TITE OliAITA DAILY BEE; MONDAY, .TANUATtY ."), 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertleaeat for these eolesaas will se takea atll IX m. for the fas; edltloa sad aatll fl a. at. for th aaeraias; sad Saaday edition. Rates, 1 l-e a word flrst Insertion, fa word thereafter. Kothlac takea for lraa thai StOe for flrst laser- lloa. Thrac advertisements saast be raa eaaaecatlrely. Advertisers, hy resjeeetlafl lerd cheek, raa hare answers ad dressed to a aanabered letter la car of The Bee. Aaswers ao addreaaed will ba delivered oa prrseatatloa, of the cheek oalr. MISCELLASEOIS. NOW OPEN. MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE NOT TOO ATK To ENTER. ray and Night. , CALT WRITE OH TELEPHONE FOR INFORMATION. Adareaa; . H. B. BOiLES, President, New York Uio Bldg. Omiiln, Neb, R AI4HJ D. M. HAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDG. PHONE 2904. nni nBLVER NICKEL Plating-. Om. JJlV put m, Co., IjOU Harney. Tel. 236. R-470 LOCKSMITH M- R-M188-F-20 RAM8ER AV KERR, hatter, make old baU now. 207 N. 17th. Send hats by ma. -M179 21 CITT SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R 751 SPECIAL For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for II. Don't miss this chance. U. 8. Op ticians, a n. mh st R m J'ERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bid.; Weber, Storey as Clark. Lud wig, Schiller. R 966 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all bualneas confidential. J301 Douglas. R-4W7 i;XPRE8SMEN S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 314 N. 16th. Tel. 1193. R-968 ChirrnnAr Ort relief; corns removed. V-.IIIUL)UUyL)fnoy P lM Farmvm, r o-n g v P I V TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 10th. Te". 2"6. R-971 READ! ) HAVE ROOT V PRINT IT. HEED! s ir.r.FFni ... a j. root. inc. J 4 414-16 S. 12th. Tel. 1101. R-8.2 VKre-i( Strictly home mndn; potito yeast. U1C4U Delicatessen. lRua Farnam Street. GOLD crowns from $3; fillings from 25c; set of teeth, 2; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 15Sa Douglas, room 4. R 875 t'HOPfMADK) SHOES-LangsrTr8S. 16th ''. -rS9i F13 J- B- WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST. 606 S. Uth. i01 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspoois and vaults, removes gnrbage . and dead animals at reduced prices. 631 N. 10th. Tel. 1779. v im ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs, 'A. C Mark, 17th and -Douglaa R7 P. MELCHOIR, machinist. ISth AHownrd. R 877 PUBLICITY PESIONS-WHEATON. In the Bee Bid "I. R M394 'STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its po'lcles are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. e,l?,n,manRKer' Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R-97S ' PHT2T V,PZhl-Vlery A Co.. 1611 Howard. Tel. 3327. R 879 SIGN painting. B H. -Cole. 1802 Douglss. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing .' xHenry He doesn't keep statlonofy. 1616 Farnam street , He sells It-at K 241 Biiio' vVla' "f? mover, heavy hauling. 1119 Farnam. TeL 353. R-874 F4 VOD1CKA A CO., fine tailoring; all kinds ;hfdrfTe"V8.d rnft,rin Kru' A.B?.TTLB of phl'P' Fce Lotion will nx that face so you will like It. K-M4i7 F8 ZiE!i EVENINGS, too busy' making M to 7io ri t.' I20 to : trousers Is to 810. Dreaher. 1516 Farnam street. .. - ' K-MoW Fl BiSR.N!2N . V- .Tinner, and MfKs. J ' i. V rnices, smokestacks. ael. 26,5. 214 N.' 16th St. R 762 F15 IIISfShSaJle; ?,. -Hered. Youaen. i'ajttoo hotel tailor. - R 208 taKnii; SlUA pr!'?,B working draw ings.. Sues Co., Omaha, 'phone 16'3. ' R-237 Apr22x BUIINESg CHANCES. VYANTEIX quick, wideawake monejt-part-r for drat class road attractlonlry thing ready fop buslnesa. Addreaa j L . , ' T-Mioe 2ix FOR SALE-4,000.00 drug stock and 2,000.00 residence, In live t.-wn near LlncoliK would exchange for A 1 farm If a "cash value; store doe. good buln?aa; t'rop? tor muat reUr Address U M. Bee Y M341 26x WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business Quick, see J ft! Johnson. Mi N. Y. Life. Y-384 SHOLES-ARMSTRONO CO., bualneas chances and exchangea; write us. Til New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-MJM 40-HORSE-POWER boiler, to engine, swing t v ""7" niacnine, planer. ahaftlng. pulley, belts, etc; If you want to buy we can deal. Address B It), Bee ' Y H91 DKCIDINO to leave city, we sell small grocery story as Invoice. 17o5 N. 33d . Y-131 25 FOR SALE, clean stock of dry gooda shoes and groceries at Pocahontas. Ia Bo old gooda; a bargain; terms caah. j A. Callell, trustee. Uarshallto wn. Ia. ' Y Ml M LAW AID COLLECTIOX8. Jt'DGB DICKINSON. 616 N. Y. Life. Set Dements estates a specialty. 'Phone r --wa. M32 1 16 8TILLMAN PRICE. 410 1st Nat bk. bldg! x 164 THE New Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate brokers, attorneya and brokers everywhere. First floor N. X Ufa. TeL 133. . 165 W. F. WAPPIC1L ADVICB free, Creighton Dioca. MSC4 FOR pensions son block. 8. F. Moore. 22 Patter. M6 5 F13 SKARLE V ADAMS Law and Collections. ais-u umana nan Dang. lei. F-?c3. , - Mi fcr WAHTBD inPATIOJI. SITXTATION WANTED by youns man. 2S. competent sienirapher with good type- writer, bookkmfier; beat references: ap prvntlceahip in bank preferred. Adilreaa s to. ttr. A MiS i&x DETKCTIVKg. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 Karbach blnek. x - 111 THE BEBOt'T DETErTIVK AGENt'Y 7u N. Y. LIFE. -.EPilOXE ZU) 161 TICKET SUOklkl. t'HT-RATB rallmad tickets everywhere. a as siiin'Mfc aw ruu . mono rat WANTED MALE BE LP. Mosher Shorthand. The Omaha Commercial Cotleee will Issus a monthly journal, beginning with Febru ary, In tne interests ot Monher shorthand. It will contnln some startling Information about the Gregg system and Its reputed author. It will contain both ancient and modern history. Gregg writers In par ticular should read It. Price, 26c per year. First three copies free. Send name. Aaaress: KOHRBOUGH BROS., Publishers, 17th and Douglaa Sta. Tel 1288. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad iare upon our (allure to convince you oi this being the br-BT, largest and only reliable, most practical baioer college In this section oi the country; write for catalogue today. Western Berbers' Insti tute, umaha. Neb. B 9S6 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied. unmarried men, between ages oi xi ana w, cltlsens of l.nlteV States, of good cnarac - ter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For intormallon apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Dodge sis., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M144 MOLEH'S BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., offers advantagea In teaching the baiber trade that cannot be had else where. Write touuy tor our terms. ii M316 fr'Ux WANTED Two agents at once; good-sal ary, city work, c r . Adams co..- jtuy Howard St. 1 B 67 WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Rooms 14-15 Crounse Ulk. B MB WANTED, ten experienced salesmen to travel with wagon and sen an. old line of medicines and household articles on commiaslon, with a guaranteed earning of t0.0u per month. Application from ex perienced men only will be considered. Address, The Haller Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. B lit F20 WANTED, an experienced lumber and ooal salesman, acquainted with trade in Ne braska and eastern Iowa. Adress B 23, Bee. B 178 tl WANTED, by manufacturing house, trusty aNfiiniHiii tur urancn omue; sis pmu weekly; position permanent; no capital required; previous experience not easen t in I. Address Branch Superintendent 221 Dearborn, Chicago, ' B M215 26x WIDEAWAKE boy. about 16. wanted quick In real estate onloe; promotion sura If satisfactory. Write, giving references, B 46, Bee. B M44 26 WANTED FEMALE HELP. W 'ANTED, a uonnil flrlrt: annlv mt Ann. 1U31 S. 20th ave. C tui WANTED, servant girl, family of three. airs, eimerai, 'Vie iNortn rath ave. C-460 WANTED, girl for general housework. juw tiarney si. C 26 MAGAZINE solicitors; call from t to 6. vtaiiace, fil Brown block. C M451 26 W v nn i cu, competent gin ror general housework. Apply 2706 Parker. C 496, 26 FOR' REST-FtR.MSHED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th Chicago. at not DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. i . - 999 NICELY furnished room. Inquire Omaha Bieum iaunary, iiau Lavenwurth. Phone A-17S3. s E 991 t 1 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. ELEGANT front Boom; steam heat. 190 uapitoi ave. to M491 NICE south room, modern. S06 B. 26th. 'lei. a-mhs. - , e 92 Jta PER WEEK Doran House, 422 S. 18th. hi M864 VIENNA European Hotel. 1011-15 Farnam Bt. r me roems; ladies care; . private dining rooms. Open all night E 606 NICE furnished rooms... 324 N. 16th. ej M607 FOR RENT A nicely furnished south room all modern; private lamlly. 2919 Jones st. i EM867 ELEGANT front room 'on 2nd floor, Mer- nam rioiei, stn ana. uoage. , . E M 110 FINE rooms, hot water heat, new brick. J618 Webster. o iso si MODERN furnished room. 1805 Chicago st . J5 M2Z1 26 Ft'RNISHED room for rent by day or week: zu rooms; centrally located; 603 Bo. 13th. E-M223 25x THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam prefer ence required. . - E 360 HOUSEKEEPING, large, handsome rooms ensulte. 616. Ziot Burt. r, M293 Z7 FITRNI8HED rooms, light housekeeping. ground floor. i,ot capitol avenue. E 238 26x NICELY furnished rooms; heat, gas and modern conveniences at reasonable cost. 626 8. 20th. E M353 26 LARGE stearn heated room, student or working girls preferred. Z013 Harney. t E-M362 26 PLEASANT room for rent, within easy waking distance or city, ror a young man; state references. Address B 89. Bee. E M406 ZSx WARM ROOM for one or two gentlemen; modern. 403 B. 26th ave. E M43J ZoX SOUTH FRONT, with other room: mod ern. 2580 Harney. j E M4J 9UX t LARGE furnished" rooms, for two or three gentlemen. Mia Dodge. . K Mz x . NICELY furnished single room In private fumiiy; neat, gas, nam end teiepnone; will mnke It very homelike for young man. 1914 Douglas. E M4S2 26x SfNGLE front rvm, nice family, desira ble location. 1909 Douglas. ic-mms FRONT rooms; - housekeeping. 81 8. Ntth St., 8d noor. 15 eox NICK south front room, with alcove; very cheerful and convenient: modern gas, bath and telephone. 2218 Cass. E M477 5x PARLOR suite, also housekeeping rooms. steam heat. Z2M rarnam st., tnira noor. Tel. 1203. E M476 2Q AN ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor In browntone house; an monern conve niences. 2423 Cans street. Tel. B2584. , EM 480 26X NICELY famished room, very pleasant and convenient; all modern; splendid lo cation; for gentlemen. 214 South Twentv third street. E M501 27x AN ELEGANT outside room. ln brick. plenty of heat, all modern, gas. cam and telephone. 624 North Twenty-thl'd street. ' FVRNISHED ROOMS AKD BOARD, j Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out ooaru. aaiatana ooum, iwn m Lnii-nHti. f m UTOPIA, steam beat, 1721 Davenport ' F 995 ROCKAWAY. 1316 Douglaa. Mea's. 16c. F-997 LARGE well-furnished front room, all mod ern, wltn board; also good table board by oay or weea. ine xreaner, t a. lMn st. . F442 FI'RNISHFD rooms and board In private ranuiy. KU Davenport. . F M174 27 MODERN room and board. 1812 Chicago. tr 167 77X FOR RENT, furnished room, with or with out board. 1816 Dodge. F 235 26 WILL make pleasant 4iom for two yotmg men, swu warn, steam neau sue tso. intn. . ' jr M l YOUNO lody wishes respeotablo young riiiuaie in eooi nome. aus do. win. r M3a0 24 ELEGANT rooms first -class txsrri: nrivati - larntiy , ivjv uoage. r M318 20x ROOM and b-r hy day or week, tl SO. 118 N. lth. TeL F-JSl. F-M317 30 FOR RENT Nice, cosy little room, with board: all modern, steam heat, gas, bath a lid leietkhone. zuv uasa. M 4&1 26x I If You Have a Room to Rent or . want to rent a room you can win a cash prize -by using The Bee Wan f Ad Columns. . FOR SALE MISCEL-ANKULS. STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., J. O. Blessing, prop., wholesale and retail manufacturer of and dealer in barneaa and saddles; whips a specialty; every thing hand made; quality considered, th cheapest harneea shop un earth. 231 N, lath st, So. Omaha. Union shop. Q-M417 FOR SALS, Severn I scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course lu uu-iueas, abort, hand and type willing. luqulr at B' g n BECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stock of i cheap bar Hxtuies. cigar counters, etc. The Brunawlck-BaJk CoUender Co., 4"7- 8.10th St . Q-100 INDIAN goods and relics. Ills Farnam. W-J97 ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1118 Farnam. U 14 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 801 Dougla. W 104 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Apply at Bee press room.. Q 438 MANTLES, gas fixtures. Incandescent sup Piles, low prices Fransen, 606 N. 16th at Q 915 J2S 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Q MISt KIMBALL FLiNCrllghtiyu7edTbig baT galn. Call or writ Koora 7, Bee Bidg. HARI cob stoves, $6 up; furniture cheap. "" uruuure to., iuu jooge. ' ' Q 403 FOR SALE cheap, armost new box front fal?kln Jacket. Aujabauga th Furrier, 506 Karbach block. Q 781 FOR BALE Second-hand t-dvllnder Toledo yu, 1 a w, oargain ix soia Deiore February 6. 414 S. 12lh st Q-MUj FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICKS. FOB RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee Building. , 'X M56i FOR RENT, storeroom and basement in good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a , manufacturer with similar requirementa; power furnished Jf required. R. C. Peters Ac Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee building. I M794 I STORIES and basement 22x100; 1005 Far nam St Inquire 314 First Nat'l Bank bldg. , . 1-107 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four stor building at 916 Farnam St, two Stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose- . water. Seo'y., Room 100. Bee bldg. 1-M986 FOR RENT, 4-story and basement build ing, 1615 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises. , . I 77 2-8TORY and basement brick 'bldg., 22x57, suitable for manufacturing. 2-story bldg., with store room and 22 rooms; hotel or boarding house. W. Farnam Smith &. Co., 1320 Farnam St. , , . . 1241 FOR ' SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. NEW and Id-hand vehicles for sale; re pairs. H.' Frost Hth and Leavenworth. P 167 TWO fine depot wagons, 1 rockaways, 1 coupe. 2 traps, 1 wagonette,- 2 aruya, - Drummond Carriage Co.,- 18th and Ilar ney. ' . - i' Ylub FOR SALE, several good horses, a few sets of 2d-hand double and single har ness. Melcher s Sales Stables, 501 8. lath. P-MU3 F6 -I- FOR BALE, cheap slightly used: Two carriages, 1 phaetons, 2 ton buggies, I driving wagons. Andersen-AIIUard Co., 1516-18 Capitol ave. , P 71 FOR SALE, 2d-hand four-passenger car riage (brougham) at a bargain if taken at once. 1309 Hiroef St. P M176 FOR SALE Good second-hand hearse, cheap. A1rees I.. J. Wilson, P. O. Box 138. Sliver Creek, Neb. P M245 WANTED TO BUT. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. Levlne pay the highest cash price. TeL 771, N-UM R-vilr bought sold. Antique Book Con DOOK5 oera, m Karbach blk. Tel. nut. . N la HIGH prices for Id-hand furniture. Tel. 2020. Chicago Furniture Co. N MJ87 BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture. Enterprise t urn, Co., 102-4 B. ittn. Tei.2-s, . . N-378 Mart WANTED 100 car of bone; will pay a good cash price; write me. S. M. Hey, 14W Indiana Ave., iiansas uiy, mo. N-M243 F23x I HAVE buyers for f and 6-room cottages. Property owners list at once. k. h. iana-. oryou, 442 Board of Trade. Tel 2151. ' ' . N-M420 25 . FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Bchmouer at Mueller. U3 farnam bt. Z 06 FOR EXCHANGE, fine piano for a new or used typewrit.-. Bcnmoner ar Mueller, Ult Farnam street. Telephone 1625. Z ML89 FOR SALE or trade, for a good pool table a Regina music machine, niahagony wood work, 16 different pieces of luueic. Ad- dreaa B 26, Bee. M 2tx WANTED To trade for land, small stock of gents' furnishing; goods; invoice about I3.000.UI. Address a 4. tiee. , Z M342 25x AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscription to THE TWENTllSTll Ct.VTtKt r AnHr. l Steady employment with assured good lu come. Aaenls in the country with horM and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make eaally 6ti0 to SUM per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, Bee building, umalia. J 213 WANTED A good canvasser for a1 Cath olic newspaper. Apply to "The True Voice." 6o6 Bee Dldg. J Mu78 SOLICITORS WANTED. 10 N. 15th st. J-M140 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute. 615 N. Y. Life B;dg. T 104 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. U62. DR. GRACE DEE IAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2b88. Fayette Cole. Osteopath, 509 Paxton block. DKS LAIRD AV LAIRD 202 Karbach blk. Phone 2ii91, ' Si8 LOST. LOST August last, a cameo pin, head of Mercury and a flower cluxler pin with diamond and ruby setting. Ruwrd if returned to 22 Continental bldg.. or tele phone o30. ioat M.'lfc 225 REWARD fr teiovery of horse and buggy stolen January 2u; black l.orte, l.uuu ibe . 7 years t-ld; rubber-tired top buggy, black trimmed, troy niaae. nar ncy tft utaUea, Omaha. Loat - 232 2bs FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT HOISES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pa-k C t " I ICU O. V move and store H. 1L goods. Storehouse, ClNijLlOrl Cji V-W.s 1120-24 N. 19th. OIBce, 1611, Farnam. TeL -oiwuswaa vt. w t 1669-863. A D-M449 PAXTON BLOCK, p-OR RENT -rooui house, 253 Wool worth FOR 1 i ave.; porcelain bath, gas, hot and cold i water: newly , painted and papered Bargains in Omaha Property, ftft.1 1&. Bherwo&-M$w - HOI n all part or the city. The FOR 8ALE-Twelv.-acre rruit farm at llUUi)" O. F. Cavls Co.. 608 Bcldg. liraldentown, Floildi; water from, young ' v in orange und banana gr.ive, and good nous- , . , , . ; . 71 3 Add,e Lock Box ft. alitor. Neb HOUSES ViVl 6oTbTb. . : . p-u4 WHEN buying or selling real estate be tviui! Bnorwifv a. m kA.. sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Ptf'S?3Tvl it- C?J-CbPh? inT Trust company bonded abstract 114 Far- gl-08 Nw York Life Bldg. Phone 1016. nam street N. P. odge, Jr., President RE M16J SEVERAL good houses. 210 to tl8. CbrlS RANCH and farm lands for sal by the Boyer. 22d and Cuming. 'Phoaa 204S. Uhlon Paciflo Railroad company. B. A. . , UUJ MoAllaater, land comrnlstloner. Union Pa. Mw . . . . . - ... ciuo headquarters. Omaha, Neb. NEW 8-roc-m, modern brick, close In, Just nm4ia completed. . , JOHN N. FRENZER, CH3- Williamson Ca. 0pp' OM p" a S!5L R-54s NEW modern rooms. 1217 B. 6th t., 118. , Ms.mf-m D-678 26X SEE" R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy ' ; z ior sell real estate.- 442 Board of Trade. WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Van Ac 8tor- Tel. 2161. , RE 660 Co Tel. 1496. Office. 1712 Websterjt START A HOME - i . . By buying one or more of our $100 to 2200 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker B;k. lots on new car line near 24th and Fort ' P US sta., and other near Fort Omaha, and . xnsw . other fronting and overlooking Miller kS?!. !.?' ?n ' n w, JJT J park, also other lots on new Hnrney st. bKatn'.nJc);,e S lVHb51?Unew iPoll.8h car line, near Bemls park, only 2150 eich; "T inr"1"1' finished throughout, on n'y fBEmS.AJLTON "SSgcK. WILL1AM POTTER, 2C BROWN Bl!K. RE-466 24 ' 0-206 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop. orty. farms, ranches. Tel. 122. Ife-4sf APARTMENT HOUSE Bf&XWl&?u?X Totnrh.'.tthanPHrcmnheTeBd9 & for list and Illustrated VpX ' iTl aa-mm rflats are offered separately or together for FOR .RENT An elegant outside room. In KSJ'nWin r, VZ7. 'aaVI?. goo brick flat; al. modern, good heat, gas, k!'1"?' hVL'.,..?1 nil bath and telenhnne f,24 N Tweniv.thirrt banks and wholesale district. Best refer- oatn ana telephone. 622 N. Hhlr(l. ences required. Apply to H. J. Windsor, EM 482 26x 1518 Dodge St. D-M227 29 Vr VrM I UAWT Tr ! FOR RENT, six-room modern house; new;. UU HU WAIN I IU West Farnam car line. The O. F. Davis SELL A FARM? Co" 608 Be8 bu"d,nK' d m23ofi , If vou want to sell a farm or ranch tail ravenport, 10-room house with barn- the farmer and stock raiser about it -,J .1. . , The belt way to reach them la through ALyrk A NIce 7-room cottage T-rtr-i 4430 Farnam 8 rooms, newly painted and TH E papered-220. , TWENTIETH CENTURY T'T'TJTZ T ri -,- . 6-room cottage, 19th St.; boulevard 218. rAKMhR 2?10 Farnam 6-room flat 220. Thi. ,, , Z, J . .. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. Thla agricultural week! goes to 46,000 D 240 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you. have a ood piece of land to sell at a SIX-ROOM furnished cottage, modern, reasonable price you will find a buyer steam heat, walking distance, on car - . m- The cost of an advertisement line, nice lawn and shade; vacant about MrS1-? cen.t." P".word In email typo or .'eb. 1st.; near high school. Address B 49, 62.60 per Inch If set in large typo. Bee. , DHM416 25x THE TVVENT1EIH CENTURY FARMER FINE .r00m hou at 3177 Davenport st OAHA, NbB. (southeast corner of 82d and Davenport RE 228 sta.); will be vacated by February 10; i rent $70 per month. Apply to H. J. Wlnd- PUBLIC SALE POSTPONED. I "or, 1618 Dodge St. , D M432 26 The sale of the southwest quarter (8. W. ' 1 i 1 ), section Ave (6, township sixteen 16). SIX-ROOM HOUSE Hot water heat radge nine (9), In Douglas county, Ne- About February 10 a modern house, braaka, has been adjourned until 11 o'clock equipped with-gas. bath and hot water a. m. Thursday. January 28, 1904, when It Plant, 3007 Leavenworth street, will be will be held at the ea door of the court rented, either furnished or unfurnished, house In the city of Omaha. The sale will House can be Inspected at any time. Rent remain open at least one hour. ZOO? r"?nbJe' v Walter,Breen, agent, JULIA THOMAS. room 4W Karbaoh - block. , .. Administratrix of the Estate of John Dr ; D MoOg 81 , Thomas. ., " ' RE-2U2T MONEY TO LOAM CHATTELS. . Public Sajfe Postponed MONEY TO LOAN The sale of the southwest quarter (8. w. i- ovr r m r- m-t- r-r m 14). section Ave (5), township sixteen (16), cAbl rAYMcN I PLAN range nine (9), In .Douglas county, Ne- Y i . . . . . braaka. has been adjourned until 11 'SJLkfv HSi,J Jfi1' smJ o'clock a. m. Thursday, January 28, 1904 mmolrJSmcmilA when it will be held at the east door of fAJ "e0ur?eVarei u loJ .. ar!v and the court bouse In the city of Omaha. 'ranl't Vji wer thnsome The sale will remain open at least one wVlU! ournnureTTlano.. horse. nour' ttttta Tunum . wagons, etc, the property al way remaln- . . , i J?U i .!. . . . ti T-. Iig la your possession. We also loan to AJmlnlstratiix of the Estate of John D. SALARIED PEOPLE .Tnoma"' otriaa upon their own agreement to repay. Our 1 ' ' RE 496 26 facllltlea are the beat for QUICK service T-ROOM modern house direct from owner- "fron.1"" me m0" t0 plea 0ur leaving city; bargain. 2622 Hodge. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO RK Mill 2SX aS Boar(J of Xrd(S B1(Jg. NICE home of 6 room, on N. 16th, with 10 (Established 1692.) 206 8. 16th St lots; paved street and fully paid; 1300 ji-M- caah. balance easy payments; Just the vnMn np. place to raise chicken. YOUR CREDIT D. WEAD.1524 DOUGLAS Is G00D HERE FOR . . MONEY, ONLY 22.050. v knowledge of irlends and employer. At S872 .Seward .treat , we have a good 8- W&x.8l l?0V" fSSi fS room house, hard oil finish; with bath, quick service, confidential treatment' closet, hot water, sewer, gas throughout; Call, write or telephone. TeL MM. nice cellar; bouse In good repair, on full . r-ri- a m , . . , 50-foot, south front Tot; nicely shaded, AMLRICAN LOAN CO with barn, all fenced In. Thla ha Just Room. 3oi-3u Paxton u,.-k L ; been vacated and quick possession , can n Fwnara "d 16th Sol Kntr1 be given if sold at once before new ten- ma ota. Lntranc ants move in. Choice residence district; , . ' 3tV-toe4 I only two blocks from .treet car and th 1 MONEY LOANED ON best stores, churches, schools, etc. In- FURNITUKK. PlANoo. LlVkl STOCHL vestlgate quick and let u. hear from SALARIES, ETC. you. Low rates and easy terms, . nnoTwTftc a rr . Business conttaentlai. PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., Try us If you want 10 save money . Bole Agent.. , PHOENIX CREDIT Cu Sixth floor. U-2 New York Life Bldg. , Block, lth - RE-M193 22 junnEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLU fd others with security; easy payment digest business in 49 pUncipil Jues. ' . ijfman' room nr ot Commerce LOT 14, block 14, West End; ideal location : X.IU for nice home. Price, 81.600. Competent MONEY loaned on plain note to ala.ri.4 Judges say It s worth more but I must people; business conl dtnUaJ; lowe tl(2l sell. A reasonable offer. If quick will fa Vaiton block. The J. A. Hut ton Co take it. W, N. Nason, sole agent. 446 Be . . ",ulw" Co. ldg. RE M5U2 25 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew. A slry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed, 219 S. 12. DANCING ACADEMY. X 124 CHAMBERS' New Academy, 2424 Farnanv CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Adult beginners. Mondays and Saturdays, Loan Co., R. 8. Barker Block. X 125 8 p. m.; aaaembllea, Wednesdays, 8:80 p. , m.; chlldrep beginners, Wednesdays, 4 p THP QTAR I flAW r- m.. Saturday, i p. m ; advanced, Batur. 1111. OIAK LvJAiN LU. days only. p. m. 'Phone, F-1671; re., 644 Paxton building, is the recognised bank A.-16'L 7a of the reliable wage earner and salaried If you dance, attend Morand's Wed. assem- Zuion account .o'T'our'eaay paymenbl bllea. if you don't danoe, Join his Tuesday w rales and courtesies extended and Fri. class 8 p. m. Special attention to beginners; lifUy asaUtants; private lessons dally. Call lith and Harney or Tel. 104L alO lu LOAk-itA(. 1A.- M677 F-12 1 FARM and city loans, low raus. W IL 1 Uhoinaa, First Nai l Bank Bldg. Tel 164. FOR RENT INFl'RNISHED ROOMS. W 12? HOUSEKEEPING rooms with heat; rea- PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. Lif. soiutble. 567 Bo. 28Ul st Tel. A-2S95. , W m ! Q-M1.3 24x t IO , Fi C- money. Bemls, Paxton block. MODERN unfurnished rooms, 2011 Spruce. ' ; W lt " ' ! Q-M321 30 pKJVATB money. F. . Wead. 1520 Douglas. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; reasonable; two ' , W Uu block, south of auditorium. 1411 Jon" st. WANTED City loans and wsrrants. W Farnam bmith' dc Oo tui Farnam Bt " FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern. 2011 ' WUl Spruce st. - , GM4S7 27x FIVE per cent loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 1 1 Farnam. W la MISICAL. WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. , . , ., It C. Paters - Co., Bee Bldg. W Lis .ORCHESTRA ' MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Inrestment Co. BECHTOLD'S UNION ORCHESTRA. ' W 134 - 319 So. 13ih 8t TeL, W7 f frm lotfna a. c. PatUrson. 12!4 Far- . M4a0 rZ8 nam. W La THOS. J. KELLY., voice. Davldg block. CLAIRVOYANTS. DLigvTenwonINT9eLVAl-'27Lnt tji" BUSINESS MEDIUM. T18 N. 17th COrrT-S. OYLMER, Palmist 715 N. Cd; phonB. Theatrical and masq. Lleben. 1018 Farnam. PROF. HARRY removed to 1816 Podga at -. luj ; s M06 COSTUMES for rent. Back. 2818 S 20th at 7 M744 J.4i Fl'tUllTVRR FACtUSO. LE! fil MAN, MASQ., 2622 FaroanT TeL Petersoo 4k Ltiadherg, Us S. Ulh. Tsl L-i lAUS. -MU1 Fli U-ta s , r-RSOKALS. LA BOOK, ladles tailoring, 513 Karbnch block. it ajj Reg pnt Parlors, m Ramie Building, U-368 CAT A Hurry home. Mamma wants you to get me a pair of Huteson a "patent Silp Not' Rimless Eyeglnaee.. They're lust too welL Can t shake off. 212 8. 16th. Calltso. U 754-F-14 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women. 8824 N. 24th st, Omaha, Neb. U-M62S Maylx Btammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. ELITE parlor.. (15 B. Ifth, 2d floor. U-M961 TEU 1265; that' th Oars city I! team Dye lug and Cleaning works. 518 B. 16ih st U-M44I FOR the sake of the neighbors and the good of the piano, will the lady who lives at IN03 Lathrop street get her piano tuned. Schmoller 4 Mueller. 1312 Farnam t, tune piano. 1 U M4J9 26 HKLLO. ANNIE! Thl I Joe. Will work late; meet me at Colombia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. at 7:30; we'll hear the free concert and buy ome X. P. 600 reo. i6c 'specially adopted to the .dison Phonograph. They manufacture sverythlng in the talking machine line. . ,' U A11Z2 F18 MEET me at Meyer-Dillons the "yellow corner for quality 16th and Fsrnain. U M912 F-U "y11" wair to bealth. 246 Bee building, Omaha. U 143 JACK Come early tonight; want you to go to the Stoecker Cigar Co. with me; papa, birthday; mamma wants to pre sent him a box of Stoecker'. Monogram 5c cigars. MARIE. 1 U 128 F18 MAGNETIC treatment St baths. Mm. mrtVJl! C I 8mUhi m N. 16. 2 flr. R 1 U-M944 F8X j 8 nlcer th,lr akcordlon pleating? Ve do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Dougla. block. U 149 WATER'S mt. PRJNTING CO., 1213 UjtU BAVB MONEY Ry buying from the menu facturers. Burkley Envelope Co., Omaha. ' XJ-6S0 F12X ARCHIBALD Must have your picture .be fore you leave. Don't fall to meet m at Proctor', 616 8. 16th, Sunday afternoon. I Ve.i'BJ? 15 beautiful cabinet photos for 63.00. Elolse. Tj 162 MEDICAL. HOMOEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. -M184. COLONCO CURES CATARRH. M29S PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before and 86J6 California at Terms reasonable. -143 GET your medicines at CONTE'S new drug store in WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. 8T AND FARNAM ST8. , . M896 Fll DR. PRIES treat miccessfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1512 Dodge at, Arlington block, Omaha. 144 PRtXATBJ hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Oardels, 2234 Lake. Tei. Red-1884. 146 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, I a. 626 PRIVATE hot-pital before and during eon. 5.n?nJ?rt Mr"- Thr. S51 S. 11th. . Tel. 1889. . . .147 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. Af druggists, 8L ' I4g PATENTS. H., CP.WarLIrNo unleo suooessfuL 8U g. 15th St.. Omaha. TeL 178. &J PATENTS guaranteed. Buea Co.. Omaha. ' 692 A12 DRESSMAKING. MRS. CABB, dressmaking. 1810 Dodge st uuv m IN fajnillea Miss Sturdy. 809 N. 28d. a son n SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A- C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. 7. Life. NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd's theater. 168 FLORISTS. HESS AV SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. L, HENDERSON, florist 1519 Farnam St RAILWAY TIME) CARD. BIRLINGTON STATION lOtm 'dt MASON. , S Chlcaare, Barllagtoa e Ualaey. . Leave. Arrhr. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 1:55 pra Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4'no pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 8:18 am all.-OO pm Chicago Limited a 8 06 pm a 7:45 pm Fast Mall 2:t6 pm Barllas-toa Mlssoarl River. Wymore, Beatrice and " ' Lincoln a 6:50 am b 12:05 pm Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:45 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 1:80 Dm Colorado Vetibuled v Flyer , a 8:80 pm Lincoln Fast Mall... '...a 2:57 pm m 8:08 am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth b 8:10 pm bl0:8f am Bellevus at Paciflo Jot.. 7:50 pm a 1:27 am Bellovue oe Pacific Jet.. a 2.20 am 7. Kaasas City. St. Joseph A CoaaoII Blaffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:16 am' a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:26 pm all:06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0;46 pm a 6:30 am UNION STATION-IOTH AKD MA.RCY. Illlaols Ceatral. " Leave. Chicago Express a i JUi pm Chicago, Minneapolis st St Paul Limited.. ...a 7:50 pm Minneapolis St Paul Express b 7:60 am Valoa Paciflo. Arrive. al0;35 pm a 8:05 am bl0:38 pm a 8:05 pm a 8:20 pm Overland Limited The Fast Mail ... ...a 9:40 am 1. ..a 8:50 am a 4:t tjm California Kxpreas ine v nicago r-ortisnd Special a :24 pm Tim Chicago -iPortland Special J Eatern Express The Atlantic Express The Colorado Special. .all:35 pm Chicago Special ; Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm Columbus Local b t:U pm a 6:30 pm a 1:80 pra a 7:30 am a 8:40 am a 3:40 am bl3:46 pm b 1:35 ant Mlssoarl Pacific. . St Louis Express alO:00 am a 6:26 pm K. C. At St L. Express..al0:50 pm a 6:16 am Ihloaso At Korthwestera. Fast Chicago a 8 40 am Local Chicago aU:3 am Mail a 6:10 pm l ...-ui ul.,., ri,v a 745 am a 8:80 am b 8:45 pm al0:00 pm all:2u pm a 6:16 ar.i a 3:46 pm DayliKht bt. Paul DayllKht Chicago Limited Chicago Kant Chicago ... Local t.'liiiso ... ....a 7:50 ....a 6:00 ... a 8:26 ....a 5:50 a 4:26 ....a 8:15 am am pm pra pm pm L'.ul C, ta.il a 7:05 am a 8:26 am a 2:40 pm a 9:20 am bl0:36 am b!0:35 atl St. Paul Exprea. Fast Mall Wal Sioux City b4:00 Norfolk Bonesteel....a 6:06 pm am Lincoln ae ui i-ni..u .w ri.u4v(uvl Hut fiorluss Ac Lincoln a i:ou Casper Ac Wyoming Ex.d 2.50 pm a 8:16 pr.i 1 1 rr a -IS nnl Hastings, Duuenui im Albion 0 2:50 pm b 1:10 pm PaaL am all :15 pm pm a 3:10 pra pra a 8:10 am am a 8:10 pm Chleago, Mllvraakoa St St Chicago Daylight a T:56 Chicago Fast Express.. a 1:46 Overland Limited a 6:20 Des Moines Express. ...a 1.6 Wabash. Bt. ' ' Louis "Cannon Ball" Exprea. a 1:66 Bt. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 Cateaao, Reck lalaad At pm a 3:20 am am a 10:80 pm Paciflo. EAST Chicago Daylight As 6 d a l&t am a 19 as RAILWAY TIME CARD. Chicago Daylight Loo' I. a T:"0m a 9:86 1 vmichko r.xpre nil: 10 am a 0 ik Its Mnlnes iCl Dress a 4 30 tim bll hi 1 Chicago Fast Kxprejta .a, 5:80 pm a 1.26 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d.. a T:30 am a T:26 pr.i Lincoln. Colo. Spring. ' , lenver, Pueblo and West a 1:20 pra a 1:00 pm Texas. California and Oklahoma Flyer a 4:10 pm alt:40 cm Chicago Great Western. fit. Paul AV Minneapolis Limited a flB am Bt Psul A Mlnncapoll am Kxpres a T:8S am a 8:20 pm Chicago IJmlted ...... a e:50 pm alO.80 am Bt. Paul. Minneapolis 4b Chicago Express a 8: pm Chlcsgo Exprea a 4:30 am a 4:05 pm WEBSTER DEPOT ISt a at WEBSTER. Mlssoarl Paelfle. Nebraska Local, via Leave. Arrive. Weeping Water b 4J0 pra a!0:36 am Chleaao, St. PaaL, Mlaaeapolla Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. .b ( 80 am b 10 pm oL0," VXy, enger...a I.OO pm all:30 am Oakland Local '....b 6:45 pm b 8:10 am mnRtnS- .bJal,'r 5tprt Stmrtay. d Dally cpt Saturday. Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS. nj)LUMD-AMERIM LINE. Tia-Sctew Straianra ot 1J.6 Tona KEW TORK-ROTTKKUAM, via ' BOUUWMB. . Sailing Taoaday. .t 10 a. at. r. r,u- Amenlm Mar 1 Stateadam. rb. u Noordam Mar U onrr x mi( ht only. T;ilf Ji'rr Moor"' 1W Kamam St. : o. rTrilat'sc " Rvaoldi. 1M1 Mediterratieati Cruise 5. S. arosaer Kurfurst (13,182 tons). Tl Aays, sailing Mamh 6. I04: 1 da.i m p,l. tlns. 4 ears in Eirpt. Aartl In Rom., dira In Atnena, 6 daya la Coaatantlnople; aiiortrr vlalta to many plaeea, Kioaptlonal aclvanlairra. rhnlea brtha aroun1, tSOO, Includtnf ahora trlca Special opsortunltr for ladles wliaout earort. Rend Jor UOpags booklet F. e. CLAKK, lit Broadway. New Tork. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT INO. Bids will be received by the State Print ing Board at the office of the Secretary of State at Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before 2:30 o'clock p. m. Friday, January 29, 19TH, for printing l,u0 conlea twelfth annual re port department of banking, 1,000 copies corporation laws, 2,000 copies Insurance summary, and miscellaneous stationery, printing, blank books and binding for the following state Institutions and depart. rnents: eoioiers- and Bailors' homes hit Grand Island and Mllford, home for tife friendless at Lincoln, institute for feeble minded youth at Beatrice. Insane hos pitals at Lincoln and Hastings, attorney general, board of charities and correc tions, game and fish oommlsiMon, v bureau of labor, irrigation department, commis sioner of publlo lands and buildings, ad- umiit aruciai, Bintv .oirniiHrwn, socre ary of state, superintendent of publlo In struction, treasurer, supreme court, depart ment of banking. Insurance department and auditor. Specifications for same can be found on file In the office of the Secretary of State. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount toxthe probable cost of tho work bid upon. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska. January 18, 1WH. STATE PRINTING .BOARD, By -LOU W. FRAZIER, Secretary to the Board. J21-d6tM OP.RA COMPOSING BY PROXY Tvfo Palermo Tooths Pretend to Be' the Medlaaa of Pair of Femlalae Spirits. ' (Copyright, 1904, by Pres Publishing Co.) NAPLES, Jan. 21 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) It ba. been aid often. that a seml-dtvlne Inspiration! uiumined such composers aa Mocart, Beet hoven, Wagner and all J.he other Illus trious composers. But hero 1. a new opera . rightly named "I TraToltl," 'Th Over turned," because It upsets all theories. It. composers avow solemnly that they, were Inspired to writ both tho muslo and the word, of thl. opera by spirit, feminine, th lovely FeJlo and the charming Io. Th composer are very respectable young men, brothers, Edward and Franola Polero, sons of a former rr.aydr of Palermo, where they live. Until recently they were, or seemed to be, perfectly Ignorant of mOslo and poetry. Then came to them, and In their waking senses, FeJlo and Io. The tuneful Io' seemed to prefer Edward and poured Into hi soul the musio of "I Travolta." Tbs Intellectual Fello dictated th libretto to Francis Polero. The work Is not finished. Almost - dally the obliging spirit, come to their not their collabora tor., but their recipients. Thl. m us loo-spirt tualistlo phenomenon has naturally Interested the learned Dr. Pagono, who lecture, on physiology at the University of Palermo, He .ay. he carefully watched the Polero while they composed an- entire act and th professor ays he cannot discover that the young men ar fraud, or other than media through which -pass th ethereal world and muslo. 1 Dr. Masssro of the Insane asylum at Palermo assert, that hs was suspicious, naturally, but that Edward and Francis ar not Insane. Unfortunately, Fello and Io are not spirits of genius. Marquis Matoll, an authority, has read the libretto and says, regretfully. It I. no better and no worse than those often written by melodramatic poets. Three professor, declare th milxlo Is pretty and full of melody, but nothing extraordinary. BREAKS BANK AT MONTE CARLO Graad Duke Alexis. Plays Them High aad Mas a, Great Raa af Lack. (Copyright, 1904. by Press Publishing Co.) MONTE CARLO. Jan. 24.-New York World Cablegram Special , Telegram.) Grand Duke Alexia created a sensation her Thurday by breaking the bank. All other play ceased, and ' when the bank "went broke" there wa a roar of applause from the spectators. The grand duke hsd an extraordinary run of luck, winning 250,. 000 In half an hour1 play. Th Grand Duke Alexis, brother of the cxar, Alexander III. Is admiral general, u preme chief of th Russian navy and marine resources. He Is now 64 year old. His distinguished presence made him a notable figure when he visited America In 1871 with an escort of aa Imposing Russian squadron. ' CATTLE WRECK AN AUTOMOBILE Oeeapaat with Big Bad Hat Aagera ythe Beasts aad They Charge th Macalae. I (Copyright, 1904. by Pres. Publishing Co.) PARIS, Jan. 24.-New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Jean j For ment, steering along Boulevard MacDon ald one day thl. week In an auto, saw a herd of cattle approaching. With Formeat was a charming vision wearing a large red hat and a cloak of the same color, For ment sounded hu born and sped on rapidly, expecting to see the animal, scatter. In stead, angered at th brilliant red display, th cattle lowered their head, attack the auto and tossed ths machine onto the sidewalk. The couple escaped In. a door way, but the infuriated beast. demua4 the ajachina.