Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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Advortleesaeats for these rdinii
will be takes aatll 11 at. for the
la edition and aatll rOO p. aa.
r saoralaaT aad taadar edltloa.
Fortes, 1 l-8 a word Sret laeertlon,
la a ward thereafter. Notktas; takea
lea tkaa SOfl for tb Brat lam.
tiosu Tkese advertisements asast b
aa eeaaeeatlvely.
Advortleera, by reoaesttas; a gia.
barad check, caa hart answers ad
dressed ta a aambcrcd letter la cara
of Tba Bee. Answers aa addreaaed will
be delivered aa areaeatatloa af tba
ebeek only.
Now OpenI .
Boyles College
Day and Night .
CalV Wnte or telephone for Infor
mation. Addressi
H. B. BOYLES, President,
New York Life BIdg. Omaha, Neb
CITT BAY IN OS BANK pay 4 per cant
R 761
SPECIAL For a limited time we will fit
you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles
for $1. Don't mlna thla chance, p. 8. Op-
tlclana. N. 16th St.
PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.f Weber.
Storey aV Clark, Ludwig. Schiller. Hi)M
E1AOLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat
ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and
storeg. tit N 16th. Tel. 1136. R-W8
iriirnrvv1'ir0et relief; come removed.
1503 Farnam.
R 870
If you don't, we both loae. Good work;
prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel. :os.
ciirrccrM k a. i. root, ine
JUWLLUI J 414-u s. 12th. Tel. 1604.
Rrpflfl Strictly home made; potato yeast.
UlCdU DeUcatesaen, 1806 Farnam Street.
R 874
GOLD crowns from 13: fllllnga from 25c; set
of teeth, $2; teeth extracted free. Union
Dental Co., 1622 Douglas, room 4. R 875
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest. beat,
quiokest Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17th and
Douclaa. R 876
P. MELCHIOR, machinist, 18th St Hows rd.
R 877
"STRONGEST In the World." The TTnulf..
I Life Asaiirance aoclety. Ita policies
re signt arena at maturity. H. D.
Nf e'y. .manager, Merchants' National
Bank Bide., Omaha. Neb. R-978
Howard. Tel. 8827.' R 879
SIGN painting. S. H. Cole, 132 Douglas.
. R-9S3
ALL kinds of earnenter work and repslrtng
Rromptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree.
Kh and Lake Sts. , R 370
H. O. BMITH, ' successor to McVea A
Vn.,t,lElumiL,n'f an1 heating, 118 N. 15th.
Tel. MBS, Prompt .attention riven nil
work. R M728
Ha doesn't keep stationery.
Ha sells It at
R 241
f am&m street.
UU1'U Plating Co., 1508 Harney. TeL 2635.
V R 870
,i& S?AVIS' mover, heavy hauling.
174 F4
VODICKA dt CO.. fine tailoring; all klnda
iprr'51'.?iid "pairing. Krug theater
bid. Tel. 8182. R 418
A BOTTLE of Phillips' Face Lotion will fix
that face so you will like It. R M467 F8
the Bea Bid. R M384
OPEN EVENINGS, too busy making
J0!1"!1..'0 co- BuiU $T0 to 840; troueers
84 to 810. Dreaher, 1616 street.
R M698 F18
BJORN80N HAAS. Tinners and Mfgs.
f aheet metal, cornices, smokestacks.
EJ?t(Ii skylights, oelllnga, tarika, etc
Tel. 867. 814 N. 16th at. R-78J F15
MSN to learn barber trace; Yres railroad
fare upon our failure to convince you of
thla being the LEdT. largeat anu only
reliable, moat practical baroer college ui
tula section ol the country, write for
catalogue today. Western Barbara' InsU.
tuts. Omaha, Nab. B set
WANTED For U. a. army, able-bodied,
unmarried man. between ages of 21 and 8a,
cltueua of tinned States, of good charac
and temperate habits, whu can apeak,
read and write English. For Information
apply to recruiting .tftlcan liilh und 1 timm
aia., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B Mib4
liii Creunse Bik. B M4&Z
XOUNO MAN Under 86, with fair basis
education to prepare for Gov't PoaMon.
Salary to start, So0. Deserving Promo
tion. Permanent. Box 61U, Cedar Rapida,
Iowa. . B-Mo"( Lx
WANTED Sign painter and window card
writer. Apply at oooe. Jul First National
bank BIdg. B M 7t
I WANT oeunty managera In Adama, But
ler, Dodge, Uall, Madison, Baundera and
York couutlea aluo in eeveral smaller
onea; salary and commlasiona and au op
portunity to build up a permanent buM
neaa. Don't write unleea you can huaile
, and work hard. Thla la no "anap." but
good pay for the right maa. From H.soO
to UJM a year In above countlea. R. U.
WALLACE, 807 Brown block, Omaha.
B 7.-0 IT
WANTED-A hlgh-claaa specialty aalea
man for Iowa and Nabraaka on a high
elaas article, the average erllulg price
of whloh la 130; people who want it eaally
found, but what we want ia a "closer;'
food salary and traveling expenaea to
he man who gets the Job. Addrene A 63.
Bea Office, B M773 17
WANTED Men everywhere; good pay to
diatrlbute circulars. . dv. matter, tack
algna, etc.; no canvaaalnj National Adv.
bureau. Chicago. B MTiiS 17 x
WANTED, a young man to take charge of
city ledger in large retail store. Must be
rapid and good penman; state former
poeitiona neid ana what salary expected.
Apply B a. Bee. B Mw 30
CIVIL service examinations will soon be
held fur railway mall clerks, atenogra
puere and many 'others; 2fc,b6 appoint
ments last year; only a common school
education reaulred: excellent ODDoriunl-
tiee for young meu; Information and gov
ernment question tree. Columbian Cor
aaapotuienoe College, Waahlugton. D. C.
B-S48 17x
EXPERIENCED aaleaman, or physician
not practlrlna-. to aall to dot-tore outaMe
city; eaiabliahed trade; permanent, re-
cnuAoraUva. Jr. IX Box mi. Philadelphia
DETSCTTVES Bvenr locality: rood aal
try; axperlenra unnoceeary. lntema
onal Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Wla.
is i4 in
BALEBMAN Flrst-claas specialty man to
poenaga offlce and represent us near
Omaha: new fast sel'lng goods; good aal-
ary ana oommiaaion to capable man; ret
ei anneja American Bpeciaity Co , '3 Colo.
"That 57J.OO Diamond Ring"
For Solution of Problem.
We gave, aa we thought, a fair problem,
calling for the exact aide of a square con
taining on acre of ground. We had not
solved It and do not know the correct an
swer. We are not prepared to say that It
cannot bo solved. Aa yet no exact an
swer baa been received. The problem
waa given In good faith. We want an
answer. Tba time limit will bo waived.
Prop's Omaha Commercial College
17th and Douglas Sts.
WANTED Two agents at once; good al-
, cuy worn. (j. . Adama Co., iia
Howard at
B 88
HIGH CLASS traveling or local salesmen
can earn at leaat tM weekly with new
aide line, adapted to any class ot busi
ness, city or village. Can make 8260 In
one day. Proof of statelnent and sample
case (weight 10 ounces), free by return
mail. Addreaa A. Z., Manager, p. O. Box
23J, New York City. B 83 17x
WE WILL PAY any man 885 00 per month
and all traveling expenaea, such aa horse
hire, railroad fare, hotel bills, etc, to
take orders for the greatest portrait
house In the world. Your salary will be
guaranteed and paid to you weekly If
preferred. Address R, D. Curry, Dept.
B7, Chicago, HI. B-S17x
Dp ymi know where it laT W do. We
have openings for high grade men of all
kinds executive, technical and clerical
paying from 81,000 to 810,000 a year. Write
for plan and booklet. Offices In twelve
cltlee. .HAPOOODH (Incorporated), 816
Chemical building, 8t Louie. B
BARN a better salary and pneltlon; atudy
electricity, mechanical engineering tel
earaphy, at home, by correspondence.
Thousands successful. Thomas A. Edl
aon indorse Institute. Book "Can t Be
come an Electrical Engineer?" mailed
TUTE, New York. B
MF.N OR WOMEN Steady work: a good
Income at home In the mall order busi
ness; straight; legitimate; no experience
necessary; no capital teuulred; write for
particulars. Mutual Mail Order Co., 441
Kast BIdg., Boaton, Mass. B
WANTED Salesmen everywhere to estab
lish branch agency and sell our line to
the consumer. Atlantic St Pacific Tea
Co., 712 No. Broadway, St Louis, Mo.
WANTED A good, active young man to
sen aaverxiRing novelties in me city ot
Omaha and vicinity. For particulars ad
dress The Sutherland Novelty Co., Des
Moines, Iowa. B
WANTED Traveling representative In
Nebraska for miutlo house; salary, mo
monthly from start and all expenaea;
steady position to right party. Address
Road Manager, 368 Dearborn St., Chi
cago. B 600 17x
18 per week and expenses to a hustler to
distribute samples and collect for M.fgr.
In Nebraska; expenses advanced; salary
paid weekly. Advertising Dept., 708 Btar
bldg., Chicago. B 801 17x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
few weeks completes; free work, careful
instructions, examination, diplomas and
positions given. These advantages can
not be had elsewhere. Call or write to
day. Moler Barber College, 1808 Douglas
street. B 788 Lx
AMERICAN Barber College, Omaha, Neb.;
iiiuacraiea catalogue tree; tells every,
thing. Write today. B 787 17x
MARRIED man, to' work on farm by year;
iiuubo iu acii; wire u wasn; no oniiaren
preferred; good references required. Box
84, Crelghton, Neb. B 786 17x
WANTED State superintendent to man-
i oiui lor vmcago nrm; si.suu yearly,
Including commission, also all office ex
penses; 8200 security required. Address
W. Take, Pres., 8u3 Pontlao bldg.-, Chi
cago. B-5o4 17x
ENERGETIC man to solicit from the busi
ness ana proiesmonal men past duo ac
counts for collection; steady and remu
nerative employment; opportunity for ad
vancement. International .law and Col
lection Company, Dayton, Ohio.
B-877 17x
WANTED Good man with 82,000 cash as
yumrer 10 invest in estaDiienea
business which will net $30,000 yearly; refs.
exchanged. Atlas St Map Pub., 3206-8 Wa
bash Ave., Chicago, III. B M873 18
WANTED, men to sell the Diamond Rasor
iuuw nuu duuji comuineu. wonaerrui
new Invention. Send 10c (stamps) for
sample hone and strop. Diamond Dick.
1843 O St., Lincoln, Neb. B 867 17x
WANTED, two men of fair education, push
wi iincu-jice to wors, in Ne
braska. Expenses advanced; salary paid
weekly. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore,
Omaha, Neb. B 862 17x
WANTED, a first-class advertising sollcl-
, una hj iim uwi pjLicrienoe, 10 sell
the beat advertising proposition on the
market. Address A 66, Bee. B 866 17x
WANTED Salesmen to handle k line . of
I laaies necKwear on. commission. In con
Junction with kindred lines. Address
Storch ft Kati, 16-21 W. Fayette St.,
Baltimore, Md. . B M887 23
WANTED A second girl; apply at onca.
iusi o, ana ave.
WANTED Servant girl, family of three.
Mra. blmeral. 87( North 28th Ave.
C 460
WANTED, a nurse for girl of 6 years. Z241
Howard. C (UI
WANTED Girl for general housework,
three In the family good wagea. Apply
8ol7 Chicago at. O i&oh
WANTED Three young ladles to enter
training school for nurses at Child Sav
ing Institute, Eighteenth and Ohio streets
the number In the school having been
increased from six to twelve. Tel. 1!H1.
v ' C M7J0 17x
LADIES-8S to 116 paid weekly, doing plain
sewing at home; experience unnecessary:
material sent free everywhere. Hend
stamped addressed envelope for particu
lars. Weber Manufacturing Co., 1145
Broadway, New York. C 638 17 x
17.00 HUNDRED Either sex, addressing
envelopes; .full Instructions for 10 cents
and 8-cent stamp. Gen. Novelty Co.. 13
State. Chicago. C 83S 17x
LADY AGENTS Will ship you, on 80 days'
credit, toilet goods, soaps and extracts;
beautiful line; fast seller. Ohio Toilet
Co., Toledo, O. C 7?6 17x
WANTED 100 wide-awake women, uj
Omaha and South Omaha to nitroduce
our perfected self-heating sad Iron; work
at home; no canvassing. Jubilee Iron
Co.. 16u5 Jackson St. C 787 17x
LADIES to do piecework .at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from $7
to 812 weekly. Send Stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chlcearo.
' C 809 17x
LADIES, most profitable home woVk.' $9 to
816 weekly. Material free. No, canvassing.
Pteady work. Send stamped envelope.
Surety Co., Chicago. C 808 17x
LADIES. 830 -per 100 writing letters from
copy: stsmped, addressed envelope. Occi
dental Wholesale Co., Room 803. 800 Mon
roe St., Chicago. C 818 17s
WANTETi Ladles to learn halrdresslng,
manicuring or electrical facial treatment;
few weeka completes; thoroughly reliable
Institution; new method; practical course;
Inexpensive. Call or write Moler College,
1302 Douglaa at. C 788 17x
HOME work, two hours daily; no outfit to
buy; weekly Income; send addreeaod en.
velope for lnatructlons. Co-Overenve Pro.
dure Company, No. Ill Nassau street.
New York. . C-871 17x
FREE to ladles' handsome stickpin of
elaborate and exclusive design, also valu
able beauty secret, fend no money. Bltiply
name and adress. The William Anthony
Co., Pes Moines. Is. C 861 17x
A. C. VAN S ANT'S school. TIT N. Y. Ufa.
NEB. Budnwsa Shorthand College. Bovd'a
theater. . -Oil
WANTED, can visaing agents' In every
County to solicit auWrriptlone to THE
Steady employment with assured good In
come. Agents in ths country with h,in
arid buggy especially desired. Canvassers
inane easily w to iiuu per month. Ad
dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau
Bee building, Omaha. J a3
WANTED, a good canvaj-fter for a Cftthollo
newspaper. Apply to "The True Voice,"
606 bee Bldg. J-M578
LADY agents wanted for the Le Palais
a uiip, ui . . anu bi. jiini?. r.n 1'oro.
J-M726 17X
AO E NTS wanted for "Chicago's Awful
1 neater norror." indorsed hv the Asso
ciation of Survivors, with Introduction by
Bishop Fallows, who personally helped
carry out the dead and Injured. Over '4(0
psgea. graphically Illustrated from photo
graphs taken durlng'thn fire. Intense ex
citement everywhere. First agent, sold 53
books In two hours. Best terms. Credit
given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Send
10 cents for postage today. Act nulok.
Monarch Book Co., dept D, Chloniro, 111.
J M767 iTx
MEN willing to work positively mnke 2.ono
to W.OOO per year selling our just patented
machine. Eagle Tool Co., B. 4fl, Cincin
nati, O. J-S43 17x
CHANCE of lifetime to one man onlv
In each state with a few hundred dollar's
and reference; monopoly of legitimate
business; enormous profits without risk;
highest endorsements. Address HULL.
10 East 23d St., New York. J 840 17x
WANTED Manager In every city, county
to handle best-paying business known; le
gitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoenix
Co., 16 W. 26th St., N. Y. J-838 lTx
AO ENTS Newly patented article, sells at
sight, used by everybody: best article on
the market; big profits. Send for sample,
10 cents, silver. John Maler, 46 Center Bt,
Detroit, Mi oh. J 838 17x
one agent He sold 87 In 8 days; new; de
mand. Farmers' Account Book Co.. New
ton. Iowa. J8ii 17x
AGENTS 830 to 860 weekly easily made;
we prove this; luminous name plates,
numbers, signs readable darkest nights;
samples free. Right Supply Co., Engle
wood. 111. J 827 lfx
WE PAY 832 A WEEK to men with rigs
to Introduce- poultry compound: years
contract Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54,
Parsons, Kan. J
AGENTS WANTED Sell our 81 bottle of
sarsaparllla for 36 cents; best seller; 200
per cent profit. Write today for terms
find territory. F.-R. Greene, 69 Dearborn
St., Chicago. J
WANTED, an agent in every county in
every state. Write H. w. Truax, 28 Da
vid Bldg., Dayton, O. J 898 17x
AGENTS make big money with us; $18 to
w weemy. capy wora. write lor par
ticulars. Sunshine Remedy and Supply
Co., Sioux Falls, S. D. J 900 17x
AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our
Haxel Balm Soap and Specialties. New
Elan, large profits. No capital required,
ample and plan free. Hasel Mfg. Co.,
Sal Benolst Bldg., St Louis, Mo.
kuh, ui ruling stories by survivors; 400
pages, fully illustrated; retail $1.60; send
five 2o stamps for outfit and Instructions;
highest commissions; credit given; freight
paid. Northwestern Bible House, 416 Dear
born St., Chicago. J 25 17x
AGENTS WANTED "The Great Chicago
Theater Disaster; thrilling: stories by
survivors; fully Illustrated; retail $1.60;
best terms; send four two-cent stamps
for mailing outfit;. act quick. J. S. Zleg
ler e Co., Dept B, Chicago. J 623 17x
WE start you selling diamonds; don't fail
getting our liberal oner. aany sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. T.
Mention paper. J 823 17x
AGENTS "Iroquois Theater Horror;" 600
dead; complete story told by survivors;
Illustrated from photographs; over 400
pages 74x10 In.; price, $1.60; selling like
wildfire; best terms, credit given, freight
paid: send five to stamps for outfit and
Instructions; act quick. Kuhlman Com
pany, Dept 15, Chicago. J 21 17x
MINUET SKIRT HOLDER side line offers
unusual Inducements: write today; terms
and sample free. Whee'.er & Baldwin,
Garden City Block. Chicago. J 820 17x
OUR men make $3 to $10 a day fitting
glasses; our 24-page free eye book tells all
about It Write Jacksonlan Optical Col
lege, College Place, Jackson, Mlch.
$3,000 ASK us to send you addresses of our
agents who make it every year selling
"King of Fire Killers," only one endorsed.
Chicago firs Increases the demand. Fyri
dde Mfg. Co., 44 Murray st, N. Y.
J 0 1-0 XlX
WANTED Agents In Iowa; $76 weekly and
expenses easily made writing health and
accident Insurance; experience unneces
sary. Royal Fraternal Union, BL Louis,
Mo. J 803 17x
WB pay $38 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan.
J SI 4 17x
AGENTS make $26 weekly selling Trlnola,
greatest stain removing hand soap; also
toilet soaps. Exclusive territory. Davis
Soap Co., Chicago. J-806 17x
STOP runaways: hitch horses solid: carry
In pocket; sight seller; agents wanted.
Pocket Hltchlngpost Co., Muncie, Ind
J 804 17x
ATTENTION everybody; great . seller;
Safety Coat and Hat Hanger; protects
loss of wearing apparel; send 35 cents for
sample. Universal Patents Mfg.. Newark,
jsf J J 882 17x
AGENTS wanted for best sel'lng lOo house
hold article on earth; big profits; no com-
. Petition; gooda sell on sight; $10 day easy.
March Manufg. Co.. WsvterrbuijConn
MAKE money selling dome-shaped, per
forated skellst covers; no mors greasy
stoves to clean; Cat free. Am. Nov.
Works, Reading, Pa. J 847 lTx
THREE agents wanted, progressive 1 west
ern insurance co., territory Nebraska, and
So Dakota; good proposition, liberal con
tract; now's the time. Mgr., 432 Bee Bldg ,'
Omaha. J-812 17x
INDEPENDENCE for life; two hours' dally
labor; $15 to $50 weekly without Invest
ment; no canvassing; clean, honext, per
manent: -psrtlculars free. Barrett At
lantlo Bldg., Washington; D. C.
DON'T give jro'ur ' furniture and carpels
away. J. ievina paya me uigurxi
price. Tel. 771.
4 tj j
Dlro-bought. Bold. Antique Book Cou
DOOKS corn, 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 26:14.
N 6i
HIGH prices for 3d-hand furniture. Tel. 2000.
Chicago Furniture Co. . N M3K7
BEST PRICES for used stoves, furniture.
Enterprise Furn. Co., 102-4 S. 14th. Tel.294.
N-378 Mart
WANTED To buy 10 to 80 acres Improved,
near Omaha or Council Bluffs; describe
and state price. Address A 69, Bee.
N-M728 17x
WILL pay cash for well, located vacant lot
not too far out. Must be a bargain. Ad
dress A 56, Bee. N-859 17
I WANT to purchase a good- flour mill In
central Nebraska. Address B V. Bee.
N lfc9 17
THO8. J. KELLY"; voice. Davldge block.
DAISY HIOGINB. voice and piano, 201$
Leavenworth. Tel. A-2741. 882 Fl
If You Have a Room to Rent
or want to rent a room you can win a cash prize by using
The Bee Want Ad Columns, ' - 4
Bee ad on pape 18.
Places to
Work for Board
Two Young
Boyles College,
Tel. 1984.
WANTED Position, by A-l lady book
keeper; gooa penman, accurate ana rapid;
steady work more desired than
salary. Address W, care of Bee, Coun
cil Bluffs, la. A 100 17x
POSITION wanted by young man, as a
clerk in dry goods or clothing store; nix
years' experience; married; best of refer
ences; prefer Iowa, Dakota or Minne
sota. William F. Novak, New Kirk. oki.
A 884 17x
POSITION by a graduato of pharmacy.
Address Box 83, Blair, Nab. A M868 2 IX
WANTED By a competent bookkeeper, a
place to work on books for a few houra
each . day; references furn ashed; terms
reasonable. Address B t, Baa.
A.-78 TTx
MAN and wrfe, experWioed ra bookkeep
ing and stenography, man an export so
licitor and salesman, thoroughly capable,
would like positions to travel or to con
duct ofQoe, together or separately, about
' February L B 2, Bee. A 784 17x
A SITUATION as housekeeper In refined
ramiiy; wouia not object to going into
country: best of references. Address B L
Bee. A 884 17x
STENOGRAPHER with four years experl-
1 u uuit:iu uoun reporting desires
position with some large -nrm or corpora
tion. Can furnish the very beat of ref
erence. Address B 7, Besr-
A M333 itx
Astonishes Many!
Celebrated Clairvoyant
Everywhere throughout the land Prof.
Harry is recognized as ths greatest clair
voyant that ever visited this country
Ills advice to business men and woman.
speculators, those contemplating deals of
any character, etc., la of Inestimable value.
the one they love. Prof. Harry tells how
to acaulre and use this wonderful rift, lis
also settles lovea' quarrels, reunites the
aeparateu, causes a speedy and happy mar
riage with the one of your choice. Ths
earth reveals to him the hidden treasures
buried In her bosom. Ha locates mines. In.
tarprets dreams, tells of your friends and
enemies, removes evil Influences, gives ad
vice pertaining to lawsuits, everything,
Ths troubled and unfortunate should seek
his counsel. Thousands of families long
separated have been united by his efforts;
thousands of hearts made glad through
nis irumiui precuctions. Hours, 10 a. tn.
to 9 p. m. daily.-
Positively guarantees success where all
others have failed.
1816 Dodge St 'Phone A2407
GTLMKH, palmist. 7U ,N. 23d; 'phone B
8246. 8111
PROF. HARRY removed to 1816 Dodge at
B Si 905
SALESMAN wanted, to aell Blatchford's
Calf Meal to the country flour and feed
trade. Spring trade large. Extensive ter
ritory given and good Income assured. Ad
dress The Barwell Mills, Waukegan, 111.
-M786 17
WANTED Hustling salesmsn; specialty
.t, .iMan v.vjii .1 1 , men nun aiuiiiiy
and appearance necessary for high-class
'trade; Inducements attractive to dealers.
Send photo and references with applica
tion. Manager, 112 Pino street, St. Louis,
Mo. , M771 17x
SALESMEN, side line!" can make $26 to $50
per week handling our up-to-date line pf
'Advertising F&na, special and exclusive
designs no one else can offer them; sam
ples ready, light and easy to carry; apply
at once. The Kemper-Thomas Co.. Cin
cinnati, Ohio. 841 lTx
TRAVELING salesmen to sell all classes
rciau iraao; ousiness ruuy estaDiisnea;
hlgh-prloed men investigate; references.
Box 622. Detroit Mich. 841 17x
WANTED Salesman or manufacturer's
agent; none but those having an exten
sive acquaintance with the street railroad
and manufacturing interests In the states
of Nebraska. Kansas and Missouri need
apply; state reference. Address Box No.
143, Station C, Cleveland, Ohio. 846 17x
SALESMEN Side line, amall sample: stan
dard article; liberal commlsalon. Trojan
Mfg. Co., 8tation V, South Bend, Ind.
830 17x
salesman in your locality ror city and
coufitry trade; experience unnecessary ; $80
per month ant) expenses; Inclose stamp
for particulars, pioneer Cigar Co.. Dept.
74.. Toledo, O. 832 17x
CAPABLE salesman to cover . Nebraska
with staple line. High commissions with
advance of $100 monthly. Permanent posi
tion to rlpht man. Jess H. Smith Co., Ie
trolt, Mich. 866 17x
SALESMAN to represent us In Nebraska.
Splendid opening for reliable, energetic
man, capable producing results; staple
line. Drawer 8. Chicago. 807 17x
BALKflMEN- Automatic Copying Books,
Business Records, Loose-leaf Ledgers and
many other specialties. Pershing Mfg.
Co.. South Bend, Ind.
SALESMEN WANTED Local and travel
ing by manufacturers of up-to-date line
Imported and domestic specialties; large
and complete assortment; cities of all
size can be visited and every manufac
turer, banker or merchant, no matter In
what line of business, is a prospective
purchaser. Address, stating past experi
ence, P. O. Box 827. Chicago. M-841 l7x
: 1
MRS. CABB. dressmaking. 1810 Dodge st
IN families Miss Sturdy, 808 N. 23d.
M-308 PI
Room at the Dellone
Large, light and airy rooms, 8I2.W and op
Kr month; 7 So and up per day; steam
at ad. electrlo lighted, private and gen
eral baths, tirat-ciaas service. 14th and
Capitol a vs.. fi M8sa
ROYAL HOTEL. European. lth Chicago.
E xt
DEWEY European hotel, Jjth and Farnam.
NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha
Bteam Laundry, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phone
A-178J. E 81
O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone Ol,
ELEGANT front room; steam heat 1908
Capitol Ave. E M491
NICE south room, modern, 806 S. 2th.
TeL A-1879. U4W3
$1.26 PER WEEK Doran House, 422 8. 18th.
E MSo4
VIENNA European Hotel 1011-15 Farnam
st. Fine rooms; ladles cafe; private
oining rooms, vpen an nignu
SOUTH front alcove room; modern. 2580
Harney. B M714 23x
NICE furnished rooms. $24 N. 15th.
E M607
FOR RENT A nicely furnished south room
all modern; private family. 2619 Jones st.
ONE NICE, large furnished room for two
Rentlemen; ateam heat Cs, bath and
ilephone. 1708 Dodge street
E M734 17x
FIVE-ROOM furnished flat, modern In
every respect Near union depot Address
A 62, Bea E M728 17
PLEASANT, sunny room, suitable for two;
modern; board optional. Call at store,
1129 Farnam. E M724 17x
LARGE or small room; everything mod
ern: 8 minutes' walk from poatofflce. 1923
Dodge street. E M723 17x
NICELY furnished rooms. $2 per week 'up.
617 & 16th street d. flat E M722-17x
NICELY furnished rooms, all modern, with
or without board. 710 B. 17th street.
, E M721 17x
NICE, large, newly furnished front room,
with south and east front on first floor,
steam heat for man and wife, or two
Eentlemen, cheerful and convenient 1704
FURNISHED rooms, modern house; first
class board. N. E. Cor. 83d and Burt
E-452 17
ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen; refer
ences. 1616 S. 10th st E 748 17x
AN elegantly furnished room In a Cne loca
tion; Just vacated. 214 N. 23d st
E M766 19
NICELY furnished back parlor, south room
on first floor; all modern; in good brick
flat 2201 Douglaa. E M764 18
A NICE large front room, beautifully fur
nished, tn new brick flat right on corner,
south front; steam heat gas, electrlo
light, bath and telephone. 2124 Burt st.
E M763 18
WOULD rent large furnished room to one
or two gentlemen; conveniently located.
2472 Harney st E M768 lx
TWO pleasant rooms, modern; nice dis
tance. iit b. ann st.. just across the
street from Omaha club. E M780 19x
TWO nicely furnished rooms, all modern.
in good brick flat; use of telephone. 403
N. 18th. E M363 19
1 NICELY furnished rooms In good brick
nat an modern, zuv a. ann. E MXti 19
ELEGAHTLY furnished room, all modern.
ua n. ran at warning aistance.
E M8C419
SINGLE! front room, modern conveniences,
aiso unrurnianea room, zojo r arnam.
. E M891 19x 1
TWO, I or 4 rooms; neat housekeeping.
Z201 IXMlgiaS. t 16848 17
LARGE, well furnished room for lle-ht
housekeeping. 80S B. 20th. Tel. L-2167.
E M950 1SX
NICELY furnished room for light house-
Keeping. uia iyeavenwortn. ta m4 lax
NICELY furnished front south room, with
board: 6 minutes from heart of city; rea
sonable rates. 2020 Harney street.
E M746 17x
Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with
out board. Midland hotel, 16th ds Chicago.
UTOPIA, steam heat 1721 Davenport.
ROCKAWAY, 1816 Douglas. Meals, 16c.
LARGE well-furntshed front room, all mod
ern, with board: also good table board by
day or week. The Dresner, tu2 S. 16th st
F 142
HANDSOMELY furnished front room, with
breakfast and evening dinner; ladles pre
ferred. 108 8. 26th ave. F M663 17x
TWO nice rooms, with board, at the Al
bany will be vacant today. 2103 Douglas.
F M741 17
YOUNG lady has nice room and wants
young lady roommate; reasonable rates
' and good board. 806 8. 20th. F M756 18
RESPECTABLE young lady has large
room which she would like to share with
same kind of girl; good board. 710 H. isth
. st , , iF M755 18
NICELY furnished, largo or small room,
with good board, reasonable; also table
board, $3.60 per week. 118 N. 18th.
P-MS96 19x
DESIRABLE front steam-heated rooms.
with extra good board; best location In
city. The Kenwood, 2616 Farnam.
F-M8OT 19
ONE large and ono small room; nice loca
tion, with board; price reasonable. 8520
Dodge st 'Phone L-24&8. F S3 17x
TWO south-front rooms, elegantly fur
nished, with board; good brick flat, facing
south; steam heat, gas, bath and tele
phone. 2418 Cass. F M788 lSx
NICE furnished room, with board, for
gentleman. . 113 8. 20th., across street
from Omaha club. F M791 19
TWO nicely furnished rooms, with board,
In splendid location, at reasonable price.
2118 Chicago. . F-M792 19
TWO south-front rooms, slnde or enaulte,
with hoard : all modern; $20. 24'W Cans.
'Phone A-2T93. F M793 23
2 ROOMS, nicely furnished, with first-class
table board, 1919 Burt. References ex
changed. F MS46 19x
I HAVE $ unfurnished rooms, furnace
heat, bath, gas. hot and cold wator;
housekeeping. , Address A 25. Bee.
i G M36J
FOR RENT, t unfurnished room. $8. 6.) B.
21 st ave. G M8U3 19
CHAMBERS' New Academy, 2424 Farnam.
Adult beginners. Mondays and Saturday a,
8 p. m ; aaaembllea, Wednesdays, 8:30 p.
m.; children beginners, Wedn-sdaya, 4 p.
m., Saturdaya. 2 p. in.; advanced, Satur
days only, 4 p. m. 'Phone, F-1871; ree.,
A-1871. 706
If you dance, attend Morand'a Wed. aasem
bllas. If you don't dance, Join his Tuo day
and Fri. clasa I p. m. Ppeclal attention to
beginnera; lady assistants; private lessons
dally. Call 16th and Harney or Tel. 104L
M677 F-Li
Sholes-Armstronc; Co.
722 N. T. LIFE BLDG. TEL. 49.
List your property w ith us.
for quick sale or trade.
Here are a few good ones.
$1.inn Restaurant and hotel, Hastings, Neb.
$8,500 Paying electric light plant. Easy
$3, 700 Candy factory and retail store. Lead,
p. i.
$ POO Choir flat, close In.
1.2&0 Confectionery store, Norfolk, Neb.
hlne place for restaurant.
$4,900 Complete and paying machine and
blacksmith elP. Webster Co., Neb.
O.UW t lour mill, running day and night
Trad for mdse. or Income projnsrty
$2,600 i-room modern dwelling. Trade for
(rood farm and pay cash alfTerenco.
$6,0008 modern 7-room houses: fine loos
tlon. Trade for Saunders or Sarpy
Co. farm.
$11000 Good city rental. Trade for good
$19,200 20-a ere farm York Co. Trade for
c,t Property.
630-aere farm Platte' Co., Neb. Fine. Trade
lor mase. ,
10-acre fruit farm 4 miles from Omasa.
Fine lmnrnvpmA4,
l-acre place near Albright. Good 6-room
$6,000 4:o-acre good land Greeley Co. Trade
iot mase. and pay cash difference.
$2,500 Furniture and lease of 40-room hotel,
$4,000 12,0W-bushel grain elevator. Good
86,000 Ranch for 600 cattle. Trade for D.
NehrajtkA form
8400 Drug store, paying $3,000 net Pawnee
$S, 000 Stock hardware, Saunders Co. Good
cue mess. Easy terms. Inoludo bldg.
at 82.600.
WOO Genu' furnishings. South Omaha 76
rami on uoiiar casn.
aivu L.H. I- lb KNOW WHAT
you Want.
pioneer and only corporation offering the
publlo every facility for obtaining the
largest regular profits which can be
SA'ELY made by conservative trading
In cotton, which NOW presents the best
features and most activity of ALL the
commodities bought and sold In the mar
kets of the world.
IMMENSE! FORTUNES are being mads
and lost by speculation in cotton. The
Storey Cotton Company, however.
NEVER SPECULATES, therefore it
never loses; but it does BUY and BELL
standpoint; consequently it earns large
prollts continuously and always BAFELV,
month In and month out year after year,
which prollts are divided monthly with
all its customers on the most approved
profit sharing plan now In vorue.
AN INVESTOR, largo or small, may be
come a customer at any time, and there
after receive regularly the large monthly
profits earned with the capital deposited
to his credit His invested capital and
accrued profits always being repaid In
full, subject to his order.
''All About Cotton," revised to 1801
"Bears Investigating."
"The Teat of Time" and, "Sworn Trutha,"
"Cotton as an Investment"
"The Cotton Chart Book."
The Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa.
11 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Exchange Buildings, Liverpool, England.
CorresDondenne Invltaul arA nmmn.iu an
swered. Y 870 17x
READ this list of business places, all sixes
and prices. In Omaha and country towns:
Five hotels, 8 restaurants, 4 cigar stores,
8 confectionery stores, 2 news stores, 16
grocery stores, 6 stocks of general mer
chandise, marble works, 8 shoe stores 4
hardware stores, 2 implement store s 2
laundries, 4 livery businesses. 6 barber
shops, 8 bakeries, 8 blacksmith shops, 4
country newspapers, 1 creamery, 3 drug
stores, i dray and transfer businesses, 2
dairies. 8 millinery stores, 4 meat markets,'
several manufacturing businesses, 1 feed
business, 1 coal business, 8 pool rooms, 8
lumber yards. 2 printing offices, 2 racket
stores, i furniture stores, several olfloe
businesses. 1 photograph gallery, 8 bowl
ing alleys, 8 flour mills, 1 mail order busi
ness and a good Hut of rooming houses
and boarding houses. WILLIAM Room
I 411. McCagua Building. Y 816 17x
WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange
any property or business quick, see J. H.
Johnson, 843 N. Y. LUe. Y 384
chances and exchanges; write us, 722 New
York Life Bldg. Tel. 48. Y-J1384
WANTED A business location, dry goods
or general merchandise, or If In good
sited town would put In notion store;
county seat town, prefer Nebraska: $10
to the party locating me. Address F. A.
Bowers, Box 332, Glldden, la.
, Y-M68S17
ROOMING HOUSES-Some of the best pay
ing places in Omaha for rent, with furni
ture In them for sale. Full of roomers,
payshg well; some have boarders; best
locations; rents reasonable; prices of
furniture $300, $400, $500, $MX, $9j0, $1,000,
$1,750, $2,250. The houses and flats aro 7, 8,
10, 12, 14,-15, 24. 28 and 28 rooms. If you -era
going Into this or any kind of business It
will pay you to call on me. I can surely
suit you. WILLIAMS, Room 411. Mo
Cague Building. Y 817 17x
trait and Saginaw capitalists, manufac
turing staple article, with English and
American trade established, desires con
nection with competent man to superin
tend force of travelers and manage state
department; compensation, $3,0u0; refer
ences required. Address Secretary, Box
644, Detroit Mich. Y
where it Is or what it Is worth; send de
scription, state price and learn how.
Ofllces and special representatives tn 26
cities. W. M. OSTRANDER, Horns
' Office 148 N. A. Bldg., Philadelphia.
FOR SALE Meat market, boarding house
and confectionery combined for $3,5u0,
either cash or on time with good banka
ble note. This business Is for sale, not for
rent This Includes stock and all. En
quire of Julius Bchroeder, Gretna, Neb.
I HAVE EXCHANGED nearly all of those
city properties advertised last Sunday.
Would have exchanged yours had you
given It to me. List now, before land
and fruit farms are rented. H. S. Gates,
1513 Howard St. 'Phone 821. Y 696 18
BARBER SHOP One-half interest for
sale. In best shop lit I.ongmont, Colo. For
particulars address Ed Jeffreys.
Y-M704 19x
SMALL bunch Aerial Pleasure Wheel Co.
stock. A high grade Industrial of great
promise. Owner needs mnnev. M. J.
Oreevy, broker, stocks and bonds, 414 Bee
bldg. Y-M737 17
WANTED, man In Omaha with ttOTO to
$6,0on, to repreaent an old-established In
surance company on a weekly payment
ten-year endowment contract. Armstrong
Mohr Co., 437 Stock Exchange bid;?.,
Chicago. Y-M7B2 17x
FOR SALE, old-established vsriety store,
doing good business, well stocked and
well advertised; reason, confinement snd
age. Address Lock Box 6S0. Pnarflsh,
8. D. Y M760 10X
TURF SPECULATORS Attention : Thomp
aon Broe., Tribune Bldg.. Chicago, III.,
the celebrated turfmen of 16 years' ex
perience, snd owners of Sydney Lucas,
American Derby winner, have opened a
bureau of turf council. If you have pool
room or hand book facilities, send 4 cents
postage today for their large 82-page book
of valuable raring pointers and Informa
tion. All correspondence strictly confi
dential. Y-831 17x
AGENT csn earn splendid Income repre
senting a legitimate turf Investment com
pany; proposition endorsed by horsemen
and clients. Address Metropolitan Com
mission Co.. Hot Springs, Ark.
Y-837 17 X
THE beat bargain In grocery and notion
tore In Omaha csn be had quirk for
$. Address B 4. Bee. Y 794 17x
A HOME, not lea than S rooms, hv busi
ness man. In district north of Farnam
street, within mile of court house. Good
slsed grounds. Give location, cash price
snd full dewriptlon In first letter. Ad
dress A 60, Bee. Y M934 17
ONE man In each county In the United
States ran earn FIFTY DOLLARS up
wards weekly on a very small Investment;
cash coming dally; fifty cents and the slse
of your shoe sent us brings valuable sam
ple and full particulars; write today.
Pnlane St Co., 813 Illinois Bank Building,
Chicago, nL i Y 834 17x
FOR SALE, bargain etpre In good town;
good, clean slock; rood sales; can arrans-e
terms: will be sold at once. Addres P.
O. Box 207, David City, Neb. Y 867 lTx
IN VKMT $10 monthly (ten months), create
large Income and become wealthy; noth
ing safer ever offered; bankers' references.
Address Oscar BL A. Wlessner, Brokklya.
h. x. Y-r74, nx
Furniture factory, 2 bldgs., and mSrhlnety
and 4 a. land, 3 etal.lvs. Chambershurg, Pa,
I. 8. pat, rights on Impd. rhtese cutter.
Flour mill, elevator, warehouse, II. It
switch, 2 roe. and 30 a, Neosho, M 13,0h0l
Pat on electrlo Illuminated Indian rluhe.
Good roller grist mill, Scalp Level, l'a, .
Summer resort prop, on Htony lake, near
Chicago, ROO a., furnished Mdgs., etc
Blacksmith and wood-working shop,
bouse, stable and 1 a., Buffalo lraJrls, III.
Grist mill and wood-wkg. mohjr., PUta
fleld, Vt, splendid location. $1,100.
Partner, with i,lxu, for 4 int In private
bank to be started In Padtlo coast town.
General blacksmith shop, house, a..
South Canaan, Pa.: fine location; est trade.
Furniture and undertaking bus. and oqpt.
In prosperous mfg. town, southern l'a.
tieneral medical practice, stock drugs,
office flxt and furniture, Jennings. Mich.
Up-to-date stock general muse., store
Mdg. and lot oottoo gin and book ac
Oktaha, L T.
Blacksmith and machine shop, Colby,
Fine hotel prop, 18 a., store, tenement,
stock gen'l mdse., groceries. Bo. Woodstock,
Patent on lmpd. hook and eye. $16,000.
Cigar, pool and billiard, lunch goods, eto
bus., stock and flxt, Escondido, Cal. $5,000.
Est. florist bus., stock and property,
Blacksmith shop, house, 1 lots. Empire,
I's-'ent on drawing Instrument (divider).
W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. Bid., i'hlla,
Y-8&4 17x
PATENTS secured or fee returned. Send
model or sketch for free opinion as to
patentability. Bend for illustrated GLIDU
BOOK'and list ot Inventions wanted; fin
eat publication Issued lor free distribu
tion. Contains valuable Information re
garding patents, trade marks and copy.
, rights; how to obtain and sell them; 100
mechanical movements, etc Patents se
cured by us advertised free In the patent
Record. Sample copies free. Address
Evans. WUklns & Co., lloglstored Attor
neys, 603 F St., Washington, D. (J. Y
100 LOTS FREE First 100 applicants send
ing stamp will receive deod of a lot, size
26x100 feet to advertise Westminster
Park, suburb New York, 20th Century
Realty Co., 6 Wall St. New York. Y-
FREE to Investors, our new book, Siifrfres
tlons to Speculators, describing option
trading and containing valuable Informa
tion regarding wheat; Indispensable for
success. Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis,
Minn. Y 813 17x
IF YOU have not received promised divi
dends from stock Investments and cannot
get satisfactory Information from man
agement, or think you've beeu swindled.
Investment Investigation Co., 36 Nassau,
New York. v Y-879 17x
ONE of the beet paying furniture stocks fh,
Nebraska for sale; big business; one com
petitor; Investigate. Box 226, Nebraska
City. Y-S81 17x
COTTON Is booming; why spend your dm
and money speculating In stocks aiyl
wheat when ehancea for profitable trail
ing are so great In cotton? Wo manage
margin accounts of $100 and tip, and are
making big money for clients; write at
once for ftiJI pertlculars. William J. Ed
wards & Co., 308 Hennen Bldg.. New Or
leans, La. Y 872 17x
START a mail-order business at home;
no capital iulred: particulars for stamp.
Robert McGee, 1944 Btewart ave., Kansas
City. Kan. Y 809 17x
PENNT-IN-TTTE-SI OT new electric shock
machines. Will sell a limited number nt
$4.00 each. Midland Machine Company, 173
State st, Chicago, Y 810 17x
STEADY Income; small trrvestmant; book
let free, showing how $100 earned fSO
weekly pest year. Dan Smith, 53 World
building, New York, i Y 83 17x
GOOD hardware stock In good town 23
miles from Omaha, $I,RO0, If sold by Fe
ruary 1. Call or write 610 N.Y. Life
Building, Omaha. T 354 17
Wanted to r-change, a SG-room hotel, well
furnished ( only $2 per day hotel In
town). In a live eastern Nebraska town,
for a farm In Nebraska; land that Is
worth les than $20 per aero. This Is a
snap. A lue 87,500. Glover, first floor
N. Y. Life, R 133. Y-8E5 17
Wanted to exchange, a good livery barn,
with horses, buggies, carriage, etc, In a
hustling town In eastern Nebraska, for
land at less than $?0 per acre. Price $3,200.
Glover, first floor N. Y. Life, R 13S.
Y 068 17
For sale, 150-acre farm In eastern Nebraska,
three miles from town, 80 acres farm land.
40 seres In timber snd pasture, fairly well
improved. Price 8M per acre, or would
exchange for good cheap land In Ne
braska. Glover, first floor N. Y. Llfe.R
133. Y 957 17
4fi-aero fruit form north of Florence, nix
mi ice. pee ine larm. iwm, mi i . -
M. T. i .ire, n i.v. -''
PATENT B Handbook mailed free- this
large dook, on paaws, i iuii ui , oi k, .
Information for Inventors, patentees, me
chanics and manufacrnrcrs; tells all about
patents; how to obtain a patent; the cost
of a patent; what to invent for profit;
how to sell a patent: how to secure n
partner; valuable hints to Inventors and
patentees; Illustrates 100 mechanical move
ments; gives a fall history of the most
famous inventors Snd portraits of the most .
famous American Inventors; book mailed
free. 0"Meara Tlroc. Patent Attorneys,
696 11th St, N. W WashlngtrmD.r?.
FREE Three months Tlluarra ted mining
paper; full news from all camps; lnyal-i-.
able to Investors: write tod a v. North
American Miner, 84 Broadway, New York, v
Y 695 17X
But write us for full Information restrain;
an sbsolutelv safe Investment thjt is
now paying S4 per cent dividends and will
SoonVr more. A. L. Wsiof rfc. 82
T roadway. New York. Y P96 17x ..
40-HORSE-POWER boiler, engine, a-wlntr
and rip ssws. boring machine, planer,
shafting, pulleys, belts. eo.; if von want
to buy we can deal. Address B V. Ttee.
T the title to our illustrated booklet tell
ies about our AutomsMe-Ptieumstlo Kys
tem of receiving snd'dellverlng moils from
fast trains. .. .
This svstem meets rallwnv msll reqn1--rnents
was endorsed bv tb Postal com
mission of ss "A PoltiMon of the
Problem:" endorsed le 190s bv railway and
postal operators and 100 of Towa's leodlnr
rltlsens. $1 on nonaeeeshle "bar's for
2K cents: capital. 1 0"0.0oft. Will be the
great Investment ef the veer: shares wv
on Inets'lments - Fo" enmpW tnrri"!.
tlon address The WallwBV Moll w-ufn-ment
Co.. Atlantic, Ia. Y-!5 17x
. . . - - -
Ofinn paving brlekvard. Colorado Rnrln-s.
Cote . en be rmrrbaaed verv rhesn- will
eTrfcar-e for Omaha property. A """"""S
B 11. Bee. T-W17
DR. PRIES, German graduate, renowned
for his skill and experience In conllne
menta; curea aterillty. long atandlng dis
eases of uterua and ovaries, ourea painful,
profuse, retarded or supireedi menstru
ation, from any cause, recent or of long
steading. Ladles who have suffered for
years, hopeless and dejected, can lie cured
without operation or the hospital.' If a
personal Interview Is lmpolole state your
case fullv. Inclose stamp and answer and
advice will promptly be given. Add reus
H. F. Pries, M. D., 1513 Dodge Bt, Omaha,
Piles Cured
By W. C. Maxwell, M. D.,
Graduate of Bellevuo Hospital Medical Col
lege of New York City. l
624-6 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. 14?4.
Private Reception Room for Ladles.
LADIES: Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pi U are the best Safe, reliable. Take no
other. Send 4c, stamps, for particular.
"Relief for Ladles," in letter, by return
mall. Aak your drugplat ChlchaiUor
Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, epeolallst of
women and children: 30 yeara' practice.
OnVe, 23f Cumin. Residence telephone,
F-2790; office, B-2S36.
LADIES When In need send for free trial
of our never failing remedy. Relief sure
and nulck. Porta Chemical Co., Milwau
kee. Wis.
CAPT. T. CORMACK, S17 Karbach block.
Tel. A 313. -It)
f 1