Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Et;rem Court Daaidei It Mar Hold Con
lif omanti for AdT&ncs Cktr.ja?.
Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vice-
Templar, Independent Order
Good Templars, of Silver Lake,
Mass., tells of her cure by the
use of Lydia Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
" Dear Mrs. Pixkham t Fonr year
fcgo I was nearly dead with inflamma
tion and ulceration. I endured daily
untold ag-ony, and life was a burden
to me. I bad used medicines and
washes internally and externally until
I made up my mind that there was no
relief for me.' Calling at the home of
friend, I noticed a bottle of fydia
E. IMnkham'g Vegetable Com
pound. My friend endorsed it highly,
and I decided to gire It a trial to see if
it would help me. It took patience
and perseverance for I was in bad con
dition, and I tue.d Lydia E. Plnk
hara'a Vegetable Compound for
nearly five months before I was cured,
but what a chanpe, from despair to
happiness, from mlsory to the delight
ful exhilarating feeling health always
brings. I would not change back for
a thousand dollars, and your Vegetable
Compound is a grand medicine.
"I wish every sick woman would
try it and be convinced." Ms. Ida,
riARKKT.L, Silver Lake, Mass. Worthy
Vice Templar, Independent Order of
Good Templar. $ SOOO forftlt If original
of about lot tor otovint oonulnonott cannot mo pro-aMi
CHANGES of the skin by
using Hand Sapolio, and
you will gain, or retain,
natural beauty mat no
cosmetics can produce. It
is the "Dainty Woman's
Friend' Can you afford
to be without it? Don't
infer. Try it!
A .Imperial Hair Beseneraior
r ri'-J The)'ruiirA Itnlr (Vlrrlna .
iitt ifr7 or uwiwifwi iirur, is a eiean,
ditrnlilo aiin jwttw.Ut hamilna Hair
Oolrirlne. A nv natural etude, tearing
blr boautlfnf, rluuu anil K'.uxiy. ON J!
8aimla of hair colorM (im. PrWace
t aaii.l. Bead fur Pamphlet, ' i
IMPEBULCrrv.lC Al UR1. CO. liJa.iM... New Ytrk.
Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
XShe Best of
The Only Double
TracR Railway
to Chicago
The Omaha
Chicago Train
, Fr KxceiUncs
It yK 6 tolid train mailt
p in Omohm daily OM
TIME at 5:53 p. m., arrio- .
ing Vtiictgo 7:50 next morn
1117. Library, Buffet C;
Hither, neto Slam lord Sleep
tr, (.'htirCartEv:rytAUj.
I City OfflCe,
14011403 FARNAM ST.
TCU 624-661
C'uae On In Which Wihuh Road
Paid Duty on El ported Goods
and t'ouetarnee Wouldn't
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. In an opinion
by Justice Brewer the supreme court of the
fritted States today derided the cose of the
Wabash Railroad company against William
I 'parse, executor of Charles K. I'earne, In
volving the queetlon an to whether a com
mon carrier retains a Hen upon Imported
tnwjd shipped In bon'd to a Riven point and
upon which tariff charges have been paid
by the company In transit. The gooda In
volved In this rase consisted of four boxen
of rurlna purchased In Japan by Charles
K. Pearse and shipped via the. Canadian
raclflc Railroad, company's steamers to
Vancouver and thence over the Canadian
Pacific and connecting lines to St. Paul,
Minn., where the railway company was re
quired to and did pay the tariff charges,
amounting to $264. The goods were trans
ferred to the Wabash company and by It
delivered at St. I,ouls. Pearse resisted the
claim of the railroad to hold the goods
until the money paid on account of the
tariff should be refunded, and the St. Ixmla
court of apnea! sustained this view. That
decision was reversed by today's opinion,
In which It was held "that It Is common
law duty of the carrier to receive, carry
and deliver goods and by virtue of these
obligations It Is entitled to retain posses
sion until Its charges are paid. Nor In this
Hen confined to charges for transportation
Affirms Pure Pood Law.
The United States supreme court today
rendered an opinion sustaining th validity
of the New Tork statute relating to the
adulteration of food products and also held
that It applies to a contract covering the
purchaso of coffee In Guatemala, which was
afterward brought to New Tork. The rasa
was that of George H. Crosnman A Bro.,
New York Importers, against Theodore O.
Lurman, a merchant, who made a contract
to purchase coffee of a prescribed grade at
a certain specified price. When the coffee
arrived In New Tork It was believed to be
of the requisite grade, but it was declared
to have been colored. Mr. Lurman made
the point that the coloring process was
equivalent to adulteration and the New
York courts sustained the contention, re
llevlng the buyer from the requirements
of the contract. The opinion handed down
today was by Justice White and affirmed
the decision of the New York supreme
court. He said the New York law was not
repugnant to the commerce clause of the
constitution, as had been claimed.
Open Bids for Bonds.
Fids for the Philippine friar lands bonds
were opened at the State department to
day. The highest bid for the purchase of
the entire Issue of 17,(100,000 was from liar
vcy Fluke & Sons, associated with Flske
& Robinson and the National City bank of
New York. Their figures were for all or
none of the bonds, JKT7.577. and for all or
any part of the .bonds 11U6.57. There were
eighty bidders In all and much higher fig'
ures were offered for small lots of the
secretary Hay at Ilia Dealt
For the first time In several weeks Sec
retary Hay appeared at the State depart
ment today. . The secretary Is looking well,
considering his long confinement to the
house, but Is still somswhat weak. One
of the first callers was the Japanese mln
i later, Tkahlra, and the two had a long
I talk about the situation In the far east.
The general tenor of advices which ware
to hand were to the effect that the situa
tion on the whole was slightly more pa
cific. The last Russian note goes far to
ward recognizing Japan's predominant In
terests in Corea, though not conceding a
similar interest on Japan's rights In Man
churia. Schwab's Testimony Baals of Report.
In view of the recent testimony of Charlet
M. Schwab before the courts that the Car
negie and Bethlehem steel companies had
always had an understanding with the
Navy department as to the price of armor
before their bids were submitted, the house
committee on naval affairs today author
ized an additional question on. this point to
be submitted to Rear Admiral O'Nell, who
In his testimony before the committee last
week stated that he believed there had
been an understanding between these two
companies regarding their bids.
Admiral Q'Neil now has his testimony
before him for revision and the committee
requested that he Include In It a full state
ment as to the Navy department's side of
this matter snd to state specifically
whether Mr. Schwab's statement Is true
so far as It refers to the Navy department.
The committee today heard Rear Ad
miral Endlcott, chief of the bureau of
yards and docks, regarding the estimates
for appropriation for the bureau.
Crlals la l'rus;uay.
t'nlted States Minister Finch, st Monte
video, says that Uruguay Is passing
through a serious crisis, and that an en
gagement has occurred between the gov
ernment forces and the revolutionists. In
which seeral were killed snd many
Charges Less Than sll Others
Treats all lurms ot U'aaases of
Men oxl.
Twenty-eight years' experience
tighteen years la Oman
The doctors rnuiwulilt aucue bas
never been ssualrd. lus resources anil
lacllitUs (or troaUng this cukaa A diseases
' ars unlimited and every day brings mauy
flattering rvporta of tb guud lie Is Uoiii.
r the rvllef be has givtn.
All Blood Pdsons. Ho "bUEAKlKQ OUT''
n the akin or face and U external signs
f the diaeaas disappear i unca A yr
mantnt cuts for lire guaranteed. .
VlDirAfflP Ctres guuianteed la
AKIUU14-L.L Ltss THAN t DA Vd.
KFAD 10 Onncae cured of Hydrocele.
nilM JUfUUU stricture. Uleel. Nervoua
liability, Uu of btreagth and VlUUty
S.)t al: feruis oi chronic disease,
Treatment by mall. Call or wuts. Bog
ttt Oihca tit South Utn at.. Omaha. NU
SVHITg UOWe. CURE :tr iwu.e.'uy r.
na trwitf urniK, u. apiHfiue lor v;,irn c.niiat
iUlrwr iu is (lib riiu.i ulvea te mr liuiV
f asi-maa 4k
aueaeoae ul peiiuuu linmai d
McCgnneU Lrug Co., Omasa.
Tranafera Prralaa Mlalater.
The State department Is Informed that
General Isaac Khan, the Persian minister,
has been transferred to Vienna.
Respites Territorial Coavlct.
The president has granted a respite until
March 18, 1904, to George Shelton, convicted
In Indian Territory of felonious ssaault
upon s wo.nan and sentenced to be hanged
January 15. There Is an application pend
ing for commutation of sentence, based on
allegations of Insanity and other extenuat
ing circumstances, snd the respite Is
granted In order to permit a careful exam
ination Into Ihe matter.
Batlleablpa Brack Gaaat.
A cable message from Rear Admiral
Evans, commanding the Asiatic fleet, an
nounced the arrival of the battleships Ken
tucky, Oregon and Wisconsin at Ouam, on
their way to Subtg bay. It Is expected that
the cruiser squadron, constating of the
New Orlesns. Albany, Cincinnati and Ra
leigh, will arrive st Ouam today or tomor
row. The cruisers left Honolulu In com
pany -lth the battlexhlp, but unlike the
latter stopped enroute at the Midway Is
lands. Rear Admiral Evans will remain
at Guam until the cruiser squadron ar
rives there and -It Is expected that he will
be fully advleed by cable of the policy of
the United States government In case of
war between Russia and Japan, In order
that he may dispose of the fleet In accord
ance with that policy.
Three IfiTrllllaa to Retire.
Three officers of the ermy receqtly hsve
declined to go on the retired list with
Increased rank. Those are General John
F. Weston, commissary general; Brigadier
Oeneral A. W. Grcely, chief signal officer
and Brigadier General G. M. Randall, com
manding the Department of L,uznn. Dnch
of these officers was tendered a major
generalcy on condition of his immediate
retirement, and In each case the offer was
declined on the ground that the officer pre
ferred acflve duty to promotion under such
Extradition Treaty. ..
The senate In executive session today
ratified an extension of extradition treaty
between the United States and The Nether
lands. An amendment was adopted In
cluding bribery In the list of extraditable
offenses. 1
After Hearing; Resolution by Stewart,
Body Goes Into Executive
WASHINGTON. Jan. ll. Senator Stewart
Introduced a resolution In the senate today
directing the committee on appropriations
to conduct an investigation of the various
government departments to determine how
many additional clerks would be required
to avoid the necessity of the departments
increasing the hours of labor from 4 p. m.
to 4:30 p. m. Mr. Stewart asked Immediate
consideration, but objection was raised by
Mr. GeJlinger, who Inquired If the law does
not require seven hours labor from clerks
employed In the departments.
"That Is the law," said Mr. Stewart, "but
I am against the law as well as this new
Then," said Mr. Galllnger, "I think the
senator should direct the resolution at the
law and seek a revision of that."
The resolution went over.
On motion of Mr. Lodge the senate went
into executive session.
When the doors were reopened the senate
was officially notified of the death of Rep
resentative Bklles of Ohio.
After appointing a committee to attend
the funeral the senate, as a further mark
of respect, adjourned.
Agreement with China Not Fully
Effective Until Other Towers
Make Treaties,
WASHINGTON. Jan. ll.-Only that por
tion of the Chinese treaty which relates to
the opening of new porta at Mukden and
Antung and provides In general terms for
privileges for American shipping will be
come effective on the exchange of ratifica
tions of the treaty, which will take place
within six weeks. There Is a possibility
that the Chinese government will authorise
Its minister here, Sir Chentung Lien Cheng,
by cable to effect an earlier exchange, but
Mr. Conger has not made this request.
The other features of the treaty abolish
ing , the llkln taxes snd increasing the
average customs dues on goods coming
fiom the United States loto Chins will not
become effective until similar treaties con
taining similar provisions have been con
cluded between China and the other pow
ers signatory to the treaty of Peking. Be
sides the United States, England and Japan
have so far negotiated such treaties, leav
ing Germany, France, Italy, Austria and
Belgium to effect like arrangements befors
the new duties will go Into effect.
Brief Session of the House Authorises
Brldsre In Arkansas and Asks
About Money.
WASHINGTON," Jan. 11. When the house
met today a bill authorizing the construc
tion of a bridge across the St. Francis
river at Marked Tree, Ark., was passed.
A senate bill extending the time for com
pleting a bridge across the Mississippi river
at or near Gray's Point, Mo., was passed.
Mr. Jenkins, chairman of the judiciary
committee, called up the resolution request
ing the attorney general to furnish In
formation as to what money had been ex
pended under the act providing for the en
forcement of the Sherman anti-trust law,
favorably reported by the committee, but
amended so as make it read "Insofar as it
Is not Incompatible with the Interest of the
public," It was adopted without debate and
without division.
Resolutions of respect to the memory of
the lata Mr. 8kllea of Ohio were adopted,
and as a further mark of respect to the
deceased member the house adjourned.
General Tena liefer a to Career of
II I marl f and General t'haife
In Note.
WASHINGTON, Jan. ll.-The first pair
of lieutenant generals shoulder straps
which Oeneral Chaffee will wear were pre
sented to him by Lieutenant General Young,
with the following note, dated January I,
Private Young. Company K, Twelfth
Pennsylvania volunteer Infantry, presents
his compliments to Private Chaffee, Troop
K. Sixth United States cavalry, and asks
him to accept this pair of lieutenant gen
eral's shoulder straps.
.Taxation Guards at . Pan nominee
Withdrawn by Commaader of
Gunboat Newport.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 Commander
Mertx, commanding the gunboat Newport,
cables the Navy department from San Do
mingo under date of yesterday as follows:
Revolution continues. Nothing menacing
Americana. Legation guard withdrawn
Is an ordeal which til
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
nothing compare with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. Thethoup-ht
of the suffering and danger in tor for her, rob the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casta over her r.
hadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their mo6t critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
carry women safely through the penis of child-birth,-but its
gently prepares the system tor thsrxoming event, prevents "morning
sickness," and other di- t
comforts of this period.
Sold by all druggists at
fi.oo per bottle. Book
containing valuable information free,
fae BradheltJ Regulator Co., Atlaata, Cau
This entire stock must be converted into cash at once, regardless
of cost or previous selling price.
Your choice of any one of these beautiful
Barrios Diamonds set in Rings, Brooches,
:::::: Studs, Etc., Etc. ::::::
Thousands of these magnificent jewels were sold at Christmas
time for $3.00, $4.00 and $4.50. They cannot be distinguished
from the genuine worth from $75.00 to $350.00.
Sacrificed while
they last for
i yfath
Every piece is sold under our absolute guarantee to retain its brilliancy forever. These phenomenal values
have never been offered before and will never be offered again.
Buy to-day they will be gone to-morrow. Nothing reserved ((
your choice of any of these beautiful pieces . .' . fJ A vf Vf
Relatives of Victimi sf Irtquoii Theater
Tire Will Commemorate Tragedj. t
At Meeting; Vnllmtt rd Funds Are
Pledged to Prosecute Persons
llespouslblo fur CeUuntitr
at the Pla house.
CHICAGO. Jan. 11. Unlimited funds to
aid in prosecuting the persons responsible
for the Iroquois fire have been pledged to
the "Iroquois Memorial society," composed
of relatives of victims.
The announcement was made at a meet
ing of the committee on permanent organi
sation. Arthur E. Hull stated that the
offer of funds had been made by "a firm
with a financial backing of more than
The committee decided upon the, follow
ing recommendations:
1. To establish a sTTTtablo memorial to
commemorate the names ot thu victims of
the fire.
t. To render assistance to those mado
destitute through the loss of relatives In
the fire.
3. To devise and carry out methods to
prevent similar occurrences In the- future.
4. To Insist In and compel the enforce
m3nt of existing and future ordinances
and statutes enacted for th purpose ot
safeguarding human life In publto as
semblages. It was also decided to appoint a com
mittee to aid the coroner In his investiga
tion. Ready to Plaee Hlnsme.
"We sre now ready to make a searching
Investigation to And out Just who was re
sponsible for the Iroquois fire. We have
cleared away the brushwood and sre pre
pared to get down to Inner tacts. We
will spare no one, for we are determined
to fix the guilt."
With this statement. Coroner Traeger be
gan the second week of ths Iroquois thea
ter fire Inquest today. For a few days
the coroner will be forced to put the gen
eral public on the stand, but when he gets
through with It he Intends to start one of
the closest Inquiries Into the workings of
the building, police, Are and electrical de
partments of the city that they have ever
Afttr an investigation of ten days. At
torney Fulkerson of the fire department
has practically established all of the points
necessary to make his report on the causes
of the Are. These, he says, tend "to show
that there was willful neglect of the safety
ot the patrons of the house."
Another Victim Dies.
Today another person Injured in the fire
died. Mrs. A. C. Wldfall, who was taken
to the Lakeside hospital on the evening of
the Are, is the new victim.
The body of Leroy Creenwald was Identi
fied bis his father in a vault at Mount llopt
cemetery today. The body had been previ
ously Identified and claimed as that ot.
Norman Corbln.
Having heard the testimony of ths seven
chorus girls of the "Mr. Blue. Beard" com
pany with regard to ths Iroquois theater
Are, Assistant Etate's Attorney Barnes took
a nonsuit in the rase against them today.
They had been held on technical charges
to Insure their apeparance at the inquest
Ten men connected with the theater were
arraigned before Justice Caverty snd their
eases continued until January 71.
JuBtlt Caverty said that those who are
being held to testify at the Inquest would
be released Immediately after such testi
mony was given.
By the death this afternoon of Herman
Betn the number of dead In the Iroquois
theater Are is brought up to 571.
In the states attorney's offlce awaiting for
the trial of the persons who may be in
dicted for causing the Iroquois theatur Are
lies a piece of the alleged Areproof asbestos
curtain with wooden battens nailed to ths
It Is said to be customary for asbestos
curtains to . have Iron pipes inserted In
pockets at the top and bottom, yet from
the above Inquiry it Is now believed wooden
battens were used in the Iroquois theater's
asbestos curtain Instead of Iron tubes.
Acts as n Bar to Profitable Em
ployment. You cannot afford to grow old.
In these days of strenuous competition It
is necessary to maintain, as long as possi
ble, one's youthful appearance.
It Is Impossible to do this without retain
ing a luxurious growth of hair.
The presence of dandruff indicates the
presence of a- burrowing germ which lives
and thrives on the roots of the hair until
It causes total baldness.
Newbro's Herplclde Is the only, known
destroyer of this pest snd It is as effective
as it is delightful to use.
Herplclde makes an elegant hair dressing
as well us Dandruff cure.
Accept no substitute there is none.
gold by leading druggists. Bend 10c In
stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co..,
Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug
Co., sjwclal agents.
State Board Finds Men Went on
Strike Too Boon at St.
BT. IjOVIS. Jan. 11 The State Board of
Arbitration, which has been considering the
strike of the St. Ixiuls Transfer company's
cab, carriage and baggage drivers. Inau
gurated December 1!, decided today that
the strike had been called inadvlsably and
recommended that the men return at once
to work at the old wages.
George Innes of Indianapolis, national
organiser of the teamsters' union, said the
men would not return to work.
May Yet Bo Saved.
All who have severe lung troubles need
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. It cures or no pay. 60c, 11.09. For
sale by Kuhn & Co.
Steamship la Floated.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. ll.-The strait
ship Haverrord, wlilrh grounded ir the
Dt-laware river a ahnrt distance be'ow
New Castle, Del., eat! Sunday mouiln.
floated today end proceeded to Liverpool.
Tl-e Havcrfr.rd, which waa drlvea asnora
by the Immense floca in the river, sus
tained no damage.
Douglas Printing Co.. 1509 Howard. Tel (41
i F.lala Hotter Market.
EIXHN. Jan. II BUTTER Ruled firm
on the Board of Trnde at - pr lb.; sales
In the district for ths week were itf.OuO lbs.
Heart Disease
mar t cured by strengthening tft
beart nerves, enriching the blood god
improving tbe circulation with Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure. Safe and aura.
Bold on guarantee. Bead postal for freo
bock on diseases of ths heart and nerves
DR. MILES' MSDICAX.' CO.. Elkhart,' la.
II u,ah ISE 0ren
II California p7ashington vi
t! Liavi Omaha Dally 3:20 p. m. and 4:20 p. m. II
Fall Information tnmlilud on application to f
Thone 31U.
ii mi jy?-
I want all ailing men to feel that they
ran come to our office freely (or an
examination and explanation ct their
condition without being bound by any
obligation to take treatment unless
they so desire. livery man should
take alvantaK of thin opportunity to
learn his true condition, as I will ad
vij Mm how beat to regain his health
end strength and preserve thu powera
or manhood unto ripe old age.
f will inuke a thorough ana scientific
EXAMINATION of your ailments, an
examination that will disclose your
true physical condition, without a
knowledge of which you are groping
In tbe dark. If you have taken treat
ment without success, I will show you
why it failed.
"We make no misleading; state
nenta or uabualneaallke propoal
tlona to the flllrtea, nor do wo
promise to euro thent In st few
das In order to secure tbelr
patronage, but we sruaranteo a
perfect, safe and laalluc euro In the quickest possible tl
leavlna Injurious a tter-efferts In ths system, and nt the
slle cost for honest, skillful and successful treatment."
me, wit
Stricture. Varicocele. Nervo-Sexual Debility. Impotency,
Emissions, Clood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and diseases and weaknesses due to Inheritance, evil habits, self-abuse, ex
cesses, or the result of specific or private diseases.
CflM'i TATI0N PUFF If ou ee""0 r" wrl'e f"raymptom blank. OftVs
lU tJl,l IHHU-1 I ltlI hour, k s. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 or.'y.
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb,