T1JE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1004. NX ONLY ONE LONGER THAN BURT Eiinty Wllon L.n Union Paiifio President Whoia Term Exieedi Lail One. LIST OF ALU THE CHIEF EXECUTIVES Uir Changes Made In Offlrlil Per I of Road lader the 4 Hiitfarit af Iloraca G. Bart. forace O. Burt held the position of presi dent of the Union Pacific, which he re signed last week, longer than any other president with the single exception of Sld . tiey Dillon. Mr. Dillon was electod in 1871 and continued aa president until MM, a period of ten yearn. He was re-elected In 1890 and held the position until 1892, making his complete term of pervlce twelve years. President Burt was elected In 1898, and, having Just resigned, held the position con tinuously for a period of six years. The complete list of ex-presidents of the company with their terms of service fol lows: W. B. Ogden, elected September, 1862; John A. Vlx, elected October, 1803; Oliver Ames, elected June, 1868; Thomas A. Bcott, elected April, 1871; Horace F. Clark, elected March, 1872; John Duff, elected July, 1873; Sidney Dillon, elected June, 1874; Charles Francis Adams, elected June, 1884; Sidney Dillon, elected December, 1890; S. It. H. Clark, elected May, 1892. The road went Into the hands of receivers dur ing; October, 1893, and continued without a president until the reorganization In 1898, when President Burt was elected. He held the position until the acceptance of his resignation by the board of directors In New Tork Thursday, when E. H. Harriman was elected. Many changes have been made in the staff of officials of the system sine Presi dent Burt assumed the management. John F. Dillon, who was general counsel, with headquarters In New York, resigned and was succeeded by Winslow S. Pierce, who still holds the position. W. J. Carroll, who was assistant general solicitor, resigned and has died. 7 Kelly s Promoted. No one was appointed to fill the position which has since been made vacant. W. R. Kelly, who at the time Of President Burt's assumption of office was general solicitor for Nebraska, has been promoted to the position of general solicitor for the entire system and John N. Baldwin now occupies the postlon made vacant by the promotion of Mr. Kelly. Edson Rich also has been added to the legal department as assistant attorney for Nebraska. N. II. Loom is has been appointed general attorney for Ne braska In place of A U Williams, whose resignation was accepted. Edward Dickinson, who was general man ager of the line prior to the election of President Burt, resigned in November, 1902, and la now connected with the Orient line at Kansas City as vice president and gen eral manager. Alex Millar,' who was secretary and as sistant comptroller, has had his powers Increased and is now designated as secre tary, and William Mahl has been appointed comptroller, with Herbert S. Bradt as as sistant F. V. 8. Crosby now holds the position of treasurer of the company In place of James - O. Harris, who was the Incumbent of the office when President Burt took control. J. B. Berry has succeeded George H. Pegram as chief engineer and William D. - Cornish now occupies the position of vice president In place of Oliver W. Mink. P. J. Nichols, who was superintendent of the Nebraska division, gave way to R. W. Baxter, who in turn was superseded by W, A. Deuel, who now holds the office. Two Chasgea Cnder Bnrt. The office of superintendent of the Wyo ming division changed . hands twice under .the Burt administration. X Malloy re signed In favor of Superintendent Harris, who was succeeded by W. I Park. W. A. Deuel, who was promoted from the posi tion of superintendent of the Colorado di vision to the position he now holds, was succeeded in his former office by IL C. Ferris. B. Buckingham has been made superin tendent of transportation in place of car accountant, the position he formerly held. W. R. McKeen, jr., now holds the posi tion of superintendent of motive power and machinery which was formerly held by J. H. McConhell. Gerrlt Fort has superseded 8.' A. Hutch inson as assistant general passenger and ticket agent. J. E. Market, who formerly conducted the eating houses along the system, has turned them over to the company and they are now under the direct supervision of the officers of the system. During July, 1901, Mr. Harriman Intro duced a new system into the affairs of the ' Union Pacific and related lines. He di vided the authority of his employes and placed the trafflo department of the entire Harriman system in the hands of J. C. Btufebe, with the title of trafflo director, and with offices la Chicago. Since then Mr. Stubbs has had supreme authority In the trafflo department of all the lines, which include the Union Pacific. Southern Pa cific, Oregon Railway and Navigation com pany and the Oregon Short Line. Mr. Stubbs reports to no official of these lines, 1 but direct to the chairman of the board of directors la New York, Mr. Harriman, him self. In the accounting department of the Har riman system the business has been placed in complete charge of Brutus Young cs auditor. In addition to the lines named above over which the authority of Mr. Stubbs as trafflo director Is supreme, Mr. Young also has charge of the accounting department df the Chicago & Alton. The offices of Mr. Young are located In the Union Paclflo headquarters In this city. Of the five receivers who had chargs f the affairs of the Union Paclflo at the tuns Mr. Burt took control, three are dead. Aadlterlant Heataaraat. Watch for the opening of the Auditorium Restaurant, tie South Fifteenth atieet. January IS. It will be the finest lei.aurant in the world. The finest furnished room for traveling men and others. The finest barber shop. W. W. Slabaugh. atfy at lav, 604 Mer Nat. Ek. Have Root print It U-K. Wedding Kings. Edholjn. Jeweler. Letter from Ex-Governor James E. Boyd, W. C. MAXWELL. M. D. Dear Sir It is a very great pleasure for me to say that from personal experience I know that your mode of treatment for the cure of natula, without the use of KNIFE. LIGATURE or CAUSTIC, or DETENTION FROM BUSINESS. Is a complete success. I had been a sufferer for more than nine years and you have effected for me a perfect cure, as since October last I have been perfectly well. Respectfully yours, JAMES B. BOYD. WHEN RUSSIA ABSORBS Manchuria and pomlnate. flora Than Half the Orient, Then the World WILL DISCOVER A MISTAKE Was Made by the Powers Wbea They Iaterfered to Pretest Jaoaa from Enjoylaa; the Fralts of Her Victory. China and Japan engaged In war. Japan won a victory over the Celestial Empire. She earned a foothold on the Asiatic con tinent Corea was fairly the fruit of the victor. The European powers, at the sug gestion of Russia, refused the Insular Em pire the well earned prlxe, and today the aggressive bear Invites a conflict with Japan. Should war ensue and Rl S81A DEFEAT JAPA the power of the cxar will be a constant menace to peace on this earth for at least a generation, If not for a century. Japan Is as naturally the conservator of Oriental civilisation as the Insular kingdom of Great Britain is the potential . factor in maintaining the common welfare of man kind on the opposite side of the globe. Japan Is strategically the hope of the eastern hemisphere, the buffer'whlch should protect the interests of enlightenment from the grasp of absolute monarchy. But Japan may yet become a counterpart of the British empire, for If she wins against Russia in the impending conflict the In fluence of the Flowery Kingdom In Asiatic affairs wllf be as powerful aa that of Eng land in Europe. Meanwhile the DAKK.RRI RESERVES UFO Company of Omaha will maintain its some what similar importance In the world of life insurance. Standing for western in terests and battling for position between the people and the grasping avarice of the Life Insurance trust, this aggressive young life lrsurance company will educate the cltixens of the west to the necessity of building up great fiduciary institutions of their own. These will be the ballast which steady the barks of business in the midst of the storms of the commercial ocean. When panics come again, as panics have come In the past, the savings of the people, represented by the life Insurance of the west, will not be used by panic stricken eastern money lenders to oppress and harrass the men who contributed those savings. II. H. ROBIftOX, PRESIDENT of the Bankers Reserve, recognised as the champion of home life insurance, will con tinue to proclaim the gospel of common business sense. The policy holders of this splendid western institution are inspired by the same spirit, -and right loyally do they aid In propagating the principles which the Bankers Reserve represents. The year 1904 will see this western institution a $10, 000 000 life company and Its assets corre spondingly Increased. If you have not yet secured a Gold Bond Policy, send word to the president at Omaha, and Join the procession. WAIT! I Don't buy a dollar's worth of men's or boys' wearing apparel until Thursday, Jan uary 14. That morning, at t:45 o'clock, there will positively start the biggest slaughter sale of men's and boys' season able ready-to-wear wearables on the second floor of 1519-1&21 Douglas street For full particulars about this sale watch Wednes day evening's papers. It's sufficient to say that never before has high-grade mer chandise been offered at such sensational low, prices. At this sale you will find full assortments of Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery, Suspenders, Sweaters, Dress Suit Cases, Cravenette Coats, Umbrellas, Tuxedo Suits, as well as goods suitable for working men, ,such as Duck Coats, Overalls, eto. Don't foil to watch Wednesday evening's papers they will give full particulars. Some of the bar gains will surprise you. Don't spend a penny for clothing or furnishing goods until you see what we can save you. The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-152; DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA. THE HOUSE THAT ALWAYS DOES AS IT ADVERTISES. 1 Unequalled Candy Prices Five sticks Candy Hoarhound Stick pound Broken Mixed prtind Pure Lemon Drops pound Jelly Beans fruit flavors pound Fruit Fudge pound Walnut Maple pound Chocolate Peanut pound Candy Almonds pound Egyptian Paste pound . French Creams pound Italian Chocolate pound Chocolates and Bon Bona Monta Crlsto Chocolates pound Bo luo loo 150 15c 20c 20o liOo 25o 15o 260 4c 40c COo SOLE AGENTS FOR GUNTHER'S FINE CANDIES. Watches, diamonds, jewelry and silver ware. Your credit is good. A. Mandelbexg, jeweler, 16Z3 Farnam. The annual meeting of the lot owners of the Prospect Hill Cemetery association win VkA tlAlfl A (h. AffiAA . V. - - - ' wimw luv Bcxjrei&ry, room S8, Barker block, Monday evening, January ii, jaw, at A full attendance la re quested. A ball will be given Sunday nlirht at Washington hall for the benefit of Omaha rieurew jsion Free school. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 2, 1904. Received of the Bankers' Union of the World, 130, amount due ms in full under my policy. 12162, on account of disability. Wishing the order a prosperous year, I am very truly yours, MATILDA A. BLOEDEL. (Signed ) Traveling; M, Twelve beautiful rooms st til South Fif teenth street. Opening January 15. mm The Beiictt Company THE LEADING NANO DEALERS IN THE WEST. ONE WEEK MORE A Manufacturer's Discount Sale of ig04 Style EVERY PIANO, EVERY WIRE, STAVE BOARD OR SEAM. Its tone "soul" action, guaranteed strictly K. Here are Some of Our A MOO Upright Piano, for ... A $375.00 Upright Piano, for , A S350.M Upright Piano, for A $326.00 Upright Piano, for A $300.00 Upright : Piano, for A $250.00 Upright , Piano for.... . Offers: $224 ..$196 ..$176 ..$166 $136 $126 A few slightly used pianos. Every- wiw iiwun b'iuu u a new $126, $118, $111, $82, $68. These prices are record smashers. East, west, north or south You can't Do Better Write now. or call while the bar gains are warm. THE BENNETT GOMlT, 1 6th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 .. ...$3.6. Up. $1.50 up. 600 up. t2K Gold Crowns Gold Fillings Silver Fillings ... BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (Established 1SS8.) Ird FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK. Those rr - THH danger of neglecting this seemingly simple warning cannot be over estimated. Strong, healthy eyes do not tire before any other organ. If the eyes complain, even so little, you should safeguard yourself against a real breakdown of the eyesight Headaches er say Irregularity ef vUioa call lor Initaat attention, Come to us for examina tion. We'll give ' you the proper glasses if you need them. If you don't. It will cost you nothing. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO, Ltadiaf Optkiasi. MM fossa St Good Whisk Brooms The main faults with most Wlilak Brooms - r. that they are so doeely made, and of such poor quullty of broom corn, that they litter up the cloth about as much as they clean it. We have Just gotten In the finest stock of Whisk Brooms that we have ever seen. They're stiff and solid. We guarantee every one to give satisfaction or money refunded. We bought a large quantity In order to get the right price. We want to move tnem quick. The price will do It 12o to Sao. Howell Drug Co. Telepaene 247. 16th ess Capital Ave RELIABLE DENTISTRY FREE This offer good until January 16th. 12SWnSet of Teeth, $2.00 Crevtaa. uy fruaa Bl.OO Ftllleaa. as) from ..SOe Brlds Wirk, s rrosa $a.OO Work guaranteed ten years. No students. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the uh of our patented palnfeae methods. Work done free. HmtU charges for material. UNION DENTAL COMPANY, 1822 DOUGLAS ITRIIT. ROOM 4 4D OS mm Buyers of medicines in this community need , hardly be re minded of the manifest advantages to be obtained by trading at our Drug Store. . FIRST Ton always FIND TIIE ARTICLE WANTED at our store. SECOND Never offered substitutes in place of article asked for. THIRD PRICE Ours Is ALWAYS THE LOWEST Not only one or two articles, but the whole line. FOURTH Prompt and adequate service as our force of help is fully DOUBLE that of our most sanguine competitor. These things (it must be these) account for the fact that SHERMAN & MMELL'S Drug Store is a literal "BEE HIVE" at all hours of the day and evenings as well. Read Our Gut Prices on Drugs Which Clinch the Argument. JSo Allcock's Pcrous Plasters, all you want for lOo SOo Antl-Phloglstine for 4oc $1.00 Ayer's liair Vigor 63c 11.00 Baker's Barley Malt Whisky, purest and tst, for 75a (Per dor., $8.00.) 11.00 Beef, Iron and Wine for 60c 11.00 Bumham's Sarsaparllla for 60c 86c Imported Bitter Water for 15c tl.00 Botanio Blood Balm 6o (All you want at these prices). Sfk5 Brandreth's Pills for 19o 25c Carter's Little Liver pills for )2o 2&o Chamberlain's Cough Syrup for .... 17c ILOO Chrystal Tonic for , C8o (Help yourself at these prices.) 26o Genuine Castotia for 21 o 260 Cutloura Soap for 17o $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey .... 64a (Per dos.. $7-60). Coleman's Carbolated Ointment, for horses, cattle and other animals, for 60o 60c Cudahy's Extract Beef for ' 23c $1.00 De Miracle Hair Remover for .... 69o D. D. D. Eczema Cure, warranted the ganulne, always $1.00 2So Eagle Condensed Milk, can 12o 26c Euthymol Tooth Paste, tube 12c $1.00 Elkes-Hoff Consumption Cure for SOo (By mail, 86c.) $1.50 Fellow's Hypophosphates for (Co Remember buy all you want, but we won't let our would-be competitors "stock up" from ua 60c Foley's Honey and Tar for .......... 40o 60o OoBsonl's Kidney Cure for 4"c COo Hay's Hair Health for 29o 60o Hind's Honey and Almond Cream for 29o Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Corner 16th and Dodge, OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. These are Sta!e(?) ' Fresh Cuts! $L0O Vlnol yes we have plenty 860 They say we don't dare touch Vlnol I $3 60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe ..$125 bunt postpaid -on receipt 01 price. $1.00 Nervan Tablets 7o 60o S. Grover Graham's Dyspepsia Cure.Ssc $1.00 Urlcsol want ltT for .......760 $1.00 Orrlne Liquor cure? for 67o $1-00 Her s Malt Whiskey 62o 11.00 imrry's Malt wniskey.... uio $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 75c $2.00 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal PUls.LOO $1.00 Peruna 63o 600 Bar Ben 8c 6O0 Nervlta .86o $1.00 Nervlta 60a $1.00 Bwanson s 5 Drops M.67c $1.00 Paine' s Celery Compound 66o $1.00 Bromo Seltser 63o 25o Laxative Bromo Quinine 9a 26c Carter's LitUe Liver Pills 7c B. S. S. $1 size 660 $1.75 slse $1.07 Write us for prices not catalogues they are certainty oeaa. one to a customer. SGUAEFEIl'S CUT PRICI Dua 1TOKB E. T. TATEft, Proo.. Wth snd Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones T47 and 797. 34th and M Bts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. L All goods delivered any plaee 120 Discount Suit Bairs iTrareilcz Gases Omaha Trunk Factory i CRAS. lOtXX Froprtetsr i T earphone 1058 1209 Faroam Street X $3.50 Isn't Much For a man's shoe yet Its a great deal when you pay It for a pair that are worth no more and for ail you know worth a great deal lesa. We have put a great deal ef time and experience la' aeleotlng this shoe and we are ready to back them with our guarantee "Tour money back If you're not satisfied." DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Ptuaa Street. Ossaka'a Ua-te-DAi Shea Hose ON ALL mm ma. g& 1 .nwiai wriiinr-nrnniM-A AIM 60c Hoarhound and Tolu Cough Syrup for 89o 2fo Hydrognn Peroxide for &0o $1.00 Hostetter-s Bitters for B9o $1.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure (the ten days' dandruff cure) 76o 2So Lambert's Llsterlne for 16c $1.00 Lambert's Listcrlne for 6Hc 26o Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne for Ho 60c Mull's Grape Tonic for 28c $3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe for $2.16 (By mail. $2.86). Miles Nervine (MILES, mind you) ....$1.00 26o Mennen's Talcum Powder for Ho 60o Neal's Dyspepsia Tablets for 400 (All you want no limit). $1.00 Osomulsion (all you want) ........ $4o 60o Palmo Tablets for too $1.00 Pierce's Medicines for C4o 2&o Plso's Consumption Cure for Kio 60c Pink of Perfection for 40c $1.00 Plnkham's Vegetable Compound for ....i : 64o 25c Packer's Tar Soap, we sell lno $1.00 Squlbb's Sarsaparllla for 75c $1.00 Swift's Syphilitic Specillo for 690 $1.75 Swift's Syphilitic Bpecific for ....$1.09 60c Syrup of Figs, genuine, for 112o $LW Vln Mariana for &9o Victor's Tonic Lotion (best remedy for blackheads, pimples, barber's itch and all skin troubles) per bottle .... 60o 60c Warner's Sodium Phosphate, effer- vescen t .................................... 86c $1.00 Wine of Cardui'Van you' want) for 63o 60c White Ribbon Liquor Cure for 40o Mall orders filled at above prices; box and cartage free. WOMAN'S FEET are fitted with Fry Shoes, and if you'll notice you'll find they look neat, stylish and well dressed whether the shoes cost $3.00, $3.50 or $5.00. Fry Shoes are that wsy; they have the aristocratic appear ance that Is found only In shoes ,of high grade, fine finish and correct style. If It's a Fry Shoe It's correct In style, fine in quality, and perfect In fit If It's fitted by a Fry sales man It's fitting carefully cor rectly comfortably. Are your feet fitted with FRY SHOES? , rt?Ytff0Eca WIDE OPEN when buying here. Find all the objections you like, we would rath er hear them than have you go away dissatisfied. Our guarantee goes with every purchase and we are always will ing to stand by It. Start the New Year well, by buying your Hosiery, Underwear. Beads & Jewels FROM R JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16tbSt. OMAHA, NEB. A7 n)p3r inlli U) .La i Decorated Caps. Saucers and Plates, each, 24c 111 TUB RF.LIABLK STOHK. January Clearing Sale in Our Cloak Department. k?$?a-h BrVTO is vow iH,L0) AT IjKHS THAN HALF PRICK. Ol'R CI-OAK AND 5A 1 rw w5 UffJi "'"'NO OVH NEW SfFUNtt STt)CK TIOV W T,v r?JiTJ?.TO KNIKB PRICKS WlTltOl'T CONSIPKRA- NOwVfftSS' CHANCaVERMrEl'ca1 Women's $18.00 suits t Women's $25.00 suits 9 SO 16 50 at ... ... Women's $15.00 coats at Women's $22.60 coats at Women's Astrakhan coats 6 90 9 90 ..... 1 5 00 12 50 10 00 at Women's electrlo seal coats at Women's sable fox scarfs- worth $20 at Women's Biherlan eqlrrel scarfs C An worth $15.00 at 0 III! Women's $7.60 skirts 4 93 Women's $8.00 and $10 skirts 5 90 Women's $160 skirts n ns tor ...d aw i" notnfc't $3.00 skirts- 2 90 w omen s walking skirts for Women's $1.50 rainy-day skirts for I 50 50 Women's cloth rapes SO Inches C nfl long, regular $10 Quality for 9 UU Women's silk capes Eft,, each OU0 Women's new spring voile skirts If) nft at $15.00, $12.50 and IU UU Women's silk waists 1 fft $5.00 quality for L Oil Women's vesting waists $3.00 quality for Women's heavy white vesting waists $2.50 quality at .... 1 75 100 Women's flannel waists 25 Women's waists 50 Women's eiderdown bath robes O ft ft regular $7.00 quality at iIU Wonderful Glearing of Fancy Silks iiir.arj .Arte, iiirj r i r, i ciijivn j in T.TTTir.t.Y MRWMAMV WF.INrri HOIKltlT NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY iiiciOCj Aiir. 6D0 FANCY SILKS IN THIS SALE, 39a CHOICE OF ANY FANCY SILK, for waist or shirt waist suit. In our entire stock, that sold for $1.00, In this 7Cr sale, for Monday only, a yard Mall orders flllsd at these prices. If sent choice to our expert moll order clerk and Suit Gases SAVtNO OPPORTT.TNTTTF8 THAT AR BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. ' $2.00 suit cases reduced to - $5.50 cowhide suit cases 24 Inch now All $7.00 suit cases sro at .. ... .. .125 3 98 .4 98 $9.50 and $10 suit case 7 50 Flannel Department Extra heavy Shaker flannel per yard ....4 ..5i .15 ....5 ..7e .49 10c extra heavy outing flannel 36 Inches wide per yara 26c white wool flannel 27 Inches wide yard .... 10o quality 40 Inch sllkollne per yara Vtea drapery cretonne at HKn RT.ANKET8 75o quality, good size, extra heavy tan and gray pea pianiteis, pair f.londay in the Great Domestic Room $1.00 all wool French whlpcordi 59 ....39 ail wool lacues suiung $5o all wool French challls all wool zibeunes Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! t January Canned Goods and Dried Fruit Sale, 21 lbs. pare cane granulated sugar for. All brands laundry soap, per bar....... .$1.00 2V40 12'fco 40 7V4o 'Pte THo 7o 5c 19c ijarU BHbKS HIIIIQ VI J 1 1 1 TT v.'i 2-lb. package self-rising pancake flour. 1-lb. package ymlnce meat Quart cans fancy table syrup , 1-lb. package Imported macaroni r orce, r.gg u pee, v isur, vnu v. trlta. per package 1 CANNED GOODS SALE. 3-lb. cans choice tomatoes. ... S-lb. cans golden pumpkin , 8-lb. cans Boston baked beans , 3-lb. cans rhubarb 0-10, cans iiwiiiiiij 1 2-lb. cans early June sifted peas 2-lb. cans wax string or Lima beans.,., 1 gallon cans cnoice appiea IsAYDEI Frank Vodicka . Co., Tailors. Big Reduction Sale. Big Reduction. To advertise our new location (Krug Theater Building), we will make a big cut for 10 days, on all our fancy suiting overcoatings and trou sere with the following prices: Overcoats former price ,$G5.00 cut to $50.00 Overcoats fornier price 50.00 cut to 40.00 Overcoats former price ,. .;.,..,... 40.00 cut to' S0.00 Suits former price 60.00 cut to 45.00 Suits former price 55.00 cut to 40.00 Suits former price .......... .. 40.00 cut to 30.00 Suits former price , 35.00 cut to 26.50 All $12.00 Trousers cut to $8.50. Our prices have always been reasonable. This cut is our cost price. Call early, Frank Vodicka Ql Co., 321 S. 14th St. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE own Tumb-I irs, Flint Blown lers each Women's ..annetotte wrappers -$1.25 quality at ...v Women's black underskirts $1.25 quality at Children's $10 coats ages 4 to 14 years each Children's $4.00 coats - Children's coats at .......... . ... ...59 .50 .4 90 100 5Cc "ua r i 1 'v s nt-nj mt .,,1. PTTRPf flEI,Y FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE. -A A WATST OR SHIRT WAIST SUIT. ruu iuu.v x-v-iv uiiui. 8S0 and 98o FANCY SILKS in this sa ale, 490, Choice of any fancy silk. In either light or dark colors, Including all our hand somest etylofi, that sold for $1.25 and $1.60 at, yard I 00 In at once, but no samples went. Leave if unsatisfactory, money refunded. and Trunks B SIMPLT EXTRAORDINARY. BEST All $3.00 trunks go at $9.00 and $10 trunks go at ......... ... . $15.00 allgator grips go at 6 50 7 50 $1.00 quality, full sice eleven quarter, 7R( extra heavy bed blankets, per palr..wu $1.25 quality, extra large and heavy twlilr-d bed blankets n ftQf ' per pair U9f m BED SPREADS , $1.25 quality full else, extra heavy 7C- t bed spreads, each fil" $1.50 quality full size, extra heavy Mar seilles pattern bed spreads Ofan each OSL $T.0 quality, full size extra heavy, frlnfid bed spreads RQ each 3 0 50o all wool tricots )!! fancy wool waistlngs s.Ou I 19o twilled and double fleeced flannelettes Venetian and madras "1 1 waistlngs ... I 80 1 gallon cans choice plums...., 1 gallon cans choice peaches , 1 gallon cans choice grapes , DRIED KHUIT SALH. Choice California plums, per pound. Fancy Elberta peaches, per pound... English cleaned currants, per pound. New York evaDorated apules. per lb Choice Moor Park apricots, per pound r ancy caiirornia nectarines, per poum California liurtlett pears, per pound: Choice Virginia blackberries, per id. Fancy seeded raisins, per package..., FHKSH FRUIT BALK. Ijarge sweet young oranges, eaeh.,.. Fancy California lemons, per doc... Fresh roasted peanuts, per pound.,.. Choice Hallowe'en dates, per pound.. Cape Cod cranberries, per pound.... BROS, cut to $10.00 and $10.00 .. Bo I - 5o ( .. 25o .. Ha " .. In .. 10 .s to 1 .? to I .. 7Vo I CftN L-A1LT AN1 SUNDAY. ES22E3SBSSs3SfSSfflfiEBHSEEaB(