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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1904)
12 THE OMATTA DAILY KEE: THURSDAY. JANUARY 14, 1001. DEMANDS A COMPETITIVE BID Ileal Ksta4a Rirbnnae-Takea 1 Mat ter ( DUroiliit of Garbage for riff. The DmI Efttate exchange considered the feuestlons of the garbige deposition and of the Blatter of appraisements. In the drat resolution was adopted that the exchange Stands against the letting of any contract for garbage whl h was not opened to com petitive blda. The committee appointed at the laat meeting- to ronpldrr the garbage monopoly, consisting of K D. Spnulrilng, Henry Payne ,and J. W. I.yttle, reported that the matter of the garbage disposition would eome up at the Monday meeting of the council committee. It was decided that all members who could should attend this meeting and the committee waa strength ened by the addition of W. O. Vre, F. D. Vead and A. O. Charlton, and waa ordered to make a thorough Investigation of the question. The committee dealing with street signs aviso waa ordered to attend this council committee meeting. The banquet commit ter reported. The question of forming some uniform system by which property might be ap praised was brought up by several recent applications to members for such' service. 'Am there was at present no system or reobgnlted practice In appraising the value of real estate It was the sense of the ex- cnanare mat a comrauiee do appointed TO consider the question of appraisement and outline some form of procedure and rules to govern appraisement It also was thought that a permanent board which Should ' undertake all appraisements for courts and similar applicants might be formed. A committee consisting of E. A. Sanson, C. C. Oeorge and W. T. Graham waa appointed by President Wallace to consider ways and means of establishing a uniform procedure. Aneaavrmriiti of the Theaters. Nat M. Wills and his big company In "A Bon of Rest" open at the Krug tonight. There Is a chorus of some forty people In the company, each of whonf has been spe cially selected by Managers Broadhurst and Currle for purity of voice and thorough knowledge of musical technique, many of Its members being graduates of the various conservatories of music both In this coun try and abroad. It has been the object of Mr. Wills and Messrs. Broadhurst and Currle to make this the greatest singing Show on the road, and if the reports from - the 'dtles where this organization has ap peared may be depended upon then they have attained that desideratum. This evening "The Sultan of Sulu" will be the attraction at the Boyd. It has won its place at the head of the whole list of musical comedies. 8tnce Its former pre sentation In Omaha the piece has had the advantage of a long run in New York, where It has been brightened up In many minor details. Frank Moulan still heads the company as Kl Ram, and Is seconded by Frank Frear, Cherldah Blmpson, Ger trude Qulnlan and a splendid organization of vocalists. The engagement lasts until after Sunday night, with matinees on Sat urday and Sunday. On Monday and Tuesday evenings John Crew will present Robert Marshall's com edy, "The Second In Command-" ' The one amusement feature scheduled for theatergoers this afternoon Is the mat inee at the Orpheum. The feature card Is Janies J. Corbett In a monologue. The ex champion Is scoring heavily and Is proving . . V wo " 1 i rt in. m.a,u u ,n .HID PCUUII. The other features on the, bill furnish a good variety of high-class entertainment. Two of the vocal features are especially well received. These are Mr. and Mrs. Wetrou, both of whom have splendid voices and good taste for selections and classics; Vance, who gives coon songs a pleading rendition, free from the coon about . Traveling men should remember that on ' the second and third floors above tho beau tiful Auditorium restaurant, 216 South Fif teenth street, will be found- twelve .as VUV4&U1 IWII1B JTUU VVCT WW. 191 aDU cold water. Bath and toilet rooms on each floor. Opening January 20th. Important Cfiaage of TtsaeJ - Consult the Chicago Great Western rail way time table In these columns for change , of time, effective January ., Attention, Easjlesl At our regular meeting Thursday even ing, January 14, a full attendance Is re quested, as business of Importance will be transacted. C. E. ALLEN, Worthy Secretary. Lave Cartaias Cheap. Our big lace curtain sale continues. The values are good, so the sale la large. Come and see. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co, Watch for the opening of the Auditorium restaurant, $1 South Fifteenth street. Jan uary 20th. The finest restaurant In the world -weathered oak. Twelve beautiful furnished rooms. Hot and cold water, Bath and toilet rooms on each floor. Elegant barber shop In basement Weathered oak. Card of Thanks. The undersigned desire to thus express our thanks to the kind friends and neigh bors who so appropriately expressed their sympathy and condolence with us, due to the death of our mother, Mrs. Maria Rosa Roc co. FASQUAL. FRANK. PETER, JASPER ROCCO AND SISTERS. . , I Marriage Licensee. Name and Residence. Age. Agnes H. Cline. Omaha Z3 IJzite Allen, Omaha 22 Robert Canty, Omaha ,., Ss Sarah B. Harper, Omaha u T W Q I . f I V. (.Villi onwa, Lmi.u.i. mimih,i to Anna Woytowles, Omaha 16 Edward Donnelly, Milwaukee 86 Eatelle Berry, Friend, Neb J7 W. M. Mahaffey, Sarpy county 2s Martha A. Ireland, Sttrpy county......... 24 Emit Dobry, Omaha tt Anna Blatek, Omaha 80 Huh rt Jacobberger, Omaha 83 Katheiine Wantsy, Omaha (3 Jonas J. Nelson, Omaha 84 Effie E. Inman, Omaha 8u 18-K. Wedding Kings, Kdholra. jeweler. Sam'l Burns Is selling a beautiful white and gold toilet set, $475.' VE HAVE GOODS Tea, plenty of them, and more are rolling . Into the back doors of our two stores every lay, notwithstanding the fact that de tectives (private ones) are wu tcltlng ua like hawks, and also NOTWITHSTANDING the fact that we have been (for the paat 80 days) denied the right which a free country gives to every- American cltlaen, viz., to buy goods on the open market: BCT THE TKt'eT COMBINATION OF OMAHA BOITH OMAHA AND CO. HU'FKS STILL HAYS NO! TUB WHOLESALERS SAY WE DARK NOT. and there vou are' However, a long as our pockelbook CON TAINS TUB PHICE we can get all tlie ooas we can sen. even ir we owned every rug store In Nebraska. We are not trvlnic to monopolise the drug bualnesa, but we win gi enougn artig stores or our own to give a few more PRIVATE DETECTIVES a Job and to keep the bunch gucsslua Write us for CUT PRICES. SCIIAEFER'S DKUQ 1 STORE T- T. TATE.t. Proo.. Itth and Chtoagu Sta., Omaha. 'Phone til and 77. 3ata and N Bu . boutb Omaha, 'i'buaa. ft) aUlcwda atUvand. aj Blase 3 935 n Great Thursday Bargains Black Embroidered Cashmere' Shawls at 29c 400 all wool cashmere large Shoulder Shawls, silk em broidered and silk fringed all around afso Knit Fascinators and Knit Shawls extra large sizes, in white, black and colored clearing sale prices each $5. 00 Silk Waists at $2.50 Stylish Waists of taffeta and peau de sole, war f in black and a variety of colors, on main m bargain square clearing sale price..., ' Fur Neck Pieces Marten Cluster Scarfa, with 7t-p eight tails, clearing sale price ... . ..... 1.98 Long double French doney Scarfs, with brush tails also Blended Brook Mink Scarf clearing sale ' price Clearing Sale Specials in Ladies' Cloaks . 7.50 9.98 4198 Ready v to Wear Hats Almost Given Away 25c 1.00 Ladles' $15 Winter Jackets, ia late and very stylish Idea", prettily trimmed and finely lined, special clearing sale price, at .' - Ladles' Handsome Long and Short Coats, newest style features, actually worth up to 820.00 at Ladies' $10 Quality Winter Cloaks and Jackets, a.rery fine assortment to choose from, clearing sale price at . est Ready to wear hats in this season's styles at ... A MILLINERY SPECIAL. 309 latest style Velvet and Fur Pelt Hats, bsautifnlly trimmed, In millinery d partment, your choice at , 20c LACES AT 2ic AND 5c YARD Thousands of yards of fine lappa, In all widths these are Torchons, Vain and Sevlllus, In the new linen shades, actually worth as high as 20o a yard your choice on bargain square at yard 2y2c-5c $1 and $1.50 Kid Gloves at 59c New lot of fine Kid Gloves on brjrnln square at 50c per pair These gloves have sold regularly at $1.00 nnd $1.50 gj f per pnlr some are the least Mt mussed your choice at 9 C a pair w 25c . Handkerchiefs At 10c GREAT 5ALB OP LINENS Swiss embroidered all linen hand kerchUfs, worth up to 25o each, at, each 10c GREAT 5ALB OP Bsr??&QUS L,NENS Thursday, January J4th At 8:45 ft. M. Opens what Is positively the blgKent slaughter sale of men's and' boys' wtarlnf apparel ever held In the west ern country, A large concern m a neighboring city, finding Itself heavily overstocked, and with big payments to meet, in order to prevent from going into bankruptcy, found Itself obliged to do something desperate, to keep up the good' old name, so they decided to sell to us for spot cash a big portion of their stock a our own price. We will place these goods on sale, starting Thursday, January the 14th, at 8:45 a. m., on the second floor of 1519-1SZ1 Douglas street. None of these goods will be sold before the set time, nor will anybody not connected with the house lie allowed on the second floor until the sale opens. Here we quote a few prices at random, of the many extraordinary good things offered. In moat Instances way be low the coat of production: Men's stiff bo som shirts, with separate cuffs, 20c, Nice patterns to choose from anil all sises from 14-2 to 17. Men's overcoats at $3.90. Large assortment to choose from, Including heavy frlese ulsters with storm collars. Linen collars, t for 10c E. 4t"YV. cuffs, 10c Men's sweaters, blue, maroon or green, 19c Tux edo salts, $9.90. Rocktord socks, also black or tan color, 8 pair for 10c. Small boys' blue overalls. Sc. Men's strong, durable suits, Including corduroy, $3.90 red, blue, white, hemstitched, as well as colored bor der handkerchiefs, 3c each. Fur coats from $5.90 up. Boys' and girls' caps worth up to 75c, choice, 25c. Boys' long JeanB pants, age 8-11, one dime a pair they are worth more if you use them for dusting cloths. Rain coats from 68o up. Fire and police brand of supenders, 9c a pair. Men's black worsted pants, 76o a pair. Working shirts, as heavy as a board, the best 75c value you ever saw sale price, S9c you will pro nounce this the biggest bargain you ever saw. All wool astrakhan pea jackets and ' vesta, $5.90. Manhattan shirts, 89c, Large I line of leather mitts, leather gloves, wool mitts and woolen gloves, choice, 15c Fancy vest, 'worth up to $2.00, choice, 9Sc. Ouyot suspenders, 39c. Overcoats with axtrarhan collars and astrachan facing all the way down, $9.90. Blanket lined duck coats, 48c. Elegant suit cases, large sixes, $1.19. Wool socks, 9c a pair. Extra heavy winter caps, 25c Men's sateen shirts, full 'size, fast color, every stitch of sewing absolutely guaranteed, 29c. Men's odd coats, 50c Boys' odd coats, 25c. Bhaw-knlt hose, 19c Men's jeans pants, mostly SZ and 33 waist. S9c a pair. Men's fine worsted and cassimere pants, worth up to $3.50, choice, $1.90. Boys' blue, chinchilla reefers, 98c. Heavy fleece lined undershirts, 20c. Men's dollar shirts, 48c And hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention. On our main floor we also offer many good things which are worth mentioning for Instance, overcoats. Including the Benjamin make that we for merly sold at $30.00, $22.50 and $25.00. Tou can have unrestricted choice for $15.00. Extraordinary good values in suits at $12.50, Including the Benjamin make. In our base ment we offer men's leather lined shoe, worth $3.00, at $1.69. Brown checked over alls with bib. 45c Sheep lined duck ul sters, at MM. Ixok for the big sign "BALE." 1519-1521 Douglas street Tho Guarantee Clothing Co. 2 2. Honeff's Market 1403 DOUGLAS STREET. t Is NOW OPEN and a' I general invitation is x if tended to the public to in I epect the finest market and ) the choicest display of $ I Meats, Poultry, Game and I Fish west of Chicago. Y0U ARE INVITED -COME AND SEE ' ) I Honrv off I q 11VI11J 11VI1V1J) TELEPHONE 1744. . &??k$?S$ S$ $&$&$!$ Quaker Bath. ;gk Cabinet LJ. 55 cabinet $35S The best cabinet made.. The simplest in construction and the most convenient to use. Call and see them. The II. J. Pcnfold Go. Medical and Surgical Supplies. 1408 Farnam fit. Omaha, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rta rketearaai Waal aUoaa, 20 Discount ii suit I - Bags-8" 'Travfilinir liOmaha Trunk Factory ; ; CMAS. kOKAN. ProprleUr 1 TfVniiooe 1058 1209 Faraara Street ON ALL I'H.yimMKIIItfJIiiTaHRH'BIBi 1 Walnut Hill and Benson Wagon Deliveries Every Day o)?V These Great Alteration Sales Are a Roaring Furnace of Bargains. Our price cards and special discounts throughout the departments Indicate this at a glance. Out advertised items are such as we have big supplies of. While thousands of real snap are waiting the early morning shoppers, then are not advertised because stocas are limited, and we would rather lose heaps of money than disappoint. GREEN TRADING STAMPS IN ALXi DEPARTMENTS. Dont figure in the stamps when you make purchases at Bennett's, for the stamps are not figured on at all when we make price. They are a natural addition a natural as thank you. They are yours every time you put down your good hard money on our counters. We get our discount for cash, out of which we give you TOUR discount for cash GREEN TRADING STAMPS! Don't forget the great coffee event Thursday. TEN DOL.tARS' WORTH OP GREEN TRADING STAMPS with a two-lb. can of DIAMOND "S" COF FEE. NOTE conditions below In Grocery ad. 1 Another Big Lot of Bargains in Our Cloak and Suit Department 2d Floor Alteration Sale of Muslin Underwear. We put on sale all of our new spring purchase of gowns, chemise, drawers, corset covers, etc. No soiled old goods-all bright, new stock, and at a special discount of 20 per cent less marked prices. Waists. Heavy Flannelette Waists that sold for J1.00 and $125, Alteration Sale price, for.. 59c Furs! Furs!! Every piece of fur for the neck all our muffs, coats and capes go at a discount of 33 Vi per cent less than regular prices. Children's Coats at One-half Priec. Children's Coats, worth $12.60, for. Children's Coats, worth $3.90, for.., Children's Coats, worth $5.00, for.., 6.25 4.45 2.50 Special Sales for the Alteration Sale in Our Dry Goods Department. Handkerchief Sale. From 10 to U a. m. and from 3 to 4 p. m., 100 dozen fine Handkerchiefs. worth 10c, for one hour, each Three cases children's, misses' and boys' woolen 'and worsted Hosiery, o fit the leg," all sizes from 6 to 9. Goods In this lot worth up to 60o per pair, Alteration Sale price, per pair , 26 dozen ladles' Vests and Drawers, odd lots, remnants of our winter' sizes from 4 to 9; values from 7uo to $1.26. Alteration Sale price. "?er garment T....7. 100 dozen children's, misses' and ladles' Wool and Golf Mittens and oioves, white and all colors, all sizes. Values up to 48c. Alteration Sale price. per pair v..,.. "made! 25c stock, 50c black, 19c Shoes! Shoes! Big Alteration Sale in Our Shoe Deprrtment Our Immense alasa show cawes m unt will meet the viator on every hand. Don1 money saving in reliable footwear. Here Are Some for Thursday Men's $2.50 Box Calf and Viol Kid for0.....!?.1.8: 1-98 Men's $2.60 Box Calf and Vic! Kid for06.!'..?.!"1.8: ....1.69 Women's $3.60 Shoes, heavy or light foip, wnn meoium or Efi M U VF high Cuban heel. Women's $2.60 heavy Vlcl Kid 6hoes for Women's $2.00 heavy or light sole or light sole 1.98 1 43 Youths' $1.76 School Shoes, a OH to 2 i. oy Boys' $2.00 School Shoes, 1 tZf 2 to 6V4 0J Little Gents' $160 School nai Shoes, 9 to 13 VOC Little Gents' $1.75 School j Shoes, 9 to 13.... I.aaO MlRRen' $1.75 and $1.60 Shoe, Box Calf ?0r '.d-..".? 1.29 Child's $1.60 Box Calf or tiQ-. 1 Kid Shoe, hi to 11 VOC Women's $1.60 Fur Trimmed Jullettes tor 89c CURTAIN DEPARTMENT 3SS Odd Lace Curtains and sample curtains, all grades up to $7.50 per pair.Slightly soiled, your choice for, each. . .49c 100 full pieces of Curtain Scrim, full 36-inch wide, for chamber or sash, worth 10c a yard of anybody's money NOT OVER ONE FULL PIECE TO A. CUSTOMER 2ic Grocery Grocery The best values In groceries the largest and freshest stocks the very low . est prices. 'Remember Thursday's Great Coffee Event DIAMOND "8" COFFEE sells 72o per two-pound can. Quality Is Oie finest ewr produced. Guaranteed full weight. Our Immense order has been specially prepared. TEN DOLIARS WORTH OF OREEN TRADING STAMPS goes with every two-pound can we sell. ONE HUNDRED LITTLE GREEN STICK ERS will fill lust H pages of your book. This you get with a two-pound can of this perfect coffee. NOTE THE CONDITION3-Only oneT'Van to a customer, and you must bring your GREEN TRADING STAMP BOOK WITH YOU. COFFEE DE PARTMENT BASEMENT, Thursday Money Savers Prick Cheese per pound...; 12Ho Wisconsin Cream ('beetle pound, loo BUTTER RKCK1VED DAILY FROM THE BEST DAIRIES. Fresh Country Butter per pound. 18o TEAS AND COFFEES. Imperial Japan Tea per pound.., 26c Tea Slftinga per pound 15c Santos Coffee fresh -roasted lb.. Jo Bennett's Capitol Coffee pound.. So Rice good per pound 60 Imported Sardines can loo Jam large Jar loo Tomatoes 3-pound can 10o CntHiin botttle , . go I'opcorn per pound ....,..., 4o Neutrlta with epoon pkg, 80 Breakfust Cocoa per can ISo Rolled Oats 2-pound package 100 Macaroni 1-pound package 100 Green Trading Stamps Every Time bo emptied. Rargalna In fine footwenr 1 miss mis splendid opportunity for Lindsay's January Sale! is still going on. 20 per certf off on everything excepting Gorham silver and Waterman fountain pens, all thi.i nonth. LOOK FOR TUB NAME. S. W. LINDSAY. The Jeweler. 191 Doug-laa Street. Omaha. Of Select Confections . for Special Occasions are to be found here in a great variety artistic and dainty confections essential to the correct service modem dessert. Our aooi day luncheon is most Inviting-. I52(TFARNAM PHONE.7II JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES TUB RELIABLE! STORE. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES GREAT CLEARING SALE WiKjtWmVaW SALE ADUS FI 60O up-to-date coats, made of best quality American Woolen Cos kersey lmxrlud Klbellnen and many other new fabrics none worth lens than $10.00 and up to US divided Into three great lota come early before the choice garments are gone. lAt 1 Tour choice of any cloth ront In the t stork, all made of Ix-at materials. Skin ner's satin lining, brass but- IS fits tonn mHltary effects at Is, UU Lot 2 Includes 200 ladle' coats, made ot line kersey, elht llnes and other material worth up to LS.U0 ODD . tor O 90 Lot 8 Includes ladles' coats, made of Washington Mills kerseys, lined with good quality atln new military effert worth up to $18.00 5 98 One lot of coats, odds and ends from the season 1 til your choice for m OU Women's suits your choice of any suit In the house worth n Cfl up to $tW.OO for ; S, I Oil 150 luillen' suits, made of all the newest materials, jackets lined with sntln and taffeta, worth I C AM $30.00-for v I 0 UU rt n, ftrs, rrns Wornen's genuine beaver coats Cft flrt regular $U vnlue for DU UU Women's electric seal capea (ft fin regular $L1 valtie for ,.IU UU Women's electric seal ronts, collars cuffs and reveres of black marten Cfi worth $fi5 sale price 0 OU Women's marten scarfs A AA worth $ at ,0 90 Women's marten scarfs. DO Inches Ion trimmed with tails f ff worth $10-at 0 UU CIIILDnF.VS TOATS. All children's coats divided into three great lots Lot 1 Your choice of any child's coat In the house, made of kerseys, slbellnes. TT3, ,FVRS. R niANCK SECUKE A eto., worth up to C ft O r6.oo-for 0 yo Lot Includes 200 children's coats, made In all new materials ( fin worth $in your rholc 0 UU Lot Includes 275 children's oeats, ages 2 to 8 worth up to I nn H.00-t J UU WOMKS'S HKIIITH, WAISTS AXD WRAPPKH9. Women's walking skirts worth $0.00 at Women's $10 skirts at Women's silk waists, worth $ ti nt , Women's waists , at 2 98 490 298 50c Now Is Your Ghanco TO BUT CARrET8 AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, DURINO Tftl CLEAR ING BALE. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Big Linen and Domestic Dept. Special Prices Thursday Only Z.'Ho nine quarter extra haivy brown sheeting at, yard ....16 23c 80o eight quarter bleached Utlca Mills sheeting at, yard . lOo four quarter American Gli Beauty bleached muslin, yard US" 12V fine bleached pillow slips n lixIW-at .J 90o bleached torn sheets, made CC from Utlca Mills sheeting at Utf" 18o ready-to-use pillow cases IQ lp made from Wamsutta cotton, at ... lOo extra heavy brown linen crash, at, yard ..... 6ic 76c full bleached table damask M "3 Inches wide, at 10 69o mercerised table damask . Qfln at ., OU0' $1.H mercerieed large size nap- ItCn kins at, doxen I Ou 16o. double warp Turkish bath Bl. towels at OS House Clearing Cap Sale caps and tarn ...24 Men's, boys' and clilldren'i O'shanters this lot while they laHt, worth up to Children's Tim O'shanters and stocking caps, worth up to 7oo at 19 Men's and boys' BOo capi &t eeese a as Men's $1.00 caps Men's $1.60 caps at ..25c 50c 98 Everything in Groceries Goes at a Sacrifice. TO SAVE MOVING OUR STOCK THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL PREVAIL 21 lbs. pure cane Granulated Sugar for.. $1.00 Any brand Laundry Hoap, per liar HVtc Vigor, Vim, Malta Vita, Neutrlta or Malta Ceres, per pkg Tc, Freah Hreakfast Rolled Oats, per lb.... 2V4o Hand Picked Navy Beans, per lb 3o Imported Macaroni, per pkg 7o Quart cans Golden Syrup 1'to l,argo jars Assortea jams n Corn Starch, per pkg 3o Mince Meat, per pkg Rc Oil Sardines, per can SV,o 8-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes Vio 1- b. cans Wax, Lima or String Beans.. Re 2- lb. pkg. Self-Rising Pancake Flour... 1o Large Juicy Lcmoiu, per dos luo Large youug Sweet oranges, each lo Good Drink Santos Coffee, per lb Ho Fancy Mocha and Java (sptxlal), per lb.l7V:0 Dried Fruit Sale Choice California Prunes, per pound... 21so Fancy Klberta Peaches, per pound ,...6o English Cleaned Currants, per pound.,, 6tq New Tfork Evaporated Apples, per lb.. 7V?o Choice Moor Park Apricots, per lb ,...9V Fancy California Nectarines, per lb.... SViO California Hartlett Pears, per lb 12V.0 Choice Virginia Rlnckberri, per lb.... 7So Fancy Seeded Raisins, pei nuckage.... SaO 1 MAYDEN BROS: Follow the Flag-.' Last to Leave Omaha. 5:55 p. m. First to Arrive St. Louis, 7 a. m. Information regarding reduced rates on Bale ever day to all winter resorts. The only line with sta tion at main entrance World's Fair Grounds. For rates,t descriptive folders and all information, call, at Wabash Corner, 1601 Farnam Street, or addreBS Harry E. Moores, Q. A. P. t)., Omaha, If War Should Come . Drexel' Bhooman Is' Just sure the best man will win as he Is that the Peerless Ilanan shoe is the best shoe made for men. ' This season we have put In a line on the new Victor last a straight last and moderate round toe the material la plump kid for winter wear, the sles are double with medium ex tension. Price only $6 00. Bear In mind that this Is a Ilanan Shoe and Is made for tender feet. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Tanan Street. Osssha's Up-ta-Dst Shos Ho us is F. WIDE OPEN When buying here. Find all the objections you like; we would rath er ha.r them than have you go away dlssatlHtled. Our ifuarantee goes with every urchaw and we are always will iik to Maii'l by it. Start the New year well, ny uuying your Hosier), Underwear. Beads & Jewell FROM- JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16th St. OMAHA, - NEB I AIIGoitres Can Be Cured. It affords me great pleasure to announce to thoae u(Triiig f mm Oct I re that I fosltlvely cure them. I line the German reatment, which has never been known ta fall. You can be cured at home. Consul tat Ion free. If you have Ooltre write me lor circular. J. W. JENNET. M. T., Uox it. Sallna. Kana, f - - Deputy State Veterinarian. ' Food Inspector. a. L. RUJACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, 2Slb and Mason 6ts7 CUAilA. KEa. Telephone 63. 1