THE OMAITA DAILY PEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES Adi will be taken antll IB m. (or na ln edition aad antll a. m. for the morning; and Sands? edition. Rates, 1 l-2e a, word Ural Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing; taken for less thaa iioe for the flrat Inser tion. These advertisements nut be raa eonaerntlvely. Advertisers, by requesting m nnm bered cheek, ean have aaawera ad dreaaed to a aomhered letter In rare of The Dee. Aaawera so addressed will be delivered oa presentation of the cheek only. MISCELLANEOUS. NOW OPES. MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE NUT TOO ATE To ENTER. !)f ana Night CALL, WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR INFORMATION. Address: 11. B. BOX LED, President, New Tork Llle ldg. Omaha, Neb. R M403 D. M. HAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDG. 'PHONE 2904. fini p SILVER. NICKEL Plating. Ora. L.L pUting Co., li08 Harney. Tel. 2685. r ao I OP kTSMlTH C , R. HELFIN. K N. 16th. Tel. 1974. R-M188-F-20 2HAMSER 4 KERR, hatters, make old hats a7 N. 17th. Bend hats by man. -M17 31 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. Rr-751 SPECIAL For a limited tlma ws will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for fl. Don't miss this chance. U. S. Op tician, aft N. ltith St. R 897 2'ERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bids.; Weber, Storey A Clark. Ludwlg. Schiller. R 866 EAGLE Loon office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ol Douglas. R 067 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving; and storage. 214-N. ltlth. Tel. 1196. R 968 Phirnrnr1v0et ro11'; corns ren niropoayur. R0yi r. z.St 1W6 Fa corns removed. rnam. r-;o TRY THE CHICAQO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Oood work, prompt attention. 214 N. 18th, Tel. 206. R 971 READ! ) HAVE ROOT V PRINT IT. HEED1 currccrM l a. i. root. inc. cuullui j 4jVia B- mn Tel- 160t ftranA Strictly home made; potato yeast. Uicau Delicatessen. ISO Farnam Street. R 874 COLD crowns from 33; fillings from 25o set of teeth, 2; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 15-2 Douglas, room 4. R 875 EHOP-MADE EHOES-LaiufS, 718 B. 16th at. 896 F13 J. K. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST, 606 S. 13th, ia ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspoois and vaults, removes garbage end dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 13th. Tel. 1779. 160 IACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best. aulckest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and louglas. R 876 P. MELCHOIR, machinist. Uth AHowsrd. R-977 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON, tn ths Bee Bldg. R M394 "STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Ita policies jre sight drafts at maturity. H. D. ely .manaer' Merchants' National Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. R-S78 POULTRY SUFPLIES-Ullery A Co., 1611 Howard. Tel. 8327. R 479 BIQN painting, a H. Cole, 1308 Douglas. R-9S8 ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Suth and Lake Ste. R-370 Henry lie doesn't keep ittUloacry. Ha sells It-at K 41 .vav n s(U LI Utjl. s;,,"'- J?AVIS- safe mover, heavy hauling. llli Farnam. Tel. 353. R-374 F4 .VODICKA CO.. fine tailoring; all kinds bfdi,rTe"g8iad W' iug theater A BOTTLE of Phillips' Fsca Lotion will fix that face so you wlU like It. R-Mfc7 F8 OPEN EVENINGS, too busy making M.?nt0lo,,t- u,Vm to : trousers 19 to 110. Dresner. 1616 Farnam street. . R am pit o?R.f,i?N . HAA8' .Tinners and Mfgt. .... r . ., ! cornices, smokestacks, . 'S. 214 N. 16th St. R 782 F16 Cp?TtHJSCfln3a?e: f,reMea' "red. Yousen, Paxton hotel tailor. R 2u9 TRACINGS: Blue prints A working draw, ings. Sues A Co.. Omaha. 'Phone 1623 HI APKJX 6MOKE Pride of Hastings &c ci- . R M523 F2S CUT PRICES IN CHINA TILL. FEBRUARY :1CxL. On account of taking Invoice. 1417 DOUGLAS ST. R M633 SO CLAIRVOYANTS. READINGS 60 CENTS THIS WEEK PONEIBIO Clalrv.iv.nt T.i i. . . trologer. Reveals all' questions of life ' " oicaneas. ueath. I hangea. Travels. Divoreea, Separations Lawsuits. Business Transactions. Deals lug Ventures, etc. Tells who and when you will marry. Reunite, the separa ed Causes speedy marriage. Houra, to 9 8 MS08 2Sx UU8INES3 MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th at , 8-118 CIlMER plmUt- 715 N. 23d; -phone . o ill PROF. HARRY removed to 1811 Podga st, WANTED TO KL'Y. DON'T give your furniture and carDeta away. J. Levins pays the highest la.ft y v wu i , 14rt Book; bou''V. 9!1- Antique Book Con cerii, iij lv.aroucb blk. Tel. 3Uii HIGH prices for W-hand furniture. Tel. J020. UEST PRICES for used stoves, furnltur Enterprise Furu. Co., 1C4 b 14th. Tel.2Sl WANTE1-Hi0 cars of bones; will pav good fault price; write me. 8. M. II, liey, 1W Iudiuna Ave., Kansas Cltv'. Uu N M242 K23x 91LKSM.IV WANTED. ior MirKman; write us at once for our complete sample outtll of woolens; we make made-to-measure clothing u- ,n..i iu rxirieiice not reuuired explicit liiHlructloiis: our nri.-e your profits larireait; an opKrtunlty to In- v-r.ra jour iinonie: exclusive territory given; abundance of advertlelng matter; all free, not 1 cent do you Invest: mm ,lrt u ln Vyn buslneaa; don't miaa iina cnance; write at once. Ad- ureaa ixk-ii uox no. SK, Chicago, 111. M&34 ITx I tHOL(TKRlNQ. Iretsrsoa lAindberg, Ui & 17th. Tat LeA WAJITKD MALE HELP. JUDGE C. R. SCOTT will deliver a lecture to the students of the Omaha Commercial College Friday morn ing at 11 o'clock, January 29. Subject, "OUR COURTS AND THE DIETRICH CASE." Visitors are welcome.' Remem ber the time and place. Omaha Commercial College, Tel. m 17th and Douglas Bt. MEN to learn baruer trade; free railroad tare upon our lauure to convince you ot tins being tne i.cni', largest aim only enable, most practical Darner college tn tnls section oi ine couuliy; write for catalogue today, western uarbers' Insti tute, Omaha, eb. B 986 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied. Unmarried men, between ages ot 21 and 16, citisens ot L lined B tales, ot good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and wilte Engiisu. For information apply to recruiting oitlcer, 16th and Dodge sis., Omaha, or lncoin. Neb. H Mifrt MOLER8 BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., oners advantages In teaching the bulbar trade that cannot be had else where. V rile today tor our terms. tt Mild F24X WANTED Two agents at once; good sal ary, city work. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard at. B 9S7 WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Rooms 14-15 Crounne Blk. H M432 WANTED, ten experienced sagesmen to travel with wagon and sell an old line of medicines and houaehold articles on commission, with a guaranteed earning of SoO.OO per month. Applications from ex perienced men only will be considered. Addrt., The lialler Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. B-178 F29 WANTED, an experienced lumber and coal salesman, acquainted with trade In Ne braska and eastern Iowa, Adress B Bee. B 179 27 AGENT wanted to sell the celebrated Par lalan Air Lamp; good seller; good profit, 418 Bee Bldg. B MM 2x A GOOD POSITION Is always open for a competent man. Ills difficulty Is to find It. We have openings for high grade men of all capacities ex ecutive, technical and clerical paying from 11,000 to 810,000 a year. Write tor pi in and booklet. Offices ln twelve cities. 11APGOODS (Incorporated, 916 Chemical building. St. Louis. j B WANTED A good, active young man to sen auveriising novelties in me ouy oi Omaha and vicinity. For particulars ad drefls The Sutherland Novelty Co., Des Moines, lows, B HOY about 16 years of age for office work; muHt be ambitious and willing to work up. Bring written application to Room 30 Merchants Nat'l Bang Bidg. B M5.11 27x WANTED Solicitors; best proposition in town; spienaia opportunity tor live men. See j. Fisher, liLi Farnam at, B-B42 26 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, a second girl; apply at onoe. lun b. iwin ave. j u WANTED, girl for general housework. ki tiarney st. uai jt WANTED, competent girl for general nousework. Apply XiO Parker. C-496 26 WANTED, woman to do sewing ln family. to maaa misses ana baoies aresses ana shirt waists. Write or call Mrs. E. Gars ter, 4Ui Lafayette ave. C M630 29x COMPETENT girl for general housework, ioz iara ave. c Moa rax FOR RENT FIRMIHED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th & Chicago. f 114. . DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. hi W9 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha meam LAunary, liou ieavenwortn. fnone A-1783. B 981 O. M. E. hauls trunk. Telephone 611. ELEGANT front room; steam heat 1908 capitoi ave. tMtui 81.25 PER WEEK Do ran House, 42t 8. 18th. VIENNA European Hotel, 1011-15 Farnam BC fine rooms; ladies caie; private dining rooms. Open all night. B 606 NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. ISth. E-M607 FOR RENT A nicely furnished south room all modern; private family. mi Jones st, E M867 FINE rooms, hot water heat, new brick. lom werjcier. cjiooti THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam; refer ence rrqulred. E B66 HOUSEKEEPING, large, handsome rooms ensulte, 815. ZUM Hurt. ; mz3 If SOUTH FRONT, with other rooms; mod ern. 2&80 liarr.ey. 30x AN ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor In brownstone house; all modern conve niences. 2421 Cass street. Tel. B25S4. EM-4S0 26x NICELY furnlhed room, very pleasant and convenient; all modern; splendid lo cation; for gentlemen. 214 South Twenty third street. E M501 27 x AN ELEGANT outside room. In brick, plenty of heat, all modern, gas, bath and telephone. 624 North Twenty-third street. E M500 27x FOR RENT An elegant outside room. In good brick flat; at modern, good heat, gas, bath and telephone. 622 N. Twenty-third. EM-482-26X 8 NICELY furnished rooms. Including par lor, suitable for two modern south front; very cheerful and conveniently located. 1420 Dodge St., 3d floor, over Manhattan Restaurant. E M618 28x FVRMSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th at Chicago. F-984 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1T21 Davenport. F 995 ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 15c. F-997 LARGE well-furnished front room, all mod ern, with board; also good table board by day or week. The Dresner, 603 8. 16th st, F-44J FURNISHED rooms and board In private family. 2613 Davenport. F M174 27 MODERN rooms and board. 1813 Chicago. F-187 87x WILL make pleasant home for two young men; good board, steam heat. 808 So. 2mh. F-M3S1 ELEGANT rooms, first-class bftrd: private family; 19L0 Dodge. F M318 Sflx ROOM and board by day or week. $3 58. 118 N. 18th. Tel. F-2318. F M317 30 FOR RENT Nice, cosy little room, with board: all modern steam hent. gaa, bath and telephone. 2410 Cass. FM 481 26x ROOM and board for two In nicely fur nished, modern house In choice locality. 567 8, 28th st. F-M&21 28 x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. JUDGE DICKINSON, 516 N. Y. Ufa. Set tlements estates a specialty. 'Phone F-266. M932 FW 8T1LLMAN PRICE, 410 1st Nat bk. bldg. THE New Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real en ate. attorneys, collectors and brokers everywhere. First floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. 155 W. F. WAPPICH. ADVICE fren. Crelihton block. M8J4 FOR pensions see 8. F. Moore, 18 Patter son block. M676 F13 RENT liri'SlNISBED ROOMS. MODERN unfurnished rooms, toil Bpruca. FOUR unfurnished rooms. modern. SOU 4J-M4I7 17 Bpruce If You Have a Room to Rent or want to rent a room yon can win a cash prize by using The Bee Want Ad Columns. FOR SALE MISCELANKUtS. STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., I. G. Blessing, prop., wholesale and retail manufacturer of and dealer in harness and Saddles; whips a specially; every thing hand made; quality considered, the cheapest harness shop on earth. Ul N. lain st. So. Omaha, Union shop. V-M417 FOR BAX.E, several scholarships ln a first class standard school ln OroaLa, coinpils Ing complete course In Du.-lues. short, hand and type wilting. luquire at B 4 office. u Hi SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stock of ' -"eal! bar flxtuiea, cigar counters, etc. The Itrunswlck-Balke coUenuer Co.. 47-9 B. 10th tit Q-loo INDIAN goods and relics. U19 Farnam. ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. y 1 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CR1B BINU. Long fir tirubeis. 9ul Douglas. 14 10 FOR BALE Empty Ink tarreU. Apply at Bee press room. y 438 MANTLES, gas fixtures. Incandescent sup plies, low prices Fracxeu, 608 N. 16th su W 816 J28 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, y MUi KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or writs Room 7. Bee Bid. Q-MoM HA?D c':, "toves, 85 up; furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 14X0 Dooge. Q-403 FOR SALE cheap, almost new box front 'a'skln jacket. Aulabaugh the Furrier, 606 Karbach block. Q 781 FOR SALE Second-hand 8-cylinder Toledo touring car; a bargain If sold before February 5. 414 8. lJth st. Q M16S FOR RENT STOHES AND OFFIChiS. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, !Kx90, four Stories and tirst-claas cemented baaement elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewatcr, sec retary Bee Building Co.. room 100, Bee Building. I Mis." FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished If required. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee building. I M784 STORIES and basement 22x100: 1006 Far nam 8t Inquire 14 First Nat'l Bank bldg. I 10. FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam St., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Ross water. Sec'y., Room 100. Bee bldg. I-M983 FOR RENT, 4-story and basement build ing. 1615 Dodge st, now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. 1779 8-STORY, and basement brick bldg., 22x57, suitable for manufacturing. 2-story bldg., with store room and 22 rooms; hotel or boarding house. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St 1241 TWO-STORY building, 1M2 and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. M. Bushman. 1626. 2306 LEAVENWORTH ST., 822 50. Ill 8. 15th St., steam heat, 870. Front office Frenser block. JOHN P. FRENZER, Opp. Old P. O. I M532 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS. ETC. U A DM CCC NEW AND SECONDHAND. nlli COO Closing out entire Block. 1018 Douglas street. P M520 NEW and 2d-hand vehicles for sale; re pairs. It Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. P-167 TWO fine depot wagons. 2 rockaways, 1 coupe. 2 traps, 1 wagonette, 2 draya. Druinmond Carriage Co., 18th and Har ney. P 106 FOR BALE, several good horses, a few sets of 2d-hand double and single har ness. Melcher's 6ales Stables. 5ul S. 19th. P M413 Ft FOR SALE, cheap slightly used: Two carriages, 8 phaetons, 2 top buggies, 3 driving wagons. Andersen-Mlllard Co., 3616-18 Capitol ave. P 714 FOR SALE, 2d-hand four-passenger car riage (brougham) at a bargain if taken at once. 1309 Harney st. P M176 FOR SALE Good second-hand heame, cheap. AddreHS L. J. Wilson, P. O. Box 138, Silver Creek. Neb. P M245 6 WAGONS, harness and horses of all kinds at 1718 Cass. P M527 Six BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. 11. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-384 8HOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., business chances and exchanges; write us. TJ2 New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. V-M384 40-HORSE-POWER boiler, 30 engine, swing and rip saws, boring machine, planer, shafting, pulleys, bells, etc.; if you want to buy we can deal. Address B 10, Bee. Y 893 FOR quick results list your business chances with H. 8. Yates. 1313 Howard. Y-M537 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing sgents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horsa and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 860 to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 WANTED A good canvasser for a Cath olic newspaper. Apply to "The True Voice." 605 Bee bldg. J M378 SOLICITORS WANTED. 106 N. 15th St. J-M140 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. 616 N. Y. Life Bids. T. 1604 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. XI t DR. GRACE DEE IAN, 632 N. Y. Life. Tel. 8686. -461 Fayette Cole, Osteopath. 509 Paxton block. 143 DRS. LAIRD LAIRD 203 Karbach blk. 'Phons S091. 238 FJ MISICAL. rtr-Viactro Bechtold's Union Orchestra. t-M UlCMI J Jii South 13th St. Tel 2&H7. M15o-F- THOB. J. KELLY, voloe. Davtdgs block. iu DAISY HIGGINS. voice and piano, 2013 Leavenworth. Tel. A-2741. 83 Fit CH AS. H. KEEFER piano. W. O. W. Bldg. MU4 F25 rOK EXCHANGE. WILL, trade beautiful piano for horsa Schmoller Mueller, UU Farnam Bt. Z te6 FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a hew or used typewriter. Schmoller A Mueller, UJ Faruaa street. Telephone 1625. 4 MS88 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A Suggestion Was made by us in last Sunday's Bee that you go out and see the newly platted lots at 24th and Man derson. Several have done so, and bought. There are a few choice lots left. We expect to sell them this week. The most beautiful building sites in Omaha. Only $625 each. Ask for handsome circular showing plat. Ernest Sweet, 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472, RE-525 26x ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR Bargains in Omaha Property. FOR SALE Twelve-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Floilda; water from, young orange and banana grjve, and good houae. Address Lock Box bo, Glitner, Neb. RE 198 W HEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract. 18i4 Far nam street N. P. Dodge, Jr., President RE M 163 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUaater, land commissioner. Union Pa cli,u headquarters, Omaha. Neb. RE (10 Ci3" Williamson Co.. RS-548 SEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy r. "'!.. real "late. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2161. RE-650 GLOVEH, 1st floor N. Y. Ufe, city prop, rty. farms, ranches. Tel. 138. KB 805 31.600 WILL BUY a neat cottage and full lot ln Stewart Place. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. RE 606 PUBLIC SALE POSTPONED. The sale of the southwest quarter (S. W. A) section five (5), township sixteen (10). range nine (), in Douglas county, Ne braska, has been adjourned until 11 o'clock " m Thursday, January 28, 1904. when It will be held at the east door of the court house In the city of Omaha. The sale will remain open at least one hour. ... . . JULIA THOMAS. Administratrix of the Estate of John D. xuumaa. RE-211 27 Public Sale Postponed The sale of the1 southwest quarter (S. W. 4). secUon five 5), township sixteen (16), range nine (9;, In Douglas county, Ne braska, has been adjourned until 11 o clock a. m. Thursday, January 28, 1904, when It will be held at the east door of the court house ln the city of Omaha. The sale will remain open at least one hour. JULIA THOMAS, Administratrix of, the Estate of John D. Thomas. RE 495 2 16 per Cent Investment 86,5006 houses renting for 31,050 per year. If fixed up would easily bring $1,200 per year. This la a great snap. 1 THE BYRON REED CO. 212 South Fourteenth Street. RE M539 29 Some of Glover's Bargains SOUTH OF FARNAM STREET. 5G4 S. 27th st, 6-room house, lot 50x132. 1325 S. 26th st., 6 rooms and attic, lot 60x127. 2414 S. ISth St., house 16x24, stable, lot KiHxl42. Price only 31,300. 2Z2t 8. 10th st, 7 rooms, city water and gas, $1,800. 2230 8. 10th at, 6 rooms, city water and gas, $1,700. 2226 S. loth at., 7 rooms, barn, trees, 31, 800. 221'6 and 2230 S. 12th St., both 7 rooms and 4-room cottage ln rear, 3 houses rent for $: per month-82,750 BUYS THE BUNCH. 1707 S. 9th St., I rooms, lot 50x142. $1,600. Vacant Lots 8 lots corner 31st and Lalk, on paved street, $600. Worth $1,000. Corner 10th and Pine, facing Brownell hall, lot 7, block 13, Koutse's 8d addition, facing on S. 10th St., near schoolhouse. Make offer. Lot facing south on Parker St., between 27th and 28th, 60x127. $800. C. R. GLOVER, Room 3, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. RE M538 27 WE have customers for 6 and 7-room mod ern cottages. If you have anything ln this line fist It with the Byron Reed Co. RE M540 2 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If vou want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It Tne best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 48,008 homes of farmers and stock raJsera, so If you have a rood piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 3 cents per word In small type or $2.50 per Inch If set ln large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. HE 229 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' New Academy, 2424 Farnam. Adult beginners, Mondays and Saturdays. 8 p. m ; assemblies, Wednesdays, 8:30 p. m.; children beginners, Wedceedaya, 4 s m., Saturdays, t p. m : advanced, Satur days only, i p. u. 'Phone, F-la71; rea, A-187L -706 If you dance, attend Morand's Wed. assem blies. If you don't dance. Join his Tuesday and Frl. clans. 8 p. m. Special attention to beginners; lady asslxtants; private lessons dally. Call 15th and Harney or Tel. liML M677 F-13 DRESSMAKING. MRS. CABB. dressmaking. 1910 Dodge st -M J3 IN famlllea Miss Sturdy, 809 N. 23d. M SOS Ft FLORISTS. HEbS A BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. L. HENDERSON, florist 151 Farnam St TICKET BROKEstS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere P. U. Pbilblu, VHi Faruau. 'Pvb 7m. FOR RENT HOUSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. Uth. Office, loUVs Farnam. TeL 1669-063. D M449 FOR RENT (-room house, 2663 Woolworth ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold water; newly painted and papered throughout $20. J. 11. Sherwood, New York Life Bldg. D M6C7 HOIKF In all paru of the city. Tha nV-fUOCO O. F. Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D 113 HOI IC.Ps In all parte of the city. R. nVJUOCJ c, Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. D 114 PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. bul-ttJS New York Lite Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 118 SEVERAL good houses. $10 to $18. Chris uuyer. ua ana turning. 1 none D-117 NEW 8-room, modern brick, close In, Just completed. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp. Old P. O. D M945 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co., Tel. 1496. Office, 1713 Webster st D-118 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt Barker k. D-US NEW APARTMENT HOUSE The most elegant apartment house ln Omaha, the Chatham, Just completed, 110 8. 13th St., opposite the Mlllnrd. The nine flats are offered separately or together for gentlemen only. Every luxury of bath, heat, smoking room, etc. Adjacent to the banks and wholesale district. Best refer ences required. Apply to H. J. Windsor, lilS Dodge st. D M227 29 FOR RENT, six-room modern house; new; West Farnam car line. The O. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee building. D-M230 Fl 2606 Duvenport, 10-room house with barn $35.00. 812 Park Ave. Nice 7-room cottage. 4430 Farnam 8 rooms, newly painted and papered $20. 2615 Dodge 6-room cottage, gas and water $13. 8-room cottage, lth St.; boulevard $13. 2210 Farnam 6-room flat $20. W, Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D 2j SIX-ROOM HOUSE Hot water heat. About February 10 a modern houae, equipped with gas, bath and hot water plant, 3907 Ieavenworth street, will be rented, either furnished or unfurnished. House can be inspected at any time. Rent very reasonable. Walter Breen, agent, room 416 Karbach block. D-M503 31 BOARDING house for working people, . quiet, respectable, easy walking distance, 12 rooms, modem, five yoar lease, $35 per month. Payne Investment Company, Main floor. N. Y. Life. D-MB12 27 HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EASY PAYMENT PLAN You can pay us as you wish, in small weekly or monthly payments, and each payment so made reduces the cost of the loan. Our rales are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. We loan on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., the property always remain ing la your poasesslon. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE upon their own agreement to repay. Our facilities are the best for QUICK service and our office motto la "to please our patrons." . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. fli Board of Trade Bldg. Tel IMS. (Established 1892.) 808 8. 36th St. . X-M92S YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE FOR MONEY Wp?.mT7?)& PERMANENT SALARIED i UonlUN, on your PIAIN nj lp , WITHOUT MORTGAGE. 1NDORSER or 'knowledge of friends and employer, NlTiy SAflrgS' "OUSEHOLOFUR N ITU Kb. PIANOS, etc. Lowest rates. AMERICAN LOAN CO. Rooms 3u7-aus Paxton Bioca, third floor Idih I 16l SI Entraci MONEY LOANED ON FURNITUREANutyb STOCK, Low rates and easy terms. Business contiuuntlal. Try us If you want to save money PHOENIX CREDIT COT. (33 Paxton Block, 18lo and Farham fits. X-Ul THE STAR LOAN CO. employe; largest business in all westn cities on account of our easy Lyml low rales and courtesies eiteoiei X-U204 aSUNNF.r LOANED SALARIED PEOPlS aad othe.s wltn aec u. 1 tT; e"y n y ma nT. brines. In ' pTfncCTTueV MON&.Y loaned on plain note to aalari . frtl; coif!idr.nUal lowef : rVtZ? lul P.xtoa block. The J. A. Hut"o Co . 2S.W MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture tew. lry. horeee. cows, Uc C. F? Kced. a!i S u A. li CHATTEL, salary snd jewelry loans. Folev a"idarkerJJlock. X-lii ' MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. r? and city loans, low rates, W H. ibomaa. Frt Nai l Bank Bldg. TeU6 w ui PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. W-iia 4 TO 5 P. C. money, Bemla. Paxton bioefc. w u PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas. WANTED-Clty loans and war rente. W. tarnam Smith 4k Co liii Farnam St W-Ul FIVE per cent loans. Oarvln Bros., lt4 Farnam. W Ui WANTED Real estate losns and warrants. K. C. Peters at Co., Bee Bldg. W Ui MONEY TO LOAN-rayne Investment Co. W-U4 5 farm loans H. C. Patterson, 1224 Far nam W IK SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life, 158 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's theater. lil COaTl'MEa. Theatrical and masq. Lieben, icdS Farnam. LEICHMAN. MASQ.. 2823 Farnsm. TeL L8188. M121 F18 DETECTIVES. OPT. T. CORMACK. 517 Karbach block. TeL A-8832. 100 THE BEBOt'T DETECTIVE AGENCY, To N Y r.irn. -e:.ephone 1M0 161 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, furnished room and hoard, for man and wife. In private family: refer eoces. Address B 58, Bee. K-M53S 3x rKRSONALS. LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 613 Karbach block. L Regent Baths and Halrdreaslng Parlors, 2ub Ramgs Building. Tel. 2vis, Lauies only. U 368 PAPA Hurry Dome. Mamma warns you to Ret me a pair of H meson s "patent Slip ot" Rimless Eyeglasses. They're Just too swelL Can't shake off. 313 8.16th. Calltao. U 754-F-14 ANY poor girl In need of a frlena can call or write to tha matron ot the Salvation Army Home for Women, 38J4 N. Mtn st, Omaha, Neb. U-Ms. Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramga Bid. U--141 ELITE parlors, (15 8. 16th, U floor. U-M961 TEL. S2CS; that'a tha Gate City Steaxa Dye ing and Cleaning Vorka. 618 a. lih st U-M447 HELLO. ANNIE! This Is Joe. Will work late; meet me at Colombia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. at 7:80; we'll hear the free concert and buy some X. P. 50ci rec ords for 25c, especially adopted to ths Edison Phonograph. Tbey manufacture everything in the talking machine line. U MU3 F18 MEET me at Meyer-Dlllon'a-tho "yellow corner for quality" 16lh and Farnam. U-M913 F-18 "VIA VI" way to health. 846 Bee building. Omaha. U 143 JACK Come early tonight; want you to go to the Btoecker Cigar Co. with me; papa s birthday, mamma want to pre sent him a box of Btoecker's Monogram 5o cigars. MARIE. . v-ta Fis MAGNFTIP treatment A baths. Mm. "ViC 11-Smith. 11IN .16.8 fir. III. U M944 F8X xSA 8 rUoer thn akcordlon pleating T Sle .d, "".'"In but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co.. 2U) Douglas block. U 149 WATER'S PRINTING CO.. 1313 Douglas U I4S WJ?.,OKEJPy buying from the manu facturers. Burkley Envelope Co., Omaha. U-690 Flix ARCHIBALD Must have your picture be fore you leave. Don't fail to meet me at Proctors, 616 S. 16th, Sunday afternoon. J ".ol" B,T ,15 beautiful cabinet photos for $3.00. Elnlse. U 153 HELLO CARRIE! How Is your toothT Oh, Jack! Dr. Bailey, Paxton block, pulled it yesterday. It didn't hurt one bit. U-505-27,n. U M541 MEDICAL. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maxwell, M. D., Graduate of Bcllevue Hospital Medical Col- . . ,eKe ot New York City. 624-6 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 1424. Private Reception Room for Ladies. HOMOEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. M184. COLONCO CURES CATARRH. M89S PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement Dr. and Mra Qerlsch. $635 California at Terms reasonable. -143 GET your medicines at CONTE'S new orug store in vvtar FARNAM D1m TRICT. 81ST AND FARNAM 8TS. M89 Fit DR. PRIES treats auccessfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, 1518 Dodge st, Arlington block. Omaha. 144 PRIVATE hospital during confinement: babies adopted. Mrs. Oardels, 2234 Lake. Tei. Red-1884. lit PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs. Ia. -,26 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement Mrs. L, Fisher, 2515 6. 11th. Tel. 1889. W7 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, 81 ' 14$ PATENTS. H.,?co,WOILINo fM nnlasa successful. 818 S. 16th at.. Omaha. TeL 1JU. iHi PATENTS guaranteed. Sues A Co., Omaha. 692 A13 FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Forty acres In South Omaha; splendid place for feed yard or gardening. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1614 Farnam st.- M536 2 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Situation ; first-class coachman; five years' experience; guarantee satis faction. Address William Perks, Box 193, Creston. Ia. A M536 27x POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested. as cnanges may occur at any lime). Foreign malls for the week ending Jan uary 30. 1904. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Postomce as rnlin- PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-post mails for Germany close at 5 v. ra. onaay, per s. s. naiser Wllhelm I f mnA VlAov, .. . n., lir-IJ Regular and Supplementary mails close at Foreign Station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via i oion, ciose one nuur later at Foreign Station). Trans-Atlnntle Mails. WEDNESDAY At 8:80 a. m. (supplemen tary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. a. Cedric, via Queenstown (mail for France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Tur ky, Egypt, Greece and British India must be directed per "s. a. Cedric"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Tour alne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per a. a. La Touraine"). FRIDAY At 12 m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Canoplc, from Boston. SATURDAY At a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland must be di rected "per s. s. Philadelphia";; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Zealand (mail must bo directed "per a. a. Zealand"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect, per a. a. Neckar (mall must be directed per ". s. Neckar"); at 8:30 a . m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. a. Ethopla (mail must be di rected "per a. a. Ethopio"); at 10.30 a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Saxonla, via yueenstown. After the closing of ths Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing ot steamer. Malls for Sonth sad Central America, West Indies, Ete. WEDNESDAY At 9 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Nordkyn, via Rio Janeiro and Florlanapolls (mall must be directed "per s. a. Nordkyn"). THt'RSDAY-At 7:30 a. m. for ARGEN TINE. UKUUUAY and PARAGUAY, per m. s. Virgil; at 8 s. m. for CUBA, per s. a Vlgilancla (mall for Mexico, via Progreso. Campeche and Vera Crux must be directed "per s. s. Vlgilancla"): at 8 a. m. for RKRMCDA. ner a a. Pretoria: at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. a. Seneca, via Tani- He ico (mall must d ai reeled "per s. s. eneca 1. FRIDAY At 8:30 a. m. for BARBADOS and BRAZIL, per s. a Capri, via Rio Ja neiro and Santos (mall for Northern Brasil, Argentine. Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per a s. Capri"); at f s. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for INAGUA and HAITI, per a. s. Flandrla; at 12 m. for GUANTANAMO and SAN TIAGO, per a. a. Clenfuegos (mall must be directed "per a a. Clenfuegos"); at 13 30 p. m . supplementary 1 p. m ) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE PU B LIC, per s. s. New York; at T p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. a Cartha ginian, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY At 1:30 a. m. (supplementary 910 a. ra. ) for CURACAO and VENEZ UELA, per s. a Maracalbo (mall for Sav anil la and Cartagena must be directed POSTOFFICB NOTICE. "per a. a. Maracalbo"); at a. m. for ItjRTO RICO, per a. a. PoncA via S.m ,, Juan: at 9.:k) a tn. (siinnlctnenta rv 10 . . a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. MAICA, 8AVANILLA and CARTA(iA. per s. s. Valencia (mall for Costa Itle mil.t K l1lr.n,..1 .,. . m l.l.illH."l at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD TM1AND8. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Korona (trail for Grenada, Trinluad and Barbados must be directed "per a a. Korona"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Mexico, via Havana: at 12 m. for BAR BADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a a. Grangense, via Para, Maranham and Ceara; at 2 p. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Merchant Prince. Mails Forwarded Overland, Ete., Ex- ffpt Trans-rarlSr. CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, closes at this office dally, except Thursday, at 15:30 a. m. (ths connecting malls close here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat urdaysi. MEXICO CITY Overland, unless speelallv addressed for despatch by steamer, close t this office dally, except Snndav, at 1:30 P. m. and 11.80 p. m. Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 11 o n NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd- ny and thence by steamer, clone at imer, ciohc at m. (connecting mis omce daily at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday. JAMAlCA-By rail to Philadelphia snd 1. JV'S. by temr. closes at this office t 11:30 p. m. every Sunday. By rail to Boston, and thence bv steamer closes at this office at 6 30 p. ni. every Friday. K MiIQLTLON-Br nn B"ton, and thence ry steamer, closes at this office dally at s to p. m. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, end thence ty steamer, closes at this oflV-e ?,n, & ePt Bunday. at 11:30 p. m. and 111:80 p. m., Sundays at 11:00 p. m. and M :SO p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at jn so p. m.) COSTA RICA-By rail to New Orlsana. "U? tb'nce by steamer, closes nt this mi'.,1,ily' exent Sunday, at It Ml p. tn. jnd 111:30 p. nr. Sundays at 1 :(W p ro. 111:80 p. ra. (eonnectlne; mall closes hera Tiiesdays at 111:30 p. m ) BAHAMAS (except Turcels-Post Malls) By rail to Miami, Fla.. and thence hv steamer, closes at 8,11:30 p. m. every Tues day and 5:80 a. m. Saturday. Registered mall clones at 6:00 p. m pre vious day. Trans-Paclflc Malls. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 125th. 'nfl"lve, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at 9:30 p. m. up to January J27th, Inclusive, for despatch . per U. 8. Tranaporl. HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 8:3u p. m. up to Janu ary 128th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Korea. AUSTRALIA (except Went), FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C. close here daily at 6:80 p. m. tip to January 30th, ' Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. AorangV CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. here dally at 6. SO p. m. tip to January 131st, Inclusive for despatch per s. s, Vic toria. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to February ftd. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Kaga Maru. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco. cloe here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February ISth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Gaelic. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:39 p. m. up to February Iflth. Inclusive, for despatch per s i. Mariposa. NEW ZEALAND. AU8TRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA. F.JI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via Pan Francisco, close here dallv at 6:30 p. m. up to Feb ruary Ifith, inclusive, for despatch per a. S. Ventura. (If the Cunsrd steamer car rying the British mall for New Zea'and does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 5:30 a. m 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m ; Sundays at 4:80 a. m., 9:00 a. m. snd 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwsrded until the arrival of the Cunnrd steamer.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver snd Victoria, B. C. close here dally st 6:30 S. m. up to February' 117th. Inclusive for espatch per s. s. Empress ef China. (Merchandise for U. fl. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada.) NOTE. Unless otherwise sddressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; snd New Zealand and Philippines via flan Francisco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially sddreered "via Canada" or via Europe must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii is forwarded via Pan Francisco exclusively. Trans-Paelfle malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overUnd transit. Registered mall closes at 8:00 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Fnstnfflce, New York, N. T., January tl, 1801 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. GENERAL DEPOT Q. M. DEPT., JEF fersonvllle, Ind., January 25, 1904. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, endorsed on cover ''Proposals for Q. M. Supplies," and ad dressed to undersigned, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. tn., February 24, 1904, for stationery, ranges, saddlery, hard ware, sheet metals, - wagons and wagon parts, paints, etc, as per schedule, which will be furnished to applicants. Preference given to articles of domestlo production or manufacture. The right reserved to re ject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. C. A. H. McCauley, Colonel and Assistant Quartermaster General. Depot Quartermaster. J26-27-2S-29-F20-22 OCEAN STEAMERS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LIKS f Msw Tvis-Scre StaasMn ot 12.KW Tooa Bullae Tsa4r. at 10 a. Ok RotUrdim r.fc. liDMirlia Mar. I 8!oterdjrk Vb. 1 Mir. Stateadaoi Pb. M Nooraam Mar. H eatainas air s muht eslr. KOtULND-AJHKalCA LINK, at Oaarbora St, Ci: cifo. III.; Uany Moons. 1401 Psraaai St.; C. KaiantuM, Uil fanuua St. J. B. aayaelda, Uol ruata St. Mediterranean Cruise 5. 5. Orosser Kurfurst (13,182 tons). Tl eaya salllug Marrb I. 1WM; It ttjn la Faus tina, 6ays la Eirpt. 4 4ra Is Keau, I day. ia Athaaa, sara In Conatantlaopla; auoriar vlalta to man? plaoaa. Exceptional advaatagaa. Cholea sarths around, ' tVW, Including aora irlpa. Spaoial opeortunltf for ladles without eaoort. S'nd for U0 pas booklet, t. C. CLAUK, Ul Broadwar, New York. SAYS HER LOVER WAS FALSE Yonna- Weaaan Conies front Illinois t Hav Arrested Mam Wna Wen Her. Frank 8. Hitch, who registers from Doug las, Wyo.. is held at police staUon on tha charge of being a suspicious character. Monday night a neatly dressed woman of comely looks, perhaps 26, called at tha station and asked to sea tha captain. She was shown into Captain Mostyn'a private office and there unfolded a tale of un requited love, mistreatment and pros pective desertion at the hands of the sus pected one. She had been lured from a good home in Illinois, aha told tha cap tain, last September by Hitch. "He flattered ma and filled my head with nonsense about love and the like. He neve married me, but promised be would. Ha has not kept his word, and, knowing him to be a cheat and a swindler, I come here to Inform you, so that you may arrest hint. He threatened to desert ma hare." Detectives Drunmy and' Maloney were dispatched for tha alleged bad man and he was Incarcerated oyer night Tuasdsy the Investigation was resumed by Captain of Detectives Dunn, who has ascertained that Hitch U a dealer In patent rights. Ha aella, occasionally, the officer says, a right to the exclusive sale of a lifting "jack." For tha present, at least. Hitch Is being held merely pending further Investigation, and unless tba girl files a formal complaint, tha officers say, nothing may come of Hitch's arrest. Yea BtlsM Year Life, If you neglect piles. They will taujse fatal diseases, but Bucklen's Arnica 8aKt positively cures or bo pay. 2t, For sals by Kuan A Ca. I