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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1904)
tun OMATTA DAILY REE; TIini.SnAY. JANUARY 14. 1A04. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ists aTaintaioed in fac of Dapreisiof Faciori bj Actire Bar port. PIT WAS GENERALLY BEARISH IN WHEAT Closing; Prices Were ItronR, with May Shade Higher Than Final Figures of tha Day Pre. ceding. CHICAGO, Jan. 13-Actlve support maintained firmness In wheat today in the lace ot a number or depressing factois. i ne close wn strong, with May a Shane higher than yesterday a final figure. May com gained VaVic, oats i aim provision. from i Vic to inc. The pit was generally bearish In wheat ana sold on the slightest provocation. As an offset to thla selling pressure, tlie leader of the lonKs waa an ac tive buyer through out the session. Hefore the opening Liver pool cables showed losses, while British consols were higher. The interence was that peace between Ruscla anrl Japan was Ktlll within the possibilities.' An a result of these Influences the market here opened easlert with May VM(c to 4?j'c lower, at MtiftiC Commission houses were lllHjral sellers and offerings were taken largely by the prominent bull Interest. Iiunng the. ' tlrst hour the demand from thla sourca carried May up to Mm.flH.Vtf, but when tho buying lessened the price slowly annuel until WiVio waa reached. Liberal rece.pis in the southwest, aa well aa at all pilmary Jioints, were a fartor lit bringing out purt of the rolling .order, , . There waa good buying on the decline by a number of rommlaalon house and elevator Interests. The maiket responded to the Improved demand and developed mose flrmneaa. Within the Inst few min utes of trading the flrmneaa changed to decided strength on renewed purchase by the big long. Closing priors were at about the top llgures, wllh May at X7V. Clear ancea of wheat and flour were enuul to Ztf.HUO bushels. Primary rccelpta were 851, 6o0 bushels,- against 623,300 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis Duluth nnd t'hlrago re- rted receipts of 650 cars, compared with Jfi cars last week and 2xs ears a year ago. The dominating Influence In corn was the small receipts, poor grading and good caali demand. There waa a g'"d general d mand of the entire day, with commission houses leading In the buying. The relllng was mainly by scalpers. The market was a little easier at the start In sympathy with wheat but prices soon firmed up and held firm until the close.. Alter opening Unchanged to Vn lower at 47',il4714r'. May old between 474&4Kc, closing at i',,'uic. Local receipts were 283 cars, wfth none of contract grade. Oate were Independently strong, espe cially the May delivery. Commission houses were the beat buyers, with the selling scat tered. The opening was steady, with May unchanged to a shade lower, at 8!mii.Ho , to 3Do. After selling up to 40Vo May Hosed strong at that llgure. Local re- fipts were US cars. xht receipts of hogs, an advance In prices st the yards and liberal shipments Of products maintained a strong tone In provisions, trices were mgner at tne atari tinder the" leadership of pork and the open ing gains were held throughout the day. Commlsnlon houses were the best buyers although packers were reported to be sup porting the market to a considerable ex tent. Cloning prices were near the top, with May pork up VW2f)c, at fl3.2lfn3.2JH. May lurd was 7V.c higher at $7, and ribs Upl at ffl.7CKi 72H- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: WhMt, ?5 cars: corn, 28a cars; oata, 75 cars; hogs, 17,000 head. The leading futnres ranged as follows: Artlclos.l Open. I High. Low. Close. 1 Yes y. No. I. ' Caali quotations were as follows: FLorft Market steady; winter patents, $4.10f)4.35; winter straights, 3.8Wl 4.30; spring patents, tt.0o4.'JU;. spring straights, 3.6urf .D0; bakera, :.3WiS.30. WHEAT No. 3, 7578c; No. 2 red, 8JH8 87Sr C'ORN-No. 2, 44H-; No. 2 yellow, 4Hc. OATS-No. 2, 37Vi38ic; No. 3 white, 37H 6'39c: ' H B--No 2 63Hc UARLKY tiood feeding, 40j(41c; fair to choice malting, 4'WiMc. 8KHU8 No. 1 Max. 97c; No. 1 north western, tl.uK prime timothy, t3.26; clover, onlrtict grade, fU.3i.Mll. 40. PKOVISlONii Mhs pork, rter bbl., 313.00 S18.20; lard, per 100 lbs., ft;. (56.80; short flhs sides Wonse), fi).26Trt M; dry salted houlders boxd. fi.&,'iiti.75. Following were the receipts ana ship- menta of flour and grain: aZ, llecelpts. Bhlpments. Flour, bbls , 48.800 , 24.3'K) Wh-at. bu ." Corn u. . W 1 Oats bu 355.300 2H0.200 ity. bu r .. . ... 6 H" S OO Bariey. bu..... 66.M0 ,7.7u On the Produce exchange today the Vut ter market was easy; cseamery, iBfl-nHc; dairy, 14ihWH. Kggs. firm; at mark, caaes included, t&aafts. Cheeae. steady; lO'filOHo. NEW TOHK UKNICRAL. IUAHKET. aotatloas ot the liar ea Catananodities. Varlons NKW YORK. Jan. 13. FLOUR Re ceipts, 15,543 bbls.: exports, 1J.&54 bbls.; alva, li.itO packages. The maraet waa steady. with moderate demand; -winter iatenta, f4.2o4J4.5u; winter atraights . aiiiuivBuia (laieiiiB, f i.i44 1. w , win ter extras, f3.2043.4u; Mlnneaota bakers, 13. eO 4j4.00; winter low grades, t3.004i3.25. Kye Hour, Arm; fair to good, f3.3Oti3.40; choice to tancy, W4.i0. Buckwheat Hour, dull; fJ.luu2.30. I'oltNMEAI-Quiet; yellow western, $1.04; city. fl 04; kiln 'dried, f2.9ou3.00. KVK (Julet; No. 3 western. tIHo; nomi nal, f. o. b. anoat; alate and Jersey, ot'xuMc. UARLEV-Uull; feeding, 45c, nillling, 47 jc, c. I. r; Huffalo. WHK AT Receipts, 4,375 bu.; exports, 12,- 47 bu.; aales, 3.4uO,ooO bu. futures, U,0X bu. pot. The market for spot was firmer; No. t red, 96o, elevator and 96c, f. o. b. itoat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 9uic, f. o, b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, t. o. b. afloat. Optlona were generally weaker during the forenoon as an out come of was news, easier cables, bearish domestlo statistics and room selling. Later they rooovered on bullish Argentine news, support from Chicago and luck of mois ture in the south woet. Closing waa Arm at net unchanged prices. Bales Included No. 3 rvd. May, 90 3-lte91 l-lc, closed, tvSa; July, fciH'U'87 l-lt, closed, CORN Receipts. W,5uo bu.; exports, 97. tJ6 bu.; sales, 76,000 bu. futures, 24.UO0 bu. pot. The market for spot was firm; No. .2, 64c elevator and 62Ho, f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, 7c; No. 1 white, 6-'Hc Tbo option market showed further persistent trength today on the light farm offering, now In the Ohio valley slates and cover ing by the room tradera. The close wis above yesterday. May, 53V"J " -', closed, &:iT.4n. a ' , r . . ., , , i . . . . ma r ,i ... K AiA UAlv-nwllli (W.tfUU uu. , - ' -w. bu. The market for spot waa firmer; No. f, 43c; standard white, 45c; No. t, 4Jc; No. S white, 4aVc; No. 1 white. 45c; track white, 4JHu47c; track white, state, 43Hi47c. Options aere nominal. Vttt;l Firm; spring bran, fJOffiaajSJ ; city: jjoto'u:,i.oo. i 11 AT Quiet; shipping, fo75c; good to Choice. 5iii0c. HOl'8 Finn; stste. common to choice. 14 crop, 284370; 1903 crop, 23(u2tic; olds, Vi J5c; I'aclMc oat. l!i"3 crop, ZttaMo; 1A3 crop, '2r2ic; olds, lOOilSc HIDLS Firm. Uaheaton, SI to a Iba, JSc; California. 21 to 26 lba. lc; Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs. 14c. - , I.EATHtR Steady; acid. 23j25Hc. RICE Steady; dmstic, fair to extra, dk .Li a, l.,,.un niimjnul PKOVlSlONaV-Heef. firm; famllv, flOOO Il.iw; me, 18 tf9 w; I'eef ham, fH).5i.j.'3.W; r .ai'ket, in rsira inula inesa. ioouil7.W. Cut- meats, quiet: pickled bellies. f7 604)7.76; ' pickled shi)ders, f7.5o; pickled name, vy w. ,a. ijtrd. firm; Western steamed. t7 60; January closed at f 7 10. nominal ; refined firm; continent. f7 26; compound. f-J aviis.60. Pork, steady; family. fi5.u0: abort clear, fl3.6u4116.0o; mess, fi4.26 (j 16 00. TALIXJW Firm; city,' ic; country, lV.ii.f Hl'TTER t'nsettled; creamery, 15if22c; late dvlrv, lilc. CHEKSK-Sleady: state full cream fLs. large and small, colored and white lember. 12c: late made, lov.o. . K"Vi-8feadv: western, XTiuJIc ' I'Ol'LTMV Alive, firm : . weatrrn chick- ens. 13c; fowls. turktya, Jio. Drtiel. uie(, unchanged. Wheat I I I May fw;SK7 H MHI 87'i July lalvs'iiM KH'ilW Kiv,81fcl! ? Bept. 78 78'A 7Hl 7. 7 Coin I Jon. 44 ' 44H 44 44H 4L'V4 May 47ViiaH 4K l7H'U'"4!47,f,t'(4 . 47Vi July 4tW Mk,iu. .4;H4UX4i' Data I Jan. 874 371 37U 374 35', May SSH-ii' 4tiH:3H':H ' July Wm'vM 3B 8tVl 3 Pork I Jan. 12 90 13 02Vi 12 90 13 00 12 75 May 13 LiH 13 25 13 10 13 22H 13 ICH Ljan7 ' 77HJ W May 0 06 7 02H 96 7 00 6 July 1 tt ; Jan. ' 6 4JH ft 35 May' 6 05" 72H H 7'.'H J J uly j 75 t K1H '6 8-H W OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Conditio of Trade and Qaotatlons on Staple aa4 Faacy rroasct, EGOS Receipts more liberal; market weak; fresh slock, 22c. LIVK I'OIJL'flilr Hens, 8H": aprlng chickens, Riyhic; roosters, according to age, u6c; turkeys, 13(jl4c; ducks, 8!c; geeso, tuc. llRESSED POL'LTRT Turkeys, Wiillp; old toma, 14-&15C; ducks, llCyllc; geese, O'ti Iw". chickens, BUfiluHc. to fancy dulrv rolls 14t,lK! aennrRtor. X4c. FUKHH FIBH-Trout. 10c; pickerel. 6c; pike. 9c; perch. 7c; blueflsh, lie; whlteflsh, c; salmon, 11c; had. 1.x k, lc; codfish, 12c; t.r-r. nr; loosTera, umipri, i'ei n., we; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bullhesds. , .aunii, in, oiacK nass, 'kah , naiiuui, l;c; cnippies, 12c; herring, 6c; white bass, lc; blueThs. 8c. - r w I ill n t:uuiin, yr. va,, 4.1c; per gal., f2 o: extra selects, per can, .L .,. , . .. . . . . . . i . , "7. sm., i. eu; sianuara per can, Per mil., j .jo. HhAN-Per ton. ill 50. HAl lJrl(MS nnrilAil V. v rim ha XVhnia. sale Lvalfrs' Hsaoclalion. Choice No. 1 ud- land, f7.M; No. 2. f7.00; medium, ffi.50; coarse, fii.oo. Rye straw, tr.,50. These prices are for hny of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. CORN-SSc. OATS-37C HVK No.. 2, Mc. V tOETA BLFS POTATOES-Cc-lorado. 85c;' Dakota, per bii., iiiiToc; native, 6470c. SVVEiiT POTATOES Illinois, per bbl., NAVT REANS-Per bu.. f2. CELERY Small, per doz., 'G35c; large California. 4fi'u73c. ONIONB-Spanlsh, per crate, L50; Colo rado yellow and red, lHc. , CHHA;E-Vlsconsin Holland, 23c. ......... w i nnnun I UlUUHMI, LIOA A I., lVc; white, per bu.. 50c. ii rK i i n rer du., boo. . I'ARSNlI'S-per bu., 5uc. REET8 Per bu., 60c. I'll 1 I L'l.f .Mri i . . u - - 2 , v Lamui ina. per craio, -L CUMBERS per do., $1.(Xa1.28. . FRUITS. m ?,l,dwln" nd othar varieties, fi.6il; inn export npies, ureenlngs, ttus scts and Baldwins, wKAih.B-fony Catawhad. 20c; imported Malagas, ner itftr ir, OurHl nn CRANBERRIES Jersey,' per bbl., t7.5; Pff box, f2.60; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle. fiS.OOfcS.&O; Bell and Cherry, fS.OO. iKilflUAL FRUITS. f 1 slita, 2.!,o, navels, all sizes, choke, Lk'; fancy, W.25. i.i.muns-t.ainornla rancy, 300 to 360 34.00; choice, 240 to 270 sizes. 33.60. lOS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85c; Imnorten Hmvm, a.rmn i ,.. . c .. lbc;7-crown, liic. COCOANL'TS-Per sack, fi.00 per doz., IUTFH.C,nl.. I - .n 1 f-Ooj per lb., In 60-lh. boxes, 6Hc; Oriental stutTed. dates, per box, f2.40. BANANAS per medium-sized bunch, J2.00 62.50; Jumbo, f2.7Bfi3.2fi. , MISCELLANEOUS. --7a , , uuiiriii i ouns; American, iac; block Bwlss, ltic: Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wis consin llmburger, 12c. iiuw&i-neiirawia, per 24 rrames. J3.0P; I tah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 33.25. MAPLE SUOAR-Oh'o, per lb.. 10c. CI HER-Per bbl., 35.75: per H bbl., 13 25. POPt.TiRN-per lb., 2Hc; shelled, 34)3H. HOHRKIIAllldK-Pw ,aaa of 1 .if.-lTr, packed. pOc NI.'TM Walnuts 1 mfr -Unlt n TV. lBHc," hard shell,' per' lb., Uc: No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb.. 11c; Jllberts, per lb.. 11c; almonds, soft shell, poY lb., 15c; hard shell, pet lb. 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; jjrt iv. iTC, lieHIIIUS, JUT HI., t,C , roasted peanuts, per lb., 7Hc; Chill walnuts, 1w'8Vjc; large hickory nuts, per bu tl.50; shell barks, per bu.. 2.U0; black walnuts, per bu.. J1.25. , ' T 1 1 T ) 1. XJrt i -AnM r-. . r .. . No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal naif fi 11... HI i . . - i ,. .. . .1 .. lv' " ii'., p-tjc, io. t veai cair, tie 10 15 lbs., cite: dry salted hides. f'(T12c; sheep pelu. 25'1j'75o; horso hides. tl.502.50. St. Louis General Market. ST. IX5UIS. Jan. 13. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, 9JHfinHc; Mny, 81c; July, 80c; No. 2 haid, iSH'UKOe. COR.-7 Higher; No. 2 cash, 42Hc; tracjc, 43Hc: May. 45-Vu45c; July, 4DHc OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 37vc; track, 3H:Hc; May, S9c; No. 2 white. 4;k&4uHc. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 34.35 f'l.&0; extra fancy and straight,- f3.90&4.20: Clear, f.l.SiKyS.fiO. TIMOTHY SEED-Steady; t2.2O(g2.50; prime higher. rORNMKAL Steadv; f2.40. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 81SS3c. HAY Steady; timothy, f7.00fll2.5o. IRON COTTON TIES fl. 05. HAtiaiNO 54iHc. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS-Pork, higher; standard meaa Jobbing. H3.42W. Lard, hlirher- tirlm. f'i.GO. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts,' .do: near rips. i;.bo; short clear, f7.75. IOULTRY-Stcady; chickens, c; springs, 9c; turkeys, HVf.'ijlic; ducka, 10c; geese, 7c. BUTTER Dull; creamery, 1843ac; dairy, 13 15c. - EGGS Hleer. 24Hc, case count. ' , ... Receinta. Shipments. Flour, U)ls t.000 ' 8.000 Wheat, bu 80,000 70,000 Corn, bu 77,0"0 87,OuO Oats, bu 42,001) Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 13. WHEAT May, 72c; July, 69Hu-Wc ; cash. No. hard, 72H n5c; No. 3, k(72c; No. 4, 83&u8c; re jected, 59r3c; No. 2 red. 87c; No. 3, SoOSSo. CORN May, 404&407c; July, 404-l04ic: cash. No. 2 mixed, 3rU39Hc; Is'o. 2 white. 41 q 41 He; No. 8, 4('if40Hc - OATS No. 2 white; 40Q41c. BUTTER - Creamery, 190.21c; dairy, ranoy, ISc. EOUS Fresh, 23c; Missouri and Kansas stock, cases returned, 21 He; new No. 3 white wood cases Included, 22c. HAY Choice timothy, t9.00ift9.50; choice prairie, f7. 754(8.00. KYE No. 2. 49c. ReoMpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 244.800 lsa,4i0 Corn, bu OT.ftiO 68.N00 Oats, bu 14,000 13,000 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, Jan. 1S.-EVAPORATED AVPLES The market continues fimt for prime fruit, but other varieties are in slow demand and rule no better than steady; common, 4'6c; prime, 5Hc; choice, 6H4to; fancy, 6'-t'(i7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes, firm, ranging from 3Hc to fiHc, according to grade. Apricots are attracting rather better attention and rule firm; chulce 914 JittHe: extra, choice, 9t)10c; fancy, lK&16c. eaches are quiet; choice, 7'iff744c; extra choice, 7M8Wc; fane, 944(10He, WhUky Market TEORIA. Jan. IS. WHISKY On basis of l.-7 tor finished ' goods. BT. LOUIS, Jan. 13.-WHISKY-8toady. at tl.31H. CHICAGO, Jan. l.-WHISKY-teady, on basis of fl 27. CINCINNATI, Jan. 13-WHISKY-Steady at tl.27. Philadelphia Produce Market. PnilADELPHIA, Jan. IS BUTTER Weak and lo lower; extra western cream ery. 2.1c; extra, nearby prints, 7c. FX3GS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby tic: fresh western, 30c; fresh southwestern tWiaoc t the mark. ' CHEESE Steady, fair demand; New York full creams, fair to good, loyllo. Dnlnth Grain Market. . DULUTH, Minn., Jan. 13. WHEAT In store: No. 1 hard. WV,c; No. 1 northern 84:ke; No. t northern, fcAic; to arrive. No. 1 hard, 6,o; No. 1 northern, Hc; No 1 northern, f2Vc; May 86e; December. OATS On track and to arrive, 3714c, Mllwanke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. IS. WHEAT Steady. No. 1 northern, 87(&88c; No. 3 northern. S4&S60; May. 87v,o. RYE Firm; No. 1, 67VU85C BARLEY Firm: No. 2. 364c; aample, 87aiic. ) coRN-Steadyj No. 8, 4142Hc; 'May, 37c. , v Mlaneapolle Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jant IS. WHEAT May, Tc; July. 6VV; September. 71K-. On track: No. 1 hard, 87'c: No. 1 northern. 8c; No. t northern. S3HioS37c; No. 8 northern. 751 79o- FLOUR First patents, $4.6574.78: second patents. HooiMfi);; first clears, t3.35ii3.46; second clears, f2.36!.46. Liverpool Grain Market. IJVERPOOU Jan. 11-WHEAT-Spot firm; No. 3 red, western .winter, fa 3d. Futures quiet; March. 6fcd; May, as 64; July, nominal.. CORN Firm; American mixed, new, 4s t,d; American mixed, old. 4s Hd Futures quiet; January, 4s March, 4s 11d. Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO. 'Jan. IS 8 EED8 Clover, cash. f97H; January, W.97H; Febmary, f7 07; March. f7 07H; Prime alsike,; prime timothy, fl.40. v Peoria. Market. PF.ORIA. Jan. lS-CORN-Flrmmew, No 3, jo, uew, No. 4 fcijci old. Ku, f, fcV,c. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Starvation rra Eemlt of tha Uowrtainty in th Far Eat. FOREIGN SECURITIES PRACTICALLY IDLE llaadfal of Minor Blocks Moved Widely, with Rather Palpable Evidences of Maalpnlntlon to Across! for the Condition. NEW lORK, Jan. 13. -The Inert stock market today seemed to reflect no devel opment Ir. affairs, but the stagnation of the market was in Itself ,a result of the uncertainly over the far eastern crisis. The same e fleet was caused in the various commodity markets, which have shown tbemaeives under the Influence of the war hews, and the foreign securities markets alao were practically idle today. These markets were evidently walling, all of them, for some more definite snaplng of the future of events. The constantly varying rumors of each day regarding lie chances of peace or war seemed today to have lost their power for inducing active operations in the markets. 'i'he serious possibilities involved in the situation are abundantly realized and the conclusion seems to have been reached to shut .down and await the outcome. In the absence of speculative "demand for loans, the offering of call money be came so large today us to suggest an early stage of plethora in the money sup ply. Funds still continue to pile up at this center by receipts of currency from the Interior and by sorrje belated arrivals of forelKn gold. The government llscal operations at the siibtreasury are also yielding larger returns to the money mar ket, by reason of large penlon payments,. Interest payments and payments on ac count of yearly mall contracts. This abun dance of money resources still signally fails to attract any demand for securities, either of stocks or bonds. A handful of minor stm-ks moved widely today with rather palpable evidences of manipulation to account for the move ments. At the same lime there was a con spicuous falling off In the rate of activity of the few prominent stocks, which have made up the bulk of the dealings In the recent dull markets, such as Amalgamated Copper, Pennsylvania and United States Steel preferred. The uncertainties of the war outlook are considered sulllclent ex planation of the Indisposition to trade, but Influence Is exerted 'also by the large amount of railroad borrowings hanging over the market and which are com-' petently estimated at above noo.noo.oco. Tho news of a f26,o00,on0 loan to the Pittsburg Coal company also suggests the Industrials n possible additional borrowers on a considerable scale. The possibility of an unheralded decision being unexpectedly hnnded down In the Northern Securities case Is another factor maklna; for con servatism in speculative commitments. Prices todav gravitated to a lower level from sheer .Inanition and the closing wtis on the down grade. Bonds m'jveii narrowly and Irregularly. Total sales, par value, $1.9fi5,0ii0. United States 3s. registered, declined per cent on the last call. The following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: . Sales. High. Low. CInse. Atchison 6.910 7 IWA do pf.l SOU 8SH 8H 8H Baltimore & Ohio 2,715 79 Vi T9 79 do pfd 89 Canadleu Pacific 4.800 117H 116s "i'H Cent, of New Jersey. 159 Chesapeake Ohio... 225 Chicago & Alton 2.000 do pfd 4.825 Chi. reat Western... 1.3"0 do B nfd 3i S3 84 PIS 32S 35 . 83 Hi 2SS l'Hi 11 2oVi 1RH tV.H 32 84-S S2i lrt 2SH 1H5H 12H 2.rS 77 1814 6 28H Chi. Northwestern. 300 16 WH Chi. Term. & Trans.. 3.250 IIS do pfd .... 4,7uO 2"!'i Big Four 1 Colorado Southern ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Deln. A Hudson Dola.. Lack. & West. Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd.. Hocking Valley ....... do pfd Illinois Central' Iowa Central do pfd Kan. City Southern... do pfd Louis. & Nashville... Manhattan L Metropolitan St. Ry.. 900 200 IS', ' tViH 300 27 2;h 410 15 lf,4H 1MH 400 274 274 STli', 20 20H 70 70 27 27Vt 67V 67H 47S 'H .... 170 73H 73H 200 325 2014 70 2S 1 67T4 47S 3.000 wo 10a 100' 73H til 1304 13M4 130H 21 Minneapolis & ttt. L, Missouri Pacific ...... 1185 Mo., Kan. & Texas... 500 do pfd 200 Nat. R. R. Mcx. pfd New York Central ... 1.100 119S H9'4 Norfolk & Western... 100 67H 67H 67H ao pra Ontario A Western... 800 Pennsylvania 15,773 85 21 i 119S 04 41 78 69 2214 69 21S 21S 118T, !pj Pitts., c. c. & hi. L. . j B3H 63H Reading 1,400 44S 77 59 21 58H 44S 77H 68 21 58H tiO 41 do 1st pra ?io do 2d pfd Rock Island 18.650 do pfd 800 St. L. A S. F. 1st pfd. do 2d nfd T Bt. L. Southwestern do pfd Si. Paul do pfd Southern Pacific .... 14 300 7,400 84S 34S 84 142 1424 142H 100 177H 177H 176 6.3X 48 4HS 4W. Southern Railway ... 1C00 20S 20 do pru Texas A Pacific 78 24 25H 8S 78H 89 19H 87 174 18 42S 220 190 106 205 4!4 67H1 S 28 17 76H 44 Toledo. St. L. A West 1.090 2t;s 25H 39 78 8!H io; 37 17 18H 41 do pfd 1.425 80S Union Paclflo 6.850 78H do pra 2:0 kh Wabash ,s M0 20 do pfd ass Wheel. A Lake Erie.. 200 17 Wisconsin Central ... 4.9S5 19H do pfd 4.900 42 Adams Express .' American Express U. 8. Express Wells-jeargo Kxpresa Amal. Copper 19.800 504 67H 49H 67V4 Amn. Car A Foundry do pfd Amn. Linseed Oil do pfd Amn. Locomotive .... do pfd Amn. Smelt. A Refin. do pfd 800 7W 100 710 18 77 48 4 noH 17H 77 4714 90 690 90 Amn. Sugar Refin 400 125 124 124 .... 76 48 4 .... 29 .... 14 190 1) 173 170 Anaconda Mining Co .. Brook. Rapid Transit 9,600 40 Colo. Fuel 6 Iron Columb. A Hock. Coal .... .... Consolidated Gas 300 191 General Electric 100 173 Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd , Nat lorn 1 Biscuit National Lead North American Paclflo Mail People's Gas Pressed Etel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republio Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... U. 8. Leather do pfd a.a U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Western Union Northern Securities Total sales for the day 213.400 shares Boston BOSTON. Jan. cent: time loam closing" prices on Atchlwn 4 ki. ('airml 4s. Atrhlwm do pfd Boston A Albmnr.... Bomou A Main Boaton Civt4 N. T . N. H. A H.. ritrhtiurg pti t'Dioa Farina Ua Ontrl Anr. Sugar do s'd Amir. T. A T PomlBion I. A Ociiarml Eloctrlo .... Ma.a. Elactrta 4o pfd 1'ulwa rrult V. a. stMi da pfd Weatlng. comsioa ... Adyauture toek (gnatatloaa, 13 -Call loans. 4H0 per 1, omi per cent, stocks and bonds Official MltiAllouaa T04 I Ajnalamata4 .... U Ualr Waat ...v.. WiBintbam X.. Ub Tal. A Hacla.... 164 Coppar Ranga ... 149 (Hoaimloa Cual .. 1M ;Krtiklln M lit I Isle Hnrala tl Mohawk 12 Old Pomtuloa ... l(4Vi Oarenla .. 4H .. 4t .. 141, .. UVi ..44 .. i .. 1 .. IT .. Vi .. Us, .. 1H .. i .. is ..107 .. I .. ll'i .. Mtt .. t ::! .. M 114 Farrot 1M 171 It M 14 Uti U 1 (Julnc-y aanta fa Coppar.. Tamarack Trinity 1 nltaa Btatas llah Vlrtorla Wlnooa Wolvarina ,., taliad Coppar .... Foeelara Ftnanclal. IX)NDON, Jan. 13. Supplies of tnony were more abundant In the market today and the demand continued. Discounts were quiet. Operators on the Stock exchange were waiting for far eastern developments, but business had a better tone. Consols hardened. Home rails were firmer Amer icans opened dull, but afterward became steadier. They were neglected and closed quiet. Grand Trunk was higher and In good demand. . Foreigners Improved, espe cially Japanese, Chinese arid Russians. The amiunt of tullion taken Into the Rjjikof England on balance today was HEKLIN. Jan. 18. Prices on tho Bourse today were depressed. i'A-KIo, Jan. li. i) uainesa on tha Bourse 3!H 18 TOO 8"i4 31 S5S 420 107S J07H 107H 610 142H 142H 14JH 430 120H 120H 120H 82 92H 9l'S 91 17S 17H K4 39H 39H 3MU 894 11 H 10H 64 87 100 15H 15 15 1,150 Kr.H 85 85 ?W 27 r 27H 1.010 7 -; $,; 210 H 27 26H 'iflO 2i(l" 21a" 215 l'O 6 6 6 2ti0 42 41 41 1,000 18H 18 18 T3 4) 87 S6H 86 7 7 7 240 77H 77 76H 400 11 11 11H 2"0 42 41 H 42 6.255" 1H 10H 10S 29,6.10 57S 6 57 4S0 87H 87 87 89 today opened with a somewhat stronger tone, owing to Improved reports fr.m the far east, but a rumor, that the Russian fleet had left Jort Arthur renewed th depression Hiid at the close stocks were heavy. Internationals were Irregular. Rus sians improved slightly, Imperial 4s closing at 99.60. The private rate of discount of 2 13-lf per cent. Kernr Tork Money Market. NEW TOHK, Jan. 13-MONEY-On call, easy, ltJ2H per cent; closing- offered st I per cent; time loans, easy, 4,'a4H per cent for all dates; prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. , STERLING EXCHANOE-Pteady. at ad vance, with actual business In bankers' bills at H .VKpiifM S.Vifi for demand and st f4 82.v(i 424 for sixty-day bll'.s: p-eted rates, f 4 S3 ti4 V6; commercial bills, $4. Si. B1LVKR Bar. 6SSc: Mexican dollnrs. 45e. BONDS Government, easier; railroad. Ir regular. The closing quotations on bonds are foil rims: TJ. 8 rf. if, rag do roupnn L. A N. anl. 4 l""!. Manhattan c. g. 4a..l0!i4 do 9a, rag in Max. Central 4a 7n do coupon 1'H do new 4a, raf. ...113 do ton pon lAtu, do old 4a, rag 1"7 do rol'l on 107 ji do (a. rag 101 do coupon ldli do lt Inc . I"1 Minn. A St. l. 4a.. 7 M . K. A T. 4a ' do J 7 N. It. R. of M. e. 4a. 74UJ N. t. C. g. S'4f ' N. J. C. g. oa 129S No. Paclflo 4a lTCA do t 71 1 N. W. c. 4a MH O. B. 1.. 4 A par... Hi1 Pcnn. eotiT. JHs rH Ttaaolng gen. 4a .''i St. h. A I. M. c. 6a.. lit Ht. L. A f. P. fg. 4a. M'4 Pt. I,. S. W. la...... t:1 Atrblann gen. j aa do ni. is n Atlantic C. L. 4a.... B. A O. 4& lm't do SSI rentral of Oa. la....l04H do lt Inc 7i rhn. A Ohio 4(4a..lV4 Chicago A A. isi... 7r4 ('., II. A Q. n. it.... 11 C. M. A 8 P. g. 4a..1ii C. A N. W. e. Ts....t.114 Srabnard A. U 4a... So. n. farlflo 4a MS o. Rallvar aa 1 1 1 ' So. C. R. I. A P. 4a.... ' Texas A P. la 115H do col. fta 7KU T , St. I,. W. 4a.. 7J Vnlnn Paclflo 4a 101H do con?. 4a aai IV S. Steel ti $.... 71 H l i t-. st. u. g. 4a. M Chlcajpo Tar. 4a. t'on Tobirro 4a. t'olo. A So. 4a.... WaMall la llfi fl. A K. O. 4a ... Krla prlof Man 4a. . . K . 17 . 4 .io do dab. D W. A !. E. 4. Wla. Cantral 4a, Cole. P. A I. c. do general 4a.... r. W. A 1). . la Hoelilng Val. 4a. Ca. 71 Offered. Londoa StoeV. MarVet. LONDON, Jan. 13.-CIOBfnR: Conaola. money 87H N. Y. Central... Norfolk A W... do pfd Ontario A W...i Pannaylvanta ... Rand Mlnea Kcading do lrt pfd.... do 2i pfd..., 80. Railway .... do pfd So. TaclBc .... Union Pacific ... do pfd V. 8. piecl do pfd Wabash do pfd .114 . f.s'4 . 89 . tl . l"4 . US . 23 . 40 . ao . J044 . Sl . mmi . t '. n . 10H . K"t . 21114, . do account Anaconda ........ . 3 . PIVk . IH 12J . 34 . 1H4 .147 . ion . il . 71 . 2X . " . 44 .l.V, Atchlaon do pfd . B. A O Canadian Pacific Chea. ft Ohio.... Chicago Ot. W... C , M. A Bt. P.. ricPaara D. A R O do pfd ......... Brio do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illlnola Central . l-oull. A Ntah M.. K. A T... Ill 17H SILVER Rnr, steady, 27Hd per ounce. MONEY 2M'3 per cent; the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 3 7-KVnMH per cent; for three months' bills, I 7-16y4H per cent. New York Mining Quotations. NEW YORK, Jan. I3.a-The following; are the closing quotations on mining stocks; Adama Con 10 Allca lli' Uraaca 10 umnawlck con S t'omatock Tuunal .... 8 Con. Cal. A Va tLT, Horn Bllver ilia iron Silver 1:5 Lcadirilla Coa 1 Offered. Little Chlrf ... T ...too ...600 ... 6 Ontario .... Ophlr Phoenix Putoal ... 2X ... 58 Savage Sierra Navada 80 4mall Hopea la .Standard 150. Rank Clenrlaits. OMAHA, Jan. 13. Bank clearings for to day were tl,27O,0y2. a decrease ot fl4,490.76 from the corresponding day last year. Metal Jiaa-ket. NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-METALS-The lonuon tin maraet was nrm auu aouut i.s lid higlier at A.W 16s lor Doth spot anu fu lureai. Locally tin waa quiet, wltn spot queued at -i.Zj((l-a.50. bpul copper was lus lower at a.os im and tuturea were 7s txl lower at i.01 I'm 6d; iocally copper was uia. chungod; lake is quoted at fl.iuioi3.uu, elec tiuiytic at 12.ti2i(aU.7H and caatuisT at l4.ooUi2.'io. Lead ttuvanced its y.J to Xil Ua txl in London and waa a litue higher here, pot coning at 4.4j(ij4.6g. tapelier declined 2 ttd to 21 los In the Lonuon market and was uncnatigred here at 4o.wuiio.W. Iron closed at 42a lud in UlasgowlAiid at 42s fed in MiddleHoorougn; locuuy Iron waa un changed; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at 11a.uoKjuj.ui; No. t nortlrrfn ' founury at fl4.0viuUi.uu; No. 1 southern (oundj-y and No. 1 soft southern fdundry at fl3.V6uH.2i. BT. LOU18, Jan. 13. METAm Lead, firm, t4.3uiU4.2o. bpelter, ilrm,. Cottou Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 13. The cotton market opened easy at a decline ot 0431 points, with tho active montns telling uowu 10 a level net 2lU-'i points lower In tne first ten or fifteen minutes, luilowing cables that were lower than expected and appre hensions that leading bull interests were unloading, which latter fuct encouraged general liquidation. As prices worked uownwards slop-loss orders were reached and soon the decline was accelerated by the selling of the room contingent who took the short side tor a turn auu Marco was driven down to 13.51c, may to 13. dnd July to 13.82c, these being net losses or 30 (uM points. The close was at a recovery of 6(0,0 points on these positions, but the market waa net 10 points lower. Sales were estimated at 70u,uoo bales. NW ORLEANS, Jan. 13 COTTON Futnres steady; January 13.26913.27c; Feb ruary, 13.48iJ13 oocj March, 13.6i!(il3.Oc; Apiil, Li.81frl3.83c; May. 14. W( 14.16c; June, 14.1tk 14.14c; July. 14.28l&'14.2rfc; August, 13.50c bid. Hales, 2,000 bales. Ordinary, 10 16-16c; good ordinary. 12sic; low middling, U4c; mid dling, 13Hc; good middling, 13 13-ltic; mid dling fair, 14 3-16; receipts, 13,10ti bales; stock, 417,873. ST. IAiUIS. Mo., Jan. 13. COTTON Quiet. Middling, 13Hc; sales, lot .hales; re ceipts, 800 bales; shipments, 206 bales; stock, 20,887. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 13. COTTON Moder ate business done, prices 2 points lower. American middling fair antt good middling, 7s 48d; low middling, 7s 32d; good ordinary, 7s 22d; ordinary, 7a 2d. The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and Included 6,400 American. Receipts. 27.000 bales, Including 20.5W American. Futures opened easier and closed barely steady. American middling, g. o. c. January, 7.23d; January and Feb ruary, 7.26d; February and March,. 7.24d; March and April, X-23d; April and May, 7 '.MifiTSSd: Mnv and June! 7.2u7.21d! June and July. 7.18(&7.19d; July and August, 7.1iU'7.16d; August and September, .24d. . bill aad Hosts. NEW YORK. Jan. 13. -OILS Cottonseed, firm; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, i TtT-nianm atendv: refined New York. tf.10; Hillade'phla and Baltimore. f906; ihlladelpiiia and jsamrntue, 111 uuia, ao iu. Rosin, firm; strained, common to good, f2.704i2.75. Turpentine, nominal, flee. ri7. citv tun is OH.K Credit bal ances, fl 85; uliliimcniy. tcA.Stw bbls., aver age, du.V.ii bbls.: runs. Ml.oit ddis.; average, 54,877 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 68.370 bbls., average, 67,170 bbls.; runs, Lima, 17,318 bbls., average. 43.236 bbls. SAVANNAH. Jan. 1S.-OIL8 Turpentine. firm, ilc; sales, 204 bbls.; receipts, 114 bbU. : exports, 87 'bbl. ROSIN Firm; sales, 1.047 bbls.: receipts, 2.3i0' bbls. ; exports, 1,240 bbls. Quotations were: A, R. C and D. f2 .36; E, 32 fu; V, t'J 60; G. t2 60; H, t'J.75; I. f3 00; K, f3.c; M, f3.lS; N. H.25; W U. f3.35; W W. t3.75. . . Coffe Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-CdFFEE The market for coffee futures opened steady at an advance of tVal3 points, following higher European cables and continued light re ceipts, which attracted fresh outside buy ing, while there was also a good demand from European soprces that afterward be came more insistent aa cables were re ceived from primary sources statins: that a good proportion of future receipts at Santos would be of a very Inferior grade, while the growing crop bad been severely dam aged by a diverse cUmatlo condition. In fluenced by this, the market ruled firm all day with prices at one time about 204:0 E lints net higher and closed steady net lW points higher. Sales were reported of ltrt.ouO baxa. Including February, 7. Wo; March. 7.26irT 4oc; April. 7.50c; May, 7.56ij 7 7oc; July. 7.7&(i7.96c; Beptember, .($,8.&c; October, t.l&c; December, f.2f'u8 a6c agar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 13.-8UaAR-Raw. nominal; fair refining. 2c; centrifugal, W teat. ic; molassea sugar, 2Sc Refined, quiet: crushed. 6.O60; powdered, 4.55o; gran ulated, 4.46c. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 13. BI'OAR Steady; open "kettle centrifugal, 3Vt3Ve; centrifugal whites, 4c; yelluws, 3Wjb3'ac; econds. 2Mi3Vc MOIBSKS fcSteedy1; centrtlraI, aun , nothing doing. Syrup, dull; t-jc. Dry Oeeals Market. NKW YORK. Jan. 13. DRY GOODS Buying of dry goods has been slightly bet ter during the last two days and there la evidence that many bave still a good deal of merchandise to buy to fill their Vi;tremnta The outlook for further activity to traeraJJj- admitted. as brig tit. OMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeofipti Mot Modtrate and Kindt Co d Bironger. All HOGS UN TO FIFTEEN CENTS HIGHER ghee Market Nat Verr Active and Little irregalar Prices oa Desir able Uradea Coald Safely Be aoted Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 13. Receipts were: Catlia. Uuga bhep. Official Alonuay 4,.!i is,:u Ofliclal Tuesday 1. o.oiH ,tnw! k.aiO Olticial Wednesday 8,imu b.113 KS Three day. thin week.. 16, 147 lti.52i 31,771 Hume days last week.... 11,176 1U.WI6 K),3J bame week before 2i,.n li.iav game three Weeks ago.. 6,116 H,aj3 Same lour weeks ago....l,iM aiti7 2J,uu Bame days last year 13,2io 2i,o31 lo.i9 RECE1H8 FOR THE VJCAU TO DATE. The lollowiuj table shows the receipis 01 came, hugs ana sheep at Mouth ummu tor the year to date and comparisons wiin last yeai ; . . javi. uw. ia. V, 1110 3o,oiA 2i,ta0 i.iim lntfa .a .... . . .... " " IV,OMT U,0-1 S.lOS ?'P 7.M 34.UO Sa.1 average prices paid lor nogs mi Soutn omuiia lor ine last several days with com panions; ' 1 : : ' . Iate. 1904. 19O3.1902.;i9Ol.jl9'J0.18l9.ll8.. Jan. rfull. Jan. isni, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jjii.. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1... i... ... 4... 6 .. 6... I. .. ... ... lu.. II. . 13.. 13.. 4ki juri 4 75-Vl 4 bote, 4 6U 4 bU5, 4 53 4 isi 4 io fsai 23 1 a., ii, 2! k 1 I 6 aol f 27 I 4 6 24! il'l 6 U9 6 4 6 UK 6 4U 6 10 6 401 6 14 I U4i 6 451 U 4,, f 00 4 21 4 o, 4i 4 2l 4 37 4(4& 4 34 4 Hi i 36, 4 41, 4 4 4 6o I 41 I67 3 6J t 4f 3 1 3 44 t 4 , 1 1 38 t 4K 1 Ut t U 3 40 3 43 t 46, 5u, 3 43 Uo, a 4J 4 00, t 4i lwlt 4 SU! 4 801 I) UJ 6 04 I 6 06 f UU a Hi 6 25 b iJi 6 li I Indicates Sundaiy. The ofllclai number of cars -of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattlo.Hogs.Sh'p U se. C, M. & St. P. Ry u Wabash Mo. .fac. Ry 4 .. 1 I'nlon Pac. Hystem 29 Js 21 C. & N. W. Ky 11 H .. ' V., E. oi M. V. R. R... 23 15 8 3 C, St. V., M. & O.. 16 6 3 B. & M. Ry 64 21 . . ... C, 11. & Q. Ry ,. 8 3 K. C. At St. J 1 V., R. 1. & P. Ry., east 7 2 .. .. C R. I. & P. Ry., west 1 Illlnola Central ......... 2 6 .. Chicago Great Western 4 3 .. Total receipts 171 98 40 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number 01 head indicated: n , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 44J bv Swift and Comnanv... kiU 1 !i?R 1 Cudahy Packing Co 1 884 1,275 i."27 Armour dc Co 618 1,308 ' 2,6J3 Armour & Co., from ' Sioux City 170 1,904 .... Vansani. & Co 77 Carey & Ronton ....... 80 .... .... Lobman & Co ; 275 .... .... MeCreary & Clark .... 13 .... ' .... W. L Stephen f .... Hill & Huntzlnger 68 IjCwIs & Underwood.... 6 .... .... Huston ft "Co........ 6 .... .... H. F. Hamilton 38 ' 1 F. Hubs 13 Wolf & Murnan 19 .... .... Hobbick & B 36 Sol Degan ; 17 .... J. I. Root 29 .... Mike Haggerty & Co.. 6 .... Other buyer 439 .... 1,039. Total 4,221 6,142 8,6L'2 CATTLE There waa a more moderate run of, cattle reported today tand with a liberal demand the market ruled more act ive and stronger than yesterday. In lact, a good many sales showed an advance of Ciginc. Owing to tha activity and the mod erate, offerings an early clearance was made. The market for pom-red steers could beat be described by calling It active and strong 1 with sain aa much as SiTlOo higher. The I quality or tne buiK 01 tne onerlnga, though, waa rather inferior and aj a result the market on paper does not look particularly good. Packers, though, had to have MOtne cattle and owing to the scarcity) of good stuff paid strong prices tor even the In ferior grade. . Thero was alio an active demand for cews and helfere and the market could safely be quoted strong. There were a Jew on sale of extra good quality, but the bulk of them were Just fair. Trading, though, waa quite brisk, particularly early in the morning, and all the early arrivals were soon disposed of. There was perhaps not quite so much life to the late market, but still the prices paid were not so much dif ferent. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not show enough change to be -worthy of mention. There were Just a few stockers and feed ers on sale and, as the demand from the country yesterday waa unusually good for the time of year, speculators were all anxious for supplies and the market ruled active and strong nn anything at all decent. Representative1 sales: - " BEEF 8TB&R8. He. A. Pr. No. . . At. Pr. I. 60 I 00 It 1081 4 10 1 447 t 40 10 1071 4 14 l...w 40 I to 40 1200 4 16 n.. 60 lis: 4 it t M IH 11 1074 4 SO 4 176 i 40 tO 1107 4 10 II 7M I 70 1 1060 4 10 4 I 71 li 1234 4 10 I M t TS IS 1003 4 16 1000 I 40 11 1061 4 J6 t W4 -t 10 U itoj 4 u 1 1100 t U 13 07 4 s t 14 IK It 1041 4 40 f FM I M t 1100 4 40 1 0 I W M 1174 4 41 t 1014 I 46 41 144) 4 M I HO t 49 14 115,0 4 go 0 1044 4 00 40 1141 4 M ..J0M 4 00 XI 1X44 4 40 ... MJ 40 I UU 4 g 1110 ItO 11.. .1111 4 cows. m ..... in 141 ItO " 1074 1 74 t 10 I II t 10 I it I 16 I H I II 1. 1100 1100 1100 830 161 1075 ttt 1114 127T 1120 1160 1077 KM! 170 3I 1211 intt UtO 110 11W 1121 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 t ot 1 OS 1 01 I 10 I M 1 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I II I It 1 IS I II I IS 1 to ' It'.'.'.".', It'.'."'. II f ..4. 1.... it'.'.'.'.'. 1.... I.... I.... 11.... It.... II.... to.... 4.... I. ... I ... II. .:. I.... 1.... I.... I.... . ... I.... 11.... 4-.. II. .J. It.... 17.... 1.... 4.... I ... 11.... II.... I ... I.... 11.... 14 ... II.... 1.... I.... !.... I. ... I.... II.... 1 ... I.... tl.... 14.... I.... 1.... It... 7.... K) ... I.... 10.... 1 ... I ... 10.... 14.... I.... 1.... II. ... I ... 14.... . II.... 1170 t40 1010 trl too tf.0 17 ri 1030 ts I ItO JOt.4 no 1020 mo 1000 7 W35 til ......1011 I 10 I 40 i t4 I to t to I to 1 to t to t M t to I 10 I 10 f to t to 1 II t n I 40 1 40 10f! to tM t10 ..100 I 10 ....1011 ....Hal 10 i 26 I II ....lilt ....101 .... 151 .... M7 .... HI ....1060 .... t4T ....into .,..ios ....10H4 ....12t0 ....1111 ....inti 1 ICO 1141 ttl .... 171 ....1131 ....lots ....107S ....1101 .... TOT ,.llll ...)iS ....into ....1144 ....1204 ....1240 ....lltt .... 140 ....10t7 ....1130 ...1W4 ....1171 ' ...'. tal .... 4H .... tao .... 471 .... 20 ....110 150 .... I!l .... w ....1070 .... 140 ....11k0 ....1170 I It I It I IS t M II t Si I St I M I IS t !t I SO I so t so I ss I SI I II I 15 I St 1 It I IS I 40 I 40 I 44 I 40 I 40 t 40 I 40 I 40 i 40 t 40 I to I to 1 to 4 04 4 M t II I Tt I 75 I 00. 00 I to -00 I 40 I 40 I to 1 to Tt 4 00 4 00 aao l TO .....lto t M0 1004 loot ,.1"!0 1111 141 ....... ttt 1020 tm I ttT tt 137 into into 101T 101T , ISO inn 10J4 1100 litt 120 tkO tn tti 1200 I TO I TO I Tl I Tt t Tl I Tl I M . t to t to t 10 I tl It t to I to 1 to t so I tt I tt t M t tt 11."'.! it!!!!! is!!'.!! 11 11!!!!! it!.'!!! i.t .. . it!!.'.'! I I to I 00 I 00 t no t 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I no .in .1234 .1300 .1114 .110 .1044 1 HEIFERS. t It 11. , T14 4K0 K0 111 400 to its 1 i I K " I 41 t M I to f 44 I M t t I M I M t 4 t 40 40.. i: 1 . 1.. 1... .. 4.. . 1: 1.. 1.. SM) 4M (It , It BULLA 1. .loot I ll t - eevaol 1 I. 1.3HI I. .......... .110 1 tat 1... I ...JIM I Tal I-..... -11S0 l-.J5-4 t ... I1M L.-. Lai f t ta I to I tt 1 tt I w i Tl I Tl I Tl I Tl t M I U ttf 1... .111 .uan .1170 .1100 .ltM .1470 .14tf .144 .ltM M It I 10 i 14 1 It I 1 II I II 1 I tt I t a 1. ..... .144 I:::::::::::!J 110 i li I 1410 1 id 170 I 40 IMA I 40 1410 I an Ii-i4 I M m.o I .so K i I ao 1 ... . looo I 3 1 14B0 4 :i CALVES. . 1 XM f AO 1 t0 nO 1 4J0 I 00 1(1 174 i 00 t 144 I tO 1 110 I no 1 110 I to 1 170 t M 1 4D I to ;ao I 2S 1 W4 4 00 I lii I 71 I till t 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I 10 I IS 70 (7 I US 11 J....10n0 I 75 11 Ml t 40 1 4M I 7 , 11 tat 40 t irso I 71 10 f4 I 40 I T0 I 7ft 1 7 V) I 40 744 I 00 t '0 t 40 1 (no t 00 1 Too 1 to I Ttt I 00 1 TOO I 4 i t:d 1 no t Ttt 1 to I at 1 m Tit 1 to 1 n t ?t f t-t 1 to I tM I SO 1 Ml I to t I o t tio 1 to IT., r1 I st 1 470 I to t til I 11 4M I 40 t tM I .It to inns 4 nn HOGS Receipts of hogs were rather llprht this morning and as a result the market showed considerable improvement. The advance could safely he quoted as amount ing to a Dig dime or to lixjfiloc. The market waa active at the advance and the hoaa changed hands aheut ns fust as they ar- riveo. J'lgnt-wclghl stufT sold from 14 70 down, light mixed from f4.70 to fl.75, hesvy mixed from t4.75 to t4.R0, prime heavies from 14 SO tn 14 Rfi and a ton at f4.90.There was very little change In the market from start torflnleh and an earlv clearance was made, with the exception of some of the light, trashy stuff, which Is always hard to sell. Today s advance carrlen the market to the high point of the month. Representa tive salea: No. . A. St) Pr. No. At. Sh. Tr It ltl 40 4 tt an an an i n M Snt'fOO 4 to . -is! ;i7 ... 475 J ... 4 4S tr, tt ... 4 71 tl. ...... .11 ... 4 tt at tn 140 4 75 40 4 at 41 7 ... 4 7S " SI4 ... 4 t7H in m ... 4 75 ...J4t 40 4 70 M inn SBO 4 7t ' 3 ... 4 70 to 4 Tt M ISO 4 70 tt 27 J40 4 77Uj J tI 140 410 aa taa in t nit. M ... 4 to as tn ... 4 771. It I7 til) 4 TO TT Ml .40 4 77U. 1 10 10 4 TO tt tt ltn 4 !Ti 7 2J 40 4 70 tt Ml 4n 4 771 74. l?t ... 47714 ft S11 t"0 4 7T'4 7 t34 '1J0 4 7:ia t7 f47 12fl 4 T7iZ n.. 71.. ....t4t ... 4 72'4 78 ttl 80 4 77 't .. jrn a lis 3":i ... 4 Rn 13.. 14.. to.. 230 tO 4 72 Vj ;o ... 4 Tt 244 10 4 Tt tt 2t 120 4 to 70 271 1(10 4 to tt zt 10' 4 M 41 Ill ... 4 tn 41 1(14 ItO 4 to tn , tat to 4 to t'. 2 ... 4 10 t4 mi 120 4 HO 4t 104 ... 4 0 in si; ... 4 tn tt J7t 120 4 to 't t.t!4 tn 4 to li ttt no 4 to tt ...i 110 4 tt 11 34t . .. 4 tO 49 141 140 4 IS t2. .300 to 4 7j 11" 244 10 4 71 7 !0 ItO 4 Tt 74 in ... 4 71 tt 2M 180 4 71 It. ...... .10! ... 4 75 4 ISO 10 4 7S ' MS ItO 4 71 S3 ir.t )n 4 Tt 4 277 1(0 4 75 tl tat 40 4 Tt 151 10 4 Tt Tl 144 ... 4 Tl 14 141 ... 4 Tt BHEE1' Receipts of sheep were not ex cessive this morning and the market did not show much change from yesterday. Ruyers, thcuRh, did not take hold with as much life as usual, and trading was a little slow with prices rather uneven. Pack ers evidently wanted to buy their supplies a little lower, and. In the case of the leas desirable grades they occasionally suc ceeded. On the other hand, some of the better bunches sold a shade stronger. This being tha situation, the market could be quoted generally steady, but a HttPn Ir regular and not very r.etlve, A good'clear ance was made, however, at a reasonably early, hour. There were very few feeders on sale, but those that did arrive changed hands Very readily at fully steady prices. Quotations for cornfed stock: Choice western lambs, f&.fioSiG.OO; fair to good Jambs, f5.0tni5.50; good to choice yearling, f 4.504ft,. 00; fair to good yenrlli gs. f4.25ff4.60; good to chelce wethers, f3. 764.45; fair to good wthera. 3 60'if;l.75; good to choice ewes. fT 75ft 4.00: fair to rood "wet. 13.35 14 S.76; cttolce feeder lambs, f4.ftKiru.00; feeder rearllngs. f3.7tVtf4.25; feeder wethers, fi.60'di 75; feeder ewes, 1 2.252. 75; culls, tl.iuWH.&O. representative sales: v Av. Pr. 1 cull wether1 60 2 00 SO feeder ewes . 99' t 15 9 western ewes !I4 i 50 4fit western ewes 101 f 55 195 western ewes 10(1 3 75 163 western ewes 104 3 75 4 western ewo 7 3 K' :5 western , yearlings IS 4 00 J2 western, t- en "8 4 00 f western '!"! lit a 101 4 40 191 western yearlings 00 4 75 4 western 'yearlings ,. 60 4 80 21fl western yeArllngs W 4 R0 103 goats ; 74 f 25 2 goats 85 i ?S 8 cull ewes 100 2 71 470 feeder ewes 96 f to 426 western ewes .....1M tl m 120 western ewes 103 3 75 8 western ewes 01 S TV 44S western ewes ,.104 t 874j 482 western wethers and year lings 92 4 70 544 western yearlings 81 4 M 1348 Mexican yearlings 78 6 If CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Somevrbat Higher Prices for Cattle and Fair Receipt of All Stock. ' CHICAGO. Jan. 13. CATTLE Recel pts, 17,(KK head; market steady to 10c higher; good to prime steers, f5.104f5.75; poor to me dium, 3.M!a4.M: stockers and feeders, $2,2i 4.00; cows, fl.5N&4.UO; heifers, tZ.Wi 4. 76; canaers. fi.5oji2.3a; bulls, f2.OOiii4.25; calves, f3.()i)6.26. . HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 35,uu0 head. Mixed and butchers, 14.76(U5.10; good to choice heavy, f6.06't.l5; rough heavy, f4 8046.05; light, S4.oul4,!j: bulk of sales, fl.auo.04. ' BHEEP AND LAM 133 Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady to 10a lower; good to choice wethers, f4.2&4.60; fair to choice mixed, f3. 11(4.00: western sheep, t3.754j4.46; native lambs, $4.5utU6.25; western lambs, f4.25ljj8.25. Kew York LIt Stock Market. NEW TORK. Jan. IS. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,410 head; steers, steady to lOo lower; bulls and cows, steady to 15c lower. Native steers, f4 f(X'a'5.40: lops, t4.o0; stags, t3.00n'3.50; bulls, f3.lofe4.80; cows, 1.704j3.JJ; iielfers, f3.7u. Cables quoted live cattle steady and refrigerator peef a trifle firmer at tt'Ao per lb. Exports todav. ifcU cattle and 4j,0tnj quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 8o head: market steady; veaJa, f4.ooil9.0O; little calves, fj.50 4.uu; narnyara and red calves, xs.oni.uo; no westerns; city dressed veals, tylitc per lb.: country dressed, bjllVc per lb. liOUS Receipts, 4.44 head; market steady; state and Pennsylvania hogs, fa.lX) 4(5.35. BHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 5.905 head; sheep, firm; lambs, steady to Ptrong.1 Sheep, $J.lAxy4.25; culls, f J.00.'j2.50; IainbH, fo.00i'7.1&; extras, 7.2i; culls, H.2i'uo.W, yearlings, 16.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 13.-CATTLE-Re celpts, 6,000 head, Including 60 southerns; market le higher; export and dressed beef steers, t4.26'&4.i5: fair to good, f3.75'j4.;: western fed steers, t3.501H.6o; stockers and feeders, H.00(4 20; southern steers, t3.0C 4 25; southern cows, $2 mifi.hS; native cowa, I2(.7&; .native heifers, f2.6u'u3.5; bulls, ii ia eu: calves, f2.756.10. HO(S Receipts, 7,5oo head; market lOiftifio higher; top, $6.00: bulk of sales, 14 7(ji.!w; heavy. t4.74!i5.00; packers, t4.66j4.0; pigs and light, t4.3mh4.80. SHEEP Receipts, 4,000 head; market teady; native lambs, 6.2fi'if tu; western lambs, fS.txJ.TS; led ewes, f3.6uii4.00; west ern fed vca r lings, f4.t4.E&; Blockers and feeders, $2.6o&.7i. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOHEPH, Jan. 13. CATTLE Re celpts, M head; market 10c higher; nt tlves, t3.4USt.26; cows and heifers, fl.75tt 4fi; stockers and feeders, f2. 764.26. HOGS Receipts, 4,700 head; market 10 15o higher: light, t4.704j4.b2H; medium and heavy, t4.8Otf5.0O, 6HEEP Keceints, t.081 head; market teady; sheep, f&.OO. Sloax City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. la., Jan. 13. CATTLE Receipts, l.t head. . Market for stackers strong, for killers steady: lieevea,; cows, bulls and mixed, f2 4f; stockers and feeders, $2.603.75; calves and year lings. t2.2fVfli .40. lloGS Receipts, 4.500 hrad. Market 10 15c higher, selling at Rl'J'ul.sO; bulk, fl u6 4.75. Stock ia Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ruth Omaha S.KtO W73 8 653 4 hlcago 17.000 fl.utt) Its ouO Kansas City ') 7i.00) 4,ukj Bt. lxiuis ffiO ,8.0k) 1,6. m Bt. Josenti I.ltuo 4.700 I.uiJI Sioux City 1.UU0 4.60O Totals 32, ISO US, 171 84,064 St. Loals Live itaak Market. ' ST. LOUIS. Jan. U.-CATTTJSRec1nta. 1600 head. Including 600 Texans; market active, steady to higher; native aliipt.lng and export steers, $16."n5 25; dressed beef and butcher steers. 14 0t'ii6 US; steers under l.uuO pounds. t3.7yi4.ia; Blockers and feed, era. f.taptB: wwi and heifers. 126474.25; canucra, tl at iiaj; bull. IX&wiJJiO: caivea. 1 ; in t H'J i no 1 l".w co 1 Mil t 00 I I4.w t no 1 Un t no 1 t no I .. 11)1 I M 1 1m I nit 1 1719 I no 1 11M I 00 tsSf'T'700; Texan and Indian steers, tltV49 4 f; cows and heifers, 82.204,1.1.15. HtHlSr Receipt) s.taai neal: market higher; pigs ami lights, $4 4u4 70: packers, ftoit'4.; butchers and best heavy, t4.7o i.0i. fHEEP Receipts, 1.500 head; marktt steady to strong; native mutton, f.1 tutj 4 35; lamlm, ft.2V'i. to; cubs and bucks, f.'.DOiU4 Blockers, 13 00. TO CREATE GOVERNING CLASS Such Is the Avowed I'arnnse of Hew Governor of Maryland Saya attt Wttats tarhv l,elslatloa ANNAPOLIS. Jan. 13.-Edward Warfleld was Inaugurated as governor of Mary land today and despite the Inclement weather there was a vast multitude pres ent from all parts of the state to partici pate' In the ceremonies. In Jils Inaugural 'address Governor War field said on the subject .of limiting the surrrage to intelligent rltlsens: The people demand that the -state shall be governed by those citlxens who, he oatisn of their Intelligence, their heredity and" Interest In the material welfare ff the commonwealth are beat fitted to) properly, patriotically and wisely exercise the high duties of clttxenshlp. This result can only be attained bv an amendment to the constitution fixing a higher standard of qualification for tha exercise of the elective franchise. I believe that nn amendment to the ccn stlltition upon the lines which 1 have Bug. gested, expressed In clear, dillnlle, slmplit terms, should be submitted to the people of Maryland. PACIFIC COALING STATION Nearly One Million Dollars to Be Ex pended nn Work Near fan Francisco. BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IS. The establish ment of a naval coallna station on tha waters of San Francisco bay will soon be an established fnct. The contract for the purchase of the Lynde-Hotigh company's land In California City, on the east shore tt Tlburon Point, has been approved by' the department, the title has been passed and the check for tlOO.OOO. tho contract price, Is now awaited by the company. j no tract consists or nrty-flve acres Tf land, well 'sheltered, with thirteen acres of tide lands, offering an ample depth of water and ax fine harbor for the largest vessels. It Is expected that the naval au thorities will lose no time after acquiring title In beginning the Improvements, which will Involve the expenditure of nearly 81,000,000. Good Tiny for Doefort, Omaha seemr, today to be esneclallv fa. vored with a visitation of physicians from various parts of the country. . The circum stance may be but a coincidence. Among i mwti innrii hi ine several noieis are: nr. W. L. Welsh of Wolbach. Neb.; Pr. W. D. Mnckec.hine of Indlanola, Neb.; Dr. A. J. Ault of Ban Francisco and Dr. Thomas Davis of Beattle, Wash. naoghter of John Drown Dylns. v '". - ....,-, v (i,. , wan. jo. mrs. Kuin Frown Thompson, eldest daughter of John urown or Harpers ferry lame, Is lying at the point of death at her home in hi city. She Is suffering from an attack of in grippe witn complications. Bhe Is 75 years ot age. REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS, Deeds AIM for record January IS, 1904, aa furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1014- ' Farnam street, for The Ree: Commercial National bank to George F. Grabe, lot 4, block 6, 8. &. Rogers" addition 1 1,000 Barker company to Joseph Barker, , unuiviaea Vi or lot diock ZWVt. city 1 Sheriff to William Preston, lots 8 and 9, block 4; lots 3, 8, 9 and 10, block 8, and other' land, Dwlght A Lyman's addition 1.000 A. 13. Anderson to Wllhelm Kruse, sw', nes,, s-iH-11 ,ooa Alexander Grant to John Jacobson,. , lot 6. block 8, Barker Place 100 John I. Redlck and wife to Edward Barrick. lot 17, hlock 6, Ames Place . 500 George C. Edgerly to Omaha Coal, Coke and Lima company, part tax lots tO and 40, sw4, nw4, 27-15-13.... 20.000 John MeCreary to George A. Morton, nl28 feet, block 6, Marysvllle 6,000 Charles J. Lantry to D. V. 8 holes company, lots 7 and 8, block 6. Hill side addition No. 1 1.000 :jicago MIIflfBAFOXtSI uerds, Mala Ofnce Manhattan Bids; T. PAUL, MIX!,. Dealers In Stock Grain, Provision Bought and sold for cash or carried oa reasonable 'margins, upon which a oommla. Ion will be charged of H on grain, oa stocks and on lias. 1 . Private 'Wires. Write for our market Jetter and private, telegraph cipher mailed fret. 1 SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO US I'rompt Returns. Best Facilities. ' Liberal Advances. Usual Commlaarloha, OMAHA-110-11 Board of Trad Bid. "Phone 1518. BOTJTH OMAHA S23 and 828 Exchange Bldg. Phone 72. COUNCIL BLUFFS 408 and 40f Sap Bids. Pbone 674. ; LINCOLN. fJBS MOIsltUt VESi COUPANY STOCKS AND BONDS v GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have over U0 affloaa. Rafareooeet 178 State and Nat 1 Baaka, OUR gERTICK 8S TUB BBST. Out of Town BuBlneag Boileltod. Ontahs Bra act) 1 118 Para a as 4. Tet.S7 THOS. M. WA0DICK. Corretpomknt S. SLEUM AN Grain, Provisions & Stccki. Room i N. T. Life Bldg. Tel.-8330. Operates 14 Offices tn This But. Established 1897. GOVERNMENT tOTICE. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Cheyenne, Wyo Jan. 13, IK. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until Z o clock p. m., mountain time. February 13, lia4, and then opened In the presence of bidders, for lighting the post of Port D. A. Russell, Wyo., by electricity, including the wiring of buildings and grounds, furnishing and Installing of fixtures, arc lights, etc., and furnishing the necessary electrical current. Ridders must state in their proposal the time In which they will complete the work from data of commencement thereof. Each proposal must be accompanied by a guar anty signed by two responsible persons, each justifying In a sum equal to 10 per cent of total amount of bid. Full Informa tion, blank forma, plana and specifications furnished on application to this office; alao to the office of chief quartermaster, Cbt rgo, Denver, Omaha, Philadelphia, St, Paul, St. Louis and the office of ahe Engi neering News. New York. United Statel reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelope! containing bids should be endorsed "Pro posal for electric lighting of Fort D. A. I'.ussell. Wyo.," and addressed to Captala W. S. Scott. Quartermaster, V. 8. A., U charg construction, Cheyenne. Wyo, JlVli-la-isFlO-UM Ed wood (So.