Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1904, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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j I
Co n Week Pro tiv a Little Best fro
Hoi da Gaiity.
Calendar Contains l.nonali of Promise
to Keen the marl Folks oa the
bo Darlna the Coming
Is or.
Her Qnerr.
Fhe stood beneath tlie chancellery
I laid to her, "I'd kiss you dear,
If w had any mistletoe;
liecause I love you no."
Phe stood beneath the chandelier
Bne looked at me a Utile iueer;
And then she said, Would It le fair
To make believe that It Is there?''
Busie At. liest la JJrownlng's Monthly.
T The Social Calendar.
40N'DAY-Blshop and Mr. A. U Wil
liams, a reception from it to 11; Iebu
; tames' Orpin um party; Omaha Guards
'. dancing party; Mrs. Stanton s luncheon
lor Mrs. Sumner.
Tl'KBDAY Tuesday morning rnuwicalo,
t. Urn, Herman Kolint! hostess; Cooking
club bridge party at Mr. lUrry Wllklns';
" TrelU-r-Bplesoerger wediilng at Metropoli-
tan club, 6:30 o'clock; Southwest Lmnclng
' club party.
. WKUM-JSDAY-The Ieap Year ball; Mrs.
- William 8. l'oppleton post-nuptial recep
" ' tlon.
Till KSDAY-Meellng nf the N. I. T. Whist
club. Mips Amelia Newman, hostess.
fritlHAY Capitol Hill 1 lancing club; Frl
; Oay club meeting, Mrs. Jay Foster,
'. BATL'KUA Y Mrs. Chnrles T. Kountse, a
tea for Mrs. William 8. l'oppleton; card
party by Travelers' 1'roteutive aBsoctu-
; tion.
- .
' By comparison with last week this week's
calendar looks rather slim, but It Is doubt
ful If any one especially regrets the pros
pect of a quiet week after the round of
holiday gaiety of the last fortnight unless
It bo some of tho girls who as platers,
.daughters and friends have been too oecu
pled assisting somebody else to have had
:much time for affairs of their own, aside
.from the theater or a luncheon now and
'.then. In the main. It has been the college
people, and they have danced and danced
'and danced, and skated and had a gay time
.generally. There have not been halls
Enough or nights enough for all that they
Would have done, Hut there have been
other things, too, conspicuous among which
win the gathering of Old Settlers at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates
'Xew Year's night. The Cotillion Wednes
day evening was an especially smart affair
that at any other time would have stood
out prominently among the week's gather
ings, but amid the rush of other things
Tias simply another dancing party.
New Year's day was rather a disappoint
ment. Quite as much In what It afforded
as In what It lacked. There were a few
.affairs that will be remembered, among
.these tho Informal reception held by Miss
Mount and half a dozen other homes where
fc'few of tho younger girls kept open house
idurtng the afternoon and evening. Of
course there were the big annual public
receptions, and these were qullo up to the
standard of previous years, but In the main
there was not the general hospitality that
rna-ked lost New Year's and that has so
long characterised the first day of the year.
; All of society, whether It has been
"asked" or not, la anticipating the leap
year ball to bo given Wednesday evening
at Chamber's by about fort of the young
women. It Is to be a subscription affair,
B.nd to date not a single man has been
askod to aaslst In any way whatever, no(
even the husbands of the few married
.women who have a part, so the younn
women say. It Is also said that certain
Of th bachelors who so evidently prefer
."single blessedness," are going to be af
Jowed to enjoy It undisturbed Wednes
day evening, unless their married sisters or
mothers or some other elderly person sees
fit to bring them, but even ao they are
' on the blacklist and the outlook for them
Is not especially bright.
The arrival of the Thirtieth Infantry al
Fort Crook laat Sunday promises to con
tribute materially to things social during
the remainder of the winter, for there are
among the officers and their fumlllea many
who are already well known here and who
will be welcome additions to society. The
following officers are at Fort Crook:
Colonel John J. O'Connell, Major George
R. Cecil, Captains Waldo Q. Ayer, Frank
A. Wilcox, Isaac Erwln, Guy a. Palmer.
Edward C. Carey, Charles W. Castle, Wil
liam E. Welsh, Ralph R. Stogsdall, Frank
B. 8haw, Dennis E. Nolan, Harry H. Tib
petts, Oeorge M. Grimes, First Lieutenants
V. F. Keller, M. J. Millard Little. Edward
R. Stone, Charles W. Weeks, Oeorge Ii.
Sharon, Lindsay P. Rucker, Hllden Olln,
penjamln R. Wade. C. C. Allen, O. C.
Nichols, Second Lieutenants, William E.
Walton, Walter Kruger, Homer E. Lewis,
Henry HossftVd, Jacob W. 8. Wuest,
George R. Guild, Stuart A. Howard.
Promise of the Future
t Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dickinson will give
a dancing party at Chambers', January 13.
" Mrs. William S. Poppleton will entertain
the Cooking club Friday, January 14, at
Miss Wakefield will entertain at supper
Sunday evening for Mlas Jane Orcutt and
Miss Marie Coffman.
I Mrs. Guy Howard will chaperon an
Orpheum party to be given Monday even
ing by the debutantes.
Mrs. Oeorge Martin will be at home
Wednesdayr In January at iSJS North
Twenty-fourth atreet.
; Bishop and Mrs. Williams will hold their
monthly reception Monday evening at their
home on Dodge street.
'. Temple Israel Sisterhood has announced
a ball and entertainment to be given Jan
uary 11 tsat will bo among the largest af
fairs of the month.
Omaha post Travelers' Protective nsso.
elation will give a card party for Its mem
bers and women Saturday evening, Jan-j
ary 9, at the Commercial club rooms.
Mrs. W. A. Shropshire, Mrs. W. I Camp
hell and Mrs. Carrlo Day will entertain the
P. E. O. sisterhood at cards Friday even
Ing at the home of Mra. Shropshire, 2122
South Thirty-third street.
'The annual meeting and dinner of th
Omaha club has been announced for Jin
ii '" 'ill , . r, . .I, i u- I,, i Wim ii i,
"T'-? "." miiiw puw pms mmm,.,m.m an mums 1 ''3
1.5 ' ' ss
Perfect beverage, light and delicate,
invigorating and sustaining.
2Be6t & (Xoe6 SctntltctVfc
V"""" 1 " ' ' "" ,m
uory IS. when It Is eipected that the ex
tension to the main dining ro m In the new
port of the building will be used.
The members of the Cooking club will
play brldc-i Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Harry Wllklns
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. C. C. Bclden gave a luncheon Sat
urday for Mrs. Fred Backett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cahlll entertained
a few friends New Year's eve.
The Hansrom Park Dancing club gave a
New Year's party at Chamber's.
The hostess, with the guests of honor, re
ceived together In the drawing room.
The Toppleton Avenue Card club met
last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Manchester on Park avenue.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Raynolds
nnrntim entertained the Saturday Night
Whist club at their home on Georgia ave
nue.. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Abbott and Mr. and
Mrs Charles Booth enlertnlned at cards
Friday evening for Mrs. Fred Sackett of
Minnea polls.
Metropolitan club gave Its annual New
Year's ball Friday evening, which was
largely attended and one of the most en
joyable ofT.iIrs of the winter. Followinn
the program a banquet was served down
stairs. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Gratton entertained
the T. K. quartet on New Year's day at
their home on the boulevard. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mra. Brown, Miss Brown,
Mr and Mrs. Kratz, Mr. Harrison and Dr.
The members of the Hanscom rark club
were guests Tuesday evening of Mr. and
Mrs. L, N. Gonden at their home on Pa
cific street. The prizes were won by Mrs.
T. C. Shelly, Mrs. A. Frank, Mr. Howland
and Mr. Huntley.
A dainty red and white luncheon was
given by Miss Keys on Saturday. The
guests were Mrs. Albert Egbert of rueblo,
Miss Anderson of St. Faul, Mrs. George
Morton, Miss Hervey, Miss Rces, Miss Snell
and Miss Tress Keys.
Miss Mary Krelder gave a luncheon
Thursday, covers being laid for sixteen.
Asparagus fern and holly trimmed the
dining room, the table having for Its center
a basket of carnations surrounded by red
shaded candles. The place cards were done
In water colors, holly designs:
The second cotillion, given Wednesday
evening at Chamber's was especially en
joyable and well attended. Mr. George
Prltchett lead and a number of new and
pretty figures were Introduced. In addition
to the members there were present an ex
ceptional number of out of town guests.
Mrs. McCU-rn. Mrs. Hurt. Mrs. Howard,
Mrs. Prltchett, Mrs. Yatoa, Mrs. Barker,
Mrs. Kountze, Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. C. Will
Hamilton, Mrs. Kllpatrick, Mrs. Doane and
Mrs. Charles Green were guests of Mrs. C.
W. Hamilton ut a luncheon given Wednes
day In honor of Mrs. Samuel Sumner.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Booth and Mr. and
Mrs. Noel Abbott entertained New Year's
night at duplicate whist In honor of Mrs.
Fred Sackett of Minneapolis. Prizes were
carried off by Mesdames Ed P. Smith, O.
W. Shields and Harry Laurie and Messrs.
David Talbot, W. E. Palmatler and II. O.
The North End 03 club was entertained
Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Alex
ander Liddell of SG30 Hamilton street. The
head honors were won by Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Chumbley. The consolation prises
by Miss Minnie Robinson of Council Bluffs
and Mr. John Dalton. Miss Orlmmer of
London, England, who Is visiting rela
tives in Omaha, was a guest.
The laat of the holiday dancing parties
for the school folks was given last evening
by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Porter Peck In
honor of their son, Mr. Lyman Peck, and
his guest, Mr. Richard Nevlns, who are
he.-e from Bleezo Military academy. It
was a typical holiday gathering In point
t enjoyment and decoration and was en
joyed by about 100 young people.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs., Samuelson
on Sherman avenu-i a party of friends gath
ered New Year's night to honor Mr. and
Mrs. Will Parker of Boulder, Colo., former
residents of Omaha. Among tJnse present
were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Redman, Mr.
md Mrs. Joseph Houska, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Rudolph, Mr. and Mra. William Toung,
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Brie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Hayden and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steed.
Mr. barker Is part owner of the Clara Bell
mine at Boulder.
In honor of her cousin, Mr. H. S. Martin
of Monroe, la., and Miss Osslo Van Trump
of Elmlra, Mo., who was the guest of Mlsj
Ollle RIchey, Miss Anna Watt entertained
Informally Saturday evening, December S7,
these young people: Misses Walluee, Ander
son, Helen Anderson, Stein, I-eas. Hey.
wood, Clara Hey wood, Richey, Vay Richey,
Van Trump, and Messrs. Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Hunter, Blulr, Elliott, Martin
and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton.
Tho tea given Thursday afternoon be
tween 3 and 5 o'clock by Mrs. H. 8. Jaynos,
In honor of Miss Lllllo Crummer and Mrs.
William Bruce Fonda of Grand Island, was
among the most charming affairs of the
week. Throughout tho rooms scarlet and
green wero combined In an effective trim
ming, tho same colors being employed on
the dining table that had as Its center .1
basket of deep red carnations that show
ered out over the edge In provision. At
the four corners burned tall cathedral can
dies In sliver holders. Presiding here al
ternately were Mrs. 8. D. Barkalow, Mrs.
Frank Haller, Mrs. O. A. Jylyn, Mrs. w!
J. Connell, Mrs. John R. Weuster and Mrs.
John W. Griffith. The punch was servej
In the library by Mrs. Goorge Martin, Miss
Joannle Brown, Miss Faith Potter, Miss
Ethel Tukey, Miss Fannie Cole. Miss Corn
stock and Miss Loralne Comstock.
Come and Go Gossip.
Mr. Al Dli klnson will return to Yale Mon
day. Mrs. Harry Nott Is visiting friends in
Mr. A. B. Jaqulth apent a part of the
week In Minneapolis.
Miss Koos spent the holiday vacation
with friends In Denver.
Mr. Farnam Smith spent Christmas In
Lincoln with his mother.
Mrs. M A. Kurtz of Nampa, Idaho, Is the
gu'st of Mrs. J. W. Gannett.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze are back
from a brief visit to Chicago.
Miss Mary Ie McShane will return to
her school In New York this week.
Mr. A. J. Kanscom anl Miss IUnnc m are
at Jacksonville, Fla., for the winter.
Mr. and Mis. Richard Kimball and family
nd Mrs. T. L Kimball and Miss Kimball
' 1 ' 1 " 1
have gone to Florida for the rest of the
Mr. Will Cartan srent a part of the week
In Omaha enroute to London, England.
Mrs. Jayne Doyle of Colorado Springs Is
the gueft of Mrs. James Van NoMrand.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Crummer have as
their guest Ml.ts Miitteson of Evanston, III.
Mirs Circuit, who has spent the week With
friends In Chicago, is expected home Mon
day. Mr. J. C. Huteson has returned from
Charleston, S. C, where he Fpent Christ
mas. Mr. and Mrs. Phllo Clarke of Red Oak.
Ia., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E.
Mrs. John S Brlggs was the guet of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer In Lincoln New
Year's day.
Mrs. Martin Lehman and daughters of
Kansas City are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Belter.
Mr. and Mr. Kountze spent New Year'H
with Mr. and Mrs. Muildlth Nicholson of
Mr. Frank Burleigh of New Mexico Is
the guext of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Burleigh.
Mrs. W. J. Burness has returned from
Pontine, 111., where she spent Christmas
with her parents.
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradbury, who have
spent the holidays In Chicago, are expected
home tomorrow.
Mr. C. W. Etwin came from Lincoln to
attend the family reunion at the home of
Mr. O. 8. Erwln.
Mr. Glen Wharton and Mr. Gerald Whnr
ton rpent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
John C. Wharton.
Mrs. C. K. Black and sister, Mrs. 8. R.
Cotton, have gone to Excelsior Springs for
a fortnight's stay.
Mrs. A. S. Raymond of Lincoln was the
gurst of her sister, Mrs. T. D. Crane, dur
ing the holiday week.
Mr. und Mrs. Frederick E. Clements of
Lincoln are guests over Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. George Schwartz.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash 2nd are expected
today from California, where they have
hpent their honeymoon.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Strickland return
today from St. Paul, Minn., where they
have spent the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Lnederlch left
Friday evening for Kansas City, where
they will make their home.
Mr. E. W. Nash returned to New Yorlt
Friday. Mrc. Nash and the Misses Nash
expect to return this week.
The Misses Manrid, who have spent the
past week with friends here, will return to
their home In Lincoln Monday.
Mr. Arthur Jaynes has returned to Lead,
S. D., having spent Christmas with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. 8. Jaynes.
Mrs. Alva D. Riegil and Mrs. J. W.
Horner left Thursday for Ashland, where
they spent New Year's with friends.
Mrs. Clinton Miller and children left
Thursday morning f, r Thoenlx, Ailz., where
they will spend tho remainder of the I
winter. j
Mr. and Mrs. William Brace Fonda have '
returned to their home In Grand Island,
ufter siiendlng the hollduys with their
parents In Omaha. 1
Captain and Mrs. Clarence Richmond Day '
will return to Macon, Mo., tomorrow, hav
ing spout the past fortnight the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Smith. j
Miss Flossie Archer and Mlus Rosalie
Stuart have returned to their studies at
the University of Nebraska, after spending
the holidays with Miss Archer'a parents on
West Farnam street.
Mr. Howard J. Rogers, wife nnd daughter
of St. Louis, who have been visiting Mr',
and Mrs. C W. Morton, returned home
yesterday. Mr. Rogers Is the director of
education for the St. Louis exposition.
. Miss May Welsh departed today for the
east for a visit of three or four weeks. She
will Join a party of friends at Washington,
all of whom will be gueuts at the annual
boll at the naval academy at Annupoli
on January 9. She will go from there to
New York, Boston and other eastern cities,
vltlllng friends, before her return.
' Misses Florence Leech, Bueluh Leech,
Nanna Prltchard, Minnie Prllchard, Georgia
Patterson, Edith Patterson nnd Florence
Carey, and Messrs. Waldo Foster, Royal
Comstock, Arthur D. Smith, Otis Alvlsmi
and Frank Hughes were the Omaha guests
In attendance at a card party given by tho
MlsHt s Helena and Kute Robinson of Coun
cil Bluffe Monday evening.
Weddings and Enogemrnti.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson have an
nounced the engagement of their daughter.
Miss Lavlnia 'Jackson, to Mr. Frank E.
Loomls. The wedding will take place early
in February.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy have an
nounced the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Josephine Levy, to Mr. Daniel L.
Korn of New York.
Wednesday, January 27, has been fixed as
the date for the marriage of Mr. Victor
Rosewater of this vlty and Miss Katie Katz
of Baltimore. The wedding will be private
with no Invitations outside of the Imme
diate families of the contracting parties,
and will like place at the home of the
bride's parents.
ftoc-lal Chit Chat.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Weaver and daughter
have taken flat No. 6 at the Dunsany.
Mr. Robert F. Smith la convelesclng from
a recent operation.
Mrs. Albert T. Brink has returned from
Red Oak, la., where she spent the holidays.
Miss Georgia Irwin and Miss Elizabeth
Moore, who have been the guests of Mrs.
Royce, returned to their home at Lead, 8.
D., yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs James L. Paxton spent
Christmas the guests of Mr. end Mrs. Will
Paxton at the Keystone ranch, where a
house party of forteen was entertained. On
Christmas eve a tea and dance was given,
tnd a Christmas tree laden with gifts for
the neighbors for miles about.
On New Year's night Mlas Minnie Meyer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morltz Meyer,
made her formal debut into society at the
ball at the Metropolitan club. Miss Meyer
was the recipient of many congratulations
and much attention during the evening.
She wore a white embroidered crepe gown,
trimmed with velvet and spangles.
Mlsa Blanche Sotenson, voice, Ramge blk.
V. P. Chlodo begs to announce that for
the first time since his return from Eu
rope In September he Is able to take orders
for gowns on short notice, on account of
having engaged additional help, who have
Just arrived from Paris.
Mr. Chlodo's recent voyage abroad was
for the purpose of procuring the newest
and most exclusive designs In ladles' wear
and to purchase the necessary high class
materials and trimmings to produce them.
Now having advantage of competent tail
ors, who are able to carry out the Parisian
styles, and in order to Introduce their work
to the ladles of Omaha and vicinity he
will make a material reduction from his
usual prices on all orders taken during the
month of January only. This reduction
will be for the same grade of workmanship
which has made Mr. Chlodo's reputation
what It la with the class of patron.
His famous special walking skirts will be
Included at the reduced prices for tUo
month only.
Back to Old t
H. J. Hughes Is busy moving back to his
old lorn (ton, 1I Douglas street, where
Uis building coUapsed August i Mr.
Wcmen s Muslin Gowns
E women's Gowns
SO dozen good quality Muslin Gowns
cot full and long trimmed with l:no
and embroidery some In square,
V-slmpe and high
neck a regular &0c . t9C
value at r
Women's Gowns
40 dozen fine quality extra long and
txtra full cut gowns made In V,
squaro and lilfsh neck, also low neck
sllp-ovcrs- beautlfully trimmed witli
dainty lane and tine embroidery- In
this lot will be found some Cfm
veryhandveme styles "iVi'C
regular 75c value at '-
Women's Gowns
24 dozen extra fine quality muslin nnd
cambric all fi lled scams, wide skirt,
full 64 Inches long In V and squall
shaped nick very largo lino of
styles-most beautifully Irlmiunl
with tucks and hemstitched yokes,
With lace and rmbrold
ery a regular $1 qual- VJl:
Women's Gowns
IS dozen extra fin" quality cambric, nnd
lung cloth Gowns with dainty open
work lace fronts, square. V and Mull
neck, also tho dainty llKlit wight
slip-over shupe very l:ilutlly trim
med with imported lace nnd em
broideries this lot fET
is positively tl.uO value Ow
Better Gowns more li'nitifvil'v
trimmed and liner materials from Mc
to I3.90 each.
Monday and Ail This Week.
The Moyer Stationery Co.,
220 South' 16tli Street.
steOSSy 20 Per Cent Discount Sale
1 1''KKm!s Ueglnning Monday morning- we will give r discount jU
I ia f per cent on our entire stock of Art goods Brlc- II
Jp'iilBMiMB ll"Hrae und hand panled China. 1
1506 Farnam - DR. BRADBURY
.-a u.. DENTIST.
nerves Himncu vj
our painless methods
In one minute. Will
not turn the teeth dark
open Sundays 10 to 12.
HuRhfs began moving: JiIh stock Friday
from I tin tc.npornry location on Bt. Mary's
Hvenue and expects to be ready for buai
nc9 on IioukIh Btlcct Tuesday morn
ing, with everything complete Kridny. The
new three-story building Ht HI6 will not
bo completed until litf in the nprlng. Mr.
llugheM bought the lot of H"3 from A. J.
lluiiKcom ami hla new one-story building
Is planned with the ultimiite Intention of
raising It to three or four stories in a
ytar or two.
Auditor Young of t nloa 1'srlne Treats
Office Force on Occasion of
Erastus Toung, general auditor of the
T'r.lon Faclfie. yesterday treated the entire
force of his department to an Informal
"smoker." the occasion being :i very em
piclous. at Kant substantial, one for Mr.
Young an advance of Q a month In his
salary. The humblest male emp'oye of tne
department was made to shore Mr. Young's
handsome emolument to the extent of ev
erul good cigars.
Finding thst I am greatly overstocked In
all sorts of materials. I will for the next
month make a great reduction on every
thing In stockmaking evening and dinner
gowns for les than cost, shirtwaist dresses
for rJ, and $oo, handsome lace gowns for
less than cost, cheviot walking skirts for
3, mixed goods, f&. E. H. TERRILU
Muslin Skirts-
24 dozen good heavy muslin long
Skirts j, in In tucks with heavy dut
rutlle a spu liiinl skirl, cut lull and
long in. id- to sell ut g
til iy cents "f CZ
Muslin Skirts-
48 dozen fine Muslin PklrH cut extra
wide in skirt and full length trim
med with luce or embroidery all
with heavy dust ruille A r
and yoke band regular IJC
Tfic vulU'. ut -x-w
Muslin Skirts
30 dozen good quality Muslin nnd Cam
bric Hkirts-wlth hemstitched lioimce
md dust ruflle, also deep lace llnunce
with tlx rows of lace Insertion
same styles In dainty embroideries
every skirt was made -
to sell ut from $1."0 to rtilC
tl.aU-at L,uw
Muslin Skirts
24 dozen very fine cambric skirts cut
full In width and most perfectly
made with heavy dust rutlle In beau
tiful bins iaeo and embroidery Inser
tions, also dainty hemstiched and
tucked llnunco patterns. f
a great variety of styles I ,7
to select from, $1.75 value,
Also hundreds o handsome lace and
embrotdet y effects in exclusive
styles, and at prices fur below any
i or heretofore quoted. M FJ g
Prices from, l.sll
each. $3.W to I,L,V
Fourteen Years
Same Location
Painless Extraction
Without Gas.
Gold Crowns, $2.50 up
Fillings 50c up
Ur.'de Work $2.50 up
All Work Guaranteed.
West Omaha Improvers I'rotest
Again! Defacing City n I'ass
Such Kesolutlons.
A "hallelujah" meeting was participated
In by perhaps forty members of tho West
Omaha Improvement club Saturday night
at the club house, Forty-second and Dodge
streets. It was a snecbil mucting, which
President liostwlck had called to protest
agiiitiHt the granting of a franchise by the
city council to any advertising company
or others looking to the "disfiguring" of
the city with placards.
Judge Slabaugh offered this resolution,
couched in legal language, which he opined
would about fit the situation, und it was
unut.linou.sly adopted:
Resolved, That the West Omaha Im
proeintnt club, being solicitous for thi
welfare of our city, and being oVxirou
that nothing be done to di tract from Its
ait' acincnes-'s, but that nil be done to pro
mote lis best iiiUTiKlw, rtoes mom urgently
request that our representative In the city
11 uiioll. Charles 1'. Huntington, uxe his best
efforts to present the grmtiiig to any per
son, ciinituiy or corporation the rlht to
erect unvt maikers in our city to be used
fur advertising purposes.
It was the kenxe of the meeting that
there be a big time next regular meeting
night, Thursday of next week, and to this
end It was decided to send out special invi
tations inviting all who are interested In
(larking Lowe avenue from Davenport to
Gigantic Sale
of Women's
i Commences Here Monday Morning
Several great purchases we have mndc
within the past few weeks are to be placed on
sale nt a grent saving.
Women who intend to lay in their supply
will find this a most opportune time, as the
choice is unlimited and the prices are far be-
low what you would pay under ordinary con-ditions.
Women's Drawers
3C dozen ladles' pood muslin tlrawers,
cut full si.e hi el well mane with
cluster of tucks and 4
hemstitching. Regular 1 .H
Uio value, ut AnJw
Women's Drawers
48 dozen ladles' nice quality muslin
drawers cut full anil well maiie,
with lace h nd embroidery trimmings.
An excellent variety to CT
select from. lUgulur s.rC.
4c value, at m w
Women's Drawers
CO dozen holies' drawers, made of New
York mill muslin and cambric, prop
erly cut and finished. This line Is
particularly strong and well worth
the inspection of every lady. Come
In tucks, hemstitched luces und
dainty embroidery trim- a f
mlngs. Positively a 75o 4XTC
uuullty, at tW
Women's- Drawers
24 dozeu extra flno quality cambric
and fine muslin drawers, trimmed In
new dainty open work embroidery
and torchon lace effects, made in
the wide umbrella shape. -Hundreds
of pretty styles, I'lVlf'"'
tl value, at V' w
Women's Drawers
8C dozen fine quality lawn and cambric
drawers with tho most beautiful laco
and embroidery trimmings. The
finest Imported laces and fancy open
work embroideries aro used in this
line. They are all cut wido and full
and only the best work- ft r
mnnslUp. Positively -C
regular 51.50 value, at.
513-514 Karbach Block.
.Ladies desiring advanced styles for spring Bhoald
call at once. During the month of January I will make
Suits, Jackets and Skirts at special prices.
The same high-claBS workmanship guaranteed.
A Very Pleasing Feature
)f -the House of IJalduff is, that 110 matter what kind of a
WKIC, PIti or HKEA1) you may decide upon, it will
tlways be found here. Our own baking, fresh and wholesome.
Goldman Pleating Co.
Pineapple and
Side Pleating.
,07 South 1 6th Street
BOO Donitla Illock Second Floor.
Telephone l&UU.
Hamilton and Thirty-ninth street from
Davenport to Dewey avenue, according to
the existing city ordinances, be present.
Sevr Year's Properly Cclebraled and
Some Ilesolullon for t oinpuo's
Uood Made.
The Millard lUflcs saw the old year out
and the new yeur In at their armory Thurs
day night. As the bells chimed forth the
hour of 1- the men saluted the incoming
yeir with salvos from their magazlno rltics.
New Year's day an Informal entertain
ment was plven nt the armory by the newly
elocted first lieutenant, Harry Remington,
assisted by the newly appointed ranking
tioncommiH'ioned officers. First Bergeant
Jules I Kl lott i!nd yuat tcrmastcr Sergeant
llernard HicUlynn. Tho work of the com
pany for the past year was reviewed. The
finances of the company were found In a
most flourishing condition and new resolu
tions wer.' niaJe looking toward the placing
of the company upon u higher standard.
In view of the coming trip to the St. Louis
cxpoi-ltlon. Cards were pleasantly Indulged
In i.nd th? ri fr slim -nts Included pl cofTee,
eggnnyg. fruit and cigtirs. t'iptalri Bues
I resided.
More mis-spelled worda tins week Id th
wast ads
Corset Covers
DO dozen ladles tight fitting shaped
covers, made of good
quality muslin and well VIC
made, worth lflc, at W
Corset Covers
20 dozen good quality tight fitting cov
ers, with neat trimming of laoe nnd
embroidery, regular 4 p
S.""!): IOC
Corset Covers,
CO dozen fine qunllty Ioiir cloth nnd
cambric covers, full and dip front,
properly shaped and finished" with
neat and attractive styles of lace
and embroidery trimmings. also
hemstitched and tucked fronts. An
extensive line to select f"
from. Regular 411c irtC
vuiue, at '
Corset Covers-
CO dozen very new and handsome cov
ers, made with tho full long dip
front, beautifully trimmed with
daintv laces Hiid embroideries, also
line cluster of tucks and hemstitch
ing. Positively the best values and
best variety ever shown A f"
In Omaha. Regular 4tC
76o values, ut
Corset Covers
An Immense line of covers In new
dainty effects. Every style of trlm
mlngttn lace nnd hemstitching and
embroideries, at prlocB far below
anything ever before g-
quoted. From $i.n0. $1.60, IlVJC
PHONE. 711
Come here
in a hurry
when you wlnh to buy
Sewing Machines,
Talking Machines.
You will have your chice of a fine assort
ment. If you c nie now. Hi re are sonis
special vuluo for New Year's fchoppers:
tjO t'olumbia liionograph OR rtfi
KO01I us new IJlUU
New Home St wing Machine Of
drop head i.UUU
Singer Hewing Machine 4C nfl
drop head tdiUU
wiicx ( jc nn
drop head, from (30 to 3iUU
l!op-he;id I600
Shoe Maker's
tl' op he id
Tailoring Mad in'. Hl ifrer ami J C Aft
WI.e er & WiHun, from to t 1 . UUiUU
These machines are all modern, eompleto
with utt.chnieiit and guarantee!.
I ox top iiuicliinei., all mak n. from $5 (
to tiu.10. We rent machines at 7.x: per w ek.
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
GEO. C..MICKEL. Mjr., ,
Corner loth and Uarne).
. A.' V. t ia fc ' ' f
v r,
" 4fci.'JW-fi.' '