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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1604. AN. !, . Matktt Closed but Littli Unler th High Bsoord of Wednesday. I . JULY WHEAT FAILS TO REBOUND WITH MAY Oat Higher, bat Cora Shows a Blight Fa Ulnar Off, While rrerlaleas Appear to Be la the Ascendency-. CHICAGO, Jan. 21. "A storm of liquida tion broke over the grain pita todny. Nev ertheless after a fan of kite In July and 14,0 In May the market closed at but lit tle under the extraordinary high record t In yenterday'a llrial (juntatlons for Mny, the leading option. July, however, failed to redound equally with May. The felling of July wheal owing to rain In the eouth Wput waa the Immediate oaune of today a remarkable slump, ihe rally waa due to covering by ehurts. May - wheat cloned only HuV4u lower than yesterday. May corn la 441 fee lower, oats are off Vc, and provisions closed from a shade to 60 mgher. The day waa one of marked activity and excitement in the wheat pit. An ominous lull pervaded the pit at the start. Overl ing quotations were steady,- May bring Ho higher to vc lower, at i'Vqi-o. T...ji..rf was barely 'Under way, however, when a general selling movement began In the July delivery. The causa of the sudden activity In this option was the relief from drouth experienced bv the growing crop la the southwest, where copious rains were reported. With the heavy selling in July, small holders In May decided to se cure profits before It wis too late. As a result general liquidation enxued. The leader of the longs bought openly In an effort to stem the tide, hut ottering were too liberal, and before the break had been checked May had declined to tfcViu, a loss lo from the high point July waa much weaker than Mny and old from M'ic to MUo at the opening down to 8140, a sheer drop of 6c With May at 8u4jo early, short sellers began to buy and the market gradually recovered. Commission' houses and local traders were liberal buyers the latter part of the day, and May regained 'all of Its early loss, the price again touching. 82'4o Just before the close, lcinal figures were at tV.kVVlc. July did not respond to the Improved senti ment as readily as the nearby delivery and closed with a loss of iyc, at 83fet:. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 328,WJO bushels. - Primary receipts were I71,3uu bushels, against 367,300 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 857 cars, against 4ri oars last week and 374 cars a year ago. Corn opened steady on firm cables and unfavorable weather. May being a shade higher to' a shade lower at 6nfeo to ftMyft sofec. The market soon weakened, how ever, on the break In wheat. On the de cline a lot of stop-loss orders came out and a quick slump to 4Wfec for May followed. or a time the market received little sup port, but later houses which have been tjrienaiy to the bull side became heavy rti'ers and there was also, covering hv loa shorts. As a result much of the early decline waa recovered and a Arm tone prevailed at the close, although May wa". 1 lower at 49TsfjS0c. Ixtcal re ceipts were 218 cars, none of contract grade. Oats fared the best of the grains, and while there was a sharp break early in sympathy with the wheat weakness all of the loss was - recovered and a new high Pseord In May was recorded. Commission oiises were the best buyers and were Influenced by the continued light receipts and the strong rash situation. May opened unchanged to Ln inr ,inVa 4sHi sold down to Uc, but reacted later ln,,.h d1v ,a i2c- Te close was at 42U ?V-. .kcal receipts were 10 cars. Provisions weathered the gale and held steady In the face of the sharp breaking of prices. Much smaller receipts of hogs . IL."?'1 bpen elmated. with an advance of 10o In the price at the yards, was the steadying Influence. There was some sell ing by local longs and also for outside account, but the market held well and ,t?adfl wl,,h Mav Pork 2Ho higher, at 813.27. May lard was up be, at $7.28 ?,Th.iie IS"..? ..a Bh"a higher at StUttyi ?Jt- tantd receipts for tomorrow: The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l T'sfyl r . fe " mtlTi92 S2V4 mvi -n-n - nr .v?i 4fi4 ' 4BH ' .' 4Afe 4t, 46H SOU- Hi S0(m 4SM, 49TitifiO W'H H 1 SH 47 48fe . 48 2limi ""2 "'"ivi, tJfefo 42HH 38 88V. ..37fe . 37Ti its UK 83 :33fe 33 Si ...... : ..1... 18 00 12 95 13 27H lirH UH 13 17V4 13 25 J Of) l OTSi 9?H 8 97H trm IF !17 7 28 720 T 27V4 7 80 7 26 7 XIU 1 2S . ;p4l 87t4 6 87 THI 8 40. 80 0 80 8 80. 8 80 lfo. & Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market firm; winter patents 84.10fiH.30i Winter straights, IS.SOtfjNi.lO; ap Ing patent. f4.00iaH.30; straights, 83.60m3.80: bakers. $S.S&&3.80. 88c: No, I red, 8614a . ' C,?SSr- No- ' yell0", OAT3-NO. t white. 89341c; No. 3 white, euc. RTBNo. 8. 40c BAKLKY-Oood feeding, 408H2c: fair to Choice malting, 47pWo. ' BEEDB-No. 1 ("lax, 81.12- No. 1 north western, 31 12Vt: prime Umothy, 83.25; clover, contract grade, 811.28, 1 PROVISIONS-Moss pork, per bbl.. 31310 tniisTH. Lard, per 100 Tibs!. 87.02H. .' Short V""1" meg tloose), tti.jrva.SB; short clear side. (boed), 8i.62H, 75. . , ' . ' - Receipts. Shipments. T our, bWs 80,MO " 62.OU0 Wheat. bu. 74.000 43,Po0 Corn, bu 2S3.000 826.0TK) Oats, bu,' ,. 180,000 146,000 Rye. bu. ,0n0 7,0K) Uariey. bu ; M.OoO 11,000 On the Produce exchange toduy the butter market was steady; creameries, 164".Uo; dairies, 13fflo. Eggs steady at mark, cases Included, ti(i7c. Ulieeae steady, lo10Vu. HEW YORK GBUKHAL MARKET. Qaetailoas ( the Davy oa Varioas COBsaaeattles. ,,N.?L,T0RK' Jan- 21 -FIXUR-necelpts, 80, 7 bbls.; exporu, 26,o$ bbls.; saler, 10,200 packages: market dull and unsettled, de mand being checked Vhe wheat breuk. AVlnter patents. 1.36'u4.u5; winter straights. 34.3uiu4 36; Minnesota patents, 4.7tto5.00; win ter extras. 83.8uitS.5y; Mlnneta bakers, 8a 90 fe.3o; winter low grades, la oo-ui.). Rye ftour.-nrm; fair to good. 83.3fc'aS.4f; choice to fancy 83.a05S.75. buckwheat flour, dull. i.VHi.'3. ..CUKNMEAL-Bteady: - yellow western. 81.08: city. 1.05; kiln dried. 8ii.KW3.oo" RVE Steady ; No. 2 western, 610, nomi nal f. o. b. afloat; state and Jersey, WmiSc: choice to fancy, S3.5ofc3.85. . " ' BARLEY Dull; lauding, 47c, New ork; malting. fcaOc. c. 1. f. Buffalo. VV11KAT Receipts, 7.S00 bushels; exports. 31.KKO bushels; sales, 4.2O.0oO bushels; fu tures. M.uou bushels spot. Spot, steady: No. 8 red. Wc. elevator; No. 3 red, 9fk-, f. o. b. S float; No. 1 northern, Puluth. 31.00'i. f. o. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, - ? a?at. Options experienced an un expected break this morning on heavy sell ing, stop-loss orders and bearlxh weather fDl news. Iater, however, hey rallied on renewed bull support at rhk-ago, and clgsed relatively strong at VTc net deUlne. Bales Included: No. t rej. May a'! " :16c: July- . fORN-Rei-elpts. 30.100 bushels; exports, 8W1 bushels; spot, irregular. No. I, 6c. yii..r. enu tw- r. o. b. snoat; No. 3 yel-li!w,t6JcVNr!- 'hl,- s,Wc. The option mar.Vt.. broke tent per bushel until liquidation started by the wheat smash but jventuily rallied on covering and closed only net lower; May. $6V.4 lojjo: Closed, 56,c; July closed 54o ..VT8 i11""' 67 bushels- "exports. -.. bushels; spot quiet. No. i, 45c; stand- . 111,0, ww, tjc; xo I while 7c; No. 8 white. 460; tnTck. white Vesf: ern, 4IV4j46o. Options, nominal. FEEL ilrra; spring bran. "OsSiBIO UK middlings. 8iO 50fi 21.00; city. Sl'jiTllO? HAY Steady; shipping, .70c; good to choice. B&'pauc HOP-Flrm: state common to choice 19u3, 2o37c; IkOI. Jijrjc; olgs, l'H&lic: Pci ficcoast. llsjS. 2;fi34c; 19oi. siirc; olds. 10 i4tlDE8-rirroi California, H to 25 iba.. WOOL Firm. ISt)3V: Japan, nominal. . ra. LKAT11 KR Steady ; acid. aQite TAI.Iii)V-Iull. PROVISION -Heef. steady; family. l no 111 sasl . 9h4s7 "C K.J..LI..4 . . L . i j 400; plukled hams, 7 50 60. Lard, stronger western steamed, 85 40; January, 87. 4. nom luali refined, steady; comment, 37.45; com pound, 86 50ft 4 75. Pork, Arm; family, 316; ehort cfr. 8IH.5oI16 (0; mej. IM iVft 1A.IO. HUTI KR Irregular; creamery, lbgJlc; stBte dnliy, K-ijlSc. CHEK8& fltesdy; state full cream, fancy large and small, colored and while, 8tep temher, 12c; late made, 10Hc KUU8 Firm; western, 3ru31e. BL'OAR-Haw, nominal; lair refining, 2 27-32-; centrifugal, M test, 8 13-83c; mo- rtrm nuKir, s i9',uv ; rennea, auii; rruBiiru, 5c; powdered. 4.fi6c; granulHted, 4.4.r.c. POULTRY Alive and dress-id, steady and unchanged. Philadelphia Prod ere Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 21. BUTTER Steady, fair demand: extra western cream ery,; extra near-by prints, 87c. KOOS Weak and lc lower; fresh hear by, 3-o at the mark; fresh western. 31c at the mark; fresh southwestern. 8')$j31o at the mark; fresh southern, 2300 at the mark. CHEESE Unchanged; New York full creams, choice to fancy, UVullVc OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadlttoa of Trade and Quotations on ' Staple and Fancy Irodece. EOQ8 Receipts, more liberal; market Weak; fre-ih stock, 24ji7c. . LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8Ho; spring, chickens, D'uU'tc; roosters, accoruing to aau, 41 6c; turkeys, Uylac; ducks, tfuloc; geese, 54j9c. ORE38ED POULTRV Turkeys, l31Se; ducks, liJjllc; geese, 10c; chickens, Kftil 10Hc. t UTTER Packing stock, HlH4c; choice to fancy dairy rolls, MfrUc; separator, 22o. FRE8H KJ8H Trout, 10c; pickerel, c; pike, 9c; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 15c; whlteflsh, IK'; salmon, lie; haddock, loc; codtlsh, 12c; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., Etc; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black baas, 2-!i5c; halibut, 13c; crapplei, 12c; herring, 6c; white bass, 14c; bluelins. So. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43c; per gal., 33.00; extra seiects, per can, 35c; per gal., $1.00; standard, per can, 37c; per gal., 81.60, RKAN Per ton, 314.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, 36.50; No. 2, 36.09; medium, ' 85.50; coarse, kn.00; rye straw, $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality, De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 3Nc OATS 37c. KYL No. 2, 60c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, itoc; Dakota, per bu., 7V"5c; native, 6"i70c. 8VEaiT POTATOLB Illinois, per bbl., $3.60. NAVY FEAN9 Per bu., 82.25. CELERY -Small, per dox., 36305c; large California. 60c, J6c and Wc. ONIONS Bpafilsh, per crate, 31.60; Colo rado yellow, per bu., 1.00; red, per lb., 140. CABBAOE Wisconsin Holland, S'Wttc. TURNIPS Canada rutabagas, per lb., IVic; white, per bu., 60c. CARROTS Per bu., 76c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. ooo. BEETS ler bu., 60c. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate. 82,75. CUCUMnERS-Per dos., 81.25. RADISHES Per do, bunches, 36c. LETTUCE HEAD Per dos bunches. (Me (78100; per bbl., 37.00; leaf lettuce, per dox. bunches, 45c. TURNIPS Southern, per dox.. 76c. BEETS Southern, per dos., 75c. CARROT 8 Southern, per dox., 75c. PARSLEY Southern, per dox., $1. ONIONS Southern, green, per dot., 603 76c FRUITS. APPLES California Bellflowers, per box, 81.80; Baldwins and other varieties, 83.50; New Ycrk export Ureentngs, Russets and Baldwins, S3.7& GRAPES Pony Catawhas, 20c; Imported Malagas, per keg, $5.0O700. CRANBERRIES Jersey," per bbl., 87.00 per box, 3-'.5o; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, J8.00&8.W; Hell and Cherry. SS. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida Brlghts and Russets, all sixes, 32.25; navels, all sixes, oholce, 32.26 &2.3S; fancy, all sixes, 82.75. LEMONS California fancy, 800 to 800 slxs, 34; choice, 240 to 270 sizes, 83.60. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, R5c; Imported Smyrna, S-crown, 14c; 6-crown, l'ic; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch, 82.00 2.50; Jumbo. 82.7fS3.25. CUCOANUT8 Per sack, 84; per dox.. 60c. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs., 2; per lb.. In 60-lb. boxes, 6Vo; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, 82.40. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin YOung Americas, 13c; block Swiss, lc; Wisconsin brick, 13o; Wisconsin Umburger, 12o. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, 83; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 83.26. MAPLE SUGAR OlilO.- per lb., 10c. CIDER Per bbl., 85.7b; per DDI., POPCORN Per lb., 2Hc; shelled, 8SVtc. HORSERADISII-Per case of 2 dot., packed, 80c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15Hc; hard shell, per lb., 14o; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Braxlls, per lb., . 11c; filberts, per lb., Ho almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans,, large, per id., no; small, per !., 10c; peanuts, Jper lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7Hc; Chill walnuts, 12jl3V4c; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; Bhell barks, per bu., $2; black walnuts, per bu., $126. HIDES No. 1 green,- 6c; No. green, 6c: No. lsalted. 7c; No. 2 salted, c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8Vc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6Mio: dry salted hides, Mjl2c; sheep pelts,. 2S76c; horse , hides, 8l.Eoa2.50. t. Lonls Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 91Hc; track, 90c; May, 80Hc; July, Wc; No. 2 hard, SOVftJ-ViC CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 44c; track, 464H6HC; May. 47V4c; July, 40c. . OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 3!c; track, 40c; May, 41Hc; No. 2 white, 41 Ho. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 84.40 &4.60; extra fancy and straight, $4.164.40; clear, 8S.4l63.60. 43EEDS Timothy,, quiet; $2.202.S6; prime higher. - CORNMEAL Steady'! $2.40. ' m BRAN Higher; sacked, east track, 83 45S50.- HAY Quiet; timothy,. $6.00ei2 60 prairie, S8.0O!i9.Q0. IKON COTTON TIES 81.08. BAOGINO 5QHo. , . HEMP TWlNE-4c. . PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; stand ard mess, lobbing. $13.35. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $ 66. Baoon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.00; clear ribs, $7.40; short clear, $7.75. . , . POULTRY Turkeys, higher; chickens, 8Ho; springs. 8c; turkeys, 12ViQiaVic; ducks, loc; geese, 6c. , , BUTTER Dull; creamery, 13ff23o; dairy, 13fi lHc. EGGS Higher at 26c, case count. Re.'.elpiSvShlpments. Flour, bbls . li.jw Wheat, bu. Corn, nu.. Oats, bu... ....84,000 ....38.000 114KiO 48,000 tCansas City Grata ana Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 21. WHEAT May, IVAnBAQ SLS, JON. 76V(i'764c; July. 72V72'c. Ca hard, KiT7Hc: No. 3. 72i(75Uc; 72c: rejected, 63i&67c; No. 2 red, i caan: no. NO. 4. 67ff 93Vo; No. 3. 91i2c. , CORN May, Wte; July. 424c. Cash: No. I mired, 4o&; No. 2 white, 41Vxc; No. 3. mi42c. OATS-No. I white, 89c; No. 2 mixed. 87 RYE No. 2. E2c. HAY Choice timothy, 89.0OS8.60; choice prairie. $7 oofa.TE. BUTTER Creamery. 19321c; dairy fancy, 18c. EGGS Higher: Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 2214c; new No. $ whltewood cases included, 23tc Recelpts.Bhlpmenti. 14.400 91.000 .....76.000 68,800 13,000 " 7.000 Wheat, bu Com, bu Oats, bu Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 21 WHEAT ISo lower; No. 1 northern. 894&Oe No. 2 north ern. ttfiiMc: Mav. 8lTt'ft1?c. asked. RYK-FIrm: No. 1. 61i;62a BARLEY Dull; No. 3, 63cj sample,. 879 CORN-Flrm; No. 8. 42843Hc; May. 49s, askea. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21. WHEAT Snot. nominal; futures, easy; March, to 4'd; May, 6s 4i CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. 4s 7d; American mixed, old, Ss 6Hd; futures, steady; January, nominal; March, 4s Dnlath Crala Market. DULUTH. Jan. 21. WHEAT In store: No. 1 hard, S9c; No, 1 northern, 87Wc: No. 2 northern, sao. on track: No. 1 hard, kks; No. 1 northern, K7Sc; No. 3 norther (I, 86c; way, ivc; juiy, sc. OATS On track and to arrive, SSHc. Toledo d Market. TOLEDO, Jan. 21 BEEDS-Clover, cash and January, $685; February, $67'4; March. prime alslke. $4.30; prima iiinoiny, i.v. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. DRY OOOD8-The market shows an advancing tendency, with buyers Inquiring for goods, which In cer tain Instances they are unabl to obtain. Fruits and Lonadales aa well as other bleacbdd cotton goods have been the fea tures of the market. Jobbers have not been busy, but satisfactory reports are received from the weet SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Oitbint af Aotirity anil Strang th Omits Market to Eigbtr LtreLv SPECULATORS PROFIT AT BEARS' EXPENSE rorelga Markets Cent In ae to Manifest Hesitation and Inactivity la the Asprehensloa of In favor, able War Mews. whlchVT?- Janu "-The Influences Mm in i hi alering force for some biESt t iMj,t,ock mrk '-'"ed an out ?f.BcUlty and etrength today which SSd r"!0" narket t0 hlh"' 'eve ?il!Lriuia J9 nd obstinate short In- wa in in,."n. l,coer cf the shorts n?1h- Jm?rl".nt '"fluenco carrying some ?Deco?StACtlve "tof" upward aid the Dense nr ?h!? th"r Pronu at th - T. f ihp4.rwbuin brethren. The move vonnT(.Whf,"tJ,Ln? Important news de- SndePr h.I theBe tnal hav under discussion for several days. There 5h- iin . d,tncr rd crystalizatlon of j5"lef..uth,at.war w'n Russia and Japan la likely to be averted for the pres. witti or'rn nr"eU continue to manifest ahfn th2? ?"d ,n"lvtty In the apprehen feared, but the ns-reemonta vh C?,t Pnl! ,n,th controversy have given r."",", " ""preesion that the points remaining are not sufficient to Justify a n'T' The growing volume of the for bo"d. ha made an Impression upon the speculative mlnri . ,,.r,.i urr ot an Improvement In the buying of m,u ma continued heavy accumula tion nr monev a t t v, . . , ' belief that the demand for bonds Is likely to extend to the stock list. It is plain that the recent low state of sentiment In the Iron and steel trade no longer exists and definite prospects tf a betterment of conditions there have made an Impression In the speculative markets, but it has been a large and Influential partv In the speculation which has held nrmily to the irrounrt that xirh n strength as have appeared In the stock pureiy manipulative and that the entire absence nf nuh'lo Arrar,A tnm securities would prevent the buyer from disposing of their holdings at a profit. Yesterday and today the bull campaign appeared under such auspicious circum stances as to Impress the uncovered bears with the fear that its progress might ex tend beyond their means to oppoee It, The covering demand was very heavy from va rious outside points. The leadership In the market operations was rather clenrlv trace able to several sources which have been Imposing Influences In great market move ments of the last few years, and the pres tige of this leadership helped to demoralize the bears. There was enormous profit-taking throughout the dav. at the first In stocks which have led the preliminary ad vance before today. These Included South em Pacific, Rock Island. Reading, the Erles. Amalgamated Copper and United Btates Steel preferred. Later when some of these lagrards were brought Into the movement the profit-taking shifted to stocks which had advanced In the early part of the day. This doub'e process of closing up speculative committments serves to reduce the technical forces In the mar ket for a further movement In either di rection. , The breaking of the drouth In the south west was one of the helpful influences of the dny, owing to' tte marked Influence Upon the wheat market. Speculative hopes were expressed of a large diversion of profits of cotton speculation Into stocks and the In itiation to Stock' exchange' membership of the leader of the cotton speculation was an appropriate feature of the day. The mnr ket closed active, and firm and near the top prices for the mnlorlly of stocks. Bonds were notlve and strong. Total sales, par value, $7,075,000. Tnited States bonds were unchanged on call. The following are the quotations on the New York Block exchange: Salcs.Hltrh. Low. Close. Atchison ...i do pfd Baltimore & Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pacific .. Central of N. J Chesapeake ft Ohio. Chicago & Alton... .84.100 69 68H 694 . 2,3(10 9o W 90 .27,800 82 80-H 82 . 2"0 91 , 90hi 90'4 . 7,300 118H 118 . 200 168 102 162H , S.ZOO 34 83 84 8.900 18 7ft 8X 84 85 17 17 30 "80 168 168 10 10 23 "23 79, 80 18 . 18 67 67 27 27 ao ma iu.auu wi Chicago-Gt. Western. 2.CO0 17H do H f"d - ' 81 Chicago & N. W 2,4iO 169 1 01 I 169J4 I ' 11 - 24 Chicago Term. AT... 1.400 do Pfd 3.600 C C. C. & St. L. .... 1.400 SO 18 6 Colo. Southern 1.M0O do 1st pfd 1.000 do 2d pfd Delaware A Hudson. 2.800 27 800 168 167 167: Del., Lock. & West... ...... Denver & Rio Grande 2,600 do Dfd 600 272 23 72 SS ! 48 22 73 28 t 48 22 72 23 6S 4S 170 74 Erie .....12,4-0 do 1st pfd I. 4,100 do 2d pfd 800 Ot. North, pfd,. exdlv. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central , do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 400 74 74 200 514. S4V, M 8.800 133 133 m 21 4O0 41 "4 KHtft 40 21 lou a 204 1.100 88 87 $s IiOulsvllle A Nashville 9.700 111 109 Manhattan L 8 8u0 KRTt 145 110 IS4 66 94 Metropolitan St. Ry.. 1,100 123 122T4 Minn. A St. Louis.. Missouri Pacific 24.600 Mo., Kan. & Tex 4.900 do pfd 4,200 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 700 94 19 42 83 18 40 3 N. Y." Central 2.5O0 120'A 120 120 60 87 22 Norfolk A Western.. .16,800 61 68 do pfd a Ontario ft Western... 8,900 23 Pennsylvania 83,400 122 2? 120 121 P.. C, C. ft St L 100 64 t . 644, Reading 31.700 do 1st Pfd 200 do 2d pfd 46 78 24 63 ' 47 79 '26 68 79 61 26 67 67 Rock Island Co ' do pfd .64.600 .21,600 St. L. ft 8. P. 1st Dfd do 2d pfd 2,800 Bt Louis 8. W 900 do nfd 4.900 47 15 44 46 15 16 36 00 3t Bt. Paul do Dfd 26,400 146 146 14( 179 Southern Pacific 84.100 Southern Railway ....16.900 do Dfd 6.600 Texas ft Paclflo , T- St. L. ft W... do pfd Union Paclflo ... do pfd . 3.300 ,. 7"0 . 600 .62.200 . 3i0 . 1.100 wabash do pfd 4.700 Wheelliig ft L. E 1.900 Wisconsin Central .... 6.60O do pfd 1.4u0 Adams Ex American Ex V. S. Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper 48.700 Am. Car ft Foundry.. 4,900 ao pra ............ . m Am Linseed OH do pfd 200 Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Bmelt. ft Retng. do nfd 3. 011O I.611O t400 BOO Am. Sugar Refining.:. a.8K) 127 125 Anaconda Mining Co.. 3i0 Brooklyn R. T 18,4f Colo. Fuel ft Iron.... Columbus & H. Coal. Consolidated Oas .... General Electric International Paper., do Dfd Htk ) 14 110 194 2. 000 178 193 194 1131 177 2.&I0 181 127 OT 664, International Pump... . ao pra r National Biscuit 1,100 National Lead l.luO North American tao Pacific Mall 1 People's Gas 2.8iO Presel Steel Car 600 do pfd 200 Pullman r?ace Car.. 10 Republic Steel 1 $00 do pfd 3 .7i Rubber Goods 8,700 do pfd 2o0 Tunn. Coal ft Iron.... 8.611O U. 8. leather 800 do pfd IOijO U. 8. Rubber l.OiO do pfd (40 U. B. Steel J do pfd (i0 Western Union 80O 881X 7 7 78 77 15 13 49 48 11 ml 69 67 78ii 13 49 11 68 1 Vs 88 Total salea for the' day." 862.&00 'shares. York Mlalns Oaatatlasi, NEW YORK, Jan. O.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Cos 10 Little Chief A Ilea Braooa BniiMwti-k Cos .. Comstock Tuoosl Cos. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Stlrar ..... lrou Stlvar Laadvllla Cos ... Offered. .. rr .. it .. .. 1 ..17 ..12 .. 8 Ontario Opblr ......... Hhoanlx Potoal saTsge , tilarra Navada Hmali Hops... Standard .... ....tod ....460 .... II .... 81 .... .... n .... N New York Bfoney Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21 MONEY On call easy at I per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered, at $ per cent. Tine loans, easy; to days. 2u3 per cent; 80 days, 3t3 per rent; months. Hii per ecnt; prime mer cantile naner. 4'ii4 ner cent 1BTERI.1NO EXCHANGE Steady at de clne, Willi actual busiueM In tankers' bills 63 ' WWi 61 22 21 ' 22 84 80 81 27 26. 74 28 27 2"', 89 8 3 81 80 81 90 sou y. 204 20 20 8 88 88 18 17 18 21 80 21 41 46 37 220 .'.'.'.'. 106 206 61 49 61 20 19 19 7Q . . E). . 69 10 28 28 18 17 18 78 77 78 49 48 48 91 90 DiiU 127 76 76 76y 61 49 602 31 . 80 m; 144 13 66 32 71 89 89 8! 16 16 16 88 87 87 8:' 81 81 SH'I 98 99 29 29 29 70 70 69 06 B 85 ,7 7 7 46 43 4fi 21 19 77 77 T7 39 St 84 for demand snd st 14 WSvff 4 13& for 60-day bills; posted rates, $4.k3Vi COMMERCIAL RILI.8 84 S2ff4 R3H. PILVKH Bsr, (Hkc; Mexican dollars, etc. PONDS Government, steady; railroad, Strong. The closing quotations on bonds are as fellows: C. I. rf. !, rf o eoupos , So Is, reg i coupon 4a aw 4s, rg . s conpon fa eia 4. rf... 4 coeron ie la, rc cowpoD Atr-hlson sea. 4s.. do ad. 4a Atlantic C. U 4a. B. A O. 4a , da Sua , ...14 ...ln64 ...inH ...1MH ...HI .. .lo:44 ...KT ...10114 ...im4 ... ', ... 19 ... M .. .101 ... sf. ... 70 t, A N. anl. 4a t Manhattan p. g. 4a... lot Mrx. ('antral 4s 70H do 1st lne 1 Miss. St. L. 4s... 7 M.. ST. T. 4s M do la M N. ft. R. of M o. 4a. -H N. T. O. g. tv,s MV n. i. ( . g. a im No. raclllo 4s do 3a N. A W. 0. 4a n. S. L. 4 A par.. Pann. conr. IHa... . 7! . 7 . M . M Central of Oa. ta. do 1st Ino Care. A Oblo 4a. I hlro A A." C, ft. A Q. a. a. Raaitlns gan. St. L A I. M. e. 64.111 1H St. L. A 8. r. fg. 4s. 14 St. L. g. w. la 4 Seaboard A. L. 4s... 80. purine 4a nt4, So. Railway Ss 11Ia Taiai A P. la lit T. , St. U AW. 4a.. 71 Vnlan rrl(1c 4s..:...ini4 do conr. 4s r. 8. Steel Id as.... 74H W'abaah Is IIS1 do deb. B 5li W. A L. B. 4 1 wis. antral 4s 0 Colo. F. A 1. e. 4a.. 73 . 2H O. M. 8. P. 4s..llt C. A N. W. s. 7a 1SI4 C, R. I. A P. 4s.... U 40 COl. it "4 C.r.C. A St. L. g. 4a. H Chicago Tar. 4a ai'a Con. Tobacco 4a H Colo, a so. 4a.... I). A R. O. 4a.,.. Erla prior Man 4a do gen. 4a F. W. A D. C. la Hocking Val. 4fta Offered. gust 7' m Boston Itoeh ttabtat teas. . BOSTON, Jan. 21.-CalI loans, tgr.H per cent; time loans, 4Wu5 per cent. Otllclal closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlion 4a 11 Allouei V Amals-iraatad .... 4 .... ei .... tSVi ....44 .... H .... .... .... t4 .... HVs .... QV .... M .... i .... I ....110 .... I .... 114, .... 3314 H .... 44 .... 72 .... Me. Central 4a... Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany.. Ponton A Maine... , f!Blngham Pal. A Hacla... Centennial Copper Rant . ...I4t ..1S4 buston Hisvaled 140 Dominion Coal N. T., N. H. A H..l5!4 Franklin Pltrbburg pfd 1 ,lle Rorale t'nloo Panlflo ... 81 Mohawk Mex. Central . Amer. Sugar do pfd .... Amer. T. A T ... U'a ...117 ...114 Si Old Dominion ... Oaieola Parrot Qulnry Santa Fa Copper, Tamarack Trlnltjr United Btates .... t'tih Virtorla Winona Wolverine ., Daly West Dominion I. A 8.... W Oeneral Blectiio ....174 Maea. Klectrlc do Dtd 7V tnited Fruit tf V. 8. Bteel 111 do eld est. Westlr.g. common.... 84 Ad rent ure IVi I31d. Dank Clearings. OMAHA. 1 Jan. 21. Bank clearings for today were 81.316.168.68. an Increase of 8189.. 094.96 over the corresponding day last year. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Jan. 21. Money and discounts were quiet In the market today. Trading otv the Stock exchange hod a firm tendency owing to the presence of adverse far east ern rumors, but a tone Of cautious expecta tion was noticeable In various departments. Consols were steady and closed firmer. Homo rails were Irregular. Americans opened fairly steady at about parity while awaiting developments and closed quiet and nrm. 1 no ioreigners were quiet. Japanese and Russian securities hardened. Bullion amounting to 96,000 wan taken Into the Bank of England and 200.000 was with drawn for shipment to South America. The rate or discount or the Hank or England was unchanged at 4 per rent. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total res-.-rve. In- ct eased 1,608,000; circulation, decreased 427,000; bullion. Increased 1.181.023; other securities, decreased 367,000; other deposits, decreased 827.000; public deposits. Increased Z,; notes reserve, increased ci.tus,. 0"0; government securities), decreased 14, 000. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week is 45.61 per cent, as compared with 43.47 last week. PARIS, Jan. 21. Trading on the bourse was caJmer today on the belief In a pacific adjustment of the Russo-Japanese dispute. Internationals Improved. Russian lmiierial 4n closed at 100.26. Russian Industrials had an upward tendency, closing firm. Private rate of discount, 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 87f 860 for the account; ex change on London, 25f 16o for checks. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decreased 32.725.OO0f; treasury accounts current, Increased 82.875,00Of; gold In hand. Increased 350,OOOf; bills discounted, decreased 12.000.oo0f; allver In hand. In creased 2,400,000f. CALCUTTA, Jan. 21. The rate of dis count of the Bank of Bengal as raised todav from 8 to T per cent. np.m.lN. Jn. 21. Exchange on Tondon, 20m 474pfg for checks; 'dWeonnt rates for short bills, 8 per cent; ' tlit three month' bills, 2 per cent. Prices on the bourse wore weak owing to advices from BU Pe tersburg;. ...... Wool Market. LONDON. Jan. 21. WOOI-r-The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 14.401 bales, Including a large selection of superfine scoureds and greasles. Bidding was animated and prices advanced sharply. Merinos were firm and -In active request for all sections. Crossbreds were steadily absorbed, Americans buying a few fine lots and also several parcels of Oeelong greasy. Following are the salee In detail:. New South Wales 1.0o0 bales; scoured, di2sld; greasy, 6d(lsld. . Queensland 1.600 bales; scoured, ls32sld; greasy. 4di'1s Id. Victoria 4,100 bales; scoured, ls2d82sd; greasy, 6d(6 Is 6d. South Australia 2,800 bales; greasy, EdO Is. West Australia 1,700 bales; greasy, 6 lid. New Zealand 1.100 bales; greasy, Cape of Good Hone and Natal 600 bales; scoured, 7dilsl4d; greasy, 610d. A sale of 6.002 bales of sheepskins was held in Mincing Lane today. There was a large attendance and brisk bidding was done. Merinos were occasionally 6 per cent higher. Fine crossbreds were 6 per cent and coarse crossbreds 10 per cent aoove the last sale. Following are the- sales and prices obtained for clothing and combing: New South Wales 270 bales at 6$7d. Queensland 668 bales at 4fi94d. South Australia 418 bales at 6fi7d. West Australia 436 bales at 3Wd. Tasmania 656 bales at 647d. Punta Arenas 761 bales at 6f!8d. New Zealand 1.793 bales at 8in7d. Buenos Ayree 18 bales at 4ti6d. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21. WOOL Market nom inal; medium grades combing and clothing, 1741 21c; light fine. 16&17o; heavy, 12ftl4c; tub washed, 20431c. BOSTON, Jan. 21. WOOL Market firm; call, steady. Foreign Wools firm at good f rices. Current quotations: Territory, daho, fine, lBffl6c; heavy fine, 139 14c; fine medium, ldtgl7c; medium, 1718c; Wyoming, fine, 16016c; heavy fine. 13ig14e; fine medium, 16Jfl7o; medium, i8(ffl9c; Utah and Nevada, fine, I5i16e; heavy fine, 13iffl4c fine medium, lGnc: Dakota , fine, 165tltic; fine medium, ldHnc; medium, 19t20c; Montana, fine choice. 19ift30c; fine medium choice, 19(9 30c; average, ikj19c; staple, 19Q20c; medium choice, 19'a2oc. . Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. METALS Tin lost 1 In London. VloHlng at 129 6s and 129 16s for spot and futures, respectively. Lo cally tin was also lower, cloning at 328 2yd) Z8.10. copper aecunea tm in uonuon, cioe lnsr at U67 10s for soot and 57 3a 6d for f u tures. Locally copper was unchanged. Lake Is quoted at 812.75(613.00; electrolytic, 312.6: 612.87; easting. 312. 60(912 75. Lead was Arm at 84 60ft. 66 locally, nui was is 3d lower at 11 16s in London. Spelter declined 2s 6d In London, but remained steady here at 84 Iron closea at J W III alas gow and 41s 8d at Mldd'esborough. Locally Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry north ern Is quoted at 11600016.00; No. 2 foundry northern. 314.00(rl6.(v. No. 1 foundry south ern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, (13.78 ST. ' LOUIS, Jan. 21. METALS Lead, 84.60. Spelter, firm, 84 70. Oils anal Rosin. NEW YORK. Jan. fl.-OILS-Cottonseed. dull: rrlme crude, nominal: prime yellow. 86M"Ti3ic. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, is 10: Philadelphia and Baltimore, 19.06; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, 16.16. Turpentine, quiet, 68ao9c. Rosin. quiet: strainer), common to good. 82 80fd2.80. bay A in in Art, Jan. in i-B Turpentine, firm. 65c; A, B. C. D. 82 46; F. 32.65; O, 32.70: H. I2 wfr2.95: I, 8310; K. 83.15; M. 83 90; N, 13 96: WG. 34 10; WW, $4.60. Rosin, firm. OIL CITY, Jan. B. OILS Credit bal ances. 31.66: certlncatea no bid: ahlomenta 99.778 bbls.; average. 74.27$ bbls.; runs, 73 916 Diis.; average, 63,773 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 66.663 bbls.; average, 87.819 bbls.; runs. Lima, 61.491 bbls.; average. 49.710 bbls. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. COFFEE The naraei ior ruiures openea steady at an advance of 8 points on European and Wall street buying In connection with some cov ering that was promoted by higher Euro pean cables. The market during the day was fairly active with demand apparently broadening out and the close was steady at a net advance of l(Vjl5 points. Salea were reported of 143.000 bags, including January, 7.46c: February, 766c; March. 7 60w7.6Re: April. 7.76c; May. 780ra7 9oo July. 8.1053 Soc: September, 8.351f8.46c; Oc tober. .65118. 70c: Ieoember, 8 65c. Boot Rio firm; No. 7 invoice, c; mild, steady Cordova, alac. Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 21. WHEAT dose, AUy, tow9c; beytembor.Vikc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeocipta lfodsrtt and Prices Baled Steady to 8trc. HOGS SOLD FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Better Demand for sheep and Lambs anal Owing to Light Receipts Trading Was Active, with Prices Little Stronger. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 21. Receipts werv.: Cattle. Hogs. Bhef p. Official Monday 8,466 6.870 13,886 Official Tuesday 8. 43 ti.fc ."" Official Wednesday 4.49 (.9:17 4.144 OHicltal Thursday 8.166 6.7! 2 6 J6 Four days this week.. 13.664 80.400 18.114 Same days Inst week.... 19.061 26.017 3V,o7 Same week before 14.813 30.445 34.208 Same three weeks ago. .10.665 30.813 2!. oil Same four Weeks ego.... 6.7i9 ls,3;'4 12.84 Same days last year.... 16.314 82.6.(3 ii.m RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Umaha for the year to date and comparisons with lasi year; 1804. 1901 ,. 66.223 61.7KS ..1,0.3 lllt.ia ..114,116 67,146 Inc. A48 1.84) 40, wy South Cattle Hogs Sheep Average nm tor hogs at Omaha Tor the last several das with com parisons: Pats. 11804. 103. 1902. 11801.I1900.I1S;. 18.8. an. I. Jan. 2. 4 84 4 Mi', 8 Jan. Jan. Jan. 3.. 4. 4 75 t 4 661 4 66l I 66'V 4 60i 4 60 Jan. a. 0 Zl 6 34 Jan. 7., Jan. 8., Jan. 9. Jan. 10 Jan, 11, Jan. 12 Jan. 3, Jan. 14 Jan. 15, Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 6 i?l 48 e to 4 63 4 76H 4 72l IP 4 6S 4 72, 4 6H 4 78 Jan. 19. Jan. 20, Jan, 21, 8 64 8 64 8 66 3 60 3 691 8 64 'Indicates Sunday.' The official number of cars ot stock brought In today by each road was: Road. . Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. C, M. A St. P. Ry 1 U Mo. Pacific Ry 4 11 I'nlon Pacific System 21 16 2 C. at N. W. Ry 4 7 . .. F., E. & M. V. R. R 16 23 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 7 6 B. ft M. Ry 36 16 8 C, B. & li. Ry 4 3 K. C. & St. J 2 C, R. 1. A P. Ry., east I- C , R. I. A P. Ry., west.... 2 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great Western.... 5- 2 .. Total receipts .101 103 12 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the sum- oer 01 neau inuicaieu: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. umana .Packing co 831 8 33; 4 861 4 Zl I I 48 , t ILIi 4 kvl 4 !Ul 3 67 8 19 4 86 4 29 3 67 I 48 6 Qi 4 27 3 41 3 44 I 6 04 4 7f 8 47 3 28 I 6 241 I 4 361 8 481 3 38 6 09! 6 06 3 42 8 40 8 09 6 06 4 Ml 8 43 6 16 6 14 4 3 8 45 18 14 ft to 1 so I m 6 04 16 23 1 4 41 13 651 3 49 6 46 6 171 4 49' 3 bu 8 47 6 4; 6 00 4 631 8 65 8 49 8 38 14 Mil 8 60 3 49 8 41 6 22 6 i6 4 61 8 47 6 49 4 16 6 m 4 (C 8 62 491 6 17 6 Slu 4 48 8 4H t 47 8 39 , 6 27 4 64 1 6 47 27 4 64 3 68 15 S 26 I 249 647 643 454 1,684 Ml 657 1,317 26 822 1,943 694 l,i63 76 276 131 91 121 8 26 252 8 19 IS 167 .... .... 12 .... 446 4f6 ewirt ana company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Armour & Co., B. City.. Vansant A Co Carey A Benton McCreary ft Clark W. I. Stephen Hill ft Son Huston ft Co L. F. Huss Wolf ft Murnan Hobhlck ft B Sol Degan J. 8. Root F. P. Lewis 11. F. Hamilton Other buyers Totals 8.323 6.774 2.894 CATTLE There was a very small run of cattle In sight st the different market points this morning and trading ruled much rr.ora active than yesterday, with Oe ten dency of prices upward. . Anything at all decent met with ready sale at s'.evrty to Mrong prices and an early .clearance was made. , . ... There were around thirty cars df 'cornfed steers Included in the offerings and buyers took hold quite freely and paid steady to strong prices, with occasional sales show ing an advance of 64410a over yesterday's low time. As compared with the close of last week the general market Is around 15ii20c lower, with some undesirable grades perhaps a quarter lower. The big bulk of the offerings, though, that has been made tip of the short fed kinds, and It Is that class of cattle that has shown the greatest loss. The well finished cattle are not so much lower, as high as 86.00 having been paid yesterday for a choice bunch. ' The cow market was also in a little bet ter shape than yesterday. Buyers acted OS though they wanted some fresh supplies and trading ruled fairly active, with prices ranging all the way from steady to strong on the general run, with something choice aa much as 6cil0o higher. As receipts were r.ot large a good clearance was made at a reasonably early hour. Bulls, veal calves and stags all com manded fully steady prices as compared with yesterday. There were not many stockers ana feed ers on sale, and while the good to chntoe grades did not show much change from yesterday, the common kinds of all weights wre extremely hard to sell and consider ably lower. The demand from the coun try this week has been limited and par ticularly for the commoner kinds, so that speculators are very slow' about getting many of that kind on hand. Representa tive salea: BEEF STEERS. Me. At. Ft. No. At. Pr. ( I JO 1 14J0 4 0 U 0t 3 40 It 1130 4 08 1 llt I 44 W 1M4 4 06 4 S7 I 60 4 107 4 06 l' Ml IM It 1044 4 10 1 I.U I 46 7 11S 4 II 1053 I 75 1 US0 4 1 . 11 10K5 I 71 K 11S0 4 IS 1 100S I T IS 1124 4 t! (4 101 I 10 1IM 4 40 14 1074 8 H I"! 4 tO 1 1104 I M . 14 lt'.'l 4 S3 14 1 lU t S 1 1M 4 10 11 lOfl I M 1 1210 4 30 a 1111 4 00 STEERS AND HEIFER8. II 971 8 80 1 ltH 3 88 COWS. 1 W IM II.., 1WII 8 18 m 1 00 T in im 1 mo I 00 11 In m 1 480 I 10 1 M t IS 1 1(0 I II JT 1040 I M 1 t0 t II 1 1114 I W 11 ffttj 1 TO IT 11x1 1 (0 I IM IIS ( 1010 ' I II 1 10M I 10 I 0 1 10 f 171 3 Jl 10 W0 t 40 1 1S10 I 40 1 474 I 41 I .loto t lo 1 1041 8 10 1 700 I 10 1 171 I 0 1 104a I an 4 irr 3 ti 10 Ot I 71 1 1160 I IS It 107S I TS 3 114 I tl 10 171 I 71 1 140 8 II 1101 I M I ...1110 I 00 8 1 t .110 I 00 .HO IN .1071 I 00 I. .. Ill I 00 1 W I 00 6 1040 I 01 T ...11M I 10 8 10!4 I 10 1 into I to 4 1140 I I I 1111 I H 1 11M I 18 II ,....1114 I tl It 1W0 I M rr mi 8 11 1 ItN I H 1 110 I U 8 M 7I 3 H t 7M I 38 1 lian 1 an COWS AND HEIFERS 11 I 40 It , 1040 I tO a 740 8 f HEIFERS. 1 471 1 10 II 44 8 40 1 440 I 00 1 1000 40 1 453 I 00 I Ill I 10 150 I M t Ill I M 1 124 I tl 1 100 I 00 . 110 8 II 8 730 8 31 3 Ml I 40 BULL8. 1. rt l t 1M0 1 00 t '. 1S2S I 40 1 1140 I 40 1 1040 I 40 1 1240 I 00 1 tio 1 to 1 mo I 00 1 M IM 3 1M I II 1 1110 1 71 1 1470 I M .1 100 I T4 1 IM I II 1 12J0 I 71 1 10 I 10 1 UN I 75 1 IW I 40 1 1114 t M 1 1" I 40 ' UT ' "calves'. n" tM 1 144 I 10 1 Ml 8 04 1 no 100 i...r , 110 3 00 8 144 4 15 STOCK CALVES. t wo t 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 af.o 1 10 I iJ I II I r 1 i la T I u 4 10 11 T. N in IM I 40 11 no iu 1 Ill 1 M 11 at IM , Ull i 10 fl IN II Ml I IK HOGS The hog market today reached the high point of the year to date. Re ceipts were moderate at all points and un der the Influence of a good demand the market ruled active and stronger, the ad vance as compared with yesterday morning amounting to loc. or EijjlOc as compared with yesterday's average. The hogs be gan moving toward the scales at an early hour and it was not long before a c'eir ance waa made, there being very Hula change in the market rrom start to nnli-h. Light hogs sold largely from 84 70 down, The bulk of the medium welabts went from 84.7S to 84 80. heavy hogs largely from 84 U to 84.80 and some prime Lettvy hogs sold forV34!S. The quality of the hogs today . . i 1 in ni, mbuiii, ,u 1 1 1 11 1 1 nej nini ivi on paper shows a greater advance than it n uu iv. vuiri.ipv, nr(ii rsvuiaiiva lairs; No. At. ft. rr. No. sr. Pn. IT M... 170 "0 4 IIS. 1; 4 .. 4 m 71 1 120 4 6 72 IT 4') 4 W) 101 141 .. 4 15 JS 90 .. 4 V 71 ! .. 4 47V4, ,. 4 wi M IM .. 4 ?14 70 , 274 III 4 tin 17 IM .. 4 70 70 Jf.0 .. 4 M II 191 10 4 n 71 2:,J 40 4 81) 44 1H 40 4 70 12 2-4 1W 4 I ll .. 4 70 44 40 4 M 7 ll 10 4 70 71 lo ISO 4 0 it in .. 4 to it in w i u 0 1" ., 4 72ti 11...' 301 .. 4 10 4 IM - .. 4 72S, 71 241 .. 4 0 I. 2XJ .. 4 71 17 2M ,. 4 t I IM .. 4 Tt Ml .. 4 10 I 221 .. 4 75 It 2:5 10 4 l."i 7 1'.'l 140 4 75 (.ft 2tt0 .. 4 2H 74 14 .. 4 75 45 2H .. 4 S2' N Id 40 4 71 41 !.-7 10 4 i4j 71 231 H 4 75 l 8.14 too 4 K2n B 2:'0 140 4 76 I) 174 120 4 l'J l t.ll 40 4 75 41 104 10 4 14 4 30 an 4 75 It 2M 0 4 1!', 40 141 10 4 75 . 46 27 1 40 4 14 71 14 120 4 75 4.F. I I 140 4 5 44 20 40 4 76 68 340 120 4 15 77 131 40 4 7714 50 Ml 10 4 M II HI 10 4 77 II 171 N 4 is I' 40 4 774, II 124 .. Ill HO .. 4 77 H 64 2 110 4 86 67 341 120 4 774 it 2-t .. IH It..:.... 2.15 .. 4 T7'4 17 !tH 140 4 US 21 .. 4 77'4 61 tn ISO 4 85 r-8. ...... .IM IM i TT 1 ka ha lan A 0 r.7 14 4 77U Til. '.....'.til 40 4 SI l Ml .. 4 80. 41 2H.", t) 4 ss 243 .. 4 10 48 X.H .. 4 10 68 Ml An A e.i . tu 40 167 ' 8H 4 10 48: 400 '10 4 85 t 284 III IN 17 371 .. 4 85 0 8-3 IM 4 80 46 8?8 10 4 85 18 210 120 4 10 40 4U4 .. 4 86 44 32 .. 4 o t. 8Hrl?lTI,. . v,i . , . v.un a 111u1.11 ... t , 1 ivii. to the sheep market this morning, as re ceipts were light and packers seemed to be mors anxious for supplies than they have been for the Inst few days. Trailing ..wo huiib ai-uva ana cveryxning was mini at an early hour. ''Tile quality was nothing fun, in inn wicre whs yi;ivvn,tujr nothing strictly choice on sale. In pplte of that fact, however, the prices paid In the mnlorttv ee8 . h,,1a than those in:1orce yesterday. -rvj-m wrre again very scarce, nui int-ic was Some inquiry, and the market wus fully steady with yesterday. Quotation for enrnfed stock: Choice western lambs, 35.304j5.6O; fair to good jmniir,,'ui.i.uJi gooo li) rnnit'O ye:u inips, 84.60jf4.75; fair to good yearlings. 4.2Ti(f;4.50: good to choice wethers. 84.0tv,r4.25: fair to good wethers, 83.50rd4.O0: good to choice ewes, 83.4O07H.65: fair to good ewes, 8;l.25'(f 3.40; choice feeder lambs, t'l.35f?4.j0; feeder . 1 r . ... m . . , r rwl -niiiiiiin, o. id( leeoer wrinpt', e.voir 75; feeder ewes. 32. 262. 76; culls. 31.754i2.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 5 cull ewes 88 2 23 16 cull ewea ; : t6 2 60 cull .vtt - III 238 feeder ewes 78 2 60 200 western ewes ..: 107 ?. 40 14 western ewes 100 8 40 44 western ewes 101 8 50 143 western ewes 103 3 60 47 western ewes 131 8 75. 104 cull lambs 63 4 25 25 western yearlings ti 4 00 1?Q -a .,.,. 1 1 .... nu A r.ft iv nwicii- j-ni iiiip, ,.... ("7 w 6 western lambs (to 6 00 21 western lambs 71 6 25 lfil feeder ewos 7!l 9 RO 8l western ewes 87 western ewes I'M western lambs 261 western liLmbs , . 90 3 35 . 106 3 60 .07 6 00 .71 6 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Steady and Strong; and Hogs Are Higher. CHICAGO. Jan. 21 CATTLE Receipts. 8.000 head; market dull and lower; good to prime steers. 84.905.65; poor to medium, 3.2S(&4.50' stockers and feeders, 3.t O-'io; cows, 3150j4.00; heifers, 31.'fi4.50; canners, $1.6of2.60; bulls. 32.0i?i4.00; calves, 83.nti4-i.C0. HOUS Hecelpts, Bo,0)0 htatt; estlmntea tomorrow, 25.000 head: mixed and butchers. 84.85ru6.10; good to choice heavy, 35.0 '(if'j.15; rough heavy, 34 85(5.00; light, 4.6o(ji i.; buik of sales, 34. 8005.00. BHKKP AND LiAM U8 ltecelpts, 14,000 head; market string tn loc higher; good to choice wethers, 4.o04.4O; fair to choice mixed, 33.26''a'4.00; western ohe-p, I3.504j4.40; native lambs, fi.60iU6.00; western lambs, 84.254j6.00. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. BEEVES Re ceipts, 306 head; little trading in market, bulls and dry cows rated at steady; re ported sales were S3.0IKU3.86 per 100 lbs. for bulls and fl.75J3.25 fur dry cows; dressed beef steady; city dressed native sides, lOo per lb.; cables hist received quoted American steers at 11(5 1-c, dressed weight: refrigerator beef at i'u'Tic per lb.: reported exports tor today. Hi beeves. 641 1 head of slieep.- r.n neteipis, ,av iibku; inurs-ci wan quiet, steady; 11c per lb.; veals, S'-'t'08-28 fer 100 lbs.; city dressed veals, 8130 per b. HOGS Receipts, 8.333 head; market rated firm; state hogs sold at 85.40 per 100 lbs. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.9S4 head; market for sheep was quiet, steady; lambs, steady; sheep sold at 83.00S4.50 per 100 lbs.; lambs, t5.50fl-6.2V4. dressed weights; dressed lamps, 8441040 per lb. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head. Including ioO southern; market . steady to strong; export and dressed beef steers, 34.25u.tio; fair to good, 83.80it4.20; western-fed steers, , 33.6041 4.20; stockers and feeders, 83.00444.10; southern steers, 83.00444. 00; southern cows, S2.004j2.6); native cows, S2 o043.5o; native heifers, 82.50 453.60; bulls, 32.254i3.60; calves, 32.754300. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market 610o higher; top. 85.00; bulk of rales. 34.704i4.95; heavy. 84.8uifi5.00; packers, 34.6LKy4.h6; pigs and lights, 4 30a4.eO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady to strong; native lambs, 84.6OCu5.80; western lambs, 34. 50415.70; fed ewes, 83.604l4.00; western-fed yearlings, 84.004j6.2S; stockers and feeders, S2.764i4.oo. St. Louis Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Jan. 21. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head, Including 1.4(0 Texans; market dull, steady; native shipping and export steers, S4.25i5.26; dressed beef and butcher steenr- 84.00445.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., 83.25424.86; stockers and feeders. 12. 154J-1 1 : cows and heifers, S1.764HOO; canners. 32.26 4i2.50; bulls. S2.6O4i3.60; calves, 8 5M7.00; Texas and Indian steers. S2.603.60; Texaa cows and heifers, S2.20c42.80. HOOS Receipts. 8.0)8) head: market steady to 6o higher; pigs and lights, 4 40'o 4.60; packers, S4.6541M.86; butchers and best heavy. 4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,500 head; market steady; native muttons, 83.73 4(4.50; lambs, 34.604i6.76; culls and bucks, 32.5v4J4.50; stockers, 82 00472.75. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 21 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,613 head; market mostly strong to lOo higher: natives. S3.404j6.15; cows and heifers. SL7544.35; stockers and feeders, 12.7C.iH4. 80. HOGS Receipts, 4.477 head; market 64?10Vi higher; ngnts'; medium ana hesvv. t4sOta5(xf. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head;' market, lorioa higher. RIobx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 21.-fSpeclal Tele- fram.) CATTLE Receipts. 600 head; mar et steady; beeves. S3.60((t5.00; cows bulls snd mixed, 82,254)8.70: itockers nnd feeder , S2 60ta:)70; salve and yearlings. 32.4fif8.50. HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; TifflOc higher, selling at 34.6o4J4.8J; bulk, S4.654j4.75. took tn eight. Following ars the at the six principal day: South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Ixute St. Joseph Bloux City Totals receipts of live stock western cities yesier- . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... f .166 .7! 2,541 ... 8,t SO.OfiO 14.000 ... 4.01(0 8,0"0 8,000 ... 1.000 ' 8.000 1,500 ... 1,513 4.477 200 ... 600 3,000 ) .. ...17.178 80,271 20,208 Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows the effect of rather an Indifferent demand. Is easy as to undertone, though no changes are reported in the quoted range; common, 4'n5c; prima, V4,(a5r: choice. 6(i6c: fancy. SMc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are quiet and barely steady at quotations ranging from W to BSfec for all grades. Apricots, light demand, but are firmly h Id. with choice quoted at uw extra choice, IV-ixlOVc: fancy. Il!al5c. Peaches are mov ing a little better and rule steady, with choice quoted at 744(740; extra choice, 1 use; tancy, Wklaky Market. PEORIA. Jan. 21.-WHISKY-On basis of II 27 for finished goods. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21.-WHIBKY-Steady, at II 81V4. CHICAGO. Jan. O. WHISKY-Steady, on oasis or ii. a. CINCINNATI. Jan. 21. WHISKY Quiet, on oasis oi u si ior nnisnea gooas. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 21. COTTON'-Spot, modsratu business done, price 8 noints lower; American middling fair, 8d; good middling. 7.s4d; miaanng. t.yki: low mid dling. 7 68d; good ordinary, 7.68d; ordlnau-y, l.dea. 'I U salee ok mv uj wara l.vou Dales, of which 6oo were for speculation and ex oort and Included CuOO bales of American Receipts, none. Futures opened easier and closea firm; American middling, g. o. c. February and March. 7 66d; March, and April, 6.i5d; April and May, 7.524j7.63U; June, T.filtt : June and July, 7 4fr7.9'l: July snd August, 7.4id; Aueust and KeiAember, f.NVI: September and October, 6 6d; tctoler and Ni'vetnbcr, 6 ' NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 21. -COTTON-Firm; sales, 40.2,-5 bales; giod or.llnary, 1.13-16c; low middling, l.H.IIOr; middling, lin-l6c; irood. 14 7-lOc; middling fair. 14 13-1 'V. Receipts, K.R.15 hales; stock, 6.12 Ml hales. Futures, firm; Juntinrv, 14 34c, bid; Kcbrimrv, 14 4ii 14.4.V ; Mnrt h, 14 6 .(014 67c; April. 14 ii4 vjc; Mav, 14 I-r 1 4 I'c; June, 15.O..0I15 loc; Julv. 15 2"c; August, 14.4(j"14.5c; September. V2.44i 13. . t ST. LOUIS. .Inn. 21 -COT11N-Flrm, ,o higher; nilililllng. '.4Sc Sties. Stj bales; receipts. 7,i bales; shipments, 5t bales; stock, 22,9.' biilcs. laaar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. Jan. 21-SfOAR-Ro w. nominal; fair refining. 2 27 -82c; centrifugal H test, 3 ll-R'Jc; molasses sugar, 2 19-32e. De fined, dull; crushed. 6.05c: powdered, 4.55c,; granulated. 4.45c: No. . 4.05c; No. 7, 4e; No. 8. 8.96c; No. 8. 3 90c; No. 10, 8 .85c; No. 11, 8S0c; No. 12. 3.75c; No. 13. 8.7(V; No. 14. 3.65c; confectioners' A. 4 3V; mould A, 4.70c; cut loaf. 5 'ific; eiitws, 4 70o. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 3lif?37c. NEW ORLEANS, . Jan. 21 SUGAR Quiet; open kettle. 2ft311-lc; open kettle, centrifugal, SfKttic: centrifugal whites, 4c; yellows, 3H(fJ3"4jC; seconds, 2' ,(f Kite. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 2248 2.V: centrifugal, 27fi"10c. SYRUP Dull at 221 23c. FLY WHEEL BURSTF"lN MILL Three Men Killed unit Three Fatally Injnred by Accident In Pennsylvania. JOHNSTOWN, Ta., Jan. 21,-As a result of the breaking of a governor belt, allow ing an Itrmense fly wheel to run awny and burst In the Cambria Steel company's No. 2 rail mill, today, three men are dead, three are fatally Injured and six are more or less severely wounded. When Engineer Hlnhlrr, who was stand ing by his engine, felt the Jar of the Im mense fly 'wheel running wild he rushed to the stenm valve and tried to stop the en gine. He wns too late, however, for the explosion of the wheel was almost Instan taneous. Flying pieces of metal broke otenin pipes and released the scalding va por. Red hot pieces of metal were hurled cgainst the wooden wnlls and roof, setting them on fire. At the same time water pipes were broken, flooding the floor to a depth of s coupie of feet, making escape difficult for the Injured., When the firs had teen extinguished the search for the dead tnd tnjured began and it Is believed that 11 have been- recovered, though at first many moro were thought to have been killed and Injured. In clearing away the debris the workmen found two more bodies. Nothing but the walls of the mill are standing. The Chief of Healers. Old anraa ulcers, nlies. fistula- nnrl IIV stubborn maladies, soon to yield to Buck Ion's Arnica Salve, or no pay. 2bo. For sale by Kuhn A Co. REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed fot record Januaryr 21 aa fur- nisnca ty tne midland ouaranree and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street for The Boe: Helen E. Freeman to Joseph H. Cue, n"i, lot j, uiocK li, city, atid other land 2 1 Howard D. Casey and wife to Iru i4'iimcr, lot i, block 3, Hnortuun Place 263 The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. to Nathaniel Brown, lot 8, block 138. cltv 78.000 John E. Butler and wtfe to Robert 11. landcryou, lot 4. block 16. lots 6. 8 nnd 8. block 14, Meyers, Richards and TUdcn's add 1 Gerhard 8. Benewa and wife to Harry Marowltz. lots 1, 2 and 3, Uoehme s sub 1 Edgar T. Baird, trustee to Harry Marowits, lots l, 3 and 8, lioenme'a sub., lots 1 and 2, block, 23, Omaha View Ex 8.300 Frank Barrlck ami wife to John W. Housley nnd Joseph A. Gibbons, lota 1 nnd 2. block 12. Sitllna'a add 335 Walter 8. J anl lne and wife to Wilson , . T. Graham, rots 12, 13 and 14, Housed & Stebblns' sub 8.000 Richard C. Peters and wife to Viola J. Cnmeron,- lots 10 and U,' block 122. Dundee ' 1 Robert H. Landeryou and wife to Ruth O. Olsh. lot 5. block 14, Mey ers. Richards Tllden's add STD Robert H Landeryou and wife to Maude Mngge, lot 4, Moon 16, Mey- ' ers. Richards & Tllden's add 400 William O. Ure and wife et al to Walter S. Jardine, tax lot 43, in sea. 10-15-13 11,000 Henry S. Wilson to Kundt Thompson,' west 82Vx feet lot , block 2, lark Place 1,200 Nat Brown and wife to R. 8. Hall, und. Vt lot 8, block 138, city , 11,50 The National Bank of Commerce of Omaha to Rome Miller, lot 6, block 169. city 8,008 A. IT. Dillon and wife to William J. Hlslnp, lot 10, block 1, Armstrong's First add ' 1 New York Boston and The East Six trains a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double-track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago, connects at that point with all lines, for all points East. These' fast trains on the North- Western Line are most conveniently equip ped for the safety and comfort of patrons. Buffet smoking and library cars. Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawing-room and private compart ment sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches. Leave Omaha dally (or Chicago at 3:40 a. m., 8:00 a. m., 11:30 a m., 4:25 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. Tickets anj full Information on apallcstle . TICKET OKPICES: I401-140J Faroara Street. Omaha NW1T0 ett-rerg-eii as. ' i. " , mm i GOE cjmmsiQH CQLiPANY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We tears ever 150 ernoee. References: 171 Stale and Nat l Baasat, OUR SKRTICB IS TUB B8DST. Oat ef Town Business Solicited. Ocasas Braacfci UlSfW asAV Ts4.47 TH0S. M. WADD1CK. CorrespMsjent S. SLEUMAN Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Room 4. N. T. Life Bldg. TeL 8380. Operates 15 Offices In This Slate, Established 1887.