AI.IANT and venturesome were VI the American soldiers In the I Fnanlsh war. and valiant, too. weie the Spaniard. It icjdred Colonel Greene of the signal corps to tell the story of a gallant Spanish flag man, which Gen. A. W. Greely repeats In his article In the Century Mag z ne on tho United States Signal Corps in war-time. At Kl Caney the Spaniards occupied the graceful stone fort of Kl Viso. It was the key to the situation on their left, an! they built a telephone line from Santiago to the fort, which they equipped as a signal sta tion. On July 1st iho Amoilcin attack teifin at C In the morning and our left, pushlr.g for ward to cut off the enemy's line of com munication", occupied the highroad to San tiago ubout 8 o'clock. Keying the tele graph wire that bound together El Caney and Santiago, the American soldiers, obed ient to mi.ltary Instincts, promptly cut It Rut the beleaguered fort was no more cut off from communication with Santiago than was Corso at Altoona from Sherman at Kenesaw mountain. In a few minutes a Spanish flagman appeared on the command ing summit of El Vlao and began signal ing to Santiago. Ills figure showed sharp and clear against tho morning sky, within rifla-range of 5,000 keen-x.yed Americans who were pouring a fire Into Kl Vis). At intervals the deep notes of Capron's battery roared over tho Shrill music of the bullets. Indifferent to shot and shell, the Span iard rhythmically waved his signal flag to and fro until lie had pent his m-SMage. In telling the story Coln?l Greene ade"cd: "How long the flag waved or what It said I do not know, but as no signal dig was reported among the trophies nt Kl Caney, I hope that he escaped. Here's to him If alive! If not, peace to his manes!" Jim II11I and Diamond Joe. James J. Hill, .the railroad president, be an his connection with the transportation business through steamboatlng, but he soon deserted It for railroading. The road which lie has Blnce made bo widely known was at that time considered the slowest In the eountry. Mr. Hill listened good naturedly to the fun that was naturally poked at his road, and worked the harder to Improve it. Meeting Mr. IM1 one day In tho street in St. Paul, "Diamond Joe' Reynolds, of tipper river steamboat fame, said: "Jim, I'll match one of my steamboats against one of your trains in a fair race for 5500 a ride." "Well, I don't know," hesitated Mr. Hill; "some of your boats are pretty fast." "Come, I'll race you upstream," urged Reynolds. "Oh, thunder!" returned Mr. Hill In a disgusted tone; "if you're going to Btick to the river then you might as well drop the notion of a race. I thought you meant you'd bring your boat out on the prairie alongside the track and give me some show." New York Tribune. One Giatrltire Knongb. Myron T. Herrlck, governor-elect of Ohio, referring to the hard work of his recent campaign, told this story about Senator Ilanna: The senator had made Ave speeches during the day and was pretty badly used up when he returned to the private car in which the spellbinders were traveling at night. He accepted a proffered glass of brandy, but before drinking it, said: "Boys, I feel like a fellow who enlisted In the early days of the civil war and was Boon in a battle. Being wounded. ho was left on tho field for dead, while the army, defeated, beat a retreat. "As the wounded man, sore, hungry and bloody, but still ablo to wulk, stagg. rod along In the wake of the army, lie talked to himself as follows: " 'I love my country. I love It n lot. I am willing to fight for It. Tea. 1 urn will ing to die for my country. Hut, by tli in der, when this wnr Is over I will never love another country!" "When this campaign is over," concluded the senator, "I'll never" He was not allowed to finish the rcn tcuce. New York Times. Kinr'i Hall MarUa. Truly is the mark of genius beyond hid ing. The delightful nuthor-artlt. F. Hop kinson Smith, has his title written clear In many ways. He has the mark of genius even to his dress. Mr. Smith Is remem bered In the Franconla Notch of the White mountains, not for his attainments in the field of art, but as a lover of the rod mid a "picture feller," but more especially clearly for his trousers. It happened recently that a follower of Izaak Walton, returning from an afternoon spent with the trout in a btook nrnr tho Franconla range, was hailed with the hail of nil anglers. "What luck?" from a mender of wagons by tho roadside, bare cf foot and picturesque. The talk from fish and fishing fell to fishermen. 'To you know Frank Smith?" inquired tho wagon mender.' The fisherman admitted knowl edge of many Smiths of high and low de gree. but was not positive In his identlll catlon of the specified Frank. "Frank Hopkinson Smith, I mean," ex plained the mender of wagons. I'leasant reminiscence lighted up the face of both men. "I," mused the wheelwright, "used f know him well. Great fellrr, Frank. Never knowed anybody quite liko him. Used f see him pretty often 'mojt every summer for fifteen year. Made pic tures and fished. Never dressed like other folks. When anybody got anything liko Ms he Jes' lined out fer something different. Wore the first short pants even seen on a man up here, and the hull darned milt looked as If It was made outen an ingrain carpet with big riggers. Ain't ever seed another suit like It, and don't expect to. Mighty good feller and painted purty pic tures. Hut them pants say! I can't fe:git em! They was the gol-durndest pants I ever sec!" Saturday Evening Post. Mr. Riley's Wife. A friend of James Whltcomb Riley tells a story of an encounter the bachelor poet once had with a woman reporter. The energetic young woman, after strenuous effort had finally caught Mr. Riley at the telephone This Is the conversation that followed: "Is this Mr. Riley?" "Yes. That is Miss ?" "Miss Jones, of the Courier-Journal. I've been trying all day to get an interview with you, Mr. Riley." "Ah, would It were now a view Instead of an Interview," aald the poet, gallantly. "Oh, thanks. How long will you remain In Ioulsville, Mr. Riley?" "Only a short time." "Is your wife with you?" "No, Ma'am, she Is not." "Where is sho, may I ask?" "You may ask, my dear Miss Jones but I find It very difficult to answer. I am In absolute Ignorance as to her where abouts. For aught I know to the con trary, she may right now be at the other end of this telephone." There wns much of laughter, and after ward an effort to resume the Interview, l'.ut In vain. Mr. Itlley had escaped. Now York Times. A !MIu In French, W. It. Yeats, the Irish poet, talking to reporters In Philadelphia, told them that Amcrioi reminded lilin of France. The compatison of the Quaker town to Paris must have delighted tho Philadclphlans. l'.ut perhaps Mr. Yeats mentioned tho like ness only to trll a story, lie said that the char nlr and gay sunlight made him imagine himself In Paris, so that ho was oftm under the Impulse to enter tho American simps and ask tho price of things In bad French. "My French Is very bad," he explali ed. "I have no doubt it Is as Iwid as tho English of a Frenchman whom I met in Parts once. "I had told this Frenchman that a young lady whom we both knew was ill. Ho be came sympathetic. " 'She Is ill?' ho said. 'Eot la too bad. And what is zo mattress?' "'What Is the mattress?" said I. 'Oh, I see. You mean, 'What Is the matter?' " 'Ah but," objected the Frenchman, 'is cot not of ze feminine gend.iiro zat wo speak?" " A Southern Incident. Congressman Carter Glass of Virginia holds to the belief that party politics can 1k played with fairness, even In the house of representatives. He was discussing tha point with Judge Sims of Tennessee, who agreed with him partially, but declared that he Intended to vote with the demo crats at all times. "And I'll tell you why," he added. "It's lieoause of my observa tions. I remember that a few years ago there came to this house a brilliant lawyer from Georgia. Ha had large knowledge of parliamentary practice and such ex alted convictions of fair play in politics that he was moved more than once to vote against his party. That man from Georgia," concluded Judge Sims In a con fidential whisper, "Isn't here now." Interviewing Svimlnr Hoar. A young man from Florida came to Washington to represent a newspaper In his state. A few days after he arrived Senator Hoar introduced a bill referring to a lottery In Florida. The young reporter hastened to see the senator, with visions of a column Interview from him concerning the bill and its effect, and all that. Tho servant said that the senator would see him. "What is it?" asked Mr. Hoar, when the young man had been shown In. "I want to nak you about the bill you In troduced today." "What do you want to auk me about It?" Inquired the senator. "Why, I am from Florida and represent a Florida paper, and I thought you might give me an explanation?" "Have you read the bill?" asked Mr. Hoar. "Yes, sir." "Do you understand It?" "I think so, sir." "Well, If you do not, no explanation I could make would help you to do so. Good evening." And that was another of those Interviews never printed. & Trouble Knnnah, Tho late Amos Cummlngs of New York used to tell this story of his first assign ment as a newspaper reporter. He was sent out to write up an accident wfierc an, Irish hodoarrler was injured In a fall from a building. He arrived Just as two officer were assisting the Injured man into tho ambulance. "What's hU name?" asked Cummlngs of one of tho officers, at the same moment pulling out Mi pad and pencil. The Irishman heard him, and mistaking him for the timekeeper on the Job, ex claimed, with a hMik of disgust covering his face: "Isn't It trouble enough to fall three Stories without being docked for the few moments 1 lose goln' to th' hospital?" Philadelphia. Ledger. May No Wore. A story is told of Count Schouvaloff, S former R.issian ambassador to England. H greatly mliulrd English women and was heartily nnnoyed whi n he offended any onu of them. While he was here ho learned English, nnd having bean! one famous Eng lish beauty say "Hlml up!" to another, ha imagined it to bo a phrase of polite agree ment, such as, "Say no more." J ti this sense he himself uddressed it to an Illus trious woman the next night at dinner, to her consternation and bis own, when later ho dlscuvt red his mistake. fiettliiK Acquainted. In the days when the late Sir Charles C.avan Duffy was a lending figure In Vic torian politics there sat In the Melbourne Parliament a wculthy but not well In formed butcher. The chief secretary of tho duy was deprecating the attitude of tho leader of the opposition, whose conduct was, ho declared, worso than Nero's. "Who was Nero?" interjected the knight of the cleaver, with equal scorn and sin cerity. "Who was Nero?" replied the delighted, chief secretary. "The honorable gentleman ought to know. Nero wus a celebrated butcher." ( hnngrii (lie Mood. Generul Leonard Wood attended in his boyhood a school In Middluborough, Mass., and In MliUlleborough they will speak of the direct and original mind that the boy had. "I remember one day In school," said a Middleborough man recently, "Wood was called up In the grammar lesson. Tho teacher said: " 'I-eonard, give mo a sentence, and we'll see If wc can change It to the Imperative mood.' " The horsa draws tho cart, said Leon ard. " 'Very good. The horse draws the cart. Now change tho sentence to a neat lm peratlve.' " 'Coc-up,' s:.Id young Wood." i The t'onrt Fixed. "I fear," said Senator Teller, "that tho Colombian delegates who have come to sea If something cannot be done to get Panama back into their country fire like the Jus tice ef the jace I tried a case before In Colorado once. The suit was over an old debt for supplies. The defense was thru tho bill was paid. The Justice was a pompous eld chap who knew no law. After wo had finished the Justice said: The court knows all about this case. The court has) heard what the witnesses had to ssy nnd tho talk of the lawyers. The court will not decide the case Just now. The court will take the case under advisement for three days and the court will then decide the caae In favor of the plaintiff.' " )