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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
10 TTTTJ OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. 1004. Biff $5 Cloak Safe Saturday Todaiy Bargam Friday xtraordinary Remnant Sale As our great Clearing Bale approaches an end we make great reductions in price. Yard for 1.50 54-inch Cloths, Heavy Kerseys, fine worsted, Cassimeres. also Tweeds, in chtck, and plaids, lengths 3 to 8 yards. 1 Yard for 50c and 60c Dress Goods Fine II off Dress Goods lrom regular department, black and 25c 45c 65c 5c all colors, for waists and dresses. Yard for $1.00 Dress Goods Front Bargain Square All colors and styles, four to seven yards lengths. Yard for All Dress Goods Worth Up to H75 a Yard. On Front Bargain Square. Etaminfis, fine Tailor Clothe, silk and wool fancies, three to seven yard length Yard for waist- ings remnants, all wool chal- Piece for travel er's samples that were 2.rc each and up. These are campion of the highest class of imported goods. 25c lis, French flnnnels In plfrtn. and fan clou, 60 quality albatrosses, plain and fancy llk mouBsellne In all color. Silk Remnants Wo yards pin in nnd fancy silks. Mack and colored THlTetriK, Mill wmsi liiKH, corded Bilks, pretty fnilnrilM, etc., worth up to $1. 00. yard, at 29c Silk Remnants 59c Mill ends of Ann dress and lining Taffetas; all colors ajirt nlacK, regu lar 11.00 quality hnrxaln square at yard Embroideries Kcmnsnts of very fine embroideries in all widths, most extrsor dinary bargains, up to IS inches wide and suitable for cor- C f C not covers, etc., at, yard JC'l lv Jl Laces Remnants of vals and torchon laces, In all desirable widths, on great bargain gqua-e at, yard 2k-5c Remnants in Basement for Friday 5c Black and White Mercerized f Wsistlngs, the 5o kind, go J "JP at, a yard. . , Remnants of Drapery Swiss por yard , . New Scotch ainghams, mill leugths, worth lilio, yard New Corded Gingham Rem oants. worth 19c, at, a yard 5c 6V2C .. 8 -sateens. Assorted Shlrtlngs eto., go at, each New Light Colored Percales P"? 1 with cords and stripes, the d 25o kind, goat, each 2 Canton Flannel Remnants Kpf.r sC Fancy White Shirt Waist F Madras worth 19o yard, if go at, yard Jt Remnants of Table Linens Accumulated lots of table linen remnants from our great January sale at less than weaver's cost Remnants table dumoBk, Itt, Z AQr I Remnants table damask, 2, 2M I f.n and 2 yd plwen, at ploce and S yd pieces, at piece ". Remnants tnhlo damask, Itt, 2, (.(- j Remnants table damask, 2, i I no and 3 yd pieces, at, piece. ....... .W'W and g y peceg at piece I. 70 Remnants tuhlo damask, H, 2, Q8 I Remnants table damask, 2, 2tt l iC 2A and 3 vd uteres, at nlecn 7ut I and 3 vri niint at ni..A . 4.4,1 and 1 yd pieces, One big lot fast , colored table damask, from 38c, 50c, 69c, 98c and $1.25 each. Kemnants tania damask. Z, Ztt I 75 I Remnants table damask. 2. PA 1 no s, at piece and 3 yd pieces, at piece ,0 I 1-2 to 3 yards, at 29c, DENTIST. DR. BRADBURY 1506 Farnara Painless Extraction Without Qas. Fillings 50c up Oold Crowns, $2.50 up Bridge Work $2.50 up Lady Attendant Fourteen Years Same Location We positively remove nerves from teeth with out the least particle o pain. open Sundays 10 to 12. SCHMOLLER MUELLER CLEAMIIQ OUT ALL THE USED PIANOS A quick clearance must be made of over twenty-five used uprights and a dozen square pianos as we have Just made a deal for an Immense bankrupt stock at Sioux City. If you want a chance at the best bargains In lightly used upright pianos, don't miss our offerings this week. If you want a new piano at less than half price, be sure to see our offers next week they will be astounding. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE S39 $47 S74 SI05 $121 $138 $145 $190 English upright piano, might do for practice "Gilbert' upright piano, low pitch, soft tone, "Walters" upright piano, black case, good tone, "J. P. Hale" upright piano, rosewood, good inside, "Schubert" upright plnno, used two years, walnut, "Wegman" upright planor thoroughly overhauled, Chlckerlng" upright piano, an old time favorite, "Emerson" upright plnno, fine tone, standard action, $5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS Any of the above bargains will be taken In exchange within two years toward any new piano In the house. A Chlckerlng and a Knabe grand piano fully repaired, a -fine bargain for a teacher or club. Call or write for full description, prtoe and terms. We Ship Pianos Everywhere SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER, Manufacturers-Dealers 1313 arnam Street, Omaha, Neb. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEX. Thlrty-ave-Day Tonr of Mesieo. A personally conducted 35-day tour of Old Mexico In a private car Is now being ar ranged by the 'Hock Island system. Car will leave Dos Moines Tuesday, Feb ruary IS, but you can join it at Kansas City next morning If that Is more con venient. The Itinerary Includes Fort Worth, Ban Antonio, Monterey. Tampico, Ban Luis Po 1 tool, Aguaa Callontoa, a week In Mexico City, side trips to Cordova, Banta Ana, Pueblo and Cuernavaca, On the homeward trip stops win be mode at Guadalajara, Escatecas and Chihuahua. Total expanse, I20O from Des Moines, 1280 from Dubuque, 1365 from Chicago, St. Paul er Minneapolis; 3250 from Omaha, 3346 from St Louis or Kansas City. This covers transportation, sleeping car berth, meals, hotel In Mexico City, transfers, carriages, guides and Interpreters. No pleaaanter mid-winter holiday trip could be planned. Details at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD. , 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. HANDSOME! NEW AMBULANCE- Beaatlfnl White Car for Emersjreaey Calls Now at the Palace Stables. A magnificent new ambulance has just been added to C. H. Crelghton's Palace stables. Seventeenth and Davenport streets. It was made by the Cunningham company and Is of the latest pattern, being lighted by electricity and heated by storage bat teries. The cot Is suspended by springs and three cane seated chairs are attached to the side of the car for use of the at tendants. The ambulance Is at the service of the public, just as a carriage, and can be had upon calling at the stables or tele phone 167. It Is thoroughly antiseptic and so arranged that the Interior can be kept at an even temperature. BIO BALES MEN'S VESTS SATURDAY. Eatlre Excess Stock of Imperial Test Co., T1US-T2T Broadway, N. Y. Saturday will see the biggest event In tnen's fancy vests ever known to Omaha- Thousands of very fashionable wash and fancy vesta of mercerised damask, fancy veetlngs, swell plaids, rich colors, etc., tnany worth up to 16 each, at Wc. J. I BRANDEIS .. SONS, Boston Store. Dae to Fast Driving:. The coroner's jury called yesterday to investigate the death of Abraham Z,aiaai. ui young man killed Monday morning at Sixth and Pierce streets by being thrown from a delivery wagon, found tnat 'XloctauM came to his death by acci dentally being thrown from a wagon and mat saia aouaeni wan aue to rant driving. Watches and diamonds. Your credit is gooa. A Aianaeioerg, Jeweler. lbS t irnim. Douglas Printing Co.. VM Howard. Tel M. DIED. WALL.FR Mrs. Caroline. January 20. 1904. aged W years 11 months 23 days, at the borne of her daughter, zam Hamilton street. Deceased wua the mother of Fred Waller and Mrs. Kate Uulnotte. ' Funaral uotlce later. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL BURNS celebra tion, concert and ball, Washington hall. Monday evening, January 25. Tickets, 60o each. Under auspices Clan Gordon, Advertise One Price Sell at Another We took occasion this morning to investi gate the reports which have been circulat ing lately as to the "BUSINESS methods" (?) whloh are resorted to by some of the GREAT EMPORIUMS or WOUUBB CUT RATE druggists of the city of Omaha. They advertise PER UNA yes, Pe-ru-na at 63c and sell it at 680. , They advertise tl Derma Royale ('cause we have the advertising agency for this and they think it hurt us to do this) at 6O0 and sell It for Ua, and many other staple articles at this proportion. . Here Is a little suulb cut from the NEW YORK SUN which ANSWERS ANOTHER KNOCK of the full price druggist combina tion: "For two years past the real "pharmacists" of New York t.:uy wagea war on cut price druggists. Insisting that tha latter adulterated their drUKS. Other wise they could not sell drugs at the price akeri An Investigation lust concluded BT THE BOARD OF HEALTH shows that the PHARMACISTS WERE THE REAL OF FENDERS! NOT ONE VIOLATION of tha law was discovered among the cut raters, WWTT.R 3UO VIOLATIONS WERE UN EARTHED among the druggists wno were the chief klckers.'r We have another bomb to explode In the camp of the drug combine In a few days. FREE SODA In our South Omaha and Council Bluffs stores Saturday. CUT PRICB DRUa STORE B. T. YATES, Prop. 16th and Chicago Bts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 797. 24th and N Bts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St.. Council Bluffs. 'Phone No. T All goods delivered In either city absolutely free. SCUflEFER'S STILL GOING ON Our 20 per cent discount sale watches diamonds Jew elry cut glass leather goods cutlery baking dishes candelabra tea sets clocks umbrellas In fact, every thing in our line, excepting Gorham silver and water nan fountain pens. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY. The Jeweler, 151 Douglas Street. Omaha, GET THE When you need anything In Sewing Machines or supplies. It doesn't pay to buy inferior goods In this line. We handle first-class machines as well as yarts and repairs tor all popular machines. Get your supplies from us and you will be happy. 1514 Capitol Ave-, Tel. 1974. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., Rock Springs CoaJ $7.15 Per Ton. Central Coal aivd Coke Co., Phones 1221-1695. 15th xnd Harney. f ffjl'pi m.: mm MRS. J. BENSON Cut Price Corset Sale P. D. Corsets, sizes 18 to 26, colors white, drab and black,, former price $2.75, $3.50 and fo.50 Saturday's price just half former price, $1.37, f 1.75 and $2.75. A Straight Front Corset made of imported coutille, silk flossed, all Hzes 18 to 30, colors black, white, drab, pink and blue, former price, $2.50 Saturday just half rice, $1.25. A Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 22K Go'd Crowns ta.ES up. Gold Fillings 31 60 up. Silver FUiUigs tue up. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (Established liW ) trd FLOOR. FAXTON BLOCK. Deputy State Veterinarian. Food Inspector. A. L. RAUACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN, Office and Infirmary, Stn and Mason Bts. CMAHA XKB Telephone Us. Wagon Deliveries Every Day to Walnut Hill and Benson fo) nnn Ml a L2)KbJ nn Two Great Sensation Sales For Friday With Green Trading Stamps to Beat the Band. FIVE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF STAMPS with your choice of any hat or cap In Harney street window at ONE DOLLAR. THAT'S ONE. Here's another! TWO DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS with a dozen oranges Friday, at 80o. ' These are sensations In selling. The stamps cost yon absolutely nothing. We put any hat or cap that we ask $1.00 for, against anybody's hat er eay that Xl.OO la asked for, and these orangee are costing you 3So to 40o outside the Bennett store. You can get them from us for 80s, Friday, and $2.00 worth of stamps with every dosen. Call at parlor and get a new stamp book if ywi need one. There's a dol lar's worth of free stamps for every beginner, but the beginners are so very scarce they have all begun, you see. We givs this dollar's worth of free stamps to everybody asking for a book. We want you to see the premiums given for green trading stamps. If any other concern In town Introduces trading stamps and we prophesy there will be pretty soon It will be a question of premium values, and THE BENNETT COMPANY will not be outdone by any of them. We started the ball; we have shown the pace; we lead; others follow. IMITATION IS THE SINCEREST FORM OF FLATTERY. Friday Will Be a Great Remnant Festi val in all the Different Parts, of Our Big Dry Goods Section. Remnants of Silks, Remnants of Velvets. Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Llniigs. x Remnants of Waistings, Remnants of Ginghams, Remnants of Linens, Remnants of Table Napkins, Remnants of all kinds of Flannels, Flannelettes, Sheetings and Domestics Odds and ends in Blankets and Comforts, Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Itemnants of Laces, Em broideries and Ribbons every thing in the remnant order will be sold Friday at half price and in many odd lines, much less than half price. Women's Eiderdown Sacks and Kimonas. CLEARING SALE FRIDAY MO RNIrG. Lot 1 Only a few, marked from 75c to 98c at . ..... . . .480 Lot 2 Nearly. 200, marked $L10 $1.25, $1.45, $1.75 all at 98o WOMEN'S EIDERDOWN ROBES Lot 115 Robes, worth $4.50 at . ... .$2.95 Lot 225 ltobes, worth $5.50, $6 and $6.75 at 4.95 Don't forget the sweeping sale of children's and misses' dresses on the second flooi' over three hundred dresses worth up to $2.50 all at . .. ,. .98c Clothing Dept. A Great Window SaJe of Hais and Caps Five dollars worth of Trading Stamps with every dollar purchase in men's hat and cap department Friday. jiisands of hats and caps, lat- ftl it styles, on sale Friday, woll q. xn 9 prico Five dollars" worth of Green Trad ing Stamps with every dollar purchase Thousa est 9 If you failed Monday to avail yourself of the extraordinary offer of Double Green Trading Stamps, (200), with every $1?.00 overcoat or suit for' $10.00, we give you one more opportunity Friday and Satur day ALL DAY. A $15.00 suit or overcoat for $10.00 and two hundred Green Trading Stamps thrown in. 1,000 all wool boy's sweaters, worth $1.00, go at BOc Men's all wool underwear, worth up to $1.50 garment. 75c 100 men's $5 overcoats go at ......... ...... 2.50 Boys' reefers, $3.00 kind, go at 1.50 200 all silk oxford mufflers, worth $2.00, at .......... 1.00 500 trousers to close out, worth up to $3.00, at ........ 1.50 Children's suits, worth up to $3.45, at . ... ........... 1.95 Sensation Sale of Oranges! California Redleovd Navels A Freight Car to Sell Friday California Redland Navels are the finest oranges that grow. They are ideal fruit Large, luscious, lovely. Two dollar's worth of Green Trading Btamps with every dozen we sell at, per dozen 30c You pay your dealer 35c to 40c and you don't always get this quality of fruit at the price, FRIDAY AT BENNETTS FRUIT DEPARTMENT Not over two dozen ( to a customer, per dozen 30c NOTE Not over two dozen to one customer. Extra salespeople. Two dollars' worth of Trading Btamps with a dozen oranges, at 30c At the Soda Fountain. Everything aweet, fresh and Inviting. Try our Marsh mallow Bundae, or Chautauqua COLD, or our Jack and Jill, or Cream of Chicken Buillion fJOT. j Trading Stamps TUB RELIABLE STORK. i s Trading r Stamps Trading Stamps and How to Obtain Them. We are now giving trading stamps free with every regular cash purchase. There is a vast difference in the relative value of trading stamps and you will recognize the superiority of ours as soon as you see the valuable premiums they represent. We wish to say that one of our stamps is worth two or even threo of any other offered on account of the superiority of our premiums, which are the best that money can buy. Our facilities for purchasing direct from factories in large quantities, for spot cash, and having no additional expense for an extra store and extra help to display premiums, are savings in which you share. This, coupled with a determination to pur sue a liberal policy with our customers, make our trading stamps worthy of your earnest consideration. This is particularly true when you know you can select with out cost to yourself, any article from this magnificent array of gifts. They are absolutely the best products of the best makers. We will be pleased to have you examine variety and value of these gifts, in order to verify this statement We will then ex plain our plan, which in short is as follows, viz: When you re turn to us a book of stamps, you will be entitled to your choice of premiums in first class. Two books, your choice in second class, and so on. Others pay interest on what they owe. We pay you inter est on what you spend. Remnant Day in the Great Domestic Room. Wool and Wash Dress Goods Ramsay Tweeds, In short lengths, the new spring waxn ares roods, as- f c sorted colors, worth 25n. Frldnv IOW Dark Percales, iJRht Madras, Zephyr Waistlnirs, Mulhauxen, Flmomull, Vicuna EcllpRe and Genoa Flunnelettes, In lengths from 3 to 10 yards, worth rTlr UD to 15c. Fridnv a sk Dark colored French Flannelettes, silver pray, Zephyr Ginghams, Bcotch f'lnld and Seersucker filnnliams, S3 Inches wide, me dium and light colored I'ercalcs, Pacific and Royal rique Walstlngs, in short lengths, worth up to 16c, Bp Friday Silver gray Press Prints, fancy 27-Inch wide Percales and Bhlrtlng Prints, In , short lengths, worth VP to to, 1' Friday v Short lengths In all wool Dress Goods, great variety of styles and colors, worth up to 1.00, S'-ir Friday sSOC Big Linen and Domestic Department. Specials for Friday. CASE IMPORTED MERCERIZED WHITE WAI8TINQ8. full pieces, not a yard worth less than 86o (see our Itith street window), for 1 day IP. only. at. yard a-w 1 big table Bleached Muslin and Fine Cam bric, worth up to 15c per yard, long mill ends, as long they last, Cp at. yard 0 Large Double Warp Turkish, worm do eacn, go ai a ior 5c 1 WO TABLE OF BLEACHED AND TTN B LEACHED 8EAMLE8H SHEETING, up to 2t yards wide, long mill ends, worth from 2bo to &K per yard: as )nng as they last go at, f Br yard 600 remnants of all kinds of Table Linen, from m to 3ft-yurd lengths, go at H reg ular price. Fine Sneer India Llnon, worth iCin loo per yard, at What 4c Will Buy. After Invoicing we find a big lot of odds and ends of notions, etc, which we will close at less than one-half price. 25o combination needle books .....4'4c 10c oorset steels ........IVio 16o metal back dressing combs ....'o 20a sheet back combs , ...4VtO lOo card shell hair pins 4Wo 10a tack pullers 4'o 16c elastic, per yard 4H 20c, bolt braid skirt binding 4Ho 10c nickel plated nursery pins '.....4Ho to packages adamantine pins ihie 2 packages uesi Drass pins 10a memorandum books 4o 7 pencil tablets tt" and many other lOo to 20o articles, all on sale at 4Vo each. Grand Thread Sale. Friday morning we place on sale Beldlng Bros nest sewing sua per spool 200 yards perfect machine thread per spool, ior Ttantlnor thread. 12 sdooIs for Extra heavy black threads, spool Brooks Bros silky crochet thread, per spool .4Ho .IMo ... .no ..8V0 .40 The Greatest Sensation Yet. Freo! Froo! Froe! Oranges! Oranges! Oranges With every dozen of our extra large fancy navel oranges, at 25c per dozen, we will give $5.00 worth OF TRADING STAMF8 FREE. HAYDEW BROS. ffswa iSi Wedding and Society Stationery We do our own engraving snd printing employ only skilled artists use the best stock and Quote the lowent prices We would be pleased to show you samples and quote prices. ments. OWN YOUR OWN THEATER You can afford it. The coat is very email. Just a few easy monthly pay- YOU CAN HEAR ALL THE BEST SINGERS ON THE STAGE rv nilVIV'fi s. sj PROM SI5.00 UP. sua.i,vs EDISON-VICTOR. Singing and Talking Machine In fact, you can have GRAND OPERA in your own home, with Calve, Tamagno and other stars for about 10c a performance. Also Bousa'a Band, Iladyn Quartet, scenes from plays, minstrel shows, etc., etc. Will you not come and hear our Phonographs? They will be delivered the day purchased. Nebraska Cycle Co. Ota E. MlcksU Msnspr. 15th and Hartley Streets,.. Tslo. 166!. Our Great Terms- Nothing Down The Beet Offer Tet. Pay us for records and take the phonograph home, be ginning to pay for It so days later fn easy Installments. This Offer Mass to Everyhosy. 1