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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 1904. 1Y FOR SAMS RBAL EUTATO. D. V. SHOLES CO. TJS N. T. IJfe Bldg t 4-mom houB. I QUO. 1-lAmllton ill . rteft Water, fiHi oriCK wain. LJ o- - The lot lies fine. SNAI'. 11.0 O 28 1 4 t sste lar at., 4-r torn house, sewer, water, gas. New: never been occupied. !;wo blocks from Georgia ivenu car line. 100 down, balance M ter month. Abio ue big bargain. L-il3 barker St., 7 rooms. Btory and a .alf, water an4 gas. Fine 60-foot lot. 1 1 e n a U.JU0 Curolna at., t roorai, bath, water and gas. BARGAIN. 2,400 Near lth and Decatur st., south ront. 7-room, 8-story house, porcelain bath, piped for furnace. Oak fl'-ors l" recentlon haU and parlor. Lot 60x137 feet. WjiJ-Maft.. near Hut! $0x118 feet of around. Bplendld new -room house ex cellent plumbing, porcelain bath modern, r. m miki nutrk eale on ac count of leaving the c tty. This Is an exceptional good bargain. Was built by ' . . mriA tnr ntilrk Bale will Consider reasonable cash proposition. Ask us about this tight quick, for It Is bound 1 fT.fiOft-Mb st.. near Farnam: we offer a 10-room house, etrlotly modern, fine oak i l. na V mrnuAt floors, two baths. gas and electric Tight. Handsome interior arrangement. Lot 68x120 feet, with good barn. EXCEPTIONAL. BARGAIN, INVESTMENT. 112,000 For three brick and stone flats of 10 rooms each, fine oak and hardwood finish upstairs ana aown, ci"; i"' ..nh rantlnar fnr 140 rxr month: total, 81,440 per year. This will pay 10 per cent iu.uoo For brink and stons block of six .ilu mn.ra T.rnnm hnlisas. well lo cated, close to car, each renting for 120 rer month, and water rent Demons; 1,440 per year. Taxes light. Hoth of the above are big bargains. Will consider reasonable cash offer on either. T.00O Asked for 416 8. 26th Bt., fine 8-storv solid white stone house, 1J rooms, oak finish on two floors, hot water heat, w-eli cni.M nnt build the house for iu ih.n no tmo. F.nstern owner fore- cloeexl, face of mortgage W.0O0. W sub mit an offer of $S,0W. This Is a BARGAIN, tt.760 Blx ('room houses In Bouth Omaha, th and T sts.. renting $30 rer month on lOOxUO feet of ground, that lies superb, This Is a 20 per center. VACANT. UGO N. W. corner 33d and Miami sts., (0x118 lfeet Right on the extension, of 3Jd street car line and worth double our price. We want aa offer. ... $1,000 60x120 feet on list and Cass sts., lies sTo0o"8.nw. comer 28th and Jackson sts.. opposite iMraenu-!., ionuwi"u lagnee, ViXino reel, pnvmn the finest corners In the city. VniINT7P PLACE. One of We have some of the finest bargains ever offered In the Hty In Kountse Place lots. For Instance, boxuo reel on oiniwjr n-m vh .until rrnnt ttOD: AOzUO. north Iront. on Locust between ith and 20th, ,o0; 60x120, south front, on Locust st. Just weet of Mth st, 27W: also southeast tjnrnn 14th and Blnney, vuxm I eei, i.uw. imm are all bargains. SOUTH OMAHA. Four choice lots 60x130 feet each. In South Exoh&nge Piaoe, lying gooo. iid xorino lour lota. ju mi 1W-ACRE) Tmnroved farm. 12 miles north of Omaha Will sell lor d per acre oasn, or m nlonni for stock arnnoral merchandlne. . . i i , n 2, . .1 XT V T I fa I , .inu.r i, ,1, ,,, h ial i , i I. I i,n,i . . . . . . .1 , r BW4T. RE-332 8 Tukey & Son. We offer a lot 23 feet by 115 feet, on Capitol avenue, east of 27th St. for $660. This la the best bargain In vacant property we bays offered, considering Its location. It lies well and la within walking dlstanoe of the High Bohool, Crelghton College and town. A. P. Tukey A Bon, 444-446 Board of Trade Building. RE-802 I WYMAN. BHRIVER CO., 1002 New York Life Bldg. LAND. 10-acra fruit farm 6 miles N. W. of Olen- wood. Iowa, 32,600. Will exohange for home In Omaha. 30 acres 1 mile from Florence, 21,800. 12 acres In Florence, $1,060. acres In Florence, $1.B&0 1 anraa I miles H. W. of DOStofflce. 21.600. 160 svoree In Burt Co., $o per acrs. Will ichann for Omaha rental property. 4 6-room cottages, new, $1,000 each; .will ex-ehana-a for farm land. Full lot. 2-room cottage. North Omaha. $400. Fine building site, Haneoom Park, east front $1,000. . Fine building lot, 28th ave. and Dodgo, street Daved. 31.400. Corner fcth and Porker, room for two hoiiaM. 1900. Large lot, high and sightly, Parker and Military ave. jou. Drug store In Omaha for sale or ex nluun for Omaha nroDerty. good locality. We have a large list of Improved properties In Omaha ranging In prloes from VJQ to $10,000, on terms to suit purchaser. See us for terms, etc. RE 226 3 H New Houses. H Two of our new, all modern 6-room houses that we are building on 24th street between Locust and Blnney will be corn- Dieted In about two weeks. These houses are built of the very beet material and workmanship, flrst-olass nickel open plumb ing, double floors, full cemented cellars, em-nan, alertrto llffht and aas. Will )ell at a reasonable price and easy terms. Will build a home to suit you in any part of the olty. Are now making arrangements to build at xttth and Shirley and on S. 32d St.. two blocks south of Hanscom park. Have other new houses for sale In different parts of the city that you can move right In. Don't wait until spring before making ar rangements to build. See us now. Have a number of fine building lota that we can sell on very easy term a Tell us what you want and we will get It for you if we haven't it on our list Open Monday even- lugs from I to 10. Hastings & Heyden, (10-401 N. Y. Life Building, a R E 207 3 HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE ON MONTH LY PAYMENTS. SAME AS RENT. We have bouses and lota for sale on month ly payments, same as rent, from Kxj to rmenU, same as rent, from $60 to r more down and $10 to 80 per u Come In and get particulars. i. Paxton Block. RE-4S 3 io or month. Berate W. H. -GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. Phone 1294. Four acres In West Omaha, with small house, lor only 2,UU0. An east front lot 60x136, in West End, for otny ti.vuu. 10-room modern house, hardwood floors. laundry with stationary tubs, In West Far nam district; corner lot, shade trees, has $4,600 due on mortgage and must sill or trade. RE-212 3 FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska. Kansas Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. $3 to $12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to a A. Mc ALLASTAR, Land Commissioner. Union Pacific R R OMAHA, NEBRASKA. RANCH of 7,609 acres deeded. 8.5O0 acres homesteads. t.auo acres school land. 8. too acres free range, making over 1S.0CO acres In all; 60 miles of tenoe; deeded land controls water supply; lt miles river front - K'i..t,r. r. river. This ranch will catry 5.OP0 head of , j , . rice per acre fur dedd. Near Rushvllle, Neb. Would irsue ior ultiu inna in ."seoraskit or Tows THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. 313 Brown Block. RE-208 3 3.360 ACRES deeded ranch near Chadron: also controls uoui t.iAM erres iree range; no acres In alfalfa rye. Price. $7 per acre for deeded. Will trade for hardware or farm land. TUai ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. w M a. Miui. FOR SALE REAL KSTATB. R. C. PETERS & CO. GROUND FLOOR. BLE BUILDING. IMPROVED PROPERTIES. H4 8-room cottage; aouth front: close to car line; walking Ulsuu.ce; easy lerms, ll.uOu. 1143 Two t-room cottages on grade; one block from car line; With ana unstoi streets. This property Is owned by a nonresident who wishes to close out his holdings Id Omaha and has put the price down to $1,300 each. Will give easy terms on one or both of these ooltaaes. 1148 6-ruom brick cottage, 2903 Decatur, belonging to sunn party an atiove. This property Is nicely located and if taken at once we can sell for II, too. -7 room, modern exoept furnace, at I?B Grant street. This Is a bargain. The owner held thle property at .l,m a few years ago and has Just written us to close It out for 11.600. 612 8-room house, city water, No. 1736 South 27th streot, 11.600, or will ex change lor Koutn onuuia property. 1059 Two attached (-room flats and two two streets; within five blocks of the court house: renting for $110 per month; In first-clans repair; paved street all paid; 110,000. What's tb matter with this as an investment! FARM LANDS. ril M0 acres. 12 miles from Lodl. Custer county. Land la good dark loam soil. clay subsoil, no sand; 80 acres under cultivation, Daiance or land nay iana and Daature: 1.600. 212 10 acres 320 acres pasture and meadow, balance In cultivation; best of soil: two good houses, one 6-room. one 8-room, In good repair; 76 acres of fall wheat. If sold right away will take I1H Der acre. 147120 acres adjoining the town of Cal houn i; 66 acres In alfalfa; iiO acres In yatlon; balance timber and cultl meadow; running water; $7,500. There Is 11,600 Incumbrance on this farm, runnina" three years. 8 tmt cent. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR QUICK SALE. WB HAVE THE BUI- R. C. PETERS CO., GROUND FLOOR, RE-312 t REAL ESTATE bargains. Full lot snd three houses in B. v. Bmltn s aaaiuon. only, 22,260. Thomas Brennan, 30 So. 19th street. nur sasue ch8- Williamson Co., Kai ew 22.000 for one of the prettiest lots on Far nam hill. 60x125. east front, near Mr. Joalyn's residence. Harrison Morton, 12 New York Life. RE M 14 fJO YOU WANT TO C C I I A . r-t-t-ti OCLL A rAlMVir If rou want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them la througn THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER rri.i. ........I ,ui,l " I. flnfl t r m . .1 . , f you have a good place of land to sail at a I mil una 1 1 i uvi ii l i m uu uu. i aioo t m. m . reasonable price you will nnd a ouyer i among them. The coat of an advertisement I Is small cents per wora in small irpe ur i . , r . - 1 ..I. i- . I .. . b.ou iinr 1,1,11 1 , .T' . 111 iili.b l u. THK TWbNTIETH CEN I URY FARMER. UiYlAHA, INtK. RE 12$ When You Write to Advertisers .n,, lt orly taketJ ,n el,tra etroks or two of the pen to mention the fuct that you saw me aa iu xne vn. BEST sraal and ranches. Write Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb., (or list ana Illustrated pampniet. HE Ainu a Braldentown, Florida; water front, young orange and banana grove, and good bouse. i Address Lock iKix tu, uuinsr, ino. niri RANCH and farm lands for sole by the Union Faaiflo Railroad company, a. A. MoAHaster, land comralsaloner. Union Padflo headquarters, Omaha, Neb. . Kifr-10 BARGAIN. ACRE LOTS NEAR RUBER'S PARK..$ 15) ACRE LOTS NEAR KRLO PARK...,. 300 D ALl,fl wmn nnuu rAiua .wv i i ACRES NEAR BENSON 1,400 10 ACRES NORTHWEST 1.200 10 ACRES NEAR CAR LINK 1.5"W 6 ACRES NORTH 24TH BWEKT WW LEASE 20 ACRES. IMPROVED 73 ACRES SARPY COUNTY 6.600 120 ACRES 12 MILES WEST 10,000 HOUSES, LOTS. FLATS, STORES. ACRE AGE ALL PART Or' C1TX. Ai JUUW PRICES. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE-220-4 IHO-APRtn farm. 22 600: 140 acres. 22.400: both fine Improvements, Bait water, rronts en Chesapeake oyster beds, ducking. Steph- one. Great Mills, Bt. Mary a Co.. Mn. RE 22$ 3x HOME OF YOUR OWN. Start a home of your own by buying one of our lots in ninerent pans oi cuy, irom 2100 to $6u0 each; $6 to $10 down and $6 to $10 per montn. uemia, r-axton hiock. ' RE 337 3 WEST FARNAM LOT. Choice and sightly southwest corner 36th and Jackson: sue. uxin reel. net us for price and particulars. Can be bought at a bargain. Two south front lots on Dodge st near 36th ave.; price, (3,ouo. HANSCOM PARK LOT. Beautiful east front lot, paving and perm anent walk, only z,juu. TRACKAGE Fine location on 10th St.; alley corner, 44 or 66x132 feet W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE Ml 81 SOMETHING FINE IN BEMIS PARK. vy, have lust listed a two-story 7-room houie, wf'h hard oil finish, bath, porce- Ui;i tubl toilet, wash bowl, gas tnrough- ,jut house, bells, screens, furnace, nice "niT"fflS; cellar, cement bottom; houae nearly new. In splendid condition, fine east front lot. on grade, with alley, nice shade, frultr an iu4 nome. f rice, a.juu. ibis is a bargain. Come In and let us show It to you, PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. BOLE AGENTS, 601-3 N. Y. JUFH UIJX1 RE-M180 8 NEW HOUSE FOR SALE NEAR CREIGHTON COLLEGE. 54,000.00 2309 California St., 8 rooms and large recep- . lion hall, a modern, up-to-date house; furnace heat, laundry, cemented cellar; place has never been occupied; an excep tional opportunity to secure a desirable new house at a low price. GEORGE & CO. 1601 FARNAM ST. RB-M335I 90 ACRES TO PARTY WANTING COUNTRY HOME 90 acres 1 mile from town of 8u0, near Omaha: 16-room houae. modern in every respect; big new barn; cattle barn with 40 stalls: cemeut cave; rock milk house; numerous other buildings. Improve ments cost when new tui.uou; an in nrat clasa repair. Price fur everything, land Included. $13,000. Land alone worth this amount. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, 313 Brown Block. IOWA. Dickinson county; 306 acres. 3 acres tlmter; well Improved buildings; H in. K. H Bta.: 3 wells; write today. Wm. T. Hrniin Rrown Hldn.. Lancaster. Pa. HE-346 Sx ARKANSAS. Pope county. 878 acres, 175 acres tltnber; complete buildings, 4 miles R. H. Bta.; $2k live Btock and Implements w th farm: price. 4.our. w m. i. nrown. Brown Bldg., Lancaster, Pa. RE 863 Bx 1707 B. TH ST.. 8-room house, city water. fruit and shade trees, lot eoxiu. niy $1.jO. C. R. Uiover, 1st floor rx. i-ite. RB-M333 I EIGHT-ROOM modern, except furnace, and I 4-ronm house 8J B. Uth at H. Worth lnupMUiMi. C H. Glovr. 1st flor i. J. FOR BALE HEAL BSTATK. Did TOU begin the new year right? Tou surely did not unlees you resolved to own your OWN HOME before the winter Is over. We are offering soma good homes st very reasonable, figures for January buyers. If you don't boo what you want here, come In and let's talk It over. Tell us WHAT yoti want and WHERE you want It and we will get It for you. Road the following carefully: 8696 One block south of Leavenworth St. on Ed; paved street, permanent walks, etc.; a fine little cottage of 1 rooms, city water Inside the house, just been newly painted Inside and out, new roof, new tinning, and everything put In extra good condition. Prloe Is but tl.SuO. This is aomethlnff rood. 64C3 Have you been to se B EMI ft PARK LATELY 7 One of the prettiest parte of the olty In which to live: we have a Dew 6-room house near BAth, wltlf bath, toilet, gas, splendid cellar, nice large rooms, lot 60x140. You can buy this for t2.W0. on verv liberal terms. 8172 Here In another In Bnmls Park. Brand new ft-room house near 32d and Lin coln Boulevard; has everything except the furnace 22,500. We have one on the CORNER, also, which we will sell for 12.S00. We have a splendid lot on Bristol Bt, lust east of 28th; 44xlS2, paved street; a fine place to build 2500 will buy It We have many more vacant lota In all parts of the city from 2100 up. Come In and we will show you where they are located. Payne Investment Company, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 231 SOME REAL. ESTATE BARGAINS. tui.', Man.,'l60 A. and mpts. Can - i N Alberta, stocked farm, 960 A. can., M. w. T., Edmonton, good Uiug. lot. juenver. fc.ogewater, o-r. cottage and lot. Colo., Park Co.. 2u A. mineral and timber lano. blivermte containing gold, sliver, eta 8. Oenver, 2 bldg. lots, Grant's Bub-dlv. Conn.. Litchfield Co., 400 A., lmpta. and stock. Conn., Stamford, splendid country home 83 A., 18-r. res.; all necessary outbuildings. Fla., Brevard Co., 2 pineapple plantations, oomprlstng 29V A. on Indian river. Fla., Klsslmmeu, 2 trautB, 2 and 6 A. Via., Merrltt's island, Indian river, S3 A. ana lmpta. ; aaaplea to trull ana vegeta bles. Ga.. Twisca Co.. 4.666 A. fine timber land. Oa., Emmanuel Co., 846 A. and linpts. Cbioago, 24 bldg. lots, Brltton's Bub-dlv. f , , . , , , 1 Jn.n. .. n 1,1,. r 1 , Ind., Elkhart, 23 res., Pratt st ; in excellent repair; near dub. oenter. Ind., Winchester, res, and 3 A., 7. A. pas ture. Ind., Miami Co., 68 A. and lmpta Ind., Jennings Co., 108 A. and Impts. la., louisa co.. joy a. ana la., Louisa Co., lb A. and Impts. Kans., Wichita, Jiouse and lot, 8. Topcka Kans., Reno Co., 210 A. and Impts. Kans., Logan Co., 160 A. land. Kana., Leavenworth, good bldg. lot Broad way, Kans., Neosho Co., excellent Impd. . farm, U20 A. Mass., Island Creek, Duxbury, magnificent country estate, an A., overlooks -fiymoutn liiv. ;MaH.. Weetboro, 11-r. res. and lot. T . . . . , - .. n kl.l 1 . . . ihiiuil. iluu sr. uiun. id. Mich., Manistee Co., fruit farm, 160 A.i also 120 A. wild land. Mich., Lenawee Co., fine farm, 820 A. juicn,, jnonicaim uo., oj a. ana lmpm, miuiu. . v , , . . u . . xviion jveni to., nne sv a. inrm. M!oh- Qsooda Co.. 160 A. and Impts. Minn.'. Swift Co..'i)20 A. andlmms. Minn., Perham, Opera House and 2 lots. Minneapolis, 2 fine lots, Main st Miss.. Amite Co.. 67 A. and Impts, Mo., Ralls Co., 120 A. and Impts. Kebr., Furnas Co., 240 A. and Impts. Nebr., Howard Co., 160 A. and Impts. Nebr., Webster Co., lt A. and Impts. Nebr., Lincoln Co., good 80 A. farm. N. J.. Haiem uo.. line lactorv sue. iu A. j ml impts., H ml. frontage on iJeiaware river. N. J.. Pitman Grove. 2 good bldg. lots T ' 1 .1 11 " Q Inl. A1. f., UaiilHVUU IIKSU. A-, . ICS., o ivm, within 10 mln. of ferry to 126th Bt, N. Y. City. N. Y.. Rensselaer Co., 73 A. and Impts. New York City, Bronx Borough, 4 lots. N. Y., Bcbuyler Co., 27 A. nr. Seneca Lake N. Y., Madison Co., 18 A. and impts. N. Y., Lewis Co., eqpd. farm, 240 A. N. Y.. Copenhagen. 14-r. res. and H A. Brooklyn, 2 good lots. Franklin ave. N. Y.. Mt Morris. Bood 15-r. res. and 1 A. N. Y.. FlshklH-on-Hudson. magniflcent res. and grounds; all mod. conven.j gymna sium. N. C, Onslow Co., farm and oyster shore, t A. rromage on otone s nay. N. D Mcintosh Co., 162 A. land. N. D.. Burlelsh Co.. 160 A. land. Ohio, Glenvllle. 7 well-looated lots. Ohio, Meigs Co. 100 A. and Impts. i n uj, jueigs v. ' i.. iw a., tin i i r 1 1 vm f. Okla.. Garfield Co., 160 A. and lmpta. Pa.. Kent. res. Btore buidg.. 3 lots. Pa.. Fayette Bprlmrs, Fayette Co., 200 A. coal land; 7 ft. vein. , Pa., Bradford Co., 40 A. and Impts. Pa., Newtown, double res. and lot. pa., Aitoona. w a. npe ior eun-o.iv. uirnn part situated in itn warn, uooa invest ment. Pa.. Erie Co., 160 A. and Impts. B. D., Brookings Co., 320 A. and Impts. Texas., Claude, 80 good bldg. lots. Texas, Liberty Co., 646 A. and Impts. Vt, Bethel, furnished boarding house, 1 A. Va., Upriervtlle, store and dwel. lot. Wash., Kllcltltat Co., equipped farm 400 A. Wis.. Oshkosh. 8-r. res. and lot. W. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. BLPO., PIIIIA. RE 247 3X BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA LAND. Eaultv In 1.600 a.. 100 miles from Omaha. A beautiful level farm. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Price, 26 per cent less than actual value. Call or write today. J. w, El wood, 411 Bee bldg. RE 211 2 SOME good farms In Washington county . 1 . V. , i T- I M - lur Bam hi it-m rmiiLiii iinwa. t rnw iur our printed list Rlker A Chambers, Blair, Neb. RE M20! ft BEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 51,000.00 3816 Beward St.; full lot city water, sewer, bath, stationary wash-stand, etc.; house In need of some repairs, but the price quoted Is exceptionally low; also barn. GEORGE & CO. 1601 FARNAM BT. RE-M334 Garden Land 20. acres rich bottom land buildings and trackage, west rt nf ritv. Price. 2.00. I . Yr.ll hllV at faiTO land DHCPS vw J l and sell at canal power prices. Other acreage in smaller tracts for sale. DAN'L C. PATTERSON Patterson Block. RE 373 3 GLOVER. 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 123. RE 056 ALL about North Dakota and where to buy good lands cheap: descriptive folder and list sent free; reliable representatives wanted. Whitney & Wheelock, 13 Broad way, Fargo. N. D. RE English & Co., Paxton Block, For Quick Sale Nine-room residence, large east front lot. on grade, walking aiatanoe. H.dw; reason- lit larinl Large lot, on sra4e. facing two streets. walking alliance. Mou. rtn. aiov BIG SNAP. $850 for 3604 Hamilton. 4 rooms, city wster, gas snd fixtures, brick walks, nice repair; don't delay. D. V. SHOLES CO. mN-T'UU- RE 'iliol Real Estate Prices Will in the Spring If you intend building you will do well to FOR i ALE URAL ESTATtS. FOR BALE I wlH'otTer my residence, No. 2M2 N. Wth St., to someone that wants a fine home, eight nice rooms, all modern except furnace. This property cannot be dupllcsted for less than lifoO. Owing to mv wife's health I must find other locsy tlon. Price. $2,310. This Includes a fine range with tank connections and a fold ing bed. This must be seen to be appre ciated. You save srnt e commission. Call or address Charles Fauver. No. 2S12 North lth St.. city. RE 301 $x rou HMT-UOt'fES. HOUSES FOR RENT. $16.002604 Burdette St., 7-room modern nuuse, except rurnacei newiy papered ana repaired. $11003413 Jackson St., 4-room house and large cellar; newiy paperea ana re fHired. $10.00 ni uecatur St., 7-room house, re cently repaired and painted; full lot $20.00 els' N. 43d st, H-room house, modern except lurnace; small uarn; a good houte at low rental. $12.0040 IS. 4.d St., t-room cottage. In gooa conamon; cuy waier. $ 6.00 JJ14 8. Alh 4 rooms In large house near uouievaraj close iu S50Utn Omaha. N. P. PODtlE A CO., 1U4 1 ARNAM STREET. D-M171 3 HO! !QPQ In all parts of the city. Tht I1UUOLO o. F. Lavis Co.. euti Bee Bldg u ia HDI lP lu Port8 ot the city. K UUUOLO c i-ev, & Co., Bee Bldg, XO MOVE right get Otr.aha Van Storaga uuice luuix arnam, or ieui. iooa-oo. 1 416 PAYNE-BOBTWIC'K & CO., choice houses. vi-w4 xssw rork Lite mug. i-uone mi. D 420 SEVERAL good bouses, $10 to $18. Chris uoyer, xca and Cuming, -fuoue I M110 WB MOVE pianos. Mhggard Van A Stor age co- ei. ltvth umce, liiJ ou?i":..," D 41 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, BarkerBlk. FOA RENT. 6-room house. ZfxB Woolworth ave.; porcelain batn, gas, noi uu water; newly palntud and paperea throughout-J.O. J. II. Sherwood. New York Life Bldg. D M667 fc!13 S. lth St, 8-room house-00. 1S25 S. 18th St., 6-room house, well-$ip.00. 31V N. 17th St., 6 rooms urstalrs $12.00. M'CAUUB INVESTMENT CO 1606 Dodge St. D-699 871 BRISTOL, 7-room house; bath, gas, city water, $20.00. McCague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St 1 M4TS 7-ROOM, nil modern house, hot water. 2010 Poppleton Ave. and cold D 496 FOR RENT. No. 2112 Locust St., 8-room modern house, very attractive place. In convenient loca tion. Rent, $26.00 per month. One of the best and most attractive 7-room houses In Hanscom Park district, all mod ern; will lense for one year or longer, $60 per month. ., . . No. 188 N. 8th ave., very attractive and desirable tesldence of 11 looms, modern throughout, 60 per month. Nc. 8504 S. 2Pth st, 8-room modern nouss two blocks south of 20th and Vinton sts.. car line, $26 per month. No. 1611 Howard St., 2 flats, consisting of 13 rooms, In best of repair, $G6 per month. V. W. corner 2Sth and Jnckson sts., -room modern house; couvenlont location; $30.00 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 FARNAM ST. D M672 JS 4 MODERN Grace st rooms, heat and nd gas D-ML23 , 1808 J4X 106 S. 28TH ST., 6 rooms, $8. Ringwalt Bros., Barker blk. D MT78 8 FOR RENT. Six rooms corner 26th and Chicago st, near high school and near Crelghton college; modern except furnace. Chas. Bllxt Land Co., 109 Jackson St. Bus. tel. F-8331; res. tel. L-2696. D 329 8 FOR RENT A 3820 N. 30th St., 6-rm. house, excellent re pair, large rooms, city water Inside, gas for light and fuel, fine cellar, $16. $617 Beward st, 8-rm. housa, modern plumb Inir fine reoalr. 313. 300 8. 2Sth ave., -rm. house, newly pa pered, piummng an overnauiea, porce lain bath, marble lavatory, toilet, hot and cold water, etc., half block north of Farnam st. and only 12 blocks from down town. $22.60. 1622 WMrt st, a splendid 8-rm. house, BTRICTL.Y MODEKIN, Wlin large Darn, lnrge lot 3 blks. from 24th St. car line, tfti njkt mo for the winter. Uu4 N. 16th Bt, a good 6-rm. flat, with mod ern plumbing, tor i, ana a-rm. nai ior $12. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y L4te Tel. 178L - 227 3 Franklin, 7-room hoase., ...$16.00 2330 8. 41st, 8 rooms 3016 Ames ave., 6-room flat. ... 12.00 ... 10.00 ... 7.00 829 H. 24th, a rooms ZRa Franklin, 4 rooms ... 6.0O 2619 Marcy, 3 rooms ... 6.00 207 B. 3nth, 6 rooms. 7.00 1216 Jones, store room 1500 GAJtVIN BKOH., 1604 r Artrt A M HI, D 312 3 BPECIAli. 3313 Michigan ave., on car line, good 6-r. cottage, city water, paved street, only .PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. 601-a N. Y. Life bldg. D-315 S GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 3043 S. 18th ave.. 8-r. brick, city water, ce ment cellar, $7. 315 B. ioth, 6-r., just newly papered and painted throughout, paved street, $16. 723 S. 18th, 6-r., porcelain bath, closet, eta. close in, lis. 1620 Canton, 4-r., cottage, city water, $7. 110 N. 27th. -r.. good barn, city water, $12. 815 B. 46th, good t-r. house, with two lota. large barn 614. 18l Pierce. $ rooms, city water, close In, $, S636 Davenport, good 8-room, all modern house, close in, $28. mt Sndlpr 6-r.. cltv water. $7. 1K11 Pierce, 8 rooms, city water, close in, $6.00. 3635 Davenport, good 8-room, all modern house, close In, i-'s.w. irtnu s 26i h 8-r.. all modern. $27. 2024 Wirt, choice 8-r., strictly all modern house, paved street, two lots, $46. 1210 N. 24th, on car line, 9-r, bath, etc., $25. On account of lateness In season we will make special Inducements on all the above houses. Bee us before you move. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Bixth Floor, 601-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. D 314 3 2S23 HARNEY, 9 ROOMS $16.00 33ii5 LEAVENWORTH. 6 ROOMS 17.00 1424 N. 19TH. MODERN, BRICK 26.60 JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D-221-4 LAW ASD COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN PRICE. 410 1st Nat bk. bldg. 463 THE New Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate brokers, attorneys and brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. -864 Arthur L. Warrick. 401 Ware blk. Tel. 1321 -113 W. F. WAPPICH. ADVICE free. Rlk. Crelghton M 824 SHOBTHA&U AND TYPE WBITINO. A. C. VAN BANT'B school. 717 N. Y. Life. 467 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's theater. 401 COSTCMKS. Theatrical and masq. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. COSTUMES for rent Sack. 3318 B. ZOth st M744 J24x FOR iALE MiS KLLASEOt t, FOR 8 ALE, severs 1 scnolarsntps In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand snd typewriting. Inquire at Bee office, W tee SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tablest billiard tabjes repnired; a large stick of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswlck-Balke Collsnder Co , 407 $ 8. 10th Bt U e.4 INDIAN goods and relics. U19 Farnam. ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnnsa CHEAPEST OAK PLAT CORN CR I B B1NO. Long fir timbers. ul Douglss. TWO line depot wagons, I rockaways, t coupe, 3 traps, 1 wagonette, 2 draya Iirummond Carriage Co., 18th and Hur ney. J i3 TRADING stamps, Boston Market. 113 N. 11 Q 7 JS CLOSINO out hard coal stoves at less than 4 price from $6 up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeU 2028. Q-403 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Bee presn room. Apply at Q 433 FOR SALE Four No. 1 Brunswick bowlle allays. Address Box 394, David City. Neb. Q J J 16 BUILDING FOR BALE. Bid wanted for sale of frame building, 7th and Farnam, on B. A M. tracks, size about 40x120, part two stories. Submit to D. V. Bholes Co., 722 New York Ufa building. Tel. 49. Q-M 864 JS SWEET CIDER, home grown celery, fresh vegetables oysters direct from Baltimore We have the best line of figs, dates and nuts In Omaha. Buflett A Son, Fourteenth and Harney Bts. VI. MANTLES, gas fixtures, lncardeseent sup plies, low prices. Franren, 608 N. lth st. Q-015 J28 BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND MACHINES AND PHONOGRAPHS. New Home sewing machine, drop head $2000 Singer S. M., drop head 26.00 Wilcox & Olbbs. drop head, from $30 to 46.00 White, drop head 1 .00 Standard, drop head 26,00 Singer shoemaker machine 20.00 Talioringmachlnes, Singer and Whee ler A Wilson, from $1S to 85.00 $50.00 Columbia Phonograph, good aa new 25.00 These machines are all modern, complete with attachments and guaranteed. Box top machines, all makes, from to to $10. We rent machines for 76c per week or $2 per month. NEBRASKA CYCLK CO., Phone 1663. Corner 16th and Harney. Q-923 J4 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Bherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q M183 FOR SALE, cheap, a box-front seal skin coat. Aulabaugh, Bon A Co., 6"6 Ksrbach block. Q M196 11 PURE Buff Wyandott Cockerels for sale, cheap; come, telephone or write. H. G. Klddoo, 22d and O sts., Bouth Omaha. Q-M193 6x KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or write Room 7, Bee Bids. Q-M3C0 FOR SALE Shelving, about new, 18 feet double showcases, etc. Enquire F. M. Conklln, care Wright A Wllhelmy Co., Omaha. u 323 ax Al JERSEY COW Big milker At 2007 Parker St. QM-418 4x MOXEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try u if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block, 16th and amain Bta. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Jk. i MONEY To salaried emDloyes and wage earners. uei our system or loans mat aeis you out of debt Any lady or gentleman, ' ma chinist or engineer, etc, having reliable employment can get, Just on his note; Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. ;00 Return to us.. $26.68 or $13.36 or $6.66 60 Return to us.. 13.33 or 886 or 3.36 25 Return to us.. 8.66 or 8.38 or 166 15 Return to us.. 4.00 or 3.00 or l.oo Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 624 PAXTON BLK. A. MONK Y loaned on plain note to salaried people; ousiness connaentiai; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. llutton Co. X 423 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, licrses, cows, etc c . Keen., 8 B. u. X 430 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley i.oan io., rt. , tamer tsiocic. Ji. ji LOANS SALARY OR CHATTEL. OUR PLAN IS THE CHEAPEST, BEST AND M08T PRIVATE IN OMAHA; PAYMENTS TO 8UIT YOUR CONVEN IENCE AND INCOME. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ROOMS 307-30S PAXTON BLOCK. X88S MONEY TO LOAN EASY PAYMENT PLAN You can pay us as you wish, In small weekly or monthly payments, and each payment so made reduces the cost of the loan. Our ratea are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. We loan on furniture. Dlanoa. horses. wagons, etc.. the property always remain ing in your possession. We also loan to balakiu; r'isor'LE Upon their own agreement to repay. Our facilities are the best for QUICK, service and our office motto Is "to please our patrons. . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. t..siaDiisaeu lovi.) sua o. mm St. X-M825 MONEY TO LOAK-RKAL KSTATB. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Baulc Bldg. Tel. 1644. W 433 PRIVATE money. Bherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. -438 4 TO I P. C. money, Bemls, Paxton block. W 434 PRIVATE money. F. I). Wead. 1&20 Douglas. W ui WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Faraaiu Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. W 434 FIVE per cent loans. Farnam. Oarvln Bros., 1604 W 4W WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. K. C refers CO., Bee Bldg. W 438 MONEY TO LOAM-Payne Investment Co. w HI 8 farm loans, nam. R. C. Patterson, 1324 Far- v attwi PATENTS. H J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. sis B. JMn st., umana. ii. ivwi. J&J STOlUOl OM. Van Stor. Co.. UUH Faro. Tela. 155-Mi 41 Be buy now. Higher PERSONALS. ANY poor girl In need of a friend can coil or write in me mairon or inn tai vallon Army Home for Women. 3-'4 N. f4th Bt., Omaha, Neb. U-MSJ Maylx Stammering Cured. J. Vaughn, Ramne Hid. L 6i0 ROBINSON 8 -Shining Pallors. lS'.'O Dong as eiu u J MAflNFTIP treatment & baths. Mine. Maun Cll Smith. 118 N. 15. 2 tlr. R. 2. ELITE parlors. 613 8. 16th, 2d floor. U MONEY loaned on valuables. 1315 Douglas. U-Ml US SMOKE the best Blnderup Cigars. BMOP MADE BUOES Lang s, 718 8. 16th Ok U iKS r BARTON Printing Co., 12-16 Barker Blk. BrosdHeld Printing Co. We print almost everything. 16u Jackson Bt. ; piione .iio-a. U M1S9 J 14 Strong A Varley, stamping dies. 13 Dodge. SMOKE Capt Freer's Ureenlandcr. 410 8. utn. u ti jis TUB, vapor i ind alcohol baths. "20 8. 13th st C-430 J 15 TEL. 8265, that's the Oate City Steam Dye ing ana Cleaning Works, tas e. i" l v U M447 DR. GSANTNER, dentist, 309 Rnmge blk. 1 1 1 .11. WE RENT sewing at 75c per ween, li per month; we repair snu wu parts for every machine manufactured; second-hand machines from $1 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. U 443 "VIAVr' way to health. 346 Bee building. ma na. j PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Ueriscn, 3ti26 CalKcrnla st. Terms reasonable. U 445 DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease anu irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, 1613 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U-443 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Uardels, 234 Lake. Tel. Red-18S4. U 146 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies Adopted. The ttoon Hnmarltan sanitarium, .28 1st ave.. Council Bluffs. la. U-628 WATER'S PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglas I. U MOW U PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Airs. u. risner, zu& H. li'n. Tel. 1889. U 447 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURE9. AT diugglats, I. U 448 WHAT'S nicer than akcordlon pleating? we do nothing but the finest. Uoidman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. P 450 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. U-461 OMAHA DYE WORKS, lBltr HOWARD, lasmonaoio cleaners: oresses. suns, cloaks, draperies, rugs, lnce curtains- we aye carpets. u-jii( jxj J. E. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST, m 8. 13th. TJ-M407 BIX magazines for 1 year for $2; cut rates on 3,600 publications: catalogue free; good solicitors wanteJ; salary and commission paid. It. B. Wallace, 307 Brown Block. U-M783 J26 DRESSMAKING by the day: children's clothes a specialty. Address A 9. Bee. U M950 HOMOEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale snd retail. Sherman & Mcconneu Drug Co., Omaha. C M184 RAMSER KERR, hatters, make old hats new. 207 M. litn. nais by maie TJ-M179 J31 BED-WETTING cured regardless of age. Package of Pen-lne, directions and book let mailed free. Missouri Remedy Co., Dept. 631, St. Louis, Mo. U GENTLEMAN Age 35. owning general merchandise store northwest of Omaha, matrimonially Inclined, wishes to corre spond with young lady not over 28. Ad' dress A 11, Omaha Bee. U 239 3x LADIES When In need send for free trial of our never falling remedy. Relief sure and oulck. Paris Chemical Co., Milwau kee, Wis. VERY wealthy and attractive American ladv wants honest and Industrious hus. band. Address Miss Lowe, 85 Hudson ave., Chicago. u sju ax MARRIAGE directory free to all. Pay when married. New plan; send no money, For particulars address II. A. Horton, Dept. 297, TekonBha. Mich. U 285 Sx YOUR life reading; many type-written pages concerning btiBlness, love, health, etc.. free. Send date of birth, sex. Ad dress Astropathlc Institute, Auditorium Bldg.. Chloago. Reason: Your recom mendation wanted. U 871 3x SISTERS IN DESPAIR Speedy relief: ab normal suppression, any cause. Write for remedy. Safe. sure. Martha Walker Co., 163 State, Chicago. U 296 Sx SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed ny eiecincity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. L. - U-318 3X MARRIAGE paper; prints photos snd stl addreeses. 3 psges, iuc; correspond wun ont further expense. A Btover, Drswer 867 H, Chicago, 111. U-806 8x WANTED Lady and gentleman: no ex perience necessary; enclose stamn tor particulars. Tannar Bros'. Show, IMS O Bt. Lincoln. Neb. U-229 Sx 810 N. 17th St.. rooms 89. 21 Cumlnr St., T rooms 810. ?n3 P st.. 8. O.. 8 rooms $3. We pav the water rent for our tenants. CHAD. W 1 I.LlAftlEKjn .., V. B. Naty Bank Bldg. D 848 S AGENTS WANTED. WANTED 3 solicitors; salary or com. 707 S. 16th. j jia aiem.1 WANTED Canvassing agents in every county to solicit suDscripuons 10 iiim TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Rteadv employment with assured good lu- oome. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $luu per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. J 213 WANTED, manager In every city, county to handle best paying Dusmess Known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe nix Co.. 18 W. 28th St., N. Y. J 833 $ CAN'T you Bell something new? . Drop everything. Our liberal offer pays $3 sure dally all winter. jeiurai noveny uu, Syracuse, N. Y. J a x AOKNTH wanted to sell our $1 bottle BaT' SMparllla fur 85 cents; best seller; 200 per cent profit. Write today for terms snd territory. F. K. Greene, t Dearborn Bi., Chicago. J WANTED Are nts to sell flrat-clas rell able and conservative -jII stock; company of low capitalization; will bear rlosett In vestigation: sure dividend payer; liberal commission paid; full infm-matlon fur. nlahed. Address The Oil News, Lima O, WANTED Agents, but not 10c men, nor men who will work for $2 or $3 per day, We have agents who are making from $Ji0 to $600 per month: have one of the winders of the age. Brown at Mcl.eren, Denlson, la. J it (x EXPERIENCED canvassers make $20 per day: beginners $i. selling our popular, Dure, fine linen Mexican drawn work: elegant, direct from Mexico. Bend $5 for samples worth $10. Mexican Drawn Work Co.. Tucson, Ansona. J mi x AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle the marvelous Cremo Gas Lamp; outshines 8 Welvuach or 1ft electric lights; experience unnecessary. Cremo Light to., isew York. j so ax AGENTS wanted to sell John Mitchell's book. "Organised Labor. Every phase of this tremendous proniera discussed ty the sreatest labor leader la the world. Besides five million members of trades unions, all employers of labor and all reading people will buy at sight. Big terms, alao II t 0 In cash prises for Hgenin. Workers now making 86 to 318 daily. We are the exclusive publishers. fcond 'A eanU for outfit. Address American Book and Bible House, Its North Tenth St., ' Philadelphia. Pa. J-261 tx AGENT" WANTED. AOENTfl WANTI-D-ttcll Itnbrtt't buttos fasteners. Write for prices. PsmrV piK'kago, I'V. 1'Htcnt 'Mfg. ( o.i Bt. 1,oiilg Mo. J 368 3x WE PAY til A WEEK to men with rig to tntmdueo poultry compound; years contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Parsons, Kan. J WE PAY $33 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J388 3x AGENTS ninke rji per week selling thf Allen Fiiuntaln Brush. Write for ottUli and terms. Allen Mfg. Co., To)edc O. J 273 Sx WE START you selling diamonds; don't fall retting lllwral offer for New Year; $r dallv sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Pvra-' cuse. N Y. J-489 8x OCR MEN mnke $.1 to $10 a day fitting glaasee. Onr 34-nage Free Eye book telll nil about It. Write Jnrksnnlnn Optical College, College Place, Jackson. Mich. 3-Ti tx 8TOP RT7NA WAYS Hitch horses solid In stantly; carry In pocket; sight seller; agents wanted. Porkot Illtohlngpoet Co., Munclo, Ind. J 294 8x WANTED A rents In lows. 376 00 WeeVH and expenses easily made writing he its. and accident insitranre; experlenrw nnnec essary. Royal Fraternal Union, Bt. Louis, Mo. J-SS0 8x $35 A WEEK and all expenses to men with rltrs to Introduce our poultry goods. Ths Orwon Co., Dept. 26, Parsons, Kan. J-283 Sx AGENTS Increase your Income In epari hours or entire time; no previoue expert' ence required; to prove beyond all doubt the wonderful value of our specialty w4 will mail you a free eamplet test It, ess It, and you'll realise why every woman will sacrifice evervthlnr to secure It: euf unique publication, "New Ideas on Old Topics," sent free, and will open ytmf eyes. WTrite today for special Informa tion. New Idea Chemical Co., Dept. R 2!, Boston. . Mass. J 224 3x CLAIRTOTANTS. Most Remarkable Clairvoyant Ever in Omaha. Prof. Harry. MANY ATTEST HIS GREATNESS 50c Complete Readings 50c Prof. Harry's advice Is sought dally by many In all walks of life the banker, the clerk the lawyer, the laborer, each and all receive advloo worth hundreds of 'dol lars. . Coming events are foretold with an un erring accuracy that startles and delights. Eminent men and women In all parts of the world In letters of praise and thankfulness tell of ths wonderful success and happiness .brought them through the unseen powerful psyshlo work of Prof. Harry. PROF. HARRY HAS MADE A LIFE. STUDY OF HIS WORK, AND IS PRE PARED TO ADVISE AND ASSIST YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOUR TROUBLES ARE. In his capacity there is no guess work. Every procedure is definite and ex act, and the result is certain. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE A MISTAKE, THROWN AWAY YOUR MONEY, and lost confidence through dealings with much advertised and self-styled palmists and clairvoyants, START FROW THE BE GINNING AND CONSULT PROF HARRY. V He will tell you frankly your condition and what you may expect If nothing can be done for you, he will not take one cent bf your money. ' , ' TELLS HOW TO FASCINATE. Everyone should know how to fascinate the one they love. Prof. Harry tells bow to acquire and use this wonderful gift He also settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated, causes s speedy and happy mar riage with the one of our oboloe. The earth reveals to - him hidden treasures burled In Its bosom. He locates mines, In terprets dreams, tells of your friends snd enemies, removes evil Influences, gives ad vice pertaining to lawsuits, everything. The troubled and unfortunate should seek his counsel. Thousands of families long separated have been united by his efforts; thousands ef hearts made glad through his truthful predictions. Hours: 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Daily. Positively Guarantees Success , Where All Others Have Failed. PROF. HARRY, Don't Ring Walk in. Removed to 1816 DODGE STREET. , BUSINESS MEDIUM. T18 N. 17th at s in GYLMER, palmlBt, 71 N. 23d; 'phone B 8346. B (23 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every, thing told, past, present and future. Sat Ufacdon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 0424 PROF. HARRY removed to 181$ Dodge st. S-M80I MADAME MOYNIHAN, graduate School of occult science, Mew York. Expert palm 1st, clairvoyant, physiognomist; trace and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings and the charges will be pothlng If 1 can not eee your friends as they are or de scribe your home. I have read (or ths late President McKlnley, Mrs. Potter Palmer,- - Mme. Patti and many other prominent people. Will accept engage, tnents to read and entertain In homes. 1016 DOUGLAS MT. 18-198 t BACK COPIES . 0 THIS WEEK'S ISSUES. containing ads of The Mls-6pelted Words, May be obtained at The Bee business efflce. C PER COPT. WAXTEIWro BUY. DON'T give your furniture and far pete away. J. Levlne rays the hlgheut cast) price. Telephone 771. N--MM4 Dvlc bought, sold. Antique Book Con DUUIO cern aj Karbach blk. Tel. 8fa4, HOl'SE, 8. t or 10 rooms; must be modem and cheap; will pay cash, with owner only. J. II Klnts, 713 B. 8th. Council Bluffs. N-M93S JSx WILL buy Aerial Circuit Pleasure Wheel stock. M. J. Greevy, 414 Bee bldg. N-380 8s WANTED TO BUY-J to 10 acres, with Im provements, on a main-traveled road; tale price and exact location. Address. A 22, Bee. N 361 3x Sill rOVRDM. BRASS and aluminum casting, nlokel slat ing end finishing. Specialty Mfg. Ce.. 41 H. Main BI., Couaeli kluffs.