TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. JANUARY 17. 1&C4. XT rem baxjb-rkal estate. GL FXTERS. T. J. FITZ'3ER.LD. R. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND-FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. 4 THOUGHTS OF OMAHA BT FAMOUS MEN. Thee tnairniflrent structures dedicate to rommr, 1 h rhaT-ches rd school biwis.s, tlx great stock yarde. the Ih"url of tippy. comfortable home which characterise mil constitute your great city, a' a marvel and tribute to the enterprise and poirfr rf fvopmfat of th American people, unsurpassed, w think, by any city la th United States." Pres.dent Harrison. 4-foot frontage, northeast corner 34 and Lntrrop. l"0.00. fx' feet, a grade, east front, 10) feet south of southwest corner IKh aad Half-Howard. Choice building spot, $2,000.9. -room modern bouse, bam and carriage bous. shade aod fruit tree a, lot KiV, oath front; for quick sale. 12.750 00. Hrwom modern house, extra. larxs lot. east frost. 1220 South 10th street, $4.2S0.00. I-room, thoroughly modern, full lot, east front, facing Turner Park; owner leaving dty and price this for a fw da a at $4,900.09. City la expending- a large amount f money la Improving this district; paved streets, permanent walks amd nice shad. U-roots bouse. I acres of fmlt. consisting of cherry trees, 200 apple., 10 plum, TS poach and peers, su-awberri, blackberries, gooseberries and crapes, fruit ail ta first-class condition. This wlU maka an ideal home, within one mil of street car; Bio high location, proparty la la first-class condition. Owner has been holding this at Uch figures, bat baa ordered us to price It at K.WjOOO. It is a food bargain for thia pric. US acre. 7-room house, largo barn, granaries, chicken bouse, bog house and other vtbvfldlags; building aU new; 1 mU west of Tekamah; 190.09 per acre. Is acres. I Bailee front Ashland, I miles from Oretna; fair Improvements; best of ou. is,n aoL ia acre, all In cultivation, fair improve men ts, M acres of alfalfa, dark loam aotl arttb alay subsoil. In Harlan county. $4.00 04. LIST TOUR FROFERTT WITH U3 EUTERA. R. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. TELEPHONE . SO WTO REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Cal, BacruMntt Co, 440 A. at Imp' a. Cal near I'"""' 7-r. rea. and i A. Cal Meal Park, well lmpd. 3 A estate. CaL. Bear Ban Jose, 6 A. prune orchard. Xaa, near Holmaeld. M0 A and ImpU. I'.oL, Cot sipi-lnge. mod. l-r. rea. and lot. CoL, Denver, $ bldg lota. a AJaonua co, ija jl. en umDmmo. a, Buwane Co, U A. y allow pin tim- per. ria.. Largo, W A suburban land, suitable for rea and orange grove ane. Tie-, D Bote Co , A; large orange grova Oa, Cobb Co., A A and lmpta. 111. U'beo City, millinery stock and flit 2nd, Stark Co., excellent farm. 730 A la, Dickinson Co, Ill A and tmpta la, Buthvon. t-r a, and t lota. lean Clav C 140 A. and lmnta. Vtin . Montgomery Co., 100 A and lmpta. a, Catahoula Co., n A. timorriana. e, Biddeford. good rea. and I lota. Biasconset, u lunusnea cottages. lXnA Mich, irontoalsa Co.. M A and lmpta. Mian, OttertaU Co.. SU) A and fmpta. Mlna, Motly, rea. and lota. Vina, OLmstead Co., 40 A and tmpta. Vllna.. Racvlila Co., 1M A and imp La Ma.. Waahlngtoa Co.. Mo A. and tmpta. Pt Lou la. mod. 7-r. brick rea. and lot. Neb, Holt Co.. 190 A land. Sebv, Fvro, it ore bldg. and lot. . Ft, HainpUm. furnlahed seaahor cot tax. '. J, Ocean OroT. tt-T. res.: furnished. j, Atianuo co,, at a. cranoerry maran. J.. Now Brunswick, fin mod. rea. and M A In building lota, good tenant house ana Darn. T- I ware Co.. 11 A and lmpta. . T., Ptutra Co.. r A. and lmpta. I, Hanaro, rooa -r. res. ana lot. D Ransom Co.. ISO A. snod soil. er.Waahoe Co., T A eqpd. farm. '. D Wells Co 190 A. and lmpta. Ohio. Jerlersoa Co, A blrumlnous ooaL 1 wins, I to I f . Jsl A surface. Or, Lan Co, S3g A tlmberland. Ia., Ullford, rea. and grounda. sultabl for summer borne, sanitarium or bdg. house. Pa. Chamberaburg, res. and i A K. X, Waahlnglon Co, S0 A and lmpta. V a.. Surrey Ce, SI A. unimproved. Wean, Kittitas Co, M A timber land. ' "W!a, Onetda Co, U A and lmpta Wia, Lincoln Co, A hardwood. Wyo, Crook Co., W A. and lmpta. "W. AC OBTRANOER. N. A Bldr . PTrfla. RE-etl 17x WEST FARNAM HOME. - Ka e9l Farnam straet. t-roora modern reaidonoe, jgood barn, brick sidewalk, nice lawn, fin lot. (Jo out and look at it. Price, tlW. Liberal terms. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. Sol Acuta. HI Brown Flora. RESJ0 17 FARM AND RANCH ' LANDS. Nebraska. Kansas, .Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. $Ho $12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. Mc ALLASTAR. Laxd Commissioner. Union Pacific R R. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. , WHUM buying or selling real estate get a Mld.aad Guarantee and Trust company loaded abatract. lilt Farnam. street RE MTil INVESTMENT. FOUR blocks from court house. (0x10 feet, lot with s-roora cottage, renting for t'JS per month; owner needs money and offers this desirable propertv for less than the let alone is worth tZ.kn. Bee na at once. Ci S. loth. T-room bouse and corner lot rents for 8 per month. Price, only SLfcia. W. Faroaia Bmiih 'o RE-M775 U , 0-Acre Improved Farm la Carroll Co., Iowa. Improvements con sist of -room bous thst coet U.UW, small bars, well and windmill. Level and every foot tillable. Price, (2.400. Muei sell this waak If poaaeaslon given March UL If not sold will re-real. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. Sol Agents. LI Brown Block. RE17 17 CHEAP LAND, FOVGLA3 CO I-NTT. WB1 ARB offering 1 seres of ss good Soil aa raa be found In the county, about W acres la cultivation, balance in timber and pasture; Eikhorn bottom land (et particulars; price, tS.MJU. W. Firsam Bmltb A Co. RE M77 II DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want te sell a farm or ranch tell tba farmers and stock rsisers about it, " best way ta reach tbeta is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tbla agricultural weea r goes to 4,90 asn f farmers and nock raisers, so If eo nave a sood t.w r Und to :! at a reasonable prtc ysu will fisd a buyer asaeng them. Ths cost cf sn sdvertintDt tSJ"1 ? eeats per word la email typo tr gLW per Inch if set in large typ. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE Acreage Bargains I aero south wee t acre southaeet It acrea southwest 1 acre near K rug's Park . . 1 ara near Country club. .. $ IS ...$ b .. C.l-i .. tl. ...tioug Building Lot Bargains Bouth Jstb, street paved. $0 $M wenator mu tn DAVID O. PATTERSON, Pattereoa Block. ' RE KA IT 2$ -Aae -Adjoining Omaha. Wick t-room bous Ux2 snd houas of I I' viasa. ewf rea. A great many gu.bern.. ffi l1-'!"e '- Him c-rt THE A b HvjTT -CXj W A N COMPANY aU Agaata Br...n B.'-k. RE JU li FOR MLC-IICtL EST AYR. M. D. CAMERON. FOR QUICK SALE. WE HATE THE FNAP FOR SOMEBODY. tOO-acre farm In Elk horn valley; 130 acre cortineld. 190 acrea fenced pasture, balano meadow and pasture, usual farm bulld inss on place; prk-e, tiO.'nji': caeri balajic t per cent interest, or good prop erty in trade. Some corn ajid 3 tons of hav on this place can be had cheaj by purchaser. ISO acres Miesouri river bottom, one mil from Lovejuid, Iowa; ro hll's. marsh or sand land; all fertile soil; small house and larxe bam, some fruit, SO ares cultivated, balance meadow and pasture, too per acre; half cah. or good property In trade. 160 acres Harlan county, 2 miles from Ra gan. Nebraska, brick house, frame barn granary and other buildings, lAU per Syr-re; can take a small home In Omaha In part payment. . J. B. UPER. Be Building. Omaha. Neb. . RSS 17 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK, FOR . Bargains in Omaha Property. . HE to 90 Acres. To party wanting country home: N acres l mite from town of Sue near Omaha; l-room house, moacro in every respect; big new barn; eat Lie barn with as stalls; cement cave; rock mil aouse," numerous other bunoir.ga. Improvements cose when new IllKXi; all In flrst-clasa repair. Price for everytUiig. land included, 11-.000. Land alone worth thie amount. Will consider traue for part of price. Ton will not find anything more desirable than thia THki ABBUTT-COWAN COMPANY. Bole Agaata. 1X2 Brown Block. KE-ta 17 PUBLIC SALE Douglas County Farm RIVERSIDE FARM, about M miles north west of Omalia and a miles east of Te mont, sw, section t, township It, rang . at Mercer, louglas county. Neb, wui be sold at public sale by ice aaminis 'tratrtx of the estate of John I. Tbomaa, deceased, on Thursday. January U UMM, in order to pay the debts ana costs of administration of the estate. The sals will taks place at the east door of the court house in the city of Omaha and will be open from 11 to 12 o'clock In the forenoon. Julia Tbomaa, administratrix. 7U N. Y, Life Bid. RE Mil M H Choice Building Lots H BEMIS PARK, on X3d St, near Lincoln boulevard, on car line, on grade, prion I5e. On Lh-fayttlla. near Jbih, fine large lot, SojO. On 31 &u. good eautt front lot, near Lin coln boulevard, lays good and high, price Hon, easy terms. On N. Mia. St.. near Saratoga, fin larg lot, apple and 'shade tree, good bouses all around it. price $. KOUNTZE PLACE LOTS. WOO. tSad. $700 and 1. On Binncy, between lith and lth, good larg lot. pric reduced to etoO for quick sale. Many others In all parts of th city. Call and get list. Open Monday night from to la. . Hastings & Heyden, BMli NEW YORK LIFE BUTLDINO. RE W 17 FOR BALE 7we;ve-ser fruit farm at Braldectoirp, Kloilda; water from, young orange jnd banana grova, snd goJ bouse. Address Lock Boa a. Gi.tnor. Neb. RE 1M W. H. GATES. 07 N T. LIFE. Phono 13t t SCaMve-room cottage, T3t Parker, sou tit front, paved street, lot 1&X1X7. lays nloa. rents at tKcttJ. tlJbO.00 t-room cottage, east front, t30 N. ZMl. paved street, rents at tli.iJu. $1.760. 00 e-room new bouse, modern except furnace, east front, on Z7tb Ave, near Lake: thia Mie is a-ond for only a few day a; been asking $2,000. $2.300.00 a-room cottage, modern except f -ir- race, lot SIxLC in the original city pat. good order and a moo nome, rvntlr.g at C2 $2 ,808 a-roum modi-m bous and large barn, well built and a nice home, at at Seward. $4,OUO.OO lo-room modern bouse, first floor finished in hard wood, a well built bouse, at 1 Blnney. RE-MI IT RANCH and farm lands for sale by the li Ion Pc,1c Raiiicwd company. B. A MeAJlevier. lnd coir.n l "toner, Cnlon Pa eu.c had(uartr Cmaba. Neb. RE CI CHAS. Williamson Ca. HiiT BEE R. H. Landeryou If youwiah t buy or sell real eatata. '442 Board of Trada TeL IU1. RE-tM GIVEH, 1st flocr N. T. U'e. cltv p-np-rty. dimi. raachec. TL IXZ. RE SS H Homes H Why not ret a homo of your own and stop paying rent? We Lave a good large list te Muect from; can arrange easy terms. Tell us about what you want and where you want u live and we will give you a f.st of what we have for sale in that dis trict. Don t be afraid to call be glad to have you. Opeei- Monday eveninga from to 1. If we have none to suit, can seil you a vacant lot and build a bouse to suit any si a, any kind. . Hastings & Heyden, C0-SU N. Y. Life Building RE-M n Must sell this month! Two nice lots in block 5 Albright's Choice addition to South Omaha. . Submit offers to L E. JOHNSON. Madrid. Iowa. HE tltf IT FOR BALE. MM acres land near Market. fvrltruou Co. Minn.; good fanning land' abundance nmtr; must Mil In lump. Ad area Lo Matkato. Minn RE MS Itx FpR SALE, eastern party oilers lot block il. HanjHom Place, at bargain. Will exchange for Chlcego property. Address J Hbt. iiulliv... First Nauunal Batk Builauig. Chicago. HE sU 17 , FOR SALE. 12 acres In Bates county Mo, aril iuiprovrd. price $Vu AddraM 'j p Vv hMwia, jL-basiowa. il. tt u ad lTx EAt, KIT1TE. HiV -roon modern houae. f blocks from postofflc. on half M'x frnra ear line; boas rents for tJS per month. C50O Sxa Ivwnport. rooma mode-n ex ewpt furnace, full lo and all fenced. Very choice little borne. OJ50 C-reom rottis and full lot near tfth and Leavenworth streets. 1 PER CENT INVESTMENT. H 6 house, renting for H.o per rear. If fixed up wou.d eejiliy bring tlMO per year. Tfcls la a great snap. M.MV I bwuseo at 234. Rll and 130 Leaven worth. Rents for tKO per year and always rented. tS.tPO-mt-ir.1 3f. l?th sc. I bouses of I rooms each, all modern, steam beat, fine plumbing. Lot K feet front en 18th st, room for another bouse. This la a fine piece of proparty. VACANT soaia. On 0tb st, rear Howard st fcWO. Shuri's Second Add. Twenty lots that murt be sold at on?. Prleee. from STJ0 up. These are fine lota. S- W. comer rth and Capitol An. The Byron Reed Co., RE-HKS 17 FOR BALE 7 moms and bath, modern ex cept furnace; lot &nci! feet; fine location; houae good aa new, cost siOuu; want to sell. Address owner, B C. Bee. RE 78$ 17x fcanch Bargains. GREAT BARGAIN LN A RANCH. $ M0 acrea deeded land, perfect title: ISO acres school land; over 1.00V 'acres free range deeded land controlling water aup ply. Located S miles from Chadron. Neb. Watered . by creek. strinas. tint mile rn-l- vate ditch and city water. Improvements! ronswi oi gooa i-room iraroe couse, witn cellar, city . water; bam for 10 horses, "0 feet cattle sheds, all new. hay sheds and other outbuildings: fenced and cross-fenced. Kancn baa abundance of ash. box elder, elm. Cottonwood and pin timber. 60 acres On alfalfa, 1&0 acres rye. A perfectly ar ranged ranch for successful and profitable handling of cattle or sheep. Price for all, $.3 .MP caah. Will take I20 acre of eastern Nebraaas land in part payment, but land must be put in at Its actual cash value. Ranch. of 7.600 acres deeded. I.SOe acre bomeateada 1.206 acres school land. S OW acres free range. maaing over lr.wu acres in sli; t miles or fencer deeded land controls water supply; U mile rlvr front on Niobrara river. Thia ranch will carry .000 head of cattle year around. Price, $4 per acre for deeded. Near Rushville. Neb. Would trade for farm land in Nebraska or Iowa. THE ABBOTT -COWAN COMPANY, H2 Brown Block. RE-4C1 17 LOOK AT THIS. Choice lota near Bemis Park and Hamilton and nd st., on new Harney st. car lin extension. Only $160 to lcHi each and on terms to sole Bemla, Pax ton bK.ck. RE Tl 17 8-Room House Modern except furnace, larg lot, 3C4 N. Utb Bt , U0U0. Fine building lota, Sth and Grand Ave, tl to $250 each; only a few left; easy terms. Two fine lots on 8. I7th St, near Hickory; a big snap; both for ) EASY TERMS. EAST TERMS. Bee me If you want to buy a borne on easy payments. R. H. Landeryou. 442 Board of Jrade Tel. &L RE MM 18 RESIDENCES. On Chicago 8t, fronting the Tate resi dence, an excellent modem borne of t rooms; owner hss moved from the city and has reduced the price on this property . w An.. . - mr ur On Burt Bt, south front, large a. room nouse, in very nest repair, beautiful grounda conrt.tlng of two large lot., fin trees, bem. This is a very desirable prop erty and cheap at E.SoO. In Hanscom Place, hous of rooma, not new. but unusually well built, full lot. Owner deeires to close this out at once and we can give you a good deal on this home. In Walnut HilL largs house, with two lots, one block from car, choice location and can be bought at a bargain. Price, only $4,500. la West Farnam location, t-roora modem house. Owner anxious to sell, aa Indicated by pries (4.000. . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE Oil IT F. D. WEAD. NICE f-room Kodern homo on West Bpaulding st. $lfo. or $3u caah, balance same as rent, gitKKVOO. 1&14 Douglaa. RE-M II HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. Start a little home of your own by buying one or more of our lots on new far line near 4th and Fort sts., or oa h St. near Fort (tmaha and fronting on snd overlooking Miller Park. Only $100 to $J each and only $6 down and $a per month. Bemla. Paxton block. Rfi-71 IT BEST barsa'ni In farms ane ranci-es. Write Wll is sldwell. fcrck n Bow. Neb, (or list and illustrated pamphlet. i.-ira jn WE OFFER TILL BOLD 1WI H 10th st, lot Kil. to good alley; two buildings, one a brick store renting for $10 a month; the other a well built 6-rorra cottage, with city wate. and gaa. The store a steady renter and "the Income handy to pay taxes and Interest with. Property within walking distance of the depots and a good proposition for a railroad man. Act quickly. Price t2 . HARRISON A MORTON. 12-"J N. T. Life. Tel. 314. RE 70 IT A GREAT BARGAIN Oa Parksr. near Sath. lot (0x131 room bouse, which baa gaa and city water, only iLE. Payne Investment Co., First Floor, N. V. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. J1E-UU 11 TOUR OPPORTUNITY To buy a good T-room house, good repair. - with lot l'xSi, at Emmett st, for 71 per cent of its value. Osner needs moner snd to effect aa immediate sie 1 Ui take $lv. U. C OL8EN. 170 Farnam Bt. RE-ilt-4 30 NEW f-room bouse, strictly modern ex cept furnacs. Ilea high and s,glly snd in good neighborhood . owner s pno I2.0hv; buh stil make aa offer. Bemii. Paxton block- RE-ITU 17 MORE FINE HOMES . are being built In Bemis Park than any : cat lot. la the city. Let us show vou snd prove It. One of the beat lots oily pa ou Just th place for a fin borne. ' Payne Investment Co., -First Floor. N. T. Lif. Bldg. TeL lTtl. . RE H27 17 FOR SAL! The Present Prices of Real Estate and Its Future Outlook Are' Worthy of Every , Investors Consideration. FOR 9 ALE MEAL, ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES CO. 721 N T. LIFE JvLIKI. TEL. 4 $ tM3&H Hamilton t., neat 4-room houso. water, gia. brick waik; lot U-s fin. NAP HOOo Bn Castellar at, 4-room bous s-wer. water, gaa. new. Never ben occupied. Two Micks from Georgia ava car lin. $10 down, balano $U pr month. Abelute big bargain. $1.30 M1 Parker st. 7 roomn. atory and a half; water and gaa. Fine SO-ft. lot. 1 1-s fine. $il UuT Cuming st.. 7 rooms, bath, water arl gas. Bood barn. Paved ttreet. BARGAIN. $1.SI)0 i rooms, modern exrpt furnace: Sf'X M ft. on lSth st, between Jackson and Leavenworth sta; rood repair. F la-Brian. C100 Ca Marvy rt, rear trt. trxllf ft. of I'vuAiu, ..rw. iiiku.t raouern. up-io-date .-room bouses best construction and excellent plumbirg. Owner hav ing city. Wants to H! quick. This fan be bought right. Bia SNAP. C jro Smk Seward sL. I rooms, strictly mod ern; good ttees snd good brick bam; lot fc-xlJO ft- Fir 100 ft. front. $4 000. $10 Cm rth at., south of Poprleton. strictly modern (-room bouse; lot 6u KM0 th st, near Famam. I rooms, strictly modern, good repair: lot etx 120 ft. 17.000 .th st , near Farr.sra. a strictly mod ern 10-room bouee, on 6Kx:3B ft. of ground, with good barn; oak t-ock-ras and oak parauet foo.-s. THE FEi?T BARGAIN IN WEST FAR NAM DISTRICT. VACANT. I SEP N. W. corner $3d and Miami st. Sox 12 ft. : car line soon to be extended here. Hake up an offer. $ 100 fcxll'4 ft., south front on Plnnev st, LH ft- east of th st. BARGAIN. $ 70000x124 ft. south front on Locust st, lu.t west of K'.h St. SNAP. $L0M ioxl30 ft. on list and Cass its ; lies very fine. $1.350 60x126 ft., east front on loth St.. directly opposlts Brownell Halt BARGAIN. $1.750 fiftxlX ft . east front oi 10th st, cp posite SL Mathias church. BAR GAIN. $5,0008. W. comer Prh and Jackson sts , opposite Kirkr.dall. Manderaon and Galiaghr; 7x165 ft, paving paid- Ons of the finest comers in the city. $. 41x12 ft on Haror at, east of S4th st. Want cash offer. 24TH STREET BARGAIN. $XO0O 62x124 ft, 9 E. corner 34;h and Bin rey iu. SNAP. KOUNTZE PLACE We have some of the fineet bargains ever offered In the city in Kountxe Place lota. For lnstsnce. &yxl2S ft. on Kinney, nesr souin iront, wixia rt. north front on Spencer, between ISith and itrth. $,o0; 60x120 ft, south front on Locust st Just west of 16th st, $7v0; al.o 8. E. cor ny 24th and Binney, E2x.20 ft, il Oofl. THESE ARE ALL BARGAINS. RE 4B5 IT GARDEN TRACTS. Near Omaha, also small acre tracts suit able for fruit ar.d poultrv, etc, all slaes, prices and terms. Bemis, Pax inn M iK k RE-TTJ 17 F. D. WEAD. I hare acr tracts from on sere to five acres, in north part of city: would rent or sell on easy terms, or build on for right party. U24 DOUGLAS. RE 964 17 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Full lot and trick houae in west part of city. Only $1.50010. Neat cottee s.nd full lot, 36Ui and Chicago Sts, $1 WKi.00. Modern nru and good barn on Pospleton Ave, $3. 00000. Eles-ant houee In Kounts Place, hot water beating, hardwood rtnlrh, onlv $3 fcXOO. THOMAS PRENNAN. Room L N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 10 17 ONLY $1,000. A neat t-room cottage, krre lot. on Maple St, near 31st. only $1,000. Payne Investment Co.. First Floor. N. Y. Lif Bldg. TeL lTSL RE M92 U S-BTORT l-room strlctlv modern house, in Kountxe Place, hot water heat. Price only $4,000; big bargain, as owner must sell. Bemis. Paxton block. RE-S1 17 SOME REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. SS31 Decatur st, e-room house and full lot, 730. t3S2 No. 25th st, (-room frame residence and corner lot. city water. &.4O0. 2T3 Caasius st , S-room oottage. $1,000. 16J0-162Z and 1C4 No. 21st at-, i bouses and full lot OuilM, $2,250. tS2 Chicago st.. (-room fram cottage and lot S0X126, tl.&IO., 104 North 44th st , T-room brick house and bam. full lot, $1,900. $3$ North SSth avenue, aeven-room fram residence and full lot, U Corby St., ' It-room fram reeldenoa. paved street, $1,500. CI North Li st, t-room fram cot tags and barn, lot ftf-xlHS. $1.. THOMA8 PREKNAV. Room L New York Life Bldg. RE M0 17 -ROOM house, raved street, nice brick barn, south front, near Kountxe Place. Pric only $2,30u. Bemis. Pavton block. RE-410 17 F. D. WEAD. I want three or four six snd Beven-room r-ouses In north and west part of city . for construction from tl.3 to $LS00. 1S24 DOUGLAS. RE G7 17 FRUIT FARM . w . - i j - It TI..F planted to fruit and well Improved; will trade for Omaha property. Walter L Belby. SM Board of Trade. Rj 17 l-ROOM house, full lot, plenty of fruit. $o&0; $100 down snd balance aame as rent. Bemis. Paxton block. RE 7$ 17 BARGAINS. 12Txl5 FT. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. PER FRONT rXJOT. $3(i 44 OR tt FEET ON 16TH. SOUTH OF FARNAM. FROVr FCXT. r5. C OR s FEET FRONT ON DOUGLAS, NEAR KTH. FRONT FOOT. HOI PES NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. $3 500. HANSCOM. ROOMS. MODERN. $2.S0t. It B"VTH mi ET, $2.'uu. 24M CHARLES PT, $1.3b0. 2417 DAVENPORT. 75x11s $2,400. fl47 PIERCE ST. $1.2&0. LOTS NEAR 2TH AND I? PRAGUE. $m I:TS NAR STH ANI FOHT ST, $;00. HOl'SFS. LOTS FLATS. ITORE9, ALL PARTS OF CITY. AT Lf'W PRICES JuHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. R.E set 17 -ROOM new rdttage. well built, full lot. good location, one block from ear line, onlv $ bv; l down and balance same ai rent, bemis. paxton block. RE 87$ JT MIAMI, near twei car lines, seven rwoma. gas, sewer snd barn. SI, SB. Easy terms. Mil N. lth, rooms, verv nice; good barn, one Mock from cars. $! $00 Uft your property with itears. Room 1, New York Life. RE-M 17s; F. D. WEAD $-room rottage with 1 lots on N. lth st, uiiv tiaid.' $30o down, balanc monthly. $!&.. 1S24 Douglaa RE-1 17 FOR SALE cheap, hlrhly Improved 10 acre near station. t7 mile from Kanaaa City. Address owrer, W. B. Armstrong. Parker. Linn Co, Kanaaa. RE A EEAUT7e-TL bui!"-r ait oa Hawthorn Ava. .H6S. only $0 06. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. T Life Bldg Tel 17SL RE ISO 17 RESIDENCE LLCK8. Com In at.d look over our liat ef brick residence blocks ana alo our dctarlj.l dwellings, all sixes, pru-es snd terms. Bemla. paxton tlck. RE 77 17 FOR SALE RR.tX ESTATE. Announcement We offer today for the first time 8 lots it S. W. cornerof 24th and Man derson as follows: 3 lots facing east on 24th; inside Icts 167S each; corner 1350. 24th st. paving and permanent sidewalk paid in fulL 5 lots facing north on Manderson, 1625 each. Suggestion If not familiar with ' the location better run out and take a look at Man derson from 24th to 27th. Fine homes, paved streets, beautiful shade irees, best car service, convenient to school. Ask us for illustrated circular. Act quickly. "Ernest Sweet, 61 J N. Y. L. Tel. 1472 RE-Kl 17 LOOK LP THESE BARGAINS One hundred feet, strictly inside ground, two brick houses yleld.ng $au per month; room for two more houses; only $Lh!0. Large lot near high school, two 10-room houses, ail modern, for tv&0u. Nice 4-room cot tare snd Hanscom Place, $L350. si front lot. Five-room cottage and lot near 9th and Burdetle. only $430. Handsome 10-room bouse, modern, large grounds, near Farnam car line, for $T,j0. FuUeast front lot, 38th, near Farnam, only The elegant residence lot- southeast corner tkth and Dodge, for $2,756. Ten acres choice garden land southwest of city, only $1.S. HICKS, 43 Board of Trade. Tel 1169. F.E37 17x NEAR THE HIGH SCHOOL Lot C ft, north front, on Dodge, 148 feet deep, west front on 27th, all special taxes raid. Improvements consist of a s-rootn bouse, modern except furnace; t-room house, modern except furnace, and a 4-room house. This property belongs to some heirs, who are going to divij tin and want-to sell. Price, $.,000. Payne. Investment Co.; First Floor N. Y. Lif Bldg. TeL t7aL RE 2 17 SEE our Display Adv. page 11 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO, U. S. National Bank Bldg RE SSI n Full lot frontinf Hanscom Park, $500.00. Another on North Boulevard, near Kountze Place. 650.00. 5 room house and lot 1750.00. Another, a little better, $1,400.00. Others still higher. Easy terms. When does your insurance expire? Drop us a line. Kennard & Lower, 309-10 Brown Block. RB-MI 17 B.Il'rCK.. bOUM, Ln.d ,fuU ,ot- Part of the city; only $l.60u. Thomas Breanaa. room 1. New York Life Bidg. Rli-S7 17 . TRACKAGE. .mn 1"nt liat of properties suitable for warenousts and wun track age. Several good cornera iJemin. Paxt. n . b'ock- . RE-74 17 B. R. BALL ' $2.000 No. $27 S. 21st Ave, i-room boua. modern exoept furnace. $Z,60 21.a 8. 14th st, 7-room house, full lot. modern except furnace. H,I00-21 N. ISith Ave, l-room house, mod ern except furnace. $i down, $20 per month. I per cent interest. ""."-'"' Blondo st, -room house, e"ty water, barn, bouse has Just been re fitted. HM casn, balance by th month. $2,100 115 Ames Ave . new a-room modem house, except furnace. C.I60 1328 8. rth st, 4-room housa. This la a bargain: come quick. City lots st a very low figure In. different parts of th city. Acre property in and around the city that will Increase 2S per cent in value In .melve morths. I RE 964 17 INVESTMENT?. Hav some brick block close In that are brlna-mg In good rentals snd can be bought at very reasonable prices, some su.table for aanitariums or hoepltala. Bemla Paxton block. - RE STS 17 F. D. WEAD. 7-room houae on rth st . north of BrlstoL very nic borne, for $1100. . HCi Douglaa. RE-462 IT ON 28th ST. NEAR PACIFIC A new, modern T-room house, has bath, furnace, cemented cellar, etc. We are authorised by the owner of this .prop erty to close it out st once for $$,v This is positively the best bargain in Omaha. It is worth more money sure If you want to buy anything of thi character, you will make a great mi. take if you don't, Investigate this at once. Telephone ua or com and. aee ua and ere will be glad to show it to you. First corns first served. f Payne Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. Lifs Bldg TeL 741. RE SIS IT Well Located Horn Chear, groom modern bouse, lot otrgllO. 2-story $ rooms and hall down stairs. I rooms and bath upatalra Finely fimahod and papered Been built two months. Near two car lines. Ttos property cce-t owner $2 2i Mjst seil ar.a will ta.k $1.M this wetk enly $o0 cash, balanc on tim. The equal of this for ths money not to be tound in the Clljr THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY Bole Agents. $12 Brc wB BI.kIl KE i 17 FOR ltltRBL ETATF, HOME BARGAINS There are some new barpains in Omaha Savings Bank rroperty which must te sold to pay de positors. 51200.00 271 S 11th st, 4-room c-ttt. recently re paired and painted; city water; lot WxK'l. 51,500. 31I-2!S IXv"ee at, -room hou snd small cotts:e, rc-nts $17 "; roct csn t miiia $21.00. 51,400. 2413 Jac kon st, 4-room cottsge: city wafer; lot kt14"; rom tor anotarr fcou.e; good neigLborbotjd, cltv water. 5900. EUJ Pierce ,t , 4-f cm ctt;iae. new roof, thorouat lv repaired and puinied, lot J'xSy, city waur. 900. IT.4 Pierre ,f. l-trKim cottage, city water, thoroup'ily repaired and newly painted; lot J.'XiM. 52,500. 1628 Charles st, "-room modern house, ex cept furnace; carefully built for a home; in thorough tepair, new roof, newly palmed; lut Vxl4w. 52,000. Rlnney st, -rcora cottage. In thorough repair and recentlv painted; two small cottajres in rear tfonting on I'.th street and two vicsnt lots between; in all nearly an acre cf ground front on 2ith and oil Pinney. This i our greatest bargain for a horns and investment ; rents ci sll. $.. N. P. DODGE & CO, Tel. fc2S. 1614 Fattunr st. RE F. D. WEAD. Blx-room he use and barn on South Twen tieth, near Castellar; very cheap home, fcfr $1,500. 1"J DOUGLAS. RE MS 17 FAR US. JO. 40 and 80-acre iarma near Omaha $i to 1100 per acre, Bemia, I'axton IWt . . RE 97$ IT WYMAN. PH RIVER CO, Kml New Tcwk Life Bids. Larr k-room res.dcnce and larca bam. Hanscom park dietrict $2 f"JU. -routa. new cottage, ifeth and Spenoar $1.M. " r ul lot. caved street. 2Sth ava. and DodsTs ll.aOO. Larss lot, 7x3t0 feet, half block from car line, high and sighUy, Parker street ana Military ave. xsan. Corner 2th and Parker, pared . gtroot, room for two bouses rJU. LAND. "t, 12. 10, 90 and 4-acr tracts In and around Florence. 20 and 80-acre tracts Just north of FSt ence. per acre, $50. 10 acre 4 ml'-o S. W. of postofflco H.60C XR EXCHANGE. House ard lot In eouth part of Pity, val ued at fl.iwo. for larger property In south part. Will assume reasonable mortgag. S-room cottage In north part of city, for lots or land Large brick block In Oyiaha, for land Or ranch in eastern Nebraska or wee tarn Iowa: value. JCKO. $l.i0 to $1.V to loan at per cent on real estate security. RE BP1 17 F. D. WEAD. 8-roora cottage on 8. ISth st, north of Vin ton: $i down, balance sam as rent. flWC.vu. IS: 4 Douglaa. ' PE-W 17 FOR BEST UOl IKS. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO. ' $0 B. ISth Ave, 3-R. brick, city water, ce mented cellar, etc, $7. 120 Canton, 4-R.' cottage, in good snap, city water, $7. 424 Dorca.. t-R. eotUge. good well. $5. K3C Charles, B-R cottage, newly papered, city water, $1050. 4025 Cherte. 5-R, city water, bath, gaa, etc, only $1&. $2til Lincoln Blvd., brand new g-R. modern cot tare, Bemis Park. $220. 110 N. 37th, S-R., city water, good barn. $1L 2323 S. lith, -R, citv watsr, porcelain bath, gas, etc, only $1S50 714 B. lth, fiat 4. 7.R, city water, bath, gas. etc, $25. 13"9 8. Jith, $-R, all modern, barn. $22. M. Fnap. 2024 Wirt, elegant 10-R. strictly all modern house, two lots, good barn. $45. ?C.a Davenport, good l-R. strlctlv all mod ern house, SO ft. lot. clce In, $21 We have others. Be us before yeu mov. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO. Sixth Floor. 601-i N. Y. Life Buldr ii 17 2330 GRANT st, 4-r. cottage, city watar la yard, $7.50. 2326 Grant st, t-r. ooUage, city water la- slde, $7. SSJU No. 10th st, -r. house, dry water and gas. fine repair, $15. 1&1 No. 26th st, s-r. cottager- dty water and sewer, $13. Bo. 2Mh ava; this Is a bargain for some one: 7-r, modem plumbing, gaa, . larg yard, good repair, only 1V. Payne Investment Co., Main Floor N. Y. Life B!dz D-8SI 17 FURNI3HED bouse, 307 Leavenworth st; 4Vrocm modern house with hot water plant; will be for rent about February li tor tt. or win rent wttnout xumituie lor lis. Kef ere n oca required. Walter Preen, rvm 41a. hLarbach block, D tXC 17 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pa:k move and store H. H, goods. Btorehouse, l:-2f N. Uia. Olfoa. Farnam. '1 L l4-fett. D-M4U FOR RENT S-room house. 2&SS Wool wart Jl ave.; porceUin bath. a. a. not and cold water; cc-wly painted and papa d througboui-4A J. U. Sherwood. Nw i or a ui xiiog. . LMf7, 10 Room B.rick House at 1H( Capitol eve , just vacated. TLls Is in a quiet, neighborhood and very desirable location. Anyone wishing this kind cf a place will do well to call and see or ad-i oress the owner immedlatelv, as it will not st-ay vacant loi.g. C. H. GUIOU, Chicago Lumber Co, lUa and Marcy ala. Tel. 11. le-kW II BEE our Display Adv. page IS. CHAS. E. UILLIAJJSO.V CO, U. S. Natiouai Bank Bldg. D-461 17 2UI B Lmh st. S-room touae 4201 ll 8 IHh at, i room house, well $M 0a. Us N JTth t. I rooms up.Ua.ir. IU 00. M CAGUE LNVta.klLNT CO , 1506 Duugc at- D 111 271( BRISTOL, 7-room bouse; bath. gaa. ci t v INT el. $10.!M. MoCag-ue lnvewtrrent Dodge at D M4Js Co, 15us Dodg Uni 1CCQ in all pirta or the city. The IIUUJLO o. y. Davis Co, UM Bee Bldg. U Ul uni ISP's n u iri ot c1,t- R- I1UUOC") c. Petars Co, bee Bldg. D U4 PATKE-BfiBTWICK CO, choics housea' kwl-ttul New York Lile Llug phone Hal D lis SEVERAL good houses. $10 to $:. Chria Bo)er. 21 and Cuming. Pboiis 2t-tt. D 117 TPai Franklin st, 7 romi, city water. Ilk. 110 S. 4.SI at, S romi. 2 lota. Well. $12 b'14 Anie ava, ( rooma. city water. 11. Sr. S. Jim st . rooir.a city witn . I. ! ill 7 Varcy si, 4 rooms, ciiy wter. tiV.50. OAK. IN bhud, lsv4 FAUN AM 8Tht.ET. D 17 2X23 HARNEY, ROOMS, $:. 2i POPPLETON A'E, $',. 14-4 N. UTH. MuDERN bKlCK. $2a.. J'JHN N. 1 RENDER, OFF. OLp P. O. D M4 IT WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van 4k Scar. kg Co, Tti. 14JS. OlU., 1713 V el atcr t 1-Ui ROOM raodera. brick bous. . S. Z5tb ave. Wiiuasn K. Puller, Roc, 3u3 iirowo Liock. D xtx FOR RENT 7-room cottage, all on one floor; nw prrelain bain, nick! piumb lig. new piiahed floora. neaiy pajriid and papemd complete; la smelly firat rusas cnduion; on car hue J William K. potter. j Brown block. D S4T 17 NEW s-rooms modem brick, close in. lust completed, rkt, 23c Leavenworth. a rocaata, $17. JOHN N. FRENZER. Op p. Old P. o. rj at Ml FOR REIT HOI E. FVR PENT. T4 Martha st, 4-ro.m base. w B and cistern Pi itl a. st'tb St. l-room hoaw, all modern -". y N. SSth st, ( rooma city w.:r $: L'i: Clark SU, i-room bouse, city water TIKI. Sil S Irth st. I-room bouse, newly ia- Jred. city wster !-' N 17th st, rooms, city aatrr artl swer $-. T.l? Webster st.. 7 rooms, well ater J 1"4 N. l'4th re, t-room Tat, mociein except f urrac-.$;4. lTtn N 24 ib st, 2 rooms upstairs. In rer -14 5n. tl7 Lslmor are, $ rom. we'l IS. ' M'CAGUK INVESTMENT Cv . 1 IVodire Bt. D 7H !7 HOUSES. Insurance. F.ir.gwalt. Barker P tT L-tl$ FOR RENT. 131 North Hh ave, Il-room house, mmj.rt. tarn; $00 N W. corner 2Sti and Jackson sis, I rooms modern. M. f ll 1 octst st . I rooms. modm. $TL si-, ctviin -wi il, near inton. - roorrsx. moderr. I2i. FLAT. 1C1 How-t st . rooms, rood-rn. $ GEORGE 4V CO, JU Famat. St. I M 17 FOR REST STORES AID OFFICES. FOR RENT Bulldlrg suitable for whole sale purposes at 11. Fsrnara. ixSu. four Stones ai d hral-class remeraed baaemeut elevator, fire and burg.ar ( roof vault. i fi counter and fixtures. For trie and particulars inquire C. C Rosewaler, sec retary Be Building Co, room loo. He Building. 1 Mia.' FOR RENT, storeroom and basemer.t la good location, parucuiariy adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar re;uiremants; tower furnished !f required. R C. Peter Jt Co, rtnlal agents, ground floor Me building. 1-MTV4 $ STORIES snd basement 21x100: lOTO Far nam St. Inquire 4 First Nat l Bank tldg. I 1CT FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story build'ng st I6 Farnam Bt, two stories if preferred. Addresi C. C. Rose water. Sec , Room 100. Be b1lt' M1W For Rent At a Bargain Th larg doubl store In Be " Fulldlng, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tarorlng Co.-U feet filate glass front, the only on of ts kind In Omaha. Excellent location for men' furnishing store, sho store. Jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the immense Be BjiH Irg. City Hall, Court House and New Tork Lite Building a pos sible pstron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company 304-306 So. 16th St . BUILDING for wholesale purposes, 1414 Harney st, 4 floors snd basement. SSxLJl; eiectric elevator; steain heat; lbu. GEORGE ; CO, 1901 Farnam Bt 1-6U 17 , , STORE ROOM. lSli, Howard st,, with good basement; I'd. ' GEORGE CO, 1W1 Famam St. 1 Sil 17 ' FOR RENT. 4-story and basement build ing, U15 Dodge st, now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. lnquir on premise. 1-771 MOSEY TO LO A 1 CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN . EASY PAYMENT PLAN ; You can ' pay na as you1 wish. In small -weekly or monthly raymenia, and each payment bo made reduce ths cost ef th Joan. Our rstes are aa low as any and a areat deal lower than soma. "ft e loan on furniture, pianos, horse, wagons, etc, th property always remain ing In your possession. Ws also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE ttpon their own agreement to repay. Our facilities are the best for QUICK Bervlo and our offlc motto la "to please our patrons. " ... OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 11 Board of Trade Bidg. Tel. CSa (Established loSi.1 a. JStb St. X-MI25' . 11QNET LOANED ON FCRXnUKE PIANOS. LIVE BTOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and esy terms. Business conflJertiaL Trr Vf.-'Uf??. wl1, ' money. m PHOENIX CREDIT CO, C$J Farton Block, l,h, and Farnam Bts. j x-iu t YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE FOR MONEY- PERMANENT BALARTTCD POSITION, on your PLAIN NOTaL WlTHOCf MOR1GAGE, LNDORSER tr ?ow.le"a of frtsnds and eirjploier. E ALU LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUR NIT L RE. PIANOS, etc LoweeT ratei, quick eernee. confidential treatment. ' call, writ or telephone. Tel.' 141L AMERICAN LOAN CO. Rooms i;-js raxton ii.oc. tlUid floor ,w ramm B1 i6ta bis. Entrance Ulh 6u X-MaM MONEY To salaried employes aad wag camera. Get our system oi loans that g.ts you eat chlmst or engineer, etc, havmiTreiifce employment can get. just on toe note: rLT"- - -"Si wv to us . is.ks or w or i I o-Kel0rn to u, or w or Leg i la-tteturn to ua . 4-uu or 2t or l3 1 u'rm. lowest raies, oonCoentiaL Ueat'rS-nr" THE B1A LOAN CO, 24 PAXTON BLK. A T-Room, BtricUy modern bous; sale or ex. cnaage. Cail or aacrts boog it. : --. 1.x MUNN LT LOANED SALARIED PEOPL aai others wun ecuiit; eify Jiy, ,Ugt bu-lueae in . p.tc.J!? cTu Waa. room 440. chamber of toUSiVS. 1Ji,EJ. loaned on plain not to B.Ian! pecip.e; Lualnass cotftdaUal; .oe.( tI'2m U 1 sxtoa bioc. Th. J. a. Hutt" 4T!- A-l MONEY ! oared an yUnoa. faro.ture Vw" sir, , bora, cow.. t'ti t. T ru7i if L. 5 . CHATTEL Alary and Jewelry loan Polav Lccn CO.. JL. ft. Bark.V t.L.1, . MOKT IP LOAk-AEAL KSTATE. J-ARM and city ioajiN iow rfc.)fc w - PR1YATE money. kbrwocd. as; N. v. LIe. Lit PRIVATE money, p. p. Weed, tfjo Douglaa W-, WANTED-Ity JoaM and warranta. W ania EmiU A to 1A. arum St ' J W Lit . FIVE per cent loans. Garvta fcroa,iI rarnam. VV la W ANTED Real estats ioars and warranta R. C Petra 4 Co, Be Biug. vT-i MONEY TO LOAN-pajnTlnvestmeut Co" W-P4 V farm loans. R, C Patterson. ir;4 ri7Z nam- , W lii WANTED, to plac $1,000 or II. W0 oa firtt c.sm eitv real estat at I per cent, i Wy man. tinrlver Co, N. T. Life bidg W-ATTE7 13. roiTraei. Tbeatrtcal aad maao, Llebea. 1A Farnam .. . , . t TO I P. C, money. Bemla, Paxton b;o la W U KEW Btedara $ rooma. 1317 B. Ith st . rix. i-i:i $. COBTUMES for rent BJ S Wh aC tiT44 iM.