Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Yale's part is most commendable and has met with prompt re
sponse from the ladies who know the true value of the Yale Reme
dies. We are pleased to note how many thousands are taking ad
vantage of this rare opportunity of supplying themselves with
Kkin Fowl. This much coveted article is all and more than what
is claimed for it, therefore it is an important adjunct to every wo
man's toilet table, as well as a necessary factor in obliterating
from the countenance the marks of time.
We have been Mmr, Yale's Omaha agents for a great number of years and can
truthfnlly nay the sale on her Roods, which has been phenomenal, Is constantly on
the Increase, and we hear nothing but praise from thos who use them. Mme. Tale
Is unquestionably the greatest living authority on woman's beauty, therefore her
remedies can be relied upon to do all that In claimed for them. We are pleased to
eoomsnend them to our patrons and friends.
We shall fill all mall orders this week In accordance with the above offer by giv
ing a jar of Skin Food free with each SOo purchase of any of Mme. Yale's Remedies.
Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic.
MMK. YALE'S HAIR TONIC 1 a standard
srtlcle, absolutely reliable for curing
liHlr and scaly affections. We sell more
of it than we ran estimate at short no-
Ice. Three sizes. 26c, 60c, It; our prices:
25c, 45c and 80c
Mme. Yale's Beautifying Remedies
MME. TALE'S BKIN FOOD for nourish
ing the skin and obliterating wrinkles.
Two sizes, 11.50 and $3.0o our prices,
$1.25 and $2.50
PLEXION CREAM for cleansing, healing,
enhancing and preserving beauty, nothing
like it. Price tl.oo fan.
our price Ov
for cleansing the skin of blem- Cl 7C
Ishes. Price, 12.00 our price ....'-
protecting the skin from sunburn and
the Inclemency of the weather 4t makes
the skin naturally white, gives the com
plexion brilliancy. Price $1.00 Qnr
our price OWV
softening the expression It tones the
facial nerves, gives pliancy to the mus
cles and elasticity to the skin. SfiO Eft
Price. 13.00 our price ..." POV
relief for sun freckles. It completely ob
literates them from the skin, leaving It
soft, white and beautiful. Rflr
rice. 11.00 our price OVW
treatment for curing any form of erup
tive skin disease. It kills the - germ
'of rtnmuwH hv msklnrTh ekln etrneure
heslthy and active. Price, 11.00 fl(n
..oh nil nrl. OVW
KR. Price. $1.00 our price
of the greatest known toilet luxuries,
delicately fragrant as a bouquet of chn'ee
flowers. Price $160 CI 2
our price jpi.aSO
Drug Department, Boston Store,
Omaha Agents.
Assaulted by Man Wki Ihoeti anal
Mlssee and Then Vsee Bott of
Hla Revolver.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special Te'e
trrajn.) James Barton, a atudent of Has
tings, college whose home Is at Ayr, was
tonight the victim of a vicious assault. In
company with two younger students Barton
was walking to his room from tha college
atnpus "after supper. The trio met two
men and a dog. The dog made as if to bite
Barton and the young man kicked at him.
This angered the owner of the dog, who
rushed upon the student. A sharp flstlo
encounter followed and Barton was getting
the better of It when his opponent drew a
revolver and fired at the student's head.
The shot missed and the man began to
pommel Barton over the head with the re
volver, continuing the attack until the
young man fell on the sidewalk Insensible.
His companions, mere boys, went to give
the alarm and assistance came, but not
until the assailants had escaped. Medical
examination showed test Barton' scalp
bad been severely wounded. The police
have do clue to the Identity of bis assail
ants. Dana-ereasly Hnrt la Rannway.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Jsn. ll.-8pecial.)-Alvln,
Low, one of the most prominent
Stockmen In northern Nebraska and a pio
neer settler of Norfolk. Is In a very critical
rondltlon at his home near the city as the
result of a disastrous runaway. Driving
borne Mr. Low s horse became frightened
end overturned his carriage down a deep
embankment which lay near the approach
to a railroad crowing. He was dragged for
oma distance and rendered unconscious. A
train whistled by and made the animal
frantic, but the reins were wrapped about
the unconscious driver's hands. Three libs
were brokon and torn from the collarbone.
Ills lung's were hurt, too, and he haa been
unable to lie down for several days.
Valley Coanty Assessors.
ORD. Neb., Jan. IS. (Special.) The ap
pointment of deputy county assessors by
the county assessor has been mad a and the
same was promptly approved by the county
board. The lltt with the township whlcb
they have been selected to assess Is as fol
lows: Nobis, Ed Flnley; Elyrla, A. N.
Brain work
clear and clean
wThrro's a Rtsson"
Oet the little book. "The Road to
Weilvllle' In each package.
We nre pleased to announce
that we will have a special sale
on Mnie. Yale's Remedies tbi
entire week. Every day until
Baturday nicht we shall give
with each 80-cent purchase of
any of Mme, Yale's preparations
a large jar of Mme. Yale's Skin
Food (sample size), value one
dollar. This generosity on Mme.
POWDER. Price, 16c our price ... ""w
SOAP. Price. 26c our Dries WW
POWDER. Price. 60c our price
fer another day with corns. Mme. Yale's
Corn Cure makes quick work of them,
Use It and enjoy the com- OHn
fort of sound feet. 26o our price. asvfW
Yale Health Remedies.
MME. YALE'S FRUIT CURA, a strength
ening tonic for women, a cure for er
tain organic ailments. The wonderful
cures; effected by It testify to Its great
merit. Price, $1.00 HOr
one nrim OVJW
curs constipation and ventilate a clog god
system. Two sites, ttegular prices, wc
and $1.00 our prices.
40c and 80c
make new, rich blood. They enrich the
skin with healthy coloring. Two alxes,
60o and $1.00 our prices,
40c and 80c
the liver, blood and kidneys. Reg- QA.
ular price, $1 our price C7VW
aid digestion and cure Indigestion. 60c
and $1.00 cur prices,
40c and 80c
valuable household article, and must be
. Used -to -be 'appreciated. For cleansing
the mouth and gums In the morning,
Sargllng the throat for sore throat,
resslng sores, wounds or bruises. It is
unequalled. Price, $1.00 HCic
our price ..
MME. YALE'S LINIMENT Is a newcomer,
and said to have maglc-llke Influence
In curing muscular affections, such as
rheumatism, neuralgia. Ar
sprains, etc. Price, 60c our price... -v
Wosnlak; Eureka, Jacob Osentowskl; Ge
ranium, John Rybln; Michigan, C. L.
Kokea; Ord, C. A. Hager; Springdale, Elmer
King; North Loup, H. I. Green; Enterprise,
T. C. Honnold; Vinton. H. F. Lewis; Lib
erty, - Ralph Hughes; Arcadia, Albert
Strathdee; Yale, David Riddle; Davia Creek,
Frank Trump; Independent, W. B. Green.
No Traee HasVBeen Fennel erf Robbers
Wk secured 9&0O, After Comlnar
from tho ionthenst.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. 19.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) A special to the Dally News says
that the bank at McLean, Neb., was blown
up last night and $500 taken. The robbers
came from the southeast. No trace of
them has been found.
Injured by Ranaway Team.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 19.-(Speclal.)
Harms Huls. a prominent young German
farmer residing In Hanover township, was
seriously Injured In a runaway accident
eight miles northeast of this city Saturday
night. The team which Mr. Huls w
driving ran away, throwing him out of
the buggy and In such a manner as to cut
several gashes In hla head and bruise his
body terribly. For a time It was thought
he could not recover, but the attending
physicians think he will get along all right
with proper care.
Good Day for Weddings.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Jsn. 11. Spe
flat TUmm iThi follnwin rnarrUn
, ,lrcnMa w,r. u,ued at th, county judge's
office today: William A. Deweee of Ne
maha county and Miss Llnnle M. Beamer
of Otoe county; Oral E. Cos of Cass county
and Miss Ida Agnes McBride of Otoe
county; George H. Morgan of Atchison
county, Missouri, and Nettle Buxton of
Cass county, Illinois. The lsst named
couple were married at the First Math
odist parsonage by Rev. J. W. Scott.
New Bridge Over Loop.
ORD. Neb., Jan. 1 (Special.) Several
rarloada of the Ison and steel for the new
bridge across the North Loup river at this
place have been received and work on the
structure will commence about February I
The contract for Its construction has been
let to an eastern manufacturer and accord
Ing to the specifications the bridge when
completed wUI be the most substantial
bridge crossing the Loup river at any point.
Close Revival Meetlna-s-
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Jan. !. (SpeciaD-
The series of special meetings at the
(Christian church, under direction of Ds
Forrest Austin, state evangelist, closed
Sunday evening, and last night he delivered
a lecture at the church. The meetings at
tracted considerable Interest and resulted
In fifty-two accessions to the church.
Pelea-atee Go to rresnent.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. Is. (Special.)
The local delegates to the etate firemen's
convention, numbering . twenty-three, left
this morn lug for Fremont over the Union
Pacific route lu a special car.
Firmer is Evidence at Liicoln. at Boon ti
Demcersts Lear.
Secretary of Eqaallsatloa Board
Thlsike They Will Catch Every
Tales; Onara by These
(From a" Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 1 (Special.) This Is
convention week In Lincoln ard evidence
of the presence of the agricultural class
In the city Is found everywhere. Many of
the merchants have caught the spirit,
with the result that store windows have
been changed to miniature farms, corn
fields and cattle lots. In one of these
windows la Challenger, the university prise
winning steer. He Is atractlng much 'at
tention. The town Is full of visitors and
they are being well cared for.
It Is piobable that one or these shows
will not again come to Lincoln. This Is
the poultry exhibit, the especial pet of
Rev. Luther P. Ludden. This Is being
held In the Auditorium and It Is thought
the management of the building will not
again allow the exhibit to be placed there.
They claim that the cost of heating and
lighting Is so great that the price paid
for the use of the building Is not suf
ficient to pay them for renting It. It
usually takes a long time after the chick
ens are removed to put the building In
shape for other use. It Is understood here
that Omaha Is preparing to secure this
part of the numerous farmers' meetings
next year and If It offers a place for Its
holding Omaha will In all probability get
The Society of Industry and Labor met
In the federal building, 200 strong, and
got In shape to elect officers and do busi
ness tomorrow. The most Important work
done by this society today was the pas
sage of a resolution endorsing Governor
State Board ef Agrlcaltare.
The State Board of Agriculture met at
the university chapel with a large number
of others and listened to two Interesting
adlresses, one by Prof. John Hamilton,
farmers'. Institute specialist of the Depart
ment of Agriculture and the other by
Joseph E. Wing on "Lessons from the
Old World." Mr. Wing Is of the Breeders'
Oasette. Chancellor Andrews delivered the
address of welcome and Dr. J. M. May
hew furnished the music.
The swine breeders got together at the
unl -entity farm and besides a lunch list
ened to
:o some very Interesting papers.
who contributed to the urogram
wno contrtDutea to the program
were A. E. Davlsson, principal of the
school of agriculture, E. Z. Russell of
Herman, R. M. lilodgett of Beatrice, pres
ident of the association; H. R. Smith of
the experimental station. Dr. Samuel Avery
f th experimental station, J. H. Skinner
of the Indiana experimental station. Dr.
A. T. Peters of the Nebraska experimental
The Horticultural zoclety held forth at
the state farm and carried out this pro
gram: Address Prof. E. A. Burnett
Response President G. 8. Christy
Commercial Orcharding
O. A. Marshall, Arlington
Orcharding Under Irrigation
rranK w. Biepnene, v-reie
Orcharding In Southeastern Nebraska..
G. A. Blavton. Salem
Fruit Growing and Varieties Adapted to
Hamilton county
J. R. Davidson. Aurora
Spraying A. Russell, Tecumseh
Secretary's report.
Telephone Men Talk.
The Independent Telephone association
met at the Llndell hotel this morning.
D. Clark, president, called the meeting
to order and W. H. Daubendlck of DeWltt
read a paper entitled "Farm Lines, the
Construction of Same and the Proper
Rates." He recommended that tha in
fluential and prosperous farmer be taken
In as a stockholder, and said by doing
this the rural telephone line will be made
more of a .success. A. E. Gantt of Falls
City read a paper on "Toll Line Construc
tion. Standardisation and Rates." After
that the telephone men had their pictures
The state printing board met yesterday
afternoon and authorised the secretary to
advertise for bids for printing supplies for
the various state departments for the
quarter. Bids will be opened on the after
noon of January 29.
Superintendent Fc.wler went to Mullen In
Hooker county, today to nave a talk with
the county superintendent and the teachers
about schools in general.
Completes Railroad Schedules.
Secretary Bennett of the State Board of
Equalisation haa completed his schedules
for the assessment of railroad property and
It Includes everything In sight snd will
give the state board plenty of facts upon
which to base the value of the franchise.
Mr. Bennett expects great results from
the meetings of the county assessors to be
held Wednesdsy. These will be held In
the senate chamber but the time will not
be. determined until that day. Officers will
be elected and an organisation will be ef
fected. It will be Impressed upon the as
sessors that they are responsible for the
work of their deputies and the law will
be discussed with them In detail. To date
forty-five assessors have notified the sec
retary of their Intention to be present,
ekoolmasters' Clnb Meeting.
The next meeting of the Nebraska
Schoolmasters' club will be held at Lin.
coin. January 22. at the Llndell notei.
The papers will be by Superintendent W,
H. Gardner on "Agriculture In the Publlo
Schools." Toe discussion will be led by
Prof. C. E. Beesey. Orders for plates
will be given at 1 p. m. Friday and each
member Is asked to Indicate before that
time how many he will wish. In the ab
sence of any word one plate will be or
dered and reserved.
There are three vacancies still In the club
membership. Candidates will be voted on
In order of receipt of nominations by the
Gambling Appeal Hearing.
In supreme court this morning the ap
peal of Mayor Frank E. Moores and Chief
of Police Donahue from tne peremptory
writ of mandamus ordering them to close
the Diamond pool room and stop gambling
In the city of Omaha came up on a motion
to advance the cauae. The court signified
that It would do so shortly and at the
same time fix a date upon which briefs
should be f.led.
Lysis Abbott appeared for the relators,
himself and I. J. Dunn, and urged a
speedy hearing. He said that for weeks a
gambling room had been openly running
on one of the main streets of the city of
Oma hi, and that It was not necessary to
go into court after a writ to close It. The
mayor and chief of police not only op
posed the Issuance of the writ, but after
the court had ordered one to Issue had ap
pealed to this tribunal. He pointed out
that the supersedeas bond, which now
stayed the execution of that writ, was
signed by the mayor, chief of police and
city treasurer. This bond, he Insisted,
was not a supersedeas bond, but merely
one for costs, and did not therefore stay
the execution of the writ. He asked the
court to so hold.
W. J. Connell. who appeared for the
city officials, said he had no particular ob
jection to advancement, but be did not see
any urgent need of haste In tha matter. He
suggested thst sixty days ougM to be
given for the filing of brief.
The entire morning was consumed by
the court In calling rases and assigning
them for argument before the various
commissions. Commission No. $ was de
pleted by the absence of two of the mem-1
bers, and Judge Duffle therefore sat with
No. Z. Six cases were assigned to No. 1
and ten to No. 2.
Attorney 8. L. Oelsthardt launched an
argument this morning In a case from
Cass county against the constitutionality
of the law permitting clerks of courts to
Issue fee bills and giving them all the
force and effect of an execution. Mr.
Oeisthardt Insisted the law was unconsti
tutional because it made the clerk a law
unto himself; he could make what charges
he saw fit and take a man's property with
out any due process.
Attorneys Still Warm.
The Penn-Trompen controversy, over
which a fisticuff was precipitated In dis
trict court yesterday, came up before the
court this morning and Mr. Greene and
Mr. Tibbets Indulged In some warm con
tradictions over the facts relating to the
condition of the record. Mr. Oreenee In
sisted that the briefs were not filed upon
him In time, and the controversy ended by
both asserting they would present evi
dence to back up what they had declared to
be the facts.
Reanbltran Committeemen Arrive.
The vanguard of the republican state
committee Is here preparatory to the meet
ing tomorrow, and while the committeemen
are not numerous enough to tell what will
be the action of the committee, the senti
ment of the majority of those arrived Is
for one convention. John L. Webster Is
here and has announced that he will not
make a fight for two conventions, being
content with any action the committee
sees fit to take. Those here are: Mc
Carger of Saline, Byron Clark of ' Cass,
Titus of Nemaha, Harrison of York!
Tralnnery of Pawnee. Walt of Otoe and
Chairman Lindsay.
Supreme Court Proceedings.
Joseph P. Baldwin and Thomas Fllcklnger
were admitted to the bar on motion of at
torneys. The following cases were marked for sub
mission: LIKIe against State, Pappe against Pappe.
nS'1,. Kruf McKlbben against
Ihv Trumbull against Trumbull. Weed
gainst Chicago, SL Paul. Minneapolis &
Omaha Railway Company; Wlnnett against
Adams, Tlndall against Peterson, Bonacum
against Murphy, Cady against Usher. Wlg
gennorn against Fitzgerald, Lincoln Supply
Company against Graves. Myer against
First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Mc
cormick Harvester Machine Company
against Brown. Village of Grant against
Sherrlll. Bradley & Co. against Basta.
Holmes against Seaman, Dowart kgalnut
Ball. Blanke Tea and Coffee Pnm a n v
against Trade Exhibit Company. State ex
re' Uunn against Moores, Mitchell against
VB, Coun,y- Omaha Bridge and Terminal
Rn), Company against Whlney. Closen
against Pruhs, Holmes against Columbia
i-tuiiuiiur rmriK oz xincoin.
The following cases were submitted on
Penn against Trompen. Prltschau against
Rice Broe., Pappe against Pappe. Wardell
against Wardell, Edge against Edge.
The following miscellaneous orders were
Farnam aralnat Lincoln, contlmmt to
June ; Horst against Lewis, continued to
February 1; Ossenkop against Shea, dis
missed; Shaw against Equitable Mutual
Accident Association, continued to Feb
ruary 1; HalKh against Dillon, continued
to February 2; Peter sgainst Peter, contin
ued to February 16; Perrin against Knight
Trust and Masons' Ixmn Indemnity Com
pany, continued to February 16; General
Assembly of A. B. A. against Kremen
cliurk. affirmed; Stemm against Van Camp,
affirmed; Nelson against Mets Brewing
Company, affirmed; Weils against Hauser,
affirmed; Gaffey against Northwestern Mu
tual Loan Insurance Company, continued to
February 2: Dubois sgainst Martin, contin
ued to February t; Martin against Abbott,
continued to February ; Raldrldge against
Coffman, continued to, .February 2, 1904.
Nebraska City and Otber Towns Fall
Into Lino for the Presi
dent. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) A called meeting of the
republicans of this city was held this even
ing and an organization effected. George
McCallum was elected president, tha other
officers to be elected at the next meeting.
The president appointed a membership
committee consisting of W. F. Bridgman,
R. W. Kelley and Ralph Eastman. Re
publican addresses were made by several
and the name of the organisation will be
the Nebraska City Roosevelt league. Res
olutions were adopted advocating the nom
ination of Theodore Roosevelt for presi
dent without pledges to any other candi
dates that would Interfere with that end.
Patrick Roddy and Frank McCartney were
elected delegates to the State Roosevelt
league, which meets In Lincoln tomorrow.
ALBION, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.) The
republicans of thla city met last Saturday
evening In the county court rooms for the
purpose of organising a Roosevelt club. A
good many were present and the following
routine business was gone through: H. F.
Lehr wss named for president pro tern.,
W. 8. Pierce secretary. Then F. D. Wil
liams was elected president of the organi
sation. W. 8. Price secretary, W. H. II-
llan treasurer. A board of managers was
named as follows: L. B. Day, Charles Bull,
T. A. Thompson, F. M. Wletxel, H. I Mc
Connell. W. H. Illlan was elected delegate
to the state convention at Lincoln, January
20. A good dead of enthusiasm was shown
although It Is early yet for political meet
ings to begin. It Is evident that this will
be a lively campaign In this locality.
HA8TINGS, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) A Roosevelt club was organised
here tonight with a membership of several
hundred and delegates were elected to at-
We wish you fully understood the
great importance of daily act? of
the bowels. It would saveyou
much suffering and sickness.
The remedy is so simple, so easy
to take, and so free from all harm
ful ingredients. One of Ayers
Pills each night, just one. svir.
ATTO't IATB TlOOft-FoT tS hair.
AIKa't Afc&araJULLa-rw the kotos.
tend the etate meeting at Lincoln tomor
row. The delegates are Harry Haverly,
Adam Breede, J. N. Clarke. John M. Ragnn,
J. H. Fleming. A. C. Hull. L. J. Carps,
Mark Levy, C. G. Heartwell and J D.
French. The next meeeting of the club
will be held next Tuesday, when, officers
for the organisation will be elected.
Lawyers and Interested Parties Go
from David City to
DAVID CITT, Neb., Jsn. l.-(8peclal.)
Beveral of the attorneys and a large num
ber of our rltlsens went to Lincoln yester
day morning to be present at the argu
ments before the supreme court In the Lit
lie murder case.
Attorneys Matt Miller and C. H. Aldrlch.
who defended Mrs. Llllle In the trial In the
district court, will be assisted In tha su
preme court by Hsmer Hsmer of Kear
ney and Senator William V. Allen of Madi
son. Senator Hastings, who assisted
County Attorney Evans In the prosecution
of the case In the district court, will prob
ably make an oral argument before the
supreme court today.
Maa "hot While Allege to Be Steal
Ing Corn Is Dead at
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 19. (Special Telegrams
William Lewis, who was shot by A. W.
Btratton at the stale farm Sunday night
while thought to be stealing com, died at
noon today. The physician failed to locate
the bullet and probably will hold a post
mortem examination. Lewis loaves a
At the coroner's Inquest tonight Strstton
was exonerated from all blame for the
shooting. The dead man leaves two sis
ters living In Omaha, Mrs. Mary Camp
bell of 2003 North Twenty-second street
and a Miss Lewis.
Expects to Be Ready to Retnrn to
Washington Some Time Daring
.ext Week.
HASTINGS, Neb..x Jan. 19.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Senator Charles H. Dietrich will
go to Omaha tomorrow, where he expects
to remain until Saturday. After returning
to Hastings he will depart In a few days
for Washington.
Roosevelt Clnb at Auburn,
AUBURN. Neb., Jan. 19 (Spedal.)-A
Roosevelt club was organized here last
evening. Over 120 members were enrolled.
R. F. Neal was elected president, E. H.
Dort vice president, Frank Horn secretary
and William Gaede treasurer. Hon. J. W.
I Kerns was elected delegate to the State
League of Roosevelt Republican Clubs and
' T. J. Crummel alternate. Arrangements
are being perfected to organise Roosevelt
clubs all over the county and thus organise
all the republican workers.
Oakland Rebekahs Install.
OAKLAND. Neb., Jan. 19. (Special. )
The Rebekahs of this city Installed the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year Mon
day evening: Mrs. Josie Van Cleve, noble
grand; Mrs. Llixle Peterson, vice grand;
Mrs. Marie Farslund, secretary; Mrs. La
sena Jeger, treasurer. After the Installa
tion refreshments were served. A good
social time was enjoyed by those present.
Two Stores Consolidate.
AUBURN. Neb.. Jan. 11 (Special.) The
department store of A. H. GUmore de Sons
Is being removed from the Hetiel block to
the new Gllmore-Arm strong building. The
GUmore stock will be consolidated with
the stock of J. W. Armstrong and a corpo
ration organised to be known aa the Gtl-more-Armatrong
Challenge for Rnral Carriers.
TEKAMAH, Neb., Jan. l.-(Speclal.)
Burt county's rural carriers challenge the
world to beat S. A. Bryant's run Saturday
last. He made his route, twenty-threo
miles and forty-four boxes,' In less than
three hours, on his bicycle, leaving the
office at 9 o'clock a. m. and reaching the
office at 11:46 a. m.
Insurance Solicitor Fined.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Jan. It. -(Special.)
J. Forrest Marston waa arraigned before
Justice M. Archer and pleaded guilty to
the charge of having solicited life insurance
In this state Illegally. TV5 court fined him
the sum of (60. Not having the money to
pay the fine he waa taken back to the
county Jail.
Make Woman Move.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. IS. (Special.)
The police raided the apartments of Emma
Page In a Norfolk avenue business block
snd arrested her, with three young men.
They were all found guilty of vagrancy and
the woman was made to leave the city.
Holdreare to Improve Water Works
HOLD REG E, Neb., Jan. II. (Special
Telegram.) By a rote of 216 to 4, the cltl
ens of Holdrege, at the special election
held here today, decided to Issue 19.000
bonds for Improving the water system and
for putting down new wells.
Drag Firaa Dissolves.
AUBURN. Neb.. Jan. IS. (Special.) The
drug firm of Rustics V Cllne haa deaolred,
Frank Cllne, the junior member, purchas
ing the Interest of Mr. Eustlce.
ay O. Are Om , Mass.
Also saunMMi of
ATIK'S CtTKIT PaXTTOfciX-fw eoafti.
AtSa'S AGUa COU Wm asalana aae agsa.
Duffy' Pure Matt Whiskey Saved My Ufa From Bronchitis Six Ynar Ago
and Has Kept Me Stronr end Healthy Ever Since, Writes
nrs. D. M. Roberts, of La Orange, III.
f, Wi
I I;
I f'it' urn 1 '
I never take any other medicine. Duffy's
not OS Without it." nnn. 1. 1.1. nnnnio.
The average length of life Is less than 60 years. The census shows there are only
1536 persons In the 1'nlted States who have passed the century mark. Almost every
one of them own his or her ripe old age and freedom from disease to Duffy s Pure
Malt Whiskey, the true Elixir of Life. We have been publishing their letters regu
larly In the papers for years. Mrs. Roberts is one of these wundotful old people.
It Is an absolutely pure distillation of malt, a gentle. Invigorating stimulant which
builds up the worked-out. run-down, weakened diseased constitution and keeps It al- f
ways In condition to throw off and resist disease. It kills disease germs, quiets the
nerves, repairs the worn-out. diseased tis
sues, tones up the heart, enriches the blood
snd strengthens the circulation, and gives
power to the brain and strength and elas
ticity to the muscles.
Duffy's Pure Malt WhiHkey cures Bron
chitis, Coughs, I'uIiIm. IJiippe. Asthma,
Ca.tarrh, Pnminionin, pleurisy. Consumption
and all diseases of the throat and lungs;
Dyspepsia. Indigestion and every form of
stomach trouble. Malaria and all low fev
ers. It Is Invaluable for overworked men,
delicate women and sickly children.
If you wish to keep young and strong and
have on your face the glow of perfect
health; If you wish to live to a great age
and to retain tindtmmed the use of all your
faculties; If you would enjoy life to the full
est Hnd lie Independent in old age take
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as dlrecti-d
and take no other inedlrlne.
No other medicine or combination of med
icines will do what Duffy's will do. It Is
prescribed by 7,000 doctors and used in over
J,(KV hospitals.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey contains no
fusel oil, and is the only whiskey recognised by the Government as
i nin in a guarantee.
CAlTIO When yon ask for Daffy's Pare Malt Whiskey be anre yon get
the aennine. - I n -crapulous dealers, mlndfnl of the excellence of this prepa
ration, will try to sell yon cheap Imitations and malt whiskey snhstltotes,
which are pot on the market for profit only, and which, far front relieving;
the sick, are positively harmful. Demnnd "Dairy's" and be snre yon vet It.
It Is the only nnsoliitrly pnre Malt Whiskey ' which roatalns medicinal.
health-Ktvtnv qualities. Daffy's Pnre Malt Whiskey Is sold In sealed bottles
onlyi never In flask or bnlk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist,"
on the label, and be certain the seal over tho cork Is nnbrokea. Beware
of refilled bottles.
Sold by all druggists and grocers, or direct. 11.00 a bottle. Medical booklet free.
Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, New Tork.
DON'T WAIT until your whole sys
tem la polluted with disease, or until
i your nervous system is tottering under
the strain, and you become a physical
and mental "wreck, unfit for work,
study, business or marriage. Wlh
special diseases and. weaknesses you
can make no compromise. You must
conquer them now by the right treat
ment, or they will fill your whole life
with falluie, misery and woe. Uncer
tain, Improper or half-way treatment
can only do harm. The worst cases
we have treated were thoee that had
been Improperly treated before coming
to us, some having been maimed for
life by bungling surgical procedure.
We euro by restoring and preserving
important organs. We do not advo
cate their mutilation or destruction In
an effort to make a quick cure. Every
afflicted man owes It to himself, his ,
:amUy, and to the future generations ,
to get curt'i SAFELY and thoroughly.
STATEMENTS or deceptive proposi
tions to the afflicted, nor do we prom
ise to cure them IN A FEW DAYS in
order to secure their patronage, but
guarantee a COMPLETE. SAFE AND
POSSIBLE TIME, without leaving Injurious after-effects In the system, wid
at the lowest cost possible for HON EST, SKILLFUL and SUCCESSFUL
Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Impotency.
Blood Poison (Syphilis), Sores, Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Disease),
and all diseases and weaknesses due to Inheritance, evil habits, self abuse. In
discretions, excesses or the results of specific or private disease.
MIKIII TlTinM FRPFomce hours, S a. m. to I p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only
bUnaULIAHUII rntt lf you cannot call wrtte for symptom blank.
1308 Farnam St.. Bet. 13th and
CALIFORNIA'S attraction are mostlv of
. its own kind, pecuUr to the state, and of
none is this so emphatically true as that
unique product, the Big Trees. The age of thete
colossi is from 1,500
Grove, which can be
Yosemite, contains some of tha largest. In the
Calaveros Grove are from ninety to one hundred
of hufc-e size. Near Santa Cruc is a beautiful
grove of redwood Biff Trees whichwiU well em
ploy s day's visit.
ThaMstiractiooaare heat leeched by the Vnion Pact fie.
whose last trues arrive at Sao Fraociaco sad Los Aogslea -Iron
Omaha aiateea hours ahead el all competitors.
Mre. Roberts Doesn't Look a Day Over
Imtri neads the Papers and Sews
Without Spectacles. "Thanks to
Dairy's Fare Malt Whiskey I ( an Dl.
sest Anrthln. Sleen Ooaadlr. and
Am Smart for My Ae."
"J write this letter to thank you for what
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has done for
tr-s- 'n 1K; ' had an unusually severe St-
tack of Bronchitis and the beKt doctors said
i would surely die, because I was such an
oid lady and there was not enough vitality
loft in my body to resist the disease
Nothing they gave me had any effect.
"My son ssw your advertisement and
hougnt a bottle of Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey for me. It saved mv life. It
brought back my strength and I have not
been sick a day since.
"I wss born in May, 1SD4. In the town of
Cllftondale. Mass., and 1 am therefore In
my 100th year. I can sew snd read tha
papers without the aid of spectacles and
am unusually smart for my age- Thanks
to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey I can digest
anything, and I am evidently getting all
the nourishment out of my food, for I am
ao much stroTiger than I have bn for
veara and am In rood flesh. 1 sloen soundlv.
Is the very life of 2M,P'P,i 'ii!.w,n"M
to years. The Mariposa
visited while en route to the
' 1324 FARM AM ST.
'Phono 316.