work. H spoke urgently of the necessity of stimu lating public Interest In these work, for upon aa enlightened public aen'lraent must reliance be placed for effective wcrk. TaeaK Tract lea sale. Judges Holmes. Cornish and Frost of the district court this afternoon vacated the sale ef the traction company property to. Charles A. FTueeufl. because the purchaser refused to pay over the money when tbe lodges refused to define In advance e actly what wss being sold. When court convened the Judges brushed a tide the ob jections cf tbe traction company to the sale and ordered It consummated Instanter. Then ft was that Attorney Rose, for the purchaser, asked that tbs Judges define what was being bought. Tbe Judge held that the order of sal was suScient ta do that and the bidder under the drnim s'aocee rfued to pay down tbe money. and the order was vacated. It la likely that a new sale will be ordered, though the traction companr arked that its bid for the propertv be accepted. Stetknkail Or gas lee oat L E The general board of adjustment of tb i;r-4herhood of Loromotlv Engineers of tbe B. aV M. Cnlshed tbe business of Its first bienalal erosion this morning. Tbe meeting waa called yesterday morning at I o'clork- Tbe general board Is composed of the chairman c-f each iocal board of the sev eral flrlatons of tbe order on tbe B. a: M. It consists of the following members: George . Moore of division M. Lincoln: James Shields of C3. Wytnore; S. G. Til lett of Deadwood. . Alliance: C T. M11U gan of Red Cloud. C McCooa, and C. B. Godwin. CC Sheridan. Wro. The meeting Is memorable from the fact that It la the first one of Its kind in Lin cola atnee tbe great strike of lffiK. when a t body of tbe Burlington engtnemen oat and precipitated one of tb fiercest battle between capital and labor tn the history of rallroadlrg. The meeting was called la conformity te tbe la wa of the brotherhood to form a gen eral board of adjustment for the proper eupervMon cf matters of a general nature. In tbe formation ef a general board George H. Moore of Lincoln, was elected permanent chairman and C. B. Godwin of Sheridan. 'Wye., seeretsrv. Followirg tbe ergantsatioa ef this gen eral board the principal business was re viewing tbe conditions ef tbe brotherhood and suggesting ways and means of foster ing tbe goodwill of railroad rOdala. be sides arranging for participation ta tbe coming con vent ton of tbe International brotherhood, which Is to be he'd tn Los arge'ea In Kit of this year. Good cheer prevails ta brotherhood circles on tbe RIM. and tbs relatione between the order and the ofCctale are reported te be very gratifying. SHOOTS AT BOLD STRA5CER Grind I'Latd sTatea ii Fear Bees, tafs a Artiest f "Peep 05 Tom.' SEIZES YOLKS WCHM AT HER HOKE 9teey Heesebeldeee Sew Keep Loaded Revolver Awaltlag tbe Come lag ef Mia Wheee Idea tlty te tikitwm, GRAND ISLAND. Neb . Feb. 1 SpedaLl A particularly bold Peorr.g Tom" bas be-n operating In the northern part of the city for tbe part two months and his actiots have become so terrifjirg that those molested are ta constant fear. He went so far oa Thursday night as te grab Miss Eva Vi:is st the borne of Mr. Mf Brlde. by the ankle and wrist, drag ber r.ff the porch, whftber she bad gone on a slight errand, and carry her ten feet be fore the arproach of other members cf the family frightened him away. He was shot at on this evening and had been previously the target of a revolver, always, however, escaping uninjured. On the evening stated tbe weather waa very stormy. About T.3P Mas Mills, while on the porch was suddenly grabbed by the miscreant, but managed to give an outcry before be had placed bis hand, with something moist, over her mouth. It Is believed that the something motyt was a glove, having snow on It. though Ms Mills states that she was nearly strangled, though she cannot say that she raelled chloroform. Mr. McBride ran out. and the fellow ran. The people of the vicinity have laid for bim outside their bouses, but on such occasions be alwaya remains aloof. -t At other times he Is so bold as to answer back to any casual remarks that may be made, or to tap numerous times on win dow with a knife, and to another ytrang lady some ttme ago he asade aa tadecent proposal through the window, when she J suddenly saw htm on the outside of the window. On one occasion Mrs McBride took a shot at him through a window. The fellow then dlsv red behind some small bund ing on the premises. No definite de scription of him has been secured, but as be was seen running on several oc casions he appeared to be a medium Bleed man. In more than one north side home now loaded revolvers are belr.g kept for a reception cf the fellow. From his actions, especially from his boldness In returning night after night, even after he bas been shot at. It Is believed to be some half-cracked Individual. Saturday ax-mlng banning by a rep tn the bara with only ber night clothe on. Some ttme la tbe night she bas left her bed wa knew to ber husband and family. There has been ae cajse assigned for ber act. only that she bad brooded ever the loss ef a barn and Its contents. Including several head of horses, which was destroyed by fire several month agx The dead womaa had made no threats or left any word. Two brothers. Ben and Gearhard Frees, reside here. Meierdlerrks owns a good farm and la well-to-do as welL . Mass a Will Bary Bltvera's Body. DAKOTA CTTT. NeK. Feb. (SpecisLi A telegram was received this morning by the secretary of Omadl lodge. No. S. An cient, Free and Accepted Masons, of this place, dated Albuquerque. N. M . Febru ary 1. statir.g that William A- Bllven had been killed by a train at that place on that day and asking what disposition to mske of the body. A reply was sent, stat ing to hold the body for further Instruc tions. Mr. Blrren was the eldest son of Curtis 3. Bliven. pioneer reeldent of this county, who for several years past has re sided tn Sioux City, la Last spring Vr. Bllven. who for about ten years past has beea farming his father's farm, about five mile southwest of this place, disposed of his personal property and retired from farm life, and since that time has teen stopping with his parents !n Sioux City. About two weeks ago he left for New Mexico looking for aa investment. The de ceased was unmarried and was about M years old. H In estimated to be worth about C0.0M. George Bllven of Sous City, a brother of the deceased nas left - for Al buquerque to accompany the remains homo. Tb Interment will be In the Taylor ceme tery In this county, the date to be an nounced later. The Masons' lodge of this place, of which deceased was a member, win have charge of the funeral. ROOSEVELT CLUBS ORGANIZING Xasserew Tow la State the Where Taey Stead tbe Pieeldeaey. STRACVSE. Nb,. Feb. (Special -Th republicans of thai community organised a Roosevelt league last night and elected the following officers: President, O- Q Horne: vice president. W. W. Bell; secretary. A. EV Chaffee; treasurer. E. E. HaJL W. H. Carson was elected a member of the state executive committee to represent the locl organisation. A committee on by&w and constitution was appointed and will report at the meeting to be held next Monday. The Roosevelt sentiment Is very strong Probably no other endorsements for the national ticket will be made. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. L Spe cial. The Roosevelt club of Grand Ialand was permanently organ.ej last evening by the election of these officers: Frank Sulli van, president; R. W. Beck, vice .president; A. F. Boethler. secretary; C E. Brown, treasurer: Alvimls Bock. H. C. Miller. H. J. Bartenbacb, George H. Sands and G. A. Leiser, executlv committee. Steps wer taken for the organisation cf a Roosevelt club In every township In tbe county. DANNEBROO. Neb.. Feb. 2. SpeciaL A sVaosevelt eiub waa organised her last evening with a membership of thirty, with prospects of twice that many members be fore spring. Great enthusiasm was manl seeted throughout tbe meeting. This is tbe first club of Its kind organised in Howard county. If not In tbe Loup valley. The officers arc: J. M. Erickaon. president; C O. Caldwell, secretary; A, A. Jensen, treasurer. CHARGES WATKE WITH ARSON Dr. Stoop's Ebecmitlc Cere Catts Hstsiaf ft a Fata las Aaattea Waa Aeoaaod ef Atleeaa to Bar) aa Elevator at Sekaapp'a MlaaT. LOrP CTTT. Neb, Feb. I 'Special. V- Sheriff William left for Ashton rhls noon with a warrant for the arrest ef Robert Watke of Asbton, who Is char a 4 wt'h an attempt to burn the elevator b'locglng to E. G. Taylor at Bchaupp'e Sidrng last Sat nrday night. The attempt was by mea- of a fuse, which, however, failed to work. owing te the fact that the sae-ted ta'low of I tbe candle need ss a slow match covered tbe fuss end it failed to burn. This la the SUM Robert Walk who was acrused cf burning the Ashton elevator last enrtr.g. but was acquitted on trial. Wests De as peter for DeteeraJe. BEA TRICE. Neb, Feb. 1 rSpecial.) The Beatrice Roosevelt league held a largely attended meeting at the court bouse last eight and endorsed C. B. Dempster, presi dent ef tb Dempster MOl Manufacturing company, for deJeg-ate to the tepubllcaa national convention from this corgi t a atonal district. Brief addresses wer mad by Samuel Rlnaker. H. J. Dob ha and Mr. Dempster, all touching upon the fitness of Theodore Roosevelt for the presidency. Temporary Cbairmaa M B. Davis an nounced the appointment of tbe following advisory committees from the First and Third wards: First ward. L. A. rScrcsnra, A- P. Sage, R. A. Phelps and WT. J. Todd; Third ward. Harry Ford. B. F. Gurney. D. VT. Carre and A. T. Mllburn. A resolu tion endorsing C B. Dempster for delegate to tbe convention was read and unani mously adopted. Saves Life, bet Lease Tease. PLATTSMOVTH. Neb, Feb. t Special 1 Last summer nearly all the boats form ing the Plattsmouth pontoon bridge broke loose and went down the river. They lodged on the various sand bar along the river between this dty and Nebraska City. When the fiver froae over Til Sheldon, a wen known farmer residing near Perdval. la, ;ook a team and started to cross tbe main channel of the river to get one of tb boats, which be thought ba could use to advantage at home. When near the center of the channel the ice begaa to crack and thinking that his life waa ef snore value to bim than .be boat aaade basts to ear him self and Tar bed the shore tn safety, wbi's the team, wagon and harness went under the lea. Blair Get Three Tear. TORK, Neb. Feb. Special.) Joha Blair, tbe Arborvtll farmer, is now lan guishing in tbe county Jril under a sen tence of three years tn the penitentiary and is the most penitent prisoner who bas been lodged In the county jail for rm time. John Blair was sentenced last even ing to a term of three years, and be broke down aid cried. County Sheriff Brott has thirty days In which to take hia prisoner to tbe penitentiary and tn a conversation this morning said that would probably tak tbe full thirty day, to give Blair every t p port unity to secure a new trial. Hia artorneya have appealed to the supreme court and will make every effort to secure for Blslr a new trial and keep him out cf the penitentiary. Warm Tlsse la Csaaty Board, FREMONT, Neb, Feb, t Special.) There waa a rather exciting time for a few minute at tbe meeting of the Board i't Supervisor this morning. Chairman Boyd Introduced a resolution for tbe re consideration of the allowance of a claim of m to G. G. Martin and I to R. J. Stin son for extra nukn In the case cf Dodge county against Saunders county In the supreme court and In the course of his remarks said something which Superrleor Mead considered aa Imputation on bis veradty. which Mr. Md resented la forci ble langucge. Mr. Boyd called Supervisor Hepburn to tbe eharr and explained hia pcmtUoa. The resolution waa placed. AIDS IX PASSAGE OF BILL a Backut f Booertl Lstitnait c Orer Opes! f Eerv-.i LARD f!E FCR AGRICULTURAL USES Telia of Plans aad Methods of Opew fag tbe Reservation, aa Well aa Teresa of Seearlag Load. Reater Aeeldeatally Shoe. rLATTSMOlTH. Neb, Feb. (Special.) While out bunting ta this county John Wade accidentally abet himself with sa old muxxle-loadlng shotgun, Tbe fu4 charge cf anot entered bia bead Just abov hia right eye, penetrating hat brain. At the time of the accident two other young men were with bim and they were nearly a mil from the bouse. Tbe unfortunate man was taken to a hospital tn Lincoln where It was learned that three Inches of tb skull had beea torn away. After dries big tbe wound tbe physician said the pa tient bow has some chance of recovery. W. B Backus, an attorney from Rone steel. S. D, stopped la Omaha yester day ea route to his home from Washing ton. D. C, where be bad been to aid In securing the passage of the liil which throws open a large portion cf the Rose bod Indian reservation to settlement. Tbe bill passed Monday and provides that UC- acre of fine agricultural land in Grerory county may be settled. Sajd Mr. Backus: "The land now open f r settlement under the bill la mostly good agricultural land, upon which escellent crops cart be raided. It Is well drained and surrounded by rail road and rivers. Gregory county embraces CLOEs acr of the Rosebud reservation, upon which 3" allotments, comprising K-C- acres hare been made, leaving :i,lfi acres unalotted. which will be open to settlement as soon as tbe president Issues his t roc lama t km. "The government will pay the Indiana n.HO.tX for the land Reservations are made of ! acres for the Fores, creek station, forty acres for tbe Ponca creek day school, seventy-eight acre for tbe Catholic mission, two tracts cf eighty and forty acres respectively for the Congrega tional mission and sections 1 and 3k. which go to South Dakota for school purpMee. and for which the government will pay CSS per acre. Of the sura laid to the Indians Ly the government lt. sill be expended for stock cattle, which will be Issued ro tbe Indiana. There is a provi sion that not more than half th money received la any one year Is to be ex pended la this way. the balance to be paid in caah, and divided equally among tb Indiana. Payments are to b made in October each year until tbe full pur chase price has been paid over. Terras ef Ceatraet. ".va persons who have allotted latafis oa the reservation and are recognised mem bers of the tribes, whether mixed bloortj or net, and also white men who have Intermarried and are now living with their families upon the reservation, shall bare peaceable possession of their allotted lands. T'nited States Indian Inspector Mclaaugh Un made a treaty with the Indians re garding these lands September H, 1XH. and this treaty was signed by about three fourths of the adult Indiana Following this aa amended treaty was drawn up. which a majority of the Indiana refused to sign. Congress then declared the lands open regardless of the number of signers and tbe supreme court of tb Vnited State upheld the legislature Jn Its action. "The government la decided to adopt the plan used in Oklahoma reservation, and the prtrGege of securing a quarter section shall be determined by lot and as there are 1M quarter Sections to be opened and about CMM people expecting to draw you can easily determine the ratio as to success. On thing is certain, the Rosebud reservation and Is abojt tbe last good farming land to be opened to public settlement In the t'nited States under the homestead lawa Tbe plan pursued for opening the reservation will be Is all re spects similar to that adopted at tbs open ing of tbe Kiowa and Comanche lands three years ago. and the aunt crffkials who conducted that opening win be employed la this. It Is now believed tbe proclamation of tbe president throwing the lani open for settlement win be Issued within sixty or ninety days at the most, PLEURISY, PNEUMONIA, CONSUMPTION CURED Oeorte Q. Haver 0a West IZSth Mr ret. New York City. Lost 76 Posada In five months, Nrt after slar Dwfty'a Pare Mail WbUkejr hi health was restored and he has not lot a 4y' work, la a rear, tie says be ewes his lite te Duffy's Pure Malt Wbiskey READ HIS OWN WORDS. 'l a tak' !.l anh pVu-iy and rncurnorfia. whh r?eve..t ir to consurr ; tion. When taker i k I :tt"i r p-n;rd In nl-.eien seek 1 fltj assy T4- pounds 1 tr-d eisht : the test doctors aid e l tilu rre i -cild n t ilve r months 1 ti frTn rtt-n 10 thirty--" e cTuns i t (rr e t- ev-ry iy fur a year w.-h ut trlr. I hal eeen n e.'e henvv rhsc. hs rot aMe t n?t k Li T-njr s;er ,,f st.ur-at a til. wnN"jt reeling, and i: .1 !- 1 attenj f b':nes t r !j )'jr. "Finaliv I gave tip docjofirs; ari bgan -M- c --y iTjr Vn.l AVr-.i'Vey. I galr-ed in rVea a-i5 trerr. an Me to attend to m v r iens ss so eie-tri. :i. a,". a hfcve n-t let a iav sura in the Mit ear 3M!y a-r'1e ts goti i 1 r ae".-. "'If any perwn who has wj"nr""i wi'I taice t,?Ty a Mi". Vh;rky he U r-e rurw. a it is :he t-eet reme-oy in toe scr.ii. 1 ct rr.v i:te to 11." r, HOVKT. J Wt L.Vh 5", . New V"-K Oitv. I ',!T. s l",r M;t Wl ify hes ra-e,ed the bie-seirg of ha th i r. t . mv-e home cur ir g tbe imet rity yt-r than all othe rme1' (iirft Tnli. It iur-s pne tarprta. pl-y-r,y. ror.sumpti'-n. -:. .sr.. coiti. r"ip or-onrfcltis. cetgrrh. asthrra and l dis eases ( the thr.t and lunar, ind .gr-sti-n. dst'epsia ar.d every form of Siomacn tr-ov.b e. r.errt'Ueneee.. rnaiaria ard all h w fever. It tjwiitfs anil enrvre tt blood, bitos i p ih- nerve tiseaes. T ore 1 p the heart, ail: d:seaee germs. oni:yrg the sat-ra agmrst disease serrrs and pro motlre lor.aevity; mxite- the ourg st-eg snd healthy and k-epe the oid your.g. In f (y 1 l' Wait WtiieK'v c-oot!is n. t use! c1I ard is the onlv ahfskey re-fiarii-d 1y thr g'vemrrert as a m-duire Yhis is g"jrT5'ee. r-nti! by octjrs snl used exclusively in l0fl0 h-pnala t Al TIO V bea ea ask for !. fare Malt HthUkey be aare ye get the aeaalae. 1 aserapalea dealers, BSgr. f t. emrelleaew ef this res ararlea. will try e sell yea cheap) lal(tiM aad as a It wki-Jkey sabstltste. vbsrb are pat ea tbe market fee yratj alr. aad whleh. tar frees reliev-tag the alrk. are positively harsafel. Desaaad "Difj-i- aas tee sere yea get It. It la the oaly aboslately sere Malt tThfakey which eeaiaJaa sse-djeiaat. kealth-alvlag ejaallfles. Uagy's Pare Walt Whiskey is sold la sealed reef, tie sal, never la ink e ball. Lust for the trade-ssark. the H rbesslst." sa tbe labeL and be eertatw the aeal ever tbe eerk la aaavskes. Reviare ef re 1 1 re battle. P--M by all d-nsri'is and grocers, oe dirw-r." C a bott Interestir.g mecllcs.1 booklet free to anyone lufTy Malt Vhifk ey Co. Rochester. N". T. CeUeeelag Pellaqaeat Tuts. GRAND ISLJklTD. Xeb., Feb. I (Spe cial) For the first time since IK the county treasurer's office paid Into the county an excess of fees, to the amount of C1K. all salary and clerk hire having been paid. Under the aew law the time for tb payment of delinquent personal taxes ex pired en Sunday aad th treasurer stent J vs distress warrants today, placing them ta the hands of tbe heti3 for collection. Cms Cesaty a BEATRICE. Neb-. Feb. 2- (Special Following Is the mortgage report for Gag county for th month of January: Number ef farm mortgages filed, thirty-one; amount, number of farm mortgages released, .hlrty-one; amount. F!a. Number of city mortgages filed, thirty-nine: amount. gla.71i; number of dty mortgages released, thirty two; amount. 13.144. Administrator fee Bassaer Estate. FLATTSMOrTH. Neb- Feb. Z- (SpecUll County Judge H. D. Travis baa appointed Isaac D. Harmer of At oca administrator ef the estate of Barton W. Harmer, plac ing bis bond at The personal property Is valued at (lui).uu aad tb real estate In Cass and Otoe at k&Ww. There ar four other heir. I.ase Head Is Peed Grinder. ORAXD ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. t "Spe cial.) B. Knox, an old and highly, esteemed resident cf Alda township, lost bis left band yesterday afternoon, th member be ing caught tn a feed grinder aad literally ground off. The feeder bad become choked ap and Mr. Kaos was pri 1i.g sown tbs feed with bis gloved band. The glove be came caught aad pulled the hand tn with It. It was half aa hour before Mr. Knox could be relieved ft nan his position. An effort Is being saaoe by th attending sutgaoa ta ear tb thumb. Tb flnger and palm ef tba band are gone. arUtis 1 iiwTJTtaa se a U! r mf. ItTw'tTli"! " 1 ii nm!i Ttm'Htn", " a'assT I a set aaa Ikal Be In n mm CM aaa a-sa - inn rate a-sa ipa T ket I -. ana a v-u at ta vmm 4a m a ta-1 rsss a4 si ma as Rw tsas a tae mm af Si ill i ri I taaa aa Ml tmmt I e-ui rama ta a Sau as ar tliiami OSra aa 11 11 I aa.aat aaea mU m -maaa a ml a e 1 mm aae aana aa swa ua - aaaa saw an J rae-a 111 la a sa-a. Taaa uai aauaaa arau 1 m tea aaa lar. s s In a 11 Can a a pmrnrn as s lima aaea aaaaa sal im eaaaaaa tie aa eaai l ai i t ami awaa aas aaaasee mm uai I mmmi r1s aaa a ifli a aw a kMaaa. S i la nil i car ie aaae ta 2at!' laef aTs --tt e a rJl aeaaaa sa m It a aaaaaaasi taa aaaS aa eaa e at Mv tt a aaa us aa a aw a4 mmmfmmm """ m k as aaianf i M I aaaa wea aaa aad I ecu aaa r-s isa eaav rre as taa-ar w a n a aia t aa a aa Daatsws's Salaea at NORFOLK, Neb . Feb. L (Special V-Im-prosatlng Carrie Katioa, Mr. J. Court ney visited a aaVooa at Psasstt. Neb., with a hammer and asssshad all of the glass ta the srtlrrora behind tbe bar, peaadad the bottle rate bits, roiled amber fluid aad liquor out apes, tbe floor, poured beer Into tbe ciwpadoree and scared tbs little crowd of aaea eras were standing as to drink until they trembled. Mm Courtney bas not yet been arrested. Freasost Has Seer -terlaleadewt. FREMONT. Neb, Feb. (Special V-At a regular meeting of the School Board last evening Superintendent Laird formally no- Used tbe board that be would not be a can didate for re-election. It bad been under stood for soma time that there would be a change st the close of this year snd the board at once went into executive session to select the new maa and they did so In a very snort time. While they decline ta say who be was. tt is understood County Su pertntendeat Charles Arsstt was appointed. Mr. Axaott ts a aativ ef West Virginia. W laser W eaaea Kills MeeaeIC NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. t Special V-Mr. tMetrtra Medrtrks roaatnltted eutcid at Wmner during the early aaurrxlng by put- t us iaa a" oal lttag a rope area ber aerk ta tba bara at I eaa f and StranailM She baa Beea lit ai n. iiii for the last few dag ever aa Imaginary wrens; ts a sjesgbbsr. Trleskeac Llaes to Jeiau FETERSBURO. Neb.. Feb. I (Special! Tbe Cedar Telephone company bas made arrangements to connect with tb Peters burg local cmpaay and aa aooa as 1 weather will permit th work f running the Una from EUgin ts this ptaos will b eompssted. This will gtv tbe patron af too tncal exchange eoaasannlcatloa with Elgin. Oakdale. Nellgb and Tildes. Ar rangemants ar also being msio to eo sect with O-NellL Cedar Baplda. Newmaa Grove and other nearby towns, maktr.g la all about 70S "prion sa. Kills Larare Well, BEATRICE. Neb, Tea. -r2r.ecial.i- Walle slanting oo the fana of A. T. Cole, adjoining teas ciry, rre uoual killed a large wolf aatar8ay aaornlng. Tbs "'"l was sktst sut a great aletaacs from tho bara. and tt as supposed tt waa In search of pig, catches or other prey. Lai, base " NORFOLK. Nea, Feb. 1 (prialV A bulletla buss frees tbs bed si As of O. A. -lAiikart this nvoraiag ear that ho I raarh ssaJorlaMy aial has Meeaelf. PENDER. Neav. Feb. 1 (Spatial Trle- graaa.1 Tbe fimeral ef O aaaa a Meterdirrcaa. -tfe of tJtealrWa Metardieeraa. residing twelve miles southwest af this place, took place at tbs Lutheran lansisij' near Plata creek today. Mrs, Meitvdlaxxsa waa foaad Saaalla-ex Stssasew ot GRAND ISLAND, Neb Feh. t (Spe- ciaL The last case of small po at AJda. vea miles west of this dty, has been tamped out aad th quarantine removed. The village and vicinity had quits a aleg of tbe daces about four weeks age, bat there were no sever rase. ALL TRAFFIC IS SUSPENDED High Winds sad Lew Teas sera tare Case Cessation of Wark la Daksls.y BISMARCK. X. V.. Feb. 2. The tempera ture here dropped during the night from ST degrees abov to U below and the cold waa accompanied by a wind blowing forty eight miles an hour, w hich piled the snow to drifts. AH train on three roads lead ing out of Bismarck were suspended. On the Northern Pad no the eastbound train was stalled at New Salem for sixteen hour Stanrsad Ian Pas SIOTX FALLS, B. IX. Fwb. 1 (Special Teleorram. Judge Cartand of tbe T'nited States court today denied a motion for a pew trial ta tbe case of Amelia E. Ktrkland against the North wasters railroad. Tbs plaintiff, at a terra of the United Bute court held at Aberdeen, was by a Jury awarded damages in th sum of taSGS against the company for the loss of her basbaad. Tb company will not tak an appeal from the action of Judge Carta nd. but will settle the suit by paying the plain tiff the amount of damages awarded her. rrsaaerlara Harry ts Strike. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. Wyo.. Feb. 1 4 Special Prospectors ar leaving ber as rapidly as transportation facilities can .be secured for the scene of tbe big copf-cr strike near Battle Lake a few caya ago. Tb discovery la believed to be a counter part of tb Ferris-Uaggerty eels. Drive AU Before It. Aches aad pains fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. So do sores, pimples, boils. corns aad piles, car bo pay. Sc. For by Kuhn A C. atsiaad Brtaig Delay a Tralaa. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. I Spe cial. The burning out of a small bridgs at Marked, eighty mile west of here, last Bight delayed aa passenger trains en th fnloB Padac today. Tb ftr was dls cwvered la Cme to prevent any accident. Remington Typewriters For Rent 7tT-TTUf Moderate. Ample Stock of excellent Machines. TABVLATOSS ATTACHES WBXM MMVKTTk. We Will Send Them Anytvhere. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. COMPANY. UI9 Farnsjii Straet, Omaha. f? ; - V" mm Mi Orleansityiobile ( Rcud. Trip Tickets to Hsw Orleans S3I.50. To Moblls $30.35. On sale February 9 to 14th. Tie Durtegion Is the SMOOTH road Omaha te Pt Loins, and tr-re Is bit one chary of cars Omal-.a, to NewOrl-ans or Mot In Us Cnloa Station at 5c Louis, TICKETS 1502 FARI3AU STREET. OMMtoii Not alone the highest quality, but fnll measure of flnzntitv in the flnarts. pints and hi!f pints of Old Underoof Rye Properly mide and thorongtly aged. CHAS. DENNEHY 6 CO.. CUcago. N 11 - 1 'A W.-'a s To men who ar weak mentally, mor ally and physically. Wbeae systco-s have at avs um been pciiuted w. a f iisinraa prlvaie aia aaea. ttxa whose depleted ravanbood forbids any advances toward raaxrimony and those who have mad th mistake of marr.t tng wail there lurked la Lkelr satem sums fnghlfil waakcea or peor,i taint of private dlseaat. and wno n; find these! ua Um vcrg ef eooil rum To all such men a cEScienu-MUi and exfertacced ducior would adviat you te consult snTbout deiay the taet specialist. Oci who bas mads a lire long study sf lust such eases. One ho eaa euickiy and fully understand your troubles. One who wUl not deceive you with false promise or unbusinesslike cjropoeitioaa On she can aad will cure you in tbe sborteat poesio time and at the least ea penes ts you. Any mss la seed of soca medical advice or treatment should ossae at once te the State tHeetce-Slra eal lastltate. We aaaSe aa aaOelesdtag ttaas t tas asmea. aer as e araaaiee t ran t bra ta a tew a ta erder ts severe tkelr satraa.. Set we -aaraalss a sarteet. s aad Isatlag rare ta tae alehral aeaalkle ttaas. wiibeat laavtag laraaas aner-rseett la tbe ay as earn, aad at tb leant possible ler saaest, auurai aaa eaveewoaral traatsaeBt.' W K CXWm. hIICKLT, liFCLT AID THOIOCbULT tricture, Varicocel. Emissions. Hervo-Setual Debility, tmpotency. Blood Poison, (Syphitis, Rectal. Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and cos asses aad weaknesses doe ts taberitaace, evfi tabita, aelf-abssa, eaoasae ar LDs result of sparine or private aaa ara . i ' I W1LA. ClaVE tot. r aabaalaeaalika prsi i at CONSULTATION FREE 2, call wit f r.rmpto aaara. a. sa. ta t p. aa. alandaya. a tlank- Offiee IS ts 1 es.y. STATE HEOIGAL ItlSTITUTE, I306 Famsm SL, Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS