TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. JANUARY 24, 1004. IT i ron hai.k heai, f.tatf.. PETERS. F J FITZGERALD. R. C: PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. tught of Omiht by Famous Men I believe In your future bcsus you bar 'hat count for mora than the business capacity that has built up o much that OU have In you the quality of good cltlienshlp. The quality that produces that tmpa-ed to which all fine la of nought. Good men and good women. President onsevelf. 'oot lot, fronting on Hanscnm Park, northeast corner Park ava. and Shirley, '50. park Board will pave this street and keep It Inrepair. 140. fronting on Slut ava., Juat north of Dodge; lot la nicely located and sur lunded by very nicely improved propertlea. Thla la about tha laet avallabl acant lot that can be rurchaeed near Turner Park on 81st ava, which baa ba lm on of the nicest Improved ctreata In the city. Prlca, 11.700. om house, city water and gas, on car Una, corner lot, on grade, !3d and Call rnla, $1,200. .. ' om cotuge, city water, lot 66x127. 8. W. corner 85th and Blondo at., $1,260. Very ay terms. om, thoroughly modern house, built thre years, good barn, full south front t, nice shade trees, near car line. For quick aala ownar will take $2,800. -room house, furnace, electric light, gas, ater, porcelain bath, fin shad ma and beautiful lawn, east front, paved street, $3,800.. Nice hom for a email mlly. Thla property la In th best of repair and possession could b given at y tlm. om house. Interior finished In hard wood, porcelain bath, Carton furnace, mod n plumbing, full lot. east front, nice lawn, paved street, permanent walka, la . heart of the West Farnam district. House coat $8,000 to build; nonresident wnar prlcea It for 10 daya at $7,250. acres near Rusere Park, Improved, $12S per acre, good aoll, wll located, not purchase until you have vlaltedDunde, Omaha's beautiful suburb. W havs rer 100 lots to chooa from. Call at our ofHcs for plat showing locations. , List your property with us for quick sale. We have the buyers. C. PETERS & COMPANY, GROUND FLOOR BEE BLDG. 'Phone W. H. GATES, T N. T. Life. 'Phone 1294. 400.00 (-room cottage, 2726 Parker, puved atreet, lot 30x127, south front, nice Sightly location; rents at $10.00. ,250.00 -room cottage, VM N. 2!ld. paved street; a welt built house, lit good order; rental, $16.00. $2,000.00 6-room house at 318 Dodge, porce lain bath, wash bowl, closet, gaa, ' fixtures: house la well built and In frood order; gnod-elwd burn and isn house; full lot and clos to th best part of th city. 3,100.09 6-room house, 423 N. 84th; good as new; barn, large chicken house and paved, 75xiai. . . . .500.C0 t-room houae ana moaern, wiwi large Darn, m coi dvwmu, . house for some one. W0. 00 10-room modern house, som hard wood finish, a good houce, Ht 19o5 ' Blnney. RE-386 24 HEN buying or selling real estate b ur to get a Midland Guarantee and 'rust company bonded abstract. 1814 Far lam street N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE Mlo3 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR argains in Omaha Property. Kit -300 OR RALE Twelve-tier fruit farm at Braldar.tosn, Floilda; water trout, young ranga una banana grave, ana gooa nousa, Address Lock Box M, Gl.tner, Neb. RE 190 T F. D. WE AD. Two t-room cottages on S. 18th north of Vinton; easy tarina and payments; $l.oto. 1624 Douglas. RE 4til 24 RANCH and farm landa for sale by th I Union Paolflo Railroad company. B. A. MeAliaater, land comrni-inoner, union - ' Cluo neaaquarters, umaua, wen. RB 410 -410 I Nat l I RIB MS K n. H. Landeryou If you wish to tmy ' or sell real estate. 443 Board of Trad. TeL 21S1. RE-460 t 1 11 START A HOME, y buying one or more of our $109 to $200 lots on new car linn near 24th and Fort ta. and others near Fort Omaha, and there fronting and overlooking Miller ark, auto other lots on now Harney st. ar line, near Bemls park, only $160 each; ally $5 down and $6 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BUOCK. RE 465 24 OVER. 1st floor N. Y. Llf. city prnp. ty. farms, ranches. Tel. U3. KE-956 . $T bargains In farms ana ranches. rite Wil ls Caldwell. Brok n Bow, Neb., r list and Illustrated pamphlet. , , HE M731 Jg 40 ACRE FARM DON'T OVERLOOK THIS acres In Carroll Co., Iowa, on R. F. D., miles from town. Bench land, level, ot one foot waste. House almost new, am, well and windmill, orchard. Public oad two sides, school house Juat across oad. Price $w per acre. If you want a .mall farm home, where can you equal .his? The IniDrovementa above are worth I iirfOO of this. 1, ssTki: ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, Mr 313 Brown Block. RE 376 24 .st the Home for Street Car Man. pom house, new roof, good repair, on leredlth ave. near 33d St.; price two, $200 Ken, Daiance montniy ai iu or 112, Willi per cent Interest. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE 461 24 'R RENT An elegant outside room, tn ood brick flat: al modern, cood heat. n ath and telephone. 623 N. Twenty-third. tUM 42 6X ACRES on main road adjoining east city mlts of Council Bluffs; very good Im provements, good apple orchard. Bargain lor someooay. BEAU3. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 478 24 FRUIT FARM. 11 acres tn bearing fruit of all kinda; 6- rmm nuse in nrsi-ciasa repair; gooa oarn ana sneus, rnicaen nouse: evury thin ftn nlaee In ftrst-clflss mnrilttnn. Net Income from property this seusun will not be less than tl.M): will pay for Itself n lour years; well located; IS minutes waia irora car line. Benson & Carmichael, 42 PAXTON BLOCK. RE M170 24 25 Acre Suburban Home 14 wills west of Fort Omih 1. Over 600 fruit trees, 6.UU) berries. Fair hous and other punning. Price tS.600. IJberal terms. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. S12 Brown Block. RE 377 !4 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If vou want to sell a taim r ranch tell vn rentier ana atock ralnera about it. in Dsi way to reach them la through 1 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weakly goea to 44.000 "e of farmera and atock raisers, so If " " V, eoa pi. i of laud to .! at a taonaBl pile u will find a buyer long them. Th cost of an advertisement small $ cents per word In small tyi or W par Inch If sat In larg tp. HE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RS-i3 $1.!M. 'i?rn cottaga with .ity water and aewer I jw,'"lectloiis on Burt near bin; lot ilxUS. south front, nice shad treea. $1,200. AYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, rirtl Floor N. X. Uf Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE-MI 24 FOn IALR-RRAL KSTATK. M. D. CAMERON. I 898. RE SOME REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Ark., Poinaett Co., 80 A. and Impta. Cel., Tehama Co., I A.; 2S A. olives. Cal., Orange Co., orchard, 17 A. fun A i.u loll A nnrl Imnta. Col.. Gunnison Co.. J0 A., impta. and horses. Col.. Prowers Co.. excellent farm law A. Cor., Phillips Co., 1 lmpd. quarter sections. Denver, 2 line bldg. lota, Lafayette Ave. Conn., Huntington, good 17-r. rea. ; t A. I). C, Waahlngton, a good bldg. lots. -ia., nr. ocaia.iu a. ana impis. Fla!, nr. De Fu'nlak Springs, 700 A. and m a. trues ianu impta. Via.. KsMmhli Co.. 40 A. land. Ga., College Park. Colonial rea. and 43 A, Oa., Carrolton, 2 lots, fin hotel sit. i i .i.rii.v i n mi a and mmi. 111., Jasper Co.. 80 A. wheat, hay, fruit land. ina., Kosciusko uo., u a. ana imp, la.. Jefferson Co.. nne farm 213 A. Kan.. Galena, t-r. cottage and lot. Kan ' Allen Co M A ss and corn land. 1 t'AndroscVggln Co.1 A M., Halem. 8purtsmana Lodge and 0 A. land; abundance of game; also suitable for hotel. Md., Montgomery Co., excellent 11 A. farm M.l Mnimliln Ijika Park. 2 bid, lota Mass.. Htoneham, good 3-story business blk Mans., w hitman, -r. res.: v a. Minn., Walt Park, small hous and lot N. 11., Grafton Co., 260 A. and Impta. N. J., Passaic, bldg. lot. Van Houten Av. IS. J., Atlantic t'o., m A. ana impn. N. J., Camden, fine 10-r. res., S. th St. N. Y., Otsego Co., 210 A. and Impta YJ V XI u ..an 12.P unit A A. U iVN. Y., Babylon, W. Deer Park, 8S lots. N. Y., Montgomery CO., lis a. ana impis. N. Y., conocton, goon li-r. res. ana h N. Y., Fulton Co., eqpd. farm 50 A. N. IX, Ramaey Co., 160 A- and Impts. pa., bnlpprnahurg, good store, dwal. ana lot T.tin laffarion f'ltv K-r. rea.: 1V4 A. Tax.. Cypres Mill, 203 A., Impts.; griat mill ana storeroom; wen locaiea. n. !. An nnA MAaa,A l.ll In Wash., Lincoln Co., finely eqpd. stock ranch 1.820 A.; wen waterea. nneiy looatea. Wl,.. Sunertor. 1 rlnelv looatea lots. Wis., Prlr Co., 1,000 A. unimproved land. nil., nirnin to., v a, mnu inmn. Wis.. Pnrtaae Co.. sand, farm 220 A. Wis., Clark Co., eqpd. farm 100 A.J 1 A, school site; 46 A. cult.; to A. timber. Wis.. Washburn Co.. ISO A. eaud. farm W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. Bldg., phlla It ri iflfi Z4Z FARM AND RANCH LAN DS. Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. 53 to $12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for parti culars to B. A. Mc ALLASTAR, Land Comniss.oner. Union Pacific R R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 10 ACRES GARDEN LAND, RENT OR BKLU CASH. BALANCE 6H 14 ACRES BENSON: CHERRY TREES. 120 ACRES 12 MILES WEST. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD F. O. 414 24 F. D. WEAD. New house on S. 17th. near Vinton, with bath, gas; 1100 caah, balance $12 per montn; z.ouu. jjougia. fin. iw n PUBLIC SALE POSTPONED. The sale of the southwest quarter (8. W. hi) section live (6), township sixteen (US), range nine O), in uougias county, Ne braska, has been adjourned until 11 o'clock a. m. Thursday, January 28, 1904, when it will be held at the east door of the court house in the city of Omaha. The sale will remain open at least one nour. JULIA THOMAS. Administratrix of the Estate of John D. Thomas. RE 211 27 Choice West Farnam Lot Corner 40th and Jackaon, faring south and east, 10uxl32. Prlr $2,260. Haa never been offered for lesa than $2,600 before and must be taken Quick at $2,260. See It. Tben se us. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANT, 31$ Brown Block. RE 374 24 10 ACRES and 6 cottages west of Dundee, maw. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. lUi 471 24 Well Located Home Cheap t-room modern house, lot 40x110, t-etory. I rooms and hall downstairs, $ rooms and bath upstairs. Finely tlnlahed and pa pered. Been built two montha. Near two car line. This property cost owner $1.20, Must sell and will take $1.(00 this week only. $S'J0 cash, balance on time. The equal of this for the money not te be rtina in tne city. THE ABBO IT-COWAN COMPANT. $13 Brown Block. RE 17$ 24 F. D. WEAD. Nice modern house of 7 rooms, south front. on West Spauldlng at.; 1X0 cash, balano easy payments; $1,6,6. l24 uougiaa. RE 460 24 FOR 8AIJS 380-arr fruit ranch near Ban Diego. Cel.. 9u mile from eoaat: abundant water supply: building and orchards in nrst-claa condition; coat $30,000. If you want a bargain writ for particulars; ex- change considered. Nichola A Orr, 10$ jonnsion bldg., Cincinnati, u. Bargafn. RE ux Finest Farm in Harlan County $80 acres, on mil from town, vary wall improved, large bouse. I rooms, large barn, aheda. orchard, 116 acres in crop. 70 acre aiiaira. K acres pasture. 10 acre feed lota, orchard and buildings. To see this IS tO bUV. Prllt 140 nr Ii-n rmrn wutild as soon have stock Ocn'l Mda. of ,.uuu as casu. writ quick. POMeasloa ojh n imi. m owner lives on rami. THE ABBOTT -COW A N COMPANT. ili Brown Block. RE 176 24 HOMES FOR THE PFOPI W On monthly Davmanta. un. r.i t xv have th following In different parts of the city: $-riHm cottage and atabl $J,3n l-room cottaga and stabl M i-r. and S-r. (2 houses close In) l.suO J-room, close In, near Mason school..., 7u0 6-rooai, ner Mason school' VM HbMlB, raAlvIN BULM'K. Ki-464 $4 FOR SALS URAL ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES.CO. 722 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. tl.UUO.00 2944 Castellsr street, new 4-room house, sewer, water, gaa; inn lot; $10000 down, balance $12.00 per month. SNAP. $1.300.00 812 I'arker street, T rooms; water and gaa; full 60-foot lot. $2,100.0044)7 Cuming street, 7 rooms; bath. water anil ass; rooa earn; pavea atreet. BARGAIN. $2,800.096 rooms, modern, except furnace; ou cy 50 reel, on nimiwnin siit", between Jackaon and Leavenworth streets: aood repair. SNAP. $2,400.00 Near Twenty-alxth and Decatur streets, a new, wen duiii nomt, facing south; haa seven well ar ranged rooms, modern, piped for furnace; oak floors down stairs, excepting kitchen and par lor. THIS TS A BARGAIN SURE, and you should see It quick. 0.00 8.S48 Seward street, eight rooms, strictly modern; good trees and brick barn; lot 60 by 130 feet. For 100 feet front. $4,000.00. $3,200.00 On Twenty-seventh atreet, south or roppieton. einciiy moorrn. w room house: lot 80 by 127 feet. $4,009.00 Thirty-sixth street, near Farrfam. eignt rooms, einciiy moaern, g'roa renslr: lot 44 bv 120 feeL $7,000.00 Thirty-sixth street, near Famam, strictly modern lo-room nnuse on U bjr 110 feet of ground: oak book rases and oak parquet floors; good barn and driveway. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, VACANT. $ $60.09 Northwest comer Thirty-third and Miami atreet, w ngr m xeei. uive ua an offer. T00.80- by 124 feet, south front, on Lo- eusi street, just west oi Bixieenm street. BARGAIN. $ $09.00 $0 by 124 feet, south front, on Bln ney street, 1Z4 east oi uwenuetn atraat. RARGATN. $1,000.0960 by 120 feet, on Thirty-first and Cass streets, choice lot. $1,850.0060 by 138 feet, east front, on Tenth street, aireetiv opposite urgwniu hall. BARGAIN. $1,760.0060 by 126 feet, east front, on Tenth street, orposit bi. xuatnias cnurea. BARGAIN. $8,000.00 Southwest corner Thirty-eighth ana jacicson streets, t oy ioo im, cavina tiald. This is a bargain and on of th finest corners in the city. 41 bv 1M feet, on Harney street ast of Twenty-fourth atreet. Want cash orrer. 24TH STREET BARGAIN. $1,000.09 S2 by 124 feet, southeast corner 'iweniy-rounn ana ninney airceis. Thla Is a big bargain. KOUNTZE PLACE. Mm na fnr soma blar baraalns in Kountze Place lots. Thla In a beautiful section of th city and If you are thinking of build Inc. w have som lota here which will nleas vou. such a the following, for In eta nee: 62.$ by J24 feet, southwest corner Sherman avenue and Blnney street, $1,000.00; 60 by 124 feet, south front, on Blnney street, lust east ot iwenuein rf.iiuii-voiu, snap, at $900.00; 60 by 124 feet, north front, on Plnkney street, west of Twentieth street boulevard, facing on Kountse park, for .nly WOaOO: M byj24 t"$mMj$ "di,nkn"r' f)(W- TOU CVf446-24 RE 446-24 FOR RENT OR SALE, on rrop payments, several choice farms. Send for list. J. Mulhall, Sioux City. Ia. re-ws 24x Bargain SEVERAL CHOICE LOTS ON TEMPLETON STREET, CITY WATER, SEWER, CONVEN IENT TO STREET CAR, $626 EACH. 60X141 OOOD NINE-ROOM HOUSE, EAST FRONT, BATH, OAS, HEATED BY STOVES, 2S33 BO. $TH STREET. $3,000. 0X134 TWO DOUBLE FRAME- DWEL LINGS, BRINGING IN A MONTHLY RENTAL OF $24.00, NOS. 2831-3S-35-87 PATRICK AVENUE, $"1,600. Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Bldg. A LEAD AND ZINC MINE and good firm In this property, 163 acres; 100 acres valley land. Inexhaustibly fertile, balance upland; six-room frame house, frame barn, cribs, etc., plenty fruit: both lead and sine outcrop; near acnool, cnurcn and railroad; prlc. $4.b00. For deacnptlon of this and other farms from $& Pr acre up. address Clark & VVar,'lnial7.l9!2n Farm Near Omaha $20 acres vry finely Improved near Gretna nneat of ueiana. a umotny, ciuitr n alfalfa. $ miles of hog-tight fence. Fine water. An Ideal farm. Price $70 per acre. Would trade for row of well located flats or rental property In Omaha. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. ' 312 Brown Block. RE 372 24 HPI.KNDin BARDAIN. Larw brick realdence block close In, 30 rooms. If you warn a great anay uuw ia your opportunity to get one. BKM18. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 467 $4 FOR SALE, 20 acres extra choice garden land Just weet ot city; oniy ,b. xiicaa Real Eatate Co., 439 Board Trade. RE 491 14 7-ROOM, strictly modern house; sale or ex change, call or aaaress aM t'oage i. FOR SALE py' owner, 640-acre stock farm f mile from Blue Hill, Webster Co., Nfeb. 38 acre In pasture; none better in Co.; two good wells, two new windmills, two tanks, small Improvements, &c. There Is also 266 acres tn cultivation. Will sell at k..a.ln ua 1 mm ln,Ar..l.il In Wash ington. ror terms and further particu lars, write me at J. 611 tsinio Ave., epo kane, Wash, Geo. C. Graham. RE 244 24 F. D. WEAD, Fine home near Mr. Yates' residence, 33d and Davenport: house has rooms, thor oughly modern, with fine barn, nice ahade. south and east front; is snap; 13,760. 1634 Douglas. RE 469 24 SEARS. Room 1. N. York Life Rldsr. Lot $. blk 13, Meyers. Richards A Tilden, 1260. E. W lot 91. Gelses addition. $600. 161$ I-othrop, room, modern, with barn. To buy or sell ses Sears. RE 365 24x FOR SALE, my residence, eight rooms, all modern except furnace. Call or addreas Charles Fawver, aiz N. liitti st. RE-362 24X An Immediate Investment in Real Estate Will Net Big Returns In a Remarkably Short Time. FOR 4I.SV RE At, ESTATE.. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N- Y. Life Bldg. ft you ar booking for a good investment In business property or a tile home or a good vacant lot, w would Ilk to hava you look over th following list carefully. If you do not find what you want com and se us, w have a large list to select from and w will try to satisfy you. 180 A two-story brick store building In which there are thre stor rooms on th ground floor and three flats above and alao In connection wtlh this place ther ar two seven-room modern houses. The total property rents for $117 a month. We ar auth orized by th owners to offer this property for $12,000. It Is located on 24th north of Cuming. This Is a good deal less than ths cost of tha Improvements. 6612 Lot 67x148, only seven blocks from the high school, on which ther Is on room house, modern except furnace, one four-room hone and on five zoom hous. Thla property belongs to an estate and must 6629 On 28th near Mason, a 7- room, new, strictly modern house, east rront. ele gant location. A great bargain for $1,600. Don't fall to sea It, If you want t buy a home. In Kounti Place on a paved tret a modern seven-room house, wmcn is a great bargain for $3,000. I 6631-On Burt street near 2fith, only two blocks from .Crelghton college, lot $3x136, five-room cottage, has city water and sewer, south front, nice shade trees, $1,250. One block from SOth and Lake, a five-room cottage, lull lot, soutn front, $i,ww. ureal bargain; must be sold to clos an estate. i VACANT LOTS. In the west Farnam district, Hanscom Place, Kountie Place and beautiful Bemlg Park we can offer you great bargains In any ot these additions. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Tel. 1781. First Floor. N. Y Life Bldg. -RE Public Sale Postponed The sale of the southwest nusrter (S. W. V), section five (6), township sixteen 0. range nine (9), in Douglas county, Ne braska, has been adjourned untllU o'clock a. m. Thursday. January OT. 1904, when It will be held at the east door of the court house In the city of Omaha. The sale will remain open at least one hOUr- JULIA THOMAS, Administratrix of the Eatate of John D. Thomas. rb 7-ROOM modem house direct from owner leaving city; bargain. 2t.22 gj Ex no ;a,u.. - nf winter wheat . . A.tA ttislt rye. Parley, oats and corn EorIl,.' and terms write the owner. H. P. Nlelseu. Lexington, Neb. RE -46 Z4 Bulletin. 67XK4 EAST FRONT VACANT LOT. 22D STREET, SOUTH OF MANDERSON. $600. 125X127V4 DESIRABLE DOUBLE CORNER FACING EAST AND NORTH. 30TH AND SEWARD STREETS, $1,700. 60X120 EAST FRONT VACANT LOT, FINE BHADE TREES. VAN ' CAMP AVE. BETWEEN 17TH AND 18TH STREETS. $400. FARMS 160 acres Bohemian settlement, Butler Co., (40 tier acre. $20 acres Nuckoll Co. Price $10,000. Would trade. 200 acres near Bancroft. $57.50 per acre. 160 acres Roberta Co., So. Dak., 26 per acre, l-o acres near Antnon. lowa. o per acre, 160 acres Hitchcock Co. Price 11.000. 640 acres near Woonsocket, So. Dak., to traue ror stock Hardware or uen. Mase. Cash nrtee 331 rjer acre. 226 acres Waahlngton Co. land, $30 per acre, Would trade for aaloon. 660 acres near Fremont. Best farm In county, $65 per acre. THIS ABBOTT-COWAN IvMrAN I , 812 Brown Block. RE $73 24 -ROOM cottage, nice corner lot, near 33d and Blondo sis., tl.soo. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK". RE 461 24 F. d. wead: 6-room cottage, with city water and barn is oiocKs west or f. o. ; nice nome; i,t. 16Z4 UOUglSS titiVA 24 FOR BALE cheap, highly Improved 160 acres near elation, ti nines rrom Kan City. Address owner, W, 8. Armstrong, raraer, una io , tvansaa. Ki NEW 6-room modern house In rood local Ity, lies high and sightly, $1,800 If taken at once. Bents for VM. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-469 24 Shimer & Chase, Builders of Modern Houses. The kind you ars looking for. style and location to please you. We do build. Come and See Us. New office. 1609 Fsmam, after February 1, ground floor. Convenient for you to call. Either of .theaa suit? $2,500 Hanacom Park. -r. dwelling, new. desirable, modern, beat to be had in that neighborhood, probably pleas you. Let us tell you about It. $1,800 Right on Sherman Ave. car, 8-r. cot tage, bath, closet, hot and cold water, splendid neighborhood, a gem for small family, new. 1,200 North 26th St., 4-r. cottage, corner, city water and gaa, good repair, cheap, sell for more In spring. SHIMER & CHASE, 604 Bee Bldg., Realty. Tel. 1442 After February 1st, 1009 Farnam St. RE-386 24 FOR BALE Oood farm land in Custer Cc-. feVM-aVwi H Be. 614ToRwni3.;R0: and N W '4 Sec? 2H-14-22; all good aoll, v.?67io acres under cultivation; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. be sold. Their prlr Is $6,000 B. R. BALL 516 N. Y. LIFE. PHONE B1229. $2,000 No. 627 8. 21st ave., l-room house, mnrirn .imnt fnmaci. $2,6502109 8. S4th St., 7-room house, full lot. modern except furnace. $1,900 2B1 N. 19lh ave., It-room house, mod em except furnace; $4u0 down, '$20 per month. t Der cent interest $1,6002418 Blondo St.. 9-room house, city water, barn; houae has Just teen re nt tea; xsoo casn, oaiance ny in month. $2.100 15 Ame ave., new (-room modern nouse. excent rurnac. $1,85018; S. 27th st., 4-room house. This Is a bargain. Come quick City lota at very low figures In different I Darts of the cltv. Acre DroDerty in and around the city that will Increase 26 per cent In value In twelve months. RE 443 24 BARGAINS IN FARMS Fine 100-acre farm In Douglas county; 10 miles west ot Omaha; under a mgn siate of cultivation; good house, ne-wbarn and other buildings; tine pasture and meadow; Dlentv of ahade and fruit treca. By rea son of the recent death of the owner, this farm must be sold and will be sacrificed for cash, or for part cash and balance on lona time at 6 rer cent. Improved farm of 160 acres In Burt county. one mile irom county aeat; gooa farm house and other buildings; rich soli, some timber and running water. Price, for short time, $60 per acre, or will trade for Omaha Improved property or suburban acre. JNO. W. ROBBINS, 1S02 Farnam Street. RE435 24 i ACRES, moatly fruit, fine 11-room dwel ling, just a nne suburban nome, 6,uou. BEMIS. PAXTON B1XJCK. , RE 474 24 F. D. WEAD. Nice new house, ( rooms, modern, with large lot, In Bemls Park, on high ground; If suld this week, $2,100. 16-4 Douglas. RE-467 24 HOUSE FOR SALE, WEST PART CITY. $1,300.00. 701 8. 36th St., 7 rooms, lot 66x124, rents $16.00 per montn. GEORGE ic COMPANY. 1601 Farnam st, RE 441 24 STRICTLY modern 8-room house. In Kountse I Place, hot water heat, paved street: heavily encumbered and MUST SELL TO RAISE CASH. Would consider trade of equity for smaller house In good locality. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 470 24 BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS. Near Hemls park and 33d and Hamilton sts., $200 to $j00 each and on easy terms. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 406 24 Great Bargairi. Choice corner lot. with larae modern house. strictly inside. . finest location in city, $9,500. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board Trade Bid-. RE 408 24 X NEW MODERN HOUSE, CHOICJQ LOUATIO n W A Li IV- INU I) I 8 T A H C IB Oill 3 4. 0 0 0. 0 0. am California St.. 8 rooms and large hall. haa porcelain nam, cioaei ana stationary washstand in bath room, furnace, best of gas fixtures, laundry room in basement, wltn cementea noor. GKOROE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam st. RE 441 24 $ ACRES bottom land east of South Omaha, $200 per acre ; big barrain; must sen. RF.MI9. PAXTON BLOCK. RE 471 24 wirp; bom of 8 rooms on N. 16th. with 10 lots; paved street and fully paid; $3 0 cash, balance easy payments; Juat the pl.ice to raise chickens. F, D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE M46I 26 Homes and Building Lots on Monthly Payments $10 down and $10 per month are the terms on which you can buy a lot, $160 to 1800 each. 26th and Grande ave and 28th and Pratt sts. R. H. Landeryou, 442 Board ot Trade. Tel. 2151. lfi 410 Z4 INVESTMENT. $5,000. titlTrtir knalnaea tvt 1 1 1 A I n aa In hAA4V A SAaW. "tail district: occupied I y VsT-clas. t. cennSfttrpdC:.l'$5oe(Koa,: py' ' W. FARNAM SMITH CO. RE 427 24 COTTAGE FOR SALE, 8021 CHICAGO ST., $2,150.00. T rooms, all modern except furnace, good repair, desirable neighborhood, asphalt pavea ireei. GEORGE ft COMPANT. 1601 Farnam St. RE 440 24 2X12 SAHI.ER, 6 ROOMS $SO0. 1210 N. 26TH ST., 6 ROOMS, $1,000. 1621 OHIO. 6 ROOMS, $1.2o0. 2426 CHARLES, 6 ROOMS. $1,80. 8835 FRANKLIN. 7 ROOMS, $1,600. 2Z47 PIERCE ST.. $l,iS0. 2417 DAVENPORT, 75x116, $2,400. 10ACRE8 NEAR CAR LINE. $1,800. S ACRES OPPOSITE NO. 6425 N. 24TH ST.. NEAR CAR LINE. $1,900. 20 ACRBri WEST FORT OMAHA. $3,600. laiACKtd 12 MILES WEST. 810.000. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. HE 412 24 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A Suggestion Was made bv us in last Sunday's Bee that you go out and see the newly platted lots at 24th and Man derson. Several have done so, and bought. There are a few choice lots left, We expeet to sell them this week. The most beautiful buildine sifes in Omaha. One J625 each. Ask for handsome circular showing plat. Ernest Sweet, 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. RE 494-24 HOMES. ' On Burdette st., near 29th, S rooms and oam; rents lor $10; price, xsoo. On Lincoln ave., near 4th, 4 rooms; nice lot: a enur utile hnme fnr xS&O. On South 10th, 7 rooms; porcelain tub; beat plumbing; rents for $18; a graat big bargain at $1,600; see us or owner at 61o Hlrkorv. On South 9th, 2 small houses with 80x140 tet n t rrnlinit' nnlv tl 7KA 0norrro"ert7TrV6vttae8 na ,ot: un ms pie si., zzii-m: qoudis nouae, i rooma; eastern owner desires to close this and other properties out; get par ticulars. Oood 8-room modern house In West Far nam location: onlv t.1.000: snan. Desirable 9-room house In West Farnam location: onlv $4,260: snao. Frontlnar the If. W. Tatea realdence. an excellent i-room, moaern nome; interior of lower floor In oak: price reduced to I K.BOO. ... . ... On Burt St.. larre house and 2 fine lots; a benutirul home; price only 6,wn; mis Is a very desirable property In a choice location. LOTS. 8. E. cor. 36th and Franklin sts., $o00. On 86th. near Cuming, $060. Bouth fronts on Dodge St., near m. choice lots, I'.'.w Sightly corner, 86th and Jackson, $3,600. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., RE 42$ 7-ROOM house, full corner lot, near 33l and Cuming sts. Bargain at ii.zou. BEMIS, FAXTOJN BIA" . BE 475 24 49 ACRES fine farming land close to Omaha for $4,600. Hicks Real Estate Co., 43$ Board Trade Bldg. RE 492 24 H Homes H Why pot get a home of your own and stop paying rent. These are oniy a lew ui that minv mm hnva to offer: 2411 N. 19th St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace; 6 down, up; nne, large iui. Prlr 2 700. 21 Davenport. 7 rooms, modern except furnace: large lot; gooa location, r-nce t2 rm 24a Spencer, new 6-room house, modern ex cept furnace; built laat year. Price $2,)). M14 M !tih at . lnrrs 8-room house, modern exceDt furnace; piped ror furnace; 0 rooms aown. up; win irks o or e-room fr.it arm In trade. Price 13.100. 2616 Ames ave., new 6-room house, modern except furnace. Price $2,100. 8711 N. 19th at., good 6-room cottage, mod ern except furnace; large lot, gooa Darn; nnw vflfAnt! 12.000. Will build a house to suit In any part of the city. Open Monday evonlngs irom to 10. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 N. Y. Life Building. RE $71 24 LOT 14. block 14, Weet End ; Ideal location for nice nome: or e, tl.wo. tjompetent judge say It's wqjrth more, but I must nan A roajinnaniff orrer. it quick, win teke It, W. N, Nason, ao'.e agent. 446 Bee hi Idg. nctotv it A WINTER BARGAIN, ONLY $2,050. At Wt72 Reward street we have a good 8' room houae, hard oil nnlsh: witn cam, cioaet, nov wuitrr, bc wci, an" hi, w.r..v.u , nice cellar: house In good repair, on full Kn.fnnt smith front lot: nicely shaded. with barn, all fenced In. This has just been vacated and quick possession can be given If sold at once before new ten ants move in. cnoice reaiaence ai-inci; hlnki trnm atre. car and tha best stores, churches, schools, etc. In- vestlgate quick and let us hear from you. PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO.. Sole Agents, Sixth floor. 601-3 New York Life Bldg. RE M192 22 A BARGAIN Three good lots southeast corner Dodge and 42d for $1,875. HICKS, 439 Board Trade Bldg. RE 408 24Z Cheap Lot Will sell handaome residence lot near Far nam and 83d streets for $2,250. Addreas B a. Bee office. RE 407 24x BIG SNAP. 14-acre fruit farm, nicely Improved. $1,700. Small fruit farm weu improved, stock lm elements. $1,800. 1 acre of ground and 8-room house, S. ttlh St., rjinana, smw. v If taken at ones. List your property to sell or rent with ua. THE BAUTTKK & MAKt.8 CO., Cor. 20th and Pierce Sts. RE M213 24 X FOR SALE, a great bargain If taken soon; large well Duiit nouae ana lot ciore in; price $2,200. well worth $2,6u0; eeey terms. I also have three well Improved farms close to the city. Possession given March 1. Owners will give easy terms. Call or addreas George F. Pierce, 2W Poppleton avenue. tun aw six our display advertisement-Page 18. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. First floor. TJ. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. RE 381 24 FARMS FOR 8ALE. 160 Acres 7U miles from Omaha P. O : 1H miles frem street car. ana pavea street; aooui w acres In good timber and pasture, balance under cultivation: hew $3.uuo houae; wind mill; nne lana. owner has to sell on count of sickness. Price. $70 sn sere Hastings 4V Heyden, 610 snd 611 N. Y. Life. 30, 66 and 80 acres, Weet Dodg St., 7 miles from P. O.; fine farming or garden land; 36-acre piece has fine Improvements. The nrlce is rlaht. Hastings & Heyden, $10 end til N. T. Life. J70 24 H 5 1-4 Acres 1 mil from end of Benson car lays fin. The best bargain offered In that district: orlc 8650. can ana let us snow It to you. Hastings & Heyden, 610-511 N. Y. Llf Building. FINE, level farm lands In Canada, $6 to $13 in acre: excursions nrst and third Tues days of every month. Hasttnge at Hey. oeu. 610 r. X. Ufe Biag.. omaba. nit). m i t FARMS FOa REIT. SEVEN-ROOM house end g acres ef fine arden land. Dlenty of good fruit. 86 aoDle. T. . I nm mr,A -M ,.k.r,u .a k.lf . .. . gooa grapua, an bearing; win give 1 or I yaars icaas. airs. J. r. iiocn, sisi ana Ames ave. 417 MX FARM FOR RENT. 74) acres, unimproved, mile east of Irving- ion, u.w per acre. UiXmUE at COMFAKY. 101 Famaut st " W9 24 FOR RK1T- HOISE. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. p.-k move anl stnr II 11. goods, xtorenous. 1120-14 N. lth. Olflcs, IdllVa Farnam. Tel. -43. 1-M44 FOR RENT -room house. 25Ki Wool worth av. ; porcelain bath, gaa, hot ana cold water; newly painted and papered throughout .. 3. 11. Sbl wood. NW York L4f Bldg. D M7 UnilPQ In all parts of th city. Th IIUUOCO o. F. Davis Co., fro Bee Bldg. jii HOUSES In all parts of the city. R. C. Petais Co., Be Bldg. D 114 PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO . choice bouses. fOl-ik Mew York 1-ir mug. i none mi D 11 SEVERAL good houses. $10 to $18. Chris uoyer. ua ana Cuming. 1 none .v i 111 NEW l-room, modern brkk, close In, Just compietea. JOHN N. FRKNZEK, Opp. Old P. O. D MM NEW modern rooms. 1317 8. tth st . $18. WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van Stor- . HA ... ,-1. , ' I. . V. V., ATI, 1, W 1 us HOUSES, Insurance. RIngwalt, Barker Blk. ij 11s 7-ROOM pottage, alt on on floor, new por celain path, nlckle piumtiing. new poiisnea noors, Deatitiiuuy nnisnea tnrougnout, on car line. t26. WILLIAM K. POTTER, 30$ BROWN Bt.K. i iti new apartment house Th most elegant apartment house In vmnna, tn l natnam, just rompictea, lid b. ivitn at., opposite tne niiuaru. 1 ne nine flats ar offored separately or together for gentlemen only. Every luxury of bath, heat, smoking room, etc. Adjacent to the banks and wholesale district. Best refer ence required. Apply to II. J. Windsor, 161$ Dodge at. D M227 3 vn-n upmt . ., r . v... II 20th anii Ohio eta. r M221 Ui FOR RF.NT In FEM1S PARK, an 8- roora house. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, noi water neat, porcelain natn, etc., gaa and electric llsht mantel, sneakltia- tubes. Jn faot RIGHT CP TO DATE IN EVERY RESPECT. For further particulars In quire of Payne Investment Co., Main Floor pi. Y. Life bldg. D M-'14 24 FOR RENT, six-room modern house; nsw; west rarnam car line. The . r . Davis Co., 60S Bee building. D M230 Fl BEVEN-ROOM house, 2H09 N. I2d. near Ohio; modern: hot water heat; fine order; present occupant leaves city, $26. J. II. Blair, 728 N. Y. Life Bldg. D-248 24x SPECIAL! $20 S. 21st St., elegant 10-room house, mod ern In every respect: Possession February 1. Present tenant will sell furniture for eight rooms at big reduction. IHAR. K. WILLIAMSON CO., U. a National Bank Bldg. D387 24 $17.60 FOR 6-room cottage; gas, water, good yarn, ar inm ana Hamilton. POTTER, FORGAN V HASKELL, 420 N. Y. Life. D 363 24 260s Davenport, 10-room hous with barn $36 00. RV2 PHrk Ave. Nice 7-room cottage. 4430 Farnnm-8 rooms, newly painted and papered tfyi. 2C15 Dodge i-room cottage, gag and water 8 3. 8-room cottage, 19th St.; boulevard $13. r?10 Farnam -ronm flat $20. w. farnam Smith & CO., 1320 Famam st. D 240 See our display advertisement Page 18. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. First floor, U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. " D-3S. 24 2R7S HARNEY ST., 9 ROOMS, $16. 2S6 POPPLETON AVE., $18. 1424 N. 19TH,MOPERN BRICK. $36.60. JOHN W. FKEMZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D 416 84. SIX-ROOM furnished cottage, modern. steam heat, walking dkitanoa, on car line, nice lawn and ahada,: vacant ahnne - Feb. 1st.: near high school. Address B 49, Bee. DM41I 2&X FOB WPTNT -ROOM modern house, 1144 Bo, jd st'.. .i; e-room modern house, 1114 Bo. 2?th St., $20; 10-room modern house, 2210 Pop- r 1 nomas orerman, Hwm . 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. D-430 24 PAYNE INVE8MENT mvPANV 2910 Grant St., 4-room cottage: city water: $7.60. 1818 No. 28th, 6 rooms; fine repair; rlty water; $1$. $820 No. 20th St., 8-room house; city wster; gas; $16. 209 Ho. 28th ave.. 7-room houae: walktna- Al.tan,.. i bath, toilet, lavatory, hot and cold water: y nln. ...I. lfi T) T . . mj. ana i n wet meni uom- pany. Main floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D-428 24 i I FINE 11-room house at 8177 Davennnrt mi I tsouineast corner or S2a and Davenport Sts.): Will be VSCated bv Fphrmrv Id- rent $70 per month. Apply to H. J. Wind sor, loio uoage si. u M43Z 28 MOB BY TO LOAN HKAL. ESTATId. FARM and city loans, low ratts. W. it xnomas, irai nt.i l tJauk JUldg. TsL16ks W-U7 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Lira. W-.u . 4 TO I P. C money. Jsamls, Paxton block. w ia I PRIVATE money. F. P. Wead, 1630 Douglas. W m WANTED City loans and warrants. W. carnara b oil in at co U2U arnam St. W 111 FIVE per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 W 132 rarnam. WANTED Real eatat loans and warrant. MONEY TO LOAN Ft yn Investment Co W 1M $ farm loans R. C. Patterson, ir.'4 Far nam. w 1 FOR RENT STORE! AKD OFFICE. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at m famam. Kiw, four stories and nrsl-elaaa cemented basement elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of flze counter and fixture. For price and partluulars Inquire C. C. Roaewater, so retary bee Building Co., room luO. Bee Building. I Ma. FOR RENT, storeroom and baaement lm gooa location, particularly aaapieu lor s plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with lmllar requlrmnts; Jower furnished If required. K. C. Peter . Co., rental aguls, ground floor. Bee building. 1-M794 I STORIES and baement !2xl00; 1005 Far nam St- Inaulr 814 First Nat'l Bank bldg. 1 iui FOR RENT, thre u iDDer stones in lour- story ouiiuina i tli Farnam St.. twe unrlM if ureterred. lei Address C. C. Rom water. Seo'y., Room 100. Hot mag. 1-M964 FOR RENT. 4-tory and basement build I Ing. 1616 Dodg t., now oocupfeu V if. Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premliiea. 1779 $-BTORY snd baaement brick bldg., 22x67, sultaDie ior manuievtui 2-story bldg.. with store room snd 71 rooms; hotel or oonrnins nouaf. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 13-0 I arnam HBt. H FOR SALE 'HORSES, WACOM, ETC. I I kkW and Id-hand vehicles for sal: raw flairs. 11. Frost, 14th and Leaveuwurtiu li.7 TWO tins depot Wagons. $ rockaways, 1 coupe, I traps, i waguneite, t uiuya. Drummond Carriage Co., 16ib apd llur by. P 4j FOR BALE, several good horses, a ftrr sets ui za-nana aouoie ana stngie nsr ness. Melcher s Sales Stables, 8. Ism. - , T-Mill jr , FOR SALE, cheap slightly used: Two carriages, pnaeiona, too Duggies, i flriving wagons. jnaersen-jsiiiai u io. wagons. 1616-1$ Capitol ave. r at FOR SALE, 2d-hand four-paasenger car riage (brougham) at a bargain If taken at once. 1309 Harney St. P--M176 FOR SALE Good second-hand header, cheaD. Address L. J. Wilson, P. O. Bog 138. Silver Cretk, Neb. fU2V 1