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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BKK: FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. lf)OI. fl Boston Store Today Most Remarkable Sale 'of Dress Goods Remnants - Ever Known. $1.00 SUITINGS AND CASSLMERES AT 25c YARD 25c Dress Goods at 5c 75c Dress Goods at 15c 75c Challis ot 25c Yard $1.50 Dress Goods at 49c Yard-50c Chiffons at 11c Yard $1.50 Velvets at 39c Yard. Today's roninniit wilo will cnnsH a Ronsntlon among shoppers. Our ChtllPiiKP Clonrlnsr Snl hii U-ft tlionsnnds of remnant, which we will sacri fice at rldlciiloiiH prices to '1m tlicin out Do not fall to' be on Land early. $1 Suiting and Casslmeres at 25c Yard and a half wide all wool Casslmeres, Worsteds, Clicvlnts, St-rift'H, etc., lonlis tip to nve yarns, miitaliln for skirts, children's dress-, boys' pants. , etc., plain colors, plaids and checks, worth tip to $1.00, at, yard 2o Dress Good Ends at 5c Each To closo ont every short piece of imported sample ends from l niton Mates customs jiouse, we offer choice of anything In the house that has been selling at twenty-five cents at each , 25c ; impflriou 5c r Each for $1.00 Dress S Remnants llemnants of WW cloths, kerseys, worsteds, all l'j yards wide, blacks, browns and blues. r r Yard for 75c Challis Light riband dark colorr, strictlvall wool Challis and French Flannels, lengths, two to six yards. r m Yard for Imported Dress II iC Goods Ktarntnos, fine sult JVt jUJfa( tailor cloths, zlbe lines. black and colors, 3 to 8-yard lengths.. i a Yard for $1.50 Dress doods A UP Everything of today's w weave and style for next season. Panamas, Etamlnes, Cheviots, etc., colored and black, 3 to 7 yards. 25c Yard for 50c and 60c albatrosses, cashmeres, crepes, etc double width all wool goods, cream, pink, sky gray, all party shades. 50c Chiffon width chiffon iCp Yard for shorter JL KJ w lengths of 50 wsistings, flan nels and albatross, ail colors for street skirts, children's dresses, eto. at 11c yd Remnants of all silk double 1 1 p n, all colors of the rainbow, at yd Velvets and Velveteens 15c too Velveteens at 16e yd-Thon-sands ot remnants In nlark and all colors. alHo silk velvet Bnd plushes Basement Yard . 1.50 Velvets at 39c Yard 39c BhoCt lengths from lVfc to S yards, plain colors, panne vel vet faney waisttng velvets, worth up to $1.50 Main aisle yard...'.,... Remnants of Wash Laces Remnants and sample strips fancy wash laces and msrertings, all widths, Ol r , at... -rfBw very fine naineook and cambric, mediujn and wide ELt 101 n worth up to 15c yd, Embroidery Remnants and sample strips, widths, worth up to 26c yd, at yd Remnants of Wash Goods in Basement Lonsdale Muslin and Cambric Remnants every remnant is stamped SZ "Lonsdale only lOyardt to a cuatomer, at, a yard OC 50c Quality WoolElderdown, nearly all oolors, at yard 36-Inch Flannelettes hundreds of pat- ...5c 10c ' terns, regular 12to grade, on bargain square, yard 25c WoolJacquards in dress ' patterns, extra bargain, yard Brocaded and Figured Dress" Satins worth 26o yard, at, 7l. yard.......... 2C A Small Lot of Heavy riercerlzed Sateens as long as they' CJ Scotch and Chimhnv nintrham 1 worth 10c and 12ic yd, at yd Short Remnants of cotton and Shaker flannel, tennis flannels,' . . O? eto., at C Long Remnants light and dark outing flannels, baby flannels in pink, g blue and cream, finest qullty,yd 40-ln Fancy Stripe Drapery ' O 1 Swiss, worth 19c yard, at, yd Drapery Cretonnes ' and Sateens, to close them out quickly, CS at, yard OC last, at, yard Ctiallenjre Sale of Table Linen Remnants. - 1 High grade remnants going at half or less than half value turkey .red; blue and white, bleached, silver bleached and unbleached damask, lengths 1ft to 3ft yards. Specials for Bargain Friday. K0 yards linen thread, worth 10c, 1, per spool Embroidery Bilk. t spools for , Watch Our Windows ,2ic lc Mercerised crochet cotton, regu lar price 6c, spool ,. Fancy finishing braids, 4 yards on a card lc lc 1 Watch 1 Our Windows Deposits Made this week draw interest for the entire month. Accounts opened for ?1.00 to $3,000 and 4 per cent interest paid, compounded every three months. Checks on all banks cashed. . J. L Brandeis & Sons, Bankers. Aisossctaiil, V. P. Chlodo begs to announce that for the first time since his return from Europe tn September he is able to take orders for gowns on short notice, on account of having engaged additional help, who havs Just arrived from Paris, , Mr. Chlodo's recent voyage abroad was for the. purpose of procuring the newest and most exclusive designs In ladles' wear and to purchase the neeeasary high clans materials and trimmings to produce them. Mow, having advantage of competent tail ors, who are able to carry out the Parisian tylea, and In order to Introduce their work to the ladles of Omaha and vicinity, he will make a material reduction from his usual prices on all orders taken during the month of January only. This reduction will be for the same grade of workmanship which has made Mr. Chlodo's reputation what It Is with the highest class of patron. Mia famous special walking skirts will be Included at the reduced prices' for this month only. caaas of Time. On Rock Island system, BunAay, January 1 vha. on and after which date train leav ing Omaha at 1:30 p. m. daily and arrlv ' big Omaha 1:06 p. m. dally will make di rect connections at Falrbury with new pas enger trains Noa. J6 and 24, running be- tweea Falrbury and Nelson; also train No. IT, leaving Omaha 4:10 p. in. daily, and . train No. 6a. arriving Omaha Vi:0 noon ally,' will make connections' at Belleville WKB passenger trains Noa. and 10 to , and from western Kansas and Colorado points. Start the new year with sure, safe profits. CITY SAVINGS BANK. 8. E. cor. 16th and Douglas, pays 4 per cent com pound interest. Money, deposited the first tea days of the month draws Interest - from Hi 1st. Try our banking by nialL, Bend for circular. l opia an ' account. , Start now. Iotprta,Bt Carnage of Tim. Consult the Chicago Oreat Western' rail way time table in these columns for ahange at time, eftacllve January ft, Full Set Teeth $5.00 Best Set $7.50 13 50 up, fX B0 up. 6uo up. BAILEY, THE DENTIST. (Established 1.) trd FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK. 22K Gold Crowns. Gold Killings Silver Fillings Monday morning. January 11. our entire , first floor will be a mammoth lace curtain show 1:5.00 worth they will be sold so vbeap that everybody must buy. Orchard A .Wlltielui Carpet CX - Aaioiactnesta of the Theaters. This evening at tha Boyd theater Mr. Tim Murphy will open his short engage ment In his new play, "The Man from Missouri." In this piece, which has been hailed as a success wherever it has been seen this season, Mr. Murphy creates the character of a Missouri .cowboy In his natlva surroundings and at the nations! capital. A story of genuine merit is used as the basis for the play and the comedy w 01 mo natural sort. Mr. Murphy's rolo Is pronounced the best ha has had since he gave life to Maverick Brander. His company Includes Dorothy Bherrod and number of other capable actors. The en gagement lasts two nights with a matinee on eaturuay. "Tha Charity Nurse," on of tha 'big melodramatic successes of tha season, will ba seen at tha Krug Bunduy matinee and for the first half of next week. While "The Charity Nurse" U a sensational melo drama in tha true sense of the word, it is one that Is entirely fni frm .....m. bordering on the morbid or gruesome, but J wen 101a story full of heart throbs snd loaded down with an abundance of the most ludicrous comedy conditions. It is a truthful story ot Ufa as w see it every day. Tha Soaaay Tralaa. swnlng train on tha Minneannlla St Omh leaving Webeter Btrec-t depot at su ror cioux viy. and the train arriving from Biou CltS at 0:10 p. m.,. win. , run Sundays aft this. No change In the week day. running-, of thesa traiiis, u i 11 r uuuu The Popularity of Green Trading Stamps Broadens and Deepens The little QUEEN STICKEK Is taking a firmer grip every flny. Its (clonn-cut, four square fairness makes avery other premium plnn look alck. There's never the remotest chanoe of a disappointed stamp book collector. Our premium parlor on' second floor (with courteous ludy at tendant) gives you the opportunity of examining the premiums. Come and see the attractive tuiDgs for your home that are YOUKS FOR NOTHING, on earth compares with GKEEN TRADING STAMI'S FOR DEAD SUKKNKSS. , One book filled with the little Green SUckers secures your choice Of almoHt everything on display. GROCERY! GROCERY. Your dollar goes furthest at Bennett's. It buys more for you. It buys better, purer, fresher groceries. It's never fooled by short weights. If you are not buying your groceries at Bennett's "You're one of the exceptional ones.". -pounu can Uolden Byrup very delicious Corn Btarch, 1-pound package Mince Meat, puck 11 k , Plum Pudding, can v. Breakfast Cocoa, i-pnund can 1 Neutrita, Breakfast Food, package Oil Sardines, con Pancakn Flour, 2-pound package Buckwheat. 2-pound package 10c 4c . ...7ic 9c . ..13c ,8c 5c 10c ...12ic Rolled Onti, the best, I fir' 2rpound package J w Wheat Breakfast Food, 1 lOr1 2-pound package IvW Olives, Qr' bottle To show everybody that we are right In the Tea and Coffee business we offer DOUBLE OBKKN TKADINQ STAMPS on all teas, coffees and spices Tor Friday. Imperial Japan Tea, per pound 25c Tea Sifting, per pound 1,0 Bantos Coffee freph roasted, lb 12o Bennett's Capitol Coffee, best ever, per pound 28o Butter direct from producers. FreNh Country Butter, per pound. .16c Medium Snur Pickles, pint bo Wisconsin Cream Cheese, pound ..12Ho Big Remnant Sale Iti Our Dry Goods Section FRIDAY OUTING FLANNEL. Short lengths of a very fine outing flannel, plains and fancy, worth 10c and 12Jc a yard, on sale from 8 to 9, Ort at, per yard REMNANTS of fine Bilk finished calicos and worsted plaid dress Roods, worth up to luc a yard, from y 9 to 10 a, m. at, per yard GOLF GLOVES All of our fine and hand knitted golf gloves for ladies and children, worth up to , 75c per pair, from 1 0 to 11 a. m. at, per pair. . . . Ramnants of Ribbons, Embroideries and Laces, on sale Friday, all 1 . . day, at 1-2 off. HANDKERCHIEFS 150 dozen cambric handkerchiefs, embroidered and lace edges, worth up to 23c Er each, on sale from 11 to 12 a. m. at, each. . . . . . UNDERWEAR 25 dozen child's underwear, broken sizes, worth up to $1.00 per garment, on sale from O Or 1 to 2 p. m. at, per garment . . i vy BLEACHED MUSLIN, 36 inches wide, very fine quality,' . good weight, free from dressing, cheap at 9c ' EZ1 " per yard, from 2 to 3 p m. per yard: , . . . . OS FINE WOOL GOODS Remnants in lengths of one-half to 6 yards long. There is enough in each piece for a waist, child's dress skirt, and some lengths long enough for a full dress, almost any color in this big ASSORTMENT, every cloth from an etamine to a broadcloth, values from 75c to $1.50 per yard, all go in this great O Q remnant sale, Friday, at, per yard ... . . . . HOSE 4 canes women's and child's fleece lined hose, all sizes, worth up to Uc per pair, , on Sale from S to 4 p. m. at. . . tflr :ier pair t 4 ....... .. IIOSK 60 dozen women's fleece lined "Fast Black" cotton hosej regular 0o . quality, on sale from 4 to 6 p. m. at, 8 pairs, ' fCr for j. J. Discount Sales in Cloak and Suit Department. Women's Coats and Cloaks and Capes at 1-2 off. Women's Fur Coats, Capes and Meek Furs at 1-3 off. Women's Klmonas, Sacks and Robes at I-S otf. Children's Dresses, all azes, at 1-5 off. Infants' Wear, of all kinds, 1-i off. Knit Shawls snd Fascinators, 1-5 off. ib wi,.,cr,i,.JL.T,ji,i..;',.' j'Wfc'rx'.eW'V'iir arwniiBirTUff gn'i':A'uau,.TKWi C3 ( 1 ft Clothing Dept. One Great Opportunity to Save Money on Your Suit and Overcoat Purchase Friday and Saturday our yearly sale of Brokaw Bros.' nand Tailored Clothing. -Your choice of any Suit or Coat, all f ' . worth and sold up to $40.00 now j f Iff on sale at. ? If these are too high for you, we have one other offer. All our $10.00 and $12.00 Suits at.... .', 4.98 See Here, Mr. Man: Don't You Need a Pair of Trousers? especially attractive line of We are just showing an the celebrated Dutchess Trousers TitCT, ' ;U"ill' The Best In the Long Run Special All Worsted $5.00 and $6. 00 Trousers at ' $3.50 Dutchess Make At 5 00, 4.50, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00, 2.50, 2.00. 1.75, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00. They're Better Made. Than th nerchant Tailor Kind. Green Trading Stamps Every Time Manufacturers' Sale of PIANOS Creates a Sensation And no wondfir, for ' wa are faat cloning out the batanca of thone flna hlshest gTade old Una pianos planoa that have atood tha teat of half a century or mora of keen competition. Not One Cent of Profit to Us. Btandard makes absolutely Maaon A Hamlin, Geo. Steck, Bradburyi Em erson, Steger & Bona, llardman, and others In all the latest fancy or plain cases, all brand new guaranteed per fect. Note Prices and Terms. $800.00 Bnby Grands and Parlor Grands several makes nil new fLAI t . B-olng for ftiW.OO, fSbU.OO to....''" fciOO.OO Art case uprifthts best makes rlrh. rare woodo yours for C17 H60.00, 1400.00 to.. , .qjcn J $500.00 Cabinet Orands. upright abso lutely first class In every Cfinn particular J3S0.00, 3G0.OO to. kP- W $400.00 Parlor uprights In fancy woods strictly choice first class tfOlU for $315.00, $290.00 to 'uo $300.00 plain style first class last a lifetime closing out, KlUfi $a6.00, $230.00 to kP VVJ Sample Pianos some made to sell as , high aa $Am.0O guaranteed ClfO $175.00, $160.00 to kPIV Kew pianos medium grade regular $200.00 to $260.00 kinds VffM $166.00 to $138.00 to 4alO On Terms of $5.00 Monthly Payments . The great success of 1 90S--In . the piano line was OUR OMAHA. Hand Made Pianos They have been winners from the start economy and local pride de mand your special attention to these beautiful artlstlo inatruments price $325.00 to $400.00 on easy payments. Bend for our new Illustrated catalog and special proposition to first buyera. rurinLLER MUELLER (INCORPORATCD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE -RETAIL F I M O S Imain house and office: famnam fACTOBt: FARNAIa TELEPHONE 1428 OMAHA UNCOLN, NEB ta M. ItTH ST. TIL. T. CO. BLUFFS, 1 BOt MODWv TC L. "FRESH CUT DRUGS" This HEADING IS QUOTED but these prices never have been and our object In using this quotation Is simply to show up-to-date people whose patronage we are after, what a "GRAFT is going on In Omaha and South Omaha and Council I) luffs drug stores. All we ask is compari son of prises and any one can readily note how BtAIjH some "fresh cut drugs are. $1.00 Iuny'B Malt Whlakey 67o $1.00 Uer's Malt Whiskey 62o $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 7.c 23 ounce bottle Pure Port Wine S9(? 15o Allcock's Porous Plasters So There are no 2fic Allcock's plasters. $1.00 Wine Cardul 50e $2 00' Chichester's Pennyroyal Pills ,,..$L67 $2.flri Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 3c Genuine Castoria 19c' $1.00 Peruna 5;te $1.00 Newbro's Herplclde want it T 67o $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonlo, guaranteed. .75o $1.00 Orrlne want it? .......67c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 9c WRITK US FOR PRICES NOT CAT ALOGUES. CUT' PRICE DRUO STORE E. T. TATE3. Proo.. Kith and Chicago Sts., Omaha, 'Phones T47 and 7U7. 24th and N Bts.. South Omaha, 'Phone No. L All gooda delivered any plao. SCHAEFER'S New York Boston and The East i Six trains a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double-track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago, connects at that point with all lines, for all points E ast. These fast trai ns on the North' Western Line are most conveniently equip ped for the safety and comfort of patrons. Buffet smoking and library cars. Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawing-room and private compart ment sleeping cars, 'free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches. Leave Omaha daily for Chicago at 3:40 a. m., 8:00 a. m., 11:30 a m., 4:25 p.m., 5; 50 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. Tickets-tni full Information on applkstlon TICKET OFFICES: 1 40 1-1 40 J Farnam Street, Omaha Commerce demands the Panama Canal because the great advan tage of savlug time and cost of transportation of merchandise. What the necessity of the Pana ma Is to the commercial world The Omaha Btove Eepalr Works la to you; because you can get any burned-out-part that you seed for jour stove, range, beater or fur nace. A tremendous stock of re pairs of all makes of stoves is al x ays kept , There are workmen In attendance. 13)7 Lkuiglas St 060 Tel. . JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE. if 111 TUB 11KLIABI.R STOKE. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Have You Investigated "nV;wa.?FJE" XolT TUB BE BALES? PO NOT FAIL TO DO BO. lOLR PHlCi.3 ARE MONEY 8AVEKS. Friday is the Great Remnant Day in the' Great Domestic Room. Having finished our Inventory Deormbcr iflnt, 19tfl we now have thotisnnri of ri'm ranta, ronmstlng of 32 ami isi lnrh Marine! ettes, 'fleece lined piques, mercerized fleece lined flannelettes, mercerised foul ards, French and Scotch RlnKhnms unil mmlrasses, and novelty wash WalsllnKs, worth up to 25o -, Friday er yard J0 Thousands of remnants of mercerized shirt linings, 32 and 36 inch flannelettes, percales, Scotch madrasses and Wash novelties worth up to lc , TTlr Friday per yard i av Thousands of yards of double fold per- rtflcs, Scotch plnld, linen pray and seer sucker ginghams, Koyal pique, fimuy wulntings mid French llmint'lftt.-s worth up to l'-'Hc m Friday per yard Ot Thousands of yards of shirtings, waist lugs and fancy drees prints worth up to 64c- - 1 J, Friday per yard '5v ThoiiMHiuls of yards of wool dress good remnants, consisting of whipcords, wool suitings, slbellne, Scotch mixtures, shirt ings and wool novelties worth tip 1o 5afc....40c and 09c January Linen Sale 22Ho flna qunllty heavy unbleached sheet ing Friday 'Hel per yard ... IOJC 8c linen finish glass toweling, red and blue checks, 18 inch wide ATr Friday por yard Bw 10c quality bleached and unbleached mus lin, long mill ends (E Friday per yard 75o extra heavy silver bleached damask- all pure linen, cannot be dupll- trt cated for less than 7:.c Friday yd...VC 1185 quality silver Me:iched napkins, else a) r,lr() nnelli pdka jot 4JB pattern Frlday--per dos OOL 10- pillow slips, size 46x36 7l Friday at A 4C 65c linen finished sheets, else Elx! torn not cut Alr Friday at 5W Gap Clearance Specials 1 40 doien men's, boys' knd children's caps worth up to 60c Ai each aC Children's Tarn O'Hhantera, Toquea and skating caps worth 1flr up to 75c each k IW $l."0 men' at $l.P0 men's caps st $3.00 men's fur caps at ., caps .50c .98c 1.50 Read This Grocery Prices That Are Gut in Two FANCY C'RTSP XXXX OINGER SNArS. PER POUND 4c 21 lb. pure cane granulated sugar for.. $1.00 All brands laundry soap, per bar 2V4c Fresh breakfast rolled oats, lb .'. ..3o Fancy hand picked navy beans, lb....3c Pearl or flake tapioca, lb v...:!"4c t-lb pkg. self rlHing pancake flour Thic 1-lb. pkg mincemeat ,' 5c QL cans fancy table syrup 7V4c H-gal. fancy table syrup 15c (ill or mustard sardines, can 3o Fancy Alaska, salmon, can 9c 3-lb. .can solid, packed tomatoes 7c 2- lb. can fancy wax, string or Lima beans 714,-. Ijirge bottle fine tomato catsup Tc 3- lb. can fancy table peaches 12Vo Force. Viwor, Vim, Kgg O'See, Neutrita, Malta Vita or Malta Ceres, pkg 7Vvo FKE8U FRUIT AND. CANDY BFECIA1.S t.nrge swet Juicy oranges, each lo Large Juicy lemons, dozen loo California figs or dates, pkg 7vo Choice Hallowe'en dates, lb ro Fancy mixed nuts, lb V'e Fresh roasted peanuts, per measure ... Fancy mixed candy, per pound HAYDEN BROS, to ier Lindsay's January Sale j& m During January wo will have our reg ular 20 Per Cent Discount Sale. This applies on all Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, Cut Qlasa, Leather. Qooda in fact our whole lineexcepting Gorham Sterling Sliver and Waterman Fountain Pens.. We do not want to carry over so large a stock, so you can have tHe benefit of this reduction during this month You know our reliability to do just as we say. Look for the name S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler, lt?00' as rfriWilco MsMfsr Quality and Style First Price Afterwards V In aTJ tha flna leathers tha Ingenuity of tha, tanner can produoe. Tha De catnr Bhoa for men baa tha distinction of being one shoe in Omaha, direct from $3.50 and $5 Ataker to Wearer. JO Sit FARNAFi 5 and $3.50 All Daring This Month We will give a IUSCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT on every article In our atore. Thla Includes Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Art' Gliros, Toilet Articles, Leather Goods, Clocks, Fountain Pons, eto. Ye positively guarantee every article we sell tn Just aa represented. Here's tai opportunity for you to buy first quality gooda at a dis count of 20 per cent. " JOHN RUDD, Jeweler, Watch Inspector for C, St. P., M. O. Ry and C. & N.-W. Ky. Bring ua your Watch and Jewelry for repairs. Sewing Machines and Supplies. For anything in the sewing machine line see us. have a full line of new machines of first-class make at lowest , prices. Needles, parts, oil and attachments for all popular sewing machines. P. E FLODMAN & CO., Jewelers, 1514 gflgif - 1506 Farnam DR. BRADBURY J a kJ DENTI5T. our palnles methods la one minute. Will not turn the teeth dark open Sunday 10 to 12. r Fourteen Years Sam Location Painless Extraction Without Oas. Gold Crowns, $2.50 up Fllllhis 50c up Bridge Work $2.50 up All Work Guaranteed. Indian Territory and Oklahoma "Lands of opportunity" newest, richest and most promising sections of the west. Our booklets,. "Business Openings" and "Oklahoma," tell all about this wonderful country, pon't fail to secure a copy. nomeseekers' Excursion 'rates, January 5 and 19, one fare plus 2 for the round trip. 1323 Farnam Street, OMAHA, - NEB.