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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1904)
Tnn OMAHA DAILY FEE: FIJTDAT. J A XT A TIT f. 1W4. T " a a, is mm The Suffering and Pain. Endured by flany Work ing Women is Almost Beyond Belief. 'I ' W ' 1111 I HI Ml IH I 11.11 I ! . . " ' "-W"" flT - '.g,!' - r 3 "W;:.. ( ( mTW l A. rv K' -v--1 -jr mii" w wi mil STARTLES CORONER'S JURY Teitimoiiy Sliowi Many GraTs Trangre- oa at Loqnoii Tleattt TWO HUMORED WITNESSES SLATED lMM Alt t Comrane Twi Vnki tLMAl svr'r City's IavMtlsa ,. , r tlom Correct Dmtk Llmt ta Smaller. CHICAGO. Jan. ". Ths- coroner's inquest ver ths victims of the Iroquois theater firs brcan In the city council chumbt-r to day. The coroner's official list ct dead idr us at tha Inquest contains Juat iwmcs. Previous police reports mi dfiul are declarrl now to b inaccurate mid due to the shirting; of bodies from one mon,uo to another. Preparations were comnifte for the mot sarrhlng lnqulrj' into the cauaes of ihe Kra:'.si calamity .that Chlma-a ever h :s k.nwn. Coroner Triu'tfer pi '!:il'l over the Investlgution. with Slate's Ar.omey Der.eei or one of his aiu;1?tante In constant aX tendaaca as tha coroner's legal representa tive' and the corporation counsel, the ciuntr attorney, a accre of lawyers repre senting prlvata Interests a ad numerous of--;ala of tha fir and police departjnenta fiklng; part In the nq-Jlry. It is estimated that it will require at kuut six days tor tha lury to hear tha SeVlmony of the 200 or more witnesrei. Tho prrtslon of lie law Jury sl.aU vtew the bodies over whirh the In quest Is held bavins; baa'n comiilled with. "oroner Traefer entered at onca upon tha examination of the witnesses to determlno the cause oj the flra and the responsibility for tha lose of life. laapatetaat Omlnaloea. Grel strwHS is laid by tha onroner uprn daveltipmente duiing toe inquest In rela tion to the stago Ventilator and air shafts, tha proper working; of which. It is held, would have saved hundreds from death. The ventilators and shafts were opened the Best momliigT after the fire by Foreman Uarld Jones of tha George Fuller Con struction company, and the two workmen. Siaher and Naet. Accordlna to the police, llaher today said that ha had charge of the metal construction of tha ventilator. Tha ventilator mas to have ben operated by a lever from tha M.itte. so that It could be thrown open at a moment notice, but. SjCOonllns to Ualirr. the lever never was Don't try cheap cough medi cines. Get the best Ayer's Cherry Pectoral pay the price. Your doctor uses it for coughs,colds,bronchitis.r Maas ay I O inr c . UmU, gui, . A as n.taaii tm. 9t ITfM Ani TCO 9m tke tut AZaa'S as-iSSli i a; sa Ua lint. Ch erry Profit by the Experience Whose Letters M Dkab Ubs. Pwshi : Your medietas has done so much for me I wirnt to tell everyone bow it absolutely cured me. Three years atro, when my dear husband was sick ia his last illness, I lifted him and hart myself. I felt the strain, then I felt something' giro way inside. Afterwards I found it was my womb, and I suffered the most dreadful atronies fnim falling of the womb. I beiran dressmaking, but could not do my work for fain and nervousness. Trying to sit still and sew seemed to drive me nearly erazr, and did not seem able to pet any help from doctors or medicine. I was so unstrung and nervous I hardly dared to gt out in the street, for fear 1 would not pet home safely. It would make tne scream to see a car coming even, and I was so terribly run down I did not know what would happen. " A friend sup-Tested I take Lydla E. Pf nkliam's Vecretable Componnd, and on her advice I bought a bottle. It did me so much pood I bought more and kept on taking it, and when I had taken eight bottles 1 was entirely cured. ' i i w n. nr P'WM"1 '"i" fitted. Maher, according to the ppllce. says that be went to the theater the day after the fire and looked to w if the lever had been attached, bur could find no 'race of It. He saw several ..emporary fcantllnirs still nailed to the wall In the way he had fixed them when his part of the work of con structing the theater wns finished. A Impartaat Areeat. The orrmt of William J. Ma her and GeotTfe Xnget, which took place today. Is considered important bj Coroner Traeuer In oonneclion with tho. Investigation. The men ere emplovd by a sub-contractor of the Fuller Construction company. Accord ing to the police, the men say they nai'.ed drum the ventilators on the roof of the theater over thastage and that an examina tion will show that the skylight frames never had been removed. In other words, the safety vents for a, fire on the stage never were operated, even experimentally, and every audience that ever sat In the Iroquois theater from the day that the theafr was pened had been In .mralnent danger of r-iasting to death wholesale whenever a fire broke out on the stage. P. Kriftlng Is the sub-contractor of fie Fuller Construction company who employed i Maher und N iyet. The two workmen were at home in bed when nrreted. The work rnen explain to the police that the nails were expected to be removed later sr.d the FkyllghtB put In proper working order when the thf-.ter wpluced In he hands of the owners. Both men exprened wHllngness to appear before the csmner's. Jury. Teatlmeay mt Witnesses. The first witness before the ccroner's jury was John C. Gali in, a painting contractor, lie testified that on thtt afternoon of the Are he stepped Into the vestibule of the Ij-oquois ffieuter to purchase tickets for the following evening. As he turned to the ticket office the center doors tit the lobby foyer and tha outside entrance doors were blown open as though by a 1. List of hot air. Looking luto the foyer, be smw people run ning toward the entrance. He ruhel to the lobby and endeavored to open the wst door, that being the nearexl. It was licked on the Inside and he could do nothing with it. Etra Alaersara sure Barred. Nothing short of a subpoena or a per sonal order from "oroner Traeger passed persons into the city council dumber to- day while the coroner s Inquest was In progress. Hfindreds of peons were tumod away by the twenty policemen on guard. Among those refused admittance were a number of aldermen, who for the first time in their experience found the council chumLer berred againM thetn. Today City Building Commissioner Wll-l inS'l PtIX-Pw osaatlBettea. AILa Avium Ctita miih saa Pectoral 1 When the monthly periods are painful or irregular, when backaches and drive out all ambition, when Ican-hardly-dragabout ' sensation attacks you, ycu are "so-nervous-it-seems-as-though-you-would-fly,' it is certain that female derangement is fastening itself upon you. Do not let the disease make way; write your symptoms to firs. Pinkham for her free advice, and begin the use of the medicine that has restored a million women to health Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. of the Women Follow: Hams, who Is under under formal charges In connection with the Iroquois disaster, offered his plans of the theater to the coroner, but the offer was declined. Other plans will be used whenerer necessary dur ing the Inquest. The coroner and the chief of police re ceived information this afternoon that per sons were again tampering with the Iro quois theater in sn effort to destroy evi dence bearing on the recent fire. Direc tions were immediately given to allow no perwn whatever to go about In the the ater without being accompanied by a po liceman. It was said that the fresh tampering consisted largely ta the breaking of the locks on the exits. GETS ANOTHER ' CHINAMAN Rectal IsaBBlsrrasit Asceet Kirk Makes It Warn for Celestials Wfce Fail to Beglster. RrMn tmmiErr-nnt Airent Thomas V. Klril ot ne Department of Commerce and Labor Is making it exrmely interesting for the celestial at this locality who have overiooked the formality of establishing their right to remsin as residents of the L'nited States Sue Qutn and Lew Qncb were bound over In U each Wednelay evening because of the Insufficiency of the evidence proving their right to remsin In the country, snd are now in the county Jail awaiting hearing, which Is set for this aft ernoon at 2 o'clock Last evening another Chinaman was ar rested af the Instance of Special Agent Kirk on a like complaint. The Chinaman's name Is Chan-Pac and he also is employed at a restaurant In this city. Chan-Pac was taken before l'nited States Commissioner Anderson yesterday aftearioon snd given a hearing He had a certificate, but it la a student's certificate, and ss Chan-Pac has evidently abandoned the study of Horace, Homer and the principles of the rule of three. a.i Implied in his cert!flcate. and gone to wot k as s laborer, the student's certificate doesn't go with the government. Under the prlvlh gs accorded by the aiir- dents' certiticatcs the holders are ernectei I to return to the celestial empire upon the I conclusion of their studies. But Clisn-fac j dI not go. He has been in Omaha since l. Judee Anderson committed him to ' Jaii in default of Kit balL His hearing is aet for p. m. iwnjraar. 1 ' ; e-PP! CCTPM Afl.IW DpCinCWT Kleeted for Slxtk Term 'as Eseeallve Heaa af the PaelMa Express Casspaay. President James fCggteston cf Bt. Louis of the Pacitlc Express compsny was hon ored with a re-election 10 that position at a meeting of the directorate held at t!e company's hesdnuantrs in this city yes terday afterniMt. Mr. Ejririeston has been prident of the Pai iflf Express company since IMS snd by reason of his election yesterday ia entering on his sixth term as head of the company which operates over the Wabash. Misiwjurl Paciilc anJ Union Pacific lines, E. B. Pryor of St. Louis, assistant to the president of the Wabash, was chosen Tire president. For several years past Mr. Pryor has been one of the directors of the company. W R. Carter of St. Luuis. wns has filled the errlce of secretary-treasurer since 1HML being contemporary with Presi dent Egglestnn In Taking office, was re elected and IL B. Henson of ort Worth. HJiiiM.'it aei-retary of the Gould lines in Texas, wns named for assistant treasurer. These directors also wrre chosen: Joseph Ramsey, jr., E. B. Pryor. C. G. Warner, a. B. ftcfeuyler. Erasrus Tciung. W. It Kelly and James Egglestpn, sore rkasset .Raada. Ttis Omaha Te asd C.-.ffe company hits gone out of business and the good will and lix-jukin on lew Douglas street have been taken over by E. T. Bmlih a Co. J. S. ir,oa wus the proprietor of iU business, t.ut ie'iod to sell out iircauM of bis otnor tmerests. The 01-1 tt k im teirig uld out sr. il uie r.ew pn.prieior wnn his new tK k wfll not lass pa'sveasi-m until next week. -W Intend la -rrv a fancy giMnery hoe od a snest and tvaaerv ii.rtnitii. ' auid Mr Sraiiti "U have Lmm-s in tu tjxiter v LiMMue In Otiutru ftr eiwriieo 4mw with trie '.m lus aul itvOat i oiuiUt GumiMUuea." How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood, or perform her household duties when her back and head are aching 1 She is so tired she can hardly drag about, and- every movement causes pain, the origin of which b quickly traced to some derangement cf the female organism. " Whenever I hear of Bufferinjr I tell her about my cure, for your medicine baa helped me so much I knew it would help ail auiferinp women. Women need not (ret o d:scounvjred over their health, if they would take your advice, and medicine." Mia, 1 SBTHA HifBEBO. 224 East 6th St, New York, N.Y. ' Duab. Mna. Petkham : I cannot, tell tou with pen and ink what ifood Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me, when auiTerip from the iiis peculiar to t':e sex. extreme la&tiiludu ad that aU-cxinc fcelinir. I would rise frcm my bed in the mora-iTig- feeling- more tired than when I went to bed, but before I bad used two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 1 bepan to feel the bouyancy of my younger days returning, became regular, could do mere work and not feel tired than I had ever been able to do before, so 1 continued to use it until I was restored to perfect health. It :s indeed a boon to sick women and I heartily recommend it. Yours Tery truly, Mao. Rosa. Adams, 819 121b. St., Louisville, Kv." Niece of the late General Soger Hanson, C 5. A. " S50005 FORFEIT if e newt forthwith produce the original 'ettr and lEHtar9 owro ieHXxao3iaa, Vluctt wul TOUTING UHL FOR WINNER Washington Opinio Centers on Kim ai the Hxt Foilmatter at Omaka. URGE THE OPENING' Or" ROSEBUD LANDS RrsrneatatlvN erf People af Bone steel Appear Before rosasnlaslaaer Jeaea and Frewst Tkelr Arsrasseate. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Special Tele gram. ) It is expected Senator Millard will shortly after his arrival announce the suc cessor to Joseph Crow, present postmaster at Omaha. Although there are a number of candidates it is believed here that Mel TThl will be nsmed, his name having led ell the rest since he announced his can didacy. While the postroastership seems settled there Is considemble speculation as to who will he appointed assistant post master, there being a rumor current that Mr. Wondard will step down and out when TThl goes in. Senator Millard alone . has the key to this problem and as he re-1 turns to Washington tomorrow It ia an- Urlpated that the name of the succewnr to Mr. Crow will go to the senate early next week. Trsre Roeebnd Osrsing. 8. F. Lucas and W. B. Backus of Bone- steel, a D.. attorneys sent to Washington by the Commercial club of that city, have arrived and will appear before fhduin C-Jtn-mlssioner Jones tomorrow. They will be sccompanled to the Indian cfSce by Sena tor Klttrldg snd Representatives Burke and Martin. They will present to the In dian commissioner the facts relative to the true valuation of the land within the Rose- I bud agency sought to be purchased from I the Indians and opened to settlement. It ! Is hoped by M.-rs. Lucas snd Backus to I . - i -' j induce tha Indian commissioner to make a favorable report upon Cnmpwsmsii Burke's bill, opening that part of the I Roaehud rWrratlon to settlement. Messrs. Ba-kus snd Lucas sssert thst the necessary i two-thirds rote of the Indians can be se- I irj favor of Representative Burke's proposition to sell the lands at a uniform price or cso per acre, commissioner jnnei snl others of the Indian service think t!-e Indians should receive more, at lest C per acre, which Is eon.ldnred prol.ibltive j by those who have been to the lr.nd. The president today nominated Harry 3. Hepburn to be an assistant engineer In the revenue cutter service, Mr. Hepburn Is a grandson of Congressman Hepburn snd Is now In the revenue cutter service station at New Tork City. t Pootal Walters. Iowa postmasters appointed: ST.Wfli. Sfory county. Mrs. Amy L. Sanders, vice James Welch, resigned: Fultun. Jackson county. Jolin Applegate. vice Joseph Reter. neslgped. , Rural routes ordered established Febru ary It: Nebraska Juniata, Adams county, two additional: area covered. forty-five squar miles: population. 15. Iowa-Har-per's Ferry. Allamakee county, one rout:-; srea, rweitr-six eouare miles; population. T. Lowdre. Cedar county, two routes; am, forty-two eouare miles; population. i.yS. Miles. Jackson county, one mule; sres, twenry-fcur snuare miles; popula tion. Oils. Jones eoumy. one id dit'onsl: area, seventeen square miles: population, 5J0. Plsgah. Harrison county, one route; area, fortv-one square miles: population. SSS. Waternne. Asmakee eounty. ne route: srea. twenty-four squsrs mUes; population. Sf. Poaate roasaslttea Approvea Ta ft. The senate oommlttee on military affairs today au'.horisrd Seuaior Koracr to re port ftf'orably the uurainatiun of Govemur Taft of the Philippines lu be secretary of war. HYMTENEAL Blawaert-Sohl. . Walter L. BlofkeU and Miaa Catherine M. Sohl were married Wednesday evening by the Rev. Waiter U. Reynolds, pastor of f CuciUr Strt Praabytifrtsa church, at tha .auara resldsncs, 26Li South Fifteen. It prore tbmr ftt9olot jwiuinnwi. street. A company of friends of the bride nd grown attended the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Elockert will be at home at Twenty first and Vinton streets. GULDEN CHARGE UNFOUNDED So Cause for His Arrest Story af Hia Coafeaaloa a Deteetive'a Pip Dreaso. The Bee a few days ago printed an ar ticle with reference to the arrst of Dan D. Golden on a charge of breaking into the bouse of a woman named Scott and pawning a silk dress stolen out of it, which upon investigation proves to have been largely incorrect. The Bee's state ment, which was based upon information given by Detective D rummy of Jhee ! Omaha police force, went so far as to say fhat Golden was not only identified o- the Scott woman and by the pawnbroker, but hod himself confessed to the offense charged against him. It turns out that while Goldefr was in fact arrested on Monday without a war rant and detained in Jnil without oppor- i unliy to di nd himolf for over thirty hours, no corriaint wns loogen agaiasi him but he was tinaily released on his own 1 recognised and never even arraigned for a hearing when he returned to the police j re,lrt at the appointed hour Wednesday to prove his innocence. Goklen is a colored man of family with rhlldren In thu public schools, who has been working from time to time as a waiter tn various Omaha "estaurants and upon the Pullman cars, and so far as can , ,w aai,,, hnJ, WVer had his honety impeached. His arrest In this Instance wis unquestionably not only a flagrant out rage upon Golden hut also occasion for a gross imposition upon The Bee. which was thus misled Into publishing a false accusa tion aimlnst an innocent man. il of Peter M. Bkstros The funeral service of the late Peter M. FkEtmrn took niace yesterday afternoon at the gwee"li Immanuei L-itrern church. , Hev. r M. LJntioers; rr' nm me i. t -h. .t j. ; The church was well 'Kied with frlenrts ; p'' " gh' ., Vb liut Sot For-Ter" 1 vrer. Mv V"d. to The." 1 mik I NVw!e.n rendered "Cnssing the r" Tb' Tctlve nelilearer were: I A. F.'it.rm. J 1 SJolra. E. V'ck-trom. W P. Rus"U. N. J. Saline and C. J. Mordenson. The honorfirv tm!!t.e-re" wer : A. J. V'erlirtr. . .. . n IT Tl , . .. .n.t J . T3 I p.,',,,' 4 v 'P.' Swnnson conducted the ; oimoimm uu ure lutriurui i. . pr0prjatJon cf fr.jiW ii j Lawn. ! rrmnTmrrmnrT'TmmT ass ewe i'JLl All know that the boiler and furnace of a steam engine are the parts from which aM p,-n er ,, derived. On the same priacipie the stomach and bowels of the organism cf man are the sourr of s!i power physical and" mental. Stomach and. bowel troubles are common everywhere and to overcome thes derangement food easy of digestion, easily assimilable and strengthening to the bowels as 'miia rap) should be eaten at least once a day. The only cereal food prepared by a physician sad chemist. Served hot or cold. Pahtebb Hairiiicas Easy cf Digcsiicn and Ready to Eal Dr. Price, the creator of Dr. Prica'i Cream Bakicg Powder and Delicious FUvoriasj Extracts. . A aesak bewk searUlalej TS xoflfB 1 ssssltstg far tasf tke) Fessl saaUaw Ireja ts may aeMre. Prcpeired by VU1CZ CRAL FOOD COHPAfiY, Chica23 Ic!s. headaches at when r some jT . "- - head- ' 'A??' l:. once -7 j Ff M v- :., Shi .My x v-q I r;'-" i' 1 ARCCES THE MERGER CASEiS Attomfji for Slate of Minnesota Appear Beford United State Supreme Csurt. ALLEGES CIRCUIT COURT IN ERROR Lawyer Mays tkat 9aataialasr Prrseat Deelnlas Woala Cadow t'aapasr with Perpetual itiukt to De stroy Cumsrlltlas. WASHINGTON. Jan. T. The argument of the case of the State of Minnesota against the Northern Securities, j involving the Jegality of the eor.isoCdut un j of the Northern Pacific and the G.iali Northern railroads in Be securities c im- pany, was begun In the United St.iiea ?u- i"si v ij in l iwuij. i iie t-Mse involves lua . fersia seiiea yesierauy on me ljitb :or same general issues as are involved in the ! San Francisco, where he is due on ths proceedings jjf the nauonal government ' d intt. agriiiist the securities company, but ih-. re i (' of Prlace rapid, are some differences "of law governing ,t. X!. llf Jinu, K. icaianlnnutile. 'he W. a. Douglas, attorney general of the ; ,JawuUaa d,,e iWwm arreated a few state of Minnesota, made the opening stut- , ia,I aso on t!,e rharS(, of disorderly eun ment. followed by Mr. Munn. Mr. Mann (lu,.t anil W,)Q r)ifuB4.d tl) furn collateral claimed that IT the contention of the se curities company were ta be sustained that company would be endowed with perpetual power to destroy competition, ar.d he added ' further that such would be the effect of the I w Auditor for Poatofflee. J decision of the circuit court If allowed to ' John J .McCardy of t. Paul. Minn., has stand. - been appointed auditor for the postoSica The court adjourned at 4.10 p. m. for the ' department to' succeed Henry A. Castle, day. i j also of Minnesota, resigned. So Dealltatloa la Feaaa. i Forty Cars or IsBplesaeata. The War department today received a tel-i , .. . . . ,, . ,, ,. The Milwaukee received fr im an eastern egram from General Funston. commanding j connection in Chicago Wednesday a shiu the Department of Columbia, in reference j ment of forty cam of fertiliser spreaders, to the reports 0? starvation In Alaska. He consigned to the John Leere !- tumiinu . . . . ... . 1 Twenty curs of thee machines arrived states that information received from the j Bt ,hr warehouse of the Deere company i i commanding officers at Forts Gibbon and this city yeatrnluy and the other pui"im Egbert Indicate that there Is no foundation , of tn, shlrment went to St. Paui. Tins , , j is said to lie the largest slngV shipment for reports of dcsUtuOon in Tanana valley. 1 of tnm claM or farming machinery ever They further advise him that the winter I made to one consignee. The -moment w.-is !s umuuallv mild, that sleddlnir 1. eood I ie up into two fpetial trains out f and that commercial companies are well supplied with food for sale. Load Hrpreeoata 1 alted tHatra. Postmaster General Payne has appointed Former Representative Hugene F". Loud of California as the United States delegate to the Jntcrr.ationt.1 postal cor.grees to meet in Rome next snrirj. A congressional ap- ! .... available for the tsaas SM LiJL EE) js. TJIISAT FLAKE CELERY IF penscs of the delegate: Mr Laud wse nirmsn of the house committee on post- offlces for some rears. Orders Cruiser Into C'omailaalea. Orders have been sentk to the commsrd ant of the Mare Island navy yard to put the new cruifcer Tacoma, now receivir.s; finiFhing touches at the Union Iron works, in commission as soon bj it Is delivered to i the government. It la understood the ve- sel will be assigned to duty in Isthmian waters. Mlulatrr Reaepre at Capital. Arthur Bupra, United States min ister to Eogota. arrived in Washington t.iday and had a long conference with Act ing Secretary of State Locimis. It was ar ranged that he should visit Secretary Hay later In the day. Peralua VUlre, Earoslc. United States Minister Griscom tables j the State department from Tokio. under j yesterday's date, that the grand vlx-er of l to avoid heing locked i:p in a cell, today ! wis cnntinuiHt ur.lll next Saturday to n- i abu, nlm to tlo(aln fur,ht.r evidence. Chicago. UIE.M. STICKER JULIA D.. January 1 14. suet 7 Hears. 2 iimnlLs. 3 djfc. Jester of J.;i. eon rfheJv. il.-eaje.i. unt of Ne:iie Plie-ly Patterson and Lillie Sheely Over Funernl. liMiurday. Juiiuury seit at 1 o'cj.x k. a:nun, frtn the resul' -ve of "'.Tl' 7. . "aS . . 1 fl onth l"Th st. Inter-nent Prrsiv-cl Hill pfin. . eUTy. "Friends invited.