TI1E OMAHA DAILY TtEE: SUNDAY. .TANUAHY 24. 100. Uondorfu 5 Remarkable Remeiies That Cure All Diseases. Tha Fimout Doctor Discoverer and Scientist Janes W. KUd Now Ofers to Every Afflicted Person a Free Treatment. It hit Mr thort tlm nr thr Rp- Pr-1 It th olunri o nerf til th prominent Rwpar of the orl4 an nnoun"vnm of ti rrnrk4M fiiorrls mid ty Dr. Jm W. K 4d. frhyrti'iann, . t-rt; n4 rftrimnal mm rm.rti-r1 t th wrirlrf.j. curM h ch h prto-mM wi'h IttralMi who hart m r1 (or yin.r! wit tm( V5 . a.' 17 -) DR. JAMES WILLIAM KIDD, to health. Tha SnMne we. fcMl.M4 k .h........,- dioel V 'JS. J Cr- - -J"e-: V. letters taking for iBtoraauon ami tm ataace. JaVntll at laet ha (etermlned to ale. hit Mi-rat to f ha tick a-. affllrted of tha world Tnouaanda haee I iVn advantage nt hie liberal olTar, ana hta mall now nooaea vita letters of heartfelt tratUud. ' from en red patient. All Diseases C'nrwtl. eery rllaeaa. to which human fleeh la heir Is repreeentea In theaa lattera, tho rtwalled lacurabla SKeaeew being aa nrnnmua aa tha lean eertoti. raeee. A letter fr. in cl Latlraer of LT. l.nO. Ohio, tlere tha detalle o bia mirartilnua rura of Cod eumptlon aa follow.: ! had Consumption, wa -aaaln-d by foer prominent drxtora. one of whom, a tpeclallet. mad an anamination of tha epiia. and pmnouned my rlleeeee pulmi-narr conaumptlon, ar.d tan m that thera waa aa hap. I welshed 1 poande. Now I am well ai'1 airon Kvery trare lha aliaaae aaa left aa I welh IT ponnda. It ha. been f,rr a jeer tlnoa I to., a rr Kidd'a ttrat. am, an I know tha cura It permanent." Abraham Tranaer. of Lamhemllle. N. ).. afflicted w.t!i loc. motor ataxia, a diaaae pronnunred InraraMe he le medical pnfraeloD. teila of hie cure after ream of jMf'rln: -When I em-aared treatment lth Dr. Kidd for locomotor iln i I rotiM not wa'k a.Toea tha loor. tlnra fnl-hln treatment I here not t.iat fy from rof wo-k aa for.min of tha Lajrort Tllla Rnhoar To" Thmta. J. Halert' of Brim "eld. Ind.. wrltea aa foll.am- ri . Kldd rurrd mr t aoi of a aeeira raaa nf fir aht'a dt.eae if.tr ha waa paaetna larje quantlt aa of klnod la tha wrln." Tha reeont of eii b mtraru'na. rum would fill a boot. fnirarwra frem eoniurnp Inn. Brlht'a d eca.a oroper. paralrela, heart d are. I.woir.otor alalia and other daneroua d'aoe hare b-n raatored to Health. Tha mmmoa rhronle dlataa-t, auch a rr.euinalawi. kldnee troahie, catarrb. female trna. plea, bmnrhltla. epl leper (nt. rhronle eouhe lum bo. bladder tmut.lea. ar'ofaia. impn-v bl. atl.n Jiaaaaa. toltre. pile", hawel ---.ablea. aral MI Itf. aarrouanaea. loat eltillcy. eontaaloua bloe. roiroei, at-., are cured In aa ahort a tlo that It aetmt a 1 moat a miracia. A Home Trralmraf. An fmportaat fee tare which raeomnraoHa ' thla wonderful treatment., rlithtle called 'The Ellalr of LI la." la tha tart laat It raa be aaa4 at bom by aaronar. Tha reaaewtea are atmpre la eompoaitlon. narmiaea to. tha moat delicate eratem. fait a awe ret know 3 ta no ether llelng doctor. Ir. Kltld'a HoaeMr nmA Rrlla bill T. Threw National Baaka In rnrt Varna eourk for Ttr. Kldd'a rellaMllte. Mln'etera. rite and Connie nfaclela. Prnfewiional and nuilneea afaa all anlta I" tlelnt him tha heartleet andorecment. ?ort war na la proud of her drinnlahd doctor "na and all aar that hla ri.?rea la drwerred be hla abllltr. honeetr and lo'ietre. To tha doctor tha rood-will of hte fellow .ownemen aid the exnrre- atona of tratitode from tha thnuaaadt to whom ha bta fleen tbe bleadnce of Tlorovia mtahond and womanhood are rtiTrlent it pie I r tha yara apert la patient eute and eioarlmrnt. T m.k- known to every infferlnc praoa la lha world the fact tnat there hee at tart beam dleoorered a treet-ne-t which will poaitlv.lT cure all dleeaata ha haa aiada tha following remarkable offer: A Free Treatment. frr. It'dJ affera ta aend te eearr applicant a free treatment. 1 here are no reetr:ctln-a wkiteeer. No ltattr what roar dleeaae, o ma!tr of how lon atandlna. or how mane r'mrdiee dootora you hare tried, tbla treatm-t will cure yoa and It eoefa roti ealy a poetace elamn ta find thla o-t 'or voureelf. The doctor'e avnen.ua eat'ire. hla renae of fnlrneee an hta fa ih la h a teordl a are all elar'r .hoen br thlr liberal offer. Njthl-ie can poee'blr r-moee all daubta ea quickie aa actual tr'al When tVa la offered abaolutaly free, eery alck pereon rhould take adrantaaa of It. Tu ranart aTord to ha keptlral when your health la at etaka. In applying fo a free traa'mnl g re th doctor a deacrlptlon of your raea or .tele what, dlaaaaa or 1ie-eei you want cured. Tnu will r -lva tha free treatment by return nail, portage rail. To eecu-e pcraon-l attention addrera tha doctor'a private offire aa follown- DH. JAMR9 M'. Kllin. Blta Illork, Kort Wnyar, Ind. THE BADGE OF TRUE NOBILITY. A man who ponseeaea Independence wears the bndire of tht hlghett dlotlnctlon. Th lave, rrtrwlna; under the ah. provela In the dual of humility and degradation. D a age U the foul dcttroyer of man'g !f rellanoe end eventually courage and price are eapped cf their vigor, and In the p!ac of an enerctic ailrlt. with, the full v!n of manhood, Indolence aeta In and life U robbed ot Ita highest tHirroe. follow, d by humil!atrr.n and daplr. Who would Ih-ow off tho fettera and ciavett fear raiined bv painful dla.at :.inld tnk Ir. Hurkhart'a vefaaglf'orn pound, which creaira new-. pur.,aBaaellty blood and 1 guaraniod to oure trie ful'.owlna: dlttre-taful alhrentf Rhettmatlatn. Neuralgia. Cafarrh. Thirty da'3- trentmnnt 2Tc. All drujrj: at. Charges Less Thai ail Others DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST t'reate nil leraii ul Utarataea IKS OM.l. Twenty-eiBht years' cxpericjcc tlgtiteeu jejri in Umah The doctor a . .iuuii.al..c iulliu !, ntvtr lieeu nu.n, tiu rc un.ee anj lacallllea (ur trcatuitf lltia tuu jj u.aeaara are uiiiluntad aiiu t.ety .u I. uiauy tattering rcporta of l.ir ilv n io::. r the uliif he hua avtu. HOT SPRINOSlr..ATMLI foa All lilood I t lauua. ,u lnnAKi NG UCT ' u the aWUt or ica and uu ca.iiiai vaiag of the Uiacaae ulapat at i.i.ie. A lif l'ner.t euie fr life uuiait'.'tf. VAUirnriif v1- -i.u.-ntea u raFAD 1l HilA vureu of lly'ura.e. ..e.-.ea J V, V U V b tncl ur, .,.0-, Ixullliy, ,.j Btt.-ntlli ail VilkUtf I I .tu all fprtna 01 rhiui.lt ti.ee-aee. -1 t ...... . . , ...... u UiLce :li Sicuili llih . 1 . . . 1 . ar.tT .... .HA M - Ca. SOUTKIXSTCN i FILLS "ee. tn.tlUl.nlum iiule l.nei.4 tiel ah4.rv cea aiy. Keatttul "POLvce. I rot taoili, ' m p li. rinloi.. . 3 " w imwtH.M..i IHt.rbf M.rwdll Wlka aW.ta.eiaaaenaaaiaaj Ca-ftaet. tt.aaaaa.wa. a a. INDICTS SESAIOR BURTON Kact.1 Con7rn-.11 as CbT3 with T.kitg Ytiej fron "Ov-Ei-h-Qaica" K.n. -AY HE SOLD POLITIC VL INfLUtNCE In liie rnrjata lie la Aeenaed of Re. eelalnaj Moiry to ferare Favor able Opinion from Federal Oltlrern. ST. LOVIS, Jan. .-Th federal grand Jury today returned an Indictment agalnet Joseph Ra!ph Burton, Vnlted Statee fer.ator from Knn charKlna: him on nine counts with accept Inn five checVa of I& 0 ea-h from the P.ialto Grain and Securltleg com pany between November 12, J.!, and Mirch X. 14, while a fniteJ Statca aen.-i.tor for hla allirrJ services In Interceding with the poetmaster general, chief pogtoffloc Inspec'or and other high ctofflce ofSclala to Induce them to render a favorable decision in matters affecting; the permission of the Rtalto company to use the malls. Major Hugh C. Drnnlo, prealdent of the company, and W. B. Me hnner. asfotlated with nlm, ore named In the Indictment aa the tnen who made the check to Dtirton. The Rialto Grain and Securltlca company has betn undr Investlpntlcn by the state courts for several morrths on account of Internal troublea and the complaint of In vestors. Indlctricnts have been found ag-alnst tbe president. 'Major Dor.tils and others of the offlcers, but th?y have never been convicted on any of them. At one time the Rla!to company's office were closed by court offl dale on attachments secured by alleged creditors, but were reopened after arranjre. menta to satisfy the claims had been made. For eeveraj days paat William E. Coch ran, chief postofflce inspector from Wash ington, D. C; Major Hugh G. Dennis and W. B. Mehaney have been before the grand Jury, and It Is believed the Indictment waa found on their teatiroor.y. Tha purpose of Senator Burton's alleged intercession waa, It la stated, to prevent the issuance of a fraud order against the Klalto Grain and Securities company. Aa a result of Ma connection with the company Dennis was Indicted both in -the federal and etate courts, but the United States court acquitted him. Four indkt ments found In state. court against Dennia are still pending. geaafor Barton la Onrprlaed. WASHINGTON, Jan. a.-When shown the above dispatch Senator Burton said he could not imagine why the indictment had been found. lie was employed as attorney for Dennis, to defend him against an in dlctment which had been brought against Dennis. The only connection with the Postofflce department waa when Dennia came here to consult with him (Burton) aa to the proceedings, and the renator ac companied Dennis to the Pistofflce depart ment and asked If nhy charges had been Bled against Dennis. He further naked In spector Cochran to Inform him CBurton) If charges were to be filed against Dennis In the future. Senator Burton said he spe cifically stated that he diJ not appear against the government In any manner. Senator Burton says he will go at once to St. Louis and defend the case, and has no dbubt he will be able to make It perfectly clear that there was no reaaon for bringing tbe indictment. WILL BEGIN SMOOT INQUIRY Seamte Committee Will Iaveatlaate Polysramy Chargee aad tbe aea "' : lm of C hareh laterfereaee. ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-The senate com mittee on privileges and elections today determined to enter upon an investigation Into the chargea made against Senator Emoot In connection with the demand for his expulsion from the senate. Some of the members of the committee express the opinion that when the Investiga tion Is once entered upon It will be impos sible to prevent opening the doors wide and going Into all the points thoroughly. The resolution will be introduced In the senate Monday, and It la not probable that it will be antagonized. The committee had before it Senator Smoot'a reply to the specific charges made by Mr. Taylor at the meeting on January 18, and It was agreed that the charges and the reply constitute a sharply Jointed Issue, especially on the point ea to the Interfer ence of the Mormon church In temporal affairs. Members cf the committee express the opinion that this and the charge that Mr. Smoot la a polygamist wl'.l constitute the points of inquiry. That some of the Protestants do not follow Mr. Taylor to the extent of saying' they have no Information to the effect that Mr. Smoot la a polygamist. was brought out In tho matter today, when Senator Dubois stated that he had rs celved arsurances that there would be testimony on that rolnt. Mr. R.-noofs re plies to the charge that the authority of the church ia accepted as supreme In all matters Is as follo-vs: I deny that the Mormon priesthood, ac cording to the d.ictrtne of the church or the belief or practice of Its metnhemhlp, la vested with, or assumes to exercise supreme authority in all things temporal, soiriiiinl. civil and political, f nrtmlt that the first presidency of the church. ha supreme authority in thlr.ara soiri'URl and In ih.r.gn tempore I relating to the property, business and affairs of the church Itself. FOR PHIL KEARNEY MONUMENT tioveraenrat Aakrrl t. Appropriate Small Sana for Saleable Tablet ea the Site. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jan. :3.-,8;iecial.)-The urgent deficiency bill reported to the house trUy crfrrle3 aa item of iTfrt for the erec tion of a st. liable monument btJ historical tablet cn thi- elite of the Fort Phil Kearney misfacre. The state of Wyoming hag ceded a site located on M&rsacre H!U, a qturte? cf an acre In area. The $70u proposed, together with tMO previously ap- ox Induce Perspiration. To step the Grip or Influenza, to break up a Cold, to prevent Pneumonia, yoa must Induce perapira'Hn. The first miserable frtli. g "of catctlng C.r.d"" la caused by checked cirruUtion of the bl d. This is the time to take Dr. Humphreys- "Seventy seven" It ImmeiluUrly starts the Llocd coursing through the veins, induces perapl. ration and Ircaks up the Culd. Th tonicity l ' 77" su .wains the System eJurtog and rvsMorea the lgor after the attack. At druggist, il cvc'.a. f Medical Guide mailed free. Humihreys' Med Co.. Cor. WlllUm e Jobu irl4, Nww i'oik. in proprlated. It Is believed, will be sufficient to erect the monument. The bill alsi carries an appropriation of t.' fir the completion cf the public building at Bonr.e. .14.SV) for Cent.rvllle. Ia.. and K.'eW f.ir the Omaha poetcfTloe. W. H. Nellls. present lmdJ school su perintnd nt at Rosebud agency, Is to suc oeej Superintendent Harvey at the Pawnee lOkl.iPcNiol. The Icwa delegation Interested In rhoos Ing a succer-S'jr to Judge SMrrte held a meeting this morning. Ten ballots ere taken without result. Another conference will be held Wednefday afternoon, but It Is scarcely believed an aareement can then be reached, though It la said by those sup posed to have knowledge that a name may be agreed upon within the next few meet ings. Postmasters appointed: South Dakota Pembroke. Potter county, Emll F. Udahl. vice Isaiia L. Flyle. resigned. Nebraska Barsda, P.lrhnrdson county. John Marke. v1c W. A. Smith, resigned. P.lchfield. Sarpy county. Frank O. Standen. vice H. L. I-owry. resigned. Wninms, Thayer county, Charles Lurjenbel, vice W. A. Keflwlta, resigned. Tha application of F. H. Tlelsell. J. II. Farmer, Thomas M. Murdock. H. J. Ly son and H. l. Farmer to organize the First National bank of Sioux Rapids, la., with Ijrt.mvi capital, was approved by the comptroller of the currency. Tho First National bank of Aurclla. Ia., has been authorised to begin business with fl'j.ofln capital. James T. Foy Is presMent. W. P. Miller vice president. A. J. Whlnery cashier and W. H. Blgchel assistant cashier. FOR ROBBING AN OMAHA MAN Joseph Serlaher, at St. Loo la. Given Ten Tears In Penitentiary for Crime. 8T. LOI'IS. Jan. 23. (Special Telegram.) Joseph Swisher, the thirteenth footpad to bo sentenced In the past two weeks,-:n Jurlge Jessa McDonald's court, today got ten years In the penitentiary for complicity In the holdup of Joseph Moser. the Omaha stockmanlast month. In the shadow of ths new city hall. T'.sterday Walter Tibbetts. once of the regular army, got fifteen years sentence. Scores have been held up this winter and so bold had Tibbetta and Swisher become that they even pointed out police head quarters to Moser and told him to go there as soon as they got away. Last night forty negroes were hauled In on gen eral principles and officers in citizens' clothes scour the World's Fair city nightly. NEW REPORT BEATS RECORD tv York Itnnk Shows Large Increase la Flarnrea Over Previous Weeks. NEW YORK. Jan. 23 This week's bank statement breaks all previous records, par ticularly In loans and deposits. Loans for the week show an Increase over all pre vious figures by about IJOO.OOO. and the previous grand total Is Increased by about n5.0i0.fX. bringing that item to Tlthln 135. ("".OV) of fho I1.W..VO.CO0 mark. The week's increase in deposits is $S.500,(oo over all pre vious f.gures and the totals arc now greater than the loans by over $.(00.0)0. Various theories have been advanced to account for these record figures. The most plaus ible one Is that during the week there was a very general shifting of moneys by trust companies to clearing house banks. CHICAGO BECOMING CALMER Aldermen Will Permit Opening; at Theaters with Slight Ckaage In Flreproonnax. CHICAGO, Jan. 23. The Aldermanlo The ater commission today decided by a unan imous vote to recommend a resolution to the council providing for temporary open. Ings of the theaters without the installa tion of automatic cprlnklers and without the reconstruction of the stages. The resolution will provide for the elim ination of the requirement of the sprink lers and tht complete tire proofing of the stage. An additional requirement will be Included, however. This will be for fire proofing of stage scenery and settings be fore openings are permitted INnir.TS P flRMFR RANK rfliHIPP! (Ion Accused of EmbesallaaT f isn.ooo. CLEVELAND. Jan. 23 The grand Jury today returned an Indictment against George A. Rose, cashier of the Produce Exchange National bank, which closed its doors yesterday. Rose Is charged with having er-.bczz'.ed JISS.OOO of the bank's funds. A warrant for his arrest was Im mediately Issued following the report from the Jury. loiquc and Brontlfal. We are Jut now In receipt of a specimen of modern work which vies with the most chaste work In Ivory nnd would grace the walls of s. boudoir. It Is a celluloid show card of the finest finish. In colors of soft est, richest tints. The card represents a mounted hunter, costumed en regie of the sport, and his steed leaping the bars far In the lead. It Is spirited, graceful and lifelike. More than all, Its Inscript line is a telling play on words, and reads, "First over the bars." This Is apropos of Hun ter Baltimore Rye. which the card adver tise. It la needless to add that this cele brated whisky, of world-wide fame, has fairly won Its marvelous success by Its uni form superior quality, age and faultless flavor. Things that do not deceive or dis appoint are sure to win favor. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Snow for the orterern Stntea, with Warmer Weather for Sebmkt and the Adjoining Statee. WASHINGTON. Jan. i3--Forecast : For Nebraska, Iowa. Missouri and Kan sas Fair Sunday and Monday; warmer Monday. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair and warmer Sunday; Monday. Increasing cloud lneis. For Il!incl-Falr Sunday and Monday; warmer Monday; frrzS west to northwest winds. For Montana Snow Sunday, with rising temperature; Monday, fair, cxtvpt snow In north ami west portions. For South Dakota Fair Sunday, snow in west ronton, rising tetr.pTjture; Mor.day, snow and warmer. toer.l Reenrt. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BCREAL' OilAlU, Jan. OtHe.ai tnmil . iroa- Veraiur.." :-nd pre.-ipiiuU.in CJmpared with the i-o:rv-"po;.cii g way cf the laat thre tare. 14. 13m. 1! HOI Maximum temprature... i in i"j rj M.tii-iiUiii tri.--rature.., i li & Meun t. nperali-r - j,; I'reclj It llion to . .Qu .ijy 'Hicirii of temperature and precipitation et Omaha for tola i- since Man n I. 194: Norm.: tern; e-r;t urr -,g Ihcacler.i-y f'-r trie .lay Tola! exi.a.4 tin.-e .March 1. li X Nortnnl p:eoipii4tioo f! Inch I letu-teiicj for ihe dir "3 inch Total , . i eel p. ei.u-e Mirth 1 32iirulei K.cim einee March 1. ii 1 , im hea Deiicien.-y for cor. peito.1. 1-1... 1 let Inch e Lwncleuy fur cor je-lo-l. l3 . f 3.' inches U A. Wti-bil, furecaaur. ASK FOR CORRESPONDENCE Pemccratc Ciim Bracket a Farial Agreemtxt at ta Fa-am a. THINK THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW ALL Senator Gorman Will Present Iteeo intlon Monday Which May Bring; Information Dealrrrl by Mem bers of Minority. WASHINGTON. Jan. 23 -The democratic senators were In conference for almost three hours today on the Panama question and when the adjournment came It was an nounce 1 by Senator Gorman, chairman of the caucus, that the Conference had asieed upon a resolution to be presented to tli senate asking for all the correspondence between the United States and CtlombU since the negotiation of the Hay-Herr.ui treaty. -The fact was brought out In the course of the meeting that some docan.ents are missing from the correspondence as published and the conclusion wns readied that a resolution calling for all ttie ml-sing papers would, If passed and ri'mplied with by the executive, meet all the require ments. The correspondence to be called for also will cover the pcri'Kl of the recent Panama revolt, and all official writings on lh.it episode. The resolution will lie presented Monday. The conference also decided upon a reso lution directing the senate committee on foreign relations to make an Inquiry into the events connected with the Pn'iama revolution. Both propositions were agreed to by all the senators prsnt. The resolution of Inquiry Is so worded as lo call for a statement frjm the president as to whether all the papers bearing on the situation have been sent In. and If they have not been communicated and the result of the failure to communlc.ue them is the fact that the president believes to make them public would be incompatible with the public welfare, then the president Is required to send them to the senate in confidence to be used in executive session only. The resolution asking for an Inquiry by the foreign relations committee Is uirectel toward securing an Investigation Into tho Panama affair and its purpose Is to show whether or not the administration had foreknowledge of the affair and In any way encouraged It. argent Deficiency BUI Ready. The urgent deficiency bill was completed today by the house committee- on aptro priatlons. The bill carries a total of $11. 2M.308, based on estimates from the various departments aggregating SU.4cXr.09. Some of the larger Items in the bill are: 2.i,C'yi for armament and armor for new ships; $3.0O0 for the naval station at Guantan amo, Cuba: IIW.OOO for Alnsknn boundary survey; $730,000 for construction of the new office building for the house of representa tives; tlio.nno for mileage for members and senators; f.W.000 for rural free delivery, and IHeXi.OOO for collecting the customs rev enues. To Improve Colorado Stork. Messrs. Grubb and Carlyle, trustee and professor respectively of the Colorado Ag ricultural college and experiment station. today conferred with Secretary Wilson with j a view to co-operation with the Colorado j cattle raisers In experiments to ecure more highly flavored and leaner beef from i their stock. Instead of resorting to the corn belt to "finlsii" the Colorado anima.s for the market, it Is proposed to substi tute the feeding of by-producta .from the sugar factory and alfalfa and leguncs. Re searches to determine what verities of an imals are best suited lo mountain condi tions and the best method of finishing stock were discussed. Secretary Wilson haa al ready asked the house committee on agri culture to provide an appropriation to al low the beginning of to-operative work along these lines. Feast of Holy 'Family. The Feast of the Holy Family will be observed at the Holy Family church today. Solemn high mass will be celebrated at 10:30, Rev. I. M. Stritch of Cretghton uni versity, preaching. A quartet composed of Miss Delia McDermott. Mrs. William Walsh. Frank McCrearv and CI. Kraeper win rentier .Mozart s Twelfth Mass, un der the direction of Miss Emma Gentleman S a mtt 'HI 1 ... f 1 1 . . - ...1 .... .. i . the ble-sed sacrament Tin wnich alxtv rh 1 ! di'-n will take part. Miss Phllomena Gentle- ! man sings the offertory. THEY ACTUALLY 00 THE- WORK. Food Eaten la Worthleas Inleaa 1)1. seated Some stomachs Muaf Have Help. Food taken Into the atomaeh which, from the nature of the food or the condition of the stomach. Is not digested. Is worse than no food at all. This l a true statement as far as it goes and a great many dyspeptic go only thla far with their reasoning. They argue with themselves that because their stomachs do not do the work given them, they must be given less work; In other words they must be starved. It would be Just os sensible for a business man who Is unable to do all his own work to cut down his business to his own capacity as it Is for a man to starve himself to relieve his stomach. The sensible business man em ploys help and goes forward with his busi ness. Likewise the sensible dyspeptic will employ help for his stomach and give his bedy proper nourishment. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets actually do the work assigned to them. They relieve weak and overburdened stomachs of a great portion of digestive action. Their component parts are identical with those of the digestive fluids and secretions of the stomach and they simply take up the grind ajid carry on the work Just the same as a good, strong, healthy stomach would do It. On this account Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are pcrfect'y natural In their action end effects. They do not cause any un natural or violent disturbance in the stom ach or bowels. They themselves digest the food and supply the system with all tha nourishment contained In what Is eaten and carry out Nature's plana for the sus t ranee and maintenance of the body. How much more sensible 1st this method than that employed by many suffi-rrrs from weak stomachs. By thla means the body and brain get all the good, nu;il;ioua food they need and the man 'Is properly nour ished and equipped to carry on his work and perform hla duties. He could not possibly be In proper working condition by starving himself or employing ome new fanglod, insufficient food that does not contain enough nutriment for a year old baby. A strong man doing strong work must be properly fed and this app'ies to the brain aa well as tbe tody. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, by relieving tbe stomach of its work, enable It to recu perate and retain lis normal heaLh und strength. Nature repairs the worn and waatrd tlssuea Just as she heals and knit the bone of a Lr oken limb, wMt h la of i-ourae not ua:d during the pructM of re pair. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for aaie by all druggista at SO cents a box an.i they are the one article tltat the druggist dc-e not try to sell ae.methlngj In the place of that's "just as good." Their unqualified merit and aurceaa and the universal demand for them haa placed them within the reach ot every one. am'wnpa. 9 THE W. S. STRATTON CO,, SIOUX CITY, IOWA ankrtiDt Piano Bought from the Receiver at Our Own Price NOW ON SALE at 1313 FARNA1VI ST., OMAHA Shrewd buyers will be quick to seize th: paramount importance of this announcement. The Climax of Unmaichable Piano Organ Value Giving Is reached in this bankrupt salethis advertisement tells only a part of the savings to be hd nothing short of a 'personal inspection will convey an adequate idea of . ths high quality of these instruments, as the public is not accustomed to sue', ridiculous discounts on instruments of this class. EVERY INSTRUMENT MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Astounding Cuts '4 '3 l. "f.l CDCl-lfJ l le7T..J'.'.w'' Over linlf of tliPKe nre brand iumv .iai n ro simp worn or sllu'Iit ly usitl, but nil aro lirst class, fctuiuilii; bargain: ..Uprights.. $300 Schubert $129 1230 Now York Makes. $122 ifiOO Chiokcrin!;. . $166 .$84 .$92 275 $250 150 ?350 5223 $330 $375 $300 $400 Horaee Waters, lilasius & Sons llrartburys. . .. Crowns Martins ("iraniers Stejrer Meisler $210 $218 $110 $198 $245 $155 $210 $190 $223 $154 $190 Jewetts. . $300 T.aus $130 Emerson. $300 Wepman. $400 Emerson. Co Payments Averaging Only 10c to 20c a Day, sfc 1 r i j s i ii hi Tnat ai i laauTT IS (t .eujlWl .aHBaVnK?BUewo t IBS . 7 -aj p- aJT NOTE WE ALWAYS HAVE WHAT WE ADVERTISE. No deviation from the price on the tar8 will be accepted. Instruments taken In pxc-hanKe will bo taken only at their cash value. We advlne out-of-town cistotners to make, personal selection, if possible, otherxlue we will give you our best Judpinent In selection and ship on approval, subject to exchange if not entirely satisfactory, 'SCHMOLLER . MUELLER The Largest Piano House in the West. Manufacturers . 1313 FAILNAM STREET, 3 t B Jobbers This Institution is legally authorized by the State and established for the purpose of giving proper medical treatment in Geuito-Urinary and Sexual Diseases of men. WEAK MEN ness aim lest rcunbood, unfit'lni? riajre, are bviD? quick) cured by faiied. PRIVATE Dlneasct of men, Gleet, Stricture. Skin and Blood and certain method. BLOOD POISON poison is cured in ic-ss time than anywhere eie, and at a much less ex pense to you. VARICOCELE U then- fill p-iwer, sizu a DON'T WAIT Uj their fill p-jwer, sizu and rigor. and inentat wiec unfit (or work, study, buaine-s or man iae. Don I ex v.oriineut with danzerous or uncertain treatrro nt. The worst caes that e have had to deal wl.li were thoae that had b uu neglected or improperly t. eated before coming u us. Every aiU'cted man owe it to '.horoughly. We cura by reotorioj mutilate, weaken and destroy. "nIQlll TATI0V vUllOULIAI lUll STATE ELECTRO- 1303 Farnam St., naEPTTa ..,.-y."JX"Uf Has. nAg .; H.mvrmrm 3 mmsBmimtMc-iM aiisniiiMsiti.aiuJ..1anlrT. A Statement YV. S. Strntton .V Co. wore one of tho Intilliii; miMlf Iioumo" of tlio northwest, locntiil in Slciu.v City for tho p:ist L'i yenrs tlioy luivo always tnrrit'tl nil pcluivoly bii;li pr.-ub' sttH-k of jii.-nitis mill orirniis without sii.Ml'-iour capita! thry wore forced to tho wall on Jan. 7, 1!4, for ovor S17.iKei.im. I ouu-lit tlio entire st.wk of the receiver nt 4io on tbe dollar, and as our tliree Uoors wer-' already well stocked it N Imperative for in tu move tbern fant. A Furore in PloLyers... "Nickel in the Slot" 1'iauos Make offer 'Aeolian $75 to $150 Pianolas, genuine, usel.$125 Simiilex, aew $175 Ceeclians, new $175 Appolettes, new $110 Maestros, new $110 On Payments of $5.00 to $10.00 a Month. . Dealers OMAHA, ii It is not bo much of a calamity that weaknesses, but that he nsglects thera treatment for their cure. With night lesse. falling- memory, aching backs, kidney diseases, nerro-saxual debility, caused by self abuse, reitultin? in sexual weak them for work, bjnineiss, study or rr.ar. our special treatment after all other (onorrhoea. Poisonous Discha'ges, Kolarged Prostate Gland, and all Diaeases promptly cured by our fa fa (VENEREAL.) By our special trestrnen. ui! sore on body, limb-, in mouth and threat quickly diapiear. and your blood Hydrocele, and all sweHinjrg. tenderness, wasted or shrunicrn c- nditi.)u of the sexual orffauj quickly cured and the -. ranj restored Until your whole tystem U polluted with dig eaao, or until your nervous system i totterin? under the strain, and v-ju beume a pliTiical himself, his family, and to the future generation to get cored SAFKLY and and preserving Important organs. We do not advise surgical means, which FUFF offlce "ur-8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sunday. 10 to 1 only I ItlL If you nanoot call writ for aymptom blank. flL Bot. 13th and 14th .ISfaaP biihiallU Stock Give Away T Parlor Styles New and Used. A bunch of eight organs, choice $5 Estey FHEE Kimball ....$15 Western Cottage.. .....$22 Newman Bros ....$24 Kimball.... .$28 Hchultz..- $35 lhinlette ,....$38 Ma.on & Hamlin $39 Crown $31 Perry, 0 octaves $18 Square IMauos, $5, $8 to $15 James Ilolstrom $26 Haines Bros... $28 and $40 Hallet & Davis $:8 Vose & Sons $b2 On Payments of 50c to $2.00 a Month. NEBRASKA. 533330 ESI Thoroughly a man contracts disease or or fails to get the propsr eiX Zs 2fi r-.. - ,L'ti Ihe longest established, Tbe Most Skillful aad Auccrssful .SpeciallAts in Disease of Men. inSTITUTl Sts.f Omaha. Nob. CMiCMCaTcn-a rnaLiau ENf.YROYAL PILLS i"K - . na-leal aa4 Oelr Caaaiaa. C HIlHKvreH'a kiNOLlall ia Ut U aaa wel. aielue Mu mm4 eu. i. .. rttaee T.k.uetk.e l.lu. Saaaeene KaaMliaalea wa4 lalta ."I ef jmi U.ta.M e. Mae 4e. la fVT. a'ilw. TaeUaawalala aa -krM.r r.e lul.'eu, . twew Blaii. II.C.leuaMeA a ee I UlrkMwOoilMllv, Mssliin Sweawaa a-fcqa, fS lie rr . life'. i