Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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t'rk Headache srid reller ill the trmihle iiui
oent to billoaa atata of ir.a tnrh aa Dle
linni, Nanx-a, Drwwiln'f. Di.lreM after eating,
Pain In the Ac. While their raoat remark
ebl tucctaa ho beem IhoWn In curing
Beadaehe.yetCartcr'.Uttle LWer Plllasreeqoariy
valnahle in CoimiiDMion. enrisr and prceeotint
this annoTing complaint, whiia they lo correct
il disordera of the atoiuarli. stimulate the liver
sad regulate the bowel. Xtea if thry only cared
Aerie they wnnlil he almo.t prlrelr to that wtee
suffer from th!a dltre.lng complaint; bat fortn
ta'ely their Roodnee does pot etid oere, and tboM
who once tr them will find theae little lull, valu
able In o manrwaye that they will not he wiliiag
to do without iacm. Uul after all iick head
' It thabanc nf en many Urea that here it where we
Bake our great bout.. Oar pills cure It while
ether do not. .'
Carter's Little Liver rfli are very email a4
Very eaey to take. Ope or two pill make a dote.
They are etnrtly vegetable ana do 0t gripe or
Eirge, bat by their grntl action pleaee all wha
ie Iheai. la vlala at SH ceata; fve for il. Buka
r dxagglata everywhere, or aent by majL
New York CltH
Charges Less Than all Others
- Areata all forma of Utseuses of
Twenty-eight years' experience
, Lighteen years In Oman
Tha Aontor'a remarkable auccesa ba
never been equaled. Him resources and
facilities for treating this claaW A dlseaaea
are unlimited and every duy brings many
flattering re porta ot tna good na la aotog,
or the rtuer no nas givun.
All Blood Poisons. No "BREAK1NO OUT
on the akin or face and all external signs
of the disease disappear at one. A par
rnanent cure for life guaranteed.
. Umr firri F Curea guaranteed In
innivvvuL, LESS THAN i DAYS.
k!Fn .OA nnnum cured of Hydrocele,
I'Ltn JUUUV Stricture, Qieet. Nervona
Debility,- Ixss of Strength and Vitality
1 and all forma ol chronic disease.
Treatment by mall. Call or write. Bog
iw. uuice ziu Boutn lh at- omaba. Mar.
Caa Bis fnr annattrrsii
irritation, or nloeratloaa
of mueoaa Biembranea
- Pkinleee, and aot aalrra
ent or aoitouoo.
mml Dnrruu,
or aeat la plain wratpaa
br, areraid, tet
ai an. nr 1 botiin
Circular aaa oaj laaaesi.
&fie Best of
The Only Double
i Track Railway
to Chicago
The Omaha
Chicago Train
Pgr Excellence
It Xo. e tolid train mud
up in Vmtli daily OA
TIME a( 5:50 p. m , arriv
ing L'hirMijo 7:30 next morn
ing. Library, Buffet Car,
limrbtr, nto Standard Sleep
trs, L'hirL'artEoergthiij.
:Clty OfflCe
14011403 FARNAM ST.
- Omaha
TEL. 024-001
twmiuu. i. t-nvavy aaaunM.
IMPERIAL CHFM'tAl. mpo. ca tl. V. . tvtr.. New Vark,
Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha.
Deputy" gtntd Veterinarian.
Jood InniMvtor.
Office ,ni infirmary, th and Mason Sts.
OMAUANEIi. Telephone &.
Racine College
Grammar School
i-uiiis Mu.iy inner an li.aructur.
lu Graduates' eiiler any College or
I nlvc-rmv. , P.h-IhI mid AtliUtle
Advantages. Ml nary Drill.
1 r l;o ut a i ;i Year Old
Tew term beriat oa Tkursday, Jag 7. '04
ll.uitratid CuUl. gu a.nt on
appll- J
.1 null iw
HiiMtV OOUUI A vnRinu u
KiUui, WlicouUa. f
r I -
M . J 6araaM u
g m it itdoMH.
rmia f !.
Tytt imperial nair Keganeraior
I ' "j?', tb 00 ,T haroileaa preparation kiiowa
I ''yy. ! which luatautly rctora hair to any
" or auile. Iiurabla. luting aud
1 11-ravna urn M r nun . i r i -ml
Superintendent McLean FeporU Increased in Schools.
Report llaa It That Coming Elertlaa
Will gee tkaaae of Caahlera
at the Soat la Omaha Ka
tloaal Bank.
There win only a abort eeaslon ot the
Board of Education held laat night. The
principal bualneas waa the allowing of some
Superintendent McLean reported that the
attendance at the city schools for the four
months of the achool year was now 4,415, as
compared with 4,247 at this time last year.
The high school now hag 284 pupils, while
last year at tbls time tha membership waa
only 137. Owing to the crowded condition
of buildings In the eastern, portion of the
rity tha board agreed to fit up an addi
tional room at the Brown Park school.
This new room will accommodate about
forty pupils.
The second semester commences on Jan
uary 15 and it Is expected that on this date
about 200 additional pupils will be added to
tha primary grades. Superintendent Mc
Lean continually calls for more room and
the board appears to ba doing the best it
can to supply tha demand for additional
aeatlng capacity. There Is such an Increase
In the number of students in the high
school that there Is hardly room for all.
Tha next meeting of the Board of Educa
tion will be held on Monday evening, Jan
uary 11.
New Kama for Hepnbllcaa Clnb.
The Regular South Omaha Republican
olub at its meeting Tuesday evening
panned the following resolution :
WhPreas. The members of this club are
in perfect harmony with all republicans
and the great majority of the people tif the
west In securing tha nomination of. linn.
Theodore Roosevelt as president, and,
knowing that the Creator In Ills infinite
wisdom has at all times In canes of great
emergency provided the nation with men
ultablA to tha occasion, therefore we rel
assured of the nomination and election of
Hon. Theodore Roosevelt as president of
the United mates, and,
wnerean, we recognise tnat ine seoona
filace on the ticket is or great importance,
herefore be It
Ronolved. That wn heartily approve the
action of the republican state convention
In its endorsement of Hon. John L. Webnt. r
for the vice presidency, and, knowing the
ahllltv of this areat and representative Ne-
brankan. we believe that to associate him
with President Roosevelt on the republican
ticket of 19o4 will be making the election
of that ticket doubly sure.
The club decided to change the name of
the organization to the South Omaha
Roosevelt and Webster club.
Rumored Bank Changes.
It was reported on the streets tn South
6maha yesterday that C. B. Anderson was
soon to sever his connection with the South
Omaha National hank. Rumor says that
Mr. Anderson will not he re-elected cashier
of the bank when the annual election In
hold on January 11 Mr. Anderson was
elected cashier on July 1, WOS, but did not
remove to Douglas county from Crete until
September 1. When Mr. Anderson was
elected cashier H. C. Bostwlck "was chosen
as vice president In charge. Whlie the re
lations between Mr. Bostwlck and Mr. An
derson are of the most friendly nature the
understanding is that Mr. Anderson is to
withdraw. He 'Will, it is stated, return to
Crete. Aa far aa known this la the nnly
change of importance, to be made at the
annual election of officers of the hanks here
to be held on the second Tuesday In Jan
uary. .')-. !
- ... . . . , f
' Hospital Aasoelatloa Klectloa.
The South Omaha Hospital 'association
met at the South Omaha cluh parlors yes
terday afternoon and elected these officers:
W. 8.' King, president: Mrs. O. H. Brewer,
first vice president; Mrs. Byerly, "second
vice president: Mrs. Otto Maurer, treas
urer: Miss Madeline Pollard, secretary. The
directors are: Mrs. C. M. Scblndel. Mrs.
Etta Clark, Mrs. C. L. Talbot, Mra. Jose
phine Carroll, Mrs. J. A. Hall. Mrs. Blan
chard and Mrs. M. D. Brewer.
It waa decided to hold the annual charity
ball at the exchange dining room on the
night of January 18. Tickets for this ball
will he on sale today. Reports from the
retiring officers were read and approved
at this meeting and an effort Is to be made
by the new officer to secure additional
funds for the support of the institution.
Eascles Install Officers,
Last night Aerie No. 154, Fraternal Order
of Eagles, met at Eagles' hall. Twenty
sixth and N streets, and Installed officers
The Installation was a aeml-publlo affair.
admission being by card. P. J. Barrett
waa Installed as worthy president, with
William Cole as vice president. Henry
Rothols Is secretary and R. S. Berlin treas
urer. Joseph Moore will act as chaplain
for a year. The trustees are: Fred Parks,
Daniel Hlnchey and Edward Christie. Jay
Williams waa Installed aa worthy conduc
tor. Visiting Eagles from aerlea In Omaha,
Council Bluffs and Plattsmouth were pres
Aa soon aa the officers had been Installed
and a few candidates put through the
mill there waa a aoclal session which
lasted until nearly midnight. A quartet
furnished music and the refreshments were
tn charge of a special committee. A most
enjoyable evening was apent by those who
attended the 'Installation.
Officials Seated Friday.
The officers of the South Omaha Live
Stock exchange will be called together on
Friday of this week and officially seated.'
1 There will be little If any ceremony. Cap.
tain Parkhurst will turn over the chair
to his successor, M. R. Murphy, and tha
new directors will meet immediately after
this for a conference. The directors are
to name a aecretary and a treasurer. T.
B. McPherson, cashier of the Union Stock
Yards National bank. Is the present treas
Midj Omihi Readers Hits Heard It ind
Profited Tbereby.
"Good news travels fast" and the thou
sands of bad bock sufferers In Omaha are
glad to learn that prompt relief Is within
their reach. Many a lame, weak and ach
in- back Is bad no more, thanks to Doan'a
Kidney lilla. Our cltlxens are telling the
good iiywa of their experience with the little
comiuuror of kidney ills. Hera la an ex
ample worth reading:
air. A. Rauachurt, house and airn painter,
Wb - North Twenty-eighth avenue, whose
office la at 106 South Fifteenth street, tele.
prion NbO, says: "Backache, why, I had it
so bad for two years thut It wakened me
at night and when the attacks were at
their height trouble with the kidney secre
tions set in. Whtn I want to Kuhn
Co s drug store for Doan'a Kidney Pills I
hud very little faith In their merit, but half
a box. cured me, although I took more to
make a Job certain. It seems curious that
after using liquid medicine and other prep
aruliona for my kidneys Doao's Kidney
IMlls should effect such a wonderful and
rapid cure."
For sale by all dealers. Price 60c per
box. Fonter-Milbum Co.. Buffalo, . N. T..
sole agents for the United Slates.
Remwnber the naiue Doan'g and take no
ubsUluta. . . . . . ...
urer, and J. M. Guild la the secretary.
Some Interest is manifest by members of
the exchange In the selection of these two
officials by the directory.
Another Ilamaae Claim.
Martin O'Connor, through his attorney,
W. C. Lambert, has filed a claim against
the city for 11.000 dnmnges for alleged per
sonal Injuries. It Is anserted by O'Connor
that on the night of December 80 he slipped
and fell on the sidewalk at Thirty-eighth
and Q streets and sustained severe Injuries
to his right foot, ankle and knee. The
claim is made that there was a plank miss
ing In the walk and that the fall would
not have occurred had the walk been In
good condition. .
Ko rollce Hoard Meeting.
There was no meeting of the Fire and
Police board Innt night. Member Masson la
In Michigan, where he expects to remain
for a few weeks, and Mr. Nolan la In Lin
coln. As only three members of the board
reported, it waa decided to postpone the
meeting until a later date, t
Adverse to Stearns' Claim.
When the claim of L. C. ' Stearns for
damages amounting to $.16,100 waa made to
the city council it was referred to the city
attorney for Investigation. Mr. Murdock
rent out a man to look Into the matter and
the report of the special agent was that
StearnB had no particular claim on the
city. Stearns asserted that he fell off from
a bank fully thirty feet high and landed on
a stump of a tree. After this fall Stearns
aaserta that he got up and walked home.
The Ice Harvest.
Cudahy Is still at work at Seymour lake
cutting Ice. Since the cutting commenced
about 3,000 tona haa been put away each
day. The Ice at the lake now la about a
foot thick and the men employed are work
ing hard to get the first crop under cover.
No more men are needed at the present
time at Seymour lake.
Central Manager Howe of the Armour
company Bald .yesterday that the Ice on the
Armour lako at Memphis was only about
seven Inches thick. He asserted that he
would not commence cutting until later un
less the temperature dropped. Swift Is put
ting by all the Ice that Its houses can hold
and is laying aside a supply for refrigerator
car contracts.
The Ira at Jetter'a lake is half a foot
thick and then some, but no start toward
cutting has been made, and nothing will be
doing there until the Ice Is fully a foot In
Meat (or Manila.
Armour of South Omaha has In prepara
tion an order for 60,000 pounds of smoked
meat to be sent to the government at
Manila. Mr. Howe said about this ship
ment yesterday: "Such ordera from the
government come right along1, and there la
no special algnlficanoe attached. We pre
pare meats of the kind In question nearly
every month for the use of the War de
partment." All meats shipped to the
Philippines are specially smoked and are
Inspected by a government official several
times during the process of curing. Tenter
day Armour s?nt out a large shipment for
the west, but this shipment was meat pre
viously Inspected and ordered two months
Magic City Gossip.
Lint your property with H. M. Christie,
The street department is engaged in plac
ing cinders In holea In sidewalks.
Miss Minnie North of Clinton, la., Is In
the city, the guest ot Miss Bertha Haus
man. Unloading role for ten days. Home Fur
niture company.
A email Are In a cottage at Thirty-sixth
and 1 streets called out the Are department
yesterday. The loss was small.
For Rent Woodman hall, city hall build
ing. . Ueorge at i:o.
c L Savlon. Affloe jnanaaer at Armour a.
i reoorted to be aome better.. Mr. Savior
has been seriously in lor some time.
Rev.' Leander Lane will preach at the
Methodist church this evening. His topio
will be "All Nations and Peoples."
There will be a Joint Installation of offl
cere of Workmen at the temple, Twenty-
fifth and M streets, on Thursday night.
The Ladv Maccabees will give a publle
Installation of offlcera at the hall. Twenty
lxth and N streets on Wednesday night.
Mra. H. Lovely and daughters, May and
Lottie, have returned from Sioux City.
where they spent the holidays with friends.
The Mattlo City King's Daughters will
II. Murdock. SilO North Twenty-third street.
. '11... I. . . u,Arnnnn . , k. II.. A
Minn Surah Ollin. one of the teachers In
the nulillc schools, has returned from her
holiday vacation spent with friends at Ord,
First-class work at Gooden'a1 antiseptic
barber shop, under South Omaha National
bank, 2610 N street. Scalp and face mas
sage a specialty.
K. C. Dennett, formerly In business in
Rmith Omaha, but now located In Chicago.
was here yesterday and called upon friends
at the city nun punning.
Mrs. Anna-Rozgall died at her home.
Twe.nty-seve.nth and Jefferson streeta, yes.
terrtav l unerat i nursuay morning ai i
o'clock from the residence to St. Agriee'
church. Interment at St. Mary'a cemetery.
Retail Grocers' Aasoelatloa Holds
Another Meeting; to Dlacaas
The trading stamp situation wag again
considered by the Retail Grocers" assocla
tlon at Its regular meeting In the Commer
cliil club -rooms last evening. It waa re
ported that outside of one of the large de
partment Btores only four of the retail
grocers were still giving the little green
stamps with every purchase. It la ex
pected that the delinquent four will aoon
be brought Into line.
Communications were read from various
places showing that the stamps were be.
Ing discarded, and it waa stated that some
of the eastern atates were contemplating
legislation agalnat them.
The local flour dealers were in attend
ance at the meeting laat evening and con
siderable enthusiasm was worked np with
a view to making Omaha a great flour
distributing point. A more loyal support of
the local mi la was urged and promised.
The association unanimously adopted
resolution favoring the selling of home
manufactured articles.
The Retail Orocera' association will give
a social on Tuesday evening. January 19,
when the Council Bluffs and South Omaha
grocer will be invited to attend and 4e
come acquainted.
Brewery Interests Reach an I'nder
standlag and Will Abandon
Pending Pretests.
It was intimated laat night that set
tlement hud been affected between the
warring Interests in the saloon contro
versies that have been taking up the time
of the Board of Fire and Police Commls
sloners. the district court and the supreme
court for some weeks. Definite and de
tailed information regarding the arrange
merit la tightly withheld from the public.
but It la cheerfully admitted that "there
is something doing." to put a quletua on
lie long list of protests that have been
filed aa a result of the dispute between
the brewerlea.
It is understood that the brewery Inter-
esta ot the city and Walter Molae aV Co.
have agreed to bury th hatchet In a nice.
gentlemanly kind of way. MoLse, It la said
haa capitulated entirely and that la all tha
other brwra wanted. On the other hand,
the combined brewers have done aome ca
pltulatlng. also, which means that the
Aght on Moise will be eased off aa quickly
aa la convenient and decent. Likewise,
that the reformation of the town under the
Slocumb and gambling laws by Molae and
his lawyer, Dunn, will be pursued wit
ouewhat lea aaal.
Folioe Prevent PerformanM at Washington
Hall on Order from Major.
Hall Will Remain Closed latll Proper
Fire Escapee and Exits Are
Pat In and Pass In-speetlon.
Washington hall Is the first public assem
bly place to be closed by Mayor Moores In
his crusade against all such places in the
Interest of public safety.
The mayor has the co-operation of Chief
of Police Donahue and Building Inspector
Wlthnell In his determination to see . that
no theater auditorium, dance hall or church
In the city shall evade the laws In af
fording a perfectly safe place for the gath
ering of large assemblies of people.
Building Inspector Wlthnell and his force
of deputies will continue to lnnpect the va
rious places over the city and as fast as
they find any which they consider unsafe
will report It to the mayor, who aeserta
he will order It cloned until put In proper
In compliance with an order Issued by
Chief Donahue, Sergeant Slgwart and an
officer stopped a performance of "Happy
Hooligan" at Washington hall Tuesday
afternoon and cleared the hall of several
hundred women and children who had
gathered to witness the performance. This
aotlon waa Inspired because Building In
spector Wlthnell does not consider the
building safe In event of fire, and especially
la It considered unsafe for an audience of
women and children. The hall proper, on
the second floor. Is approached by a wind
ing stairs and there is but one Are escape
at the rear, the Inspector finds, which must
be approached by passing through two
rooms after leaving the auditorium. Chief
Donahue asserts that all meetings sched
uled to be held In this hall will have to be
called oft until adequate fire protection Is
Theaters Oettlnnr In Line.
The building Inspection department Is
still awaiting the convalescence of In
spector Wlthnell before making a thorough
examination of all buildlnga. The Boyd
theater has, so the department la notified
by Manager Burgess, employed ex-Captain
Sullivan aa a house fireman. Sullivan was
formerly a captain In the department and
withdrew and went to Butte. He Is now on
the substitute list of the department. He
will be on the stage at every performance
and also will Inspect the house.
A telegram haa been received from Hud
son & Judah that the asbestos curtain for
the Krug will be finished and ready to put
up In a week.
The steel curtain at the Orpheum has been
completely overhauled and fitted with new
gears, so that It can now be lowered In
forty seconds.
Frank Martin of Conncll Bluffs Ad.
ventures Far to Attend
Stranded amongst strangers, without
cent In his trousers and five miles from
home, was the aad plight of 10-year-old
Frank Martin of Council Bluffs when Officer
Mansfield arrested the boy at the Union
station last evening for trying to steal a
ride on a passenger train.:-
When taken to the police station and
questioned the lad stated that when he
read tn the papers that "The Katsenjam.
trier Kids" were billed for.appearance at the
Krug he made up his mind he would sea
the kids, even If It took his last cent. He
left home yesterday evening with SO cents
and after paying his car fare across the
river and buying a gallery ticket and a
sack of peanuta he found himself Insol
vent at the depot. But Jie saw the show,
which compensated for any little Incon
veniences Incident thereto.
Desk Sergeant Marshall gave the boy 10
cents to pay his fare home, with the warn
ing that his next attempt to board trains
would not be considered so lightly.
Last night, at the Metropolitan club, oc
curred the wedding of Mr. Edward Trel
ler to Miss Rebecca Splesberger. The cer
emony waa performed gt 8:30 by Rabbi
Abram Simon In the presence of a large
gathering of friends and relatives of tha
bride and groom. The parlor waa beau
tifully decorated In smllax and American
Reauty rosea. From 6 to 9 o'clock a ban
quet waa served, the dining hall being
decorated In red and white, following which
dancing was resorted tn.
Mlna Rose Bplesberger acted aa the maid
of honor. The groom waa led by Edward
Strauss of Toledo, O., and waa followed by
the bride, who waa led by her brother,
Nathan Splesberger. The ushers Included
Joseph Regensburg of Toledo, O., Joseph
Pplegcl of Chicago and Jacob Splesberger
of Omaha. A banquet and ball followed
the wedding, Mr. and Mra. Treller leaving
last evening for their wedding trip throuifh
the south, after which they will be at
home In Bythevllle. Among the out-of-town
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bertlg,
Mias Minnie Bertlg and Mr. Ad Bertlg of
ParagouM, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Marks
of St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krau,
Mr. Louis Kraus and Mrs. Sherman of To.
ledo, o. ; Mlns Bertha Pellgnohn of Denver,
Mlna Ola Jonas of Klrksvllle, Mo.; Jo
Cohn of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. I
Splesberger and Mr. Joe Spiegel of Chicago
and Mr. Joe Regensberg of St Louis.
The tea announced by Oeneral and Mrs.
S. 8. Sumner at the Paxton hotel between
4 and 7 o'clock Saturday afternoon prom
ises to bo one of the most brlllUnt gather
ings of the winter. It la to be given In
honor of the officers and ladles of the
Thirtieth infantry, recently arrived at Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guiou, Mr. and Mra
E. M. Kairfleld, Mr. and Mra. B. S. West
bronk, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Durkee, Mlna
Blanche McKcnna, Mrs. Jamea McKenna,
Captain William O. Dnane and Mr. Wil
liam Pease were among the Omaha guests
at the Howe-Gleeson wedding at Hannibal,
Mo., Monday evening.
The members of the Cooking club made
up a bridge party yesterday afternoon at
tho home of Mrs. Harry Wllkins.
Mrs. Georgo Shields gave a luncheon
complimentary to Mrs. Fred Sackott, Tues
day, and Mrs. Will Shriver entertained at
cards for her last evening.
Miss Wakefield will give a, supper for
eight Sunday evening.
Minn Yates will entertain at dinner this
evening before the leap year ball.
Mrs. Carl E. Woodworth entertained at
luncheon today In compliment to Mra Fred
Surkctt of Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wappich will
entertain at cards this evening for Mrs.
Sackett and Friday, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Hunt will give a whlnt purty In her honor.
The Woman's Alliance of Unity church
will give a dancing party for the young
people of the congregation Friday evening,
at Metropolitan club.
The senior pupils of Brownell hall will
be given an informal dancing party
Saturday evening.
Miss Lavlna Avery ot Buffalo, arrived
this morning to be the guest of Mlaa
Florence Kllpatrlck.
Miss Lemon of St. Joseph, is the guest
of Mlna Yates for the leap year ball this
Good Cooking . .
at Lome not dear cooking but
economical and appetizing cooking
b made possible is every kitchen bj
using a Lttle
Extract of Beef
fmlhml r, awl
JiH. . ? i
Account of Annual Convention
National Wool Growers and Live
Stock Association.
Liberal stopover privileges; attractive diverse routes; re
turn limit January 31st.
You can include San Francisco on the return trip for
$13.50 additional.
Call or write for further information.
Thousands of Women Have Kidney
IVniih.A ond lni
To Prove What Swamp-Root, tho Great Kidney, Liver
and Bladder Remedy, Will Do for YOU, Every
Reader of Tho Bee May Have a Sample Bottle
Sent FREE by Mail.
Didn't Know I Had Kidney Trouble.
I had tried so many remedies without
their have benefited me that I was about
discouraged, but In a few days after taking
your wonderful Swamp-Root 1 began to
feel better.
I was out of health and run down gen-
erally; had no appetite, waa dizzy and
suffered with headache most of the time,
I did not know that my kidneys were the
cause of my trouble, but somehow felt
they might be, and I began taking Swamp
Root, as above stated. There la such a
pleanant tante to Swamp-Root, and It goea
right to the spot and driven disease out of
the syBtem. It has cured me, and I cheer
fully recommend it to all sufferers.
Gratefully yours,
46 West Linden St., Atlanta. Go.
To Prove What SWAMP-ROOT, tha Oreat Kidney, Liver nd Bladder
Remedy. Will Do for YOU, Every Reader ol The Bee May . .
Have a Sample Bottle FREE by Mall.
EDITORIAL, NOTICE No matter how many doctors you have tried no matter
how much money you may have spent on other medicines, you really owe It to your
self, and to your family, to at least give Swamp-Root a trial. Its strongest friend
today are those who had almost given up hope of ever becoming well again. Tou
may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery, Swamp-Root, sent absolutely
free by mall, alno a book telling all about Swamp-Root, containing many of the
thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women who
owe their good health, in fact their very lives, to Its wonderful curative properties.
In writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y bo sure and say that you read
this generous offer in The Omaha Dally Bee. If you are already convinced that
Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one dollar
slae bottles at the drug stores everywhere.
A Vacant Room
Eats Up Money
. . . Every day you lose the price of a day's
rent a loss that Is never made up. v
It's particularly foolish when a Want
Ad in the Bee will rent your room. ' Ten '
words three times will cost you 30 cents.
Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
1602 Farnam St.. OMAHA.
Suspect It
WOMEN uft'"' untold miser
the nature of their disease U not always
correctly understood; In , many caaen
when doctoring,, they a're led to believe
that womb trouble or female weakness
of aome sort Is responsible for their ills,
when in fact disordered kidney) are the
chief cause of their distressing troubles.
Perhaps you suffer almost continually
with pain in the back, bearing-down
feelings, headache and utter exhaustion.
Tour poor health makes you nervous.
Irritable, and at times despondent; but
thousands of Just such suffering or
broken-down women are being restored
to health and strength every day by the
use of that wonderful discovery, Dr,
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
liver and bladder remedy.
Not only does Swamp-Root bring new
life .and activity to the kidneys, the
cause of the trouble, but by treating 'the
kidneys it acta as a general tonio and
food for the entire constitution.
The mild and extraordinary effect of
the world-famous) kidney and . . bladder
remedy, Swamp-Root, la aoon. realised.
It atands the highest "for Its. wonderful
cures of the most distressing oases. A
trial will convince anyone and ' you
may have sample bottle sent free by
In taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
you affoid natural help to Nature, for
Swamp-Root la tha most perfect . healer
and gentle aid to the kidneys that baa
ever been discovered. Don't . make any
mistake, but remember the, name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Btnghamlon, N. on
every bottle.