Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1904, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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LincMtr Gomty to Hit Borti Examined
at Eat of Twcty Do.lai a Day.
(either President Spinney Sr
of torney Field Disposed lo Talk
the Rltuatloa at the Present
t Tim.
(Fram a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 23.-(Speclal.-J. M. Gil
Christ hat entered Into a contract with tho
county commissioners to examine the books
of the office of the county treasurer for the
last ten year at $20 a day. Gilchrist Is to
furnish two assistants end complete the
work aa toon as possible. The publication
f the contract has caused conHeratl
agitation, and It la expected that eult will
bn brought to annul It. One taxpayer called
at the court houae today seeking Informa
tion how to ao about such a suit. He said
It meant a three years' Job at 18.CO0 a year,
and It la the general belief there will be
nothing result from the examination.
Mlllera Elect Officers.
The South Platte Mlllera' association fin
ished Its business this morning by electing
officers and transacting routine business.
The offlcera are: V. ,0. Powell. Lincoln,
president; D.' M. Deane, Valparaiso, vice
president; H. B. Smith, Holmesvllle, oecre
tary; C. Linn, Humboldt, treasurer.
The mlllera will make Lincoln their per
manent headquarters. The members of the
club are now affiliated with the national
The Stat bank of Indlanola. with a paid
tip capital of $30,000, has filed articles of
Incorporation In the office of the secretary
of state.
The Globe Oil company of Omaha has
filed amended articles of Incorporation rais
ing Its capital stock from 1500.000 to 11.000,000.
Refuse to Disease Bankers lalon.
A. W. Field, attorney for the Bankers
Union of the World, which has been en
joined from doing buslnesa temporarily, to
day refured to make any statement In re
gard to the business of the company or of
the policy he Intended to pursue. "We are
till considering the matter," he said, "and
are not yet ready to say anything." Dr.
Spinney of Omaha was here and had a con-
ultatlon with the attorney, but he refused
to talk. Deputy Pierce, who Inatigated the
Investigation of the affairs of the com
pany la In Omaha.
Teachers Hare Sarplus.
The executive committee of the State
Teachers' association met last night with
President Bodwell of the association and
made final settlement with the treasurer.
The net result of the meeting held here
the first of the year was an addition to
the treasury of $250, an Increase over last
year. The committee will further cut down
, expenses during the present year by hold
ing only three meetings. In May, Septem
ber and October. The committee on legis
lation waa named aa follows: State Super
intendent . William K. Fowler, chairman;
Superintendent C. O. Pearee, Omaha; Su
perintendent W. L. Stephens, Lincoln; Su
perintendent C. A. Fulmer, Beatrice; Su
perintendent Charles Amot, Dodge county;
Superintendent R. C. King, Otoe county)
Superintendent J. M. McPherson, Antelope
Supreme Coart Call.
The cases which will be called for hear
ing February 3 in the supreme court of
Nebraska are:
Union Pacific Railroad Company against
Weatlund, .Dawson; O'Kourke .against
Douglas County, Douglas; Pettis against
Green, River Asphalt Company; Lan
caster! Henry V. Dussell, Platte; Von
Dohrea against John Deere Plow Company,
' Douglas; McConnell against Mckll ip,
- Boons; Jones against Danforth, Clay; First
National Bank of Ord against Bower, Val
ley; Hlxon Map Company agalnat Nebraska
Post Company, Lancaster; Blnghaus agalnat
Gammel, Burt; McBrlde against Whltaker,
Horn and, Day
for Glrl.
Resident Officers and Instructors Euphan
W. Macrae, Ph. B., (University of Chicago),
principal. Grace L. Ware, (3 years a pupil
of Oscar RaJf, Berlin, Germany), director
of muslo department piano. Oeorglana
Humphreys, (3 yeara a special studnt in
literature and science at McGlll University,
Montreal; one year and a half a student of
the German language and literature in
Dresden and Hanover, Germany; months
a student of French and art In Paris),
Dean. Mary Mills. A, B., (University of
Chicago), English literature and composi
tion. Faith Avery Fischer, A. B., (Smith
College; one year of European travel).
Latin and Greek. Kathaaine H. Hllllard,
A. B., (The Woman College of Balti
more), mathematics. Julie Loba, (3 years
a pupil In the Lycee Moltere, Outevll,
Parts; later a pupU of Mile. Cheradame,
Paris, and of Prof. Dubetout of the
University of Paris; also a pupil of Prof,
ttdourd Paul ttalllot. head of the French
department, Nortawuslern Uuiversity; truiu
May 1st to Beptemoer 1st, Uut, student in
Paris; father a native o, Lousoune, Frencn
Hwllsertand, lecturer In Paris, bi. Uermain,
Lyons, and other towns uu tu
Kiviera), Freuuh. lueiia u. Uaniuu, A. at.,
tKaduilEfe College), soienca. Katuerins
Ttoonuut, A. B.. touiveiauy of i,tJ(k-J,
butlory. sYieua iwiena, t'uiuva uuu,
uernian; years oi imuu t.ura tu km.
man at the LuivorUiy oi cutcago Uuucr
native Uerutau protMore, tjj.....
Si. Piatt, aV. B., louutu tonvko, uraui-ti.c
expression. t.uie a.,t
oi tne Boston Normaa oinout ot Gyut
uastlcs), gynuiastiva (eoacttuoimi and luou,
cai) and sewing. CoUu.A4ict l t,ukl
graduate of tliie arts ut.runeni, Prrtti it,
sUtule; J years a pupit ui v.ic- a. ferry,
Uirocior oi tuie arts uupHii.aaui, I'mi la
lltute; 1 years a pupu ui Aiiiiur Vv. Uuw
of New York, ami oi.o year a lupi: of mi.
mon A. Mac.Noil ot Atw Xora, ulrector of
art studio. Anna Blbhop. t cura a pjil
of Mrs. Cotton; t years a puon of Utoi.o
bwMt and J. 'Armour Uuuovtay ol ,jrf
York, and one yoar a pupil oi clan, Ituu
gr ot Boston), voice culture. Kuoeit ;u.
catlen, (4 yeHis a pupil of Aniou VVItok.
Berlin, Germany), violui. Knnu uolnntiei
Ph. B., (University ot Chicago; one year
a special student in peuaaiogy In tlis
Vnlveralty of Chicago Eleinaiituiy bchooii
preparatory department Ut and Jd fr,.
Ora Blon, (1 ysaxs a pupil of Ellsaoetn Ta
lor. First Penn. biate Normal 8choi; )
years a pupil of CoL Francis W. Parker;
1 year a special student in the L'r.lvrrai;
of Chicago U hiHil of Kduratlon), pmuaiy
department. Mrs. Mary J. Ttlton, In churga
of Inrlrmary, with general aupervlaion o.
health of pupils. Mrs. Carolyn C. DeCou
and Martha B. Macrae, dormitory mothers.
Minnie IteifT. dormitory mother and
instructor in cooking and rewlng. Flnrent-e
Jrlhman. housekeeper. General and coi
ge preparatory courses. Certificate ad
mits to Vasaar. Wsllealy. Mt. liolyuke,
Western Reserve University, University of
Nebraska, and the University of Chicago.
Seoond Bomester opeas February 1st. Ad
dress Omaha Nebraska.
Once More, Three
On Saturday, January 23, and Monday,
January 25, Me will sell three rakes (put up in
a box) of "California Violets" goap for 9c a box.
It in a pure, delicate toilet soap, made expressly
for us, and sells ordinarily for 25c a box.
Scs tbcm la our Window DUpUy.
Buffalo; Gordon against Omaha, Douglas;
Halsh against Dulon. Kramer; Per.ine
must Knights IVmplar and Masons L.
ind. t'cmpau)', Jpffirn; linffey against
Northwestern MuiuhI Lite Insurance Com
pany. Lancaster; Djbus ngnlrnt Martin,
Lancaster; Martin against Abbott,
custer; t'nlon Pacific Kuiln ad Company
against Smith, Ureelev; Klicnen Bros.
Hotel Company against D xjn.;
Isaacs sgsinat isiac, Wayne; Blair
against Austin, Lancaster; Kayp agalnt
tiuipy County. Sarpy; Jartner KK.dnst Chi
cago. Rork Island 4 Pacific Hil.roaJ Com
(jutiv. 'uwnet; ftury rmlnt Kiiertson.
rawn 'e; In re spp.lrat o i of Oe r is V. 1 1 -r -liey.
iHiuglas; in re application of Fled H.
Kiug. Douglas; Waihe:fird aininet 1 nlon
Pacillc ltHluuad Company, UougUs; Newby
ss;.iin-t Miller, Hallne; Dickson ag ilnst
fit. wart. Clay: Pitman oailnrt Mann,
Dawos; Lau licalrat Ulttian et al, Lin
irihter; Kenner asaln't Kime. Bix Butte;
In re-County Commissioners et si apalnst
McDonald. Iincaster; Otoe County against
Dorman. Otoe; ijto.- County against
HtroMe. Otoe: Shannon against Umsha,
louglns; Jackson against i.llclier, John
son: Weaver agHinst Snlvely, Hoone; Baker
mtainst Slilverirk, Dulns; Clltie agtlnst
Dexter, Meril'k; Prudenlal Insurance
Company against Connelly, Douglas; Jnhn
cun against Sherman County Irr . W. P.
and Imp. Company, Hherman; Klme aealnst
Cass County. Cuss; Scare against Wayne
County. Wayne, KnVnsnn naalnst State of
Nebraska. MrPfierson; Will akt r against
McBrlde. Buffalo.
The following cases will be called for re
argument before the court:
Ctilon Pacific Railroad Company r gainst
Slanwood, Douglas: 1'nlon Parlflr Railroad
Company against Flckensclicr, Dawson.
The following cases Will be called for ar
gument before the court on motion for re
ndering: Wllklns agnlpst Redding. Douglas;
Holmes against Columbian National Bank
of Lincoln, Inncaster.
The following cise will be eal'ed for fur
ther argument before crmmlrlon No. 2:
Baldridge against Coff nan. Lancaster.
I'rgea necessity for Pacific Coast De
fences aa Protection Against
Rassla's Designs.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 23.-flpeclal.)-A
good sised audience greeted Chancellor An
drews at the Baptist church last night for
an address on "Problems of Greater Amer
ica." These problems, tho speaker said,
had Increased the necessity for acuteness
In the consular and diplomatic service of
the United States. Bismarck was the Ideal
diplomatist, and his secret was not only
knowledge of International law, but knowl
edge of men. The speaker urged thnt col
lege and university students prepare them
selves for the diplomatic service.
Forecasting ultimate developments In the
Philippines, the chancellor said: "As the
Insular cities outside of Manila formulate
and direct their own fiscal policies so will
grow the condition of territoriality and
after that statehood. After that this coun
try will probably give them the option of
remaining under our flag or becoming In
dependent." He added that the linguistic
peculiarities and religious beliefs and su
perstitions of the islanders could be In
terfered with only at our peril. The only
native customs that could be put down at
any coet were such as deprived some of
natural rights.
In conclusion the chancellor urged the
strengthening of our Pacific coast defenses.
The trans-Rocky mountain country is ver
itably an empire In wealth and extent, and
there is great danger In leaving It Improp
erly defended. We must guard against the
ambition of Russia. For a hundred years
Russia has been trying to build a power
ful navy, first near St. Petersburg, then in
the Black sea, now In the Pacific, and it
la not building It for fun. Here ne asked
the suggestive question, "How far Is it
from Port Arthur to San Francisco? The
traditional friendship of Russia has re
sulted from a supposed common hatred for
Great Britain. We cannot permanently
have the friendship of both Russia and
Great Britain.
Neighbors Think Tronble Is Di
- Either to Cigarettes or Brooding;
Over Death ot Parents.
YORK. Neb., Jan. 23. (Special Friends
and relatives of Abraham Ratzloff, a pros
perous York county farmer, owning
good farm northwest of Charleston, com
plained that ho was acting queer and that
they thought ho was Insane. Deputy Sher
iff Afflebaugh brought Ratiloff to York last
night and, owing to his violent condition,
was obliged to use straps. Some attribute
his Insanity to smoking cigarettes. They
say that for the last seven yeara he has
been smoking excessively. Mr. Ratxloff
Imagines that he is about to lose a part
of an estate, and the fact that his father
died two years ago and his mother a short
time ago, leads many to think that he has
been brooding over their deaths.
Eight Men Aro Arrested for Seising
Corn In Payment of Claim Which
la la Dispute.
PENDER. Neb., Jan. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Over a dispute arising from a
division of rents, Farley Bros, of Bancroft,
with a train of wagons, dove to the farm
of Nlsson Bros., twelve miles east of here,
on the rerervatlon, and forcibly, without
writ or officer, took possession of 350
bushels of corn. The Nissons came to Pen
der and swore out warrants for eight men.
charging them with unlawful taking of
property. Thla morning Deputy Sheriff D.
A. Kelso went to Bancroft and got his
prisoners. Each of them gave bonds for
their appearance for trial, which Is set for
hearing February IS before County Judge
New Class G Bnirtnes Are Complete.
HAVELOCK. Neb.. Jan. 21 (Special.)
The last one of six of the class G engines,
made completely by the Hivolcck employes,
and named the "Mlrkey englns." being the
one on which Governor Mickey drove
rrveta when visiting the shops In Decem
ber. Is finished. This type of engine will
be used In the Omaha nnd Lincoln switch
yards. The lst one was taken to Lin
coln today after a thorough test by Engine
Tester Jack Glearon. This engine is dif
ferent from any ether of the 300 Inoomo
tivjs on the line, it ran be handled from
either the fireman's ride of tho cab or
the engineer's.
Fw e-f-l Sslo rt Bertor.
SUPEHIOR. Neb.. Jan. 13 Spelt! )
The combination sals of hogs, held Janu
ary 21 and 22. In which the herds of seventy
b s-eders were represented, each sending
two head, was a great success. In the
number of breeders represented It was the
most important sale ever held in the state
and, being practically the opening of the
brood sow sales of the year. It was of
interest also, showing the feeling among
Cakes for 9c
I go im.vr:
farmers and breeders for this stock to be
as strong as a year ago, despite lower
prices of the hog market. The top price,
$4 60. went to a Kansas breeder, for a
Poland-China brood sow. The average
price was $61.60 on the entire offering of
140 head, which Included many young ones
hardly In condition for such a sale. T. C.
Callahan of Omaha was chief auctioneer,
assisted by Leonard, Branson, Brennan
and Doty.
Manager Dusenberry was presented with
a gold-hesded cane, and his daughter, who
acted as secretary, with a gold watch and
chain aa evidence of the good will of the
people of Superior.
Question of Disfranchisement In
Sooth la Araraed by Lincoln and
Doane Debating; Clnhs.
CRETE, Neb., Jan. 23. (Special.) The
annual debate between the Union Boys'
Debating club of the State university and
PI Kappa Delta of Doane occurred In the
college cliapfl last night. The question
discussed was. "Resolved. That the south
Is Justified In disfranchising the negro."
R. C. James. J. C. McReynolds and L. O.
Pfelffer comprised the visiting team, and
very clearly and forcibly urged the dis
franchisement of the negro race. George
liitRue. J. Turns and C. W. Hall, for the
local society, showed the Injustice and un
wisdom of such a course.
As Is customary In these Inter-soclety de
bates there Were no Judges.
Citizens Take Hold of Affair with
VI or and Project Is Already
Assured of Success.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 23 (Special.)
A new auditorium for the city of West
Point Is now an assured fact. The pres
ent hall, or so-called opera house. Is no
toriously unsafe and the want of a suita
ble building has become acute. The West
Point Llederkranz, a strong organlzat'on
composed of representative citizens, headed
by Father Rueslng, has taken hold of the
matter and has already secured a site and
Is now busily engaged in raising funds to
erect the building. Plenty of money Is In
sight to assure success.
I'alon Members Kill Three Ilnndred
Rabbits and Squirrels and Eat
Them Next Day.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Jan. 23.-(Sp'e-
clal Telegram.) The Bricklayers' union this
evening gave a banquet to Its members.
The game eaten at the supper waa killed
by the members of the union In a hunt
held yesterday and comprised 153 rabbits
and nearly as many squirrels.
Business Grows Without Soliciting.
YORK. Neb., Jan. 2S.-(Speclal.) The
Farmers' Mutual Insurance company of
York county held Its annual meeting re
cently. There waa a largo attendance of
policyholders. The report shows twelve
losses paid during 1903, and a good balance
In the treasury, with no outstanding In
debtedness or claims unpaid. This com
pany employs no solicitors In York county
and policyholders are rapidly Increasing,
The following officers were elected for the
year 1904: President. Henry Steele; vice
president, A. Prohaska; treasurer, Henry
Baer; secretary, W. L. Klrkpatrlck. T. C.
Bradley was elected to fill the unexpired
term of C. N. Beaver and D. McCarthy.
w. ii. ecnnocn and j. i Dorsey were
elected director:; for three years.
Sarpy Connty Poultry Show.
PAPILLION, Neb., Jan. 23. (Speclal.)-
The first annual poultry show given by the
Sarpy County Poultry association will be
held here February 1 4 and 6. and every.
thing is being done to make It a very suc
cessful event. Poultry men from Fremont,
Omaha and South Omaha will exhibit,
wht'.e large exhibits will be made by parr
ties from all portions of this county. An
entry fee of 6 cents per bird for chickens.
ducks, geese and turkeys, and 5 cents per
pair for pigeons, bantams and pet stock
will be charged members of the association,
while double that amount will be charged
outsiders. A series of prises Is being ar
Thousand Barrels n Day.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Jan. S3. (Special.)
Commencing Wednesday of this week the
Wells-Abbott-Nleman company run their
flouring mill at full capacity day and night.
comprising wheat, corn and rye mills. The
output per day of twenty-four hours when
so running Is 1,000 barrels of flour, 900 bar
rels of commeal, 100 barrels of rye flour
and 100 barrels of miscellaneous products
hominy, grits, breakfast foods, pancake
flour, etc. and the by-products, or "offal,"
amount to one car of bran, one-half car of
shorts and one of hominy feed or corn
Sued for Canadian Land.
PAPILLION. Neb., Jan. 23. (Speclal.)
Alfred Thompson of this county has been
summoned to appear In court at Calgary,
Canada, where Charles Key has Insti
tuted proceedings agalnat him In an en
deavor to regain possession of a tract of
land containing 100 acres, located near
Calgary. It Is alleged tn the petition that
Key deeded ihe land to Thompson, who
wan to held it In trust, and that when
Key asked for the land Thompson de
clined to g?ve it up.
Blue Springs Man Seriously Injured.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 23. (Special.)
R. E. Wilson of Blue Springs met with an
accident at that place yesterday by falling
upon the Icy street. He struck his head
in such a manner as to Inflict a severe
scaip wound and produce concussion of
the brcln. He was rendered unconscious
and remained so all day. There appears
to be little hope of his recovery, as the
attending physicians are of the opinion
that the skull Is fractured.
Scottish nite Masons Adjourn.
ABERDEEN. 8. D., Jan. 13. (Special.)
Tfci Scottish Rite Masonic reunion closed
Th irsdsy afternoon and was followed by a
grnd bnniurt and reception at the Mi
S'inic temple In the evening. The sessions
hive been well attended and a large clan
was Initiated. Many prominent Masons
from thla and other states are attracted to
these meetings, which are very pleasant
and Interesting.
Teachers Will Hold Session.
FLATTSMOCTH, Neb.. Jan. 23. (Special.)
The school teachers of Cass county will
meet In Louisville for a mid-year meeting
on February 11 Ccunty Superintendent C.
S. Wortman has arranged an Interesting
program for the day and he expects notable
educators of the state to be present. They
will discuss practical questions that come
up ii the school room. There are thirty
persons In this county who are teaching
their first school.
Farmer Shoots Himself.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 21 -(Special. )
Charles Ertckson, a Swedish farmer, forty
two years of age and, lately married, liv
ing near the Burt county line, committed
suicide by shooting himself. No good cause
Is assigned for the act, although he had
been very despondent of late. The re
mains were Interred Wednesday In the
Swedish cemetery, east of this city.
Discount off all our
Ladies and
Child'n coats
and Jackets
From now on our
predict that many seasons will come and go, before goods of equal merit
low figures. Re'member tomorrow is the beginning of the end. Almost the whole of the
cold weather is yet before you, and full benefit will be gained from present purchases.
Positively tht Last Week of
Our Great Discount Sale.
50 Cent Discount
Just Hslf Price on our entire stock
of Ladles' and Children's Jackets,
Long Coats and Cloth Capes.
An extraordinary opportunity to se
cure first-class garments at truall
50 cent Discount
Half regular price on all Silk, Flan
nel and Mercerised Tailor-Made
50 Cent Discount
On all remnants of Black and Col
ored Dress Goods Lengths Suitable
for Waists and Skirts.
On all our Eiderdown Flannel Dress
ing Sacquea
1-3 Regular Price
Positively the Last Week of
Our Great Discount Sale.
35! c!nt Discount
On all our Man-Tailored Sulta.
On all our Women's Jackets and
Long Coats.
On all Misses' and Children's Jackets
and Long Coats.
On all our Walking Skirts.
On all our Separate Dress Skirts.
On all our Ladles' Long Capes
some have handsome marten collars.
On all our Ladies' Sweaters.
On all oor Fur Collars and
Mods Isabella Fox, Marten,
Squirrel & other desirable furs
Sale on Ready-Made Sheets We are face t0 face with conditions in the cotton
market that has not existed since 1873. Raw
cotton has jumped from7 l-2c to 15c per pound (100 per cent advance). All 1904 cottons
are priced on the latter basis. Can you realize the great difference between old and new
prices? Two cases of ready made sheets left in our basement and overlooked during our sale,
these will be closed out at less than old prices this week.
2x2 J yards Hemstitched Utica Mills Sheets, now worth $1.25, Mill be sold at, each 89c
2x2$ yards Hemstitched Utica Mills Sheets, now worth fl.00, will be sold at, each 79c
' 2x2 yards Plain Hem Utica Mills Sheets, now worth 90c, will be sold at, each 69c
1Jx2J yards Hemstitched Utica Mills Sheets, now worth 90c, will be sold at, each 69c
50x36 inch Heavy Utica Mills Pillow Cases, now worth 27Jc, will be sold at, each 174c
45x36 inch Hemstitched Flower Pillow Cases, now worth 23c, will be sold at, each t 16jC
Corner Farriam and Fifteenth Streets, - - - Omaha
Offer of W. I I.andou to Erect Plant
for Cssslsc of Sweet Cora Is Ac
cepted br Business Interests.
PLATrSMOUTH. Neb.," Jan. 21 (Spe
cial.) Pursuant to a call of Mayor Frank
J. Morgan the capitalists and business men
of Plsttsmouth assembled in the court
house last evening- to accept the offer of
W. I. Landon to erect suitable buildings
and equip them with the latest Improved
new machinery for a first-class canning
factory. 'He will contract with the farmers
to raise and sell to him 1.500 acres of sweet
corn this year. The yield is usually from
four to six tons per acre, for which ha will
pay the sum of 15 per ton. The following
named persons were appointed an execu
tive committee to complete the arrange
ments: Hon. R. B. Windham, chairman;
A. W. White. C. C. Parmele, Byron Clark
and C. E. Wescott.
The plant and machinery will cost about
175.000. and will furnish employment to 250
persons during the busy season. It Is ex
pected that the Paxton A Gallagher com
pany of Omaha will take half the output
of the factory the first year.
Eaartne Jumpe the Track.
ALI.EJf. Neb., Jan. 23. (Special.) The
engine of the westbound freight on the
Great Northern railway Jumped the track
this morning at Allen. Although it ran
on the ground for tweny-flve yards, and
jumped a large ditch, no special damage
was done. The engineer and fireman
stuck to their places and were not In
jured. Telea-rasker Loses Llssfc.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 21 (Special.)
Frank Fuller, for the past few years
local manager of the Western Union tele
graph office, had his left limb amputated
Just above the knee Joint this morning.
The bone below the knee has been diseased
for some time and in order to save the
limb the atendlng physicians decided that
a portion of It would have to be amputated.
Tries to Board Kevins Frelcat.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. Jan. 23. (Spe
cial Tetearam.) George Williamson of this
city was probably fata'Jy Injured today by
a Missouri Pacific freight on the Eighth
street crossing as he was attempting to
board the caboose.
Bank safe Fastened.
OSCEOLA. Neb.. Jan. S. (Special. )-Ii
was necessary for expert locksmiths to
mum, mm & c
EjXS Clearance Sale
6 days left to take advantage of these vast reductions
efforts will be directed
Linen SaJe Now for a clean sweep.
Every cloth and napkin marked below the
lowest bargain level.
All accumulations of odd half dozen napkins
that sold at $1.7, $250 to $5.00 dozen, will
be sold at 48c, 79c, 95c, 1.25, 1.47 half dozen.
Remnants of 72-in. bleached table linen in
2, 2 1-2 and 3 yard lengths and sold at $150,
$1.7 and $2.00 yard, are now marked almost
half price.
$3.7! pattern table cloths, 2x2 1-2 yards,
will be sold at 2.48 each.
$850 pattern table cloths, 2x2 1-2 yards,
will be sold at 4.50 each.
$10.00 pattern table cloths, 2x3 yards, will
be sold at 5.50 each.
$14.00 pattern table cloths, 21-2x3 yards,
will be sold at 7.50 each.
Bed Spreads We have brought forward
all our reserve stock of spreads that sold at
$850, $450, $4.00, $3.00, $250 and .$2.2?f
These will be closed out at $5.50, $3,
$2.75. $2.38, $1.89, $165, $1.39 and
95c each. v ;
Blankets and Comforts This cold snap
should be a reminder of our Great Blanket
Sale. Prices were cut before the holidays,
and from these very low prices we are giving
20 per cent off this represents a saving of
almost one-half.
open the safe of the Polk county bank this
week. It was found Impossible to open It
Tuesday morning and for three days other
banks had to honor Polk county bank
Principal ef Schools la Chase County
stands Trial at Blair on Com
plaint of.Vouns Woman.
BLAIR, Neb.. Jan. Z3.-(Speclal.)-Sherlff
Mincke returned yesterday from a trip to
Wauncta, Chase county, bringing Ralph Ii.
Benedict, principal of the schools of that
place, who waa arrested on a charge pre
ferred by Miss Lessie M. Drown, who re
sides with her parents, residents of this
county. A preliminary trial was given
Benedict today before County Judge C. O.
Marshal. H pleaded guilty and was bound
over to the February term of court tn the
sum of $1,000. Miss Drown was In court
today with her 1 month old baby.
York Merchant Meres to Thayer.
THAYER, Neb., Jan. 23. (Special.)
Ernest Lloyd of the firm of Williams A
Lloyd of York has sold his Interest In tho
firm and has purchased the general mer
chandise stock of F. P. Worlngton of this
place. He will take possession the first of
the week. Mr. Lloyd Is one of York's best
business men and Is well known here.
Hew Depot for West Point.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Jan. 23.-(BpeclaL)-Arrangements
have finally been made to
locate the new Northwestern depot at a
very advantageous point near the center
of the city. In consideration of the citl
sens donating the site the company has
agreed to build a $12,000 structure.
Servo Tints for stealing- Pork.
BRADS HAW, Neb.. Jan. . (Special.)
Zate Hasbrooke and Ben Hasbrooke,
brothers, are serving out a fine of $50 and
coats each In the county Jail. The Has
brookes were charged and convicted of
stealing $10 worth of pork from Mr. Brab-
bon, a farmer, living north of them.
Arsastroaa- Sarpy Cnanty Physician
PAPILLION, Neb.. Jan. JX. -(Special. )
The county commissioners have appointed
Dr. R. B. Armstrong county physician.
ma bid of Us being the lowest
Tramps Steal aa Overcoat.
BLAIR. Neb.. Jan. . (BpedaLV-i-Two
tramps. Bert Houck and Charley Bailey,
were arraigned In Justice DeTemple's
court today for stealing a valuable over-
to closing out our winter
euat from Torn Bracken at the Merchants'
hotel They were given thirty days In Jail,
with fifteen days of the time on bread and
water. They had sold the coat for 17.
Endorse Roosrvelt's Candidature.
RED CLOUD, Neb.. Jan. 23.-(Special.)
The Roosevelt club last night unanimously
adopted resolutions endorsing the candi
dature of Theodore Roosevelt for the re
publican nomination and favoring a Roose
velt delegation to the national republican
Buys West Point Drus; Store.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. a. 8peclal.)
A. D. Krause, a registered pharmacist
and a native of thla city, has purchased
the drug stock of Kadluh & Co., and will
What would you do the next
time you have a hard cold
if you couldn't get Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral? Better
tninK tnis over.
Haas y . C. Ayes Oe.. Lewell. Mass.
siae Siwamm ef
ATTB'8 KAIS TIOOR-rw the Lair. a TBI'S PIIXS-For eoettipstioa.
Atau't SAkdAFAKlLLA Fat the sloes. ATKB'S AGUtt CUaB hoi malaria aad arse.
Discount off all our
Ladies Suits
Walking and
Dress Skirts
merchandise, and we
will be sold at such
Po&itivelu the Last Welh of
Our Great Discount Sale.
On nil oar Colored Dress Goods.
On all our Illark Dress Goods.
On all our Fancy Walatlngs.
On nil our Ladles' Winter I n
tlervreur. On nil tur Children's Winter
On all ear Men's Winter I'nder.
Including- the Mansion- Colon
Including Sterling I'nlon Sulta
for Women, Children and Men.
Katurnl colors nnd blue.
Ladles' and Children's Worsted
Lena , Golf Gloves and Weol
On all our Blankets and Com
forts. Flannel KIsM Roitsi.
' Discount
Positively the Last Week ot
Our Great Discount Sale.
On our entire stock of Cotton
nnd Wnlst Linings.
On our entire stork of notions.
On onr entire stock of Dress
On our entire stock ot Mnslln
20 Cent Discount
On our entire stock comprising:
Night Gowns, Chemise, Corset
Covers, Drawers nnd Skirts; at at
discount ot 2 per cent from
prices . thnt. bnve already been
areatlr reduced. Silk nnd Cotton
take possession at once. Mr. Krause
studied pharmacy In this city and has besn
In business at L'te. Ia.
Havelock to Have New Buildlnar.
HAVELOCK. Neb.. Jan. 23. (Special. )
W. R. Johnson, the hardware merchant,
closed a contract yesterday with Contractor
Gus Johnson of Lincoln for a $t,000 pressed
brick store building, to be finished by
May 1.
Conference of German Churches.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 23. (Special.)
Tho quarterly conference of the German
evangelical churches of this district will
convene In this city next week.' The ex
ercises will bo conducted by Presiding
Elder Bohl.
fts., SO... SI. OS.
Said fee SO years. .