TIIE' OMApA DAILY ftEE: MONDAY. FKnRTTART 1. 1D04. CRM AND PRODUCE MARKET Kcr Peif tl Tct froai fir Ent I: fiat no iht whtt Pit DEMAND NOT SO URGLKT AS IT HAS BEEN 1. northern. W6,c; No. !. northern, vjwc; No. , northern. M3c t ii Several mill will close tonight and ni remain Down fnr tne hrst nan of next week find possibly nnrr. First patent. HKITO; second patent. hiJ 4fo; first clears, Cij; etconu cleajs, H KAN In bulk. tll.r.S15.. Csra Closes! I,srr, Oats VI ere t p 4 Previsions Were froaa (t(a ta Tklrty triti Uwer, CHICAGO. Jan. . The ls belligerent tone ot new irom the Oilent was the main Influence It. the wheat pit today, femall holdnre took profits, rau-tng d cnn ot nearly a rent In both tne a-uly and M deilveriea Iwmi of tne Inaa was re gained, but the eiwee wa weak, with Mar 4Sc below last r.lgrit a ttnal figures. May corn closed Vyc tower, but oata were up lrovlslons were i1 lower. The leading bull operator supported the wheat market on breaka early in trie aay and there tu alao scattered buying from -mminlon houM-a, but the demand was not nearly so urgent aa It has been re cently. In the face of higher prices at Liverpool opening uuotstlons here showed lees. May bring off a ahade to Sw: aij vvvwtsj- Juiy openeo v-c to ,W-Sc lower at tZON.To. Local hoi era wera In clined to dispose of their line, and In spite of moderate buying by th big bull Interest prtcea began to ffk a .nwer level, War declining to and July to fl0 within the first hnlf hour. Trading waa of a dragging character the greater part of the day. The market exhibited rereeei signs of life at on time, when on a report that the big holder waa selling July iulte general liquidation in that delivery oe veloped. The price quickly dropped to 2c. and May sold eff fn sympathy to (&c. I.ate In the day a firm feeling was mani fested on leas pressure to ae 1. but the Im proved tone waa only temporary. ltenewel profit taking and evening-up rnlea over Munday caused a' weak sentiment to pre vail at the finish. A less bull.sh ca-h tit Via Hon In tha northwest had a depress ng Innuanre in speculative trading he; a May closed lower at Sc. while Ju.y at down NTtc at tL"c. Clearances of wheal and flour were equal to SinTi burhels. ITltr.ary receipts were MS.lr) bueneis, against P3.4o0 bushels a year ago. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of ti cars, against :.J last week and S'4 a year ago. Corn prtcea declined slightly. In sympathy with wheat and on selling credited to a leading packer, but taken aa a whola tha market waa a steady one. Cables did not reapond to tha advance here yrsterday and there waa soma profit taking on tha Im proved prospects for peace. Commission houses wera the beet buyers. The cloet waa ateady. with May HV,o lower at iJ'nC after opening a shade lower to a shnde higher at l,c to Vtc ar.d ranging betwen 6"o and 40o- Local receipts were 27 can. Dona of contract grade. In tha oata market tha strength In cash articles mora than offset the influence of tha easier tcne In wheat and prices ruled iirm mrournoui tne day. xrallna waa lr by commission houses. After open ing unchanged to 2c lower at CSaj-Mn. May aold between 4JV.C and 43we. clown g at ti'c wi receipts were it cars. , Liquidation by commission hmwi and Belling credited to packers caused weak fee In provisions. A late' decline Jn tha price of hogs added to tha depression. May pock led in the decline, closing with a loss of V5 at m.ffcH. May lard waa off I?1 at 7.. while riba were down I st taicv, . CeUmated receipts for Monday: Wheat, jo cars; corn. fcssctrs; cats, 1W cars; hogs, 27,0 head. Tha leading future ranged as follow: OMAHA M HOLE ALU MARKET. ' Coaaltioa af Trsie aad Qaotatloaa aa Staple nl Kaay Frodaee. D1G&-Receipts, moderate; fresh stock. rotl.TRT-Hena V: spring 1-1 K Articlea.) Open. IUh. Low. Cloaa.t Tsfy. May July Com Jan. May July 'Oata Jan. Mar July Sept. Pork airS! Jan. May July Kila 71 rt aS4 sttH niv. urnm n 401 ! ?S2 71 4 4?V I T 1 T to 1 U t2Hf RVU 40 7 1 7 7.Tb r 40 4 li 7 4S 4 No. r Cash quotations wera ai follows: FLOUR Market steady; winter patent. $4lrtp!fc; straights, t4.60fir4.ft: spring pat ents, 14 tofiitu; atraighta. UftJ&H.ixi; bakers', 12 trt aX W H K AT No. t spring. 7S3t7e; No. J red. , CORN No. t 4Ttc; No. t re"". 4c. 1 OATS No. I 4bCo; No. 1 whit. 40H9 RTE No. 1 ITa BARLET Oood feeding, ttfiatc; fair to Choice malting. 46ti67e. 6EED8 No. 1 flax, tl.lo; No. 1 northwest ern, tl.KH: prtTTis timothy. tS; clover, contract grade. $11. X. PROVISIONS-Pork. meas. per bbl.. F.S 00 6'll.UH- Lard, per 100 lba 17.1037. li. ii .ort ribs, aides (loae. V, If. 44.50; short clear sides (boxed), tt rP37.i. Kol lowing ara tha raoelpta and ah'p-nsnts o( flour and grain : Receipts. Shipments. M J 6.1-0 cl lckens. J''iVr; root r.. sccorulng K- sge. wsk-; lu;k., teniae; ducks, vai'; geese, Klc- I'KESPED POL'LTRT Turkey. lSlc; ducks, ivy ile; geese, 1V;; chickens, bfTTER-Packing stock. li,Ci:-; cholca to fancy dairy rolls, lie; sepaistor, Zc. FHEhli rw-H i rout. uici K Tel. SH ic; pike, c, perch, fc&W; b.uetish, lie; whltefish. iiv. salmon. He; liaddovk. Imc; codfish, itr; re,snrper, 11c; lobsters, bailed, per lb.. .; lobsters, giefn. p r lb.. 2vr; bullheads. 11c; cstnsn. liHc; bisck bass, Ji.'c; hallliut, iJc; croppies. Lie; herring, 4c; white bas. l.c: blunn.s 8c; smelts, Italic. OISTEHS N-w York counts, per .an, 3c; P gal., $1(0; extra select, per can, I.V; pr gal., IL, staadard, per cau, Z7c; per gal.. II 50. RhAN-Ptr ton. IIS.OO. HA T Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sa.'e L'elers' association: Choice No. 1 tip land, Hs No. t. 100; medium. coarse. 5'i; rye straw, C00. These prices are for bay of good color and quaUty. e mand fair and receipts llrlrt. tuH.N-e. OATS 3?c. RYE No. Z. fc. VEGETABLES. rOTATOESCol orado. ic; Dakota, rr bu.. Sic; natives, 75c fcljVh.ET PUi AiuES-lliihoU. per bbL, NAVT BEANS per bu., CELERY Small, per dog., l&3So; large California k; The and ftc ONIONS-Spanlfh, per crate. $1.85; Colo rado yellow and red, per lb., Tc CARBAUE Wisconsin Holland, Pic; new California cabbage. S!c. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, per lb.. lCj Mte, per bu., 0c. CAHROTi-Per bu., 75c. PAH-NIFfi'er bu.. tc REETS Per bu., 0c CAL'LI-FLOWER i.'alifornla, per crate, $2.76. crCCMPKRF per dox , $1 rn !A RADISHES-Per dot. bunches, tic LETTUCE HEAD-Per doa. bunches. S0c Cl.i; e bbl., r.OC'; leaf lettuce, per doa. bunches. 45c. Tl RNIPS Southern, per Hot.,-75a BEKTS Southern, per doa, 75c. CARROTS Southern, per doa. Tta PARSLEY Southern, per doa, $L FRUITS. APPLES Cs II forti la Bel!flowem. rr box, $1.66; New Tork export Greenings, Russets and Baldwins. $175. ORAPES-Pony Catawbas. JOc; Imported Malagas, per keg. M.00. CRANBKRRlLst-Jersey. per bbl., $7 00; per box. $2.50; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, $i.50; Bell and Cherry, o SO TROPICAL FRUITS. ORA NOES Florida BnghtB and Russets, all sir-a. $225; nnvela. all slaea. choice, $2.2f2.W; fancy, ail sixes. $2.76. LEMONS Caliiornia fancy. K to 00 slit-s. $4; choice. 240 to 270 sixes. $J.S0. FIC8 California, per 10-lb. cartons, SSc; Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 6-crown, 10o; 7-crtwn, ISc. BANANAS l'er medium glxed bunch. $2.tfii2 50: Jumto. $2 750 3.25. COCriANUTS Per sack. $4; per doa, !. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs.. $2: per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, Sc; Oriental atuffed datca, per box. $2.40. MISCELLANEOUS. "CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, IJc; Wisconsin Young Americas, lie; block Swiss. lc; Wisconsin brick, lie; Wisconsin Umburger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 74 frames. $3; t'tah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.25. MAPLE SfOAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c. CIDER Per bbl.. $5.60; per Vi bW., 2R. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled. jJe. HORSERADISH Per oasa of 2 doa, packed. 8nc. KITS Wamuta. No. 1 Boft Bhell. rr lb., ISe; hard shell. rer lb.. 14e; No. 7 oft shell, per lb., lie; No. 7 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Praxils. per lb.. 11c; filberts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb.. IJc: pecans, laraa, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., to: roaaier peanuts, per lb., 7Hc; Chill walnuts. 126rl3Hc: large hickory nuts, per bu., tl 50; shell barks, per- bu., $2; fcUck walnut pf-r bu., $1.26. HIDES No. 1 green. c; No. 2 green. 5e: No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted, ac: No. 1 real calf. I to 12 lbs.. P4e- No. 2 real oalf. 12 to It lbs . 6Hc: dry salted hides. 8v!5e: sheep pelts. S7Sc; horsa hides, H.6&S1S0. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Etttn to Cwi fnV t Quirier Ltwer for iht Wtek. HOSS A TRTLE LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO aeea Reeelpts Excessive at All Palais aaa prices Are fraaa a Qaarter ta Party teats lawrr SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 3P. ReceiBiB wert Om-clal Monday Offlcial Tuesday Official S'edne.lay.. .'Tlclal Thursday ... Official Friday Official Saturday .... Cattle. Hogs. Shep .. 4.0 ' ..1.817 7.6.6 U4 ... 6.4-13 i.lK L.i'-I .. 4.-'7 10. 7.fr-4 .. I-SIJ t.7 2.S-4 .. Vxi l.S-7 Us Week ending Jan. S9...1S.! W eek ending Jan. 23 14 14 W eek ending Jan. 14 tZ.l'G 46.574 42.451 4L4H1 tiMU 6.74 50.2W 14.5M 1?7.433 13?9 W eek ending Jan. t 17.7rt Week ending Jan. 2 12.2--4 Same week last year....l.7M) Total January, l-4 7."51 Total January, l!s 7 98 Total January. lf"Z 73. Total January, lf1 a.4r4 "3.I7; Total January. Iii0 67.717 1.3T Total January, v9 41.749 Total January, ly 43. 1t.554 Tota". January, li'7..'.....4)vi64 113 at Total January, l li3 J7.8T7 Total Januarr. 1K9S so Tin 15 649 RLCEll-T FOR THE YEAR lO PATS. The following table ehowa tne receipts of cattle, hegs arid sheep at South Omsha for the year lodale and comparisons with laat ar: ii4. i9u. Inc. Dec. Cattla 7.vl 7S.-SSS J7 Hoga 1-M.5SS li 4SI li&45 Saeep 157,('l fe.ZTV 6,123 Average prices paid for nogs at South Omaha for lbs laat several dais with com parisona: . Pta, Wot. XK. ilXS. 11901. Iltut. (LBS . 1S4. 37.773 Ii.73 H.CS401 25.2U 157. 1 9S.IT9 64.J75 64 2 -2 70.?27 tl.974 ST. 45 41 .m 12.S-M 12.741 fan. J.... 4 t4'4l t H t 23; t It) 4 HI 1141 -Jan. 1.... 4 t a;, t ! t rv 4 la, t 67? J1. 1 T '. C 4 fcii 4 i I 57i I Jan. 4....1 J t tv, 6 itA 4 27, I 411 1 44 Flour, bbia. Vhaat. bu., Cora, bu..., Oata, ha.... Rya. bu Barley, bu. . ts l'O .24 J0 .la2 7 0 ..107.tX 4.$. 122. SuO 1)4 MO 5.KK 17.M Oa the Produce exchangv today the but ter market was firm; creameries, liiiiic; dallies, lllsc. f jc. easy, at mark, cases Included. 2-4) 3a Cheeaa. ateady. ljfe.ltVta SEW YORK CEXCatL MARKET. satatlaas af tk tsar Tarlaas Camaaaaltlea. NEW TORK,' Jaa. L-FLOVR Receipts. 14. 4 bbls.: axporta 1113 bbls. Market quiet but unchanged; winter patents, H v 4 a; winter straights, t4.Ju-4. Sb; illi.nesjia p4 tents. t4.7ui um. winter extras, ta.Aaa6u; Mmneaota bakers'. $3C4.20: winter low grades, $3 0"t;a.a. Rye flour strong: fair to good. t3e-73 4; choice fancy, tJi-VSW. CURNMEAL 8tea.tr; waaiern, tl.ue; dty, US; kiln dried, $2 163.00. RYE Steady: No. I western. tSSc. nom inal, f. o. b. afloat; Btata and, Jersey, 64 tj5c. ' MA RLE Y Pull; feeding, 47c. New Tork; malting. 6(uttc Buffalo. WHiAI-Kaoelpta. IJ.tTf bu. Spot, dull; ko, a rea, wa eiwator; No. a rau. Mc. I. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. $1 00, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba. nomlnaL f. o. k. afloat. Options experienced a mod--erate decline this morning as a result of tood weather west and In tha Argentine, etter news from the far east and an ab- Bene, or Pun support. Tha cle was I trifle steadier oa covering, but still Vc be low yesterday. May. MSgrr, close! fcV; July. t7iCVc. closed 7c; Septemter, r ai-o, ciukj aic. CORN Receipts, M.175 bu.; axporta. !,. tSt bu. Spot quiet; No. 2. tc, elevator: Not I yellow, 6&c; No. 1 whits. 64a Option, market was ouiet and weaker, influenced chiefly by the drop In wheat. Market closed dull at t'c net decline: May, M)5tiVsa closed. 6c; July clueed 64Sa OATS Reoelpts. M.t bu.: exports. 4.E2 bu. pot dull. No. Z. standard while. 764ri-e; No. 1. 4V: No- 1 white. 47SO c. No. I white, 4:a-t7rc; track white. 44 i we. KI"E Steady; domestic, fair to extra. yT:. japan, numiui. HAT Quirt; suipplag. 86 70c; good COOH'e. ev'TffVC. HOPS Finn: state, common to choice. St frc; 11. 23til7e; elds. Hl6c; Paelfle cbast, 1. r-hHe. ism. 217e; olda. htfltc. HIDES Firm: Oaiveaton. 20 to 25 lba.. ltc; Cahforr.la. 21 to 21 lba, lrc; Texas dry, 4 to tu lbs . lta TALLOW Steady; cHy, 6c; country, 69 I. FATHER Steadr: acid MfiSWc. PROVISIONS Leef. ateady; family Utv; meis. tsft.uu; beef ha ma, tJOkf) 22 1m; city eatnt India meas. tit tXal ..(. On nieata. steady; pickled belUes. rr.25jr7 1i. pickled shouiders, ttV756.. ptckled hama. t 5tu lu tat Lrd. easy: western steamed. I, kv; rennea. sun: ccrttnent. $7.1: com- found. $ 50. Pork, ouiet: family. $;iv'jr &5v; short clear. tllWla.00; meaa. tU-6u3 15 . El'TTKRi-Flrm; extra creamery, 27Hc; country, loin umti t cooica, ic; uallauoa creamery, im-c; lactory, 12iil4c. CHE4CSE yulet; stale, full creum. fancy email colored. eVptocnber, lie; ute made. ItAfc; email white, aVptember. lie; lata meJe. liu-tc; large colored. rpumber, 12c; late made. 10c: large whits, Bepteuber, 12e: lata made, 10Se- EiiS Steady; stata and PennayK-anla neartiy average, nnest. w; nrst. SbCr: eati-rn extra, a"; waatern flrsta, asc; western secouaa, w(k. to Taleaa a-ed Bfarkc-t. TOl CPO. Jan 4. 8 EKB Tlorer, rash and Fxbrutary. $77: March. $&: April. r w: prima aunaa, asi; pnme vmothy. ttlaaeaaUs Grala Market. IflKNFAPOI LB. Jan. 1B.-WHKAT ntw ' May, -c; J.y. g!e: et tetul-er, r-ani"! aa track, tna, I, Lard, .'c. No. St ST. Iaala Gralai lad Prarlaloas. LOUI8, Jan. 30. WHEAT Lower; Jao Jaa. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. lh Jan. 19. Jan. 20. Jan. 21. Jaa. 22. Jan. a. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 24... 25... 2... 27... 2a... 29 Jan. 10.. 4 :i t 271 i t at, 4 17l 1 471 1 Sa 4 64V 1 Ml t 24; j 4 a t 4l I 4 4 I, 6 us. i 1 4i 1 44 4 tti t 4i t 0j 6 tf-l 4 M! i t 41 4 Bu. t 4ui t 15. 6 )1 4 s, 3 45; t 40 f lf 6 251 4 ai: 1 60i t 41 4 63 I f 041 t ti 4 41 1 tot 1 4i 4 tiWi t 45 J 6 171 4 4 S CO. S 47 4 764.! fc 47 t 4 I 4 621 1 !5 ! 4J 4 71l 4 M t 14, 5 IS Wl t tH t 41, t 22, t al 4 68 1 t 41 4 T.'Sl t 4, 4 )i 6 1M 4 :i t 62. j t 4, t 17i 6 2"( 4 Ml t 4.-l I4T I EI a , oo, si, ui 4 72, t 29 ; t 17 4 4 1 54; t 64 4 t 47 t 27; 4 64 1 61 1 5i 4 74, I it i li I S I 3 6i 3 64 4 85j 61 t 02 5 14 4 S j I 67 4 ITS, t 6s t Oil 5 14 4 59, t 66, 1 041 t UBi 6 21 4 fc; 3 61, 1 C2 4 SSS! t 14. 5 i2 4 4t, 1 60, 1 6i 4$vHt72 6 Ui 4 fi 1 51 1 72 4 I 66' t 12 4 Wi 2 63 2 47 4 M, 14 6 ; 6 22 I 1 , 3 2 4 7Hj t 64 5 8; 6 4 t2 S 44 4 fcj t 7J, 4 ti i to. 4 64. 1 70, Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Roads Cattlo. Hoga Sheep. Horsed. C. M. tV SU P... wsbash Mo. Pac. Ry I'nlon Pac. System . C. A N. W. Ry F.. E. frM. V. R. R, C. St. P. M. O... H. A M. Ry C. B A Q. Ry K. C. A St. J C. R. I. A P.. east,. Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Wesfn . 14 1 1 9 10 23 t 1 2 1 2 2 1 S4 2 Total receipt t The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each Duyer purchasing ins number of head Indicated: Buyer CatUa. Hors. Sheep. Omaha Parking ta Mt Swift & Co.. Cudahy Packing; Co., Armour A Co Armour Co.. aV C. Other buyers 29 1.152 934 1.174 1.427 13 no the yards this ttvrnlr to make a murk-l. For the week receipts show an Increase OT last week of about 6 ( bead and as compared with the same wek cf lust year there Is sn Increase of aboat 12 n hea-1. n fart, receipts have been verv herr all the month of Januarr. the Increase over January of last year amounting to over 6 head. In view of the heavy recelr.b. not onlv at this market, bur at all othr. It Is not surprising that prices have ease-1 eff a trifle. The mutton market In th east ms to be In nthfr bad c nd tion snl thst. toaether with the shortage of re ceipts, hsva all worked tege-her to hreik the market. As compared with Monday of this week the gool to choice prad - are about n itiartr lower, while the common and part-fat kinds are slow sale at a de cline of 2f.4540c. One trouble with the mar ket tMs week has been the poor quality of the ofterirrs. good stuff heirg verv eos'rea. For the List few days the ovalltv has been so common that a large fhre of the ar rival have sold for feeders. There bsa been a pretty fair demand all the week for leeofrs. nut m new or tne weak in th price of killers the market on feelers has also eased off to some extent, particularly on the commoaer kinds Quotations for oor-fed stv-k: Choice estern la-"b. $.".5'vTi.7S: filr tn rood lsrrbs. 95 "ff".Sn: wxm to oh-Mce var!l-is U yA : fslr to good v'sri'np. 14 Wi; aood to choice wethers, H nrrTi.B; fair to good wethers $3 V'iJt .(; gooit to ehole ewes. rcrH of,; fair to goM ewes $3 SffVai; rbotre feeder fambs. t4 oot "v fslr to g--d. P 50454 00: feder -earllrgs. I3 5ni4 '- 'e'der wethers. 3 5o-f3.7S: feeder ewes. $2 0'aSS.OT; e'!l!s. $1.7545:2.00. Representative sales: No. Av. TV. 1 buck ln 3 co 1 native ewe lit native lambs TJ 1M western ewes 4 I2i western lambs 54 5 15 s n 4 5 close) Monday. Following are tt sales. In detail: New South Wales. I? b!?; sjred. l'.i; lid: greasy. 7il il: Quen land. 7) bales; scoure1. Is 4l'!'ls ".: Victoria. SjXii bales: s-oured. 7vd'"2 1'1; greasr. 7lil 3d: South Anstrali.i. s- hal-; greasy, ".njlld; West Atiftrali.t, 1.9 lile; grasy.5'ill41; New Kaland. 3.: bales; eteasy, "'-t'uljd; Cape of Gwnl Hope and Natal, 7"' b-xles; scoured. Is f-d'iil Tj-l : greasy, 3ff7d. The arrivals of wool for t;-e second series amount to 91. "M bales, In ciifling 51 forwarded direct to st-lnners PT. LOCIS. Jan. :v WOOL Steady ; T-e-llum grades, comblrg end rlothlnr. r4j21c: light fine IS 174c; heavy fine. 12 if 14-; tub washed. 9Cti3i.4c. ; rather large. Private advices, however, In (41. aled 'he prot'Sht tty of a fal irg off ln the movement, and the market al s rbed the ttouldatlon of lerge .nx interests very well, closing stea-ly, net hw'.n j...lnls higher. p,!e were rervrtl if ;"." l-ats. I:n log: Vs'ch. c; May. 9 2.-US 35c : June, 9 4f- snd unchanged. Common are nu'iferl at 4 prttne at $4t14c, rholoe at t4'4r". I.tnrv st SSiTc. "A L1 FOK X I A I R1EP FRriTP-Pru-iea tre eay In tone un-lcr a light demand, yuorations range from Jvo to 4c, accord ing to grade. Apricots are In g-wid demand Jiiiv 9 RV.:s T-c; P-pteml-er. S"jVv; (cto- fr small lot anJ rinid steady to r-"-m. her, t-tjS.""s: Port mber. x-. S;ot Rio. t hot.-e are qiotei at r,i"y. extra cnotca firm: No 7 Invoke, 9v. dor, t", 9 134c. Sliid, steady; for- Forelgta FlaaaelaL IXIXIXIN. Jnn. S". Morey ws !n filrde. rtiand In the markt today, telng affected somewhat by month-end operation. Pis counts were weak. Business on the Stock ex. hange was agitated on war rumors, trading was inactive and prices were de- . l f 1 . . ,.nb hill elr.aed a fraction better. Home rails were dull. J L' CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. STi.PV.7w r?t Kt' 'supply as compared with a Y,Vt: Ju!jr' c,-No- 1 hJP -?142- lUbfi above will show tha 4 V VJU'lAlwri , - J. al V rxxl t sV s U".aV 444c: Msr. 4SV-; July. 4c. OATS-weak: No. z cash. 40c: track, 4d4c: May. 414c; No. 2 white. 42c. FLOI R Dull: red winter patents, 4 45'Sr 4.00; extra fancy and straight, t4.a04j4.60; clear. X3 4t"t-i.fi6. SEFDS Tlmothr. steady. $2.50&2 WL CORNMFAL Steady. $2 40. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. S6rS7e. H A Y t'nchsr red; timothy. $7.50611.00; prslri-. $s .vi (Vt. 4. 4 I 1 ' ' I ir-D 11. VB. BAOOINO 5 .i4c. , HEMP TWINK 5c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing. $13,124. lard lower: prima steam, t 70; nacon steaov; ooxea exira muni, ..tus,; clear ribs t7.TR: short clear, $7 174. POCXTRT Easy; chickens. 4c; springs. 9Vo- turkeys. 13c; ducks. 11c: geesa. ta BITTER Quiet; creamery. lSJe; dairy. 12tl7c. . . . EGOS Lower at 3&4To. case count. Receipts. Bhlpments Flour. bblB (0 9 (i Wheat, bu K."n 72 AO Com, bu MA 74A Oats, bu h.i K aw aaa City Grala aa Prevlalaaa. KANSAS CITY. Jan. M WHEAT Mty, 7c; Ju4y. 724c; cash. No. Z hard. i.JjTSc; No. t, 74S7t; No. 4. PV-Jc; rfjecteo, 4tJ t7c; No. 2 red. NTiWHc; No. a. iCWJc CORN May. 43c: July, asoe; rain, no. mixed. 414c; No. 2 white. 424c; No. 1, H4rc. . , OAT NO. 2 wnite, sc; a nniru, S703t' HAY Choice timothy. $9 0039 50; choloe prairie. $7 2iir7 . BUTTER Creamery. Wffac; dairy, fancy. 19c rr-.n4 T .r.wr- Missouri and Kansas. cases returned. JfHc; new. No. 2 whltewood. cases Inoluaed, Iw. Wheat, bu lli-4 ij.jv V. eae . Oats, bu .00 s.tsMI rkllaaelg-bla PretiM Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 9A -BUTTER Firm, good demand: extra western cream rr EJ4c: extra nearer pnnia. i.e. EOOS Weak. 2 lower: fresh nearby. J4o at mark: fresh western. S4c at mark; frah southwestern. 33i34c at mark; freaa south ern. T?o st mint CHtEISK Bieswiy, quiet; .-New iori run rreanvs. cboioe to itncv. uNUUtrc; few york fair to good, lu10a Mllwsakt Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Jan. V -WHFAT He lower; No. 1. northern, 4&to: Na 2. northern. tSV!-: May. 9"e bid. RTF rvto Mrher; No. 1. 4c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. t3c; garaple. St fie. CORN Firm st; So. , 4Jg4Jc; May, 604e asked. " nalatk Grala Market. XDCLTTH. Jan. 2o WHEAT In store. No. 1. hard Sc: No. 1. northern. sV; No. 2. northern, 564c: to arrive. No. L hard. thSc; No. 1. northern.- S4c- No 1 northern f4c; May, 8S4c; July. Stc; Sep tember. 774 c. OATS On track and to arrive, 294a IJTrrsel Grala aaa Pravlsloas. ITitRPOOU Jsn. KWWHKAT-Spot stocks eihausted Futures steady: March, to 4U-V May. ts id: July. noirinaL CORN i-ot, American mixed, new. aulet at ts 3d: American mixed old. firm at 4a t4d.' Future quiet; January, nominal; March. 4a ld. Pearta Grala Market. PEORIA, Jan. 20. No market quotations. ToU! 1.S64 CATTLE There were practically cattla on sale today, -so that a test of the market was not made. For the week receipts show an increase over last week of about 4.0U0 head, but as compared with tha same period of laat year there la very II it la chau a-e. For the month ot January also vvijr mue vuai.av i w tuv year ago. ine exact figures. Tha cattle market this week has been tn very unsatisfactory condition to all con cerned. To begin with packers have been hampered wltn a shortage of refrigerator cars which has made It difficult to move their meat products. Receipts of stock at eastern markets have been rather ex cessive and as a result the price of cattle haa suffered a severe slump. Corn fed steers are safely 2&ii.ic lower than Tuesday ( r w eonesday or this week or a quarter lower than the close of last week. They are alao at the low point of the year, prtcea being worse even than at the low time on Wednesday of laat week. In fact prices are nearly back rt where they were when the market was so badlly demor alised just before the holidays. It is need less to say that feeders who have arrived at any of the markets this week have been d laat-pointed In the prices received. Com mission men are hoping offerings will be moderate this coming week end In that way give the market a breathing spell. Oood to choice steers are selling from $4.25 to $4 54. with strictly prime from tt 50 to $4.75. Fair to good gradea sell from 1175 to $4 25 and common klnda from ta. m down or mostly from tt-40 to tl 75. The cow market has followed much the same course as the trade oa steers. As compared with Wedneadar Dricea are 25i4uc lower or safely a quarter lower for tne weea. l ne mar net. However, la very uneven aa la alwaya the case when prices are fluctuating back and forth as rapidly aa they have of late. The brunt of the Cecil ne haa been on the medium to good cattle. Oood to choice grades are quotable irora ts 10 w rair to gixxrimm t2.za to $2.80 and can d era and cutters fxotsr-11.5 to z to. Bulls are alao about a quarter lower than a wee a sgo. l ne petter grades sell from $3 to t3..a and the commoner or bologna gradea from $2.60 down. There baa been a fairly good demand thia week for bologna bulls and prices are not a great ueai tower. eai caivea ara alao a mil lower, but still the best grades bring around 55 and possibly 65 26, There haa been a fair demand for Blockers and feeders this week In spite of the cold and stormy weather which has kept buyers at homa A good many armed up cattle have sold for feeder this week that laat week went (o killers. but owing to the slump In the prices of lai cattle tha feeder buyers would give more for them than would the packers. 1 he best grades ot gaad. heavy,, fleshy feeders are not bo much lower, but the commoner kinds are very dull and un evenly lower. Representative sales: HOGS There waa a moderate run of hors in staht this mom in a- and with a 'airly good demand tha market opened steady and the bulk of the hoga waa sooa disposed of. The same aa yesterday, tha light stuff sold trom 64.75 down, mixed loads from 6475 to $4 tu, good heavy hoga from $4 J to 64 Kb and prime beawtee mostly from 64 66 to $4 9m. with the top at 4K. Toward the cloaa of the market, after packers had their mora urgent orders Ailed, trading was lnaa active and the close was slow and weak. As salesmen wanted the early prices, it waa rather lata before every thing was disposed of. For the week receipts show an Increase ever last week of about 4. wo head and as compared with the same week of laat year there is a decrease of about 4 s bead. For the month uf January surplies show a failing off as compared with January, 14. ot about 12.000 head. Prices have held unusually steady this week, the fluctua tions from day ta day only amounting on snoe. days to 1 or 2c. On Wednesday the market eased off about ta The general tendency of prices has been downward, but the ret loaa only amounta to 6iil aa com pared with the close of laat week. Repre- wvniaiivv aawee; Ma AT. SB. Ft. 4 ta a la Receipts Light Evea tor a katarday aa Prices above Little ftreagth. CHICAGO. Jan. to.-CATTLE Receipts, ar0 head; weak; good to prime steers, tt ia tjo 50; poor to meolum. tXwUt av; Blockers and feeders. t2.25h4 4Vt; cows. $l.5i4ti; heifers. tl.7Mi4.25: canrters, $1.5032.50: bulls. $L7.V4 25; caivea. 3.5"'u7.0U. licsie Heceipis toaay. 3,oT"i nesa; esti mated Monday. ST. ' Xi head; weak: mixed and butchers. $4.7; 4o f.4 : good to civ Ire heavy. $4751(5 05: rough heavy, t4t-Vt.S5; light. $.4H4-&: bulk of sales. $4 77vj4 $6 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.?" head; sheep, weak: lambs, weak; good to choice wethers. t4.25ft4i; fair to choice mixed. $3.S"6 4 00: western sheep, MAX1i.25; native lambs, H.2G3a5.&0; western lambs, $4 5'66 $0. - Kaasaa City Live 9:ek Market. KANSAS' CITT. Jan. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6-0-head, Including 50 southerns; market unchanged: export and dressfd rf steers. $.1 45i5 IS : falf to cood. $15034.30; western-fed steers. $X50$i4.S; stockerr an 1 feeders. $30g-4.10; southern stT4. tZ.'"3 41; southern cows. t2(-4j2 7!t: native cows. $2Aa35; native heifers. $2.5 fi3.n: bulls, $3 443S5; calves. t2.25$6.S5. Receipts for the week. 29.RO0 head. HOG& Receipts. 5"0 head; market ft'SltVj lower; top. tS.'O: bulk of sales. M T.(Jf4 S24; heavv. $4.905.ti: packers, M 7534.95; p g and lights. M5'4 75. Receipts for the week. 42 .900 head. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 4W) head: market steady; native lambs. $4 5043 5 75: western lambs $4.54ii: fed ewes, $1.V"4S4.; western-fed yearllrgs. $4 fiog "..10; Blockers snd feeders. $2.7594.10. Receipts for the week. 80,500 heatl St. Loala Live Stock Market. CT. LOUIS, Jan . CATTLE Roce!pts. lOfni Ifrad. Including Taxans: market slow, about steady: native shipping anl export steers, I4.2Mj5.5G, the top for strldiy fancv stock: dressed beef and. butcher steers. $3 5o&6.S5: ateers under 1A' lbs.. (3.5r'1t5.S: stockers snd feeders. $2.1544.1: cows and heifers. t2 2SQ1 5o. th top for fancy corn-fed heifers; canners. K Z-dl 50; bulls, t2 4o94.00: calves. 13 0"r 7.00 : Texas and Indian steers, $2 ?4.1v; coWa and heifers $2A-6.0. HOGS Receipts. 4.5H0 head- market steady to 6c lower; pigs snd lights, tt 3.MJ 4 65; packers. 64 60w4.J; butchers and beat heavv. t4. 805 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. SiOhead; market steady: native muttons. t3.5'a4 75; lambs, t4 6t&,75: culls and bucks. $2 VjQ 4 26; stockers. tl.Otal 75. Hew York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, Jan. "SO BEEVES No re eelDta. no sales Dreaeed beef steady city dressed native sides. 7Sc. Reported exports for today, beef estimated. 700 beeves. CS sbeeu. t.&s Quarters of beef. CALVES-Receipta to head, all market. Veala rated steady; western caivea 4o lower than last sales, One car of westers caivea unsold: a car of western calves at $4.00: city dressed veala 9l4a HOGS Receipts. 4LM9 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 1 SJ head: market alow and lower; sheen. $4.00 4r4 60; one deck at $4 75; lambs at $5.7566 6ft; dressed muttons, 7&t-4c; general sales. 64 610a ; Slows City Live fteek Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Jan. 30. (Special Tele gram V CATTLE Receipts, SCO head. Mar ket slow; beeves. t3 6:) 4 OX); cows, bulls and mixed, $2.4oS3.50; stocaers and feeders, $2.75 w30; calves and yearlings. $2 5''j3J. H XJ8 Receipt. 4.(0 head. Market about steady, selling at t4.5.4.!v; bulk. $4.70(14.80. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 30. -CATTLE Re ceipts. 4J6 head; steady. HOGS Receipts. 5.552 head; steady to 5c lower, lights. $4.654.924; medium and heavy, H05.05. Americans openV lower, comparand e.y steady and at ahut parity, became imni mate and closed otilet. Foreigners felt keenly the uncertainty in regard to the far eastern situation and -dropped under the lead of the Japanese. The amount of bul lion taken Into the Bnrk of England on bnlanr-e today wa v The sum of a.l;V.tJ was withdrawn for shipment to L'gvpt. PARIS. Jan. SO Trading on the bo-irse today was dull and prices were heavy. TTiere was a slight Improvement toward the close. Internationa'" and Russians be came firmer. Russian Imperial 4s closed at ! !. The private rate of discount was 2 13-16 Three per rent rentes. 97f H for, tr account. Exchange on London, 25f Y for ehoks. BERLIN. Jan. SO. prices on the bourse today were weak, and tnere were w transactions. Exchange on London. im 4-pfg for checks. Discount rates: nnori bills. 34 per cent; thrtee months' bills. 24 per cent. Oils was Heila. OIL CITT. Jan. tM.HI.?-OrerMt halves, M K&: certificates, no t -1 J. phiptnents. r..- I 5"4 bbls . averare 72 TJi bbls.: runs. 1..V1 b'l., axerage f..l3 1 tii Shipments lama, I RS 51 bbls.. averaere fiT 37 I '.ls. ; runs Lima. 7- bbls averace 47.11? t bl. sav.4..4M, Jan. mil lurrenune, quiet, flc. R' l? ! N Quirt : A. P. C. D. 2T5; E. $;S: F. $2S5: C $2; M. f! IS: I. $3 Jv; M. $3.$S; W ? . $1 2""1: W. W.. 94.50. NEW YORK. Jan. ".-olIS Cottonseed, brm; prime cni-le, nominal, prime crude ellow, 374c. Turpentine, quiet at ,Vi r'etroieum. steacy: rennea. .ew 1 o-s. CosTee Market NEW TORK. Jan. So. COFFEE The " 1": Phllpdeli hla and Baltimore. p'o;i 1'hlii.dclphia and BalUtnore in bulk, J.u ttaak tlearlags for Week. OMAHA. January Sn Park clearings fnr the week, aa compared with the corro stKindiiir. week last year: st iS'-il'-Sc. facy at liiiiKx-. l'ea.-hea are moving slowlv. C hole, s re quoted at 7' nc, rxtra choice at 7&-c, fancy at 9 ii r-c. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Jnn. to METALS There was a fair Saturday Inquiry In the local metal markets, but no material change In quotations from those of yesterday." Cop per rulcl quiet: lake. $1 fi24rl? 74: elec trclytlc. tl2.5s12.75; casting. $12 374-M fc'4. Tin was steady; spot. $ a IS. Fair de mand for lead; spot $4 4.ViA5. Spelter, qu'et and easy at $4 9n4j5t. Iron ahowe continued dullness, with quotations nom Innlly unchanged. FT. l.oriS. Jan. Sn M ETAL8 Lead, lower, $4 324 wppelter, weak, $4 SI. II Monday .... Tuesday .... Wednsday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .$1 m ,. l.7.7 41 .. 1.112.CT.U ,. 1.157.2'-; 14 .. 1 ttl.fw !4 1."W.6.H 31 liUB. $l.r?.7. 4 1.1"!.16".4 1.222 ?"1 23 1.277.257 '.t 1 119..W 01 1.222.544 75 A Wr ease of $441. 4 R9 from ine corre sponding week last year. Sugar aad Molasses. NEW TOR hi. Jan. So.-SUGAR-Raw. quiet: fair refining. 212-1c: centrifugal. 96 test. 21-le: molssses S"rar. ?-tc Re fined, quiet: No. 6. 4c; No. 7. 195c; No 9. S; No. 9. 3 "6c; No. 10, 1.9oc; No. 11. 175c; No 12 170c; No. IS. S15c: No. 14. SAV; con fectioners. 4 25c: mould A: 4.2;:cutloflf. 51c: crushed, 610c; powdered. One: gran ulated. 4 40c; cules. 4 &c. Molasses, firm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. Si 537a market for futures opened steady at an advance of 54il0 uolnts on tne general usi and of 15 points on July. The advance was; due to continued good buying and "?ill: r-Torat4l Apples sad Dried Frslte. street houses thst were encouraged by ' ,. r,..mBiTrn firmness In the foreign markets, ar.nnr.gn ir. i'nn, ".771. receipts for the day at primary points were APPLi-The market is general.y quiet COE ?" STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVIflOHS We have ever it eOoes. Rerersnoasi in Stata as4 Nat l awBawss, ora ascatTtca is m brt. Owt mt Twwn Bashnae fsollolted. Osssks lowtti MUPaeiBBi as- Tat. aettf TnOS. M. WA8DKL Ctmpieifi. S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Sticks. Room 1 N. T. Life Bldg. ' TeL S32& Operates It Offices In This Stats. Establishes 17. rt Al VatsAWIMIMB f.i4wai ''-av. g III"" " ' 1 i t t ii 9 a r -1 New 0rlt35jf IX. $31.50 Omaha to New Orleans AND BACK. February 9tK44ih long Limit and Liberal Stopovers tn Route Allowed. For farther Information and copy f Madrl Oraa Booklet trail at IM boIs Central City Ticket : Office, No. 1402 Farnam 8L, Omtht, or wTlte, W. If. BRILL, rviarrtrf Pasaaitrsr ArsnL I I Stock ts tight. Following are the receipts of-live stock for the Biz principal western cities yes terday; Cattle. Hors. Bhei Pouth Omaha 100 12 Chicago - 6 IJ ( 13W Kausas City 5") 6j St. Louis 1,VK) 4.W0 UO fit. Joseph 425 l.xl Eiouz City luO 4,(f.0 Toui iirs 474a is V W - aaaaaaas Hidden Dry Coads Market. NEW TORK. Jao. 30.-DRT OOOD9-The week haa rloeed qjtetly in the dry goeds market. On staple cotton goods prices are decldely firm and sellers rHurtant to take orders of anr extent for future delirery. Buyers, on the other bird, are conserva tive, s-nd ar 'onient with moderate pir rhasea On dreae goods, linens, hosiery ant underwear, a fail business has been done by ubbera teas-arts and Eiserli at tiew York. NEW TORK. Jaa. 241 Imports of dry goods st.d grner.1 merchanjlM at New York for the week were valued al 112.5 4).- raports of ape.-is at New Tork this week were tat o gold, and t.t "-4 stiver. Specie exports f.om this port during the week awe fa.UM,m .aUvcr atd t-J.i gulk a, TJ... T ... Tt... n... T4.. U.. St.. ta. t... 1.. ?... 4 ... M . t4.. . sr. aa. fr ... 4 TTH ... 4 Tt ... 4 T ... 4 tt at 4 Tt as 4 Tl ... 4 T ... 4 T7e at 4 n, ... 4 n ... tn, ttti, s 4 ... 4 s t is at M U 4 M hi IN 4H t.1 .M 4 K til US 4 M MT ... rt la IB 4 ... 4 s r- ... 4( U 4 St XI St 4 St t St I a U I H ): at 4 at ?4 at 4 M ...1 ...lt .. SU ...la ...ie ...1T4 .. ..141 ... 'l ... 1H .. ft .... ....Ill ....!. -4 .. Jl tM H I M Ml St 4 M 4 141 19 4 st U fel la 4 n T 1U ... Ill, TS tl M 4 (1 tl lev 4 U Tt H lt 4 K (i ta t 4 ti- et in 4 ct 4T ... Ill, WT st 4 at u j: ... 4 at "1 ... 4 at T Kl let 4 at 41. Sal lt-4M u iat H I li ti rt it 4 a 94 rst ... 4 at tt if at rre tn. .at at 4 rv, Tl Ml ... 4 r- t ni tt 4 rt ltt 4 tt H tal at a M n tit ... "t U ut ... 4 s tl sat M 4 tt 611EE- TLere war not enough sheep lo Cottea Market. NEW TORK. Jan. tO.-COTTON-Nerer before has such an advance aa that of 'this morning been witnessed overnight In the cuttnn market, and never hefora baa tha market shown such wild excitement. Cables ' from Liverpool were excited. There were sensational advances from Liverpool, with exciting buying on stop orders and rumors circulating regarding the condition of con tinental, European and American houses. March, athk-h last eight cloaed at IS &2c. opened at 16.Sc. sold up to IS 4c on the cslll ilay. cloaina- vesterdav at lti.Caw. advanrd to KT&c and July, cloaing at ItUtc. opened at lo.tv. There was heavy liquidation and Immediately following the call prices tag ged off a few points, but the market re mained excited. The liquidation for the fall carried the active month down from 22 te 26 points, with March selling at 1 3 May at 15 5uc and July at lt.Sec. But at this point there was bull support and. the mar ket waa forced up to a still higher level, with March reaching 16 tic. Hit in 79.- snd July 14 9c. a net advance on these months of .la&TS points. The close waa at near the ton and steady, with the nearer noairlnna 57675 points up and the later mcnths.Zuit pel ats net higher. The sales of the day (estimated) were efl.OiO. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 2. COTTON Fu tures barely steady; February. 18 75c; March. 15 il5 tic; April. 1 79ili5 tie;' May, llKjKSlo; August. lt.& 14.60c. Spot, steady; Rales, l.i bales; ordinarv, SHe; ordinary, 1414 15-lo; middling. 15 15-lSc; good middling. Its t-lrtc; middling fair, li 1-liic; receipts, 12.076 bales; stock. 4-il S bales t ST. LOL1S. Tin. tO.-COTTON-Flrm. higher; middling, l&c; sales. 1J1 tles; re ceipts, none; shipments, lot bales: stock. "J 443 hsles LIVERHOOU Jsn. 20 COTTO.V-Ppot. limited demand, prices 30 points higher; American mid Ding. fair, f jd; good mid dling, 8Kd; middling. 9 75d; low mlddllrg. ttd; goo. ordinary. t54d; ordinary'. t.iiJ. The Bles of the day were 1A bales, of which liv were for speculation and export and included 1i0 American. Receipts, 15.WI0 uaiev. ineiuaing rev American. rntures opened steady and closed excited and ir regular with prices more or leas nominal; American middling, g o. c. February, tO'-d; Keruery-March, l-d; Maich-At-ril, 9t"Kl; Arril-Mv, ttl; May-June. 1M; lune July. tM: Julv-August. S5d: Aug-usrgep-temher. 8 47d: September-October, nominal; October-November, nominal. t'learlaar Haass Averaajea. NEW TORK. Jan. 20. The etatement of av,-rage of t!j? clearing house banks of this city for the wetk thews: Loans tA4, 5o2.li'.!. Increase t-t.t'C.ltu; deposits tl.ojt. H3 ('. increase tT.C4u &t.: circulation U:, Vs tv, dfcteaas teti legal tenders $75. fcT.ixO, dtcrease tl.tol.k'O: apecle tAt 4J(7. j. Increaac fin.3as.sMi: reatrvs tJtl.llt im. In ereaae tS tui.i; teserv required fJh5,ieT.. ita. increMse ts.414.125: surplus ts.l2.u&.. de er wise tVai.tli: ex-1'nite.i b tales deposits tM.X4.SUs, decreaae t .tja. Wsel Market. LONDON, Jan sWWOOL-The offertr.ga at the wool auction sales today numbered 11, W7 bales. Booured and medium and fin merinos were in large supply and were quickly taken y the French and Oertnan buyers. A fine selection of Vl-tor aa eaus-d evager comtition. A few lots of superior greasies were taken by AnanViu. tlreasy. brukea fleeue realised the highest prices of the aerW-s. Withdrawals se-e frequerrf, price btuif asaiust buyers. The aaiea aul IT r. Co NTEST .UJaJSl.llS BVBBB M There arc the names of a number of cities both in the eastern and western hemispheres in the Want Ads in The Bee. Prizes will be awarded to the per sons making the largest and most correct list according to the following conditions Rtad the Conditions carefully. ' CONDITIONS: aJJtJ Take a sheet of paper write your name and address at the top cut out the ad paste it on the sheet un derline the name of the city, and underneath the ad write thr name of the state or county in which it is located. If the name of the city appears more than once it is only necessary to put it down once. Do this for oueiweek, beginning Monday, February 1st, and ending Sunday, February 7th. Do not mail your answer until your list is complete, including the names that appear in the want ads in the issue of Sunday, February 7th, otherwise your answer won't be counted. If you use more than one bheet, WTite your name and address at the top of each sheet, mark the number of cities found and underlined at the top of each Bheet. The first prize will be given to the person making the largest most correct list the second to the next larg est, and 60 on. In case of a "tie"' the person sending in answer first as 6hown by postmark on the envelope will be given preference.. All answers must be sent by mail, and no answer will be considered which is mailed later than Monday, February Sth. No bne connected with The Bee Publishing Co., will be allowed to compete for a prize. """JBbbv " . aY 3 1 7 u ...List of Prizes... lst-CAH 2nd CAtSH Srd CASH 4th CAJ-H ; 5th One Year s ftijbacription to The Metropolitan Magaxlne..., t'h One Tear's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magaxine.... 7th One Tear's Subscription to The Metropolitan Magaxine.... iih .e Year s S-jiavcrtption to The Metropolitan Mus-axlne.... tth One Year s BuLat rlption to The Metropolitan Masasine... . l'-ih New Books and Novels 3!'h New Hooks and Novel t 1Mb New Books snd Novels , Uth New Books and Novels ....I 14th New B'M-ks and Novels 15th New booka and Novels Address all Replies to IVani Ad" Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha. .....ti t i 5o , 1125 a tl !S fl.M SI. 64 tl 5-1 S1.5-J fl W 9 tl 25 '.!!tl 'a fl 2i . tl.2i . jsn." lca- V ltt It - -"