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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
TITTJ mfAII ifAYVT BEE: tHIBX JXNT7ARY 22, 1004. CP 3 TO THE c 3 If UNNY OUTHLAND EVER BEEN SOUTH? NO? Well, now is the time to go and escape tfye sleet, snow and generally disagreeable weather of the North and enjoy the perpetual sunshine and beautiful flowers in a land which is a paradise in comparison. 'Augusta, Ga., anil Tcfrini. Charleston, & CL, and return '"' :-"'" nr .- rtw:f-eir,i';-rrrrirrr'". .rc.:ifr.T:kia: ,, $46.70 .. 49.50 11 !!)!lilli!iUil IZaTana, Cuba, arid return (ria New Orleans). ...............,...,,..,............ ,r.7.r.-.-.i.--...:..:.1.:.i........ 7T.50 Havana, Cuba, and return (via Tampa or Miami). ..................... .... ... .(OQiTO Ilot Springs, Ark., and rctnrn,.t.raMnwKm.W(,lfMi.tlMMtM t.wiitrV......iiiiM:ni,.37i45 Jacksonville, Fla., and return . ... ...,.-..-.,..., . ... . . . . ... . . -. ......... V. . . . ... . . .52i5 0 Lookout Mountain, Tenn., and return r.m.vnr.nn. ...... ...................r..... 4165 Miami, Fla., and return.................. ......74.60 Mobile, Ala., and return.. ...... ..... ...r.. .....l.:. ............ . 4li50 JSew Orleans, La., and return. . . . . . .r. ............ 43i00 Savannah, Ga., and return. . , ...... '. . . . ... . . . . 49i50 Biv Louis Flyer leaves Omaha 5:25 p. m. Only one change of cars Omaha to Jacksonville in Union depot at St Louts. ; BETTER CALL AND TALK IT OVER. Ticliet Office, Ii02 IFarnam Street. J. B REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent. Sen. MOVING SMOOTHLY AT SHOPS! . . annamnaBng f UnioB-FMiflo Labor Qnaitlon Art Aniwp htTkamialTM HatnriUj, UILDINGS PROPOSED LONG PLANNED FOR w) Car Shops Will Likely Be First . Erected mm Contemplated la tn. -OeaoaJI Deslsra of HarrL. :i - i promtnetil official connected with the loo FarJflo said last night that every nc at the Union Paclflo shop, la mor V alone nicely at present and that the Cor situation ! working Itself out rery sely, with no prospect of trouble arising om either aide. Regarding the reports concerning lm rovem.uta to be mad. at the shops, he Jdl .v 1 "jstr are no largo Improrements In yroepect at tha present time. Tha plan J hlch was outlined when tha first shops VI. uuill will w utiinv vui Mwinumi program. This will necessitate the ulldlng of soma new buildings, but none hlch have not been contemplated for a )g time. I believe tha first of these to erected will be a car shop, which has en,, badly needed. Just what tha build I will cost I am not prepared to state, no plans have been drawn and In faot thing has been done. This Improve tnt, tike all others at tha shops, Is ly prospective and to round out the glnal plan. '. .. . . There will be no assistant general man ager appointed unless we And It neces aary." said this official. "Mr. Bancroft wlU spend a great deal of his time In Omaha for a while and the rest of It will be spent In looking over the eastern por tion of the Union Pacific system. He Is quite familiar with the western lines now, but feels that he should know the eastern end of the system better. He will also spend some time on the Kansas division during the next few weeks. He was form erly employed on the Kansas division, but that has been a great many years ago, and of course the knowledge he gained of the property then would be of but little benefit to him now. ir, after Mr. Ban croft has been connected with the line a while, and he then feels that he needs someone here to help assume the respon slblUty, of course, someone will probably b appointed to fill the position of as sistant general manager. But as matters stand now I can assure you that nothing In that Una will be done at present "When It comes to the matter of changes In officials I think I can safely say that there are no changes contemplated at the present time. Of course, the railroad business, like everything else. Is uncertain. We run along from day to day. A man may be giving perfect satisfaction today and be very unsatisfactory tomorrow, In whloh latter ease we would probably make a change. But I can state now that there are no changes In prospect so far as I know. Improvements In Prospect. "There are a number of Improvements to be made which have been under con sideration and decided upon for a long time past. But, as I said before, business Is uncertain and It would not be good policy tor me to state what the nature of these Improvements are when our plans VITAL WEAKNESS Above all other things we strive to save the thouaanda of young men and middle-aged men who are plunging toward tho grave, tortured by the won of nervo-aexual d.blllty caused by self-abuse, exceaaes, .to. We have evolved a special treatment for n.rvo e.sual debility and special weakness that Is uniformly suooeeaful In cuu where success was before by other doctors dsemad Impossible. It does not stimulate temporary, but restores per manently. It allays the Irritation of the delicate tis.uea surrounding the lax and unduly expanded gland, and seminal ducts, contracting them to thwir normal condition, whloh stops night emiaatona dries up day drains and prevents preinatureness. It tones up aud str.ngih.ns the blood vessels that carry nourishment to Important organs, rsstorlng full power, strength aad vigor. . I WILL CURE YOU -We make misleading statemeata er aansln.ssllk. prere.t tlona to the amieted, do wo promise to ears them la a few days ts order to seooro their patromsgo, hat wo sraaraatee a perfect, sat amd lastlaar earo la the elek..t poaalble time, wltkoat leavlag la iarloaa after effeots ta the system, aad at the lowest possible ee.t for hoaest, ehlllral aad saeeoestal troatmeat." WI CIM 41ICKLT, A FELT AMD THOROUGHLY I Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions. Ncrvo-Sexaal Debility, Impoteccy, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal Kidney and I'rlnary Diseases, and dlseaaes and weakneeaas due to Inheritance, evil habits, abuses, excesses, or the result of speelno or private dlseasae. CONSULTATION FPEEI' roa coil writs for.ymptom blank. Office W.t lakL hours, I a. m. to I p. m. Sundays. W to 1 only. LSTATE HEOICAL INSTITUTE, 1 3 OS Farnam at, Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Nab. might be changed within a week, from oome cause unknown to me now.. I can state, however, that none of these Im provements will be of an extensive nature. That is, none which will be taken up soon. "Mr. Bancroft will not go to New York at present. The first trip he makes will be one to Inspect the Nebraska and Kan sas divisions of the Union Paclftt. At least those are his present plans." HITCH IN THE DENVER SALE Attorneys for Base Ball Magnates Ask for Continuance of Llaeola Lawsuit. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.) That there Is a hitch In the negotiations for the sale of the Denver franchise In the Western league by D. C. Packard to George To beau was confirmed today by the receipt of telegrams by the attorneys rep resenting the two factions In the injunc tion suit begun 'by Tebeau In Lincoln last week and which Is still pending before Judge Holmes The telegrams, which came before Te beau and Packard, request that the at torneys go before the court and ask for a continuance untlf February. 1, also stating that the negotiations for the sale are still pending, but are not yet concluded. Jadge Holmes will grant the continuance this afternoon. WITH THK BOWLERS. Last night on the Western alleys the Woodmen of the World won three stralrht fames from the Browning, King & Co. earn. Bcore: W. O. W. 1st. Tates H9 Foley 147 Johnson 1ST Stiles 125 McKeivey 173 Des Moines, was In attendance with a number of prominent horsemen from all over the state, and nearly all the cities In the circuit were represented. Waterloo gets the next annual meeting. The schedule I adopted Is: Nashua, fourth week In May;! iNew Hampton, nrst ween in june; wesi I'nlon, second week In June: Decornn, third week in June; Cedar Rapids, fourth week In June; Marlon, first week In July; Water loo, second week in July; MarshRlltnwn, third week In July; Oekaloosa, fourth week In July; Mason City, first week In August; Fort Dodge, second week In August; Boone, third week In August. Id lie 8.1. Totsl. 13 44X 161 . 1! 4S 1H4 INS 6M 134 3fi 1G6 bfl 14R ltJ9 Totals 760 815 764 BROWNING, KINQ tt CO. Z.U9 UK. id. Bryant 1H7 U'4 Meehan 167 1S9 Havens 136 146 Hoffman 120 144 ll.aton 134 162 Totals 744 75S Hi. Total. 139 450 149 117 151 132 6U 6 416 428 U87 Now Towas la Racing- Clrenlt. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Jan. n.Soeclal Telegram.) Four new cities were admitted to membershlD in the Cedar Val ev raclna circuit at the annual meeting held here ' ....... X - l. . . .. t.- .. T I XI.... . J ' 1 , . . and lloone. K. P. Curttn of Decorah was elected presi dent and Leopold levy of Wavwly secre tary. Secretary Simpson of the stats fair, UWWMW mm IIS lit FOR to you caa get a good cigar! MONOGRAM, la Is the only kind to smoke. Ask Tour Dealer. W. F. 8TOECKEU CIOAR CO, 1404 Douglas fet, Omaha. EYENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Oarsman, the Favorite, rtnmbles and Throws Jockey la the Fourth ttace at Oakland. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. a. Immediately after the field broke In the fourth race at Oakland today Oarsman, the 1 to 2 favorite, stumbled and threw Jockey Wonderly. The boy escaped Injury. With Oareman out the evint proved easy for Wnewlft, a 16 to 1 chance. Bcherso, winner of the third race, was bid up from $400 to 80u by Frank Does, but he was retained. Caseins was given a bad ride by Bell in the fifth race, and after he appeared to be winning was beaten by Princess Tltanla, tho even money favorite, Jockey Bullman, suspended for failure to keep nlH engngements, will be allowed to ride In the Lissak handicap Saturday. Re sults: First race, seven furlongs: Ltbby won. Harbor second, Emily Oliver third. Time: 1:26. Second race, three and a half furlongs: Arlsbo won, Pel Curina second, Sea Air third. Time; 0:43. Third race, five end a half furlongs: Bclierzo won, Tagctte second, Quaker Girl third. Time: 1:08. Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards: WaswUt won. Grafter second, Hugh Mc Gowan third. Time: 1:43 Fifth race. Futurity course: Princess Tltanla won. Casclne second. Letola third. Time: 1:10. Blxth race, seven furlongs: Kthel Abbot won. Mountebank second, lllll Masale third. Time: Lis1. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 21 Results: First race, one mile: Taxman won. Rio Chleo second, Jlngler third. Time: !:!'. Second race, three furlongs: Urown Study won, Melar second, Hilona third. Time: 0:36V Third race, one mile and a Quarter, hurdle handicap: Cambaceres won, Poorlands sec ond. Indian tnira. 'time: i:ik. Fourth race. Slauson course: Andrattus won, Athelrose second. Scepter third. Time: 1:11. Finn race, rive rurionrs: Eawood won. Dara-ln second. Atlantico third. Time: 1:02. Sixth race. Blauson course: Stemwlnder won, BeHt Man second. Tower of Candles tnirfl. Time: l:W4. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. Jl.-Reeults: First race, six furlonga: Shortcake won. rceaponauve secona, enowcap intra. Time l:15Vi. Second race, one mile: Felix Rard won. Caterpillar second. Circus Girl third. Timet i:tz. Third race, six furlongs: Clangor won. nig Ben secona. i-ansienne intra. Time 1:14. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth. handicap: Luralla-hter won. Ethics second. Hands Acroas third. Tims: 1:6. Fifth race, three furlong, and a half; rTiar tuck won, Marret wuson second, St. rteaniuie mira. j ime; u:as. Sixth rata, one mile and an eighth: Hand spinner won, Free Admission second. Lee Al"l lllll U. A 1111. , . .UO. KNOCKOUT BLOW FOR BOXING Bostoa Determined te Break Vp Exhl ' bltlons of Prlae Fighting aad Arrrsts Are Made. BOSTON. Jan. . The carrying out of a plan of the Boston police board to stop all boxing exhibitions snd prise fighting In Boston todsy resulted In the holdlpa to a grand jury of Joe Choynskl and Kid Carter, who were arrwuted Tuesday night at the Criterion Athletic club, after Carter had knocked Choynskl out In the first round. Light others were arrested, charged with aiding and abetting a prise fight and were held, to a grand Jury, bail for each was placed at tU0. Awfal Loss at Life Follows neglect of throat and lung dis sasea, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures such troubles or no pay. 60c, 1.00. For sale by Kuhn Co. WOUAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY It begins to look as though the Board of Lady Managers of the St. Louis exposi tion Is to have a chance to make up In service what it lacks In authority. The special act of congress that created the board provides that It shall "appoint one member of every Jury that is to pass upon tho work that Is produced In vholo or In part by female labor." The number of juries to oe appointed is about 1,200. Be sides serving on these juries .of award, women are having a substantial part In other departments of the exposition, a number being engaged as sculptors or painters In the deooratlon of the buildings, and one at least, as an architect. The building occupied by the Board of Lady Managers Is a two-story, fire proof, red granite structure to be used later as the laboratory of physics by Washlngtcn uni versity. The exhibit of the Jub'lee pres ents of Queen Victoria will be placed in this building and the Colonial Dames and Daughters of the American Revolution will exhibit there also. The recently Issued year book of. the Nebraska Women's Christian Temperance union Includes a courso of study for unions that Is being followed by many with most beneficial results. The outline Is broaden ing. Including a variety of subjects, a knowledge of which Is most helpful, If not altogether essential to any organisa tion that would attempt reform. Among the subjects are: A parliamentary dilll, a study of the counties and cities of the tate with reference to their government, their offlslals and the manner of choos ing these officials; taxes, the state In stitutions, state ' history and government and a course in 'Bible study. One fre quently hears the complaint that a union or a club Is not growing; that the mem bers do not take an interest. It Is safe to say that the adoption of this program will Insure something Interesting to all, while the growth desired may be easily attained if the members already In will each do their share In the way of the lit tle courtesies that make friends and hold them. - Each month oeems bat to Increase the work and the usefulness of the Visiting Nurses' association and the new year hns started out with more than ever be fore. In fact, aha work was so heavy that the service of an extra nutse had to be secured In addition to that cf tha regular nurBes, special nurses having been required In eleven cases. There were In all eighty-seven patients cared for; e'ght patients were sent to hospitals; four to friends of tho ci'.y and there Were five deaths. IhAre wns a large attendance at Thursday afternoon's ir.foitng and It has been decided that the v.nnual birthday party will bo celebrated February 2i. The place has not yet been definitely nodded however, though It Is custmary for one of the larger homes of the city to be thrown open each year for this occasion. Each guest brings a birthday bag contain ing a penny for each year and this fund Is usod In carrying on the year's work and Is one of the chief sources of support. Mr R. M. Stevenson will addrcus the Sunday afternoon gospel meeting of the Toung Woman's Christian association at 4:80 o'flock.. The question has been asked, "What are the privileges of membership In the Omahi Toung Women's Christian association?" and besides naming the various social, ed ucational and other privileges tho Weekly Budget, Issued by the rssoclatlon, says: "The first and most important Is the priv ilege of being one of the host of the women of the world who are today or ganised for the upbuilding of oung womanhood. Every woman who loves other women and .cares for their eternal welfare must feel she wants to be one who shall not only get, i but give." The mem bership fee Is enly fl a year and any woman who has ever had a glimpse into the lives of the many, many women in Omaha who, employed all day, have little or no social or educational advantages, should feel that It is wrvrth the dollar te girt them what the association affords. The P. E. O. society has arraagsd an ex ceptionally attractive program tor Satur day afternoon's meeting, to he held at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. George I-rvey, 1116 North Fortieth street A fea ture of the afternoon will be a talk by Mrs, Walter Preston, nee Myrtle Robinson, on tho Klondike. Mrs. Preston, In oompany with her husband, spent nearly three years there (.nd an invitation has been extended by the society to iJI friends Interested la , the tubject to attend the meeting. . Tho u: fingglng Miergy of the Chicago club women keeps one constantly wonder ing what they will do next On Tuesday of this week every club In" CMnkgo was Invited to attend a reciprocity meeting arranged by the Social Economics club, and every club In the state was Invited to send a speaker to occupy not more than three minutes. A luncheon followed. It Is a significant fact that w-ever women's clubs have undertaken I aocom pllsh retorm through leglslrtlve er.-tment civic and political tudy clubs nave resulted. fa BTemory of Train. In token of the memory of the late Oeorge Francis Troln, after whom the school whs r.amed. the American flag floats at half mast from the Train public school at Sixth and Hickory streets In addition to this tribute ths pupils are being taught some thing more of the character and life of this strange but markahle man, who was so devoted to the cause of education, as to many ether laudable works. ' Smoke ni A T sf 'JEST AT nanwnBanw-F (CO and the World smokes with you. Smoke & substitute nnd vmi smoke alone. Largest Seller in tho VJorld. The Vand is the Smoker's Protection. 5 Cents